Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 18, 1889, Image 1

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A Reprieve Fully Expected for
Mrs. May brick, Whose
Case Has at Last
General Boulanger Doesn't Fear Being
Taken to France.
Fanr Out of Six Medical Experts Think
Mrs. Maybrick FolsonedHer Hnsband
The Home Secretary' Difficult Position
A Witness Not Worthy of Belief The
Ballet Girls of England Vindicated AH
Eyes on the Conference of tho Tiro Em
perors Knssoa Booked for the Russian
Mission A Slonstrons Banquet To-Day.
Mrs. Maybrick is no nearer a reprieve
than a week ago, despite the efforts made to
save her. Boulanger is called a political
dead duck. Gladstone points out some
dangers to the United States. Belva Lock
wood becomes disgusted in Whitechapel.
"London, August 17. Copyright A
decision in the Maybrick case was expected
to-day, but it has not come at midnight, and
will probably be deferred until next week.
The newspapers, from the greatest to .the
smallest, we still full of it The petitions
are still being signed, and systematic agita
tion is still being carried on.
So far as official action is concerned, how
ever, the condemned woman is no nearer a
reprieve than a week ago. Home Secre
tary Matthews, with whom the case rests
entirely, refuses to see deputations, and de
clares that he will be guided entirely by
Justice Stephens view in the matter. Both
are firm men, and neither will be moved by
public clamor, thouch it seems scarcely
possible that they can resist an appeal
signed by so many eminent medical men.
In a case of. this nature there is much to
be said on either side, but the fact that the
newspapers, pro and con, iu the Maybrick
case, are divided on partr lines, tends to
discredit their sincerity. The Government
organs assert that their opponents are using
the Maybrick incident to injure tire Home
Secretary, and the opposition papers declare
that the woman is to be sacrificed to save
the reputation of Justice Stephens.
The Lancet, which may be considered an
unbiased authority, however, reviews the
evidence exhaustively, concluding "We
can have no desire thai the royal preroga
VhiTof mercy'should not be exercised in this
case, but as
ot the deceased, to a painstaking, fearless
and honest jury, and to one of the greatest
ornaments of the English bench, we sol
emnly assert as our unbiased opinion that
the verdict arrived at in Mrs. Maybrick's
trial was warranted by the evidence."
Several eminent medical men who were
invited by the British Medical Journal to
express their opinion in the matter decided
that the verdict is in accordance with the
evidence, four out of the six believing that
Mrs. Maybrick was guilty. But the May
brick case has convinced sensible English
people of two things: that there is some
thing wrong with a system whereby the
Judge virtually directs the jury's verdict,
and that an appeal to the Crown is not a
sufficient safeguard in all criminal cases,
for il the Judge is to tell the jury what its
verdict shall be,
of having a jury at all, and if a judge's rep
utation is considered of higher importance
than a sinful woman's life, how shall she
obtain justice?
Of course the Government is not con
vinced of any necessity for a change in the
system of criminal procedure, as the altitude
of the Lord Chancellor, when the question
was raised by Lord Fitzgerald, indicates.
It is enough that there is a popular agita
tion behind a movement to lower it in the.
Tory mind.
"Defects in the judicial system are sot
appropriately discussed," said the Lord
Chancellor, solemnly, "at times of popular
excitement about them."
If the Government admits, however, that
there are defects in the judicial system, and
that the Maybrick trial has brought out
those defects, it will be difficult for the
Home Secretary to justify himself in re
fusing to advise the Queen to grant a par
don. It is practically admitted that
is too great to warrant her being
hanged, but if there is that element of doubt
she ought not to be kept in prison at all
but should go free. The question which oc
cupies Mr. Matthews now is whether she is
to go scot free, or whether it shall be im
prisonment for life. He Is in a difficult po
sition, and, although he had four hours'
consultation with the Lord Chancellor, Mr.
Justice Stephens, and the experts to-day, he
does not yet quite see tis way clear to a
definite issue.
But it is accepted that Mrs. Maybrick
will not hang. The general conclusion
seems to be that she will be granted a re
prieve, and that afterward she will be par
Mr. Macklin, of Boe & Macklin, Hew
York, the American lawyers acting in the
interest of Mrs. Maybrick, have cabled to
her lawyers here the following letter, which
they received to-day:
Providence. R. L. August 16, 1SS9.
Jlessr.. Itoe & MicVUn.
Gentlemeh Noticing from the morning
papers that a Mrs. Yapp, was one of the prin
cipal witnesses against Mrs. Maybrick on her
trial, I deem it my duty to suggest that if she
is the same person who testiSed in the case of
MelTin vs Dame Kate Wheeler, in June, 1835,
that she is a person unworthy of belief. She
was then 35 years of age, the wife of Thomas
Yapp, then in the employ of the Grand Trunk
Railroad in Montreal. Her maiden name was
Margaret Eleanor Wainwrlght. She undertook
the part of a female detective, and made a
most miserable failure at it
If Mrs. Maybrick was convicted by the evi
dence of witnesses such as Mrs. Yapp, it is a
monstrous ontrago upon the principles ot
justice, and she onght to be entitled to a new
trial. I was one of the counsel for Mrs. Smith,
and prepared her defense. You will pardon
the liberty I take in writing you.
Yours Truly,
Frank S. abnold.
A Dinner In Paris To-Day That Will Beat
the Eccord.
LONDON, August 17. The municipality
of Paris sives a little dinner to-morrow, at
the Palais de l'Industrie, ho which 15,000
persons will sit down. The dinner is given
to the provincial mayors, who number 13,
000, and the Senators, Deputies, town coun
cillors and journalists who sit down with
them number 2,000 more. All day to-day
95 cooks, with 100 assistants, have
been at work, and they will work
all to-night and to-morrow. Tbey will
have to provide 600 gallons of
soup, 125 of sauce, 6,600 pounds ot fish,
3,400 of beef, GOO ducks and 1,200 geese.
