Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 14, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Sovereigns of Industry
Fight a Pitched Battle.
Treasurer Pattern's Defalcatiou Resur
rected for a Purpose.
A Sharpsburg Council Wants the Grand
President Impeached.
The alleged defalcation of J. W. Patton,
Grand Treasurer of the Sovereigns of In
dustry, is bearing lively fruit in stirring up
of internecine dissensions. The amount of
Patton's shortage is now definitely reported
to be 51,375. exclusive of the $500 voted to
the Johnstown flood fund, which will be
made good shortly by the Council. The
bitter fight in progress in the order had its
inception in Patton's levanting.
At the special meeting of the Grand
Council last Saturday evening, the whole
matter was resurrected and in the heated
discussion which arose, strong language
passed and blows were almost resorted to.
It was a lively time, and some of the
ladies present took refuge in a cloak room
"while the wordy war proceeded. It was
brought out that on the night the Grand
Council met to vote relief to Johnstown, a
motion wasmadetomakethesumSSOO. This
amount oversized Treasurer Patton's pile,
and with admirable sang froid Patton
moved to emend by making it ?100. He
was voted down. The Grand Secretary
drew a warrant for $500 and sent it to
Treasurer W. It. Thompson, of the Kelief
Committee. A messenger carried the war
rant to Patton, who drew a check for ?500
to parts unknown. The check went through
one bank all right, and the money was
paid; but the bank on which the check was
drawn reported "no funds." The Grand
Council thereupon resolved that the honor
ot the order was at stake, and the check
should be made good.
Then came hot charges that officials of
the order had been cognizant of Patton's
pecnlations for some time previous to his
disappearance, and that there was ample
proof that the higher officials had not ex
acted a bond Irora Patton, as required by
the by-laws of the order. Dead silence
followed this accusation, end it was re
peated with personal garnishments, coupled
with the threat that all members of the
Grand Council who could be proven to
have been aware of Patton's conduct would
be expelled from the order. "Wildest con
tusion followed this announcement, which
was made by a prominent Southsider.
The changes were run upon gag-law rul
ings, it being claimed that the installing
official of the order had deliberately ab
sented himself from lodges 7 and 13 in or
der to invalidate' the right of their repre
sentatives to appear in Grand Council, and
a lively rumpus was the result of this
charge. '
All this was incidental to the real object
of the special meeting, viz., the considera
tion of anew constitution and by-laws and
the securing of a new charter which would
allow the extension of the order to other
States. At a special meeting two weeks
Eince the new constitution was combated
simply upon the grounds that it was too au
tocratic, and centralized the machinery of
the order in a few hands. But the oppo
nents of the constitution found fuel to feed
the fire in the alleged existence of a "ring"
in the order. The wrangle over Patton
added to the ranks of the opponents of a
new constitution, and it was defeated,
hands down. The question ot extension to
other States is generally favored, and will
receive attention later on.
A bitter personal attack was made upon
J. D. Buckley, Grand President of the Sov
ereigns. He was accused of the champion
ship of the new constitution and all the
autocracy implied therein, and all the
charjres above outlined were- boldly laid at
his door.
Finally, as a culmination of the stormy
episodes of the evening, the members ot
Economy Council, Kb. 13, hastily framed a
resolution impeaching the Grand President
It was offered for reference to the Griev
ance Committee of the order; but Mr.
Buckley, who was presiding, ruled against
its admission on the donbtless correct
ground that the resolution did not bear the
seal of the Council forobvious reasons. Amid
great confusion a motion to adjourn was
carried, and the fight came to a temporary
There are 7,000 Sovereigns of Industry in
Pittsburg and Allegheny and 41 lodge's in
Allegheny county. Although the order is
strongest hereabouts, there are lodges scat
tered all through the State. The order is of
a secret beneficial nature, and its rapid
growth attests very conclusively its popu
larity. The Grand President, Mr. J. D.
Buckley, is a member of tho Central Board
ot Education.
Patrick Sarnse Attacked a Woman on
I'enn Avenue Yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Charles Ham
mond was walking down Penn avenue. At
the corner of Eleventh street she met a gen
tleman friend with whom she conversed a
few moments. She afterward started on
down Penn avenue, but was quickly over
taken by Patrick Savage, who asked her
what she had been talking to the other gen
tleman about She refused to tell him.
Savage drew back and struck the woman
full in the mouth with his fist She stag
gered back against a building. Officer
Moran came up and placed Savage under
arrest The policeman says he has always
been a quiet, orderly citizen, but for the
past few weeks has been drinking. After
he had been arrested Mrs. Hammond pro
ceeded to Magistrate McKenna's office and
preferred a charge of aggravated assault
against him. She begged that he be pun
ished as lightly as possible. The lady was
also very solicitous that the story be not
Their Representatives Furnishing; Amuse
ment for Hill People.
"Washington street between Wylie and
"Webster avenues was the scene of consider
able excitement and amusement yesterday.
Yee Sing is a Chinese laundryman at No.
82, and 51. Gallop is also the proprietor of
a laundry at No. 84. The Chinaman, it is
stated, of late has forged slightly ahead of
his white neighbor in business. Yesterday
the latter put out the following sign: "Take
your laundry to which? Pig Tail China, or
Pree Born American?" The Chinaman
was not pleased, and put out a sign, "Meli
can Man Can't wash Clean."
lie Tries the Old Know-Nothing; Tactics.
Dnt He Falls the Victim to a Little Bit or
The Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay was a
passenger on the Limited last night "When
the reporters called upon him in his private
car he received them most courteously. En
couraged by such a greeting, it was thought
the junior Senator was going to talk; but it
did not take him long to undeceive his. vis
itors. "Did you have a nice trip, Senator?" was
the first question ventured.
J'Yes, a very nice one."
"Major Mootooth is just now getting a
great boom all over the State as a candidate
lor Governor. "What is your opinion about
"I do not know."
