Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 21, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Mje MMt
Vol. , A o. 195. -Entered t Fltttburg l'ostoffice,
November 14, ISS7, at second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing; House--75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom. , Tribune
liulldlng, Iew York.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
XHElJIsrATCHforslx months ending July U.1&S9,
as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per lssne.
Average set circulation of the bandar edition of
The Dispatch for three months ending July 31,
Copies per issue.
Daily Dispatch, One 1 ear f 8 CO
1UILT DisrATCH, 1'er Quarter 2 00
Dailt DisrATCH. One Month 70
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
Daily DisrATCH. Including Sunday, Sm'ths. 2 SO
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday. 1 month " to
fcDMiAY DISPATCH, One ear 250
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 12S
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered br carriers at
15centsperweeV, or Including Sunday edition, at
20 cents per week.
The report of another Eastern connection
for Pittsburg, to grow out of a reported
acquisition of a controlling interest in the
Pittsburg and Western road by Mr. Andrew
Carnegie, and its extension eastward to a
connection with the Heading, is one of the
items of current gossip which Pittsburg
would be glad to find true.
There is this material for credit in this re
port, that the Pittsburg and "Western has
been shown by its recent course to be man
aged in the interest of Pittsburg. An ex
tension of this sort would give an important
system of Western roads an outlet to Hew
York, and would practically call into ex
istence a new trunk line from the seaboard
to the Mississippi river. These possibilities
are given some significance by the intima
tions that Mr. Carnegie, in connection with
other Pittsburgers, has of late acquired con
siderable interest in the Pittsburg and
But all these reasons for favorably con
sidering the report are a long way off from
actual construction. After Pittsburg's ex
perience in the South Penn affair it will
be rather chary of pinning its faith on
any new Eastern line until the contracts are
let. When that comes to pass all Pittsburg
will join in applauding the new project.
The cycle of fatal casualties has got
around to the boiler explosion once more.
The explosion of yesterday which wrecked
a brewery, and will probably cost a total of
three lives, seems rather common-place after
the wholesale calamities already recorded
this year; but it is one of a class that in this
stage of modern science ought not to happen.
The exact deficiency in the exploding boiler
does not appear in the reports so far.
Nevertheless, it is safe to conclude, when a
boiler explodes, wrecks a building and costs
three lives, that there was something wrong
either in its construction or management
One of the needs of the time is to enforce a
stricter respect for the safety of human life
in industrial operations.
The window glass manufacturers at Cleve
land yesterday reported unanimous agree
ment to remain shut down at the orders of the
wanes committee. In other words they take
the ground that they will keep out of opera
tion until a scale is adopted that suits their
views. This indicates prolonged idleness in
the window glass industry.
Of course there is a possibility that after
the factories have been shut down a few
weeks this firmness may not be quite so un
broken. Many an agreement of this sort
has proved to expend the principal share of
its stamina in the index and to reach an
impotent conclusion. The announcement
of cut prices, made day before yesterday,
now proves plainly enough to havo been a'
bluff evidently for the purpose of securing
this result. But on the other hand, there is
the decided probability that the manufac
turers cannot afford, with the competition of
tank furnaces, to pay the wages demanded.
It they cannot find a profitable market at
the proposed scale, of course their best way
to avoid Iofs is to shut down.
The exact strength of the agreement will
probably depend on the prices at which
window glass can be sold. If the manu
facturers find that they can get a profit out
of the business by paying the scale, some of
the factories will be in operation before the
fall is over. If the tank furnaces can snpply
the demand at prices which leave the pot
factories no profit, the best thing that the
latter can do is to remain out until their
owners can put up the latest appliances for
glass manufacturing.
The strike appears bound to come; but the
operators and men have still a week in
which to ponder the superior advantages of
compromise over conflict.
The infliction to which greatness is con
stantly subject received an apt illustration,
from the account recently given, of a visit
which President Cleveland made to one of
the great shoe factories of Marlborough,
Mass. It is stated that when he left the fac
tory he was presented with a pair ot shoes
entirely made since he had entered the
building. Of course, the report says, that
the ex-Piesident was very much gratified with
the present; but it is worth while to remem
ber that when that gratification was ex
pressed, as the occasion seemed to require,
the President had not yet tried the experi
ment of wearing the shoes. Shoes manu
factured in the course of an honr,withoutref
crence to the idiosyncracies of the foot of the
wearer, are more likely to prove instruments
of torture rather than comfortable protec
tion for the human loot. The large supply
of shoes of that sort in the shoe stores furn
ish an adequate explanation for the super
fluous development of corns and profanity.
In addition to these drawbacks the present
to ex-President Cleveland has an especial
inappropriateness. The shoes which would
really satisfy the ex-President are those
which he was required by the Constitution
of the United Stales to turn over to Presi
dent Harrison.
Some men are easily discouraged. Here,
for instance, is the case of a young man
down South who married a woman 20 years
his senior to escape, going to jail, and now
wants to go to jail to escape his wife. He is
evidently of a changeable disposition.
Couldn't keep bis mind straight the length
of the honeymoon. It is not alleged that
joy made him crazy, or the case would have
been far from extraordinary.
sThe young man committed a burglary.
The only person who knew and could prove
his guilt was an elderly spinster. She
offered him her hand or jail. He took the
hand. It was too heavy for him. He tried
to kill himself bnt Jailed. Now he has
confessed his crime in order to get away
from his wife. He doesn't deserve a scrap
of pity; neither does the elderly spinster of
great respectability who indulged in a bur
glarious bridegroom.
It is really unwise for even an elderly
spinster to marry a burglar. Burglars are
not at all likely to turn out well. The
burglar acquires in the pursuit of his pro
fession a taste for late hours and nocturnal
excursions that unfits him for domestic life.
It is mere child's play to him to pick the
lock of his wife's secretary. He can get at
all her letters and purloin her petty
cash, and who will not say that his
appearance in full regalia of mask,
lantern and revolver beside his
spouse's bedside, while but a professional
pleasantry perhaps, on his part, would be
calculated to agitate the nerves of the most
stout-hearted woman ? Under no circum
stances, not if he be the only man on the
horizon, is a burglar a desirable life com
panion. The bonds he is fitted for are
forged of steel, and detectives familiarly
term them bracelets.
When it was announced that the Gover
nor had secured a loan of a million dollars
to be used in cleaning up the wreck at
Johnstown it was conceded that the posi
tion of that official in opposing an extra
session of the Legislature was in a great
measure justified. When further reports
made it appear tha the work wss nearly
done with an expenditure of about $200,000,
the correctness of the Governor's views
seemed to receive a further demonstration.
Had the facts continued to support the
Executive's position his triumph in that re
spect would, in great measure, have offset
his dilatoriness at the height of the crisis.
Bat a very different state of facts is ap
pearing now. It comes to the publio knowl
edge that (300,000 was the limit of the loan.
It is stated that this snm is exhausted and
the people of Johnstown very pertinently
point out that the work is not done. If the
work was worth commencing it was worth
finishing To have it half or three-quarters
done will be neither creditable to the State
administration nor satisfactory to the public.
