Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Trade at Herr's Island Yards
of Markets Healthier.
Light Ban of Sheep and Lambs, and Choice
Grades Advanced.
office of Pittsbuko Disr ATCH, 1
MONDAY, August 12. 1S89. J
Markets showed more strength all along
the line than last week. Sales were brisker
and in some lines at advanced rates.
The supply in"drovers hands was below the
average, but heavy receipts for the abattoir
brought the run considerably above last week.
On desirable grades, such as smooth butch
er stock weighing 1,200 to 1,300 pounds, markets
were fully 10c stroncer than they were a week
ago. Buyers from surrounding towns were in
full force, and more cattle of the desirable
grades could have been sold. Homestead and
McKeesport butchers were unable to secure all
that was wanted for their trade. Sales were
reported as follows: Prime heavy Western
beeves, weighing 1,500 to 1,000 pounds, (4 90 to
tS; medium weights. 1,330 to Mo0 pounds, $4 63
(JJ 75; do. 1,200 to L,300,iounds, U 254 50; prime
light weights. 900toU0U pounds, tt OOfrH 15;
common to fair thin rough steers. J-'l 253 75.
Kresn cows were slow sale at $25 OOS840 00 per
bead: calves active and hicberat a range of Sfi)
6,cper B. according to weight and age. Bulls
and dry cows sold well at 34c per B. Re
ceiptsFrom Chicago, Winter & Dcllenbach,
1S5 head; A. Fromra, 51: Rothschild &. Co., 92;
Ii.Gerson.105; L Zeigler. 10L From Ohio. 8.
Lowenstein. 55: Needy A. Smith, 7. From West
Virginia, E. Mass, 8. From Pennsylvania,
various owners, 11. Total. 622; last week, 403;
previous week, 619,
&beep nnd Lnrubs
Supply was lighter and quality lower than
last week. There were very few sheep on the
market that could be called strictly choice.
There was active demand, and pens were early
emptied, with prices ranging much the same
as last week. Tbe few choice wethers on hand
were a shade better. Tbe range for the best
Ohio and Pennsylvania wethers was H 75
to $4 85; medium to good do.. H 25
to M 50; common to fair, 13 50 to
S3 75. with sales of selected lots of this grade at
Receipt' From Ohio, banford Langdfon, 137
head. From Pennsylvania, J. Cruiksbauk, 124;
A. M. Cannon, 103: G. Flinner, 39; J. Wright. 89;
Bingham & Co., 143; I. McNeese. 36; J. Acker
man, 254; B. Allen, 51. Total, 976; last week,
1,504; previous week, 1,689.
Supply was light and demand was active at a
shade' better prices. Tbe range was $4 501 9a
Receipts from Ohio, Needy & Smith, 60 head;
Sanford fc Larigdon, 17. From Pennsylvania,
J Cruiksbank, 21; G. Flinner, N: J. McNeese,
27; J. Ackerman. 9. Total, 144; last week, 3o3;
previous week. 52.
At East Liberty receipts to-day footed up 125
carloads. Export grades were 1520c higher
than last week. W ith a light run of sheep and
lambs at East Liberty markets showed an ad
vance of 15325c over prices of last week. In
general tone and outlook of live stock market
are healthier than they have been for some
weeks past. Prices were bigber in Chicago
last week, and with cool weather and strong
demand for export purposes the tide has evi
dently turned upward for good. A leading
Herr s Inland drover said to-day: "I lost monev
on my deals last week. This week, though, 1
had to pay biglicr prices at Chicago. I obtained
better prices here, and markets were brisk at
the advance. I believe I will be a little ahead,
and fel that the worst is passed for drovers,
so far as this season's trade is concerned."
The Condition of flnslness at the East Liberty
Stock Vnrds.
Office ofPittsbuiig Dispatch, l
Monday, August 12, 1889. J
Cattle Receipts, 3,200 head; shipments 1,620
head: market active and unchanged on good,
lower and slow on common; 7 cars of cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
HOGS Receipts. 4.600 neid: shipments. 4,000
head; market active: light Yorkers, S4 S04 90;
inedurn and light Phlladelphias; $4 654 '70;
heavy bogs. $4 404 63; 13 cars of -hogs shipped
to New York to-day. '
Sheep Receipts. 3,800 head; shipments. 8.000
head; market fair and Jc better than last
week's closing prices.
Br Telesranh.
New York Beeves Receipts yesterday and
to-day. 5,800 bead, making 12,450 for the week;
only 38 carloads were for sale, with 170 carloads
for exportation and 134 carloads for slaughter
ers direct; prices were a shade higher, and the
market closed firm at (3 T55 10 per 100 pounds
for native steers, $3 504 25 for Texas and Col
orado stock and at 1 503 25 for native bulls.
Calves Receipts. 1,200 head, making 5,500 for
the week; market steady at $4 506 25 per 100
pounds for veals, and at 2 253 25 for butter
milk calves. Sheep Receipts, 14,000 head,
making 35,000 for the week; market quiet, but
about steady at 3 255 50 per 100 pounds for
poor to prime sheep, and at $5 757 75 for poor
est to best lambs. Hogs Receipts, 8,500 head,
making 24,500 for the week; the limited trading
in live hogs was at $4 705 15 per 100 pounds,
and the market closed steady at tbe range.
Ka nsaS Crrv Cattle Receipts. 7,043 head;
shipments, 4,070 head; market steady to strong
on jl few top native; common to medium, 5
10c lower; choice Texas steady.others weak and
10c lower: co-ns a shade lower; Blockers and
feeding steers, strong: good to choice corn-fed
steers. $4 004 20; common to medium, S3 001?
3 75, Stockers and feeding steers 51 6063 00;
cows. Jl 50Q2 65; grass range steers, Jl 602 85.
Hogs Receipts. 1,775 bead; shipments! none;
light strong; heavy, weak; good to choice J3 75
(34 50; heavv and mixed. 4 004 25. Sheep
Receipts, 646 bead: shipments, none: market
strong: good to choice muttons, $3 75Q4 00:
new medium, S3 50.
CniCAOo-Cattle Receipts. 16,000 bead: ship
ments, 6,000 head; market stronger for good;
common weak; beeves, S4 604 70: steers, S3 50
4 50; Mockers and feeders. 52 20S 10; cows
and bulls and mixed, SI 252 80: Texas cattle,
SI 6552 60; natives, half breed. S3 304 10.
Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head; shipments. 4,500
head; market slow, heavy and 10c lower; others
weak: mixed. S4 104 50; beavy, S4 O04 30;
light, S4 30g4 85; skips. S3 C04 6a Sheen
Receipts. 6,000 head: shipments. 2.000 head:
market a shade lower: natives, S3 504 85:
Western, S3 604 12 Texans, $3 01 25;
lambs. S4 70S5 80.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head: ship
ments. 700 head: market strong for natives;
easier for Texas; choice, heavy native steers,
S4 2504 50; fair to good do. S3 804 20; stockers
and feeders, S2 2o2 60; rangers, corn fed, S3 25
(S3 50; grass fed, $2 252 85; range cows, SI 65
2 25. Hoes Receipts. 1,300 head: shipments,
1.700 head: fair to choice heavy, $4 404 45;
Earking. $4 204 30: light grades, fair to best,
I 304 Cu. Sheep Receipts, 4,600 bead;
shipments, 1,400 head: market active and
steady; fair to choice, S3 504 50; lambs, S4 00
5 5a
Cincinnati Hogs in good demand: com
mon and light. S3 754 70; packing and butch
ers, $4 404 6U Receipts, 2,500 head; ship
ments, 640 bead.
