PETTSSSI 'Tar pv'&W! " ' w WF 'x THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 188a 5 AFTER MANY WEEKS The Body of One of the Victims of the Day Express Identified. STREET CARS ARE TO GO AGAIN. Mysterious Escape of a Prisoner From the Sew Castle JalL ALL THE MEWS FBOM A'EAEBI TOWNS rsrzcuiTXLxaiLuc to rcnspisrxTcn.l Johnstows, August 12. The body of Mrs. J. A. Banner, wife of Eev. J. A. Banner, of Kal&maioo, Mich., was lifted from the Prospect burring ground to-day and shipped to her former home. She was lost on the day express and the lady was recovered and buried among the unknown on June 13. A watch and other ralnables which were preserved led to the identifica tion. Another body, that of -a woman, was recovered to-day. People were reminded very much of the first days of the flood by seeing wagon loads of coffins hauled through the street. Those remaining at the Millville Morgue were being removed to the other end of town. While the people of Johnstown will mourn tho death of Judge Cummin, the distribution of the relief, fund will not be interrupted by his demise. Arrangements had been made last week to entirely relieve him from any of the worry of the work, when it was thought he would recover, and it was believed he would require absolute rest for some time. There was but little done to-day, as few people came after their money. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the street railway to-day it was decided to apply for the ricbt to Issue bonds for 50,000, and steps were taken to pat part of the line in con dition for operation at once. Hen are at work on the track, aud a number of new cars bave been ordered. Mr. V. 8. Donaldson, Superin tendent of the lelephone company, was also In the city to-day, and states that be expects to have the system in operation within ten days. Toe announcement is greeted with pleasure, and Mr. Donaldson also says that very liberal terms will be made with subscribers who sus tained losses by the flood. , On Saturday, June 1, the Democratic pri maries were to be held throughout Cambria county to nominate a county ticket. The news of the ereat disaster spread, and elections were brld in only a fowdlstricts. To-day the County Committee met and fixed Saturdav. Ancnat 24 as the day upon which to complete the nominations. A BOX OP BAD MONEY Found In Tearing Away an Old Bolldluff nt McKeeaporr. isrxciAt. TtLianjua to the DisriTcn.l McKEESroRT, August 12. To-day while workmen were engaged at tearing out joists near the roof in an old brick building on Fifth avenue, preparatory to remodeling it,tbey came across a box of counterfeit silver money in quarters and half dollars. The coins are all dated 1804, at; which time a band of coiners was supposed to be manufacturing the article in this vicinity, and was stored away back behind the end of the joists and plastering. The coins are retained by many as relics. In the year In question efforts were made to run the gang down, but proved a failure. But they were never beard of. in this vicinity afterward. Whjth thebalr is thin andgraV Parker's Hair Balsam renews the growth and color. Parker's Ginger Tonio the best cough cure. Imported Port. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts. 00 1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 60 Pine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 160 Pine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by O. "W. Schmidt, 93 and 97 Fifth are. A GLASS WORKS RESUMES. The Difficulties With tbejEmpIoves Are Snt Isfactorlly settled. rSriCIAL TELXGBAXTcj TDX DISPATCH. New Castle, August hi It Is now defln nltely settled that the Union Glass Works will run during the next fire. lAn arrangement was entered into between the'men aud the proprie tors by which all differences have been settled satisfactorily. The style of the new firm will be "The Law rence Glass Works Company," and the mem bers are Messrs. William Beoker, William Nor ris and sen and John W. Knox, all New Castle capitalists. Nearlr all the former employes have been engaged by the new firm. A Bis; Sale of Ore Lands. rSrVCIAI. TELXORAM TO TJII DtSrATCTT.l ' YodnqstOWN, August 