r?mHHHNSHVJH"WV"VJ -7JJJI THE PITTSBTJUG- DISPATCH, MONDAY, AUGUST 19,, 1889, w - -. ft Wk mmm ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1818. VoL 44, No.193. Entered at Pittsburg Posto&ce, November 14, 1SS7, as second-clue matter. Business Office 07 andOOFlfthAvenue. News Booms and Publishing: House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 46, Tribune Building, New York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of THEDisrATCUfortlx months ending July il 1SS3, as sworn to before City Controller, 29,914 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of Tee Dispatch for three months ending July 31, 1839, 54,897 Copies per lssne. TERMS OF TUB DISPATCH. postage raiz ix tot united etjstes. Daily Dispatcii, One Year f 8 00 DAlLTDibPATcn, Per Quarter I to Dailt Dispatch, One Month 70 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, Sm'ths. 2 SO Daily DiSFATcH,includlngSunday,lmonh to bCNDAY DISPATCH, One Year 2 60 Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 25 The Daily DisrATCH is delivered or carriers at 33 cents per week, or including Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week-. PITTSBURG. MONDAY, AUG. 19. 1858. THE WAKE Of THE ELIXIR. T Tbe statement by Dr. Jackson of the final result of his experiments with Dr. Brown Sequard's injection for the rejuvenation of decrepit humanity does not hold ont a Terr strong promise of tbe great benefits that were expected from that treatment. Three ont of 20 persons treated who show a slight improvement is not a very high percentage of success. The conclusion of this physician that the treatment does not demonstrate a very high value is candidly and freely expressed. On the other hand he asserts that the injection can be used with proper precautions, so that it will involve no danger of abscesses or blood poisoning. Still the slight amount of permanent good balanced against the dan ger shown at Cincinnati and other places to exist from careless or unscientific! use of the injection, will make it wise for the public to regard the remedy for debility as one to be resorted to only upon the advice and tinder the administration of the best physi cians. Another point is still unsettled by any of the experiments. It has been shown that the effect of the injection passes away after a period; but it has not been shown whether there is or is not a reaction like that fol lowing the use of stimulants or anesthetics. If the result were to make men dependent for strength and vigor upon external stimu lation and to reduce them to a worse state than before, when the exotic aid is wanting, it will be all the more necessary to resort to its use only in the most extreme cases. Tbe discovery doubtless has its medical value; but with the light given by careful and scientific experiment, it is made evi dent that there can hardly be any better elixir than healthy and temperate living, a calm mind and a good conscience. A QUESTION" OF HEED. The proposed combination of the glass workers' unions meets with a negative from the window glass workers which relegates it to indefinite if not permanent postponement An interview elsewhere throws a rather invidious responsibility for the negative re sult upon Mr. Campbell, the President of the window glass workers organization, but the statement affords grounds for a rather strong retort. The facts set forth are that all the organizations are strong; that there are no non-union men in either branch of the industry, and that each organization in its especial field has undisputed sway. This affords thy window glass workers a chance to pertinently Question the necessity of further combinations. Organization for xnutu?l protection where each is abund antly able to protect itself seems somewhat superfluous. E0B THE PUBLIC GOOD. When facts were brought out, more than a year ago, showing that unhealthy and dis eased cattle had not only been slaughtered for meat, at Chicago, but that they had ap peared in this city, The Dispatch sup ported heartily and in good faith the propo sition that measures of inspection should be established which would guarantee the meat trade and the consumers against all possibility oi the sale of diseased food. When that movement degenerated into an evident scheme to prevent the sale of dressed beef, killed in one State and trans ported by refrigerator cars to another, The Dispatch showed that its purpose was not the protection of the public, but the en hancement of the price of food and the un constitutional prohibition of the sale of the products of one State in another. Three States were led by the interested outcry of people who were to profit by the enhancement of the price of meat into pass ing the so-called inspection law. Tbe result in two of them is conclusive. Whenever that law has been brought before a court, as it has been both in Indiana and Minnesota, it has been declared unconstitutional. There is no doubt that if a case from the third State is taken up into the United States Courts the same result will be obtained. In . other Words, the project of shutting out the legitimate sale of dressed beef under the pretense of in spection, having failed in the majority of States by the inability to secure its pass age before the Legislature, has also failed in the few cases where the law was enacted by the prompt declaration in the Courts of unconstitutionality. This failure makes it pertinent to suggest that if there are any interests sincerely and honestly desirous of providing a system of legitimate inspection, so that the people can buy both dressed and home slaughtered beef with full protection against thepossible sale of diseased meat, they should renew the move ment on the legitimate line of securing such inspection at whatever places the beef maybe slaughtered. This can easily be done either by a law for national inspection or by an arrangement between the States. ."With the defeat of the attempt to distort the inspec tion idea into a scheme to make the peo ple pay more for their meat, it is to be hoped that the legitimate purpose will be resumed and carried out upon its honest basis. A 'movement for the public good will command public support; when it is dis torted to serve private interests at the public cost its greed generally defeats itself. ATTRACTIVE TO SENATORS. It is interesting as well as instructive to notice that the Senate committee appointed to investigate the terrible charges of hab itual outrages by soldiers, sailors and Gov ernment employes upon the Alaskan women, is now in Alaska and appears to be having a very pleasant time. The commit tee, accompanied by its wives and daugh ters, has investigated the great Muir gla cier, and expresses itself as highly delighted and satisfied with the natural wonders of Alaska. Probably other features of the Alaskan scenery will be investigated with equal satisfaction by the committee; but ex actly what protection to the natives of Alaska will be secured by the close atten tion which the committee is giving to the natural beauties of that far-off country fails to appear from the report. This investiga tion, with others, is calculated to place it beyond dispute that Alaska is this year a favorite objective point for Senatorial ex cursions. CHEAP FREIGHT BATES OK IRON. About the time that the railway combina tion was congratulating itself on its ability to abolish commodity rates, which would 'mean an advance in iron rates to North western points, a Northwestern railroad comes along with a three-cent cut, which gives Pittsburg shippers lower rates'rather than higher ones. The railroad making the cutis the Chi cago, Burlington and Northern, which has frequently heretotore been the one to kick over the combination traces, it is not actuated by philanthropy in reducing the charges; but it does so to get the business which would otherwise go by other lines. The lake and rail rate to the Northwest is one cent below the new all-rail rate, and it is for the purposo of getting the business from Pittsburg that the independent road is offering this low charge for all-rail trans portation. Of course the railroad interest will arise in horrified protest over this example of cheap transportation; but it will be hard to convince the shippers who