"The appointment to the Pittsburg post
mastership is a matter of a great specula
tion here. Have you any opinion to ad
vance on that subject?"
"I do not know."
By this time the reporters lost heart and
did not know for a moment what to ask
next In the meantime the Senator quietly
leaned back in his seat, dividing his gaze
between the upper section of his berth and
the reporters. Occasionally he wonld roll
his lelt eye and glance around the car; but
all the time he retained the same pleasant
"Will there be a special session of Con
gress in October, and can you tell us what
will be the chief object of the session?"
"I do not knowl"
This chilly answer had been premeditated,
because it came almost before the question
was put It was no use. Suddenly a bright
idea seemed to have struck one of the inter
viewers. "What do you think about the Republi
can convention held at Harrisburg last
"I do not knowl"
"But the delegates passed a resolution in
which they gave you very high praise."
"Yes. so they aid; I saw 1 was told
about that"
There! the Senatorial Oyster had opened
his shell at last and upon j ust a little bit of
flatteryl Although he denied that he knew
anything about the Harrisburg Convention,
still he was caught when told that his name
had been favorably mentioned. However,
the reporters were satisfied that .the Hon.
Matthew was not in the humor to divulge
any political pointers, and they departed,
wishing him a very good n(ght
For Allcshenv's Specially Good Work In
Aid of Johnstown.
Yesterday Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny,
received the following handsomely en
grossed resolution of thanks from the State
Board of Health, for his promptness in
sending sanitary police to Johnstown.
Several sanitary officers went from Alle
gheny on the Monday following the flood,
and did a great deal of work:
Resolutions passed at the thirteenth regular
meeting of the State Board of Health, or the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, held at Johns
town, July 10. 1SS9.
Resolved. That the thanks of the State
Board of Health are hereby tendered to Hon.
K. T. Pearson. Mayor of Allegheny City, for
his prompt action in sending a portion of tho
sanitary police of that city to aid this board,
and the stricken citizens of the citv of Johns
town and its suburbs, in their efforts to pre
vent the occurrence of disease as a result of
the disaster which has recently befallen this
beautiful valley.
Resolved. That the thanks of the board are
hereby tendered to each member of the force
for his cheerfully rendered and efficient ser
vices. Resolved. That this resolution be engrossed
and transmitted to His Honor, Mayor Pearson.
Attest: Benjamin Lee,
Secretary and Executive Officer.
H. L. Brown nnd Ida Alabnagn Tie a Knot
Without Due Notice.
Harry L. Brown, a well-known honse and
sign painter of 100 Fifth avenue, and Miss
Ida Alabaugh, a young lady from McKees
port, are the heroes of a romantic elopement.
Miss Ida had been visiting her aunt and
grandmother, who reside'on Davidson, near
Forty-fifth streets, and went to live at the
house of Mrs. Brown, 274 Forty-fifth street,
as a companion, after the latter lady had
lost her husband.
Here Miss Alabaugh formed the acquaint
ance of Mr. Brown, and their, afiections
soon ripened into love. On Saturday even
ing last the young lady started for the
depot to go to McKeesport to visit her par
ents, and young Brown accompanied her to
the depot as an escort apparently. But
they went together to Buffalo, where they
were married. A letter was received from
the young lady announcing the event, and
her speedy return. Both parties come from
highly respectable families, and the matter
was a great surprise to all concerned.
Pat Kearney, a Well- Known Fifth Warder,
Dies of Heart Disease.
Pat Kearney, a well-known Fifth ward
Democratic politician, dropped dead at 7:10
o'clock yesterday morning while crossing
Fifth avenue, near Boss street, while on his
way home, a few steps distant He was
quickly surrounded by a crowd, and medical
attendance was forthcoming, but death had
been instantaneous, due to heart disease. Mr.
Kearney was 33 years old, and had for years
been a trusted political confidant ol the
leaders of the Democratic persuasion.
He was a molder by trade and a single
man, and his father and mother still survive.
HU remains were taken home, and Coroner
McDowell was notified and will hold an in
quest to-day. "Pat" was emphatically a
hail-fellow well-met, and enjoyed a wonder
ful popularity among the "boys." He was
devoted to athletic sports, and was an en
thusiastic patron of all the "events" in his
time in Allegheny county.
A Drnnken Mother and Two Little Children
Sleeping; Beside Her.
About 11 o'clock last night the patrol
wagon carried a very sad load to Central
station. A little woman, about 45 years ot
age, was lying in the wagon so drunk she
had to be carried into the station by the
officer. In the wagon were also two very
young children, about 6 and 6 years of age
Tbs officers said Policeman Messner had
found the mother lying in a drunken stupor
in a new house on the hill, near Thirty
third street, and the two children were
lying beside her. She had a satchel con
taining a ticket to Eist Liberty and $5 63.
One of the little ones said her name was
Katie Laylon, and that they lived at Bril
iant station. The mother was too drunk to
give anaccount of herself. The matron of
the station had qnite a familv there last
night, as three runaway children were
brought in to keep these twoxompany.
A 4-Year-Old Child Almost Fatally Poisons
Itself Willi the Stan.
Yesterday afternoon a 4-year-old child of
Mrs. Martin McDonald, residing on Forbes
street, Oakland, while playing about the
honse, obtained a bottle of embalming fluid
and swallowed a portion of it Mrs. Mc
Donald, as soon as she observed what had
happened, ran to the office of Dr. Scott
Antidotes were given and after Forking
with the child for some time it was pro
nounced out of danger.
t The New German Paper.
The directors of the new German woik
ingmen's paper have bought out the firm of
Egli. Balm & Co., job printers, on Penn
avenue, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth
streets, where the new paper will be located:
The paper will be called the DeuUcheArbei
ter Ztitung. The first issue -will, be printed
on September 2, "Workingmen's pay." ,
Christian Endeavor Societies on the
MonoDgahela and Ohio.
Only 62 Composed Their First Convention
Held in Maine.
