Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 20, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Features of Markets at Herr's Island
Yards for the Week.
Tone of Markets for Beeves, Sheep and
Lambs Still Good.
Office orriTrsmma Dispatch,!
Mosdat, August 19, 1SS9. I
The improvement noted last Monday still
continues and is even more marked. Qual
ity of receipts was above the average lor a
few weeks past. A fairly active demand is
reported, and markets in general were
' firmer, and on desirable grades of butcher
stock there was an advance.
Total receipts were 726 head, ot which
number 223 head were for the "Winter &
Dellenbach abattoir, leaving 503 head for
the maiket proper.
Prime heavy western beeves, averaging 1,450
to 1,500 pounds, were sold at $5,and a few croice
reached $5 10; medium weights, 1,350 to 1,450
pounds, were quoted at 4 754 95: do, 1,200 to
1,300 pounds, H 354 70: prime light
weights. 900 to 1,100 pounds. 104 35:
common to fair thin and rouch steers, S3 25
3 75. Fresh cows were slow and dull at last
weet's prices, viz, 125 0040 00 per head.
Calves were in very light supply, and demand
nae also light. The ranee was 5&&c per
pound. Bulls, stags and drj cows were quoted
at 34c per pound. Receipts trom Chicago
Winter A Dellenbach, 223 bead: A. Fromm, 51;
E. Wolf, 18; L Zeiglcr, 120; I Gerson, 111; L.
Rothschild & Co., 104. From Ohio s. Lowen
etein, 53 head; J. Sbepnard, 17; J. Langdon, 17.
From Pennsylvania Various owners. 8 bead.
Total, 726; last week, 621: previous week. 403.
A leading Herr's ibland driver thusjputs the
situation or markets to-day: "All good cattle
on band sold quick, but the proportion of good
grades on band was small. The range was J3 50
t?5 10. the latter figure being the best price
paid tor choice beeves. There were four or
eve loads of good cattle ranging from 1.S00 to
1,500 pounds, but the bulk of receipts were
what we would call common to good,
blieep nnil I.nmbs.
Supply was slightly larger than last Monday,
demand was active and prices were firm at
last week's range. Keally prime stock was not
to be bad. The quality of sheep and lambs
coming to our markets the past two or three
week has been below par. Choice stock
would have readily commanded better prices
than our quotations below.
Western and Pennsylvania wethers sold at
U 75QS4 85, medium to good, do $4 254 50;
common to fair. S3 50Q3 75; lambs, 466c
Receipts from Chicago I. Zelgler, 119 bead;
from Ohio R, Williamson, 20; J. Langdon, J8;
from Pennsylvania William Garvin, 15; J.
Wright, 101: J. Ackerman. 380; J. Reiber.57; D.
O. Pisor. 161; F. Cruiksbank. 82; G. W. Keesy,
bO. Total 1,113, last week 978, previous week
The movement was fair at a shade higher
range of prices than last week. Needy A
Sniitb, who Tiandled the bulk of this week's
supplies, report sales at $4 6u5 10. Reports of
sales last week at 8525 which went over the
country are contradicted by those who ought
to know. No such prices were reached either
last week or this. Receipts from Ohio Needy
A Smith, 206 bead; R. Williamson. 11; J. Lang
don, 47. From Pennsylvania William Garvin,
19 bead: J. Reiber. 15: 1). O. Pisor, 11; F. Crulk
sbank, 52. Total, 304 head; last week, 144;
previous week, 353.
At East Liberty there was a very large run of
local cattle to-day, the total being 140 loads
against 125 loads 'last Monday.
Quality was scarcely up to average. The
few choice steers on the market were higher
than last week. The highest price reached was
4c for car load Jots.
Common grades showed no improvement on
last week's prices. There was an unusually
heavy run of lambs at Liberty yards and mar
kets ruled easy at lower prices than last Mon
day. bbeep were also easier and a grade below
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yard..
Office or Pittsbubo Dispatch, I
Monday. August ID. 1889. J
CATTU Receipts, 3,560 head; shipments,
J,020 bead; market fair; shade lower than
last week's prices; 7 cars of cattle shipped to
New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 4,900 bead; shipments, 3,200
bead; market very dull: light Yorkers,
14 604 70; medium to light Pbiladelptlas,
$4 G0g4 Co: common, H 504 55; heavy hogs,
4 254 50; 10 cars of bogs shipped to New
York to-dav.
Sheep Receipts. 8,000 head; shipments, 4.800
head: market dull; quarter lower than last
week's prices.
By Telcsrnph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 5.500 head,
making 17.100 head for tbe week the largest
total of tbe ear: arrivals included 44 carloads
for tbe market. 149 carloads for export and 130
carloads for city slaughterers direct; the trad
ing was dull, and inferior to ordinary; natives
declined fully 10c per 100 pounds, while tbe bet
ter grades were barely steady; live steers sold
at from 3 50 to S3 85 per 100 pounds; Texas and
Colorados. $3 23 60; native bulls and drv
cows at II 903 00. Calves Receipts, 1,500
head, making 6,000 head tor the week; market
steady for veals at S4 506 50 per 100 pounds;
firmer for buttermilk calves at 12 503 50.
I Sheep Receipts, 18.500 bead, making 46,300
head for the week; market dull and loner;
1 sheep ranged from 83 50 to So 00 per 100 pounds;
Iambs from $5 25 to 7 25. Hogs Receipts. 12.
400 head, making 31.600 for the week; market
quiet for live hogs at 1 G05 00.
Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts. 2,600 head;
shipments, 800 bead; but few native steers on
sale; offerings mostly Texans and cows; dressed
beef and shipping steers about steady: Texas
steady and a shade higher; cows strong to 5c
higher; stockers ana feeders higher; good to
common corn-fed steers. S4 004 25; common to
medium. 83 0013 90; stockers and feeding
sieers, si mum uu; gown, ji ouax oo; grass range
steers, $1 602 60. Hogs Receipts. 829 head;
shipments, none; light and mixed strong to 5c
higher: heavy steady; market closed weak;
good to choice light. 84 17J4 25; heavy and
mixed, 83 854 10. Sheep Receipts, 251 head;
shipments, none; steady; good to choice mut
tons, 83 754 00; common to medium, 82 600
CHICAGO Cattle Receipts. 14.000 head; ship
ments, 4.000; market steady for fancy: others
10c lower; beeves, S4 504 70: steers, 83 004 60;
stockers and feeders, S2 003 10: cows, bulls
and mixed. 81 0002 90: Texas cattle, 81 753 10:
natives and half-breeds, 82 403 80. Hogs
Receipts, 12,000 bead: shipments. 4,000; market
steady and 5c lower: mixed, $3 954 40: heavy,
82 754 16; light, 84 304 65. Sheep Receipts,
10,000 bead: shipments, 3, OOOhead; market510c
lower: natives, 83 404 75; westerns. 83 604 35;
Texans, 83 404 10; lambs, 84 754 6a
Sr. Louis Cattle Receipts. 5.200 head: ship
ments. 600 head; market steady and active
choice heavy natives, 84 004 40; fair to good,
83 804 15; stockers and feeders. 82 153 25;
rangers, tteers,S2 303 20. Hoes Receipts. 1,500
head: shipments, 1.000 head: market strong;
fair to choice heavy, 4 104 30; packing grade.
$4 004 25; light grade, fair to best, 84 2004 5a
bheep Receipts, 1,700 head; shipments, 2.700
bead; market steady; fair to choice, 83 304 60.
Cincinnati Hogs in fair demand and
steady: common and light, 83 604 60; packing
and butchers. 83 404 25. Receipt, 2,400 head;
shipments, SS0 bead.
Tbe DrjsootU Market.