get the benefit of the low rate that competition between rail roads is a bad thing for the public. FAVORABLE TO THE OLD SOLDIERS. The indications are getting more abun dant that the high moral stand whieh the railroads took against making a cheap ex cursion rate to the Grand Army reunion at Milwaukee will go to pieces before the time for themeeting. Two Westernrailroads have come down to the cent-a-mlle basis; and the Pittsburg and Western announced tickets for sale from this city at the close of last week. The refusal to give this rate in the first place was the result of the combination between the railroads; but since the force of competition has asserted itself it is likely that the veterans will get the low rates they have been seeking. It should be instructive that this comes, not from the favor of rail way officials, but from the force which the railways are trying to suppress, that of com petition. The Navy Department is trying to figure out some way ot giving the Thurlow cast steel gun anotherchance; and has concluded that the only way to Jo it is to appeal to Congress. While that is going on, might not Pittsburg try its hand again at the mak ing of heavy ordnance? The report that the President will, on his trip to Indianapolis, assure his friend Judge Woods, and his acquaintances who have slipped up on the railroad scheme, that there is not the slightest chance for Judge Gresham to succeed Justice Matthews on the Supreme Bench, is supererogatory. Judge Gresham's slight chances for that ap pointment have long bees apparent; but his prompt removal of an unnecessary receiver shows that he is still in active service. The people may remember the fact. SuixrvAjr probably finds the ovation of Northern crowds more comfortable than the severity of Mississippi law. But his recep tion at Cincinnati is likely to raise a ques tion whether the North has any reason to plume itself over superior civilization to the South. It is interesting to leam that at a con ference of the Illinois coal operators, Mr. W. L. Scott, according to a Democratic or gan, denounced the policy of paying the men low wages, and withdrew from the operators' organization with the declaration that he was going to give his men civilized rates. Here in Pennsylvania there will be a general rejoicing over the knowledge that Mr. Scott has reformed. With Youngstown supplied by fuel gas made from petroleum at natural gas rates, our Pittsburg companies should take notice that reasonable rates will be the surest method of forestalling a competition here that might be inconvenient It is interesting to learn' from the New York .Sun: "A noted citizen who has been appointed a member ot one of the commit tees of the International Exposition trav eled 300 miles tbe other day in order to con fer with the Mayor." Some noted citizens might have perceived the utility of the mails in sending in a round subscription; but the New York citizen is not built that way. These is a comforting assurance that Sara Althea will not go on the stage in the obvious fact that any play suited to her talents, would require the entire company to be killed in the first aot Aveitee in an Eastern paper has been traveling in the West, and reports that he "noticed particularly the scarcity of good timber." The discovery is not particularly novel, nor is it confined to any especial sec tion. It has for some time been a promi nent feature of political conventions in the East The declaration of Edgar Saltus that he does not believe in the Bible is likely to create a popular reaction in the direction of a general support of the theory of plenary inspiration. If our esteemed New York and Chicago cotemporaries could understand how weari some their squabbling over the site of the 1892 exposition has became to the rest of the country they might perceive the good policy of securing that plum bv saying nothing for a time and sawing wood. BouIiAKOer's receptions in London af ford an economical method of defying the French Government at long and safe range The adornment of the English language by certain cotemporaneous word-butchers, in the shape of the word "elixired," is an awful example of the results of the manu facture of verbs from nouns. Some of the slang manufacturers show n decided need that they shall be dictlonaried. y' Biggest Ox In the World. Louisville, August IS. Presumably tbe largest ox In the world Is on exhibition at tbe Bourbon stock yards in this city. He stands 18 hands high. Is 11 feet In the girth, Ave feet from brisket to :top withers, three and a half feet across tbe rump, and weighs 4,000 pounds. He has been exhibited at all tho fairs in this section. Siring Up tbe Situation. from the Cincinnati Commercial U arete.! This Is not an off year In Ohio politics. There are several hens on, atfa some roosters in tho apple trees. PITTSBURG'S COAL TKADE. Early History of a Great Iadustry Robert Wsuoo's Flrat Shipment to New Orleans OIU-TIme Coal Boats and methods el Towing. IWRITTIK POR TUX DISPATCH. 1 Among those who contributed largely to the early development of the coal Industry of Plttsbnrg were the three Watson brothers, Robert, John and William, sons of an Alle gheny cooper, James 'Watson. Robert, the eldest, and tbe pioneer In transporting coal to New Orleans, died at the old homestead, on the PerrysvIUe road, last April. Three quar ters of a century ago James Watson was work ing at the cooper trade on a tract of timber land, now embraced in the Tenth ward. Alle gheny, extending from Batcher's Run to Wood's Ran. Along In tbe latter part of the twenties times were bard, and it became very bard to sell the products of the cooper shop. Barrels abounded and money was scarce. Tbe eldest son, Robert a lad of 17, had learned his father's trade and was diligently at work in the cooper shop from the time he was 11 Full of energy and ambition, and restless in view of the small returns, the 17-year-old lad concluded to try his fortunes elsowbere, and believing his accumnlated stock ot barrels and kegs would bring tho much-needed cash in New Orleans, be went there. At the time the resolution was takenCaptaln Swan, a famous river man of tbe olden time, had just com pleted a new steamboat for tbe Plttsburc and New Orleans trade, and was ready to start on his llrst trip. Reuben -Miller, Sr was then proprietor of tho leading boat store, and was one of the senior Watson's principal customers for tobacco boxes and molasses barrels. . Upon Mr. Miller's recommendation Captain Swan was induced to cover the decks ot bis new packet with the surplus stock ot the cooper shop, and at the same time exercise a sort of supervision oyer young Watson, who undertook to turn tbe cargo into cash at New Orleans. As there was no opportunity afforded to sell the molasses barrels at tbe plantations along the lower Mississippi on a passenger steamer, Watson, of necessity, was forced to sell bis goods to New Orleans agents of the up- river planters. Tills he did at a fair profit, and returned to tbe Allegheny cooper shop to gladden tbe folks at home with much-needed cash. The following season yonng Watson shipped his barrels by a French creek flatboat so that he might be master of his own time and peddle out bis goods at plantations along be lower Mississippi. As the cargo was light and neces sarily piled high, endless trouble from winds was encountered, but tho 18-year-old lad had tbe determination to surmount all obstacles, and larger returns were yielded than before. Tbe difficulties from winds started the thought of coal ballast and the third trip found a few thousand bushels of black dia monds added to the cargo. When youngWat son laid a foundation for his pyramid of bar rels in coal be was building 'hotter than ,ho knew. The coal cargo was soon discovered to be more profitable than the cooperage, and by degrees the latter was abandoned, and atten tion given wholly to coal transportation. V Tho Watson brothers In time became the largest operators in this line between this city and the gnlf. When Robert Watson began towing coal the length of tbe boats was 100 to 120 feet width 18 feet, drawing 86 to 12 inches, and 8,000 to 10,000 bushels was considered a big load. They wit nessed the growth of this industry until boats 180 feet