The combined Societies of Christian Eq
deavor, of Pittsburg and Allegheny, par
ticipated in a most enjoyable river excur
sion last evening. A committee chartered
the Mayflower, which was decorated very
prettily. The Pittsburg excursionists went
on board at the foot of "Wood street at 7:15
r. M., and sailed down to iheliocust street
wharf, taking the Allegheny passengers
aboard. The vessel then returned to the
Wood street wharf, and quite a number oi
late arrivals were able to join in the excur
sion. They afterward sailed up the river as
far as Duquesne and returned, sailing down
the Ohio to the Davis Island dam.
Everything had been done to make the
event pleasant Professor Jordon's orches
tra rendered a choice programme, which in
cluded such works as those of Rossini, the
overture to "William Tell," "Weber's
"Oberon," "No Life "Without Dancing."
and other popular pieces.
Refreshments of all kinds were served,
but ice cream was the most popular on the
card. The excursion party arrived back at
midnight, and a unanimous verdict was
pronounced by the 500 people that a more
pleasant trip could not be desired.
A few facts in connection- with the rise
and progress of the Christian Endeavor
movement may be interesting. It originated
in the church ot the Rev. F. E. Clark, ol
"Williston, Me., in 1880, by a small band of
young people, pledging themselves to do a
certain prescribed Christian work daily.
The next year another society joined hands
with them, and at the expiration of the year
a convention was held, when a report was
made, showing that the society numbered 68
members. At the last convention, held at
Philadelphia, so marvelous and unprece
dented had the growth been that the secre
tary was able to report from 7,567 societies,
showing a membership of 500,000. Dele
gates to the convention came from Europe
and Asia. . "x,
Dnring the late convention a free-will
offering was taken up for the especial work
of the Central Society, when $45,000 was
It maybe of interest to state that a num
ber of societies who use the Christian En
deavor name have no legitimate right to do
so, and are not incorporated in the general
roll at headquarters. Many of the societies
have failed to make the pledge a test of
membership, and if that is not done, which
is the case among a few in Pittsburg,
notably at the Butler Street M. E., they are
not really members or the parent society.
The pledge is as follows, and has to be
signed by all active members:
I promise that I will do whatever Jesns Christ
would have me do; that I will read my Bible
every day; that I will take some part in the
prayer mcetlnc besides singing; that I will
always be present at the prayer meeting, ex
cept imperatively detained, and that I will
always do my best to promote the best inter
ests ol the society.
THE W. C. T. U. MEETS. '
Sirs. Campbell Asks to Resign ns Presi
dent The Treasurer's Report Read A
Strong; Preamble for a New Constitu
tion. The "Women's Christian Temperance
Union met yesterday at the Third United
Presbyterian Church, Allegheny. In the
absence of Mrs. Campbell, the President,
Mrs. M. 6. Smailes acted as Chairman, and
in her opening address said thaA the ene
mies of the W. C. T. TJ. were now exulting
in a victory which bids iair to abolish all
observance of the Sabbath.' Miss McCon
nell, the Treasurer reported a total deposit
of $314 60, and a balance' of $170 18. Five
hundred and eight dollars and sixty cents
were spent during the last campaign for the
constitutional amendment
Mrs. H. C. Campbell sent a letter
oi resignation, which was accepted. The
annual meeting will be held the second
Tuesday in September, but the programme
has not been I arranged yet Then a talk
about representation at the State convention
was indulged in, and the Young Women's
Union claimed that they had not had a fair
show last year. The matter was referred to
the annual meeting.
Mrs. Bainey asked that aid be sent to
the Johnstown "W. C. T. U., whose mem
bers had suffered in the flood. This was the
Bignal for a lively succession of indignant
speeches from the'State Secretary and other
officers, who stated that a large amount of
goods had been sent to Johnstown long ago,
and if the people in Johnstown had not got
anything it was simply because they had
not asked for it. If they did not want things
bad enough to ask for them it was their own
fault if they did not get them.
Mrs. Sands, of Wallace Union, of the
church at fne corner of Tan Braam and
Locust streets, gave notice that she would
offer the following amendment to be incor
porated with the preamble to the constitu
tion of the "W. C. T. U.:
The object of the organization shall be to in
terest and unite the women in this locality in
non-sectarian and non-partisan temperance
work, for the reformation of the .intemperate,
the education of public sentiment in fayor of
total abstinence and prohibition of the traffic
in all alcoholic oeverages, for the promotion of
social parity, the suppression of vice and
crime and the education of the masses in re
card to the duties and responsibilities of good
Lenhard Cast Attempts to Part With Life
Without Avail.
Lenhard Gast became tired of life and at
tempted to commit suicide last evening by
cutting his throat He is a resident of Alle
gheny City, but the deed was attempted in
a lodging house, 522 Grant street Gast had
been on a prolonged spree for three weeks,
and had rented this house on 'Monday.
Daring that night he became deleirious, and
yesterday afternoon persons passing his
door thought they heard a peculiar sound
coming from the room. "When the door
was broken open, Gast was found lying on
a bed covered with blood.
A physician was summoned, who at
tended to his wound, and ordered the
wounded marl taken to a hospital, but
through some mistake he was taken to the
Central station where he is now. His con
dition is not serious.
Chief Glenn, of Allcsheny, Makes a Cam
mendable Move.
Acting Chief of Police Glenn, of Alle
gheny, has made special arrangements to
prevent disorder at the butchers' picnic to
day. It is getting to be a regular occur
rence for women to be robbed either on the
way to or from the picnics at Boss' Grove,
and for men to engage in drunken brawls
and fights.
All the extra men on the Allegheny police
force will be on duty today. A number of
them will be at the grove. Other police
will be kept on the trains.
He Iiost a Foot.
John Hassett had a heavy beam fall on
his foot yesterday in Dillworth i&V Porter's
mill, and had to be taken home, on Cabot
way. His foot was amputated altenrvds.
