E? 7TT . " 'rovat Tjr'mm''!,r' ("v Wa ' THE JTTTSBUKG DISPATCH, HHDAT, - ATGUST 16, . 1889 . - ' '" . r PICNICS ARE PLENTY. friends and Enemies of Dr. Cronin in tho Chicago Cian-na-Gacl HOLD E1YAL DEMONSTRATIONS. The Famous Murder Tery Vigorously De nounced by the Former. SOME BATIIUU TORRID RESOLUTIONS Tho Other Section of the OreaniiaUon Also Does Bene Till Talkinf. Two Clan-na-Gael picnics were held at Chicago yesterday. One was under the con trol of the friends of the murdered Dr. Cronin und the other was in the hands of the opposition. Each demonstration adopted a Tery lively series of resolutions. Chicago, August 15. This was the day set for the annual Clan-na-Gael demonstra tion and picnic, but instead of one there were two gatherings. The friends of the late Dr. Cronin met at Cheltenham Beach in large numbers. Addresses were delivered during the afternoon and evening by Congressman Koran, of Cleveland; Hon. M. J. Kyan, of Philadelphia; Congressman Lawler, of Chi cago; John Devoy, of Ifew York; Thomas P. Tuite, of Detroit, and others. A long statement, accompanying a pre amble and resolutions, was read and adopted. It recognizes fealty to this nation as the first and highest obligation, and next thereafter pledges support to the cause of Irish'lioerty, to be secured under the leadership of Par nell and Gladstone. The preamble and resolutions are as follows: KINGING RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, In the midst of the universally conseded tribute to the Irish people. Justly earned by devotion to the principles of liberty and civilization, when Ireland's children, led by her patriotic and astute statesman, Charles Stewart Parnell, were on tne eve of breaking down the barriers of English prejudice; when the world had to make Ireland's cause her own; when fossilized bicotry and selfish inter cst&cnly stood in the way of Irish progress, cold-blooded and cruel assassinations dropped their double distilled poison into Ireland's chal.ee; and, Whereas, In order to indelibly stain the reputation of our race, those conspirators and assassins did resort to the infamous calumny of charting our murdered fellow citizen with being a British sny, therefore, be it Resolved. That we denounce with all the force of indignant language our utter abhor rence of assassination murder, and the moral assassination resorted to by the murderers of Dr. Cronin, to cover up the EMBEZZLEMENT Or MONEY and the betrayal of a people whoso devotion to the cause of liber'y too often makes them the victims of designing knaves. Resolved, That knowing Dr. R. H. Cronin to have been a patriotic high-minded, pure Chris tian goatleman, utterly incapable of playing the roll of sycophant or falsely living the life of a spy, we brand as the most malicious libel and moral assassination the lntamous report that be was an agent of England. On the con trary, knowing him to have been a devoted de fender of honesty and truth, we hereby declare it to be our solemn conviction that for bis faith ful adherence to the Irish cause, honesty and truth, he was foully murdered to prevent the exposuro of the actual criminals, who have dragged down that cause in blood and tears into the dust of our Gethsemane. Resolved, That the crime of his most atro cious murder calls for all the energies of our civilization for the speedy and extreme pun ishment of the law, and we pledge our abiding support to the public authorities until every guilty man shall have answered to the law for his participation in the most devilish murder which has reddened the annals of crime. We deem it our duty to express our BEGBET AND CHAGRIN that a few prominent Irishmen In this country and across tho water should have taken the foolish position that Dr. Cronin'a mnrder was the work of England's agents, and that the suspicions and accnsations almost universally entertained and expressed in this community and throughout America against men pointed out by the evidence as the authors of the con spiracy to murder Dr. Cronin were uttered in the interest of the London Timet. Such utter ances from men upon the other side of the Atlantic while they may be overlooked for their impertinence and pardoned for their in sult to our Intelligence, do lasting damage by undermining confidence in the judgment and discernment of men whose wisdom in Irish affairs we have been accustomed to trust, and whose opinions in those matters we want to continue to respect. Resolved. That we express our continued confidence and adhesion to Mr. Parnell and his Sarty and our belief in the ultimate success of is efforts to secure for Ireland the blessings of self-government. Believing Ireland to be capable ot self-government, we recognize the right of the majority ot the Irish people living in Ireland to determine their own position on the national question and to shape their own policy in advancing it. Whatever they decree through their chosen representatives, when that choice is freely expressed, we pledge our selves to cordially support. We denounce any attempt at Interference with that right nf the Irish people, either by Irishmen in America or Englishmen in England, as an impeachment ot Ireland's capacity and qualification for self government and offensive to the sentiment ot Irishmen everywhere. PATRICK EGAK DENOUNCED. By all odds the most important feature of the day at Cheltenham was the