BiHia mmsWW'1 luvnam mmmmmwtmw W'T Vv&Wir THE PEPTSBUBG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, -'ATOUST 18, 1889. ELmcSbHZXm r WILL 1 i DEAD A Millionaire Philanthropist Passes Away at Paris. EVENTFUL LIFE SKETCHED. His Eleemosynary Lightening ot Humanity's Loads. SOME MARKED PERSONAL TRAITS. One of His Many Almoners Talks of His Benefactions. SIBTEMATIC BENEYOLESCE HIS PLAN The entire community received a shock Vhen it became known that William Thaw, the philanthropist and railroad millionaire, had died in Paris at an early hour in the day. The sad news was very surprising to the general public, bnt it is learned that Sir. Thaw's immediate family were in a measure prepared for the worst. Since Mr. Thaw's departure from this city on July 10 he had been attended in his tour by Dr. Alexander Blair Thaw, who, alone, was with him when the end came. On "Wednes day last Mr. Frank Semple, Mr. Thaw's confidential legal adviser, received the fol lowing cablegram from Dr. Tha: Grand Hotkl, Paeis. Father very seriously ill. Colic, duo to heart failro. Although hopeful, I fear the worst. Attack may pass off, however. This naturally created the gravest appre hension, but being followed by no immedi ate bulletin, hope was still expressed. Yes terday morning, however, a second cable gram from Dr. Thaw to Frank Semple con veyed the following sad tidings: THE FINAL CABLEGRAM. Grand Hotel, Paris, August 17. Father died this morning at 10.-05. Death was Very easy of heart failure, caused by old trouble, rheumatism. Mr. Cbas. J. Clark has just reached here, and Mr. Qriscom (President of the Inman Line) telegraphs ho will be here to-morrow. We had the best physician in France in this line. Expected father to last till night, but a change for the worse came at 6 o'clock. Blair. Frank Semple, Esq., stated yesterday that Mr. Thaw's serious illness dated back to February 10, when he returned from Phila delphia badlr crippled with rheumatism. lie went for a lew moments to his office in the Pennsylvania Railroad building and then to his-home. For nearly a month he was in a very low condition and his phy sicians were seriously alarmed. He rallied, however, and gradually became stronger. An ocean voyage and a season of complete freedom from business cares was impera tively ordered and in pursuance of this ad vice .Mr. Thaw consented to the European trip. His last visit to his office was made on the day before he started abroad. His companion was Dr. A. Blair Thaw, his youngest son by his first wife. Even the genial climate of sunny France could not repair the ravages that rheumatism had made in his system. MTTSBURG'S FOREMOST CITIZEN. From the inception of his career to the very end, William was first and foremost true to the interests and advancement of his native city. He was born on the 12th of October, 1818, not very far from the site of his old-fashioned residence, on Fourth street His father, John Thaw, a Philadel phian, was one of the first tellers of the Bank of Pittsburg. The Thaw family had an honorable lineage, running back to the days of the English Restoration. His great grandfather and hU grandfather, both sur named Benjamin, were natives of Philadel phia. His grandmother was Hannah Engle, of a famous Quaker family. William Thaw's fine mind was developed by a common school education, supple mented by attendance upon the Western University. He early developed rare judg ment in business matters and his impetuosi ty carried him A GENERATION IN ADVANCE ot his companion's in the business world, enabling him to lay the foundation of a large fortune while yet a comparatively voung man. He was twice married, his issue, by a remarkable coincidence, being in each instance two girls and three boys. His acquaintanceship with his widow was due to a romantic incident in the great civil war. Miss Copley, daughter of Josiah Copley, had lost a brother whose last gift to his idolized sister had been a handsome diamond ring. Although dear to her. the great Sanitary Fair, held at Old City Hall, was too strong a draft upon her smpathy to be withstood, and. able to give nothing else, the diamond ring was tearfully laid upon the altar of her country. By chance Mr. Thaw learned of the gift, and, touched by the self sacrifice implied bv it, secured an intro duction to her, which was followed in due course of time by an offer ot his band and heart The union was one of rare happi ness. For eeyeral years Mrs. Thaw has not been much in social life owing to delicate health, but in all the eleemosynary works of her husband she has been a cheerful assist ant, and to her suggestions are due many of the widespread bcnelactions of the dead philanthropist MR. THAW'S BUSINESS CAREER. Mr. Thaw's financial training was grounded in the Bank of Pittsburg asa clerk under his father's eye. In 1835 he be came a clerk in the house of McKee, Clark & Co.; 1840 saw the foundation of the firm of Clarke & Thaw, shippers and trans 'porters. From the first the firm was a potent factor in the growth of Pittsburg. There are, perhaps, few now alive who re member the "Conestoga" wagons which freignted goods over the A.legheny Mountains long before the application of Robert Stephenson's great invention in this country. The firm constructed the Portage Railroad over the mountains, and received valuable leasehold privileges, which later were utilized. It was Clarke & Thaw's freight wagons which brought to Trinity P. E. Church the Jardine organ which was set up in 1852, the first organ of that size erected in Pittsburg. The canal system over and through the Allegheny Mountains was inspired by the firm and successfully operated by them for several years. It is said that Mr. Thaw was the first Fittsburger to seriously advo cate the use of steam, then a rather unknown quantity, and his sagacity INSPIRED THE FORMATION of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. There were many who deemed the scheme chimerical on account of the extraordinary difficulties in gradients to be overcome, and iteriug the railroad arena at that time was deavoring to cope with giants. On the i south the master mind of the elder irrett was bending all its energies to the jedy reaching of the West On the rth those valiant railroad moguls, the er Fish and Commodore Cornelius Van- bilt, were even then immersed in a racteristic struggle for an entrance to same objective point. Had either these three foreseen the future Pittsburg, as did Mr. Thaw, Baltimore and Ohio, Erie and New jrk Central would probably have run ectly toward Pittsburg. Mr. Thaw had that keen, discriminating, almost hetic, intuition of the possibilities that id him to see where others were blind; ve where others scoffed. In the days lary to the tactual laying of the -ania lines Clarke and Thaw changed their Portage Railroad and canal holdings for liberal blocks of stock, BEAELY DICTATING CONTROL of the road in its early days. Ever since those early days or steam navigation in Pennsylvania, the moving spirit in the great Pennsylvania Railroad has been Mr. Thaw. Each