Movements of Fltuburaers nnd Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Dr. Campbell, the blind teacher from
England, was driven through, the East End yes
terday by Bev. E. B. Donehoo. "I couldn't see
the beautiful houses and lovely lawns."
laughed the blind man, when he came back to
town later, "but I could smell the fragrance of
verdure and feel the smoothness with which
your fine pavements out there passed our car
riage along." So many of the trustees of the
new blind institution are absent from town now
that it was deemed expedient by the manage
ment to postpone Dr. Campbell's publio recep
tion two weeks, consequently the visitor left for
Boston last night He will return next week
for the meeting.
George E. Tickers, of the Philadelphia
J'reu, Is in the city. George began his journal
istic career In Pittsburg 15 years ago. He was
then a country boy from thehllls around Taren
turn. Now he is one of the most successful
writers in the Quaker City. His special forte
is politics. He wrote a history of.the Wolfe
revolt in the Republican party ot Pennsylvania,
which is one of the lasting books of the period.
Mr. Vlckers parents live at Glenshaw, on the
Pittsburg and Western Railroad, and it is to
visit the old farmhouse that he is here.
Ex-Building Inspector M. G. Frank
and a party of friends, composed of N. Hart
man, 3. Fleckner, J. Price, George Blackburn
and C. Comp, all Southslders, returned from
the camp of the M. G. Frank Fishing Club
Monday night. A very enjoyable time was
had. The club is composed of glassworkers
and mill men. They are located near Orange
ville. O., on the farm of a Mr. Simpklns, and
have won the good will of everybody In the
In the United States District Court yes
terday the bond of A. J. Colburn, as Deputy
United States Clerk atScranton, was approved.
Mr. Colburn was formerly a lawyer at Somer
set, Pa., where his father. Hon. A. J. Colburn,
still lives. He has many friends In Pittsburg,
having pleased politicians from this city in
various ways when be was one of the clerks of
the Pennsylvania Honse of Representatives
five years ago.
"Jeems" Batigan, an official in the,
Treasury Department at Washington, is in
town shaking hands. Plenty of Pittsburgers
remember him as a reporter on the old
Chronicle. He was the pioneer "hotel and
depot reporter" in Pittsburg, and his inter
viewing propensities there developed after
wards mado him an excellent Harrisburg and
Washington correspondent.
Dr. Goetz and family, of Tarentum, are
spending their vacation in a barouche. Thus
far they have been hauled in it by a staunch
little team from Allegheny count to Buffalo,
Niagara Falls and other points North. They
expected to reach Canada this week. They
started out through Butler county, and will
return borne across the Allegheny Mountain
Langton and Alles Byllesby, Lewis
McGaw.DIck Derrickson andF. J. Trumper
are five boys who arrived In the city yesterday
in canoes from Meadville. They left there on
Monday, floating down French creek to Frank
lin, thence 13) miles on the Allegbeny.and now
their crafts one lSU-loot boat and two canras
canoes are moored in the Ohio.
George T. Mansou, of New York City,
I H. D. Stanley, of Bridgeport, Conn., left this
city last night for the Paris .Exposition. They
were in Pittsburg during the last three days
for the purpose of making themselves ac
quainted with the progression made in the elec
tric business during the last year.
Stephen C. McCandless, Esq., Clerk of
the United States District Court, is back from
his annual vacation, which was pleasantly
passed at Bedford Springs, Pa. He states that
the Springs are becoming very popular among
Pittsburgers, especially professional gentle
men. Prof. "W. B. Clarke, at present on a vsit
with bis brother, Thomas S. Clarke, of Alle
gheny; has just sustained a severe loss in the
death of his eldest son. The many friends of
the Professor in New York and Pittsburg vill
sympathize with him in his affliction.
J. J. McCormick has gone to New Ytrk
awaiting the arrival of the steamships Cit' of
New York, of the Inman Line, and the leu
tonic, of the White Star Line.' These are the
two vessels that left Liverpool last week oa a
race across the Atlantic.
, The eldest daughter of Mr. Jchn
Huckensteln the well-known Allegheny ex
tractor and prominent politician, has been re
ceived into the Benedictine Sisterhood at.it.
Mary's Convent,North Canal street. ' t "
Joseph Jackson and wife, of Derby, En
gland, are staying at the Duquesne. They are
relatives of Mrs. Sarah A. Breck, the owner
of the Hotel Duquesne property, and have
come on a visit to that lady.
A second stroke of apoplexy has be
fallen Mrs. Robert Batchellor, of New York,
well-known in this city. Her condition is
esteemed very precarious by her friends and
Dr. Burns, a well-known Federal
street physician, returned home yesterday
from a tour of northwestern Europe, which
included Germany, France, Belgium and
Miss Laura Seibert, the accomplished
daughter of Martin Seibert, of SI Cedar ave
nue, Allegheny, is enjoying a prolonged so
journ among friends and relatives in Butler
John Kelly, of the firm of "Weldon &
Kelly, left last evening for Atlantic City,
where he will join his daughter Birtie, who has
been there for the past two months.
Joseph D. "Weeks went to "Washington
last night. He has lately shaved off his
whiskers, and the reporters had to loos: at him
twice bef oro they recognized him.
Dr. Grimes, of Carson street, has been
called to Grafton, W. Va., to attend his brother,
who Is not expected to recover from a severe
illness. His brother Is ex-Sheriff.
John C. Baird, an old time Pittsburg
newspaper man, who Is now practicing law in
Cheyenne, Wyo. T., called upon his friends
here yesterday.
Mrs. A. 3. Kennedy, of Cedar avenue,
Allegheny, is with her relatives at their home,
near Kittannlng. Her visit will last some
Joshua Bhodes went to New York last
night to meet his wife and daughter, who are
expected to return from Europe to-day.
Sam P. Shane, General Freight Agent
of the New York, Lake Erie and Western
Railroad, will be In the city to-day.
