i 4 LV Hlje Stgmftg. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1816. Vol.44, Ho. 190. Entered at 1'Ittsburc l'ostofflce, November 14, JSS7, as second-class matter. "Business Office 97 and G9 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 70 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 48, Tribune Building, I,cwYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of TiieDisimtcii fortlz months ending July Si, 1SS3, as sworn to before City Controller, 29,914 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation ofthc Sunday edition or Tiie Dispatch for three months ending July Si, JSSSl t 54,897 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTAGE FKF.E I TIIE UNITED STATES. DAILY DISPATCH, One lear 8 CO DAILY Disr-ATCH, Per Quarter S 00 Daily Dispatch. Oneilonth 70 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 DAILY Dispatch. Including Sunday, Sm'ths. S SO Daily DisPATCii,lncludlng Sunday. 1 month SO feUNDAY DisrATtH. One lear 2 50 M eekly Dispatch, One Vear 1 23 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at , IS cents per week, cr including Sunday edition, at 3) cents per week. . PITTSBURG, TR1DAY, AUG. 16, 1683. SHIPS IN BIGHT. In President Harrison's little speech at Bath, on "Wednesday last, a grand and patriotic policy was reiterated, namely, the rebuilding of onr mercantile marine. The President said: "In every way that I properly can, whether as a citizen or as a public officer, I shall endeavor to promote the rebuilding of our American merchant marine and the restoration of that great carrying trade which we once possessed in every sea." Of course, in such a city as Bath, which has been built almost entirely by its ship building industry, President Harrison could have found no more popular declaration to make; but we bone and believe that the speaker was not solely actuated by the de sire to tickle the ears of his audience. Sure ly by this time it has become clear to statesmen of both parties that the nation urgently demands the restoration of its shipping trade. That party which re establishes successfully the carrying trade under the stars and stripes will also estab lish itself in the hearts of the people. As yet neither party has got beyond words. As far as platforms and speeches go, the Re publican party has set itself squarely in lavor ot aiding American shipbuilders. TVe take President Harrison's latest utterance to mean that Congress will put this policy into action at the earliest possible oppor tunity. There exists no good reason why onr legislators should not concentrate their at tention upon this most important matter. There is no question before the American people to-day of equal importance. The prosperity ot the country and its peaceful relations with the rest of the world leaves the field clear for the laying of the founda tions of an American mercantile marine that shall resume her rightful share in the carrying trade ot the world. - - THAT GIGANTIC 6T0BH. "While the report issued yesterday by the Secretary ot Internal Affairs relative to the recent floods An-this State does sot contain any nem to speak of, it confirms officially what has been generally understood as to the exceptional severity ofthc storm which immediately preceded the Johnstown catas trophe. The report will be found in another column of this issue, and deserves careful reading. The storm of May 30 and 31 covered a greater area than any recorded previously by the Signal Service. From Illinois to the eastern limit,'! of Pennsylvania the rainfall varied from two to four inches, and on the Allegheny Mountains and the valleys sub tending toward the East, an oval area equal to 12,000 square miles, the rainfall reached the unheard of magnitude of eight inches, which turned into weight amounts to 6,732, 46,000 tons. "We are not surprised that the compiler of this report remarks that "In all respects the conditions were the most remarkable and peculiar of those known to attend a general rainfall, and the vast masses of water thrown down over the surface of several States other than Pennsylvania only add to the difficulty of explaining the origin of the storm, or the source from which so great a body of water can have been derived." It is hardly necessary to point out that the Government report will be utilized by the members of the South Fork Fishing Club when their share in the responsibility for the breaking of the dam shall be deter mined in the courts. THE DECAY OF TBUBTS. Trust stocks have recently been severely hammered in the financial markets, and probably the growth of new organizations or combinations of this sort has been ap preciably retarded by the generally unfavor able outlook. "Whatever the opinion of 'certain statesmen upon the subject of trusts may be, and it seems to be the fashion among leading politicians to pooh-pooh the dangerous features of these unrighteous bandings together of capital, The Dispatch regards the decay of the trust idea with great satisfaction. "We cannot refrain from qnoting the fol lowing from a cotemporary's summing up cf the case against the Sngar Trust: Ihe admission that protection fosters and forces competition is truthful. The first and natural effect of tho tariff was to create a great home market, for the possession of which competition became so fierce as to result in loss to somo or all of the competitors. It Is not necessary to argue as to whether a temporary combination to refrain from selling at a loss would have been wise or foolish, legal or Illegal. The trust is not such a combination. Jt is a deathless and eternal federa tion of several vast capitals against all competition, whether between its own members or between them and capitals not embraced in the federation. It is an offensive and defensive alliance against the right of men to do the best they can for themselves. Wo hold such a federation to be immoral and im politic The law or the survival of the fittest must work unchecked. If moro barbers, more bootblacks, more sugar refiners, more news papers, more railways, or more of any trade that depends upon public patronage should .come into a neighborhood than the nelghbor liood can support, the weakest enterprise must if tire. The public must not be taxed to sup port that which cannot support itself against purely domestic competition. AN EXIXIB OF DEATH. The elixir of life may turn out to be the elixir of death before the physicians have stopped experimenting with it. Dr. Brown SequarcL's high reputation as a medical specialist has induced a great many doctors all over the civilized world to accept his dis covery without much investigation. All that Is known of the French doctor's experi ments with his elixir is that a half dozen old people, into whose veins this compound of animal tissues had been injected showed temporary signs of rejuvenation. We have had no positive or direct assurance that this change has been permanent. On the con trary, parallel experiments here show the so-called rejuvenation to be nomoiethan exhilaration, such as. the injection of good Monongahela whisky would cause. Some doctors insist that not even the real tonic effects of whisky follow the administration of the elixir, but that the phenomena sup posed to indicate increased strength in the patient are due entirely to the imagination. 