ZSEEEEm TTTS Wzf INDUSTRIAL NOTES. Bears Now Have the Innings in the Line of Dog Products. CORN PROSPECT GROWS BRIGHTER. Chicago Dressed Beef and Canned Heats Moving Freely. AKEWBOOMAT THE EDGAR 1HOMSON Office or Pittsbubo, Dispatch, 1 Tuesday; August 20, 1SS9. A l'ittsburger interested largely in the provision trade returned yesterday from a trip to Chicago. He reports trade there in this line at its lowest ebb. On 'Change in Chicago there is scarcely any trading in hog products the past week. The range of hog prices is 52 per cwt. lower than this day one yenr ago. The range on the 19th of August, 1888, was fC 006 55. The range to yester day u S3 904 70. Toe general average of smoked meats is 2 cent? per pound below what it was at this time last year, green nams being about the only ar ticle in the provision line that holds up to last j ear's prices. Short ribbed sides are quoted Ion er this morning in Chicago than for a num. ber of years past. The situation and outlook for hog products presents few features favora ble to hulls, baiit a member of one of our lead ing packing firms to-da) : "I believe that bogs will be lower the coming fall than they have been for 10 or 12 years. From the best informa tion I can get the corn crop will be up to last j car taking the country over, unless nipped by early frosts. While it did not start out as well as last year, it has been doing good work mak ing up for lost time the past month. The grain and hay yield this year will break all former records in volume produced, and the quality is fully up to anything in the past." Canned Illeats. In the line of canned meats July Is ordinarily the best month for trade. August, so far, has been the best month here this season, and in volume of sales sold here is fully 50 per cent larger than last August. There are not less than 1,500 cases of canned meats 6oId weekly by the Pittsburg representatives of Western firms or a total of 36,000 pounds. The trade has been growing steadily vcar bj year, with an increase ot not less than 25 per cent annually the nast five ears. The months of July and August for IbSa have made a record that shows no decline on this advancing movement. The representative of Armour & Co. was seen to day and reported rales r.f 1,000 cases of canned meats weekly for July and August Chip beef in nne pound boxes is having a great run this season Home-made beef extract is dom fairly in the field agaiust the Liebig extract, having been introduced within the past jear. and is already having sufficient run to prove that it is here to stay. Ihe representatives of the dressed beef industry report trade as satisfactory and an improvement on any former season. Edgar Thomson Parnncca. The F furnace of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, Brandock, has within a few days closed its first blast, with a yield of 225,000 tons of inctal from the first lighting of the fires. This J yield breaks all former records. The F fur nace has reiched an output of 419 tons in 24 hours. In England, which is generally sup posed to have the lead in iron aud steel manu facturing, 0 tons is considered a good yield in 24 hours for the largest furnaces. Improved machinery has placed the Braddock steel works on the top. When the blast of the F furnace was closed a few days aco, the work men placed on the top a new broom, which, under the circumstances, was more significant than the American flag, as it gave notice to all observers that all previous efforts in the line of steel manufacture had been swept away clean out of sight. The daily product of the Edgar 'ihomson Works is more than 1,000 tons of steel mils, and with this immense output the con ccrn is months behind orders. To new fur naces are under headway, and one is expected to be finished the coming fall. The new fur naces mil, no doubt, surpass in ability to turn out metal anything that has gone before. LIVE STPCK MARKETS. T"i Condition of ftnslness at the East Liberty Stock Yard. office or Pittsburg Dispatch, I TUESDAY. August 20, 1&89. .TTC.I Receipts, 240 head; shipments, bead: market dull and a shade loner than erdar'a prices; no cattle shipped to New 1 .V to-day. lloos Receipts. 1,000 heads shipment 900 ead: market very dull: light Yorkers. 16504 65; mixed. S4 404 60; heavy tops, J4 30 ,fl 40; no hoes shipped to New York toiav. &HEEP Receipt. 1,800 head; shipments, "1,600 head; market firm and prospects lower. By Telegraph. New Yoke Beeves Receipts, 800 head, all for exportation and for slaughterers direct; no trading in beef cattle; dull ana lower for dressed beef at 54J7c per pound for natives, and at 4JI5c for Texas and Colorado do; exports, 910 beeves and 7ti0 quarters of beef; to-day's Liverpool cable quotes American re frigerator beef steady at 8c per jinund. Calves Receipts, 200 head; stea 'y at 561c per B for veals, 2K3ic for buttermilk calves, and 3 carloads of mixed western calves went at44J.Jc Sheep Receipts, 2.500 head, and as many more ere in the selling pens from previous arrivals; very little trading, but sellers were not accepting low er prices to force sales on unwilling buyers: the sales included sheep at $4 K!?3 45 ner 100 lbs. and lambs at S3 20Q7 00. Hogs Receipts. 6.100; no sales to report on the live -weight; rated steady at U 50 6a 00. Chicago The Droverf Journal reports Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head: shipments. 2.400; market slow bnt steady; beeves, $4 604 65: steers, $3 004 bO; stackers and feeders. bO ft 3 10: cows, bulls and mixed. !1 1003 25:Texas cattle, SI 753 15: natives and half-breeds 2 25 3b5. Hogs Receipts, 9.000 head: gujpmentg 4,000; market 5c higher for good hogs; mixed. SI 954 40: heavy. $2 754 20; light, S4 304 Co: Skips. S3 6004 60. Sheep-Receipts. 9,000 head; shipments, 3,500: market steady: natives. J3 50 4 80; western?. S3 40S4 20; Texans, S3 504 10; lambs, $4 60g6 00. The Vrmers' Journal special from London quotes heavy supplies of cattle, but a brisk de niand; prices c higher; medium to choice steers, HK12c per pound, estimated dead weight Kaksas Crrr Cattle Receipts, 66,829 head; shipments, 3.0S2 head; prime native beef steers steady to strong: unnne grass steers slow and weak: good to choice corn-red steers. S4 00 4 25; common to medium. S3 00U3 80; tockers and feeding steers, SI 6003 00; enws. 51 502 75 grass range steers, SI C02 75. Hogs Receipts, 5,083 head; shipments. 205 head; opened stron" on light and stead v to 5c loner on heavy: clo lug sluggish and 1015c lower; good to choice light, 54 2034 30, heavy and mixed, S3 704 la Sheep Receipts, 1,094 beadshipments,V75 head; steady; good to choice mnttons, S3 754 00: common to medium. $2 503 50. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2.W0 head: shipments. MX) head; market steady; choice heavv native steers, S4 Oo4 30: fair to good 53 804 10; stockers and feeders, $2 2033 10: range steers, S230S3 3a Hoes Receipts. L800 head: shipments, 100 head: market strong fair to choice heavy, 54 104 30: packing grades. 54 05.&4 25; light grade, fair to best, S4304 50. bheen Receipts. 2.000 head; shipments, 900 head; market strong; fair to choice, S3 404 50. Buffalo Cattle Recelnts. 5 loads through 60 loads for sale left over; dull, and prices Irregular. