Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 16, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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3H- 4
Sweet Potato and Florida
Trusts to Loom Up.
Fine Prospects for Large Produce Held in
this Region.
Thursday, August 15, issa. j
Among the newest of the trusts are the
Sweet Potato Trust, of Baltimore, and the
Florida Orange Trust, of Hew York City.
Both have beeu organized within the past
three weeks.
A leading Liberty street commission
merchant said to-day: "The Sweet Potato
Trust has succeeded In sending the Southern
product into our market in better shape and at
reduced prices.
"The preliminary meeting for the Florida
Orange Trust has been held and the organiza
tion will be perfected the 1st of September.
Already representatives have been sele cted in
tins and all trade centers. The idea is to dis
tribute the fruit at places where ltjs wanted,
and prevent the gluts which have proved a
bane to orange shippers in jears gone by."
Products of Farm and Gnrden.
Advices from all Pittsburg's natural terri
tory confirm the fact already mentioned in this
column that the wheat, oats, hay and vegetable
crops for 1889 will be the largest gathered for
many J ears. Corn, too, which ban a backward
start, and did not promise well in the early
stages, has been making up for lost time of late
by the aid of seasonable showers, anaprospocts
are immensely improved for the corn crop the
past SO days.
The yield of potatoes this season in Western
Pennsjlvania and Eastern Ohio will break all
former records. Said a peddler from Clinton,
who pays weekly visits to our city, and whose
route embraces a larce part of the Panhandle
territory of West Vircinla: "On my beat farm
firodncts are unusually large, and in some lines
aiger thau I have known in 15 years of ped
dline. Such a large jield of potatoes I have
never known Wheat, oats and bay are far
above the average in quantity. Ay to fruit,
w hile apples will fall below last yeaFs yield, we
will bave an average volume. Peaches and
plumsarc almost a total failure. In 1U) miles
travel this u eck I did not see a dozen plums on
the trees which were loaded down last season.
"Ono of my principal difficulties this season is
to procure enough poultry to meet demands.
It is next to impossible to get anv nearer the
city than Chanters ith any poultry left.
"The demand for country butter has also im
proved very much in the past ten days. In
stead of being a drag, as it was a couple of
weeks ago, it now goes like hot cakes. The
activity in butter has started much sooner than
"Eggs also have taken an upward turn, and
reliable stock sells readily at outside quota
tions." The evidence of abundance in cereal lines is
seen in the large receipts. Since Monday
morning 70 carloads of oats have bten bulle
tined at the Grain Exchange.
Local Live Stock.
The week has developed a healthier tone to
live stock trade, and choice grades of cattle
and sheep are commanding better prices than
for some weeks past. The supply of good,
smooth butcher cattle has not been up to de
mand. Low grade cattle, of which tho propor
tion was unusually large in this week's sup
plies, were off in prico and slow of sale.
The demand for export has been so active of
late at the West that our market here has suf
fered a lack of desirable grades.
Follow ing is tbe-rcport of transactions for the
week at the East Liberty Stockyards:
Thro'. Local.
Thursday 1,150 40 2.075 MO
Iridav 5S0 20 Z.IC5 2.010
Saturday 500 300 1,050 2,43)
fcundsy TOO 1,910 &.2J0 2,000
Monday 1J 150 1,500 HO
Tuesday 11.0 160 1,875 1.870
M cdneiday TOO ... 2,65 1,650
Total 3,970 2,580 17,400 12,100
Lastweek 4,640 2,300 15,440 I6.T20
Prevlonsweek.. 5.160 2,400 16,030 2u,SU0
"rldsr ...........
Monday ........
Total ..,
I.ast week
1. 142
2, SIS
Previous week....
Ily Telecrnph.
NEW YOEK Beeves Receipts, 700 head; all
for exporters and city slaughterers direct: no
market for beeves: steady for dressed beef at
CKKc per pound for native sides, and at 5
BtJc lor Texas and Colorado stock. Exports
to-day, 330 beeves. To-day's London and Liver
pool cablead vices quote American relrjgerator
beef steady at 8c per pound. Calves Re
ceipts. 900 head; reported steady with a lair
business at $5 O08J6 50 per 100 pounds for veals;
S3 5031 50 for mixed lots, and J2 00325 for
grassers and buttermilk calves. Sheep Re
ceipts, 4,700 head and five carloads were carried
over yesterday: a shade easier before the finish,
and a number of carloads remain unsold; com
mon to prime sheep sold at $3 50530 per 100
pounds: common to prime lambs at S5007 25.
Hogs Receipts, 2.500 head: easier with slow
sale at SI C05 00 per 100 pounds, alive.
Kansas city Cattle Receipts. 8,043 head;
shipments, 4.632 bead; choice native export
steers steady; all others, both native and
Texas, dull and 10c lower; native cows steady
and 10c lower; Texas cows slow and 10c lower:
good feeding steers firm, and common and
stockrrs weak; good to choice corn-red steers.
84 1C4 30; common to medium, S3 OOtf 1 00;
stockcrs and feeding steers 1 00453 10;
ro.s, i ouiBi oo; crass range steers, 17o
2 90. Hogs Receipts. 6.421 head; shipments,
L227 head; market badly broke; light weights
5igil0c lower: heavy and mixed. 1025c loner;
good to choice llebt. S4 154 27; heavy and
mixed, 75Q4 10. Sheep Receipts, 865 head;
shipments, 140 head; market weak and about
lOe lower: good to choice muttons, S3 75
I 00: common to mediumt J2 503 CO.
Kmfalo Cattle Receipts 111 carloads
through; 2 carloads for sale; steady and un
changed. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 20 car
loads through: 15 carloads fnr sale; easier;
sheep, pod to best, $4 404 65: fair to good,
$1 254 40: common, tti 25: lambs, good to
best, ie 506 75; fair to good, S6 2066 50; com
mon, S5 506 2a Hogs Receipts. 12 carloads
throngb; la for sale; 10c lower on Yorkers and
pigs; medium. $4 40; mixed, H 504 65; York
ers. H GSQl 90: pics. 804 90; roughs, 30
4 90; stags. $3 25g3 60.
CniCAGo Cattle Receipts. 18,000 bead;shlp
roents, 6,000 head; market irregular; beeves,
H S01 So: steers, $3 204 60; stackers and
feeders. S2 00g3 10; cows, nulls and mixed,?! 00
2 90: Texas cattle, $1 7033 00; natives and
iiau oreeas. uoffi3 x Hogs Receipts, 17,
000 head; shipments. 8,000 head; market slow;
10c lower; mixed, 13 954 30: heavy, S3 75
4 05: light, $4 20 1 60; skips. S3 S04 01 Sheen
Receipts. 8.000 head: shipments. 2L500 head;
market steady: natives, U 504 75: Westerns.
IS 404 00: Texans, S3 704 10; lambs, H 90
6 00.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 3.800 head: ship
ments. 2.700 head: market slow; choice heavy
native steers, S4 3004 50: fair to (rood da. S3 90
4 30; stackers and feeders, S2 163 20: rangers,
steers, S2 40Q3 4a Hon Receipts, 2,700 head:
shipments, 1.300 brad: market lower; fair to
choice heavy, Sf 104 30; packing, $4 104 25;
light grades, fair to best, S4 304 55. bheep
Receipts, 3,400 head: shipments. 2.200 head; mar
ket firm; fair to choice, S3 404 GU
Cincinnati Hogs In llzbt demand: lower;
common and licht, S3 5061 CO: packing and
butchers, S4 204 40; receipts, L300 Tiead:
shipments, 770 bead.
They Propose to Carry Ont the ProEramme
Besnn In Chicago.
Chicago, August 15. The Pioneer and
Support Association will hold r, picnic at
Sheffield, Ind., next Sunday for the purpose
of replenishing the innd from which the
widows and orphans of the executed or i m
prisoned Anarchists are supplied. Thecal),
which is published in the Arbeiler Zritunn
inviting attendance at the picnic, reads al-J
most use me utterances bo commonly heard
before the Haymarket bomb put an end to
Anarchist mouthings. Quoting from the
speech made by Robert Reitzel, of Detroit,
on the burial of the Anarchists, it says:
"We will carry out what these men were
striving for. TVe will bring about the prac
tical enforcement of the rights ol man,
which were long ago given on paper.