'Xo prove the truth of this extreme theory one experimenter injected water instead of the Brown-Sequard concoction into the sub ject's system, and the symptoms of exhilara tion appeared in due time. But there is a serious danger in the use of the elixir. Dr. Shaw, of St Louis, dis covered that the elixir, three hours after it had been made from the glands of a sheep, swarmed with bacteria, among which the bacillus that is supposed to cause tubercu losis was very numerous. A number of men who submitted to the Brown-Sequard treatment at the Medico-Chirurgical Hos pital at Philadelphia decline to a man to absorb any more elixir. Several of them have acquired abscesses as a resnlt of their inoculation, and all of them describe their feelings as being anything but lively and juvenile. In the first place The Dispatch, at the very outset, doubted the moral utility of Dr. Brown-Seqnard's elixir. It would be a very doubtful blessing for most men to live always on this earth; and the eternal survival of those to whom it might be a blessing to escape from the next world would be a distinct curse to their fellow men. Now, in the second place, The Dis patch concludes from the experiments so far made that the elixir is very uncertain in its physical effects, if not certainly in jurious. The world will probably decide to let Dr. Brown-Sequard have the entire monopoly of his elixir. GOOD BES0L0TI0NS. The Clan-na-Gael of Chicago went in for picnics, speeches and long resolutions yes terday. There would have been only one picnic, one set of speeches and one resolu tion if the order had not been split into two factions over the Dr. Cronin murder. The friends of the murdered man met in one place, and the anti-Croninites in another. More or less distinguished statesmen ad dressed both assemblages, and the resolu tions drawn up after the speeches in both cases abounded in patriotism and good sense. If the order sticks as a whole to the principles expressed at the picnics yester day, it may do good service to the cause of Ireland and avoid offense to American in stitutions. The concurrence of both factions of the Clan-na-Gael in asserting their loyalty to the land of their adoption, in denouncing the murder of Dr. Cronin naturally more vehement among his friends and in dis claiming any desire to interfere with the peaceful plans of Parnell and Gladstone for Ireland's liberation, is agreeable to re mark. Steadfast adherence to a policy of this color will surely keep the Clan-na-Gael from injuring itself and its friends. Cardinal Lavigebie is about to start upon a crusade against Moslem tyranny both in Europe and Asia Minor. It is said that the Cardinal has the sanction of the Vatican in this undertaking, and this will lend unusual weight to his eloquence. But the crusade will not be allowed to proceed far before the great European powers who are interested in retaining the status quo in Eastern Europe will induce the Pope to silence the great preacher who essays to play again the role of Peter the Hermit It seems strange that the French court which tried General Boulanger, Count Dil lon and Henri Rochefort in their absence, did not sentence them to death instead of imprisonment The accused certainly would have made no objection. They are all be yond the court's jurisdiction, and intend to stay there. So much new evidence as to Mr. May brick's habits of arsenic eating has come to light since the verdict that a reprieve cer tainly ought to be granted to the unfortun ate woman who is now lying in prison sen tenced to be hanged on August 26. Popular sentiment is in favor of Mrs. May brick, but the advisers of the Qneen, who alone can grant a reprieve or pardon, seem to be de cidedly hostile to her. TnE St Louis Globe Democrat thinks Pennsylvania politics are so cut and dried that there is no interest in them to any but Pennsylvanians. The election of a Repub lican Treasurer this year may be a foregone conclusion, but there will be fun for all in the Gubernatorial campaign that follows. No less than 1,467 deserters are recorded on the roll of the United States army for the first half of the present year. Nearly all of these were in the first year of their service, and no such record of desertion has oc curred for the last twenty years. The lot of an American soldiercannotbe such a happy one after all, although the amount of fight ing to be done is certainly little. "What the precise significance of the readjustment of salaries in the Pittsburg postoffice may be is not apparent upon the face of the news The Dispatch prints to-day. Some postoffice employes will be pleased, and some won't It is seldom we can all be happy at once. Evebt now and ngain Pittsburg is re minded that a great oarsman still cleaves the dark waters of the Monongahela with his oars. Teemer has emerged from Mc Keesport and his modest nature to chal lenge the victor in the O'Connor-Searle race. Teemer's friends still believe he can beat any oarsman living if he refrains from beating himself. The Pittsburg baseball team has taken on the similitude of a very unreliable mule. It kicks hardest when least expected. New York went down behind the hoofs yes terday. It is entirely due to the newspapers that the infamous Flack divorce has been an nulled, and that a very large part of one of the most cqwardly and contemptible con spiracies that has ever disgraced New York City has been laid Dare to the world. But the press has still something more to do. It must not halt until every guilty conspirator is in jail. Two of the so-called weak clubs in the National League took hold of the New York and Boston clubs yesterday and piti lessly fell upon them. 1 The members of the New Zealand Honse of Representatives are tally up to the times. In the attempt to increase the num ber of members one-third a session of no less than 76 hoars occurred before adjourn ment took place. Filibusters in 'our Con THE gress or obstructionists in ihe English Par liament have never achieved a feat like this. PEOPLE Of PKOMIKEKCE. Lord TEJorrsoir is well enough to walk three miles every day. Joaquin Muxes has become a rich man. Some j ears ago he bought 200 acres near Oak land, Cat They are to be taken now for town lots. Sam Randall has been entertaining A. J. Drcxel and G. W. Chiles at bis home at Wal lingf ord. Pa. Mr. KandaU, has recovered bis health. A volume of the poems of Frederic Tenny son, eldest brother of the poet laureate, is among the reprints in, contemplation in Lon don. They have become difficult to procure. M. Bolabel, a French architect who has been employed of late in the palace of the King of Corea. was recently stoned by the ser vants of the palace and bad to flee for his life. The feeling in Corea against the French is in tense. Dr. Chabi.es Theodore, Djike of Bavaria, the philanthropic physician, recently celebrated at Tegersee, in Bavaria, his removal of the thousandth cataract from the eyes of bis poor patients. It was made the occasion of a great ovation. The marriage contract between the Crown Prince of Greece and Princess Sophia of Prnssla was signed at Potsdam a few days ago. The Princess is to receive 2,000,000 marks from the Hohenzollern funds and 100,000 marks from her mother. She also retains her rights as ono of her mother's heirs. The venerable General Francis E." Spinner, ex-Treasurer of the United States, Is said to be hopelessly ill at bis home at Pablo Beach, Fla., so that his death is likely to occur within a few weeks. The trouble is a cancer on his face, caused by wearing an ill-fitting pair of eye glasses. General Spinner is nearly 68 years old, having been born at Herkimer, N. Y., on January 21, 1802. A WABH0BSE WITH A BEC0BD. An Animal That Took Part In 30 Battles nnd ! Still Alive. Middletown, N. Y., August 15. When Colonel Samuel Fowler, the founder of Port Jervis, and at one time Chairman of the Demo cratic State Committee of New York, went to the war in 1862 at the head ot the Fifteenth New Jersey Volunteers, a regiment recruited in bis native connty of Sussex, some of bis friends in both States nnlted In presenting him with a charger. They selected the 6-year-old brown gelding Restless, by ttysdyk's Hamble tonlan and a Harry Clay mare,raised by George C. Shaw, of Newton, and already famous for style and speed. Colonel Fowler rode his young charger at the bead of the gallant Fifteenth regiment through two bard fought campaigns, and until be bimself was constrained to retire from the service by the malady which after ward caused bis death. On Colonel Fowler's retirement Restless passed Into the hands of the Rev. A. A. Haines, chaplain of the regiment and the son of a former famous governor of New Jersey. There after the horse was loaned to and ridden by General Torbet during the seven days' fearful struggle of the Wilderness, but. otherwise, until the close of the war, be was mainly