New York. August IV. There was a more
general demand for drygoods at first hands,
with a good business in woolen fabrics adapted
to the jobbing trade. Cotton goods were in
fair duplicate request, with more doing in
bleached than brown. Prints received a fair
amount of attention. There were also some
good orders for white dress cotton for next
spring. Tbe market was unchanged and steady.
3 he jobbing trade was making good progress in
all departments. Business in wash fabrics was
enlivened to-day by a drive in "London cords"
Brazilian Codec.
Rio De Janeiro, August 19. Coffee Regu
lar first, 6,200 rcis per 10 kilos; good second.
6,650 reis. Receipts during the week 33.000
bags; purchases for United btates, 20,000; clear
ances fordo. 0,000; stock, 413,000 bags.
Santos, August 19. Coffee Good average,
6.700 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week,
32,000 bags; purchases for the United States,
40.000; clearances for do, 13,000 bags; stock, 230,
000 bags.
Grata in Sight.
Chicago, August 19. The visible supply of
grain as reported for the Board of Trade
fs as folloKs: Wheat, 14.221,000 bushels:
increase, 823,000 bushels. Corn, 8.020.000; in
crease. 1.082,000 bushels. Oats, 4,909,000 bush
els; increase, 994,000 bushels. Rye. 854.000
bushels; increase, 47,000 bushels. Barley, 358,
000 bushels; decrease, 2.000 bushels.
Wool Market.
Br. Louis The market continues quiet and
Steady. Receipts, 37,875 pounds.
maeketsjy wiee.
Nothing startling In 'the Wheat, Pit. But the
Feeling- Decidedly Bearish Corn and
Onta Weaker Ho; Products Show
a Declining Tendency.
CHICAGO The wheat market was dull and
narrow to-day. Up to within an hour of the
close fluctuations In December, which is the
favorite month with traders, were all inside M
cent range, with the bulk of the business with
in limits of a cent, or from 7980c Business
was so light that the market as without fea
tures, the prevailing sentiment of the crowd
being in favor of lower prices. The bears were
not aggressive, but tne flneweath'erthroughout
the West contributed to the feeling of depres
sion. The statistical posltion'of -the market is still
watched with keen interest, and both sides ap
pear to be pretty tvell satisfied with the show
ing. The market dragged to the adjournment
and closed with December at 78e bid, same as
Saturday. Other deliveries were a shade
easier; August was 5c off. The cash end of the
market was extremely heavy; in fact. No. 3 red
being lower, with No. 2 red bringing no
premium over seller the month.
A moderate business was transacted in corn,
and the feeling developed was weaker, the
bulk of the trading being at lower-prices. The
easier tone was attributed to the tine weather
and large receipts. The market upened Kc
tinil.r KatnrHar. ..I,.., wi. ,I..Ht for a tlmp.
but soon ruled easier, offerings being liberal.
A Urge local bolder who has purchased freely
of late was a moderate seller, and prices de
cline.!, but ruled firmer, closing KQ3c lower
than Saturday.
Oats were slow and easier. There was a mod
erate pressure to sell and but little to buy. the
weakness in corn preventing operators from
taking hold. Prices declined ytc, and the mar
ket closed easy.
A fairly active trade was reported in mess
pork. At the opening the mararet was steady,
but a vi eaker feeling was developed later, and
prices recovered. Prices rallied slightly, but
the market closed easy.
In lard the feeling was weak during the
greater portion of the day, and prices receded
35c, with a fair business reported.
Tbe market for short ribs attracted consider
able attention. The feeling was weak, and
prices declined 710c, and the market closed
quiet at the reduction.
Tbe leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2. September. 76?7676K
u?4c: uecemDBT,,iyKt(gi&ai'iiiCi year,
No. 2. Sentember. 33W0S5?Q35
S5c; October, 3535e353Stfc; Decem
ber. ati3K4c
Oats No. 2, September. 2020V20K
20Wc; October. 20i0Kc: December, 2oV
Mess Pork, per bbL September, 89 65
8 559 359 45; October, 955945; January,
89 6009 62J469 459 45.
Lard, per 100 Its. September. 86 17KG6 17X
fl J06 10; October, 86 Oo6 07X66 076 02$;
January, 85 S75 85.
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. September, 85 07X
5 O7K04 975 00: October, to 1065 10g5 00
5 02)4-January. 84 77K-
casn quotations were as follows: Flour
quiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat.
7c; No. 3 spring wheat, 6673c: No. 2
red, 77c No. 2 corn, 35!c No. 2 oats, 2
No. 2 rye, 4243c. No. 2 barley. 64e65c
No. 1 flaxseed, 81 21; prime timothy seed,
81 48. Mess pork, per barrel, 89 6a Lard,
per 100 pounds, 86 12K.r Short nb sides (loose),
15 00g5 M. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 84 75
4 87$. Short clear sides (boxed), 85 2565 37W.
Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour. 18,000
barrels; wheat, 131,000 bushels; corn, 345.
000 bushels: oats, 249,000' bushels; rye, 10.000
bushels; barley, 2,000 bushels. Shipments
Flour, 10,000 barrels: wheat, 78,000 bushels:
corn. 616,000 bushels: oats, 454,000 bushels; rye,
4,000 bushels; barley, 4,000 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter
market was active and unchanged. Eggs
active at 1K loc.
New York Flour heavy and dull. Wheat
Spot quiet and Jc lower; options moderately
active, Ha lower and tiarely steady. Barley
malt dull; Canada, 90c681 05 for old and new.
Corn Spot weaker and quiet; options quiet
and ii&c lower. Oats Kpot active and lower;
options t airly active and weaker. Hay strong
and active; (hipping. 6570c: good to choice. 85c
681 Ca Coffee Options opened steady at 510
loints up and closed dull; sales, 13,750 bags, in
cluding August, 15.20c; September, 15.8015.35c:
October. 15.2515.25c; November. 15.30615.40c;
December, 15.2515.40c; January, 15.40c. March,
15.3015.40c; spot Rio about steady; f Air car
goes, lSJc. Sugar Raw steady and quiet; re
fined firm and in good demand: C, 66c: ex
tra, 7Jc, white extra C, 7JiJKc; yellow, 6
6Jc; off A.7JJC. Molasses Foreign nominal;
sales of 226 hhds. Manganllla at 25c flat; New
Orleans steady. Rice moderately steady. Cot
tonseed oil steady; crude, 35c;yeflow, 41617c as
to quality. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpen
tine more actlvn and Ktpftriv at 42Ufr43 FVoY
in firni demand: western. 1718c: receipts. 4.K0
packages. Pork steady: mess. Inspected, 811 75
12; mess, uninspected, 811 50; extra prime.
810 6011. Cntmeats quiet and steady; pickled
hams 10Kllc; pickled bellies, e7c;
pickled shoulders, 5c. Butter Extra in fair
demand and firm; western dairv. 912c; do
creamery, ll18c; do factory, 8612c. Cheese
stronger and in better demand; western, 67c
Philadelphia Flour demand light and
tne general market weak. Wheat quiet;
futures weak and lower: Nol 2 mixed. In irln
depot and Twentieth street elevator, 44c; No.
2 yellow on track, 45c; No. 2 mixed, August,
42K43c; September, 42K4Sc; October, 43K
44c; November. 43Ji4ic Oats Carlots k
lc lower: No. 2 mixed, 27c; new No. S white, 29
29J$c; futures dull and a shade weaker; No. 2
white, August. 30t430Kc; September. 29K
SOc: October, 30MXc; November, S0K3lc.
Provisions steady with moderate demand.
Pork Mess, new, 813 6014 00; do prime mess,
new, 813 00; do family. 814 00Q14 60; hams,
smoked, 12014c. Lard Western steam. 86 62
6 7a Butter Fine goods Arm ; family qualitirs
unsettled: Pennsylvania creamerv nm 1R
Pennsylvania prints. 232Gc Eggs strong un
der scarcity; Pennsylvania firsts, 18c Cheese
quiet; patent skims, 566c
St. Louis Flour steady and unchanged.