''Those were the rows which thousands
nnd hundreds ot ihonsandi of men, who
were indignant nt the horrible murder of
November 11, made with profound gravity
of purpose, with gnashing of teeth and
clenched fists. They rowed to fulfill the
legacy of those who had fallen for liberty
ud right."
No Snap la the Wheat Pit The Drift of
Prices Downward Corn and Oals
Los Their Grip Do Prod
nets Active and
CHICAGO There was a notable absence of
snap in both the cash and speculative branches
of the wheat trade to-day. The general driftof
the news was less bullish, and although early
cables were c dearer for spot wheat the open
ing here was barely steady at the closing range
of yesterday. Business in the pit dragged
heavily all forenoon with fluctuations in prices
so narrow as to attract but little attention. c
covering all the changes up to 12 o'clock. Fair
weather prevailed everywhere on this side and
in England it was reported fine.
It was probably this tact that gave to the
market here an undertone or weakness in the
early dealing, and the further fact that re
ceipts were somewhat above the estimates.
From 78Jc December shrunk to 78Kc. the
market swinging a greater portion of the time
between 7SJ7Sc with the business passing
almost entirely local and nnder an average
volume. The market remained limp and un
interesting up to the last. Near the close De
cember settled to 78c, latest quotations being
TSKc or c below yesterday's close. The buy
inrr nresaiirA fnr Nn. 2coAh and Aurust let un
perceptibly to-day, and in undesirable houses
the former would not bring any premium over
seller the month.
Corn was fairly active early in the day, but
later ruled quiet. The feeling on the whole
was easier, and the bulk of the trading was at
lower prices. The influences on the market
were much the same as noted for several days
fiast, the operations of a large local bolder bav
ng considerable to do with the market. It
opened at yesterdays dosing prices and was
easy, one or two large houses selling freely.
Prices declined in all J6Hc. but the pur
chasers of the trader above mentioned who took
large quantities at 35c for September sus
tained tho market, but final quotations were
JKe lower than yesterday.
Oats were traded in with less freedom and a
quiet and easier feeling prevailed and prices
averageu a iracuon lower. ,
In pork prices ruled irregular and lower, with
qnlte an activo business reported. Opening
sales were made at 1012(c decline, and prices
fluctuated considerably audi settled back 10
12c Later prices rallied 67Kc, but soou
weakened again and the market closed easy.
Quite a good business was transacted in lard.
Early the Veiling was steadied, and prices ruled
slightly higher. Later a weak feeling was de
veloped and prices receded 7K10c Toward
the close the feeling wasSUadler and prices
were slightly improved, but declined again to
inside figures and closed easy,
A fairly active trade was reported in short
rib sides and the feeling was easier. Prices
ruled 7K10c lower and closed at outside
The leading futures ranred as follows:
WHEAT .No. 2, -September, 7777W76J
October. S50035c:
December. 3o
n.-m...-,' . - .-.
OATS No. 2. Sentember. 2PAJ20V:er Octo
ber. 20K20KG80Ji620Jic; December, 21KQ
Mess Poke, per bbL September. S9 85
9 90Q9 759 75: October. $9 67K9 7069 60
9 CTX: January. J9 52K9 6a
Lard, per 100 fts. September, J6 27KS6 SO
6 156 15; October, SO 206 2C6 (&g6 15;
January, So 905 85.
Seobt Rms. per 100 Bs. September, $5 10Q
5 155 (KX5 10; October, $5 105 10; Jan
uary. $1 804 82KQ4 77K &U
'Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
ijuiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
77Kc: No. 3 sprinc wheat, 7173Wc; No. 2
red. 78c. No. 2 corn. 35c No. 2 oats,
SOKc. No. 2 rye. 42Jc. No. 2 barley, nom
inal. No. 1 flaxseed, H 22 Mess pork,
per barrel. S3 7569S7K. Lard, per 100 pounds,
S8 150 20. Short rib sides (loose), $5 I05 15.
Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $4 S7XS5 00.
8hort clear sides (boxed). S5 K5 75. Sugars
unchanged. Receipts Flour, 8.000 barrels;
wheat, 168.000 bushels; corn. 409,000 bushels;
oats, 256,000 bushels; rye, 12.000 bushels; barley,
2,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 16,000 barrels:
wheat, 225.000 bushels: corn. 2bO.OU0 bushels:
oats, 148,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley,
2,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was active and unchanged. Eges active
New York Flour moderately active and
weak. Commcal steady. Wheat Spot dull,
heavy and J$lc lower; options lets active,
heavy and e lower. Barley malt dull.
Corn Spot moderately active and weaker: op
tions dull, ii&Ho lower and weak. Oats Spot
qniet; mixed steady; white slower; options
quiet; August Kc up; others HJlc lower.
jiaj akrunc, ouu aeinano: snipping, Dd3UC;
rood to choice. SScCSL Hans rinll
and weak. Coffee Options opened
steady and unchanged to 5 points
deirn, and. closed barelj-steady and unchanged
to 5 point up; sales, 44,500 baps, inclndlng Au
gust. 15.35c; September. 15.4015.50c: October,
15.55c; November. 15.50c: December, 15.50
15.65c; January. 15.5015.65e; March, 16.55
lo.65c: April. 15.60c: May. liCOQ 15.70c; spot Rio
firm and active: fair cargoes, 18c. Sugar
Raw steady and quiet; refined in better demand
and Arm. Molasses Foreign dull; New Or
leans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cotton
seed oil steady and quiet. Tallow steady. Rosin
quiet and steady. Turpentine steady and quiet
at 4314c Eggs fairly active and firm; west
ern. 16i17c; receipts. 4,750 packaces. Pork
lower and quiet; me inspected, ill 7512 00
mess, uninspected. $11 50; extra prime. S10 50
11 GO. Cutmeats dull and weak; pickled bellies
73c: pickled bams, 10Kllc; pickled shoull
dcrs, 5c; middles, weak and qniet. Lard Op
tions 612 points lower and fairly active:
western steam, S6 60: sales, September, S6 65
6 57: October, S6 476 57; November. S6 29
6 31: January, S6 25. Butter firm for fancy
onlj; western dairy. 912Jc: do creamery, 11
17Jc;do factory, sei2Kc Cheese in moderate
demand and weak; western, 67c.
Philadelphia Flour weak for new win
ters: choice old winter very scarce and firmly
held; spring in fair supply and dull. Wheat
weak; steamer No. 2 red. In export eleva
tor, 82882c; No. 2 red. in do. S3Uc: No. 2
red, August, 82V83c: September. MU83?ic:
October. 84c; November. 84es4Mc.
Corn Options dull and weak; steamer No? 2
mixed, in grain depot, 44c: No. 2 high mixed,
track and crain depot. 45c: No. 2 thItbH
August, 4SUKc; September, 43M43UC;
October. 4&"44c; November. 44c.
Oats Carlots weak; No. 2 mixed, 27Kc; new No.
3 white. 29c; new No. 2 carlots weak: new No
2 mixed, 27Kc; new No. 3 white, 29c; new No. 2
white, track and grain depot, 32c; old No. 2
white, 33c; futures quiet but steady; No. 2
white, August, 3331c; September. 29
Wtf'l ob. 3pX30?ic; November, Mi
3iKc Butter Fine e;oodsflrm;Pennsyivania
creamery extra, 18c Eggs Arm; Pennsylvania
firsts, 17c.
St Louis Flour firm but unchanged. Wheat
All of yesterday's bull enthusiasm seemed to
go clear out of the market to-day, and the
close was at a decline from yesterday of c for
Aueust. iiQc for September and e for De
cember; No. 2 red. cash, 74W,45;c; An
cnet, 74SC74c, closed at 74Vc; September.
