Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 17, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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California Frails Displaced by the
Home-Grown Stock.
Rnnnlr nf White Fish and .Kslmnn T.tcht
tSrKfl ..-------
i'eacnes in Plenty.
Office orPirraBUEO Dispatch, 1
- FRIDAY, August 16, 1889. J
Id the line of fruit and vegetables retail
dealers report quiet trade and stuff plenty.
Manv of the best customers are from home
recreating, and weather has been too cool
for active trade, especially in fruit lines.
Peaches from Delaware are in full sup
ply. Jersey sweet potatoes and Georgia
grapes are to the front for the first time this
season within a few days. Snperb Jersey
watermelons weighing GO to 60 pounds are on
the market stalls.
The berry season has come to an end,
mountain huckleberries being about all that
remains in this line. Corn and beans are un
usually scarce for August.
At the fish stalls a great scarcity of stock is
reported. The supply of salmon and white fish
Is not one-fourth the demand. Storms on the
coast hare prevented the usual catch pf wblte
fish for tbe week past, and dealers hero are un
able to meet demands. In tbe East prices bave
been advanced, but here there has been no
change. A leading dealer said to-day: "We are
not getting our own ont of Eastern flsb for a
few da) s past owing to scarcity and higher
prices at sources of supply."
Herring are In fair supply. Tbe restaurant
and hotel fish trade holds up better than usual
for tbe month of August. The chief drop has
been in retail demand.
In two weeks more tbe oyster season will
OpeD, but fish from the Ohio lakes are not due
until the 20th of September, being shut ont by
stringent Ohio laws.
In the line of butter, eegs and poultry there
bas been an upward movement the past week.
Creamery and choice country butter are from
2 to 3c higher in a jobbing way than they were
a week ago. Pasturage was never better at
ibis time of tbe ) ear, but for some unknown
reason butter bas arisen from a condition of
unwonted sluggishness to nnusual activity.
Florists report trade at its quietest. The few
cut flowers tbat go to fill orders at watering
, ,, .1,,. ..mil. .4... .Am. ?.. fi....!.
furnish about all the signs of llf inn the trade
at this date.
Annmberofour leading florists havo been
enlarging their greenhouses, in anticipation of
big trade tbe coming fall and winter, and will
be ready to meet growing demands, which
tbey were not fully able to do at times last
The National Florist Convention at Buffalo
next week will be represented by a number of
Pittsburg's leading florists.
Following are tbe retail prices of market
basket materials as furnished by leading deal
ers: Meats.
The best cnts of tenderloin steak range
from 20 to 25c, with last figure for very
fancy, which are .very often no better
than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from IS
to 20c; standing rib roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck
1 oast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling
beef, 5 to Sc; sweet breads, 20 to 50c per pair;
beef kidneys. 10c apiece; beef liver. 6c a pound;
calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef from 6 to 10c
per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c;
roast, 12 to 15c; cutlets, 20c per pound; spiing
lamDS, fore quarter, 15 to 20c; bind quarters, 20
to 25c A leg of mutton, bind quarter, of
prime quality, brings 12c; fore quarter, 8c;
loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 6c per pound.
Vegetables nnd Frnlt.
Potatoes. 15 to 20c per half peck; Jersey sweet
t potatoes, 20c per quarter peck; Southern
sweets, 25c per half peck; egg plants, 10 to
25c; tomatoes, home-grown, 15c per quar
ter peck; new cabbage, 5 to 15c; bananas, 20 to
35c a dozen; carrots, 5c a bunch; lemons, 25
to 30c per dozen; oranges, 50c; lettuce, 5c per
bunch, 6 for 25c: radishes, 5c per bunch;
cucumbers.2 for 5c; beets, 3 for 10c; cauliflowers,
15 to 25c a bead; string beans, 20c a half peck;
golden wax beans, 25c a half peck: new South
ern onions, Z5c a ball peck: squashes. 6 to 35c;
peas, 20c per quarter peck; watermelons. 15 to
50c; cantaloups. 10 to 25c: huckleberries, 15c a
quart; Concord grapes, 15c per pound, 2 for 25c:
plums, 15c a quart; peacbe, 20 to 25c per quar-,,-ter,
Bauer. Eggs and Poultry.
Choice creamery butter, 30c. Qood country
butter. 25c Fancy pound rolls, 35c.
Tbe ruling retail price for eggs Is 25c
The range for dressed chickens is 90c to
125 per pair. Turkeys, 20c per pound. Spring
chickens, 50 to 75c per pair; ducks, 00 to SI 25
per pair.
Fish, In Season,
Following are the articles in this line on
tbe stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c pound; wBite flsb, 12c; her
ring, 4 pounds for 25c: Spanish mackerel, 30c
to 35c a pound: sea salmon, 40c a pound;
blue fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c; halibut, 2oc;
rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c;
lobsters, 25c; green sea turtle, 28c; mackerel,
20e small 40c large Ovsters: N. Y. connta.
I 75 per gallon; clams. tl 25 per gallon; scol
lops 50c a quart: frogs. $2 00 to t2 00 per dozen;
sott shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, b5c
per dozen.
La France roses, SI 001 50 per dozen; Bride
roses, SI 00 per dozen; Perles, Jl 00 per dozen;
Kiphetos, Jl 00 per dozen; Bennetts, $1 00
per dozen: American Beauty, 25c apiece; Mer
mets, 11 00 per dozen; carnations, 3oc a dozen;
Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda
Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen; Jacqueminot
roses. 75c to SI 50 a dozen; peonies, II OUa nozen;
moss roses, 11 00 a dozen; Jnne roses, SI 00 a
dozen, forgetmenots. 25c a dozen; water lilies,
50c a dozen.
6cotcb rig; Higher and Bessemer Holding
Strong and Active.
London, August 15.
Scotch Pig Active market and prices have
been generally advanced.
No. IColtncss 69s. Bd. f. o. b. Glasgow
io. i aummeriee on. va. 1.0.0. uiasgow
No. 1 Garteherrie ...
No. 1 Langloan
No. 1 Carnbroe
...06s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow
...57s. 9d. f. o. b. Glasgow
....50s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
.57s. 50. f. o. b. Ulascrow
No. 1 Shotts..
o. 1 uiengarnocK 01s. oa. aiAiarossan.
So. 1 Dalmellington ...49s. Sd. at Ardrossan.
No. 1 Eglinton 47s. 6d. at Ardrossan.
iiesscmcr Pig Prices holding strontr and
trade active, west Coast brands quoted at 54s
Cd. for Nos. 1, 2. 3, f. o. b. shipping point.
Middlesbrough Pig This market is active,
with prices strong. Good brands quoted at
43s. 9d. for No. 3. t o. b.
Spiegeleisen A firm market and business
good. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s. Od. f.
o. b. at works.
Steel Wire Bods Market Is barely steady,
trade moderate. Mild steel. No. 0, quoted at
6 15s. Od. f. o. b. shipping port.
Steel Kails Market firm with the demand
increasing. Standard sectionsqnoted at 4 17s.
Cd. f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Blooms Fair demand and market firm.
Bessemer 7x7 quoted 14 7s. GO. f. o. b. ship
ping point.
Steel Billets Firm market and demand
good. Bessemer (size 2x2$) quoted at 4
12s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point.
bteel Slabs This market holds steady on a
moderate demand. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4
15s. Od. f. o. b. shipping point.
crop Ends Steady market and trade cood
Run of tbe mill quoted at 2 15s. Od. f. o. b.
shipping point.
Old Kails Trade is in a fair condition and
tbe market holds steady Tees quoted at 3
and 'double heads at 3 10s. Od. c L f.
