Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 15, 1889, Image 1

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ADTERTISE yonr business la THE DIS
PATCH. Prompt return! assured.
WANTS ar always promptly responded
to when advertised In THE DISPATCH.
Beal Estate caa be aold through adver
tisement la TBS DISPATCH.
The Famous California Politician
Assaults Justice Field
and is
Bj a United States Marshal Who Was
Detailed as a Body Guard.
A Deed ot Violence Winds Up n, Most Evcnt
ful Career The Celebrated Duel Wllh
Senator Broderlck The Romantic Case
of Sarnh Alttaea Hill and Her Marrlaso
to Trrrr tho Cause of tho Qnnrrel Two
Shots Fired, but tbo First Was Fatal
He Dropped Dead Without a Quiver
Tho Marshal Arrested, bat Jndse Field
Not Molested Great Excitement la San
FrancNco The Justice's Own Story of
the Affair Mrs. Terry's Walls for
Justice Field, of the United States
Supreme Court, and ex-Judge Terry unex
pectedly met in a little California town
early yesterday morning. A tragedy, -which
cad been predicted, almost instantly fol
lowed. "Without warning Terry slapped the
Justice in the face, and was immediately
shot down by a United States Marshal. His
wife was present, and attempted to get a
pistol to avenge her husband. The coast is
greatly excited by the event.
IiATHROr, Cal.. August 14. On Sep
tember 21, 1839, David Colbreth Broderick,
then a United States Senator from this
State and a politician of national celebrity,
was shot and killed in a duel by David S.
Terry, Chief Justice oT the California
Supreme Court. To-day, almost 30 years
after this tragic occurrence, and within a
couple of hours' ride of the scene of the
sanguinary encounter, the man who left that
bloody field a victor received a bullet
through his heart under circumstances sen
sational enough to satisfy the wildest imagi
nation. No three persons on the Pacific Coast have
been so prominent in the public eye recent
ly, and for years past, as Justice Stephen
, J. Field, of the Supreme Court of the
United States, Judge Terry and his wife,
so widely known to fame as Sarah Althea
Hill. The slightest event in connection
with either one of those named would have
been received with great interest through
out the entire West. Jndge. then, of the
excitement which has been created by to
day's events.
The Actors on the Scene.
On the arrival of the Southern overland
train here at 7S0 this morning, Judge Field
and Deputy United States Marshal David
Nagle walked into the depot dining room
for breakfast and sat down side by side.
Soon after Judge Terry and wife came in
also. They were proceeding to another table
when Mrs. Terry, evidently recognizing
Justice Field, did not sit down, but retired
to the train for some unknown purpose.
Before she reached it, however, and as
soon as she had left the dining room Judge
Terry approached Justice Field, and stoop
ing over him slapped his face. At this
juncture, Deputy Marshal Nagle arose from
his seat and shot Judge Terry through the
heart. As he was falling the Deputy Mar
shal shot again, but missed him, the bullet
going through the floor. Both shots were
fired in very quick succession. After the,
shooting Marshal Nagle backed up against
the wall of the dining room and warned
everyone not to arrest him, saying he was a
United States officer in the discharge of his
A Reign ol Wild Confusion.
Judge Terry never uttered a sound after
being shot He had hardly fallen when
Mrs. Terry rushed to the side of his body
and threw herself upon it. Then ensued a
scene of the wildest excitement. People
rushed from the dining room and others
rushed in.
During this time Justice Field and Deputy
Marshal Nagle retreated to a sleeping car,
where they were securely locked within.
At times Mrs. Terry would call upon the
citizens to arrest them. Before -the train
pulled out Constable Walker entered the
sleeper and was carried away on board the
train. He informed the spectators that he
knew his duty and would perform it.
During the time the train was standing at
the depot Mrs. Terry was running wildly,
alternately from the body of her husband to
the sleeper, demanding admittance that she
might slap Justice Field's face and at the
same time begging that they be detained and
have their examination here. Previous to
the entrance of Constable Walker into the
sleeper Sheriff Purvis and deputy, of Stanis
laus county, had already taken charge of
Deputy United States Marshal Nagle.
To Avenge Her Husband's Death.
A passenger who was on the train says
that when he heard the shooting he rushed
out of the car and saw Mrs. Terry with a
satchel in her hand. She was trying to
open it, and he took it from her. She tried
to gain possession of it again but failed.
When the satchel was openjd afterward a
pistol was found in it.
David Nagle, the Deputy United States
Marshal, who killed Terry, is well known
in the State. In the latter part of the sev
enties he went to Arizona and in 1881 re
ceived appointment as chief of police of
Tombstone. While occupying that posi
tion he had frequent encounters with the
criminal element, and by his behavior soon
earned for himself the reputation of being a
man of undisputable courage and bravery.
He shot and killed a Mexican desperado
in Tombstone, after a fierce encounter.
Nagel was appointed Deputy Marshal here
year ago, and when Terry made the as-
rjanlt on Marshal Franks, last September,
agio disarmed him.
Appointed as a Body Guard.
Reports circulated that Terry intended
doing J uagexieiasxomc injury wnen xney
met, caused Nagle to be detailed to act as J.
. . . . , . , ., I
body guard to him when he came to this
coast a few months ago. Nagle is about 35
years of age and has a wife and family in
San Francisco.
The County Coroner took, charge of the
A remains, and went to Stockton, arriving
there at 12:40 to-day with Terry's body in a
box covered with white cloth. Mrs. Terry
rode in the express car with the remains,
accompanied by several friends of the de
ceased. When the body was taken off the car she
followed and rode with it, in an express
wagon to the morgue. She was distressed,
and said it was a most cowardly murder of
an unarmed man. An inquest will be held.
Deputy Marshal Nagle was taken to Stock
ton in a buggy by Constable Walker, of
Lathrop, at 130.