Wheat, one of tbe dullest and most uninter
esting market of the season, prices fluctuat
ing within He range as an extreme Dull
cables, liberal receipts, favorable weather and
weaker markets, elsewhere depressed prices at
opening and the increase of 850,000 bushels in
tbe visible supplv caused a temporary easing
off, but rallied late and closed Arm. No. 2 red
cash, 7474ic; August, 74UQ74ic closed at
75Ji753ic bid: September. 74J74c, closed
at 74Jc; December, 76J77c. closed at 76Jic
bid. Corn loer;No.2 mixed, cash, 32J633c;
August. S2JiQ32Kc closed at 32c; September,
32HQ32kc, closed at 32K632J& asked; year!
31?s&Slkc closed at 31k631c: Mar. Sla
33Jic closed at 3354S33J4C asked. Oats weak:
No. 2 cash 28c; May, 23ji623Hc; August,
18Vc asked: September, lSJic bid; October,
."8W A.JO U.U.C., dov.
Cincinnati Flour easy; family. S3 25Q3 40:
fancy, 83 804. Wheat dull and lower; No. 2
red, 75Kc; receipts, 9,000 bushels: shipments
12000 bushels. Corn dull and weaker: No 2
mixed, 3Sc Oats weaker. Rye dull and lower.
No. 2, 41c Pork weak and lower at 810 62i.
Lard weak at 86. Bulkmeats neglected; short
ribs, 85 25. Bacon easier; short clear, 86 50.
Butter ilrm: fancy creamery, 2021c: choice
dairy. 11613c Linseed Oil in moderate demand
and firm at 6062c Sugar In fair demand;
hard rencedNew Orleans, 78c Eggs strong
at 1414c Cheese Demandlfair; prime to
choice Ohio fiat, 7K8c
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
.quiet: cash and September, 755c Com firm:
No. 3. 36c Oats dull: No. 2 white, 2424Xc
Rye quiet; No. 1. 43c Barley dull; No. 2 Sep
tember, 59c Provisions easy. Pork. 89 45.
Lard, 86 10. Cheese unchanged.
Baltimore Provisions quiet and un
changed. Butter firm; for choice: Western
packed. 10612c; creamery fancy, 1718c Eggs
firm; Western fresh, 1516c Coffeo firm and
quiet; Rio fair, 18Kc
Toledo Cloverseed quiet; cash, 81 60; Octo
ber, 84 35.
Mewl market.
New York Pig iron steady; Scotch. 820
3a Copper unchanged; Lake August, 812 6a
Lead steady; domestic, & W).
Of the Establishment of tbe Catholic Hier
archy Will be a Sncce.
Baltimore, August 19. The answers to
the invitations to the centennial of the Cath
olic hierarchy to be held in Baltimore
November 10 and succeeding days indicate
a very large attendance. Fully 60 of the
bishops of the United States will be pres
ent. Cardinal Taschereau, Archbishop of
Quebec, has sent an acceptance.
A feature or tbe occasion will be the
probable attendance of a delegation from
Home, headed by a prelate holding high
rank in the Propaganda. A delegation of
distinguished lajmen' from the Pacific
slope have already sent requests that seats
be reserved.
" v
An Order to That Effect Iasned by Actio
Secretary Bntchellor.
Washington, August 19. Acting Sec
retary Batckellor to-day issued a circular to
custodians of buildings under control of tbe
Treasury Department requiritg them to
keep hoisted the United States flag durine
business hours, except in stormy weatbeiv
The revenue flag will continue"to fly over
custom houses at present.
August Weather at the Bottom of the
Prevailing Dullness.
Scarcity of Coke Producing Alarm
European Iron Manufacturers.
There Is something in the August
weather that is peculiarly depressing and
inimical to business. Everything is done in
a perfunctory sort of a war, denoting lack
ot energy in the doer. Under these circum
stances a rushing trade is not to be expected.
The performance of routine,duties is about
as much as the average" man cares to go
through with. August is a sort of middle
ground between the summer and the fall
business, affording weary brains and bodies
an opportunity to recuperate. If men were
to go on the year round at high pressure
they would soon break down, enterprise
would languish, and the marvelous develop
ment of tbe country cease entirely, or go for
ward at a snail's pace,
Pittsburg is laboring nnder this depressing
influence, but to a less extent, probably, than
any other city in the country. Still it is no
ticeable in the smaller volume of transactions
as compared with previous months. There is
no other reason for this than the weather. In
ancient times it was said to affect the gods.
Jove's thunders were less ominous, and tbe
assemblies of the' deities on Mount Olympus
were characterized by less vivacity. Money
Is plenty. The same people are here.
There is no scarcity of merchantable
commodities, and yet there is little de
mand comparatively for the one, or desire to
do anything on the part of the other. The con
ditions of trade have undergone no particular
change, certainly not enough t account for
tbe general apathy.
Business is not fiat on its back. Tbere is a
treat deal going on in the concrete, but there
is no snap in it. Nobody wants to expand, or
do more than is necessary to keep things mov
ing. This condition will soon pass away. Au
tumn is near at band. Tbere is a crispness in
the air of September, as it comes down from
tbe snow-clad mountains and icy lakes and
rivers of the North a suggestion of frost and
good appetites which makes men feel the
thrilllngs of a new life and gives them greater
capacity for work. It is gratifying to know
that the business men of Pittsburg are full of
hope and faith in the future, which is full of
promise of greater things than they have yet
been called upon to do.
w w m
According to the introduction to Poor's
Manual of Railroads for 1889, just issued, the
total number of miles of railroad in the United
States at the close of 18SS was 156,082, of which
7.028 miles were constructed during the year
the rate of increase being 4.7 per cent. The
mileage of lines making returns of their share
capital and funded and floating debts equaled
154,276. against 147,999 for 1SS7, the increase be
ing 6,277, the rate of increase being 4.21 per
The gross earnings or receipts of all the lines
(Including elevated railroads) from which re
turns were received for the year equaled 8960,
256,270, of which 8251,356,167 were received from
transportation of passengers; 8639,200,723 from
transportation of freight; and S69.C99.380 from
the transportation of malls and express matter,
profits of leased lines and other miscellaneous
sources of revenue. In the latter sum are in
cluded the gross earnings of elevated railroads.
Tbe gross earnings ot all the lines for the year
ending December 31, 1887, equaled 8940,150,702;
the increase for the year 1888 equaling 820,105,
668. or 2.14 per cent.
The number of persons transported In 1888 by
all tbe lines was 451,353,655, 'against 428,225,513
f o.- 1SS7, the increase for the year being 23.123,
142, tbe rate of increase equaling 5.4 percent.
Tbe number ot passengers carried one mile in
1888 equaled 11,190,613,679, against 10.57a306.710
for 1887, the increase equaling 620,306,669 per
sons carried one mile, .the rate of increase
equaling very nearly 6 per cent.
The number of tons of freight transported on
our railroads in 1SSS equaled 689,398,317, against
652,074,752 tons In 1887, tbe Increase equaling
37,323,565 tons, the rate of increase being about
6Jf per cent. The value of the tonnage moved
in 1S88. estimating its value at 825 the ton,
equaled 814,633,957,925. The number of tons
transported one mile in 1SS8 equaled 70,423.005,
OSS, against 61,561,069,996 tons moved one mile
In 18S7, the increase of service performed for
tbe year equaling 8,861,935,992 tons moved one
mile, the rate of Increase being about 114 per
It is not only in England that the scarcity of
coke is causing serious inconvenience to iron
manufacturers. In Germany, Belgium and
France the limited supplies of the fuel are pro
ducing something akin to consternation among
iron masters. It Is In Germany, perhaps, that
the threatened coke famine has been most
severely felt, for in that country metallurgical
progress has, for some years past, been pro
gressing by "leaps and bounds." The demand
for coke has consequently grown proportion;
ately, but as little or no provision has been
made for this "boom" In the German Iron in
dustries, the coke supplies fall far short of the
requirements of the iron masters.
