ViJLnjKmAB ifir THE -PITTSBTJKG DISPATCH, THITRSDAT, AUGUST 15, 1889; MEAT ON THE HOOF. Leading Features of East Liberty Live Stock Markets. HEAVY EDN OP LOW GRADE CATTLE Desirable Butcher Stock in Active Demand and Higher. CHOICE SHEEP FIRMHOGS STEADY ! Office ofPittssueo Dispatch,! Wednesday, August 11, 1889. J Receipts ot cattle aggregated between 125 and ISO loads against 115 and 135 for the previous week. A much larger percentage than usual were light, common and medium grades. Between 00 and 100 loads were common stock dumped into Liberty markets from Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville, be ing what was left over at these centers after the best had been disposed of. The demand for prime cattle for export purposes has been so active at Western centers of late that everything available has been gobbled up, and large quantities of unsalable, light, common stock is left over. As a result our markets here have been over-stocked with inferior grades of cattle for a week or two past. There were no strictly prime cattle at the liberty yards this week. If any such had ap peared they would readily have brought $1 CO. One or two carloads that approached prime brought H 50. All the better grades of cattle w ere stronger than they were last week, and were promptly taken early Monday morning. Common grades were a shade lower on account of too liberal supply. The attendance of buy ers was large, as large as at any time this sea son. Though common grades dragged, there were customers for everything (rood, and many more of the better quality would have found ready sale. The tone or cattle markets, both at Kerr's Islaud and East Liberty, shows mani fest improvement the past eck. and it is evi dent the worst is over. The heavy demand for export cattle has been the saving factor of markets. It is not often that such hue oppor tunities have come to exporters as tnose lur nished the past six months. The decline of cattle at Liverpool has not kept pace with that at Chicago, and exporters have been reaping a hart est this season. sheep and Lambs. Supply has varied very little from last week. Markets have been active and prices are 25 per cent higher on all choice grades. Only the most common grades failed to share in the ad vance. The bulk ot supplies was of the com mon and low grades. Choice wethers are scarce, and in the opinion of leading dealers likely to continue so the balance of the season. Said a Liberty street stockman: "AVe have teen getting very few choice sheep and Iambs of late, and those we do receive are promptly taken at outside prices. Low grades are slow, but would be much slower if we could get all the choice sheep demanded in this market. There is not olten a time when a good deck of wethers will sell more promptly than now. I had no trouble selling a deck yesterday at 5c." Hogs. Receipts are always light in August About 17 cars were received on Monday, and there has been a very light run since. On Monday mar ket was active and strong at a range of S4 85 to H 90 for light Yorkers. Since the beginning ot the week market has been fairly steady, but shows no improvement. The weakness of lard has a depressing influence on heavy weights. UlcCnll fc Co.' Review. The supply of cattle has been liberal, mostly common low-fleshed steers and mixed lots of heifers, cows and steers, which sold slow at lower prices. Fair to prime cattlv being in light supply sold readily at a shade higher prices. We give tho following as ruling prices: Prime 1,300 to 1.000 pounds. $4 25 4 SO; good 1,200 to 1.400 pounds, H4 25; rough fat 1.100 to L300 pounds, S3 S03 75: good butch er grades 900 to 1,100 pounds, 3 253 65; good heifers and mixed lots 2 903 2a; common to fair heifers and stock steers, tl2 75; bulls and fat cows. S22 50; fresh cows and springers, 520 35 per head. The receipts of hogs wern fair and the mar ket active for good light corn-fed, while heavy continue dull and hard to sell. Wo quote: Best light. HSJgi 95; mediumv.f4 6S4 75; heavy, $4 504 5:: crashers and stubblers, S4 fio4 6a The receipts of sheen this week were light and the market active at an advance ot 15c to 30c per cwt. over last week's prices. Wc give the following as rullac prices: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 pounds, S4 755 00: good, 90 to 100 pounds, 54 50fi;4 75; fair to good mixed. 75 to SO pounds, S3 6501 25; good yearlings, 75 to 80 pounds, XI 40i 85; common to fair, 60 to 60 pounds, S3 60S 4 10; real calves, 110 to 120 pounds, S4 25 65 4U. LITE ST0C MARKETS. The Condition of Business nt the EaatLlbertr Stock Yards. Office of PrrrsBtnto Dispatch, 1 Wednesday, August 11. 1889. J CATTLE Receipts, 850 head; shipments, 850 head: market firm, all through consignment, prime, $1 501 60: fair to good, H 254 50; com mon, S3 001 23; stackers, $3 003 25; 15 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. iioas iteceipts. 1.800 nead: shipments, L600 heavy hogs. S4 404J4 50; 4 cars of hogs shipped to N ew York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 1,600 head; shipments. L600 head: market firmnrimi. i wk tv. f.t. , good. SloOgl o; common, S2 003 00; lambs. M outsti uu. By Telegraph. New obk Beeves Receipts. 96 carloads for exportation, alive and dead, 68 carloads for the market, and 12 carloads for city slaughter ers direct Good cattle about steady; infeno. and common dull and easier; all changed hands ho ever, including native steers at S3 755 per 100 pounds: Colorado do. at S380l; Texas ""ra. $3008370. bu,ls ana dry cows. SI 60 3 ott Exports to-day, 170 beeves and 2,900 quar ters of beef. Calves Receipts, 1,600 head; a shade firmer and higher lor all sorts, with a good business at S2 2503 25 for grassers and buttermilks; S3 504 50 for mixed lots, and $3 6J) for veals. Sheep Receipts. 7.500 head: "ore active and nearly all sold, including sheep at SI 25 per 100 pounds, and lambs at S3 50 750. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 head, nearlv all for slaugbtererK direct; small lots were sold at S4 75 5 15 per 100 pounds. Kaksas City Cattle Receipts. 5,435 head: shipments, 3.837 head; best native beef steers strong; common weak anda shade lower; Texas slow and about 5c lower: cows a shade lower stock ers and feeding steers firm; good to choice ?rH'te1-Bteer' H common to medium. S3 00U3 a, Mockers and feeding steers SI 60 L COtT"- 51 2 T0: CFS. rane steer. 75 .i0", H?SS-Receipts. 5.832 head; shipments. 1.917 head; market weak and 510c lower rood to choice light. $4;274 39; heavy and" mixed. S3 93&4 22. bSetp-Rlceipts, 9 head: shipments. 310 head: market steady: good to choice muttons, S3 754 00: common to medium, S2 503 50. CIIICACO-Cattle Receipts. 15,000 head:shln ments, C,0U0 head; market stronger for choice others weak; beeves. S4 604 80: stockers and' feeders. S3 10; cows, bulls and mixecLSl 003 00 Texas cattle, SI 60S3 15; natives and half breeds .S3Q3 95. Hogs-Receipts, 15,000 head; shipments. 6,000 head; market slow; heavvlOc lower, others S10c lower; mixed, S4 004 40: heavy. S3 85Q4 20: light, S4 304 70; skips. so oucq.' on oneep iteceipts, 10,000 head: ship ments. 3.000 head: market steady to lower natives, $3 401 70: Westerns, S3 404 00: Tex ans. S3 504 10; lambs, SI 756 00. ST. Louis Cattle Receipts. 3.100 head: ship ments, none; market steady; choice heavy natite steers, $4 304 50; fair to good da. $4 00 4 ; stockers and feeders. S2 203 15; rangera, steers. S2 30K3 10. Hogs-Receipts. 3,400 head shipments, 200 head: market steadv: fair to choice heavy, $4 204 40: packing. SI 101 a5 light grades, fair to b-st, SI 35! 50. Sheep- Receipts, 4,200 head; shipments, JOO head: mar ket firm; fair to choice, S3 404 60. BCT'FAW) Cattle Receipts 185 carloads through; 8 carloads of which were for export 2 carloads for sale: steady and unchanged.' Sheep Receipts. 12 carloads through: 7 car loads for sale; steady and unchanged. Hogs Receipts. 20 carloads through; 15 for sale; 6c higher on Yorkers and pigs; slow on mediums and heavy; mediums and heavy, S4 404 45 grassers to good corn-fed Yorkers, S4 805 00: pigs, S4 955 00. Cincinnati Hogs Supplv excessive and lower: common and light. $3 751 63; packing and butchers, S4 S04 50. Receipts, 3.370 bead; shipments, 150 head. Metal Market. New York Copper dull: lake. Sll AS Trf firmer; domestic, S3 87. Tin quiet; Straits, S20 40; November, S20 85. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm; cash and September, 76c. Corn dim; No. 3, 86c Oats dull: No. 2 white. 2424c R)e steady: No. L 43c Barley quiet; No. 2 Sep tember, 59c Provisions easy. Pork, S9 85. Lard, S6 25. Cheese unchanged. MABKETSBY WIRE. All of the When! Fntnrrs nigbcr on Good Cable From Liverpool Corn fetrenth ened. by -fold Weather'' Bog t'rcdnei tcllvr and Price Irrcculnr., Chicago Future deliveries nf wheat aver aged about lc higher in all ot the leading home markets to-day. Cables were also higher, spot wheat in Liverpool being quoted at Kd advance, but with the demand limited, while fntures were Id higher. At this point the opening was buoyant and strong at K$4c improvement over yesterday's closing range, and the initial trading was at the lowest prices of the session. As yesterday, the cash end of the market was relatively the strongest, August selling up tyfc, while December was advancing c This checked the cash bnying finally, as shippers claimed to be unable to follow the advance. It is. however, the continuation of the good con sumptive demand everywhere and the constant nibbling by exporters that encourages holders, and it caused many of the shorts to cover out standing contracts to-day. An exporting bouse here was reported to have worked in 150,000 bushels of No. 2 red to be shipped from St. Louis via New Orleans to the River Platte country, and another house with foreign connections took 80,000 bushels of No. 1 hard wheat late yesterday for export di rect from Duluth to Scotland. There were al so some foreign buying orders here, as the weather on the other side was less favorable. The volume of speculative trade here was large in the aggregate. Longs were realizing freely, one prominent local operator covering, it was said, a line of nearly 1,000,000 bushels. There was an urgent demand from the shorts and a good miscellaneous bnying in a small way on investment account. From TSJic early, Denember wheat advanced during the session to 7878c and closed 78)sQ7Sc or Jf c higher. August was unset tled and covered a much wider range, and the price for round lots of old No. 2 red in store was pushed up to 79c which was" more than was being paid for free on boat lots at the same time. Vessel room was taken here to day for S6.0U0 bushels of wheat. The market closed quiet and easy with August lKc and September Hc above yesterday's latest bids. Corn was moderately active and firmer. Trading was ot moderate volume, and fluctua tions kept within narrow limits, the influ ences on the market were much the same as on esterdav. the operations of a prominent local trader having a great deal to do with the course of price Reports of cold and wet weather, together with the active cash demand and advance in wheat, also had a strengthening influence, and the market was firm. The spec ulative market opened Kc higher than the closing prices of yesterday, was firm and ad vanced .c eased off Vc, ruled firm and closed Mc higher than yesterday. Oats were fairly active and stronger, and prices advanced KffiKc, but extreme outside figures were not luilr maintained until the close. ' Trading was quite active in mess pork, but trading ruled irregular, with liberal offerings early, the feeling was weak and pi ices 2527ic lower on near and 104312K0 on the deferred deliveries. Later the demand improved con siderably, and prices rallied 710c and closed steady. A moderately active trade was reported in lard. At the opening the feeling was stronger with fair buying by shorts and the brokers of the Eastern syndicate. Later the demand slackened, offerings were enlarged and prices declined 57Kc un the near deliveries and the market closed rather tame. Short ribs were active during the early part of the day. the feeling ruled comparatively steady and prices, though slightly lower, fluctuated within a narrow range. During the latter part of the session a decline of 7K10c was fully established and the market closed tame. The leading futures ranged as follows COKN No. 2. September. a5?; 35?c; October. 35J635J35 Oats No. 2. Eentember. 20f 20c: October. 212120J21c; December, Mess Pork, per bbl. September, J10 10 10 17K69 909;97XS:October. S10 0zk10 U2K 9 69 75: January, S9 609 659 o069 62i. Lard, per 100 As. September, SB 32JOJ6 3o 6 27X6 27; October. S6 27V$6 27K6 17K 6 20; January. S3 92X5 95o 905 &. SHOUT Ribs, per 1UU Jlis. beptember, J5 20 5 2!k5 155 17: October, $5 205 22K& 5 155 15: January, S4 8501 853 821 82. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 787SJc; No. 3 spring wheat, 7575c; No. 2 red. 7oJfc No. 2 corn, 36c JNo. 2 oats. wc .o. i .rye. ukc. ao. 2 oaney. nom inal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 21. Prime tim othy seed, SI 121 43. Mess pork, per barrel, $10 00. Lard, per 100 pounds, S6 27o30. Bhort rib sides (loose), K lo5 2a Dry salted shoul ders (boxed), $4 875 Da Short clear sides lUUJLeuj, to D'?IQd lO. Sugars Cut loaf, 9' w r1: c; granulated, 8c; Standard "A" se: KLanrtirri -A " K eceiots Flour. 17.000 barrels- vhnt V,Q ivi onsneis; com. ooo,uuu bushels; oats, 1287,000 bushels; rye, 11,000 bushels; barley, 2,000 bush els. Shipments Flour. 14,000 barrels: wheat, 137,000 bushels: corn. 425,000 bushels: oats, 157, 000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley ,2,000 bush els. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was active; fancy creamers, 1718c: fine, 1416c; finest dairies. 13llc; fair to good, 910c Eggs in good demand at Ullc New York Flour heavy and quiet Corn meal dull. Wheat Spot dull and lc higher, options moderately active and lc higher, clos ing weak. Rye quiet Barley nominal; Canada, offered for October delivery at 80c, with 75c . . , - : T l , - w uiu, aiey uiaii, uuii. vorn spot quiet ana c higher; light offeringsoptions fairly active and stronger. Oats Spot less active and unset tled; options quiet and firm. Hay firm and fairiy active. Hops weak and quiet Coffee Options opened steady and 1520 points down, and closed steady and 515points up; sales, 31, 000 bags, including September, 15.2015.15c; October, 15.2015.60c; November, 15.25c; De cember, 15.2515.55c: January, 15l2515.55c; March, 15.30la.60c: April, 15 00c; May, 15.40 15.65c; spot Rio firmer and active: fair cargoes, 18c Sugar Raw steadier and in fair demand; sales, 7,000 bags; centrifugals, 6Jc for 87 test; 10,000 bags do at Philadelphia, 7 l-16c for 96 test; 1,100 hhds Barbadoes,6Vc for 89 test: a cargo do at break water. 6Jic for 90 test; refined quiet and JffiHc lower and weak; extra C, 6JJ7c; white extra C, 77Kc: yeUow. 66c: off A, 7 7-167c; mold A &4c; standard A, 8c: confectioners' A. 8c; cutloaf, 8c; crushed, 8c; powdered, 8Jc; granulated, fcjic: cubes. 8c Molasses For eign quiet; New Orleans quiet Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet and steadv. Tal low lower; city, S2 for packings. 4 7-16. Rosin easy and quiet Turpentine firm and quiet at 1444c Ears in moderate demand and firm; western, 1617c: receipts. 4,015 pack ages. Pork quiet. Cutmeata weaker and quiet; pickled bellies, 12 lbs. c; pickled shoulders, 5c: pickled ;hams, 10; middles dull and weak. Lard Options 48 points lower and quiet: western steam quoted 'at SS 65: sales of 250 tierces, for export, at S6 65; sales, September, SO 666 69: October, S6 5S6 62; November, iO 31tJ 38. Butter quiet and easy except for fancy; western dairy, 912c: do creamery, ll17c; do factory. 812c Cheese steady and in light demand; western, 67c Philadelphia Flour quiet and weak. Wheat strong on light offerings and a good specnlativc demand; No. 3 red, in export eleva tor. 77c: No. 2 red. in do. 81c: No. 2 red. Au gust 8484c: September. 83S4c: Octo ber. 8i;681c: November, 81ffi8oc Corn ptions firm, but quiet: carlots dnll and lower; No. 2 yellow, in grain depot 43c; No. 2 high and yellow, in Twentieth street elevator, 45c; No. 2 mixed, in do and grain depot, 15c; do, in Twentieth street elevator, 44c: No. 2 mixed. August; 4i3c; September, 43U41c; October, 441c; November, l4iHJic Oats Spot lower; No. 2 mixed. 