12.1-The Iron River, Youugstown and Florence ore mines, on the Menominee range in the Lake Superior dis trict, owned by capitalists and iron manufac turers here, were sold to-day for $1,000,000 to Frederick Scbleslnger, of Milwaukee, repre senting a syndicate of New York capitalists already interested in that region. Excursion Yin the B. & O. B. K. to Atlantic City, Thursday, Aug. 15. Bate, 10 for the round trip, tickets good for 10 days, good to stop at Washington City returning. Trains will leave depot at 8 A. M. and 920 p. m. Secnre your parlor and sleeping car accom modations at once. Just for a Boomer, We will offer for to-day's sale only-630 men's fineoassimere suits at the low price of $8 40, regularly sold for S17$18 and 520. Remember this offer for to-day only, and ?8 40 is the price. P. O. O. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IT LEADS THEM ALL h&bt2$ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. &&&& pX23 '113531131 pTOO555555 ess SOMETHING OF A PAETI. A POLITICAL FLAN. There Is a Fresh Candidate In the Field for Gubernatorial Honors. tErECIAL TXLXOBASI TO THX OISrATCIM YouwGSTOWir, August 12. A well-known member of the Executive Committee which managed the Democratic campaign of two years ago was in the city to-day upon a very important mission. Every endeavor was made to keep his visit a secret, but it was learned that he was here carrying out bis part of a plan to secure the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor for Hon. Frank Hurd. of Toledo, the well-known advocate of revenue reform. The parties behind the movement are the hearty supporters of the late administration who did not view with favor. Congressman Camp bell's conservative course upon the Mills bill and during the last campaign. Mr. Campbell has so far had the lead among the party work ers, and it became necessary to concentrate the strength of the opposition if be is to be beaten. Mr. Hurd baa been selected as the most availa ble man. because of his national reputation, and, while he is not a party to the scheme, it Is understood that he will accept the nomination If tendered. It Is stated that Mr. Thurman and others of the party leaders have expressed themselves favorably upon the plan, and that a largo num ber of delegates are already pledged to support the Hurd boom at the proper moment. The State Convention meets on August 27, and Shrewd workers are now vlsitinr th deleft. In the different counties and sounding their preferences. A MYSTERIOUS ESCAPE. The Sadden Disappearance of a Prisoner Without Iirarhs a Clue. SirEClAt.Tn.EOA-I.THX CISrATCH.I , NewCastix, August lZArBtrange'jill de livery took place from the Lawrence county jail in this city this morning. About 10 o'clock blieriH Bell conducted two strangers through the jail to see the structure. He did not no tice anything wrong. At noon, when he handed in the dinner to the prisoners, he was informed that Sam Huston, a prisoner, was missing. A search failed to reveal his where abouts, and notwithstanding the fact that there were eight other prisoners in the jail at the time, not one of them has any knowledge as to the means of escape. Everything remained the same as when the Sheriff left the jail at 10 o'clock, and Huston's disappearance is as complete as if the earth had onened and swallowed him. nnfitn v?. brought to this city from Beaver Falls during the month of July. He is charged with rob- u'"B luu nameu wross. Alls home is at Beaver Falls. A POSTAL BOYCOTT. One of Wnnnmnkcm Appointees Not Satis factory to the Republicans. rSrXCIAI. TELEG BAM TO TUX DISPATCIM Heading, Pa, August 12, Recently Post master General Wanamakerappolnted Thomas N. Fretr,a son of Dr. A. N. Fretz, a f ormer Democratic candidate for Congress, postmaster at Fleetwood, this county. The Republicans were incensed. The explanation was given that Wanamaker appointed Frets, who is a Presby terian theological student, because he needed the salary of 8700 a year to help him into the ministry. The Republicans of Fleetwood have placed a complete boycott on the office. They are hav ing all their mail sent to Blandon, three miles away, which