em ployed by his master in the merciful duties of eairying succor and consolation to the wounded on the battlefield, and helping the sick and weary on tbe long march. Restless took part in more than 30 battles and skirmishes, including tbe bloody engage ments of Petersburg. Fredericksburg, Win chester, the Wilderness and Gettysburg, and carries the scar of a wound received in the last named battle. When the war ended. Chaplain Haines brought the horse home to bis farm at Hamburg, and has since held tbe war-worn charger among his more cherished possessions. For five years past Restless has "been honorably retired from all work, and having tbe free rnn of pasture and stables. At 33 years old be is still comparatively healthy and active, and bids fair to live for some years to come. A KATAL DISPUTE ENDED. Secretary Tracy Will Have the Texas Unlit an tbe Original Plans. Washington, August 15. An advertise ment issued by the Navy Department inviting proposals for furnishing about 661 tons of steel plates, 40 pounds per square foot, for the armor of the battleship Texas marks the end of a controversy that has been going on within the department for some time, Tbe plans for the Texas were purchased by Secretary Whitney in England, and were given to Naval Constructor Bolles, at Portsmouth yard, to execute. It was the belief of tbe Bureau of Construction land Repair that the Texas, if built according to the plans, wonld not carry her full weight, estimated at 6,300 tons at load water,llne, but wonld sink so deep that her rate ot speed would be seriously in terfered with even it her gun deck did not get below water. This opinion was shared by other officials In the department also. But Constructor Bolles was confident that the calculations of the English designer were correct, and that sbe would float on the level be bad marked out for the water line. The question whether or not the Texas should be built according to the plans fur nished has been nnder consideration for some time by Secretary Tracy. It was suggested that tbe vessel be lengthened 15 or 20 feet, thus increasing ber buoyancy as a compromise, and it was the opinion of some of the officials that this would be done. But the publication of the advertisement is taken to mean about tbe de partment that Secretary Tracy has determined to have the plans which were purchased by his predecessor carried out. Tbe bids are to be opened October 1. A SNOW WHITE SPAEB0W. A Bncbelor Albino Bird That Is a King Among; Its Fellows. From the Philadelphia Inquirer.! At Twelfth and Oxford streets yesterday four groups of interested sightseers stood upon tho fonr separate corners intently watching the antics of a snow white English sparrow, which seemed to be a sort of king among its soberer coated fellows, demanding and receiv ing from them an amount of homage and re spectful attention that would have done the heart of His Highness, tbe .Shah of Persia good. A resident ot tbe neighborhood said he had noticed the albino for two or three years. "He has a nest in yonder church steeple," be explained, "and I have spent considerable time In watching him and studying his peculiarities. He is a male bird and a bachelor. That may sound stranse. but there are lots of bachelor and spinster birds among tbe English sparrows. Season after season they refuse to mate, set up establishments of their own and live In them, despised and quarreled with constantly by the married birds. This white sparrow seems to have some authority over tbe others. They bring bim food and even build bis nest for him. Life with him is an existence of Idleness and luxury. When any bird refuses or neglects to pay lilm tribute be attacks the derelict, gives him a sound drnbbing and eventually brings him to terms." Holding tho Mirror Up to Nature. From the Boston Herald. 1 Snsa Young Gates maintains that a man can never hear so much about bis weaknesses and faults as when be has two or three plain-spoken wives holding the mirror up to nature. This is Susa's excuse for polygamy, and it at least has tho merit of originality. Carelessness That Cost 8200. Marion, Ind., August 15, F. M. btilwell Is out 200. Yesterday be signed several checks without filling out the amount, and left his checkbook lying on bis table: Later In the day one of those checks, calling for 1200, was cashed at the Marion Bank, and tbe thier xscaped with tbe money before tbe fraud was discovered. Cleveland la Clover. Eugene Field In Chicago News.l Ex-President Cleveland continues bis amus ing practice of taking a week's vacation every fortnight Wo have always feared that If be found bis way Into a clover patch he would eat himself to deatb. DEATHS OF A DAY. General West. WASnrstTON, August IS. General Theodore 8. West, one of the proprietors of the Langbam Ho tel, In this city, died suddenly this morning at Astrary Park, N. J. On July 6 last. General West and Merlin;; Kuffln, a well known clerk In the Treasury Department, who comes from North Carolina, had a quarrel over a board bill and Kuffln struct. W est In the face with an umbrella, breaking bis nose. Kuffln then bit General West, and after knocking blm down, lumped on him. The quarrel vras renewed during the dayand IV est was so badly punished that he has not since been able to get around. No arrests weremade at the time, but when the police, this afternoon, learned of General West's death, Kuffln was taken from the Treasury De partment and locked np. The dead man. dur ing the war. was Colonel ot the Twenty-fourth W lseonsln Regiment and was breveted Brigadier General for gallantry. A few months ago ho mar ried iius Charlotte Crocker, a daughter of Gen eral M. U. Crocker, or Iowa. l'ro Ellas I.oomla. . Nxw HAVES. CONlf., August 15.-K111S Loom Is, LL. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, died at tbe N ew Haven Hossltal lata (this afternoon. " PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKER. Two Vie ws of Mrs. Bouclcaull In tbe Track of tbe Great Storm. Twice in tho course of a week I caught sight of Louise Tborndyke that was, Mrs. Dion Bouclcault that is, in New York City. Tbe first time she was half concealed In a closed carriage. Sbe sat as far from Mr. Bouclcault. who was in the carriage with her, as Bhe could. Her face was not wreathed In smiles, and, in deed, would not have been recognized easily if the small but expressive features of the man who sat in the other corner of the car riage bad not revealed one of the greatest actors and dramatists the country has seen. The second time I saw this rather Impressive blonde was at Palmer's Theater, the old aristo cratic Wallack's. There tbe burlesque of "Clover," a most ill-planned jumble of Inci dents and accidents, but amusing because of De Wolf Hopper's clowning and refreshing musically by reason of a halt a dozen measures or less, has held its own and more all summer. Thither came Mrs. Bouclcault, whom Pitts burgers may remember best as tho delineator of a very charming character In "The Jilt" last season at the Bijou in tbe mostoulreof low-cut dresses. It was, what there was of it, of pale blue, I think, and, at all events, itsetoS ber remarkable figure splendidly. Her large eyes the greatest charm she has needed and bad nothing to set them off. With another actress sho occupied tbe stage box, and was the mark for a good many opera glasses. ". The official report of the awful weather Pennsylvania endured at tbe end of last May again draws attention to tbe fearful floods which worked such bavoc in the Juniata and Susquehanna Valleys, and more orless directly caused the demolition of Johnstown and the blotting out of many thousand lives. . Even to-day in a journey over the Pennsyl vania Railroad one Is confronted with number less evidences of the immense power and wide reach of the swollen river. A couple of sec tions of a covered wooden bridge In tbe middle of a meadow of clover a quarter of a mile from the Juniata's modest stream of to-day; the iron girders and beams of any one of a half a dozen of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridges twisted like bits of