Marshnl Nasle la JalL
When the overland train left Lathrop
after the shooting constable Walker got In
the car and arrested Nagle. He rode with
him to Tracey and there took a buggy to
Stockton to avoid the crowds. When Nagle
reached the jail he alighted from the buggy
and came in with his coat covering his
handcuffed hands.
Nagle refused to be interviewed. He said:
"I am Deputy United States Marshal, and
simply did my duty as an officer." He was
locked up alone, and soon after sent for the
local attorney. Nagle was very cool, and.
looked pale and determined.
District Attorney White, of this county,
ordered the arrest of Justice Field upon his
arrival in San Francisco, and telegraphed
the order to the Sheriff of San Francisco.
Story of an Eye Witness.
Among the passengers on the Southern
overland train this morning was Colonel H.
G. Otis,- editor of the Los Angeles Times.
He was standing outside of the depot dining
room at Lathrop when the shooting of Judge
Terry occurred and was at the scene ot the
tragedy a moment later.
In an interview he said: "The train ar
rived at Lathrop at 7:10 a. m. Justice
Field was among the first of the passengers
to enter the dining room. He took a seat at
the table facing the door. United States
Deputy Marshal Nagle sat at his side. Soon
after they sat down David S. Terry and -his
wife entered the room. 7v"'ien Mrs. Terry
saw Justice Field she turned and hurriedly
went out of the room to the train, the sup
position being that she went after a pistol
or a bottle of vitriol.
"Terry Bat down at a table further up the
dining room, and while waiting to be served
glared at Field. Presently he arose and
walked over to- the latter's chair. Judge
Field was leaning over his plate at the time
and Terry approached from behind and
Wltbont n Word of Wnrnlnjr,
dealt him a blow on the side of the face.
That instant Nagle cried, "Hold, hands off
that man." Justice Fields looked up, and
as he did so, he or no other person ever such
a picture of incarnate hatred as that de
picted npon Terry's face. Terry did not
heed the marshal's warning, and raised his
clenched fist to strike another blow. That
menacing gesture was the last act of his
life. Quick as a flash Nagle drew his pis
tol and sent a ball through his heart.
A great commotion then arose in the
dining room' and on the platform. Mrs.
Terrv ran about from the train to tho din
ing tall door, frantically demanding her
satchel, which someone had taken from her.
She then stormed about the door, demand
ing entrance, and charging those who had
barred her out with shielding murderers."
Colonel Otis declarnd: "I happen to
know that the Deputy Marshal was acting
under direct instructions from the Attorney
General to protect the persons of Judges
Field and -Sawyer at all .hazards."
Caused In SanFrandsco by the News of the
Fatal Encounter The Dispute Which
Led to the Tracedy Judge
Terry's Eventful Career.
San Fbancisco, August 14. The an
nouncement that Judge David S. Terry had
been shot and killed ,in. a railway depot at
Lathrop this morning as the result of an at
tempt to provoke a personal altercation with
Justice Stephen J. Field, of the United
States Supreme Court, caused extraordinary
'excitement in this city. The scene .of the
tragedy is 83 miles from this city by rail,
and is the breakfasting station for the
Southern overland train.
The possibility of an encounter between
Terry and Justice Field has been recog
nized ever since the imprisonment of Terry
for contempt of court ten months ago, owing
to the known temper of the man who killed
United States Senator Broderick in the
early days of California.
David S. Terry was at one time Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of California
and has always been a prominent figure in
the political history of the State. The kill
ing of Broderick caused at the time deep
personal resentment against Terry by a por
tion of the people of the State which threat
ened to terminate his career in California;
but he always had a number of adherents
and remained in the State, though he has
only once or twice been before the people
for position.
The Cause of tho Dispute.
He was married to Sarah Althea Hill,
who claimed to be the wile of ex-Senator
Sharon, while prosecuting her claim against
the Sharon estate. This brought him into
a resentful attitude toward Justice Field;
who last year rendered a decision in the
United States Circuit Court, in this city,
denying her claim to the wile of Sharon.
Mrs. Terry created a scene in court dur
ing the reading of the decision, charging
Justice Field with being corrupt, and as she
refused to remain quiet, Justice Field di
rected that she be removed from court.
When a deputy attempted to carry out the
order of the Court she became involved in a
personal quarrel with that official, and
Judge Terry interfered, drawing a dagger
from his vest He was disarmed, and both
Terry and his wife were adjudged in con--tempt
and committed tojall.
In the meantime Justice Field went to
Washington to resume his duties on the
bench, returning to this city six weeks
ago. Newspaper articles were printed inti
mating that it would be dangerous for Jus
tice Field and Judge Terry to meet person
ally, as it was thought the latter might in
sult the former, while the fact was also
recognized that Justice Field would be
quick to resent an attack from Terry, know
ing it could only result fatally to one or the
other in view of the latter's record.
No Time for a Quarrel,
If Judge Terry had intended to provoke
Justice Field to'draw a weapon before the
latter could turn is, of course, not known,
as Deputy Nagle, who sat opposite, prevent
ed this by firing, resulting in the instant
death of Terry.
David S. Terry was born in Todd countv,
Kentucky, in 1R23. He served fn the Texan
army under Sam Houston. He came to
California in 1849, and settled in Calaveras
county. In 1855 he was elected
Justice of the Supreme Court of
California on the Native American
ticket, and upon the death of Chief Justice
Murray in 1857 Judge Terry became Chief
Jnstice. He was opposed to the Vigilance
Committee of 1865, and stabbed one of the
members ot the committee who had attempt-
i .. Xf-1.... r: Li -m '
rTrr ws helrl hw t li vi.)l.nt.. v..-
.y " - j ,.&iutea UUfr WHS
afterward released. He Killed Senator
Broderick in lU9asa result of political
differences, Terry belonging To what was
known as the "Chivalry" wing of the
Democratic party. In 1880 Terry -was de
feated as a Hancock elector, although his
associates were elected. Septembers, 1888,
he was sent to jail for six mouths for con
tempt of court by Justice Field.