The guests will be waited upon by 1,000
waiters and 40 butlers. The number of
plates required will be 80,000, and if piled
up thev would attain a height of 0,000 feet.
There will be 16,000 bottles of claret, 3,000
of Graves, 1,800 of Madeira, 4,500 of Pomard
and 4,000 of champagne. They will be kept
cool in six tons of ice.
The Mayonnaise sauce was made yester
day; 2,000 eggs were used for it, and it is
stored in three barrels. The 1,200 geese
which are to be served up cold, and the
ducks which will be made up into pates,
were put on the spit this afternoon. The
30,000 rolls will be baked at the last mo
ment. This is the biggest banquet in the
history of the world.
Mr. Wlnterbothnm Publicly Apologizes for
His Pnbllo Insinuations.
London, August 17. J. P. "Winter
botham, the member of Parliament who, as
has been related in The Dispatch,
brought down the wrath of the ballet girls
of the Alhambra, Empire arid Pavilion
Theaters, by stating in the House of Com
mons that they wound up in the streets,
made the amende honorable like a man on
Wednesday. The occasion was the preven
tion of cruelty to children bill, the clause
of which relating to the employment of boys
and girls under 10 years of age brought
about Mr. Winterbotham's original reflec
tions. He said he had been made
aware that the words he used were
ill-chosen, and had brought a great
deal of pain and grief to virtuous
girls who were encaged in ,honorable em
ployment He wished, therefore, to with
draw publicly what he had stated publicly,
while at the same time he wished the House
to understand that he didn't withdraw his
grave objection and protest against the door
being open to little girls below the age of 10,
which he believed led to a profession which
was full of risks and dangers to their purity
and morality.
Mr. Winterbotham admitted be had no
personal knowledge of the career of ballet
girls, or of the ethics of the stage. If he had
been better posted he would probably have
known that little girls below the age of 10
were not in so much danger from the moral
evils that menace the stage as their older
sisters. The law, as amended, stands so that
children between the ages of 7 and 10 may
appear on the stage at the discretion of the
petty sessional courts.
She Visits Whllrchapel and One of Its Po
licemen Tires Her.
London, August 17. Belva Lockwood,
who is at present in London, is known to
have the courage of her convictions, but
she broke all her previous records this week
by going down alone into Whitechapel to
visit the soenes of Jack the Ripper's amuse
ment, an adventure that a great many men
would not care to undertake. Lockwood
did not use her tricycle, however, though
she has it with her in London, but drove
down on an omnibus. Among other things
witnessed by the ex-candidate for President
was a fight in Castle alley, brought about
by a talkative woman. "Finally," said
Lockwood, in describing the fracas, "a man
raised, his fist and dealt the talkative
woman a blow in the face, from which she
bled freely, but still continued to talk."
The latter circumstance need not have
surprised a woman who knows her sex so
well as Lockwood does, but she did her duly
when ultimately a policeman arrived by
saying to him: "Sir, you should have
come before." Like all policemen he was
callous to this reproof, and responded:
"Oh, madam, this is a matter of hourly oc
currence. X have just taken two men from
this locality to the station." This disgusted
the reformer, and she returned to civiliza
The Exchange of Emperors' Compliments
Looked on With Interest.
;bt cable to the dspatch.i
Berlin, August 17. Berlin has at
tracted the eyes ot all Europe, this week.
The meeting of the two Emperors, the
toasting of armies, the drinking to each
other, and the pleasing sentiments abont
preserving peace have all been duly
chronicled. The military displays were of
the usual magnificence, and here again two
royal brothers endeavored to vie with each
other in compliments. Francis Joseph to
show his admiration to Germany, confers a
military distinction upon Count Von
Moltke, the man who mowed down the
flower of the Austrian army on the bloody
field of Sadowa, and other German func
tionaries, and the royalties have been like
wise especially recognized.
In the midst of it all, an ominous warning
comes from Bussia, where one of the semi
official papers tells the emperors plainly
that they mean war and not peace, but that
when they do bring it about they won't find
it such a soft thing as they seem to imagine,
for the powers outside the triple alliance are
quite ready for them. That this sentiment
had received official indorsement is shown
by the fact that the censor allowed the tele
gram containing the extracts to pass with
out interference.
Two Peasants Die From Typhoid Fever
Contracted In Jail.
LONDON, August 17. Two more judicial
murders are this week the outcome of Bal
fourism in Ireland, Two peasants who
have been in jail in Londonderry for resist
ing eviction that is, for barricading their
homes azainst the police on the Olphert es
tate in Falcarragh have just been thrown
ont of prison in time to die from typhoid
fever, when careful nursing in a hospital
was their only hope of recovery. At the
time 1 visited Londonderry jail, just after
the wholesale evictions from Olphert's Don
egal bogs last Mar, this ail was crowded to
such an extent that many prisoners were
locked up elsewhere.
If typhoid fever is inthe jail and none
but untortunates and their keepers and Her
Gracious Majesty's ministers know to what
extent il is raging the mortality will be
Kasson Booked for Russia.
London, August 17. It is reported here
that John A. Kasson, who was one of the
Samoan commissioners, will be appointed
Minister to Bussia, vice Ihorndike Bice
He Can't Return Now to Paris Except to
Lead a Revolution How He Re
ceived the News of Ills Ben.
tence His Dinner
London, August 17. General Bou
langer, who is the guest of Lord Dela
ware, at Huckhurst Park, in Sussex, does
not fear being taken back to France, since
the only extraditable crime of which he has
been convicted is the misappropriation of
funds, and under the English law, if he is
extradited for that offense, he can't be pun
ished for a political one.