Resolutions on tbe Bacsloc Question to be
Sent to tbe Liverpool Exchange.
New York, August 12. A conference
was held in the Cotton Exchange between
the commissioners of the Southern Slates
and the special committee of the Kew York
Cotton Exchange. The result was the ap
pointment of a committee to draft resolu
tions to be submitted lo the Liverpool
Cotton Exchange favoring the use of cotton
bagging in which to wrap cotton bales
instead of jute.
The Southern 'Commission was composed
of J. T. Henderson, of Georgia; John C.
Cheney, of Alabama; D. M. Hord, of
Tennessee, and A. P. Butler, of South
The Street Itnllroad President Wants to
Enter a Plea of Guilty. '
Xnw Yoek, August 12. The grand jury
to-day indicted Eben S. Allen, the default
ing President of the Forty-second and
Grand Street Kailway Company, for Jor
gery in the first degree and uttering forged
paper. Allen is anxious to plead guilty,
but as the law stands be must be tried on
tbe first count. ,
The District Attorney is considering the
acceptance of a plea of guilty on the second
count. The spurious stock issued is a trifle
oyer 1,000 shares.
Bullish Cirbles and Reduced Croptlmntes
Cause a LlitleBnlgeo the Wheat Pit
Corn and,Oata In a Hut fclog
Products Tame. i!.
CmcAOO The wheat market opened active
at an advance over Saturday's closing of c
tbe strength being due to the reduced esti
mates of two points to the condition of tbe
spring wheat crop by the Washington bureau.
This estimate justifies tbe expectation of a to
tal crop or 489,000,000 to 490.009,000 bushels. Ad
ditional strength.was given to the market by
the bullish early cables, public 'and private.
From 77Jc at tbe start for Decmber wheat
there was an improvement to 77JJ77Kc, with
the bnlk of the' trading for the first hour
around 77Ji77JJc At 77Jc a prominent local
operator sold quite a line. The demand came
principally from the shprta, who covered
freely. j
When estimates of to-day's! receipts were an
nounced the market took on additional
strength, and December bulged to 7SJicthough
there bad been a reaction after the 'opening to
77Jfc Fair weather was reported generally
throughout the Northwest with tbe tempera
ture a little above normal. Speculative trad
ing was not as heavy as on Satnrday.and as the
demand proved less urgent than was expected
to result from the bullish influences" there was
a reaction of c or so during tbe last hour of
the session, closings being JJc higher forthe
Corn ruled moderately active at times, but
the greater part of the session tbe market was
quiet. The demand was mainly from local
shorts. The market opened UGH? lower than
Saturday, was easy for a time, but soon became
firmer, advancing H&e, ruled steady, and
closed about the same as Saturday.
In oats trading was fairly active, par
ticularly at tbe opening, and operators, after
offering quite freely at the start, became more
conservative, and the rest of the day they were
only fair. Shorts bought freely, and, after a
slight decline at the opening, a firmer feeling
developed, and prices advanced $c from Inside
figures, closing steady.
Tho feeling in mess pork was somewhat un
settled, and prices ruled Irregular. Opening
sales were made at 10c decline, and a further
reduction of 12Kfill5c was submitted to. Later
more steadiness prevailed, and prices rallied
7K10c, but receded again, closing quiet.
Quite a good business was done in lard.
Opening sales were made at 25c decline,
and a further reduction of 5c followed. Later
tbe demand Improved, and prices rallied 5
7Kc. closing steady.
Trading was moderately active in short ribs.
Prices ruled 25c lower, though steady.
Tbe leading tutures ranges as follows:
Wheat No. 2, September, 75i7(7&5
oc: .Decern oer, 7iifflieW'74ia";ic; year.
trnyf X! O UAntasntiaJ CZ91v'9i,)iSj'(5?0
October, 353534K35kc; December. 34
34J$c. i
uats xio. a, BeptemDer, zusjaiMWZuaaic:
October.'.20J20J6c; December, 20Jie2120&
Mess Fore, per bbl. September. 510 50
10 50(310 S0Q10 30: October. $10 3010 30
10 12KK10 12U; January. 702)9 7539 6563 65.
t juu as. September, so 3o8 WS
eo 3Z;
; October, f6 356 35; January,
SnortT Ribs, per 100 As. September, S5
Vio Mxvsa Myao MiV, uctoDer, o xxgia
January. H WQ4 viign w& w.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 76c; No. 3
spring wheat, 7072c; No 2 red. 7bXc No.
2 corn. 35c fia 2 Oats, 19K20c No.
2 rye, 42c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax
seed, tl 20- Prime timothy seed unchanged.
Mess pork, per barrel. S10 3010 35. Lard, per
100 pounds. So 376 40. Short rib sides (loose),
$5 355 4a Drv salted shoulders (boxed),
14 87K5 0a Short clear sides (boxed), 15 75
05 87&. Sugars Cut loaf, Vi9Kc: granu
lated, 8c: standard A- Hc. Receipts Flour.
11000 barrels; wheat, 158,000 bushels; corn. 372,
000 bushels; oats, 365,000 bushels; rye. 17,000
bushels; barley, 1,000 bushels. Shipments
Flour, 8,000 barrels: wheat, 91.000 bushels;corn.
501.0110 bushels; Coats, 176.000 bushels; rye,
29.000 bushels; barlev, 1,000 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. F-ggs, I3c
New York Flour moderately active: home
and export weak. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat
dull and j5ilc bigber: options dull and Vc
higher, closing weak. Barley malt dull; Can
ada. 90cSl 05 for old and new. Corn Spot
fairly active and steady; options Jull, lower
and weak. Oats Spot steadier and fairly ac
tive; options quiet and Irregular. Hay firm and
fairly active Coffee Options opened firm at
2025 points up; closed barely steady
at&210 points up; sales, 76,500 bags,
including August, 15.S515.40c; Sep
tember. 15.3515.55c: October. 15.4015.55c:
I November. 15. 4515.55c; December, 15.4015.60c:
January. 15.4515.60c; February. 15.4C15.60c;
itiaran, ia.KHOfio.WKX iuay, uj.ouvsio.ooc; j une,
12.65c; spot Rio firmer; fair cargoes, ISJjC
Sugar Raw nominal and lower; fair refining,
6Kc;centrifugals;06o tet,7Jic; refined quiet
and weak. Molasses Foreign nominal; 50
test, 30c: New Orleans dull; open kettle, good to
fancy, 2846c Rice quiet and steady. Cotton
seed oil steady. Tallow steady. Rosin steady
and quiet. Turpentine steady and quiet at43
43c. Eggs Choice in demand and higher;
western. 16017c: receipts. 5,907 packages.
Pork steady and quiet. Cutmeats dull; sales,
pjckled shoulders. 5c; pickled bam, He;
bellies. 10 pounds, 7Jc; fresh bams, 10c Lard
Options opened stronger and closed weak;
western steam quoted at S3 72K; sales of 1,000
tierces on P. T.. 250 tierces on (i 4F, P. T.;
iiutcuiuer, 90 oi; xeccmoer, to v; January,
S6 396 42. Butter quiet; fancy firm; others
easy; western dairy. 912)fc: do creamery, U
17c; do factory, 812Hc Cheese dull and
about steady; western, 7c
Philadelphia Flour steady; inquiry for
choice old winter at firm prices; new winters
were freely offered, but moved very slowly;
springs were dull: sales of Ohio old clear at
54 65; no old straight at S4 95; old winter patent,
55 255 40: Minnesota clear. S3 60, and do
patent at S5 75. Wheat opened firm under a
better speculative Inquiry in the; West, but the
market subsequently reacted to Saturday's
final rates, closing dull; steamer No. a red, in
export elevator, 81c; No. 3 red, in do, 77c: No.
