ii 1 rv, ,THE HTTSBURQ DISPATCH, 'SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1889. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrLssatsssssssDsssss1issssssssW LUT T.i fjlmn fT ripe'xzmmmMKCtamt.KXTmmamimazamK iwwtoj jt cwm rr"T ilfc . ' HH P W I WLl" ' "111 li ' "'.ts w r r f s l v "?" ' ' J W A NEW INSTITUTION. The Sewickley Dairy Farm Com ' mences Operations Kexfr Tuesday IN. A MODEL ESTABLISHMENT. I The Most Complete Arrangements for the Production of Milk. , "A DESCJUPTIOK OP THE QUAETEES The Sewickley Dairy Company, a corpor ation organized last September by a number of people from this city, will begin opera tions in Sewickley Tuesday. Apart from the fact that an institution of that kind is a decided novelty ic this part of the State, its products will have such an incalculable in fluence upon the future physical welfare of the people that a description of the dairy farm may be quite interesting. The company owns a tract of land about a mile from Sewickley, which was formerly known as the Spanish tract, covering an area of 2,500 acres or nearly four square miles. All this land is considered to be one of the finest grass, clover and corn produc ing tracts in this part of the country. It was bought for $250,000 from Cochran Flem ing, and since then the dairy farm has been erected. Oscar Kicklefsen, manager of the com pany, showed a Dispatch reporter all over the iarm yesterday, and explained the de tails of its arrangement. About a mile and a half from the Ohio river, and back from Sewickley, the establishment is situated on the brow of a hill, and lrom the distance the outline of the cattle's barn can be observed, in the SHAPE OF A WHITE CBOSS. The four arms of this cross are each 100 feet long, while at the point where they all come together a center building is cut up, which is a perfect square of 52 feet. This building contains the cows; their food and everything for the production of the nicest milk. The manager said that not another farm in the world had been arranged on such a plan. "It is entirely my own idea," he said, "and I claim it to be the most perfect for its requirements. Let me show you around." Then he led the way into the center build ing. "From here the machinery," he con tinued to explain, "is manipulated. Over there on the right you see the steam boxes which receives the teed as it comes from the farm. It is softened by steam to make it more digestible. Then over in the other corner you see a small boiler and engine. The upper floor is stocked with hay, for which we have a capacity of 450 tons. Then there is a water tank on the top, containing 200 gallons, which runs into pipes along all the stalls. "We have 50 head of cattle in each arm of the cross, making 200 altogether. The cattle are divided according to breed. On one side we have Jersevs, on the other Dur hams, in the third Shorthorns and in the fourth Ayreshires." A VERT BEAUTIFUL SIGHT. Then the manager walked into the right wing of the cross, where the 50 Jersey cows were standing. A beautiful, clean asphaltum walk led through the middle, while on each side the animals stood in their stalls. Numerous windows were uoticeable all along the wall, and the place was as light and airy as a ball room. The usual unpleasant odors of a cattle pen were nowhere perceptible. A peculiar arrangement for ventilation, an invention of the managers, has been auplied to the building, which affords a constant draught of fresh air. There are 25 animals standing along the wall, and by an ingen ious device all are fed at once. From the barn a walk was suggested to the dairy, which proved to be another reve lation. As the milk is brought from the cows it is taken into one part of the dairy, and at the other end the milk comes out, put-ujrfn regulation quart bottles, ready to be shipped. The company now produces 800 gallons of milk per day. All the cattle are of the best milk-producing breeds in the country, hav ing been purchased at the Molton stock farm, in Vermont. As the business increases they will add to the number of cattle until they have 1,000. TELEPflOXES ABE0AD. More Costly In Europe Than In Plttabnrg, Though Employes Are Paid Leas Some Comparisons. Harry Metzgar, General Manager of the Central District Printing and Telephone Company, of Pittsburg, has arrived from a' four months' tour in Europe, greatly im proved in health, and chock full of com parisons of men, things, events, environ ment, etc. He was asked last night to give his views of the respective merits of tele phonic service, etc., in the Old and New Worlds. Mr. Metzgar visited Iiondon, Dublin, Glasgow, Antwerp, Paris, Berlin, Vienna. Frankfort and Buda-Pesth and examined the telephone system in all these cities. Except in London, Paris, Dnblin and Ant werp, he did not find the telephone in use to the same extent as in this country. Time, generally speaking, is not valued so highly in Europe as in the TJnitrd States. Except in Paris, the wires are overhead, though there are no poles in the .streets, the wires being affixed to the housetops. In Paris they are placed in the sewers. He could not say whether business houses made as much use of the instrument as in this country; but private people do not in theold country use this means of communi cation so generally as here, nor do small dealers. Bates of service differ, but in all places are higher than in Pittsburg. In Loudon and Paris they are 5120 a vear. In Antwerp the charge is about $100 a year. This itself would be a sufficient explanation of the fact that the use of the instrument is not so gen eral as here. The rjlan of operation is the same as here, except in Paris, where metallic circuits are used, two wires being used instead ot mak ing the earth complete the current as here. Employes are paid in Britain and on the Con tinent only one-half to two-thirds as much as in this city. Mr. Metzgar stated that the above consti tute the material points of observations as to the telephones, "and. except in Paris, he found no improvement on our system. Were Yon Ever nt the Senaboref If cot, on Thursday next will be your last cnacce at tne cneap rate now ottered by the Pennsylvania Bailroad. It only costs vou 510, with privilege often days, to either At lantic City, Cape May.Sea Isle City or Ocean City. Special train leaves Union" station at 8:50 a. m. Thursday, August 22, composed of fine coaches and Pullman Parlor cars. Tickets are also available for passage on the 430, 7:15 and 8:10 p. M. trains same date. You can secure your tickets, parlor oar seats or sleeping berths at the office, 110 Fifth avenue. Wanted. Experienced drygoods and notion sales women. Apply with reference at Thornton Bros., 128 Federal street, Allegheny. A GREAT STORY Tcr3tt Uthed complete. C M. S. McLcllan't romantic novel entitled, "In the Life o an Actress." nCSINEbS CHANGES. PARTNERSHIP-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Jacob Gulentz and Charles Unlentz, residents of Pittsburg, Pa., as part ners under the name ot Jacob Gulentz. will on August L 1SS9, commence the business of a shoe store for a term ot five years. The gen eral partner Is Jacob Gulentz, the special part ner is Charles Gulentz, wbo has contributed 1LO0O to the common stock of said partnership. JACOB GULENTZ, j 1113 Penn ave. BlQ0-B CHARLES GULENXZ. Mi-Display advertisements vne dollar psr square, or one insertion. Classified advertise ment on thU page such at Wanted, tor Bale, To Let, eta, ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken or lets thanltu cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRAXCS OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the,following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have account with THB IMS- rjLTCB. PITTSBUKQ. THOMAS MCCAFKBKY, 33o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. Mth street and 1'enn are. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylie are. and Fulton St. N. STOKKLY. fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, tmrenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER A &BElBLEB,Sthav. Allwoodst. EOTSTHBIDK. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Canon street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson strest. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCnEU, 59 Federal street. 11. J. McBBIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBEDH. EGGEB3. 172 Ohio street. T. H. EGGEB8 SON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHEN BY, Western and Irwin ayes. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver area. PEKKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Ueln. XTTANTED BOY 8S FOURTH AVENUE, VV top floor. Are marshal's office. auI7-28 -TTTANTED-IS GOOD MASONS. APPLY AT W GLASSWOKKS, Jeannette, Pa. aul7-SS -TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY 10 PRACTICAL, V sober. Industrious boiler makers. REEVES DKOS.. Niles, O. aull-62 WANTED A BOYTO LEARN THE BAHBEK trade; one with experience preferred. Call at 1S2I PEN N AVE. aul7-34 TTT-A.NTED 1 FIKST-CLASS PLUMBER, VV Call at &TEGGEBT BROS., 131 Eighteenth St.. S. S., Pittsburg an!7-31 WANTED EXPERIENCED CAR AXLE hammermen. Apply Immediately to OTIS IRON AN D STEEL CO., Cleveland. O. aul7-S -TTTANTED A FIRST-CLASS NEGATIVE V retoucher (none other need apply), at BIJOU GALLERY, 12 Firth ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. aul7-18 -TTTANTED AN EXPERIENCED CIGAR V salesman for Pennsylvania. Address, with experience, ELLIOT, UTTENHEIMER & EL- lAkVL, .oauimorc. aui-l TTTANTED-A GENTLEMAN OF l.NTELLI V V GENCE to solicit Are Insurance: liberal In ducements to the right man. Address INSUR ANCE, P. O. Box 4JT aul7-17 TTTANTED ASSISTANT BOOK KEEPER AN D VV bill clerk, graduate of P. C. High School preferred: state salary expected, with reference. COMB, DlspatUi office. aul7-7 TTTANTED-A HORSESHOEK HELPER ONE V V that can work on the floor; young man pre ferred; In rrarof Bauerleln Brewery, Bennett, Pa. JAMES HOWARD. aulS-28 -TTTANTED-A XOUNG MAN ABOUT IS OR 20 VV years old who can drive a horse and make himself generally useful. Apply at 2 o'clock at NO. 12 PERRY ST., Pitta. aul7-S WANTED-FOUK GOOD CANVASSERS TO sell teas, coffees and spices to families; salary and commission: must be total abstainers. Apply to ASSAM TEA CO., 4505 Liberty ave. aul7-81 WANTED-SALESMEN TO SELL A PATENT ledger, advertising; cards, fans, calendars, rulers, novelties for advertising-, etc.. to mer chants. MODEL LEDGER CD., South Bend. Ind. au9-44-IO -TTTANTED-A COMPETENT GENTLEMAN W shorthand and typewriter: one capable of doing clerical work when not otherwise emDloyed; references required. Address TYPE, Dispatch office. aul7-80 WANTED-OFFICE MEN TO INTRODUCE the Lightning Shirt Ironer: salary M0 to 60 per month and expenses: no canvassing. Address, with stamp, BROWN, REASONER & CO., ingle wood. 111. aul7-83 -TTTANTED AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING TV powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mllliuLn can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASU1RO TEA CO., S3 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. JaIS-86-TTS WANTED - FIRST-CLASS, SOBKK PRE SCRIPTION glass blowers: also a few good finishers: union wages: steady work; ftre paid; write fully; say who you worked for. CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. auie-15-D WANTED-THHEE MEN TO SELL HOUSE HOLD specialties: horse and wagon fur nished: will pay a good salary to xcllable parties. Apply bet. 9 and 10 A. It. to JOHN McKtoWN, No. 623 bmlthneld st., second floor front, city. aul7-21 -TTTANTED -"ACCOUNTING AND BOOK- V KEEPING taught In all.lt s useful and prac tical branches: new methods combining the voucher system; latest systems for trial balancing. W. WOOLSLY, expert accountant, 163 fifth ave nue. au!7-78 WANTED-AG ENTS TO SOLICIT ORDERS for our celebrated oil portraits: the finest made: no experience required; beginners earn 50 a week; 2 outfit tree: send for full particulars: a rare chance. SAFFORD ADAMS & CO.. 48 Bond St., N ew York. auIO-31-D WANTED A YOUNG MAN STENOG RAPHER and typewriter who Is not fully employed, who could-glve occasional service, as needed, between 9 and 10 o'clock A. ic, at an office convenient to postofflcejparty have Remington machine. Address FELIX, Dispatch office. aul7-12 WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Sixth St.: penmanship, book keeping, arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting thor oughly taught for 3 per month: private instruc tions for both sexes; open dally 9 a. it. to 9 r. M. aulO-TTSSn WANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the miuiciaic nuu reiaii ir&ue; on salary: largest manufacturers In ourllne; Inclose 2c stamp; wages 3 per day; permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G.CO., Cincinnati. O. Jc2-i-ttbsu -TTTANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF TV our safes; size 23x18x18 Inches; weight S00 lbs.: retail price $33; olberslzes In proportion: rare chance to create permanent business at home: these safes meet demand never berore supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the Sare Pool. ALPIN E SAFE CO. , Cincinnati. O. JeaM-D WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. SEND your address and reference to KEYSTONE MFG CO. (lnc. Glrard. Erie county, Pa., and they will mall you. free, a full outfit. Including model, of an article that sells readily to -the trade In every town and city, and upon which they will ?ay you a liberal commission; whole outfit weighs ounces. . au7-lS-EOD -TTTANTED COMPETENT MAN WHO IS TV thoroughly familiar with the manufacture of iron bridges ind experienced In the manage ment of men, to act as assistant superintendent of bridge shops; will pay right party fair salary on year's engagement. Address, with full particulars as to experience and references aa to ability and character, A.J. LULLOCK. Prop. Mo. Valley Bridge and Iron W'ks, Leavenworth, Kas. au6-45 WANTED AGENTS TO SEE THE "PAR NELL MOVEMENT;" the greatest political movement or modern times, with a history of Irish parties from 1813. containing a full account of the great trial Instigated by the London ' Times. " and giving a complete history of the home rule straggle lrom Us Inception to the suicide of Plgott, ly Thomas Power O'Connor, member of Parliament: fine steel portraits or tbe great leaders. Apply at once to P. J. FLEMING. 