New York.
bcrap Iron Market steady and trade fairly
active. He avy wrought quoted at 2 6s. Od.
f. o. b. suJrping points.
Manufactured Iron This market continues
active with prices strong.
Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 16s Od
' common bars 0 0s 0d 7 2s Gd
" blk. sheet singles 0 0s 0d 815s Od
Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales... 6 1Us6d 0 OsOd
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York.
4s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10a. 0d.
Metal Market.
. Nkw York Copper strong bnt dull; .Lake,
S12 00. Lead firmer but Quiet: domestic
S3 XH. Tin brisker and steady at the decline, 1
Londok Pig tin Active market, with
prices somewhat irregnlar; straits. 81 6s 6d for
spot; futures (3 xnontbB), 82 0 Od. Copper
This market is irregular bnt trade is active;
Chili bars are now quoted at 43 6s for spot,
42 5d for future delivery; best selected. Eng
lish, 4$ 0s. Lead Steadier market, with busi
ness on tbe increase; Spanish quoted at 12
10s Od. Spelter Market continues firm, with,
good business; ordinary Sileslan quoted at
21 0s Od. Tin plate Tbe market holds
firm on a good demand,
A Birnnge Chick.
Last month quite a fine brood of chickens
-was batched on Fireman J. S. Allen's prem
ises, on tbe Sonthiide. One chicle is phe
nomenally large, and its wings grow upside
down, or layover its Dace intie&a 01 on xne
Wheat Weak at the Opening, but Works
Up nnd Closes Wllb n Advance on
Bullish Cables Oats Feature
less Corn" 'and Pork
Chicago The wheat market was character
ized by fair activity to-day. and during
tbo last bait of the session quite a large
volnme of business was. transacted. It was
chiefly local, however, and of the. customary
scalping sort witnessed for (Some time past.
Early cables reported American wheat as
tending down, which Bet the price i lower
here, and for an hour or so after the opening
the undertone was one of weakness.
The dry, clear weather in the West with indi
cations of higher temperature -and larger re
ceipts and better grading.of the same man
expected (SI per cent contract) also helped to
depress the early market By slow degrees
prices began to stiffen, and as the session ad
vanced tbey worked up by eighths, until a gain
was made over yesterdayjs closing of ilc
A prominent local operator purchased freely
of both September and December, but un
loaded considerable ot tbe latter on the crowd
at Hc profit to himself without perceptibly
weakening the market. ,
Toward the close tbe temper became quite
bullish, as private cables noted an advance In
spot wheat at Liverpool Df Id., and the public
ones qnoted future's at a little higher. Decem
ber moved up to 78c, and at the close was
'quoted at 78c,anet gain for the day of c
September made a gain of Ic. and seller tne
month of Kc Guessing on the next visible
supplv report is for an increase of between 500,
000 and 760,000 bushels. , .
A moderate degree of activity was manifested
in corn, and the feeling developed was steady.
The influences on tbe market were largely local,
the operations of a large-holder wbo purchased
considerable August and September having a
strengthening Influence The market opened
at yesterday's closing prices, was easy for a
time, but soon became firmer and advanced
C eased off a little and closed about the same
as on yesterday.
Oats were without feature.
Rather an active business was transacted in
mess pork at Irregular prices. Early sales were
made at 57Kc advance, but a weaker feeling
was developed, and prices receded 1517c
Toward tbe close the market was stronger
again and prices rallied 1215c, but receded
again 67c and closed steady.
Tbe market for lard attracted less attention,
and trading was lighter. The feeling was
stronger and prices ruled 57Kc higher, and
extreme figures were folly supported.
The market for short ribs ruled steadier, with
only a fair business transacted. Prices ruled
fully 2K5c higher and closed steady.
The leading futures rangea as follows:
Cork No. 2. September.
35Kc; October, 35U35J35
c; Decern
oer. zi?aaMyMZi.i(SMifc.
Oats No. 2, September. 2020X20-X
20J$c: October. 220Jc: December, 2121c
MESS Fore, per bbl. September. 9 80
.9 829 659 72K: October. S9 659 7069 SIX
9 8: January. S9 50(29 6539 609 00.
Lard, per 100 lbs. September. 56 156 22
6 156 22k; October, S6 106 15g6 10fl -15;
January. S3 87K5 92KS5 85Q5 92&
Short Bibs, per luo lbs. September, So 12
5 17K5 1?K5 17X: October. $5 105 20
5 1035 20: January. S4 S2Hs 8501 S2K4 85.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
firm and unchanged. .No. 2 spring wheat,
78c; No. 3 spring wheat, 70c; No. 2
red. 78c No. 2 corn. S5Vc No. 2 oats,
20Kc No. 2 rye. 42V13c No. 2 barley. 65c
No. 1 flaxseed. SI 22; prime timothy seed. 48c
for new. Mess pork, per barrel, S9 709 75.
Lard, per JOO pounds, Sfl 20B 25. Short rib
sides (loose), SS 155 2a Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), S4 87K5 00. Short clear sides
(boxed). S5 62&5 75. Sugars unchanged. Re
ceiptsFlour, 11.000 barrels; wheat, 74.000
bushels: corn. 2tS,000 bnshels; oats, 235,000
bushels; rye, 10.000 bushels: barley, 1.000 bush
els. Shipments Flour, 4,0)0 barrels: wheat,
72,000 busheIs:corn. 234,000 bushels: oats, 139,000
bushels; rye. none; barley, 1,000 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exohange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs,14c
New York Flour less active, weak and un
changed. Wheat Spot quiet and stronger: op
tions less active, H&Kc higher and firm. Rye
western scarce and higher. SlSl)ic Barley
malt dull; Canada 90cSl 05 for old and new.
Corn Spot aull and easier; options quiet and
stronger. Oats Spot fairly active: mixed
steady; white unsettled and heavy; options dull
and steady. Hay strong, fairly active. Coffee
Options opened steady and unchanged to 6
points down, closed steady 1520 points down;
sales. 33.000 bags, including September,
15.2515.45c: . October, 15.2516.30c; No
vember, 153015.50c: December, 15.S5
1550: January, 153o15.50; Februarr,
1560c; spot Bio a shade exaieriajid quiet: fair
cargoes, lSKc 8ugaV ftaW steady and in
moderate demand; sales 4,G00bags centrifugals,
96 test, 7c; molasses sugar, 87 test, 5c: refined
Arm and In fair demand. Molasses Foreign
nominal; New Orleans quiet. Rye quiet and
steady. Cottonseed oil quiet and steady. Tal
low steady. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpen
tine quiet and easier at 43K&?ic Ecgs in
good demand and flrmjwestern. 16Ji17c; re
ceipts. 3.2S0 packages. Pork steady. Cutmeats
dull; sales of smoked shoulders at 6c Lard
Options 4S6 points higher, less active and firm;
western steam, S6 60: sales, September, $5 55
6 57: October, S6 50; November, closing, S6 32:
December and January, S8 32. Butter Ex
tras firmer; others easy; western dairy, 912c;
do creamery, ll17c; do factory, 812Kc
Cheese in fair demand and firmer; western. 6
Philadelphia Flour In light demand and
the general market weak. Wheat ODened a
shade lower, bnt the advance In Chicago pre
vented any pressure to realize ana the market
subsequently ruled steady, though dull; No. 2
red, in export elevator, 70c; No. 2 red. in do,
77c: No. 2 red. in do, 83Kc; No. 2 red, August,
83K83Kc; September. 82Ji834c: October. 83Ji
6tHc; November. 848JKc Corn Option
market dull; carlots steady-bat demand light;
ungraded mixed in Twentieth street elevator,
44c: Na 2 high mixed, In grain depot, 45c;
No. 2 mixed, August, 4J43Uc; September. 43
43c: October, 4344c; November, 4414Wc
Oats Carlots quiet but steady; old No. 2 mixed,
28c; new No. 3'whlte. 29c; new No. 2 wnite.