2Sc; No. 3 white, 29c choice new No. 2 white. 82kc: recru. lar do do. 32c; No. 2 white, 33c; futures a shade firmer, but quiet; No. 2 white. August 30 31c; September. 29K30Kc: October, wfM 30Jc; November, 3(ik31Vfc Eggs firmer; Pennsylvania firsts, 17c St Louis Flour firm but unchanged. Wheat higher. Prices were sharply higher right from the beginning. There were several small re lapses during tho session, but the close was at the top, and ljc above yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, 7!71c; August, 71;71j&, closed at 71c bid; September, 74k7lkc, closed at 71c asked; December, 7777c, closed at 77c asked; May, 82c, closed at S2c bid. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash, 33c; Sep tember, 33c; year, Sljfc closed at 31JJc bid. Oats higher; No. 2 cash, 19Uc; August 19lc bid: SepteraDer, 19cbid;May24c Rye quiet at 38c Flaxseed SI 19 for cash; SI U bid for Augnst and September. C1NCE.NATT Flour in better demand and unchanged. Wheat firm; No. 2 red. 76c: re ceipts. i,ouu onsneis; snipments. 7,500 bushels. Corn firm; No. 3 mixed. 3838c Oats In fair demand; No. 2 mixed, 20c for new; 2424 for old. Rye easy; No. 2. 14c Pork weaker at Sll 12. Lard dnll at S6 05S10. Bulkmeats nominal; short rib, S5 60. Bacon easier; short clear, S6 62. Butter firmer; fancv creamery 20c; choice dairy, ll12c Sugar fn llgbt de mand and lower; bard refined. 89c- New Orleans, 78c Eggs Arm at 12l3c Cheese scarce and firm. Baltimore Wheat Western firmer- No. 2 winter red. snot and August 9383c: Sep tember. 82fac; October, 838c;1becem. ber, 85c Corn Western quiet; mixed spot and August 43Ji43c; September. '43KC new, 3032cj old. 83g35c; do mixed new.2628c' old.2829c Rye steady at 5052c Hat Old firm; prime to choice timothy, S16 0017 00 Provisions dulL Butter firm; Western packed, 1012c: creamery. 1617c Eggs firm at 14Kc ToLSDO-CloTerseed dull and eaiy; October, Wheat No. 2. September. 76-77J8"76K 677c: December. 78K67oK78!47bKc: year, 76VG77e76V076Jc. May. K&eS2J682K6S!B B35Jc; Decern- A CLEYER SWINDLE. How Some Ambitious, But Not Care ful Beal Estate Dealers Were DONE FOR BT A BOSTON SHAEPEB. He is Treated to the Best of Everything and Loaned Money to Boot. SAD MEN AKD SDRPEISED WITES. ' Last spring a rumor emanated from a prominent real estate center on Fourth avenue, that several large manufacturing concerns in the East 'and South were on the point of pulling up stakes and locating in Pittsburg, being attracted hither by the abundance of natural gas and the superior shipping facilities. One of these plants was an extensive ice factory, iu Columbia, B. C. Another was an iron mill located in the eastern part of Pennsylvania. The former went so far as to send an agent here to select a site and make arrangements for putting up the necessary buildings. The negotiations wero prolonged through several weeks, but finally fell through. In referring to the part be had taken in this windy deal, a real estate broker remarked yesterday: ' "I think all these fellows wanted was noto riety. The mere fact that they were here looking for sites, whether they Intended to purchase or not, naturally caused considera ble talk about them, both here and at home and that is probably all they wanted. There is a great deal of this kind of tree advertising done." As bearing out the gentleman's conclusion, the following true story possesses peculiar significance. I give it substantially as it was told to me yesterday evening by one of the victims. About three years ago a very fancy gentle man, young and prepossessing In manner and conversation, came here from Boston, repre senting himself as the agent of a wealthy syn dicate organized at the Hub to purchase busi ness property in Pittsburg. He soon opened negotiations with three or four of the most prominent real estate dealers on Fourth ave nue, but met with so little encouragement that he soon quit them. They took his measure from the first; and promptly set htm down as a fraud. There was considerable rivalry between real estate, dealers at that time, and of this tho alleged Bdstonlan was quick to inform himself. From Fourth avenue be switched off to an other part of the city, where several young men had just started in the business of bnying and selling lands and houses, and were wide open for business. They, unlike their more conservative brethien, at once took stock in the stranger and readily fell into his plans. To make themselves solid with him they wined and dined him liberally. One party took him to Hotel Duquesne; another entertained him at Hotel Anderson. At both places the win ing and dining were repeated evening after evening. He was then taken in a carriage to the different places of interest in the city and suburbs, visiting many of the leading manu facturing concerns and examining a number of business properties He was very favorably impressed with Diamond street, and expressed his Intention to mako large investments on that thoroughfare. Altogether, he was treated with as much consideration as if he had been a scion of royalty. He had a -gay time for a week or two. On Saturday alternoon he 'tarsM his atten tion to personal finances. Representing to his admirers that ho would have a draft for SI, 000 on the following Monday morning, he re quested a small temporary loan to tide him over the interval. The response to this appeal was prompt and favorable. It touched the hearts and pockets of his newly-made friends, and they at once made up a purse of S150 and tendered it to him, telling him. at the same time, that if he needed more it wonld be forth coming. The adventurer then, not to be out done in generosity. Invited the gentlemen to dine with him at 8 o'clock the same evening at the Hotel Duquesne. - This high honor from a representative of Boston mllionaires was duly acknowl edged and the invitation promptly ac cepted. The gentlemen went home, put on their society clothes, and told their wives that they would not be home for supper, having been invited to dine with a dis tinguished stranger, with whom they expected to transact considerable business. Thev reached the hotel at the appointed time. Half an hour or more passed, but the Boston man did not make his appearance. They finally made inquiry at the hotel office, both in regard to the gentleman and the dinner, and were told that the man was not known there, and that no arrangements had been made for a feast This opened the eyes of the real estate men. It was clear that they had been badly sold. Crestfallen and hungry, they returned to their homes, sadder but wiser men. and told their better-halves to hurry up the suppers that they had said they did not want as the gentleman with whom they had been invited to dine had been unexpectedly called away from the city. Until this day the victims of this swindle have remained in ignorance of the identity and whereabouts of the man who took them in so handsomely and then "Folded his tent lite the Arabs, And as silently ttoleaway." GOOD STAYERS. Stocks Hold Their Own Under the Pressure of Extreme Dullness. The stock market was featureless at both ends yesterday. Tho forenoon's bnslness com prised the sale ot ten shares of Citizens' Trac tion at 69 a decline. The othei tractions were weaker. Nothing was done in the afternoon. There was some demand for natural gas stocks, bnt dealers could not come to terms. Natural Gas of West Vlrgiula was bid up to 72; with none offered. Philadelphia was steady at pre vious quotations. The same may be said of Switch and Signal and La Nona. Keystone Bank had a bid of 61, with 63 asked, but these figures were merely nominal, Intended to make a show on the board. The largest private transaction reported was by Henry M. Long, who bought 300 shares of Electric at 52 and 62, including dividend. It was quoted on 'Change at 51JJ bidand62i asked, dividend off. There were no orders for anything. The staying qualities of nearly all the local properties is somewhat surprising under the circumstances, and afford proof that a very moderate buying movement would lift them out of the rut. Bids and offers were- MOIHflJCG. AFTinNOOIT. Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked. 65 61 63 40 72 .... 73 .. . 35 .... 35 "ii l7S H is 37 37JJ &H 3744 81X 3r 31 100 .... 100 .... 73'i s 315 .... 31J4 S 68 .... 68 .... 49 .... 49 199 110 .... 105 1. iv 3.:: 55 .... 55 :;; "X tan Keystone Bank, Pitts. ltriilgcwater Gas Sat Uas Co. or W. Va. Ohio Valley Gas. P. .N. U. A P. Co PennsvlvanlaUas Co.. Philadelphia Co Mheellnr Gas Co Forest Oil Co 'ft ashlngton Oil Co.... Central Traction. - CI tlrens' Traction Pittsburg Traction Pleasant Vallev Hand Street Bridge.... Union Bridge ..... La Norla Mining Co... U.S.Abie. Co - U. S. A &Tc. Co. prcf. estinchousc Klectnc M'cutlngbouseA.B.Co. Pitts. Cyclorarca Co... X Ex-Div. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 131.123 shares, including: Atchison. 11.420: Erie. 7.416; Missouri Pacific, 7,622: North wetern. 6,200; Norfolk and Western, preferred, 4,300; Northern Pacific, 7,027; Oregon Trans continental. 3.350: Reading, 6,810; St Paul. 18. 191; Union Pacific. 3,200. ' ' AT THE BANKS. No New Fentnres bat a Good Average Busi ness Forelfn Trade. Fignres of yesterday's Clearing House r6port are: Exchanges, 1,755,114 78; Balances, S246, 052 64, showing a very good movement of staple commodities for the season. Clerical bnslness was not heavy, but aggregated a good average. Depositing was the feature. Currency and ex change showed very little difference either way. . t The leading feature of our foreign trade in the fiscal year Just closed, Is the excess in total trade shown over the preceding fiscal year. The total value of the exports and imports ot foreign and domestic merchandise, coin and bullion, was 11,613,133,881, an excess over the preceding year of 87,470,061, or' about G per cent Over three-quarters of the total Increase in trade was due to the larger movement of both the Import and export trade in merchan dise, while the balance was due principally to the heavy excess in both gold and silver ex ports this year over last The total exports of merchandise are placed at S742.401.799, of which S12.U9.1S3 was foreign merchandise re-exported, against S695,954,507 in the preceding fiscal year. The import trade in merchandise also shows an increase, although not to the same extent the total aggregating $745,127,478, against J723,957, 114 in the preceding year. A feature of the merchandise movement was that the Imports exceeded the exports by only S2.725,877,while last year the excess was S28. 002,607. The movement of foreign merchandise re-exported shows little change from last year. The total imports and exports of merchandise in the last fiscal year were valued at Sl.487,529, 275, as against (U19.91L621 in the preceding year, a gain of S67,617,b54. The value of the ex ports of merchandise was larger during the year just closed than in any other year since 1883, and was onlv exceeded by the exports of 1831, 1832 and 1SS3. The Imports of merchan dise during the fiscal year just closed were the largest In the history of our commerce, exceed ing the year 1882, when they amounted to S724, 639,574. During each of the years from 1876 to 1887, inclusive, there was an excess of exports of merchandise over imports, the yearly average for that period being S134.388.812, the excess amonntlng in 1881 to $259,712,718. During the fiscal year 1887-88 the value of the import of merchandise exceeded that of exports by $28. 002.607. and during the last fiscal year by only $2,725,677. The latter year, therefore, is espe cially notable for the fact that for the first time in 13 years the imports and exports of merchandise have nearly balanced. Money on call atNew x ork yesterday was easy at 21 per cent last loan 3. closed offered at 3. Prune mercantile paper, 4Ji6. sterling exchange dull but steady at 1 82 for 60-day bills and $4 87i for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. S. !, rep 128 U. S. 4s. coud 128 M. K. AT. Oen.Ss Mutual Union 69.., N. J. c. Int Cert., Northern Fac lsts, Northern Pac. 2di. 101.S 113 II7H U. S. m, re 105X U. S. AHs. coup.... lOtu PaclflcSsofM. 118 Loulslanastampedls 8) Missouri Ss lOOJi lis Northwt'n consols. 147 Northw'n deben's..H4( Oregon A Trans, ei.105 SLL. 4I.M. Uen. 5s 85 ienn. new sec os....iua Tcnn. new set. 5S....10B Tenn. newset.Ss.... 7a Canada Bo. Ms S9 Cen. 1'aciaclstt 1HX Den. It O., lsts...I2I . Den. iH.O. 4a 79 D.&ftO.Westlstl. 101 Zrte,2d IBS U.K.. AT. 64 St. L.A3.P. Gen.itllS au Paul consols ....127 St. PL ChlAPe.ltts.ll7H Tx Pc.UO.Tr Tx.,Pc.K.G.Tr.Kct ZIK Union Pae. West Shore .....106 GovernmentandState bonds were strong and featureless. New York Clearings to-day, $100,500,358; balances. $5,152,908. Boston Clearings, $13,441,226; balances, $1,754,178. Money at 3 per cent Baltimore Clearings to-day. $2,320,433; bal ances. $231,235. Philadelphia Clearings, $9,141,763; bal ance. $1,289,518. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 50.000. Bar silver, 42 5-13 per ounce. Paris Three per cent rentes, 85f 47c for the account Chicago Monev easy. On call. 55 per cent; time loans, 67. Bank clearings, $10,235,- QUIET EEST0KED. Oil Traders Recover From the Panic nnd Move on ns Usual. Oil brokers weraa little nervous when the cong sounded yesterday, but their appre hensions proved to be unfounded, as nothing unusual transpired. New York bought from the start, which stiffened the market The lowest figures of the day were made on the an nouncement of a decline in refined in New York and Antwerp, but this was offset by the oversold element buying again, carrying the price up to the highest point of the day. A lull ensued, which lasted until shortly before the close, during which quotations reached low.water mark. This was succeeded in the last few minutes by another little trying spurt which elevated the commodity to almost the best figures. The market closed strong, with the trade entirely recovered from the semi-panic of Tuesday evening. Trading was above the average, but not so large as on Ibe previous day, when the clearings were 1,052,000 barrels. Very little cash oil was handled. It 'was about c cheaper than the regular. Other features of the market are appended. Yesterday's Oil Range. Corrected daily by John M. Oasuey Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange Opened, .. wAHLowest..., .. 97Closed.... , 95X 97 Barrels. 4M78 J5.MS . 43.US Hljr! .gbest Average runs I Average shipments ...... .. Average charter. '... Beflned, Mew York, 7.40c ttennec, jjonaon, &.a. Refined, Antwerp, l8Kf. Refined. Liverpool, fid. A. B. McQrew fc Co. quote: Puts, 85 to 95c; calls, 9Qic. Other Oil Market. On, CrrT.August 14. National trinslt certifi cates opened at 96c: highest 97c: lowest 95c; closed, 97c. Sales, 812,000 barrels; clear ances, 105,000 barrels; charters 119.563 barrels: shipments, 89,430 barrels; runs, 70,919 barrels. PrrrSBrmo, August 14. Petroleum firm and higher; national transit certificates opened at 95gc; closed at 97Kc; highest 97Jcj lowest, Bradford, August 14. National transit cer- uncates opened at voc; closed at M7J highest, 97Jc; lowest, 95c; clearances, 910,' uarreis. Trrusvixi,E, August 14. National transit certificates opened at 95c; highest, 97c; lowest, 95JjJc; closed, 97c New York. August 14. Petroleum opened firm at 96c. and after a slight decline in the first hour became strong and moved up sharply on buying by Standard oil brokers, closing strong at 97c Total sales, 1,720,000 barrels. A RETIYAL. Beat Estate Gives Conclusive Evidence ot Waklnc Dp Latest Denis. James W. Drape & Co. sold a house and lot in the East End, near Penn avenue, for 13,000 cash. They also placed three mortgages of 1,200. SSOO and $700 at 6 per cent on property in McKeesport Black & Eaird sold for William L. Mellon to H. L. Bowman a seven-room frame house, situate on Walnut street, Twentieth ward, for S4.S00. Reed B. Coyle 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold to David Jones lots Nos. 17 and 32, in the Marion Place plan, for SoOO. Mr. Jones will commence to build immediately. George 8. Martin, 603 Liberty street sold in the Maplewood Park plan, wilklnsburg, lot No. 48, having a frontage of 40 feet on Coal street by 120 feet to Washington lane, for S400, to John P. Kennedy. Ewing & Bvers.No. 107 Federal street, placed a mortgage of 1790 for two years at 6 per cent on property in the Tenth ward, Allegheny. Samuel w. Black A. Co.. 09 Fourth ,,ni placed a mortgage for 5750 on a property In the Nineteenth ward, Pittsburg, for three years V 1'A i.CUI, L. O. Frazler, corner Fortv-fifth and Butler streets, sold for William Velte etal,anew modern frame dwelling, five rooms, etclot 18x100 feet situata on the southwest corner of Gross street and Mellon alley. Twentieth ward, to Harrv Dickinson, for S2,60a John F. Baxter. 