in length, 30 feet wide, drawing 8 feet of water, and a half acre, or 700,000' bushels, of merchantable coal was towed by the Ajax from Louisville to New Orloans. George Ledlle, an old-time coal king, was the first to attempt towing coal by a steamboat. This was In the forties, but was not successful because the attempt was made wjth a side wheel boat This failure proved a wet blanket on steamboat towing for a number of years, and It was not until 1857 or 1858 thatthe present method of towing with stern wheels came into vogue. In that year the Watson brothers rrar- chased the steamer Antelope, a boat ot un-v usual length for that day. the wbeels ot which were well back toward the stern. They used It successfully for a number of years, at last putting its machinery into tbe Ajax. Alexan der Watson, a well-known attorney and brother ot tbe coal pioneers, reports that tbe same ma chinery is still doing duty in asteamboat plying on Western waters. As tbe coal transportation developed along In tbe thirties younger brothers of Robert Watson, John and William, became valuable assistants of the pioneer as pilots, and in the coarse ot time achieved a reputation In this line equal to any on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. John Watson had the name of being a very daring pilot taking great risks, but be never lost a barge in an experience extending over two-score years. He was tbe first of the coalboat pilots to depart from the enstom of landing at night thus saving one-half of the time previously occupied in towing barges to tho lower waters. , After John Watson's new departure It was soon discovered that there was not only a great loss of time but more danger in landing for the night than in going right ahead. Robert Watson afterward made tils home in New Orleans, and was a resident of that city at tho outbreak of the Rebellion. He bad alarge stock of coal on hand when hostilities began. Though not obtrusive In his Union sentiments, his convictions were well known, and New Or leans very soon became a very unhealthy at mosphere to the Pittsburger. Having coined the confidence of the leading citizens by bis high integrity, he managed to steer clear of trouble until Ben Butler came into command. The Massachusetts General got possession of the rebel archives, and among them was a paper with a black-list of 13 suspected Union ists. On tbe list was Robfert Watsonla name. Years after the war closed Watson returned to his native city and spent his last days at the old homestead on the PerrysvIUe road, whence ho started in pursuit of fortune some three score years before." "He rests from his labors and his works do fellow bint." Honor to the memory of the pioneers who laid the founda tions of one of our great commercial indus tries. J. H. Y. PEOPLE OP PKuMINENCE. Mrs. Susa Youho Gates, danghter of Brigham Young, is to be the editor of a young ladles' magazine to be published in Salt Lake City. Richabd M. Johnston, who Is called "a rising yonng man of letters," is approaching what the French term the youth of old age. He will be 63 on bis next birthday. Like Gold smith, he is a plant that bloomed late. Jefferson Davis Is very fond ot religions discussion. When he was a prisoner at Fort Monroe he frequently engaged the Catholic chaplain, Father O'Keefe, in discussing his favorite topic, "transubstantiation," and would skip about it from point to point that It was impossible to hold him fast John Tuomab Scabi", the reputed historian of Maryland, Is what Bulwer called a "miscel laneous youth." He was a soldier and sailor under tbe Confederacy, afterward a lnmber merchant and collector of pictures, then be studied law, was next a member of the Mary land Legislature, finally, for something better to do, turned author. Mns. W. BPKAGtK HOTT, enceso favorably known in Washington society as Miss Nettle Chase, tbe younger daughter of the Chief Justice, is leading a Very quiet life oh Long Island, devoting herself entirely to tbe rearing of a half dozen children. Her pen and pencil, in which she once took so much pleasure, are now scarcely ever touched. James Payn, tho popular English novelist bad 28 articles rejected in one year by various periodicals. Still, he persevered, feeling that be had something to tell, If he only kneWhow to tell It and could get an editor to read it He did finally write something worth telling and made a successful hit, and has since written 58 novels, all more or less popular. Geoeqe T. MaBye, Jb., tbe President of Ban Fiancisco Stock Exchange, was educated at Cambridge, England, where he had Sir Charles Dllke for a chum. Mr. Marye went to California in 1868 to practice law, but in 1872 he abandoned tbe law as too slow a road to fortune and entered his father's banking house as a partner. Upon bis father's death, in 1882, be became tho bead of the house, and Is rapidly growing wealtby and prominent as a politician. An Awftll Punishment. From the Harrlsburg Tele graph. t The Juitico who issued the warrant for the ar rest of Justice Field ought to be oompsUsd to marry Terry's widow. AMEEICAN FAEIIERS FEEL THEIR OATS. They Are la No Harry to Hush Their Crops to Market. ISrZCTAL TXLXOBAX TO TUB SISrATCH.1 New Yoex, August 18. Henry Clews & Co will issue a circular to-morrow on the prospects for business in which they will say: "The money market is a source of caution. Owing to early anticipations ot tight money, the danger baa been largely averted, and there is no longer any feeling ot apprehension. At the same time there Is strong reason for pru dence. It Is probable that there will be suffi cient funds to meet crop and trade require ments, both of which will be heavy, but the banks," with their low reserves, have no more thai sufficient to meet these demands onpartof regular customers; the consequence being that in event of any urgency in requirements which is not improbable, there will be a contraction in loans for carrying stocks, or a putting up of rates on the same, the result of which threat ens a sharp reaction in tbe stock market It is not necessary to intimate that speculators would take advantage of such a movement and aggravate it as much as possible; while those willing to buy on the decline wonld probably defer purchases until satisfied that such a reaction bad been pushed to its utmost. We are still of the opinion, therefore, that more caution Is needed on the long side ot tbe market than is being exercised; at least, until the future of the money market can be calcu lated upon with mora safety, or until an invest ment or outside speculative demand appears for stocks at present prices. "One of the strongest arguments now being used In favor of higher prices Is the improve ment iu earnings, particularly upon the Grangers. It Is well to remember, nowever, that while a portion of the improvement Is really due to an increased volume of business and better rates, still tbe great bulk of it. In these lines, is due to the backward movement of the corn crop. Owing to low prices, the farmers held back their corn as long as pos sible. This served to diminish earnings at one period of the year and swell Jthem at another; hence tbe roads appeared suddenly prosperous of late. The question is, will this prosperity continue during tbe next few months, when the old crop shall have been mar keted and tbe new croD harvested? Will prices be such as will Induce a movement of the new crop, or will farmers again holdback for higher pricesT In view of the fact that corn is selling at Chicago In tbe neighborhood ot S5Kc fur August Beptember and October options, compared with about 44c the same months last year, it does not look as if the new crop would be rushed into market just as soon as the old is exhausted. Then, it Is also to be remembered that the farmers are in better position to hold than formerly, for the reason that through mortgage companies and other sources they can borrow funds to carry them over temporary necessities. The time when the American farmer was at the mercy of those who persistently beared bis products by taking advantage of his necessities is passed, and he Is now enabled to preserve a fair degree of In dependence and secure a fair price for bis product This is conspicuously the case with cotton, which