Zliic; old do, S2K32Kc; futures dull: No. 2
white, August, 30c; September, 29K30Kc:
October. 3(M305ic; November, 30J3lic
Eggs firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 17c Batter
dull and irregular; Pennsylvania prints, extra,
St. Louis Wheat There was a steady ad
vance and tbe market closed firm with Decem
ber c and May c above yesterday;No. 2 red,
cash, 75c; August, 74U75c closed at 75Jc
bid; September. 74!75ic closed at 75Hc;
December, 76J77)i:c closed at 77Kc; vear,
74c, closed At 75o nominal; May, 81S82c,
closed at 82c bid. Corn stronger; No. 2 mixed,
cash, 33c asked; August, 33c; September, 32
32c closed at 32c asked: October. 32Jic;
December, 31Jc, closed at31$c bid; year, Sljjc
Oats steady; No. 2 cash, l!19lic: Septem
ber. 19Xc; August, 19c bid; Ma v. 23Ji023jc
Rye quiet; No. 2. cash. 28c bid. Flaxseed firm:
cash, tl 20; September, SI 19.
CIHCIKNATI Flour barely steady. Wheat
firmer: No. 2 red. 76X77c; receipts. 21,000
bushels; shipments, 14,500 bushels. Corn in
fair demand and steady; No. 2 mixed. 3S3Sic
Oats easier: No. 2 mixed, 20Ke21c; old,
23c Rye dull; No. 2, 43c Pork quiet at
S10 S7K. Lard quiet t 6.t Bulkmeats ne
glected; short rib. Si 60. : Bacon steady; short
clear, S6 62. Butter strong. Sugar quiet.
Eggs strong at 1313Kc, loss offT Cheese firm.
Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm;
cash and September, 76Vc Corn quiet: No.
3. 3639c Oats quiet: TJo. 5 white. 2425c
Barley quiet: No. 2 September, 68Jc Rye
steady: No. 1. 43c Provision,!, easy.
Baltimore Provisions dnll. Butter West
ern packed very firm at 11613c: medium ne
Iected; creamery in demand it 1617c Eggs
rm; fresh, 15c
Toledo Cloverseed steady and active; Octo
ber, $4 32; November. SI 37,
Wool OInrkets.
St. Louis Receipts; 6,457 pounds; market
quiet but steady.
New York Wool quiet and about steady.
Boston There was a moderate trade in all
kinds of wool. Tbe sales of the week were
only 1,409.000 pounds. The-market was un.
settled and prices were easier. Michigan X
fleeces sold to some extent at ZPA&SOc. and
onlv small lots of very choice quality
would bring any more. Ohio -and Penn
sylvania fleeces were also easy, with sales of
Xat32033c,XXat34cand'XX and above at
35c No. 1 clothing wools were searco and firm
and sold at 3c Nothing' was done in No. 1
combing wools and .prices were nominally
qnoted at 39310c Michigan fine delaine bas
sold as low as.33c and, up to 34c, and Ohio fine
delaine at 86c Territory wools were in iair de
mand, with sales of choice Montana at 2425c
and Utah and Wyoming at 1823c, as to qual
ity. California, Oregon and Texas wool was
quiet. Pulled wools were In fair demand at
2oQ28c for extra and l339c for super. For
eign wools wero uiiu uiiKJuitH.
A Satisfactory Job.
The County Commissioners will take the
new county buildings' off the bands of Nor
cross Bros., the contractors, next month.
After that the contractors will be relieved
of all responsibility, and the repairs must
be maintained by the cofintv. The building
has given perfect satisfaction and with the
exception of a few ieet of raised tile and a
piece of (lightly discolored ceiling on the
third floor is in aigood condition as when
dedicated a year ago. t
row Dispatch of Ruxstll Harriton't atceni
of the Eiffel Tower at farti.
whkat JXO. z, September. 70
;;: uecemoer. vji(aroiMS(.jiesB4c: y
76S77K7Ri77ic:May. Sas2J!!te82
More Light on the Project for Build
ing Fire Hundred Houses.
Contracts Being Drawn Up and Other Pre
liminary Arrangements Made.
It was mentioned in The Dispatch yes
terday that negotiations were on foot which
might result in the building of 500 houses
on a new plan of lota just opened. Fuller
information was obtained yesterday evening
in regard to this great enterprise, which
justifies the statement that It is a go. The
ground is at no great distance from the
Fifth avenue market house and is within
pistol-shot of the cable cars.
It recently passed into the possession of
two or three well-known gentlemen, who
appreciated its central location and the
rapid growth of that part of the city. Upon
this ground the purchasers contemplated
the erection of at least 600 houses to satisfy
a long-felt want for modern low-priced
apartments. The houses will be built so
that they can be rented in suites of from
three to eight rooms, each suit having all
tbe modern conveniences. They will be of
brick, with stone trimmings, and three stones
In the improvement of tbe ground the Cleve
land idea will be followed to seme extent.
Streets and pavements will be wide, with
small parks between tbe streets and sidewalks,
containing grass, shrubbery and trees. It Is
the Intention of the promoters of the enter
prise to make this place one of the finest resi
dence sections of tbe city. Contracts for the
buildings are being drawn up.
It has been stated tbat the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company contemplated a large In
crease of Its works at Altoona. According to
reliable information this will include boiler,
machine and blacksmith shops, boiler houses,
electric and hydraulic bouses, office and store
house, paint shop and paint storehouses. The
works will be large enough to employ be
tween 600 and 1,000 men, and the different
shops will be so arranged that at any time they
can be enlarged. These new works are to be
used only for the making ot locomotives, and
all the repairing will bo done at the old shops.
The capacity ot tbe new works at first will be
150 locomotives per year, and will be capable
of being extended to 600.
It Is also contemplated to erect another and
larger foundry. All flanging, sheanng ma
chines, hydraulic presses and cranes for lifting
will be of the latest designs, and where steam
is cow used hydraulic presses will be the mo
tive power. These buildings will bo only one
story high, except the machine shop and the
office and storehouse, which will be two-stories.
Tbe ground will be about 2,200 feet by 780 feet.
An offices of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany states that tbe company intended to
build a number of first-class locomotives es
pecially of a new design. An order for 17 loco
motives of class "P" pattern bas been received.
The boilers will be of 7-15-lnch steel plates,
which is larger than any ever before used. The
steam pressure will be 160 pounds to the square
inch, and If necessary it can be Increased to 18a
These new locomotives are for the United
Railroads of New Jersey, but It is presumed a
number of them will be used on the Atlantic
The mortgage business has been rather slack
this week, both in the number placed and the
amount of money represented. Still, the total
makes a very good showing for the time of
year when many of the capitalists are away
from the city. Only 17 were officially noted
yesterday, the most Important being one for
S1E0.000. placed with the Fidelity Title and
Trust Company, as trustee, by the Second Ave
nue Passenger Railway Company, as security
for bonds of an equal amount, the money to
be used in completing the road. The others
ranged in amounts from (400 to $3,000.
The Standard Oil Company has not given up
tbe idea of refining Lima OIL Through Ritchie
Mitchell the company bas been hiring boiler
makers, riveters, still builders, etc, in Titus
villeand vicinity the past few days. Several
bundred are wanted and workmen are scarce
These men are sent to Fielding, Ind., 50 miles
from Chicago, to begin the construction of a
'mammoth refinery, where several new proces
ses will be tried. In tbe mean time the mon
opoly will keep an eye on the exchanges so as
not to allow the stuff to get away from them.