With the task properly completed there will
be an equitable claim upon the Legislature
to discharge the debt incurred in doing it.
If it is left undone it can hardly be regarded
as anything more valid than an illustration
of incompetence.
Yet there is no way apparent by which
the work can be done except to revert to the
plan which the Governor rejected nearly
three months ago, and call together the body
authorized to make appropriations. Failing
that, the State can leave the ruined town to
struggle with the question of removing the
debris for itself.
The subject of trusts has recently occu
pied a large share of the editorial attention
of our esteemed and conservative cotem
porary, the Philadelphia Ledger. The bur
den of the Ledger' contention is that there
are good trusts and bad trusts. Those which
serve a legitimate purpose, in the opinion
of the Ledger, are entitled to encouragement
and support, while those which are only
organized to oppress the consumers and pro
ducers should be sternly suppressed.
This position is all right, in its funda
mental points, althongh the line of division
which it draws between the legitimate trust
and the illegitimate one is rather indefinite.
The legal device of creating a trust for cer
tain purposes was, in its original form, a
decidedly beneficial one. A trnst created
for charitable purposes, or for the manage
ment of an estate for the benefit of minors
or people incompetent to manage their own
affairs, is undoubtedly legitimate, and
serves a good purpose. Ho such trusts as
these have occupied any share of the publio
attention. It is only the perversion of the
legitimate method to purposes of illegiti
mate gain that arouses the public protest
Bat it should be made clear that every
trust which is created for the purpose of
suppressing competition in the production
of commodities or the performance of com
mercial services has an illegitimate purpose,
and is injurious in its tendency. This is
inevitable from the fact that, if it is per
mitted to gain its object, it creates a favored
class in commerce. The great majority of
the producers and of the commercial inter
ests must submit to the force of competition
in fixing profits and distributing the re
wards of enterprise. The attempt to secure
a special exemption from this regulating
force is, therefore, an attempt to secure an
especial advantage over the rest of the com
munity. To the exact degree in which that
attempt is successful is an injustice estab
lished, and a privileged class in commerce
given its existence.
The Ledger' position is undoubtedly cor
rect; but it should be understood that all
the trusts which seek to abolish competition
for their own benefit belong to the class of
bad trusts.
A unique feature of our national develop
ment is illustrated by the fact that; while
Westerners are hungrily grabbing the lands
that are obtained lrom Indian reservations
in Oklahoma and Dakota, the State of Ver
mont has established a regnlar office
whose function it is to secure settlement of
lands that have been abandoned by former
cultivators. A circular from the commis
sioner of this office states that there are
200,000 acres in that State formerly culti
vated, and which are as a rnle as capable of
cultivation as the prosperous surrounding
Land of this sort is offered to any one who
wants it as low as S3 per acre. While it is
probably not as fertile as the lands of
the West, it would seem that its prox
imity to the Eastern cities ought to
make its cultivation at that price
more profitable. The anomaly is
no doubt largely due to the railway policy
which refuses the Eastern farming interests
anything like proportionate rates of trans
portation to those given Western products.
The consequence Is that an immense amount
of agricultural produce that might be raised
in the East is transported from the West
That waste of energy may be credited with
a great share of the poverty and social
tronble of the present day.
The Vermont effort is directed toward
settling the abandoned lands with colonies
of Swedes; and another uniqne feature of
our social system is presented by the ques
tion that has been raised whether the law
against the importation of contract labor
will not shut out the Swedes who are needed
to till the vacant farms of Vermont
Nevertheless, the effort of Vermont is in
the direction of improvement It might be
well for Pennsylvania to see whether the
example would not be worth following for
the purpose of getting some of her untllled
lands occupied.
A cOTEitPOBABY suggests that the fact
that Judga Terry cannot read his own
obituaries should be some satisfaction to his
friends. Perhaps that fact coupled with the
further one that he cannot visit the editorial
rooms of the newspapers which publish those
obituaries should be the source of more sat
isfaction to the people who write them.
An Eastern cotemporary develops the
important fact that strychnine is "an in
fallible cure for drunkenness." There is
reason fcr believing the statement to be
correct In addition it might be main
tained that this drug is the only infallible
cure for that ailment, unless it be commen
surate doses of arsenic or corrosive subli
mate. The experience of mankind amply
testifies to the fact that any of these drugs,
thoroughly exhibited, will prove a perma
nent cure for drnnkenness and all the
other vices that flesh is heir to.
The arrest of Justice Field on the com
plaint of the Widow Terry may be taken as
expressing the firm conviction of Sarah j
Althea that the Justice is guilty of murder
because he did not turn the other cheek to
The total result of the publio and news
paper protest against that divorce scandal
in Hew York so far has been the absence of
all the parties engaged in it on their summer
vacation. The idea of the culprits evi
dently is that if a scandal is given time
enough it will blow over. Time is pro
verbially regarded as able to heal all things,
but it may be questioned whether it will
always accomplish that result in covering
up the betrayals of publio trusts and the
perversion of the machinery of justice to the
infliction cf injustice.
Yale College is now in "the field for a
two million dollar endowment It has got
the baseball championship, but it has prob
ably discovered that it takes a large amount
of money to support great publio dis
tinction. We are pleased to learn that the widow
of one of the richest manufacturers in Lorn
bardy has leased a theater at Milan for a
performance of the opera "Lucia," in order
that she herself may appear in the role of
the page. The information is satisfactory.
It affords the comforting assurance that this
country is sot the only one afflicted with the
variety of foolishness which impels rich
females to pay large sums for the purpose
of exhibiting how little they know about
operatic and dramatio art
The report that the Shah of Persia is
writing a book about his visit to Europe in
dicates that the United States will at last
be revenged on its numerous European
visitors and critics.
The daughter of an American railway
king is going to marry a German Prince,
whose distinguishing characteristic is his
chronic impecuniosity. If we must have
railway monarchs, it seems as if their power
is enough to deserve a better match, than
this. But Mr. C. P. Huntington probably
consoles himself with the reflection that the
kind of alliance that is good enough for
Queen Victoria is good enough for him.
If Mr. Andrew Carnegie will call a new
eastern trunk line into operation, in con
nection with the Pittsburg and Western,
all may yet be forgiven.
The proposition is made in Georgia that
the farmers of that State shall convert their
watermelons into sugar instead of sending
them North. The specimens of Georgia
watermelons received in this part of the
country raises a doubt as to the amount of
sugar they contain. If they cannot be
utilized in their natural state the Georgians
should try to sell them to the trust and rail
way promoters for use in the watering of
WnAT has become of that million-dollar
guarantee fund which was to obviate entire
ly the necessity of an extra session of the
The fact, which is being developed more
and more strongly each day, that we have a
wheat crop in this country which will yield
a large surplus for exportation, at the same
time that there is a general shortage of
bread stuffs in the European district, con
tains an equal promise of prosperity for this
country, and a relief of Europe's scarcity
from our abundance.