years ago used to be entirely under the control of Liverpool, to tbe detriment of producers here. A TBAYEL1NG PHILANTHEOPIST. From One Newspaper He Supplies Eight Men With Reading Blatter. New York Bun. J There were eight of us who got off the train at the junction, to wait two hours for the train on the other road, It was a small building In the country, without a house in sight and no platform to walk on. The single railroad of ficial was asleep on some bags of wool In the freight shed, and the clock in the waiting room had stopped dead still. As we sat down on the bard benches in tbe waiting room one of the men opened bis grip and took out an eight page newspaper. Not one of the rest of us had a thing to read. Noticing this, he carefully cut the pages apart then cut each page in half, and, passing around, he said: "Gentlemen, I never did like a hog. Each of us will take an eighth, and as fast as read we will exchange with each other." Each one took his part and made it his busi ness to read It and the last man bad just got down to a mortgage sale and tbe death notice otapalr of twins when the two hours expired and tho train drew up. BOUND TO HATE THE EEL. A BIc Turtle Hung to the Fish Until Canght Hlmseir. WELUNoroRD. N. Y August 18. George Gardner and Ed. Bernatche were fishing at the north end of Community Lake Saturday, at tending to their eel lines, which had been set the night before. Their luck was poor, line after line being pulled up and found bare of H both bait ana fish. Approaching the last line, they found on beginning to reel it up that they bad a monster. The line was out for 75 feet and it took some time to reel it up. The strug gles of the eel were muscularly strong, but they saw at last only a pound "wriggler on tho line. Drawing tbe eel nearer to the boat they nearly fell overboard In their astonishment at seeing on the end of tbe eel a snapping turtle weighing 33 pounds. A pole with a strong Iron hook in tbe end, made for turtle fishing, was thrust under the monster's shell, and he was landed In tbe boat He had swallowed abont six Inches of the eel, and preferred to be cap tured rather than give up his prey. DEATHS OP A DAI. Mrs. Sarah Johnston' Death has robbed Plttsbnrg of yet another hon ored resident. Mrs. Sarah Johnston, nee Btewart, wife of William G. Johnston, of Fifth avenue, a well-known member of the Pittsburg Steel Cast ing Company, died at Baden Baden about mid night on Saturday. Mrs. Johnston had been sum mering In Germany with her husband, and her death was sudden and unexpected. Mrs. John ston, by one of thosestrange coincidences, breathed her last on the thirty-seventh anniversary of her wedding. All her family, as well as an unusually wide circle of friends, have been plunged In the deepest grief for her loss. Although compara tively unknown to the general public, Mrs. John ston's life was devoted to charity, and she loved to smooth the rongh road of life for all who came to ber in suffering or In poverty. She was one of those rare characters who "Do good by stealth, and blush to And It fame." Mrs. Johnston was Imbued with the true spirit of religion, and ror years had been a constant at tendant at the Point Breeze Presbyterian Church, East End. joining that congregation Immediately after ber husband moved out to his present resi dence, in 1863. Sbe leaves several children to mourn her loss, among them being Mrs. Harry p. rears, of 423 South Hiland avenue, and Mrs. Rob ert Patterson: Bbo herself came of a famllv long settled la Pittsburg, and was daughter of Matthew. Stewart, an eminent citizen. The family was of Scotch Irish origin. It Is not yet known of what disease Mrs. Johnston died, but Pittsburg physicians, from the account of tbe symptoms, say that it must have been typhoid fever. The remains will be conveyed back to America, probably via Ustend. Patrick J. Mahoney. Announcement Is made of the death of another pioneer of Western Pennsylvania In the person of Patrick J. Mahoney, at -Brady's Bend Batur day. He was in his 71st year, and until within the two last years, enjoyed good health. The cause of his death was an affection of the stomach. Mr. Mahoney came to Brady's Bend 40 years ago, and continued In the employ of the Iron company as foundryman up to the time of the suspension In 1878. Ho was honest, honorable. Just and up right In his dealings, and although or pronounced views, was always willing to correct an error or adjust a mistake. Among those of his friends yet living are Colonel W. V. Slack, Superintendent of Homeopathlo Hospital, this city, and Blchard Jennings, the well-known oil operator. HI widow and six children, three sons and daughters survive lilm. The oldest son, Paul J., is a well known oil producer; John. P. Is connected with the Empire Plow ComDany, of Allegheny, and Hicham W. holds a position with Messrs. Smith Bros. & Co., of the LaBelle Steel Works, of Alle- fheny. Of tho daughters one Is married, while he two youngest remain to comfort tbe mother. The burial will take place at his old home on Tuesday. Jnmes T. McClnre. James T. MoClure, an old resident of Pittsburg, died Saturday evening, at S o'clock, at the resi dence Of bis son-in-law, B. B. McClaln, near West Middlesex, Pa., at the advanced age of 81 years.. The deceased Was born In Lebanon county In 1808 and went to Grcenaburg when 12 years old, where he lived until he was 23 years of age, when be removed to Lawrenceyille. He left Pittsburg In tbe Spring of 1S7S, and went to live near West Middlesex, where he remained until death. The deceased from early lire was a devout member of the Episcopalian Chnrcli. He was a vestryman In St. James' Church, which be helped to organize, , and was also a vestryman Inst John's Church until he left Pittsburg. Uisro mains will be brought to this city for interment In Allegheny Cemetery on Tuesday. The Services wltl be from St. John's Church lu the afternoon. Mr. McClure enjoyed a large acquaintance In LawrencevlUe, having gone there when It was a mere hamlet and having resided there over 40 years. George Glass. George Glass, of 81 Wylle avenue, died yester day at the ace of SI years. Mr. Glass was forSS years In the bakery business In the Fifth ward and amassed a considerable fortune, retiring from business about six years since. He was one of the most prominent Knight Templarfln the city and was a director In the Anchor Bank. Although his ward was politically opposed to him, he served Hrri wruu as ricuwvi uircoior. iae proDerti at the corner or Wrlle avenue anil Tnniul ..: was owned by him, al also considerable valuable wmk) ma. .. . a tafjfv iftuuiT, CONSULAR LITERATURE. Some Interesting; Facts Abont the Reports Hade by United States Consols Forbid den Topics A Collection ot National Anthem Mow They Were Obtained. icobuxspondencb or Tint dispatch. 3 WASHlNOxpN, August 17. Tne SUte De partment is preparing to issue a publication which will be of great value to lawyers and to morcbants who have any" interest in export or import trade. It is a collection of the laws and practices of every civilized country in the world in the matter of bonds, mortgages, notes. etc "No such volume exists In the world," saia ur. ec uiair, tbe Chief of tbe Consular Bureau, the other day. "This publication will be made up of the reports of tbe Consuls ot tbe United States In different parts of the world, who havo been instructed by circular letter to obtain the Information and forward it to us. In addition to these reports we are now receiv ing from Consuls reports on harbor and pilotage dues in various parts of the world and reports on textile fabrics." The State Department Issues, usually at in tervals of one month, a compilation of the re ports made by consuls on matters affecting the ommerce and manufactures of the United States. These reports are very elaborate and apparently the range of subjects which they cover are endless. Prior to their publication advance sheets containing tne most important of these reports are Issued to the newspaper offices In this city for the. convenience of cor respondents in making synopses of them to be sent by telegraph to their papers. At the end of each month. If there Is enough matter in tbe hands of the printer to make up a volume", they are Issued