Stock Dnll nnd Generally Unchanged West
Virginia Still Cilmblnc.
Nothing in the way of business was done at
the forenoon stock call yesterday. In the af
ternoon there was a sale of 12 shares of Electric
at 62. There were no particular changes in
quotations except in natural gas of West Vir
ginia, which continued its upward movement,
reaching 77 bid and 85 asked. The flurry in
this stock is based on the opening up of what is
claimed to be new and valuable territory. Bids
and offers were:
Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
P. P., 8. ft M. EX 4SJ 475
Allegheny Nat. Dk.. E2
Citizens Nat. Bans.... 63
Exchange N. Bank.... SI
Farmers P. .Nat. B'k. 400
Fifth Avenue Bank.. . 44 M
IronClty National B'k
Iron and Glass D. 8's. Ill
Keystone Bank. Pitts. OH
Mer.andMan.Nat.Bk. Rl
Peoples' Nat. Bank.... 150
Safe Deposit lo 61
Third Nat. Bank IBS
Briiljcewater Gas 40
Chartlers Val. Gas Co. .... si
Nat.GasCo.oftV.Va. 74 76 77 85
Ohio Valley Gas. ,. 25
People's Nat Gas .1. B0
P. N. G. &1. Co 17K 17 17J is
PennsvlvanlaGai Co.. 37 17H S7 XIX
heellnr Gas Co 30 31 30 31
Forest Oil Co 100 .... 100
Washington Oil Co.... 7iX 83 .... 05
CentralTraetlon. - SIX 32 SIM XI
Citizens' Traction 68 .... 6SK ....
IMtti. JtBlrralnrham 49
Pltttbarc Traction is
Pleasant Valley 199f 200M. -
Union Bridge 15M .... W ....
L Norli Mlnlnr Co... 1H H itf jk
Weitinghouse Electric 51 sr 82 53
U. 8. ASlg. Co SH .... 22
U. 8. ft 81. Co. prer. .... 55
Tbe total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 165.231 shares, including: Atchison,
19.720: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
4,120; Erie, 3,870; Louisville and Nashville. 6,215.
Missouri Pacific. 4,300: Northwestern, 3,97o;
Northern Pacific, preferred, 4,600; St. Paul, 15,
710; Union Pacific, 5,175.
Approach ot tho Fall Opening Stirring Up
the BunlnesS Community.
Local money matters are Improving getting
out of the rut swelling out and broadening.
The change for the better within the past few
days Is very noticeable. Said a banker yester
day: "We bave done considerable business to
day. There is a better demand for money than
there was a week ago. Rates are unchanged,
but tbcre Is less shading. Money is plenty but
tbero Is none to throw away. We are within
touching distance ot the fall opening. In two
or three weeks I look for business to be quite
lively." Checking was light, bnt other routine
lines were well up. The clearings were 1,692,
763 89, and the balances $310,187 54.
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 304 per cent, last loan 3k, closed at 8W
4. Prime mercantile paper, 6f. Bterling
exchange dull but fairly steady at H &i for
60-day bills and 14 87 for demand.
Closing; Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4s,reg 8
If. K.lt.aun 12S
M.K. ft T. Gen. a . SV
Mutual Union Ss... .10214
N. J.C. Int. Cert.. .113
Northern Pac. Ists..tl6k
Northern Pac. 2ds..U6
North wtn consols. U7
U. 8. 4Hs, rcg V10V
D. 8. 4HS. eonp.... 10
Paclflc6sor'5 lis
T.nnlilfttiftit&mned(s 89
Missouri 6s 1003
Northw'n deben's..H4W
Oregon ft Trans. 6s.l05ij
St. Jj. A 1. 11. Uen.Sa S5U
Tenn. new set. 6s. ...ids
Tenn. new set. 5S....M2
Tenn. new set. 3s.... Kn
Canada 8o. tdi M,
den. 1'aetde.lits 115
St. UA8.F. Uen.Jl.ltS
ou rani consols ....176)4
8t.PL Chi A ! lsts.117
Den. A K. U., lsts...JX
Tx., PcUG.Tr Ks.Sl
Tx.,PcK.G.Tr.Kcts X
Dtn. ft B. . u
D.ftB. G. West, lltl. 10
Erie, lit..... 104Ji
M.JLftT.Gen. s.. 64
wuiuu nc. ins. Jit
west snore msh
The bond offerings received at the Treasury
yesterday consisted of $10,000 of registered 1
per cents at 128. Government and State bonds
are sail ana steaay.
New Tore Clearings, H0L267.ttB: bajaaess.
t.ww -
ll.ws,io. uoney at a per cent.
learings, 12,363,639; balances.
PHn.ADHJHlA Clearings, 110,587,434:
ances. 91, 100,010.
London Tbe amount of bullion gone
into the Banc of England on balance to-day is
13.000. ' .
Paris Three per cent rentes, SSf 27Kc for the
account. The weekly statement ot the Bank
of France shows an Increase of 37,443,000 francs
gold and 1,650.000 francs silver.
Chicago Money on call, 4?5 per cent;
tune loans, 67. Bank clearings, 10,722,0u0.
A Lively Oil Market With a Small Volume
of Easiness.
There was a dnll opening of the oil market
yesterday, and up to about 1 o'clock things
were as quiet as a church mouse. From that
time till the close, however, there was a lively
movement and considerable excitement,
changes being wide and frequent. A broker
said it was tbe most sensitive 'market be bad
ever seen.. An offer to buy a 2,000 barrel lot
put It up K a cent, and so It went for an hour
or two. Later on there was a break, caused by
selling In OH City, followed by a quick recov
ery. The market closed strong at almost tbe
highest point of the day. The fluctuations
wero too much on the lightning order to be
available to the scalpers. Trading was light.
Cash oil Was neglocted. Features follow.
Yesterday's Oil Range.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange"
Opened S7XLowet
Highest Mb Closed Mi
Average run iHfl
Average shipments , . "'?
Average charters. ..... ,NU
Refined, New Kerr. 7.10c.
Keanet1, London, sfcd.
Kenned, Antwerp. 18Kf.
.Kenned, Liverpool, 8Jd.
A.B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 97cto
08c; calls, f 1 OL
Other Oil Markets.
TrrusvixxE, August 16. National transit
certificates opened at 97ic; highest, 894c;
lowest, 96c; closed, 9914c
Bradford, August 16. National transit
certificates opened at 97lc; closed at 99c;
highest, 99c; lowest, 98Hc; clearances, 153,000
Oil. Crrr.August 16. National transit certifi
cates opened at 97c: highest, 90c; lowest,
96Kc; closed, 9c. Bales, 757,000 barrels;
clearances, 484,000 barrels; charters, i621 bar
rels; shipments, 81,771 barrels; runs, 62,771 bar
rels. New Yobk, August 16. Petroleum opened
steady at 96c, and after a slight decline in
the early trading became strong on recovering
of snorts and moved up steadily until tbe close,
which'was strong at, 9oc Total sales, 1,256,
000 barrels.
Real Estate Transactions Closed Dp Others
on the String.
E. D. Wlngenrotb, No. 100 Fourth avenue,
sold for Robert J. Forsyth, of Los Angeles,
Cat, two lots, 81x120 feet, on Alfred street,
Park place. Wilkinsburg, being lots Nos. 2 and
3 in the Forsyth plan, to Elizabeth Soerleln,
for $1,000 cash.