denuncia tion ot Michael Davitt and Patrick: Egan by John Devoy. The last named gentle man, in a long and impassioned speech, challenged, not alone the motives, hut the honesty and patriotism of both these well-known Irishmen, and he openly ar raigned Davitt for alleged treachery to his friends, to the cause of Ireland and to Charles Stewart Parnell. His attitude in regard to the Cronin murder was the sub ject for a fierce denunciation of the "Father of the Land League." The charge which Mr. Devoy made against the Minister to Chili was graver yet. Mr. Egan was proclaimed as a sympathizer with the gang who instigated the murder of Dr. Cronin, and with using the prestige of his position to blacken men's character, as Cronin's was, and thus bringing about their destruction in a similar way. Congressman Prank Lawler devoted most pf his time to his old political antagonist, ex-Congressman John Pinerty, for the course taken by the latter's paper in regard to the Cronin matter and Mr. Lawler him self. Mr. Lawler dealt Pinerty some rhetorical blows of unusual vigor and earn estness. He denounced Pinerty in conclu sion as a liar, poltroon and scoundrel. THE OTHER PICNIC. The auti-Cronin section of the Clan-na-Gael demonstration at Ogden's Grove drew a large crowd of people. The grounds were thrown open at 10 o'clock this morning and the preparations were at once begun. The speakers were escorted to the grove by the Clan-na-Gael Guards, the Hibernian Rifles and Chicago Zouaves. It was after 1 o'clock when they arrived on the grounds. They were Senator Thomas P. Grady, of New York; the Eev. George "W. Pepper, of Ohio; Hon. O'Neil Ryan( of St, Louis, and Judge Pitzgerald, of Cincinnati. The address, read and adopted by the audience, opened with a declaration of de votion to the laws and principles of the American Bepublic, and unchangeable sym pathy with the cause of Irish liberty; the plan on which it is to be worked for to be decided by the people of Ireland themselves. The address continues: But while recognizing the necessity of leav ing to the Irish people themselves the plan of battle for the attainment ot national auton omy, we desire to express our belief in tbo'dis tinctlve character of the Irlib people, and their inalienable right, circumstances permit ting, to declare and to assert their Independ ence as a nation. WAITING AN OPPORTUNITY. We fully recognize, further, that destitute of those means of asserting their liberty, which would alone make revolution justifiable, we are willing to aid them in such peaceful meas ures as they may choose to adopt in bringing the Government of England to a. sense of tho duty that it owes to justice and humanity, restoring to the Irish people the right to make their own laws and to live in Bell-respecting snanhood upon their own soil. It has been assorted by those lmtrumsntal In covering us with defamation that we wish to screen the murderers of Dr. Cronin. We meet here to-day, among other reasons, for the pur pose of vehemently denouncing His atrocious murder in our capacity as American citizens, but we hold that, as Irish-Americans, we have no more right to be held responsible for that foul atrocity than has any other element of our body politic for crimes committed by persons to whom they are kindred. We devoutly hope that the officers authorized by law will succocd in bringing to justico tho assassins of Dr. Crouln. We repudiate both as American citizens and as Irish-Americans, the claim made by the ene mies of our race, that the Irish element has any desire or any purpose to make the soil of America the theater of acts of vengeance, be cause of feuds, factions or disagreements grow ing out of political differences or personal heart-burnings. THEIR SINCERE DESIRE. We desire to declare that, in the absence of any rational opportunity for the assertion of the independence of Ireland, after the manly fashion of the American Revolutionary fathers, and while regretting the absence of that oppor tunity, we wish to convey to Charles Stewart Parnell and Jits associates in the present struggle for Irish home government and the rignts of the Irish tenant farmers, our sincere desire to aid their patriotic efforts, and our wish to leave them unembarrassed by any policy of ours, until all peacefnl methods of settling tho Irish question have been exhausted. We return our sincere and most grateful thanks to Hon. John M. Thayer, Governor of Massachusetts, for his magnanimous defense of the honor of our race against the reckless slanders of a society of professional foreigners. We also return our thanks to Hon. Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, who has proved himself in this crisis, as ever, the friend of our race and of human liberty. A PEBJURED WITNESS. The Chief Evidence Against Mrs. Maybrick Given by a Fugitive From Justice A Prejudiced Charge Delivered br the Judge. New York, August 15. The New York counsel of Mrs. Maybrick, now under sen tence of death in London, to-day received a letter from Lawyer Alfred Monck, of Notre Dame street, Montreal, in which he states that a Mrs. Yapp answering the description of the Mrs. Yapp, who was the chief wit ness against Mrs. Maybrick, was obliged to leave Montreal about three years ago to escape indictment for perjury. At that time a man named Mai vin Smith brought an action against his wife for separation. Mrs. Yapp was the chief witness for Smith, and gave very damaging evidence against the wife. It was shown, however, that a female friend of Smith and the woman Yapp had, with Smith's aid, plotted a conspiracy to blacken Mrs. Smith's character, and Mrs. Smith's reputation remained unblemished. Mrs. Yapp fled the country immediately there after. She was about 40 years old and mar ried. Dudley M. Holman, managing editor of the Portland (Me.) Evening Express, also sends a letter. He states that Mrs. May brick once lived in Portland, where she was highly respected. He asks regarding the propriety of getting a petition signed by leading citizens of Portland and forwarding the same to Secretary of Stale Blaine, re questing him to interest himself in the case. The lawyers replied in approval. A well-known lawyer, who arrived to-day from England on the Teutonic, and who was nresent during Judge Stephen's charge to the jury, states that while in England he gave the Maybrick case careful study. "I never heard such a prejudiced charge delivered," he said, "by a Judge in my many years' experience at the Bar. Mrs. Maybnck's lawyers could not get a hearing; when they endeavored to curb the Judge in his charge, they got snubbed for their, pains. I called to see her after her conviction, and she presented a pitiable sight. She ex claimed I did not do it; I did not do it. My folly I admit. I was led astray by a man who had an unnatural influence over me. That was my only sin. I would sooner have lost my life on the spot than hurt one hair of my husband's head." The woman's counsel will forward the evidence they have to Secretary Blaine at once. ADVOCATING STATES EIGHTS. Republican Harmonize In Western Wash Ington on xxulre for the Sennte. Olympia, Wash., August 16. The ex citing scenes of yesterday were succeeded to-day by a calm. On every lawyer's desk was a ponderous law library, and the entire day was spent in discussion ot the question of State sovereignty iu tids lands. Only one vote was taken. It was on the general principle of State sovereignty and was largely affirma tive. The question then came up on patents issued by the United States Government to land part of which possibly through error, is tide land. The debate was still on when the convention adjourned. News arrived to-day that Colonel J. C. Haines, who has been understood to be a candidate for United States Senator from Western Washington, had withdrawn. This, it is said, strengthens and harmonizes the Republicans, and makes the election of ex Governor watson C. Squire to the .Senate almost certain. A YEU1' SHORT STRIKE. Now York Plasterers Go Out, but Return to Work In Three Hours. IEFECIAL TliXOHAK TO THE DISFATCH.l New York, August 15. The Plasterers' Union on Wednesday submitted to their em ployers a demand that their wages be in creased from 54 to $1 50 a day. None of the employers paid attention to the demand. To-day committees from the union went to all the large buildings in the city and or dered the plasterers to quit work and to re pair to Brevoort Hail, in Pifty-iourth street. It was estimated that 1,500 were in the hall at noon. Then the employers who had been notified by their foremen that the men were on strike, sent word for their men at the hall to return to work. At 330 o'clock all the plasterers had gone. Tbey say that the bosses consented to pay the advance demanded. Tbe boss plasterers said that there was nothing else lor them to do but pay. There is not an idle plasterer to be found in the city. WANTS HALF THE BEWARD. A Clairvoyant Who Claim to Have Discov ered a Missing Corpse. rSrKCIAI. TELEGRAM TO TUB SISrATCR.! Cincinnati, August 15. A singular law suit has begun in the courts here. Mrs. Clara G. Byrne, of New Albany, Ind., has entered suit against Mrs. Eben Cheney for one-half the amount of the reward offered for the finding of tbe body of Mrs. Cheney's husband, who mysteriously disappeared last January, but whose body two months later was found in tbe Ohio river, near Bipley. Mrs. Byrne claims that she is a clair voyant, and that she described in every par ticular the drowning of Mr. Cheney and the place of the finding of the body, having, as she claims, seen it all in a "vision." She had been consulted by Mrs. Cheney, and sow claims half of the 51,000 reward, the body having been found as she described. SANFORD'S GINGER SANFORD'S GINGER Is ike Btit of all known Glogirs. His SAVED E0M THE SEA. Thrilling- Escape of a Ld Who mi Carried Into the Surf at Aabnry Park. Tremendous Seas Canso Mnch Excitement. fSFECIAI. TXLEQBAJI TO THsilSPATCH. I Asbury Park, N. J., August 15. The tremendous seas this morning washed away the beach from the Asbury avenue pavilion to the Bend Wave power pier, to a depth of 12 feet. The piling of the board walk at that point, and the pavilion were washed almost bare. The iron swinging gate that worked the pump at the pier with power given by swinging in the wavesf was bent double by the seas. The gate weighed over half a ton. At 10 o'clock, while thousand watched the work of beach destruction, L. C. Craig, a 15-year-old Detroit boy, was washed from the sluice box at the sea end of "Wesley Lake by an enormous wave, and carried into the surf, where he struggled desperate ly. Finally he was washed out to the end of a submerged bathing line, to which he clung for life. An attempt was made to launch the life boat by