twine and hurled hundreds of feet from where they once bung in tbe air: a big canal barge painted blue and white snugly housed among the tasselled corn almost out of sight of the sluggish highway from which the flood snatched all these sights and hundreds more still meet the eye of the traveler whom the train hurries by.. Perhaps the solidity of the Pennsylvania's track and the marvelous progress in the rebuilding of that railroad's bridges are the most remarkable things of all to be noticed in a journey between this city and New York. The recovery from tbe damage done by the floods, which the Signal Service officers now declare to be unprecedented, is nowhere so boldly shown as in tbe great highway of steel over the mountains. THBEE NEWSPAPEB DOGS. Philadelphia Canines Which Have Almost numun Intelligence. Philadelphia Inquirer.! A well-known newspaper man living in the upper part of the city is tbe owner of a pointer dog that answers to tbe name of "Dash." Dash has never been broken for tbe field, and is a family pet He opens the doors and gates without difficulty, and, under tbe tutelage of the newspaper man's little daaghter, makes known by means of a set of wooden blocks his simple wants. When asked what be wonld lire Dash selects the letters B-o-n-e from tbe pile of blocks and lays them in recnlar sequence at the feet of the questioner. The question "What do you hate? spurs the dog to spell B-a-t-b. "Where would you like to got" asks the dog's little mistress. O-u-t he instantly spells, and when she adds, "Where do you go sometimes that makes master very angry and gets you a whipping?" he drops his ears and picks out the two blocks that spell 1-n. Another newspaper man, living on Walnut street, near Eleventh, is the owner of a very Intelligent water spaniel named "Prentice." Recently Prentice was whipped by his master for some misdemeanor and ran yelling from tbe room. He took shelter with another news paper man living on an upper floor, and when the latter petted bim and expressed regret that he bad been punished, "Prentice" immediately took up quarters with his champion, and now whenever his old master, with whom he was always on the best of terms, approaches bim, besnarls and snaps and shows every token of dislike t ' A third newspaper dog is "Punch." a curly tailed pug. whose master lives on North Twelfth street. Punch dislikes solitude, and when left alone for any length of time uses bis teeth and 'claws on carpets, clothing, furniture or any thing else mat may iau in nis way. Lately ne has began to take a general supervision 'over tbe chambermaid's work. He follows hep about from room to room, upstairs and down, and gives his twisted tail a satisfied wag when a bed is made to suit him. or a chair is dusted properly. Punch often gets into trouble, for be is as full of mischief as an egg is of meat. When reproved for any misde meanor, however, be never repeats the offense. He dislikes street music, particularly that gronnd out by the little German bands and tbe barrel organs, but when requested to do so will rear bimself on bis haunches and sine dog fashion in perfect time to a piano, "White Wings." "A Little Fisher Maiden," or "Don Peyton's Ride." NATURE'S SILENT WITNESSES. Trees Thnt Sprang From a Grave, Accord' Ins; to a Skeptic's Prediction. From All tho Year Bound. I About five miles from tbe Hertfordshire resi dence of the Marquis of Salisbury, at a place called Tewin or Jewin, there grow from out of a grave five largo trees, about which there hangs a tale. It is said that Lady Grlmestone, during her lifetime, denied tbe existence of a God, but added that if she found a God when she went bence five trees would grow from out of ber crave. In tbe natural order of events ber unbelieving ladyship died and was buried. Singularly enough, five trees did grow from out of the grave, splitting the masonry to pieces, so that it and tbe railings which were around be came a perfect wreck. How much truth there may be in tbe story I cannot say, but the slab bore, or did bear, the following inscription: "Here lyeth inter'd the body of tbe Right Honorablo Lady Anne Grlmestone, wife of Sir Samuel Grlmestone, Bart., of Gorhambury, In Hertfordshire, daughter of the late Right Honorable the Earl of Tbanet, who departed this life Nov. 22, 1713, in tbe 60 year ot ber age." Tbe circumstance has frequently been qnoted as affording In dubitable proof of the immortality of the souL Added to the Little List. rsrrciAL telegram to the dispatch. Washington, August 15. Fourth class postmasters were appointed to day as follows: Mrs. R. J. Wright at Calvin, Huntington coun ty; James B. Hurman, Gilpin, Indiana county; H. E. Clavls. Jolleytown, Greene county. A Dernier Resort. From the Terre Haute Express. Several new flying machines havo been re ported in tbe last few days. If tho Brown Sequard elixir proves a success our only oppor tunity of getting above tbe clouds will be to take our chances in tbe flying machine. Tbe Ties Thnt Bind. From the Detroit Free Press.? A company has already been incorporated to build a railroad thtougb tbe ceded Sioux lands. The American people are bound together by no ties more strong or effectual than those of tbe railroad. TBE ENCHANTED WOOD. As from the outer world yon pass Jnit where the forest skirts the plain - An open book lies on tbe grass. And tbere for years, untouched, has lain. The leaves are yellow now with age. But one may read In letters free, As tbe wind turns the ragged page, Tbe blotted name Philosophy. 'Tis said a stn dent one day stood Outside the bounds, when on him fell The mystic power of that wood. And Love cast over him a spell. Then long ho strove to enter there; But guardian spirits In array Prevented blm. until deso Had made him throw tne b And then, when ho at length had cast The stern Philosophy aside. Lore bade him enter held him fast As conqueror of Belf and Pride. And sow In dim, enchanted nooks Huled by a Love that never falls. He seeks not sympathy of books l-ovc whispers to lilm fairy talcs. Outside, swept by the win d and rain, Philosophy, nneared for, lies: It cannot enter Lore's domain; It was notmeant for Paradise. ' JTare Scott Hints in Harper' t Weekly. IFRIDAY ATTG-TJST 16, PESTS IN A POSTOFFICE. A New Variety of Koncbes Threatens to Ear a Government Building. Philadelphia, August 15 A new variety of cockroach has recently been imported in tbe mall bags which arrived at the Philadelphia postoffice from a South American port. These insects differ from the Philadelphia variety, and increase in numbers more rapidly, and are generally a much greater pest. Boon after the arrival of the vanguard tbe pesky things began to overrun the postoffice, and but for vigorous measures wouldbarenow been In full possession of tbe building. The importation amounted to only a baker's dozen or so, but in a few days hundreds of them swarmed through the dis tributing room, and in a week thev took posses sion of every dark or shadowy place on the first floor. Their appetite wassomethingmarvelous, and tbelr digestion is surpassed only by that of the billy goat. Tbe myriads which soon ap peared began by eating up all tbe nlgbt men's lunches, and when that source of supply was exhausted they started on the mucilage on the backs of the postage stamps, and even attacked tbe leather mall bags. Tbe officials started an exterminating cru sade against the intruders with ordinary .roach paste, which is known to .be instantly fatal to the Pennsylvania variety. But to the surprise nf Naturalist James Bellem, who was given leave from his stamp-window to superintend thejslaughter, the South American pests swal lowed it with avidity and without harm to themselves. It appeared rather to be a sort of cockroach Brown-Sequard life elixir, stimulat ing them to renewed vigor. Mr. Bellem finally decided that the new-comers were of that sin gularly reproductive and hardy variety known as Blatta Orientalls, and that if they were not soon driven out they would eat up all the mall bags and probably attack the building itself. After a long search through his books Mr. Bel