This peculiar turn of affairs in the Father
land, says the Jron and Coal Trades Journal,
seems to have been reproduced in Belgium,
where the Improvement in the iron trade has
recently become almost as pronounced as in
Germany. Though tbe price of coke in Bel-
glum bas not yet reached the figure that it has
touched in England, the advance is yet suffi
ciently great to give cause for serious alarm to
the Belgian iron masters. Coke in the Liege
districtt we believe, is now quoted at about 8s.
9d but for forward delivery as much as 14s. is
demanded, and 15s. bas in some instances been
obtained. It is quite probable, however, that
the price will reach 16s. or 17s. before the close
of the year, so limited are the supplies at tbe
present moment. It is no secret that some of
the furnaces now out of blast, both in Belgium
and the Grand Duchy, would be put in opera
tion to-morrow if only the needful coke supply
were forthcoming, but that Is now oat of, the
The erection of coke ovens involves consider
able outlay, and uncertainty as to the duration
ot tbe demand must necessitate extreme cau
tion on the part of the coke manufacturers,who
are naturally chary of incurring expense, where
the extent of the requirements may collapse at
any moment. It is true that up to the present
the demand for coke shows no signs of falling
off, thanks to the marvelous activity of the iron
trade abroad as well as at home, but that the
future Is not viewed without misgiving is
shown by tbe fact that coke producers still re
fuse to provide facilities for increasing their
output, although the Indications favor the
assumption tbat tbe demand for most descrip
tions of iron Is far more likely to increase than
diminish for soma time to come
The Iron Trade Review, of Cleveland, gives
some excellent advice to these engaged in hot,
heavy work, in regard to the use of water to
allay their thirst. It Is especially applicable to f
mm men. Tbe nevtew says:
"In Pittsburg tbere is necessarily an immense
quantity of water drank, inasmuch as mill men
must drench their innards, whereby to supply
the wherewithal for perspiration. The water
supplied the city from the two rivers is not
nearly so defective in purity as sensationalists
have asserted: but, however that may be, it
could be improved as a thirst allayer and at
tbe same time be, in a great measure, made as
healthful as the costly mineral springs' waters.
This can be accomplished by the use of salt.
Enough salt In drinking water to be percepti
ble to the taste removes the Insipidity, and Is
not only wholesome, but tends to keep tbe
stomach and bowels In good order. When
these organs are all right the remainder of the
man cannot be assailed by tbe ordinary dii
eases, inasmuch as good blood and open pores
The fact Is, that tbe chief medical virtues of
nine in ten of the noted mineral springs are due
to the salt contained therein! Saratoga waters,
for which one pays at the rate ot f 1 a gallon at
tha drug stores, have from 875 to 520 grains of
salt to tbe gallon. Other waters vary from 200
to 500 grains. Take this salt out, and these
waters would be little. If any more, curative
than plain spring water. The best charge of
salt for health and thirst satisfaction Is proba
bly about 150 grains to the gallon. This would
taste slightly in' water, but after a few days'
use the flavor would pot be noticed."
Not Much Dolus, But Broken Hopeful
West Tirc'laia Gas Strong-er.
In the absence of Captain Barbour, John D.
Bailey wielded the gavel at the stock call yes
terday morning, but although he,bas a'perua
stve tongue, he failed to screw the courage of
the "boys" up to the sticking point, and re
tired with one small sale, to his credit 50
shares of Electric at 52. In the afternoon Cap
tain Barbour turned up, smiling as usual. He
sold 150 shares of Wheeling gas at SO and 30
10 of Electric at 52. These transactions com
prised the business bt the day. .
The only particularly strong thing on the
list was Natural Gas of West Virginia, which
was bid up to 80 in tbe morning. In the after
noon it was down to 78. There- were no offers
at either figure. The excellent outlook In the
territory controUed by this company Is the
bulllshijelement of this stock. "It may be as
they say." remarked a broker, "but I will, wait
till they make a strike or two before purchas
ing. Cyclorama made a little spurt in tbe
afternoon, 7 being bid without acceptance.
"We will have a boom in this property pretty
soon." remarked a broker. "The earnings are
greater than people suspect."
So far as tbe rest of the list was concerned,
tbere was neither feature nor news, but an
evident undercurrent of strength indicating
belief in a radical change for the better before
long. "We will have plenty of business ten
days or two weeks from this time," 8lld a
broker who smokes good cigars. Bids, offers
and sales were:
Hid. Asked.
61 63
Hid. Asked.
Keystone BsnV. Pitts.
Manufacturers Gas Co.
Mat. Uu Co. of W. Va.
Ohio Valley Oas.
People's at Gas
P. N. O. ilVCo
PennsvlvanlaGas Co..
Philadelphia Co
YVbeellnr Mas Co 3o;
Forest Oil Co MO
Central Traction. - 31H 32
Cltlrens' Traction 68" ....
PlttsbnrK Traction 43H
Pleasant Valley 210
i'itts., A. & Man 253
Pitts. 4 Western . K. Wi ....
Union llrldge
La Norla illnlntr Co 2
Westintrhontr .Electric
U. S. ASljr. Co 22f
11. 8. & big. Co. pref. .... 55
Weitlnzhouse A.li.Co
Pitts. Cyclorama Co
At the morning call 50 shares of Electric
brought 62. In the afternoon 100 shares of
Wheeling Gas went at 30. 50 at 30 and 10
Electric at 62. Henry SI. Long bought 110
shares of Electric at 51 to 62.
Tbe total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 126.154 shares, including: Atchison,
6.626: Louisville and Nashville. 3.627; Missouri
Pacific 4,500; Northern Pacific preferred,
S.632: Reading. 14,900; St. Paul, 21,600; Union
Pacific, 4,2ia
They Are Taking Things Coolly and Walling
for u Change.
At one of the principal banks visited yester
day tbe remark was made: "We are doing
very little to-day. Nobody seems to want
money. We would shut up shop and go a-fish-ing
If we were not afraid that about the time
tbe key was turned in the door someone would
bob up and want something. I guess we'll
8tandltout. I don't think it will be long until
business will take a turn for tbe better."
At two or three other banks more encour
aging information was obtained. They were
doing something in the way of discounting, and
reported an average clerical business. "With
all tbe idle money In the country," said a cash
ier, "I can see no reason to apprehend a strin
gency, which some Eastern financiers affect to
believe Is among tbe possibilities, if not proba
bilities. I think this talk Is Intended to bull
the stock market." The bank clearings were
82.282.952 52 and tbe balances 8427,842 99.
Honey on call at New York yesterday was easy
at2to4)per cent, last loan Z closed offered
at 2. Prime mercantile paper. 4Ji7. Sterling
exchange dull but steady at 84 S4 for 60-day
bills and 84 8 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
TJ. 8. 4,rejr 138!
U. 8.4a, coup 1284
M. K. AT. Oen. St.. 63K
Mutual Union es.,..101V
N. J. G. Int. Cert.. .113
Northern Pac. 1JU..1I7
Northern Pac. 2d..H7
u. o. 42)8, rejr..- iw
U. 8. 4MS. coup.... 10o
Pacifies of95. 118
Loulilanastampedu 90M
Missouri 6s .....100H
Northw'n deben's..U4
Oregon & Trans. 6.105)4
St. L. &I.M. (Jen. Ss 85
Si. Paul consols ....1MK
St. PI, ChlAPe.liU.II7H
Tx.. Pe.L. O.Tr Ka.o
lean, new pgi. os....iuo
Tenn. new set. 5s....ltc
Tenn. new set. 3,... 72V
Cen. Paclflclits 1H1
Den. & K. O., Ut.'..ja
Den. & It. . 4s 711 j
D.AK.O. Westing. iar
Tx.,PcK.a.TT.Kcts W i
union irac. Ml. ....Hi ;
rie, zas 104
west snore josft
Goremmenfand State bonds wera dnlland
Philadelphia Clearings, 89,530,711; bal
ances. 81.442.701.