Bathing Masters Slocum, Clayton and Kittle. A Mr wave picked up the boat and 'dashed it between the piling of the pavilion, crushing it to pieces. Meantime, little Craig struggled for life with the big waves. Just as he was washed from bis position and lost to view, the bath ing masters, with lite lines succeeded inget ting through the mountainous surf, and saw the drowning boy beneath the water. Slo cum grasped the little fellow by the hair, and succeeded in bringing him back to the shore by working his way in along the bath ing line. Craig was apparently dead when laid on the sand. He was restored to consciousness only after several hours exertion by physi cians. He is suffering from exhaustion to night. Fifteen thousand people cheered the rescuer. Later in the day, Charles E. Schwartz, of Philadelphia, was caught by a big wave and dashed headlong upon the hard beach. He was picked up insensible. To-night he is in a precarious condition,, DAMAGED 1 TAKDALS. Sad Work Done to the Bronze Tablet on a Boston Monument. ISriCIAI. TELXOBAJt TO THE DISPATCH.! Boston, August 15. Vandals have made sad work on the bronze tablets of the soldiers' monument on the Common. These tablets, beautiful in artistic design, have in two instances been badly mutilated. The one which represents the departure of the Sixth Massachusetts regiment shows a com pany passing in review before Governor Andrew, Wendell Phillips. Archbishop Williams, and others. The company com mander is represented as presenting arms, with his sword pointed in tbe direction re quired in the execution of the command. The sword is now gone, and one of the chief beauties of the picture is destroyed. On the north side is a tablet representing the return of a regiment frorn the war. The company commander, who is shown in the froup, is in the position of parade rest, his ands resting on his sword. This sword has also been wrenched out of place and carried away. The company in the rear is in the position of present arms. In the first file four men with ritles stand boldly out. Some fiend of a relio hunter or vandal has broken tbe butts of three of the rifles off, destroy ing this picture beyond repair. The swords removed from tbe hands of the officers can be replaced, but the rifle butts cannot be. HUEDERED EI M00NSO1NEES. A Nobis Young: Man Shot While Trying; lo Arrest Illicit Distiller. rsrXCIAL TXXXOBAUTO TUS SIsrATCH.1 Tallahasse, Fla., AugustlC United States Deputy Revenue Collector Frank Weller was murdered in Holmes, county, last night, while attempting to make an ar rest of illicit distillers there. No further particulars have been received, but tbe en tire city is agitated over the sad end of this most upright young man. His father, Bev. W. K. Weller, of Jacksonville, is a very prominent Episcopal divine, and editor of their church paper. Weller leaves a voungwife and one child. The authorities will try hard to apprehend the murderer. HEADQUARTERS FOK TRUSSES. Over 100 Kind From 91 to 81S Each. If in need of a truss go where they keep the largest assortment, go where they make them and know how to adjust trusses and guarantee a fit Artificial Limb Mfo. Co., 909 Penn avenue, Pittsburg. 81 Until September 1 $1. Cabinets, 51 per dozen, of children, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Elevator. Come early, rain or shine. A Dainty Bite.. Marvin's royal fruit biscuits are real deli cacies. If you contemplate giving a little luncheon, or going to a picnic you cannot afford to be without them. twfsu Special inducements for babies and children this week at Hendricks & Co.'s, 68 Federal st, Alle'y. Be sure you're in the right place. m Cabinet photos, 89c per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Mwrsu POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wbolesomeness. More eco nomical than tbe ordinary kin dg, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Bold only in cant. BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St, N. Y. ocS-mlS-xrwrsu FOR OVERFEEDING.- Tbe distress arising from overfeeding is speedily overcome by a teaspoonful of BAN fobd's GntOEB after a hearty meal. Dyspepsia, flatulency, rising of food, cramps, indigestion, sick headache, nausea, and many ills may be prevented by a timely dose. Santobd's Uingeb Is a delicious combina tion of Imported ginger, choice aromatics, and medicinal French brandy.and is the finest ginger ever compounded in tbe history of medicine. As a pure fruit stimulant for the aged, men tally and physically overworked, for delicate females, especially mothers, and as a means of eradicating a craving far Intoxicants, it is in valuable. Never travel without Bakpobs's Oraaxx. Beware ot cheap, worthless, and often dan gerous gingers which are urged as substitutes. Ask for SAEIFORD'S GINGER WWfc Owl Trad Mtr k M the Wrttr. rOYAi - fi royal ;;m T NEW ADTEKTISEMENTa. EXPOSED AND CONDEMNED. o , . . Garbled quotations from official reports, falsely credited to respectable journals, but really emanating from the adver tising department of the Royal Baking Powder. Co., have again made their appearance. Extracts from official letters and documents are falsely quoted, and spurious words inserted to mislead the public and Jioist into notoriety an adulterated food product Cooked up lies, and stories made out of whole cloth, appearing in an article headed, "A Remarkable Ex pose," have