subsequent step in the progress of the road justified the wis dom of Mr. Thaw's judgment Meanwhile the river business ot the firm had assumed such magnitude that in 1856 the books ot the firm showed the names of over 100 steamers, including the palatial daily line of steamboats running from Pittsburg to Cincinnati, Louisville and points on the Mississippi river. The freight system ot the Pennsylvania was in chaotio shape when in 1861 Mr. Thaw was called in to bring to bear his vast experienco in transportation. His admirable organiz ing abilities unquestionably laid the toun dation of the great freight system which now enables the Pennsylvania Rail road to outdo all competitors. Mr. Thaw was conservative in one sense of the word yet thoroughly aggressive in the extension 6f his.department, and his policy chimed exactly with that of the road's greatest President, Colonel Scott The Union Star Line, as the freight system has been designated for many years, was the subject of Mr. Thaw's unremitting atten tions until he was relieved of active duty in 1873, three years subsequent to the formal organization of the Pennsylvania Company in which he became a director immediately. His ele vation to the Second Vice Presidency soon followed. He also became Second Vice Presi dent of the Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad Company. In all his railroad experience ripe judgment and singular sagacity gave a weight to his opinions probably possessed by no other official of tile road. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Mr. Thaw was a singular combination of impetuosity and caution. But his strong convictions of right and wrong and his re markable perspicacity in his dealings with his fellowmen enabled him to hold a careful balance. Above all he was a keen judge of human nature. Of the greatest honesty of character himself he sternly discoun tenanced impositions. Mr. Semple, his trnsted attorney, brings out this trait of Mr. Thaw's very strongly in an inteiview. PORTRAIT OP GENEROUS WILLIAM THAW. Speaking of Mr. Thaw's benefactions Mr. Semple said: A great many thought Mr. Thaw gave indis cnminately to chanties, bat this is a mistake He knew everyone he gave to. Just before he was taken ill he showed me a list of over MOO names, persons to whom he had given 55 or more during the last two years, and he re marked at the time that he had reason to be lieve that no one upon that list had Imposed upon his benevolence. Yes. there were two or three clergymen who acted as bis almoners in the distribution of money. Mr. Semple was requested to state whether or no Mr. Thaw had employed for several years a confidential agent who had done nothing but trace the records of those who asked tor aid. He replied: As to that I cannot say. But I do know that by some means Mr. Thaw posted himself about all who were applicants for his assistance in any respect A great many strnggling young men ana women owe their educations to his liberality, but Mr. Thaw's main charitable work was systematic and not desultory. Yes, I un derstand that the body will be brought to Pitts burg for Interment The family all wish it. Bnt nothing positive will bo known until Mon day. FINANCIAL PECULIARITIES. It is a singular fact that a man of Mr. Thaw's wealth should be so slimly repre sented in the banking circles of Pittsburg. As a matter of fact the deceased was not a director of any bank in the city. For many years his private account was kept at the in stitution which was at first Semple & Jones, then Semple, Thompson A Co.. and latterly and at present W. R. Thompson & Co. It Is learned, on the best authority that fully three-fifths of Mr. Thaw's fortune which is variously esti mated at from 10.000.0X to $12,000,000 is invested in rallioad holdlncs, the bulk being in the Pennsylvania Railroad. A large amount is al4 represented in an interest in the consolidated Inman and In ternational Ocean Steamship Line. Mr. Thaw was also a stockholder in the Tenuantepec Ship Railway enterprise, of which Colonel James Aodren s, of Pittsburg, is engineer. It was one of Sir. Thaw's peculiarities to invest in mort gages. He held at the time of his death nearly 00 mortgages in amounts ranging lrom 100 to 110.000, having great faith In the realty of his native city. As a mem ber of the Third Presbyterian Church Mr. Thaw did much for Christianity, although his creed of benevolence knew neither sect nor race distinction. His alma mater, the "Western University, received nearly $100,000 from him, and the Western Theological Seminary, Han over, Oberlln, Geneva, Carroll and Maryvllle Colleges, and Wooster University, all strug gling institutions, have occasion to remember bis bountiful aid. The Allegheny Observatory was also a recipient ot his bounty. It would be difficult to Instance a public institution in the two cities which had not at some time in its career found a willing contribntor in William Thaw. One of his odd traits was a singular aversion to life assurance. The best "writers" In America have attempted to insure bis life, only to retire baffled from the effort He only carried a very few thousands upon his life in an Eastern company. . AID TO ART AND ARTISTS. Mr. Thaw furnished the means to give musi cal and artistic education to scores of deserving young people of promise. One of his most successful proteges was Frederick Clark, the gifted husband ot Mme. Steiniger Clark, the greatest living exponent of Beethoven. Mr. Clark was in the store of Mellor, Hoene & Henrlcks years ago and Mr. Thaw furnished the means for an Euro pean education covering five or six years. It is stated that Mr. Clark was able to repay bis benefactor at the time of his last visit to Puts burg. Another protegee, musically, was Miss Blanche Seaman, a gifted vocalist, pupil of Clement Tetedoux, who has since contracted a brilliant marriage in New York. Among artists there is scarcely one of Pitts burg's colony who has not had Mr. Thaw's kindly and practical appreciation. His house contains many pictures by home talent It is stated that th recent Enropean trip of Misses Anna Henderson and Olivo Turnoy was made possible by Mr. Thaw's generosity. The "boom" which fortunately befell the Ex position was undoubtedly ascnbable to Mr. Thaw's proposition of June, 1SS8, offering to be one of live to give $5,000 to the Exposition. How that subscription swelled to leviathan groportions is easily within recollection, peaking of this subscriptionthe Exposition authorities say that while they have marked It down as a regular integral of the ten-year loan fund, they have every reason to believe that Mr. Thaw Intended the sum as a gift out right. RECENT INSTANCES. In both the Willey and Johnstown disasters Mr. Thaw gave large sums for the alleviation of the resultant distress, his cash subscription of $3,000 to the Johnstown fund Being a very small portion of the amount be actually expended. A portion -of Mr. TbaWs dally routine was the receiving of applicants tor aid. At his home on Fifth street, the hour after breakfast was