71?74c. closed at 74f74c asked; De
cember. 7777S77Kc. closed at 77Kc asked:
year, 74Kc, closed at 4Jc bid; May, 81K82Kc,
closed at81cbld. Corn-lower; No. 2 mixed.
eah. S3Jic: August, S3Kc; September, 32?
3233c. closedat 32c bid: October. 32?c
year, 3i;i315ic closed at 31?c: May.3ie34kc
closed at 34c asked. Oats weaker rnd May
lowerrNo. 2 cash. lSJic; Mar. 23Ji23Kc;
October, 19c bid: Aupust. l&Vcbid. Rye
a.u. a, ooc fiiLajbeea ueiKeratti u.
Cimciknati Flour easv. Wheat steadv mil
qniet: No. 2 red. 76Jc: receipts, 20.000 bushels;
shipments, 20.000 bushels. Corn easier; No. 2
mixed. 3S38Xc Oats stranger: .Na 2 mixed.
20K6B21C. Eye quiet: No. 2, 4341c Pork
quiet and lower; 110 87f. lard dull and
lower: 15 9500 00. Balkmeats weaker: short
rib. J5 50. Bacon easy: short clear, 6 C2K.
Butter firm. Bngar qniet. Eggs firm at 13c,
loss off. Cheese steady.
MrtWAintEE Flour unchanged. Wheat easy;
cash and September, 75Kc. Com steady; No.
3.3GX37c Oats steady: No. -2 white, 2424Wc.
Rye anlet: No. 1. 43c Barley quiet: No. 2
September, K?c,bid. Provisions easy. Pork,
$9 eU Lard, to 20. Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars. esi c
Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter firm;
Western packed. ll12c: creamery, 16J?17c
Eggs firm; fresh, 15c Coffee nominally firm:
lUo fair, lftc
Toledo Clovcrseed dull and steady; Octo
ber, M S5.
One Kallrond Gives Tbnt Figure to the
Milwaukee G. A. &. Encampment.
Chicago, August 15. TheXouisville,
New Albany and Chicago Railway Com
pany (Monon route) has made the first
break in rates to the .Milwaukee Grand
Army encampment. As a result of yester
day's meeting in Cincinnati of passenger
agents of Chicago-Ohio river lines, at which
they failed to agree, the Monon this morn
ing gave notice it would make it rate of a
ceut a mile over the whole line to veterans
attending the encampment.
The Kankakee joined hands with the
Monon in the cent-a-mllerate and 'the Pan
handle will probably be forced to meet it.
Grand Army men are jubilant over the an
nouncement and. prophesy it Is but the be
ginning ot a universal break by all the
lines to the cent-a-mile rate.
Metnl Market,
NiwYoBK-Copperneelected. Lead steady.
bn.Vn,y doni,iilc. fX- Tineasier and1
Sn:j?SStte,y brUk Stlt. 20 30; Novem
ber, 120 20,
ig(o;c: .uecemDer, 34yvs4ty.tfifB4c; year,
7t7J7(76c: May. SiXQSZXc
Coen No. 2. September. &5sffiiHB35Vs'a
Negotiations for the Construction of
Five Hundred Houses.
Eastern Money Flowing i
for Imrestment
in Pittsburg
i Estate.
Nerotiations were set on foot resterdar.
which may result in the building of 500
dwelling houses on
opened near the city.
plan bf lots just
It is too soon to give
details, but the mere announcement is of
public interest, as showing that there is no
lack of enterprise among Pittsburg capi
talists. '
a .
The old homestead of the late James P.
Barr, on Fifth avenue, Fourteenth ward,
has just been sold to William Loeffler and
Edwin L. Porter, Esq., for $31,500. The
purchasers will divide the property between
them. It fronts 150 leet on Fifth avenue,
running back 274 feet to Forbes street. The
price is considered very reasonable, and is
less than has been paid for property in the
same vicinity. It is understood that the sale
was conducted by Messrs. Black & Baird.
Another sale reported yesterday was that of
the Beeler property on Wilkins avenue, con
sisting ol a lot 250x300 feet. The price paid
was S20,00a Three or four gentlemen are inter
ested in the transaction, but th('y declined to
let their names be used at present. They
bought for an investment.
It was reported on excellent authority yester
day that a Philadelphia capitalist had sent
$100,000 here within a few days past fr invest
ment in real estate, but neither his name nor
the kind of property he wants could be ascer
tained. It is understood that a Wood street
firm has charge of the busineA. This should
stir up home investors. Pittsbnrg realty should
be owned by Pittsburg peoplfj, who ate more
likely to be Interested in its development than
foreigners. Still, outsiders 'are entirely wel
come, and the fact that they consider Pittsburg
a good place in which to mike Investments is
more beneficial than otherwise.
Concerning the trust stocks. In which a num
ber of Pittsburg speculator are interested, a
broker said yesterday: "They have so far
failed to establish confidence in their staying
qualities, because of the refusal of their pro
moters to furnish Information about them.
They are mysteries, and thoiu'who dabble in
them do so at great risk. It It known that'they
are heavily capitalized, or watered, leaving
their actual value a matter of uncertainty. Ac
cording to a recent statement the capitalization
of these concerns Is about as follows:- Lead
Trust, $83,018,800; Sugar Trust, $19,856,200; Cotton
Oil Trust, $4,185,200; American Cattle Trust,
$13,396,500; Distillers and Cattle Feeders' Trust,
$30,726,603. It requires a larce amount of busi
ness to pay dividends on these Immense sums."
The gentleman added: "I can see no good
reason why Pittsburg people should sncculate.
In foreign securities, ot which they know abso
lutely nothing, when there are hundreds of
reliable properties at home, about which full
information can be obtained at anytime. Some
of them have been watered too much, yet they
represent a certain fixed value, which is more
likely to increase than diminish. If these men
would confine their operations to the Pitts
burg Exchange we would hare a lively market
right along. By doing this they would not only
benefit themselves, nut, by keeping their money
at home, assist in building up all kinds of busi
ness. The Thirty-third street sewer, upon whioh
working is progressing as fast as practicable, is
a big undertaking; but it will be of great bene
fit to the district through which it passes. Be
ginning at Roup station it passes through
Sbadyside, Ben Venue, where it is tunneled
through the hills, and so on down to the Alle
gheny river, where It-will be nine feet In diame
ter. The average diameter Is about six feet.
The sewer will be a common carrier all along
the route. The creek at Roup and Shadyside
will flow through it. A similar sewer Is con
templated at Negley run for the East Liberty
The iron market is in a satisfactory condi
tion to both manufacturers and consumers to
the former because they have all the orders
they can handle, and to the latter because
prices are reasonable, neither high nor low, but
about a fair average. There have been no
changes in quotations since last week, but they
are very firm. At the recent meeting of pipe
men in New York existing discounts were re
affirmed. The proposition to organize a nail
syndicate seems to have fallen through because
of the opposition of two or three mills. All of
the iron mills are very busy, with a good pros
pect of so continuing through the fall and win
ter. The only danger to be feared is an ex
tremely cold winter, which would stop bridge
building and railroad making and repairing.
Stocks Dull nnd Listless A Broker Who
Never Wnshes.
Another lump In Natural Gas of West Vir
ginia was the main feature of the stock mar
ket yesterday, but the improvement was more
nominal than real, as there were no transactions
in it. It was offered in the afternoon at 76, with
74 bid. Wheeling was firm. The other gassers
were weaker, if anything, as were, also, the
tractions. La Nona was a trifle off, but it gave
rise to some interest and a little amusement.
A few bnndles bf it were tossed about, shuttle
cock fashion, between Mr. Bailey and Mr
Fink, selling and reselling to each other to save
the day.
'Ob, that's wash," remarked a broker. "No
you are wrong there,;' chimed m another
"Mr. Fink never washes." This brought down
the house. After this episode, 200 shares of the
stuff found a buyer aU. The only other sale
was 17 shares of Philadelphia Oas at 37K. The
rest of the list was as feature! ess as a profes
sional politician. Captain Barbour's afternoon
effort was rewarded with a goose egg, within
which was represented a fowl in an advanced
stage of decomposition. Bids and offers were:
Bld. Asked. Rid. Asked.