2 red, in do. 83Kc; No. 2 red, August, 83Kc;
September. 82K82c: October. 83K81c; No
vember. S4S46c Corn Options dull and
nominally unchanged; export demand light; car
lots quiet but firm; No. 2 mixed. In Twentieth
street elevator, 45c; No.2mixed. August, 43J
43?ic: September. 43U43Xc; October, 43)5
44c; November. 4J$44c Oats Demand
very ligbt and prices of car lots weak; old No.
3 white, S2c; old No. 2 white, choice on track,
34)c: new do, regular, 32c; futures weak and
declined Jlkc: No. 2 white, August, SK
SIc; September. 29J29c: October, 30
30Kc; November, 30K31c Provisions quiet
and unchanged. Pork Mess, new, S13 60
14 00; d.i prime, mess. new. S13 00; do family.
S14 0014 5a Hams Smoked. 112 0014 00.
Lard Western steamer, oc Butter dull and
unsettled: Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 17K
18c: Pennsylvania prints creamery, 2427c
Eggs scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 16c
Cheese dull; part skims. 56c
St Locis Flour quiet but steady. Wheat
higher. The Government report on spring
wheat checked selling, and caused a slight ad
vance at tbe opening, though the market
soon aroppea uacic on dull cables and fine
weather. There was another advance on the
visible increase, which was much less than ex
pected, but eased off again, and closed KKc
above Saturday: No. 2 c red, cash, 73U,3Xc:
S?,'i,AS(s,acj AnPt. JaHH3Ze, closed at
32K32)2o bid; September. 32V324c closed at
32c asked: October.32e3212c1 closed at 32iic;
Flaxseed lower at tl lbl 2a Provisions
quiet and easy.
Cincinnati Flour easy; family, S3 25(33 50;
fancy. S3 8504 00. Wheat easier; No. 2 red,
7677c: receipts. 29,000 bushels; shipments,
17,300 bushels. Com in fair demand: No. 2
mixed, 3S38Kc Oats in fair demand; No. 2
mixed, new, 20&21c; old,24z4Vc. Rye quiet;
No.2, 44c. Pork easier at JU S7& Lard steady
aad quiet at 6 12. Bulkmeau dnll; short rib,
$5 70. Bacon in moderate demand; short clear,
to 75. Butter firm; fancy creamery, 1820c;
choice dairy. ll12c. Unseed oil steady at 60
62c. Sngar in fair -demand and steady: bard
refiaed, 8eoc; New Orleans, 7K8Jc. Eggs
in moderate supply at ll12c. Cheese firm;
prime to choice Ohio flat, XSc.
.Milwaukee Wheat firm: cash and Sep
tember, 75c Corn easier; No. 3,36c. Oats dull
No. 2 white, 2425c Rve quiet; No. L 43c
Barley quiet; September, Sec bid. Provisions
easy. Pork, f 10 4
Baltiuore Provisions dnll. Butter steady
creamery, 16ltKc. Eggs firm; fresh, 14Kc.'
Coffee nominal; Kio, fair, lbc
Toledo Oloverseed dull and easier: Octo
ber, H 37K; November, tl 4a
Brazilian Coffee.
Rio De JAXEiRO.August 12, Coffee Regu
lar first, 8,200 rels per 10 kilos; goor second
6,550 rels. Recelptt during the week 4LO0O
bags; purchases for United States, 81.000: clear
ances for do. 28,000; stock, 439.000 bags.
Santos. August 12. Coffee Good average.
5.600 rels per 10 kilos: receipts during the week!
41,000 bags; purchases for the United State"!
12.000; clearances for do, 26,000 bags; stock, 230
OOO bags. '
Grain In Sight.
Chicago. Aflgnst 1Z The Board of Trade
statistician reports the visible supply of rraln
as follows: Wheat, 13.898.000 busblsTln.
crease. 710,000 bushels. Corn, 6,939,000 bush
els: decrease, 60,000 bushels. Oats, S.9S5.000
bushels; Increase, 265,000 bushels. Rye. 807 000
bushels; increase, 12,000 bushels. BarlSv SfiS.
000 bushels; decrease, 4,000 bushels.
P mixm j- '" B" "-- "" "-'' 'till-
ber, 73J74c, closed at 73Jic; December. 76V
76Jic. closed at 76K7Kic bid: May. 81Jc
closed at 813:c bid. Corn lower: No. 2 mi-rort
Thirty-four Acres Secured for a Bace
Track and Training Station.
Inside Information Concerning the Flans
of the East End Syndicate.
A. real estate deal of some importance was
consummated yesterday. A prominent
horse trader, whe passes much of his time
in Pittsburg, purchased 34 acres between
Shields station and Leetsdale, down the
Fort "Wayne Railroad.'for which he paid
$ 210 an acre. He proposes to enclose it in a
substantial fence, lay ouf a race track, and
put tip suitable buildings for boarding and
training horses. He has several more plants In
different parts ol the country, but will dispose
of them and concentrate his bnsiness here.
The land upon which the Stewart-Booth-Flinn-Magee
syndicate Is building, or about to
build, 200 bouses, is part of tbe old Negley
estate, the venerable mansion Che birthplace
and home of several generations being used
as a boarding house for the workmen. All tbe
houses vill be first-class, and the material
brick, which will be furnished by the com
pany's own works, situated on the back part of
the ground. They have 15 buildings well un
der way, some under roof. Permits for these
were taken out on Saturday, the law In this re
spect appearing to be elastic enough in some
cases, at least, to allow of the taking out a per
mit after the building has been commenced or
even nearly completed.
Five of the 15 houses front on Negley ave
nue and ten on Stanton. Tbe rest of the 200
will be in the immediate vicinity. The policy of
the syndicate is to keep 15 or 20 houses going
all the time. As fast as one set Is completed
another will be commenced. It is the intention
to finish as many as possible this season and
the rest next spring. The entire cost will be
about Sl.oOaOOO. Tbe Hiland Park Railroad,
chartered a few days ago, will pass within a
square of this property, and will leave Negley
avenue one ot tbe handsomest drives of the
city unobstructed.
The common "cow-catcher" attachment to a
locomotive is about the only article of univer
sal use that was never patented. It was in
vented by D. B. Davies, of Columbus, C still
living and quite aged. He borrowed the idea
from tbe mold board of tbe plow which Is used
to throw the soil to one side, but was so busy
he neglected to patent it until It was too late.
It Is in use to-day as originally invented by Mr.
Davies, without deviation or change from tbe
original plan, and has saved millions of dollars
to railroad companies and probably thousands
of lives, but not a penny to the inventor. Red
lights on trains were adopted on the suggestion
of the late Mrs. Swisshelm. after an accident
In which she had a narrow escape.
Twenty six mortgages did very well for blue
Monday. The largest was for $8,000, and the
next in size for $5,000. A gentleman who does
a large amount of this kind of business re
marked: "Business in mortgages shows some
shrinkage when compared with last month.
While there is considerable-home money avail
able for this purpose, it is not inexhaustible
This is shown in the hardening of rates. A
month or two ago 4 or 5 per cent was com
mon. Now It is almost impossible to get a rate
lower than 5 and tax. 1 understand there is
some Eastern money floating around at 4 and
5, and that it is being placed here and there in
small amounts at those figures. I look for 6
per cent to be the ruling rate when business
opens np In the fall."