always devoted to his poor" who flocked by dozens and rarely left his presence empty banded. One hour in the afternoon at his office was always devoted to the same purposes, and ho passed In review hundreds of applicants dally. It is eminently characteristic of the man that although he came nearer than most to the Bib lical lnjonctidn to give one-tenth to the Master, It is extremely difficult to find the instances ot his broadspread ctnrlties. His benevolence was secretive and no blew no trumpets. His left hand never knew what his right hand scattered In tho highways and byways of pov crty and destitution. His stewardship ot worldly wealth will pass muster before the great white Throne. Ho who pronounces his i nneral panegyric can do no better than to use the text: "And now abideth Faith, Hopo and Charity these three; but the greatest of all Is chanty," , HIS ffOBLE CHARITIES. A Man Whose Life Was Better Than Any Sermon Instances ok III Good Deeds From One Who Knew Him Most Intimately. As it is well known that the Rev. E. R. Donehos had been very intimate with the late William Thaw, a call was made on that gentleman at his residence on Main street, Tempcranceville. He had not yet heard of the death of Mr. Thaw when the reporter called, and was visibly affected by the news. He kindly furnished the following reminis cences, however, of the departed millionaire: 'I knew Mr. Thaw," he said, "all my lifetime; but I have been especially inti mate with him during the past. 14 years. At times I enjoyed his fullest confidence, and was perfectly conversant with many of those immense charities which he was constantly dispensing. A more boundless charity it would be hard to imagine. Mr. Thaw was not a philanthropist; he had no particular hobbv; but he treated all alike who came to mm lor aid or aavice. xn religion ne was a United Presbyterian of the staunch est kind; but his charity was not confined to members of that sect; it was as broad as the church of Christ on earth. "I myself have heaird the Sisters of Charity, for whom he had the greatest re gard, speak of him in terms of the highest praise. I was in his office at one time when two of the Sisters of that order called to see him. They unburdened all their troubles to him as though he had been an intimate friend, and Mr. Thaw sent them away with money sufficient to relieve their wants. "He was the best teacher I ever had in religious and charitable matters. His actions were better than any sermon. I recollect that on one occasion I became very much interested in the case of a pocr fellow who had been sentenced to 90 days in jail on the charge of illegal liquor selling. I succeeded in obtaining his release, and then I reported the case to Mr. Thaw. I was obliged to tell him that the man was an Irishman and a Catholic. 'Well, now,' he said, 'this is a nice spectacle, a Presbyterian minister obtaining the release of a convicted Catholic.'.. And, after playfully bantering me in this style lor some time, he said: 'You have learned a good lesson. If yon wish to do good you must not regard classes of any kind, and above all you must not be above aiding the lowly.' 'He usually devoted the hours from 9 to 12 to hearing the petitions for aid of all those who called to see him at his private residence. He answered all the rings at the bell personally, and I have seen him hob bling to the door to answer a summons. No one was ever permitted to intrude on those asking charity. He obliged all to state their cases briefly; be gave LITTLE TIME TO EACH; but the poor man received just as much at tention as the man of wealth. By a few well-directed Questions, he judged of the need and the fitness of the applicant, "He discriminated in giving charity as far as he was able. Of course deceptions were sometimes practiced on him, but this was almost unavoidable. On one occasion I obtained a pass from him for a man whose fitness I did not. doubt, and for which I vouched. "When, therefore, I heard a few days later that the man had proved un worthy, and had sold the pass, I hastened to Mr. Thaw and apologized. After playfully scolding me lor a time, he at last laughed and said: 'You can now sympathize with me, for you know what it is to be deceived. I am often taken in that way, and it is al most impossible to prevent it.' "About that time he advised me to take to charitable work, and promised to listen to all my calls for aid. And he advised me not to devote myself to the worthy, as plenty would take care of them, but to aid the un worthy. 'Surely,' he said, 'they are worthy at least of the services of one such man. "His charities were simply immense. To the "Western University alone he must have given 5400,000 or $500,000. He gave a couple ot thousands each year to each of several foreign .mission societies, and en dowed liberally several schools for colored children in the South. The colleges in all portions of the country were liberally patron ized by him, and afforded financial aid. QUIET AND UNOSTENTATIOUS. "He never allowed the extent of his char ities to be known, and was bitterly opposed to anything being published about them. To my personal knowledge he spent'at least $100,000 a year for charity; and I was aware of but a small portion of his charities. A great many persons have blamed Mr. Thaw lor indiscriminate giving; but his charity wes not indiscriminate. When he received a call for aid. he made a memorandum of it and answered all in succeession,every effort being made to discover the applicant's fit ness. "In conclusion, then, I would say that people will never know how great the chari ties of William Thaw really were. Many people have received credit for work done that really belonged to him. I, myself, have received much praise for chanty-doings, when I was only acting as his agent, but he would never allow any corrections. Would to God we had more William Thaws! If we had, we would also have a better and a hap pier world." Dr. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Perm street) f ituuurg, jra. , . swsu ALSO A BIG TIADUCT. Ninth Street's Historic Old Wooden Bridge to lie Torn Down, GIYIKG WAY TO A GREAT IRON ONE Pleasant Taller Railroad's Reorganization and Transformation. TOLLS CHARGED TO THE BIRMINGHAM The Pleasant Valley Eailroad revolution, or transformation, as it maybe better called, took on a mighty positive aspect yesterday. The old horse car line practically went through the throes of dissolution, and its death is now only a matter of two or three months. Its President for 21 years, William McCreery, retired, and his successor and a new Board of Directors were elected. These gentlemen, , with D. P. Henry as their execntive head, will have control of the first extension electric railway plant in operation in these two cities, will shape its undoubtedly progressive policy and do much to add toward helping on that era of rapid transit for which the people have all been hoping. Bnt the Federal Street and Pleasant Val ley Railway metamorphosis means more than the simple change from a horse car line to