csiir rwyve' ww& 'iwuwmz THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, PEIDAT, Auf&TTST 23, 1889. V- I Wlje Mwm ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1848. Vol.44, A'o.187. Entered at Pittsburg Postofflcc, November 14, 137, as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing-House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 43, Tribune Building, Sew York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of Tue Dispatch for six months ending July U, issa, as sworn to before City Controller, 29,914 -Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition ot The DlsrjLTCU for three months ending July II, USD, 54,897 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE TREE IN THE UNITED STATES. Daily Dispatch, One Year fSOO lunvr Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 DAILT DisrATcn. OneMonth 70 Daily Disfatcu. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00 Daily Distatcu. Including Sunday.Sm'ths. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, 1 month W feuXDAY DisrATCH, One Year 2 SO Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 25 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at i cents per -week, or Including Sunday edition, at 20 cents per -week. PITTSBURG. FRIDAY, AUG. 23. 1883. WASHINGTON THE WINNER. The letter which Mr. W. E. Scbmertz as President of the Chamber of Commerce has written to Mr. James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, may not prove pala table to New Yorkers, bnt it contains sev eral chunks of truth that they may study with profit The Dispatch has already taken the position upon the question of the site for the "World's Fair of 1892 that Wash ington is the best fitted in every way for the honor. Mr. Schmertz's views are in accord with those of The Dispatch. He states them forcibly, as he does his views as to the good results of the fair to the trade and commerce of the United States. Mr. Schmertz is not in favor of launching the Exposition on private subscriptions. He thinks that as it is to be an exhibition of the United States' resources the expense thereof should be borne by the National Treasury. In the surplus he sees sufficient funds to make the Exposition a success be yond all peradventure, and worthy of the nation. As we have said New York will do well to give heed to the growing sentiment now being generally expressed in favor of Wash ington as the site of the Exposition. When Congress comes to the consideration or the question, for it is evident that no plan is likely to succeed without the backing of Congress, the claims ot New York will have to be presented in a far stronger fashion than they have been so far to win the day for her. Washington is decidedly in the lead at present, though New York must be given the credit of making strenuous efforts to se cure the prize. SECBETABYWIHDOITS DUTY. While the Wall street organs are in dulging in glowing pictures of the influ ences which are to put up the prices of stock, the fact that there is a considerable movement of funds away from New York, and that the New York bank reserve is steadily drifting in a direction which may produce a stringency furnishes the danger Epot in the financial situation. The Wall street influences are of the opinion that when the reserve reaches the vicinity of the lezal limit it will be the duty of the Secre tary of the Treasury to buy bonds and thus replenish the money market with funds on which to keep up the bull movement. This opinion is reflected in some news papers outside of Wall street in a modified form as expressed by the Philadelphia Prcst, which states that it is not the business of the Treasury to rush to the aid of Wall street every time its speculators see fit to raise a hue and cry; but that in case of a real business stringency, where the Secre tary of the Treasury can give relief by the purchase of bonds, it is right and proper that he should do so. This does not draw the distinction quite clearly enough. The ' Secretary of the Treasury should understand that he has no responsibility whatever with the embarrassment of the New York stock market that may be created by the specu lators, nor is it his duty to aid those gentry in their efforts to put up the prices of stocks. But if the movement of money should re sult in redncing the price of United States bonds from its present excessive premium, it might be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the interest of the Govern ment, to buy bonds at a price which would represent a distinct saving to the Treasury. The importance of this distinction appears from the statement, on good financial au thority, that a group of notorious specula tors of the trust stamp have bought up a large amonnt of bonds and expect to sell them to the United States Treasury this fall at an advance. That is not the movement which should take place in order to make it right for the Secretary to invest the Treas ury's surplus in bonds. If the money mar ket becomes stringent, the New York inter ests should be ready to sell bonds at a de cline. Under those circumstances, it will undoubtedly be for the benefit of the public that the treasury should buy a liberal amount of its own securities. The treasury sbonld be run for the benefit of the whole people, and should be kept dis tinctly separate from any connection with the schemes or manipulations of the Wall street speculators. A WHOLESALE C0EEECTI0N. It will be an uncommonly great blessing to this community if the proceedings in Court at present pending against certain private detectives result in an appreciable decrease in the numbers of that class of in discriminately and often illegally consti tuted police. There is no good reason why the police force supported by the taxpayers should not be competent to protect the lives and property of all. That is what a police force is designed to do, and if it fails con spicuously in its duty the taxpayers have the remedy in their own hands, or ought to have if they attend to their business on election day. The private detective has been of consid erable service, we admit, in not a few cases. If his integrity and qualifications were al ways beyond question there wonld be less necessity for his removal. Bnt the ex perience has certainly been in Pittsburg and elsewhere of late that righteousness is a rather scarce article at the private detective agencies. So the system of detection by private means has come to another name for systematic blackmail and other hardly less disagreeable things. It is a private abuse of public power that cannot be allowed to continue. THE HAYB2ICX CASE. The news that Mrs. Maybrick's death sentence has been commuted into one of pe nal servitude for life is hardly likely to dis please anyone. No one who has read the evidence given at the trial and the subse quent testimony as to Mr. Maybrick's habit of eating arsenic can have the temeri ty to say that there was not a considerable element of doubt in the case. Very properly Home Secretary Mathews in the exercise of the. nominally royal prerogative, has ex tended to the unhappy woman a certain measure of mercy. In spite of the official announcement that no further appeal for mitigation of punishment. or absolute re lease will be entertained, it is still possible for Mrs. Maybrick's friends to bring for ward the new evidence which has been col- Jected since the verdict and launch a new appeal to the press and public, without whose help in all probability, the gallows would have claimed Mrs. Maybrick as a victim. The process by which Home Secretary Mathews arrived at his decision to com mute Mrs. Maybrick's sentence, as de scribed in the cable dispatches, will appear peculiar to American eyes After a pro longed consultation between the Secretary and many eminent lawyers the great point of discussion being the conflicting medical testimony as to the amount of arsenic found in Mr. Maybrick's body being enough to cause death the unanimons