The general verdict of Europe is that
Boulanger is politically dead. He cannot
return to Paris in any circumstances sboTt
of a revolution, without the sentence of the
high court of justice being visited upon
him. However, one of his followers in
Paris tells the correspondent of the Times
that the' General's condemnation only as
sists the cause, and outlines his future
policy thus:
He will come secretly to Paris, spread a
.mysterious watchword among the popula
tion, appear on horseback some fine morn
ing at a point unknown to the police or
Government, but known to his supporters,
and followed by a mob like that of Gare de
Lyon, overwhelm in an hour the head
quarters of the Government in Paris. He
will then take 'possession of the Elysee,
Chamber of Deputies, Senate, Hotel de
Ville and ministries, and will become
master of Paris.
But the brave General is also a prudent
General, and there is little chance that he
will take the risk. Nevertheless, Parisian
detectives have been sent to Dover, Folke
stone and other towns along the coast, to re
port his departure in case he should attempt
to enter France.
Boulanger received the news of his sen
tence while at dinner with Lord Delaware,
just as he was engaged with a grouse he had
shot himself. He smiled over the news,and
said that it would only give the French peo
ple another proof of the animns of his
enemies, but it was noticed that his dinner
was spoiled, and that with all his self
command he was unable to conceal his
anxiety and despondency.
It is worthy of note that the Imperialists
and Orleanists are outspoken in their ad
miration for Boulanger, while the Bona
partlsts are carefully effacing themselves to
make way for their new ally. The Count of
Paris is reported to have said: "Send me 25
Boulangists to the next Chamber," and the
name ot the General was greeted with louder
cheers than that of Prince Albert Victor at
the great Imperialist banquet at the Hotel
Wagram, in Paris, on-Thursday evening.
The Grand Old Man Running; tho Scandal-
nionser to Earth.
London August 17. The extremity to
which the Tory party is driven in its efforts to
discredit Gladstone and injure the home rule
movement, is indicated by the fact that a
Conservative member of Parliament is on
the point of getting into serious trouble,
through having libeled Herbert Gladstone.
Young Gladstone is a man of high principle
and is very popular in the House, where he
sits as member for Leeds. The libel, which
was published in the Allahabad, India,
Morning Post, and reprinted in the London
newspapers, accuses him of dishonorable and
immoral conduct of an outrageous nature.
Mr. Gladstone has pnt the matter into the
hands of the eminent lawyer, George Lewis.
Lewis yesterdav declined to say who the
member of Parliament was who is the cor
respondent of the Allahabad Post. Common
rumor is. however, that the guilty man is
either Slr.Roper Letlibrldge or Louis W.
Jennings. Lethbridge is "the member for
the North division of Kensington, and has
been in the civil service in India. All
Americans know who Jennings is.
Edmnnd Yates Says George TV. Childs
Boncht a Dickens Manuscript
London, August 17. Edmund Yates,
who is doubtless unaware that George W.
Childs, of Philadelphia, holds a poetic li
cense and is Independent of commonplace
autobiographers, criticises a statement made
in that amiable old gentleman's recent maga
zine article concerning Charles- Dickens.
Yates declares that the manuscript of "Our
Mutual Friend" was not presented by Dick
ens to Childs as a mark of the former's es
teem for the latter. He says it was presented
by Dickens to a member of the Times staff,
who had written an extravagant eulogium
of the book, and that journalist at once sold
the manuscript to Childs for 250.
Yates adds that Dickens and Anthony
Trollope had a very brisk discussion at the
Athsenenin respecting the transaction.
Trollope maintaining that such presents
were calculated to corrupt the reviewers.
Some Things That Gladstone Thinks Onght
feast to be Remedied.
London, August 17. The Bev. Dr.
Theo. L. Cuyler. of Brooklyn, who has
been in England all summer, has just paid
a visit to Mr. Gladstone and had an inter
esting conversation with the great states
man. Dr. Cuyler says that in the course of
their interview Gladstone expressed mSich
enthusiasm about America, and remarked
that his first impressions were gathered from
Marshall's "Life of Washington," more
than half a century ago. Mr. Gladstone re
garded the rapid growth of the plutocratic
influence in politics and the loose condition
of marriage and divorce laws as formidable
dangers to the States.
The conversation turning on John Bright
Mr. Gladstone spoke of him with the deep
est affection, and said that in his memory of
his dear friend the past three years are as if
they never had been.
Given by Consnl General New and Attended
by Three Plttsbursers.
London, August 17. Consul General
New gave a dinner to-night at the Langham
Hotel, to Bussell B. Harrison. Among" the
Americans present were Minister Lincoln,
Vice Consul O. B. Johnson, John V. Far
well, and Peter Studebaker, ot Chicago;
Nathaniel Page and J. C. McPherson, of
Washington; Lientenant Commander Em
orv, "Major Post, and R. S. Waring, of Pitts
burg; John Bnssell Young and Frank Mc
Laughlin, of Philadelphia, James B. By
good. H. S. Willcome, Michael P. Grace, E.
F. Moffatt, ex-Consul Charles Bussell, John
Bigelow, and Francis Voullion.
Great Indignation at the Bonnelng of an
Oklahoma Claim Jnmper.
Guthbie, L T., August 17. Th
eviction of, a claim jnmper to-day caused
great excitement and much indigna
tion. J. M. Joy built a house
on a vacant lot not long ago, and
he and his wife made it their home. The
owner to-day attempted to remove the
couple, but .they would not go. The dis
pute attracted a large crowd, which sympa
thized with the squatter to snch a degree
that the owner was powerless.