In paper covers for distribution among tho representatives ot the commercial and manufacturing industries of tbe country. Clever Schema to Corner White Lead. "Some of the reports which we receive from Consuls are voluntary," said Dr. St Clair, "but 90 per cent of them are sent under instructions. The Department prepares a circular letter ad diessed to Consuls asking information on mat ters of interest Borne ot these letters aro sent to all the representatives of the United States abioad; others, which ask for information con cerning interests peculiar to certain localities, 'have more limited circulation. We receive a great many suggestions from merchants and manufacturers throughout the United States in regard to these inquiries. Frequently the representatives of a certain industry will send to us a request that we obtain certain Informa tion which will be of value to them. Some time ago tbe representatives ot the white lead interest sent to us a series of questions, carefully prepared, with a request that we obtain answers to them from Consuls in different parts of the world and forward the answers to them. We sent oat tbe questions, but when the answers were received we aid not forward them. We had tbem published as part of a volume of Con sular reports. Had we followed the suggestion of the white lead men and confided the informa tion to them, they would have been able easily to have cornered the white lead market of the United States. But the information be came public property through its publication in the Consular reports. We frequently bave rather amusing requests for information. One stock raiser in Missouri wrote to us at one time and asked us to obtain Information from our Consuls In Spain as to the size, weight cost rate of duty, etc-, on yellow jackasses. Tbe yellow jackass Is tbe celebrated jackass of Spain, and I suppose he wanted to import some for breeding purposes. Touching on Forbidden Topics. "The Consular reports are not published ex actly as received They are carefully edited by Mr. Scanlan, ot the Consular Bureau, who re moves from them any material the publication of which might be unwise, cuts them down or, to use a newspaper phrase, 'kills' them. Con suls are likely to include in their reports matter which we could not publish," said Dr. St Clair. "For example a Consul will write to us that he might bave obtained a great deal more infor mation on a certain topic bad not the Minister of Finance, an exceedingly incompetent per son, placed a great many obstacles in his way. Some years ago we published by mistake in a report from a place in Greece a bit of comment by an American Consul to the effect that the character of the Greeks had been well known since the time of the classical author, who described tbem as to be feared, especially when they bore presents. Timeo Danaos et dona f erentes.' Tbe Greek Minister made a great fuss about that publication. A great many reports are unreasonably long and deal with forbidden topics. A man who Is sta tioned on a great big rock has nothing but granite to write about; He usually wants to write, and so be sends us an essay on the con dition of the people, their customs, morals, etc Now the discussion of morals is forbidden by law. A great deal of sport was made of the statute when it was enacted, because It for bade the discussion of political or moral topics, and said nothing about Immoral topics. We find that the best reports received are those written by newspaper men. Frank Mason, our Consul at Marseilles, sends us some of the most clearly written and interesting reports that we publish." A Collection of National Anthems. Prof. John Philip Sousa, the leader of the famous Marine Band, is going,to call the ser vices of tbe Consuls and Consular Agents of the United States to his aid in collecting some of the national anthems which be is abont to publish under authority of the Navy Depart ment. When the Queen ot England held her jubilee two years ago a volume of national anthems was Issued under authority ot the British Government containing about 35 musical selections. Among tbem was Prof. Sousa's arrangement of "Hall Columbia," for warded through the State Department at tbe request ot the British Foreign Office. The French Government issued a volume some time ago containing 25 anthems, but tbe most complete collection ever issued was that of Germany, which contained CL Prof. Sousa's collection contains 116 anthems, and he Is mak ing an effort through tbe State Department to obtain 60 more. He prepared early this week a letter which the State Department will for ward to its representatives with a view to oIk talning, if possible, the missing pieces of music The 116 songs whlrb Prof. Sousa now has represent tbe labor of 13 years. Obtaining the Material. "I obtained my material in many curious ways," said Prof. Sousa, discussing it yester day. "I hunted through the works of explorers for the themes ot many of the hymns. Others were sung to me by those who were familiar with them. I obtained tbe Nautch dance of Bengal from a gentlemen who had lived many years in India, and who bummed it for me. The members of the Foreign Legations here supplied some of my material. The Brazilian anthem I obtained from a party of Brazilians who visited the United States two years ago. When the Princess Kaplolanl was here last year I obtained the national anthem of Hawaii. Six years ago when the Siamese envoys came to Washington I obtained from one of them tbe air of the Siamese national anthem. I har monized It and tbe next day I played It at the White House when they called on the Presi dent" The Malay Plrates'Hymn. "Tbe sweetest of the hymns in my possession is that of the Malay plrates,"said Prof. Sousa." "It is perfect dream-music I have a song of the North American Indians, procured from the Indians in Vancouvers Land, which I may add to the collection. I have anthems from tbe Celebes Islands, from Java, Polynesia, tbe Fiji Islands and a great many other strange places. Most of the savage musio is in the minor. One of my best examples is an Arme nian song which begins in G major and ends in A minor. It is against all the rules of harmony, but tbe arrangement Is very sweet neverthe less. I have three Chinese songs, none of them very attractive, but two Japanese songs which are in the collection have a great deal of merit I have three Abyssinian songs." These songs will be arranged to be played at the Executive Mansion at diplomatic recep tions and whenever special envoys are enter tained by the President O'Bbien-Bain. A CLERGYMAN TAEEH ABACK. Challenging an Unknown Opponent He Meets a Colored Fiddler. LotnsvrLLE, August 18. For some time past a fierce controversy has been going sn in the columns of the local papers of Lebanon, Ky., between Rev. J. T. Cherry, of the Methodist church, and a Catholic unknown, who signed his- name "Victor." The point of discussion was religion in the public schools. The dis cussion became so warm that at last Mr. Cherry challenged "Victor" to meet him in public debate and reveal his name, "Vtotor" consented. The debate was to be beld to-day in Edmonds Hall, Lebanon. Promptly at the appointed time Rev. Mr. Cherry appeared on the stand and challenged the anonymous "Victor" to oome forward. To the surprise of the natives and the consterna tion ot Rev. Mr. Cherry, there appeared, not a priest, but a colored man With skin of unnsual blackness. HewasSamRountree,anitinerant preacher and fiddler. Rountree Is a man of some education and claimed the authorship of the "Victor" articles. There was no one to dispute his claim. He de manded that Rev. Mr. Uherry stand up and de fend himself. This tbs clergyman declined to do; and amid the wildest excitement be was borne from the hall by his friends. THINKS HE'LL SETEE DIE By Following; Bible Rales Mr. Do Witt Expects to Exist Forever. Rosidale, Ind., August 18. Albert De Witt and daughter, Mary Ann, are peculiar people. Mary is 18 years of age and keeps house for her father. DeWitt believes they will never die. They do not eat anything that extinguishes life. In regard to his peculiar re ligious ideas DeWitt says: "I am 58 years or age; I was born in Vigo county. Ind. When a young man I was bad. In 1877 I changed my