Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 20, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Wlje M$mit
Vol.44, Ko, 194. Enured at Pittsburg Pottoffloe,
Noremberlt, 18S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 07 and 89 Filth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing: House 75,
77 and 78 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Iloom 42, Tribune
IJulldlng, New York.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
TucDisrATcnforslx months ending July a, 18831
as 6 worn to before City Controller,
29,914 .
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
Tux Dispatch for three months ending July 31,
Copies per Issue.
DATLT DISPATCH, One Year t 8 00
Daily DisrATCH, Per Quarter SOO
Dajlt Dispatch. One Month 70
Daily DisrATcu. lndudlnc Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
Daily Dispatch. including Sunday.Sm'ths. Z SO
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, 1 month 90
SC2.-DAY Dispatch, One Year S 50
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 115
The Daily Dispatch!! delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, or including Sunday edition, at
Z0 cents per week.
The report that the constables are hustling
o make fall returns of all cases of illicit
liquor selling in their respective bailiwicks,
at the September term, is an indication that
past experience has had a very salutary
effect on the local guardians of the laws.
The reasons which an interview elsewhere
set forth as powerful in their effects on the
Dogberrian mind, are, first, the exposures
already made in the "speak-easy" conspiracy
cases, which arc not expected to redound to
the constabulary credit; next the very
salient warnings of the judges at past terms,
and finally a realizing sense of the impend
ing penalties of the Brooks law. Under
these circumstances the officers of the law
lave come to the conclusion that it will be
decidedly for their advantage not to turn a
Wind eye to any of the unlicensed groc
eries. It is well that some influences are strong
enough to set the constables against the
speak-easies, but is not the fact that consid
erations of this sort are needed to make
public officials do their duty equal to a whole
volume of commentary upon the influences
that prevail in the selection of constables.
It is a comforting view of yesterday's
strike at the Exposition to learn, that it
really expressed nothing stronger than the
desire of the men to attend their trades
union picnic; and it is to be hoped that the
statement will be corroborated by the
prompt settlement of the trouble and the
resumption of the pressing work at the Ex
position to-day. The amount of work to be
done between this date and the opening of
the Exposition will require all the time
that is left; and it is certainly to be hoped,
both for the public welfare and the standing
of the trades unions, that they will not ac
cent the responsibility of subjecting an en
terprise of such magnitude to the risk of
failure in order to shut three non-union
men out of work, over which the Exposition
managers have no control. Clearly the
public interest in the business will require
that the dispute be compromised to-day and
the work be pushed without further delay.
It has been the experience of many
travelers that a sea voyage on board one
of the great Atlantic liners not infrequently
brings into Dlossom the fools of the com
pany. "Whether it is the salt air, or the
agitation of sea-sickness, or the seductions
o(. shufile-board, that indnces the weak
minded to explosive feats, is not known.
Perhaps it is that the wise are more .often
silenced by the sea than the foolish, and
thus the latter obtain opportunties for ex
ploiting their silly selves they could never
command on land.
In this way the sensational idiocy of
Bruce Ismay came to pass. Bruce is British,
and a beautiful sample of the Anglican
idiot at large. It is said that he is a stock
holder in the White Star line of steamers.
Tie came over in the new steamer Teutonic.
As usual in such cases, when the passengers
gave a concert ther looked about for some,
exemplary nonentity to preside. Katnrally
they chose Bruce Ismay. This was his
grand opportunity. He made a speech de
clining the honor in favor of Sir Lyon Play
fair, the English M. P. But before he sati
down he managed to make a comparison of
the English M. P.'s with the American Con
gressmen, to the latter's disadvantage.
Katnrally there is a tendency on the part
of some of the American journals to let the
eagle scream over Mr. Ismay's detraction of
American statesmen.
But it is not worth while to do so. Even
Tim Campbell and the immortal Prank
Lawler can afford to let the insular
remark go for what it is worth which is
very little. The fact is the important
thing. As Mr. Bmce Ismay's detraction
cannot lower the Congressional character
half as much as a single caucus in a corner
grocery, so all the indignant patriotism of
the American press will not raise the actual
Congressional standard by the measure of a
hair's breadth.
It is not worth while to answer a fool ac
cording to his folly. That is likely to
create the impression that there is a certain
degree of parity in mental caliber between
you and the other disputant.
Another tenement house fire has destroyed
a half score of lives in New York. The loss
in property represents less thousands of dol
lars than the number of people who were
burned to death in their beds. The full facts
have not yet been brought' out by investi
gation: but it seems clear enough that in a
building little better than a- fire trap, a res
taurant kitchen was located in the basement
over which a number of tenants slept A
drunken cook let the fire get red hot; it com
municated with the woodwork and nine peo
ple were roasted to death. Of course that
sort of thing will go on, with all the variety
that has been developed for the past few
years, until an example is made of the
property owneis who are responsible forsuch
fatal conditions.
Somevery carious idtzs as to the enforce
ment of the laws are presented in the inter
views with the pugilistic lights. One of
them asserts that Governor Iicwry will par
don the pugilists as soon as they are sen
tenced; and another represents that arrange
ments have been made by which the con
tractors for prison labor in Mississippi will
keep the convicted pugilists in clover while
they are serving out their sentences. If
these facts are true, as they probably are
sot, it would indicate that the form of en
forcing the law against prize fighting is
even a greater farce in Mississippi than the
entire absence of any enforcement in the
"We do not think it probable that any
such reduction of a penal sentence to a mere
pretense will take place in the case of Sulli
van. Be has a much easier way of evading
a sentence. That method is so evident on
the face of the case as to create
the suspicion that the legal au
thorities of Mississippi were , satisfied
to go tbrongh the form of sentencing
him to a severe term of imprisonment, and
then let him go upon bail which is practi
cally certain to be forfeited. Sullivan'-
ball to return for his imprisonment some
time next year is fifteen hundred dollars.
The appeal is a mere form; but it gave him
the opportunity to give bail and come
North. The amount of bail is less than he
can make out of a week's exhibition of pu
gilistic performances, and about what he
would expend in a few days' spree. That
he will forfeit such an amount before going
backte spends year in the Mississippi
prison, no matter how light the treatment
may be. is to be taken as a foregone con
clusion. That men who have money enough can
thus reduce the sentence of law to a mere
matter of cost, is not reassuring to those who
think that the law ought to be enforced;
but that seems to be the way of the world at
The King of Italy has made Thomas A.
Edison, our great inventor, a Count. "Mr.
Edison has now the felicity of adding the
insignia of a grand officer of the Crown of
Italy to his other decorations. Some years
ago the French Government conferred upon
him the ribbon of the Legion of Honor, and
Union College has given him the honorary
degree of Ph. D. It was but last week that
Queen Victoria wrote a letter with, her own
hand congratulating Mr. Edison upon his
invention ot the phonograph. Had he
been3 an Englishman she would 'have
doubtless given him a Commandery of
the Bath, and pressed upon charming Mrs.
Edison an India shawl. But Edison will
not regret his nationality, seeing that he
always can command a bath and India
shawls may be bought for a song.