opinion, was reached that Mrs. Maybrick had given poi son to her hnsband with intent to kill. We may conclude from this that Mr. Mathews and his legal advisers were convinced that Mrs. Maybrick had poisoned her husband feloniously, that he had died afterward with thesymptoms of arsenical poisoning, butthat Mrs. Maybrick, nevertheless, did not deserve hanging. With these convictions, we do not understand how this queerly constituted court of appeal did not allow the death sen tence to stand. The strongest impressions made by this cause celebre upon the thinking publio of both countries seem to be that the English practice by which the judge usurps the function ot counsel in his charge to the jury is barbarous, and that of not permitting the prisoner accused of murder to testify in his or her own behalf is hardly less so. Judge Stevens in his summing up of the case was not impartial, and in this country that fact would surety have been deemed sufficient reason for a new trial. English procedure in murder trials Is pretty certain to be radi cally reformed as a result of the Maybrick SPEAK-EASLES AND UNCLE SAM. The gentry who are engaged in the profit able if precarious business of selling liquor without a license are threatened with an attack from a new qnarter. Probably they will be loth to believe that Uncle Sam's officers have at last become officially aware of their existence. More than on'ce before, the conductors of "speak-easies" will say to themselves, have we been threatened with prosecution under the Federal laws it we did not take out internal revenue licenses, and yet we have not been molested to this day. Perhaps the "speak-easies" are justified in believing that they are safe from attack by the United States officers. But we think that they are not, if the assertion be true that Collector S. D. Warmcastle has said that he means to compel all "speak-easy" transgressors to pay the tax or incur the penalty in the Federal courts. Mr. Warm castle will have his hands full, but he is not the sort ot man to worry about that. He can make the cheerful fall a season ot great bitterness for the "speak-easy" crowd. Their troubles will not stop with the pay ment of the Federal tax or their punish ment in the United States Courts for refus ing to pay. The receipt for the tax or the record of the proceedings in the Federal court against an unlicensed liquor dealer would seem to be pretty fair prima facie evidence lor the State authorities to take as a basis for further prosecutions. Alto gether the unlicensed saloon keeper is not happily circumstanced. The Chinese colony in New York is going to build a theater especially for their national drama. The Swintien Iiok Com pany which has been giving performances of Chinese plays in New York, has a list on its programme of one hundred and seventy two distinct dramas. It will take several years to give these plays, and New York managers on this account have declined to lease their theaters to the Chinese actors. It is understood that the liberty of the city, a suitable number of laurel crowns and bouquets to match will be presented to the Allegheny Baseball Club when it re turns from its triumphal tour. The great McAllister's fame is fast van ishing. He is no longer entitled to the glory of having invented the term, "The Four Hundred." The New York Herald has already explained how it used that phrase twenty-nine years ago; and now in dustrious inquiry has evoked the fact that Lord Byron was the original author in these lines taken from "Beppo:" "The rest are but a vulgar set, the bore Of public places where they safely brave The fashionable stare of twenty score Of well-bred persons called the world. But 1 although I know them really don't know why." Atlantic City may be a good place to go to to procure material for lectures on morality, but it is not a good place in which to deliver lectures on that subject A gen tleman who undertook to show four young ladies the error of their ways on the sands there a day or two ago was thrown into the surf with his clothes on, and then rolled in the sand till he resembled a demoralized star fish. Sarah Alvthea Tebey wants to be buried beside her husband. Her desire would meet with no opposition, even if she were to put herself in proper condition to fulfill it at once. The Shah of Persia seems to be a good deal like a chameleon. While he was visiting the Czar of Bussia his sympathies and utterances were alike violently pro Bussian; but English fetes and feastings soon converted the Eastern potentate, and he has since announced his intention of bringing about a closer relationship with England. But the truth of the matter is that the Shah is not perfidious so much as he is a Peisian striving to save his country from being crushed between two great powers. Minneapolis seems to be going to the dogs. At least that city In her recent efforts to convince the world of her abound ing prosperity, and the growth of her popu lation is accused of including the names ot dogs in her directory. "Cave canem," would seem to be a good motto to print on the title page of the directories of Western cities. New York is monopolizing the big scandals just now. The Fair ol 1892 is another thing altogether. Bom'e singularly soft-hearted and soft headed individuals have sent the Prince of of Wales $50,000, probably.as. a .compensa tion for the unsympathetio attitude of the House of Commons upon the question of in creasing that royal personage's allowance. There are probably plenty of Tory toad eaters in England who would be glad to be allowed to furnish the Prince with all the money he needs in return for his patronage. Wouldn't li be a good idea for the British taxpayers to let them do it? The paternal proposal of the Pennsylva nia Bailroad to establish a pension fund for its employes is but apart of the enlightened policy which that corporation has pursued for many years toward all in its service. The efficiency of the large 'army employed by the Pennsylvania is due to a consider able extent to this policy. The people of Allegheny do not wish to run the risk of seeing their homes wiped out by fire oftener than they can help. The oil refinery which is still smoldering will not be rebuilt. ' Eeferkino to the order that the Ameri can flag is to be displayed hereafter on buildings occupied by officials under the Treasury Department during business hours, the Hochester Democrat says: "It might well be raised on every building occupied by a federal officer. It is well to nave the emblem of federal power flying- in as many places possible.' It is well also, es teemed cotemporary, to regard the stars and stripes as the beloved emblem of all the United States. We have heard a good deal of the beauti ful moral eflect of "The' Old Homestead;" but it seems to have been lost on the princi pal actor in that play, Denman Thompson. He is said to have lost $100,000 this sum mer at the faro table, and probably the only old homestead that is left to htm is on the stage. Seven games straight captured, by the whilom fly-bitten ball-tossers of this town provokes the question: What is the matter with Hanlon? Does anybody doubt that he is all right. We are afraid Judge Bookstaver, of New York, will not enjoy his vacation very much if the New York World continues to pile up most embarrassing evidence against him in connection with the Flack case. In the in terest of the purity and dignity of all law courts throughout the land the apparent perversion of justice in the Flack cave should be investigated by the trial of all the parties concerned in the case on a charge of conspiracy. The lesson taught as to flimsy iron fire escapes in the recent tenement house fire in New York, is not unworthy the attention of this city's building inspectors. Fire es capes which are liable to be fire traps are worse than none at all. The west wind brought a strange and lngnbrious sound on its wings last night. Baseball experts recognized in it the