lem discovered a means of extermination, and has been so successful with it that only a few bugs are left, and be hopes to have them all cleaned out in a few days. 1IINSTBELSI AT THE BIJOU. ACrowded Honse nnd a Performance That Pleased Everybody. The Bijou Theater could not have been opened under more favorable auspices. The house is neater and handsomer "than ever, and an audience that occupied all the seats and nearly every foot of standing room came last night to be amused by the capital performance of the Haverly-Cleveland Minstrel Company. The weather was cool, and everyone was In a humor for laughter. Certainly there was enough to laugh at, and all seemed pleased and satisfied. , The first part of tbe programme was of the old-fashioned order, and first-rate of its kind. It could scarcely be otherwise, with such men as Hughey Dougherty, Billy Emerson, Clint Maynard and Banks Winter taking part. Dougherty is a whole show In himself, and bis auditors last nlgbt acted as if they would be perfectly satisfied If be were tbe sole per former. Both be and Emerson were recalled time and again. They are just as funny as they ever were. Several novel and very taking features were introduced later in tbe evening the military maneuvers of the Egyptian phalanx and tbe juggling and acrobatic feats of the Imperial Japanese Troupe being among the best. Tbe performance, as a whole, was original, varied and blgbly entertaining. AN INNOCENT C0N7ICT, Who Served IS Years In Prison for Killing; a Man Who Is Alive. Birmingham, August 15. Eighteen years ago George Green and Henry Smith, farmers, living In Colbert county, Alabama, bad a fight, and Green shot Smith. Tbe wound was not considered dangerous at first, but Smith re covered very slowly. Finally he moved out of tbe county with bis family, and a few months later his wife and son came back, and reported that Smith had died from tbe effects ot the wound. Tbey went before tbe grand jury, and bad Green indicted for murder. He was tried, convicted and sentenced to life imprison ment. For several years Green has been confined at tbe Pratt coal mines, near this city. Some time ago his wife beard that Smith was still alive. Green succeeded In Interesting a mem ber of the State Board of Prison Inspectors in his case. The Inspector went to work and soon found Smith at Dallas, Ga.. where he has lived for several years. As soon as the legal formalities are complied with Green, will be re leased from prison. ( A COW DIES OF GRIEF, Because of the Demise pf a Snake That Milked Her. Newton, N. J,, August 15. Peter M. Larew, a farmer of unquestioned veracity who resides near here, found that bis cow was being stealthily milked In the pasture field, ana placed ber in a pasture nearer borne in order to detect tbe thief. The cowseemed so wild and uneasy in ber new location that Larew returned ber to the old pasture, whereupon the animal ran to a certain spot and bawled, when a blacK snake came from a tree stump, colled Itself around tbe cow's hindquarters and sucked her milk. Larew then got bi3 gun and awaited tbe re turn ot the snake for another meal ot milk, when be seized a favorable oppoitunity and shot the snake's bead off. Tbe cow then roared and pawed the earth, acted for several days as If mad and finally died. Tbe World Might be Worse. From the Altoona Times.: Strange Is the force of habit. Much of one's life is made up of habit. Borne become habit ual falsifiers who would be guilty ot no other Immorality. Borne are given to one vice and some to another, but it Is an argument against the doctrine of total depravity that no man is addicted to all the vices. A Dreadful Warning. From the New York Telegram.1 A physician warns people against examining tbe naked arc of the electric light .with the naked eye, lest they be "attacked by blepharo spasm, central Bcotomata or chromatopla." Tbis sounds like a very dreadful warning when tbe country is. at peace. THE SDJ1MER SNAKE CBOP. B. F. Gunter, of Dgonier, last week dealt a death blow to a six-foot blacksnake which popped out from under a swath of oats which be was about to bind. Misses Mollis and Minnie Madison, of Hillside, Pa., a few days aeo, exterminated a rattler four feet in length. A curious coin cidence is that tbey killed tbe same kind of snake at the same place and of the same length last year. A FEW days ago one of the Ford negroes in Worth county, Ga., killed a huge rattlesnake, which, upon being examined, sported 16 rattles, measured 7 feet in length, 8 inches between tbe eyes, and when the skin was prepared to be stuffed, it held over a peck and a half of saw dust. A FEW days ago Miss Sue -Gonrley, living a few miles south of Bartley, Neb., found a large rattlesnake on the prairie. Finding no stick or stone, she took oft her shoe and threw it at tbe reptile several times. As sho picked up ber shoe tbe snake struck her on the hand, biting ber glove, but inflicting no Injury. The girl then jumped on tbe snake's bead and stamped it to deatb. Herman Scmrrrr.f ormerlylof Philadelphia, went to pick huckleberries near Bear Lake sev eral days ago, and some hours later was found lying on tbe grass unconscious, with a huge rattlesnake fastened to bis trousers. The snake was killed, and tho man revived with cold water. He bad not been bitten, yet, strange to say, be was affected just as if be bad been, un til his finders talked bim out of it, John Berean, of Deny township, West moreland county, while mowing grass in bis meadow tbe other day noticed a blacksnake protruding bis bead far above the grass. Mr. S. kept his eye on tbe serpent nearly all tbe forenoon, but, missing blm after awhile, be be gan to wonder where the reptile bad gone, wben lot his mowing machine came to a stand still, and on bis making examination as to tbe canse, be discovered tbe huge blacksnako twined around the cutter bar, stopping tbe mo tion. ON Tuesday afternoon, says tbe Altoona IKmei.wnen one of the Inoffensive postal clerks went to put a package in tbe postoffice box of Mr. Andrew Todd, he wu horrified to see the bead of a snake stioklng out ot tbe box and slyly trying to flirt with him with its tongue. He of course made a hasty retreat and sum moned tbe rest ot tho force to tbe scene. After considerable maneuvering with ropes and grap nel the reptllo was at last gotton to tbe floor, where one of tbe clerks succeeded In crushing it with hisfoot. Tbe snake was 15 inches in length, and It is said that the executioner cov ered its euUraUagta with bi foot. These are fact 1889. THE RED MAN'S WROHGS. Tbe Nation's Coarse Toward Its Wards Il lustrated by an Anecdote-A Record Not Creditable to tbe Government How Canada Manages tho Indian Ques tion. iwbitten roa Tint wsrATcn.i Tho history of tho American Indian is a very Riad of tragedy. The present attempts of the Government to secure mare Indian ands,leads the people to consider what is the best course to pursue in regard to onr red brother. The story is the old one of the merciless extinction of tbe lower races before tho higher. Whisky diseases and indolence have always marked the contact of Caucasian civilization with tbe rudo habits of the savage. It is a story of tbe "sur vival of the fittest.' An old anecdote is brought to light, which illustrates the Indian's view. Tbe famous Indian Chief, Red Jacket, once met a Government agent and after pleasant greetings, tbey both sat down on a log, when Red Jacket asked tho agent to "more along." Tbe agent did so and the chief followed. Tbis was repeated several times, the agent humor ing the whim of the old chief, until he had reached the end of the log, when the same re quest, "Move along," was repeated. "Why, man," angrily replied tbe agent, "I can't move along further without getting off tbe log, into the mud." "Ugh I Just so white man want Indian more along move along- Can't go no farther. Yet he say, move along." And so with the red man to-day. Tho lowest Indian has some conception of honor, if fairly appealed to. All through the history of our nation we see where misrepre sentations and dishonorable schemes bare been practiced