wvl !3S5W! sjr- - , , UBtTWWS TT t it. 2' THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, FBJDAY, AFGTJST 16, 1889. W! t. it- FiLSEJTAMPS. Imitations uy a Chicago Prin ter Are Objected to BY LOCAL CIGAR MKEKS. Thousands of the Spurious Stamps Have Been Sold Here. THE GLASS TROUBLE IN ABEYAKCE The Central Trades Union Discuss' Marvin Without KesulU IKOEEiSE IN PIG IKON PRODUCTION At the last meeting of the United Cigar Makers' Union, No. 1374, K. of It., the Agitation Committee had a long discussion about a fraudulent label which is now in troduced by a Chicago firm. The label, is sold to non-union cigar houses. Mr. Zoer ringer submitted a circular which he had received from the Chicago firm, in which they offered the blue label of the Interna tional Cigar Makers' Union at the following rates: S3 for 1,000, a 5,000 lot for $2 50 per 1,000 and a 10,000 lot it 52 per 1,000. The label was examined by the members present and all pronounced it a forgery. The matter was then referred to President Stras ser, . of the International Cigar Makers' Union. A VEKT SEBIOTJS MATTER. Joseph L. Evans, President of the Cen tral Trades Council, was questioned on the counterfeit label trouble last evening, and said the matter was agitating the union very considerably. "There are thousands of these labels in use over the two cities," said he, "and the members ot the International Cigar Makers' Union leel very sore about it. It is one of the boldest counterfeits I have ever heard of. The color of the label, all the word ing of it and even the name of Mr. Strasser, President of the International Union, is imitated. The printers claim that Strasser has sold them the label; but I know that is not so, because Strasser could not do so." "But how does it harm the union?" HOW IT IJfJCBES. "Why.inthisway: Everybox of tobies or cigars with theblue'label otheK-of E.onit is considered to be of cood'qualitr. because presumably made at good wages. Heavy smokers frequently buy their cigars by look ing at the label. These people in Chicago, of course, sell the counterfeit labels to any body, and a man who makes a bad article, at non-union wages, can impose upon the public by having the spurious label put on it." "How is it that you do not sue the Chica go printer?" "Well, we don't know whether we can. The law is very peculiar on that subject in some States, and I am not sure how the thing stands in Pennsylvania. I am certain that, in New Jersey, for instance, a man can copy anybody's label or trade mark, and the law does not give him any redress." The Cigar Makers' Union, K.ofL.. No. 1374, held a "meeting last night, and a reso lution was passed to assist the members of the International Union in their fight against the Chicago printer who has made the spurions labels. A BIG COMBINATION. The Rochester Tumbler Compnny May Join the Tableware Trnsr. H. C. Fry, of the Eochester Tumbler Works, was in the city yesterday. When asked about the proposed Tableware Trust, he replied: "It is true such a trust is in existence, and 41 firms have already joined. I think it was a good idea, and will correct a number of evils that have crept into the trade." "You mean to say then that your com pany will join the trust?" "Well, I don't know about that, I realize that my company would be only one against a big combination, and on the outside the firm would be only a thorn in their side." In a lurther chat Mr. Fry intimated that another trust might be formed this winter, and his firm would go into the combina tion. .J. W. MOORE SPEAKS. He Claims tbe Hie Operators Are Keeping Down the Friers. J. W. Moore said yesterday hat some of the large operators are trying to drive out the smaller companies by keeping down prices. Unless prices go up soon he will step his plant From Scottdale it was learned that only 1,802 ovens are now idle in tbe entire region. There are 37 Huns locked up at Greensburg for rioting at the Mammoth works. One was shot in the hip while try ing to escape arrest. Tbe 30 miners and six drawers who were working at Meyer came out yesterday. W. J. Itainey posted the scale at his Ft. Hill and ML Braddock works, but refused to sign the agreement Robert Hogsett also declines to sign. THE FLINT GLASS W0EKEES. All tbo Different Branches Expected to be at Work Next Monday. All the chimney and pressed ware flint glasshouses of the Western district have re sumed operations. The scale list in all the 'departments but one has been agreed upon by the manufacturers, and tbe final settle ment is to be made at a meeting next Tues day. There is no trouble anticipated any where. The tableware houses are also to commence next Monday, and so will the bottle blowers. The latter will not "present a new scale of wages until the middle of December, and, according to their present agreement with the manufacturers, the old scale will remain in force another year. If the men desire a change of tbe scale, they must notify the manulacturers six months in advance. THE G0TEEX0R CENSURED Because He Had Failed to Appoint a Fac tory Inspector. m There is considerable talk in labor cir cles because the Governor has not yet ap pointed a Factory Inspector. This office was created during the last session of the Legislature, and the bill was signed by the Governor. The latter states that nobody was appointed because there was no appro priation made for the payment ot the officer. The labor men.however.say that it is simply fen excuse because the Governor might de fray tbe expenses which the position incurs out of the contingent fnnd. The bill was brought up to prevent chil dren from working in factories, and the -workinginen are very anxious to have the office filled for their protection. A Coppee Coke Plant In Alabama. C. B. Yaughan, Managing Director of the American Coppee Coke Company, returned from Birmingham, Alabama, yesterday. He informed a Dispatch reporter that he had concluded arrangements ibr a branch of their works at Birmingham. The company is erecting a plant of 60 coke-ovens there, as well as a 350-ton coal washerr The plant costs $125,000. A VERY GOOD SHOWING. The Consumption of Home Pis; Iron In creased Nearly Half a Million Tons In One Year Some Interesting Statistics. The following is from an advanced proof ot the American llanvfactwer, showing the great increase in the consumption of homemade-pig iron during the-last year: Tte almost simultaneous publication of Mr. Swank's statement of tbe production of pig iron during the past six months of 1889 and of the Bureau of Statistics statement of imports for the fiscal year furnishes the opportunity for arriving at an approximate statement of our consumption of pig Iron that is very nearly correct. Statement of production. Imports and coninmp tton of pig Iron for fiscal years 18SS-S9: 1888. 