course. I suffered intensely with rheumatic pains and was bent crooked as a bow. I bad to walk with a cane. Tbe same year I was healed and received the gift of sanctiflcatlon. From that time to the present day I have never been sick." Mr. DeWitt claims that all who live in strict obedience to the laws of God will have perfect health. He has many strange Ideas, which ha claims be got from tbe Bible. From Its pages be learns what he shall eat and what he shall not eat and conforms strictly to this strange and frugal 'bill of fare." "I do not eat hog meat because It Is unclean and hurtful to health and understanding (see Dent 14). In fact f don't eat meat of any kind, because Paul says it is neither good to eat flesh nor to drink wine. My daughter and I do not eat anything that grows on a vine, nor the fruit of herbs, nor the seed of trees (see Gen. 11, 9). We eat fruit which has seed within It but will not eat any kind of seed grown on bushes." "Do you eat eggs?" "No, sir; because an egg comes from flesh and flesh produces flesh." "But I notice that you eat butter. Is that not from a cow, which is flesht" "No, it is only the strength of the food grass and herbs which the1 cow eats. Therefore we are allowed to drink milk also." "What advantage do you claim over other Christian people?" "Hold on there," said De Witt "We are not Christian people. We are children of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Wo have been begotten of tbe world, conceived by the will, and born by the power of God. We will live forever, through time and through eternity. We were born of the flesh, but we are now re generated and born of God." Mr. DeWitt and Mary Ann are happy. They are poor and lire In a small rented bouse. He is a day laborer and earns 81 a day. Since the death of his wife Mary Ann has kept house for him. Sbe is a slender girl, pretty and intelli gent, and is remarkably well versed in Scrip ture. -EXTENDING PATEKTS. A Movement on Foot of Great Importance to Inventors. rsrxciAL TXLIOBAM TO TUX EISrATCn. I Washington, August 18. A movement of great importance to inventors will be made in the next Congress. It is the legitimate suc cessor of a similar movement made in tbe Forty-ninth Congress. At that time a bill was introduced by General Patrick A. Collins, of Massachusetts, providing for the extension of patents by the Commissioner of Patents. The present patent laws give Inventors patent rights for a term of 17 years, to be renewed tor eight years by special act of Congress. Like tbe Collins bill, the measure proposed to be Introduced in tbe Fifty-first Congress will pro vide that all extensions of patents shall be in the jurisdiction ot the Commissioner ot Patents. This will obviate the delays attendant upon the passage of speoial bills through Con gress, and will leave the whole business of ex tensions in tbe hands of a public functionary. Of the 402,000 inventors, 55,000 bave extensions already to be asked for. A feature of the proposed bfll is the estab lishment In Washington at Government ex Jense of a chemical and mechanical laboratory. t is estimated that such a laboratory will not exceed in cost the sum of 15,000 or at most 820,000. Similar private laboratories have been set up for 810,000 or 512,00a At present there are no laboratories at Washington accessible to Inventors. Great stress Is laid upon tne necessity for a national laboratory for the spe cial use of Inventors, and it is claimed that tbe benefits accruing to the nation from the estab lishment of one will outweigh all considera tions of cost or what other objections may be raised. A G1EDLE OF SNAKE SKIN. It Is Worn by a Plncky Young Woman Who .Slew a Big Rattler. NzrwABK. N. J., August 18. Not many rattle snakes have been encountered In Passaic county, New Jersey, this season, because it has been so wet on the mountains that they have had no occasion to come down to the streams or lakes In tho valleys. One was killed last week by Miss Cece Van Orden, of Paterson, who, with Irwin A. Ball, of Newark, and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Camp, of Paterson, went up on the mountain from the Lakeside Hotel to visit the mountain lake and get some water lilies. Miss Van Orden strayed from the rest of the party on reaching tbe rock plateau at the sum mit and while trying to rejoin them sbe beard tbe warning rattle of a snake. Sbe did not know what it was and pressed on until tbe sight of a black and yellow reptile colled up on a rock almost level with her race suddenly ar rested her course. She did not scream or run. Sbe had in her band an alpenstock cut by Mr. Ball, and without a moment's hesitation she twirled It in tbe air and brought it down with all her strength upon the elevated head ot the snake, killing it witb one blow. Then sbe called her companions, and Mr. Ball skinned the snake on the spot and sent the skin to Newark to be tanned and made into a girdle for the plucky young woman. Tbe snake was 42 inches long. It had three rattles, the others having evidently been broken off recently. Miss Van Orden said she knew it was a rattlesnake tbe moment sbe saw it and realized that It would spring at her if she made a step In either direction. There was nothing to do bnt kill it and sbe struck instantly. She thinks tbat tbe snake was leaping at ber when she hit it TIME IT WAS TAKEN OUT. A Man Who Has Carried a Ballet la His Face 25 Years. Nkwutteo, N. Y., August 18. Martin Palmer, of Millerton, Dutchess county, is car rying a bulled in his cheek tbat was shot there bya"reW over 25 years ago. It has at last come to the surface. Physicians now think It can be removed without much difficulty and with no serious results, though Mr. Palmer is ill at present The operation ot removing the bullet will be performed by Dr. A. F. Hoag. of Millerton, as soon as Palmer Is strong enough to bear it Tbe bullet entered the face at the outer corner of the left eye and has been circuiting around In the head of the old soldier for a auarter of a century. It has at times caused Mr. Palmer a great deal of pain, and it is now visible at the angle of the lower jaw. What Killed tbe Dogt f From the Washington Post.; We get this scrap of news from a Southern Illinois paper: "A mad dog bit James McCarthy, the well known county politician, and was killed last Friday." Wo can think of nothing that would strengthen this sentence unless pos sibly It might be made a little clearer as to what killed tbe dog. THE YOCKQ POSTMAN. I know I'm tender hearted, Bnt how can I help that? And when I rap a rat tat-tat My heart goes pit a-pat; For well I know tbe missive Borne dreadful news may hold. Or else be filled with joy ana peace, And words as good as gold. At number 15, Jennie Got letters one a week) I knew 'twas from her lover. Her eyes would always speak1. The postmark Was from Texas; One day a paper came: Now her mother takes the letters, None come la Jennie's name. A widow Uvea at SO, Her son Is on tbe main; The costmark once was Malta, And then a port In Spain. I think I'd give a dollar If I could knock once more, . With hope for number SO, To say her lad's on shore. ' 1 hate to take a letter To poor old 43, For what has come there lately He doesn't care to see: He's got so many children And tries to keep up stjles Ills notes are all from tradesmen. An agonizing pile. But you should see the fellow At number SI; His packages are bulky, His looks are woebegone, Tbey say that he's a poet; To ring-Ms bell I hate, JTor only, through the Post Oflce His verses circulate. Oh, I could write forevers My bag Is full of late; Some letters ehecra houseful, And some they desolate. But why am 1 sctender? Because my heart would quail .ft a letter for the postman , Wat not,tn each week's mall I Xotert Kiitm in Brooklyn Standard. CHOICE READING MATTER. Brief Summary of Lending Features of Yesterday's Great Double'Number. Yesterday's Dispatch consisted of 16 pages, filled with the very cream of current news and scores of literary articles of a high order of ex cellence. The matter was bright, fresh and wholesome, and there was abundance of it, z. All Qngland is agitated over the Maybrick case, and petitions for a reprieve ot the fair prisoner are pouring Into the Home Secretary's office. -A dinner to