only exposed a sad dishonesty of purpose. The public likes to see fair and open competition, backed by honest and legitimate advertising. Trickery and fraud will always react upon the trickster. These attempts to throw sand in the eyes of the public are too shallow, and only instills an added interest into the intelligent reader to find more positive and praiseworthy proofs of superiority. The American Analyst, of New York City, says, in its issue of June 13, 1889: "No 'Board of Health' has ever officially indorsed the Royal Baking Powder, as its nianufao turers state." A careful perusal of the original National Board of Health Bulletin, " Supplement No. 6, page 33," will show quite conclusively, that "without money considera tions," but in the interest of the United States Government they indorsed " Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder as the strongest and purest" In reference to the report made by the Canadian Govern ment on Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, we refer to the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department, Ottawa (seat of Government), Canada, which will show that Mr.Wm. Sanders, Public Analyst of that Department, gives the prefer ence to Dr. Price's in strength and purity. A bogus report purporting to come - from the Ohio Food Commissioner is another brainy (?) concoction of those who take the pay and wear the collar of the Royal Baking Powder Co. This Royal editor would make the public believe that theifr powder, with its filthy ingredient, ammonia, had been officially indorsed, while the truth told, Commissioner Hurst, of Ohio, over his own signature, denounces the Royal's report as "a false and garbled statement" Commissioner Hurst adds: " This article (Royal's) pretending to quote, but mis representing my official circular, as it did, was a most flagrant abuse of an official paper." . Nothing better than deception canbe expected from a company who will foist upon the public as " absolutely pure" a food preparation which has as its basis that harsh caustic chemical, carbonate of ammonia. The origin of ammonia is filth, decomposed animal and vegetable matter, and yet it is being used as a leavening power in the Royal Baking Powder. It was decided by the National Food Analysts that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder was the one they could recom mend to general family use, being free from Ammonia, Alum, Lime and all drug taint TEST. Place a can of the "Royal Baking Powder" top down on a hot stove until" heated ; then remove the cover and smell. A chemist will not be required to detect the presence of the disgusting drug "Ammonia." Let Dr. Price's be subjected to the same test, and if it contains Ammonia or any other unwholesome, unclean substance, it can be detected without the dictum of the Royal Company. au 16-47 Summer Reductions in All Departments -AT- DOUGLAS M ACKIE'S. One case SS-inch beautiful Scotch Tweed Suitings, that were made to sell at 30c, will be sold at 16c a yard. They're just the thing for fatigue enduring school dresses. Then we've pot a peculiarly pretty lot of All-Wool Snmmer Dress Goods, that sold at 60c and 60c, now on special bargain counter at 25c a yard. A most superb range All-Wool French Serges, 48 Inches wide, In all colors; they sold during the season at 76c; price now, 4Sc a yard. A magnificent display of Ladies' Black: Btocilnette Jackets have been marked down from St and f5 to 12 60 each. , And there's an awful nice lot of Ladies' All-Wool Cloth Jackets; they're In all shades; price all summer was T2 75; now only 81 60. And so on, all through the departments, everything, yes, everythtnc in the way of Summer Goods, have been marked down to such acceptable, money-saving prices, as will induce you and yours to come at once and SAVE DOLLARS GOOD GOODS-GENUINE REDUCTIONS. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. anl2-KW A SENSATION IN PRICES. This fall we are going to create the greatest sensation in prices the public in this city have ever experienced and to do so we must have a very large stock. Now, we have the stock and it certainly is an immense one. We are showing a finer line than ever in- DINING BOOM FURNITURE, Both In Oak and Walnut, so that now is a good time to refit your Dining Room, while the stock Is new and fresh. In RED ROOM FURNITURE We have a line that cannot be surpassed, showing over ONE HUNDRED different styles in Oak, Walnut, Cherry, Mahoganyor Ash, and ranging in price from $ao to S400. During the past two weeks our sales in PARLOR SUITS Havejbeea enormous, more particularly in fine goods, so that our upholsterers have been actually working night and day to get them out Still we have a handsome display of them on our Parlor floor. They range in price from $40 to $335. CARPETS A3SD DRAPERIES Arc arriving every dar. New goods, new design and exceeding. low price CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. HOPPER BROS, & CO,, THE LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS, 307-"WOOD ST.