The company of militia which is kept on
duty here constantly was finally ordered out,
and it was obliged to charge the crowd be
fore it would give way. That done, the
eviction was finally accomplished and no
one was nurt
Two Names Likely-to be Often Men
tioned in the Coming Campaign.4
Not Quite So Despondent as They Were a
Couple of Weeks Ago. ,-
The itohlMtlonlsts Belied tfpon t Cot Down the
EepnMicaa Vote. ' ,
From present appearances Mr", BIgler
will be chosen by the Democrats for the
race against Mr. Boyer, Republican, and
probably Mr. Wolfe, Prohibitionist, Only
Allegheny county Democrats oppose Big
ler's nomination. Philadelphia are all
for him. The Democrats are now claiming
they have a fighting chance to beat Boyer.
Philadelphia, August 17. The Be
publicans, having named their candidate
for State Treasurer and adopted a platform,
are quietly, but somewhrtr anxiously,
awaiting the' outcome of the Democratic
and Prohibition conventions. Some time
since it was thought by many of the Demo
cratic leaders that they would not be able
to infuse any life into the campaign, but
the developments of the pas? two weekshave
stirred them into the belief that tbey have
a good fighting chance this fall.
Magee, McManes and the anti-Quay
leaders of the State generally favored Boy
er's nomination, but it is an. accepted fact
that Boyer was Quay's personal choice for
the nomination, and that he will be forced
to suffer for Quay's sins, without regard to
his personality, Ehonld the bitter feeling
which has been engendered continue to
grow. ""
In the naming of heads of Federal depart
ments the distinctively Quay people have
so far secured all the plums, and it looks as
if, according to a Republican worker, the
people who are not willing to go to Quay
are to be shut out entirely. That they will
strike back is considered certain, and it is
with this hope that the Democratic leaders
are making their arrangements for the fall
In spite of the desire for harmony among
most of the Democratic leaders, and practi
cally all of the followers, an effort is being
made by people professing to represent Mr.
Bandall to bring about the defeat of Bigler
for the nomination. The movement origi
nated among some of the Allegheny Demo
crats, who seem determined to crowd Bigler
off the track. They claim that Bigler will
not accept -the nomination if tendered to
him, and. that it would be suicidal to offer
it to him, on the ground that it would in
jure the chances of ex-United States Senator
Wallace, who is a candidate for tha guber
natorial nomination.
The leaders of this movement are ex-candidate
for Auditor General, William J.
Brennen, Patrick Foley and other Pitts
burg Democrats, who claim that 'Wallace's
nomination 'would best serve the party's in
terest. So far, Mr. Bandall has not ex
pressed any ,. opinio, regarding Bigler's
nomination orXa&ceVdidacy-,-al.
though he has been called on for that pur
4osebv many ot his followers. This after
noon Patrick Foley. Bobert Morrow and a
delegation of the Pittsburg contingent who
are in the. fight to defeat Bigler's nomina
tion, went down to Wallingford for the pur--pose
of ascertaining Bandall's desires re
garding the action of their friends, some of
whom will be delegates to the coming State
Democratic Convention. "What Mr. Ban
dall hasjo say on this subject he will make
public at the proper time. Until that time
all expressions purporting to come from him
are wholly unauthorized. At the same time,
it was announced by one of the pilgrims that
Mr. Bandall apparently has no desire to in
terfere with the nomination for State Treas
urer, and deems it wiser to allow the dele
gates to select the candidate.
Bigler's friends are not caring much what
action is taken regarding his candidacy by
the party leaders, as they claim that his
nomination is sure to follow the adoption of
a platform which will be
in its character and in favor of a revision of
the" tariff as outlined by the Democratic
State Convention of last year. The majority
of the delegates to the State Convention
were elected during Cleveland's incumbency
of the Presidental office, andBigler's friends
claim that his nomication will be an in
dorsement of Cleveland, and there is little
likelihood of a delegation which was elected
by Cleveland's friends voting for any other
candidate. They also point to the fact that
the anti-Bigleritcs have not announced any
candidate whom they favor for the nomina
tion, and contend that the movement is
made in the interest of Wallace.
Outside of Allegheny county there has
not yet been heard of any opposition to
Bigler's nomination, or of anybody else in
porticular, and as the controllers of the
Philadelphia delegation favor Bigler, it
looks as though he will be nominated if
Philadelphia is to be consulted.
Some of the Democratic leaders profess to
believe that a very heavy vote will be
polled by the Prohibitionists, who will
nominate a candidate ana adopt a platform.
In some quarters it is hinted that Charles
S. Wolfe, ol "Union, may make another
fight. The Prohibition leaders have re
peatedly declared that the Bepublican
party cheated them, and many are the
They claim that the Bepublican managers
submitted the question of a prohibitory
amendment at the same time as they sub
mitted the suffrage amendment, for the sole
purpose of having the prohibition amend
ment defeated, and while the returns
showed the defeat of both amendments to the
Constitntion, yet the Prohibitionists con
tend that the result might have been differ
ent had the prohibitory amendment been
submitted without any other qnestion.
Henry W. Palmer, Chairman of the Pro
hibition State Committee, in an interview
about ten days previous to the election of
the 18th of June, said that he had every
confidence in Quay and the other leaders
who had promised to vote for the amend
ment, but on the night ot the election, when
the returns were received, he very forcibly
expressed himself to the effect that tbey
had deliberately hoodwinked the Prohibi
tionists and played into the hands' of the
liquor people.
Since that time the Prohibitionists have
gone on organizing as a third party, and on
the 28th of this month they will meet at
HarrisburM to adopt a platform and name a
candidate. They claim that they will have
a separate organization in every county
in the State, and that they will poll such a
vote as
of the old parties. Not only that, but it
has been decided by them to arrange for the
placing In the field next year of an entire
Prohibition State ticket and candidates for
every Senatorial and Bepresentative dis
trict It is said that Bobert E. Corson, of the
Eighth ward, this city, will be the Prohibi
tion candidate for State Treasurer, and that
his nomination will be made in order to try
and hold, the 27,000 voters of this city who
supported the Prohibition amendment. Id
addition, the Prohibition people have been
advised by practical Bepublican politicians
to place a complete county ticket in the field.