has a Republican postmaster, and from where it la , :., .',. The receipts of the Fleetwood office have fallen off, and it Is believed that hereafter they will not amount to J250 per year. Ex-President Cleveland and Friends Are Enjoying; a New England Oatlng. South FKAMiNanAM, August 12. Ex-Pres ident Grorer Cleveland, accompanied by his popular wife, passed through here to-day upon a pleasure trip. In the party besides Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland were Mr. Richard Watson Gilder, editor of Century, and wife; Joseph Jef ferson, the veteran actor; President Choate, of the Old Colony Railroad, who tendered the party a special train, andMiss Ruth Burnett, sister of ex-CongressmanTBumett. Southboro was reached about 4 o'clock. While there tho ex-President and wife will be the guests of Hon. Edward Burnett at Deer Foot farm. Editor Gilder and wife will stop wiw .rresiaent unoaie aiunesmui Jim larm. while Jefferson will be the guest of Dr. Joseph Burnett. To-morrow, it is expected, the party will visit the extensive shoe factories at Marl boro. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day la Two Cities Condensed for Bendy' Reading. All members entitled to transportation to Gettysburg to take part in the ceremonies on Pennsylvania Day, September 11 aud 12, will call for blank applications for transportation on W. J. Patterson, at the office of the German American Insurance Company, No. Ill Fourth avenue, or on Charles Beibcrt, at Germanla Savings Bank, corner of Wood and Diamond streets, city, as soon as passible. In Ross township, flvo rnlles out the Perrys- vtlle road, operations in 'gas and oil develop ments are very active at! present, and rigs are adding much to the architectural appearance of the section. The mala seat of the present development is back of Bellevne. Alice Todd, a pretty yonng girl of RIchhill township, Greene county, was taken to Dix mont yesterday from the Greene County Home. The young girl lived with her grandmother, and became insane three weeks ago. A team belonging to Feter Harrington, a contractor of the West End, ran away on Main street yesterday. Turning a corner, the wagon collided with a telegraph pole and was badly damaged. The driver escaped. Secbetaey "William Calhoun, of the Philadelphia Asphalt Block Company, will su perintend the larin? of his navement on Fed eral street. He expects the test to be finished in a week. Aoekt Dean and Mrs. Short sued Robert Short yesterday on different charges. Agent Dean alleges lie treats bis chUdrea..craelly and the wife :laiss-b threatened tb kUVLnf Two freight trains collided in the Leechbnrg tunnel, on the West Perm road, yesterday. The tracks were blockaded for a few hours. A broken rail was the cause. Both Gotfleld Kreltzer and Fred Carter, who work at the Black Diamond Steel Works, were struck in the faces by pieces of steel yes terday and Injured. Mayor Peaeson sent John Eckert, of Troy H11L to tho workhouse for SO days for abusing his wife. The wife fainted at the hearing in the Mayor's office. The railroad coal operators have not yet been notified that the local freight agents will confer with them about a reduction of the lake rates. Peter Lackey, a young workman, fell from the topfof a new building at Jones & Laugh Una' mill, yesterday, aud is not expected to live. The new boat Nellie Hndson No. 2, to ply on the Allegheny between the city and Brady's Bend, will be launched in two weeks. A petition was filed yesterday for a charter for the Armstrong Bros. & Co.'a Employes Beneficial Association. Frank Peecy was struck by a freight en-"' gino at cnartiers ana has since died from bit injuries. HIS BIG JOB. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday. Sunt Beildenee. (James MeCale Plttebnrg 1 alary Coyne. Pittsburg t Joseph Kfttcllff. Allegheny Teresa Curry. Allegheny Peter Brandel Pittsburg Mary Fleck Pittsburg ( Pittsburg (Johanna Larkln Pittsburg ( Ilugh Owens Allegheny I Alice Campbell Allegheny I Michael nonmet. Pittsburg I Victoria Lulecka -Pittsburg (Robert Bell McKeespnrt (Ann Elizabeth lteam McKeesport (Adam Backl Pittsburg I Kosellng Scbois Pittsburg J JohnClvetaz Shaler township J Barbara Bsrbolic Shaler township (Patrick Joyce Pittsburg Kate Boyle Plttsbnrg (James Livingstone Pittsburg I Mary E. McKlnney Pittsburg (James E. Bomack Chartlcrs J Mary &. Jacobs Chartlers (Henry Sexaner. Lower St. Clair township (Louisa Lay Lower St. Clair township ( John Dempsey Allegheny Nellie Brennan Allegheny J John G. C. Schubert Allegheny Catherine J. Clark Boblnson township (P.J.Edwards Pittsburg VeleseaC. Jlornberger Pittsburg A LOVER'S ABSENCE The Cause of a Pretty Young Woman Be coming n Ravine Maniac. icrxctAL TxxxauAU to tob dispatch, j Reading, August 12. Miss Lizzie Speyerer. aged 25, a pretty young woman, and Reading's fashionable dressmaker, was taken to the Har risburg Insane Asylum to-day. She employed a number of young ladies, and did work for all the high society women of Reading. Imagin ing that the young man who has been paying her addresses had been killed, because be was out of the city, she has become a raving maniac. She cnt off her fine, thick, brown hair which was 35 inches long, close to her head, and cut a dozen of her finest dresses into shreds. febe was placed in a hospital here, but es caped, and as for some time on the mount ains. When captured, her feet were fearfully lacerated add nearly all her clothing torn from her body. Everybody in Reading to-day pities poor Lizzie Speyerer. Congressman Craig is Trying to Distribute His Official Pop. Congressman S. A. Craig, of Brookville, is making a tour through his district trying to distribute the patronage to which he is entitled. He tiaid his respects to Collector of Internal Revenue "Warmcastle yesterday to see what revenue officers are needed in his district. The captain is newly elected but is as wary as an old war horse. He was found at the Seventh Avenue last night with James S. McKean and Sam Warmcastle. He de clined to savmuch on the Gubernatorial outlook, dismissing tho subject by stating that both Dclamater and Montooth have warm personal friends in his district He thinks George A. Jenks wonld make a strong Democratic candidate, but he doesn't know that his fellow townsman has anv aspirations in this direction. A Westing-bouse Electric Light Salt. ISrxCIAI. TKLEOSAM TO TUX HlBrATCn.1 Bedford Springs, August 12. United States Marshal Miller, of Plttsbnrg, arrived here on Saturday. To-day he served two subpamaa on F. Fletcher, Esq, President of the Bedford Electric Light Company. The suits were brought by George Westlngbouse, Jr., and the Westlnghotise Electric Company for an infringement on their patent of acon- taSS'' tI""" clectnc " Plant here is the Thompson-Houston system, and that company will make the defense in th. .. just brought. The plant has not yet been ac-J Did Not Like His Quarters. rsrzciAL TiircKAM to Tnx DisrATcni Findlay, O., August 12 Elijah E. Shrote commenced suit in the Common Pleas Court to-day against Daniel Gilbert. Mahlon Reitgan, Washington Morehoart, Frederick Schuler John Platts and Frank Hendricks for 110 000 darnagea, InbispetitiouShrotesaja theaboVe parties had him imprisoned in the Toledo workhouse 70 days for selling liquor contrary to law in the village of Vanlue wuwary Democratic Nomliires In the Field. ISrxCIAI. TELCOEAllfl TO THE DISPATCH.J Carlisle. August 12 The Democratic County Convention mot hero to-day for the purpose of nominating a county ticket. The attendance was large, every -district being rep resented. The following ticket was placed in the field: District Attorney, AG. Miller of Carlisle; Director of Poor. Michael Searess. of Newton, Surveyor, S. J. Tritt, Penn. Indigestion IS not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparllla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph, lake, of BrockwU CentrgjHich.: "Idver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could be digested at oil. 'Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Avers Sarsaparllla, which bag produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa rilla I-could see an improvement in my vuuuiuuu. jujr uppci'iLc ufaa to return und with it same the ability to digesi fall the food taken, my strength im proved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. Tho medicine has given me a new lease of )ife." k s DIED. BRAITHWA1T At Hulton. on Monday, August 13. 