an electric one with the most rapid of all rapid transit facilities in a city railroad. It means a magnificent new iron bridge from Ninth street, Pittsburg, to Anderson street, Allegheny a different, and, in many re spects, a superior bridge to any between the two cities. It will be remembered that the Pleasant Valley Company bought a con trolling interest in Ninth street's old .wooden bridge, a few days since; and every body then wondered what for, because it was only last year the company abandoned that dismal old structure, largely ceased running cars across it nnder tho lease, and went to the nice, open Seventh street iron bridge. "Are they going back to the historic old barn that spanned the river?" asked many a patron of the line, as be read of the Ninth street purchase. Well, hardly; and by this answer hangs a tale, as a Dispatch reporter learned from Secre tary William H. Graham, bf the Pleasant Valley Kailroad Company, last evening. ALL ABOUT THE VIADUCT. "What will the Company do with the old bridge?" asked the reporter. "Make a new one of it," was the reply. "An electric railway bridge?" "Certainly, and a wagon bridge, and a foot bridge, too." "Of iron?" "Yes, and a big, handscme one, at that." "How much will it cost?" "Can't tell, yet; haven't let the contract; that's all a little bit further along." "What will it be like, then?" "Well, there will be a double-track wagon road in the middle inclosure, so that the horses going through can't see or be scared by what goes on outside. Then, on either side of the inclosure, wtll be an elec tric railway track, on which we will ran cars very rapidly. In addition to that, a single footbridge will be useful as well as ornamental, and the whole strncture will be an ornament tojthe Allegheny river, as much so as either of the other iron bridges. We shall be able to run out electric cars so fast over that bridge that we can more than make up the difference in the distance up the river along Duquesne way from the Seventh street bridge. Moreover, we shall have our electric cars on the other side of the river in operation by Thanksgiving Day. Here, by the way, is my official report of an important meeting we held to-day, and yon can print it." TBS MEETING EEPORTED. . At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the federal Street and Pleasant Valloy Passenger Railway Company, held Saturday afternoon, Presiaent William McCreery tendered his resignation, stating that it was not caused by any disagreement with or ill feeling toward any of his associates In the board; but, on ac count of his advanced age and multiplicity of other interests requiring his time and atten tontlon, be felt that he must anload some of the burdens. His resignation was accepted and the following resolutions passed unani mously: Whereas, William McCreery has resigned the Presidency of this road, alter having held the office for over 21 years; therefore, be it Resolved, That this board part with Mr. Mc Creery with great regret, and hereby attest our hearty appreciation of the able and suc cessful manner in which he has managed the affairs of this company from its organization, January J, 1S08, down to the present time. D. F. Henry was then elected President, and Arthur Kennedy, Esq., as a new member of the boara in Mr. Henry's place. The board, as now constituted, is as follows: President, D. F. Henry; Directors. R. H. King, William Roseburg, James Andrews. William A. Stone, William H. Graham, O. P. Scaifo, Samuel U. Grier, Arthur Kennedy: Treasurer, R. F. Ramsey; Secretary, William H. Graham; Su perintendent, William Crozier. So the historic old Hand street bridge has to go one of the oldest and best-known landmarks in all this region a pioneer bridge between Pittsburg and Allegheny, on whose roof there used to be promenades and orchestras at evening, and along whose elevated walks lovers were wont to prom enade and drink in the moonshine! But in its place well, progress and a pretty iron structure will tell the whole story. TOLLS FOR TRACTION CARS. It Wilt Coat 13 Cents for Each Saathslde i Round Trip. The Pittsburg and Birmingham Traction Company pays to the Monongahela Bridge Company 15 cents for each round trip under the new charter for the building of an extra bridge, with a certain amount extra foreach foot added to the cars to be put on the new line. The amount stipulated is intended to pay interest on the cost of the new bridge, and although some people not interested seem to think the amount large, if not exorbi tant, it is said to bo satisfactory to those in terested. CARRIER PIGEONS' TRIP. Three of Them Fly Back From Chicago to Plttsbanr. Dr. Barchfield, ot Eighteenth street, Southside, shipped 15 carrier pigeons to Patrick MoDonough at 171 Madison street, Chicago. On Friday morning at 820 o'clock the birds were released, and three of them reached the loft on the Southside yesterday, Prince Louise at 8:21, Venns at 921, and Commodore at 11:17 A. M. The rest are younger birds, and will arrive later. One of the doctor's breeders is raising four young ones at once, and this is thought to be quite a phenomenon. Hit With a Beer Bollle. Michael Halligan of Soho, got into a dis pute on Forbes street with another man. The latter hit him in the face with a beer bottle and then fled. Mike has an ugly gash, but he says he knows the fellow, and will resort to the law for redress. Harvest Excursions. The Chicago and Northwestern Ballway offers exceptional opportunities for an in spection of the cheap lands and growing business centers of Iowa, Minnesota, Ne braska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Colorado and the far West and Northwest, by a series of harvest excursions,' for which tickets will be sold at half rates; or one fare for the round trip. Excursions leave Chi cago August 6 and 20, September 10 and 24, and October 8. For full particulars apply to any ticket agent, or address E.. Wilson, General Passenger Agent Chicfgo and .nona western xtauway, umcago, EX-MAYOR LIDDELL SUED. Honors Clark Alleges That tho Ex-Mayor Almost Choked Her Mr. Liddell Em phatically Denies the Chares. A suit was filed by Honora Clark against ex-Mayor Kobert Liddell for $5,000 dam ages. She alleges that the ex-Mayor on June 21 maliciously and unlawfully struck and choked her, and that she has been con fined to her room for a considerable time. Mr. ' Liddell was seen last night by a Dispatch reporter, to ascer tain his " views on the case. He said, "This lady Honora Clark, if that is her name, came into my office on June 21 in the afternoon. I was writing to Chicago about a carload of bottled porter, giving quotations, and had my head down, when my attention was arrested by a woman speaking in a loud tone of voice, saying: Here, I don't wadt yon to be selling beer to parties who are getting it for my son who is only 19 years of age. My reply was, 'Madam, I am not used to such language around ray office, but, if you know of any one who procured beer for your son give me his name, and I will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.' "She