The Philadelphia Prohibition leaders feel
that, with Corson as their candidate, they
will be able to create more interest in their
campaign in this city than it they had a
man from up the State, and while they say
they cannot hope to elect their candidate,
yet they claim that if only a fair proportion
of those who supported the Prohibition
amendment minnnrl the Prohibition candi
date, they will be able to secure the defeat of
me .Republican candidate, which tney noia
would be a victory for their cause.
The Democrats are also looking for some
help to their ticket from the large army of
those who will be shut out in the distri
bution of the spoils, and who, it is claimed,
will take the regulation political method of
getting square by knifing the ticket. They
say that it was on account ot the Democratic
dissatisfaction that their candidates suffered
last fall, and they maintain the same line of
argument will applv to the other side.
It is claimed that President Harrison will
not appoint anv more heads of departments
for Philadelphia nntil alter the fall elec
tions,and that as a consequence thereof the
party workers will refuse to man the polls
and do the regulation party work in order
to teach the party leaders that the workers
are not to be entirely set aside. Many of
the younger element of the Bepublican or
ganization are complaining because, as they
say, in the distribution of appointments by
Collectors Martin, of the Internal Bevenue
office, and Cooper, of the Customs Depart
ment, that the War "Veterans' Association
has almost entirely monopolized the good
places, and that they are being virtually
shut out. One of the active spirits among
the young Bepublicans said to-day:
Wo have no objection to the veterans receiv
ing the recognition to which we all feel they,
are entitled, bnt we do feel that they should
not receive all the favors to the detriment of
others, who, while they were not able because
of their years to go to the front, have been
always consistent Republicans and good party
workers. Many of us, it is true, can enter the
civil service examinations and secuie places In
that way, but I tell yon there are quite a num
ber who nave not received the advantages in
early life to secure a technical education, such
as would fit them to pass the examination,
who are otherwise, as far as Integrity and In
telligence are concerned, the peers of many
who bare succeeded in obtaining a high aver
age. We feel that that class of men sbonld be
recognized, or else you will find that many who
have in the past given their time and moner,
according to their means, will be found caring
little whether the party wins or not.
The Brutal Murder of a Gcorjrla Band
Commissioner Angers the "White
Feople of His County Three
Colored Men in Dancer
of Lynching.
Augusta, Ga., August 17. The mur
der of Colonel Louis M. Walter, ot Ogle
thorpe county, by Jim Huff, a colored em
ploye, has stirred up that county, because
the tragedy had in it a tinge of race con
flict. Colonel Walter was a leading farmer
and commissioner of roads for his neighbor
hood. Among those working under him on
the road was Jim Huff, a notorious negro
who belongs to a family who is responsible
for several murders and other acts of law
lessness. On Thursday a white man was added to
the force, and that he might be alone Col
onel Walter assigned him to work in which
Huff had been engaged, and which was
apart from the rest of the gang. This aroused
the anger of Huff, who objected to fixing
up places for white men, saying that the
white main should have taken his place
witn-therestof the gang. "Frank Walter
remonstrated with Huff for his language,
whereupon Huff set upon him with a hoe.
Colonel Walter, seeing his brother in dan-
fer, went to his relief, only to receive a
low which split his skull open, and from
the effects of which he died to-day.
The Sheriff organized posses' to scour the
country for the murderer, one of which has
followed him into South Carolina, whither
it was learned to-day that he had fled. The
friends of Jim Huff, 'who are numerous in
the county, rallied around him and had
him from the officers. Prominent among
them were Jphn, Jim and Laph Huff, who
helped the murderer out of the State. They
were arrested, and were to-night in Ogle
thorpe county jalL
The whites are terribly wrought up, and
threaten to lynch Huff if caught There
are fears that, being unable to get the prin
cipal, the people may attack the jail for the
purpose of getting the three men who are
now confined therein, and lvnch thsm.
The Insurance Companies not Soliciting
Business In Danbury Conn.
Danbuby, Conn., August 17. Two
more mysterious attempts were yesterday
added to the long list of incendiary out
rages which have puzzled and exasperated
the people of this thriving little city.
Early in the afternoon fire was discovered
in a woodshed in the rear of a dwelling in
the outskirts or the city. The flames were
speedily extinguished. A strong odor of
kerosene indicated that the wood and chips
in the shed had been sprinkled with oil.
Exaggerated and unfair statements have
been made concerning the withdrawal of
insurance comoanies. Most of the leading
companies continue to do business here as
usual, and the people of the city arc much
gratified to-day by the announcement of the
Continental Company, of New York, that
while they will not make especial efforts to
solicit business in this city, they will con
tinue to take such risks as are offered.
That Gas Explosion at the Metropolis Was
Deliberately Planned.
N'E'W Yobk, August 17. The examina
tion of the premises where the fatal gas explosion-occurred
last night show that it was
planned. A plug had been removed from
an inch and a half gas pice, probably just
before the closing of the crockery store.
An attempt had also been made on Thurs
day evening, but it was frustrated by a
policeman who entered the building and
plugged up the leak.
Charges will be made against him for not
reporting the incident at his station house.
It is expected arrests will be made to-night.
Alt of Its Mills Farced to Go Into a State of
Spbinofield, Mass., August 17. The
only two mills running of the five owned by
the Shaw Manufacturing Company.at Wales,
shut down this week, and attachments were
placed on goods by the employes. H. E.
Shaw, the manager, announces that the firm
will go into insolvency early next week.
The plant, which if the life of the village, is
mortgaged for about $40,000 to the banks.