Tbe Ohio Inspector of Mines reports the
amount of coal mined in Ohio for 1SS8 at 10,297,
608 tons. This is an increase of more than 600,
000 tons over 1887 and 2,479,800 tons more than
was mined in 1886. In other words, the product
of Ohio coal mines has increased over 30 per
cent in tbe past two years. In view of the ap
pearance of natural gas fuel in many sections
of the State, this is considered a remarkable
showing, and indicates tbe satisfactory quality
of Ohio coal. Ohio ranked second among tbe
coal prodncing States In 1887, but in the past
year Illinois has taken second place and Ohio is
third. Pennsylvania being first. During the
year 52 mines were opened in Ohio, 23 sus
pended operations and 14 were worked out or
abandoned, leaving a net gain for tbe year of 15.
To obtain cool, fresh air and other comforts
deemed indispensable to the summer season, it
Is not necessary to take a long journey from
home to the seaside or mountains. They can
be found almost anywhere in the suburbs. A
prominent real estate broker realized this fact
so fully that he built a cabin in the woods in
the vicinity of Swissvale, where he and his
family have been living for several weeks. He
says it beats the fashionable resorts out of
sight. There is a freedom about such a life
that Is Infinitely more enjoyable than the re
straints Imposed by fashionable society. His
children enjoy it immensely. The expense is
trifling. This gentleman's experience may be
of service to those who are wondering where
they will spend the rest of the dog-days.
Sixty years ago railroads wero unknown in
this country, and the population of tbe United
States consisted of 12,000,000 people. To-day
we operate upward of 165,000 miles of railroad
and our population has increased to 65,O0u,00a
Sixty years ago the aggregate wealth of the
United "States was less than Sl,00aoO0,0CO; at
present It is estimated at S56,000,000,00a Over
our 165,000 miles of railroad there was carried
last year 475,000,000 people, and 000,000,000 tons
of freight were transported. Upon these lines
are engaged 1,000,000 employes. Their equip
ment consists of 30,000 locomotives, 31,000
passenger cars, 7,000 baggage cars, and 1,000,000
freight cars. The capital invested in construc
tion and equipment amounts to $3,000,000,000,
and tho yearly disbursements for labor and sup
plies exceed 1800,000,000.
Stock Brokers Come Together, Exchange
Gossip and Go Home.
The stock market yesterday was not particu
larly Interesting from any point of view, busi
ness being restricted to the sale of 30 shares of
Electric In the afternoon. Nothing was done
in the forenoon. There were no material
changes in quotations, except in Switch and
Signal, which scored a handsome advance.
Everything else hung around the old figures,
any deviations therefrom being retrogressive.
Perhaps an exception should be made of La
Norla, but il is in such a peculiar condition, so
handicapped by mystery and manipulation,
that fractional changes go for nothing. Its
friends however, still claim that it will eventu
ally develop into a big thing. It is certainly
cheap at present quotations, If there is any
thing at all In it There was a bid of 3 for
Point Bridge and 15 for Union. "That's as
much or more than they are worth," remarked
J broker. "The preferred stock absorbs every
'hing. leaving nothing for the common and.fn
niy opinion, there never will be anything for
it" Bids and offers were:
1. P.. S. A M. EX 450
fuu. AjKea, .mo. Assed.
Brhlzewater Gas
Manufacturers Gas Co. 25 .
Mat, Gas Co. or W. Va. 7u
Ohio Valley Gas.
People's at Gas
P. N. G. P. Co
Philadelphia Co 37
Wheeling Gas Co SOX
Korest OH Co 100
Tuna OH Co .
Washington Oil Co.... 79
Central Traction. m SIM
Cltlzens'Tractlon...... 70
1'lttsburg Traction ,48
Pleasant Valley.. ..... 225
Morthslde Bridge Co
Monongahela Bridge.. 30
Point Bridge S
Union Bridge- U
I.a Norla illnlng Co... IK
Westinghonse Electric ....
U. 8. llg. Co 2H
WestlnghouseA-B.Co. ....
Pitts. Cyclorama Cos.. tH
L'ltts. i-iate u.Jo.prei
iits. jriaie v.'i'O.prei .... ..,. zio ,.,,
The total sales of stocks at New York vtr.
day were 196,295 sb ares, including Atchison.
17.200; Erie. 6.880; Lake Shore, 6.920; North
western. 6,265; Northern Pacific preferred, 7,010;
Oregon Transcontinental. 3,200: Reading. 6,640V
St. Paul, 14,540; Union Pacific, 6,575; "Wabash
Pacific, 4,235.
Mining Stocks.
NEW YOKE. August 12 Amador, loo- A sntm
'60O:Belcher,235;Best and Belcher,S60; Caledonia
11, mpv, uieuar.iao; uoioraao i;sntral,igojtn-
solldated California and VVclnla, 712 Com
mon wealth. 315; Deadwood Ter.. 145; Eureka
Consolidated, 130: El Crlsto, 100; Horn Silver,
125; Iron 8ilver, 175: Mexican. 29h Mutnal,140;
North Belle Isle. 105; Ontario, 34.00: Ophlr. 460;
Plymouth. 500: Savage, 125; Sierra Nevada, 210;
Sullivan, 110; Union Consolidated, 245; Ward
Consolidated, 165.
Financial Matters Moving- Alone In the
TJsnnl Safe Way.
The accumulation of checks since Saturday
enabled Manager Chaplin to present a gbod J
Clearing House report yesterday. Tbe ex
changes amounted to $2,088,154 29, and the bal
ances to $339,133 U. There were no changes in
conditions. Money was reported plenty at 56
per cent! There was, perhaps, a small Im
provement in discounting, but routine lines
showed very little change from last week.
Most of the banks bad sufficient currency for
current needs.
Money on call at N ew xork yesterday was easy
at 34$ per cent, last loan 3. closed offered
at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 4J$6S. ster"
ling exchange dull but steady at $4 84H t0T
60-day bills and $4 87 for demand.
CInlngBond Quotations.
TJ. S. 4s,rea-,
U, S. 4s. coup
U. 8. 4S. re,
M. K.4T.Gen.6s .59
Mutual Union 6s. ...100
-V. J. C.Inu Oert...UJ
Northern Pac lsts..H74
Northern Pac. 2ds..lis
Northw't'n consols. H5H
Northw'n deben's.JHJt
Oregon A Trans. 6.105)i
at. 1.. A I. M. Gen. it 85.4
U. S. f&
s, coop.... IUMb
Pacific 6s of
LoalslanaiUmpea4s 8$H
Missouri 6s
Tenn. new net. 6.
Tenn. new set. 6s.
Tenn. newset.Ss.
Canada Ho. 2ds...
Cen. Pacificists..
Den. & K. O., lata
Den. & It. G. 4s...
.. 73
.. 99X
,. 79H
St. 1-.&S.F. Gen. iUIS
St. faul consols ....125K
St. PL Chi Pc.lsts.ll7
Tx., Pc.L.G.Tr Ks. 10
Tx.,l'cK.G.Tr.Kcti flX-
union rac. Mis "
West Shore 1M
Erie. Ms 103
U.K.. AT. Qen.es.. 64ft
Government and State bonds were firm and
New Yoek Clearings, $61,204,980; balances,
Boston Clearings, $13,393,561; balances,
SL578.737. Money at 3 per cent
Philadelphia Clearings, f 9,534,590; bal
ances. SL747.172.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,120,734; balances,
$187,100. ,-.,
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 20,
000. Bar silver, 42d per ounce.
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 85f 30c for the
account. ,
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $10,709,0u0.
Petroleum Traders Patting- In Their Time
Watching the Cat Jump.