would not, however, tell me the name, although she said she knew who was doing it. I then asked for her name,' which she refused to give me. She next commenced to talk to me in a most violent way. She was evidently drunk, and I re quested her to get out of the office. She re fused, and I took her by the shoulders and ejected her. She fought me across the floor for about 50 feet, biting and scratching; I nsed as little physical force as I could. When we got to the Smallman- street entrance, she tried to strike me, and in doing so she threw herself in such a manner that one foot slipped and she fell, receiving an uglv cut. I ordered my man to take her 'home in my buggy, but she would not get in. She "managed, however, to walk home. She made an information before Alderman McKenna for assault and battery. The matter was thoroughly investigated, but no case could be made out, and he discharged it. This is the first time I have heard of the new charge. I am glad it will come up before court to be tried before a jury." A MERRY OUTING. The Employes of McCllntock fc Co. Enjoy Themselves nt Avalon. The employes of Oliver McClintock & Co. held their first outing at Avalon station, on the grounds of the Northside Land and Loan Association, on Saturday afternoon, August 17. About CO couples were pres ent, music, dancing and Copenhagen being the most prominent of the various games participated in. But the hardest work was done at the elegant repast prepared by the ladies and the employers. The latter being present made the occasion doubly en joyable, and one long to be remembered by all. MORE ABOUT OLIVER TATE. Several Charges Are Likely to be Made Asnlait Illm. It is probable that Oliver Tate will not be sent to jail, but will be held at the Twenty eighth ward station for a few days, as sev eral other suits are expected to be entered against him. His bail is now 52,000; $1,000 for the Killinger robbery, and the second for the robbery of Barkley's store. Inspector McKelvey says the reports pub lished that Jack Wiles is a bad man are not true, as he is now endeavoring to live down the past, and is upright. HITHER A5D THITHBR. Movements of Plttsbargera and Others of Wide Acquaintance. State Chairman W. H. Andrews spent yesterday In the city, and will leave for Phila delphia this morning. Ho will open the cam paign in September, and he'supposed It would be conducted in the usual manner. Borne literature wll bsr distributed, but very little. He wondered who the Democrats would put up to be knocked down. The Chairman adopts the "don't know" policy of Quay, which is be-, coming quite popular among the politicians, A number of the faithful called to see him at the Seventh Avenue. HU' stopover visit may have bad some significance, but when ques tioned the Chairman was silent. He denied that any conferences had been held between theQuaxaod Flinn forces looking to a recon ciliation. Yesterday afternoon Superintendent Lackey received a letter from Prof. J, R. Bane, who Is traveling with a company ot teachers in Europe. The letter was dated Bel fast, Ireland. August 5. In the letter Prof. Bane says they took a little run out to Don agbadee, a short distance away. From Bel fast they left for Dublin on Augusts. From there they went to Cork, and thence to Lon donderry. On the 9th they expected to leave Londonderry for New York, where they will arrive on the 20tb, if all goes well, arriving here on the 22d. Prof. Bane says traveling in Europe is the hardest work be ever did in all his life. Since landing on the other side his party has traveled 1,330 miles by rail. Mrs. Rebecca Davitt Hunter, mother of Joseph R. Hunter, of this city, returned from a trip to California yesterday. Mrs. Hunter is 91 years of age. She m ade the Journey to the Pacific coast In company with her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Greer, and her granddaughter. Miss Fannie Greer, ot Washington Pa., simply as a pleasure trip. General Louis Wagner was a west bound passenger on the Pennsylvania road yes terday. The General thinks that Judge Beasey, of Vermont, will be the next Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army. He is in favor of pensioning only disabled veterans, and he spoke a good word for Commissioner Tanner. There are registered at St Clair, Mich., a jolly party of Lawrencevllle folk. The Hisses Mame Hook, Delia Crinnlan, Ella Hook. Emma Smith; Messrs. Joseph Fuhrer, Jr., Charles Ackerman. Charles Hook, Jr., the latter from St. Clair. The party go to Macki naw and return about September Ex-Solicitor General George A. Jenks left for his home yesterday. He intends to go to Wisconsin soon in the interest of the tele phone cases. He says be wants no State offices, and he is not a candidate for Governor. Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, of Delaware, wife of the Rev. G. B. Mitchell, Presiding Elder of Central Ohio, is staying with Mrs. Samuel Ham ilton, on Hlland avenue. C. A. O'Brien, Esq., who has been rus ticating among the cowboys in the illimitable, etc, for some weeks, bas again quieted down on Grant street. J.S. Seaman.of thePhcBnix Roll Works, went to Atlantic City on Friday with his fam ily. They will remain away for about a month. Mrs. P. McCullougb, of Forty-fourth street, and Mr. Gus McCullough leave to-morrow on a protracted tour through the Eastern cities. . Alderman Richards, of the Seventh ward, and P. McGee, of the Sixth ward, left last night for a ten days' visit to Atlantic City. R. J. Greer, of the Street Commission ers' office, left with his family for Wheeling yesterday to visit his parents for a few days. Superintendent J. V. Patton, of the Baltimore and Ohio road, returned from a con ference of superintendents at Baltimore. J. M. Macdonald, of Youngstown, and Miss Aggie Post, of West Alexander, are among the guests at the Duquesne. Captain A. G. Williams, a prominent member of the Butler county bar, Is here on a business trip. James A. Clowes.of Fourth avenue, has gone with bis sister, Mrs. A. M. King, to Wil mington, Del. J. Diamond and wife left f A Philadel phia last eveningto see Mrs. Diamond's lather, who is very 111. Joseph Walton, with several members of bis family, arrived home from tho seashore yesterday. Will A.