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 2 loads through; 13 for sale, of which 40 were left over dull and lower. Hogs Receipts, 4 loads through; 35 loads for sale: slow at yesterday's prices. Cincinnati Hogs, steady; common and liebt, 4 354 CO; packing and butchers, 4 15 4 8a Receipts, 900 head. Shipments, 930 The Drysoads Market. New York, August 2a Trade in drygoods was without new feature. Activity was prin cipally in the jobbing section of the market but business with agents was fair. Trans actions on the spot were moderate. Themarket maintained a steady tone and goods seemed to continue well sold up. Clothing woolens were again more active with more buyers In the market The demand is principally for me dium and low priced goods, though satinets do not sell freely. MORE JI0NEI IN E0E1KG CORN Than In Catherine the Frrsfa. Water Pearls Fonnd In tVUconalo. Chicago, August 20. That the fresh water pearls which have been sent from Wisconsin to the Chicago jewelers for valuation are not worth a "hooter" all the trade is agreed, but whether or not it is possible to find a really valuable fresh water pearl is a question which has two sides. Some dealers say they are rarely found, while others say there is no such thing as a fine pearl from fresh water, and all agree that better wages can be made at hoeing corn than in hunting for nearls in fresh-water clams. MAEKETS BY TOE. Indications ot an Enrly Up-Turn In like Wheat Fit Succeeded by a Silent Break Russia Said to prom- I10 an Avernce Crop. Chicago There was a continuation of yes terday's dullness in wheat to-day. and the mar ket was again narrow and featureless. The opening was strong and slightly higher on the bullish tone reflected in the early cable, which called spot grain Hi higher at Liverpool with weather In England less favorable: a decrease for the week in the quantity of wheat and flour on ocean passage was another strengthening factor. Before the session was half over the early indications of on upturn In the market gave way to the bearish Influences which there after and until the close, dominated the pit A dispatch from New Yorkthat Russia would certainly have an average crop (authority not given) was the first bit of gossip calculated to weaken values. What was of far greater im portance was the known fact that cash wheat In nearly aU domesti: markets was lower to daythe effect of Increasing receipts of the new crop, present and prospective. Minneap olis has declined 5c on No. 1 hard wheat since last Saturday. The cash trade here was slug gllsh. In the Northwest heavy rains were reported with prospects of lower temperature. From TSKc at the start December rose to 7878&c, and then gradually weakened to 78Jc At this price a prominent room trader appeared as a good buyer and the market quickly reacted to 78c A few minutes before the close there was another spell of weakness, but taking the ses sion through it was a steady market Decem ber finally closed at 77J4C or Jlc under yester day's closing bids. .... Corn ruled quiet the greater part of the session. Trading limited to room operators and fluctuations confined within ytM" range. The market opened a shado better than the closing prices ot yesterday, was firm for a time, but the demand was soon satisfied and the market closed about the same as yesterday. In oats there was a fair business, but the feel ing w as quiet and prices steady. A moderate trade was reported in mess pork. The feeling was strong early and prices ruled 10Q12kc higher, later receding 12JiS15c Near the close prices rallied 7KQ10C and closed quiet Rather alight business was done in the lard market Ho change. Trading was moderately active in the market for ribs and the feeling somewhat unsettled. Early prices declined 7K12c. Later prices rallied 25c and closed rather qniet The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2, September, 77V77K7G5i (K&ic: December. 78Ji7SK77J.i77ic; year 76$77KT7ffi76. Cohk-No. 2, September. 35Uffi35435K 35Kc; October. 353K35JSc; Decem ber, 346343434Jic Oats-No. 2. September, 20Ke20Vi2t4 20Jc: October. 20?20i20K20&c; Decem ber. 2020a20Js20c. Mess Pork, per bbL September. S9 509 9 5769 459 62K: October. S9 559 55619 450 9 50: January, S9 5offl9 559 45g9 5a Lakd, per 100 tts. September. J612K66 15 B 12!5 15; October. SO 0o6 05; January. So S7fc5 S7XQ5 8535 85. Short Ribs, per 100 tts. September, S5 00 5 U2K4 904 95: October. $5 0JK65 054 95 64 97K: January, S4 77K1 7764 7o04 77X- Cash quotations were as follows: Flour unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat 77c; No. 3 spring wheat 6871c; No. 2 red, 77c No. 2 corn. 3535Uc No. 2 oats 20H. No. 2 rye. 43c No. 2 barley. 6365c No. 1 flax seed. SI 23; prime timothy seed, SI 441 45. Mess pork, per barrel, $9 50) 55. Lard, per 100 pounds. $6 12W6 15. Short rib sides (loote), $50o50i. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 e;j4 75. ShortT clear sides (boxed), VS 25&5 37K- Sugars Cut loaf, 9 9Uc; granulated, fcc: standard A, SJc Receipts Flour. 17,000 barrels; wheat, 83.000 bushels; corn. 550,000 bushels; oats, 334.000 bushels; rye, 9.000 bushels; barley, 2,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 5,000 bar rels: wheat 184.000 bushels: com. 278,000 bush els: oats. 189,000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley. 1,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was unchanged. Eggs in good de mand at 14 15c. New Yoke Flour quiet and weak. Wheat Spot dull, weak and lc lower; options null, Jitsic lower and weaic wye western firm at51Ji52Kc Barley malt quiet Corn Spot quiet and steady; options dull and steady. Oats tpot less active and steady; options steady and quiet Hay active and firm. Hops easy and quiet Coffee Options opened barelv steady at 2025 points down, and closed 3045 points down; sties, 42,250 bags, including August, 14.65fil5.00c: September, 14.90015.00c: October, 15.Oulo.05c: November. 14.90S15.05c; December. 14.95I5.10e; January, 14.95lM0c: Februarv. ia0015.10; March. 15.0015.10c: May. 15.0515.10c; June, 15.10c; spot Rio easier; fair cargoes, ISJic Sugar Raw active at lie decline: fair refining. 6e: centrifugals, 96 test C?ic: sales equal to 18,000 hogsheads Muscovado at 6c. for 87 test; 6c for 89 test; refined fairly active and firm. Molasses Foreign nominal; New Orleans quiet Rice steady and In fair de mand. Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow strong; city ($2 for packages), 47-lCc Rosin easy and quiet Turpentine higher and quiet at 43 44c Eggs in moderate demand and firm; western, 1718c: receipts. 3.368 packages. Pork lower; mess, inspected, Sll 25il 75; mess, un inspected, Sll; extra prime, S10 2510 75. Cutmeats steady; sales pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; 11 pounds, 7c: pickled hams, 10Ji 12c; pickled shoulders. 55c; middles steadier: short clear. SS 15. Lard firmer and quiet; sales western steam. 86 52K6 60, closing at $8 65; September, S6 60, closing at $6 52; October, Sfi 426 41. closing at $6 45: November, S8 26; December. S6 25; January. 6 256 27, closing at $6 27. Butter easy for all but fancy; western dairy, 9gl2c: do creamery, ll18c; dp fac tory, 10llc Cheese stronger and moderately active; western, 67c St. Louis Flour firm, but quiet and un changed. Wheat On bad weather abroad, a decrease of 856,000 bushels in tbe amount on ocean passage, and stronger markets at other points, there was a sharp enough demand to advance prices Jic after the opening, but tbe market soon began to weaken off, later cables coming in weak and some bearish news turning up, and subsequently the feeling was unsettled. Later, however, it turned weak again, and the close was about I-16c below yes cember, 6Ji77J$c dosed at 76K78c asued; year,74c cloingat 74Ke asked; Mav, 81K815gc,closfngat81cbid. Corn stronger early in the session, but influenced by wheat easpd off: No. 2 mixed, cash. 32Jic: September, 32H32c, closing at 32J32c bid; October, 32Ji32)3c closing at 32$c; December, 31J 31Kc closing at 31Kc; year, 31J31Kc. closing at 31c; May. 33Ji33Vc, closing at 3333?fc asked. Oats firmer; No. 2 cash. 18c: Auenst lbc bid: September. 18fe bid: October ibv'o bid: May. 23X23Kc closing at 23Kc bid. Rye uignci uu iu uciuiiiiuj iig. oototfc flax seed unchanged, 10c Provisions lower and dull. Philadelphia Flour qniet and weak. Wheat demand light and market weak, closing J4Kc lower; steamer No. 2 red. In elevator, SlgSIKc: No. 2 red, Augnst 8283c; Septem ber. n2j83c: October. 8384c: November, 8484c Corn Carlots unsettled and lower; options wholly nominal: No. 2 high mixed, in grain depot 45c; No. 2 high mixed and yellow in Twentieth street elevator, 44c; No. 2 mixed, In grain depot 43c; No. 2 mixed, August 42W 43c; beptember. 4243c; October, 4344c; November, 43JJ44Jic Oats Carlots unset tled and Klc lower; old No. 2 mixed, 27c: new do, 626$c: old No. 3 white, 2SKc; new do. S6K27c: old No. 2 white, 81: new do, 30c: fu tures dull and weak; No. 2 white, August 30 30j4c; September. 