me provincial mayors was to be given at Paris yesterday. Fifteen thou sand guests were expected. Boulanger does not tear being taken back to Paris. Through Bis marck's diplomacy Austria has abandoned the defense of the Pope In order to strengthen the triple alliance. The Italian Government has assumed a bolder tone, toward the Vatican. England will join hands with Germany and her allies in case of war. France and Russia are to bo coerced into peace. JohnL. Sullivan has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment for prize fighting. Fire broke out at the Chautauqua Assemhly Grounds and destroyed several buildings. Mr. Bigler is likely to be the Democratic candidate for State Treasurer. Tbe son of a Philadelphia merchant who baa been masquerading as an Englishman at Camden, has been arrested for passing a forged check. A race war in Rich mond, Tex has resulted in tbe killing of several persons, n. Tbe death of William Thaw at Paris is re ported. The Dispatch published an excellent portrait of tbe millionaire philanthropist and a very complete biographical sketch. A great iron bridge is to be built in place of tbe old wooden'structure at Ninth street John Mc Inally, of Braddock, was shot during an affray Saturday night and it is thought bis wound will prove fatal. For tbe third time in succession tho Pitts burgs defeated tne New Yorks. Tbe score was 15 to 10, Smith, tbo English pugilist and Slaviu, of Australia, have been matched to fight for 510.000 a side. Other items of sporting news were numerous and interesting. hi. The second part of the paper (pages 9 to 16) was rich In literary contents. A romantic story, entitled "In the Life of an Actress," by C. M. S. McLellan, was published. Frank Car penter continued his entertaining sketches of Jerusalem life, Olive Weston described a court dinner at Windsor Palace, and also gave some readable gossip concerning members of the royal family, Henry Haynie's letter gave an account of tbe doings of several notable people In Paris. Clara Belle's chat, everyday science, and a contribution from Dr. Jackson on trichina), were interesting papers. Rev. ueorge Hodges talked of the proper method of Scriptural Interpretation. Shirley Dare's let ter dealt with tbe subject of fall fashions for women. J. E. Kelley told tbe history of the custom of betting on mces. Ernest H. Heln rlchs contributed a pleasing story for young readers. An article, giving the views of eminent physicians on the drink babit in America was worthy of careful perusal. BlakelyHall gave a pen portrait of the Marquis of Salisbury. A. C. Hallbeck gave some curious information regarding Chinese gymnasts. Gertrnde F. Ath erton's letter from Boulogne-sur-mer, Henry Norman's Hong Kong correspondence ana Kamera's sketch of life at Lake George, were other contributions. The usual departments and the seaside and summer resort correspond ence completed an unusually excellent number of an always complete newspaper. COLLECTING BOTTLE C0EKS. A Washington Man With nothing to Do and His Peculiar Hobby. The queerest hobby on record Is that in which Dr. Hammond interested an indolent patient in order to occupy bis mind. "A man came to me," said the doctor to a Washington Pott reporter, "who was suffering very severely from having nothing to do. He came to me be walling his state of mind. 'I bave nothing to interest me in life,' he complained. 'I bave an abundance of means, and my money is so Invested tbat I have nothing to do but cut tbe coupons off my bonds, and there Is no trouble to take care of it I bave nothing in the world to interest me or occupy my time I bave ueen graauauy Becoming low spirited ana mel ancholy, and Isbun society. It you can give me something to live for I will be greatly in debted to you.' "I said collect bottle corks, and he took to the suggestion at once, and now owns the most wonderful collection of Corks ot anybody in the world probably. He classifies tbe corks ac cording to the character of liquor their bottles contained and the countries from which tbey come. He has become a marvelous expert, and his collection deserves to be exhibited in tbe National Museum. He will pick up a cork in tbe street and at once tell tbat it came from a bottle containing such and such a wine and from such and such a country. He carries on his specialty as does a postage stamp col lector. ,"Of course, tbat man's mind cannot be of a very high order to be satisfied with doing noth ing but collect bottle corks, but the occupation is sufficient for him. What he has accom plished, however, is really remarkable, and be bas tbe satisfaction of. knowing that be knows more about this line of study than any other living man." BOLLIYAN'S SENTENCE. Philadelphia Press: Sullivan in jail un der sentence of tbe law wblch he violated will do good, something which Bulllvan at large never did. Philadelphia Calf.- It would be a good thing If all tbe men who were directly Inter ested in tbat brutal affair were locked up for a while. The effect would be very discouraging to other bruisers who may seek to battle with bare fists. PHILADELPHIA Recordi The sentence of Pugilist Sullivan to a year's imprisonment in a Mississippi jail was a punishment severer than be had expected,, although not greater than be deserved. Violators of law must pay the pen alty if caught Cleveland Leader: The effect ot this sen tence will be wide and lasting. It has been ad mitted in advance i by tbe sporting fraternity tbat if Sullivan should be sent to jail there would never be another prize fight of any con sequence contested with 'bare fists in the United Btates. Wheeling Register: Whattbe Mississippi judge and jury should now do is give the back ers of Sullivan and Kilrain the same or a severer sentence, since they were probably more to blame and more responsible than tbe two animals whom they pitted against each other. . Chicago. 2faf I.- In my prison cell I sit thinking, Jacob, most of you. And of how we slugged each other here, you know; And my eyes are filled with brine something altogether new Longing for the good old 'toots' of long ago. New Yobk Tribune: Prize-fighting is likely to sustain a mortal blow through this sentence. Tbcrels nothing picturesque or fascinating about a twelvemonth of prison labor, and the sham hero-worship which surrounds bruisers like Sullivan and Kilrain with a vulgar glamor can hardly Survive the spectacle ot these per sons undergoing a disgraceful punishment in the uniform of crime TKI-STATE TE1FLES. A eabveb on his way to East Liverpool drove over two rattlesnakes in the road, kill ing them both. AHtnrrrNGTON(W. Va.) newspaper says: A queer subject came into Mathews' art gal lery last week to have hlnself photographed He called himself Prof. Gabriel and came over from Boone or Logan county. He had with him sixteen large and lively rattlesnakes, which he handled with less concern than a bachelor handles a baby. A EXStDzsT of Fallsington, Pa., went to Sleep on board a train and dreamed be was be ing assassinated. He scared the wits out of the other passengers by yelling murder at the top of his voloo, A church bell cast 126 years ago, which has been silent for many years, bas just been re hung in the Reformed Church atReadlng. Thomas BTETjrr, of Brecknock, Berks coun. ty ate 32 ears ot corn at one meal a few days ago. Hes confident that he can eat 50. The First Universalis Church at Reading is closed while its pastor is on a bicycling trip tli rongh Virginia. A lO-TztAB-om gin living near Nomstown fell from a second-story window while asleep daring ths night and escaped Injury. 