The Hon. Jacob D Coxlsto'be the tempo
rary chairman of the Western Waterways
Convention, at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Septem
ber 4.
General Fraxcis a. Walker will speak
on "The Country That Was Saved" at the vet
erans' reunion at The Weirs, N. H., on An
gust 2).
The Hon. Timothy Healy, M. P charges
Mr. Balfour with giving the Irish people strong
drink and depriving them of food In order to
make them savage.
Mr. Jornr MoBLzr will spend the fall at
Lynton, in North Devon, where he has taken a
house. For three months he will devote him
self exclusively to literature.
General Q. W. C Lee, a son of Robert
E. Lee, who Is at the Hot Springs In Virginia,
is an uncommonly large and powerfully-built
man. with grizzled gray hair and short beard.
Governor Taylor, of Tennessee, who Ad
dled himself into the Gubernatorial chair, posi
tively declines to be a candidate for re-election.
It is said he would like to play himself into
the United States Senate.
But two of the interested parties connected
with the Broderlck-Terry duel survive. They
are Joseph McKibben, a friend of Broderlck's,
who lives In Washington, and Samuel H.
Brooks, one of Terry's seconds.
A shrine has been erected "at Aurlesvllle,
in the Mohawk Valley, on the plot of ground
where two missionary priests. Fathers Jaques
and Goufil, were slain by the Indians in 1612.
A pretty little chapel and crotto comprise the
shrine, which is being visited now by hundreds
of pilgrims of the Roman Catholic Church.
Simon A. Stern, who went tor China for
Wharton Barker year before las't, brought
back with him a valuable and interesting col
lection of Oriental embroideries, including an
imperial robe probably made forl.tbeatrlcal
purposes. It Is of crimson silk, superbly em
broidered' with the imperial flre-claf"ed dragon
in cold and colors.
Mb. Paul Wolff, the talented Washington
correspondent of the great German newspaper,
the New York Staats Zeilung, left' Washing
ton yesterday for the anthracite Veglons of
Pennsylvania to write up the condition ot the
miners. After the anthracite he wju visit the
great bituminous region of the Mcmongahela
and Youghlogheny. The lntentionjpossibly is
to show how little the miners are protected by
protection, bnt Mr. Wolff has a high reputa
tion lor lairncss.
A Few FeiraaylvanlansTlri Luck.
WASnrsaTos; August 2a The oily ap
pointments of interest to Pennsylvania o-day,
were Drs. C. P. Calhoun and E. L Miller, to be
medical examiners for pensions for Bedford,
Dr. J. :H. Shirley, a medical examiner for
Clarion, Philip Goedle, postmaster at Castle
Shannon, txA James Thompson Bennett, ot
Qreensburg, a naval cadet (
An Unmerited Distinction.
From the Mew York World. J '
Henry James is spoken of as "an American
novelist" by English critics. Mr. James must
leel this deeply,
Patriotism In rittibnrg Signs of at Dicker
An Odd Coincidence Canadian Baby
Wisdom Innocence Men and Maidens'
Seashore Methods. ,
There may be some Americans, no doubt in
tho Eastern coast cities tbey are to be found
In no small numbers, who as a matter of fact
like England or continental Europe better than
their own land. Bnt you won't find many of
that turn of mind in this part ot the world.
Daring the pastweek ortwo I have met a score
of Pittsburgers Just returned from their trav
els abroad, and might quote as their first and
last words the declaration ot sturdy Mr. Joe
Fleming to a friend who asked him how he en
Joyed himself: "Oh, very well," ld Mr. Flem
ing, "but America Is good enough for me and I
want to stay in America.'
"O Senator Quay Is a wonderful man, "
Says good Mr. Tllnn with never a snleker.
W ben compliments pass prepare fur a plan
Of campaign that will end In a dicker.
It is a singular coincidence that both Mr.
William Thaw and Mr. Call err, the most prom
inent citizens death has taken from Pittsburg
this year, were building fine residences at the
time tbey died. Mr. Callery had set his heart
upon having a bouse on Hiland avenue, in the
East End, and had made all the preparations
for building It when his sadly sudden death oc
curred. As is well known, Mr. Thaw's new
house, near Point Breeze, is nearly completed,
and there are few houses in that suburb of fine
residences to be compared with it
I am told that, if statistics on this subject
could be obtained, it would be found that the
successful man of business, in a majority of
cases, dies about the time he thinks he can de
vote bis attention to the building of an Ideal
home. In other words, the business men of
this age do not retire from active work early
enough to enjoy the fall fruits of their Industry.
There may be a good deal of truth in this.
We all know how smart Yankee children
are, but it seems Canadian youngsters are no
less quick in acquiring wisdom.
A little toddler, who is not more than 3 years
old, gave his nurse a lesson np in an Ontario
town the other day. The child wore a coat with
many buttons upon it A number of these but
tons had been torn off, and the nurse was
puzzled how many had to be sown on. "I don't
know how many you've lost. Master Fred," she
"Count the button-holes," said the 3-year-old
A PrrrsBTJRO lady made a cake ot exquis ite
dellclousness the other day and set it on a
plate to cooL The new cook, a young Irish
girl, saw It and coveted a taste. She finally
could resist the temptation no longer, and cut
off a tiny slice. By and by her mistress came
into the kitchen and inspected the cake. She
saw the deficiency at once, and surmised the
young cook was the defaulter.
"Mary," she said, in a tone of kindly correc
tion, "you should not have touched the cake. It
wasn't tight to cut a cake this way."
"Sure, ma'am." Mary replied, opening wide
her innocent blue eyes. "I sbould've cut it the
t'other way. Sure, an' I should."
It was not sarcasm, either, but real Innocence.
Ho taller Joy upon the shore
The modern maiden knows
Than bathing that and nothing more
With not too many clothes.
The youth who calls himself a man
Trusts clothes to make his mashes.
He wears a blazer and he can
Beat rainbows with his sashes.
He Swallows a China Nest Egg and Is Killed
After a Sharp Fight.
Crownsville. Md., August 20. Amos Carr,
a farmer living near Crownsville. on returning
home from work last Saturday evening, was in
formed by his wife that there was a large black
snake in the henhouse. He went out with a
chisel to dispatch his snakeship, and after a
sharp fight succeeded. On dragging the dead
snake out of its lair a hen's nest It gave evl
dence.lrom the distension of a part of its body,
of having swallowed an egg which remained
Mr. Carr cut the snake open at the distended
part when a china egg rolled out intact In
every particular. The snake bad devoured the
china nest egg, presuming it to be a genuine
one. The snake measured five and one-hall
feet long.
Charles Young, of Ohio, May Yet bo Allowed
to Graduate.
Newbttbo, N. Y., August Ml Charles Young,
the Ohio colored cadetat WestFolnt who failed
last June to graduate with the rest of the first
class because be was deficient in military civil
engineering, will be examined this week and.
should he be successful, will be graduated and
commissioned an officer In the regular army.
This is said to be an unusual proceeding.