2930c: October, 3030Kc; November, 3331c hgps scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 1819c Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat dull and loner; No. 2rcd.74Kc; receipts. 20,000 bushels: shipments, 15.000 bushels. Corn irregular and loner; No. 2 mixed. 37B38c Oats No. 2 mixed. 2021c Rye dull: No. 2,4141Wc. Pork steady at S10 62& Lard quiet at to 97 Bulk meats quiet and unchanged. Butter steady. Sugar strong. Eggs firm at 1415c Cheese firm. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat easy: cash, 75Jc: September, 75Jc Corn firm; No. 3. 36c Oats dull: No. 2 white, 2424kc. Rye quiet; No. L 42Kc Barley quiet; Septem ber, 59c Provisions firmer. Pork, S9 5a Lard. 6 15. Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter firmer for fine grades; western packed. l!13c; cream ery, 1718c Eggs In fair demand it 16c Coffee quiet Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash, 4 50; Oc tober, 4 4a Wool Markets. New York Wool steady and qniet; demes ne fleece, 8339c; pulled. 2341c;Texas, 1428c 8t. Louis Receipts, 4.SS0 pounds. Market quiet and unchanged. Boston There haa been a very quiet market for wool, but some dealers report manufac turers as showing a greater Inclination to buy: prices unchanged; market steady. There have been sales of Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces at 3233c for X: 3135o for XX and XX and above, and 38c for No. L Michigan X wool Is selling at 30031c, with some lots held as high as 32c Combing and delaine fleece are quiet but scarce and firm. In Territory wools there has been a fair trade; prices steadv. with sales of One on a scoured basis of 62665c- fine medium, 60c: Texas ar.d California wools dulk Oregon wool sells fairly well at IMMScfor Eastern; pulled wools steady at 2529c for ex tra, and 3039c for super. Foreign wools firm and quiut Metal Market. Nirw Yobk Copper quiet; Lake. August. S12 5Q. Lead dull: domestic, ss on Tin .,Z,,. I LBtraits, ai ia. -: A GOOD OLD CDSTOM: Real Estate Owners in Early Days Befriended by the Banks, MANY SAVED FK0H BANKRUPTCY. Southern Lumber Dealers 'Worrying (her Westinghouse's Bit: Contract. HOW TO SATE VALUABLE SHADE TREES The real estate business is as old as Pitts burg, at least Ihe truth of which will not be gainsaid but tbe method of conducting it in early times differed somewhat from the system now in vogue. General 'William Robinson was the largest real estate owner in Allegheny City 75 years ago. About 1820 he became involved. The United States Bank held a claim against him for a large amount in those days. He would have been glad to surrender all of his prop ertywhich is worth millions to-day to be freed from the obligation, and he made such a proposition to the bank, but it was refused, the bank preferring rather to carry the debt than shoulder the property. It nursed him until he once more got on his feet recovered his financial standing, kept his property, and died rich a few years ago. Alexander Watson. Esq., from whom the above facts were obtained, added that it was, the custom of bankers in those good old days, to exercise the utmost leniency toward real estate owners in times of financial distress, and a number of them are known to have been saved from financial ruin by the favor thus shown them. This good old custom seems to be more honored In the breach than tbe ob servance in these latter days; still, there may be, and no doubt are, cases in which it is exer cised that do not show upon the surface. Southern lumber producers are casting about for a reason why they did not secure tbe big order lately placed at Cardillac Mich., by Mr. George Westinghouse. One of them thinks it was because of the great disadvantage the yellow plus has in competition with white pine, and recites three main reasons why it is so: First, prejudice in favor of white pine; second, the greater weight of yellow pine; and third, higher rates per ton per mile from the yellow pine belt to Eastern points than from tbe white pine region to same points. Following this up, the Bout hern Lumberman, which had scored the Southerners for neglecting their interests, says: "We were fully aware of the disadvantages and obstacles when we wrote the article. When we charged that the yellow pine men bad ne glected their interests we meant to convey the Idea that they have been remiss in that they have not overcome them. Of course they can not lessen tbe weight of yellow pine, nor in crease that of white pine, but they can, by actual tests, prove that 20 or SO per cent less of yellow pine is required to obtain the same strength that white pine possesses. This helps to equalise shipping weights. "By united and judicious action on the part of all the yellow pine shippers of the cis Mississippi States it would seem possible to secure equitable freight rates. If any united effort has been made in this direction we failed to hear of it The Yellow Pine Association did make an effort but more than half the mill men held aloof and gave the association no aid or comfort "We do not believe there is any prejudice among Northern consumers of lumber except that which arises from a lack of knowledge of Its merits. They know from experience exactly what white pine is, and as yet yellow pine is only an experiment with them. Dealers of long standing in white pine will not let that trade go till they find they can do as well or better with something else. It Is a fine opening for mis sionary work. When tbe missionaries can con vince tbe consumer that he can get the same amount of lumber, of greater strength and durability, equally as well adapted to his wants for less money by buying yellow pine his preju dice will disappear." On Wallace street, Wllkinsburg, there is a row of fine shade trees, the removal or de struction of which has been rendered necessary by the improvement of the street Various plans to save tbem have been suggested, but none of them meet tbe approval of the borough authorities. The trees are maple, about 25 years old, and give a cool, refreshing appear ance to the street, which Is highly appreciated by the citizens. To destroy them, except as an act of dire necessity, would be vandalism. A citizen of the borough, who lived in Port land, Me., at the time of the great fire there, gave me some information yesterday, which may help to solve tbe difficulty, and possibly result in saving these beautiful trees. He said that during the great fire in Portland one of the back streets was partially swept It was a residence street and was lined for some dis tance on both sides with shade trees. There were about 100 of them. Forty were destroyed by the fire. Some of the others were injured, but not seriously. The citizens were greatly depressed over the loss of their trees, but knew of no way to re pair the mischief. Finally, a contractor came to their relief. He made a proposition to re move the dead trees and replace them with others of the same kind and size for SSOO apiece. His terms were agreed to, and he went to work. Going Into the woods he se lected tbe 40 trees. Around each of tbem be built a strong box, something like a caisson, about 12 feet high. As the earth was removed from around and under this box, the box sank. This was continued until the box was below the roots of the trees. He then rigged up a derrick, and pulled the trees up box, earth and roots, very few of the latter being cut or injured, and with a large quantity of earth adhering to them. The trees were then taken to the city and planted. All but four of them lived, the removal affecting them very little. The four that died were re placed with others, and they, too, survived the change. In a year or two the transplanted trees were as thrifty and handsome as the ones that had been destroyed by fire. This was a big undertaking, compared with which the re moval of tbe Wilklnsburg trees wonld be a trifle. Citizens of other communities may be con fronted with the same difficulty that Is puz zling the Wllkinsburg people, and the above hint may be of value to them in solving the problem of how to save their shade trees. STEADINESS THE BULE. Local Stocks Continue Dnll bnt Dlnnnse to Hold Their Own. The sales of stocks at, both calls yesterday aggregated 110 shares, of which Central Trac tion contributed 100 and Pittsburg la There was no material change in anything. Steadi ness was tbe rule all round. There were orders for Electric, Switch and Signal and a few other properties at tbe market, but they were held higher. There was, perhaps, a firmer undertone to the Pittsburg and. Manchester and Pleasant Valley Street Railway shares, on reports that tbe consolidation scheme was making good progress. Bids, offers aud sales follow: MOBNING. APTIBirOON. Hid. Asked. Bid. Asked. KTstoue Bink. ritti. Mer. Man. Nat B'k. RIH Manufacturers Oas Co. 2G Nat Gas Co. or V. Va 7 People's Nat Gas 1. N. G. ft P. Co 17X Philadelphia Co....... Z? V heeling On Uu 30 Columbia Oil Co 2 a oy ei .... 