by the whites. The idea of an Indian country was first suggested by Tbomas Jeffer son soon after the Louisiana purchase. Lven at tbe price pala for tbis scope ot territory 100 acres for a cent the trade was considered a foolish one, and unavailable and worthless. "Tho best use we can make of it," said 3 effer son, "will be to give establishments in It to the Indians east of the Mi! gtssippl in exchange for their present country." Tbe Fatnre of the Indian. The greatest source of disturbance is tbe frail, legal tenure by which tbe red man holds bis lands. The Indians themselves are divided as to the best course they should pursue re garding the disposition of their surplus lands. The opening of tbe Oklahoma country to white settlers after years of attempts to effect an oc cupancy proves that what the white man wants he gets. "Oklahoma boomers" passed over thousands of acres of as desirable lands, bnt their special craving was for Indian lands, and "lands kept out of market." Congress finally came to their rescue, and the very paradise of the In dian country is now being grasped and dominated over by hungry land agents and unscrupulous citizens. The Terri tory is hemmed in on all sides by encroaching States; the whites now command the center and tbe vanguard of civilization, and will soon er or later take tbe Territory. The question is: How can tbe red man be protected? Tbe In dian, as a member ot tbe nation and not a for eigner, is entitled to the privileges and protec tion of our free country. Dwellers of every land, from Scandinavia to Japan, have a Chris tian welcome to our shores. Surely our na tional Christianity should make this land a safe home for the remnants of the tribes it has dis possessed, treat them as human beings and protect them by American law. Men and women are sacrificing tbeir lives for the heath en of other lands; Christianity Is donating mill ions of dollars to tbis end, while our own "wards," too many of them, are living In tbe dark superstitions ot their lorefathers. In an educational sense, tbe older Indians will not be benefited, exceptthrough tbe Influence of their children. It will take years of experience to produce any shining results, but tbe sooner we begin it tbe sooner will the civilization of tbe Indian cease to be a theory. Uncle Sam's Guardianship. We see In tbe race a needy humanity, and ' becauso tbey are Indians all tbe good ot life should not be withheld from them. The Indi ans are called "wards" of the Government, but no Indian ward ever comes of age. Uncle Sam Is a stern guardian and forever debars his ward from making any contracts except through the "Great Father at Washington." An Indian may not make a contract with a white man ex cept through the Government. No court of his creating can try a case where an Indian is one party and a white man another. He can not convey an acre of land without tbe. ap proval of tbe United States. There is something wrong, and always has been, in our treatment of tbe Indian. In Can ada tbere are over 100,000 Indians. They are called "the Indian subjects of Her Majesty," and are held amenable to thelawand protected by It History says on our side the line tbe nation has spent $5,000,000 in Indian wars, while Canada, with the same greedy Anglo-Saxon raceVhas not spent one dollar and baa never bad a massacre. Official reports, dating back to colonial days, show tbe oppression of the Indian broken treaties and unjust measures practiced by the whites. Wbat History Reveals. There are two sides to every question, and it is only wbat the Indian does to the white man that is published and not wbat tbe white man does to the Indian. The practice of treaty making began more than a hundred years ago. History reveals to ns bow well the Delawares fought for us in the Revolutionary war. They were brave allies, fighting out of loyalty to tbe "alliance" and Inspired by tbe promised re ward, viz.: "the territorial right to a state as large as the State of Pennsylvania," and "a right to representation in our Congress." Bnt where are the Delawares to-day? One remove after another was made, until we find only a remnant exist some of them-with the Chero kees, a few with Wichita agency. While tbe idea is that the whites have no right to enter the precincts of tbe Indian, yet they do it, and reports of Indian Commissioners show depre dations made by lawless citizens loss of stock by borse-tbleres. etc At the same time the In dian Is not able to bring suit or protect himself by law without authonzation from the "Great Father at Washington." The Indian bas a clear headed sense of justice concerning bis rights and home, and with no defense or pro tection by law, does as bis white brother wonld do under the same circumstances takes up arms against his enemy. The records ot the Indian Bureau support tbe statement, that be fore the first bait of the century had gone, we bad broken seven solemn treaties with tbe Creeks, eleven with the Cherokees; the Chlcka saws and Cboctaws suffered too, saying nothing of smaller tribes. ' Peoplo Without a Country. The Indian is faithful to his native gronnd. Experience shows that no effort is more unsuc cessful than tbe attempt to move blm from tbe place of bis birth and the graves of his fathers. But the Indian bas learned that tbe pale face will have bis way, and as the Chlppewas sell their lands to commissioners to-day, so will the defiant Bioux soon give np the struggle and yield to the Government negotiations. Tbe time will soon be over for studying tbe abor igines of America. We have In 250 years wasted their number from 2,500,000 down to 250.000. In tbe same length of time a cargo of dusky slaves from African shores has become a people of millions, slaves no longer, but protected citi zens. One century has gone, and with it a record of broken treaties, violated pledges. In justices and cruelties. Of the tribes we have dispossessed, numbers have gone out of exist ence. We found on these shores a free people savages, it is true, but heroes, many ot them, and in broken accents their greetings were "Welcome." To-day the tattered rags ot a contract blanket are their inheritance. Education for tbe Red Mao. Surely, if ever the strong were bound to aid tbe weak, we are bound to help the Indians. If they can be induced to till lands and build bouses, the utmost encouragement should be given them. If the youths can be induced to accept education it should be placed within their reach at any cost, for in this lies the hope of modifying tbe Indian character. It tbey can be induced to accept the protection of the American law, it is wise policy to put them among American citizens. With the direct in fluence of civilization they cannot fail to make good citizens, better, certainly, than certain socialistic, ignoble classes that we harbor, pro tect and permit to defame our free principles. Tbe riddle of modern morals is hard to solve. M, M. A Condition Thnt Confronts Us. From the St. Louis Globe Democrat; Europe furnishes about nine times as much merchandise to Central and South America as the United States does. This is a condition of things which should not be allowed to con tinue. This country ought to sell as much goods to tbe nations of tbis continent as Great Britain, and will do It, if Congress takes as much interest in the matter as it should. A Western Authorliy Speaks. From the Omaha World-Herald. Sour mash will hold its own in this country against any elixir they can invent. An Excellent tsabl.'ct. rram tha IVmrftr Timefl.1 Aa excellent application ot the new elixir of' we voui4 Be to the te xieraaa. METROPOLITAN MURMURS. Tbe Picnic Was a Failure. !XXW TOBK BDBIACT STZCIALS. New York, August 15. More than 8 col ored persons took a special train at the Long Island Railway station In Brooklyn to-day to go toAmltyville to attend tbe eleventh annual picnic of tbe Bridge Street African Methodist Sunday School. Tbe train was to have left at 9 o'clock. At 12 it had not budged. The cause of tbe delay was the non-payment to tbe rail way of 1385, tbe contract price for tbe use of tbe train. Elder