James W. Drape it Co. sold a honse and lot
on Walnut street, East End, lot 86tl37 feet,
for $2,630 cash; also a, house and lot In Alle
gheny, near Boyle and Hemlock streets, for
$3,000 cash. They also closed the sale ot two
lots in Wilkinsburg, 60x120 feet, for $2,100, and
placed two mortgages on Wilkinsburg property
of $1,500 at 6 per cent; also placed two mort
gages of $2,000 on property on Penn avenue at 6
per cent.
Samuel W. Black A Co.. 99 Fourth avenue,
E laced a mortgage for $600 on property in
halersiille. Thirty-fifth ward, for three years,
at 6 per cent.
George T. MoConnell sold for James Chad
wick to A. Yost, two lots, each 20x100, on Key
stone street, near Fortv-second street. Eigh
teenth ward, for f L166 7.
Black A Baid sold a lot for Galen C. Hart
man for $300 to Frank A. Smith, thejot being
No. 61 in Valley View Place, Nineteenth ward,
Pittsburg. Mr. Hartman Intends to erect for
Mr. Smith a dwelling on this lot, and take
monthly payments for tbe price of It
Reed B. Coyle 4 Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to H. C. Rnssell lot No. 75 In Marion Place
plan, for $400.
George S." Martin, 60S Liberty street, sola in
theMaplewood Park plan, Wilkinsburg, lot
No. 25, having a frontage of 40 feet on Coal
street by 120 feet to Washington lane, for $150.
W. E. Hamnett, of-404 Smlthfleld street and
Wilkinsburg, Pac, sold tbe following lots In
Wilklns' estate. Wilkinsburg: Plans Nos. 1
and 2, to Messrs. R. L. Thompson and T. H.
Bheppard.lots Nos. 65, 66. 67, 68 In plan No.2,and
lots Nos.39,'40. 11 and 42Jn plan No.Lfor a price
approximating $5,700; to Wm. Hess, lots Nos.
75 and 76 for $1,650, plan No. 2: to Elmer Z.
Peffer, lots Nos. 71 and 72. plan No. 2, for $1,550;
to Miss Barbara Ruthmond. lot No. 70, in plan
No. 2. for $775; to Daniel Wilklns, lot No. SO. In
plan Na 2, for $700; to Jos. A. Wilson, lot No.
83, plan No. 2, for $650; to Pat Linaugh, lots
Nos. 28 and 29, in plan No. 1, for $1,475.
a Basinets Notes.
Mb. Andrew Casteb, a hustler on the
Stock Exchange, Is recuperating at Chautau
qua. William Rosebebo, cashier of tbe Bank
ot Pittsburg, is on deck again after a brief va
cation. It was reported yesterday that the sale of the
Beeler property, in the East End, had been de
clared off. -
Or 35 railroads reporting earnings this week
five only reflected decreases, anil ttiose of an
unimportant character.
Henry Metzoab, of tbe Central District
and Printing Telegraph Company, has arrived
borne safe and sound from Europe.
The work of developing oil territory in the
northern end of the county Is well under way.
Tbe drill will be started on tbe Dickson farm.
In Pine township, in a few days.'
It Is estimated by Chamber? Journal there Is
now boarded in India gold to the amount of
$650,000,000 and $850,000,000 worth of silver,
making a total of $1,500,000,000, which repre
sents nearly one-third of the total coin circula
tion of the world.
Wall Street Makes a Little Sport of Actlv.
Ity The Entire List Moves Upward,
.. bnt the Gain Very Small
Railroad Bonds Lifeless.
New Yobk. August 16. The stock market
was a little more active to-day. especially in
tbe first and last hours, but between those
hours the dullness was equal to anything of
late. The bears seemed to have exhausted
themselves In a sharp drive at Atchison at tbe
opening, and after that time the market
showed strength in all its departments, though,
except In a few of the leading specialties, the
movements were on the same limited scale as
during the past week. It was noticed that the
bull loaders gave more support to their favorite
than yesterday, but there was lso some buying
for tbe foreigners, and a better attendance
upon the street indicated tbat more interest
was taken in the market.
Tbe Chicago speculators bought Chicago Gas
and took some of the Grangers, which were
more active and stronger. The features of the
day, however, wero tbe Cleveland, Col nm but,
Cincinnati and St. Louis common and Wabash
preferred, the former making a rapid rise of 2
Kercent. Atchison regained all of its early
ss, and like tbe remainder of the list closed
finally at Its highest point. The opening was
q,ulte irregular and generally only slight frac
tions different from last evening's closing
prices, with the declines somewhat tbe more
numerous, tbe only important changes being
the decline of c in Atchison and the advance
of Kc in Kansas and Texas.
Improvement began immediately, however,
and Atchison, taking the lead, rose 1 per cent,
followed by Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati
and St. Louis and Rock Island, while the up
ward movement spread to tbe eutire list,
though K per cent was the limit of the gains
made. Chicago Gas became a favorite toward
noon and crossed 6G. but the rest of tbe list be
came extremely dull and so remained until the
last hoar without feature or perceptible move
ment in either direction. Wabash preferred
then led tbe upward movement, and more ani
mation was shown all over the list. Tbe mar
ket finally closed dall.-but firm to strong, and
at the best prices ot the day.
Railroad bonds were still duller than usual
of late, the sales reaching only $693,000. Posi
tive stagnation marked tbe limited dealings
throughout the day, thetugh a few of the inact
ive bonds showed some wide fluctuations from
tbe last previous sales. Illinois Central 4s of
1951 rose 2. Grand Rapids and .Indianapolis
genera 5s lost 2, at 93; St. Louis and Cairo is,
2K, at 76X, and Toledo, Ann Arhor and Grand
Trunk Isu 2, at 111
The .following table snows tbe prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by
bers of New York stock Kxcnangc, 87 If ourt ave-
Am. Cotton on. .... H
Atcn.. Top. ft 8. r.... MH
Canada Southern.. SSX
Central orNew JerMy.llfV
Boston Clearings, -111,329,430;
I Clos-Low-
st7 Bids.
H K S9i
us ntji Us
' S6M 7M KM
-- J
oSSdorSewJiriiyaiwj iis iS2 'lis ilwsoui, patck, reeounM Jiii Bkers H 0Bi ; je nour, ouw uays. ana curesi id "fflf"t M
rchenDeake Ohio.... ' xu yM m I We rudden and tarveIotM growth of Bong 4 00. -. , . I , . J. JXKMINtl'S DRUGSTORE;
I i Jrn, cintii ' iS il iSr vu2 I rrru, Mrr,T-Kn.-M!ddllnM. fine white. tl3 fifl I IaS-2-TTSfln 112 Market street Tm
C. Mil. ft St. Paul.... 71V
C JUl.&St. P., pf....H2M
a, KockL ftP '
C St. L. ft Pitts t.
C., St. L. ft Pitts, pf.
C 8t. P..M. ftU 33X
C, St. P..M. ftO.. pf. ....
C. ft North western.. ..lmx
C.ft Northwestern, pr. .. .
a, c, o. ft lu: hh
C c, c. ft I., pf mi
Col. Coal a iron VH
Del., L. ft W 115
Del. ft Hudson 14S
E.T., Va. ft Ua.. ....... ....
K.T..VX ftUa.lst pf. ....
K. 1.. Va. ftOa. 2dpf. ....
Illinois Ontral. 1IDS
Lakejsrleft West. Dr.. U',i
Lake Shore AM. 8 10W
Loulsvllleft Nashville. ?0M
Michigan uentrai .. .
Mobile Ohio 13V
llo., Kan. ft Texas.... 12?