Mr. Edison's friends will be pnzzled to
know how to address him if his ennoble
ment continues at this headlong pace. They
are at liberty now to call him Count Edison,
Chevalier Edison, Doctor Edison, or jnst
plain Mr. Edison. But if we do not mis
take the man the Wizard of Menlo Park
will insist upon the Mister. Under that
Democratic appellation he has made fame,
fortune, and a multitude of friends. It
may be saidgby the unthinking that the
United States is at a disadvantage because
of inability to confer distinction by title :
upon her great men, ana tne case oi
Mr. Edison would seem to justify
the charge. But the rewards of
greatness in this repnblio are larger than
the kingdoms and emperors of the Old "World
can bestow. Greatness has room and plenty
of encouragement to grow here. Great men
are not hedged in by petty fences of caste
and form and fortune in these United
States. Mr. Edison's career illustrates this
truth. Prom humble origin in the little town
oi Alva, O.. he has risen by his own efforts
to a commanding pre-eminence in the scien
tific and inventive arena. The people all
know him. His name is not inscribed upon
any herald's tablet, but a whole nation re
veres it. "Wealth is his; the honor of men is
his, and the whole world waits upon his
utterances. Mr. Edison needs no title to
illuminate his name.
The statement that a wholesale window
glass firm in Cleveland lias declared its in
tention to sacrifice its stock in anticipation
of glut after the Jeannette establishment
gets its product into the market, may easily
be magnified to greater importance than it
deserves. A very adequate treatment of the
announcement would be to notify all whole
sale firms that if they wish to sell glass at a
loss they are at liberty to do so and pocket
the loss themselves.
It is probable that the tank furnace plan
of making glass will increase the supply
and lower prices, but it is by no means
likely that it will tumble the
prices of glass to ruin at a single blow.
It is not yet known exactly what
the economy of glassmaking by that system
is; nor is that question likely to be definitely
settled until the new factory has had a pro
longed test. "When that is done thereis
still the question whether it can supply all
the demand at prices below the cost of pro
duction in the pot factories. If it can do so,
the old factories will have no choice but to
shut down until they can build tanks for
themselves, but there are several contingen
cies to be settled before it becomes certain
that the price will be lowered to the sensa
tional degree which seems to be appre
hended. One swallow dpes not make a summer, and
the declaration of a single jobbing house
that it is going to cut prices to pieces, does
not prove anything more clearly than the
possibility tha this single firm, if it carries
out its announcements, may lose its own
It is disturbing to the public to be in
formed by high detective authority that the '
long-sought for Tascott is probably not the
murderer of Snell. This not only excites
the public incredulity from the obvious ar
gument that if he were not the Chicago
police would long ago have bagged him;
but it is as iconoclastic of received modern
ideas as the attack upon the storyof Tell.
After Tascott has been sought for in all
parts of the world, and been arrested in
most of them; after he "has been made
famous as the man who cannot be found;
anil has risen to the proud position of a
standing subject for the professional news
paper wits, to be told that he did not do the
murder, which alone has made his name
known all over the country; is not dis
appointing only. It destroys our faith.
After this we will not know what to be
lieve; and we can hardly blame those who,
with regard to Tascott, emulate the in
fidelity of Betsey Prig and "don't believe
there ain't no such a person."
An idiosyncrasy of partisan journalism,
which ought to be reformed, is illustrated
by the fact that Democratic newspapers in
reporting the negotiations concerning the
strike in the Illinois coal mines; assert that
"W. L. Scott declares his intention of giving
good wages to his coal miners, while the
Bepublican organs report with equal assur
ance that "W. L. Scott was the power in the
operators' organization which prevented the
concession of living wages to the miners.
Evidently one side or the other of our parti
san friends has been doing some downright
lying. News should be reported with strict
troth, no matter what amount of perversion
of facts is permissible in the editorial column
of a partisan newspaper.
Count Edison wilf have a royal income
to support his title; built will not be at'all en
hanced by his patent of nobility. In fact
there have been suspicions that grants
of Italian titles result.' in enhancing the
royal revenue of 'Italy rather than that of
the grantees.
An interesting contrast is afforded by the
fact that whereas the Tammany Hall au
thorities called upon Sheriff Flack, of New
York, to -resign his position in the Tam
many Society, and he did so; while the
peoole are calling upon him to resign his
position as Sheriff of New York, which is
supposed to be in the gift of the public, and
he does not resign worth a cent. This
raises the important qnestion whether the
desire of Tammany is greater with the office
holders than the wish of the .people, or
whether the contrast is due to the fact that
the position of Sheriff yields a revenue of
some tens of thousands of dollars annually.
The report concerning that hundred
million dollar English beer syndicate raises
the conviction that it must be very wealthy.
Perhaps so, but still there is room for the
opinion that there is more water in its
capital than there is either beer or money.
- fc
The report in a London paper that the
guests at a recent banquet "were amused by
a running fire of epigrams between Mr.
Chauncey and Mr. Depew" is interesting to
this country. If the genial railroad Presi
dent has solyed the problem of individuali
ty, and has succeeded in expanding himself
so that there are two of him, it will do away
with the obstacle heretofore existing to his
entrance into politics. "We presume that
Mr. Chauncey will continue to be the Presi-
dent of the New York Central Bailroad,
and that Mr. Depew will enter politics as
the champion of the grangers.
The political reporters count that day
lost which does not bring the report of a deal
between t he factions of the Bepublican
party in which political support is alleged
to be swopped for offices.
An example of good work is furnished
by the report that the inspectors of New
York have gone through 1,250 factories in
that city and ordered fire escapes to be put
up on 110 buildings. This did not save the
victims of the last tenement fire; but it may
save other lives. It would be pleasant to
be able to publish the information that the
building inspectors in Pittsburg Jiad or
dered fire escapes to be put up on some
scores of buildings.
Bvebt batch of nominations published
by order of the President .contains a con
siderable number of appointments; but it
contains also several times as many disap
pointments. England would be willing to do almost
anything to stop the spread of Infectious
diseases, except to hurt her trade with
the semi-civilized countries where the infec
tious diseases have their nurseries. As this
is exactly what is needed, England's co
operation in this work is not likely to be
of very much more value, than in this
country the co-operation of the trust mag
nates would be in checking 'the growth of
Anotheb fire horror in New York
affords a new demonstration of the unpleas
ant fact that, in the economy ot some people,
human life is not worth as much as money.
i '
The report that several of the Chinese
highbinders are coming East from San
Ifrancisco in order to assassinate the mem
bers of the Chinese dramatic company that
is playing in the -East, indicates a superflu
ous readiness to charge all crimes to the se
cret Chinese organization. "Why not credit
the intended assassination to some of the
audiences that have been torced to listen to
the performance of Chinese actors?
The typhoid fever is furnishing its grim
warning in numerous parts of the city as to
the existence of bad water or worse drain
age. .