Baltimore Clearings. 82,594,182; balances,
NEW-YOBX-CIearlngs. 864,168.786; balances,
Boston Clearings, 812,472,164; balances,
81,376,253. Money 3 oer cent.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 851 65c for the
Berlin The statement of the Imperial
Bank of Germany shows a decrease In specie
of 6,400.000 marks.
Chicago Money on call 45; with occa
sional large, select loans at 4 per cent: time
loans, 67 per cent. Bank clearings. 81L231,0u0.
StLouis Bank clearings, 83,265,092; bal
ances. 8658,601.
New York Tarns a Weak Oil Market Into a
Strong One.
Bearish field news caused a dull and weak
opening at tbe Petroleum Exchange yester
day. Without crossing It, the market hung
very closely to the dollar line all day. Oil City
sold early and Pittsburg bought, but on a
limited scale. In the afternoon New York
bought in Oil City, getting about 60,000
barrels of the stuff.
This caused prices to move up rapidly, and
turned a weak market into a strong one. Tbe
close was firm at 3Kc below the best price of
the day. About 5,090 barrels of cash oil
brought 99Kc Saturday's clearings were
606,000 barrels.
Feature of Ibo Marker.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKley & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange
opened 98LoweJt
8,'i Closed
Average runs
Average shipments
Average charters
Keflned, JiewYor. 7.50a
Kenned, London. 5J6d.
Keflned, Antwerp, is(r.
Keflned. Liverpool, 6Xd.,
Oil Mnrkets.
Oil Crnr.August 19. National transit certifi
cates opened at 99c: highest, 99Jic; lowest.
SJc: closed. 99c Sales. 479,000 barrels;
..!;., w uarreis; cnarters, ai.iii car
rels; shipments, 94,032 barrels; runs. 6U997 bar
rels. Bradford, August 19. National transit
certificates opened at 99c; 'closed at 09Kc:
highest, 99-Xc.' lowest, 9Sfc; clearances, 322,000
Tttusville. August 19. National transit
certificates opened at 9Sc; highest. 99?ic:
lowest, Sc; closed, 9c s
New York Petroleum steady at 99c 'but
became weak and declined to 9Sc in the first
hour. Buying by Standard Oil brokers then
caused a sharp turn and the price advanced
2 cents, the market closing firm at 99Kc
Total sales, 1,091,000 barrels. '
Several Dickers in Real Estate Brought to
a Head. '
John F. Baxter, 5l2 Smlthfield street, sola lot
No. 85. Baum Grove plan. Roup station, front
age of 40 feet on Baum street by 120 to a 20-foot
alley, to John F. Stewart for 82,000.
L. O. Frazlor, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for William Velte ct al a new
frame dwelling, five rooms, etc, lot 21x100 feet,
situate on the west side of Gross street, near
Sclota street. Twentieth ward, to John G.
Moore for 82.600.
The Pittsburg Company, Lim., sold a beauti
ful lot at Emsworth station for Samuel Court
ney, fronting 60 feet on Beaver road and ex
tending back 135 feet to the Mill race, to G. A.
O'Hara, of Emsworth, for 8400. Mr. O'Hara
Intends erecting a fine dwelling house Imme
diately. . ,
Alles it Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for
Mrs. Kathra a frame dwelling of four rooms
and finished attic etc, and lot 25x160 feet, sit
uate on Brownsville avenue, near Washington
street. Thirty-first ward. Southside, to John
Bergman, of the Central Hotel, for 81,400 cash.
Black A Baird, Bo Fourth avenue, sold forth e
Armor estate property on. Smallman alleyr
Seventh ward, city, to TJ. G. Marks 'for 81,800
Reed B. Coyle & Co.. 131 Fourth avenue,
placed a mortgage of 8400 for three years at 6
per cent, on property In West Chartiers.
Thomas McCaffrey yesterday sold for Mrs,
8. P. Costello to Alexander Hutchinson two
lots on Wylie avenue, 48x110 feet, for 81,500.
He also sold for P. B. UoWUllams to John
!!! "&
'm "
100 ....
".: "iH
"kh '.'.'.'.
Hi 2
51 S2S
ilil SIX
7 ....
Wallace lot No. 3. In Sunrise plan, fronting on
iuncaid street. Nineteenth ward, for 8400.
Charles E. Cornelius yesterdav sold lots from
bis plan at MoTnlncslde, -Eighteenth ward, as
follows; Two lots, 20x100 feet, to Jos. Blakel
for 8700; three lots, 20x100 feet; to John Dorierf
for 81.000; two-lots, 20x100 feet, to M. Williams
for 8o00; three lots, 20x100 feet, to 8, R. Smith
for $300.
Charles E. Cornelius is' making preparations
to build 25 or 30 small honaes. fonr. five and six
rooms, on bis plan at Morningslde this summer
and fall.
Business Notes.
John D. Bailey wielded the gavel at the
Stock Exchange yesterday as If he had been
there before.
There will be a meeting of stock brokers In
a few days to devise measures for broadening
the business of tbe Exchange.
Messrs. Alxes fc Batlet, real estate, have
adopted a novel trade mark in the shape of a
red line, which will cross diagonally all of their
for sale and to let signs.
Accobdino to a New York telegram, there
Is a general feeling of confidence among large
operators that the present national administra
tion Is'favorable generally to the bull side of
the market, and that when anything seriously
threatening comes up the Government Is likely
to come speedily to the relief of the market by
heavy purchases of bonds.
The Richmond property, on Squirrel Hill,
Twenty-second ward, located on Shady lane,
fronting 700 feet on that thoroughfare and ex
tending back beyond Linden avenue, and
facing the property bought about two years
ago from the Murray estate bv the late Wm.
1 haw. and containing 35 acres, has just been
sold for 887,500, or 82,600 per acre.
Sesbt Clews says: "The money market
Is a sonrce of caution. Owing to early antici
pations of tight money, the danger has been
largely averted, and there is no longer any
feeling of apprehension. At the same time ,
there is strong reason for prudence. We are
of'the opinion, therefore, that more caution
Is needed on the long side of tbe market than
is being exercised; at least until tbe future of
the money market can be calculated upon
with more safety, or until an investment or
outside speculative demand appears for stocks
at present prices."
Wall Street Feela the Effects of n Bad Bank
Statement Grangers the Greatest
Sufferers A Drop In Sugar
Trait Other Wenk Spots
Bonds Dulll
New York, August 19. Tbe stock market
to-day felt the full effect ot the bad bank state
ment of Saturday, and the extraordinary cut
in rates announced after the close of business
on that day. The market, however, after the
first drop at the opening, was extremely well
held, and while prices gave way slightly there
was no pressure to sell and the business done
was on a par with that of the latter days of last
week, showing the holdings of stock were not
frightened, and that strong hands held not only
the stocks but the short contracts. London
prices, in anticipation of tbe drop here, came
materially lower than our prices of Saturdav.
the losses extending to 1 per cent, and here
they ranged up to per cent in the active
Tha grangers, of course, were the greatest
sufferers in the early drop, though Burlington
was stubbornly maintained at its openlngprice,
and not one of the grangers shows a marked
final decline. The lull effect was shown in
stocks In which the money rates will have most
effect, and the trusts were tbe weakest features
of the day, and developed more animation than
they have shown in a month. Cotton oil was
the most conspicuous for weakness, but was
closely followed by sugar, tbe others fluctuat
ing within a narrow range and being at tbe
same time quite dull. The stocks of the Big
Four combination and those ot other roads in
that territory were tbe weakest in tbe regular
list, though, after the opening, the declines
were fractional only.