1889. tiros, tons. Gross tons. Production 6,157,945 7,137.713 Imports 3a.il7 183.258 6,713,4a 7,330,969 Exports, domestic 9,376 12,963 Exports, foreign 571 470 Total exports .. S.WT 13,435 btocks 388,873 M2.S34 Total stocks and exports. 368.233 816,369 Assuming that the imported pig iron remain ing in warehouse, tbe amount or which is very small, was the same In ISO as in 18SS tbo excess of production and imports over stock on hand and exports at tbe close of. the fiscal years 1SS3 and 1SS3 would be as follows: 1888. 1SS9. Prodnction and Imports 6,713,462 7,321X969 btocks and exports 358,220 Sit. 369 6,343,242 6,894,600 If the stocks in the hands of manufacturers intended for their own consumption and tbe stocks sold to consumers, brokers, speculators, etc which are not Included In statistics of stocks, are no greater in 18S8 than in 1S8S then the consumption of pic iron In year ending Jnne30.1tsS9. was 6,80iG00 tons as compared with G,313.24i tons in 1858 or 459,378 tons more in ISS9 than in tbe previous year. This increased consumption is all domestic pig iron. More than this, as the Importation of pic iron was 112,261 tons less in 1889 than in 1888. and as we hare assumed that stocks of imported pig are tbe same as a year ago, it is evident that tbo consumption of domestic pig is also this much greater than it was in 1883, which would make the increased consumption of domestic pig iron in tbe fiscal year of 18S9, as compared.with 1888, of about 001,639 tons. This is certainly a most gratifying exhibi tion. It is especially gratifying iu showing not only that there has been an increase In con sumption but that an increasing proportion of was consumption is oi qdious uwuiuauiuiih THEY WON'T COMPROMISE. Glasmrorkers Will Insist on. Their De mands Lyon lias Not Yet Asked Them for Their Side ol the Investlfi-st'on Troubled The members of the Window Glass workers' Union do not think the conflict be tween them and the manufacturers will be very serious. Mr. Cake, Secretary of the union, did not want to talk on the subject yesterday. Another member of the Execu tive Council said in regard to the question: "The manufacturers have a great deal of stock on band, and they are not ready to start yet. Bat I feel surj, as soon as they are, they will pay what we ask them with out any further trouble. That was all which transpired at the last meeting. They asked us what we wanted and we told them. Then they stated they were not ready yet, and of course we adjourned." "Has there been anv talk of a compro mise?" "Not that I know of, and I was at the office of our union this morning. However, you need have no fear that anything of the kind will occur, because our scale stands. We feel that we are justified in making the demand of 5 per "cent advance and we will not go back on it" "Is there any news In regard to the in vestigation of the foreign glass men?" "None whatever. Whenever Mr. Lyon is ready to ask us for our side of the case we will accommodate him. When Mr. Evans states that Mr. Lyon did do so he is mis taken, and he knows it" James Campbell went to Lafayette Springs last night, where his family has been stay ing during the last week. THE TAKE NO GOOD. The Bclglnn Glass Said to Have Deterlor atedln Quality. American manufacturers of window glass have a great demand for third quality win dow glass. This demand for a poorer qual ity is said to be due to the introduction of tanks in Belgium. President Bodine has made an estimate of the glass produced in tanks, and, according to his calculation, it is stated that foreign glass has greatly dete riorated in qnality since the introduction of the tanks. "The fact is," said a glass man yesterday, "the product from the tanks is not as good as the glass from the pot fur naces. In former years tbe third quality of foreign glass was equal to the second quality of American glass, out the tank has brought the Belgian glass down to a poorer quality. On this account the poorer quality ot Amer ican glass is placed on an equality with the foreign article, and creates, of course, a readier market. THE BTEIKE SOON 0YEE. Tiro Other Large Firms Conceded the Ad vance to the Cokemen. The coke strike is gradually coming to an end. The Mammoth Coke Works of the J. W. Moore Coke Company conceded tbe ad vance yesterday, and the works will resume to-day. This ts considered a great point by the strikers, because Moore & Co. asserted they would not sign, as they could not afford to. The United Coal and Coke Company, at United, also signed, and started up yester day. All the trouble is now centered in Moyer, where the Itainey works are located. There were abont 75" men at work yesterday, and the place was strongly guarded by police men to prevent the labor leaders from getting into contact with the men and per suading them to leave the works. The main trouble in tbe case is now that the firms are willing to pay the advance, but they do not want to sign the scale. M'CLURG IS TROUBLE. Union CIcnr Makers sar lie Employs Non Unlonlsts In Ills Fnctory. Mr. McClurg, when asked -last night what the trouble was between him and the Central Trades Council, said he thought the proceeding very unjust. "L have always paid the highest wages of any cigar manufacturer in town," he said. "Some time ago a committee of the Cigar Makers' Union waited on me and asked me to force my men to pay their back dues in the assembly. I told them that I did not interfere with my employes in such a mat ter. Whether they pay their dues or not does not concern me, "as long as they do their work for me inn satisfactory manner. The men please me, and we get along well together, and whether they are members of the union or not, I do not care." IT IS STILL UNSETTLED. A Sleeting; of tbe Labor Organizations Dls. cnsslnc Mr. Marvin. A joint meeting composed of delegates from all local trades and Jabor unions was held in Knights of Labor Hall last night to-devise ways