Very little business -was done on the Petro
leum Exchange yesterday. The feeling at the
opening was rather firm in consequence of the
bullish condition's, but outsiders held aloof,
and professionals did not feel vicious enough to
scalp each other. Cash oil was about c
cheaper than the regulars.
The market held above a dollar until a short
time before the close, when it broke a trifle, in
consequence of a bear demonstration In New
York, which ended about as soon as begun.
The short interest here is very small, traders
on that side fearing a pinch at delivery time
wbicb would be easy to bring about, if statis
tics can be depended upon. The feeling at the
close was unsettled, as indicated by "puts"
being in the majority. Saturday's clearings
wereSOCOOO. Features of the market appear
An expert says: "I think tbe bullish senti
ment Is slowly but surely widening, and that It
will bring in new buyers later. Oil shows a
tenacity of staying power about tbe dollar line,
and as tbe decrease In the available stocks
above ground still continues, exceeding the
estimates of consumption previously made, I
look for a gradual advance in tbe price."
Other Oil BInrkets.
On. Crrr.Angust li National transit certifi
cates opened at II 00Jg highest, 1 00; lowest,
99c; closed, 89c
Bradford, August 1Z National transit cer
tificates opened at tl 00; closed at 99kc:
highest, 1 00; lowest, 99JiC
TmJSVXLLK, August 12 National transit
certificates opened at l uOJi; highest, Jl 0056;
lowest, 89c; dosed, 89Jc '' "
New York, August 12. Petroleum opened
weak at 990 and after tbe first sales moved up
to tl 00, but declined again under light sales
and closed weak at 99c Total sales, 289,000
Monday's Oil Range.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaaiey & Co., 15
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened :...:!OOKLowest Kji
Highest 10Ociosed ....".": wg
. . Barrels.
Average runs:.. 77. 48,8a
Average shipments 78,24?
ATerage charters. 47.H1
Kenned, Hew Yorr. 7.40c
Keflneo, London, 5d.
Keflned, Antwerp. 18r.
Befined. Liverpool, 6d.
A. ailcOrew. 4 Oa quote: Puts, 98 to
99c: calls, tl 01.
Lands and Haases Contlnuo to Change
Owners New Dickers.
James TV. Drape & Co. sold a lot 25x120 feet,
on South Hiland avenue, for 2,750, to Mr. M.
Peebles, of Allegheny, who bought for Invest
ment. They also placed two mortgages on
property near Idlewood station, Panhandle
Railroad, for t3,25D, at 6 per cent.
Samuel W. Black &z Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold lot No. 50 on the Boggs plan of lots, Allen
town, having a frontage of 24 feet on Paul ave
nue and extending back 102 feetjfor t20a This
makes SO lots sold In this plan within a short
Black A Bairdi sold for the People's Savings
Bank, to Michael Bachert, lot on La Force
street, Twenty-seventh ward, Southslde. for
ssoa '
Bnsiness Notes.
Philadelphia advices werejvery bullish on
the iron trade.
Nobthebn Pacuio's earnings for the first
week In August show an increase of $67,000.
HerbtM. Long made a deal yesterday. He
sold ten shares of Philadelphia Gas at S7.
XjA Noeia made a move yesterday morning
that was not discovered by Mr. Bailey until this
afternoon. It was surprising.
Stock brokers are hopeful of a better market
when tbe "boys" who are away get home. The
hope seems to be well founded.
Gas has been struck at the Fuel Gas Com
pany's well in McEeesport, at a depth of about
2,200 feet The pressure Is light.
Au DJIEW Castee did some business yester
day. He sold ten shares of Switch and Signal
at 21 and bought ten shares of Manufactur
ers' Gas at 2S. -
Another gas well basbeen brought in on the
Duff Farm at Murrysville. by Thomas Shel
ton. for the National Transportation Company.
It Is thought to be a good one.
It was street talk yesterday that Mr. Mc-
Creery would soon be succeeded In the presi
dency of the Federal Street and Pleasant Val
ley Railway Company by Mr. David F. Henry,
of tbe Henry Auction Company. There Is no
vacancy.present or prospective, but gossip goes
on all the same.
Interesting Fentnres of the General Stock
List Sugar Trust Recovers Lost
Ground Grangers Strong, but
Coalers Neglected The
'Drift Toward a
Higher Level.
New Yobk, August 12 There was only a
quiet business In the stock market to-day, but
the dealings were marked by many features,
and, while Considerable irregularity existed
.among the specialties, the general list contin-
uea to present tne same firm to strong front
which It has for tbe past week. The London
fprices this morning were materially hlghertban
our ngures 01 oaturuay evening, and heavy
buying orders for foreign account were reported
in the forenoon, while during the day there
was considerable bull manipulation. The
Western operators and the local professionals
sold st icks, but except In the new Big Fours
and the Chesapeake and Chios there was little
impression made upon values. Sugar Trust be
came a weak feature on the injunction applied
for by the reoelver of the North River Sugar
Refining Company, but the loss was made up
before the close of business.
The -realizing In the Big Fours was very
marked and the Chesapeake and Ohios follow
ed In behind, being more promldent In tbe deal
ings than usual of lateC TheGonld stocks be
came most prominent, and the story that Mr
Gould was under the market at present re
ceived some credence, though the same thing Is
said of the Vanderbttt.- The stocks of the
roads which are talked of a likely to come into
tbe .Big Four combination! ware all socially
strong, and' Wheeling.andLake Erie, Lake
Erie and Western! and Chicago and East
Illinois, .'all, made handsome gains. Wabash
preferred, however; was one of the most promi
nent features, becoming unusually active and
scoring ucttiucu gam. auo urangers were
all strong on the recent showing of tbe earn
ings, but the coal stocks were quite neglected
with the exception of Jtead!ug,which con
tinues heavy.
First prices in the general list showed ad
vances over Saturday's prices extending to $
ber cent, but as the realizing In the Big Fours
and Chesapeake and Ohios checked the up
ward movement and small progress was made
until noon. Sugar Trust in the meantime be
coming extremely weak. Wabash preferred,
1 started the upward movement, but was soon
oined bv others and the Chicago and East
Ilinols. RaMt Talanri Vv.nlavitlA anil ?j9lhvilli
iake Erie and Western, Canadian Pacific and
others scored handsome advances. The recov
ery in Sugar Trust was also very marked in the
last hour.
The market closed quiet but strong and
generally at close to the best prices. The
final changes aro generally m tbe direction' of
higher prices, Chicago and Bast Illinois rose 3
Per cent, the preferred 4K; Canada Pacific
?A; Wabash, 1: the prelerredl and Rock
Island and Louisiana and Nashville lper
cent each. Big Four, common, lost l?c
Railway bonds were again very dull, the sales
of all issues reaching only $774,000, while there
was no animation anywhere in the list." There
was a marked lack of vim to the dealings, and
unlike stocks, there was no feature of Im
portance. The most important was an advance
ofwabash general certificates, 6 to 50.
The fotlowlnr table snows tne prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
oy. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by
whitskt&Btiphinson. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of N ew York Stock Exchange, 47 fourth ave
nue: Clos
ing mat.
31 K
. Inar.
Am. Cotton Oil. , MX
Atcn.. Top. A U.K.... M!i
Canadian facine 60
Central orNew Jersey.lUX
CentratPaelflt. :
CiesaDeake ft Ohio.... 1SH
C Bar. Quiiict.....104
C., mu. a at. Paul.... TlX
., Koccl. i sax
U. St. P..M.40 84
C.. St. P..M.4 0., pr. ....
C. Northwestern.. ..HOH
C.A N orthwesiain, pf. ....
, V., C. & I n
c., c. c. ft i pr.....io3
Col. Coat ft iron 27
Col. A ltnj.lr1n. V.I IS
High- Low
esu est.