The wrath of the politicians at the idea
that the President pays enough attention to
the redemption of his own and his party's
pledges, to extend the civil service rules to
the appointment of the chiefs of divisions,
is pathetic. Butthe politicians ought to be
able to console themselves by observing the
work which Clarkson has wrought out with
his meat ax among the fourth-class post
offices. It is reassnring to learn that the strike at
the Exposition building was after all noth
ing more serious than a picnic strike.
"Money talks," says the Chicago
News, with reference to the rivalry .for the
possession or the "World's Fair in 1892.
Possibly money does talk sometimes; but a
perusal of the subscription lists in Chicago
and New York fails to disclose any vocifer
ous conversation on the part of the circu
lating medium in either city.
New Oeleans Picayune: Heaven Is easy
for angels to reach. It is only one flight up.
Washington Capital! Whenever trouble
arises in the church choir everybody simply
takes his chants.
Somerville Journal; If fewer men should
drink before the bar, fewer criminals would get
behind the bars.
Chicago Herald; The Shah has lett Paris
for Baden. H all the stories are true, the Shah
Is rather a bad 'un himself.
San Fbancisco Alia: The revenue cutter
Bush is still in Bearing Sea, ready to .rush
things when a poacher appears.
Binghakton Republican: A bee-trothal
naturally creates a buzz in society, ana quite
as naturally leads to a honeymoon.
Baltimore American: Lord Tennyson
walks three miles every day. Of course, he
uses his poetic feet in a measured way.
Florida Times-Union: Uncle Jerry Bnsk
wants to know "whether horn flies be pestifer
ous." If the born flies to your head It be.
Tebbe Haute Expreu: That the moon is
made of green cheese is a mere idle fancy, but
that the honeymoon is made of taffy is an es
tablished fact
New York TroWd." Queen Victoria cannot
bear to hear a cannon fired. This may be be
cause she is a big gun herself and would object
to being fired.
Wheat Enough for -Home Supply and Large
'Quantities far Export.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Latest returns estimate the American wheat
crop of 1889 at 500,000,000 bushels, or nearly
83,000,000 bushels in excess of the crop ot last
year. This will leave not less than 150,000,000
bushels of wheat for export. Last year the
export nf wheat and wheat flour amounted to
121,000,000 bushels, notwithstanding the obsta
cles to the export trade that were created by
speculative operations In the Chicago wheat
, In the present favorablecondltions the corn
crop of this year promises to be enormous.
Last year's yield ot Indian corn was estimated
to be nearly 2,000.000,000 bushels, and it la prob
able that it will be exceeded considerably by
tne crap of this year.
Last year's exports of Indian corn and corn
meal amounted to but little more than 35,000,000
bushels. But, in consequence of the short
crop of wheat and other cereals In Russia and
Austria, the exports of Indian com promise to
be greatly stimulated In order to supply the
poor of Europe with cheap bread,
Newspaper Enterprise In a New Direction
GoMlpefa Peraonnt Character.
Among the newspaper" men who were at
Johnstown immediately after the disaster
were Frank J. Kelly, an Irishman who had
come to Pittsburg by the rather roundabout
way of Australia and the Pacific, and Charles
Morton, the well-known comedian. Both did
good work for The Dispatch in the emer
gency, but tney did not feel like settling down
into newspaper work here.
They laid their heads together and by and
with the connivance of Editor Harry Qalther
they arranged an excellent entertainment
consisting of a lecture upon the Johnstown
-flood, copiously illustrated with photographic
views projected by a stereopucou. .Naturally,
they had no difficulty in producing an intensely
realistic and truthful account of the ruined
town. This Mr. Kelly told to a large audience
last night in Little Washington. The stereop
tlcon views were hardly needed to supplement
Mr. Kelly's, word pictures, so Intensely vivid
were they. r
The success of the project is now assured,
and the Johnstown disaster will be brought
home .to many an audience far "and wide
through the country. Enterprise is a winner
every time.
The man who invented the typewriter never
contemplated to what base uses it might be put.
The cowardly Knave or tool who writes 'anony
mous letters finds a secure shelter under the
type of that excellent machine.
Hanging by Manager Qulick's door at the
entrance to the parquet stairs In the Bijou
Theater, is a portrait of young Mrs. James G.
Blaine, jr. A pretty face and a pretty picture.
Mr. Gullck received it but a few days ago from
the debutante's manager.
Mr. Gullck said last night: "I saw Mrs.
Blaine at the Madison Square Theater last
month, and she seemed to be in remarkably
good health. She did not look more than 15 in
her light and rather short dress and straw hat,
trimmed with white ribbon.
Unmistakably Mr. Wilt has made some
changes for the better in the Grand Opera
House. The new storm doors have long been
needed, and the clearing oat of theover is an
improvement. The new carpets will be fol
lowed by new curtains, Mr. WlltsaidUst night,
for the windows back ot the oyer. The house
looks clean also which is a prime requisite.
Whether It is due to his small dip into poli
tics or to his larger.dlps into the sea at Atlantic
City, or the exoellence of the cuisine at Brown's
Chop House in New York, nobody seems to
know, but Major . A. Montooth's face wears a
rosy-bronze tint 'that Is good to look at, and I
dare say, better to possess.
There won't be anything the matter with the
Bepublican candidate for Governor from this
end of the State he is sound, sane and sen
sible, and he has sand.
A Man Who Was a Grandfather In 1770
Still Allre.
San Francisco, August 19, For several
years there has been domiciled at the Monterey
County Hospital an Indian known by the name
of "Old Gabriel." As to the exact day, month
or year of his birth proof is absent, but of the
f .fact that he has passed the wonderful age of
loo years there is a quantity of proof.
Gabriel was born In Tulare county, this
State, but during childhood removed from
there to the town of Monterey. Father Jnni
pero Serra arrived in Monterey in 1770, and it is
well authenticated that at that time Gabriel
was a grandfather. The youngest age atwhich
Indians married was IS years. If Gabriel fol
lowed the custom and married at that age he
would necessarily have been at least 32 or S3
years old to have been a grandfather at the
time of Father Junipero landing there.
Father Junipero taught Gabriel the art of
cutting and laying stone, and at the time of the
building of "the first chapel on the site of the
present Carmelite mission below Monterey, in
the years 1771 and 1772, Gabriel was present
and assisted in the construction of the walls.
He became so very expert at his trade that he
managed and assisted in the construction of
Carmela Soledad and San Antonio missions in
1791. He was then married to his second wife,
Gabriel still proudly speaks of the skill he ac
quired as a stonecutter.
Father Sorrentini, parish priest, and Bishop
Amaf reached Monterey some time in tho year
1845. The former says that old Gabriel was
then living with his sixth wife, and he was by
many years the senior of all thn nther oM in.
'habitants. He was then known by the same
name and was said to be at that time over 110
years of ace. A widely-known old lady by the
name of Castro, who died five years ago at the
age of 95 years, in testifying to old Gabriel's
agei said that when a child she saw old Gabriel,
and at that time he had children several years
older than she then was.
The Fate of a Brilliant and Beautiful Lane
Branch Belle.