C. B. McLean, President 'of the Ma
sonic Bank, hit wife and family leave for
Spring Lake, N. J., this morning.
Mrs. Dr. B. M. Sands, of Lawrence
ville, left for Chautauqua Lake yesterday with
her father and sister.
T. "W. Phillips, a well-known oil pro
ducer of New Castle, Pa., arrived in the city
last evening.
John F. Scott, his wife and family, of
Wineblddle street departed for Atlantic City
J. N. Pew, President of the People's
Natural Gas Company, left for Philadelphia
last night
Mrs. E. K. Stevenson and her daughter
Elsie, of the East End, have gone to Key East.
John K. McGinley, the Secretary of the
Philadelphia Company, has left for the East.
H. H. Combs, a prominent iron man
from St. Louis, Is at the Hotel Duquesne.
City Attorney "W. C. Moreland arrived
home from the seashore yesterday.
Miss Bertha Sandford.of Mansfield, Pa.,
has gone to Chautauqua.
Inspector McAleese Denounces a Report
That Was Published.
Inspector McAleese denies the statement
made last evening that 38 policemen had
been suspended for five days each for appear
ing at Citv Hall on pay day in citizens
dress. Only eight or ten were so treated.
The rule to appear in full uniform ou pay
day is a year old and well known to all. It
was published to prevent the officers spend
ing their pay, as no policeman is allowed to
go into a saloon while in uniform.
Lewie Bates of the Bander Agency the
- Latest to be Jailed.
Another detective, who is said to be con
nected withe Bander's Agency, was arrested
yesterday afternoon in the Eighteenth ward,
by Police Inspector "Whitehoose. The man
is Lewis Bates, alleged to be one of the
( prominent members of the agency. He is
losgea in toe Deveatccain wara pouoe Mo
tion, charged with conspiracy.
i uon. cairreo. wiin consnirae r. bbm dv .ramDnTgan. ak u. suv xi sua ,. f itHsaiz. f a. j ' ' - sou-awr
.' -i- j ; - - - , - , - . I
No Letter Has Been Received From
.the Treasury Department.
A Snmor of Another Large Connellsville
Coke Deal Denied.
In reply to the statement made by James
Campbell, President of the "Window Glass
"Workers Association, that the proceedings
in the case of the Central Trades Council
against him would likely be dropped, Presi
dent Evans, of the Council, said yesterday:
If Mr. Campbell thinks the case will be
dropped he will rind out before long that he is
badly mistaken. I see he made another trip to
Washington, and was In that city for two days.
He gave ont the impression that he was at
Washington Springs or Fayette 8prings or
some other place; but all the same howas seen
in Washington. Whether he was ttiere con
sulting with the officials of the Treasury De
partment or not I do not know.
In bis interview, Mr. Campbell says he was
not asked tp furnish any Information in regard
to the case. I deny this. His attorney. Mr.
Cotton, was asked, and that is the same thing.
Mr. Cotton went to District Attorney Lyon's
office, and, when asked by the latter what In
formation his side Intended to give him, Mr.
Campbell's attorney replied: "None whatever."
Upon one occasion I met District Attorney
Lyon at Mr. Brennen's office, and again asked
him if the other side was prepared to give any
thing to him. Mr. Lvon again told me they
would not give any. The proper way to get at
it is for Secretary WlndomtoaskMr. Campbell
for the information and he will then be com
pelled to give it. I have not beard anything
about the department referring the papers
back to Pittsburg for further Information. Mr.
Layton has not received any word, and I do not
think Mr. Lyon has.. The latter is still out of
the city, and if be had any advice be wonld
communicate with Messrs. Brennen or Layton.
One thing I do not understand is the sudden
interest Assistant Secretary Batchellor is tak
ing in the case. When the papers were tint
presented to him he said be would not handle
the case, but would allow it to lay over until
Secretary Wtndom returned to his desk. A few
days after positively refusing to take the mat
ter up he examines the papers and has himself
quoted about the recommendations. If the
newspaper reports are correct, be .virtually
gives an opinion as to what he thinks the out
come of the case will be. I do not think, how
ever, that he will handle the case, as the Secre
tary will take it up and render a decision.
Immigrant Inspector Layton said:
MI have not yet seen anything of the Assist
ant Secretary's supposed reply to our recom
mendations. If he asked for further informa
tion I have not seen his query. I think our re
Sorts were explicit enough, but if any ad
itional information is wanted I think it can be
supplied. I have not received a letter ot any
kind from the department, and if Mr. Lyon had
I think I would have heard something of it."
They Sny Tbey Will da It to Aid tho Men at
the Sligo Mill.
The iron workers of the Clinton mills in
Sligo last night threatened to strike unless
a settlement was made by the firm, with the
men at Sligo mill. The latter struck yes
terday afternoon, on account of the finishers
being ordered to work non-union iron from
the Solar "Works. The finishers quit about
1 o'clock, and the puddlers went out after
taking out their heat. About 400 men
went on strike, and if the employes of the
Clinton join, 200 more will be idle.
Phillips, Nimick & Co., own the Sligo
mill, and have leased the Clinton from
Friend and Hoffstot. The puddlers at the
latter works make muck-iron for the former
and all the men are members of the Amal
gamated Association. A number of the Clin
ton men stated last night that, if the trouble
was not settled to-day, they would go out
with their brothers.
The strike at Sligo mill, was not ordered
by the Amalgamated Association, but the
action was an individual matter with the
Employes. A committee of the strikers
from the Solar "Works waited upon them
and said they had traced 12 carloads of
muck-iron from the Solar to Sligo. "When
the men heard ot this they appealed to
Manager Bailey and said they would strike
if the iron was run into the mill. The man
ager refused to yield, and the men quit.
It is proDaDie an agreement win ue mauc
in a lew days, as the firm has large orders,
which must be filled. They have been
running day and night on orders for pipe-
i iron. As an indication that the strike will
not be prolonged, the men said last night
f the furnaces had not been banked.