-Jones, the genial Carson street druggist, is stopping at Niagara Falls with his wife. E. H. Shaner, of New Castle, and J. W. Cabot, of Bellaire, are at the Anderson. Editor James B. Laux, of the Greens burg Frets was in the city yesterday. W. F. Johnson, of Charlotte, Is stop ping at the Seventh Avenue. H. Sellers McKewdnt East last even-, log. i ONLY TWO DEATHS. The Victims of the West Pean Wreck are Improving Rapidly. AN ENGINEER'S EXAMINATION Shows the Accident Was Caused by One ot the Rails Breaking. PHISICIANB TISITING THE INJURED Last night the physicians of the West Penn Railroad were out making an official visit and examination of the injuries sus tained by those who were in the wreck at Sarver station. A list of those injured was given the .doctors, who immediately started off upon their examination. A report of each case, with a detailed statement of the wounds and probability ot recovery, will be made out and sent to the company. The records will he kept to be used as evidence in any suits for damages that may arise. The procedure on the part of the officers or the company is nothing unusual, and is done in all cases of accident. The idea is to pro tect the company against any fraud which may be practiced by family physicians. Another object in making the examina tion is to form a basis for the payment of quit claims. When the exact nature of the wounds are ascertained agents of the com pany will visit the people and offer to make a settlement with them. This generally consists of a monetary consideration and the payment of all expenses, such as doctors' bills, medicines, etc. In this way the cases are settled without resorting to law. CANNOT ESTIMATE THE LOSS. Until the report is made it is impossible to estimate what the accident will cost the company. The damage to cars, roadbed, etc., will be covered by 53,000. What it will cost the company to make settlements with those injured and the families of those killed cannot be estimated. The Twenty eighth street wreck cost the Pennsylvania Company nearly 5250,000. ' As was published in The Dispatch yesterday, there were only two persons killed. The statement that Mrs. Duff, of Forty-sixth street, had died on the train was without foundation. She is at the West Penn hospital. The list of injured numbers over 30. There was not much change in their condition last night. The only one who was not expected to live was James K. Deaner, ot Homer City, Indiana county, who is now lying at the Allegheny General Hospital. His ribs were fractured and one ot them had perforated his lung. This will cause pneumonia, and his chances of recovery are slight. Mrs. Graff, who was at the Allegheny General Hospital suffering from injuries to her back, was removed to her home at No. 309 Forbes street. Her injuries were not as bad as reported, although she is in a .had condition. Her son, who was with her at the time, was not hurt, and her hnsband was bnt slightly scratched. The doctors at the hospital said EX-MATOB LYON- "WAS IMPBOVINC. and he would be all right shortly. He had a fractured collar bone and wrist. At the other hospital and homes of the injured it was stated that the patients were getting along better than was expected, and their recovery was certain. At General Rowley's house his family said he was all right, and would soon be as sound as a dollar. Al though past the allotted time of life, the General s strong constitution will pull him through. Mrs. Captain Jones, whose windpipe was exposed, is in a fair way to recover, the deep gash in her throat having been sewn up. . Chief Engineer Thomas Dobson, of the West Penn Railroad, went to the scene of the wreck yesterday. Upon his return he was seen by a Dispatch reporter and ex plained the whole accident at length. He said: - "The statement that rotten ties had any thing to do with the accident is AN ENTIBE MISTAKE, the 'breaking of one of the rails by the weight of the engine and its consequent lifting up of the rail when the weight had been removed caused the whole sad affair. It is a curious fact that our foreman hap pened to be standing on that very spot when the same train passed over it yesterday morning. He said to himself ne would watch how the engine went over, as he had some fears about the lines breaking. Every thing went smoothly, bowever, and he walked on thinking that the place was as safe as it could possibly be. when I vis itedithe ground this morning I found three cars off the track. The first car was clear down the embankment. The second and third were partially off. The rail had broken, and when the engine's weight passed over it the broken rail bent up and pierced through the floor of the second car. It smashed three rows of seats and overturned the train. The rail broken is the upper one (the track being what we call a 'skew track'). It is on the right hand as you come toward Pittsburg. The rail there was divided into three pieces: One was three, another nine and the other ten feet long. It was the three-foot piece that broke and bent up. The damage to the line extends only half way across the bridge. On the Butler side it is entirely uninjured." Superintendent A. P. Kirtlandwas also seen, and said: "I saw the sensational beads over the accounts of the wreck, and was especially surprised at that of one morning paper, which set down the cause of the accident to 'rottoa ties.' The 'rotten ties' notion is altogether wrong. The whole track in that locality has been care fully tested very recently, and there wef e no rotten ties there. It is rather hard on the road that such stories should be circu lated." FCWEES FXTNEBAL TO-DAY. Ex-Mayor Lyon is much grieved at the loss of his gold watch and chain, which has mysteriously disappeared. The timepiece was given Mr. Lyon by the police of this city during his term as Mayor. The rail that pierced the second car entered it in about the same manner as the piece that caused the death of Mrs. Colonel James P. Barr on the main line some years ago. Union Veteran Legion No. 1 will meet at its headquarters on Sixth avenue, 'at 1 o'clock this afternoon, to attend the funeral of William J. Power. WILL I0U STBIEE? That Is the Question Asked of the Window Gins Manufacturers. Secretary William Loeffler, of the West ern Window Glass Manufacturers' Bene ficial Association, yesterday sent out a circular to the members of the association earnestly requesting a representative of each firm to be present at the meeting of manufacturers to be held in Cleveland on Tuesday. The object of the meeting, as has been stated, is to get a free and independent sentiment of opinion on the impending wage conflict. Accompanying the circular was another circular, containing the result othe confer ences with the workers' committee. At the bottom of the circular was the following: "Are you in favor of a strike if workers do not withdraw their demand for an advance, regardless of any action Chambers & McKee Co. may take?" The latter firm will start one tank furnace September 1 and another as soon after as it. can be got ready. Each tank will be worked by 60 blowers. It is stated that the majority of the members of the association would vote for a strike at the meeting rather thin pay the advance asked. They claim that with the 120 blowers Chambers & McKee cannot stock tho market while the others are idle. GATHERING $0R GETTYSBURG. Several Veteran Organizations Fixing for tbe Old Field Where They Fooght Final Arrangements Ahead. Veteran soldiers from all parts of the western end of tbe State were in the city last night, and men who had not seen each other since the war, met, shook hands and exchanged experiences and reminiscences. The cause of this gathering of old war horses was the making of arrangements to attend the dedication of the monuments at Gettysburg battlefield on Pennsylvania Day, September 11 