Long Branch, August 19. A woman to
day drove a huckster wagon along Ocean
avenue, stopping at the hotels to sell her
goods, who was 12 or 13 years ago a belle
at these hotels. She was a brilliant and
beautiful woman then and much sought
after. She had magnificent diamonds and
costumes and was- driven about in .luxurious
victorias. Now she wears coarse, home-made
clothes and her facets bronzed by exposure
to the weather. Bat it is a beautiful face yet,
though the expression is worn and sad. This
woman lives down the beach about four miles
In a tumble-down house. "Brick" Pomeroy.
who was down here this week, recognized her
when she was described to him. He said her
name was Louise Gay. Her father was CapL
Gay, formerly otRlchmond, Va. He was a
wealthy man, and Louise was his only child.
Jnst before the war he removed to the North,
making his home near Buffalo, he and his
daughter used to visit all the summer resorts.
She was accomplished and. intellectual.
'Many flattering offers of marriage were made
to her. One day she- disappeared from tho
hotel here. The head waiter, a colored man,
was also missing. They had gone away to
gether. When Captain Gay learned of it he
was crazy with rage. He said he would kill his
daughter If he ever met her. He died a few
months later, leaving his fortune so that his
daughter could never be benefited by it.
"Louise's mother died when she was a child."
said Mr, Pomeroy, "and she was brought up by
servants. For that reason I always felt like
excusing her." Mrs, Bcatly never speaks to
any one except on business matters. She is
only a farmers wife.
Taking' Nourishment Now and Apparently
Regaining; Her Health Rapidly.
Buffalo, August 19. Emma Althonse, the
famous sleeping beauty of Attica, is rapidly
recovering from her two years' illness. In the
course of which she has been given up as dead
several times. Some of her sleeps have lasted
35 days, but lately they have decreased in
feriod of deration, the last one occupying only
hree days. Mrs. Althouse, until a few days
ago, took no nourishment whatever, except an
occasional spoonful of warm milk and water,
but now she drinks beef tea copiously, takes
only short naps and has recovered the power of
To-day she was able to sit up while her bed
was being made, and chatted pleasantly with
her sisters. The paralysis of her left side has
disappeared, and ner worst symptoms, outside
of exhaustion and headaches, are nose-bleeding.
She no longer has second sight, a feature
which distinguished her long trance when she
described events happening at great distances
which were not even mentioned in the sick
Animal and Howls Petrified.
From the Omaha Dec;
It is reported on the authority of a Gibbon
correspondent that some Buffalo county hunt
ers found in the sand hills south of Lowell a
band of petrified ilk, surrounded by a circle of
petrified coyotes, the adjacent atmosphere be
ing full of petrified yelps and howls, each yelp
having a diamond in one end and a geologist's
hammer In the other, and every howl contain
ing a pearl and a batcher's knife. Next!
Hie Jacet Undo Dad.
JTrom the Gardiner (Me.) Reporter.
An ancient stone in the graveyard at Litch
field bean the following inscription:
Under this atone lies Solomon Taylor,
Next to him is Gates, the whaler.
Further on down deep In the mud
Is all that's mortal of Uncle Dud.
Taking- to the Woods.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.!
After uch an experience as the President
-tad on his Bar Harbor and Maine trip, with
its sequel daring the few hours of hi subse
quent stay In Washington, It Is 'no wonder that
be was ready to "take to theiwoods" around
A Royn Pa Dockitadera and Other
"A Royal Pass," produced at the Bijou
Theater last night, pleased a fairly large audi
ence. The singing of Mr. Staley and the
tableau cllmaxea of most of the acts were very
palatable to the gallery, and every time the
curtain went down there was plenty
of applause. It might be possible to
make "A Royal Pass" a good play. To
do this either the melodramatic plot or the
yodllng would have to be omitted. They spoil
each other as it is. To stop the progress of a
violent plot in order to allow the disguised
Russian, Mr. George C. Staley, to yodel for ten
minutes and sing ballads in Emmet's style
and with that gentleman's German accent, is a
fatal blow to the drama. And to suspend the
yodling to allow Mr, George C. Staley as a dis
guised Russian to find his wife or to defy and
defeat his enemies, is detrimental to tho
mnsical side of the performance. Another
error Is to allow a barmaid brought np in the
atmosphere of farce comedy to bring her black
stockings and short skirts, her blonde hair and
capacious smile into a play that is supposed to
picture accurately the highest society of Rus
sia. Equally unjustifiable is the Insertion of
i nnlAt
wiud Ida, mgnc.
But "A Royal Pass," while It is not a good
play, is entertaining and thrilling often enough.
The humorous side of it is so much superior to
everything else in the play that one is tempted
to believe that the author has been traveling in
the paths of comedy hitherto.
George O. Staley yodels well, and he has a
sympathetic touch upon tender strings that
reminds one of Emmet constantly. He
is a much stronger actor than the
monarch of lullabies and baby songs. Miss
Ethel Barrington, who played the dlfflcultrole
of a wife torn from her husband by an in
human mother. Is really a beautiful young
woman, and her voice is rich and melodious.
But It Is her voice .that hurts ner. It is con
tinually r nil of tears. 8ho knows her powers
to simulate sorrow in its most poignant form,
and she uses it unmercifully. TonyFarrell
was capital as the newspaperman, who Is not a
bit like one.
The Grand Opera House.
What Is there to chronicle of Dockstadert
Minstrels at the Opera House? They did what
they always do made a very large audience
laugh continuously. In the first part amid
rural scenery the regular minstrel circle was
formed all the minstrels in tennis suits. After
a string of ballads, funny and tender, and a
scattering of jokes from bones and tambo, the
quiet party is thrown into the wild cavortlngs
of a fox hunt. Mrs. Dltimus' party proved as
catching as ever, though it might be cut down
somewhat and lose nothing. Lew Docksuder
interfered with gTeat success. "Steal the
Alarm" Is a very fanny skit on "The Still
'Harris Theater.
The company which has met with so much
favor In "His Natural Life" and "Ten Nights
in a Bar Room," is repeating this week Its suc
cess of last week In the last named play. Yes
terday's matinee and night performances were
witnessed by good audiences. Mr. Charles
Patterson, the excellent leading man of the
company, and Miss Lillian Andrews are mak
ing many admirers by their good work with
this company. Manager Starr promises a
change of bill for the last three days of this
week. Beginning Thursday night a double bill
will be given, consisting of "Kathleen Mavour
neen" and "Uncle'Josb."
Academy of Music
Harry Williams' Academy was crammed to
the roof last night, and a capital variety per
formance, of which farther notice will be made
to-morrow, was glvnn.
Decision oduu Interesting' Dispute Regard
ing Certain New York Street.
New York, August 19. The Manhattan
Elevated Railroad appealed from a judgment
f o damages obtained by W. J. Mortimer and
other property owners on the Bowery, the
ground of appeal being an allegation that the
Bowery was a street laid out by the Dutch, and
that, under Dutch laws, owners of abutting
property .had no right or interest
in the streets. The general term of
the Superior Court affirmed the judgment
to-day. Judge Truax has been looking up the
old decisions and finds that the Bowery was a
street, or road, as early as 1556. He finds that
the English held the Island by right of dis
covery, and not by right of conquest from the
Dutch. The Indian title given to the Dutch
counted for nothing, as the United States
courts have held. , Judge Truax says: "lam of
opinion that the title of the Bowery, and other
streets in the city that are known as Dutch
streets, was never In the Dutch Government,
and that it was, prior to the Revolution, barred
by the rales of the commoa law, and not by the
rales of the Dutch civil law."