P. P.. S. A M. Ex
(erman Matlonal
Keystone Rank. Pitts.
Odd Fellows' Sav. B'k
Third Mat. Bank
Brlilirewater Gas
rhsrtlpr Val. Gas Co.
v w .... ....
.. S25
. 6!)
161 .... .... ....
73 7S 74 76
'" 60 '."'. "'
17Ji 17 17 IS
" :: D
30 31 30 ....
100 .... JOO ....
82 79 B2
X 3-X 3l8 ....
68 .... 68 ....
109 .... 199 210
15M Z...
1 2
"nv "ax si ...Is
2 224 21 12
Mat. Oas Co. of W. Va.
Ohio Valley Gas.
People's Mat Gas
P. M. O. A P. Co.
Philadelphia Co..
Wheeling Uas Co
Purest Oil Co
Washington Oil Co....
Central Traction. -
Citizens' Traction
Pittsburg Traction
Pleasant Valley
Union tiridpe
iron City Mining
La Moria Mining Co...
Westinchoute Klectne
u.s. a si. Co -
Pitt. fTr-rlnnura. Co
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 111,698 shares, including: Atchison,
15.&G0: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
3.500; Louisville and Nashville, 5,118, Missouri
Pacific l.SoO: Northerri Pacific, preferred, 6,431:
Reading, 12,400; St. Paul, 8,754.,
The Real Estate Interest Qnlte Lively for
August Dnys.
A. J. Pentecost sold a lot' and a two-story
frame dwelling in the Sterrett plan, near Mc
Keesport. for f 1,450. The purchaser was Ella
M. Young.
John F. Baxter, 512 Smithfield street, sold lot
No. 9 Villa Park plan, Bruahton, having a
frontage of 40 feet on Kelly street by 137 to a
20 foot alley, for 1700 to Miss Laura Ramsey.
Black fc Baird sold forF. B. Fins th waist to
N. F. Hunter, Esq- for 1850 lot No. 15 in J, S.
McCord's plan of lots in Oakland, fronting 23
feet on Boqnet street by 120 feet in depth.
George a Martin. 503 Liberty street, sold In
the Maplewood. Park plan, Wilklnsburg, lot
No. 49, having a frontage of 40 feet on Coal
street by 120 leet to Washington lane, for J400,
to Patrick Costello.
Ewlng t Brers, No. 107 Federal street, sold a
mortgage of t2,600 for three years at 6 per cent
onpronerty in the Second ward. Allegheny.
Reed B. Coyle 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to J. McM. Porter and E. B. Davis lots Nos. 88
and 68 In the Marlon Place plan for 1600,
Basaael W.BlackACcv, Fourth avenns
sold a lot 50x100, TrVth a one-story cottage style
frame dwelling, on the west side ot Copeland
street. Twentieth vard, for S2.187 6U
James W. Drape & Co. sold a lot 20x50 feet,
with small building thereon, in Oakland, for
tl.8.50: and placed a mortgage of $1,000 on "prop
erty in Oakland at 6 per cent.
L. O. Frailer yesterday sold for William
Velte et ah a new modern frame dwelling; five
rooms, eta, lot 18x100 fret, situate on the north
west corner of Gross and Sciota streets. Twen
tieth ward, to William H. Dickinson for $2,604.
Honey Favorably Influenced by Expecta
tions of a Blc Fall Trade.
Discounting was above the average of the
past two months yesterday, indicating tho be
ginning of a revival of business and a broaden
ing tendency of the money market as the fall
season approaches. Depositing and checkfhg
were fair. There was very little demand for
exchancre. enrrener bclnsr In pood snDnlV. The
-clearings were $1,704,561 31 and the balances
$299,812 85.
A financier remarked: "While the money
market shows a slight hardening tendency,
there is no fear regarding the future. A brisk
demand for funds is anticipated in the near
future, but bankers feel confident there will be
no stringency. They rely upon the Treasury
Department coming to their .relief if occasion
should arrive, of, which, however, there is no
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 24 percent, last loan 2k, closed offered at
2K- Prime mercantile paper, 4XBK- Sterling
exchange dull but steady at $4 84H for 60-day
bills and H 8 for demand.
Closing; Bond Qnotntloni.
U. 8. 4s,reg ..123
U. S. 4a. coun -128
M.K. AT. Gen.M .SDK
Mutual Union ts....Ktii
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .113
Northern Fac lsu..tiev
Northern fae. 2ds..US
Northw'f'n consols. M7
V. 8. 4Xa, re 104V
D. S. 4S9. conn.... 1CV
iacincosoi'K...jt. lis
Louislanaatamnedis S3
Missouri Ss lOOX
Northw'n deben'..lH!
Urexon & Trans. 6a.lOH
St. J. AI.M. Oen. 5 85)4
St-I,.&b.F. Oen.Jl.ltS
Hw fanl consols ....lffi.'i
Xt-Vr I 'hi Pp.Iata.117
.lenn. new net. o.iut
Tcnn. new set. 5J....102
TeDn. ne.weet.33.... 72V
Canada So. 2ds SV
Cen. 1'aelOe.laU US
Den. A K. O., lata. ..122
Den. & It. G. 4s...... 79U
l).K.O.Weat,lst. 101
Krle, 2d 104
11. K. 4 T. Gen. 6a.. 63.
Tx., PcL. O.Tr Ka. KH
Tx.,PcK.O.Tr.Kcts S
union rac. jsu...-"
Weit Shore 1H
New Tobk Clearings, $101,121,655; balances,
Boston Clearings, $11,033,460; balances,
$1,458,877. Money at 3 per cent
Baltimore Clearings $1,915,486; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, 19,283,350; bal
ances. $1,447,322.
London The amount of bullion gone
into the Bank of England on balance to-day is
11,000. The bullion in the Bank of England
increased 29,000 during the past week. The
firoportion of the Bank of England's reserve to
lability is now-37.17 per cent.
Chicaoo Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings. $11,144,000.
Petroleum Shows u. Disposition to Regain
the Dollar Line.
Except for a little while in the forenoon, the
petroleum market was dull and uninteresting
yesterday. There were several long spells of
waiting for something to turnup. Just after
the opening there was a spurt of activity, dur
ing the existence of which most of the trading
was done, and the best nures of the day made.
Pittsburg was a moderate buyer, sustaining
the market The day was rather favorable to
the bulls. The close was steady at cent bet
ter than the opening.
There was no change in refined, and no par
ticular disposition to hammer the market. The
dollar line was not touched, but the undercur
rent was in that direction. Very little was
dene in cash oil. It was a fraction below the
regular. Wednesday's clearings were 1,376,000
barrels. Salient features of the market follow.
Yesterday's Oil Range.
Corrected daily by John M. Oasuey Co., 4S
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
S7K Lowest...
Averaie shipments
Average charters
Refined, Mew York. 7.20c.
Keflnei), lxindan, SKA.
Refined, Antwerp, istiT.
Iteflned. Liverpool, eid.
A.B. McGrew t Co.
98c; calls, 99c.
quote: Puts, 95c to
Important Well at Taylorstown.
The Jennings & Co. well on the Ash brook
farm, on the southwest limit of Taylorstown
fieId,reported on Wednesday as dry, was showing
for.an excellent well yesterday. This extends
the field in that direction.
Other Oil Karketa,
On, Crrr.August 15. National transit certifi
cates opened at ,97Jc: highest, 97Kc: lowest,
97c; closed, 97Ji
Bbadford. August 15. National transit cer
tificates opened at 97fc; closed at 97Jic:
highest, 97c; lowest, 97Jic.
TrrnSTttLE, August la National transit
certificates opened at 97ic: highest. 8TCc:
lowest, 97JJc; closed, 97Kc
New York, August 15. Petroleum opened
firm at 973c, but after a slight advance be
came heavy and declined to 96&c The market
then became qniet, and closed steady at 97c
Total sales, 682,000 barrels.
Business Motes.
Philadelphia advices report the anthra
cite coal trade in poor condition.