Ordinarily when a cadet sails to obtain suffi
cient marks at the June examinations he Is
dropped, but in Young's case it seems to have
been thought best on account of his color,
good deportment and excellent qualifications
in other branches, to give htm until September
to make up deflciences. If Young succeeds be
will make the third colored representative in
the army, the other two being chaplains.
A Very Old Woman Who Ha Used Tobacco
lor GO Years.
Boston, August 2a At Manchester-by-the-Sea
lives Mrs. Stephen Danforth. who for the
past 0 years has Indulged in Immoderate pipe
smoking. The love for tobacco originated in
Virginia, ot which State she Is a native. Mrs.
Danforth does all the domestic work of her
husband, upon whom old age has laid a some
what heavy hand: but in all ber avocations the
pipe is seldom unlighted. and her average con
sumption of the weed Is 12 bowlfnls a day.
Mrs. Danforth will be 97 years old on her
next birthday, and has lived at Manchester for
the past 60 years.
A Good Vaudeville Programme.
The first matinee of the season a't Harry
Williams' Academy of Music, and nearly every
seat in the house was occupied. During the
summer Manager Williams has so neatly
touched up his popular home of variety that
the Interior Is scarcely recognizable. Every
rallinc Is gilded brightly, the draperies are new
and elegant, and new carpets and mattings add
to the beauty of the whole. The company
which opens the season is a first-class one, the
acts of Juteau and Dclhaner alone being an
entertainment. A roaring farco, with that
funny fellow, Joseph J. Sullivan, concludes
the programme.
Novel Method of Killing Sparrows.
A writer in Forest and Stream suggests the
use of uninsnlated electric wires for the ex
termination of the English sparrow. The wires
should be placed near the favorite breeding
places of the birds In late fall or early spring
when these pests congregate in towns and
A Name Misapplied.
From the New York World.;
Defaulter is the name of a horse which has
won a number of races at Monmouth Park. It
is customary for a defaulter to run off with the
money, but the highest interests of morality
cannot approve of such a name fcr a racer.
Not at All Unlikely.
From the Chicago Tribune
Some of these days an ocean greyhound will
crowd on Just a little too much steam in trying
to break the record and will make the fastest
time ever made to the bottom ot the sea.
William J. Lantner.
William J. Lantner, a well-known, young man
of Allegheny, died In Switzerland yesterday
morning. The announcement was made by
cablegram, received by hit father, Joseph Lant
ner, the wholesale hardware merchant of Ohio
street. The ton had been suffering for some
time past with a long affection, and In
company with hit titter had gone to Europe In
the tprlng In hopet of bettering bit health. In a
letter received a few hours before tbe death mes
sage young Lantner spoke or hit trip In glowing
terms, and laid be was rapidly Improving. Mr.
Joseph Hreunlng, of the Keystone Brewing Com
pany, wat with him when he died.
Din. Mnrjr Seotr.
Mrs. Mary Scott, widow of thelate Robert Scott,
an old-time Pltttbnrcer, died yetterday at the
home of her daughter-in-law, Mrt. A. Scott, of
HO. n Center avenne. 81m wat In her 87th year,
and wat a native of this city. Airs. Bc6tt wat one
or the original founder, of the Hlxtn .Presbyterian
(Thnreh. tnA h.il aimlvprt hilinh.,ii4 m.h
A Week That Will Be Made Memorable to
tho Veterans.
Milwaukee, August 2a Manager Chap
man has prepared the official programme Jor
the encampment. Next Monday evening the
Sons of Veterans will hold a camp fire at the
Westslds Turner Hall. Commander-in-chief
Warner, of the Grand Army, will preside. The
parado of tne Grand Army and Sons of Vet
erans will occur Tuesday forenoon. On Tues
day evening the visiting members ot the
Woman's Relief Corps will bo tendered a re
ception at the high school building. The
Grand Army men will bold camp fires on the
same evening at the Westslde Turner Hall and
the armory. Department Commander Wels
sert will preside at the camp fire at the West-
side Turner Hall. JtddrMHM of welcoma trill
be delivered by Governor Hoard, Mayor Brown
and Department Commander Welssert Commander-in-chief
Warner and Pension Commis
sioner Tanner will respond. General Falrchlld
will preside at the armory camp fire. General
Sherman, it is expected, will attend both camp
fires. The post war concert will be given Tues
day evening. A reunion ot the Sons of Vet
erans will be given Tuesday evening at Fly
mouth Church.
The business sessions of the Grand Army
and the Woman's Relief Corps will begin
Wednesday morning, the former at the West
side Turner Hall, the latter at St. Manuel
Church, and continue during the rest of tho
week. The reunions of regiments, brigades
and divisions will be Inaugurated Wednesday.
On Wednesday afternoon General Sherman
will visit tho Soldiers' Home, where he will be
formally received by the veterans, and a salute
fired in bis honor. The second and final war
concert will be given Wednesday evening.
Thnrsdav afternoon a party of specially invit
ed guests will be taken out by the Entertain
ment C ommlttee for a drive around the city.
The party will visit a number of leading manu
facturing establishments, and an elaborate
lunch will be served to them on the route. The
naval battle will occur on Tuesday evening.
The Lame. Halt and Blind Made Well br
Brown-Seqnard'a Elixir.
Catlettsbubq, Kt., August 2a The re
sults of the use ot Dr. Brown-Sequard's elixir
on a number of patients here have been all that
could be desired. The lame have been made to
walk, rheumatics have been relieved of pain,
and the old and debilitated have been made
stronger. The most notable case is that of Sol.
H. Kinner, who, in January, lSSfl, was
stricken with paralysis in the left
side, rendering bint unable to walk
without the use of a crutch and cane.
Four days ago he received the first dose of
the elixir, prepared from the blood of a lamb,
and to-day be was on the streets and able to
walk without the aid of a crutch or cane. His
speech, which was badly affected, is much im
proved, air. jvinner is quite elated over his
rapid improvement, and Is quite sanguine that
the use ot the elixir will restore him to nerf ect
health. Mr. Kinner Is an old lumber merchant
well known to the sawmill men of Louisville
and Cincinnati.
Judge John M. Rice, of Louisa, who received
his first dose of the elixir Friday evening, re
turned here this morning, much improved, and
has dispensed with a cane, which be had been
compelled to use for the last six months when
walking. He took another injection of the
elixir to-day. Warfield Lee. whose right arm
and side have been partially paralyzed for over
five years, is greatly improved. He has had
three injections, and Is now able to
raise his arm above his head, and was
on the streets to-day, giving exhibitions ot bis
great improvement. There are more than a
dozen other patients who have received great
benefits from the use of the elixir, and many
more, seeing the effect it has wrought upon
their neighbors, have applied for treatment.
The elixir used by the physicians here is pre
pared from the blood of lambs. Only one male
Iamb was on the market this morning. There
was quite a wrangle between the doctors as to
who should have It.