Judge Freedman, In concurring, says: "It Is
a question purely between the public authori
ties of the State of New YorlSand the citizens,
and as such, controlled by the decisions re
ferred to by Judge Truax, to the effect that the
English title by discovery was superior to the
dian title. This was acknowledged by the
whole world," and that being so, it follows In
contemplation ofpresent law that neither the
Dutch nor the Roman law ever prevailed de
jure, and that the common law of England
mast be deemed to be the original source of all
our law."
The Soldiers Orphan School Commission
Ha to Make a Chance,
Harrisburg, August 19. The Soldiers'
Orphan Commission met with a difficulty
at its session In this city to-day by the refusal
of the management of the Northern Home for
Friendless Children in Philadelphia to accept
the 170 boys and girls the commission had de
cided at the previous meeting should be placed
in that institution in addition to the number
of pupils now in the school. The man
agers of the school were Invited to
be present at the .meeting to-day, bat none
appeared, and the commission resolved to
have tho number of boys and girls intended for
1: accommodated at the Mount Joy school. The
commission a few weeks ago voted to get rid
of all the Institutions controlled by the notori
ous syndicate, but the action of the Northern
Home has compelled a change ot programme.
Ex-Senator Wright was here to look after
the interests of his "schools, and a proposition
submitted by him to rent the Mount Joy school
buildings and furniture for 11.000 for a year
was accepted. -The commission also decided to
allow J500 for necessary repairs to tbobnlld-'
logs. Prof. Smith was elected principal of the
school at a salary ot $1,000 per annum. The
commission ratified the contracts for the leas
ing of Whitehall, Butler, Jamonsville, Hart
ford andLoysville schools.
An Eamt End Wedding;.
There was a pretty- wedding in the East End
last evening. It was at the home ot the Pol
locks, in the Nineteenth ward, and Miss Birdie
Pollock was the bride. She was married to W.
Miller Graham, of Washington, Pa., and the
happy pair left shortly after tho ceremony for
New York, where they sail for Europe tospend
their honeymoon.
LUCT Stone Is 7L She began lecturing on
woman's rights and wrongs in 1817.
IT is said that the Queen's estate at Osborne,
if broken up and sold in small farms, would
fetch about $250 an acre.
Mb. Moody will hold, a convention of evan
gelical ministers and laymen at Chicago for
ten days, beginning on September 20.
Hobatio Bonab, the great hymn writer,
was a favorite pupil of Dr. Chalmers. He
bore a marked facial resemblanco to Mr. Glad
stone. Db. Amelia B. Edwabds has made engage
ments for 60 lectures in Anrerica during the
coming season, selected from among 300 appll.
General Geknfei.1 the British comman
der In the war against the slave traders on' the
Nile, is 47 yeari old, a(maa of. handsome pres
ence and literary tastes.
Sm Edwin Abnold will visit this country
next winter In the course of his journey around
the world. He will be for a time the guest of
the President ot Harvard.
Mb. Henbt James is spending tho dreary
months of August and September in London,
writing all the harder because he has a vaca
tion from his more pressing social duties.
Justice Lamar, of the Supreme Court ot
the United States, has recently made a tour
through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and
Texas, and has found, he says, notable Indus
trial progress almost everywhere.
Secketabt Rusk will leave Washington
to-'day for Deer Park, and will accompany the
President to Cincinnati and Indianapolis.
From1 Indian spoils he will go to Milwaukee,
where he.will attend the forthcoming Encamp
mentl He will be absent from Washington
The Plans for the Industrial Institution
Modified and Enlarged Accommoda
tion far 8,000 Students.
Philadelphia, August 19. The Public
Ledger to-morrow will say editorially: In. or
der to correct erroneous impressions about the
Drexel Industrial institution, which It was in
tended to establish at Wayne, near Philadel
phia, it is thought advisable to make a brief
statement, giving the original purpose as it ex
isted in Mr. A. J. Drexel's mind, with a review
of the circumstances which have modified and
enlarged that purpose. His first thought was
that as quite a number of institutions had
been fonndnil fnr thA industrial tramlnz of
boys, and but few, if any, exclusively for girls,
that be would establish an industrial college
for girls in which they should be instructed
and trained In such a way as to help them to
employment and occupations in which they
could earn a liberal living.
'Accommodations and facilities X or housing,
boarding and training about 200 girls were to
be furnished, and to this end land and build
ings were purchased at Wayne, and architec
tural plans were prepared by competent archi
tects. In addition to the girls who were to be
boarded and instructed It was thought that the
contemplated lnstitatlon might accommodate
about 400 or 500 more girls who could get to the
school daring the day, get their luncheon
there, and get back to their own homes in the
A Change oi Plan
After more mature deliberation it' was found
that this scheme bad several drawbacks, the
chief of which was the withdrawal of the girls
from home Influences. There were other
strong considerations, bat that was the princi
pal one, together with the belief that the sphere
oZ usefulness of such an institution would be
groatly enlarged by the adoption of another
plan, abandoning the idea ot boarding the
girls, and establishing 'the institution within
the city limits.
It is now the purpose of Mr. Drexel to pro
vide funds to purchase land and construct
buildings and for the maintenance of a full
corps of Instructors for an industrial institute
for young women and young men, that will ac
commodate for their Instruction and training
as many as 1,000 girls in the day time and 1,000
boys at night.
The facilities and Instructions to be provided
for this school are to be free ot any and all
costs to its students forever that is, so far as
the provision of ample f nnds and business fore
sight can assure. The working" operations of
the college will probably be somewhat similar
to those of the Cooper -Institute In New York.
Plenty of Accommodation.
A large lecture hall, capable ot seating at
least 2.000 persons, and an extensive reading
room, provided with all the useful, technical,
and other books, and appropriate periodicals
and newspapers of the day, will be features of
the plan. To the Ledger (which publishes the
foregoing by authority) it appears that this
modified and much-enlarged scheme is much
preferable to the original design not only be
cause It will freely open the doors of the Drexel
Institute to so many more students, but be
cause the administration of it will be simple
and much more manageable.
It will of course cost a much larger amount
of money, as an annual income of from
$10,000 to $50,000 may be required for the
college In addition to the cost of the land and
buildings. In all Mr. Drexel expects the
foundation, lands and buildings and endow
ment ot the institution may cost f 1,560,000.
A Belated Anecdote Told In Washington
About Judge Terry.