and means for a proper ad justment of the differences between tbe united Bakers' Association Assembly and S. S. Marvin & Co. There was a very full meeting, and J. L. Evans acted as Chairman. When they ad journed, at 11 o'clock, however, the report ers were "told that nothing could be given to the public until the matter had been fully decided. Another meeting will take place September 5, when a settlement of the trouble is expected. TonsoriftI Artists Meet. The regular meeting of the Barbers' Union was held last sight, but nothing was done except the transaction ot routine busi-'i ness ana the initiation ol lour new&H ben. N .ls BIG FREIGHT WRECK. One Train Buns Into' Another on a Grade Near Wooster, 0. AN ENGINE AND 15 GABS SMASHED. Tbe Trainmen Were Warned in Time and Jumped Before the Crash. TEAFFIC WAS BLOCKADED FOE H0DES A very ugly freight wreck befell the Fort Wayne Bailroad yesterday, the scene being the Wooster curve, near Wooster, O. Since March 14 the road has not had a wreck of any magnitude, and that of yesterday came as an unpleasant reminder that railroads are not infallible. The Wooster grade is a very long one, averaging 45 feet to'tne mile, and a sharp curve makes it a troublesome spot on the road. Thai, engine attached to the second section of No. 77 freight broke a link-lifter while going down the curve west bound. By vigorous braking the train was stopped just beyond the curve for the pur pose of repairing the injury, this being shortly after noon. A flagman was sent back to stop the section behind. Owing to close running the section could not be reached in time to prevent a collision. The flagman's warning was - EFFECrrAIi IN SAVING LIFE, however. The train came bowling down grade at 25 miles an hour, and the engineer whistled down brakes, and with his'fireman, jumped, an example followed by the bal ance of the crew. Several of the men were slightly- bruised by hasty contact with the ground. -The noise of the approaching train warned the men on the stalled section and all hands got out of the way. It was a great sight when the flying train struck the stationary cars. ;The engine flew into the air and came down exactly across the two tracks, and the crash made the na tives think a thunder storm was brewing. Twelve cars of the stationary train were made kindling wood of and three cars of the running train shared the same fate. One of the wrecked cars contained tin plate, and it covered a wide expanse of ground. Most of the merchandise in the ruined cars was heavy and of considerable value. The track was very badly torn up, and the mass of debris looked formidable. . No time was lost in getting wrecking trains to the scene.- Trains from Alliance, Wooster and Orrville were sent as rapidly as possible, and QUICK "WORK "WAS DONE. The engine layibg across the track was shifted enough to clear both tracks, and the work of clearing the track was carried on. Later it was found that the engine had slipped back three feet and blocked a track, and all the work had to be done over. The tracks were blockaded for seven hours. No. 4, coming Fast, was held at Wooster pending the clearing of the tracks, and did not arrive in this city until 120 o'clock this morning. No. 11 going West was similarly detained at Alliance. In order to accom modate the regular local traffic between Al liance and Pittsburg a train was made up at the former station and run through upon No. 4's time. The bucolic appearance of the non-uniformed trainmen created some excitement at Union depot last evening, tbe report being circulated that the regular crew of the train had been victims ot the accident. The loss to the company will be heavy, but no estimate could be obtained J last evening on account oi meager reports. MB. HOUSTON 'TALta. The Law and Order Lengne Detectives Hnve Hnd Tbelr Bail Renewed A Mew Suit As-nlnst the L. and O. Socletr. J. W. Houston, a prominent official of the Law and Order League, was seen last night at bis home on Lincoln avenue in reference to the forfeiting of bail at Alder man McNuity's in Allegheny through the non-appearance of the league's detectives. He said the circulation of the report was mere bombast; no such thing had happened. It had been ar ranged by General Blackley, for Martin, and Mr. Bebman for the .league, to post pone the hearing of the detective case before Alderman McNulty for a week, until At torney Yost returned. It was necessary to renew bonds lor the detectives, and the league people were over at McNuity's on Wednesday afternoon to renew the bonds. Mr. Houston himself went there at 5 o'clock, -but tbe Alderman was away and had left no one to represent him. The bonds, how ever, were renewed yesterday morning. Said Mr.. Houstou: "Martin entered a new suit yesterday morning against the L. & O., for worldly employment on Sunday. That is a foolish move, because the judges, three years ago, reversed a decision given against the league for worldly employment on a Sun day. The Law and Order detectives do not induce men to break the Sundav laws. If any of our men can oe found enticing peo ple to break the law, and it can be proven, we will discharge the man add refund the fine with costs. I want, to emphatically state that we do not receive one red cent out of the Sunday prosecutions, except in sa loon cases. All the fines that are imposed go to the State, and It. S. Frazer, of Fourth avenue, collects the money. "An attempt has been made to connect our league with the Bauder gang, for the purpose of bringing it into disrepute. No such connection ever existed. The Law and Order Society have been subject to more misrepresentation than 13 generally meted out to most societies." THINKS HE IS THE MAN., James Kelly Is Arrested on a Charge of , IHghiray Robbery. James Kelly, of Washington street, was arrested last night at the Lake Erie depot, on a charge of highway robbery preferred by Archy Spronl. It will be remembered that one evening about July 25, Spronl. who is a driver for the Standard Oil Company, was robbed near the Bedford avenue water basin. He was assailed by two or three men who stole $30 in gold from him. A man named Glenn is now in jail awaiting a trial for complicity in the robbery, and there are more arrests to follow. When Kelly was arrested last nighf, he had just returned from a picnic given" by the Lake Erie hrakemen at