About 200 hands, were employed, and the
liabilities will amount to over $100,000.
Several Churches Wrecked and the Alham
bra of Madrid Blown Down.
Madrid, August 17. A hurricane swept
over the southern part of Spain today.
Several churches and other buildings in
Granada were wrecked.
A portion of the dome of the Church of
StJTelipe was blown down, and the Al
hambra was considerably damaged.
Tlfe Bon of a Philadelphia' Fnrnitnre
Dealer Cuts an Awfal Swell.
Rudely Interrupted by anArrest for Beat
ing John Wanamake'r.
And for Two WteksJ Fetted and Feted by Us Cream
of Camden's Society.
A young Philadelphia, son of a furniUtre
dealer, was arrested" in Camden, N. J., yes
terday, charged with passing a fraudulent
check at John Wanamakcr's Philadelphia
store. He had cut a great swell for two
weeks, having passed himself off on the
Camdenites as the son of an English lord.
Camden, N. J., August 17. The upper
circles ot society in this city are all torn up
over the discovery that a young man whom
they have been petting and feting as the
Hon. T. Harcourt Harbury, of London, son
and heir of Lord" Alton, of Devonshire,
England, is the son of a Philadelphia
furniture dealer and a forger. The Hon. T.
Harcourt Harbury's right name is T. Linton
Plucker, and he was arrested here this"
afternoon on the charge of having forged
his father's name to a check for $35, which
he passed at John Wanamaker's in Phila
delphia. ,
The bogns lord bought a $5 hat, and
offered the forged check in payment, receiv
ing the balance in cash. Justice Schmidtz
committed the young man, in default of
bail, to the county jail to await requisition
papers from the Pennsylvania authorities.
The charge against him was made by repre
sentatives of Mr. Wanamaker, and it is
understood there are other complaints of
the same natnre to be lodged against him.
caught on at once.
The young man made fiis appearance in
Camden two or three weeks ago, represent
int. himself ns T. Harcourt Harbur?. a son
-of Lord Alton, and being good looking, ele
gantly dressed, and of unimpeachable man
ners, beside having plenty of money and
the true English accent, he was
immediately taken up by the Cam
den Wheelmen's Club, who made
him a social lion. Members of the club
almost worshiped him, some" even imitat
ing his peculiar antics of speech and aping
his manners.' Some of the wiser heads sus
pected him, but they could prove nothing,
and kept quiet. In the meantime, the
bogns young nobleman lived on
the fat of the land and
looked pretty, occasionally ' borrowing
small snms on the old pleas that "expected
remittances bad not come," or he had "left
his check-book with some surplus baggage
in another city."
But the young bloods, proud of their new
toy and the sensation they created in society,
lent a willing ear, land eagerly swallowed
every story the "English" scion of nobility
told, always listening with rapt attention as
he described
bis fatheb's PBnrcELT noun
and the strange and startling experiences in
his travels about the world. Everybody he
met was made a confidential friend and in
vited to spend a month or so with him in the
old country, and in return some of the
wheelmen gave him midnight stag wide
suppers where high jinks were cut.
The girls just fairly raved over Harburg,
and all were eager to make his acquaint
ance, and the bogus young lord is said to
have made quite an impression on several
Camden belles.
When the'cruel blow fell on the young
man's head this morning he was quite
as cool as the ' proverbial cucum
ber, while his new-made friends were dis
mayed at his misfortune and the sorry figure
they cut in the matter at being so easily
duped. They felt exceedingly cheap over
the aftair.
As a prisoner who has been arrested to
await a requisition cannot be admitted to
bail, his bogus lordship is in the Camden
jail to-night.
Bow Mrs. Stanton, Miss Anthony nnd Anna
Dicklnsoa Pnt In the Summer.
New Toek, August 17. Mrs. Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, the veteran head of the
Woman Suffrage party in this country, is
spending the summer at; Hempstead, L. I.,
with her son, who has recently re
moved here from Nebraska. She
is writing her autobiography, and she will
remain in retirement until it is completed.
She has promised to be the guest of
the Seidl Society at Brighton Beach
for a short time when Miss Su
san B. Anthony goes there to make an
address at the end of thee month. Miss
Anthony is at present visiting in Massa
chusetts, but she will come to New York
soon, and speak before the Seidl ladies on
"American Womanhood."
Since the death of her mother, in May
last, the health of Miss Anna Dickinson,
precariousor the past four years, has been
still more' seriously impaired. She is in
Philadelphia, and under the care ot physi
cians. Her friends hope for her recovery,
though she herself expresses no confidence
in her return to health. Her home is with
her sister, in West Pittston, Pa , bnt she is
likely to remain in Philadelphia for some
time. She is unable to leave her room or
to bear any fatigue whatever.
Four Plttsburs-crs Who Were Believed as
Ther Left a Steamer.
New Tobk, August 17. Inspectors
Brown and Donohue, of Surveyor Beattie's
force, found on the persons of four Pitts
burgers who arrived to-day on the steamer
Saale, the following property: On J. Hy
mann a valuable goldvwatch. which he said
he had bonght to present to his brother; on
Antoine Hoffmann 17 yarSs of valuable silk,
wrapped around his chest, two watch
chains, three charms and five bracelets; on
L. Winglemann and wile, four watch
chains, seven bracelets and a variety of
small articles. ,
All the above goods were sent to the seiz
ure room. The owners were the most sur
prised lot when their goods were taken that
was ever keen.
The Talented Authoress' Interest In the
Progress of Her Biography. ,
New Yobk, August 17. Hartford friends
of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe say she is
much improved in health and more vigor
ous than she has been in years. Her mind
Is not wholly clear, but she is wide awake
at times and Is deeply interested in the pub
lication of her son's biography of herself and
Prof. Stowe.