John Brown Thompson col lected S120. but that was notenougb. Desperate but vain efforts weremade to raise tbe remain ing 215. At 1 o'clock policemen cleared the train and buttled tbe 800 colored Sunday school scholars out of tbe station. There was plenty of threatening and swearing, punching and kicking during tbe eviction, and two razors were drawn, tut no one waacut During the fonr hours waiting several of tbe negroeJ accompanying the, party had got drunk. At last rear's excursion a girl was shot. Tbe mis management of the excursion to-day is ex pected to cause a permanent split in the church. Kasscll Harrison's Case. Russell B. Harrison, through bis counsel, to day applied to tbe Supreme Court for permis sion to examine Colonel Schuyler Crosby, who brought a libel suit for (100,000 against him. Tbe purpose -of the examination, according to Mr, Harrison's attorney, would be to enable Mr. Harrison to frame a detailed answer to Colonel Crosby's complaint. Tbe questions which Mr. Harrison wanted to ask were in effect as follows: Wbat tbe Colonel's financial condition was at the time of tbe publication of the alleged libel on April 30, 1SS7. and during the preceding whiter; where be lived and un der what circumstances for several years prior to that time; wbat and where bis business was; with whom be associated: whatf emales he met and associated with; with whom and bow be spent bis time, and wbat were bis habits of life; whether Colonel Crosby is married, whethes ho and bis wife have lived together since marriage and are now living together; and If not. wbat part of tbe time-have tbey lived apart; if they are living apart, what the reasons are, and fully as to their social relations since marriage, and whether divorce proceedings have been pending are now pending, and also as to all allegations made In tbe libelous publication. The Court refused to grant the order for exam ination. The Funeral of Dr. Matt. Tbe funeral ot Dr. Alexander B. Mott, son ot the late Dr. Valentine Mott, was atteaded in Trinity Chapel to-day by all tbe prominent physicians in the city. Large representations were present from th9 accepted Scottish Rite ot Masons, tbe faculty and college of Bellevua Hospital, the County Medical Society, tbe old guard and Dr. Mott's post ot the G. A. R. A Little Change la tbe Name. A curious fact concerning Miss Adelaide Moore, the actress, hasjust come to light. Mr. Moore, ber manager, bas always been Intro duced as her brother, and people have played a whole season with ber and never known other wise. It now turns out that Miss Moore is Mrs. Moore, her husband and manager being a rich man owning property in CatskUl, N. Y. It Was Not a False Alarm. Miss E. W. Low, a young artist, sleeps and works in ber studio on tbe second floor of No. 4S University place. In the store below here tbere is a particularly lively office boy, who bas been playing pranks on tbe tenants. When she was aroused tbis morning by a loud knock ing on her door and cries of "Fire" she thought it was Jim and turned over on ber pallet, wear ily wishing tbe'boy and bis pranks in Halifax. The air in tbe room was heavy and she wanted to sleep, so sbe turned over on ber pillow and again slumbered "peacefully. Suddenly ber door was burst open and a troop of policemen and firemen, rushed in. With them came a cloud of hot and smothering smoke. Tbe bouse was on fire. Of wbat followed Miss Low has a very confused recollection, for presently she' fell in a faint and was carried out to tbe street. Tbe loss was about 112,000. Miss Low is still in bed suffering from nervous shock. The office pboy is all right Mary Anderson Quite Recovered. Manager Marcus R. Mayer, Manager Abbey's chief lieutenant, who arrived on the City of New York, bad an lniartlewwita Mary Ander-f son on August 1, and reported to Mr. Abbey to day that the actress bas almost completely re covered from her collapse of last winter. Miss Andersobwas attending a matinee perform-' anceof Coquelin-Hadlng, at the Gaiety Thea ter, in London, and Mr. Mayer says she chatted with perfect clearness about herself and her future plans. She was confident that she could return to America in November to fulfill ber engagement with Manager Abbey. BOUGHT HBB OWN COFFIN. A Careful Woman, Who Prepared for Her Funeral Years Ago. From the Louisville Courier-Journal. Mrs. Elizabeth Faith, whose deatb occurred a few days since, m ber 87th year, was a re markable woman In many respects, but in none more than a careful business cutlookf or future emergencies. As an illustration of this it Was learned yesterday that tbe coffin in which she was burled was made by her directions more than three years ago. Tbe coffin was of solid walnut lined with zinc and trimmed with white silk. It was inclosed in a strong cedar box, and this in still another box made of thick oak lumber. After its com pletion tho maker took the coffin to ber resi dence on East Jefferson street for inspection. Sbe examined it with great care, and expressed herself as satisfied with tbe workmanship. She instructed the manufacturer to take it back to bis shop and keep it for her until she needed it It remained with blm for three years, until the death of its owner last Saturday brought it Into service- A CENTENAEIAN DEAD. She Conld Describe the War of 1819, la , Which. Sho Last " Son. rsrxciAi, TXLxauAJC to tits dispatch. i Deckertown, August 15. Mrs. Rebecca SIdnor died at tho residence of ber son-in-law Richard Sutton, in this town yesterday at the ago of 1M years. Bhe was born on January 3, 1785, in Wlretown, Warren connty. N. J and was the mother of 13 children, fire of whom survive ber. Her death was caused by a fall received last Sunday. Mrs. SIdnor was a remarkably active woman f orher years. Sbe could not see to thread a needle, but she did a great deal of sewing for the family up to a short time before ber death. It was her custom to retire every night at 9 o'clock, and she was always up at 5 in the morn ing. Since tbe deatb ot her husband, which occurred about 40 years ago, sbe bas always smoked a pipe, sometimes as often as six or oi"ht times a day. Her memory was remark ably good ana she could describe graphically scenes of the War uf 1S12, In which ber son William lost his life. 1 ' TBI-STATE TBIFLES. A blind snake, which was about 18 Inches In length, was killed the other day near Parkersburg. The man who killed It said that bo knew the snake was blind because he poked a stick in its face several times before be dis patched it and tbe reptile did not even wink. Another demonstration that it was sightless was tbe careful manner in which it crawled. "DesionS for funerals of fresh-cut flowers" Is ono of the unconventional signs in Philadel phia. In some, unaccountable manner the tele graph, telephone and electric railway wires got in contact night bsfore last In Erie. Tbere was a dazzling, electric display, all the tele phone bells were rung, tbe fire department was called out, a number of colls burnt out at the 'phone exchange, etc A bean stalk in the garden ot B.H. Wim mer, Bethlehem, bears a pod 24K inches in length. The bean is of tbe asparagus (pole bean) variety. A bio bear pursued a party of berry-pickers near Huntaville, Fa., on Monday. It's very strange," aaid a dissatisfied 8teu benvilleladyat the store, "that with all tbe water we're had this summer tbe water-melons are not larger." iA, commotion among tbe sparrows occupy ing a ehlmny of the house of George W. 8haffer, at Rslnsbarg. Bedford county, was explalaea by a bUek snake making Its appear. ancea?tt tef eXifee chlwwy. CURIOUS' COHDEHSATIOKS. Witchita, Ktuu, claims to have 42 women's clubs. The total receipts of the Eiffel Tower since the opening, on May 15, to to July 39, amount to 2,421,739 francs. According to the usual basis of com putation, Detroit's new city directory shows a. population 01210,132. The School of Medicine of Boston TJnl rersityhas graduated 478 physicians. Nearly one-half of these are women, John K. Davis, of Cincinnati, is said to be very proud of the fact that be bas the small est man's band in the country. He