Iron and steel rates will be advanced Sep
tember I by the Central Traffic Association.
An oil bull taid yesterday that they would
hoist the commodity to or above the dollar line
Mb. A. J. Lawrence left last night for thei
seashore. He will be absent two or three
The demand for real estate Increases as the
weather gTOws cooler. It has been quite brisk
this week.
There seems to be more smoke than fire in
the talk about street railway consolidation.
Some of the numerous projects on foot may,
however, come to a Seal.
Captain Babeour win take his vacation in
September, not December, as stated yesterday.
He will take in Gettysburg, where he helped to
New officers and directors of the West End
Savings Bank are; Robert S. Hemiup, Frank
B.Nlmick, Roger Hartley. Joseph F. Minick,
Joseph Lemor. John D. Richards, Robert Ste
venson, Charles C. Daub and John A. Wood.
The board elected R. & Hemiup President and
Frank B. Nimick Vice President
According to a statement prepared by the
Treasury Department, the stock of money in
the country, coined or issued, in the Treasury
and in circulation, Angnst 1. 18S9, was $1,998.
142,161. as against J1.9C0.142, 726 on the 1st of Au
gust, 168S, an lncreaso of J37.999.435 for the 12
Wall Street Anxlons for Something to Torn
Up to Brenk tho Monotony An At
tack on Atchison and n Drop In
Kngnr the Featurts.
New Yobk, August 15. The dullness In the
stock market was further increased to-day, and
tho total transactions tor the davwero the
smallest for any full day for long time. This
feature was even more marked in the unlisted
department than in the regular list. The fluct
uations of prices were on the same limited
scale as the business, and less than half a
dozen of the usually active stocks were traded
In over a range of over Jf per cent. Tho mar
ket Is a waiting one, and the leaders must give
some sign of their Intentions before the traders
and the public will tako hold with any vim.
The only features of the day were the
pressure upon the Southwestern stocks, which
fonnd expression toward the close in a sharp
attack upon Atchison, which lorced that stock
over 1 per cent, and the unusual strength in
jnissonn, Jiansas ana Texas, upon talk
of a favorable outcome of the reorganization.
There was at times considerable pressure
npon Reading andNorthexn Pacific preferred
but no Impression was made npon either and
their fluctuations 'were about on a par with
those ot the rest of the list. The stocks of the
new Big Four were comparatively neglected
until the last hour, when the common made a
fractional advance with some inrrnaiu, i ani
mation. Among the specialties Pullman. Short
Line and American Express sold materially
higher than tha previous sales. The opening
was firm with most stocks slightly higher than
last evening, vhile Louisville and Nashville
was up X. buttBMmarket was very tame and
the only movement of importance was a frac
tional decline in sugar.
,.T0,raI.d,noo.2tneatta,eknPon Atchison and
Missouri Paclflo caused a fractional decline in
both of those stocks, with Northern Paclflo
preferred and Reading following, but the uen
eral list remained stagnant, with a drooping
tendenoy. In, the afternoon this movement
was reversed, and the losses of the forenoon
were generally recovered. The pressure upon
Atchison was snddenly renewed after 2 p. it,
and it declined IK percent, but the others Rave
no slen of svmnatoizing with it nri th. ...
ly closed Intensely anil and steady axawnt J
opening figures. .The final changes, except in
Atchison, which is down V. per cent, are for
small fractions only, and about equally di
vided between gains and losses.
The transactions in railroad bonds were on
the nsnal limited scale, reaching only $756,000,
and the only featnre was the activity In the
Texas and Pacific seconds, which furnished
$113,000 to the total business. The general
tone of the market if anything was firmer than
of late.
The following table snows the prices oracttve
stocks on the Sew York Stock Exchange yeiter
dsy. Corrected dally for THS DISPATCH by
WHITNIT A STEPHENSON, oldest llttsbur(r mem
bers of Mew York Stock Exchange, 67 fourth avenue:
103 V
Ina. Am. cotton on KM
Attn.. Top. A 8.K.... 37
Canadian Pacific ....
Antral or Mew Jersey.lUK
Centrait-aelfik. ....
CheuneakeA Ohio.... Zih
0.. Bur. A Oulbcv 104
C, Mil. a St. Paul.... 71
V., ilU.ASt. P., pr....H2
U., KoctL A P. MX
C., St. L. A Pitts
U. St. P..M. AO MX
C.. St. P..M. At)., pr. ....
C A .Northwestern. ...1IUS
p.. &, C. A 1 7314
a, a, a a i., pr ioik
Col. Coal A iron 27X
Del.. L. A W 145
Del. A Hnrteon 147X
Denver A KloO ....
Denver A KloU.. nt
f.T., Va. AUa ....
E.T..VS, AGa.lat pr. ....
E.T.. Va. AGa. 2dpf. ....
Illinois Central.
Lake Krle A West. nr.. 64
Lake Shore AM. X.....KHX
LoulrrllleAMashvllle. 70
Michigan central 8M
Mo., Kan. A Texas.... lltt
lllseourl Pacific 72
Mew fork Central
M. V.. L. E. A W 28X
N. I.. L. E. A W., pref 5i
j... & a st. l,.:. :
N. J., c a st. l. nr.
N.i.. C. ASt.xj.2d nf ....
M. VAN. E Jl
M. V.. O. A W
-Norfolk A Western, pf. 54
esL tin
est. S3V
112K 112K
147J? HOi
254 25X
104)2 van
7i 71 H
112 III!)
W iS'A
64 64
70 70H
71 74
.... J06H
28 iS
6SK 68
.... 67
wn mi
23 MV
29K 29t
66 67
22 2!
33H 34
35 H
44H -US
181 178
101 lot
.... 1C9
2i an
17 17 '4
32 32H
83 S SIX
69H 69K
.... 107
sea lH
-lonnera Paclflc
Mortnern Pacific Orel.
Ohio A illiiisslppl..... 22'
"Tejfon Tranacon 34
I'acmcMall 36.
1'eO. Defl. J Kni
Phlladel. A Heading.. 44
l"uUman Palace dr.. .181
Richmond S. W. P. T.. 23
Kichmond A W.P.T.pf ....
St. p., Minn. A Man. .101
St. L. A San Pran
St. L. A San Pran pr.
fct.i,. A ban P. 1st pr.. ...
Texas Pacific 21
UnlonPacl&e 62
Wabaen 17
Wabaah preferred
Western Union Kit
Whrelinjr A L. . 70S
Huaar Trust 107 S
National Lead Trust.. 2JM
Chicago Gas Trust WJ,
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing qaotatlons or Philadelphia stoeks, rur
nlshed by Whitney AStephenson, brokers No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members Mew York Stock Ex
change. BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad. J2 53
Reading: 22 3-W Z2X
Bnfiajo. Plttsbnre and Western V 10
Lehlch Valley uu jju
Lehlfth Maviiratlon 54 5J
Northers Pacific 29X 2S
MorthernPaclfio preferred fix 67)4
Boatan Stocks.
Atcb.LandQrant, 7sl07W
Atch.ATop.lt. R... ss
HostonA Albany.. .5I7
Boston A ilalne.....ro3
C. JJ. AQ. 103
Wis. Central pC...
Calumet A Hecia....:
Pewablo (new)
Bell Telephone :
Boston Land
Water Power
Eastern K. R. 6s ....1Z5K
PltntAPeraM. DM. S3
MexloanCen. com.. 15
Jlex.C.letmtjr. bds. 66H
M. Y. theiriij,,. SOU
Old colony 175
Untland prererred.. 40
W14. Central, com... 23
San Diego 15
Mining Stocks.
Nit- York. Aucust 15. Asnen. 400; Best &
Belcher. 360; Caledonia B. H., 310; Chollar, 126;
Crown Point, 300; Colorado Central, 100; Con
solidated California nnd Virginia, 737K: Com
monwealth. 200; Deadwood Ter.. 150; Denver
City Consolidated. 700; Eureka Consolidated,
13o: El Cristo. 100; Gould 4 Curry. 200: Hale
Ahorcross, 293: Homestake, 900; Horn Silver.