Mrs. Stowe's continued improvement in
health is attributed by many of her ac
quaintances to her great interest in the
story of her life which she has helped her
son to prepare.
The Flames Bnrn a Number of Co
' nnd Other Buildings Not Cndei? Co:
- trol at Midnight Ths Loss
at Least 825,000.
Chautauqua. August 17. Fire broke
out in H. H. Otis' book store on Assembly
grounds-at 11 p.m. to-night. There is no
fire protection except a few feet of parden
hose and the bucket brigade. The
flames spread and consumed Samuel's
optician office, Hart's jewelry store,
two private cottages and several other small
shops, with entire stocks in each.
The flames are not under control at 12
o'clock (midnight) and rapidly spreading.
The total loss will reach $25,000 and. possi
bly more. Guests are all at work to save
neighbors' property.
Governor Hill Wants a Late Convention
nnd Tammanr an Early One.
New Yobk, August 17. Chamberlain
Croker left for Saratoga to-day, where he
will attend the meeting of the State Com
mittee on Tuesday, and then remain for a
few days at the Kayaderosseras Club. He
will stop at Troy on his way, to
see Edward Murphy, Jr., the Chairman
of the State Committee. Most of the-other
members of the State Committee are on the
'ground. William P. Mitchell and Thomas'
Costigan, of the County Democracy, are re
enforced by the presence of Senator Michael
C. Murphy, who holds a proxy from Police
Commissioner John B. Yoorhis.
Although all is indecision in the matter
of candidates, there are already signs of
something of a contest on other points.
One is upon the question whether there
shall be an early or late convention. It is
a disagreement among friends, however, as
Governor Hill is on one side of the ques
tion and Tammany men on the other. The.
Governor is in favor of a late conven
tion and a short campaign. Mr. Croker
and his associates will endeavor to
have the convention tcalled a3 early
as possible and wish to have a long cam
paign. The success of the Governor will
resnlt in a convention early in October, and
probably in Syracuse. The carrying out of
the Tammany idea will mean a Saratoga
convention, called for September 17 or 18, a
week ahead of the Bepublicans.
Broker Carr Bays He Did Not Go to Europe
With His Customers' Funds.
New Yobk, August 17. Mr. Alfred
Carr haseturned. He is at home on the
Valley road in Orange. Mr. Carr is the
gentleman who had an office wherein
he dealt in stocks and bonds nntil
last June, when he invited some
of his friends to come down to
a pier and see him sail for Europe. They
called him a good fellow and wished him
luck, went back to their offices and drew up
checks on him for certain winnings in stock
bets, but failed to cash in. When they
found that they couldn't realize on
the winnings they reviled him and got
out attachments on office desks and
chairs. They talked with the bookkeeper,
who disquieted them by saying that Mr.
Carr had departed these shores with much
-wealth, and leaving debts to still larger
amounts than the wealth carried off.
Mr. Carr came backa week agp To
night he denied to a reporter the allegation
that he had eloped with money rightfully
belonging to others.
The Summer Resort Hotels Not the Only
Sufferers bv Continued Bain.
New Yobk, August 17. The proprie
tors of summer resort hotels who have done
a poor business of late on account of the
rainy weather, are not the only persons who
find they have 'reason, to complain. The
farmers say that their crops of all kinds
have been very greatly damaged, and pro
duce and commission merchants here affirm
with one voice that this has been one of the
very poorest seasons their business has
known in recent years.
Produce of all kinds has been damaged
about SO per cent on the average, and cer
tain crops, snch as the peach crop, have
been pretty nearly ruined. Muskmelons
have suffered greatly, and in New Jersey
in particular thousands of the melons are
rotting in the wet.
One of Johnstown Thieves Traced Up and
Will be Arrested.
Wilkesbabbe, August 17. Chief of
Police Harris, of Johnstown, who lost his
wife, and seven children in the flood, was in
this city to'day. In a pawnbroker's shop
he found a diamond ring valued at $500,
which was worn by Mrs. Patalin a wealthy
lady who boarded at the Hnrlbut House,
A few days after the flood, Mrs. Patalin's
body was found with the finger upon which
she wore the ring severed from the hand.
Chief Harris traced the thief to Mauch
Chunk and found that he had pawned the
ring. His name is Hundel and he has been
A New York Newspaper Unable to Get Ont
Its Fall Edition.
New Yobk, August 17. The pressmen
of the World, who struck at 1 o'clock this
morning, have not returned to work. A
peace committee visited the business man
ager of -the World this afternoon, but he re
fused to grant any of their requests.
Only three of the presses are running, and
it will be impossible to print the full Sun
day edition. The presses are being run bv
abont 18 non-union men, in place of the
complement ot 70.
An Immense Crowd Assembles at the Place
of His Nativity.
KiroxviLLE, Tekit., August 17. The
one hundred and third anniversary of the
birth of David Crockett was celebrated
to-day at his birthplace, Strongs'
Springs, in ' Green county. There
was a military and civio display,
Speeches were made by Governor Taylor,
Congressman Alf. Taylor, E. L. Wells, of
Ohio, and Colonel B. H. Crockett, a grand
son 'of the old backwoodsman. An immense
crowd was present and a fund was started
to build a monument.
An Increase of G. A. R. Members.
Kansas City, August 17. Commander-in-Chief
Warner, of the G. A. B., has com
pleted his report for the past year, which
will be submitted to the Milwaukee Encamp
meat. The report shows a total membership
of 413,229, am increase of 59,012members
during the year.
A Railroad Damaged by Earthquake.
IjOJfDOir, August 17. Shocks or earth
quake were felt to-day throughout Herzego
vina. A portion of the Mostar Bailway
was damaged, but nothing serious is re
ported. ,
tvdings for Clemency 'Hava
Isippi Judge.