Missouri Paclnc 'IK
New fori Central 107
A. t.. L.E.AW 28K
N. I., a 4 St. ti
N. YftN. S U
A. V.. O. ft W ......... 17V
Norfolk Western.... 16
-Norfolk WeJtern.pi. MV
Northern Fcl He 2H
Nortnern Pacific nref. n't
Uhloft Mississippi..... HX
Oregon Transcon Uii
PacineMall 15
Peo. lite, ft Evans.
Phlladel. ft Heading.. UH
Pullman iai&i-a fl&r -
.Klchmona ft W. P. T.. 23V
st. f., Minn. AiIn..l01X
St. L. Sin fran
8t. L. ft San JTran pf.. K
M.iy. tjan Jf. 1M pf.. ...
Texas Pacific 21M
Union Paclnc , C2W
Wabasn -. 17
Western Union. S5J
Wh.-eling AL.2. 70M
Sugar Trust 107H
National Lead Trust.. 23
Chicago Gas Trust S9S
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth arenne. Members Now York Stock Ex
change. DM. Aske.
Pennsylvania BaUroad S3 S34
Reading 22M 22 7-18
BaSalo. rittstrarc and Western low
Lehigh Valley UW UK
Lehigh Navigation 3H SI
Northern Pacific T3H I9V
Northern Paclflo preferred 67 V4 SIX
Boilnn Stocks.
Atch.LandUrint, 7sl07X
Kntland preferred.,
Wis. Central, com..,
Wis. Central PC...
Aicn. atop. K. B... zzh
Boston ft Albany. ..217
Boston A Maine. ....202
C.B.&Q 1MV
Calamet A Beda....22S
uuo. Ban. a were 2
Eastern R. K. 6s ....125
Flint ft PereM. nrd. S3
K.CSt. J.ft C.B. 7S.12S
Little K. ft Jl. 8. 7S.102S
Mexican Cen. com.. ISM
Mex.C.Iatmtg.bds. 67S
N. Y. ANewJCng... Si
Old Uolonv. 17SH
Butland, com 4
rranMin. 9
Huron K
Osceola. 11
rewamc (new)...... 2
Qulney S4
Bell Telephone 231
Boston Land tX
Vt tiler Power 6
Tamarack 102!
San Diego 26
Miuins Stocks.
New Yobs. August 16. Asnen. 100; Belcher,
200; Caledonia B. H.. 310; Consolidated Cali
fornia and Virginia, 72S: Commonwealth, 245;
lleadwood Ter.. 140; Eureka Consolidated,
135: El Cristo. 100; Gould A Curry. 200; Hale
A Norcross, 293: Homestake, 9U0; Horn Silver,
115; Iron Silver, 190; Mexican, 315; Mutual, 140;
Ontario, 34.00; Ophlr. 435; Occidental, 185;
Plymouth, 400; Savage, 210; Sierra Nevada,
200; Standard, 100; Sullivan, 110; Union Con
solidated. 310; Ward Consolidated, 150; Yellow
Jacket, S00.
The Condition of Business at tho East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Friday, August 16, 1SS9. J
Cattle Receipts, 1,040 head; shipments,
1,000 head: market firm, nothing doing; no
cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hoas Receipts. 2,800 nead; shipments. 2,100
bead: market slow; best light Yorkers, $4 650
1 70; fair to medium. $1 60434 60; common, S4 20
4 30; 6 cars of hogs shipped to New York to
day. Sheep Receipts. 8,000 head: shipments, 2,800
head: market steady and 1015o lower than
yesterday's prices.
By Telegraph.
Nzw Yobk Beeves Receipts, 188 carloads
for exportation alive and dead, 69 carloads for
the market, and 62 carloads for home-trade
slaughterers direct; market weak and lower;
common to prime native steers sold at $3 60
1 70 per 100 pounds; Texas and Colorado do at
$3 403 80; bulls and dry cows at $1 6003 00.
Exports today, 1.570 steers. Calves Receipts,
600 head; quiet at $5 0008 60 per 100 pounds for
veals, $3 6064 50 for mixed lots, and $2003 00
for grassers and buttermilk. Sheep Receipts,
4,100 head; 'dull,' with a . downward tendency.
Sheep sold at SI 005 25 per 100 pounds; lambs
at 5 007 25. Hogs Receipts. 3.760 head;
nearly nominal for live hogs at $4 605 00 per
100 pounds.
Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts. 6,222 head;
shipments, 2.083 head; weak to 10c lower for
native beef steers;510c lower for Texasmatlye
cows weak; stockers and feeding steers weak
and 10c lower; good to choice pom-fed steers.
$1 001 20; common to medium. $3 00U3 75;
stockers and feeding steers $1 6033 00;
cows, $1 60Q2 60; grass range steers, $1 65
2 75. Hogs Receipts. 273 bead; shipments,
none; a shade stronger than yesterday's close;
good to choice light, $4 J6l 20; hiavy and
mixed, $3 701 10. Sheep Receipts, 11 head;
shipments, none; steady; medium to choice
muttons, $3 751 00; common to medium. $2 60
33 6tt
Chicago Cattle Receipts; 12,000 head:shlp
ments. 4,000 bead; market strong for fancy;
others lower; beeves, $1 60S 00; steers,
33' 201 10; stockers and feeders, $2 00
8 10: cows, bulls and mixed, $1 00
2 90: Texas cattle. $1 753 10; natives and
half breeds, $3 253 8a Hogs Receipts, 11,-
000 head; shipments. 5,000 head; marketstrong
and 6c higher; mixed, U 001 35; mixed. $3 80
1 15; light, ti 304 70: skips. $3 501 6a
Sheen Receipts. 4,000 head: shipments. 1,000
head: market strong; natives, $3 601 90:
Westerns, $3 601 05; Texans, $3 701 10;
lambs, $4 90 66 00.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 600 head: ship
ments, 3.400 bead: market steady; choice heavy
native steers, ti I0&i 45; fair to good do. $3 900
1 2U; stockers and feeders, $2 203 15; rangers.
$2 303 3a Hoes Receipts. 1,000 head:
shipments, 2,100 head: market steady; fair to
choice heavy, SI 001 25; packing, $1 001 30;
light grades, fair to best, $4 304 6a Sheep
Receipts, l,I0Uhead; shipments, 6,400 head; mar
ket strong; fair to choice, $3 4004 6a
Buffalo Cattle easier; receipts 103 car
loads through; 6 carloads for sale. Sheep Re
ceipts, 20 carloads through: 16 carloads for
sale: easier and unchanged. Hogs Receipts,
30 carload stbrough: 60 for sale; 1520c lower;
mediums. $1 201 60; mixed. $1 604 65; York
ers, grass to cornfed, 14 601 70; pigs. $1 70Q
1 75; roughs, $3 6003 85; stags, $3 2503 6a
Cincinnati Hogs weak; common and light,
S3 5004 60: packing and butchers, SI 1504 SU
Receipts, 790 head: shipments, 690 head.
A Palace of Corn nnd a Fair In the fttahon
Ids Taller.
Teslerday Secretary Pollansbec, of the
Chamber of Commerce, received a circular
invitation to the third annual festival of the
Sioux City, la., Corn Palace, which is to be
opened September 23. This palace is to be
grander than former ones. It will have a
frontage or 240 feet and a depth of 120 feet,
and will be three stories in height, with a
tower 200 ieet high immediately over it.
William Schmertz, President of the
Chamber of Commerce, received a letter
from John A. Logan, Jr., President of the
Mahoning and Shenango Valleys Fair As
sociation, inviting the CDamDer oi com
merce to the "fair which is to be held at
Youngstown, O.. Irom September 2 to Sep
tember 6, inclusive.