512 Smithfield street, sold lot No. 96. Bank of Commerce addition, Brusbton station, frontage of 40 feet on Kelly street bv JlLt02,??f?0i,a"e3, J w- D- Kirkland, for S600. This is Mr. Kirkland's second purchase in this plan in less than a week. Thomas McCaffrey. 3509 Butler street, sold for Mrs. T. Fuhrer to 8. Shnltz, a lot on Main street spKxlOO feet, for 11,900. He also sold for L. W. Menold to Samuel Berry, a lot 32x100 feet on Dearborn street. Nineteenth ward, for S56U Business Notes. Plenty of money and big crops are the bull elements in the stock market The short Interest in oil was so small that no one was hnrt by Tuesday's panic This is a good time to present the La Noria statement The stock is weakening. Captain Barbour will take his vacation In December. He will visit Gettysburg. The dullness in the stock market is dne to lack of orders more than anything else. Beaddock merchants say business there is first class. Bankers report large deposits, A. J, Btebs, of Ewing & Brers, real estate, has gone to Atlantic City for a ten days' vaca tion. The completion of the extensive Improve ments to the Junction Railroad should give the stock a lilt . Stock brokers affect light-colored clothing. It would be hard to find a better dressed lot of men anywhere. All of the Westlngbouse properties are on a substantial business footing. Someot them are running night and-day. - , Harris, the Wilkinsbnrg confectioner, is looking up plans for his new house, nearly op po'lte bis present place ot business. An experienced broker remarked yesterday that be considered natural gas stocks a good investment He thinks they will brace up in the fall. 4 jTjm grow earnings of la railroads for eight I months of this year aggregate $201,478,264, against $188,83L19I In 18S8. The mileage is 73, 10. against 70,183 miles last year. STRICKEN BY PARALYSIS. Wall Street Saflerlns From an Attack of Apathy Yery Little Dolntrln Stocks, and No Important Chances In Quo ' tatlons Bonds Lifeless. New York. August 14. The stock market was again extremely dull, with the business al most entirely in the hands of the traders, local operators of weight, as well as outside inter ests, doing literally nothing in the market There was an attempt to carry yesterday's re action still farther, and In some instances frac tional Impressions were made upon prices, but the general effect of the effort was very disap pointing, and later in the day there was a re turn to strength and most stocks closed higher than last evening. The movements were, in all except a halt dozen stocks, confined to the smallest fractions, and the dealings almost throughout the entire day were barren of features of importance The fluctuations were made entirely by the operations by the traders, who when disappointed In their efforts to get prices down turned in to cover. First prices were within a slight fraction of the closing figures of last evening, but the subse quent dealings were extremely "dull, and though the drift of prices was slightly down ward until toward noon when there was a gen eral recovery with Rock Island and Erie lead ing. The reports of the crops along the line of the former had much to do with the strength displayed, but the movement was without sig nificance. Bugar Trust was weak at the open ing, and opened going down 1 per cent, but re covered a portion of the loss, fluctuating within a rapge of less than fi per cent A further effort was made to get the list down after 12 o'clock, and Atchison, the Chesa peake and Ohio's and Northwestern were lead ers in the decline, the last named losing per cent The attack died away toward delivery npur, and a covering movement, which reached all portions of the list was inaugurated and the advance was helped along by renewed buying of Lake. Erie and Western preferred and Dfllniparn anil Ffnit.ftn Ah nf whfoh mri. denly rose over 1 per cent whloh was retained at the close. The close was dull, but firm at close to the opening prices form most of the list The final changes are for slight fractions only. Delaware and Hudson and Norfolk and Western preferred are each up i per cent and Chicago and East Illinois L There was no improvement in railroad bonds the sales of all issues reaching only $730,000 and the course of prices was closely in sympathy with the dealing in stocks, being heavy in the foreign but reacting toward the close. There were a few important final changes, and among those which are lower Chesapeake. Ohio and Southwestern seconds lose 277c; Chatta nooga consols 20133. Houston and Texas second receipts rose 2 to 123. The following table snows tne prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange vester- fuy. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by JVhitnxt ASTirnrNSON. oldest Pltutmrr mem bers of New York Stock Exchange, 37 fourth aye- nue: Open in. Am. Cotton OU nvi Aten.. Top. A B. F.... 71X Canadian Piciflc Canada southern. S3 Central or .New Jersey.mK CentralPaelrlL 3oS CoesaoeakeA Ohio.... 15 C Bur. A Ou1i,t.....104 C, Mil. A St. Paul.... 713 C, KocKL AP sax C.. St L. A Pitts C, St L. A Pitts, pt U. St. P..M. AO 33 C, St. Mil O.. pr. 98 C A .Northwestern. ...111)?, GAMorthwesiatn, pr. C, C, C. A 1 74K C. C. C A I., pf 102 Col. Coal A Iron Col. A Hocking Val .. 15 Del.. L. A V 1WK Del. A Hudson 147 K.T.. Va. AUa .... E. T., Va. A Oa. 1st pf. .... E.T.. Va. AOa.2dpr. .... Illinois central. 1153, Lake Erie A Western Late Erie A West Dr.. tz Late Snore AM. S.....1M LonlsvUleAKasbvllle. S3H Michigan central &S! Mobile Ohio Mo., Kan. A Texas Missouri Pacific 72 taw ifork Central 107 . It.. L. E. A W 28 S.I..L, E. AW., pref 63X 21. I.. C. A St U in. x c t st. i,. pr. N.X.. C. ASt-r.. 2d nf .... High est. 52 I7H &" 112 25? 104 H 72H 9 Low est 523 34 93 HUH i'H 102 ii" 145 73X 101X U5 147 UiH iista MM an 104)4 104 70 C3H 88X 88 72 71M 107 107 HK 27 esk tSM ii'ii m'v 17 17H 16 iex 541 S3 293 29H H7H S7 22J 22M MX 35K ii" 44i 17 179 sx an M.YAW. E (I . 1. O. A W 17K Norfolk a Western.... 16 .Norfolk 53 Northern Paciae 29? .Nortnern pacific nref. 67)4 OMoA Mississippi..... 22H Oregon Improvement Orejrqp Transcon 33K PseifloMall 36 Feo. Dec. A Evans Phlladel. A Heading.. .5 lullman Palace Car.. .179 Richmond, A W. P. T 23 Richmond :... St. P., Minn. A Man. .102 St.L.ASan Fran St L. A San irran pf.. .... M.L,. A ban F. 1st pf.. ... Texas Pacific 21K Union TaclOc tl Wabaan 17K Wabash preferred 323? Western Union 85J Wheeling A L. . 70M Sugar Trust 107( National Lead Trust. 234 Chicago Gas Trust 59)4 29.H eix 22X 54 34J4 5Ui 178 101 27 em 1714 32H 85)4 69 108S 23)4 59X 101X 21 h 82J4 17S 33 85H 70 21 eiff "X So). 6?X 59.H MX Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Phlladelnhla stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. aismoers .aew xork Stock Ex- cnanre. JJM. Asked. 523 22H 10H MH 54 29V 67i Pennsylvania Railroad 52V Reading 22 7-16 BuOalo. Pittsburg and Western 9 LehUh Valley 535s Lehlgn -NaTlsratlon (3 Northern PaclSe 294 Northern Paclflo preferred eih Boaron Stocks. Atch.LandGrant lvnt Boston A AID any... 217 Boston A Maine... ..203 u. a. AQ. 104 Clnn. San. A Cleve. 24K Eastern R. Ji 100 Eastern It K. 6s ....lio4 flint A Pare M. nfd. 93 Mexican On. com.. 14V Mex.C.lstmttr. bds. 65V . X. AAewEns:... 8CV Old Colony. 173 Kntland preferred.. 40 21 AlIouezMgCo(new).. X Calumet A Becla....224 franklin. 9 Huron Ji Osceola. 10 Pewabte (new) 2 Qulncy 51 Bell Telephone 230 Boston Land 6K Waver Power 6 Tamarack 100V San lllego 24 Santa Jfe copper.... 72 Mining Stocks. NEW YOBI. August 14. Amador. 100,-Asnen, 200; Best & Belcher. 