Aliquippa. NEW TEACK CONNECTIONS. Tbe B. R. fc P. Road Now Has a Throngb Freight Line to Lake Ontario. The Buffalo, Rochester and .Pittsburg road have completed track connections with their Borne, Watcrtown and Ogdensburg road at Charlotte. This gives the Buffalo, Bochester and Pittsburg road a direct Ipute from Pittsburg to Lake Ontario, via Alle gheny "Valley. William A. SprouU represents the road in Pittsburg. He says the line gets its share of business from this territory, and is doing well. Some day the Buffalo, Boches ter and Pittsburg people expect to have their own line to Pittsburg. C Borsesboers Make a Reqalst. A demand will be made to tbe master horseshoers by tbe journeymen horseshoers to-day, that henceforth nine hours shall con stitute a day's work. An advance in tbe present scale of wages 'Will also be asked for. f ,, . MR. STEWAET DYING. The Allegheny Suicide Mar Not Last Until This Morning So Say Bis Doctors All Due to Overwork. JohnM. Stewart, tbe Alleghenian who attempted to take his life with a pistol in Allegheny yesterday, near Prof. Brashear's observatory, has doubtless succeeded, as the officials of the Allegheny General Hospital were doubtful last night of his survival until this morning. The self-inflicted wound was in the temple, and he did not recover con sciousness from the time of the attempt, Mr. Stewart was for a decade a manager of Singer, Nimick & Co.'s mill, and his mind gave way Irom overwork. Alexander Nim ick had him placed in Dixmont, where be remained foriour yearp. His restoration to reason had been supposed to be complete prior to his release from Dixmont, but his liberty did notlast long. He wasconscious, in some peculiar way, of .his own recurring aberration and recently was taken to the City Farm by his own request, in some uuexplained manner he escaped yesterday and came to the city, finding his way to the home of 'his sister, ou Sandusky street, where he borrowed some money. His rational appearance quelled any uneasiness his sister lelt. Mr. Stewart is supposed to have purchased a revolver in the interim between his de parture from Sandusky street aud his ar rival at the Observatory Hill residence of his brother-in-law, Prof. J. A. Brashear. While that gentleman had temporarily ab sented himself to telephone to Mrs. Stewart Mr. Stewart left the house unobserved, and souzht a place where be fired the fatal shot. Tbe noise was observed, and, after a search lasting 40 minutes, Mr. Stewart was found lying wounded and unconscious. The patrol wagon was called, and the' injured man was taken to the Allegheny General Hospital, where he received every attention. Mr. Stewart was a man of fine attainments and great probity, and had many friends, who will regret keenly his possible death. CIVIL SEEYICB EXAMINATION. Applicants for Departments In Washington Next In Order. Another Civil Service examination will take place next week. It will probably be held in Curry University, and from 110 to 120 applicants are expected to be examined. This test is for the Government departments, and is more severe than the one for the local clerks and mail carriers, some days' since. A good knowledee of arithmetic, English grammar, composition, orthography pen manship, general and national history, geography and other subjects will be re quired. HITHER AND THITHER, Movements of Flttsbnrgers nnd Others of Wldo Acquaintance. Congressman J. W. Bay, of Greene conntyVas in the city yesterday consulting with Internal Revenue Collector Bam. Warm castle about tbe appointments In his district. It was decided to make J. P. Reinhart, of Waynesburg. a deputy collector. Mr. Ray said come other names had been discussed for other positions, but as they have not been de cided on, he declined to give them. About 30 per cent of the gangers and storekeepers will be lopped oS at the first blow. Tbe others will be retained for a time to lnstrnct the green hands. Many ol the fourth class postmasters In his district, Mr. Ray said, had been changed. He is Inclined to believe that Greeue county will support Major Montooth for Governor, be cause he is a neighbor. Bev. P. S. Mesny, rector of Trinity Hall, Little Washington, was in Pittsburg yes terday. He has Just returned from a trip to Europe, where he wandered around in college and university towns, imbibing Anglican idess in regard to tbe proper culture of budding In tellects, "which will be applied to the conductor Trinity Hall. Mr. Mesny is quite enthusiastic over the prospects of his college for young men, which is situated on an elevation near Wash ington, with charming air and surrounding). Bishop Whitehead anda-party of ladles from Pittsburg ware visitors at Trinity Hall last Wednesday, and met with a pleasant receptiocj Landon Smith, of the New York TTorM, and Brainard Rorison, of Indianapolis.- are & tneAnaerson Hotel. Two interesting nieces of Mr. Roiison. Misses Carrie and Mollie Rich ards, were lost during the Johnstown disaster. Mr. Rorison went there and recovered tne bodies. He now has a perfect horror of tbe place, and always travels through the town at night. -Miss Blanche Logan, of the Peebles School, returned from Paris yesterday. The other teachers who went on the European ex cursion are pushing into different parts of Enzland and Scotland, and will not be here for a week or two. Prof. J. K. Bane and the squad of excursionists that be is ebaperoning are ex pected to arrive In town about August 0. On Monday evening the Bev. L. Morgan Wood. M. A., son of the Rev. E. M. Wood, D. D., of Pittsburg, and Miss Ella Marie Emble ton, of Chicago, 111., were united In marriage at tbe homo of the bride. The grooin is pastor of Pleasant Street Church, Salem, N. H., for which place the happy couple started immedi ately after their marriage. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Edmundson were called borne suddenly from Virginia last Mon day by the illness of Mrs. Edmundson's father, who has the typhoid fever. The Doctor is bad ly overworked, and intended to spend a month, on his father's plantation. They baa been away about ten days wben they were called home. Miss Carrie Bodgers, of Johnstown. "died at Mercy Hospital yesterday after a lingering illness. Tbe young lady lived on the hill, and was badly frightened by the terrible disaster. She was taken ill soon after and never recovered. Inspector McAleese started for Valant, Mercer county, yesterday to brine home his wife and family, who are visiting there, but was delayed by a wreck on the Lake Erie road atUharliers, and decided to postpone his trip until to-day. Iftnry C. Ayres yesterday took out a permit for tbe erection of a 2-story brick and frame residence on Walnut street, between Hiland avenue and College street, Twentieth ward. The building will cost $8,500. J. Elmer Salisbury, a Southside artist, has executed a painting of a Roman stone stairway that is said to possess undoubted merit. Mr. Salisbury spent three years in Europe under the best teachers. Jacob Mohn, a brother of the well known steam laundry man, starts for Baltimore to-day with his family. He will spend several weeks In that city and vicinity. A. E. Hufnagle, a clerk at station B postoffice, Lawrenceville, will go to Atlantic City next week. He will be accompanied by bis sister Maggie. John P. Beardon, the leader of the or chestra in St. Augustine's Young Men's Liter ary Society, Is taking a vacation in Buffalo and Oil City. Dr. ' Einebart, the young dentist, of Malp street, Lawrenceville. will leave the city next Monday for a six months' stay in Phila delphia. Miss Mary Girard, of the Eighteenth ward, and her sister Tillie. left for Butler yes terday, where they will summer among rela tives, j Howard D. Potts, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. James Allen, of New Haven, are among the guests at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. J. J. McCaffrey and James Wallace, prominent members of tbe Randall Club, are stopping at Atlantic City. Mrs. Tillie Zuillen, the defendant in the baby farming case, is lying dangerously ill at Mansfield Valley. Miss Belle Todd will leave for Point Marion to-day. where she will spend a few 'weeks among friends. E. J. Landor, of Canton, and Mrs. Dr. J. W. Ely, of Waynesburg, are stopping at the Monongabela House. John A. Duncan, of Thirteenth street and Penn avenue, leaves to-day for a trip east" ward. H. P. Ecker, the well-known pianist, has returned from his vacation, passed at At lantic City. Prof. James C. Williams, President of Curry University, has returned from Philadel phia. J. W. Walker, of the 8hifHer Bridge Company, has gone fast lor a few days. -Judge McKennan, of the United States Circuit Court, went East last evening. H. W, Hartman, of Beaver Falls, was in the city yesterday. . Jesse Lippincott left for New York. THE FEARS OF TERRY. George A. Jenks Says tbo Department . Was Warned Last Winter TO WATCH THE CALIFORNIA. His Fellow-Judges Were Mora Concerned Than Justice Field. HE DECLINED TO GITE HIS OPINION Ex-Solicitor General George A. Jenks is at tbe Seventh Avenue Hotel. His connec tion with the telephone cases for the Gov ernment keeps him busy traveling over the country taking evidence. Mr. Jenks said last night he had worked hard since he was a boy 14 years old, and he had hoped to spend some time at home after he retired from the Department of Justice, but as it is he is up to his eyes in business, and hasn't even time to read tbe newspapers. For this reason he claimed he was not posted on politics and he hadn't heard of the attempt to shelve Cleveland in New York and bring out Whitney as the Presi dental candidate of the Democratic; party in 1892. Concerning the tragic ending of Judge Terry he said: HE HAD LOOKED FOE IT. "I expected something of the kind would happen. We heard of threats last winter that Terry had made against the life of Justice Field, and the other judges and the Attorney General were worried about it. We knew what kind of a man Judge Terry was. He came to California from Texas with a bad reputation and malignant disposition. He was known to be a man who never forgave anyone, and naturally his fellow justices have been apprehensive of the safety of Judge Field since he sent Terry to jail for contempt of court. "But Justice Field is a courageous man, and at no time did he express any fears. I heard him say last winter that he would attend to his duties in California as he had always done, would visit every place where he had work to do, and he would not go out of his way to avoid Terry. I think the Justice would have defended himself, too, if it had been necessary. He is not one of those who would stand idly by when his life was in jeopardy." , HE WOULDN'T ANSWEB. "Had the Attorney General a right to delegate a Marshal, to protect the Judge?" "Well, Iyrould rather not answer that question. The Attorney General isat the head of the Department ot Justice, and all the machinery of the courts is under his control. He is bound to preserve peace and order in the courtrooms. It would certainly be a most atrocious crime if a judge should be murdered off the bench for any official act." Mr. Jenks declined to express an opinion as to the right of the Attorney General to detail a marshal tor such a purpose, on the ground that he was still in tbe service of the Government, and that he had free ac cess to everything in the Department of Justice. Jndge James A. Waywine and P. T. Dickerson, a prominent lawyer of Alameda, Cal., are stopping at the Duquesne. Mr. Dickerson knew Judge Terry, and he told a friend that the State had been rid of a, bad man. He was a desperado and a practical lawyer. For years MrJDickerson said he had been a terror to men in public life, and he was universally feared by everybody. He teemed to be devoid of conscience, and was quick to use deadly weapons. A DELIGHTFBLWYEDDING. Miss Nora Joyce la United to Albert Menjou, oltbe Dn qneue Hotel. Quite a charming wedding reception came off yesterday evening at the residence of Mrs. Magee, 91 Sixth avenue. The bride and bridegroom were Miss Nora Joyce and Albert Menjou, of . the Hotel Duquesne. The happy pair were united at St. Paul's Cathedral by the Bev. J. C. Conway, the bridesmaid being Miss Annie Joyce and the groomsman Albert Steinmann. After the ceremony lunch was served at Mrs. Magee's residence, which had been transformed into a dainty bower of myriad colored flowers and gaily decorated for the reception of the bridal party. Lunch over, the newly wedded pair left, amid the old time showers of rice and the flinging of lucky slippers innumerable. They travel to Cleveland, and thence, by Cincinnati and Baltimore, to New York. After a short time spent in the metropolis, they will