-307 Sr8ole agents for the DAVIS SEWING MACHINE. THE! D"" MADE ONLY By a I N TH E YY U KL LI GE0AMaCBETH&C0. PlTTSBUBGrLPA aull-wrsu LAMP rfrST IHIMNEYS iiriim NEW ADTKRTIiKWKNTH THERE CAN BE NO D'OUBT As to vhereyou should buy your FURNITURE, CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, if economy is the object you have in! view. ECH'S MAMMOTH Cash land Credit House, 923 land 925 Penn Ave., is the house for you to pat ronize, in you want to save money, and get dependable and stylish merchandise. iel7-MW KKJ NU- IMg Optical. Mathematical .and Enclneerlnt; In struments and Materials. Profile, cross-sec tlon, tracineandA bine-process papers, tracing linen, etc. Largest and best stock ot Bpecta oles and Eve Glasses. KORNBLUM, Theoretical and Praotloal Optician. No. so Fifth avenue. Telephone No. 1680. y31-Dsn Health, Happiness. How impor tant tbat chil dren grow up healthj, and nave every de formity removed before it is too late. Dr. Orr has bad eminent success tor over 10 mh tvatfne diseases ot women, dyspepsia, catarrh, tumors, cancers, etc. Bis tiro associate doctors have ises ot romen,dyspepst also made chronic diseases a special study. Persons desiring medical or surgical treatment by doctors ot medicine can call at 720 Penn avenue tluring office hours, viz., 10 to 1130 Jl. m., 2 to 1 and 7 to 8 P. M. Consultation free. Terms moderate. aul4-D Pears'. Soap (Soented and Unscented)" SECURES A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. OF AZL DRUaai8TS. ADVICE FOB ALL Bad and sorrowfully glance Into the future many sick persons who suffer pain and who find an early grave throngh mistaken treat ment. Do not forget that the proofs are here that my celebrated all-German remedies can not be excelled. Thousand of patients bavel met who said: "I was not a day without medi cine and grew worso every day." Thsy are cor rect. Whero dangerous operations have been previously undertaken mj remedy has cared in a short time. My remedies cure. In fact, most of the chronic diseases where no other medi cine gives help. Daily sick persons comets me and complain tbat they have spent (50. S1U0. $i,0C0 among doctors, bet were not 6 cents' worth better. When these doctors bad received the money they left the city by moonlight. Thousands In Pittsburg and vicinity have been cured within a year by my wonderful remedies. Look at the following, a few of those who were enred in as many weeks as they were years sick. Mr. Wiener, chronic rheumatism, 2 years. Mr. H. Conrad, chronic diarrhoea, 2 yrs. Miss Weaver, epilepsy, S years. Mrs. Emmler.eyo trouble, nearly blind, 30 years. Mrs. L. Mahone suffered s years wltn spinal dis ease, nervousness and liver trouble, leading to dropsy. Mrs. Dickson, asthma, 10 years., Miss Johnson, dropsy, 6 years. Mrs. Uunther, cancer. 2years. Mrs. Kleinmann suffered twoyears with terrible cramps. She Is cured and suffers no more. II the disease Is not to be recognized by any other evidence, then the urine Is the best means ot dlagnoait; It shows what and where tbe trouble Is. As toon as It leaves Its normal straw color, you should not fall to use my celebrated remedies and be cured from the very root of the trouble. Mrs. M. X. XCuIins, Tobeseenln tbe Invalid's Home, Jo. 191 Center ave., Flttsbarg. Certificates are open for Inspec tion. .flS-The Wylie and Center ave. cars from Market it. pass the door. an3-47 nAUJlOADsT TorrTsiJUiM awd lake jckik kaileoau X. COMPANY Schedule la effect June 2, XSea, Central time: P. A U. U. B. B. DzrART Kor Cleveland. 8:00, S:C0 A. h., 1:35, 4:10, 9:Sr. v. Kor Cincinnati, Chicago and M. Louis, 6:00 X. St., 1:3&, "8:30 P. M. for Baffalo. SrtlO A. M.. 4 :0, 9:30 r. V. 1'orBll. Inanca, "8.-CO A. M., -1:35 p. M- for lieaver Palls, 50. a.-OO. 8:30. 10:15 A.M.. 1:33. 3:30. 4:10. 5:15, 9:30 r. x. JTor Chartlers. JiOO, 15.3a 5:35, 620, 8KS5, 7:15, "SB, t-.TO, 9:25, 10:15 A. V.. USB, '12:45, 1:4a 3:30. 14:34 4:50, "5:05, 8:15, 8:05, 10:30 r. X. ABIUVI Prom Cleveland, SO A. X ll.-Sa. S13S, "7:55 9:40 F. V. From Cincinnati, Clilearo and St. Louts. '12:30. 7:55 r. M. Krom Buffalo. 8:30 a. m., "12:30, :40 T. II. Prom Salamanca. 12.30, 7:55 P.M. Prom Tounastown, 0!3OS:20A. v.. '12130, 8:S 7:5S, :40 r. x. From Beaver Palls, 5:5i 9130, 7:20, 9:20 A. X.. I2:S0l 1:10, :35j 7:55.0:40 P.M. Prom Chartlers, 5ili Sili'a.SO :i5, 7:08. "7:47, 0(20. 9:57. 11:59 A. X-JllO. "1:32, 3:17. 4:00, 4:40. 4:S2, 6:33, 9:1 9:40, '11:12, VMl ,"c. k Y?"tralns for Mansfield. :30A. M- 330, 4:50 r. M. Por Essen and Ueechmont. Si34 A. x., 1:30 r.u. , P., C Y. trains from Mansfield, Zssen and Beachmont, 7.08, U:S9A.X. P., McK. ft Y.B. K.-UirAaT-PorMew Haven. 15:30 A. x,'3:aor.x. Por West Newton. 1S:W 10:05 A. x.. 3:30. 5:15 r. x. AnniTB-Prom New Haven, tfriiO A. H.'SiM'b. X. Prom West Newton,:U. I'aO A. X..H2S, '50 For McKeeiport and Elizabeth, '3:30, 10:05 A. X., 3:3ft s:!5 p. x. Prom Kllxabetb. and McKecsport, 7J0 A. x las. s:Oor. x. Dally. Sundays only. tWill run one hour late on Sunday. WU1 run two hours late on Sunday. City ticket office. 401SmIthfleld street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY KAlLKOAl Trains leave Union station (Eastern Standard Umcji Klttannlng Ac.. :5J s, m.: Nlauary Ex.. daUy. SiiS a. m Tlulton Ac, 10:10 a. m.s Valley .Camp Ac, J2KS V m.t Oil Citrand UultoU Ex presi,2:00 p.m. ; llulun Ac, 3:00 p.m. t IU tanning Ac, 4:00p.m.; firaeburn ExsJp.m.; Klttann. lnitAo..r;30p.m.j Braeburn Ac.sOTp.m.jHul. ton Ac, TSO p. m.; Buffalo Ei, dally, s :40p.m. i Chanters Ae..9:45p.m.i Braeburn Ac, n :30p.m. Church trains-Brasburn, 12140p.m. and 9:33 p. m. Pullman Parlor Buffet and Bleeping Cars bstwsea Pittsburg and Buffalo. JAfC P. ANUEESOnTO.T. Agt.1 DAVID MO OABOU. Gen. gupt. . nT8BUKO AND WESTEEN RAILWAY Trains (ct'lstan'dttmell Leave. Arrive. Day Et., AKrnn.Toledo, Kane B:0 a m J'UM,! AVhVUlinWJiUUi, Chicago Express (dally) New Oaatle Accommodation Bntler and Poxburg Ac First class fare to Cbleago, Salfv. 