Washington, August 19. One of the many
old "forty-niners," who are spending their de
clining days in Washington, tells the following
story of a meeting he once had with the late
Judge Terry:
"It was in the winter oj 1819-50," said the old
man, and I was mining in the California mount
ains. One night my partner and I arrived at a
little town, having come in from the hills for
some needed supplies. Of course, the first thing
we did was to drop into a saloon, as it was cus
tomary to do in those days. The town was
hardly anything but saloons, and they took the
place of hotels. As usual, there was a game in
progress. It was faro, I think, and was run by
a desperate gambler called 'Faro' Jones or
'Monte' J ohns, I've forgotten which. I noticed
one man in particular who was losing steadily.
He was evidently between 50 and 60 years of
age. He was slightly built, with a very narrow
chest, stooping shoulders in fact, he had any
thing bat a good physique. He had lost over
tLOOO worth of gold dust. Pretty soon the old
man, nettled by his losses, excitedly charged
the dealer with cheating. Naturally that meant
'shoot,' and the words were hardly oat of bis
mouth before Jones had a pocket pistol leveled
at bis head.
"A number ot men Interposed and begged
Jones not to shoot the old man, explaining that
be was excited and didn't mean what he said.
Jones became appeased, and apparently the
trouble was over, but just at this moment a
man stepped forth from the crowd, and quick
as a flash dealt the old man a terrible blow in
the face with an old-fashioned Texas Ranger
Colt's six-shooter, which would weigh five or
six pounds. Tho blow broke his nose, his
cheek bone and -the frontal bone over his left
eye. He fell like a log, and I don't believe
ever recovered, but I never heard definitely.
We had been in a good manytongh place, and
had seen some desperate encounters, bat had
never seen such a brutal, cowardly deed in that
country of fight and bloodshed. Instinctively
my partner and I both Instantaneously slipped
our pistols to the front of our belts. We were
maa clean through, and one of us, I won't say
which one, exclaimed: "Stranger, 1 don't know
who you are. bat I do know you are a
coward.' A quick glance showed the stranger
that the chances were against him. He might
shoot one of uybut he would be snrely Killed
by the other. He pocketed his pistol without
a word and sneaked out of the saloon.
"After he had gone we were told that his
name was David S. Terry. I never have f or-
fotten him, because I never have seen sneb a
ratal act. He was probably a silent partner
in the game, but we never knew for certain. 1
have watched his career ever since, but, as 1
said, I never saw anything to change my mind
about his character. He was always ready to
shoot It he bad more than an even chance."
Remarkable Feat of Mr. DeutschbelD, a
Young Detroit Nntntor. ,
Detroit, August 19. GastavDeatschbein,
swimming teacher, started for a long distance
swim from Belle Isle bridge to Bar Point light
ship, in Lake Erie, a distance ot 28 miles, at 10
o'clock this morning. He was accompanied by
two rowboats and the steamer Daisy, which
took along a few who wished to seo the swim.
Before he started he had a' bowl of beef tea and
a glass of milk for breakfast and was rubbed
down with mutton tallow and whale oil. The
water and air were quite cold, the former being
at 63, and practically the only advantage the
swimmer bad was that there was no wind to
causn waves.
When Wyandotte was reached at 2:17 those
in the boats decided that it would be best for
Deutschbein not to swim much farther because
of the cold water. His arms and legs were
found to be quite stiff with cold, but a little
hard robbing soon brought the blood into cir
culation. Deutschbein made the trip of 17
miles In i hours and 17 minutes. Deutschbein
is25 years of age and a florist by trade. While
in New York he did considerable swimming,
on one or two occasions going from Castle Gar
den to Coney Island, a distance ot nearly 11
miles, in four hoars.
Masculine and Femlnino Evolution.
From the Washington Post.;
If the summer-resort letters tell tho truth,
then evolution is working both ways. The girls
are doing the athletic and strong-mined, and the
beaux are dawdling about and wearing silk
sashes, embroidered socks and bangles.
"The Lord watch between me and thee, when
we are absent one from another." Gen. 21:49.
If you knew that to-night were the last
You would clasp my hand in your own,
That to-morrow far stretches or earth
Between us might roll, bleak and lone
Would yon know, too. that this hand of mine
Would miss, dear, thine answering thrill.
Would reach for thine vainly, with longing?
Would you know that I loved yoa stlllf
If perchance mine eyes, that so often
Have gazed into thine, deep and trne,
Dear eyes-with a Hunt born of loving.
And tender as heaven's own blue,
Should on earth ne'er again behold thee;
Ne'er watch for thy coming, until
In a better country they greet thee
Would you know tnat 1 loved you still?
II we knew that again we'd not stand
.Hand to hand, race to face, dear heart.
Not again-tm the great All-Father
Home hath called us, no more to part,
Would your heart, that has beat responsive
To mine oft, yet this truth fulfill
That distance's no barrier to hearts, dear?
Would you know that I loved yod still?
While we're absent one from the other.
May Uod watch betWeen tbee and mel
And bless thee, my friend, as Ue, blesses
All loving heart like unto thee!
Till once more we may meet each other
Un earth, if God will: If not -till
In the dear, glad country of heaven;
Yon will know that I loved you still.
--Ctiia Sicitmond in XioufrtiUe Journal,
Gonld and HI Churn Going; Abroad.
New Yoke, August 19. Wall street was lull
of rumors to-day, that Jay Gould would go to
Europe shortly, for bis health. Everyone In
the Western Union building who is near to Mr.
Gould refused to deny or confirm the truth of
the report. In all probability Mr. Gould will
make his departure this season as unobtru
sively as he made it two years ago, wbenAhe
first intimation he gave the public of his plans
was bis appearance at the Canard dock, ten
minutes before the steamship on which be took
passage left her berth. It Is said that Mr.
Gonld will again' carry across the Atlantlo the
famous churn which he took with, him two
years ago. For many years all the nutter con
sumed by Mr. Gould has been made in this
churn. In the spring it is sent after him to
Irvlngton. In the fall it is returned to his
Fifth avenue residence. Butter made in other
churns does not agree with Mr. Gonld's
stomach. The churn Is a ramshackle, old
fashioned affair, operated by a crank. Mr.
Gould, It is said, occasionally turns the crank
himself, for exercise.
fllust Go Back With HI Barrow.
Pat Halloran and his wheelbarrow arrived
here from London to-day on the steamship
Egyptian Monarch. Ten weeks ago the same
Patrick and the same wheelbarrow
arrived here on another steamship.
Patrick's clothes were worn out and he
hadn't a cent of money. He purposed to wbeel
his barrow to the City of Mexico. He was sent
back as a pauper and lunatic. He wandered
behind his wheelbarrow from Liverpool to
London, where be was arrested. After ten
days in solitary confinement he was shipped to
America by the authorities. He and his wheel
barrow will be sent back again.
She I Sir. Harrison' Niece.
On the French steamship Normandie, which
arrived at her dock at noon, were Mrs. Mary
Scott-Dlmock, daughter of ex-President Grevy
ot France, and her" husband. Mr. Wilson. M.
Wilson was accused some time ago of selling
his influence with the Government to men
striving for membership of the Legion of
Honor. His subsequent conviction caused the
resignation of President Grevy and the down
fall of his Government. Mrs. Dimock Is a
niece ot Mrs. Benjamin Harrison. Mrs. Dimsck
Is en route to Nantucket, Mass., where her
mother, Mrs. Scott-Lord, Is dangerously ill.-
Funeral of Clarence Pell.