77 Diamond St., 1'lttsburg, Pa. aulO-12 Male and Veirrale IlelD. -TTTAMTED IMMEDIATELY MALE COOK. V pastrv cook. 4 dining room girls, 2 laundry llrls. chambermaids and scrub girls, 60 cooks, 10C ouse girls, child's nurse, tewing girl. MEE UAM 'S. S45 Grant St. anlS-D WANTED COOK AND CHAMBERMAID for small famllv, laundresses, cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls, nurses, house girls, German and colored girls, waiters, drivers, farm bands. MRS..E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. Jyl4-J-MT1)S WANTED - C3 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every.communlty ; goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, anil expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample casefree: wemeanjuit what we say. Addresaat onee bTANDARD bLWEBWARE CO., Boston, Mass. jel4-70-D Situations. TTTANTED-A SITUATION IN PRINTING YV office as apprentice. Address DUX. Dis patch office. auI7-7 TTTANTED PLUMBING A STOUT BOY V aged 17, wants to learn the plumbing trade. Address P. D. BOXS, Jlraddock, Pa. anl7-7S WANTED - SITUATION AS COLLECTOR, messenger or watcbraan In a bank, office or store, by a smart, active, mladle-aged man: best of city references. Address MAC, Dispatch office. aul7-6 -TTTANTED-OUTDOOK OCCUPATION BY A V V young man holding responsible position on clerical force of a large manf. concern; good rea sons given for desiring to make a change: first class referenre given as to honesty and ability. Address JEFF, 1714 Wharton St., S.6., Pittsburg. auI7-91 Fanner. rTTTANTED-VARTNEB WITH 15,000 CAPI- V V TAL to take half Interest In well estab lished light manufacturing business In this city; closest investigation 1 asked. All particulars from w. W. MCNEILL t, BRO., 105 Fourth ave. au 16-75 WANT E D PARTNER AS FINANCIAL manager in a paying Ught.manurctnrlng business; plant Is new and complete; capital re quired SIS, coo to 130,0011; the retiring partner has lost his health and tbe Interest must be sold. Ap ply at once to VV. A. HEKJJON BOND, SO fourth are. aoTMl-D WANTED. Female Help. WANTKD-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK. Apply 426 PENN AVE. aal7-S2 WANTED-EXPER1ENCED FIRST-CLASS salesladies for hosiery department in large store; none others need apply. Address HOS IERY DEPARTMENT, Dispatch office. am7-8 T Flnnucial. W A NT ED-MORTGAGES, MORTGAGES Money to loan at 4H audi per cent, GEO. JOHNSrOI, 62 Fourth ave. auI6-N-D WANTED-MORTG AGES-MONEY TO LOAN in sums to suit at Vi, 6 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. SJJ1V-11-TTBSU TTANTED-f500 TO o00,000 TO LOAN ON VV mortgages; 4M. Sand 6 per cent. JAMES W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. aa-.S-76-lS, 16,17.19.21,23,24,26,28. 30 TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP W ERTY, oTer S4.O0O; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVtRACO.. 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -TTANTED-MORTGAGS-U000,O00TOLOAN in larre and small amounts at 4fe. 5 and 6 ner c r cent, free of State tax; no delay. ItEED B. COY LEA CO., 131 Fourth ave. myzi-eu WANTED-TO LOAN f850,000 ON MORT GAGES In amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at V to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W. JiLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl4-16-UThS w ANTED MORTGAGES WE HAVE znonev to loan on cltv or suburban lm- Iiroved real estate. In large or smalt amounts, at owest rates. ALEXANDER A LEE. 313 Wood St. , aul7-M-MWS -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES, IN LARGE OR T V small amounts, on Improved city or Alle gheny county property. McCUN E A COULTER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers. 98 Fourth ave. au 17-15 WANTED TO LOAN S500,0X. IN AMOUNTS of p, 000 and npward, on city and suhurbsn property, on i percent, free oftax: also smaller amounts at S and 6 per cent. BLACK A BAIRD, Si Fourth avenue. se2l-d2E-D -TTTANTED MORTGAGES SL 000, OOOTOLO AN V V on city and suburban properties at 4M, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. 1L PEN NOCK A SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-fU -TTTANTKD-TO LOAN 00,003 ON MORT- V V GAGES: POO and npward at 6 per cent; two, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business Sropertv; also In adjoining counties. S. H. REN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D Ollncellsneoua. WANTED 1 GOOD SECOND-HAND SULKY. Inanlre 209 GRANT ST., Pittsburg. Pa. aul7-33 TTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO SEND THEUJ V V furniture needing upholstering, repairing and refinlshlng to UAUGH A KEENAN, 33 and 34 Water st. 'Phone 162S. an!4 WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at tl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX ML and I will calf and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED HOBSES-BLUEGRASS PAS TURE or winter boarding on Bldwell farm: by the month for horses and cows; flne-blooaea calves, a week or more old, wanted. Apply to J. C. B1DWELL, Neville St., Aug. 17. aul7-40 WANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 98 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at 1 60 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: instan tanoona process. mh!33 FOR SALE I3IPHOVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOB SALE CLIFF ST., AN ELEGANT 10 room residence, 2-story brick with all mod ern Improvements; lot 42x147. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. aull-64-TTSfiu FOR SALE-BEDFORD AVE., ELEVENTH ward, for 83,600, 11,000 cash, a good brick house, 6 rooms, attic late Improvements. See W. A. HEREON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. aulg-33-16.17.Su, 22, 24 FOR BALE-BLUFF' ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house, 6 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 133 ft.: terms to suit. EOBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bluff st. asl-87-TTSSa FORSALE-2-STOBY BRICK DWELLING IN First ward with Immediate possession If de sired: will sell with small cash payment and bal ance payable In monthly payments if desired. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. ault-W T7K)R SALE-THAT VERY DESUtABLE 8 1 room dwelling, situate N o. 455 Forbes st. : lot 22x120 ft., extenulng back to Ann st. : large ear- S enter shop erected on rear of lot. GEO. JOHN TON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. , aul6-52-D T710R SALE-5 GOOD BKICK HOUSES ON JJ Twenty-fifth street near Penn avenue: all In good ordefc and renting at about 8 1,450 annually: will sell the block at a price to net 8 per cent to the purchaser: title perfect. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave. aul7-23-UWS FOR SALE-GOOD INVESTMENT ON FIFTH avenue near the market house: modern pressed bilck dwelling; 9 rooms, bath, laundry, etc.: also two new four-room dwellings In the rear fronting on Ann St.; property In excellent condition; price 83.600: terms 83,000: cash balance at 4 per cent; rented now to pay It percent profit on cash pay ment required; tight In the district where values are enhancing. SAMUEL W. BLACK. A Co , 99 Fourth ave. aulO-83-Tus East End Resdaeacea. FOB SALE-ON LEMiNGTON AVE.. NEAR Lincoln ave., 2)4 acres; good lrame bouse of 6 rooms: elegant water: finest of fruit In abun dance: 87.000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. aul7-73-TTESu FOB SALE-ON EUCLID AVE.. E. E.. TWO story frame house of s rooms, front and back porches, cemented cellar, laundry on rear of lot; lot 40X53; price 82,45. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fonrth ave. aul5-71-TTS6n FOR SALE WIN EBUJDLEAVE.2MIN UTES from Ben Venue station, nearly new 2-story frame, 7 rooms; bath, laundry and reception room, front and rear porches; lot 30x150. J. C EEILLY, 77 Diamond st. aull-64-TTSSn FOR SALE-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE.-LOT 87)4x140 to 20-ft. alley, biics house of 8 rooms and bathroom: large front and side porches: ele gant neighborhood and very desirable. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 144 Fourth ave. aul7-75-WE8n T7WB SALE TWO SMALL HOUSES AND A? lots at bhadyslde. near E. R station and cable cars; lot S6MX137 feet to an alley; price only 83,000. Terms, etc.. from JAS. W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. aul5-73 TTWE SALE FOE 86.750 A NEW MODEEN E brick house desirably located In the East End, near steam and Fifth ave. cable line; 9 rooms: late Improvements: terms easy. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. aul5-59-15, 17, 20, 24,27, 30 FOR SALE-ON SUMMERLEAST..E.E.,NEW 2-story mansard, reception hall and 11 rooms, front and back porches, good cellar; all the modern Improvements: lot 43x161; only 87,500. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth avenue. aulS-70-15,16. 17,15, 21,23 FOB SALE-AT OAKLAND. NEAB CABLE cars, handsome 6-room dwelling, both gases, marble mantels, closets. Inside shutters.etc, etc.: nice lot, 22x100 ft. to an alley, with stable, etc.; a bargain. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. SU17-14 TpOB SALE IN THE EAST END-HOUSE AND V 3 lots on Marchand street extension, near Dennlson and Penn avenues; lots 75x125 feetand good frame dwelling thereon: price only 84,500: easy payments. JAS. W. DBAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. aul5-74-D FOR SALE-CALL OR SEND FOR PLANS and description of those fine new brick houses on Forbes st. and Coltart square, Oakland: the most complete and desirable bouses In the market for the money: 9 to 13 rooms each. W A. HEREON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. au6-29-ws TTiOB SALE-ON O'HABA ST.-NEAE WAL V NUTst.,lot42xl30,goodframebouse8rooms. bath room, basement laundry, elegant front and side porches: convenient to both steam and cable cars; very desirable; only 87,500. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. aul6-30-16.17.18, 22, 24, 25 FOR SALE-ON MEADOW 8T.-NEAR LABI MEB ave.. lot 42x150, good 2-story frame cottage house o 5 rooms, front porch, good dry cellar, natural gas, hot and cold water, elegant drainage, shade trees In front, etc: about 10 min utes' walk from either Hue of cable cars or East Liberty station: only 83,300. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 141 Fourth ave. aul7-75-wssu TTIOB SALE-ON A PBOMINENT PAVED C ave. in the East End, lot 60x225; new brick house: reception hall, 12 rooms, bathroom, base ment laundry; all the latest Improvements: ele gant porches, plate glass, hard wood mantels, etc., etc: everything of the very best: elegant neighborhood, and convenient to both steam and cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. aul7-73-TTSSU FOE SALE-ON COR. EDWIN AND ELWOOD sts., lot 55x120 to 20-foot alley; new frame house, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen, 3 good rooms and bath room on second floor, and finished attle of 2 rooms; basement, laundry, hardwood -mantels, sliding doors, ele gant front and side porch; about 2 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line: 80.750; terms easy. THOS. LIGULTT. No. 114 Fourth ave. aul5-72-TT8Sa FOB SALE-ON COB. PENN AND LINDEN aves., lot 46X179, elegant brick house, recep tion hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen and large pantry on first floor, fire bedrooms and bath on second floor: large finished at tic with servants' room, cedar room and trunk room, electric bells, hard wood mantels, elegant front porch, sliding doors, etc., etc : all the latest improvements, and every thing of the very best; only 116,000. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave anlB-30-16, 17. 18 ,22, 24. 25 FOB SALE - PARTIES LOOKING FOE houses cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square; the greater number of the durably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty days: asphalt pavements, natural and artificial gas, a beautiful park planud with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road,- are among tbe ad vantages. Prices. 86, 500 and (6.700, on easy term s. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, on the premises. Jy2.6S T7OB SALE THEBESIDENCEOF C.C.WATT, JP situated on Ivv street. Shadyslde; only 3 mlnntes walk from Fifth ave. cable line and S minutes from Roup station, P. K.E., a pretty Queen Anne frame dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, rangebatb, inside w. c stationary washstands, pantry, laundry, furnace, etc. In fact a very complete house with lot 49x1:0 feet, planted with trees and shrubbery. This property will be sold at a bar gain, the owner having removed from tbe city. Full particulars can be obtained at tbe office of BitAVja, c bajjw, w m ounn ave. A auii-w FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Reoldeaeeo. TCHIK SALE-ON CRAIG ST., NEAR FIFTH J? avenue, a residence of 8 rooms, cor. lot 65 ft front; price reasonable. W. A. I1B.RRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. aul7-100- FOR SALE-ON ROUP ST-2-STORY FRAME house or 9 rooms. 8-foot hall and vestibule, front porch: lot 48x161 to alley: 89.500. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fonrthave. anl5-70-15,l,17.19.a.2 FOR SALE-ON THE COBN ER OF TWO GOOD streets in East Liberty, good brick bouse of 8 rooms and laundry; lot &3X123: price 12.000. THOS. A. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth tvef aulS-70-lS, 16. 17, 19, 21, 23 FOR SALE-ON FILBERT ST., E. E., TWO story frame bouse, 6 rooms, hall, front and back porches; lot 30x110: price flOOO: terms to suit. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. aul5-71-TTSSu - Allegheny Residences. TTtOR SALE NORTH AVENUE, ALLEGHE JJ NY, resldencecheaplfsold quick: 10 rooms; corner lot, W. A. HEREON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. au2-60-j,7,10,lS,17 FOB SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE, NO. 32 REBECCA st., Allegheny, with large lot; will be sold very low, as owner wants to use money In the West. MCCUNE A COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. aul7-15 FOE BALE ON TAGGART ST.. SECOND ward, house of 4 rooms, finished attic and basement kitchen: lot 24x160: also bouse In rear, 2 rooms, facing Nixon St.: all on same property: L shaped; all to be sold for S3, COO cash. Inquire NO. 65 TAGGABT ST., Second ward, Allegheny. aulS-7 Subnrbnn Residences. P IflTt SAT.T-AT HMISHTON STA.. P. R. R.. A? only 82, 600, on easy payments, a neat house, 6 rooms: lot 63x132 ft. : this fs cheap. W. A. HER RON A SON 8, 0 Fourth ave. aul3-53-TTS FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN, NICE SUBUR BAN home, cottage house, ltt acres good land, fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, etc.. on P., Ft. W. A O. B. K.. near the city; price only 83,000. ALEXANDER A LEE, 311 Wood st. aul7-14 FOR SALE AN ELEGANT HOME BELLE VUE. P., Ft. W. A C.R. R., lii acres ground. 8 room house, with water and gas and all modern Improvements; carriage house and stable; great bargain: must be sold at once; terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. aul7-99-TuS FOR SALE-A SUBURBAN PROPERTY OF 28 acres; only 7 miles from tne city: close to railroad station; fine orchard; grape vines; large brick dwelling and complete set of outbuildings; abundance of water, etc., etc: a beautiful place. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. au!7-24-D FOR SALE A GOOD DWELLING AND large lot at Crafton ; convenient to railroad sta tion; 8 nice rooms: 3 porches: good water; natural gas; fine lot, 63x150 feet: abundance of fruit; stable and out-bnlldlngs; price only 83,500; verv cheap: only 2 minutes from statfbn. JAS. W. DRAPKA CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. aul5-73 FOR SALE - SUBURBAN RESIDENCE IN borough, 12 acres, 870 feet front on principal avenue, on good macadamized road: never falling spring and well of purest water: large, beautiful brick dwelling, slate roof, marble mantels. Inside w. c, bath, laundry, pantry, natural and Illumin ating gases: best fruited place In the country: a bargain. W. H. HESELBARTH, Real Estate Agent, 121 Wabash st West End, city. au8-66-TTS F iOR SALE-A VERY GOOD BRICK DWELL ING. with line lane lot about 70x274 leet. In w liainsDurg, xronung on two or me most desira ble streets: no small properties In thevlclnltv; the dwelling is in prime order throughout: rooms largo and luxurious; natural gas. not and cold water, etc., etc. : will be sold at a bargain, with Immediate possession If necessarv. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. au:7-23-Hws FOR SALE NEAT DWELLING HOUSE AND 2 acres of ground on line of railroad near the city: dense cover of fruit and shade trees; copious flow of pure water, always cool; 7 rooms in dwelling, small room, observatory, 3 porches, vestibule and hallway, dry cellar, natural gas, marble mantels and in prime order throughout, stable and carriage bouse, poultry house and other outbuildings, a beautiful place, pure air, fine elevation and wide, expanse of scenic grandeur, only 3 minutes' walk from railroad station: monthly ticket 84 75; this prop erty is worthlooklng at. Fall information from 5 ersonal examination will be given at our office. AMES W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth ave. au 15-74-D FOR SALE LOTS. CUT Lota. FOR SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICEROY sts., near college; terms to suit. EOBT. COWABD. 20 Bluff St. . anl-87-TTESu FOE SALE VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS on Wylle, Webster and Bedford aves.. Thir teenth ward. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fonrth ave. aul6-52-D FOBSALE-LOTS-MT. WASHINGTON. VERY nice; oue fronting 40ft on Natchez st. by 330 ft, to Belonda: price 81,050; (ICOdown. balance long time. J. C. BEILLY. 77 Diamond st. aull-64-TTSSu FOE SALE-LOW-IN FrRST WARD, A LOT with over 5,000 square feet, well suited for a large warehouse or a light manufacturing site; terms easy if desired. C.U. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. auII-18 Xast End Lots, FOB SALE 8200 WILL BUY A CHOICE LOT In Villa Park plan on terms to suit purchasers; send for colored plan, lust Issued. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512Smlthfleld St. anl5-55-ThS FOB SALE-ON SOUTH H1LAND AVE., LOT 40x120. to sewered alley; 83,800 cash or 84.000 on time: offered for a short time only. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. aul6-31-16, 17, 19, 22,24, 25 FOB SALE-83.S50-CENTER AVE., E.E., LOT 50x200 feet, 3 minutes' walk from Roup sta tion: very desirable location; good neighborhood; enhancement certain; terms easy. SAML. W. BLACK A CO., 99,fourth ave. anlS-81 FOB SALE-OAKLAND. ABOUT ONE ACRE of ground fronting on tbe line of the new cable loon: this pronertr will double in value and can be bad at a bargain If sold at once KEED B. COYLE A CO., No. 131 Fourth ave. aul6-49 FOR SALE-ON EOUPST.. BETWEEN FIFTH ave and Walnnt St., beautiful lot 40x100 to 20ft. alley: elegant neighborhood, good sewer age and convenient to both steam and cable cars: only 82,400. 1HOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fonrth ave. aul6-31-16, 17, 19,22,24.25 TTOB SALE ON WALNUT bT NEAE C Hlland ave., beautiful lot 75x220 to a 50ft. st. ; elegant neighborhood; convenient to both steam and cable cars; special terms if purchaser will Improve at once. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. aul7-74-wrs8u FOB SALE-ON BARTON ST., BETWEEN Center and Ellsworth aves., beautiful lot 60x150: connections to sewer, natural and arti ficial gas and city water made to each lot: reason able price and on easy terms. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fonrth are. aul7-74-wrssu TTiOR SALE-Pj&OO CENTER AVE. LOT. NEAB X" and east of Roup st., 100x200 feet; this is one of the most desirable lots on the avenue; fine ele vation, and onlv I minutes' walk from 1. K. It. station: easy terms: a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.,.00 Fourth are aul5-81 FOB SALE-PBOPERTY ON UNIMPROVED street, being advertised at 862 a foot front. I can offer you choice lots on wide streets, curbed, sewered and wide flagstone sidewalks, from 840 to 850 a foot front: Investigate this. JN'O. F. BAX TER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield St. auU-70-WS8a FOR SALE-ON EDWIN ST.. ONE SQUARE rrom Hlland ave.. lots la ft.deep to a sewered alley; natural and artificial gas; city water on tuo micm, kuuu ucgiiuuiuijuu sua uesiraoio ioca tlon; onlyWO per foot front; terms to suit pur- chasers. inuD, LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. aulS-31-16, 17, 19,22, 24, 25 Allegbenv Lota. TWE 8 ALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS1NALLE JP GHENY, located on Nunnery Hill, easily reached: call or send for plans; terms easy. Y. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. SU14-99-14, 15, 17,20,22,24,27,29.31 FOB SALE LOTS ON MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues snd Lombard street. Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MON AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-t TOR SALE-LOTS ON THE nEN PERSON JJ property. Nunnery Hill. Allegheny,, have now taken a start, and are moving right along: ?lans and prices at this office; we guarantee a good I tie. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal St.. Alle gheny, an 13-78 FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE SALE, PEEBYS VILLE ave., on the Watson place plan, com mencing at the car house, rear Watson circle beautirul building sites 50x125 and 50x200; terms H cash: bal. I, 2, and 3 years. Monday, August 26. at 2 o'clock T. M. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer, 413 Grant st, . auls-74 Suburban Lota. T7IOE SALE-WE HAVE STILL A FEW LOW j.' price iui noir uiifcuasuurg station. CUNE A COULTEB, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. au!7-15 MC- FOR SALE-NEAR W1LKINSBURG STA TION. 10 acres, suitable ror building lots: a good investment. McCUNEACOULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth are. aui7-15 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS near SwUsvale station. P. It. B. ; prices low and terms easy. MCCUNE A COULTEB. Agents, 98 Fourth ave. aul7-15 FOR SALE FINE BUILDING LOTS IN Cbartlers twp., adjoining city line; 5 mlnntes' walk from steam and streetcars: 83u0toS50n. on long-time payments. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. aul7-14 FOB SALE-AT ASPINWALL STATION IN the Bess estate the most desirable suburban building lots now In the market ror sale: prices very low and terms easy: call or send for olaus. W. A. HEBRON A bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. aul-81-5-8-W-17-20-24-27-30 FOB SALE-OAK GKOVE-5-ACEE. LOTS: ON line of railroad; adjoins tbe borough of Par nassus: about W acres laldoC In 3,5 and 8-acrelots; great flow of pure water: groups of forest trees; natural gas;convenIentto churches, schools, stores, etc., etc Get plans from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.' 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. aul7-24-D miscellaneous. VTiOB BALE-BY EW1NQ A BYEES. NO. 107 E Federal street, the following properties at a big sacrifice if sold soon: T No. 66 Poplar street. No. 242 Arch strest. No. 1 Nixon street. No. 77 Logan street. No. 38 Nixon street No. 88 White Oak alley. tin. flu9 Larimer ave East End. nnW a km Possession of all tbe above properties Sept. L f AUtfOWUUWti vauivi lwt IHlsHliK, JLUO sheny City property oar specialty J! aul7-as FOR SALE-LOTS. worms. FOR SALE-SMALL FARM, ONE-HALF acre, modern frame dwelling, 6 rooms, every thing complete for -comfort, near R. R. station, churches and school. ED. WTTTISH, 410 Grant st.. Pittsburg. anl7-D OR SALE-33 ACRES OF THE CHOICEST land along the P. K. it., eight miles rromlhe city; two minutes from station? every foot will lot out to good advantage: price reasonable: terms easy. BLACK A BAIRD, 55 Fourth aye. aul6-39-i6,17,2u,22.24 FOR SALE A NEAT PA. FARM 97 ACRES, all fenced; frame house, frame bank barn, springs, wells, Trulta, grass and clover; smooth land: no hills: near village, P, O., ete.; no ln- Homer City. Pa. anl7-95 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Dullness Cnanrea. FOR SALE-A NEW ENTERPRISE WHICH can be started In all towns. For full partic ulars address E. L. MARTIN. Decatur, 111. au9-40 FOR SALE-A FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORE, situated on Southslde. Pittsburg; good loca tion. Address DRUGS, Dispatch office. .uur-caws F 'OR S ALE-B Y SEPT. 1. '8 JEWELRY STOCK -- ana uxtures, doing nice business in live town of 12,000 Inhabitants; established lnlsSi. Inquire v- -jiE.n jxwus., oj n iwu aw ui,-o FOR SALE-A DRUGSTORE IN A NICE country town on line of railroad; everything in prime order, and good steady business. 'JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. aul7-23uws FOE SALE-A HOUSE FURNISHING AND general tin store In a large manufacturing city on line of railroad, only 2 hours' ride from tbe city; business Is In good shape and paying well: satis factory reasons for selling. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. an!7-23-MWS FORSALE-AN INTEEESTIN A WHOLESALE mercantile business; old-established and profit able, we know the firm and are familiar with the business, and can vouch for the opportunity as a rare oue for an active man with Kooo to 88.000 to Invest. Call upon or address ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood street. aull-81-JtWTSsn FOR SALE-DON 'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY slip, buy now and make money: several very choice cheap grocery stores, bakeries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished bouse full of roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery business, cigar stores, feed store, milk depot, restaurant and dining room, printing ofilce, shoestorcs, etc : win exchange good grocery store In city for building lot. Free particulars. SHEP ARD A CO.. 54 Fifth ave. au9 Bnslnesa Stands. TrOE SALE-THAT VERY DESIRABLE 3 JL' story building situate No. 177 Third ave. : lot 30x80 It,; price 116,500; easy terms. GEO. JOHN STON. Agt., 62 Fourth ave. au 16-52-D FOR SALS CHEAP-DOWN TOWN PROP ERTY, bringing In a good rent; situate cor. Ross st. and First avenue. See W. A. HEREON AbONS, (0 Fourth ave. aul6-S2-16,17,20,24,27,29 P IOKSALE-THE NORTHSIDE GRAIN AND ieea elevator and warehouse, corner North and Irwin avenues, Allegheny, Pa., with all fur uisiiuicnis; a oargain to me rigni part. J. V. HUTCHINSON, New Brighton. Pa aul5-2 FOE SALE-FOURTH AVE. COE. BOSS. A ZH story frame building containing store room and a large number or dwelling rooms: easy terms and low price. Call at office for full partic ulars. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave.. G 90. au 15-68 FOR BALE-UNION HALL," LEECHBURG, Pa.: two stories. 40x85 ft.; store and ware rooms and gas-flttlng office on first floor: hall neatly furnished, will seat 500: also a 2-story brick dwelling house of 7 rooms, hallway and cellar on same lot, fronting 60 feet on Market street snd ex tending back 120 feet to front street, opposite W. P. it. R. depot. The above Is located in the busi ness center of Leechburg, snd will be sold upon easy payments or for cash, as may be desired. For further Information Inquire of 8. C. BOLE, Leech burg, Armstrong Co., Pa. aul7-86 Mnnufncturtnir Sites. FOR SALE VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCA TION, cor. Seventh ave. and Cherry alley: lot 30X100 ft, GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fonrth ave. aul6-56-r FOB SALE-MUST BE SOLD-FINE PBOP ERTYof5or6acresat Bazelwood, Twenty third ward: excellent location for manufacturing or other purposes requiring large apace and con venience to the business center; river frontage of 600 leet: wonld sub-dlvlde into building lots: a 'quick sale Is necessary, and someone will get a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. aul0-85-Tn8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dee. F IOR SALE-FOUR BUGGIES AND SEC ROAD carts: must be sold cheap to make room for other goods; also three head of horses, all young and sonnd: call and get a bargain. BENNETT A FLOiiKER, cor. Kilpatrlck and West End ave nue, Allecheny. , aul7-37 machinery and metals. FOE SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repatrlng promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECU..LLVL, below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOB bALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine. 2 surface planers and 1 shaper.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks. Slomen valves, castings, etc VELTE A MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. 3y2l-91-TTS MIscetlaneoaau FOB SALE-FOB CO-SMALL NEW SAFE. C. IL LOVE, 93 fourth avenue. an!6-41 PERSONAL. PEBSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS1 BOOKSI New and old, ancient and mouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30.000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. " au3-98 TDERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE TOUE WIFE, XT mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trfie by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floorr Charges moderate; fscllltles unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mh3 LOST. LOST-CANARY, FBOM 22 ANDEBSON ST.. Allegheny. Liberal reward will be paid ir returned to the above number. aul7-35 LEGAL NOTICES. JAMES P. GILDEA. Attorney at Law, iJ7 Grant at Pittsburg. ESTATE OP NICHLAUS 81TJPY, DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Nich lans Stupy, deceased, bave been eranted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate will make them known witbont delay to JOSEPH VOGEL, JR. aul4-17-S No. 3703 Bntler St.. Pittsburg. Pa. MEETINGS. MEMBERS OF PRIDE OF THE "WEST Council. No. 157. Jr. O. U. A. M. will meet at their ball. 63 and 70 Ohio street, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 18, at 1 o'clock, to attend tbe funeral of our late brother, George W. Gillespie. Special meeting Saturday evening, August 17, at 7:30 o'clock. J. H. CASKET. C. A. F. Means. R. 8. aul7-7S -yroricE-t o. o. f. ly 'Tbe members of St. Clair Lodge, No. 362, 17 O. O. F are requested to meet at their hall, corner of Steuben street and Wabash avenue. Thirty-sixth ward, on Sunday, at 1 o'clock P. jr., lor the pnrpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, John M. Stewart. Members of sister lodges are Invited to attend. By order of the N. G. Geo. W. McMh.uk. Sec 1U17-27 PTTTSBTniG. PA., Augusts. 1889. Xf-OTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF XI the stockholders of the Pittsburg Forge and Iron Company, will be held at tbe office of the company. Tenth street near Penn avenue, on TUESDAY, August 20, 1889 at 11 o'clock A. jf., for tbe election ot directors for the ensuing year, and for such other bnMness as may be brought before them. JAMES K. VERNER, Secretary. an6-34 A3IUSE31ENTS. -ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY OPENS FOR THE SEASON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, AUGUST 19. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. JOS. J. SULLIVAN'S MALONEY'8 RAFFLE SPECIALTY COMPANY. 25 VAUDEVILLE STARS 25 aul7-22 TTARR1S' THEATER I Every afternoon and evenli livery afternoon and evening the great mora temperance drama, TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM. aul3-90-TTS BASEBALL TO-DAY. RECREATION PARK. Last series at home until Aug. 26. NEW YORKB VS. ALLEGHENYS. Train at 3:40. Game at 4 p. M. aal65 TIJOU THEATER. Matinee to-day at 2. HA.VERLY-CLEVELAND MINSTRELS. i. ' August 19, A Royai Pass. au!5 67 piRAND EXCURSION TO ROCHESTER, STEAMER MAYFLOWER, BUNDAY, AUG. 18. Leaves foot Wood street at 2 P. X. Returns at 10 P. v. Round trip 60 cents. aul7-77 P iIANOb, ORGAN& a HAMILTON. AWnBawiRTir AVR-WTTtt J Pittsburg, Pa, apW-7s- TO XET. Cltv Residences. TO LET NO. S BEDFORD AVE., SEVEN rooms. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. aut-S6-D TO LET-NO. 1 BEDFORD AVE.. NINE rooms. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. anl8-5A-n TO LET-NO. 177 THIRD AVE., LEVEN rooms: all conveniences. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. aul6-56-r nnO LET-NO. 935 PKNN AVE,, ELEVEN JL rooms and bathroom, laundry, etc. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. auls-56-D TO LET NO. 97 CENTER AVE., TEN rooms, bathroom, laundry, etc. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. aul6-56-D Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 104 RIDGE AVE.. ALLEGHE- NY. eight rooms. GEO. JOHNSTON. Ast., 62 Fourth ave. ' snIS-56-D TO LET-NO. 36 ESPLANADE ST.. ALLE GHENY, eight rooms, GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. auI6-56-D TO LET-ON BUENA VISTA-BRICK HOUSE 8 rooms, with all the Improvements: good location; Immediate possession. A. D. WILSON, 85 Federal street. aul7-5-17,20,22.2S TO LET NEW ROOM FRAME HOUSE Second ward, Allegheny: 2 nice porches; large ard; 818: no water rents. W. W. MC NEILL A BKO 105 Fourth ave. auls-50 TO LET-ON R1DGEWOOD AVENUE. SEC OND ward, Allegheny, dwelling house of 6 rooms, bath, natural gas, hall, porches, etc. at 82! per month. ALEXANDER A LEE.3I3 Wood St. aul7-14 TO LET-ONLY 835 PER MO.. NO. 63 RIVER avenue, Allegheny, near Robinson street, 9 rooms, late Improvements, bouse will be put In good order. W. A. HEBRON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. aul7-ll-uws Bnslnesa Stands. TO LET-STORK AND DWELLING, NO. 257 Ohio St.. Allegheny City. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fonrth avenue. auI6-41 Office Desk Room, etc TO LET-OFFICE BOOM, WITH FRONT window, on Wood St., near Fourth ave. AL EXANDER A LEE. 313 Wood st SU17-14 rno LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY JL painted: elevator, Jaultor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Woo iod street. e2J-8-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD IN G, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be round in the city; rent, fax) and 8300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. x. and 1 r. x., or between 2 and 4 P. M. Jj23-67 Bnslnesa Cbnncea. TO LET-OR FOR SALE-EXCELLENT OP PORTUNITY to make money, the West Philadelphia Flint Glass Works, more properly known as the Gustavus Storm Glass Works, on account of the death of Mr. Storm, this celebrated plant, consisting or2 furnaces, one 12-pot (new) the other i-pot, together with all machinery, tools, office fixtures, etc., ready for use Terms and particulars apply to THOS. B. SCARBOROUGH, Agent, 3107 Powelton avenue. Philadelphia, Pa. an!729 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR CASTINGS SEALED proposals will be received by tbe under eigned for the borouch of Braddocx up to MONDAY, August 28, 1889, at 6 o'clock P. jf., for castings (per pound) for 22 manholes and S3 catch oaslns lor sewers. Flans and specifi cations can be seen at tbe Town Hall, Brad dock, Pa. Tbe Borough Council reserves the right to reject any and all bid. A. a BRUBAKER. Clerk or Council. aul7-2-ThS Braddock, Pa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals will be received at tbe Burgess' office lu tbe borough of Greensbnrg, Pa., until 12 o'clock nooD,AUGU8T 17. A. D.. 1889. for the erection of a main bnck and stone sewer in and upon Coal Tar mc. in said borougb, being about 1,450 feet lone. Plans and specifications can be seen at any time at my office in said borough. Bidders will come and see lor them selves and tbe right to reject any and all bids is reserved. CYRUS T. LONG. au7-35-x Boroueh Engineer. Notice to Civil Engineers. Sealed proposals will be received by the committee until MONDAY, tbe 19th day of Auirust, A. D. 18S9. at 4 r. M., for the surveying and establish kic the grades, drawing of plans, eta, for the borough. of Tarentam, Pa. Specifications and old plans can be seen at Fleming 4 Ester's drugstore. Tbe committee reserves the ripht to reject any or all bids. G. R. HAYDEN. 1 H. H. KENNEDY, J Committee. G. T. OWENS. J TAJIEJITUM, Pa., July 19, 18S9. aull-21-D Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will bo received at the office ot the City Clerk of the city of Sterling. Illinois, for furnishing materials and doing tbe work of constructing a portion of tbe Avenue B" sewer system, and connections and appur tenances thereto. The work will comprise, ap proximately, tbe following: 1,000 lineal feet of 4S-incb brick sewer; 5,000 lineal feet of pipe sewer from 6 in. to 24 in. in diameter, together with tbe catch basins, man boles, catch basin and manhole covers, etc., as shown in plans Tbe bids for furnishing pipe, and for the best Akron cement, to be made separately. The whole of the work to be completed Jot later than Nov. 1, 18S9. Plans and specifications may be seen at tbe office of tbe City Clerk. All bids roust be in the bands of tbe City Clerk, J. F. Barrett, on or before August 19. 18S9. The Conncilreserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Com. on'Streets and Alleys. anll-22-D BUILDING LOTS. Swissvale Place. The first purchasers are getting the choicest lots as well as the most favorable inducements; as the owners are determined to make tnese lots sell. The sales made and tbe interest aroused are a good indorsement of the bargains claimed. Lots are 25 to GO ft. wide by 125 to 176 deep, at Swissvale station and 5 minutes from Edge wood station; 62 trains dally, sidewalks, natural gas. water mains, electric lights, graded public schools, stores, etc. Prices, S100 to 11,000; terms, $10 to $50 down, and balance on weekly or monthly payments it desired. Very liberal inducements to pur chasers who commence building at once. Locate your home or maks your investments here where values are increasing and profits correspondingly certain. Yea know the most marked improvement in real estate has been along tbe line of the incomparable Pennsyl vania Railroad. Our representative will be on the ground Sat urday, Monday aud Thursday. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVENUE aul2-49-MThs E IOR BALE- BUILDING LOTS AT ASPINWALLSTATTON, West Penn Railroad, only 7 miles from Alle gheny depot, adjoining SHARPSBURG. Tbe "Aspinvall Land Company" have subdi vided a part of the beautiful suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE, Into lots of 25 feet. 50 feet and 100 feet frontage, or by tbe acre, and are offering them for sale at -prices that will suit tbe most conservative. Terms very easy, title guaranteed by the "Fidel ity Title and Trust Company," of Pittsbnrz. Special inducements to early purchasers. There is a representative always on tbe premises who will show tbe pecperty. Take a train to Aspin wall station, wbKh Is directly on tbe premises, or call on the agents, W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fonrth ave- city, Wbo will give you plans of the lots, with full Information and prices. aul0-2.6,10,13.170,24.27,SI SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, I. MAY SONS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dles' and gentlemon's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. - lell-TTS 66 SESTH AVE. Pittsburg, Pa. WALTKBj.OSBOtTBNE. RICHABD UAXXOwa. B ARROWS fc OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street TeiepfionoNo.au atO-kStVirssa EDUCATIONAL. ST. GEORGE'S HALL EOR BOY8 AND young men. St. George's,-Md near Balti more, Prof. J. CKlnear, A. M., Principal, Col lege or business. Unsurpassed in advantages, comfon and situation. $200 to $275 a year. aul7-92 , TTJESTERN RESERVE BEMINARY AND VV Normal College, West Farralngton, O. Sixty years. Collegiate, Normal. Music. Busi