But the Sentence Was for the Limit
of the Law Just the Same.
Will be Taken, and the Chaiaplon Is StlU
Oat oa Ball Fltzpatrick Gets OflTWIth
8200 Fine The Jury Signed a Petition
for Mercy Kllrain Will Probably feklp
to Canada He Does Not Like the Idea off
Getting a Similar Dose Tho Officer 1st
Baltimore After Him.
Judge Terrell yesterday sentenced John
L. Sullivan to one year's imprisonment for
prize-fighting. An appeal for clemency
signed by all the members of the jury except
one was of no avail. Beferee Fitzpatrick
escaped with a light penalty. Sullivan's
case will be carried to a higher court.
Pubtis, Miss., Angust 17. Court did.
not open till nearly 9 o'clock this morning.
Judge Terrell was on hand long before that
time and Sullivan wasseated before the bar,
showing up with Clune before his attorney
came to court. He looked as pleasant and
unconcerned as usual, although there was i
tremble in his eyes after the jury was
seated, and he glanced over at the men who
Lhad found him gnilty. The crowd in tha
court was small, but it grew lareer in a few
minutes for hardly was the Court seated
when the grand jury filed in. They pre.
sented one indictment and filed out again. ,
The Sullivan case was then taken up.
Judge Calhoun submitted the motion in'ar-t.
rest of judgment without argument. The'
Eapers had been left at the hotel,
owever, and the case went over.
District Attorney Neville called the,
case of John Eitzpatrick. The Judge f
asked, "What say you, guilty ox not'
"Guilty," answered Mr. Eitzpatrick.
District Attorney Neville then addressed
the Court, reviewing Mr. Eitzpatrick's con
nection with the fight, and the circum
stances under which he became referee, and
closed by saying that he felt justified in
recommending the accused to the Court's
clemency. Captain Fitzpatrick also madd
a statement in his own behalf and con
cluded by asking the Court to be as lenient
as possible.
The Sullivan matter was taken up again i
and Mr. Green read the motion in arrest of
judgment. The Court refused the motion.!
Mr. Green then submitted a motion for a'
new trial and asked for an immediate de-l
cision without argument from counsel. The
following were the grounds of the motion: ,
First Because the Court erred in charging tho
grand jnry a second time of its own notion and
without the request of the grand jnry, and in.
giving the second charge in the language
Second The Court erred in sustaining tha
demurrers to defendant's several pleas in abut
ment. Third The Court erred in overruling de
fendant's challenge for cause of Jurors Ion
drum and Ahner.
Fourth The Court erred in permitting the
District Attorney to interrogate jurors oa '
their views, in the presence of the venire, as to
the facts of the prize fight within their knowt
Fifth The Court erred in granting each and,
every one of the Instructions given in behalf
of the State.
Sixth The Court erred in refusing to grant
instructions asked for Dy defense, and in.
modifying some given.
Seventh The Court erred in permitting ths
District Attorney in his closing argument to
the jury to appeal to the prejudice and patriot
ism of the jury.
Eizhth The Court erred in overruling tha
motion in arrest of judgment.
Ninth The Court erred in permitting Witj
nets Hinton to answer the leading qnestion of
the District Attorney as to his remarks made
by the Court.
Judge Ten-ell asked if there was anything
further in the Sullivan matter. Judge Calf
houn asked if the motion for a new trial
stood overruled. The Court replied in tho
affirmative. Judge Calhoon then asked
that, Dy an agreement with the District At
torney, 60 days be allowed in which to file
the bills of exception. He also announced
that General Ford would read a petition for
clemency which was signed by the grand
jnry and petit jurors and the best citizens of
the vicinity. He also intended to make S)
few remarks, and thought that his client
also desired to make a statement.
"Very well," answered the Court, andf
Mr. Eord then read the following:
The undersigned, members of the grand jury,
empaneled at the present term of the court,
and of the petit jury who tried tha State vs.
John L. Sullivan, convicted of prize fighting;
respectfully show to the Court that in view oC
the fact that this is the first conviction for the
offense named in this State, and for other rea
sons, tbey respectfully recommend and ro
quest that Your Honor will impose no higher
penalty than a fine of 1,000, and that no im
prisonment be inflicted.
Ed Davis was the only petit juror who reV
fused to sign. The grand jurors all signed
it, also did all -the merchants in the city and
a number of farmers roundabout, as well as
the Sheriff, Clerk and officers of the Court,
the Justice of the Peace beiore whom tho
case was first tried, and many others.
General Eord supplemented the petition
by a few remarks. He said he had had op,
portunity to learn public feeling and senti
ment in the matter, and without a
It seemed to be the desire that the Court
exercise as great a degree of clemency as
possible. The universal desire seems to be
that His Honor do not impose any impris
onment. It is the first violation of the
statute of 1883, and the Court could very
well impose a fine not exceeding $1,000.
Ninety-nine people of every hundred
in the State would feel .gratified it only
a fine is imposed. It has been demonstrated
that the power of the State and the arm of
the law were adeanate to bring the defend
ant to justice and secure a conviction and it
seems from all the history of the case that
the defendant should,be adjudged to pay a
fine. That was the sentiment of the Stat
the press and the people.
Judge Calhoun also asked to say son
thing in Sullivan's behalf, and proceed
with an argument of a similar purport
that made by Mr. Ford. He referred to t
action of the English courts, which have
reputation for upholding the law. The s
tence for prize fighting usuully imposed
them was three days imprisonment.
There was only one exception, thai
knew of a man died in the ring. .
Question was, what killed him. The'v
ict was that the fighter died from oyer-e.
ertion, not from blows, and the Court sr
enced his opponent'to six months in
In conclusion, Judge Calhoun appeal?
the clemency of the Court.
There wava pause. The defei
i Snenth'pa'-