The funeral of Clarence G. Pell, who was
mistaken for a deer and shot near Lake Par
isancatta, by -young Ellis IL Roberts, took
place this evening at the residence ot his
family in Fourteenth street. Only near friends
and relatives were present. The Interment
will be private.
Found a Skeleton la the Bashes.
Saturday afternoon a party of young people
out gathering buckelberries in the woods near
Manor View; L. L. found the skeleton of a
woman in the bushes. The few rags which still
clung to the bones' showed that the woman's
clothing had been of fine texture. The bony
fingers of the left hand held the remnants of a
leghorn hat. In the forehead were two small,
deep holes, apparently made with a sharp,
octagonal instrument. The skeleton had lain
in the bushes for about two years. The identity
of the murdered woman has not yet been dis
covered. No Flower for Fire Murderers.
Joe Atkinson, the hangman. Is making all
his arrangements to hang five men next Fri
day. The scaffolds will be erected next
Wednesday. Three men will hang on one, and
two on the other. To the former a 1,000-pound
weight will be attached, and to the'latter a
750-pound weight. One hundred women have
been refused permission to send flowers to the
A Maryland Hill Sinking Into the Earth Oat
of Sight.
Caubbidge, Mb., August 19. A curious
freak of nature is reported in the lower end of
Dorchester county. An old resident named
Alfred James was In town last week, and in
speaking of the affair said: "I hare been liv
ing on the strip of land that makes out between
the Wicomico "and, Nanticoke rivers for the
past 60 years, and have never seen anything
like this land sink before. About two months
ago we noticed that a place about 60 feet
squire, where there bas been a hill ever since I
could remember, bad begun to sink down, and
ever since then it has been getting lower and
lower ever week. At first we did not notice it
very much, bnt now everyone on the place
seems to be afraid tp go near the spot, and. in
fact, it is dangerons to go too near. The place
bas now sunk about 12 feet below the level of
the earth!, and Is filled with water. The land
around the hole is sort of crusty, and will
break up like stone.
"We can assign no reason for it, except that
there is an undertide that gets in somewere and
is eating away the land. This Is the second
strange thing that has been discovered there in
the past 40 years. About 1852, while making an
excavation at this place, about 40 rods from
where the land sink is, some men discovered au
Indian canoe, containing the skeletons of four
men, about 20 feet below the earth. In the
canoe were found several Indian pipes, and
bows and arrows. The boat was of very fine
workmanship and handsomelv carved. It is
supposed that the skeletons were those of In
dians, as, the Nanticoke tribe used to stay
along the Wicomico and Nanticoke rivers. I
tell yoa we bave,a queer place down here now,
and if the land keeps on sinking you will see us
all getting away.
It' Boston' Doty to Get flla'd.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
If a great indignation meeting don't come off
at Faneuil Hall within 24 hours, what will be
thought ot Boston? But perhaps she thinks
Prof. Sullivan will knock a hole in his South
ern dungeon.
Mb.-John R. Allen, of Wolf Creek DIs.
trlct, Monroe county. West Virginia, while
making apiece- of road on John D. Beard's
place last Saturday unearthed a bottle corked
with a piece of limestone, three feet below the
surface. This bottle contained a map of that
section of the county and a piece of writing
dated In 1827. setting forth that "a treasure of
gold was burled near the cold spring near
Barny Johnson's cabin." There are rumors of
extensive excavations, but no reports of treas
ure found.
Monongalia cotntt, W. Va, has a pretty
female mall carrier in the person of Miss Lizzie
Arnett. who carries the mail from Georgetown
to Morgantown and return daily, the round
trip being 19 miles. Miss Lizzie has a nice little
road cart and a good horse and always gets In
on time. She is prompt and accommodating
and has an eye to business, always being ready
to turn an honest penny. She is a blonde of
good face and figure and one of the most popu
lar officials In the county.
Masteb Ellis Thomas, who had a finger
bitten off by a hyena in a circus at Bethlehem a
few days ago, bore the injury bravely. The
first thing be said was: "My finger Is gone
Where's my bat?"
Charles Webeb and E. M. Sackett,of
Erie, went fishing two days ago and caught a
57-pound muskallonge. He was gamy and
fought like a Turk, nearly upsetting the boat,
but a well-aimed blow from a boathock quieted
George Btjtson, of Woodvale, near Johns
town, advertises In the Johnstown Tribune of
Saturday that In hastily donating clothing to
the flood sufferers on the night ot May 31 he
gave away a vest, forgetting to remove his
watch from the pocket. He would llko'-the
watch back,
.Gotletb Miller started to drive home from
Middletown, Pa., market 'on Saturday with
two Leghorn roosters for breeding purposes
and a large melon in his wagon. En route the
nfelon took a roll and hurt one rooster so bf dl
that Mr. Miller had to have rooster and melon
for dinner.
On Saturday at Mount Union Bert Harris
saw his cat trying to seize some prey at a large
knothole in the barn floor. Getting his fishing
line he baited it with aplumptoad and dropped
it Into the hole. There was a nibble, then a
pull, and he landed a house snake three feet
Mb, J. F. Roonet. a prominent business
man ot McKean, In crossing a field day before
yesterday saw a tat rabbit run. Throwing off
a new and costly coat he pursued it many miles,
until it vanished In an inaccessible hole. At-temptlngjto-
retrace his steps he found the trail
too faint, and-must buy another coat,
An Addison county (Vt.) farmer has a
colt that has learned to ring the farm bell by
catching the rope in bis teeth and prancing
back and forth.
There are 100 acres 61 land in Carroll
county, Ga., for which no owner can be found.
Gold has been found on the tract, and a num
ber ot people are anxious to secure a title to it.
Appleton Webb, of "Waterville, Me.,
lostjhis gold watch while fishing inPaolin pond
four years ago. The other day it was returned
to him by a fisherman, who discovered it lying
on the bottom ot the lake.
"Whllesomeboya were playingon a plot
of grass at Ballston, N. Y., on Thnrsday, one of
them discovered and captured a live snake
which bas two heads, each bead having two
eyes and a mouth, also a tongue. The little
reptile, which Is about six Inches long, is of the
black snake breed.
Colonel MT. E. Crastow. of New Xork,
who is stopping at Asbury Park, caught a 30
pound bass in the surf at the mouth ot Deal
Lake. This Is the largest bass ever caught in
that region, but cannot compete for tha
Bradley medal, not having been caught on tha
fishing pier. Colonel Crastow was 20 minutes
in landing his prize.
Last week, while S. J. Dixon was at
work on the residence of Dr. J. 8. Wood, at
Irwinton. Ga., he found a hen egg between the
top floor and lower celling that had been tbera
ever since the house was built about 40 years
ago. The shell was very light, and no sign of a
crack conld be found on It, .the contents ot the
interior being dried up and nothing remaining
but the shell.