echo of Anson's lamentation. If nations are to be judged by the charac ter of their pastimes, then England must be declining to its fall. What could be more brutal or degrading than this sentiment ex pressed by the London Referee, a leading sporting journal: "The first duty of a prize fighter is to win by fair means if he can, if not. by foul." It does not better the Ref eree' position much that this is and always has been the practice with most professional pugilists. PEOPLE OF PEOMIKENCE. The Pope has had his large bedroom filled with singing birds. LAuoucnEUE may be expected in America as soon as Parliament adjourns. Jay Gould dropped a penny in the slot the other day and cot his correct weight. It was 115 pounds. The oldest admiral In England Is Sir Provo Wallace, aged 93. He was In the fight In 1812 between the Shannon and the Chesapeake, but he never commanded a steam vessel. Austbaxia is sending another actress to England, of whom great things are predicted. Miss Myra Kemble is the young woman's name, and she essays the higher walks of the drama. Colonel Joel B. Ebhabtjt, Collector of the Port of New York, was at a full dress hop at Bar Harbor recently, congratulating him self upon his escape from office seekers. A Gentleman who had just finished a waltz, ap proached him, entered into a conversation, and finally drew from the pockets of his swallow tail a huge bundle of letters recommending him for a position in the Custom House. Mb. Gladstone's library at Hawarden Is one of the finest private libraries In England. It has more than 20,000 volumes. Mr. Glad stone loans his books out to anyone in the neighborhood who wants to read them. Formerly people could keep them as long as they liked, but a few years ago the rule was made that a book conld be kept for one month only. It is the regular free library of the dis trict. Phtnce Hatzfeldt, who, it is reported, Is to marry the daughter of C. P. Huntington, is a brother of Count Hatzfeldt, the German Ambassador to London, to which post the Prince was for some time attached as Secre tary of Legation. He has made himself con spicuous principally by running up a heavy list of debts, which there is no Immediate prospect of his liqnidating. He is said to owe anywhere from &00.000 to f 1,000,000. He Is described as tall and fair, with a slight stoop, and very agreeable manners. He Is well known among sporting men in .Europe, and has a passion for betting. He is said to have first met Miss Huntington in Spain, where she has recently been traveling with Mrs. John Sherwood. THE BEETBEES NOT UNITED. A War Between Church Faction Uesalts In a Nnmber of Arrest. Carlisle, August 22. A desperate religious fight is In progress at Greencastle, a small town in the upper end of this valley, between two factions of a congregation of United Brethren. Ono faction forced an entrance to the church on Sunday morning, and held services; since tbat time they have all been arrested, charged with forcible entry, and have been placed un der ball to appear in court. The other faction broke open the door and held Sunday school exercises. They, too, have been bound over to answer for their alleged trespass. The conflict is looked upon by the people of the town as shameful. Warrants were Issued to-day for the arrest of a large number ot both factions of the church. TEEI CLOSE QUARTERS. Two Little Girl Locked In a Chest and Nearly Smothered. Bethlehem, Pa, August 22. Esther, aged 12, and May, aged 6. children of Letter Carrier Froxel, while playing Monday afternoon In the garret, secreted themselves In an old-fashioned chest. Alittlo girl companion shut down the lid which closed with a spring lock, and becom ing frightened ran home. When the mother came some time after and missed the children she began a search, and heard some one pound ing In the big chest. Unable to open It, as the oldest girl hid the key, she called in a neighbor and broke the lid with au ax. The oldest child was unconscious and the little girl black and blue. The children were resucltated after much difficulty. Count Edison Modesty. From the Baltimore American, i "They must never hear of it in New York. Tbey would never stop laughing at me." This is what Edison said when he heard that he bad been made a count. No douVt his countrymen will pardon him. He couldn't help It. The honor was thrust upon him, THE TOPICAL TALKER. Why Night Work Given Oat by Public School Teacher Is Undesirable Flow era for Busy Places. The public schools will be tenanted again pretty soon, and it Is opportune to repeat here the substance ot a conversation I had recently with a Pittsburg man who taxes considerable Interest in educational matters, "The system of giving out night work to the children attending the public schools," said he, "seems to me to be irrational and Immoral. The school principals ought to give the matter their attention. As an Instance of what I refer to I may tell you of the experience of the children of a neighbor of mine. They are both girls; one aged 10, the other 6 or 7 probably. Naturally the elder is further advanced in her studies than her sister. I happened during May last to see their tasks for home work several times, and I found that they were generally identical in grade. That is to say, the elder girl would have a number of mathematical problems in volving fractions to solve, and her sister, who had not reached fractions at school, had simi lar exercises. The result was the elder sister did her own work and her sister's too. The younger girl would have been punished if she failed to do the home work assigned to her. Of course such a course Is foolish, but it is also immoral, for it lndnces children to practice de ception, as in this case. "Tnevhorae work does not seem desirable on other accounts. The children have all the mental exercises they need during school hours. The evenings ought to be theirs for recreation and physical exercise. In a great many cases elder sisters and parents do the home wort for the children. This may be good for the former, bnt I am thinking of the latter." V Said a lady to me yesterday: "When I was in 'sdrygoods store the other day I no ticed that nearly every girl to the nnmber of several score in the store had a flower pinned to her dress. So the employers give the girls the bouquets?" It happens that the answer to the question, which I knew not, was given to me later by the donor of the flowers, a lady residing In one of Pittsburg's suburbs. It appears that she takes to the store in question, a very large one, a basket of fresh cnt flowers once or oftener each week, and distributes them among the saleswomen and girls. She takes flowers from her own garden, and from the gardens ot her friends. You can imagine how gracious her mission seems to the hard-working and often abased women behind the counter. It is a splendid supplement to the grand work done by the Fruit and Flower Mission. By the way, the Mission, I understand, is not too well provided with means just now, and con tributions of flowers and fruit should be sent to the office of the Mission at 59 Fourth ave nue. Otheb big-hearted women are also in tho habit of taking the bloom and fragrance of rural gardens into dark and stuffy marts of the city. There is hardly a store In ttie city, I am told, where many of the gentle sex are em ployed, that has not one of these semi-celestial visitors. Bat that is no reason why more women should not go into the same benevolent business. Although It is nearly 30 years ago since Lablche's well-known comedy of "Lo Voyage de M. Pernehon" was produced. It was first seen in Paris in I860, It is still almost as popular in the country of its birth as during its first years of existence. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that until now no well-known American comedian has added this part to his repertory, for the character is one which ap peals to all nationalities and to all times. Slight as the! sketch is, Mr- W. H. Crane (who has announced a production of an adaptation of the piece), will find no difficulty in demonstrating within Its limits all the artistic skill of which he is capable. But Mr.Crane will not depend on "Papa Perrlchon" (as he has christened his adaptation) as the sole fan producer for an evening's entertain ment. He will play it In conjunction with a rattling English comedy by Messrs. Darnley and Fenn, entitled, "The Balloon." This amus ing three-act trifle was produced early this year at the Strand Theater, and was so Instant a success that after its run in the metropolis it was sent out in the English provinces and played by no fewer that? six separate organiza tions. THE C0XG0 EAILE0AD. C P. Huntington to Console Belgium's Kins; Abont the Project. NewYobk, August 22. C. P. Huntington sailed on the Teutonic yesterday, and by the merest chance it was learned tonight that one of the objects Ot his trip is to consult with the King of Belgium about the Congo Bailroad enterprise. This project seems to have taken as deep a hold on Huntington as the project of a railroad from Constantinople to India did with Senator Leland Stanford before his son died. Stanford Intended to build the Turkey India road for his son. Huntington, it is said, too, intends to build a Congo railroad for his son. or rather let his son build it. Young Hun tington Is a six-footer, who has been ont of college a couple of years. When C. P. Huntington sold out his Chesapeake and Ohio control to the Vanderbilts a short time since It was with the Congo road in view, and he is go ing abroad to see about it. It is estimated that the road will cost from 110,000.000 to f5U.000.000 to build and equip lt of whlob 9,400.000 has been subscribed, under the auspices of the Bel gium Stock Company, which is the great trad ing concern of the Congo Free State. The Lower Congo country is in tho ten joy roentof a complete system of government, which has its headquarters at Brussels, and a I nil set ot resident officials, courts, postofflces, custom houses, standing army, etc. It is the connection of this Lower Conco region .with the Upper Congo country for which a railroad is sought. The Upper Congo country has a large population, and a vast trade can be opened up there, of which the Belgians wish to reap the benefit. It is said tbat Huntington Intends, In pursuance of this enterprise, to sell all his In terests in this country that lie east of the Mis sissippi river. A WALK AROUND EUROPE. The Lens; and Interesting Tramp of Two English Gentlemen. From the London Sportsman. Mr. Donald Cameron, of Glasgow, and Mr. A. Bowman, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, have accom plished the extraordinary feat of walking around Europe. They commenced their jour ney at Aberdeen nearly 12 months ago, walking from there to Dover, where they took the steam packet to Calais,' crossing the Channel, being me oniy occasion on wmen they did otherwise than walk. All tbey took with them was a knapsack each, contalnlnc such articles as might be needed during the journey, and a smut waiKinc suck eacn. From Calais they proceeded along through Abbeville, Dieppe and Havre, to Brest, Nantes and Bordeaux, thence through Oporto to Lis bon, Madrid and Barcelona. They then passed through Genoa and Venice to Trieste, and on through the German Empire to Cracow, Mos cow and St. Petersburg, returning from the Russian capital via Rica and Dannie to Nor way and Sweden, going through Copenhagen, Stockholm. Christiania to Bergen. Then keep ing near the coast line tbey returned, passing through Amsterdam, Antwerp andOstend back to Calais, where they took steamer for Dover and proceeded to London. The two pedestrians were everywhere well received and appeared none the worse for their long walk. An Unfortunate Baby. from the Blchmond Dispatch. j We pity that McKee child. No matter what promise there Is in him, he will be Baby McKee all his We. ' DEATHS OP A DAL DInJor J. 8. Davis. CniCAQO, August 52. Major J. S. Davis, De partment Commander of the G. A.lt.or Nebraska, died In this city to-day from dropsy,superInduced by a wound received at the Battle of Gettysburg ln 1853. Major Davis was an officer In a New York regiment, and when discharged for disability re moved to Waboo, Neb., where ho has since re sided and been engaged In the newspaper busi ness. Grand Armyeervlces under the direction of Department Commander Martin, of Illinois, and his sutt will be held In this city to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body win be taken to Mew York for Interment. The pallbearers will be General J. B. Martin, Colonel James A. Sexton. H. 8. Dietrlth. L. 1'. McKenny, Charles A. Part ridge and Fred W. Bplnks. " Jacob Miller. rSriCIALTXLIORAJf TO TBS DISrATCB.1 CANTON, August a Jacob MlUer. Superjn tendeut of the Anltman Agricultural Works here, and President or tho Aultman-Mlller Works, of Akron, died at his home here last night, aged 62. Death resulted from paralysis of the brain caused by overwork. Mr. Miller was one or the leading Methodists of the country, and was a liberal con tributor to tbe church. He and his brother Lewis. day School Assembly and were its chief patrons, l.i hiui vi. luicu., muucu .tic uuutsuqiui Dun' TEN THOUSAND TICKETS WASTED. The Veterans Will bo Oat In Fall Force en Pennsylvania Day. ISrXCIAL TKLEOBAK TO THC DISPATCH, t Hakbisbdbo, August 22. The work in cident to the furnishing of transportation to Gettysburg on Pennsylvania Monument Day, to soldiers who participated in the three days' fight, has thus far required the services of Col onel D. S. Keller, of Bellefonte, and three clerks for several weeks. Au additional force was pressed Into service to-day, owing to the large number of applications received for free transportation under the act appro priating 50,000. Every mall brings hun dreds of applications, and up to this time abont 400 have been recorded. In a few days tbe business will be so shaped as to enable a proper application to be disposed of ceremonies, have been furnished to secretaries of the several regiments tbat participated In the battle and by them distributed among the veterans. Many blanks have also been sent to individuals on request by the department here. Every inquiry has been answered, either by let ter or circular, as promptly as possible. Eleven hundred applications were received yesterday, besides a large number of miscellaneous letters. Teathousand Is a conservative estimate of the number of applications that will be received before Pennsylvania day. On the receipt of an application the record of the soldier therein Is immediately compared with tbe official records here. It entitled to transportation, an order on the railroad com pany for a ticket is at once forwarded. Each ticket furnished by the railroad company on the order of the Adjutant General will have to be signed by tbe person entitled to receive it, and It will not be good for return passage un less the holder Identifies himself as tbeorlgU nal holder to the satisfaction of General Hast Ines or his authorized agent at Gettysburg, wbere the holder will again be required to sign the ticket The veterans will be provided with State tents during their stay at Gettysburg, and no expense will be entailed on them ex cept for putting up the canvas. SITE OP THE WORLD'S FAIR. Charles A. Dana Chosen a Chairman of the New York Committee. NewYobk, August 22. The Committee on (Site and Buildings of tbe World's Fair met this afternoon in the Governor's room. City Hall, and organized by the election of officers and the appointment of an executive committee of seven. There were but two members of the committee absent James Gordon Bennett and Joseph Pulitzer. D. Willis named Boswell P. Flower for chairman, and Andrew H. Green followed In a brief address nominating Charles A. Dana the gentleman from whose brain the idea of holding a fair first emanated, and whose pen and purse has since been actively engaged in giving the plan