and 12, but for various reasons none of the regimental associations completed their arrangements, and another meeting of each will be necessary before they are ready to start. The survivors of the gallant Fifty-third met in the Mayor's office, Colonel A. S. M. Morgan presiding. The attendance was large, and so much time was consumed, in handshaking and. talking over old times that they did not get down to business until nearly 9 o'clock. Then the roll of members who intend making the Gettysburg journey was read, and 150 were noted. With the company from Beaver county and another from Clearfield the Sixty-third expects to muster 200 men when they get back on the old battlefield. The matter of badges and other details of the trip were discussed, and the meeting adjourned until Saturday even ing, the 31st inst, when they will complete their arrangements. The Sixty-first Regiment's survivors, about 40 of them, met in the Assessor's of fice. Captain W. H. Patterson presided. They expect to take 100 men to Gettysburg, and will wear G. A. R. uniforms and caps. John A. M, Seitz was appointed aid to the Chief Marshal, and Lieutenant Charles Seibert Adjutant of the regiment for the trip. A letter from Mrs. Sweitzer, widow of the late Colonel of the regiment, regret ting that she cannot accept the invitation to accompany the old command, was read, Arrangements for sleeping cars are being made, and will be completed by next Sat urday night, when the association meets again. The Sixty-first Regiment Association met in tbe Union Veteran League Hall on Sixth street, and went over the roll of mem bers wbo will take in the trip, but their ar rangements are not nearly completed, and a meeting next Saturday night will be nec essary. The surviving members of Knapp's Bat tery met in Veteran Legion Hall. Their plans are all about prepared, but they will meet next Saturday night again. It was decided last night that all members of the militia battery that went by the name of the old organization until it was disbanded a few years ago be invited to participate in the ceremonies ,at Gettysburg, and accom pany the original battery there, a special invitation being extended to Captain Mun den. The battery will go over the Balti more and Ohio, and will take 30 survivors. B06EBT LIDDELL'S OPINION. The Syndicate Has Secured a Number of Options on Brewerlen. ' Robert Liddell, of Spencer, Liddell & Co., brewers, said yesterday: "I believe that syndicate has got options on quite a number of the breweries in this city, hut whether they have the money to take tbe options up I would not like to say. Mr. O'Reilly met me at the Hotel Du quesne on Friday; he wanted me to give him an option on our brewery. O'Reilly took some papers from his pocket, which he wanted me to fill in and place an option on the brewery. This I refused to do without first consulting a lawyer. He asked me to go around and bring my law yer. I did so, and when the attorney read over the papers he advised me not to sign. The men who represent the syndicate, if there is such a thing in existence, get all the brewers to sign an option forsix months. This prevents the brewer, if he has a better offer, from selling, and forces him to sell within the time named. After the men have secured all tbe options they want they will go over to London, lay it before some finan cial body, and if they are successful they get a nice percentage out of the sales. "I think it is a very unwise and injudi cious piece of business for a brewer to tie his prosperity up for six months without being certain that he will, at the expiration of the time, see his option blossom into cash." LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incident of a Day la Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. A civil skkvice examination will take place at Curry Institute, beginning to-morrow, for applicants for positions in the Government departments at Washington, the railway mail service, posteffleo inspectors and other posi tions of that kind. The applicants number 100 and represent Western Pennsylvania and East ern Ohio. An examiner will be sent here from Washington to condnct the examination, as sisted by Superintendent of Mails Steve Col- JOH2T Netf, who died a short time ago in the jail from exhaustion, was a member of a South-side Couneir Jr. O. TJ. A. M. The Coun cil have furnished County Physician Chess rown with a death certificate, which they re quested him to nil out. When this is done Mr. NelTs family will receive the insurance on his life, which is quite a sum. Jonir Ellsworth was arrested on Penn avenue for disorderly conduct. Ellsworth was acting as a peacemaker between two of his friends, who were fighting. They ran away when an officer put in an appearance, and Ellsworth was arrested. "WnxiAii McQakiak was taken to the Homeopathlo Hospital with abrocen leg yes terday afternoon. On Friday evening he stepped on a bananna peeling at the corner of Eleventh street and Penn avenue, and It brought him down. Hjhtrt GAW, slightly demented, escaped from the Poor Farm a few days ago, and was arrested on Taggart street, Allegheny, yester day. Gaw"a. wife died about two weeks ago. and since then he has been gradually losing his mind. It is very probable that the next convention of the International Sunday School Associa tion will be held in Pittsburg. There are some doubts about the matter yet, but tbe proba bilities are in favor of this city. Aw Inquest on the body of John M Stewart, who shot h.msclf on Observatory Hill on Thursday, was held by Alderman McKenna yesterday. A verdict of suicide was rendered. Thk funeral of Comrade Powers, who was killed In the West Penn wreck, will be at tended bv the One Hundred and Second Penn sylvania volnnteer Association to-day. Yestbbdat John Baird. Justice of the Peace at Sharpsburg, fined Samuel Staler, Sr., flO for cruelty to animals. Agent Samuel O'Brien had the man arrested. This limited was crowded last night with women coming back from the Eastern summer resorts. It is a rare thing to see so many pretty girls on the fast train. Hahx ah Redjceb charged R. Burke with assault and battery. She alleges that Burke kicked her on Penn avenue without any provo cation. The committee in charge of the carpenters rtnd loiners' picnic to be held at Aliquippa to-morrow, expect 5,000 people to attend. John Copi.teb, an employe at Oliver Bros. & Phillips' mill. Woods Run. had his foot crushed by a shitter yesterday afternoon. Jonrf Suhmebfteld had his foot smashed yesterday afternoon by a piece of iron falling on It la Oliver's tsonth Fifteenth street mill. Max Lucas, aged 12, has beon sued before Alderman Porter by Robert McQuillan, aged 15, on the charge of felonious cnttlng. Thomas Fisiieb Is now In jail accused of stealing John Thomson's vest. Thomson is from Chartlors township. John D. Sneedeh had bis leg broken at the Scottdale mines yesterday. He was taken to the Mercy Hospital. Thomas Cowalszi had Joe Chrlskowish sent to tail yesterday on a charge of illegal liquor selling. The Southside Turners frill