Tbe opening was quiet, but prices showed de
clines extending to per cent In North
western, and further losses of small fractions
sustained In the early trading, though the mar
ket was dull and without excitement of any
Cotton OH only developed marked weakness,
however, and was closely followed by sugar,
though the decline In the latter was more
rapid after it started, and reached 2 per cent
before noon. This was its lowest point, and
some recovery was made in the afternoon,
while cotton Oil continued to decline, touching
49 In tbe last hour.
The regular list was completely devoid of
feature until the last hour, when a smart rise
of 1 per cent in Delaware and Hudson relieved
the monotony. Tbe close was dull and rather
heavy at fractional losses in most of the list.
Cotton Oil is down 2: Sugar, IK! Chicago and
East Illinois. 1 the preferred W; Lake Erie
and Western preferred, i, and Union Pacific
and Cloveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St,
Louis common, 1 per cent each.
The railroad bond market was-dull as usual,
but presented a marked contrast to the share
list in its tone being strong, and for the first
time in many days the general drift of prices
was upward. Tbe sales reached 8776,000, of
which 1151,000 was in Rock Island 5s. There
was little special feature outside of the strength
in the Ohio, Indiana and Western issues, and
tbe firsts are 2 per cent higher at 78K and the
seconds 2K at 47K-
Closing bids, furnished by Whitney & Ste
phenson, oldest Pittsburg members of the
New York: Stock Exchange:
Am. Cotton Oil 49K
N.Y. Central 106if
N. Y..L. E. A W 2
N. Y.,L..a;W.pf. ....
N. Y.,C. A bt. L.... 1X
N. Y..C. &bt. L.pf. 67
N.Y..C.&St.2dpt.. 35)4
N. Y. AN.-K........ SOU
N. Y., Ont. W.. 172
N. W... .
N. AW. nra
Atcn.,iop. s.e.. sa
Canadian Pacific
Canada bouthern... &2
Central of N.J 112
Central Pacific 35
ChC3. A Ohio 24)4
Chic.K. A Onlncy. ..104S
ti, M.&StP 71
(,-.. si. A at. r. pra
N. Pacific aint
U., Bt. Li. SI 14
C. Bt. 1.. A P., pfd. 33M
U, St. P., M. A O
Chicago & K.. 1V)
Chicago H., pfd. .143
C, U.,0. A I n
C, C..C. Al.. pfd. .l(l!k
Col., Coal A Iron.... 27M
Col. A Hocking V,
Del., Lack. & W....145
D. AK. a 17
1). AK. G., ptd... . 43
E.T., Y. 4C3.
J5.T..V. AG..rpfd. 72
K.T..V. AG. 2 pfd. 22
Illinois Central.... US
L. E. A W 1SS
L. E. A W pfd 64H
L. S. a M. S 104
L. A N 70
Michigan Central.".
Mobile A Ohio 1J,S
Mo., Kan. A Tex.... 12
Missouri Pacific 71 X
N. Pacific, nfd e&t
Oregon Improve
Oreion Transcon.
Pacific Mall S4K
P.. 1. A Evans
I'hlla. A Keadlnr..
K.W. P. T..
. P. AU... ....
S.P. Al).. pld
3. P., M. AM 101
St. L. A 8. V.
St. L. AS. r., pfd.,
8t. L. S.F. lnM...
, 9
. 20V
. 614
. 17H
. ay,
. 70
. 22
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
vt abash, nfd
Western Union
W. AL. E.
Sugar Trait
Pi at. Leaa Trust
Chicago Oas Trust.,
renna. K. B i!H
Reading .22 1-10,
Phlla A Erie
Allegh'y V. bonds ,
P., 0. A Bt-Ij. b'ds .
U. Co.'sfJ. J
North. Pacific
North. Pacific, pf.
H.. P. W 9
Lehigh Valley..... 6V,i
L,enignivav 03ft
Central Trans Co
Boston Stocks.
Atcb.LandOrant, 7sllo
Ateb. ATon.R. K... 38
itntland preferred- 41
Wis. central, com... 23JS
Wis. Central pt... 81
AllouezMgCo(new).. H
Calumet & Hecla....Z26
Kranxun 9
Huron lit.
Boston A Alnany...17)4l
Dosson juaine.....zu3
V..-D. . 104)4
tann. can. s uieve. z
KancrnB. K PS
Flint .t Fereal 25
Osceola. 2
Flint A Pen M. pfd. KH
1'ewablc (new) S3
jue-tiesn uen. com.. i&t
Mcx. C. bond si-rlp. 73
Mex.C.litmtg. bda. BJH
S. T. AewKng. .. 60
N.Y. A H.E.7S.... 2SH
Old Colony 175
neu aeiepnone 231
Boston Land...
w aier rower..
San Diego
Mlnlna- StocUs.
York. August 19. Amador,
Belcher. 200: Best A Belcher. S.VI- ("jilorMnli n
H., 310; Cbollar, 180: Crown Point, 280: Colorado
Central. 100; Consolidated California and Vir
T)riwnnd J-
JJeaawooa r
ginia, ia commonwealth, 240: Deadwood
Ter.. 125: Eureka Consolidated 140; F.l CiHittn
100; Gould A Curry. 190: Hale A Norcross,
290: Horn Silver, 110; Mexican. 310; Mutual, 140;
Ontario, 34.00; Ophir. 480; Plymouth, 420;
Sierra Nevada, 245; Union- Consolidated. 800;
Ward Consolidated, 135; Yellow Jacket, 280.
Carelesnes,lnstead 'of Robbery.UesponsI
ble for tbe MImIbk Stall Bag.
Chicago, August 19. Postmaster Sex
ton and Inspector Stuart received word this
mornipg about the alleged theft of regis
tered mail at Terre Haute from a VandaKa
mail car. It was reported that the pouch,
which was a through one from Albany to
St. Louis, and-contained about $11,000, was
cut open and rifled, and that the remains
were found in the Terre Haute Railroad
This, the postmaster says, has been re
ported incorrectly. The pouch fell out of
the car, but was found intact some time
afterward by a switchman and returned to
the postal authorities.
Mothers will find for their own debility
and weaknesses an excellent and gentle
tonic in Dr. D. Jayne'i Tonic Vermifuge;
while, lor their children, whether in weak
ness from the want of appetite, or worms, it
is a remedy that will not disappoint. It
ought to be kept In every household, ready
for use when seeded, nd much suffering
will bo thereby tared. Sold by all druggists.
A Liberal Snpply of Seasonable
Fmits and Vegetables.
Cereal Eecelpts Patent Flours
Drifting Lower.
O jtice or the Pittsburg Dispatch, J
Monday, August 19, 1SS9. S
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Trade was fair for Monday, All signs point
to an abundance1 of all seasonable fruits and
vegetables for tbe week. Peacbes and canta
loupes are slow, owing to excessive supply. The
time for canning peaches is not yet here, and
many of tbe largest consumers are away from
home. Potatoes are 'firmer in tbe West, nut
quiet here. Batter, eggs and cheese closed up
steady oq Saturday after very free' movement
alt the week. It is too early to furnish pointers
for this week's markets, but tbe signs are In
the air tbat we are tu have active markets and
stronger prices.
Butter Creamery, Elgin.-2:23c; Ohio do,
20c: fresh dairy packed, lo17c; country rolls.
Beans Nai
band-picked beans, $2 402 60;
S30c r? & for choice; low grade.
medium, 82 301
Cider Sand refined, 86 507 60; common,
83 604 00: crab cider, 88 008 60 ft barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c t callon.-
Cheese Ohio. 8c: New York, 10c; Llm
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9k'12K
Imported Sweitzer. 22Kc
California Fruits Bartlett pears, 83 00
3 60 m box; plums. 81 752 00 a 4-basket case.
J.UUB ice t uozen lor stncuv iresn.