23X 81 80 SO Si M ForestOllCo 100 Washington Oil Co 80 MM 68M central Traction. Citizens' Traction Plttshnrrlraetlon...., 32 70 4S HO 2M Pleasant Valley 200 Pltti., A. ft Alan Pitts, ft Western K. &. 12X Northslde Bridge Co., .... Union Bridge .... La Norla Mining Co... H Westinghouse Electric IVA U. ti. ASlg. Co 21)4 1 2?X At the morning call GO shares of Central Traction sold at31K. and 10 Pittsburg Traction at 48. In the afternoon 50 shares Central Traction sold at31K- " The total sales'of stocks at N ew York yester day were 114.695 shares, Including: Atchison. 7.470: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 10,020: Northern Pacific, preferred, 7,620; Oregon Transcontinental, 7,171; Reading, ftfeOO: St Paul. 7,060; Union Pacific, S.025; Western Union, 8,20a Cllnlnc Blocks. Hfxvr TOBK. August 2a Galednnl& n TT sio; cuouar, 170; crown point, 8j Colorado THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, Central. 100; Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 737X; Commonwealth, 240; Deadwpod Ten. 130; Eureka Consolidated, 145; Gould fc Currv. 190: Hale & Norcross, 285: Homesteak, 900; Horn Silver. 115; Iron Silver. SOO; Mexican. 310; Mutual, 140; Ontario, 84.0; Ophlr. 460; Occidental, 170: Plymouth, 400; Savage, 185; Sierra Nevada, 235; Union Consolidated. 290; Ward Consolidated, 150; Yellow Jacket, 720. THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK. New York Bankers Havs No Fears of a Stringency. There was nothing new In local banking circles yesterday. Discounting was light Routine business was about an average. There was no change in conditions or prospects, which continue favorable. The Clearing House report indicated a good seasonable movement of tho staple commodities. The clearings were SL71S.S01 08, and the balances 8345,943 97. The Wall Street Newt says: "In order to see if the street bad undergone any financial change within a day or two, and If the rumors of a stringency in money bad any foundation, a representative of this paper called upon the officers of the Fourth National Bank, the Gal latin National Bank, Chase National Bank, Equitable Life Assurance Company and tbe representatives of the New York life Insur ance Company, but In no instance were we able to discover that any stringency in money rates Is liable to occur which would adversely affect tbe business of tbe country. It Is stated that manipulation may cause monetary spasms, but that for all legitimate purposes funds In ample supply both on call and on time are offering." Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at S5 per cent, last loan 4, closed offered at3K- Prime mercantile paper, 4?i7. Ster ling exchange dull but steady at J4 &i for 60 day bills and S4 8 for demand. Closing; Bond Quotations. U. 8. 4s,reg 128 U. h. 4s. coup 128 U. 8. 4H. re. I0SK U. 8. 4,4s, coup.... It) Faclncssof'95. US Louisiana stamped Is 00 Missouri 6s 1COH lenn. new set 6s..H106 Tenn. new set M....103 Tenn. new set. Ss... .'73)4 Caflsds So. Ids 9 Cen. rcinclit 1I4K Den. & K. O., lts.12 Den. 1R.O. 4s 78 X U.&B-O.Wet,Ut. 103 M. K.4T.Gen.W .58 Mutual Union 6s.. ..101f .V. J. C. Int Cert.. .112 Northern Pac lsts..ll7 Northern Pac. 2ds..ll6J Northw't'n consols. M9 Northw'n deben's. 114k Oregon & Trans. Ss.lOSK St J.-&I.M.Uen.6aM St.Iib.r.Gen.ALllV St. Paul consols ....127 stPL Ohl & Pc.lts.ll7H Tx., FcUO-Tr K.l Tx.,Pc.K.G.Tr.Kets WW Union iac. lit.....IH West chore 106X ji.ne, zas 101 u. .&.. s. x. uen, 68.. 63 Government and State bonds were firm and featureless. New Yobk Clearings, $116,432,568; balances, $5,446,412. Bos-row Clearings, S12,718,644; balances, 1,302,39a Money 3 ner cent Baltimore Clearings. 91,973,379; balances, 8229.076. ...- PHILADELPHIA Clearings, Jll.472,733; bal ances. SL80L595. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from tbe Bank of England on balance to-day is 28.000. Pabis Three per cent rentes, 85f 70c for the account Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 10,866,00a FEATUEES OP OIL. A Steady Market Utterly Devoid of Newer Sensational Elements. Yesterday's oil market was dull, and in the main steady. Among the bearish elements were reports of a well at Jefferson Center, but they had very little effect The market at no time reached the dollar line, but hung around it very closely. The highest figure was 99, at which LOCO barrels were dumped. Scarcely anything was done in cash oil. Spreads were offered at 98 and 100K, a few each way. The close was steady and uneventful. Mon day's clearings were 412.000 barrels. Those of yesterday were probably less. Complaints continue of the Indifference of the outside In terest Fenturea of tbe Market. Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum .oacnange. Opened MlLowest S8K Highest WftlOlosed SS Bftrrpla. Aversgemns 47,714 Average shipments :6,03a Average charters - 43,813 Refined, Stew York. 7.20c . Krflnec, London, id. Refined, Antwerp. ISr. Keflned. Liverpool, 6id. DScVcaUs.tl6 C- qUOte; PutS-ge Other OH market. TrrnsVXI.M, August 2a National certificates opened at 99c; highest lowest, 9S?c: closed, 98c transit c; Bradford, August 2a National transit certificates opened at 99c; closed at 9c: highest 99Jc; lowest, 98Jic; clearances, 656,000 barrels. On, Crrr.August 2a National transit certifi cates opened at 99$c highest E9J lowest 98Jc: cloed. 9S7c Sales, 533,000 barrels; clearances, 944,000 barrels; charters, 60,476 bar rels; shlpments,tl09,969 barrels; runs, 66,705 bar rels. Nzw Yoek Petroleum opened weak at 99Jc and declined to 93Kc This loss was quickly recovered, and the market then be came dul) and remained so until tbe eln. which was dull at 09V. Total sales, 650,000 barrets. A FEW MORE GONE. Lands and Houses Continue to Change Owners Latest Deals. John F. Baxter, 512 Smlthfield street, sold to P. K. Wilcox lot No. 206 VUla Park plan, Brushton station, fronting 40 feet on Grazier street, at the corner of Harriet by 206 feet to Mnlford avenue, for S860. . W. A. Herron &. Sons sold a lot on Forbes street, nearBoquet.Oakland, 34x127, to an alley, for S3.400. This is $100 per foot front Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, adjourned the sale of the property of F. CHelmlch, de ceased, on a bid of 2,250, to Tuesday, August 27. The property is situated on Grove street Thirteenth ward. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for A. B. Stevenson a double two-story brick dwelling of six rooms each, being Nos. 1014 and 1016 Bingham street Sonthaide, to John Jenkins, for Reed B. Coyle & Co.. 134 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of SLOOO for three years at 6 per cent, on property In the Third ward, Alle gheny. Bnslnesa Motes. The better prices for Sugar Trust are said to be due to the Increased activity in refined sugar. Ten years ago nearly all the real estate busi ness in Pittsburg was transacted in a little back room jointly occupied by two firms. . The earnings of the Pittsburg and Western Railroad for the second week in August were 840,872, a decrease of S3.177 compared with the same week last year. The Central Traffic Association has decided that millmg-ln-transit rajes must go, and that Iron tariff between New York and Chicago must be 25c in car lots and 30n on smaller ship ments. Rea Brothers 4 Co. report the sale of $55, 000 general mortgage bonds of the Maryland Central Railroad at 95 flat making the third block of these bonds sold by them within the past few days. Cashier J. S. Khun, of the First National Bank of McKeesport, and als Treasurer of the American Water Works and Guarantee Com pany, is making a tour of the lakes with Presi dent Hitchcock, of tbe water works company. Colonel Elkins has placed a contract in New York for a number of omnibuses, which are to be used for a line on North HUand ave nue between the reservoir and the East Liberty station of the Pittsburg Traction. They will be run as a feeder to the latter. A New York dispatch says: Money, though scarce at the banks, seems fairly easy at the Stock Exchange, and tbe general Impression is that tho money market is being manipulated for tbe purpose of creating an artificial strin gency for effect on the stock market The grove near Wllkinsburg, In which tbe colored people are holding a campmeetlng, will disappear before next summer. The meeting will close next Sunday, after which the laud will be laid off In lots and put on the market Several gentlemen have the cash to plank down for first choice, and It is probable that they will build this season. A WAITING MARKET. Stocks Still In the Sump Id Reaard to Transactions, bnt a Firmer Tone Es tablishedThe Trusts Show Some Slgms of Return ing Animation. New York, August 20. There was the same kind of a market to-day as yesterday, dullness still being tbe feature, but the tone of tbe dealings was somewhat better, and In a few cases material advances were scored, though tbe fluctuations as a rule were confined to the same narrow range. The market, to a large extent was a waiting one, tbe action of the Secretary of tbe Treasury on the bond nuestion being anxiously looked for, and the present un settled stale of the Western railroad situation also preventing considerable business. The WEDNESDAY, AUGUST trusts again supplied what little life there was In the market, especially during the forenoon, when there came more feature into the rail road stocks from the strength In the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St Louis and Lack, a wanna. The only weak point was Richmond and West Point, in which tbe trading was decidedly of the hand-to-mouth order. Sugar was the great feature at the opening, which was made at an advance of 2 per cent over last night's closing price, the effect of the refusal to grant an injunction against the declaration ot pay ment of dividends recently applied for by the receiver of the North River Refinery, The tendency to further advance, however, was checked by the renewed weakness In cotton oil, whieh reached still lower figures, but the decline was checked by a report that tbe com pany had succeeded in making arrangements with the Southern company In regard to the price of oil. Most of the loss was afterward recovered. The opening was generally at small advances over last evening's prices, but there was no life in tho list and the weakness in the trusts caused little decline in the regular list The declining tendency, however, was of short duration and Lackawanna developed consider able strength and was followed later by Cleve land, Columbus, Cincinnati and St Louis, and before noon the regular list were generally slightly above first figures aided by the rally in cotton oil. The slow appreciation continued until toward tbe close, when the usual realiza tions sat the list back a shade, but tbe market finally closed dnll and entirely steady at close to the best prices of the day. The final changes are in a majority of cases in the direction of higher prices. Lackawanna rose 1 and Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati and St Louis IK. the only decline being a loss of 1 in Rich mond and West Point, all the trusts showing only small fractional changes. Railroad bonds were dnll. The total sales were $756,000. Tbe market was not so strong as . yesterday, and tbe general tone was rather heavy, though the movements were almost for Insignificant fractions. Amonc the final changes of importance. Northwestern consols rose 2, to 149. and Denver and South Park SK, to 94, and St Joe and Grand Island lsts lost 2, at 104. The following table snows tbe prices of active stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange yester dy. Corrected dally for Tui Dispatch by Whitney A STXPHENSON. oldest Pittsburg mem bers of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos ing Bids. 49J 3i 61)4 S3 113 K 24 104 71 3 as a 14 12 11654 I8 64 losij 697, Open ing. Am. Cotton Oil 49X Ateh.. lop. ft S.F.... SS Canadian Pacinc 61H Canada Southern. S3 Central or Hew Jersey.112 CentraiPaelni. JiW Chesapeake ft Ohio.... Z4H C. Bur. ft Onli.CT....103 C, mil, ft St Paul.... 71 H V.. KocKL, ftp S83i ti. St. P.. M. ft o C. St. P..M. ftO., pr. .... U. 4 Northwestern.. ..UOH Cft Northwestern, pr. .. . O., C, C. ftf 7M u, c, c. ft I., pr ....ice Col. Coal a Iron 27 Col. ft Booking Vat .. H Hlgh eL H 36H 62 M 113 35K 25U imS 72'i Low est 49H 35U eij wv H2H 35H 24X 103)4 71 HOtf 110X 71 102 M M6?, 149X 76 iom 27 H 145X 149H Uei.. L. 4 Y 143M Del. ft Hudson 148K E.T.. Va.ftUa E.T.,Va. ftOa. 1st pf. .... E. T.. Va. AG a. dpf. .... Illinois Central. Lake Erie 4 Western.. IS Lake fcrleft West pr.. ! Lake Shore AM. S 103 If Louisville ft Nashville. WH Michigan central 89ii Mobile Ohio Mo., Kan. ft Texas.... 12 Missouri Pacific 71ft New York Central 106V N. V.. L. E. A W ZSX S.i., L, Z. ft W., pref .... N. Y C. ft St t, N. x U. ft St L. pf. N.Y.. CtSt.Li.2d of ... It. YftN. E S0 N. r.. O. ft W 17?J Norfolk Western Norfolk Western. pf. SZH Northern Pacific 29 2 104 70 89 12" 71 1C6K 28 ) 19 64 ICZV S9M 12' 7S I06V $ 71 JG6h 16)4 67 3SH S0H MX 16 S3 29X 67 34H n M7 22H so 101)4 26 89)4 109 62)4 17H 32 8S4 70 108H 22H 60J4 2S 2914 67M 34H 34 5i 23" ton KH 5 29 66K S3S S4 44H Nortnern Pacific orer. 66 irrccon xranscon .... Pacific Mall I'eo. Dec. AKvans... Phtladel. ft Beading Iallman palace Car. . 34S ' Hii Klchmond A W. P. T.. 23 Klchmond ft W.P.T.pf .., St. P., Minn, ft Man . ... StL.A8an Fran St JL. A San Jrran pf. St.L.. A ban P. lit pf. Union Pacific ., Wabasn , Wabash preferred.... Western Union. Wbrtlmg A L. ..... Sugar Trait National Lead Trust., Chicago Gas Trust...., Ex. -dividend. 50K 17 33H 8SV( 70 89 61 32M 84H 70K 6044 X STREET KAILWAIS. Some Interesting Statistics Gleaned From Poor's Manual of Railroads. Chronicle-Telegraph Summary.! Central Passenger Rail way Company Capital (1,000.000: total debt 5139,974: gross; earnings, (52,054: operating expenses, S4S.460; net income, S3.604; passengers carried, 1.062,235. Citizens Traction Company Capital. 12,600, 000; total debt,$3, 651,000; gross earnlngs,S357,823; operating expenses, $291,041; net income, 166,784; passengers carried, 6.952.13L Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passen ger Railway Company Capital stock, 100,000 (as reorganized, $1,300,000); total debt, (175,000 (really (400,000); gross earnings, (96,402; operat ing expenses, 971,814: net income, $24,588; pas sengers carried, 2,112,164. Observatory Hill Electric Capital. (125,000; total debt, (266,012; gross earnings, (18.544; op erating expenses, (14,854; net Income, (3,690: passengers carried. 811,436. People's Park Capital stock, (100,000; total debt, (259.012: earnings, (37.716; operating ex penses, $44,684: deficit $6,863; passengers car ried. 838,130. Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Capital stock, $350,000: total debt $550,000; gross earnings, (231,763: operating expenses, (169,603. net Income, $62,160; passengers car ried, 4,339.994. Pittsburg and Birmingham Capital. $200, 000; total debt, (275.000: gross earnings, (160.282; operating expenses. (107,332. net Income, $52, 950; passengers carried. 