18S9, at 7:30 A. 1L, JOHN MAXWELL, son of William and Sarah Braithwatt, aged 10 months. BRUNDRED On Monday morning, AuguBt 12. 1S89. at his residence in Oil City, Pa.. Will iam J. Bbundbed, aged 63 years 8 months 27 days. Funeral services at bis late residence in Oil City, Fa., Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment at Faterson, N. X COOK On Friday. August 9, 1SS3, at Orlan do, Fix, Joseph S. Cook. Interment at Saltsburg, Indiana, county, Fa., TnuitSDAY August 15, at noon. 2 CARNAHAN On Sunday. August 1L1SS9, at 10:30 p. M., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of David Carnahan, In the 55th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. No, 68 Wabash avenue. West End, Tuesday, August 13, at 2 p. it. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. CASEY At Mansfield, Fa., on Sunday night, August 1L 1889, at 12 o'clock, Frank, son of Mary and Jeremiah Casev. In the 19th year sf his age. Funeral on Tuesday mohnino, August 13, at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect fully invited. DTJANE On Monday, August 12, at 2 p. M., Michael Duane, in the 44th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, corner Forty-fifth and Fenn avinue, on Wednesday, August 14, at 8.30 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 GOE At her borne, on the New Brighton road. Allegheny City, on Sunday morning. Au- ust 11, 1889, at 9.40 o'clock, MBS. Henby B. OE. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the services at the house at 220 p. M. Wednes day. Interment private. 3 GRACE On Monday afternoon, August 12 1SS9, at 3.30 o'clock, at his' home, Loronz avenne. wesi jsna, WILUAK' JIcCully aKArKtged7f7a.v t r -' Notice of funeral hereafter. HUNTER On Monri.iv Ammtf v lero , 12:30 P. JL, W. Edward, son of James and Mary Freeland Hunter, aged 9 years and 6 months. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 230 o'clock from the residence of his parents, No. 134 Irwin avenue. Interment private. 2 McGOVERAN-On Monday. August 12. 1889. at 12:10 p. iu Petib A., son of John and Ann McGoveran, aged 18 years. Funeral from the residence of bis parents, No. 4925 Hatfield street, on Wednesday, August 14, at 10 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 PHILLIPS On Snnday morning, August u. 1889. Wsi. Phillips, Sn. at his residence vww.wmu .,,, .u ? wbujctii ui uia age. Funeral will take place from his late resi dence on Wednesday, August 14, at 2 p. m. STOKES-On Sunday, August U. 1889, at the residence of her husband In Platte county Neb Asna M. McDowell, wife of James si Stokes. SCANLON-On Sunday, August H, 1SS9, at 11 rfa a. at., Dennis J., son of Kate and tbe late Dennis Scanlon, aged 22 years and 8 months. Funeral from the residence of his mother. No. 8 Elba row, Frankstown, on Tuesday, the 13th inst at 2 P. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 VOTE Of diphtheria, on Monday norning at 7:30, Robert Lloyd, youngest son of LouS and Annie J. Vote, aged 5 years, 11 moaths and 6 days. Funeral on Tuesday. August 13,'at 2 o'clock P. 3L, from tbe residence. No. 9 Overhll) street, Pittsburg. "Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. WEBSTER On Sunday, August 1L J Habner. son of John and Tillin W.,)x,t, aged 11 years and 10 months. ' Funeral from 208 Federal street, Tuesday at 2 p.m. 2 WILLIAMS On Monday, August 12, 18S9. at i M, SSi. only danKhter of C. R. and Animia E. Williams, aged 19 months. Funeral will take place from residence of parents, North Mansfield, Pa., Tuesday, Au gust 18, 18S9, at 2 p. jr. Interment private. SOW OAK $20 00. We have now ready for de livery another lot of this ex traordinary good value (3 piece) Chamber Suite. It has large beveled mirror, 22 by 28, and double, bedstead 4j4 feet wide. And all in best rubbed and polished finish. Similar good values and lowest possible net cash prices characterize our CARPET DEPARTMENT, FURNITURE DEPARTMENT -and- CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. N. B. Our complete