Resumption at the Hecla Coke Works
Promised This Morning;.
From Greensburg last night came, the
special telegram that work is expected to be
I resumed witnoui trouDie at xiecia mis
morning, in spite of desultory talk in a
.threatening vein from the Huns. Beside
(the 45 deputies on guard there 25 others
will be in readiness. The telegram adds:
xnis evening lour nuns qi me juaramuiu
Works were arrested, charged with conspiracy
and inciting riot, on oath of John Watson, and
they were taken to the Greensburg jail. They
are John Danns, Andy Magas, John OrndorT
and John Kosko. They are alleged to be ring
leaders in Saturday's riot. Superintendent
Bamsay, of the Standard, who was here this
evening, states that the situation iu the region
is anything bnt encouraging. The men at work
in that locality are In constant fear lest the
Huns come In upon them.
He Saya the Coke Strikers Are Over Their
Drunken Period.
John Costelle, member of the General
Executive Board, Knights of Labor, arrived
in the city last evening from the Connellsville
coke region. He stated that the strikers
had gotten over their drnnken period, and
those who had received the advance had
gone to work. He stated that the operators
who had not signed the scale would do so
before the end of the week, as the men were
determined to stand out for the price. He
said he thopght the whole region would be
working by next Monday.
Mr. Costello came to town to deliver an
address before some miners on the Baltimore
and Ohio road. He will return to the re
gion this morning.
Union Musician Assured of Consideration
as to the Band.
The committee representing the Central
Trades Council and the German Trades
Council, headed by O. H. "W Euhe, Presi
dent of the Musicians' Mutual Protective
Union, attended the meeting of the Exposi
tion managers yesterday, in reference to the
employment of the non-union Great "West
ern Band. A conference- lasting half an
hour was held. ,
The committee requested the Exposition
managers to favor organized labor in the
employment of mnsic They stated that the
Allegheny County Musical Union was not
recognized by either the National Musicians'
League or the Central Trades Council. The
managers assured the committee that the
matter would receive proper attention.
A Party 'of Men to Leave tho City This
Moraine for Leeibarff.
This morning a crowd of 15 men will
leave this city for Leesbnrg, Mercer county,
where thfey will work for the Leesbnrg
Sand Company. The latter have mountains
of all kinds ol sand, at the place, but can
not get laborers there to dig it. To facili
tate the work of getting the sand out, it is
necessary to blast it. The deposits are
owaed b ittbiue-
The Wage Committees Agree to Disagree
on Next Year's Scale.
At the conference between the wage com
mittees of the window-glass manufacturers'
and workers' associations yesterday they
once more agreed to disagree. From present
indications it looks very much as if there
would be a strike this fall, but the trouble
will likely be settled before the time for
starting up.
The manufacturers' committee was com
posed of "William Loeffler, D. C. Phillips,
T. O. Campbell, of Pittsburg; Thomas D.
Cotlin. of Ottawa, 111.; "W. F. Gray, Zanes
ville, O., and L. Numbourg, of Fostoria, O.
The workers' committee was composed of
James Campbell, William Jones, "W. H.
Slicker, "William Springer, L. L. Conway
and H. D. Swearer. Mr. Loeffler was Chair
man of the manufacturers' committee and
L. L. Conway, Chairman ot the workers'
committee. D. C. Phillips presided, while
James Campbell and "W. H. Slicker acted as
Secretaries. The pleasantries opened by the
workers' committee announcing that they
would insist upon the advance of over 5 per
cent. The manufacturers stated that under
no circumstances would they get it. This
appeared to settle the discussion, and the
workers left the meeting.
After the meeting President Catlin, of
the Manufacturers' Association, said:
"There is not one manufacturer in .the asso
ciation who will sign the workers' scale.
If that association intends to disrupt the
Manufacturers' Association by presenting
their demands to each individual firm as
they have stated, they will get very badly
left. "When the scale is signed it must be
done by the committee representing the
association or not at all.
"We are in no hurry whatever to resume
work in our factories, There are over
100,000 more boxes of glass on hand now
than there was at this time one year ago.
Until this stock is worked off we are not
solicitious about an early resumption. I
think the scale will be settled next month,,
and we will start to work October L
Vacuo Ronton About the Moore Company
Selling- Ont Denied.
A number of vague rumors were flying
about the streets late last night to the effect
that the H. C. Frick Coke Company had
purchased the plant of the Connellsville
Coke Company, and that the same firm
had bought out the J. "W. Moore
Coke Company. About six weeks ago
The Dispatch exclusively announced the
sale of the Leisenring, or Connellsville
Works, to the Frick Company, and also
published details of the negotiations pend
ing between the Frick and Moore Com
panies. For the purpose of ascertaining
if the Moore Company had really sold out,
a reporter called upon a representative of
the latter at his home last night; The
gentleman denied that his firm had sold out,
and said:
"I have been away from home for a day,
and if such a deal was made the negotiations
were completed within that time. If the
sale took place I would know of the dicker,
but In this case I do not believe there is a
word of truth in the rumor so far as it re
lates to our company.
"Mr. Moore was out of town since Satur
day until this morning, when he spent a
few minutes in the office. Mr. Atcbeson
has also been away, and I do not see who
could have been conducting the negotia
tions. I think someone started the old
rumor, which has been written up time and
again in your paper. Nc, I do not know of
any other plant being negotiated for."
The Firm and the Amalgamated Officials
Come la an Agreement.
Shoenberger & Co. yesterday signed the
Amalgamated scale. During the past
week Mr. Speer and Mr. Steiner, of the
firm, Mr. William WleherJ?reayien,t.of.th.e.