bold a "potato roast" at Cowan's Grove, out the Brownsville road, to-day. Market Master David O'Donnell. of the Southside, condemned 312basketsof grapes yesterday. The United States Iron and Tin Plate Com pany at Dernier has Just purchased a 18-ton set of shears. Texxe deaths from typhoid fever were re ported to tkaHaaM of Health yesterday. TALE OFACHIMMA& How Jim Wng Lost a Bride by Bid ding Too Low for Her. HIS 11-YEAR OLD SWEETHEART Captured Ij Others Wbo Desired to Convert Her to Christianity. HOW AND WHT HE CAME TO AKEBICA Mr. Jim Wing, laundryman, of Lacock street, Allegheny, was yesterday interviewed by a curious reporter. Mr. Wing "can spleakee Inglis," but only a very little. A brother member of the catalambaniaing profession, however, chanced to drop In, and he turned out to be quite proficient in the harsh Saxon speech. His nams was Ho Lee, but he announced that he much preferred the more aristocratic designation of 'Charley." He has been tea years in this country, and, during the early period of his stay, endured no little persecution out West. He described how a party of angry Callfor nians once enticed him into a house and cut off his pigtail the greatest indignity which can befall a Chinaman. Since then he has not worn a pigtail, and, as he lately donned European dress, he believes he will become an American all out. He lives somewhere out on Penn avenue, and is an old friend of Jim Wing. They come from the same vil lage in the Flowery Land, not far from the port of Shanghai. THE STOBT HE TOLD. "Charley" said that Jim Wing's story wa worth hearing, and oflered to interpret it for the reporter's benefit. The offer was accept, ed, and the story began: Mr. Wing, when of age sufficient to wed, looked around him and made his choice among the maidens of the village of Poochin. This choice was a lovely creature, whose name sounded some thing like Lu Wee, and whose parents were extremely anxious to dispose of her to the highest bidder. Her feet Mr. Wing averred through the medium of "Charley" were smaller than the buttonholes of a dude's dreis shirt, and her face tbe exact shape of the peaks-of bis turned-down col lar. Altogether she must have been very charming, and her age was but 11 years. Mr. Wing had saved up a little fortune in "taels," and he handed over the greaterpor tionofthisto Ming Wo, Lu Wee's father, on condition that the old man would give him his daughter. But OLD MING -WO WAS CRAFTY, and wanted to realize on his daughter. The house of the "white-priests-with-black-robes" (presumably the Shanghai Jesuit Missionary College) was near at hand, and they also offered the old man a snm of money for Lu Wee, whom they wished to hand over to the nuns, and convert to Christianity. Ming Wo informed Mr. Wing that he must bid higher, or lose tha girl. Wing staked all his remaining; "taels," but the Jesuits bought the old man a box of old postage stamps, which tho Chinese are passionately fond of, and which they use for house decoration. Old Wo was tempted by the stamps, and as Wing had no more money, the young lady was handed over to the Jesuits. Wing then asked for his taels, an,d Wo refused to give them. He sped him, but could produce no evidence and was sen fenced to be whipped for bearing false wit ness. He received 100 strokes, and was in carcerated in the street cage or pillory for over a month. When released he went to the Jesuits' house and told his sad tale. Tbey gave him a little money as a recom pense, and he set up as 'a street fortune teller. In this business he amassed enough to pay his passage to San Francisco, and came across the continent to Pittsburg. HIS LIFE IS DM&EB. , . Att Old Sore Open and Joha Donnelly At most Bleeds to Death. John Donnelly, a resident of Hatten City, Elk county, is lying at the Mercy Hospital in a precarious condition as the result of a hemorrhage. Mr. Donnelly had been in a New York hospital, where he had had an operation performed for the removal of a cancer from the back of his neck. He had about recovered and yesterday was on his wav back; home. While on the train, near Pittsburg, he was seized with a hemor rhage of the old sore on his neck, and be fore the flow of blood could be stopped, he almost bled to death. He was taken front the train at the depot, and removed to tbe Mercy Hospital. His condition is critical. HE LIKED THE WATCH. A Citizen Named Blant Wanted to Look at One, and Did So. Last night L. 7. Blunt was arrested on a charge of larceny by bailee. John Gilmore alleges that Blunt borrowed his watch to look at and refused to return it. Blunt will have an opportunity to explain to Jndga Brokaw this morning. MARSnELL, THE CASH GROCER, Will Save Yoa Money. Owing to the large increase of trade, I have again been compelled to enlarge my stores. This increase of trade, coming as it did during tbe dull season, is a matter of much encouragement, for it assures me that I have been successful in my endeavor to give people good goods at low prices. X never make leaders of certain goods and stick the price upon others, but sell all goods at a uniformly low price, and it is in this way that I am able to guarantee to save my customers 20 per cent "all around" on their grocery bills. For some time past I have had the largest retail grocery trade in Western Pennsyl vania. I have offered $ 100 to anyone who could prove he sold more goods than I did, but apparently no one wants the money. When my new addition is completed I will have the largest salesroom for the retail grocery trade in Western Pennsylvania, Tit, 50x100 feet. We will have three entrances, two on Ohio st. and one on Sandusky, and the way we will hustle out goods will make your head swim. There will be no more crowd ing and pnshing, with market baskets jammed in the small of your back and your lavorite corns smashed if we can help it. Of course we expect our trade to increase so that even this room will be too small, but we hope to be able to make it do for the next six months, anyway. If you don't want to get left come join tha procession and go vith us. Send lor my weekly price list and compare prices. If X don't save you 20 per cent, don't buy. Or ders amounting to $10, without counting sugar, packed and shipped to any point within 200 miles. MABSnELL, 79 & 81 Ohio st, cor. Sandusky, Allegheny, Dows They Go Ladles' jerseys, 25ej wrappers, 50c; corsets. 25o up; chemise, 17c; UH.t.n .1.M.WAM Oa. .A1,.4 b1.-4. or.. jersey vests, 10c up; child's calico dresses, i c up, wuibc ureases, j.uq up, uueu ureases, 25c; men's double reinforced unlaundried shirts, 48c, worth 75c; blankets and com forts at half price. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. Kew fall styles in American ginghams. lOo and 12c a yard. HUGUS & HACKS. All persons afflicted with dyspepsia will find immediate relief by using Angostura Bitters. Fob Motheb's Dabling Reduced prices this week for infauU cloaks, slips, caps, zephyr sacks, shirts, bootes, etc Busy Bee Hive, cor.Sixth and Liberty. The S. O. Corset, self opening, 1, at BoMabaum & Ce.', Market ft. l