A Veteran Fluherman Snceeeds In Landing a
200 Fonnd Monster.
Cape May, August 2a Shark fishing is one
of the chief amusements tor those with sport
ing proclivities in search of bigger game than
the Sonnd fishing affords. Colonel Floerckey
is one of the inveterate fishermen,
occupying his favorite place on the ex
treme end of the pier every day, spending
hours trying to hook his large game. To-day
at bathing hour, while Colonel Floerckey was
waiting for-something to nibbleat his hook, the
line began to play out rapidly and the Colonel
had considerable difficulty in slightly arresting
its progress.
A last when the entire line was out Colonel
Floerckey began to pull in, but found his fish a
little too heavy and he called several Interested
bystanders to his assistance. The crowd on the
line walked sborewards and beached a shark
about 8 feet long and weighing about 800
pounds. A. crowd soon gathered and sur
rounded the monster as be lay wriggling on the
sand. The shark was the largest yet caught
this season and seemed to be able to hold two
The Teutonic and tho City of New York to
Test Their Speed.
New York. August 2a The steamship
Teutonic is preparing for ber maiden voyage
eastward to Que ens town. She will sail at 2
o'clock to-morrow afternoon, one-half hour
later than the City of New York. It was with
the New York that the Teutonio sailed on her
maiden voyage westward two weeks ago. Tne
two steamships strained every fibre during the
passage, and were only a few lengths apart at
the finish on last Thursday.
There is not a doubt in the minds of those
versed in maritime matter tlrnt th tn it.. m
sblps will once more race over the ocean. N ot 1
a iitue netting is Deing transacted on the ex
pected six-day race. The odds appear to be In
favor of the Teutonic, for the reason that a
steamship never makes her best time on her
maiden voyage. As the Teutonio proved such
a rival to the City of New York when her ma
chinery was new and stiff, much better things
are expected of her hereafter.
Commissioner Tanner Issues an Order
Making Proof of Disability Eauler.
Washington, August 2a Pension Com
missioner Tanner to-day issued the following
Important order:
To Chiefs of Divisions:
The rnle which has hitherto maintained In this
office regarding proof of origin or disability,
under which the evidence of one commissioned
officer or one prderly sergeant was accepted,
while In the absence of that evidence the testi
mony or two private soldiers hat been required.
It hereby to far modified that In the absence of
the evidence of the commissioned offlcer or the
orderly sergeant, the origin shall be held to be
Drorea on the evidence of the claimant and one
private soldier: provided, always, that said
claimant and sale private be men of reputable
character. James TAnnir,
A Little Girl Likely to Die From an Attack
of Glanders.
SEDALIA. Mo., August 2a The 12-year-old
daughter of a farmer named Mason, living near
Greenrldge, this county. Is suffering from an
attack of glanders.contrscted from her father's
horses. Three of Mason's horses have died In
tbe past few days, and others are sick of it.
The horses were driven along the public high
way just before their death, and the whole
neighborhood is excited.
Tbe little glr's life Is despaired of. A petition
will be sent to Paquln, asking him to visit Ma
son's farm and order tbe remainder ot his
horses killed. A veterinary surgeon of this
place says there Is hardly a county in this State
that is free from disease.
The Unklndest Cat of All.
From the Boston Courier. '
If ever a man Reserved tp pass a year in
prison at hard labor it is John L. Sullivan, and
It Is to be hoped that no manipulation of the
legal machinery will enable him to escape a
punishment which. It endured, is apt to have
such a salutary effect both upon himself and
the community.
Similarity la Snakes,
From the Oil City Derrick.
Borne of this year's snake stories are so sur
prisingly ' like those of last year that we are
impelled to tbe belief that the snake artists
keep a scrap book or stick to the same brand
of stomach bitters with surprising regularity.
A Shortage Discovered.
From the
lcago T lines.!
ter General Wanamaker visited the
Boston postofilce Saturday. He pointed ont a
shortage in some of the letter carriers' pants.
j Light BnihUer Employment.
Front the Great Bend Beglster.
If you have nothing' else' to do tee how
fast von can say "Soup soothes theosophlstt
More Abent ths Pioneer Taverns of the
City Famoni Hoatetrles and Landlords
of Early Times Favorite Resort of
Farmers la Oar Grandfather's Days.
rwErmur tob thb dispatch.''
Since the article-on "Old-Time Taverns" was
published in a recent issue of The Dispatch
a number of other Interesting facts relative to
the hostelrles of long ago have been brought
to the attention of the writer.
At the beginning of this century possibly
earlier in one or two instances there were
taverns on Water street, where, according to
tuo ujjuuuu ui one ox our ouwjjuajjuo, uevtet
meals were served than at the big hotels of to
day. The old timer's appetite was, no doubt,
keen in former days, and the fancy French
dishes of these days have for him no charms.
Between Wood and Market streets on Water
street many years ago was .located the "Ohio
and Kentucky tavern," kept by one John Kerr,
where man and beast were given the best of en
tertainment. This was the favorite stopping
place for Indians on their way to consult the
Great Father at Washington. On the same
street, between Market and Chancery Lane,
was a famous old time tavern kept by Robert
Speneer, and afterward by Gibson. There
were the offices of the stage coaches, and, ac
cording to the opinion of Reuben Miller, Jr., a
better meal could not be had anywhere in
Pittsburg to-day than Spencer and Gibson
furnished more than three-quarters of a cen
tury ago.
Where tbe Farmers Stopped.
On the corner of Water street and Redoubt
alley John Davis played the host in the first
years of the century. On Liberty and Water
streets a famous country tavern flourished in
the old days. It was known as the Ferry
House, and its earliest landlord was Samuel
Black. Across Liberty, where the Pennsyl
vania freight depot now stands, was another
tavern kept by James Debbins. The taverns ot
Black and Dobbins were tbe favorite stopping
places for farmers from the south side of
Allegheny county and Washington county.
On the opposite side of the river from the
foot ot Liberty street Tom Jones, the pioneer
ferryman, furnished accommodations for man
and beast some fourscore years ago.
Up the river, on Ross and Water streets, Billy
Tobln, a Scotchman, furnished entertainment
under the sign of the "Three Bells." Coming
np the Diamond the "Black Bear" was tbe
principal hostelry in early years. The original
"Black Bear," with John Monasters as land
lord, fronted on Market street, where the
Himmelrich store is now located. There was
then no Market alley, and the yards of the
Black Bear extended to the rear of tbe Ex
change Bank, and covered some of the ground
now owned by that institution. The present
Black Bear tavern Is comparatively modern,
and occupies a part of the yards where John
McMasters. a Conntr Down Irishman, from
Board Mills, stowed away country wagons from
Westmoreland and Washington counties when
the nineteenth century was in its teens.
Another famous Diamond tavern of the old
days was adorned with the sign of the "Buck,"
and stood where the Hamburger liquor store
now stands. The most noted landlord ot the
Buck tavern in the early days was John Ball,
who played the host there prior to the war of
The Old Stage Tavern.