Amalgamated Association, Mr. F. G. Sul
livan and other members of the Mill Com
mittee have had a number of conferences at
the office of the firm. As a result the scale
was signed by both parties yesterday after
noon, and the immense establishment will
go to work on double turn within a few
The scale is modified somewhat from that
of last year. The firm have introduced
new improved machinery, but the wages
remain substantially the same. This scale
would undoubtedly have been arranged
some time ago, but the extensive alterations
and repairs have prevented the company
from starting the mill until now. The
scale is lor one year from June 30.
An Interesting- Exhibition at the Mlcro
ceplsts Rooms.
The Pittsburg Microscopical Society met
last night in their rooms on Penn avenue.
A number of objects were exhibited for the
inspection of the members. Mr. W. J.
Prentice had on exhibition a live horned
toad, which had been sent to him by a
friend in El Paso, Tex. He also had a
rock scorpion, a tarantula and a katydid
from Santiago de Cuba. The animals fur
nished considerable interest and food tor
discussion by the members of the society.
The annual meeting of the Katlonal
American Society of Microscopists will be
held at Buffalo August 20, and will con
tinue in session for four days. The follow
ing members of the Pittsburg society will
leave Monday evening for the convention:
Dr. C. Q. Jackson, Dr. Hugo Blanck,
George H. Clapp, W. J. Prentice, C. G.
and C. C. Mellor.
At the meeting papers will be read on
various microscopical questions. Dr. W. J.
Lewis, of Hartford, Conn., President of the
national organization, will deliver a lengthy
address. Dr. C. Q. Jackson, of this city,
will read a paper on "Bacteria in Ice."
The most interesting feature of the meeting
will be the session of working members.
This will be a practical illustration of cut
ting or treating muscles, substances, etc.
There will be present about 200 members.
A number of the Pittsburg representa
tives will go to the annual meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement
ot Science, to be held at Toronto on the 27th
Cases Increase at the Soatbslde Hospital
and It Grows too Small.
Yesterday Edward Shingler was taken to
the South Twenty-second Street Hospital,
suffering with bad case of typhoid-pneumonia.
He was delirious and tried to jump
out of the window before the nurses could
get him to bed.
There are now four severe cases of typhoid
fever in the hospital. All the beds in the
institution have been filled for several days
and the bouse next door has been brought
into use. The directors of the hospital are
talking of securing a site at the head of the
Twenty-second street incline on which to
erect a new building.
Nobody Wa Underneath.
A shifter in the Edith Furnace in Alle
gheny was yesterday morning moving sev
eral cars loaded with limestone over a tres
tle, into the furnace, when the trestle broke
and three cars fell to the ground. No one
happened to be underneath, and the only
damage was that done to the cars and the
trestle, y
Are Yon Gulno-Weslf
The Union Pacific Railroad is nnequaled
in time and accommodations to Denver,
Colorado Springs and other Colorado points;
Cheyenne, Bawtins and Laramie, Wvo.;
Helena and Butte, Mon., Ogden and Salt
Lake City, Utah, San Francisco and other
California points; Portland and Salem,
Oregon; Tacoma. Seattle, Walla Walla and
other points in the Northwest. For rates of
fare, maps, etc., call upon or address H. E.
Passavant or Thos. 8. Spear, T. F. & P.,
Ag'ts, 400 Wood it., Pittsburg, Pa.
The Third Big Campmeeling of the
Season Opened Last Night.
EiugevjoTT Park Holds a Great JTany Pitts
burg Families.
Bidgeview Park campmeeting was in
augurated last evening.. Bev. A. C. John
ston, presiding elder of the Blairsville dis
trict, Pittsburg M". E. Conference, preached
the opening sermon. There was good music.
The meetings will continue until the 27th
inst. Each day at 8:30 A. jr., there will be
speaking meeting; 10.30 A. II., preaching;
children's meeting at 1:30 p. u.; 3 v. M.,
preaching: 7:45 P. si., preachiqg; revival
service at the close of afternoon and evening
This is the nearest mountain resort to
Pittsburg. Families from this city occupy
many of the cottages. East End people
have taken a fancy to the place, the families
of George Finlev, J. S. Davison, Finley
Torrence, A. K. Henderson, S. Schafer? W.
Jeleries. F. J. Kellar and Mrs. Emma
Scott, all from that part of Pittsburg being
among the cottagers. Other Pittsburjj and
Allegheny people living on the grounds
are Mr. Smiley, Bev. Mr. Bobertson,
Mrs. Phillips and daughter; Mr. John
Graff and family; Prof. Proudfoot and fam
ily; Mr. O, Kenker and family; Dr. Kess
ler, of Lawrenceville; Bev, Dr. Wilson,
now of Emory Church, and family; Henry
Doyle and family; Mr. Banks; Mr. Thomas
Smith and family; Mr. William Smith and
family; Mr. George Thompson and family;
Bev. J. T. Biler and wife, Filth Avenue
Church. The other cottagers are from
Derry, Latrcbe, Ligonier, Greensburg,
West Newton, Irwin, Blairsville and Johns
town. It was a pretty sight in the woods last
night. Lights of all kind illuminated a
very dense forest. It is not like the open
grove iu which most campmeetings are
usually held, but is one of the grand, leafy,
silent stretches of forest peculiar to the
Allegheny Mountains. The association owns
about 90 acres, having a frontage of abont
1,000 feet on the south side of the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad and nestling at the foot of
Chestnut Bidge. The ground rises from the
road, shedding the water from the center of
the ridge to both sides. About 20 acres
overlooking the track of the rail
road is cleared and the remainder of
theland,whichliesinan oblongsquare, about
200 feet above the Pennsylvania Bailroad. is
covered with a thick and healthy growth of
second crop forest, in which are located the
cottages and large auditorium, at the edge
of which stands the hotel.
The plan of the encampment proper is in
the form of a six-pointed star, each ray or
point being an avenue. In the center of
this star is located the auditorium on a plot
ot several acres. There are from 125 to 130
good comfortable bouses, two-stories high,
all with the double porch in front.