The Assault Was Unprovoked and Nagle
Warned Terry Before Ho Fired The
Marshal Detailed by Orders
From Washington to Pro
tect Him The Jndse
. Not Arrested. '
Saw Fbancisco, August 14. The
Southern overland train arrived at Six
teenth street station in Oakland shortly
after 11 o'clock.. A great crowd had col
lected, telegraphic intelligence 6f the
Lathrop tragedy having preceded the ar
rival of the train, and the sleeping car in
which Justice Field was sitting was at once
besieged by United States officials and news
paDer men.
Justice Field maintained his quiet de
meanor and replied, when asked tonarrate
the particulars of the shooting, as follows:
"I can tell you the story in a few words.
For the last few months all manner of re
ports, both public and personal, have
reached me that Judge Terry has threatened
to subject me to some form of indignity if
he should happen to meet me. This fact
caused the United States Marshal to de
cide to provide such protection as he could
during my stay in this State.
Under the Protection of Nagle.
"When I started for Los Angeles to hold
court Deputy Nagle accompanied me. He
seemed .to be a qniet, gentlemanly official,
though I only met' him twice while away
from Los Angeles. He asked me in that
city when I Intended to return, and accom
panied me, taking a seat in the sleeping car
opposite to me.
"We learned this morning that Judge
Terry and his wife were on the train, but
paid no attention to the fact. When wear
rived at Lathrop we entered the eating,
saloon to get breakfast I took a seat at'
the end of the table, while Nagle sat on one
side of me.
"Terry and his wife came in the room soon-
after. As soon as sne saw mesne wens oat
of the room, as I afterward learned, return
ing to the car for her satchel. Judge Terry
arose, and I supposed he intended to ac-
comrjanv her. Instead of doing so, he-
walked back of me and struck me a heavy
slap on the face.
Judge Field Was Astonished.
"I was completely astonished and, seeing
he was making ready to strike again, Nagle
cried out: 'Stop, stop,' but Terry did not
desist, and as he was raising his arm a sec
ond time, Nagle shot at him, the bullet'
entering his heart He fell to the floor,
Nagle shooting a second time, but the sec
ond shot did not strike him. Deputy Nagle
was arrested at Tracey, and taken to Stock
ton to await the result of the inquest
"That is the complete story, so far as I
am aware of the facts," said the Justice in
Protection was accorded to Justice Field,
it is claimed, by authority of United States
Attorney General Miller, who telegraphed
from Washington to the Marshal ot the dis
trict to see that the person of the Justice
was protected at any hazard. The order ex
tended also to Judge Sawyer, of the United
States Circuit Court, in this city, upon
whom Mrs. Terry made a personal assault
last year while on a railway train, accom
panied by Judge Terry.
Why They Were Guarded.
The order was based upon this fact and
upon threats declared to have been made
openly by Terry against Justioe Fields
Deputy Marshal Nagle was directed to ac
company Justice Field under this order, and
is said to have given JudgeTerry full warn
ing to stop when the latter began his attack
upon Justice Field, and fired at Terry as the
latter was about to strike a second time.
Justice Field left over the Overland
train at i the Oakland ferry and drove at
once to the Palace Hotel, where he was
joined by his wife. He was not arrested,
and the notice to the chief of police, claimed
to have been sent by the District Attorney
of San Joaquin, if forwarded in that form,
was not carried out.
The following facts were submitted to
Justice Field this afternoon and declared by
him to be a correct statement of the circum
stances that led up to the shooting:
The Authorized Version.
During Judge Terry's confinement in the
county jail he threatened, upon his release,
to take the lives of Judges Field and
Sawyer. Prior to the contempt
of court, for which ho was in prison, Mrs.
Terry, in his presence, had made an assault
on Judge Sawyer in a Pullman car.
It is believed that had Sawyer resisted the
insnlt Terry would have killed him. Terry's
threats were so publicly made that they
reached the ears of Justice Field's col
leagues on the supreme bench and were
made known to the Department of Justice
in Washington, whereupon Mr. Miller,
Attorney General of the United States,
head of the Department of Justice, and, as
the superior officer of United States Mar
shal Franks, ordered the latter to take
whatever measures were necessary to
protect the persons of Justice Field and
Judge Sawyer from assault by Judge Terry.
On his arrival in California to hold
court in this part of his circuit, Justice
Field objected to being put under the pro
tection of the Marshal's officer. When
asked if he intended to carry arms to de
fend himself he said
He Would Carry No Arms.
"No, I do not, I will not carry arms, for
when it is known that justices of courts
are compelled to arm themselves for
defense of assaults offered in
consequence of their judicial
action, it will be time to dissolve the courts,
consider the Government a failure and let
society lapse into barbarism."
Notwithstanding his obiection to the riro-
tection, the Marshal declared himself .sub- ,
ject to the oruer oi ms superior omcer
Attorney General Miller, and deputized
Mr. Nagle to keep within reach of Justice
Field," ready to carry out the orders of the
Department of Justice.
Attorney General Sillier Issued the In
struction to the United States Marshal.
Indianapolis, August 14. Attorney
General Miller was found at his home on
North Delaware street to-day, and asked
concerning the command which he was
quoted as haying made to the Marshal at
San Jfrancisco.
"It was given out," said he, "under my
direction. In June, I think it was, Jus
tice Field and I believe some others brought
to my mind the case, referring to the
trouble there had been there last
summer, and saying that there would likely
be trouble again this summer. There was
danger that Judge Terry, who was stated to
be a violent and desperate man. would
verv likely make a deadly as
sault upon " Justice Field and Judge
Sawyer one or both of them and
that some precautions ought to be taken in
the premises. I therefore called the atten
tion of the Marshal of the District to these
statements, and told him that it was due to
the country and the courts that precautions
should be taken to keep the peace and pro
tect the courts and Judges in
the discharge of their duties; and
that such a number , of court
officers should be employed as would accom
plish this result; that the Judges ought to
be permitted to discharge their duties with
out danger and without malice. I also
instructed him to consult the 'United States
Attorney and .Judges u to the. ooae to be
pained in the premises."