'Ax Ohio nun aged 78 years advertises Ithat he wants a wife. CURIOUS C05DENSATIOBS. A very old pear tree is now standing on the grounds of Mr. W. H. Smitb in Richmond, Me. Its exact age is not known, but its iaentity can be traced' back for 150 years. It still pro duces fruit. Mrs. Gill, of Mulberry street, is the only woman shoemaker In New York. She made a pair of shoes before she was 14 years old, and has worked at the cobbler's bench for the list ten years. A short time ago, a lady, the first ot her sex, graduated in medicine In Mexico. As an appropriate compliment ber fellow-students of tbe other sex got up an amateur bull fight in honor of tbe occasion. A Eustis (Fla.) paper tells of a pet alligator tbat drinks cider, going to the barrel and turning the faucet himself. He has been taught to use a palm leaf fan, which he han dles with skill, to keep off the files. Twenty Baltimore girls who have plenty of money and are good German and French scholars, propose to travel through Europe this summer, and to write a book of their advent ures. There will be 20 chapters, one by each, girt A Dutchman has started from Amster dam for Paris on roller skates on a wager that be can cover the distance in seven days. Un- less he Is exceptionally fortunate In '-headers' be will often cover parts of the distance with less than that many feet It is a curious fact that there are 200,000 people la tbe United Btates who have artificial legs or hands. This number does not include the veterans of the Union or the Confederate army. In New York City and vicinity there are about 5.0U) men and women who have sup plied the place of lost limbs with the manu factured article. John Brown, of Long Branch, is a vet eran fisherman, and last Thursday be donned a bathing suit and sauntered 'into the surf to coax out the finny creatures of the sea. His flrstblte nearly pulled him off his feet hut he landed bis victim. It proved to bo a striped bass weighing 35 pounds and measuring 3 feet 8 inches in length. A Congo warrior's outfit, which has just been received by the Smithsonian Institu tion at Washington from Lieutenant Taunt United States commercial agent in the Congo State, consists of a bamboo shield six .feet long ana one wide, a spear.foerfcet tong.akqifo tbat looks like a premng knife, and a bow with bamboo strings ana two iron-tipped arrows. In Mead ville a couple of days since a young man called on Court Clerk Gasklll for a marriage license. On giving the lady's age as 20 he was told her parents' consent was neces sary. He meditated, and concluded: "Just let it go a few days. Pve got another girl that I like pretty well, and I think she's of age. I may change my mind: I'll see you again any. how." There is a new industry at Trenton, 2f. J.; tbe making ot dynamite guns. Six of tbeso guns are now being constructed by tbe New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. The guns are to be 60 feet long, 11 Inches in diameter, and will be made In three sections. Tbey will be constructed of cast steel plates, bolted securely together. Tbe -guns are to be completed by January 1 next It jfc said that the common cowcatcher attachment to locomotives is about the only article of universal use that was never Eatented. Its Inventor was D. B. Davles, ot olumbus, who found bis model in the plow. Red lights on tbe rear car of trains, it is fur ther said, were adopted at tbe suggestion of the late Mrs. Swisshelm, after a railway acci dent in which she had a narrow escape. An anti-sewing machine guild has been formed by the Chinese tailors of Hong Kong, A Chinaman who had joined "tbe party of pro gress" and had been using tbe sewing machine, was recently waited upon by a deputation from the guild, and requested to pay to its members SO taels as compensation for using the "foreign devil." He refused and was instantly assailed. The police saved bis lite, but he Is not quita so eager now to use the sewing machine There was a grand stampede of passen gers from the restaurant In the station of tbe Central Railroad, of New Jersey, at Communl paw. the other day. A negro waiter saw a rat tlesnake gliding under the seats, and gave the alarm in such wild and thrilling tones that tbo snake was as much frightened as the darkey was. Two men cornered the reptile, and beld it with their canes. It was 17 inches long, and was secured alive. It was put in a glass jar and taken away as a curiosity. It is proposed by the Chickamauga Memorial Association that tbe ground on which the celebrated battle of Chickamanga was, fought be bought by the Association and con verted for all time into a National pail. ThsV project will bepnshedat the annual reunion of the Army of the Cumberland, when it Is hell at Chattanooga on Beptember 19. Efforts aro bcingmadeto secure tbo attendance at this reunion of members of the Confederate Army who fought in the battle of Chickamanga. Conductor McLinn was riding as pass enger on a train to Harrlsburg a day or two since. At Mount Alto Junction a colored camp meeting excursion was waiting on a side track, and just as the train passed on there was a bang and a shower of falling glass. Instantly there was clamor that the train be stopped and the supposed colored culprit lynched. McLtna allayed It by confessing that the glass was so clear tbat he thought the window was open and thrust bis head through tbe panes. To escape guying he finished bis trip on tbe platform. The Swedes of the United States are making preparations to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the landing of tbe first of their countrymen wbo came to this country. Tho actual date ot the landing Is not known. A set tlement of Swedes was made in Delaware 252 years ago on land bought from William Penn, and tbat is tbe only established date concerning the early coming of the Swedes to this country, but it is known that an expedition set out from Sweden nearly half a century before andUnded on these shores. It was about 300 years ago, and tbe Swedes bare conclnded to call It 300 years,! and make September 14 Swedish Day. There will be celebrations all over tbe country. A gentleman, accompanied by his wife, called the other day at a Portland, Me., ticket office and asked for a ticket to his home, which he stated was Fort Vermillion. He was not surprised when told tbat tbe office did not have such a ticket and contented himself witb a ticket to Montreal remarking, incidentally, that be hardly expected to be ticketed through, slnce bis home is 1.200 miles from any railroad station. Such a remarkable distance from a railroad in these daysofqnick transportation was suiprising, nor was his naxt statement any less so. It is 700 miles from his borne to a post office. A newspaper published not more than two months before is a great rarity in that far away .Northern borne. FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES, i Marriage is the hitching post on the road of We. Boston Courier. An opening attraction at the seashore The calm and placid clam. Sew lort Journal, Minnie It is no longer fashionable to have the ears plerred. Minnie So I suppose you won't be called upon any more to sing, will -you, dear? Ttrrt Haute Express. Penbaugh (very pompous) "Well, this is a very serious case, and I desire to get to the root of the matter at ence. Bowles Most hogs do. Kearney Enterprise. Tommy Aro you poor, Mr. Boise? Mr. Boise No, Tommy, not very poor. TVhat made you askr Tommyr-Kothlng, only sister said yon were not worth looking at and I thought I'd ask you.- Kearney Enterprise. Mrs. Fogg The trouble with you men it that you won't hear to reason. If you would be guided by your wife, now. you'd get along a great deal better. Vogg You forget my dear, that Adam was guided by his wife, and see what a fix It got him la. Boston Transcript. C How is our friend Schmidt, the milk man, coming on? 1). He bas gone to a watering place to recuper ate his health. That's what I call gall, lie Is Indebted to tu water for all his wealth, and now he relies on the water to restore bis health. Texas Siftlngs. It would look like home Invalid (from Philadelphia) Yes, my health Is improving, but I think I gruw more homesick every davl Neighbor And Is there nothing we can do? Well It's only my fancy, I know but If yoa and the-othars on the street would only send the girls out every morning to scrub the doorsteps! Texas Siftlngs. Young man (to wealthy parent) Can I marry yonr daughter? Wealthy parent-Well. I " Yonng man Is It agreed? Oh, tell me la It agreed? Wealthy parent Yes, I should say It was a greed, and a thuoderlor big one on your part Call again, yonng man. Kearney Enterprise. Sweetheart (to bashful lover) I had a funny dream last night, George. Bashful Lover Indeed I Whatwaslt? 8 I dreamed you asked to kiss me. B. L.' And what did yoa say? 'S.-I refused. B.L.-That'stoobad. 8. (casting down her eyes) Well, but yott know, dreams always go by contraries, Bum Courier,