12o; Iron Silver. 175; La Crosse, 700; Mexican. 315;
Mutual, 140; Ontario, 34.00; Ophir. 470; Occi
dental, ISO; Plymouth, 400: Savage, 140; Sierra
Nevada. 200; Standard, 100; Union Consoli
dated. 290; Ward Consolidated, 150; Yellow
Jacket, 29a
Little Progress In the Attempt to Purchase
the Cherokee Strip.
- Little Bock, August- 15. Specials
from Indian Territory say that the Cherokee
Commission is making little progress in
negotiating with the Cherokees for the pur
chase of the Cherokee strip. Mr. "Wilson
and Mr. Pairchlld, of the commission, will
possibly set out to-day for the agency of the
Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians to begin
negotiations with those tribes for the land
claimed by them. The Cherokees repudiate
this claim, and the action of the Commis
sioners is considered impolitic. Commis
sioner Wilson believes that the Cherokees
will ultimately sell the strip to the United
States, and that the feeling in favor of such
a sale is daily gaining ground.
The New York Republican State Committee
has decided to hold the State Convention In
Saratoga on September 25.
John McDonongh, aged 60, a Union veteran
of the civil war, at present in Glasgow, Scot
land, has applied for admission to some
soldiers home in this country. Much corres
pondence has passed between Consul Under
wood and officials at New York. McDonongh
served In the Fourteenth New York, and also in
the Fifth. He has honora tie discharges, but
neglected to take ont citizen's papers. Gen.
Martin T. Mahone, Secretary of the National
Soldiers' Home, has written to him telling Mc.
Donough to come on at once.
A 6-year-old daughter.of Jacob Mann, a
hotel keeper of Hicksville, L. L, died under pe
culiar circumstance. The child complained
to her father that she had a slight cold and he
told her to go to her mother and she wonld
give her some medicine. Instead of going to
her mother the child went to a closet and took
a long draught of whisky from a demijohn.
boon alter she fell asleep ana never awoke
again. Two physicians were called in but they
could not revive ber. An autopsy showed that
the whisky had killed her.
The storm which passed over the Missouri
valley Monday night was the most disastrous
known to that section this season. Over 20
persons, it is said, were killed by-lightning, and
the damage in animals killed and ruined crops
will run up over $500,000. This, of course, in
cludes the damage done to railroads. Amontr
uu9 jwiiicu noio a buu oi i. xi. onver, at
Courtland, Neb.: George Warner and George
Richardson, of Dawson, Neb.; E. Winkler of
Winthrop, Mo.; H. H. Unter, of Hamlin, Kan.,
and Fred Case, of Olathe, Kan. Reportsfrom
other towns state that there were fatalities, but
as yet no; particulars have beeu received.
A marriage that took place at Eatontown,
N. J., a few davs aro. results In odd ri,Hnn.
ships indeed. The bride waaMIss Ella Clayton
.uu ujd nroiu wu Aiueriruuiips, xne bride
of Mr. Fhillios' daughters. Bv Mr. fMxvtnn'a
daughter's marriage to his wife's father Ella
wiayton Decomes ner lather's step-mother-in-law.
Mr. Phillip's daughter, who married Mr.
Clayton, is also her father's step-mother-in-law.
Mr. Phillips is Mr. Clayton's father-in-law and
Mr. Clayton Is Mr. Phillips' father-in-law.
Each of the wives is the other's step-mot ber.
.Each man is his daughter's step-son, and each
woman becomes the granddaughter of herself '
and also her own grandmother.
Mrs. R. H. Bryan, of Milwaukee, a small
and delicate-looking woman, thought she
heard a noise in her bedroom- She made an
examination, and found the window had been
open, and on looking out she saw a young man
in the yard. He asked her for Mr. Johnson,
'and, on being told he did not live there, start
ed up the alley to the street. The lady's sus
picions being aroused she looked In the bureau,
and missed her eold watch. Seizing her hus
band's revolver from the drawer, she followed
and overtook the thief, getting the drop on
him before be expected. At the point of
the pistol be surrendered, and stood with his
bands np until a neighbor came. Telling tho
man to hold the thief, she started off to find a
policeman. She was no sooner around the
corner than the thief hit the neighbor and ran,
making good his escape
, The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has
issued a circular prohibiting the refilling at
distilleries ot casks or packaces previously
used at the same distillery. It is as follows:
"It Is the practice of many distillers to nse and
reuse, constantly, the same packages for con
veylng spirits from distilleries to rectifying
bouses. Such reuse has been permitted for the
reason that it Is alleged that lUs a saving to
distillers In cooperage, but from a full investi
gation of this practice it Is fonnd to result in
great loss of revenue to the Government by
reason of the tax on a part of the contents
being evaded each time that package is so re
used and the loss Increased with each reuse, ir
the tax thus evaded were only that on the
fractional part of a proof gallon which each
package contained, less than flf ty.bundredtbs,
then this office might not deem It an abuse to
be prohibited under the law: but thalosa from
tti ' source lsamaU compared with thatre
Mltiajr from otter causes.
29X 29H
B73S 67
S 22K
$ 34W
H . 3B)J
Butter Supply Below Demand
Peaches in Liberal Supply.
Heceipta of Grain and Hay Large
WeakCorn Steadj.
Office of the Pittsbubo Dispatch, J
Thubsday, August 15, 1889. $
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The marked featnre of trade the past day or
two Is the great activity of butter. A leading
dealer reports that he is unable to fill orders.
A year ago at this time creamery butter was
being stored in large quantity. At present this
is impossible as there is good demand for all
that comes to market. In fruit lines peaches
are the only article that seems to be over
abundant. Potatoes and apples are not so
plentiful as they were a week or two ago.
Watermelons are firm. Weather Is not warm
enough for active fruit trade. Eggs are steady
and unchanged. Tho same is true of cheese.
Butter Crearaory, Elgin, 2i22c; Ohio do,
19020c; fresh dairy packed, 1516c; country
rolls, 1315e.
Beans Navy band-picked beans, 12 40Q2 60;
medium, 32 302 40.
Beeswax Ss30o H ft for choice; low grade,
Cidf.r Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
S3 504 00: crab cider, fS 00S 50 f) barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c $) trallon.
Cheese Ohio, 8c: New York, 10c; Lim
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 8Ji12c;
California Fruits California peaches,
$2 00 ,1 -lusbel box; Bartlett pears, S3 00
3 50 ft box; grapes, $2 &03 00 a 20-pound box;
apricots, J3 00 a 4-basket case; plums, Jl 75
2 00 a 4-basket case.
Eoos 1516c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fnurrs Apples, 602 00 fl barrel; pine
apples. SI 0001 25 y dozen: whortleber
ries, 75c81 OOJfl pail; watermelons, $15 0020 00
V hundred; Delaware peaches, SI 001 25 $
half-bushel basket.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c: mixed lots, S035c ?1 &.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 40KaV
pair; old, 6570cV pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel, to 60
V bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, S3 00;
clover, Alslke, S8 60; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice. 45 fts. SI 65: blue erasg. extra.
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 Bs, SI 65; red top, 11 Bs. SI 25;
millet, 60 Bs, SI 00; German millet, 50 fts,
SI 60; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 t bushel of
14 fts.