3,191,323. Pittsburg Traction Capital. (1,500,000; total debt, $2,015,000; gross earnings, (178.547; oper ating expenses, $93,635: net Income, (85,172; pas sengers carried, 2,800,889. Union Passenger Railway $82,755; total debt (185.255; gross earnings, (66,205; operating ex penses, $61,722: net Income, (4,483: passengers carried, 1,299,092. Pittsburg ind West End Capital. $86,000; total debt, $152,391; gross earnings, (75.865; oper ating expenses, (56,313; net Income, (19,552; pas sengers carried, 1.452.18L Second Avenue Capital. $300,000; total debt, $75,294; gross earnings. $5,100; operating ex penses, $6,125; deficit (735; passengers carried, Southtlde Capital, (34.000; total debt, (57,400; gross earnings, $21,883: operating exnenses. (27.603: deficit (5,720; passengers carried, 435.674. The above figures will give some valuable pointers to those who have been speculating in street railroad shares. The comparison be tween the Citizens and Pittsburg Traction figures are especially interesting, and so are those of the! Manchester and Pleasant Valley group of roads. Boatan Stocks. Atch.LandOrant 'site Attn. 4 Tod. B. B... 36 Butland, com Kutland preferred.. Wis. central, com... Wis. Central pr.... 4 40 23 61 , a Boston ft Albany.. .217)4 C. B. AQ 10414 unn. san. a taeve. za Kaatern It K 93 Eastern It. It 6s ....US Flint ft PereM 2S AlIouezMgCo(new). Calumet A fleets., STanklln Huron , ,.225 ::. 9l .. u) ,. 3 ,.231 ,. 6)4 ,.103 Mexican Oen. com.. 15K Osceola. , aiex.u.istmtg. nos. es fewame tnewi,... Bell Telepnone... Boston Land i. 1'. A KewJLnr... 60V nanta e copper.... vu Old Colony MS Tamarack., Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. S7 Fourth avenue. Members Hew York stock Ex change. SM. Pennsylvania Railroad tlH Beading 22!4 huflalo. fltuburg and Western 9 Lehlch Valley 33 'Lehigh Navigation S3 Northern Pacinc 29)4 Northern Pacific preferred 67 Buyer. JDST PASSED THE TEST. The Mew Gnnbnal Petrel Will Fulfill All the Requirements. Washington, Augnst 20. Unofficial reports received" at the Navy Department from Baltimore are to the effect that the gunboat Petrel, on trial yesterday, has probably jnst succeeded in meeting the con tract requirements. The. trial under forced draft lasted four hoars. Daring the first two hoars the horse power developed ran over 1,300 and nearly up to 1,400, while the contract required bat 1,100. Bat after that time owing, as it is thought, to the firing, tbe horse power developed ran down so rapidly that the average which will form the basis of action was reduced to a point close to 1,100. It is possible that the builders will seek to have another trial, and naval experts are confident that the vessel, if properly handled, would net the contractor a handsome bonus in the matter of power developed. 'The reports are that the ma chinery worked well. WUaky Market, 1" Finished goods are in good dtmand tad steady aseaus. 21, 1889; DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cheese, Butler and Eggs Active, Firm Products of Garden IN SUPPLY BEYOND TRADE WANTS. liberal Beceipts of Cereals Market Glut ted With Oats. SUGAR (Mf THE UP TUEN, COFFEB FIRM Office op the Pittsbubo Dispatch, J TuiSDAT, August 20, 1S89. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Cheese was advanced Jc in New York yes. terday, and Is firm and active here. Creamery butter of choice grades continues firm with an upward drift. Eggs are active at quotations. Watermelons are scarce and firmer. Apples, peaches and swe et potatoes are in good supply. Produce trade in general is quiet. Stuff Is coming to markets in larger volume than the wants of trade require, and the general drift Is very naturally toward a lower level of prices. Butter, eggs and cheese are tbe only staples which are not In supply beyond demand. Buttbk Creamery, Elgin, 2223c; Ohio do, 2021c; fresh dairy packed, 16017c; country rolls. 1416c. Beans Navy hand-picked beans. t2 02 60; medium. $2 302 40. bees wax sas30c V lb f or choice; low grade. IIDKK Band refined, t6 50S7 0; common, (3 604 00: crab cider, 18 00s 50 ?3 barrel; cider vinegar, lC12c W eallon. Cheese Ohio, 8c; New York, 10c; Lira burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9j12kc; imported Sweitzer, 22K& California Fruits Bartlett pears, $3 00 3 50 V box: plums, tl 752 00 a 4-basket case. Eggs 16c f? dozen for stnctlv fresh. Fruits Apples, tl 02 00 V barrel; pine apples. Si 001 25 fl dozen; whortleber ries, 75c$l 00 ) pail; watermelons, (15 0020 00 fl hundred; Delaware peaches, !l 001 25 1 half-bushel basket. Feathers Extra live geese. E060c; No. L do, 4045c: mixed lots, S035c $ &. Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c?l pair; old, 6570c ?t pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bushel, $5 60 V bushel: clover. large English, 62 tts, M 00; clover, Alslke, $8 50; clover, white, $0 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lis, $1 Ho; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Iks, tl 00; orchard grass, 14 B tl 65; red top, 14 lbs, tl 25; millet, 50 lbs, tl 00; German millet, 50 lbs, SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, tl 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 1? bushel of 14 lbs. Taixow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4Jf Tbopicai. Fruits Lemons, fancy, 50 5 00; rodl oranges, to 0005 50; bananas, $2 00 firsts, 31 25 good seconds, 1 bunch; cocoanuts, tl 004 50 t! hundred; figs, S9c V ft; dates, Vegetables Potatoes, tl 2501 40 fl barrel; tomatoes, bome-grown, tl 251 50 bushel; wax beans, tl v bushel; green beans, 6075c V bnshel; cucumbers, home-raised, tl 50)4 bushel; radishes. 25fi40c TR dozen: home-srrown. cab. J bages, 60c )t bushel; new celery, home-grown. we y aozen; eoutnern sweet potatoes, 53 lots i 00, Jerseys, to 005 25. Groceries. Sugars advanced c in the East, and is more firmly held both there and here. Coffee is steady but quiet. Jobbers here are of the opin ion that coffee markets are now baving the lull which precedes an active spurt and higher prices. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21X22Je; choice Bio. 1920c; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio, 1&19c: old Government Java, 26c: Mara caibo, 2223c; Mocha. 27Q2Sc; Santos, l22c; Caracas. 20022c; peaberry, Rio, 2224c; La Guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22Xc; high grades, 24Kc; old Government Java, bulk, Sl31?c; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos, 20K22Xc: peaberry, 25Xc; peaberry, choice Rio, 23Kc; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary; 2uKc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia. Sc: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c: Ohio. 120. 8Xc; headlight, 150 8Xc; water white. 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, llKc;rovaline, 14c bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar syrups, 33ffi38c: prime sugar syrup, S0i33c: strictly prime SS35c; new maple syrup. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c SODA Bicarb in kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb In Vs. 5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, Set, Sc; paraffine, ll12c Rice Head. Carolina, 77Kcj choice, M 7c; prime, 5dc: Louisiana, 663c Starch Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 56c; gloss suircn, oyiic Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon don layers, t3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatels. 2 25: California Muscatels, tl 85: Valencia, 7Kc; Ondara Valencla,8Ji10c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, 4X5o; Turkey prunes, 4J5c; French prunes. 8X13c; Salonlca prunes. In 2-& packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100, f6 CO; almonds, Lan., per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap , 12XQ15c Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12016c: new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, $) ft, 1314c: orange peel, lliic Dried Fruits Apples, slicea, per ft 6c apples, evaporated, 6&6c: apricots, Ca 111 or nla, evaporated, 12Kl5c; peacues.jevaporated, pared, 22323c; peaches, California evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries. unpUteu. 56c: raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7HSc; huckle berries, lU12c sugars Cubes, 9c; powdered, 9c: granu lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; standard A, 8Jic; soft whites. 88c; yellow, choice. 