visit Atlantic City and other seaside, resorts be fore they return to Pittsburg. Althqugh the cup of merriment was some what soured by the departure, there was still enough sweetness left to make the draught highly enjoyable. Supper was served about 8 o'clock, and the popping of champagne corks mingled with song and speech until a late hour. In an upper chamber "the gay sounds of harp and fid dle" made sweet music, and tempted more than one staid, elderly gentleman to try his fortune in the mazes of the dance. J. L. Lee officiated as master of ceremonies, and many were the benedictions called down upon his head by the grateful guests. NICE BIEIHDAI ETIQUETTE. A Host Has HIa Hkull Laid Bare, nnd Is Pitched From His Porch. Edgar Moore,' John Kibbon and Mary Beese are charged with felonious assault and battery by Henry Wilson, before Alder man Porter. The parties live on the Morn 'inzside road. Last Saturday night the de fendants visited the house of the prosecutor to assist him in celebrating his birthday. Abont midnight a genera row resulted, and Wilson, less fortunate than the others, had a good portion of his skull laid bare by a blow from a chair, and suffered other in juries, being thrown from tbe porch of his residence. A hearing will be held in the case Monday. ' ABOUT THAT IRON" ADVANCE. PIttsbnrg Committee Walling; to Hear From Trunk Line. The Trunk Lin,e Association met in New York yesterday jto determine the advance in iron rates to' be made September. The Pittsburg ICommittee of Freight Agents will meet to-day, and, if they can hear in time, will arrange the rates for this terri tory. It is generally understood the old rates will be restored, if indeed, they do not go higher. TIPH0ID FEVER'S EUN. Few More Coses for tbe Hospital, While Doctors Report Less. The Mercy Hospital received two more typhoid fever patients yesterday afternoon. This makes a total of 46 cases that have been received up to the present time. Dr. Hieber, of 1704 Penn avenue, says there is a wonderful decrease in typhoid fever during the last few days. 'Beyond a few patients attacked with malaria, no seri ous contagious disease is prevalent. WANTED FOR HORSE STEALING. Charles Davis, of Sutler County, Arrested , on That Charge. Charles Davis was arrested by Officer Palmer at Thirty-fourth street yesterday afternoon, at the instance of William Weaver and William Wattle, who say Da vis is wanted in Butler county for.taking a horse and buggy, He will be turned over to the Butler county authorities. Fob a disordered Hyer try Beeetaa't Pills. PXABS' Soap the potest ana best ever made. BOMK BOUGHT WISDOM. One of the Vender Behind the Ban In Chi cago That Commercial Drummers Club A Projector In Limbo. Assistant Police Superintendent O'Mara has run to earth Robert B. Ford, one or the men who worked up the Drummers' Com mercial Club project some weeks ago in this city, and has him in jail in Chicago, on in- lormation for conspiracy, entered by Messrs. Wells and Duncan, who think he has got away with 600. Mr. O'Mara was yester day busy arranging to get out the requisition papers to have Ford brought to this city. Ford and some others swelled the heads of a considerable number of people in this city by dwelling on the necessity for a club room here for the accommodation of the drummers of the United States, represent ing that there were some 200,000 of them, and that their influence, exerted for or against a city, was a matter of much mo ment. Among those who came down lib erally with the dust were the railway com panies, hotel proprietors, merchants and manufacturers. Among names of con tributors given were those of Car negie, Frick, Overholt, Zug & Co., and others too nnmerous to mention. The fellows cut a pretty broad swath, and wine suppers and other adventitious aids were employed. Mr. O'Mara at the time denounced the matter as a swindle; but his warning was not heeded until the project had gotten free course, had run and had been glorified, when the awakening came and the birds had flown. A man named Dearborn was connected with Ford, and there were quite a number of others who pulled 'out. Connected with the project was a grand excursion to Baden on the steamer May flower. Some 1,600 or 1,800 tickets were sold, and about 160 people went on the steamer. It was a mixed assemblage, but had scarce enough commercial travelers in it to leaven the mass, a census taken on the boat disclosing but six. AN OLD-TIME THIEF. Oliver Tate Waa Arrested Yesterday on Charges of Robbery. Oliver Tate, a well-known man among the local police, was arrested' on Grant street yesterday, afternoon. Tate got out of the Western Penitentiary a few months ago, having served a sentence of seven years for burglary. Since then a number of robber ies have been committed in the city, and the detectives thought they at once recognized the handiwork of the ex-convict. Assistant Superintendent Roger O'Mara stated last night that they had found' a lot of cases against Tate during the last few days. Among them he mentioned several robberies on Fifth avenue and another at the residence of Mrs. Blakely, of South Nineteenth street. Mr. O'Mara has a large quantity of stolen goods in his possession, and says that he is positive Tate stole them. Two'weeks ago a thief was discovered in tbe store of William Barkley, No. 147 South Nineteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Barkley heard a noise in the store room about 12 o'clock, and going down stairs found a man. He however succeeded in escapingsecuring only a small amount of money and some jewelry of little value. Tate was suspected of the attempted bur glary, and last evening he was taken in the Soutside patrol wagon to the Twenty-eighth ward station. He was placed in a row with nine other men, and Mr. and Mrs. Barkley called in to identify him. They at once picked out Tate as the man. They also stated that they recognized his voice. , An information was then lodged against Tate before Magistrate Brokaw lor entering a building with intent to commit a felony. He will be given a bearing in the morning, and then returned to Central station to undergo another test of identification as the perpetrator of several robberies on this side of the river. Tate is also suspected of having been im plicated in an extensive robbery of a store in Mansfield a few days ago. ,K0T MDCHOF A FIBE, , , Bnt the Firemen Upset a Wagon, and the Driver's Face Was Cat. A spark from a chimney set the shingles on fire on the roof of a house out the Brownsville road yesterday. The fire was put out before much damage was done. While hose carriage No. 11 was going to the fird a street car driver failed to stop as required, and the passengers got frightened. A lady threw n bundle out on the prrtement and jumped off, but she was not hurt. At Eighth street Christopher Blumm was driving a wagon and failed to turn out. His wagon was upset, and Blumm's face was badly cut. His son, who was with him, was not injured. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. ; Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. The first appointment made by Chief Jones, of the Allegheny Fire Department, was that of Blcbard Clark, foreman of Eureka Engine Company, to tbe position of Assistant Chief, subject to tbe apnroral of tbe Councils Com mittee. Mucb surprise was manifested by local politicians, as tbree men, Messrs. Peter Schatz mann. Jobn Lehman and Noble Jones, were candidates. Tbe appointment gives satisfac tion. Two young girls from Youngstown, O., were before Magistrate Brokaw yetterday at tbe instance of Agent O'Brien, of tbe Humane Society, who claims that tbe pair were in very shady company. Tbe girls were defiant, and said they would like to go to tbe workhouse. Tbe last names they gave were Esther Clark and Bailie Sounds. The authorities are puzzled what to do with them. W. J. Mabks' grocery store on the Butler plank road, 21 miles from Pittsburg, missed merchandise valued at $55 yesterday. Tbe thief was tracked to Butler street and arrested by Officer Palmer. He gave bis name as Cbarles Davis at tbe Twelfth ward station. The thief bad a horse and light soring wagon, which are supposed to bare been stolen. William McMastebs gave ball before Alderman Porter yesterday for a hearing to day on a charge of larceny preferred by Will iam McGlU. Tbe prosecutor alleges that the defendant stole a watch valued at $50 from him. Officer Daily arrested tbe accused at Kittannlng. James Caht, called "Jimmy the Greek," tried to pick some pockets at the Chestnut street station of tbe West Penn Bailroad dur ing the embarkation of excursionists to the butchers' picnic He was sent to the work bouse for 30 days by Mayor Pearson. The medical staff of tbe Southside Hospital bave issued an appeal to tbe public for bed clotbing, food and general donations. The hos pital is filled with patients whose woes may need the alleviation attaching to material com forts. A meettso of the survivors of the Sixty first Pennsylvania Volunteers will be held at Union Veteran Legion Hall Saturday evening to make arrangements for the veterans to go to Gettysburg. As early morning freight wreck yesterday on the Lake Erie Bailroad smashed np a num ber of cars which were unaccountably stand ing on tbe main track. None of the train men were Injured. JIatok Peabson sent Mr. and Mrs. Horn, of Green Tree, to the workhouse for 30 days, yesterday. Tbe couple are each about 70 years old, and are confirmed drinkers. The Board of Vlewersyesterdayheld a meet ing to receive claims for damages caused by tbe opening of Murtland street, from Penn avenue to Chaucer street. TnEB.AO. excursion to Atlantic City yes terday was one of tbe largest of the season. Division Passenger Agent E. D. Smith accom panied the excursionists. Yesteed at Job n Balrd, Justice of th e Peace at Sbarpsburg, committed Andrew Downing to jail to await a hearing on a charge of horse stealing. Eyan Jones, Ws son and Thomas Meville are charged with conspiracy by A. M. Mars den. Tbe particulars of tbe case are not yet given. i Yesterday the feast of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary was celebrated with unusual solemnity in Pittsburg Catholic churchts. Branch 95 of the Emerald Beneficial Asso ciation, wn.1 bave an undoubtedly enjoyable picnic to-morrow in Silver Lake Grove. Yotwo Batjbshteb, ot tte Sonthslae, was hit in tbe eye -with a stone, while watching a gameofball. X6wmioMhlfB& ' ONE MORE DILEMMA. Johnstown Unable to Educate Its Children' Without Aid. AK APPEAL TO THE ODTER WORLD. One Line of Quite Noticeable-Gain From the .Misfortune. THE BRIDGE EUILDEBS ENJOI A BOOH Yesterday Secretary Charles Beisfar, of the Central Board of Education, received an appeal for aid from the Board f Education of Johnstown. It is dated August 6. It states that it is impossible for the board to secure, by means ot taxation, the money re quired to maintain the Johnstown schools during the current year. No part of the money contributed to the sufferers' can be used for school purposes. Tbe board appealed to Governor Beaver for assistance, but he did not feel that he possessed the authority to apply to their re lief any part of the educational appropriation of the Commonwealth. During the past year the board had under its control 36 schools and 33 teachers, with an enrollment of 1,913 pupils. It requires $23,000 per year to 'maintain the school. During the coming year the board expects to have 1,800 pupils to provide for. Some of their schoolhouses have been de stroyed, and the others are greatly dam aged. In addition to their losses they have a bonded indebtedness of $12,000, which, with the reduced valuation of Johnstown since the deluge, will bring the indebtedness of the board up to the constitutional limit. The board needs 25,000. This, they say, it cannot secure by taxation or loans, and for that reason appeals to the people of Penn sylvania. This appeal is signed by all the members of the -board. Accompanying the appeal is an indorse ment of the needs of the Johnstown schools by Dr. E. E. Higbee, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. A member of the Shifner Bridge Com pany yesterday said that the flood at Johns town had given some of the Pittsburg bridge builders a boom. In nearly all instances the firms that'put the destroyed bridges up secured contracts to rebuild according to the old drawings. He said quite a large num ber ot orders had gone East. The Keystone Bridge Company was next visited. They replied to a query that the sweeping away of the bridges along the ConemaUgh did not affect them. Their work was generally bnilding great viaducts. They had not done any work toward reconstruct ing the bridges along the pathway of the flood. The Pittsburg Bridge Company has had a fair share of the building of new bridges in place of the destroyed ones. It is a specialty with this" company to construct small -river bridges. Ever since the flood they have had a considerable bom. Elastic Stockings. Etc. Trusses, bandages, abdominal, navel and pile supporters, elastic anklets, knee caps and stockings at No. 909 Penn avenue, near Ninth street. Open Saturday evenings. Abtificiai. Limb ilro. Co., Penn avenue, near Ninth street. Your Last Chance To go to the seashore via the Pennsylvania Bailroad will be Thursday, August 22. at the $10 rate-f or ten days. Special train will leave Union station at 8:50 A. u., arriving at Philadelphia at 7115 p. jr., composed of Eastlake coaches and Pullman parlor cars. Tickets wilt also be good on 4-30, 7-15 and 8:10 p. si. trains on the same day. Seats in parlor cars and berths in sleeping cars cjin.be secured now at office. 