Virginia Democrats Befuse to Con
dense Their Convention Oratory.
Close Contests for Nominations in Iowa and
the 01a Dominion!
Mississippi Bepnblieans Will Fat a Fall Ticket In Us
The political pot is boiling at a lively
rate in several States. In Virginia the
Democratic Convention took an unsuecessv
ful ballot yesterday: The Republicans ol
the same State continue to
split on the rock ot .Mahone
ism. Mississippi Republicans will place a
full ticket in the field. In Iowa a bitter
contest is waging over the Republican
Gubernatorial nomination.
RICHMOND, VA., August 14. The Dem
ocratic State Convention effected its organi
zation this evening by the election of R. H.
Cardwell, Speaker of the House of Dele
gates, Permanent Chairman. Then the
band played "Dixie," which was cheered
to the echo, and somebody recognizing
General Tom Rosser on the stand, there
were calls on him. He said he
was not accustomed to speaking,
.especially before political meetings,
but when he looked on-this vast crowd x
couldn't help thinking," he continued, with
a smile, "that if you-all had on gray jackets
and had sabers I would like to see the
orowd too big for you to run over. I won
der if the enemy could muster a force large
enough to stay you.M
The General, paying his compliments to
Mahone, said he believed the sun refused to
shine when Judas Iscariot foreswore his
Savior, and he thought now what
of nature had ensued when Mahone turned
traitor to his State. He did not believe any
organization would be found strong enough
to withstand the Democratio party's candi
date. The atmosphere being hot and the throng
tremendous, a delegate moved that the nom
inating speeches be limited to 15 minutes
and seconding speeches to five minutes.
Delegate Cheatham, of Chesterfield, a gen
tleman advanced in years, rose, and in a
voice shaking with indignation, asked if it
was possible this convention proposed, when
a man wants to make a speech nominating
his friend for the high office of Governor of
Vlrginia,to limit that man's speech.
Major Horace Lucy, a famed orator of
Spottsylvania, and known as the "Lion of
the Wilderness," made the motion to limit
the speeches to' thirty minutes, but the sen
timent cf the convention favored unlimited
time, and all the resolutions were voted
The speeches wery very long, and owing
to difficulty in maintaining order in so
large a crowd, wero not always heard. D,
F-Pierci, the-stBrdynouctaIneer cratol"1?
from Wythe, in nominating Congressman
Charles T. O'Jferrall made himselt heard.
He was rough on railroads, which he said
were half a century ago hailed with joy as
an aid, but which now controlled legisla
tion, and the locomotive now whistles down
brakes upon the liberties of the people. He
said a refusal to nominate O'Ferrall would
be to reverse the parable of the talents.
Despite the weather the convention
seemed n a bantering humor and in no
hurry, for it took a long recess for supper.
When the convention reassembled more
nominating speeches were made, but it
cannot be said that they were heard. The
body was too large to be handled, and
the poor acoustics of the hall made this
worse. It became
for half an hour. This 'condition was
mainly due to the fact that Chairman Card
well, having risen from a sick bed to at.
tend the convention, was compelled to re
linquish the chair several times, and ha
seemed to be the only man able to keep
When the Chairman returned and speak
ing was resumed, Judge Ray, of Washing
ton county, made the hit of the evening by
appealing for O'Ferrall, or the man who, 60
days after Cleveland was inaugurated, had
dangling from his belt the scalD of every
Republican rascal in the district After
this the convention began to get restive.
Messrs. McKinney, Venable, O'Ferrall,
Beirn, Tyler and Harris were placed ia
nomination in the order named before the
recess was taken. The State Central Com
mittee having been chosen by districts, the
claims of the respective candidates were
discussed until 11:30 o'clock P. M., when a
ballot was had, with this result: McKin
ney, 594;'Beirn. 361; O'Ferrall, 307; Tyler,
130; Venable, 73; Harris, S7.
An unsuccessful effort was made to take
another ballot after which the convention
adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morn
Are to be Encouraged by Fornker, McKIn
loy and Other Orators.
Sabatooa, N. Y., August 14. The
last official session of the Executive Com
mitteeof the National Leagueof Republican
clubs was held to-day. The principal topic
of disenssion was the plan of holding
the next convention. It was proposed to
get up excursions for the delegates and
make a tour of the South, stopping at
towns along the route, and have prominent
Republican speakers address the people.
Governor Foraker, Major McKinley, Gen
eral Woodford and others have already con
sented to speak should this plan be carried
out The object would be to encourage
Southern Republicans.
Messrs. Huston, of Indiana; Byrnes, of
Minnesota, and Humphrey; of New York,
were appointed a special committee, with
power, to confer with a sub-committed of
the Republican National Committee in gen
eral work and conferring together for the
good of the party. The idea is to work in
perfect harmony. The rest of the work of
the committee was detailed to vari ous com
mittees. i
Mississippi Republicans Will Make the Com
log- Election a Lively One. (
rsrxctsx, txxxobjUC to the DisrATcnJ
Jackson, Miss., August 14. The meet
ing of the Republican State Executive
Committee to-day was very large attended.
It was, in fact, a meeting of the leaders of
the party in this State, from SOO to 300 rep
resentatives of two-thirds of the counties in
the State. John B. Lynch, Chairman and
Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, in calling
the meeting to order, said its purpose) was
to decide whether or not a convention
should be held to nominate a Republican
State ticket He favored patting a ticket
in the field. ,
Postmaster V H. Gibbs. Secratarr.
ouea mo rou, ana were was arsea
L djagaj.
ATTQTJST 15, 1889.
sion on the proposition to call a convention,
the affirmative idea largely predominating.
Pierce, a leading colored Republican of
'Washington county, opposed nominating a
ticket, saying it was useless, and that the
only pnrpose of putting up a ticket to be
knocked down was to give certain men a
standing at Washington and help them to
control the patronage of the State. He had
some backing in the meeting, but it was
finally decided that a convention to nomi
nate a State ticket be called to meet in this
city on September 23.