his able support. Ex-Mayor Grace seconded this nomination, as did also Mr. Flower, who withdrew his name In doing so. Mr, Dana attempted to speak, bnt his elec tion was made by acclamation, and, before he Could be heard, he was escorted to the chair. "Gentlemen of the committee," said ho. "I am profonndly grateful to you for the confi dence and the unanimity with which you haTe received my nomination. The gentlemen who named me were my candidates, but as I cannot be gratified by the selection of either of them I thank you for the honor conferred on me." John Foord was made Secretary and an Ex ecutive Committee of seven was named which shall receive plans and report to the full com mittee. Apropos of a proposed Committee on Sites, .Mr. K. P. Flower said that no sub-committee should be appointed, but that each member of the'whole committee should con sider himself a committee of onA and examine sites, so as that each man will have a thorough knowledge of every site suggested. W. W. Astor, speaking on the subject of a site, re viewed all tbe facilities necessary, and said that everything considered the site would be found, not on New York Island, but in West Chester county, on both sides of which there are large parks bounded by the necessary water front. A motion to instruct the Execu tive Committee not to consider any proposition for tbe selection of a site in Central Park was characterized as unnecessary, and premature and was laid on the table. THOSE OBSTINATE YANKEES. Recent Occurrence Which Show How Well Tbey Love Law Suit. Baxgor, August 22. Maine countrymen are great lovers of litigation and argument, and nothing tickles them better than a long and badly mlxed-up law suit. They will go to law about anything, from a tin kettle up, and when their cases come to trial the whole countryside turns Out to witness' the legal "fray. A case which was tried In Somerset connty a tew years ago, wherein the issue at stake was the owner ship of a pair of steelyards. The contestants f ought tooth and nail through several terms of court, appeals, postponements and continu ances stretching tbe dispute over many mouths of time, while the lawyers' bills reached alarm ing proportions. Finally a level-beaded Judge, when the jnry declared themselves unable to determine which man owned the steelyards, threw the case out of court and then called for the apparatus In question. "Mr. Sheriff," .cried His Honor, "I want you to take these steelyards and throw them into the middle of the Kennebec river." Tbe officer did as directed, and that ended the celebrated In the town of Winn, Penobscot county, the other day, a backwoods .lawyer sued another mralist for tbe sum ot 512, tbe same, he claimed, being due for hay, legal advice, and an accordion. After a long and exhaustive hearing of the case the presiding Justice de cided tbat there was tbe sum of 11 cents due tbe plaintiff, but whether for hay, legal advice, or the accordion he did not state. As 11 cents will buy neither accordion nor hay, the in ference Is tbat the defendant owed for 11 cents' worth of law. Both parties objected to the doclslon, and the case will go to a higher court. There is a man in Houlton jail for debt who owns a farm worth $S0O and receives a pension. He could pay his way out, bnt he won't. He says the farm belongs to his wife, and tbat his pension money is needed by his family. The creditor has made provision in his will tor tbe debtor's board, and swears tbat he will hare to pay up or die In jail. TAHITIAN NATIVES IN NEW T0EK. A Delegation of Copper-Colored People Wbo Have Been at Pari. From the New York San. Tbe delegation sent out by the Government of Tahiti Island to represent the industries of tbat Island at the Paris Exposition returned on La Normandie yesterday. There were eleven in the party, four of them women, and their copper-hued complexions and broad-brimmed bats of rongbly woven straw made them con spicuous among the throng on the French line pier. Tbe French Government defrayed all the ex penses of their trip-to Paris, and yesterday aft ernoon the French Consul secured tickets for the transportation of tbe party to their native Island. They will go to San Francisco and take tbe mail steamer there. None of the party speak English. A Singular Omission. from the Boston Herald. Tbe new State of Washington's seal Is chaste and appropriate. A simple vignette of Washing ton fills the bill, but where's the little hatchet? THE WAYS OP WOMEN. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Where is Mrs. Frank Leslie now? The Queen of Slam wears 1 Inch boots. Philadelphia Ledger. Tho height of tolly in wedding ceremonies will be practiced by a young couple In, Paris. They are to be married on the top of the Eiffel Tower. Wheeling Register. A Berlin professor says that constant piano practice will ruin the health of any girl. The girl, however, can probably stand it better than her neighbors. Boston Globe. What's the use ot talking about Boston's "surplus women?" Tbe women are not surplus. Tbey are tbe greatest aids many men have found in disposing of the surplus. Detroit Free Press. Chicago has named a statue in honor of Isabella of Spain, if it se cures the World's Fair. Ferd seems to be quite forgotten, but be never was much more than the hnsband of his wife. Philadelphia Times. American girls who marry foreigners with real titles generally vote themselves big fools In a short time. Tbe girls wbo get stnek on bogus counts and lords, bow ever, don't know enocgh to go in doors when It rains. Nobbistown Herald. A woman who fell down a flight of stairs, striking her head on a cement floor, escaped Injury by wearing her hair thickly braided. Instead of feeling grate ful to her hair, she has been up-braldlng It ever since the accident. Norristown Herald. The latest 'fad.-" it is stated, among young women who play the piano, is to accompany themselves with an Imi tation of a cornet produced by a peculiar buzzing sound through the lips. If tbe youn . in m. .a.u.M haw fi.nitanAfl nil ftnn nA WVIXIVU ...W.OWMM. UN. W ....... w..--. H.jnw w I annexing husbands, they can afford to Indulge in such ft "xad.". A PECULIAR PEOPLE. The Smallest and Oldest Religion Sect la the World A Community of Samaritan In the Heart of tbe Mobammedaa Coon try Singular Religions Views. There is to be found in the heart of the small city of Nablus, In North Palestine, a little re ligious community now nnmbering about ISO souls which has defied the ravages of war and poverty and oppression nearly 3,000 years. Un like the Vaudols, these Samaritans hare had no friendly system of mountalnbuttresses to de fend them through the centuries; and still more unlike the long-lived Savoyard Protestants, they have been right In the pathway along which tbe devastating armies have marched back and forth from the time of Sargon to Na poleon. Bnt tbey have lived on, and their unity has never been broken. They have clnng to little Nablus and their sacred Mount Ger izlm, says Be v. John F. Hurst, D. D., in an arti cle In Sarper's for September, as tbe very cactus roots to the granite sides of the somber Ebal that confronts them across their little en chanted valley. The feeling with which the present Samari tans regard the Mohammedans is of that In tense bitterness whl:h they have always mani fested toward the Jews. And why not? Does not the Samaritan date his faith from Abra ham, or rather fiom Adam? and has he not a right to call tbat an infant religion which has been in existence for only tbe trifle of 12 cen turies? Is not tho Koran one of your new catchpenny romances, while that mysterious copy of the Pentateuch, made of sacred lamb skins, which the Samaritans have been reading and kissing through these many ages. Is the oldest copy in existence, written down by Aaron's own grandson, and the veritable origi nal of all the Pentateuchs in the world? The Samaritan Synngogue. As the population of Nablus is just abont 12,000, the little Samaritan