350; Caledonia B.H., 300; Colorado Central, 120; Consolidated California and Virginia, 725: Commonwealth. 300; Dead wood Ter., 140; Eureka Consolldated,I:25 El Cristo, 100; Gould fc Curry, 190: Hale 4Nor cross, 280: Homestake, 900; Horn Silver, 115; Iron Sllver,'175: Mexican. 305; Mono.100: Mutnal. 140; North Belle Isle. UJO; Ontario, 34.00; Ophlr. 24.60: Occidental, 180: Plymouth, 440; Savage, 135; Sierra Nevada, 240; Standard, 100; Sulli van. 116: Union Consolidated. 250; Ward Con solidated, 170; Yellow Jacket, 280. KEW PEiVKSILYANIA PATENTS. A List of Eecent Inventions of n Mechanical Character. List of United States patents issued Tues day, August 13, 1889, Xo Western Pennsyl vania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia In ventors f nmlshed by O. D. Levis, patent attor ney, No. 131 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.: John Surnham. Lima, O., weatherstrip; Edwin F. Carter, Allegheny, Pa., cutter for mowing ma chines; James C. Conroy, Pittsburg-, Pa,, assignor of one-half to Union Water Meter Company (Mass.), cross for gas mains or pipe: Charles R. Dellenbanch (assignor or three-fourths to W. H. Hoover, C. Kees and I. W. King. Pitts burg, Pa.). steam engines: Alexander Dow, Mount Healthy, O., clamp file; Cyrus T. Ilanns, Pittsburg. Pa., "bolting reel:" Lovren E. Hogus. Greenville, Pa.,lnJector for steam boilers; Lovren K. Bogus, Greenville, Pa., injector for steam boilers: William J. Lewis. Pittsburg, Pa rolling metal: William J. Lewis, Pittsburg. Pa., rolling metal plates: Henry P. Mann, Allegheny, Pa., car wheel, two patents; James B, McEwen, Bldgeway, Pa., eccentric connection: Arthur J. Moxham. Johnstown, Pa., rolling steel or Iron, two patents; William E. Sefton, Canton, O., plow clevis; PhllllnM. Sharp less. West Chester, Pa., centrifugal lubri cator; Daniel C. Storer, Preeport Pa., typewriting machine: John C. Sturgeon, assignor of one-quarter to . 8. A. Daven port Erie, Pa., plDe coupling; John O. Sturgeon, Erie, Pa., assignor of one-quarter to 8. A. Davenport Pipe or nose coupling; Jobn C Sturgeon, assignor of one-quarter to S. A. Daven port Erie, Pa., ball and socket pipe ioint; Will lam J. Jaggart assignor of same to Standard Car Heatlnz and Ventilating Uomnanv. Plttsbarir. Pa., pipe coupling; WllmerU.TattershalLbprlng- J uciu, v., pnouogram cyiinaer: i;sssins 1. momp son. East Liverpool, O., pottery dipping tub; llostetter Company, Pittsburg, Pa., stomach bit ters trade mark. The Drytroods Market. New York, August 14. The duplicate de mand for dry goods from interior jobbers is beginning to show up encouragingly, especially from Chicago and St Louis jobbers where trade Is reported active. The eastern lobbing trade is developing satisfactorily and the out look altogether is such as to give a better tone to the market. Bleached cottons continue in special request and goods under 7o a yard j nave an upwara iook. me assignees 01 tne Riverside and Oswego mills will continue and complete the season's business. Wool Markets. BT. TtTTTS .1T,trw Itttl itnlM. ttfffc mlnu n. changed. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Potatoes Weak Choice Apples Firm . Peaches Too Plenty. BUTTER AHD EGGS DRIFT UPWARD. 4 Oats the Weak Factor of Cereals FirmerFlour Off. Wheat SUGAR DEOOPLNG COFFEE STEONG Office of the PiTTSBUBa Dispatch, J Wednesday, August 14, 1SS9. S Country Produce Jobbing Prices Potatoes are in better supply and w.eak. Choice apples are scarce and firm. Oeorgia melons are near their end for this season. Jer sey's are not panning out as well as expected. Peaches are in bountiful supply from Delaware, and markets were not able to absorb all that came. Half-bushel baskets were slow at tl to f 1 25. Eggs are very firm aPquotations. Cream ery and country butter still show an upward drift, notwithstanding recent advance. A lead ing jobber of bntter, eggs and cheese said to day: "Trade has held up unusually well this month. I was in hopes to have a quiet time and get away to the mountains for a week or two, but we have been kept so busy that I have been forced to stay by the stuff." Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2i,j2c; Ohio do, 1920c; fresh dairy packed, 1516c; country rolls, 1315e. Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 402 60; medium, S2 302 40. Beeswax 2830c p lb for choice; low grade, 1820c Cidkb Sand refined, $6 507 60; common, $3 504 00: crab cider, f8 008 50 3i barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c gallon. .Cheese Ohio, 8c; New York, 10c; Llm burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9K12Xc: Imported Sweitier, 22Kc California Fruits California peaches, S2 CO W K-busbel box: Bartlett pears. S3 00S 3 50 ft box; grapes, 12 603 00 a 20-pound box; apricots, $2 00 a 4-basket case; plums, tl 75 2 00 a 4-basket case. EGGS 1516c ft dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits AnDies. ii bosh m at harmi? rin. apples, tl 001 25 ft dozen: whortleber ries. 75cSl 00 ft pail; watermelons, 15 0020 00 ft hundred; Delaware peaches, fl 0C1 25 ft half-bushel basket Feathers Extra live geese. 6060c; No. 1, do, 4045c: mixed lots, 3035c ft B. Poultry Live spring chickens, 5O60cf? pair; old, 7075c ft pair. . v Seeds Clover, choice, 62 As to bushel, 15 60 ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 tts, $6 00; clover, Alsike, tS 60; clover, white, 19 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, 11 B5; blue grass, extra clean, 14 Us, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 tts, 81 00; orchard grass, 14 lbs, II 65; red top, 14 lbs. tl 25; millet 50 lbs,:tl 00; German millet 50 lbs, SI 60: Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, tl 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S3 60 ft bushel of 14 lbs. Tallow Country, 4Jc; city rendered, i 65c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. t5 50 6 60 ft box: Messina oranges, to 005 50 ft box; rodl, S4 505 00: bananas, S2 00 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, ft bunch; cocuanuts, S4 004 60 ft hundred; new figs, 8K9c ft lb; dates, 563& ft lb. Vegetables Potatoes, SI 2501 40 ft barrel; tomatoes, home-grown, tl 251 50 ft bushel; wax beans, f 1 ft bushel; green beans, 6075c ft bushel; cucumbers, home raised, SI 60 ft bushel; radishes. 2540c ft dozen; home-grown, cab bages, 50c ft bushel; new celery, home-grown. 50c ft dozen; sweet potatoes, Si 004 50 ft barrel Groceries. The drift of sugar Is toward a lower level, as our quotations will disclose. Coffee is firm enough to go higher soon. Other groceries are practically unchanged. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21X22Ve; choice Rio. 1920e; prime Rio, 19c:.falr Rio, 18Ji19Kc; old Government Java, 26c: Mara caibo, 2223c; Mocha. 27628c: Santos 1922Xc; Caracas. 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2224c; La Guayra. 2122c- Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c; high grades. 24K26Kc: old Government Java, bulk. 3131c; Maracaibo. 2627c; Santos, 20K22Kc; peaberry, 25c; peaberry, cheice Rio, 23Kc; prime Rio, 21&:; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 2uc Spices (whole) Cloves, 214525c: allspice, 8c; cassia. 6c: pepper, 16c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleuk (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c: Ohio. J20, 8fc; headlight, 15. 8Kc; water white. 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, llc;roTalice, 14c. bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar syrups, 33QSSc; prime sugar syrup. 304333c: strictly prime. 833oc; new maple syrup. 90c. N. O. MOLASHES-Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c- Soda Bicarb in kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb in 5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lJc;do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearfne, M set. 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c Rice Head. Carolina, l&iyicj choice, 6ii 7c; prime, &K6Mc: Louisiana, 66Kc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch, 67c Foreion Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 60; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, tl 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 768c; sultana, 8Kc: currants, 4g5c: Turkey prunes, Ji5c; French prunes. 