It Is definitely known that Chalmers
wants the nomination, and it was found
that there is a very strong opposition to him
among some of the colored leaders.
A Convention at Petersburg; to Which no
AntUMahone Men Wero Admitted'
A Huze Bolt Bound to
bo Precipitated.
israelii. TKLEonxM to Tax dispatch.i
Peteesbubo, Va., August 14. The Re
publican city convention met at the Court
House to-day with closed doors and elected
12 delegates to the Republican State con
vention, which, meets in Norfolk on the
22d inst General William Mahone and Gen
eral Hith Boiling were among the delegates
elected. The complexion of the delegation
issix whites and six colored representa
tives. The convention was composed of all
Mahone delegates, as the anti-Mahone dele
gates were not allowed to come into the
meeting, and doorkeepers were stationed at
the door to prevent any one coming into
,the convention who were not Mahone dele
gates. Even members of the press were ex
cluded. The anti-Mahone delegates expressed
themselves as indignant at such action, and
said that they would not submit to such
"clap-trap" "proceedings, and they left the
building. TJfe convention, before adjourn
ing, adopted the following resolution,
which, when read, elicited prolonged ap
plause: Resolved, That it is the unanimous sense of
this convention that General Mahone be nomi
nated for Governor of this Commonwealth.
It is not thought that the anti-Mahoneites
will elect any delegates to the Stat Con
vention, but will let Mahone have his own
way there, and not support him or anyone
that may be nominated on the ticket with
him, because he is nominated and accepts
the candidacy for Governor.
Intelligence was received here to-night of
the death of Nathaniel Venable this after
noon at Old Point, after a protracted illness.
The deceased was a native of -Petersburg,
and a son of Captain Samuel Woodson
Venable, who is now a candidate before the
Democratic State Convention for Governor.
The deceased has resided in New York for
some time, where he was studying medi
cine. He is a brother of Congressman E.
C. Venable.
Iowa Uepnbllean Tnko Ballot After Ballot
for Governor.
Des Moines, Ia., August 14. The Re
publican State Convention was called to
order at 11 A.M. to-day by Chairman Beards
ley. Temporary officers were then announced,
with John N. Irwin, of Keokuk.as Chairman.
Mr. Irwin, on taking the chair, made a
speech, and this was followed by the an
nouncement of the usual committees. B. I.
Salinger, of Carroll, was made permanent
On the recommendation of the State Cen
tral Committee, nominating speeches
and an Informal ballot were dis-
pensed with, andthe-xollicall on the
nomination for travernor was proceeded
with. The first ballot resnltedf Wheeler,
447 1-10; Hull, 4107-10; Hutchinson, 207 2-10;
Crapo, 37; Larrabee, 62.
Governor Larrabee's name was then with
drawn by his request, and balloting was
proceeded with.
At 10:15, when 17 ballots had been taken,
with little change, an attempt was made to
adjourn, but it failed to carry. The twenty
first ballot resulted: Hull, 391; Wheeler,
283; Hutchinson, 303.
Probabilities That Saratoga Won't Have the
Republican Convention.
rsrscui. txlxobjuc to thx disvatc&i
NewYobk, August 14. The Republi
can State Committee will meet at noon to
morrow in the Fifth Avenue Hotel for the
purpose of fixing the time and place of the
State convention. Saratoga wants the con
vention, and promises- to keep its hotels
open until Oetober 1.
Piatt and Hiscock think that Syracuse is
the spot, and the drift of opinion to-night
is in favor of Syracuse. It is believed that
the committee will select a dayjlate in Sep
The English GovernmentMnUes Concessions
to tho Opposition.
London, August 14. Attorney General
Webster announced in the House of Com
mons this evening that the Government had
decided to amend the tithes biy by accept
ing the opposition's proposition to make the
landlords instead of the occupiers liable
for the payment of tithes. The announce
ment was greeted with cheers by the
Sir William Vernon Harcourt expresses
his gratification. This announcement, he
said, proved that the patience and arduous
exertions of the opposition had not been in
vain. The Government's decision was
equivalent to , the introduction of a new
The principle for which the Liberals had
contended had been 'recognized. It implies
an entire change of the whole system of
tithes, involving immense interests and mill
ions of money. Seeing the importance of the
Government's change of front, the Liberals
must ttsk time to scrutinize the bill, when
placed upon paper, before committing them
selves to its acceptance.
r. omitn, tne uovernment leader, ad
mitted that it was reasonable to postpone
discussion on the bill until the new clauses
wire textually before the House.
Ittle Merest Taken la the latest Scheme
to Navigate Through Clouds.
Bosxon, August 14. Only 12 persons
could be found in Boston who were inter
ested enough in the proposed big steel air
ship which is being talked up in this city
to go to People's Church to-night and hear
about the plans for building the same. Dr.
R. G. Wells, who claims to be the first
American to use the parachute, told what
he and Dr. De Bausset intended to do. The
airship, which they claim will attain a
speed of more than a mile a minute, will be
,732 feet long, 145 feet wide, and shaped like
a cone. It will cost 5o,uw, and win Be
built if enough money is subscribed by the
The airship will be constructed of steel
one-fortieth of an inch thick, and rariried
air will be used. Attached to the ship will
be a car 176 feet long. Dr. Wells claims
that with three-fourths of the air exhausted
the ship will still have an ascensional
power oi 63 tons. At present the airship
exists only on paper.
Verdict on the Whlteehupel Victim.
London, August 14. The Coroner's jury
in the case of Alice Mackenxie, the last
woman killed in the Whltechapel district,
to-dar returned a verdict that she was mur-
J. dered by some unknown person.
Snllivan, Kilrain-and Ot'jjer Pfomi-
nent Prize-Fignt Celebrities
Governor Lowry's' Angtr Begins to Cool Off
Considerably, and
Connsel for the Defense roar a Little Hot Shot Into
the Jadge.