The "Red Lion" tavern, at the end of the
Sixth street bridge, cannot cltlm as great age
as some of the old time taverns already referred
to, bnt must have been to the front in the
twenties. There was the polntof departure for
the Canonsburg and Washington stage coach a
half century ago, and one pld boy has vivid rec
ollections of his departure from that old-time
hostelry one frosty morning before daybreak
for old Jefferson College, when he was but a
beardless youth.
Mention was made In a former sketch of the
Yellow tavern at the Two Mile Run, where
the Pittsburg Blues were banqueted in grand
style upon their return from the War of 1812.
This was the first prominent place of enter
tainment out on the Philadelphia pike in tbe
old days. Two miles further east .was the
"Black Horse" Tavern, kept by Samuel Peebles,
which tavern gave tbe name to "Black Horse
Hill." the rise immediately this side of East
Liberty. Our grandmothers enjoyed many a
happy sleigh ride to tbe tavern with tbe swing
ing sign of a black horse in front, which stood
on the opposite side of Penn avenue and a
little west of the home of W. W. Young, of
Lawrence Bank.
An Early East End Hostelry.
In East Liberty, to the rear of Liberty Hall,
was the famous Beitler tavern, first kept by
Thompson. The building, which was occupied
as a tavern certainly in the first decade of the
century, still stands, and if its walls could
speak, they could tell many a pleasant story of,
the pioneers and their merry-makings. John
Beitler is still remembered, by persons not so
old, as one of tbe noted East End landlords.
Further out the road was the Barker house,
at Point Breeze, where Penn and Fifth avenues
come together. The date of this tavern was
not so early as the Beitler tavern, nor was its
record as savory. If tbe truth were all known,
it is probable that the Point Breeze tavern was
years ago the scene of merry-making that was
not strictly orthodox.
Toward Wilklosburg was the "Bullock Pens"
tavern, a little east of Homewood avenue, and
In Wilkintburg proper Mrs. Rippey was land
lady of one of the best inns of the time.
The taverns here mentioned date back to tbe
early years ot the century, and there are only
a few "lingering on the brink" who can re
member their good cheer. J. H. Y.
How the President Gladdened the Heart of
a Sick Girl.
From the Boston Advertiser. 1
An interesting incident occurred while the
Presldental party was momentarily halted on
South street on the way from the railway to
the hotel Wednesday. In tne window of a tene
ment house one flight np from the street a
pale-faced girl of 17 years gazed out upon the
procession and feebly waved her handkerchief
to those below. The marks of long illness were
evident upon her cheeks, and a pillow that
bolstered ber back indicated some disease of
the spine which prevented walking. President
Harrison raised bis eyes to the tenement
window above.
An expression of pain passed over his coun
tenance as he saw the girl, with disappoint
ment in her eyes, cease waving her handker
chief and settle back in her chair, as If sorry,
after all her effort, that she had not seen the
President's face. Tbe latter impulsively turned
In his seat, and, locking directly np to the win
dow, bowed smilingly to her as Individually as
If the throng around were absent and he bad
known her well. Tbe blood mantled her face
in joy at the recognition, and with an impul
sive action she broke off a half-opened bud
from a solitary plant on tbe window sill and
tossed It down to the carriage below. At that
moment, however, the procession started and
the girl's gift fell short. It dropped on tbe
muddy pavement, ana the hoof ot a cavalry
horse crushed it.
An Italian Prisoner Takes an Iron Rivet as
a Remedy.
Causzn, N. J., August 2a With one quick
gulp an Iron rivet disappeared down the throat
of Michael Angelo Curatelo, in the Camden
county jail, yesterday afternoon. Curatelo is
accused of tbe murder of Michael Dinapoll. at
Waterford, in July last, and has been morose
and gloomy for some weeks. On Sunday he
told an Italian boy who is locked up as a wit
ness that he wanted to die.
Edward Markey, who Is in jad charged with
murderously assaulting his aged mother, was
juggling three rivets close to Curatelo's cell
yetterday afternoon, when one of them fell in
side the grated door. The Italian grabbed It
quickly and swallowed it with a frog-like
struggle, although the iron was IK Inches long
and inch in diameter. Markey gave the
alarm, and tbe Italian was taken ont of his celL
Dr. E. P. Townsend gave him a tumbler of cas
tor oil. Tbe oil would not remain on the pris
oner's stomarb. and last night be was pacing
his cell, muttering many prayers and crying in
his agony.
The proprietor ot a peanut stand on Federal
street, opposite the Jail, was sent for, and Cura
telo explained to him that he bad swallowed
tbe rivet as a cure for rheumatism. His fellow
countrymen, he said, took iron filings, but they
were too slow for him.
Poor Bonlnnger.
From the l'hlladelphla Inquirer.!
Boulanger now says he isn't coming to
America. Probably be has heard of our re
strictions on panper emigrants.
"O trumpet not In praise my name."
His voice wonld speak from oat the grave;
"I kept no count or what I gave
Nor wrought I charity for fame."
Fame, O most kindly tonl and wise,
Yet; while the ttari their eounes keep.
Good deeds of those who fall on sleep
bball blazoned be to mortal eyes.
What marvel then we are not blind
To deeds that call for lovtog praise,
Nor-e'er foreet that all thy days
Thy heart wat tender to mankind.
Last Echo of tho Allen Case.
New York. August 2a Ebon 8. Allen, the
ex-President of theCrosstown Street Railway,
now in Sing Sing prison for overissuing stock
of the company he presided over, was to-day
.sold out of his Interest in Allen A Cn.'s foundry
to satisfy a Judgment for 15,600 against him.
Assemblyman Thomas Smith bought his share
of the property for 350, The only other bidder
was the brother of tho disgraced ex-President.
A manuscript play found in a chest in the
garret of the foundry was excepted from the
, jale and was carried away by a literary deputy
sheriff. Ferdinand Hofele, formerly Allen's
partner, has been appointed receiver of Allen
fc co.'s assets. Allen is said to be largely in
debted to the firm and to owe Hofele $SQ.0O0.
To-day's sale Is about the last echo of the Allen
case. Allen himself is so broken down that be
will probably not survive the 11 years ot hard
labor to which he was sentenced.
Walker Blaine Says HI Father I Well.
Walker Blaine arrived hers from Bar Har
bor this morning, and took luncheon at the
University Club. This afternoon he and George
W. Cbilds had a long and very private talk at
the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Mr. Blaine says that
his father Is in tiptop physical condition. After J
passing a few days In the vicinity of New York
Mr. Blaine will go to Washington.
Cradle's Next Foolhardy Experiment.
Steve Brodie has decided to float over the
American falls at Niagara. On Friday he will
leave for the scene of his undertaking, and will
spend several days in selecting the most ad
vantageous part of the falls through which to
go. The hotel men and railroad men have got
together a purse of SLKXt&- remunerate him
for temnting death. The falls are 1GS feet high,
and no person has yet passed over them and
Wind-Up of Ibo Metal Exchange.