and handsome room furnishment for $41 75, as follows: Roll (40 yards) mixed dark colors Fancy . Straw Matting, $ Three-piece Chamber Suite ab-1) Woven Wire Mattress Husk and Cotton-top Mattress, Good Feather Bolster, 2 good Feather Pillows, One Reed'Rocker and 2 Side Chairs, Oak finish, - 7 Afci-S iB Wbls ' Weak ML SSl AUGUSTis the MONTH NSW ADTXRTI8X3IENTS. B. & B. Tuesday, August 13. FOR CUT PRICES.' We have now taken stock and are cutting prices in the following departments, viz: MlllinDTTT I Prices reduced about one-half iliullilui J i and no charge for trimming. rdlduUiu (Reduced to half price. TrMs anil ) Traveling Bags J Perfnieries f Snmmer I Underwear i Summer All at reduced prices. Surplus stock must go. Reduced about one-fourth in price; some styles of which we have extra large quanti ties, reduced one-half. ' Reduced from 23 to 35 per cent. 3 oo 20 3 4 3 3 oo SO 50 00 00 Emliroifleries All spread out on our coun ters at reduced prices. Reductions are fully from 83 to 60 per cent. This includes Flannel Shirts for Wen and Boys, white Dress Shirts, Night Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. Sus penders, Handkerchiefs, etc. ALL AT RIQHT PRICES. A marvel of cheapness. No trash, but good eoodj from best manufacturers at nrices almost as low as the poorest goods are sold at Men's FnrnisMng itooas Ladies' Muslin Underwear) Watch the daily papers for fur ther announcements. SPECIAL JACKET BARGAINS EARLY FALL INVOICE Fine Stockinet Jackets. At $$ 50: Fine Stockinet, silk bound, satin faced, finished seam, bell sleeve, Jacket at $5 50, worth $8. At 4: Fine Stockinet, mohair bound, satin faced, finished seam, bell sleeve, Jacket at 4, worth $6. Cloth Long Wraps, light and medium weight, for Ladies, Misses and Children, from $5 up. Every garment a bargain. These goods provide against the sudden cold spells of early falL B0GGS & BUHL, 115, 117,119,121 Federal st,,Allegheny. aul3-D HEW ADVZRTHiaUUITS. RIGHT OH THE HEELS OF- GUSKY'S GIGANTIC SUCCESS, THE GREAT ONE-DOLLAR SALE, COKES THE P ATE1TTS O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 1S1 Fifth avenue, above HmithfleULnext Leader omce. mooeiay.j jusiaousnea w years. se29-hlu BTEASIEKS AND EXCURSIONS. 4 75 Add $1 ing Suite ment $4i 75 50, cost of pack- for railroad ship- 0. McCLJNTOCK cSc CO., 33 FTH AVENUE 33 aul-TTS Fleishman &Co.'s NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st3 PnTSBUBO, pa. Orders by m&il receive prompt attention. Catalogues and Frioo Lists mail ed tree of charge to any address. The following are now ready: Corset Catalogue, Book Catalogue, Catalogue of Musical Collections, Price List of Patent Medicines, Prioe List of Soaps, eto. House Furnishing Goods Cata logue. . aul3-s AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, eta PETER WRIGHT fc SONS, General agents, 307 Walnut st Philadelphia. Full Information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Bmlthfleld street. LOUIS MOESER, ClSmiUifield street. mhl3-66-TT3 ANNUAL AUGUST CLEAR-UP SALE! Which Said Sale Will Dwarf the So-Called "Mark-Downs". Around Town Just as the Pittsburg Exposition Will Tower Over All Things of a Previous Nature Held in This-City Before. Men's Suits, sold before at $8, $io,$i2 and $16, will go for $5, $6, $j 50 and 10 only. ' Children's One-piece, All-wool Kilts 98c only. Children's Two-piece Kilts, worth $1 75, $2 and $2 50, you can take choice for One Dollar only. Boy ;' Jersey Suits ia Fancy Shades and Stripes, sold now all over the city, at 4, you can take your choice for $2 25 only. i'S SOMETHING FOR AIMOST NOTHING! rfoys Summer Coats at 15c Boys' Summer Coats and Vests, 75c and 98c Some 2,500 pairs of Children's Pants will be offered at 29c, 39c, 48c, 59c, 65c, 75c, 86c and 98c. In no case is any pair worth less than doubia the amount . f-IUNAED LUTE. X&W YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENS- . juwo, jrituai rum 40 hubiu iuvjus. FAST EXPKES3MAIL SERVICE. Etrarla,Aug.l7,10:30AH!!Servls. Sept. 7,3m Anranla. Anjt. M,lr X Gallia. Sept. 11, 6:30 A 31 Bothnia, Aug. 28, tOB A JC Etruria. Sept. U US TJmbrla, Auk.S1.8i30 a MAuranla.8ept.Il.IlW p if Cabin passage, t60, (80 and 100; Intermediate. 