Henry Manweiler, an Omaha real es
tate agent, has brought salt against Paul Lam
brecht, a well-to-do farmer of McArdle precinct,
for 845, balance due for getting him a wife.
Manweiler says he was to get $50 for his ser
vices, bat only received to on the delivery of
the goods. Lambrecht admits employing Man
weiler on this delicate mission and that ha
married the girl Manweiler secured for him,
but maintains that the price is exorbitant.
A Baltimore street has a rat whose ac
tion has gained for it the title of the religious
rat. He is seen at night, and only when there
are services either In Trinity Protestant Epis
copal Church or Broadway Baptist Church. He
seems to be in a very placid humor when there
is service in but one of the churches named.
But when the two congregations are worshiping
at the same time, as Is the case Sunday nights,
he becomes uneasy and keeps up a constant
running between the two,
A buttonwood tree, an old landmark of
Castleton, Vt, .standing in the midst of tha
village, near the old Moulton mansion, bas
been cut down. It was planted in 1793 by Hon.
Samnel Shaw, a member of Congress daring
the war of 1812. and grandfather of Josh Bil
lings. The old town whipping-post stood about
12 feet from this venerable tree up to 1840,
when it was demolished. Manybave estimated
the age of the tree much greater than it was,
but a memorandum made by Dr. Shaw of tha
exact date of the planting U still extant.
They are going to have a grass palace
out at Creston, la. Corn palaces have been of
late years rather common, but a grass palace is
something new. This palace, which looks
more like a castle. Is 100 feet square and 120
feet high, and it Is decorated inside and out
with alf the different grasses and cereals ot
Southwestern Iowa. Eighteen counties will
have a booth each, and they will . decorate tbe
booths with the grasses of their locality. If
there ever was an exhibition that will "go to
grass" it is this one.
Nine natives of the Samoan Islands are
now in Chicago. They are small in stature and
tattooed almost from bead to foot. Of tbe
40,000 people who dwell in the Samoan Islands
only two ever visited the United States before.
Through the influence of the missionaries
Princess Silaulii and her nephew, a. bright
little boy named Prince Alasana. were sent to
San Francisco, where tbey received an English
education. Tbe missionaries in the Samoan
schools are not permitted to teach the people
English, all instruction being confined to the
native language, bnt it was thougat that the
education of some members of the royal lamlly
abroad would be the entering wedge which, In
time, would cause this law to be repealed.
Three Oaks, Mich., enjoys the dis
tinction of being the borne of a novel Industry
the only one of Its kind in the United States,
and the first of its kind in the world. It is that
of making dress stays, dressiforms, corsets aha
whips from featherbone, or the quill of tha
goose and turkey feathers, air. E. K. Warren,
tbe inventor of this new and popular substitute
for whalebone, is also the inventor of all the
machinery for the different processes of tbe
manufacture. The manufacture of.thls unique
article waa commenced less than ttve yearo
yet tne demand for it bas been so 'great chat
the capacity bas been increased to enormous
proportions and additional factories established
in Canada and France.
Mr. Edwards, paying teller of a bank in
Red Bank, N. J., was saved from drowning in a
singular way. Dr. J. C. Harvey, who brought
Mr. Edwards ashore, tells this story of the ac
cident: When he first saw Mr. Edwards strug
gling In tbe water bis boat was a quarter of a
mile away, and when he reached tbe scene ot
tbe accident nothing could be seen except the
boat, which was about halt fall of water, and a
flf hlng pole floating near. The doctor secured
the pole and wound in the line attached to it.
The line was abont half in when tbe hook
caught in something and it was quite difficult
to pull tbe remainder ot the line Into the boar.
At the end of the line was the unconscious
form of Mr. Edwards, the hook having caught
in his coat.
At 'Philadelphia, a small town near
Omaha, while a party of young men and women
were walking under the shade trees skirting
the Lafayette Cemetery, there were startled by
a number of wild cries issuing -from the center
of that burying ground. Then one of the youngj
men discovered tbe outlines of amoving forni
and another piercing cry rent the air. Satisfied
now that the thing within wasaf host, they all
ran like mad for the street. Tire mystery was
not explained until Officer Smith passed than
way. Just as he reached the vault in question!
he noticed the white face of a man who was1
lying on the floor Inside. He promptly broke
in tbe door and found James N. Clarke, one ot "
the grave diggers, in ahalf conscious condition,
leaning against the side of the vault. The
young man's hair, which was black the night
before, had turned gray, and it was some
minutes before be conld speak.
The flywheel is the anarchist of me
chanics. It is always engaged In revolutions.
Washington Capital. ,
Strength Supporting Weakness. Mr.
Sterne This tea Is very weak, t
Mr. Price Then I would advise you to lean It
against the butter. .Detroit tret Prut.
. Mr. N. Peck I think if any one is en
titled to a pension' It's me. Mudge You were
never in the war, were you? Mr. N. Peck No.
but the fellow my wife was engaged to got killed
at Shllob. Tern Haute Exprttt.
She is not brave she conquers by
The force of dainty charms;
Tet aj a youth could testify,
She often flies to arms.
WatMngton Capital.
His Feast. Hello, Grindstone! Why
wereyoanotat the banquet last night? We had a
feast of reason and flow of soul.
"So bad L, At least I had a feast offreezln'. I
called on a young lady from Uoston." Chicago
"1 hear Brown has been taken to the In
sane asylum since his failure business troubles
must have affected his mind?" "O, yes, he's
crazy as a loon went around, don't you know,
alter the crash and offered to settle up lex SO cent
on a dollar. ' Epoch.
Miss Crimple (to Clerk of Snake Creek
House) Will you please send the porter to our
room, Mr. Dlgstud?
Cleat Yes, ma'm; anything wrong?
Miss Crimple Papi Just shot mosquito, and
we would like Patrick to carry it onUMuntcj't
It is a Way They Have. Wire Just
think, Ihare sat here and seen maa going after
man Into that saloon over there.
Husband You're right. That's Just what they
are doing every man who enters there will assure
yoa that he Is going la after another man. De
troit Irte Prut.
She Of course the feminine half of hu
manity Is the smarter. If not how do you account
for tbe fact that at tbe age when a man Is still a
gawky, boy the woman has reached her self
possession and intellectual maturity?. Re I
don't know unless It Is because she hasn't so far
to go. Tare Haute Exprui.
' "Doctor," said Sohker, "how would yoa
treat a man who was subject to dipsomania?"
"I wouldn't treat him at all." replied the doc
tor, after a moment's consideration; "treating U
thebane of ouc civilization." And the applicant
tor information paid the usual fee and left the
office. Washington Capital.
Benevolent old man What's the-mat-ter,
my little man? What are you crying about?
Small boy I ain't got no (bo-hoo) no mother, ner
no rather, ner (bo-hoo) no brothers, ner no sis
ters, ner (bo-hoo) no uncles, ner no aunts, ner no
(bo-hoo)-ner cobo'dy else. U. U. M. Well, tut,
tut. Don't cry about that; you're Just the kind
of a nan we'll be wanting to run for- Presldest
about 49 years from now.-tf.
,.S 'J