The grand jury sitting at Purvis, Miss.,
yesterday indicted Sullivan, Kilrain, Fitz
patrick, Muldoon, Cleary and Donovan, ac
cording to the judge's instructions, for prize
fighting. Six of the jurymen were wit
nesses of the fight, and knew what they
were talking about Defendants present
reasons for a plea in abatement.
Pubvis, Misd., August 14. Sullivan
and Kilrain. Referee Fitzpatrick and the
seconds of the prize fight were to-day in
dicted by the grand jury. The indictment
against Sullivan, relieved of its legal verbi
age, charges that John L. Sullivan, by and
in pursuance of a previous appointment
and arrangement made to meet and engage
in a prize fight with Jake Kilrain and for a
large sum of money, did unlawfully engage
in a prize fight in a ring commonly called a
prize ring, and did then and there beat,
strike and bruise the said Jake Kilrain,
agatnst the peace and dignity of the State of
how they know it.
The indictment gives the names of six of
the grand jurymen as witnesses. They
were at the fight. Indictments were also
found against Referee Fitzpa trick, JakeKil
rain,Muldoon.Cleary and Donovan, Thelin
dictment against Fitzpatrlck charges him
with aiding nnd abetting the fight, but does
not specify in -what way. The capiases issued
for the parties outside the State who have
been indicted will be returned to the Court
marked, "Not found." Copies of the in
dictments will then be sent to Governor
Lowry, with a request to issue requisitions
for the offenders.
A gentleman who is a friend of the Gov
ernor and who has conversed with him, says
the Governor has cooled down considerably
abont the prize fight, and is leaving it in
the hands of the courts. The Governor
seems to be more friendly inclined toward
Sullivan than before, and considers him
less blamable than some others in the affair.
At the afternoon' session of court, attor
neys for the defendants submitted a plea In
abatement, embracing the following points:
First That the Court has no jurisdiction
to try the pretended indictmentbecause
the case was already before the Justice of
the Peace on affidavits made bv the Sheriff,
the charges being identical witn those con
tained in the indictment; defendants there
fore ask that the indictment and all Circuit
Court proceedings in their behalf be dis
Second That the grand jury was im
paneled and sworn August V; it retired ,for
deliberation, and so remained until the af
ternoonf Apgustl34 at. which time the
grand jury had refused to find an indict-ment-'against'the
defendants; the Judge, of
his own motion, before any indictment was
?ound,and after the grand jury had refused
to indict, sent for them, and delivered the
charge already published, without the
request of the grand jury. After this
charge the" grand iury returned
the indictments; they had intended to refer
the cose back to the Justice of the Peace,
but the Judge's charge forced the jury to
bring in the indictment against us.
Third The second count being a different
charge from that made against defendant
and upon which he was extradited, should
be dismissed.
Court then adjourned till to-morrow.
Deputy Sheriff Chiles, who captured Sulli
van, left for Baltimore to-night) and will
bring Kilrain from there here.
After the grand jury left the courtroom
they called before them witnesses who had
come from Meridian, and they were exam
ined. This naturally told the outsiders that
the cases ot the aiders and abettors were
under consideration, and it is expeoted that
they will be presented in the morning.
Judge Terrell was summoned by the
Sheriff at 5 o'clock. The grand jury de
sired his presence in the court, and thev
handed in eight bills. They were against
persons outside of the county who had not
yet given bond. Had tho parties indicted
or any of them been under bond,
the indictments would have been made pub
lic. The bills are against Frank Steven
son, who managed Kilrain's interests;
W. E. Harding, who represented
Richard K. Fox, Kilrain's backer;
Johnny Murphy, Kilrain's bottle
holder; Dan ( Murphy, Sullivan's bottle
holder; Dennis Butler, towel holder and
ring builder; James Wakeley and Charlie
Johnson, Sullivan's backers, and G. D.
Edwards, General Passenger Agent of the
Queen and Crescent Road.
The finding of this batch of indictments
caused considerable excitement among all
Tho Baltimore Police Arrest nim on
qulsltlon From Mississippi.
' Baltimore, August 14. The cx-cham-pion,
Jake Kilrain, is now in the clutches
of the law. He was captured about 7 o'clock
this morning as he stepped from the Norfolk
boat on her arrival at the wharf. When
Kilrain walked off the gangplank, accom
panied by his wife, Sergeant Frank Toner
greeted him with these words: "How do,
Jake; the Marshal wants to see you."
"All right, I am ready to go with you."
The Sergeant was armed with the proper
authority, viz: a warrant issued by Gover
nor Jackson for Kilrain's arrest by virtue of
a requisition made on him by Gayernor
Lowry, of Mississippi. When apprehended
by the Sergeant, Kilrain waited only long
enough to get his baggage together and sent
them with his wife to his residence in this
city. He then entered a carriage and was
driven to the Central police station. He
was not put under lock and key, but was
allowed to rest himself in Captain Farnan's
private room. Kilrain was not at all upset
by his arrest, but took matters coolly as he
enjoyed a nice breakfast ordered from a
nearby restaurant
Jake regretted that he could not outline
his future course owing to the uncertainty
as to what would be done with him by Gov
ernor Lowrx; He said: 'I hadjntended all
along to give myiclf up and was only wait
ing to see what they would do with Sulli
van. I thought it was better to
do that than to keep dodging around the
country to evade arrest They would
have hounded me anyhow until they
captured me and I did not care to
leave the country, as all my interests are
here, and I think I can do well when once
more I am free. Unfortunately, however, I
came home a few days too soon. Had I
waited a little longer I would have known
what was dose to Sullivan and then would
have known what to expect myself. Of
4 :
' i
course I expect to get the tavSKl dc
If it's a fine and six months in72ftarin
will get It too."
American Capital and Industries Wo!
Ireland An Effective Club
Conld bo Placed la tho Hands
of the Homo Uulers.