M Mtf
61H 60K
liiH 11a
:& 2&
104$ VAX
7th 729
MX 984
lii?i liutt
7si fi"
103 ltBtf
a ssh
n is
IKH 146
72W 75)i
iis 'liiw
tan isx
65H 65
1047a IMS
69 69
89 883
MX wi
10J)i 107X
17 17
S9V 29H
67)5 67J4
a hh
34 jj
tin, wi
4SK 44M
180 ISO "
3 2J
81 81
101 101
iVii iix
62 617$
18 - I7H
23 32)4
80V 86
71 7JK
Bel.. L. ft W. H6J
E.T.. Vs,ftUa ..
E. T.. Va, ft G. 1st p.'. 72
-1.. Va. AGs. Jflpf. ....
Illinois Central 115)f
fake Erleft Western.. 20(4
Lake Erie ft West, nr.. 65
Lake Shore ft Al. S 104
Louisville ft Nashville. 69
Michigan central 89
Mobile Ohio -.
o., Kan. ft Texas
aussoun faclfic 731
f rorx Central 107;
. T.. L. E.ft W 27
X. Y A N. R MU
a. v.. o. w n
Northern Paciac 29
.Mortnern Pactae or. 67K
Oregon Improvement. UK
Oreton Transcon 33
Peo. Dec. ft Evans..... 23K
Phlladel. ft Beading.. iii
l'nllman Palace Car...l8Mt
Richmond ft W. P. T 23)J
Ulchmond ft W.P.T.nf 81
St. P., Minn, ft Man.. lot
St.X.ftsan Fran (...
St. L. ft San ifran pf.
Texas Paelflo 21W
Union Pacinc 61
Wabasn..t 17H
Wabash preferred t
Western Union. se
Wheeling AL.E. 7IK
Sugar Trust 1(B),
National Lead Trust., 24
Chicago Gas Trust....'. &sjj
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue.
nemoers .aew lorx biockisx-
AM. Asked.
Pennsylvanla Kallroad , .. 52
Heading 22JJ
Boflilo. Pittsburg and Western 10
Lehigh Valley K
Lehigh Navigation 2V
Northern facillo 29H
Northern Pacina preferred ti)t
22 9-15
Boston Stocks.
Atch.LandGrant, 7S1OTX
Atch.ATop.lt. K... SS
Boston A Altany...2l7!4
Boston alalne..1..jo2
c a. . low
Linn. ban. 4 Qeve. 24
Kastern R. K 100
Eastern K. K. es ....UIH
Flint 4 Fere M. pro. 92
Little It. A Ft. S. 7I.100M
Mexican Cen. com.. lWa
Mex.C.lstmtg. bda. 65H
. X. ANewKng... Mm
X. Y. 4 N. K. 7S....12SH
Old Colony. I75H
Untland preferred.. 40
Wis.uentral.com... 23K
AlIoneiMgCo(new).. H
Oaiomet 4 Heela....223
Tranaun .-. 9
usceola. It
l'ewable (new) t
Qnlney 0
Bell Telephone 230
Boston Land ti
Water Power 6
Tamarack 102
Tie Government Can't Get a Wire- Wrapped
Steel Rifle Hade to Order.
JVVashiijgxox, August 12. The War
Department wanted some one to undertake
the construction of a Woodbridge tea-inch
wire-wrapped steel rifle, the principal parts
of which, including steel forgings and wire,
were to be furnished by the Government.
So proposals for doing the work were ad
vertised for to be opened at the Ordnance
Bureau this afternoon at 3 o'clock. When
that hour arrived no bids had been received.
At Lancaster the 'Columbia and Susque
hanna rolling mills yesterday posted a notice
announcing tbatafter August 19 they would
pay puddlers $3 90 per ton instead of $3 85, as
announced a few days ago.
The body of George W. Dries, of Reading,
formerly proprietor of the American Honse at
Lyons, and a hotel man well-known through
out this section of the State, was found bang
ing in the stable of the hotel. He left a note
giving directions as to his funeral and wonnd
up Dy saying: "tiooa night to all my friends."
The heirs of the brothers William F. and
George A. W. Norton, deceased millionaires,
of Louisville, Ky., have decided to give 160,000
to tbe building fund of the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary, moved here from South
Carolina a few years ago. Both the brothers
made princely gifts to the seminary during
their lifetime.
The two Hollii brothers, who murdered
Mrs. Gellls, a widow, and her two daughters,in
McDowen conntv, Ky., last week, met a just
fate yesterday. The captain ot a push boat that
arrived from Plkeville. down the Big Sandy
mu mjb uMk uiv tnu uea woro csDiurca oy
the regulators, strung up by the heels to the
limb of a tree and then shot to death.
The Hotel Arlington, at the famous Blue
Lick Springs, Ky., was destroyed by fire at
1230 o'clock yesterday morning. Loss, $35,000;
insurance. $16,000. No lives were lost, but tbe
guests lost most of their clothing and jewels.
Senator J. S. C. Blackburn and family, and
ex-Chief Justice Hargis and family "narrowly
escaped with their lives. The hotel had about
150 guests.
The east and west bound morning trains on
the Amboy division of the Pennsylvania Rail
road, packed full of passengers to and from the
shore, collided at East Moorestown, nine miles
from Camden, N. J., a few minutes after 9
o'clock yesterday morning, but fortunately the
zccldent resulted in nothing more than slight
injuries to a few persons and the wreck of the
colliding engines.
The Treasury Department has received a
letter from a merchant of St Paul. Minn., ask
ing that the Department's decision of May 27
Aob iu icgu w iue uuty an so-cauea worsted
cloth be not enforced against certain purchases
marie bv him. Heexnlained that th rnnrt in
question arrived in this country and were sold
by him prior to their arrival at prices based
upon Xhe former practice of classifying these
goods. Secretary Windom denied his request
on the ground tbat he does not feel authorized
to exempt any importations from the exaction
of the duty applicable under the law.
At Bryant. Wis., Saturday night George
Irish was awakened by his dog barking, and
upon getting up thought a bear was after his
pigs. He got bis gun and followed the dog
into the woods and saw what he thought was a
bear. He shot and killed a man by the name of
Bowman. It seems that Bowman was an out
law from New York: that a sheriff from that
place was at Bryant to arrest him, and tbat as
soon as Bowman discovered the sheriff in tho
house be jumped through the window and
started for the woods. The coroner's verdict
finds It was accidental shooting. Irish is a good
citizen and regrets the occurrence, but the
neignnornooa are talking 01 giving Mm a testi
monial as a public benefactor.
A most remarkable story comes from As
pen, CoL, regarding an unexpected find in one
of the principal mines on the Aspen mountain.
Last Thursday night the night shift In the
Minney mine Messrs. Donnelly, Mackey, Tay
lor and QllflUan put twoSO-lnch holes in tbe
breast ot the 600-foot let! and fired tbe blast
just before leaving for the surface. On return
ing to the mine It was found that the two shots
had broken Into a cave, the extent of which
they proceeded to explore. Going in a few
feet they found the walls covered with crystal
lized lime and lead that glittered like dia
monds. Here and there stalactites hung from
the celling. Tbe lime formation resembled
lace and frieze work of wondrous beanty. The
cave bad a descent of about 20 degrees, and the
explorers found rooms and chambers grand j
vcjuuu uescripiioo.
Metal Bfnrkor.
New Yobx Copper unchanged; lake, til 95;
copper, 60. Lead easier; domestic, $3 82.
Tin quiet but firm at tbe advance; straits,
$20 25; do November, $20 80. x
Wool Markets.'