ness, Stenography. Board and Tuition. $100 per year. REV. E. B. WEBSTER. A. M Pres't. aulO-30-s HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY. SEPTEMBERS; new students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. John T. Mmtprrr. C B. Hjl, President. jyl-2S MOUNTSTE. URSULE. OAKLAND-THB Ursullne Academy reopens on SEP iijjIBER 2; boarders and day scholars re ceived. For further particulars apply to S. STE. GERTRUDE, aulS-25 Superintendent. ' WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY for young ladles; 23d year: la provided for giving a superior education in collegiate, eclectic and preparatory departments; also in music and art. MRS. HENRIETTA KUTZ, 2045 Walnut st Pbila. aul-90-TTS EIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR RENT Of THE PITTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE. Inquire of MR. JOS. SHALLENBERGER, atDnquesnn Bank, on Tuesday and Friday, from 11 to 12 o'clock. aul6-21-TT3 T7LOCUTION MUSIC LITERATURE. JCj Mrs. Lizzie Pershing Anderson's School, bTUnlon avenue, Allegheny. Frencb and Ger man, Drawing and Painting, English studies. Fall term opens September 10, 1849. Send for prospectus. jyl6-4S-ws TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, for girls and young ladies. 8HORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY; for boys and young men. SWITH1N C. SHORTLIDGE, A. M. (Harvard graduate), Media, Pa., near Philadelphia. aul-8 NEW YORK MHJTARY ACADEMY. Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful Duildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S., A. M, Supt; BELDUN F. HYATT. Comd't of Carets. jelO-U Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladles and pre paratory school for little girls, EMBLA P. O, three rstles from Baltimore, Md., conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. jjaW9-TTS SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL MR GIRLS. 915 and 917 N. Charles street, Baltimore. ' MRS.W.M.CARY. I Established 1842. French MISS CARY. ( the language of tbe school. jyl8tTT3 BISHOP BOWMAN LNSTITUTE A COL LEGIATE school for yonng ladies, cor ner Penn ave. and Fourth street, Pittsburg. Tbe next session begins Wed., Sept. IL Send for register giving 1 nil Information. Address the rector, REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M. jyl4-53--s MOUNTAIN SEMINARY, BIRMING HAM, Pa. A thorough school for young ladies. Situation noted for health. Home comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 100 acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college. Send for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRIER, Busi ness Mn'g'r. MISS N. J. DAVIS, PrincipaL au6.53-D T3 OCK HILL COLLEGE, ELLICOTT CITY, JTAi Md.; conducted by the brothers of the Christian Schools; scientific, classical and com mercial courses: the modern languages and drawing are taught without extra charg; studies will be resumed on tbe first Monday of September. For particulars address aul6-23 BROTHER DENIS, President PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester. Pa- Twenty-eighth year opens September 18. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Archi tecture. Arts. Thoroughly organized, prepara tory courses. Circulars of Mr. F.G.PAUL SON, 411 Wood St., city. Col. CHAS. E. HYATT. President. Jyl0.52-tvs PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic, Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in tbe best col leges, for teaching, for business. Young La dies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens September 9. 1889. Hon. Tbos. M. Marshall, President Board ot Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal. No. 7 Fourth avenue. jyl8-81-TTS PARK INSTITUTE FORMERLY PRE PARATORY and commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Business,including short hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open to botb sexes. Fall term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Office hours 9 to 11 a. m. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN, A. M.. PrincipaL au3-46-TT3 CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. L477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical. Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WLLLIAMS, A. iL. Pres't. Jyl832-TTS. Eflgewortli Boarding ai Day Sclool For girls, 122 West Franklin street, Baltimore. Md.. Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE, principal. This school wpi reopen on Thnrsday. tbe 19th of September. The course of instruction em braces all the studies included in a thorough English education, and tbe French and Ger man languages are practically taught. jy30-6S-ws -plTTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE FULI. JL and special courses of study in Literature. Language, Natural Science, Music, Art and Elocution. Unsurpassed home comforts and care. Buildings large; facilities ample. Health ratio not surpassed anywhere. Location cen tral; Eighth street, near Penn avenue. Tuition and boarding very reasonable. Next season opens September 10. For catalogue and full, information send to PRESIDENT A. H. NORCROSS, D. D jylQ-23-lva Pittsburg, Pa. PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, ESTAB LISHED 1884, offers advantages of a thorough Academic School ot Art, combined with private in struction; each pupil under joint direction of George Het zel (Dusseldorf Academy), John W. Beatty (Munich Academy). Students who cannot attend daily may enter ior limited numDer or days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal. au3-63-TUS 413 Wood street, Pittsburg. Pennsylvania Female College. Situated in a beautiful nark, on a commanding plateau, in the suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed ror beauty and healtbrulness. Excellent facilities for study of Natural Sciences, Classics and Mathematics In short, every department well equipped. The completion of Dllworth Rail, comnrlslnr new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has Increased capacity and furnishes faculties for tboroush educational work of the highest order. Season opens September 11, 1830. Early application lsdeslrable. Forcataloguesand furthsrlln formation apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETBEAU, President, Pittsburg (East End), Pa. Jy-4-Tus THE PEUHSYLYAHIA STAIE COLLEGE. Fall session opens September 11." Examinations for admission September 10. New buildings and equipment greatly Increase tbe facilities for In struction la all departments. Courses in Agri culture, Chemistry, Botany and Horticulture, Civil. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and in Ueneral Science and Modern Languages. Special courses for Ladles. Tuition free Fifty Scholarships entitle tbe holders to free room rent. Eor catalogue or other information address THE PKEblDEM, State College, Center Co.. Pa. anl-7-TTS -TOR SALE AT A GREAT REDUCTION, THREE BHIJJWELLIHGS; Only 12,200 eacb, on small monthly install ments if desired. A RARE CHANCE TO GET A HOME Of eight rooms, vestibule, hall, bath, range, natural gas, hot and cold water. Only 25 min utes from postoffice, on Sycamore and Plymouth streets. Thirty-fifth ward. Price reduced in order to make quick sales. Call at once on W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. aul-9M.3.S.10,13,17 G A.BALFR, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u eeventn avenue, Pittsburg. Px Telephone 1344. 3e5-n60-TT3 X ADIE3 "You cab buv the cutest 1 on cab buv the cutest little stidemns von ever saw for 25c 50c and 75c apiece, at WILSON'B JEWELRY STORE. 'anl3-TTS 81 FOURTH AVENUE. J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 90 Fourth-avenue, ul3-57-TTS Pittsburg,?, V , . . V 1" - - - -Ji.M IMMM'MJ