8K13c: Salonlca prunes, in 2-tt packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100, $6 00; almonds. Lam, per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12Q16c: new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per fit. 2122c; lemon peel, p ft, 1314c: orange peel, 12Xc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per & 6c; apples, evaporated, 6!46Kc: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California evaporated, unpared, 1012Hc; cherries, pitted, 2I22c; cherries, unpitted, 56c: raspberries, evapor ated. 2424Xc; blackberries, 7X8c; huckle berries, 10Q12&. SUGARS Cubes, Be; powdered, 9c: granu lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; standard A, 8c; soft whites. 88Jic: yellow, choice, 7c; yellow, good, 7XSc; yellow, fair, 7lAcs syeilow. dark, 7c 1-iCKLES Aiedlum, bbls (1,200), S4 50; medi um, half bbls faooi. ft! 75. Salt No. 1, f) bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. 9 bM, SI 05, " 3. r1 "ui, 4V, coarse crystal, ft 001, ft zu; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80, Higgins Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches tl 30Q 1 90; 2dsJl 301 35; extra peaches. SI 601 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $11 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cfl; Lima beans, tl 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do. 7&85c; mar rowfat peas. SI 10S1 15: soaked peas. 70075c: pineapples, tl 40051 60; Bahama do, 12 75, dam sonplums, 95cJ greengages, tl 25; egg plums, S2; California pears, S2 50; do greengages, S2; do, egg plums, S2; extra white cherries. S2 90: red cherries. 2 Ba. 90c: rasnberries. SI 40al & strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, tl 301 40; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon. 1-ft. f 754J2 10; blackberries, SOc; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c; do green, 2 tt, tl 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft cans. S2 05; 14-ft cans, S14 00; baked beans, tl 45 eiioo; looster. i-b, si 70431 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans. Drolled, tl 50: sardines, domestic, lis, tl 604 60; sardines, domestic. K. :SS 258 50; sardines, imported. Us, til 50012 60, sardines, imported, &, 118; sardines, mustard, S4 50; sar dines, spiced, S4 60. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 38 W bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed, 36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole Rollock. 4c f? B; do medium, George's cod. :; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in Mocks, 6K7Xa Herring Round shore, S5 00 $ bbl; split S7 00; lake, S2 00 f 100-& half bbl. White fish. t7 00 100 ft half bbl. Lake trout to 60 bait bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut 13c 1 ft. Pickerel. & barrel, S2 00; 1 barrel, SI 10; Potomac herring, to 00 Tp barrel, S2 50 a K barrel. Oatmeal to, 306 60 bbl. Miners' Oil No. J winter strained, 5557c W gallon. Lard oil. 75c Grain, Floor nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, S3 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chlcago,8cars of oats. 4 of flour,2 of wheat, 1 of malt By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St Louis, 8 cars of oats, 2 of hay,3 of com. By Bal timore and Ohio, 2 cars of oats, 2 of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 tar of hay. Sales on call, 2 cars No. 2 red wheat, 83c, 10 days, Pennsylvania lines. More than half of the re ceipts this week are oats, and markets in this line are extremely dull. We quote only new oats, which vary little in price from the old. Choice old oats are worth 2c above quotations below. Wheat at this date appears to be in the hands of bells, and an advance of nearly 2c per bushel Is reported since yesterday. Our flnr quotations are regarded as too low by some jobbers, but if the cash buyer cannot secure flour in job lots at quotations below, the com mercial reporter of The Dispatch has been deceived. It should always be remembered tbat our cereal quotations are for carload lots. According to reliable Information, the best spring patent flour can be laid down here in wood from Minneapolis at to 65. Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 82e83c:No.2red.88s9c:Nn.3red,8384c CORN No. 2 yellow, ear, 454246c; high mixed ear, 4444c; No, 3 yellow, shelled, 4243c; high ruixeu. shelled, 4142c: mixed. Shelled, 404lc Oats No. 2 white. 28X29c; extra No. 8, 2728c; mixed. 2423c; mixed oats. 25K27Kc Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio,lt5o2c; No. 1 Western. SXJSlc; new rye No. 2 Ohio, 47048c ' Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 5 59f9S 00; winter straight, 4 75486 00. clear winter. S4 60475; straight XXXX bakers', tl 0001 25; Rye flour, 3 500 4 oa Millfeed Middlings, fine white. $13 608 15 00 ton; brown middlings, Sll 50012 00; win ter wheat bran, (11 00011 25; chop feed, 515 50 16 oa HAT Baled timothy, choice, 14 5014 75; No. ldo. S13 50013 75; No. 2 do, Sll 00012 50; loose from wagon, 16 00018 00; new bay crop, 10 00011 00, according to quality: No. 1 up land prairie. $9000860; No. S (7 600800; pack ing do, K 0006 5 50. Straw Oats, 56 SO; wheat and rye f traw, 5 6006 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, llKc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured hams, small, 12Jc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Kc; sugar enred shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams. 8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets, lOKe, sngar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders, 6Jfc; baron clear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8Kc; dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c Mess pork, heavy, S13 00; mess pork, family, S13 50. Lard Refined in tierces, eke; half barrels, 6Kc; 60-lk tubs. 6Jc: 20-ft palls.'Ycs 60-ft tin cans, 6&c: 3-ft tin pails: 7c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c: 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sansage, long. 5c: large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 50; quarter barrel, $2 00. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 tts,6c:650to650tts,6Uf: G5u to 750 Bs, 6Vc Sheep, sc yt ft. Lambs, 10c fl A. Hogs, oc Fresh pork loins, 8Xc Lumber. There are no new developments in lumber lines the past week. Dealers report a great scarcity 01 dry hemlock and an impossibility to meet demands in this line. The fall outlook for a brisk trade is good, neverbetter at this season of the year. MSI CNPLANID TAUD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per SI , SSIOoa.'.'! CD Select common boards, per M ao 00 Cornmoa boards perM 20 00 bheathlng w 00 Pine frame lumber per 31 a 00(327 00 bhlngles. So. 1, IS In. per M s 00 Shingles, A'o. 2, 19 In. per M S73 Lath loo PLANED. Clear boards, per M. , .. f eooo Surface boards 30 003SOO Clear. H-lnch beaded celling 26 00 Partition boards, perM 3500 Flooring, No. 1 30 00 Flooring, Ho.t 25 00 Yellow pine flooring 30 OOTJMOOO Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 23 00 Weather-boarding. )4-lnch .-.. a) 00 HAItD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Asb. Mo41u S40 0CK3.MOO Black walnut green, log run s OOiaM 00 111 ek walnut dry, log run GO 00(573 00 Cherry.... 40 09330 00 Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 20 00r23CO Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In.. zzouacsoo 20 00325 00 20 00323 00 23 00S30 00 18 00325 00 UC25 00 1 m jry wnite oak boards, lln West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch WestVa. yellowplne, 1J4 inch.... West Va. yellow poplar, 44 to 1 In. Hickory, 1)4 to 3 In....... Hemlock building lumber, perM. Bankralls u no Boat studding 1400 Coal car plank ig co HARD WOODS JOBBING FBICXS. A,,,V"V! $30 00343 00 Walnut log run, green 25 0OB 00 Walnut log run. dry 35 oo&W 01 White oak plank, green 18 00322 00 White oak plank, dry 18 00025 00 White oak boards, dry 13 005)23 00 West Va. yellowplne. 1 in 20 (wacs 00 West Va. yellowplne, 1) in 20 0O5C3 00 Yellow poplar... 