TALLOW-Conntry, 4c; city rendered, Pi
Tropical, Fruits Lemors. fancy. S5 50
6 60 V box: Messina orange. S5 005 60 $ box;
rodi, H 5C5 00; bananas, $2 00 firsts, SI 25 good
seconds, $t bunch; cocuanuts, U 004 50 Vt
hundred; new figs, 89c V ft; dates, 66c
Vegetables Potatoes, $1 2501 40 ? barrel;
tomatoes, home-grown, SI 251 50 f) bushel;
wax beans, SI f bushel; green beans, 6075c W
bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, SI 60 lfl bushel;
radishes. 25Q40c f) dozen; home-grown, cab
bage, 60c $1 bushel; new celery, home-grown,
60c f? dozen; sweet potatoes, $4004601barreL
Sdgars are still weak and coffees firm. The
handsome profits made by wholesale grocers
the past year on the steady rise of sugar are of
late on the other side of the ledger.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 21W22Kc:
choice Rio. 1920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
18K19Kc; old Government Java, 26c: Mara
caibo, 22623c; Mocha, 2728c; Santos, 1922c;
Caracas. 20022c; peaberry, Rio, 22024c; La
Guayra. 210.2c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
I2ic: bieh arrades. 24K6)26Kc: old Government
Java, bulk. 3131&c; Maracalbo. 2627c;
Santos, 2022ic; peaberry, 25)c; peaberry,
choice Rio, 23c; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio,
21c; ordinary, 2oc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
casita. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c:
Ohio. 120. 8Uc; headlight, 150. 8c; water
white. 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; camadlne,
HKc;royaline, 14c ,
Istrups Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sucar
syrups, 3SS38c: prime sugar syrup, SOg33c;
strictly prime. 3335cj new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me
dium. 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bl-carb In kegs, 334c; bl-carb It Vs,
6c; bl-carb, assorted packages, SJigSc; sal
soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, W
set. 8K-; paraffine. ll12c
iticE ueau. Carolina, 7S74c: choice. tAial
7c; prime, &K6Vc; Louisiana, (j6;
oiAKCB-xe3.1L, oc; cornstarch,
starch. 5627c
ISc; gloss
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
$2 60; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels.
81 85: Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencla,9k10c;
sultana, 8jKc: currants, 4J5c: Turkey prunes,
4JJ5c; French prunes. 8J13c: Salonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, W 100,
SO CO; almonds, Lan., per B. 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap... 12Q15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna flgs,1216c: new 'dates,
56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
per B. 2122c; lemon peel, V ft, 1314c; orange
peel, 12Kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6W6Xc: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 12XeI5c; peaches,;evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated.
unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries. 1012c
bUOARS Cubes, Be; powdered, 9c: granu
lated, 8Jc; confectioners' A, 8Xc; standard
A, 8Kc; soft whites. 8SJfc: yellow, choice,
7c; yellow, good, 7K8c; yellow, fair, 7J4c;
yellow, dark, 7c
PICKLES Medium, bbls (L200), 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), $2 75.
Sam-No. 1. bbL 95c: No. 1 ex, V bbL $1 05,
dairy, fl bbl. $1 20; coarse crystal, f bbl, $1 20;
Higgins Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 bO, Hlggins'
Eureka. 16-14 B pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches SI 60
1 90: 2ds$l'30l 35; extra peaches. SI 902 00;
pic pcsuucB, vw, uoeab corn, 91191 ou; ma. co.
corn, 7090c:red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
$1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas, $1 1001 15: soaked peas. 7075c;
pineapples, SI 40QS1 60; Bahama do, $275, dam
son plums, 95c: greeneages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, $2 60; do gruengages, $2; do,
eegjrams, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90: red
cherries. 2 Bs, 90c; raspberries, $1 401 60:
strawberries. $1 10; gooseberries. $1 S01 40;
tomatoes, 82V92c; salmon, 1-B. $ 762 10;
blackberries, euc: succotash, 2-B cans, soaked,
99c; do ercen, 2 Bf, $1 2501 60; corn beef. 2-B
cans. 2 05; 14-ft cans, $14 00; baked beans. SI 45
1 60; lobster. 1-B. SI 71 80; mackerel, 1-B
cans, broiled. SI 50: sardines, domestic lis,
$4 &04'60; sardines, domestic H :$8 2SS 50;
sardines, imported. t, $11 5012 60, sardines,
imported, s. $18; sardines, mustard, $4 50; sar-
Fisii Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 V
bbL; extra No. 1 do. mess, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock. 4c fl ft: do medium, George's cod,
$2 00 W 100-B half bbl. White fish. $7 00 W 100-
m nan 001. Lake trout. $5 50 f bait bbL
Finnan haddock, 10c fl B. Iceland halibut, 13c
fl B. Pickerel. U barreL $2 00; i barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, S5 00 V barrel, S2 50 W U
Oatjieal S6 S09 60 p bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, dour nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 43 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 2 cars of wheat, 8 of oats. 1 of
flour, 1 of feed, 2 of hay. By Baltimore and
Ohio, 6 cars of oats, 1 of oats and rye. By Pitts
burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of wheat,
7 of com, 5 of oats, 1 of millfeed, 1 of oats and
rye, 4 ot hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. I
car of flour, 1 ot rye, I of hay. There was bnt
one sale on call, viz: a car of rye and oats rye,
45c, oats, 26tf B. 4 O., spot. Receipts are un
usually large, especially of oats. Already the
week's receipts are larger than last or the pre
vious week, with two days' returns still to come
in. Corn alone continues steady. Other cereals
and hay keep drifting downward. Wheat bulls
at latest were to the front, bnt flour continues
quiet. ,
Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red,
S283c: No. 2 red. old,bS89c; No. 3 red, !384c
CORN No-2 yellow, ear, 4516c; high mixed
ear, 44gJ$cr No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243c;
high mrxeu. shelled. 41612c: mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white. 27K28c; extra No. 8,
2727Kc: mixed, 232fc
Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60e51c;
No. 1 Western, 4850c; new rye No. 2 Ohio,
XXXX bakers'. H 0001 25; Rye dour, S3 50
MIIXFEED-Mlddlines, fine white. 113 500
15 00 ft ton; brown middlings, SU 6O912 00; win
ter wheat bran. 111 00011 25; chop feed, Slo CO
10 00.
HAY Baled timothy, choice, S14 50014 75;
Naldo, 112 5081308-,, No. 3 do, S110ell208;
loose IromTagon, mi 80817 08; new hay ores.
S10 00014 CO, according to quality: No. 1 up
land prairie. S9 009 50; Not '4 S7 S08 00; pack
tag do, S8 0066 550.
Straw Oats, S3 50; wheat and rye straw
506 00. !
Sngar-cured bams, large, IlKc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured bams, small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams.
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lOKc, sucar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders. 6Jic; bacon
clear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8Kc; dry
ant snoniaers, oc; ary salt clear sides, sc
Mess pork, heavy, S13 00; mess pork, family,
S13&0. Lard Refined In tierces, eke; half
barrels, 6c; 60-& tubs. 6c: 20-ft pails, 7c: 60-ft
tin cans, 6c: 3-ft tin palls: 7c; 6-ft tin palls,
7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c; 10-ft
tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c; larce,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter parrel,
S3 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnished the f oft owing prices
on .dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 650
fts, 5c: 550 to 650 fts, 6c: 610 to 750 Bs, 6c
Sheep, 8c B. Lambs, 10c fl ft. Hogs, 6jic
Fresh pork loins, 8Hc
A Member of the Barnes Safe sad Lack
Company Seeks Ready Cash Arbitra
tion Failed to Brine It.
"William J.' Barnes yesterday entered suit
against Thomas Barnes for 30,635.94, the
value of his interest in the firm of the
Barnes Safe and Lock Company. The two
had comprised the company, and on July
16, 1887, it is stated, the partnership was
dissolved by William J. Barnes withdraw
ing. His interest in the business was one
fourth, Thomas Barnes holding the other
three-fourths. It was agreed that Thomas
Barnes should purchase the other's share,
but an agreement could not be reached as to
the value of the business.
It was decided to leave the matter ot val
uation to three arbitrators, their decision to
be final. A. F. Keating, Timothy O'Learv
and Charles C. Scaile were selected. The
following was the result of their appraise
ment: Tools, machinery, stock, etc., of the
company, 535,810 67; outstanding accounts
less indebtedness, $33,523 39; fcood will of
me nrm, 44s,iwu; profits on orders in hand,
$10,209 70. The plaintiff's: share of this
was $26,885 94.
This amount, it was claimed, was to have
been paid by Thomas Barnes within 90
days. Though repeatedly asked to do so,
he has refused, and the money is still due.