Ht hundred: Delaware peaches. 81 0001 25 w
halr-buibel basket.
Feathers Extra live e-eese. SBanOe- Nn 1.
do. 4045c: mixed lots, 303oc IP ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c
pair; old, 6570c TP pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Us to bushel, 85 60
H bushel; clover, large English, 62 Bs, 88 00;
clover, Alslke. 88 50; clover, white, 89 00; timo
thy, choice. 45 Ks, 81 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 As, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lis, 81 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts, 81 65; red top, 14 Us. 81 25;
millet, 60 fts.: 51 00; German millet, 60 Its,
81 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, 81 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, 82 50 V bushel ot
14 &s.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered. 1L
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, 84 60
5 00; rod! oranges, 85 005 50: bananas, 82 00
firsts, 81 25 good seconds, $1 bunch; cocoanuts,
84 004 60 f hundred: figs, 8KS9C Id tt; dates,
6Kc f) ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, 81 25Q1 40 fl barrel;
tomatoes, bome-grown, 81 251 60 f) bushel;
wax beans, 81 bushel; green beans, 6075c H
busbel; cucumbers, home-raised, 81 50 ft bushel;
radishes. 25?40c dozen: home-crown, calk
bages, 60c t? bushel; new celery, bome-grown,
40c $ dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, 84 003
4 50, Jerseys, to 005 5C
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 21K22Jic;
choice Rio. 1920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
18K19Kc; old Government Java, 28c: Mara
caibo, 2223c; Mocha. Z728c; Santos, 1922Kc;
Caracas. 20j)22c; peabe'rry, Rio, 2224c; La
Guayra, 212c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
22Kc; blgh grades, 24K26c; old Government
Java, bulk. 331c; Maracaibo. 2827c;
Santos, 20K22Kc; peaberry. 25Xc; peaberry,
choice Rio, 23Kc; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio,
21c; ordinary, 2uKc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
casla. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, kKc: water
white, 10c;. globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; camadine,
byrups Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar
syrup 33S38ct prime sugar syrup, S0g33c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 43c: choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Vs,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c .
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine,
set. 8Xc; parafflne, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice. 6iiQ
7c; prime. 5?iQ6Kc: Louisiana, SgoKc
Starch Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 5tjl6c: gloss
starch, &Q7o.
Foreiom Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65: Lon
don layersr 83 10; California London layers,
82 60; Muscatels. 82 25; California Muscatels,
81 85: Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,95i10c;
sultana, 8Ko: currants, 4K5c: Turkey prunes,
4Ji5c; French prunes. 8X13c: Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, f) 100.
86 00; almonds, Lan., per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do Shelled. 40c; walnuts, nap., 12015c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs,1216c: new dates,
5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, ?! ft, 1314c3 orange
peel, 12Kc J
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c
apples, evaporated, 6&p6c: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 12Xloc: peacbes,;evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peacues, California evaporated,
unpared, 10l2Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle
berries. 1012c
&UOAR8 Cubes, Sc; powdered. 9c: granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8Jc; standard
A. 8c; soft whites. S8Jic: yellow, choice.
?; j"i U"uu, tyfux, yeuow, lair, vic;
yellow, dark. 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 84 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), 82 75.
SALT-No. L bbL 95c: No. 1 ex. V bbl, 81 05,
dairy. Jf bbl.$l 20; coarse crystal, t bbl, 81 20;
Higgins Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80, Higglns'
Eureka, 16-14 ft. pockets, 83 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches 81 60
1 90; 2ds 81 301 35; extra peaches. 81 902 00;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, 8I1 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90ctl; Lima beans,
81 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do. 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas. 81 101 15: soaked peas. 70075c;
pineapples, 81 40081 60: Bahama do, 82 75, dam
son plums, 95c; greengages? 81 25; egg plums,
82; California pears, 82 50; do greengages, 82; do,
egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 82 90: red
cherries, 2 fts. 90cr raspberries, 81 4001 60:
strawberries. 81 10; gooseberries. 81 S01 40;
tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon. 1-fi. 8 752 10;
blackberries, SOc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 fts, 81 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans. 82 05; 14-fi cans, 814 00: baked beam. 81 45
1 50; lobster. 1-ft. 81 7&1 80; mackerel, 14ft
cans, broiled. 81 50: sardines, domestic hi.
84 504 60: sardines, domestic Ks. :88 2538150;
sardines, imported. Ks, 811 5012 60, sardines,
imported, s. 918; sardines, mustard, 84 50; sar
dines, spiced, 84 50.
Fish Extra No, 1 bloater mackerel, 836
bbl.: extra No. -1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do. messed,
836: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips. 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 667Xc Herring
Round shore, 85 00 W bbl; split. 87 00; lake.
82 00 p 10O-B half bbl. White fish. 87 00 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout. 85 60 TP halt bbl.
Finnan haddock; 10c ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
?? ft. Pickerel. K barrel, 82 00; barrel, 81 10;
Potomac herring, 85 00 barrel, 82 50 yl J4
Oatmeal 80 306 60 31 bbl.
Miners Oil No. 1 winter i
strained, 55057c
y gallon. Lard oil,-75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change 55 cars.- By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 6 cars of bay, 1 of bran, 8 of flour,
12 of oats, 3 of wheat, 2 of straw, 1 of feed, 1 of
middlings. Bv Pittshnre. Cincinnati anrl Rt
Louis, 7 cirs of oats. 1 of rye, 1 of oats and
--, -.,- ..i rutZ n ... -r -
1 of hay. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of
corn. Sales on call, 1 car extra No. 3 oats.
2JJ4c 5 days, P. R. R., 3 cars of rye straw, 86 00;
10 days, P. R. R. Advices from Northwestern
millers indicate a weakening or flour prices.
The bet spring patents in wood are offered to
iobbers here in carload lots, figures wbich will
'ring cost to 85 6a after freight is paid. The
quality of new wheat and flour is much above
that last year. A sample of new No. 1 wheat
was on exhibition at the Grain Exchange to
day from Faribault, Minn., which would com
pare iavoraoiy in quality witn anytning re
ceived in recent years.
Wheat Jobbing prices New No; 2 red,
81S2c: No.2red.oId.8SS9c
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4546c; high mixed
ear. 44S44c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243c;
high nilxeo. shelled, 4142c: mixed. Shelled.
404lc ' r
Oats-No. 2 white. 27K2Sc; extra No. S,
2727Kc: mixed. 2324c
Rye No.lPennHvlranIa.and Ohio, 50051c;
xu- X C3LCIU, VOVC; new TJO J O. 4 UUIO.
lour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents. So oS 00; winter straight,
84 7505 00: clear winter. 84 60475; straight
XXXX bakers', 84 0004 25; Rye flour, 83 60
Millteed Middlings. 'fine white. 813 60
15 00 W ton; brown middlings, 811 60Q12 00; win
ter wheat bran, 811 00 11 25; cbop feed, 815 609
16 00.
Hat Baled timothy, choice, J14 6014 75;
No-ldo. fl3 60018 00; No. 2 do. tll001200r
juuqo jruiu waggn, cio w&u uv; new nay crop.
ciu uubh w, according to quality: no. i up
land prairie, 89 009 60; No. 87 608 00; pact
lnedo, $8 757 00r
Straw Oats, 86 50; wheat ami rye straw
$5 &9S6 00.
, Sugar-cured hams, large, UJc; sugar-cured J
bams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured hams, small,
12Xc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 6Jic; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c; sugar-curedT California hams.
"8c: sugar-cured dried beer flats, 10c; sngar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sngar-enred dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon
clear sides. 7e-. bacon clear bellies, 5c; dry
salt shoulders. 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, beavy. 812 60; mess pork, family,
813 00, Lard Refined In tierces. 6Kc: half,
barrels. 6c; 60-1 tubs, 6?c: 20-ft pails,7c: 50-B
tin cans, 6jc: 3-Wttn palls: 7Kc; 5-tt tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-a tin palls. 7c; 10-ft
tin pails. 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c: large,
5c. Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams. 10c
Plgs feet, half .barrel, 83 60; quarter barrel,
82 00.