community Is al most absorbed by the snrroundlnz Mohamme dan mass. Save to a careful observer, the very existence and presence of the. Samaritans as a distinct element of citizenship in Nablns would not be n otlced. The Samaritans wear a turban, much like tbat of their true Moslem neighbors, but between the history and theol ogy ot the two classes there is not a single point of positive resemblance. The Samaritan synagogue is a small build ing in tbe center of Nablus, half obscured by the surrounding dwelling. I nassed thronsrh arobedand littered streets to a little court, in the middle of which was a little plot of grass, relieved by three trees, two of which were lemon. I here found a little Samaritan school, and at the sight of a stranger tbe children sprang from the floor where they were sitting. kiueu mj nauo, ana Deggea lor Daegsneesa. The teacher was a yonth of about 14, the son of Amram the high priest. I was greatly disap pointed at falling to find Amram himself, but In the end this circumstance aided me In my chief object, for the young man was willing, for a good fee, to show me tbe ancient Penta teuch. His lather might have been deaf to all entreaties. A Very Ancient Tolame. The claim of the Samaritans to have a copy ot the Pentateuch older than the Jewish is supported by their own unbroken tradition, and by the opinion of some learned men of the present time in Christian countries. But the weight of internal evidence is against it among which may he mentioned grammatical emendations, late glosses in the text, insertions of foreign passages, alterations, Samaritanlsms, and changes in support of Samaritan doctrine. There are three codices kept in the little syn agogue in Nablus, two being generally shown to strangers. It Is very rarely that the verita table one can be seen. My good fortune in get ting a hasty look at It was due to the venturous and avaricious spirit of Amram's son, rather than to any management of my own. Having first exhibited tbe two imitations, the young man, upon the offer of an additional fee, then brought out the original scroll from a chest. After the removal of the red satin cover I saw that tbe codex was inclosed in a silver cylin drical case, which had two doors opening on two sets of hinges. When these doors were' thrown back the whole column was exposed to the vision. This cylinder is of rich workman ship. It is about 2K f eet long and nearly a foot In diameter, and presents in exquisitely raised work, a good plan of the Tabernacle, with every part given with the utmost minuteness and rarest skill. The roll consists of dingy skins prepared be Tore tbe Invention of parch ment sewed together with neat stitches, and worn and patched, and here and there entirely illegible. The skins are of equal size, and measure each 25 Inches long and 15 wide. An Evening at Amram' House. Before leaving Nablus I bad tbe opportunity of spending an evening with Amram at his own house. He lived in the greatest simplicity, though In Palestine tbat Is the rule rather than the exception. Mrs. El Karey, the wife of the missionary in Nablus in the employment of the Church Missionary Society of London, was good enough to accompany me and serve as in terpreter. Tbe venerable high priest, who was barefooted, and clad In a great turban and loose flowing robe, received us with calm and dignified cordiality in his room at once bis parlor, dining room and bedroom. His very aged mother was lying on tbe floor, covered with bedclothlng, and asleep. There were several children, half asleep, lyinz about the room. Amram's son-in-law was slowly copying a Pentateuch for tbe Samaritans have no printing press. It requires a year to make a copy, which is never sold, and is only used by the community. The aged mother of lAmram arose after we had been present a few mmntes, the many ornaments on her neck and in ber ears maklne a harsh, tinkling sound as she moved. I was invited to a seat on the floor, and to take coffee and cigarettes. Tbe mother, on seeing guests in her presence, took a rude bellows and blew ud tba dull coals under the copper kettle. Coffee, the Oriental's unfailing proof of hospitality, was handed us in little cups. The Samaritan Theology. The peculiar views of Amram may be said to represent very fairly the theology of his dying community. Tbe world, be claimed, is abont 7,000 years old. For 55 years men will go on in creasing in wickedness, after which there will come a time of great peace and purity. Then there will como on a new period of consum mate wickedness, which will last 3U0 years. This time will be consummated by the total destruc tion of the world. After this the general judg ment will take place, when tbe righteous will go to lire with God and the wicked with Satan. There are some people who hare clean hearts, or at least are accepted as clean, though none are absolutely pure. Just bere Amram looked off, as if In the distance, and said. "God is one!" Here he inteuded a slight thrust at all Chris tians, becanse of their emphasis ou Christ and His divine character. Amram' Prediction. He spoke with interest of tbe ruins on Mt. Gerizlm, and of tbe increase of his community within tbe last SO years. He closed by express ing his firm belief that the time would come when the Samaritans would be tbe most nu merous body in tbe world. Amram has since died, and the sedate son-in-law, being tho eldest male relative, has suc ceeded him In the high-priesthood. FUNERALS IN YENICE. A Touching and Romantic Procession of Gondola Bearing Corpses. rrom a London Letter.! Where Is the person who, upon the first eager introduction to the gondola, has not felt tbat he is stepping into his coffin when, with scant grace, he creeps into tho black cabin of the little black boat? With me the impression was perhaps deepened because in our passage up the canal we twice made way for a funeral procession bound for tbe island cemetery to the north of tbe city. The one funeral was tbat of a girl. Sbe lay under a blue pall In the middle of the boat, a crown of white flowers, symbolical of her virginity, being over tbe pall. Both wero flanked by tall candles. After tbe bodies came tbe friends in other gondolas, priests In violet and acolytes in scarlet. The sun blazed upon all from tbe blue heavens, so tbat even this dolorous scene, enacted to the smooth, purpled water, between the high, mildewed old palazzl," was not wholly melancholy. FLORISTS IN SESSION. Alexander Murdoch, of Pittsburg, Chosen a Member el tbe Executive Committee. BUTFALO, August 22. At the session here to-day of the American Society of Florists 'a National Chrysanthemum Society was organ ized, with the following officers: President, John Thorpe, Pearl Jtiver, N. Y.; Treasurer, John Lane, Chicago; Executive Committee, W. J. Bettennan, Indianapolis; J. T. Anthony, Chicago; Robert Craig, Philadelphia; Alex Murdoch, Pittsburg; B. T. Critchell, Cincin nati. M. A. Hunt, ot Terre Haute, IncL, stated that the third annual chrysanthemum show would take place In Indianapolis November 5 to 9. In clusive. Mrs. Harrison, wife of the President, will give a silver cup prize. It Lost Sad Wall. Trom tbe Philadelphia Press. The expiring cry of; tho Brown-Sequard elixir craze' will probably be a large and plalnt-iT0q,uckI" HEW TORK H0TEB00K. Rained By tba RaciosT Fever. !HXW TOKK BUREAU SPICIALS.J New Yontc, August 21 William Johnson was in a police court to-day, because he played the races with his employer's money. He lie came bookkeeper fn the office of George Par ker, produce dealer, five years ago. He was a member of tho Presbyterian church, a Sunday school teacher, and altogether a model yonng married man. He was trusted by Mr. Parker with the handling ot all the money in tbeoffice, and his honesty was never doubted until a tew dan aff-o. This afternoon an exnert wbo bad been put on the books reported a shortage ot o,000. which has been increased upon inrtner investigations. "I think that this thievery has