110 Fifth ave- nue wu Z r - First Place Sure. If the Allegheny Baseball Club gets sixth place it will be doing well, but Marvin's cakes and 'crackers would consider them selves disgraced if they got as low as second place in the list of good things. They are unrivaled and unsurpassed. Try them. twtsu , Iron Cliy Beer, Brewed only by Prauenheim & Vilsack, is perfectly pure, wholesome and nutritious. Sold at all first-class bars. Toko Some With Yoa. In making yourpreparations for the picnic don't forget to lay in a supply of Marvin's superior gjnger snaps and extra soda crack ers. They are the finest in the market. TWFSU Cabinet photos, 89c per dor. Lies Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. mwfsu EVIL AIR From bad sewerage or nndralned swamps deranges the liver and un dermines the system, creates blood diseases and eruptions, preceded by headache, biliousness and constipa tion, which can most effectually be cured by the use of the genuine Dr.O.HcLane's celebrated . Liver Pills. Price, 23c. Sold by all druggists, and pre pared only by Fleming Brothers, Pitts burg, Pa. Get the genuine; counterfeits are made In St. Louis. JJ8-1TWT NOTICE! NOTICE! A cure for black feet, Wear our Fast Black Hose. s A good night's rest In our ' 60c NIGHT SH1BT. OUR GLOVE FITTING CORSETS Give you a perfect shape. We can't be excelled In KID GLOVES. 50c to $2 25. ' UMBRELLAS, 60c to J5. ::: T. T. T. THDMPBDN BRDTHERB, 109 Federal Street, y ' v - Allegheny. -y.-.cv ,. Mr. Cable Claims He Caa Send 300 Words Per Bllnnte by a Kerr Key A Bis; .Boob for Telegraph Operators. D. J. Cable, the electrician, and L.O. Kleber recently applied for a patent on an automatic telegraphic key, jntended to take the place of the 'Wheatstone repeater, by which they claim an operator can transmit 500 words per minute. If the invention proves to be successful, its immense ad vantages cannot be discounted. The capacity of the Wheatstone repeater U from 100 to 105 words per minute, but there are very few operators who can attain this speed. P.apid transmission would have been s big boom to tbe newspaper men during tba Johnstown disaster. There, was no trouble to get the news; the biggest kind ot items were lying around loose; but, after the re porters had the news written then came the question of transmission, and here waa where the greatest amount of anxiety was encountered. To fill two pages of THE Dispatch, as was done during the first days of the flood, required a force of oper ators to work 18 hours a day, so that, if the new key will acco'mplish what is claimed for it, it will be a valuable adjunct in times of great emergencies. Mr. Cable declined to describe his inven tion in detail until the patent is granted, hut he says he has'perlbrmed testsaud every one was satisfactory. The pres ent key cramps the hand ' of the operators, and they soon ret tired. The hew key also is worked "by hand; but in such a manner that the fingers do not grow weary. With his automatic keyatone end of a line and the ordinary Morse register at the other, Mr. Cable says an operator can soon transmit a long message, and it can be copied in the office by clerks. In this age the element of time has become an important factor in everything, and any invention to facilitate matters in any busi ness will always be welcomed.1" Although Piatt's Chlorides "is an odorless liquid, its disinfecting power Is great. Try it. Astonishing 25c for ladies' Jerseys; chemise, 17c;. ruffled skirts, 25c; wrappers, 50c; jersey vests, 10c; calico dresses, 7c up; infants cloaks, slips, etc., at cut prices. Bpsy BEEHrvis. cor. Sixth and Liberty. JDS. HDRNE k ED3 PENN AVENUE STORES. The August reduction prices make trade even if a great many people are out, of town those that are home can not spend time and money to better adV vantage than right here In the store. When you can bny fine double-width Dress Goods for 25c a yard here It's a good time, to corce $?, When yon can buy fine Imported Dress Patterns, full quantity, at $5, It's a good time to come. Tbe Fine Dress Goods are reduced summer dress fabrics must go Cballis, $ Beiges, Mixtures, Plaids, Novelty Jac quard Styles a thorough clearing out of all summer dress materials here this ' week. The Silk stock is very large the prices made low to make it less. Tbe Black Silks, the Printed India Silks, the Col ored Surah Silks, the Fancy Plaid and Striped Silks in latest colorings. Better Silks here at 50c a yard than ever offered at the price. The Butt Department Ladles' and Children's Summer Dress, made up nicely, all marked down. Also the Beaded Wraps and Lace Wraps and lightweight Cloth Jackets and Long ' Wraps. Tbe most complete assortment of Clothing for infants and small chfl. dren is here. Housekeepers' Sales In Table Linens' and Towels and In Lace Curtains th customers are increasing as they find out the prices here. T Closing out prices now in Millinery, la Hosiery, Silk Gloves, Muslin Under, wear. Dress Trimmings. ' - Stocks Complete In all departments ' with the pest goods for your personal and household wants. The Wash Goods Department has.T just opened some entirely new styles fSf fine Satlnes at 15c, and more of the flnol Ginghams at 25c and 15c a yard. JDB. HDRNE I CQr'a PENN AVENUE STORES A RAPID TRANSMITTER. , I v 5i ' '& l aaiirwr 1 jaaauii- ' & . .- ,.. . .. . . . ?" - .. t .f i f?!. . . ....) . ... . v . 'dHHWi. SsBBBlBBBBBBBsHBBBBSSSSSalBBB