cannot get, except with difficulty, a glove small enough to fit bim. Mrs. Feeney, of Clare county, Mich., is journeying on foot to friends in Ohio, accom panied by four children, one being a baby, and, wben last heard from, had covered overl&O miles of ber journey. t The Congo district appears to be de veloping as a producer of tobacco. Brussels tobacconists say that its leaves are remarkably well adapted for cigars, being of exceedingly good flavor and very supple. Boston's International Maritime Exhi bition will open November 1689, and close. January 4, 189a It will admit exhipits of every thing connected with ships, shipping and ma rine interests, and will be tbe first exhibition of the kind ever held. Preparations aje already being made la several German university towns to celebrate) next year tbe three hundredth anniversary of the invention of the microscope. Zacnarias Janssen, ot Mlddelburg, put together tbe first microscope in 1590. Tbe tickets of admission to the Paris Exhibition used to July 31 number 10,022,000, as against 5.116,000 during the .corresponding period in 1878. The highest number of admis sions in a day bas been 293,000. The inhabitants of Sing Sing, N. Y.,are agitating for either a change of name for their town or the removal of its prison. Tbere are a great many eood people out of jail there, and tbeyrant tbe fact made plainer to the.worla at large. For yrars a Springfield, , Mass., horse suffered from a sore shoulder. This week a veterinary surgeon made a close examlnaton ot the shoulder and found a 25-cent silver pleca deeply Imbedded in the flesh. How tbe Cola got there is a mystery. Tbe longest uninterrupted debate on record was. on August 1, brought to a close by the New Zealand House of Representatives. It bad caused a continuous sitting of 78 hours, entirely given up to tbe discussion of a repre sentation bill. Yet thedebatewasnot finished. Some devout person has discovered a reference to the notable recent discovery la tbe thirty-third chapter of Job. where, after tbe man is so reduced that "his bones stick out," tbe application Is made, and "bis flesh be comes fresher than a child's, and he returns to tbe days of bis youth." The experiment of going down tho Idaho mine at Grass Valley, CaL, in submarine armor to put out tbe fires bas been unsuccess ful. The beat was too great, and gas passed under the helmets of the two men who de scended. Tbey reached the 900-foot level, or within 100 feet of the fire. A slick confidence man in Arkansas re cently made quite a pot of money by selling bulbs which be said would produce rare orchids and other exotics. Enthusiastic ladies paid from 75 cents np to 85 apiece for the maglo roots. Tbe bnlbswere duly planted,' and pro ducedcommon turnips! Tbe vender long ago left for parts unknown. The Indiana State Board of Health has been notified of the existence of several cases of glanders In Parke county, and in one In stance a prominent farmer, bas bimself con tracted the disease. He was plowing with one of tbe (slandered horses when the animal threw its head around and struck the farmer in the face, slightly bruising the skin. Some days after be was taken sick, and tbe physicians diagnosed his disease as glanders and say that be cannot possibly recover. A strange animal that made its first appearance last Mar is frightening the people ot New Gloucester. Me. its size is said to bo about that of a medium-sized Newfoundland dog; It has shaggy gray hair. Almost every evening bis screeching has been heard. Sun day evening, August 11, be came suddenly upon a ooy while getting the cows. Tbe boy began to rnn. the animal following blm. The boy ' succeeded In climbing a tree, and remained there for about fifteen minutes, during which time tbe animal remained under the tree, screechlngcontinually. Tbe boy described bim as navfngsflver cray hair, with large eyes, and iteetU two or three inches-long, which camercp above bis upper jaw. His mouth is very large. A young man named Dixon has just had an unpleasant courtlne experience in Innls bowen. County Donegal, Ireland. Hlsladylove ' Is not only very pretty, but she is an heiress, her uncle having left ber a fortune. Moreover, she is partial to Dixon. The young man was calling on tbe girl one day. wben be heard the footsteps of a couple of rivals, and in a sportive humor 1 he concealed bimself In tbe butter box. While he was enjoying the conversation the girl's father came along with a pail of hot water to scald the box. Before the girl divined his pur- Eose he dashed tbe water into the box. The owl of anguish that arose scared the old gen- V tleman bait to death, and poor Dixon was found to be so badly scalded that he had to be removed to a hospital. There will be opened at Tahlequah, I. T., on August 26, a new female seminary, of which the Cherokee inhabitants of tbe Terri tory are very proud. There hare already been received 124 applications for admission from Cherokee maidens, and but 13 out of its 108 rooms remain to be filled. The building is of brick, three stones in height, of handsome architectural appearance, and cost 578.000. It stands In the center of a beautiful park, eight acres in extent. It is handsomely fitted up and furnished, and is heated by steam. The pupils having rooms are charged 5 a month, while there is a large dormitory for those unable to pay this sum, and tbey are educated and boarded free of expense. Of tbe revenues of the Nation 85 per cent a devoted to school pur poses, and out of this meney the seminary was built and will be supported. FDKNY MEN'S FANCIES. f If your friend, who has been cultivating a kitchen tardea Ml summer. looks thin and wan, don't lay It wholly to bard worx. Be may bs trying to live on wbat he bas raised. Puck. Though, as she purrs, the tabby cat N o mischief seems to natch ; Wben once provoked she's prompt enough In coming to the scratch. natMngton Capital. "Who is there?" said Dr. Brown-Sequard, "The Grant Memorial Fund, "was the reply. "Well. I can't do anything: foryou. You'll haTe to wait till resurrection day." TftatMngton Cap ital. Bev. Primrose The tide waits fop no man, my young friend. Merrltt So they say. Still, wben one lies down on the sand, it seems to wait till he's asleep. Time. Not Her Size. Customer from Seedville Do yon keep the best make of shoes Wrer City Dealer Yaas, our shoes are all A No. 1. Customer from SeedTlUe Then you can't salt me. I take B No. i.-3tumev,t Weekly. The Man He "Wanted. Policeman (sternly) "Wbat are you doing In tha street this hour of the nlghtr" Frowler-Ooyfully) "By George, you're ex actly tbe man I want to seei I'm trying to and a saloon." CMcago Tribune. The Miseries of Poverty. Dr. Bluff You stick too closely to your desk, Mr. Borrowlt. 1 recommend to you to buy a pair of Indian clubs. Poor Jack Hut I lira la the city, doctor. It would take all my salary to rent a room big enough to swing them la! Time. Traveler (in railway restaurant) Two soft-boiled eggs and a glass of milk, la a hurry! Walter (quarter of an hour later) Sorry to keep you so long. Boss, but de fact Is, tab,'dat That'll do. You may stand there and talk all day. bntyoucan'tmakemebellerethatlt takes fifteen minutes to boll an egg three. Puck. Punishing the Rascal. Mrs. Billus while giving Mr. B. a curtain lecture at a late hour) "Hark! What's thatr I hear a noise la the cellar. John, I'm' sure It's a burglar!" Mr.BUrus-(gettIngontofbed)-"I'llnxhimI" Mrs. Billus "What are you going to do, John? Yon baven'tyour revolver." Mr. Billus (desperately) "I'm going to open tbe doors all the way down to tbe cellar so the In fernal scoundrel can bear yoa talking I" Chicago TriOune. PARADOXICAL. This world is but a paradox. Things are but 1)1 arranged. A man whose hat Is all stove la Is apt to be deranged. , . , A man Is surly when he's late. And sbortVben.be Is long. Be may not wish, to do much good. And yet may write quite wrong. Borne low men only eat high meat, A fast man may be slow. And some who'vt" early been oflata 3 Wre oft bealaa, before. Latsrtnet Jbmtrittm, i htfjktitekjUb i i -'. ., .ir. i. . i ' '