BT.LoOTS-Reoelpu, 107,896 pouaa. Market
quiet but steady,
r -
Stock of Vegetables and Fruit Light,
and Choice Staff
Liberal Beceipts of Grain and Hay Gen
eral Drift Down.
Monday, August 12, 1889.
Country Prodnee Jobbing. Prices.
The amount of stuff on tbe market was light,
and for anything choice that appeared demand
was good. The stock, of potatoes and apples
has been well cleaned up, and no longer goes
begging. Good peaches are scarce. A full
supply of fruits and vegetables will no doubt
be to the frbnt by to-morrow, and the general
drift is toward a lower level. Butter Is firm.
Eggs are steady. A Neville Island gardener
said to-day: "Our products will not reach the
quantity of last season, and I am glad of it, for
we are likely to get better prices. Last fall
plenty of stuff brought to market might as well
have been allowed to rot. This will be a better
paying season for gardeners, with less stuff to
BrjTTBn Creamery, Elgin, 202ic; Ohio do,
1819c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country
runs, lagi ic
Beans Navy band-picked beans, t2 402 60;
medium, $2 302 4a
Beeswax ffl30c V B for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, J6 5037 50: common,
$3 504 00; crab cider, 18 008 60 $ barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c V gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 8c; New York, 10c; Lim
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9K12c;
California Fruits California peaches,
S2 00 -busnel box; Bartlett pears, 3 00
3 60 yt box; grapes. S2 5003 00 a, 20-pound box;
apricots, $2 00 a 4-basket case; plums, tl 75
2 00 a 4-basket case.
Eoos 1515Xc dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruito Apples, tl S02 00 V barrel; pine
apples. SI 001 25 V dozen: whortleber
ries, 75ctl 00 pail; blackberries. 68c
quart; watermelons, S15 0020 00 3) hundred;
Delaware peaches, tl 25l 50 per half-bushel
Feathers Extra live geese. 6060c; No. L
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c "$ Si.
Potjltrt Live spring chickens, 6060c13
pair; old, 7075c pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fta to bushel, to 60
V bushel; clover, large English, 62 As, t6 00;
clover, Alslke. JS 50; clover, white, D 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, tl 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 as, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 11 lbs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, tl 65; red top, 14 lbs, tl 25;
millet, 60 &9.:tl 00; German millet, 60 lbs,
tl 50; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, t2 60 bushel of
14 lbs.
Tallow Country. 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. $5 50
6 60 fl box: Messina oranges. t5 005 50 ? box;
rodi, $4 o05 00; bananas, $2 00 firsts, tl 25 good
seconds, $ bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 50
hundred; new figs, 89c fl B; dates, 6$6$4C
Veqetables Potatoes, tl 2501 60 $ barrel;
tomatoes, home-grown, tl 251 60 f) bushel;
wax beans, tl V bushel; green beans, 6075c
bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, tl 50 fl bushel;
radishes. 2540o ft dozen; home-grown, cab
bages, 50o V bushel; new celery, hame-grown,
60c dozen; sweet potatoes, $4 004 50 $ barrel.
Coffee is firm, and prices of the green article
are a shade higher in the East. Sugar has at
last yielded to the pressure, and has a tumble
in spite of trusts, as our quotations will show.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21K22c;
choice Rio. I920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
18Ji19Kc: old Government Java, 26c: Mara
caibo, 2223c; Mocha. 2728c: Santos, 1922Kc;
Caracas, 20022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
Gnayra, 21J2c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
S2Kc; high grades, 2426Xc: old Government
Java, bulk. 3131c; Maracalbo, 2627c;
Santos, 20J22ic; peaberry, 25Jc; peaberry,
choice Rio, 23Kc: prime Rio, 21c; good Rio,
21c; ordinary, 2uKc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 21025c: allspice, 8c;
casia. 6c: pepper, 16c; nutmeg, 7080c
PETBQLEtJjr (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120. 8Me; headlight, 150, 8Kc; water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine,
UKctrovaline, 14c
sybtjfs Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar
syrups, 333Se: prime sugar syrup. 3033c;
strictly prime, 8335cj new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb in .
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c; sal
soda In kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; steartne, ft
set. 8Kc;parafflne. ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, (M
7c; prime, 5?i6c; Louisiana, 66Kc
Stabcii Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss
stsreb 542Tg
Foreign Fbuits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon
don layers, $3 10;. California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
tl 85: Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c;
sultana, 8Xc: currants, 45c: Turkey prunes,
4J5c; French prunes. 8X)13c: Salonlca
prunes. In 2-lb packages, 8c; cocoanuts, f 100.
$6 00; almonds, Lan., per lb. 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 12Q15c; Sicily
filberts. 12c: Smyrna figs,1216c: new dates,
56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, V . 1314c; orange
peel, 12c
Dbied Fbtjits Apples, sliced, per & 6c:
apples, evaporated, 6m6Kc: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, l&glifc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012Uc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted. &6c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424&fc; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle
berries, lu12c
Stjoars Cubes, 9c; powdered. 9c; granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 89c; standard
A. 8Kc; soft whites. 88c: yellow, choice,
7c; yellow, good, 7X8c; yellow, fair, 7Jc;
yellow, dark, 7tc
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 5th medi
um, half bbls (6001, tZ 75.
Salt-No. 1, w bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. V bbl, $1 05,
dairy. V bbl. tl 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, tl 20;
Higglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, t2 80, Hlgglns'
Eureka, 16-14 Jb pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard neaches tl Saa
1 90: 2ds $1 301 35; extra peaches, tl 601 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, tll 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l; Lima beans,
tl 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas, f 1 1031 15: soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, tl 40S$I 60; Bahama do, $275, dam
sonplums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, 2 60; do gruengages, $2; do,
egg plums, $2; extra white cherries. $2 90; red
cherries, 2 lbs. 90c; raspberries, $1 401 60;
strawberries, tl 10; gooseberries, tl S01 40;
tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon. 1-B, 1 752 10;
blackberries, 80c: succotasb, 2-lb cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 &;, tl 251 50; corn beef. 2-lb
cans. $2 05; 14-lb cans, $14 00; baked beans, tl 45
160; lobster. 1-ft. tl 761 80; mackerel, 1-B
cans, broiled, tl 50; sardines, domestic K.
$4 604 60: sardines, domestic K. 38 258 50;
sardines, imported, XA til 6012 50, sardines,
imported, s, 318; sardines, mustard, $4 60; sar
dines, spiced, $4 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 V
bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess, t40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No, 1 do. messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
Sollock, 4c lb: do medium, George's cod,
:; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do
George's cod in blocks. 6K0!7c. Herrincr
Round shore, $5 00 M bbl; split, $7 00; lake,
$2 50 91 100-a half bbl. White fish. $7 00 W 100
& half bbl. Lake trout, to 60 fl halt bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c fl Jb. Iceland halibut, 13c
lb. Pickerel. K barrel, $2 00; i barrel, tl 10;
Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 69 ft K
OATJf EAL-ria 306 60 B bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c
f! gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change 48 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 19 cars of oats. 2 of wheat. 4 of
flour, 1 of bran, 1 of hay. 1 of corn. By Pitts
burg, CJncinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of corn,
1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, 6 cars of
oats, 3 of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1
car of flour. 3 of wheat, 3 of rye. There was
one sale on call, viz: a car of No. 2 white oats,
25c month. Oats and wheat are on the decline.
It appears tbat out of the 48 cars bulletined to
day, 25 were oats. Bears appear to hare the
innings In all cereal lines, with the .exception
of corn. The price of patent flours to jobbers
has declined lOo per barrel in the past week,
and markets are Weak at decline.