been going on abont six months." said Mr. Par ker, "but I did not discover it nntil I drew my vouchers trom tho bank. Then I found that Johnson had indorsed a number of checks which I had given him to pay off some of my I bills around tbe market. He hau forged the name of the person to whom the check was payable, on the back, and then added his own name, getting some individual or friend to cash the check." Johnson had his pocketful of racing tickets wbn he was arrested. He con fessed bis guilt, and said be lost the money on tba races. He had been tempted to goto a race course last spring, had caught the betting fever, and had been secretly betting ever since. Johnson has a" young wife and two children. Oat of Sight, bnt Not Forgotten. The Bev. Dr. A. Schabehorn, a German Presbyterian clergyman, Republican stump speaker and agent for tbe Spellbinder Publish ing Company, has disappeared from bis home in Nyack. after overdrawing his account with Ltbe house he represented and pawning his wife's two gold watches. Up to tbe opening ox the last campaign the Bev. Schabehorn devoted himself to preaching the gospel to German Americans for $400 a year. He was employed all last September and October by the Republi can National Committee to make speeches in German districts of the State. When the Spellbinders began publishing their monthly magazine they engaged him, in recognition of his work last fall, to canvass for the advertising department. He was last seen a week ago at Niagara Falls. His friends are confident tbat he will ttum up soon to pay his hills, get his wife's jewelry out of pawn and support his nine J children in Nyack. Another High Boiler Come to Grief. William Bepper, receiver of taxes In New town, L L, is 18,000 short in his accounts. At the end of the last financial year he was 32,600 short, hut his friends made up the amonnt and he was allowed to remain in office. Though his salary is small, he bought a saloon a short time ago, lost 8500 on Kilrain, and has played the races persistently all summer. Last Mon day he ran away. He was found drunk In a neighboring town and arrested. He is not sober enough yet to make a confession. Mrs. Carter Learning to Act. Mrs. Leslie Carter, late ot Chicago, Is said to be studying eight hours each day. She rarely leaves her room, and practices posing, fainting, emotionalizing and other like stage effects with an Industry which threatens to under mine her health. She will make her debut to October. Trouble Among tbe Soldier. Mrs. Mary Brennen is captain of tbe Salva tion Army In Newark. Her husband is ser geant In tho same regiment. Miss Mallie Langdon is one of the privates. When Captain Mary got home from headquarters last night sbe found SergeantBrennen and Private Mollle drunk and asleep in her bedroom. She caught Mollie by the heels, dragged her to the front door and slid her bead foremost down the steps to the street. Then she pounded her husband, the sergeant, until the police came. Judge Bodrigo to-day sent the trio to jail. A Short nnd Sad Courtship. Henry Aldrldge, 2S years old, first met Mar garet O'Brien, 21 years old. In a Bowery music hall at 8 o'clock last evening. At 9 o'clock he proposed marriage to her. At 10 o'clock tbey were engaged. At 11 o'clock tbey would prob ably have been married had not Margaret re fused to become Mrs. Aldrldge before she re ceived some wedding presents. As it was, Aldndge quarreled with bis fiancee of two hours about tho presents, till ho lost his temper and began to thrash, her with his cane. Both were arrested and locked np. This morning Ald rldge was fined $5 and Margaret was eent to the Island. Lively Times at a Church Picnic There were lively times In Lehman's uanarsle Grove last night, the occasion beingthe second annual picnic of the First A. M. E. Zlon Church, of Brooklyn, The whole colored pop ulation of the city turned out. A game of base ball had just been started, when a woman's voice was beard on the platform shouting. "Let me get at him!" The woman was as black as coal, and she evidently belonged to the Crow Hill contingent. The object of her wrath was a light-colored negro. "Take that, and that, you monkey facer' she shouted, as she slapped his face. Tbe young man threw off his coat and made for his assailant. Half a dozen grabbed him and as many held the sister. "Let go o' me," he shouted. "I'se goin' to kill ber dead." "I walk on yer, chile. If yer come near me," said the woman. "Hnhl" In the rush from the platform another sister was knocked down, and it so happened that the woman who had commenced all the trouble stepped on her. Sister No. 2 was a fighter from 'way back, and as sbe regained her feet she made for sister No. L Then there was a digcing and clawing and scratching and pulling, until both women had pulled each other off tb e platform. There they were separated. "Pse a better woman than she Is," shouted sister No. 2. "Sbe can't walk on me." "I kill her dead if I get at her," said sister No. L "1 strip ber so she never knew she wore nnffin." continued sister No. 2. Sister No. 1. wbo had begun the mischief, was put ou; of the grove. A Revival of Ship Building,' From the Augusta (Me.) Journal. It is said that never in the history of Bath from early colonial times to the present day, a period of 231 years, have been on the stocks at one time so many vessels as are now seen These vessels ranee all the way from a 300-ton schooner to a 3, 000-ton ship, and in all there are some 2U. Not Exnclly an Ornament. From the Detroit Free Press.l Queen Victoria has sent Bismarck a life size portrait of herself. It is believed to have more political significance than personal beauty. TRI-STATE TE1FLES. B. M. Thompson, of Bayne .township, In diana county, has, perhaps, the oldest watch In the county. It is of the bull's eye pattern, keeps correct time, and was made by James Luck hart, of Glasgow. The time-piece was pur chased by Mr. Thompsons grandfather while crossing the ocean in June. 1789. and conse quently has been in he Thompson family over 100 years. The present owner is proud of it, and wonld not exchange it tor the finest gold watch made. Solomon Zook, an Ohio gentleman, aged 86 years, who is visiting friends In Mifflin connty, distinguished himself by picking 200 quarts of raspberries in two days during the season. A West Virginia girl has promised her lover to marry him when "the count for Governor is over." The Indiana JPrograt says: Wilson Keener, of Reed's station,, killed 36 snakes on bis way to chnrch on last Sabbath. A very rare specimen of animal life was dis covered in Summerhill township, Saturday night, on the farm of Mr. Henry H. Daven port, father of George F. Davenport, Esq., of Meadville. Mr. Davenport set a trap for what be supposed to be a white skunk, and caught what turns out to be a genuine white wood chuck. A Canton, O., man undertook to eat 12 honed eggs In 15 minutes, and it took two doctors to bring him around again. A toad-stool three feet across and very beau tifully colored was, found in the woods above Martin's Ferry recently. Farmer O'Brien, of Venango county, heard his pigs making a great racket, and looked into tbe pen to see what was the matter. He dis covered a five-foot blacksnake. He gave it a blow on the head,, and tbe pigs then pitched la and assisted him W killing it. CDEIODS CONDENSATIOaa A Chattanooga man tried the other day to pawn his false teeth to get money to buy drink. Mr. Kesterson, of Fulton, Ky., has fire 'sons, and the birthday of each of them is July 21 Ansonia, Conn., has a 3-year-old boy who cries for cigars, and smokes them when they are given to him. A fish-hawk has built Its nest on a chimney on Jonathan Hoffman's bouse, in Fishing Creek, Cape May county, N". J. Louis Fenton, who is camping at Belle View, near Jamestown, N. Y., caught a 22 pound muskallonge the other day. It was 44 Inches long and 4 Inches across the back. The dramatis persons in tbe now cele brated Terry-Broderick duel numbered 