4'. n 0 WV 4-Cw. L' M -rfWftL" l 7:37 p m 111:40 p m 11 JO a m I 4i9 p m 7:00 p m I t'M p m 5:30 a m (to as. 8and class. sleepis ear to uuwxo KEW ADTKRTISE3IE5TM PEOPLE WHO WEAR SHOES, DON'T READ THIS, unless you are willing and anxious to save money. None but men and women wHo can appreciate a good thing when they see it are invited to avail themselves of the truly miraculous bargains in good, solid foot wear now offered at KAUFM ANNS' BUI 31 HE SALE Men of families men whose limited incomes compels them to en force rigid economy to make both ends meet are especially requested to take advantage of this sale. They have here the rare chance of sup plying their families with first-class and stylish Shoes at about half the regular"prices. The same money that usually buys one pair now buys two pairs hence the great benefit derived from patronizing Kaufmanns Shoe department at present is apparent. Below we point out a few of our bargains. Read them and remember that they don't represent one hundredth of our stock. Ladies' Fine Shoes for $1 49. Not fine in name only but in fact as welL These Shoes are made of the celebrated imperial Kid, have worked button holes and leather counters, and are very durable and comfortable. The usual retail price is 3. Our Building and Enlarging Sale price is $1 49. Ladies' Patent Leather Tipped Shoes, $1 49 They are also made of imperial Kid, have smooth insoles and leather counters, and every pairis guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Patent leather tipped shoes are now all the rage, and these goods won't linger long on our shelves. Ladies' Genuine French Kid Shoes, $2 50 Ladies who wear extremely fine shoes goods that are generally sold for $5 per pair have now a chance to buy them at $2 50. We warrant these French Kid Shoes to be hand-turned, and, although the sizes are somewhat broken, most any lady can get fitted. Come quick, however. ' . Ladies' French Kid Oxfords at $1 50 . We have these in all lengths and widths, and they come with patent leather tips or plain toes. No shoe dealer in this city has ever offered the equal of this shoe for less than $3. By buying them at our Build ing and Enlarging Sale you can now get them for only $1 50. Men's Extra Quality Calf Shoes at 1 98 We have, them in button, lace and congress, and all sizes and widths. They are made to fit, and fit they do as perfectly and comfortably as one could desire. We want you to compare these shoes with those at $3, about which, certain shoe stores in this city,make so much ado. Men's Popular English Waukenphasts,$2 50 These shoes are so well and favorably known that any comment on our part is unnecessary. You can get any size and width, plain or tipped. Come as quickly as possible, however, if you want to make sure of get ting just what you want Infants' Shoes, Good Quality, at 19c. Just think! Only Nineteen Cents per pair for Infants' neat and durable shoes. We have about 600 pairs of them. Mothers, if you are wise, you'll get a half dozen pairs, while you can get them so cheap. NOTICE TO SHOE -DEALERS. We cannot allow our usual wholesale discount during our Building and Enlarging Sale. All goods must be paid for at marked prices. Terms: Net cash. -O- KAUFMANN Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street BAILR0AD3. OKNKSYLVAMIA BAILKOAU O AHU JT after May IS. 1830. trains leave Union Station, Pittsburg, as follow Eastern Btacdard Time: MAIX LINE EASTWAICD- New Tork and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ves tibule dallv at 7:14 a. m. ... Atlantlo Express dallr for tb; East, 30 a.m. Mail train, JaUr.except Bandar. . m. Sun day, mall, S:0 a. m. uav express dally at 80 a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express dally at 7iU p. m. Past Line dally at 8:10 p. m. Express for .Bedford 1:00 p. m.. week days. Express for Cresson and Ebensburs; lui p. m., Saturdays only. . . Greeninurg expresssiiop. m. week days. Merry express II :00 a, m. week days. All throurt trains connect at Jersey atr wia boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. X. Y avoldlnj doublsferrlan e and journey throusn H. Yi-2ns arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally...... J'S"" " Western Express. !alry .I.? 5 Pacific Express, dally hSS" 5 Jftlcaro Limited Express, dally 8:p.m. rastLlne. dally . ,...Up.ia. sooTHWEar PENa kailwai. Por Unlontown, 5:30 and :3a. m. and4:Sp. m.. without cbanire of"' !"? P- !? eWJ?,ec' ins at Greensbur. Trains arrive i from Union town at : a. m.. 13:20. 8:85 and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From PEUEUAL ST. AON. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 8:45 a. m. Express. 7or BlatrsvlOe, connecting for Duller i'ii'"'i Jiljp. m. Butler Aecwn 8ia-m.. 233 and S:s p. m. Sprlngdale Accom9:00.Ua.m.SOTand caop.m. Preeport Accom !& f,!nA " On Sunday " .WsMand gop. in. Nirth ApoUoAccom.....ila,m. and Jp. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler.. ",!S5'2 BTri1nlr.??pii,HSo Express, connecting from Butler I0?- - Mall Train.. VA'I.A'JiSS- 2" Butler Accom :Wa. m., SHOandJtfOp. m. BlalrsvUle Accommodation...........' JJP- m. Preenort Accom.7H0a.m.. 1S. 7a)andllop. m. On Sunday. 