After tbe Ball
John A. Martin, yesterday, filed snits in
Common Pleas Court No. 1 against James
"W. Houston, J. P. Young, E. P. Hesser
and M. W-. "Wishart. The suits are to re
cover judgments for tbe amount of the bonds,
$600 in each case, given as security for the
appearance of Young, Hesser and Wishart
defore Alderman McNulty to answer the
charge brought by Martin ot acting as de
tectives withont a license. Houston was
the bondsman lor tbe three men. They
failed. to appear at the hearing last Tuesday
night, and the Aldermen then declared
their bail forfeited. The Court is now asked
to give judgment on tbe lorfeited bonds.
Getting- Ready to Dedicate.
A meeting of the Sixty-third Pennsylva
nia Volnnteer Association will be held in
the Mayor's office this evening to 'complete
arrangements lor tbe Pennsylvania Day
celebration at Gettysburg. To-night also
the surviving artillerists of Knapp's Bat
tery will meet in Union Veteran Legion
Hall to receive and forward applications for
transportation to the Gettysburg battlefield.
WEWW HTnVM fV nto-morrow,Drs-
UBilill HUMimOi.il PATCH.
Jersey Sweets Firm Peaches and
Cantaloups Abundant.
Big Eeceipls of CerealsOats Weak Corn
Finn Flour Slow.
Friday, August 18, 1SS9. J
Country Produce Jobbinc Prices.
The first Jersey sweet potatoes hare put in an
appearance wltbin a few days and are in active
demand. Watermelons are scarce and higher.
Peaches and cantaloups are plenty and weak.
Celery Is good stock. California f raits are abont
displaced by nearby fruit. Bartlett pears and
plnms from tbe Paclnc coast are about all that
is on tbe market from tbat quarter. A Liberty
street commission merchant reports receipt of
a carload of Concord grapes from Georgia, the
first consignment in this line direct to Pitts
burg. Butter is active and firm at the recent
advance. Eggs are ready sale in Chicago at 15c
and in New York at 17c per dozen. Any quota
tions of cboice eggs here under 16c are below
real values. Cheese is firm at quotations. A
leading Jobber of butter, eggs and cheese re
ports a splendid week's trade, with a difficulty
in meeting demands for choice creamery but
ter. Btjtteb Creamery, Elgin, 2:23c: Ohio do,
20c"; fresh dairy packed, lt)17c; country rolls,
Beans Navy hand-picked beans. $2 1062 60;
medium. $2 302 40.
Beeswax 2j30crl& for choice; low grade,
CiDRn Sand refined, $6 507 60; common,
$3 5004 00: crab cider, $8 OOQo 60 fl barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c V gallon.
'CHEESE Ohio, 8c; New York, 10c; Llm--burger,
809c: domestic Bweitzer, 8i12c;
Imported 8weltzer, 22Kc
California Fruits Bartlett pears, $3 00
3 60 1 boxr plnms. $1 752 00 a 4-basket case.
Eoos 1616c $1 dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples. Jl 602 00 V barrel; pine
apples. $1 001 25 fl dozen: whortleber
ries, 75c$l 00 V pall; watermelons, $15 00020 00
V hundred: Delaware peaches, $1 0001 25 v1
half-bnsbel basket.
Feathers Extra lire geese. 6060c; No. 1,
do, 40015c: mixed lots, 3033c V ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4015c?t
pair; old, 6370c $ pair.
8EEES Clover, choice, 62 lis to bushel, $5 60
p bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $8 00;
clover, Alslke, $S 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, cboice, 16 2s, $1 66; blue grass, extra
clean, 11 M, 00c; blue grass, fancy, 11 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 11 Its, $1 65; red top, 11 Sis, $1 25;
millet, 60 ftJ,:$l 00; German millet, 60 fts,
$1 60; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, $1 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 It bushel of
Taixow Country, IJc; city rendered,
Tropicai; Fruits Lemons, fancy. $5 503
6 60 box: Messina oranges, $6 0005 60 11 box;
rodi, $1 605 00: bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 25 good
seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, $1 0001 60 ft
hundred; new figs, 89c t ft; dates, 5060
Vegetables Potatoes, $1 2501 10 barrel;
tomatoes, home-grown, $1 2501 60 Tfl bushel;
wax beans, $1 t bushel; green beans, 60075c ft
bushel; cucumbers, borne-raised, $1 50ft bushel;
radishes, 25040c ft dozen; home-grown, cab
bages, 50c ft bushel; new celery, home-grown,
10c ft dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, $4 00
1 60, Jerseys, $5 0005 6C. .
Tbe drop in sugar has been arrested and
prices have steadied up a shade since last re
port. Coffees are unchanged but firm. Pack
ages are relatively lower than green coffee,
and, in the opinion of jobbers, should go up
Green Coitee Fancy Rio, 21X22Xc;
choice Rio. 1920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
18019c; old Government Java, 26c: Mara
caibo, 22023c; Mocha, 2702SC: Santos, 1922c;
Caracas. 20022c; peaberry, Rio, 2224c; La
Guayra, 21022c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
E2Xc; high grades, 2426Xc; old Government
Java, bulk. 3131&c; Maracalbo, 26027c;
Spices (whole) Cloves. 21025c: allsnice. 8c:
cassia, 8c: pepper, 18c; nntmeg, 70080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c; water
white. 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne,
llc:ro valine, j4a
hTBtrps Corn syrups, 2629c: choice snear
syrups, 33Q33cl prime sugar syrup. SO033O;
strictly prime. 33035c: new maple zyrnp. 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 13c: cboice, 16c; me
dium. 13c; mixed, 40042c
Boda Bicarb in Legs, 3lc; bl-carb in Ks,
5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft
set, 8r; paraffine. 11012c
RICE Head. Carolina, 77c; choice, tni
7c; prime, 6?i6Kc: Louisiana, 66Kc.
Stabch Pearl. Sc: cornstarch. 506c: eloss
starch, 607c
Foreion Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
$2 60; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
$1 85: Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,910c;
sultana, 8Kc: currants, 405c; Turkey prunes,
!$t5c; French prunes. 8K13c: Salonlca
prunes, in 2-& .packages, 8c; cocoanuts, ft 100.
$6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled. 10c: walnuts, nap.. 12015c; Sicily
Alberts, 12c: Smyrna flgs,. 12016c: new dates,
5i6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron,
per ft. 21022c; lemon peel, ft ft, 13014c; orange
peel, 12kc-
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c
apples, evaporated. (6Xc: apricots, Calif or
nla, evaporated, 120l5c: peacbes,;eraporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 21022c;
cherries, unfitted, 506c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2124Xc; blackberries, 7J0Sc; huckle
berries, 10012c
bUOABS Cubes, Be; powdered. 9c: granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; standard
A. 8Kc; soft whites. 88c: yellow, choice,
TJic; yellow, good, 7K8c; yellow, fair, 7Jc;
yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), U 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), &2 75.
Salt-No. L ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbl, $1 05,
dairy, ft bbl. $1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl. $1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 1-bu sacks, $2 80, HIggins'
Eureka, 16-11 & pockets, $3 00,
Canned Goods Standard peaches $1 600
1 90: 2ds $1 8001 35; extra peaches. $1 9002 00;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $101 60; Hid. Co.
com, 70090c: red cherries, 90c$l; Lima beans,
$1 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75085c; mar
rowfat peas. $1 1001 15: soaked peas. 70075c;,
pineapples, $1 40051 60; Bahama do, $275, dam
son plums, 95c: greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, $2 60; do gruengages, $2; do,
egg plums, $2; extra wblte cherries. $2 90: red
cherries. 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, $1 4001 60:
strawberries. $1 10; gooseberries, fl 3001 40;
tomatoes, 82k92c; salmon, 1-ft, 7502 10;
blackberries, btlc: succotash, 2-ftcane, soaked,
99c;' do green, 2 fts, $1 2501 60;'corn beef. 2-ft
cans. $2 05;14-ft cans, $11 00; baked beans. $1 45
0160; lobster. 1-ft, $1760180; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled. $1 60: sardines, domestic Vis,
ti 5001 60; sardines, domestic Ks. :$3 25 SO;
sardines, imported. , $11 60012 50, sardines,
imported, s. $18; sardines, mustard, ti 50; sar
dines, spiced. $1 60.