13. Tbe dnel wa fought early on tbe morning of eeptemoer ia, isoa, wiuun ten mues ox tne cen ter of San Francisco. The.porgy factory at East Boothbay, Me., is at present producing porgy oil by the cargo. It sells at 25 cents per gallon, and Isnsed largely for making "pure linseed" and for ex port for soap making. Of late Scotch soap makers have been taking a great deal of the oil. " Within the last few weeks more than 50,000 acres have been bought In the Bahama by British and American capitalists, to be de voted to raising sisal hemp. The Bahamas had for some time lost all their commercial life, but the discovery that hemp would flourish there has wholly changed their prospects. An apale tree growing out from the solid rocks and bearing beautiful red-cheeked apples in abundance can be seen at the fore bay in front of the Immense pumps and engines at Falrmount water works, Philadelphia, not fax from the CallowhiU street entrance. The roots run along the wall, nourished by tbe earth lodged in the crevices. On Sunday last it was seen in perfection. A few days ago two Arabs were found at Castle Garden, one of them named Ben Josef and the other Mohammed Ben Abdel Hlrmlr, wbo had come here to seek employ ment as camel drivers. The penniless Arabs were in despair when told that there was no such Industry as camel driving In New xork, aud tbat they were unwelcomed guests in the land of the star-spangled banner. The Col lector gave orders that they should be sent back. A bird story was told by a lecturer in Buffalo the other evening that rivals the best fish story on record. This was the way it ran: A certain man went gunning for parrots. He stole np on a flock, picked ont a bird at close range, raised his gun, and was just about to fire, when tbe bird saw him and called out: "Won't grandmother give it to you when you get homef Tbe man was struck all In a heap with astonishment, dropped his gun and vowed he never would go parrot shooting again. The marvelous story telegraphed from Chicago on Monday concerning tbe aerial jour ney made by little Sophie Schwab by means of a bunch of toy balloons, and her subsequent rescue, has been disproved by the testimony of those Interested In selling balloons on the streets. Allowing tbat Sophie weighed atleast 25 pounds, it would have taken 3,500 balloons of the ordinary size to hold ber weight, and the Idea ot a peddler having as many toy balloons for sale on one day is beyond the bounds of probability. At the dance in Mrs. W. K. Vander bilt's stable at Newport, the other night, an improvised electric plant furnished the Illumi nations upstairs and down. Over the carriage doors bung bright red peppers, and all over tbe ceiling were frescoes ot pumpkins, squashes, egg plants and other garden vegetables, tbe groundwork being of oak leaves, and oak leaves were used for tbe decorations ot the sides, leaving places for floral panels In the shape of horse collars and yokes for oxen. Flowers were also made np to represent har nesses, hung abont as It on pegs. A girl tramp, wearing male attire, was arrested in Cincinnati one day this week on sus picion of being a crook. At tbe station bouse she told this story of her life: "I came bere from Indianapolis on a freight train; rode all tbe way on the bumpers. I've been a tramp for two . years, working wben I bad to, and begging tor a living when it was possible. I never had a home, and never lived in a house. My father was a horse trader and peddler, and traveled all over the country in a wagon with my moth"-' and myself. I suppose I was born in a wago as I never knew what it was to live In ahou- Prof. B. T. GalIowayM Chief of Section of Vegetable Pathology. Depa of Agriculture, bas recently succeeded, result of practical: experiments. In prod, remedy for the disease called pear leal and apple mildew, which annually causeA... destruction to those trees. As a result of pras tical experiments ho feels justified in recom' mending it to the farmers and fruit growers a3 both efficacious and economical. The remedy consists of the application of a fungicide, with an appliance by which 50,000 plants were sprayed In a day and a half at a cost, not including labor, of H 75 for each application, five being required to secure good results. Jonathan and David Chace, twin brothers, were born at Sandbornton, New Hampshire, in the year 1795, which makes them 94 years of age. Jonathan was a drum mer and David a fiter in tho same company and regiment during the war of 1312. but owing to some misunderstanding with other of the musicians of tho regiment they did not leave New Hampshire. Tbey both lived in Fall River. Wis., until two years ago, when David went back to New Hampshire and is living there at this time. Jonathan still resides in Fall River and Is keeping house with bis second wife. He saws and splits his stove wood, works bis garden and Is at the postoffice abont every day In the week. A horse belonging to a ferryman was on the boat at Irvine, Ky and was in the act of drinking when he plunged forward from some cause and fell into the water up to his nose. With remarkable instinct he turned round and swam to the boat and made several efforts to crawl back into it, but It only served to push It further away. By this time' he had drifted below the ferry, and he then made ef forts to get out upon either bank. In this he also failed, as the banks were too steep. He then turned aside and swam down tbe middle of tbe river. The ferryman. Mr. White,: made vain efforts to rescue his horse, and, watching him until he was out of sight, gave up all hopes of ever seeing him again. 'Next morning the passengers on tbe Irvine stage were amused at tbe manner in which the ferryman was fondly caressing a horse which bad just arrived, and later learned that tbe steamboat from Ford had picked up tbe swimming animal eight miles below. Wben dragged npon the boat he sank down, too completely exhausted to stand. When this became known the sympathizing passengers joined with Mr. White In bis ex uberance over the recovery of his noble steed. FDKNY MEN'S FANCIES. A Corner Lot. The community of Italian fruit venders. Puc. Might does not always make right; but it seldom gets left. Puek. Who ever heard of the literary man so poor that be complained of Intellectual aovertyf And yet that's Just the thing that causes the ma terial kind. Puct. Higher Yet, Mr. Cadsby Scads Srgnor Kobustlno Is going to sing at our reception. Mrs. Waverly Plaice He's a tenor, is he not? Mrs.Cadsby8cads-Ob.no, Indeed! Wocouldat get him for a cent less than $. Pact. Time 230 A. M. Druggist Well, what Is It : is it a case of extreme necessity? Caller 1-hlc should think sbo. Would you hie please let me look at hie your directory 'Ulll hie find ontwhereIllve?.-L('. "Since you have insisted on trying on my hat. Miss Ma bell, I shall certanly claim the for feit." I don't know what yoaraean, sir: and besides this Isn't a good place; they can see us from the hotel. "-LVt. KEEP toue tempeb. When you see another's toils Think your luckless self la clover; There was Job all over bolls. But he never did boll over. . PkUadtlphla Prat. Down on the Isms. Indiana Girl No; I don't believe In these Isms. I onco knew a man who was sent to prison lor devoting bis tune to one of them. Boston Girl What terrible laws yon must have out In Indiana! What was the Ism? Indiana Girl Incendiarism, 1 believe. Judgt. A Prediction Fulfillea. "Young ladies," remarked Mr. Wanamaker to hi ruble class, "tell me what the prophet referred to when be said, "Seven women shall take bold of one man." 'lie had the modern summer resort In bis mind," replied a girl who had been to Cape May. Time. A Question of Conviction. Eomantic passion and worldly wisdom. 'Dear adored one, since your cruel parentswIU not give their consent, what do yon say to oar eloping?" 'My seal's Idol, nothing would salt me better could 1 convince myself that It's my duty to go Without my wedding presents, "fudge. 1 Mdst&su;