In addition he owes bis share, three
fourths, of the fees of the arbitrators, $1,000
each, and three-fourths of $2,000, salary due
the bookkeeper, C. P. Duff, making his al
leged indebtedness in all $30,635 94.
Legal Tender.
John Sins, arrested a short time ago at
Altoona on a charge of counterfeiting, was
committed to jail yesterday by United States
CommisslonerMcCandless, having been unable
to secure ball.
This will of the late J. C. Graham was filed
yesterday for probate. His entire estate is
given to his wife, who is appointed sole execu
trix. United States Marshal Miller yes
terday drew the juries for the September term
of the United States Court, to open at Will
iamsport on the third Monday of September.
The following were drawn for the grand jury:
J. O. Kelly. Butler; John E. Jones, Williams
port; Wm. Wolf, Center Hill; James Crocker,
Irish Lane; Wm. H. Oxtoby, Erie: Samuel
McKee, Pittsburg; Thomas Bosler, Meadville;
W. C. Reynolds. South Montrose; Jonathan
Gifford, East Emporium: John F. Stetler. Mid
dleburg;M. R. Heffner, McConnelltowntF. A.
Emllck, Willlamsport; Jacob Ryan, Mononga
hela City: D. H. Williams, Allegheny; Jolin
xicuujau, or., x-uuuurg; j. x. .urennan. xion
esta; E. J. Work, Brady; A. 8. Reed, Mercer;
Lyman Moree, Monroetown: Miles W. Tate,
Meadville; Wm. F. Bute. Vanderbllt; M. L.
Wortman, Allegheny; Charles L. Netting, Sr.,
TfaeDrrsooda Blarket.
New York, August 15. The jobbing trade
In drygoods was active. Agents were in receipt
of numerous orders for staple and fancy coods.
The market at first hands was without material
change. , The market as a whole Is in excellent
condition. Clothing woolens continue fairly
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Chlldren.she gave them Castorla
The number of people who annually die
from Brieht's disease is simply astonishing.
Beginning by a weakness In the back, accom
panied by pain, which at first may be slight,
still, as the disease protrresses, there is an in
creased pain in the small of the back and in
the region of the groins, high colored urine
with brick dust sediment, scanty or copious
flow, with-. pain in voiding It. Not only do the
kidneys themselves become organically dis
eased, terminating in gravel or stone 111 the
bladder, diabetes or Brlght's disease, but is
one of the most potent causes of rheumatism
and dropsy.
Dr. Shafer, one of the physicians of the
Polypathlc Medical Institute, at 420 Penn are.
The Polypatbic Medical Institute is perma
nently located in Pittsburg for the treatment
of rheumatism, kidney and urinary diseases.
Its physicians are not confined to any school of
practice, but embrace any and all remedies
that close stndy and long experience have
found to be the most effectual In curing dis
ease. Dr. Shafer, one of the physicians asso
ciated with this medical institution, and a
skilled specialist, eives esoecial attention to
the treatment of all kidney and urinary dis
eases. Analysis of specimens of unne free.
Consultation also free.
Office hours, 10 to 11:30 a. sc, 1 to 4 and 6 to 8
r. M. Sundays. 1 to 4 p. M.
Consultation free. au2-D
Transact a General Baniui Bnsiness.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all paits of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
This is now conceded to be the best In the
market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have
iust secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held In Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beet,
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la ,.
For largest assortment and lowest price call
and see us.
Tho entire issue being 300,000 on the prop,
erty and franchises of the company, including
atl its consolidated lines, $75,000 being retained,
by the Fidelity Tile and Trust Company, of
Pittsburg; trustee, with which to pay $75,000 ot
a prior issue at maturity. Bonds are for 51.000
each, payable In 30 years, freo of all taxes.
Interest at 5 per cent, payable semi-annually,
beginning July 1, 1SS9, Proposals f orall or any
part of these bonds will be received by the
Treasurer of the company up to and including
the 31st day of August, and allotments mads
thereunder accrued interest must be added to
the price of bonds. At from 1113 68 to $105
these bonds will yield from 4 to 4 6-10 per cent.-
The company reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
For further information address the Treas
urer. . R. F. RAMSEY.
95 Fifth- Ave.. Pittsbnrg, Pa,
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL.
Morgan Sc Co., New York. Passports procured..
Etruna,Ang.l7,10:3)AMSerrla, Sept. 7,1 Pat
Anranla. Auk. H, If m Gallia. Sept. IL 8:30 A K
Bothnla,Anjr.28,t:XAM Etruria, Sept. 14. oak
Umbrla, Ane.31, 8:30 a m I Auranla. Sept.21.2i30 r K
Cabin passage. tCO, S0 and 100; Intermediate.
(35. Steersre tickets, to and from all parts of
Enrope at very low rates.
VEKilOS n. BKOtVN & CO., General Agents,
4 Howling Green, New York.
Fourth ave. and Smith Held St., rittsbnrc.
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage 3S to 850. according to locaUos
of stateroom. Excarslon S65 to too.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, New Yorfc.
J. J. McCORMlCK. Agent, Pittsburg. Ps.
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.' -'
Prepaid Intermediate, $30. Steerage. $1 "1
Passenctrs by this route are saved the ex-
ense and Inconvenience attending transfer to
iverpool or from New York.
Pittsburg. my27-57-jiwr
Atlantic Express Service;
Steamship "CITY Olf BOME.M from Wew York.
WEDNESDAY. Aug. a. Sept M, Oct.16.
Saloon passage. (SO and npward: second-class. S30-
GLASGOW service.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londonderry, Llver-
pool, S50 and SOU. Second-class. 30.
Steerage passage, cither service, S3).
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers circular letters or credit and drafts
for any amount issued at lowest current rates.
For books of tours, tickets or Information,
J. J. MCCOKMICK. fourth and Smlthfleld: A. D.
SCORKlt i. SON. 415 SmithUeld st., ntuburr; W.
SEMJfLE, Jr., 1S5 Federal st.. Allegheny.
.As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
votlne snecial attention to all chronic dhwaaM.
MCRVfll IQ and mental diseases, physical
Qn V UUO decay.nervons debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, erunttons, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organlc weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business.society and mar- .
xiage. permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood,
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange
U n 1 1 1 n (I I 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and. other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insnres scientific and reliable treatment '
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as If here. Office hours 9 A. 3C to 8 p. K. Snn
day, 10 A. M. to 1 p. sr. only. DR. WE1TTIER.
814Penn avenue, Pittsburg; Pa.
full particulars in pamphlet
sent free. The genuine -Grays
Specific sold by druggists only In
yellow wrapper. Frlce. Si per
package, or six for S3, or by mall'
on reeelnt of nrlf k (1,4m.
no. THV nniV Mirillf?lVI! 'm i.....i .,
bold In Pittsburg by S.S. HOLLAND, cornet
Smlthfleld and Liberty lU. apU-SS
SPECIALISTS In an cases re-
S airing scientific and confides
al treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S Is the oldest and
most experienced specialist In
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. OB
hours a to 4 ana no o f. St.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p.
sf.Consult them personally, or write. Doctors
Lake. 90U Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
io3e's Cotton 3300 -
Composed of Cotton Root, Tansy asd. j
Pennyroyal a reoent discovery by aa
'old Dbvsiclan. Is succfuSif used.
lir Safe. Effectual. Price XL by maS."
se&icu. nines, oa& jour urugrab lur uioks .
Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitute,
or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. AoV?
dress POND LILT CO.Vl'ANY, No.4 FUfcer
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Mich.
,j - T.ji.: 1- j i d -y, ,.-
Rett Cross Diamond Brand.
TSa air nllftbla Bin Sir &!. afk ..
tsw. LMies, ak VrifclM tor Uwj Ms
sstoad 11 nut a, is v4 raciai bos, msj4.
vltaklsarUiOM. TakMtll BeM4A
I IUBM1 Sar BartlemUr ! ttUmT k.
""l Ias, Mar, by lB. tsj.ii ?
BMsa ester Cksasl IO-, UNsMm H. PfcHssslfc-J
V'B'i P