20 00034 00 Hickory, & to S In 18 0O325 on Hemlock. 11S013S0 Bunk rails. M o Boat studding. M w Joal car plank u 00 WHOLESALE HOOSL, JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sta, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week is SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, andOHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rfB-D Why toil and slave forever P Life was meant for living-, not eternal slaving:. Cease this weary drudg ery. SOAPONA does your work itself, and neither injures hand nor fatirlc. Then why do it your Tia nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awajtol Tour health and life are at stake. Use SOAPONA everywhere. It cleans like magio. WASHING FOWjD BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-BestSoap Made. R. W.BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y, myloM-TT UffioBS A PERFECT! Blood Purifier. law A purely Vegetable Compound that expels, all bad humors from the system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-5S JAS. D. CALLERY President JOHN TV. TAYLOR Cashier CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital and surplus. (125,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. JySVrrs 0M DISEASES UlXlllSWAYNE'S. ABSOLUTELY CURES. OINTMENT The simple application of "Swatse's Oint ment" without anv internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter. Salt Rheum, Ring worln. Piles, Itch. Sores. Pimples, Erysipelas, etc., no matter how obstinate or long standing. Sold bv druggist, or sent bv mall for 50c. 3 boxes, SI 25. Address DR. SWAYNE 4SON, Philadelphia, Pa. Ask your druggist for it. aulo CELEBRATED GRAND DENVER RANGE Sold by all store dealers. Manufactured by GRAFF, -HITGTJS fc CO., 683 and 634 LIBERTY 8TKEE1C AU649-TT8 IF Ton Want to knonr vhlt vnn nntrht tn know. enl for medal nIrenla.rrMla.ttTA to WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILLS apromptand permanent care for Nerroas Debllit, Weaknr, eta Price SI per box. RELtS SOAFOM IF Ft aj89-24yrTswk m wiiiUsi Street, N. Y J KEW ADTERTTSEarENTM. A DANGEROUS DISEASE. The number of people who annually die from Brlght's disease is simply astonishing. Beginning by a weakness in the back, accom panied by pain, which at first may be slight, still, as the disease nrogresses, there Is an in creased pain in the small of the back and in the region of the groins, high colored urine with brick dust sediment, scanty or copious flow, with pain in voiding it Not only do the kidneys themselves become organically dis eased, terminating in gravel or stone iu the bladder, diabetes or Brlght's disease, but i -one of the most potent causes of rheumatism and dropsy. Dr. Sharer, one ot the physicians of the Folypathlc Medical Institute, at 420 Penn arc The Polypathia Medical Institute is perma nently located in Pittsburg for the treatment of rheumatism, kidney and urinary diseases. Its physicians are not confined to any school of practice, but embrace any and all remedies tbat close study and long experience have found to be the most effectual in curing dis ease Dr. Shafer, one of the physicians asso ciated with this medical institution, and a skilled specialist, gives especial attention to the treatment ot all kidney and urinary dis eases. Analysis of specimens of urine free. Consultation also free. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 a. St. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. M. Sundays. 1 to 4 p. 31. Consultation free. au2-D ADVICE FOR ALL. Sad and sorrowfully glance into the future many sick persons who suffer pain and who find an early crave through mistaken treat ment. Do not forget that the proofs are here that my celebrated all-German remedies can not be excelled. Thousand of patients have! met who said: "I was not a day without medi cine and grew worse every day." They are cor rect. Whero dangerous operations have been previously undertaken my remedy has cured in a short time. My remedies cure, in fact, most of the chronic diseases where no other medi-. cine gives help. Dally sick persons come to me and complain tbat they have spent 150, S1U0L worth better. When these doctors had received the money they left the city by moonlight. Thousands in Pittsburg and vicinity have been cured within a year by my wonderful remedies. Look at the following, a few of those who were enred in as many weeks as they were years sick. Mr. Warner, chronic rheumatism, 2 years. Mr. II. Conrad, chronic dlarrbasa, 2 years. Sllss Weaver, epilepsy, S years. Mrs. Emmler.eye trouble, nearly blind, X) years. Mrs. L. MaAone suffered 6 years wltn spinal dis ease, nervousness and liver trouble, leading to dropsy. Mrs. Ulckson, asthma, 10 years. Miss Johnson, dropsy. 6 years. Mrs. Cunther. cancer. I years. Mrs. KJenms.nn suffered: twoyears with terrible cramps. She is cured and suffers no more. It tne disease is not to he recognized by any other evidence, thentbe urine Is the best means ot diagnosis; It shows what and where the trouble Is. As soon as It leaves Its normal straw color, yon snould not fail to use my celebrated remedies and be cured from the very root of the trouble. Airs. M. X. JCxilms, To be seen In the Invalid's Home, .No. 191 Center ave., Pittsburg. Certificates are open for Inspec tion. -KSThe Wylle and Center ave. cars from Market st. pass the door. aDS-47 liltOKEU.H FINANCIAL. .1 TTTHITNEY 4 STEPHENSON, C! FOtmTH AVENUE. Issue traTelers credits through Messrs. Drezel, .Morgan Se Co., New York. Passports procured. ap28-l JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING, Chicago. mT29-S-lTTSl MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENDE, PITTSBDRG, PA As old residents know ana back files of Pitts-, burg papers prore, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, do Totlng special attention to all chronic diseases. . Sb?empeer,PonnsNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni lOand mental diseases, physical N L. II V U U O decay.nerrous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbf ulness, dizziness, sieeplessnrs. pimples, eruntions, im poverished blood, failing powers,organ!c weak-' ness, uyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business .society and mar riage, permanently, safely and prlrately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN-WJ blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, an4 blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 DIM A RV kidney and bladder aerange U II 1 1 t II I 1 meats, weak back, grayel. ca tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Wbittier's life-Iocg. extensive experi ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation, free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. Jr. to 8 p. m. Sun day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. it. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg; Pa. auS-loX-DSunrk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quirine scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. M. R. C. P. 8, is the oldest and 1UU9. MWICUbCU BpCCIAilSB la the city. Ccnsultation free and strict v confidential. Offlca ' hours a to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Snndays. 2 to 4 P. M.Consult them personally, or write. D0CT0K3 Lake; 90 Penn are Pittsburg, Pa. je!2-15-DWk oo3s'S Oottoaa. OSOOt COMPOUND imnosed of Cotton Root. Tansv and Pennyroyal a recent disoOTerr by aa 'old Dhvslclan. Is tueetafuUu us sol kf-Safe. EffectnaL Price SL by mail. sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Boot compound ana take no suosxitute, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fliaef Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit. MIch, MEN ONLY A 'IMSITIVK CUttS Kor LUST or ralilns: MAN HOOD, J ervousi ness. Weakness nf Body A Mind, Lack or Strenth. Vigor and De velopment, caused by Errors, Kxcessas, Ac. Book, Modi of Hzlt-TbulTuxxt. and Proofs mailed 1 sealed) tree. Address Kttl MEDICAL CU luitalo. N. Y. deS-W-TTSiwlt HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in thrM days, and cures In fire days. Price St 00. at J. FLEilINU-8 DRUGSTORE, jaS-39-xTSSa 413 Ifarket tree4 i -.31 . Ii dtmhmht: ISiSJH ZSUsSia $333!5KiB