Dressed Blear.
Armour & Ca furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550
As, 6c: 550 to 650 tts. 6Vc: 650 to 750 fts, 6a
8heep,8c-flla, Lambs, 10c fi. Hogs,6i&
Fresh pork loins, 8Kc
Samuel Crane, the baseball player, who
was arrested at New York on a requisition
from Pennsylvania charging'him' with running
away with the wife of a man named Frouen
felter. of Scranton, has agreed to go back to
Scranton without further trouble Mrs. Frou
enfelter will also go back to answer the
charges her husband has preferred against her.
The State Department yesterday received
a cablegram from the United States Vice Con
sul at Porto Rico announcing the death last
nigbt of Consul Edward Conroy. He was tbe
oldest of United States Consuls, and In length
of service was the junior of but one man, the
Consul at Gibraltar. He was appointed Consul
at San Juan, Porto Rico, In 1869, and was fully
80 years old.
Tbe forest fires which have been raging all
over Montana for three weeks and have de
stroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars'
worth of timber, have reached most alarming
proportions. A gentleman just In from North
ern Montana reports that on the ranges In
Cboutou county, which heretofore have es
caped, and on which cattlemen were depending
to keep their stock this winter, thousands of
head of cattle are burning. The big com
panies have over 300 men out trying to suppress
the fire and save tbelr teed, but the small
streams are all dried up and the flames leap
over- them as quickly as if traveling on an
open prairie In two days the fire traveled
over a section 60 miles wide and 100 ill length.
A dispatch from the City of Mexico says
Hon. John G. Carlisle and wife, accompanied
by United States Minister Ryan, left therefor
Gaudalajara Saturday night, where they will
be given a reception by Governor Cosona, of
the Stole of Jalisco. On Saturday afternoon the
Secretary of the Interior, Romerio .Rubio. gave
a dinner at Tacubaya. at which Mr ind Mrs.
Carlisle, Minister Ryan andpresident and Mrs.
Diaz were present. The eatertainmerit is said
to have been the finest ever given in Mexico.
Mrs. Carlisle was visited by Mrs. Diaz during
her stay in the city, and by many or the ladles
of the American colony. Mr. Carlisle bas re
ceived more attention from Mexican officials
since he has been here than any American
since General Grant's visit.
The defalcation in the Boonville. IncL.
Sostofflce approximates 86,500, and the United
tales Inspector has completed his -investigation,
and tbe bondsmen settled up. each paying
the sum of 32,813.10 to the United States Gov
ernment. Dewey took $600 of Postmaster
Swint's undrawn salary. Mr. Swlnt Is the"
editor of the Boonville Enquirer, but, on ac
count of ill health, left the entire management
of the postofflce to Clerk Dewey. Dewey had
not made a report to the Government for 21"
weeks. Dewey's robbery has completely
ruined Postmaster Swlnt, who turned over to
the bondsmen bis paper and all his property
except his household furniture. Dewey was
completely Infatuated with gambling: He was
a gay, rollicking fellow, extravagant and reck
less, but so jovial that he made many friends.
He is 32 years of age. Dewey left In Boonville
about 81,000 in unpaid debts. Government de
tectives are on his track, but it Is doubtful If
he will be captured.
Dr. Sbafer, One of the physicians of the
Polypathic Medical Institute, at 420 Penn ave.
Tbe number of people who annually die
from Brlght's disease is simply astonishing.
As the disease progresses, there is an in
creased pain in the small of the back and in
the region of tbe groins, high colored urine
with brick dust sediment, scanty or copious
flow, with pain in' voiding it. Not only do the
kidneys themselves become organically dis
eased, terminating In gravel or stone hi the
bladder, diabetes or Bright's disease, but is
one of the most potent causes of rheumatism
and dropsv.
The Poiypatbio Medical Institute Is perma
nently located In Pittsburg for the treatment
ot rheumatism, kidney and urinary diseases.
Analysis of specimens of urine free. Consul
tation also free
Office hours, 10 to 11:30 a. sl, 1 to 4 and 6 to 8
F. M. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. if. aul7-D
Bold by all stove dealers. Manufactured by
632 and 634 LIBERTY STREET.
A pare dry, Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good:
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, &c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
R.W. BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, H.-Y.
A nurelv Veiretabla
1 Compound that attipI
all bad humors from tbe
I system. Removes blotch-
'es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Eciema,vltchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
TS itopl. appUoatioa f "iw.ii. Oman" ltlio
any liuraal indtolai. itn m, u; mm of Twr, Sill
Rh.um.tHir.orm, Tan. IKS, Sorn. Hmplw, Irtrlr.1... .U
BlUwr SV OBStiBftto wlM. m.b1 HnlH k.. A. T.T
r it r aaU tor SO iu. s Bum. ! AadnuT DmC
wanatBsa.raUadilaala.ra. AkmtsriflMatt
Blood Purifler"
JAJ3. D. CALLER-Y President
Capital and surplus. 8125,00a
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., .'
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
wholesaleIxclusively '
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg.
$225,000. .
The entire Issue being 8300,000 on the prop.,
erty and franchises of the company, including
all its consolidated lines, 875.000 being retained
by the Fidelity Tile and Trust Company, ot
Pittsburg, trustee, with which to pay 875,000 of
a prior issue at maturity. Bonds are for 81.000
each, payable in 30 years, free of all taxes.
Interest at 5 per cent, payable semi-annually,
beginning July 1, 1889, Proposals forall or any
part of these bonds will be received by tho
Treasurer of the company up to and including
tbe 31st day of August, ana allotments made
thereunder accrued interest must bo added to
tbe price of bonds. At from 8113 68 to 8103
these bonds will yield from 4 to 4 6-10 per cent.
The company reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
For further information address the Treas
urer. R. F. RAMSEY.
95 Fifth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa.
As old residents know ana back files ot Pitts
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDnilCand mental diseases, physical
IN r.n V UuO decay.nervons debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrusr,bashf nlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,soclety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotAies, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood, .
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures. ,
Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific ana reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. jr. to 8 p. jr. Sun
day. 10 A. St. to 1 r. K. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
mow thyself:
!- n irnnyr-Tn OB
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise cm
tne .Errors 01 loutn, rremarareueciine,xervoua
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, tbe Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, t-oyal 8vo.
eautlfnl binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only. 81 by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if you.
apply now. Tbe distinguished autbor. wm. H.
Parker. M. D., receivedtbe GOLD AND JEW
ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS
snd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may be con
sulted, confidentially by mall or In person, at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfineh SL, Boston,' Mass., to
whom all orders for books or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulS-fJT-Tursuwk
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S., is tbe oldest and
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Office
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. jr.; Sunday?. 2 to 4 p.
M.Consnlt them personally, or write. DOCTOES
Lake. 906 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
io3c's Cotton. KOOfc
imposed ot Cotton Root. Tansr and
Pennvroval a recent discovery bv an
'old nhvslclan. Is tueecssfuUii used
lu Safe. Effectual. Price SL by mall.
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute.
or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad- .
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. S Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward aye.. Detroit, Mlch.
a posrrrvK cuke
For LOUT or ralllnr
nets. Weakness or
Body A Mind, Lack or Strength. Vigor and De
velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac. Boor,
MODE of Bxur-TuxjiTMXXT. and Proofs-mailed
(sealed) tree. Address XUIE MEDICAL CO
Buffalo, N. Y. de2S-S7-TTSAwlt
For men! Checks the worst cases In tare
days, and cures In five days. Price SI OQraf
jaS-29-XTaaa 412 Market street