It is probable that by October 1 the Metal
Exchange will be no more. The proposal to
wind up the affairs of tbe Exchange and ap
portion the assets among the members is mak
ing headway. The attendance for tbe past
three years does not average more than 80
members daily. Under these circumstances
the absentees believe that it is no longer a ne
cessity to maintain the present establishment.
The movement, however, lacks a leader. Mem
bers who are taking no part in the trading on
the floor of the Exchange are naturally averse
to making themselves conspicuons as agitators,
though willing and anxious to assist in bring
ing about the dissolution.
Couldn't Pass In That Way.
Mr. Townsend, of Texas, walked down the
gangway of the steamship Normandle to-day
with a very bulky spring overcoat on his arm.
Two Custom House Inspectors who noticed his
bulging coat pockets detained him for ex
amination.' They found every pocket stuffed
full of dutiable goods of all sorts. Including a
lot of obscene literature. About $800 worth ot
articles were transferred from Mr. Townsend's
pockets to tbe seizure room.
Will Bar Lota of Foreign Coins.
Lyman H. Low will sail for Europe on the
steamship Teutonic, to-morrow, to attend a
great auction sale of rare coins and medals in
Amsterdam, between September 2 and 9. The
famous private collection of the late H. N.
Tetterode. ot Zelande, and A. Boomberge, of
Amsterdam, and the duplicates belonging to
the city of Amsterdam will then be sold at
auction. After the Amsterdam sale Mr. Low
will visit London, Manchester, Birmingham,
Paris, Brussels and Antwerp, to examine col
lections and attend auctions of rare coins, Mr.
Low is under instructions to buy freely at all
sales he attends for tbe American Numlsmatio
and Archaeological Society, of which he is
the librarian.
Hlpoolyto'a Tarn to Crow Awhile.
A cable dispatch from Santiago da Cnba to
Banker H. H. Knnhardt, of Kunhardt & Co.,
announces that the crisis in'Haytian affairs is
rapidly appaoaching, although up to Sunday
last there baa been no change in the situation
at Port-au-Prince. Mall advices received by
Mr. Knnhardt to-day, from Haytlan merchants,
brought news that the responsible busines smen
of Hayti are of the opinion that Legitime's
downfall is only a qnestlon of a few weeks..
,Tbe merchants, wrote that on, July,28Anx
Cayes joined the revolutionary movement led
by Hlppolyte, and that Nippes, Jacmel, Petit
Goaves and Jeremle followed In qnlck order,
Jeremie taking np arms in Hippolyte's behalf
on the 6th. Troops and ammunition were sent
to all these places by Hlppolyte, and bis troops,
together with the soldiers already stationed at
these towns, took up their march to Port-au-Prince.
The only fighting was at Jacmel,
where Legitime's army retreated and his Gen
eral, Dardignac, was killed by a gunshot fired
by one of his own followers. One of Mr. Kun
hardt't correspondents wrote that Hlppolyte
could readily have captured Port-au-Prince at
any time, but refrained because he'dld not wish
to sacrifice, the lives of innocent residents by
attacking the place. It may be added that
Mr. Knnhardt espouses Hippolyte's side ot the
A Line Steamer Delayed.
To-day was the first Tuesday in many years
that a Gulon Line steamer has not left this
port for Liverpool. When the Nevada arrived,
a week ago, a defect was found in a shaft, and
it was decided to detain the ship here until a
new shaft could be made. The sailing of the
Nevada was accordingly postponed until next
Saturday. Notice was promptly sent to the
passengers who had been booked. Half a
dozen or so, however, did not get the notice.
They went down to the pier this morning ex
pecting to sail. All the passengers took the
delay good-naturedly, and agreed to wait and
go with the ship on Saturday.
A Nngget of Wisdom.
From the Boston Globe.
Wise persons who are enjoying fair health
will not fool with experimental elixir. There
is a great deal of horse sense in the hint given
by a famous old epitaph: "I was well. I would
be better, I took physic, and here I am."
Dogs are so numerous in Consbohocken, Pa.,
that pnblic spirited citizens are offering liberal
rewards to those who will assist In reducing the
surplus canine population. It is estimated that
there are 2,000 dogs in tbe little town.
A "WAGGISH machinist employed In Scranton
got hold of a fellow-workman's two-foot rule,
removed tbe hinges, shortened each joint a
half Inch, replaced the hinges and pnt the rnle
back in place. Soon after Its owner was sent to
cut and drill a piece of iron two feet long, and
be did by his rule. His mystification when he
dlscoveredhe had made a misfit may be imag
ined. A cimzsN of Londonderry township, Leb
anon county, "will never be able to tell how he
voted on tbe amendment. He had been unde
cided, and had taken all the tickets offered
him, f or and aealnst. When he went to the
polls he had not yet decided what to do, so he
reached in his pocket, grasped ticket, and,
without looking whether It was for or against
prohibition, he voted.
The Presbyterian denomination takes special
interest in the celebration of tbe one hundred
and sixty-third anniversary of the colonial log
college at Hamville, Pa., the predecessor of
Princeton, which takes place on Septembers.
The log college was a hut built by Rev. William
Tennent, In which to educate his four Sous for
the ministry.
Tux moth-killing instinct is so strong in the
opposite sex that one of them impulsively
slapped the spine of an aged gent, softly nap
ping in a Columbus street car, and woke him
with a Jar that made his teeth click.
WABSK2t Bueriian. a foreman in Morgan
Bros., shoe factory, at Scranton, has for years
bad tbe little finger ot bis right hand bent
rigidly over the palm by a contraction of the
cords. A day or two since be fell, and the
finger, catching on a projection, was torn
straight and once more flexible.
KS Altoona paper of yesterday says: "The
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will bnild
6,000 car,one-hir of which will be constructed
at the carshopt in this city. The cars will com
prise the box and hopper-bottom patterns."
, THXfattestboylnWestVirglniallvestnWet
zel county. His ago is 9 years and his weight
Over 1,000 Chinamen arrived in the
City of Mexico one day last month.
Philadelphia Hibernia Fire Engine
Company, still in existence, was organized, in
Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt has decided to
have a ball in her stable at Newport on
August 3L,
A. "highly-connected and respectable
young woman" of Freeport, N.Yhas been
arrested for horse-stealing.
Thomas Furlong, of Pasadena, CaL, is
an ardent amateur naturalist. His latest addi
tion to his collection was 300 tarantulas tbat ha
hatched in an incubator.
A 30-cent check for doughnuts was all
Caesar's wife got from her husband for four
weeks. So, at least, Mrs. Cauar testified In a
Providence court the other day.
"Birch bark" lawn parties are the
latest in Maine. The invitations are written
on birch bark, and the refreshments served
from plates ot the same material.
It is stated by one of the guides at
tbe Capitol in Washington that 15 brides an
hour is tbe average number ot visits to the
statuary ball each day of the year.
A horse of Mr. Howell, a Dover (DeL)
miller, recently lost an ear in an accident, but
this did not depreciate its value, as the enter
prising owner at once cot an ear from an old
buffalo robe and successf uily grafted it to the
dismembered organ.