10:10a. m. and 70 p.m. Bprlngdale Aecom....i37.11:a.m.,si5.:30p. m. ifortli Apollo Accom ''? n!P- " MOHOiQAMELAAlVlSlO. Trains leav. Union station. Plttsourg, asrottowj: Por MonoBKahelA City, Wen Brownsville and Unlmtowt flE m. Por Monongabeu City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and It a. m. and 4M p. m. On Sunday, 11 p. m. Por Monongahala City. rt p. m week days. DravoabnrrAe., weekdays, 3:40p.m. West Elisabeth Accommodation, :20a.m 2:08, 8:20 and 11:31 p. m. Sunday, : p.m. street and Union station. jicaet pnicesvonier auuiu. ,muw , -- U1A3. e. ruuu. Ueneral Manaaeu J. It. WOOU-. Oen'I Pass'r Agent. EANHANDLB KOUTE-JULYS. ISSt. USIOS station. Central Standard Tin . Lear, for clnnatl ind St, Louis, d7d0 a.m., d 80 and d 11:13 p. m. Dennlion, i: B. m. Chicago, 13:06, d 111 14 p. nu Whaollng, 7i39 a. m.. USlS 8:10 p.m. Stentwaville, :Ma. m. VuMnrton. IdS, 8:3. m.,liSi,li3u.4:tM:Hp. m- Bulger, 10: W a. m. Bnrgattstawn, all:3a.m- 8p. n Haa. field, T:14 Sao, 11:00 a. nu, 1:05. 8:30, d 8 UttJS p.m, McDonald, d 4:1, d 3:43 p. m. .. Prom tea West siiio, dssn a. m., IM. dtriB p.m. Uennlson, :30 a.m. Steubenvllle, 8:04 p. m. Wheeling. ?10.IH4a.m 3:08, l:5Sp.m. Burgctta town, 7:18a. m.,B8rta.m. Washington. S,JV 8:40. 10:SC a. nk. Ids, 8:48 p. m. Mansnsld, 8:33, 8:30, 11140 a. nu, M:48. 3433, 10:00 and S 8O0 p. nu Balgar, 1 MO p.m. IMDoealds, d8J6 a.nu, d taw njt'B) lnisrJtUrt rata, txf aul5-D KAILHOAD. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES May 12. 1383. Central standarrTlue. TKAIN9 DKPAKT As follows from Union Station: Por Chicago, d 7it$ a. mM d 12:20. d 1:00, d7:4i except Saturday. 11 :M g. m. : Toledo. 7:23 a. m d 13:2a d 10 and except aturday. 11:30 p. m.: Crestline. 8:48 a. m.: Cleve land. 8:10 a. m.. 12:45 and d 11:03 p. m. and 7:23 a. m., via P.. P. W. & C Ky.t New Castls and Youngstown. 7:05 a. m.. 13:20, 3:4.1 p. nu; YcrangstownandNlles, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadvllle, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:08a. m., 12:3) p. m.; Nile. and Jamestown, J:t4 p. m.: Masalllon, 4:10 p. nu: Wheeling and Bellalre. 8:10a. m.. 13:45, liJOp. nut Beaver Palls. 4-00. 36 p. nu. Bock Point, 88:20 a. u. : Leetsdale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEGHENY Rochester. 8:30 a. nut Beaver Palls, 8:13, 110 a. nu: Enon, I .-00 p. m.j Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m.. 20, 4:30, 4:4S. 8:30. 70. S p.m.; Conway, 10:30 p.m.; Pair Oaks, B 11:40 a. m. : Leetsdale, S3:30p. m. TRAINS AKIUVE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:30, d80. d8d5 a. m.. d 8:50 p. nu; Toledo, except Monday 1 JO, d 8:35a. su. 8.3a n. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. nu: Youngstown and Newcastle. :l0a. nu, 1:25. t-A 10:13 p. nu:NUe and Youngstown. dSJOp. m.:Cleveland, d 5:30 a. m., 2:2 70 p. nu: Wheeling and Bellalre, a. nu, 2:23, 70 D. m.: Erie and Ashtabula, Iris, 10:15 p. nu: Masslllon, 100 a. nu: NUes and Jamestown. 0:10 a. nu; Beaver Palls. 7:30 a. nu. 1:10 d. nu. Hock Point. S 8:25 p. m.; Leetsdale, 10: n p. ra. AitKIVE ALLEGHEKT-Prom Enon, 80 a. m.; Conway. :: Rochester, 8:40 a. nu; Bearer Falls, 7:10a. m 3:45 p. m.: LeeUdale, 8:30, 3:15. 7:45 a. m 120, 1:45, 1.0O. 8:30, 0 p. m.; Pair Oaks. S 8:55 a.m.: LeeUdale. S 85 p. m.i Kock Point. S 3:13 p. m. 8. Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except Sunday. ZS P1TT3BOBO AND CASTLE SHANNON K. B. Summer Time Table. On and after May 1. 1889. until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Plttsburg-830 a. m., 7:10a. nu. 8:00 a.m.. 9.X a. nu. 11:30a, m., 1:40 p. ra.. 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 5:59 p. nu, 6:30 p.m.. 8:30 p.m., 11:30 p. m. Arllugton-5:40 a. nu, 820 a. nu, 7:10 a. in.. 8:00 a. nu, 10:20 a. nu, 10 p. m.. 2:40 p. nu, 40 p.m.. 8:10p.m., 5:50 p. m ., 7:10 p. m.. 10:3 11. ra. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.nu, 2:5up. nu.2-.30p. nu. 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., too p. m Arlington 8:10 a. m., n m., 1:50 p. m., 99 p.m. 8 JO p. m., 80 p. m. JOHN JAHN. Bupt. . BALTIMORE ANIJ OTXIO KAILROAD Schedule In effect May 12, isao. Por Washing ton. 1). C, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, 80 a.m.. and S:3 p. m. Por Cum berland. '3:00 a. nu, tuco, -80 n. m. Por Con jiellSTtlle, 30:40 and "8:00 a. nu. tl0. 340 and 9:20 p. m. Por Unlontown, 16:40, 3:00 a. m tl0and40p. m. Por Mount Pleasant, $8:40 and D0 a. nu, and 210 and 340 p. nu Por Washington. Pa.. S:4 23:40 a. nu, 1:33, t5c33 and "SiSO p. m. Por Wheeling. 8:, 29:40 a. m., 3:33, 8:30p. nu Por Cincinnati and St. Louts. 8:44a.m., 1:30p.m. PorColumbna. 8:45andt:4a . nu, 8:30 p. m. Por Newark. 8:45, $9:40 a. m 1:35, 1:30 p. m. Por Chicago, 1:45. :40 a. m.. 1:35 and 1:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 1:20 a. m. and 1:30 p. nu Prom Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. 7:45 a. m. and "90 p. nu Prom Wheeling, "7:45, "10:30 a. m.. 330. IOO p. tn. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash ington and Cincinnati. wlier.lng accommodation. S.X a. nu, Snnday only. Cunnellnvllle accommodation at $3:33 a. nu Daily. tUally except Sunday. Sunday only. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences noon orders left as B. A O. Ticket Offlce, corner rlrth avenue and Wood street. VCUAS. O. SCULL, Cfea. Pau. Jut. J.T.ODXLL, Oat. tiff. VN;