Boston, August 14. Apropos of thev.
plan originated by a few prominent Irish
men in this city to stimulate Irish Industries
by sending to that country American capi
tal and American skilled laborers to teach
the Irish people the different trades, Will
iam O'Brien, M. P.. has written the follow
ing letter to Mr. Thomas O'Flynn, who is
one of the promoters of the scheme:
House ov Commons. 1
London, August 2, 1889. J
Mr. Thomas O'Flynn, Manager Irith Actional
Colonlit, Boston, Mass. :
Mr Deak Bib Owing to my imprisonment
and other anxieties, I hadn't time to reply to
your kind letter. We should all welcome with
delight any infusion of American capital and
energy into our country. There are many dis
tricts, for example: Qweedore, in Donegal;
Longhrea, in Galway, and Yougal county,
Cork, where the tenants' families conld be
utilized in factories, -and the establishment
of Such Industries among them would be of
inestimable service. 1 cannot exaggerate the
encouraging effect it would have to Yooghal.
for instance, where the Ponsonby evictions
have been going on. if there was an American
factory started to give employment It is un
questionably one ot our serious difficulties
that under the present system of relief to evic
ted tenants, the tenants remain unemployed.
They, would welcome one ot your factories as
They, would welcome one ot your
a priceless blessing, and the lani
a priceless blessing, and the landlords would
receive the death blow of their last hope.
which Is, thzt by increasing evictions they may
exhaust our funds.
Looking at the 'matter from our point of
view, any well-considered Industrial scheme
such as you foreshadow would be of incal
culable benefit and encouragement to our
people, and I conld not possibly exaggerate
its beneficial effects in diffusing some
spirit of American energy and enter-
Brlso through the country. The estab
shment of an Irish-American factory
at Youghal. at this moment In particular,
would he a most effective blow at tbe syndi
cate who have undertaken to depopulate tho
district and I do earnestly hope that your
company may see their way to some practical
and well-advised action in this direction. Be
lieve me, dear Mr. O'Flynn, very sincerely
He Is Convicted of Embezzlement and
Trcnson Dillon and Kochefort De
clared to be Accomplices
The Defendants to be
Pabis, August 14. The Senate Court
found Count Dillon and Henri Rochefort
accomplices of General Boolanger in a
felonious attempt against the safety of the
S tate. ft also decided by a vote of 100 to 97
that the acts charged in the indictment
against the accused in connection with the
Presidental criiis in 1887 constituted a
treasonable attempt
General Campernon, Senator for Nenilly-Sur-Seine,
argued that the charge of em
bezzlement against General Boulanger had
been proved.
M. Leroyer, President of the Senate, and
M. Margaine, Senator for the department of
Marne,argued that tbe court was incompe
tent to try General Boulanger on the charge
of misappropriation of funds, and that the
charge must be referred to a court martial.
The .Court found General Boulanger
guilty on the charge of embezzling public
funds' and refused to allow that there were
extenuating circumstances. The' Court
then, sentenced General Boulanger, Count
Dillon and Henry Rochefart to be deported
to a fortifiedplace.
After the annonncement of the sentence
the Court adjourned in order to frame the
text of the desree of sentence, which will be
voted upon in secret cession and read at a
public sitting.
The Republican groups of the Senate held
a meeting and adopted resolutions request
ing the Government to enforce the decree
after the Court has dissolved, calling at
tention to the gravity ot the absence of some
of the Ministers, and demanding that steps
be token against all officials implicated in
the case.
An Actor and Dairyman Fight Over Tres-
pnsslns; Covrs.
rsrxcTAi. uliobus to tub dispatch-.
New Yobk, August 14. Charles F. Lor
raine and his wife, members of the "Tin
Soldier" Theatrical Company, are spending
the summer at their cottage in Grand street,
just outside of Newtown village. Cows be
longing to an old man called Canada, he
says, have been grazing on his lawn. He
complained to Canada, but In vain. Then
he tried to drive the cows away by pelting
them with green apples. The cows suffered
for awhile, but they studied his game, and
then they turned around and ate up his
To-day Mr. Lorraine met Canada, and
they got into a controversy. Canada's tem
per is hot, and he struck the actor on the
cheek with a hoe, cutting the flesh to the
bone. The tin soldier was not' lacking in
valor, but because his assailant was old he
retired from the field, and had a warrant
issued for his arrest. Canada will be ex
amined by Justice Scbeper to-morrow.
His Neighbors In Ohio Give Him an Enthn
slnstle Welcome.
Fostobia.O., August 14. The little city
of Fostoria was all excitement to-night over
the reception to Hon. Charles Foster, on his
return from his negotiations as Chairman of
the Sioux Commission. The exercises
were held in the Opera House, which was
packed with his enthusiastic townsmen.
The reception speech was made by Mayor
Brown. Mr. Foster was then formally in
troduced to the meeting amid great cheer
ing. His remarks were followed with the
closest attention and applauded to the echo.
After. thanking his fellow-townsmen for
their gratifying reception, Mr. Foster dis
cussed the work of the Sioux Commission,
and gave an interesting description of the
vast area so soon to be thrown open to set
Some New American Testimony to be In
troduced la the Maybrlck Case.
Nobfolk, Va., August 14. A well
known woman of this city, Madame Mary
Hogwood, to-day went before a notary, and
made oath that the late James
Maybrick, whose wife is now under
sentence of death in Liverpool,
charged with her husband's murder, was a
confirmed arsenic eater and consumed the
drug out of a viaL She produces one of the
bottles which he left in her house and it
will be sent to the State Department
Despite the bad character of the woman,
she bears a fair reputation for truth and
veracity, and her affidavit will be accom
panied by letters from several of the most
respectable men oi Norfolk attesting that
To Decide the Senator's Pension.
Washington, August 14. Acting Sec
retary Chandler of the Interior De
partment has taken up the rerating
case of Senator Manderson, ot Ne
braska, which was allowed by Commissioner
Tanner several weeks ago, and will render a
decision on it in a few days.