Fish Extra Na 1 bloater mackerel, $36 fl
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. $10; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra Na 1 do, messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4ic ft ft: do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K67KC Herring
&- - U W V "Uli Bllk. W, lKC,
alf bbl. White flsb. $7 00 fl 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 ft half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13a
ft lb. Pickerel, Tk barrel, $2 00; i barrel, $1 10:
Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, 52 50 ft X
Oatmeal $6 3006 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil Na 1 winter strained, 65057c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 31 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 1 car of oats. 3 of wheat, 3 of
flour. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis,
3 cars ot bay. 6 of oats, 2 ot corn. By Pittsburg
and Lake Erie, 1 cars of flour, lot rye, 1 of feed.
By Pittsburg and Western, 6 cars of corn, 1 of
flour. Sales on call. 1 car mixed oats. 23c spot,
B, 4 O.; 1 car sample corn, 42C spot, Pennsyl
vania lines; 1 car sample screenings. $6 75,
Pennsylvania lines. There Is very little hay
coming to market. Oats are still weak, with
situation in borers' favor, a fact accounted for
by liberal receipts. Corn continues firm. Flour
moves slowly. Northwestern millers are re
luctant to accept the Inevitable, but tbe firm
driff is plainly toward a lower level.
Wheat Jobbing prices New Na 2 red,
81082c: No. 2 red. old, SS2S9C
Corn Na 2 yellow, ear, 45046c; high mixed
ear, 4444c; 'No. 2 yellow, shelled; 42043c;
high mixed, shelled. 11042c: mixed,snelled,
Oats Na 2 white. 27K2Sc; extra Na 8,
27f27Kc! mixed. 23021c
Rte Na 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60051c;
Na 1 Western. 9j50ci new rye Na 3 Ohio,
fLOU -Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, so ousjo w, winter straignt,
M75jl5 09r dear winter. $4 698175; straight
xwx. nakers-, h ww ; ye nour, n
1500 ft ton; brown middlings, SU 50&1200; win
ter wheat bran, $11 00011 25; chop feed, $15 50d
HAT-Baled timothy, choice. $11 60014 75;
Naldo, $126001300; No. 2 do. $110001200;
loose from wagon, $15 0017 00; new hay crop,
$10 00011 00, according to quality: No. 1 up
land prairie. $9 0009 60; Na 2, 17 5008 00; pack
ing do, $6 7507 00.
Stbaw Oats, $6 60; wheat and rye straw
15 60fl 00.
Sugar-cured bams, large, llHe; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c sugar-cure hams, small,
12Xc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Ko;sngar
cored shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
sboulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar
cured dried beef sets,-. lOKc, sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12c; bacon sboulders. 6Jic; bacon
clear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8Kc; dry
salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c
Mess pork, heavy, $13 00; mess pork, family,
$13 60. Lard-Refined in tierces. 6KC: half
barrels. 6-Kc; 60-ft tubs, 6c: 20-ft palls, 7c: 60-1
tin cans, 6kc: 3-ft tin pails: 7c; 5-ft tin palls,
7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin palls. 7c; 10-ft
tin pails. 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large,
6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 60; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Ca furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to '559
tt3,5Kc:5S0to650fts,6c: 650 to 750 &s,6Vc
Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 10c ft ft. Hogs, 634c
Fresh pork loins, 8Kc
The William Bonner Was Burned at Rash
Rao Yesterday.
The "William Bonner was burned to tha
water's edge at Bush run, a few miles be
low Wellsburg, yesterday morning. No
particulars of the bnrning had been re
ceived last evening at tbe owner's office.
The boat was valued at 10,000, and was
owned bv James Gilmore, the Bonner estate:
and W. C. & A. Jutte. The latter held a
half Interest, the others a quarter each.
At tbe Jutte office the clerK did not Know
whether their interest was insured or not.
The others held no insurance.
All Was Forgiven.
Yesterday a marriage license was granted
io Susan Smith and John Lercb,"""Two
weeks ago Lerch had a hearing before
Magistrate Brokawon a charge of disorderly
conduct preferred by Miss Smith. The evi
dence was tbat be had cut her in the thigh.
When the Magistrate fined him $2S and
costs on the disorderly charge the money
was paid by the girl.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week is
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
'and see us.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a 'General Banking Business.
A nurelv Vegetable
1 Compound that exnels
Ball bad humors from the
system. Removes bio tch-
"es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood. I
are; tateua luhtaa
d stlng-bisl Biawtal
Zmtl wvrse mj
crmiejiuo jr al
lowed to eoBtlnac
I ITCHING PILES.ard.'.ibii;
tnmors form aad
VcMsiln very wre. SWATME'S OI.NT.
MEMT tap the itehlac aad bleedlan keaU
f s aleeratlon,and!amMteaaeareaBOTeuetD.
mors. SwsriiBsOiamirrlssoklb7dra(slsts,Tmslledsi
aaj addru on receipt ef price, M ets. a bex; S boxes, SL2S.
addrtu teuers, EK. SWATHI k SOX, nnsdelpUa, T.
m Bssfl you want to know what you ought to
I & know, send for special circular relative
apromptand permanent cure for Nervous
Debility, Weakness, etc. Price $1 per box.
WINCHESTER fc CO., Chemists.
mv30-21-TTSWk 162 Willi am Street. N. Y
vxthitney t stephenson,
7 fourth avenue.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drezel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured,
ap28-l .
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg capers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDXni IO and mental diseases, physical
IN t n V U U O decay.nervous debUity. lack of
energy, ambition and hone, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrnstjbashf nlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, tailing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for buslness-soclety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling balr, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb,tbroat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
II DIM A DV kidney and bladder aerange
U M 1 1 1 n n 1 1 ments. weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painfnl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttlers life-Iorg, extensive expert-'
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 p. M. Sun
day, 10 A. Jt. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
81vPenn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake.
H. R. C. P. 8 is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
strlctlv confidentiaL Office
nutni and 7 to 8 P. If.: Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
M. Consult them personally, or write. DOCTORS
Lake. 908 Penn ave, Pittsburg, Pa.
le!2-15-DWk .
303a's Cottoai EOOti
. jmJ HntrAn Tlnnf ToflffV tlTwf
Pctuiyroyal & recent dlsooTerr or a
'nlH ntmlplnn. Tm UCaxfvH.U UBtd
O.lTn taAn1 MMl 1 hv Tnltlf-
-j .Jl.. -. JnMl tnm sfVu-iV'sst
Cotton Root Compound and take no sabstltote,
or InoIOM 8 stamps for sealed partlonlaps. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Ptoher
Block, 131 Woodward are-Detroit, MIch.
a rosmvic cukb
For LOST or Palllnjr
SIA Jl HOOU, il ervons-
ness, weasne
ess, Weakness o(
irth. Ybror and De
Body It Mind, Lack of Sirens
velopment, canted bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book.
Modi of Suj-TBiUTMixr. and Froofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address ICltlE MEDICAL CO..
Bunalo. N. T. deS5-SJ-TTSwk
Blood Purifier.
l For menl Checks the worst cases in urea u
aiaifafiifeia -wm ifmssiiftiirf-' ' -via