7c; yellow, good, 7K8c; yellow, fair, 7c; yellow, dark. 7c Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), tl 50; medi um, half bbls (600), ti 75. Salt-No. L bbL 95c: No. 1 ex, bbl, tl 05, dairy. $ bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal, W bbl, tl 20; HIgglns Eureka, 4-bu sacks, t2 80, Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches tl SO 1 90; 2ds tl 301 35; extra peaches, tl 902 00; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, tll 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 9Uctl; Lima beans, tl 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do. 75S5c; mar rowfat peas, tl 10Q1 15: soaked peas. 70075c; pineapples, tl 40tl 50; Bahama do, $2 75, dam sonplums, 95c; greengages, tl 25; egg plums, $2; California pears, $2 50; do gruengages, S2; do, egg plums. 52: extra white cherries. S2 90: red cherries. 2. lbs. 90c; raspberries, tl 401 50: strawberries, tl 10; gooseberries, tl SOffll 40; tomatoes, 82)92c; salmon. 1-&, t 752 10; blackberries. 80c: succotash. 2-ft cans, saikpri 99c; do green, 2 lbs, tl 251 50; corn beef. Z-ft cans. 52 05; 14-& cans, t!4 00; baked beans, tl 45 150; lobster. 1-ft, tl 751 80; mackerel, 1-& cans, broiled, tl 50: sardines, domestic XA &0&4 60; sardines, domestic Xs, :tS 253 0; sardines, imported, !s, til 5012 50, sardines, imported, s. 518; sardines, mustard, ti 50; sar dines, spiced, 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 136 p bbL; extra No. 1 do. mess, till, extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, .t32; extra No. 1 do, messed, t36: No. 2 shore mackerel, (24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Xc IP ft: do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring Round shore, 55 00 bbl; split, 57 00; lake. f2 00 f 100-ft half bbl. White fish. 57 00 W 100 & half bbl. Lake trout. 55 50 half bbL Finnan haddock, 10c V ft. Iceland halibut, 13c J3 ft. Pickerel, X barrel, 52 00; J barrel, tl 10; Potomac herring, 55 00 fl barrel, 52 60 X IMJ (CI, Oatmeal J6 306 60 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter i strained, 6557c ttgauon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 41 cars. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 15 cars of oats. 2 of bay. 1 of screen ings, 1 of bran. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of wheat, 6 of oats, 2 of flour, 2 of bay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of rye, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of malt. Sales on call, 1 car of bran, til 50, 5 days, P. R. R.; 1 car timothy, old. No. 2 hay. S12, 5 days, P. R. R.; 1 car old, sample, oats, 26Xc 6 days; 1 car extra 3 oats, 25Xc, 10 days; 1 car mixeu oats. a,c u, aays: i car oats, zic, iu days, P. R, R.; 2 cars oats. 22c, 10 days, P. R. R.'The Increase in visible supply of wheat since last week is 823,000 bushels: oats since Iatweek is 994,000 bushels: corn since last week is 108,200 bushels. There are no changes to note in cereal markets here. Oats are the weak factor. Corn is steady. Flour is quiet. Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 8132c: No. 2 red. old, 88S9c CORN No. 2 yellow, ear, 4546c; high mixed ear, 4444Xc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243c; high mixed, shelled, 4142c; mixed, shelled, 404lc ' Oats No. 2 white. 27X2Sc; extra Nc 3, 2727Xc; mixed, 2321c Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60051c; No. 1 Western, 4950c; new rye No. 2 Ohio, 46047c Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, to 606 00: winter straight, . 7505 00; clear winter, .H 60475; straight XXXX bakers', 51 0001 25; Rye flour, 13 60 Millveed Middlings; fine white, 513 50 15 00 fl ton; brown middlings, Sll 5012 00; win ter wheat bran, til 001125; chop feed, 51560 W 00. Hat Baled timothy, choice, 514 50014 75; No. Ida, 51250S1300; No. 2 do, til 00312 00; loose ironi wagon, iio WOK uur new nay crop, 510 006114 00, according to quality: No-1 up land prairie. 59 00O0 60: No. 1 17 60&8MO: nack. toBdO,875e7 0a, Straw (Jats, ?6 50; wheat and rye straw 15 606 00. ! Provisions. Bugar-cnred bams, large, llKcrugarured hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured hams, small, 12Kc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10cjsbgar cured shoulders, 6'4c; sugar-cured Uboeless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams, 8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 10c; sugar cured dried beef sets,, lie; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders. 6Kc; bacon clear sides, 7Jc; bacon clear bellies, 7?c; dry salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy. tl2 60; mess pork, -family, $13 00. Lard Refined In tierces, 6kc; half barrels, 6?c; 60-ft tubs, 6JJc: 20-tt pails, 7c: 50-tt tin cans, 6J4c; 3-ft tin palls: Tiie; 5-ft tin palls, 7c; 10-tt tin palls, 6c; 6-tt tin palls. 7c; 10-tt tin pails. 7c Smoked sansaire. lone. 5c: large. 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams. 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter barrel. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnished tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs, 5kc; 650 to 650 Bs.6Jc; 650 to 750 Bs,6)iQ Tc Sheep, So Kt ft. Lambs, 9c H ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 8c LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. A handsomely dressed woman called on Warden Osborn at the Tombs, New York, this morning and requested permission to witness the execution of tbe fire murderers on Friday. The fair visitor was escorted to the street by an under sheriff. Oilman H. Kimball, of Midaleton, Mass who was attacked with hydrophobia on Satur day, died very quietly Monday night, having been kept under the Influence of hypodermic Injections. Mr. Kimball was accidentally scratched on his lip by the teeth of his dog some three weeks ago. The dog was shot In a fit of hydrophobia some time after. Mr. Kim ball was 60 years old and a member ot the firm of J. B. Thomas & Ca, box makers. Alfred Porter, of Dover, N. H.. a student at Dartmouth College was shot and Instantly killed on Kennlston's Island. Porter had been camping on the Island a few days with two young friends, Herbert E. Towle and Herbert a. itcaneid. both of Dover. Towle was clean ing a revolver which he supposed was not loaded when it was discharged and the ball passed through the tent and entered Porter's body just below the flrst.rib. It then took an upward course and probably entered the heart. Porter died Instantly. A heavy rain, general throughout the Terri tory, fell all Sunday night In Montana, and the forest fires which have been raging for the last week are checked in most places and put out In others. The fires originated from two causes, lightning and camp fires, and millions of feet i me most vaiuame lumber in tbe Territory have been destroyed, as well as valuable ranges burnt orer. Owing to the drought this has E roved an incalculable loss to stockmen, who ave had in some instances taken their cattle Into British possessions, where they are charged a good round price for grazing privileges. A dispatch from the City of Mexico says a very large tmsiness is now being done in the way of importing American cattle and hogs to this city, and the trade Is rapidly increasing. Fully 500 bead of Texas cattle are bronghc there every month for city consumption alone, and for some time past A. C. Swift, the prom inent packer of Chicago and Kansas City, in connection with Dr. Carothers, of San Antonio, Tex., are now bringing several hundred hogs monthly. They are now erecting near the yards of the Mexican Central Railroad refrig erating works of large dimension in which the curing ot pickles and smoking of hams and bacon will be done. The enterprise is tbe first of Its kind ever in the Republic, and for its success several hundred thousand dollars will be Invested. E. O. Hill, widely known among florists and tbe President of the National Floral Asso ciation, has just returnea to Richmond, Ind.. his home, from a trip to .Europe, and reports that while en route from Beliort t Basle in company with Robert George of Palnes ville, O , the train was stopped at tbe neutral line between France and Alsace-Lorraine, and he and bis companions arrested as spies. They and their baggage were searched, their piss ports disregarded and they were not allowed to cross the line. Mr. Hill says the German offi cers were obstinate and orutal In their treat ment of