For 28 years Joe McKinsey, of Silver
Creek, MIcb., has owned two mares which were
half-sisters and were marked just alike-. Last
Thursday thev were both killed by the same
stroke of lightning, and after their 28 years of
service together rested in the same grave.
The California papers say that th brig
Natalia, which foundered In the harbor of
Monterey in 183i,b to be raised, or at least
what Is left of her copper sheathing is to be
brought to tbe surface. It Is said tbat this is
tne same vessel that brought Napoleon back to
France from the Isle of Elba in 1815.
There is a whistling well at Logan
county, Kansas, which warns people of ap
proaching storms from 8 to 12 hours in advance.
It is 135 feet deep, and sends out a strong cur
rent of air. which, as it escapes through ths
apertures about the pump, whistles in a loud.
Mutc-uAo bunt; tuab u uuuncuy auoioia to
every person in the township.
Who ever heard of a cheese mine? Yet
one has been discovered at Palmyra, Wis. It
isn't precisely a mine; in fact, being a largo
quantity of cheese which was buried many
years ago beneath a factory and there in some
manner forgotten. It has just been discovered
and the valuable prodnct is being quarried ont
by the present owners of the factory.
In a lecture at New York a young con
vert from Brahamlsm, Mr. VIsbun, gave the
number of Christians now in India, including
Protestants and Catholics, as about 3,000,000,
and said that If the increase in tbe number of
conversions should continue as In the last ten
years, the whole of India, with its copulation
of over 25aO0O,00O. would be Christianized
within a century.
Elmira has a peculiar case of love and
marriage between a school principal and one of
her former pupils. Miss Hannah Rhodes was
15 years old when she approached the matri
monial altar. She bad been a teacher in tba
public schools of this city Defore ber husband.
Thomas F. Connelly, was born. He is about 22
years old. and when a youngster he not nn
f reqnently felt the effects ot vigorous punish
ment at the bands of bis present spouse.
J. E. Tobin, of Tacoma, is likely to in
stitute a suit against a telegraph company. Ha
received a message saying: "Sallle died the
29tb." Bailie is the Christian name of his
wife. He threw np important contracts and
started for San Francisco, where the telegram
was dated. There he learned that tbe message
should have read "Sailed the 29th," and that It
was sent for the purpose of notifying him that
his wlfs and family bad departed for Tacoma.
The dried leaves ot the coca plant,
which is cultivated on the slopes of tbe Andes,
formn important article of internal trade
among the various native tribes. It is estima
ted tbat not less than 30,000,000 pounds are con
sumed annually. After the morning meal men
and women alike take a mouthful of the leaves
mixed with a little lime: fresh leaves are added
throughout the day, and without any addlUan
al food the consumer is enabled to do a "WT
day's work.
A gentleman .from Bussell k"
Georgia, informed a Columbus repora
Mr. J. F. Williams, of Uhland. owned foo -
which had grown fat .from eating tobacV- '
hogs are kept In a pen and have been regWaV
tobacco chewers for several months. At firt
the hogs did not seem to relish the weed, bus
soon tbey became very fond of It. and now they
seem to be perfectly miserable when their
owner neglects to give them tbeir daily allow
ance of tobacco. The hogs began to fatten as
soon as they became tobacco chewers.
There seems to be an extraordinary
large "crop" of snakes this season. Along the
mountain on the east side of the Hudson
valley, near Greenwood Lake, persons who are
looking tor them can find pilots, adders, rattle
snakes ana other poisonous reptiles in great
abundance. John Hallock, a farmer, who lives
at Greenwood Lake, one day last week killed a
large adder and a pilot snake. He said after
ward tbat he considered It a poor year for
snakes when he did not kill a dozen rattlers
and as many pilot snakes. One day recently
two rattlesnakes were killed between Stanhope
and Waterloo. One had 17 rattles and the
other 21.
Two cedar doors, over 480 years old,
have been received by Mead & Taft, at Corn
wall, N. Y., from Mexico, to be placed in the
residence of Mrs. R. S. Hays, at Millbrook,
Duchess county. These doors were taken from
one of the old Catholic monasteries which were
erected in Mexico directly after the great mas
sacre in the yearUOO. Each door is 4 feet by 8
feet in size and 4 inches thick, and their weight
is 600 pounds each. The stiles and rails are
worked from solid wood, and are) fastened with
wooden nails. There were probably no hinges
when these doors were made, as they appear to
have been bung on a pivot. Tbe wood carving
Is plain, and deep, and one door bears a fine
specimen of the art in the form of a cross of
leaves. These relics were purchased by Mrs.
Hays during a recent tour through Mexico.
A summer resort phenomenon the longer
a man stays the shorter be gets. Terre Bault Hx
pnst. The latest fancy in dress is called a sur
prise gown. Doubtless the surprise comet in
when tbe bill It presented.-?. Louis Poit-Dl-patcli.
Lady (to tramp Poor man! Yon must
have broken off many dear ties In your past life.
Tramp No, marm, I stepped on 'em tenderly.
Smith Were you ever disappointed in
Jones No. bnt I've been disappointed lnmar
rlage. Baton Courier
Yabsley What has become of old man
Flgg? I never hear of him any more. It be dead?
Wlckwlre No, not exactly. His wife Is keeping
boarders. Terre Baute Exprui.
Fond Father Sir, my daughter is the
apple of my eye. She shall continue under her
father's wings- Van Gall-Thanks, I was Just
going to speak abont that. Can you give ns the
northwest wing?-Epoch.
Mr. Truelove Miss Clara, can I hope
tbat yon will return mr love?
Mist Cura-Certalnly, Mr. Truelove. and If I'm
too busy myself I'll send the stable boy around
with It. Kearney Enterprise.
The man who owns a barking dog
. That keeps nt all awake.
Is alwavt tpeaking of the noise
Bis neighbors' children make.
Boston Courier.
Visitor I don't see your old foreman In
the offlce now: what Is the trouble?
Editor Well, he left ns rather suddenly last
week. In my society column I wrote that "Mist
Do Forrest fainted at the ball last evening," and
the next Issue of the paper contained the notice
that "Mitt Be Forrett painted at the ball last
evening." Kearney Enterprise.
Lay aside the little squirt gun;
Let the lamblet frisk In glea.
Do not raise a snlfe to hart one
That elixir Is n. g!
What they told ns of Its virtues
Wat naught but a facile lie.
Twill not heal 'twill sorely hurt yezj
Bhun the bowl or baecllll.
Minneapolis Triouns.
He Was Engaged. Fond Lover Is
yonrpa In, Addle?
Gentle maiden Yes. but yott may come In.
F. L.-I don't think he likes me. and ha might
O. it. There's no need to be afraid; he la ea
gared. F. L.-.Engaged Is be?
U. M.Ye. He stayed out till alter 12 last
night and went off this morning without giving
ma a chance to talk to him. She it talking to bin
now and be won't be In this part of the house for
the next three hours. Come rrlrht in. Hostotk
.JjIXTSBCao, AugtUVaOr'
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