This ground, bv reason of its freedom from
fogs and its light, dry air and dry winds,
and especially its copious supply ot pure
sott water of Indisputable purity, is some
thing of a sanitarium. It is 48 miles from
Imported Brandenberg Freres.
Medoc, St- Emilion, St. Estepha, St.
Julien, Margeaux, Pontet, Canet,St. Pierrie,
Chateau Leoville, Chateau laBosa, Chateau
Mouton, Grand Yin Chateau Margeaux,
Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte. by the case sr
bottle. , 'G. W. Schmidt,
05 and 97 Fifth avonue, city.
A r .- - '"
Take Some With Ton.
In making your preparations for the picnic
don't forget to lay in a supply of Marvin's
superior ginger snaps and extra soda crack
ers.' They are the finest in the market.
Twrsa .
Exctjbsion to Valley Camp. Fare
round trip tickets 60 cts. Good till Satur
day. Cabinet photos, 89c per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 aid 12 Sixth st. mwfsu
Astonishing "how mothers save money
buying infants' cloaks, slips and caps, at
Busv Bee Hive, corner Sixth and Liberty.
Iron City Beer,
Brewed only by Frauenheim & Vilsack, is
Serfectly pure, 'wholesome and nutritious,
old at all first-class bars.
Cabinet photos, 89c per doz. Lies Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st, mtvfsu
From bad sewerage or undralned
swamps deranges the liver and un
dermines the system, creates blood
diseases and eruptions, preceded by
headache, biliousness and constipa
tion, which can most effectually be
cured by the use of the genuine
Dr.O.McLane's celebrated
Liver Pills.
Price, 35c Sold by all druggists, and pre
pared only by Fleming Brothers, Pitts
burg, Pa. Get the genuine; counterfeits
are made in St. Louis.
A cure for black feet,
Wear our Fast Black Hose.
A good night's rest in our
Give you a perfect shape.
We can't be excelled In
. KID GLOVES, 60c to S3 2S.
TJMBRELLAB, 50c to $5.
, 1 l- x
xo Federal Street,
It IsNetTrneThatHe 1 Unfrnfefol to the
Public He Will Address a Bl Meeting
Next Monday.
John W. Flemon arrived in Pittsburg at
6.30 a. M. yesterday. He was met at the
Baltimore and Ohio depot by some 200
friends and warmly welcomed. Getting into
a cairiage with Colonel Echols, who ac
companied him, he drove at once to the
residence of Bev. G. W. Clinton on Linton
street, dropping Colonel Echols at the Sev
enth Avenue Hotel.
Flemon had breakfast with Mr. Clinton,
and subsequently saw several friends. Ha
declared that he would drop the name of
Yeldell altogether, and assume that of
Flemon henceforth. Last nighta Dispatck
reporter visited Mr. Flemon at his residence
on Logan street. The quondam prisoner
had not thoroughly recovered from the
effects of his recent traveling, though he had
slept soundly until far into the afternoon.
With regard to the report which has been
extensively circulated about his alleged in
gratitude for the kindness of the public,
Mr. Flemon distinctly stated that the rumor
is totally untrue. It emanated from his
enemies in South Carolina.and was intended
to injure his character. He declared
himself quite satisfied with his trial.
The Judge's charge was most impartial,
and he received nothing but courtesy from
the South Carolina officials.
A visit was also made to D. M. Washing
ton's residence on Fulton street. Mr.
Washington announced that the Flemon
relief meeting, advertised for next Friday,
has been postponed to Monday, August 18.
Mr. Flemon will appear and give the history
of his life from childhood. Colonel Echols
will also be present, and will speak on the
subject of Southern jnstice to the colored
race. Tickets for the meeting will be 50 cents
each, and will be on sale at all newspaper
offices. The Flemon committee hope, by
means of the ticket money, to defray the
rest of Flemon's expenses. The meeting
is to be held either iu Lafayette Hall or the
old City Hall. When all the debts have
been paid off, a reception "will be given
Flemon, at which visitors can see him and
converse with him. A meeting will be held
to wind up the affairs of the committees, at
which a vote of thanks will be given to all
beneiactors of Flemon.
The 'August reduction prices make
trade even if a great many people are
out of town those that are home can
not spend time and money to better ad
vantage than right here In the store.
When you can hay floe double-wfdtu.!"v'r"
Dress Goods for 25c a yard here It's si
good time to come.
When you can buy fine imported
Dress Patterrs. full quantity, at $5, H't
a good time to come.
The Fine Dress Goods are reduced-
summer dress fabrics must go Challis,
Beiges, Mixtures, Plaids. Novelty Jao
quard Styles a thorough clearing oof
of all summer dress materials here thl(
The Silk stock is very large the prices
made low to make it less. The Black
Silks, the Printed India Silks, the Col
ored Surah Silks, the Fancy Plaid and
Striped Silks in latest colorings. Better
Bilks here at 50c a yard than ever
offered at the price.
The Suit Department Ladles' and
Children's Summer Dresc, made up
nicely, all marked down. Also the
Beaded Wraps and Lace Wraps and
lightweight Cloth Jackets and Long
Wraps. The most complete assortment
of Clothing for Infants and small chil
dren Is here.
Housekeepers' Sales In Table Linens
and Towels and in Lace Curtains the
customers are increasing as they find
out the prices here.
Closing out prices now in Millinery, bl j
Hosiery, Silk Gloves, Muslin Under
wear. Dress Trimmings.
Stocks Complete in all departments '"
with the best goods for your personal
and household wants.
The Wash Goods Department hai
Just opened some entirely new styles la
fine Satines at 15c, and more of the fine
Ginghams at 25c and 15c a yard.
i r-
.'s.iiiair at
-.ix i jJk dl.aii:.
V . "V "r MiV Yr - t Ft fTi - " r -fw. itfmr -LtMr tAm iilsl t-K . .TJV;TEA.'il ttt, "JEaMaalgLWJat 'MSMMaMJ vrsaBHKiasssBksgMsssssusHfsKwrk