WHEAT-Jobblne prices New No. 2 red,
83084c: No. 2 red. 8990c; No. 3 red, e3S4c
CORN No. 2, yellow,' ear, 4546c; high mixed
ear, 44044Jc; No.' 2 yellow, shelled. 4243c;
high mixed, shelled, 41612c; mixed, shelled,
404lC .
Oats No. 2 white. 31K832c: extra, No. 3.
30K31c; No. 3 white, new. 29K30c:No. 2
No. 1 Western, 6051c; new rye No. 2 Ohio,
Floub Jobbfce, prices Fancy winter and
sprlne patent,R ftm 25; winter stralprtit,
$5 0035 25; clear whiter,. 4T55"00; straight
XX30Cbaters'HS6tio: Eye flonr, 13 600
4 00. . 5.', th ,
Millteed MrddllnfS, fine white. $13 &08
15 00 W ton; brown middliriirs. 111 60912 00; win
ter wheat bran, JHiOOgU 26; chop feed, f 15 60
1600. '
Li,T-Uea timothy, choice, i 60011 75; j
Wldo, S135iai375; -No. 2 do, Iir001250;
loose from wagon, S16 0013 00; new hay crop,
tlO 0014 00, according to quality; No. 1 up
land prairie. (9 009 50: No. 2, P 608 00; pack
ing do, t6 006 5 60.
Straw Oats, 16 60; wheat and rye straw,
$5 6o6 oa
Sugar-cured hams, large, 1IK! sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c sugar-cured hams, small,
123-c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams.
8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9Jc; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lOXc. sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders. dc; bacon
clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, SKc; dry
salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c
Mess pork, heavy, $13 00; mess pork, family,
$13 5a Lard Refined In tierces, 6Kc: half
barrels, 6c; 60-lb tubs, 6c: 20-E palls, 7c: 60-Bt
tin cans, 6jc: 3-S tin pails: 7Jc; 5-Bi tin palls,
7c: 10-ft tin palls, 6q; 6-B tin palls. 7c; 10-&
tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large,
6c Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless hams, 10c.
Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 60; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meat.
Armour b Ca furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550
lbs, 6c: 550o 650 lbs. 6Jc: 650 to 750 lbs. Kc
Sheep, 8c a. Lambs, 10c ? lb. Hogs, 6ic.
Fresh pork loins, 8a
. TbeDrygoods Market.
New Yore. August 12. There was fairly
active request for fine and low grade bleached
cottons, while that for other cotton goods was
moderate, though steady. Clothing woolens
were being ordered with some freedom and
dress goods were In fair demand.
Presents in the most elegant form
4 or ths
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, &e.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus. &e. See
that you get BELL'S S0Ae0NA-Red Packages.
Con Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see os.
A. Tjnreiv Vegetable
, Compound that erneli
(all bad humors from the
f system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
are; latrnae ltehlaa
Igtttl worse by
MPSteMfnK. Ie aL
I lowed to COBtlUM
IVAIIluA ! mm ivrra na
iiLHinu NLtb. vsrssvsssz
beeomlnc Terr oar. 8 WAY JIB'S OI.NT.
MENT stops tbe ltekliiTsmlbledlac, keala
m nleermtlon,BdlnnoteoereMOTeotbotj.
mors. 8wAm'sOTMBVTljtollbydrncxlsts.arDisUedls
ftaTa4dnemrelptr prlM,50ta.mboz; Sboits,IlJX
MiinMM kturs, OR. 3WATJII 4 SOS, ranidel;Ua. r.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrezeL
Morgan it Co., New York. Passports procured.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
PlttsbnrgPetxolenm Exchange.
5 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
Blood Purifier.
The nubber of people who annually die)
from Bright's disease Is simply astonishing.
Beginning by a weakness In the back, accom
panied by pain, which at first may be slight,
still, as the disease progresses, there Is an in
creased pain in the small of the back and In
the region of the groins, high colored urine)
with brick dust sediment, scanty or copious
flow, with pain in voiding it. Not only do tho
kidneys themselves become organically dis
eased, terminating In gravel or stone lu the
bladder, diabetes or Bright's disease, hut la
one of the most pot6nt causes of rheumatism
and dropsy.
Or. Sbafer, one of the physicians of th
Folypatbic Medical Institute, at 120 Fenn are.
Tbe Folypatbic Medical Institute is perma
nently located in Pittsburg for tbe treatment
of rheumatism, kidney and urinary diseases.
Its physicians are not confined to any school of
practice, bnt embrace any and all remedies
that close study and long experience hare
found to be the most effectual in curing dis
ease. Dr. Shafer, one of tbe phvsiclaru asso
ciated with this medical institution, and a
skilled specialist, gives especial attention to
the treatment of all kidney and urinary dis
eases. Analysis of specimens of unne free.
Consultation also free.
OfSce hours, 10 to 1130 A. JL, 1 to 4 and 8 to S
F. M. Sundays. 1 to i p. M.
Consultation free. au2-D
defies the world to beat this record: I have re
lieved 35 persons of Tape Worm in the last 29
weeks. The following are the names or the
Batients treated the last two weeks: Fred,
ellstein. Spring Garden ave., Allegheny. Pa.;
Mr. Stauffer. Madison are.. Allegheny: Charles
Bnchor. Apollo. Pa.; Jacob Swartz. Oil City,
Pa.; Jobn Rhine, No. 400 East St., Allegheny,
and a child 2 vears old livine on Pike street,
Pittsburg, Pa. 1 treat all Chronic troubles.
Use Bnrgoon's System Renovator and live.
au4-78-Tuseow DR. BTJRGOON.
It can be made a substitute for nearly
every purpose for which -wire is used,
and Is far more durable and cheaper.
It Is much superior to wire work; la
every way. It Is sold at all points of
Send for illustrated Circulars and
Central Expanded Metal Co..
116 Water street, Pittsburg, Pa.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. J125;000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg Dapers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MFRfillQand mental diseases, phT:cal
I L. Il V J U O decay.nervous debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem.
ory, disordered sight, self distrnst,bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, uo.
fitting the person for business-society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling balr, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cored for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney ana bladder aerange
Unilinn I ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. x. Sun
day. 10 A. it. to 1 F. K. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS In all cases re-
Sniring scientific and confldeo
al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. 8., is the oldest and
most exnenenced sneciilist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
strictly conftdentiaL Offlca
hours V to 4 and 7 to 8 P.M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
x.Consnlt them personally, or write. DOCTOBS
Lake. 90S Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
:'S Ootrfcoax EOOtf
inosed of Cotton Root. Tartrr and '
Pennyroyal a recent discovery bv an
'old chvslclan. It tueeetsfvJht used
ttumttUu fiafe. Effectual. Price $L by maU.
sealed. Ladles, ask your drujrglst for Cook's
Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitute,
or incloee 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND ULY COMPANY, No. 3 Fishes?
Block, 131 'Woodward areu, Detroit. Mich.
For men! Check the worst cases in three
days, and cure in five days. Price SI 00. at ,
ja5-29-TTSSU 412 Market street
a rosmvu cuhk
for Lurr or r.iiin
MAN HOOD, Nervous
ness. WuriiMi Af
Body Mind. Lack of Strensth. Vigor and De
velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac Book.
Mods of 8ILT-TMATXXXT. nd Proofs mallei
(sealed) free. Address lCBlB MEDICAL CCL?
BoXUo, N. X, de-5?-nsw
yQKr x!w ji$s 9 jw$P
kAMCii ri5ritA'1li-4Jskj