A3yrj l
Th T-jV
If yon want Board, Room, Ilomea op
Help, advertise la THE DISPATCH.
Purchasers can bo fannd for everything
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH: Is the best advertlslng
medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
Tendered to President Harrison by
the Residents of Bath.
ation's Ruler Promises All of His
Influence to That End.
All of Hew England Seems to he Eager to Greet
tie Soted Visitor.
The Presidental party arrived at Bath
yesterday, and received a rousing reception.
The President made a little speech, in which
he promised to use his influence to revive
the shipbuilding interests. The journey to
New Hampshire was then resumed.
Bath, Me., August'14. The train bear-
ing the Chief Magistrate reached hero
shortly after noon and tbe President re
ceived a hearty New England greeting. It
was a disagreeable afternoon. The President-was
driven in a closed carriage to Mr.
Sewall's residence, where lunch was served.
. The party at table was a small one. It'
included President Harrison, Mr. Arthur
Sewall, Secretary Tracy, Senator Frye,
Senator Hale, Congressmen Lodge and
Dingley", Payson Tucker, Hon. Jos. H.
Manley, General Hyde and Harold M.
Sewall. An hour later these gentlemen
were driven to the Federal building, where
the most prominent of them were presented
to city officials. Tbe President was wel
comed by the people.
Alter presentations had been made within,
the building the President was escorted to
the front of the building and was intro
duced by the Mayor to the assembled crowd,,
The President responded by saying:
My Fbtends My visit to the ato of Maine
is altogether disconnected from public affairs.
I am not here to-day to speak to yon npon any
public topic, but only to thank yon most sin
cerefy for the cordial manner In which yon
have received me. I cannot however,
leave the presence of these citizens of Bath
without assuring them that 1 have a very deep
interest in that great Industry which built your
thriving city, and which has done so much to.
promote the prosperity of our whole people
the Industry of ship building. Great
applaose.1 In every way that I properly can.
whether as a citizen or as a public officer. I
shall endeavor to promote tbe rebuilding of
our American merchant marine, and tba re
storation of that great carrying trade which we
once possessed in every sea. Cheers.
The arrangements which have been made
and the Interest which I feel in a close inspec
tion of your ship yards forbids that I should
speak to yon longer. I. therefore, beg that
you will allow me to thank you again for your
cordial Interest and to bid you goodby.
The President and party then re-entered
the carriages and were driven to the works
of the Bath Iron Company. They wero re-,
ceiyed with great enthusiasm. Just inside
the long, wide building the children of the.
Military and Naval Orphan Asylum were
ranged with flags in their hands and greeted,
the President with a song as he entered.
After inspecting the works the party em
barked on a steamer and followed along the
river for some distance inspecting, the vari
ous shipyards and viewing with much inter
est the ships in process of construction. The
President and tbe Secretary of the Navy
climbed the steps leading to a plat
form at the top of the skeleton of one ship,
after landing from the steamer at Sewall's
shipyard, and looked at others from the.
windows ot their carriages as they werel
driven through the yard toward Mr. Sew
all's house.
At the house an informal reception wasj
held and a collation was served. Then the
Presidental party was driven to the depot,
in a heavy rain and the train started on its,
return trip to Brunswick, where Secretary
Tracey and Senator Hale took their de
parture by special train for Ellsworth.
At Portland Congressman Lodge and Mr.
Tucker left the train, and Congressman
Reed, ex-Governor Robie and other gentle-'
men came on board to meet the President,
leaving before the train started again, how
ever. I
At 7 r. M. Kittrey was reached and the!
State line passed. A minute or two later!
the train drew up in Portsmouth.
Here the committee from Manchester
entered the car and welcomed
the President to the State of New
Hampshire. The party included ex-Governors
Cheney, Currier, Smith and Weston;
General Hurlburt, General Paul Long, of
Governor Goodell's staff, and Hon. F. C
Churchill, of the Governor's council, and
Senator Henry V. Blair and others.
Tho train, to which a dining car had been
attached, finally proceeded on Its way to.
Manchester. F.n route a lunch was served,
with the compliments of Ex-Gov. Cheney,
of which the President partook with evi
dent relish. At Manchester there was the
biggest reception of the trip north of Bos
The Postmaster General Will Cut It
Where Not Absolutely Necessary.
Washington, August 14. An official,
of tho Postoffice Department referring to the,
agitation of the question of Sunday service
.in that department, and of the probability
that before the return of the Postmaster
General from Saratoga, some definite policy
may be determined upon, made this state
ment as to the conferences which have been
held between the Postmaster General and
his leading subordinates upon this subject:
. In a recent disenssion -with the Postmaster
General relative to seven-days-a-week service,
he simply requested that I supervise this serv
ice carefully, and suggested that wherever it
was apparent that the seven days service was
in the Interest of the contractor or sub-contractor,
and not in the interest of tbe people or
the routes, such service be ordered to conform,
to that existing in tbe Eastern. Middle and
most densely populated Western Mtates. He
expressly stated that where Important ter
minal eonnections would be secured by Sun
day service. I sbould use my judgment in le
gard to making a change, and in such cases in
variably the old service will be continued aa
Tbe purpose of the Postmaster General, as
understood bv his department officers, is not to
distnrb radically the Sunday receipt or dis
patch of important malls, letter or newspaper.
but simply to see whether there is a growing
and mercenary tendency in insisting on need
less Sunday postal work. For instance, there
is no very good reason why a stamp window
should ne open six or eigne nours on ctunaay,
when stamps to mail any important letters can
be had within a stone's throw of any largo
office in the country.
New Haven's Chamber of Commerce on the
World's Fair.
Netv Haven, August 14. An enthusi
astio meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
was held here to-night in order to take
action looking to the quadri-centennlal, and
world's fair of 1803. Lieutenant Governor
Samuel E. Merwin presided.
It was unanimously resolved that New
York was the proper place to hold it and
Governor Bnlkiey was requested by resolu
tion to appoint an executive committee to
act in the premises.
Ml -tJtMA-1