him. They were denied the privilege of continuing their journey, although there was nothing whatever to support tbe suspicion against them, and they were compelled to hire a French peasant to take tbem back to Bel fort. Their treatment will be reported to the State Department. THOUSANDS WILL BE THERE. A Great Parade to be Held at Gettysburg on Pennsylvania Day. Getttsbubo, August 20. Colonel 8. Bonnaffon, chief of staffof General D. McK. Gregg, has been here looking over the field and making arrangements for the great parade on Pennsylvania days, Septem ber 11 and 12. It is, his idea to form the procession on Beynolds avenne on the first day's field, and march through some of tbe principal streets of the town and then to the National Cemetery, where the formal exercises will take place. The Colonel thinks there will be a large attendance of veterans, numbering, per haps, 6,000. JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME. An Indiana Farmer Spoils the Plan of a Gang or Train Wreckers. Fort Wayne, Ind, August 20. An attempt was made last night near Rome City, 48 miles north of this place, to wreck the passenger train on the Grand Eapids and Indiana Road. A farmer discovered two piles of stones and fence rails placed across the track and stopped the train in time to prevent a catastrophe. If the attempt had been successful the loss of life would have been great, as the train was crowded with excursionists. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Chlldren.she gave them Castorla ap9-77-jnvrsn ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LIBERTY STREET. Why do you pay tl 00 per bottle for Sarsaparllla and Beef, Wine and .Iron when you can bnv either nre- 'oaratlon from us at 75c ner bottle. six bottles 54 00, and quality guar anteed to be.the best in the mar ket. We have numerous testimo nials from nhvsicians and other indorsing our Liver Pills as a mild and effective cathartic They are unsurpassed. After giv ing them a trial yon will use no others. Price 25c For sprains, bruises and all rheumatic pains, use the Anchor Liniment. It has no eauaL Come and see us If you are in any way afflicted. irwT GUN WA Is a Chines physician; owing to American laws he cannot practice medicine, so be has pre pared a line of Chinese vegetable and herb remedies, now to America, but old In China, which effect cures that are considered miracu lous. He charges nothing for examination, con sultation or advice. A friendly talk with Gun Wa eosts nothing, and be charges but a small sum for his remedies: they are plcasantto take, quick to act. harmless in effect and certain to cure. AH blood, nervous or chronic diseases yield quickly. Young, middle-aged or old men suffering from follies or excesses, quickly re stored to perfect physical and sexual health. Gun Wa has hundreds of testimonisls from those who bave been cured by his remedies, of various diseases. If you cannot call, write him. All Interviews or correspondence strictly confi dential. Send for Urge history of his life or his circular on Cancer.Tnmors, Tape Worm, Rheu matism, Catarrh, Female Weakness, Piles, Blood Diseases or bis book (for men only) on nervous and private diseases. No letters an swered unless inclosing 4o stamps. Call on or address , 040 Fenn Avenue, Flttaburar. Office boon 9A.JCtoUx.:lto 5 and 7 to 9 itWwi j .m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mm ILEADS-THEjRACE. The old worn out Potash, Mercury and Sar saparilla mixtures all left far behind. a a a never fails to cure blood poison. I have seen Swift's Specific used, and know of many cases of the worst form of blood dis eases which bare been cured by It. I know the proprietors to be gentlemen ot the highest type and utmost reliability. I recommend it as great blood remedy, nneqnaled by anything! know of. M. B. WHARTON, Pastor First Baptist Church, Montgomery. Ala. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Stvrrr Specific Compant. Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. ania-55-Knry ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This Is now conceded to be the best in the market, as witnessed bv tbe fact that we have lust secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL. LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be lug held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFAC TORE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY. And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresb ly roasted beef. REMKMBEB, jy5-19-3iwr 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSSBUKG. PAi Transact a General Banting Business, Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IK STEBLTNG-, Available In all paits of the world. Also issue Credits i IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada. Mexico, West. Indies, South and Central America. ap7-91-srwT BEECHAM'S PELLS (THE CREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.) Cure BUXIOTJS and Hervcras ILLS 25ctS. a Box. OF ALL PRTJOOHSTS. WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO, Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week la SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively feS-rKt-D BROKERS FINANCIAL- -TTTHITNEY 4 8TEPHENBON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap2S-l JOHN M, OAKLEY & CO,, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 45 SIXTH ST. Private wire to New York Stock Exchange, New York Petroleum Exchange, New York Coffee Ex change, Chicago Board of Trade. au!8-65--WTSU MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHIT TIER 814 PENX AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA As old residents know ana back flies of Pitts bnrg capers prove. Is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. eersponnsN0FEEUNTILCURED MCDXni lOand mental diseases, physical IM til V UUO decay.nervous debility. lack of energy, ambition and bone, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrnst,basbf ulness, dizzir.es", sleeplessness, pimples, eruntlous, im poverished blood, falling powers,organ!c weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business.society and mar riage, permanently, saieir ana privately curea. BLOOD AND SKIN SST5W1JJ blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb,throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blooa poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 DIM A DV kidney and bladder uerange U lull All 1 1 ments. weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and real cures. . Dr. Whlttier's llfe-lorg. extensive experi ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment . on common-sense principles. Consultation, free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated, as If here. Office hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. K. Sun day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. 3T, only. DR. WH1TTIER, ' SllPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. , au8-16-DSuWlc GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fnll particulars In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Uray's KpecWc sold by druggists only In yellow wrapper Price, (1 pec package, or six for S3, or by mall on receint or nrlee. bv uldrMS- ng the uttAi 3ir.uiurHE uu., unnaio, a. X Sold In Pittsburg byS.S. HOLLAND, corner Bmithflelii and Liberty sts. apl.M3 r ............ ...;r... .t- i - z. DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific and confldea tlal treatmentl Dr. S. K. Lake, M. R. C. P. a, is the oldest and most experienced specialist In the city. Consultation free and" strictly confidential. Offica hours v to 4 and 7 to 8 p. u.; Sandavs, 2 to 4 p. M.Consnlt them personally, or write. DocrOBS Lake. 900 Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa. Jel2-15-DWx 1 : ols's OoUoa BOOS COMPOUND nosed of Cotton Boot. Tansr sad Pennyroyal a recent discovery br aa ViH nhvslclan. Js suceessfuBu uteri monWU Safe. Effectual. Price f L by maH, sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or Inclose 3 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad iIimi POND LILY COMPACT. NoS FULm. T.ILii, SrM1frr i J 4 'latea,. iJSw "TrrAiMMEMMB m JrtjS. .-