35. Hteerare tickets to and from all parts ot Kurop at very low rates. VE11NOM H. BttOWK & CO., General Agent 4 Bowling Green. New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. Fourth ave. and Smlthdeld St., Plttsbnrg. aul2-D . BOYS' SUITS! In beautiful Checks, Plaids, Stripes and Broken Check Cheviots quite a big lot of 'em not many of one style. Some of them were worth $10, o 58, $j 50. YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PICK OF THE LOT FOR $5. Why, they're awful cheap at the price, but we've only one, two or three of any one style, and sooner than carry them we'll let them go for a "V." Line Dublin State To Glasgow, Belfast. and Liverpool. KROM NEW "YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Oabln passage 135 to ISO. according to location of stateroom. Excursion S65 to S90. SteKe to and from Europe at Lowest Rates. AU&tUT BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents, C3 Broadway, Mew York. J. J. MeCORMICK. Ageii, Pittsburg. Pa. iah!2-I JAMES AKCHIBAXD A BRO.. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. 117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doorTbelow Bmlthfleld st, next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for Iunerals,t3L Carriages for operas. parties, do, at the lowest rates. All new car- rlages. Telephone communication. myl-ll-Tis ACCORDION PLEATINGS Will continue to be very fashlonabln during this fall and winter. We are nrenared to do this -work lnthe beet and most durable way. uudub leiton w eanesaaj ueurerea on oaiur oar; ten on aaiuruay ueiirerea on Wednes day. Prices varv accordlscr to width. Samnla and prices by mail if desired. GENTS' NECKWEAR BARGAINS. A lot of four-ln-band ties and teck cotton scarfs at 6 cents each or GO cents a dozen. Marked down from IS and 20 cents each. No tice this reduction. A lot of four-in-hand ties and teck scarfs, finest satin and Ottoman, AT 60 CENTS EACH. Reduced from 1 aud $1 25. BARGAINS IN FANCY WORK GOODS. We are closing tbe entire balance of oar stamned and tinted BOLTON awniRTlvr PIECES, consisting of splashers, scarfs, pil low covers, table covers, eto, at JUST HALF REGULAR PRICES. A full line of Bargarran linen embroiderv, all shades, to work the Bolton sheeting with. A bargain at hosiery counters: A lot of ladles' 25c black stockings, closing at 20o a pair. Another lot of r MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC UNDERGAR MENT BARGAINS In the trav on the end of the ribbon counter. LADIES' LAWN HATS and children's corded bats at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 1 Another lot of those extra good solid wood back hair brushes at 50c each; worth 75c eacbJ DL?TJCTxat ? newest thing out in a TOOTH BRUSH, called the 1 L'ETERNELLE, J "The Everlasting," j Made so that a current of air can nnu thmnoh. out the back by means of perforated holes, acd so insuring that drying process necessary to the preservation of tbe brush. Made by Ch. Loonen. Price, 25o each.' v Send orders by maU if you are not in the ci!y to shop. I "Hello, Central!" 'Hello r "Give us the cities ot Pittsburg and Allegheny." "AH right r "Is that you Pittsburg and Allegheny?" Yes, who are you?" We are Tiie Balance of Our Men's Summer Clothing Sacrificed I It'll pay you to buy now, if only to put away for another year. $3 ONLY WILL TAKE THE CREAM Of Men's Dress Pants from gi8, $20 and S25 Suits, of which we have sold Coats and Vests. There are no two pair alike, but you can find pair to suit you out of the lot. Any pair of pants offered is worth at least $5, while many are of good value at $6 and even $j. Come and see them. This Sale is for This Entire Week ! Everybody Come ! -( QTJSKY'S 300 to 400 Market street. ROSENBAUM & CO. and we are going to talk to you through the whole MONTH OF AUGUST. We went East some time.ago with a BIG. FAT POCKETBOOK. When we came back we brought AN EMPTY POCKETBOOK with us. WE WEREN'T BUNKOED, WE WEREN'T DISSIPATED, WE WERE BUYING GOODS and now we will sell you new Black Silk Velvet Ribbons, fcom No. x to No. 2a . New Colored Velvet Ribbons desirable widths. New Black Velvet Ribbons, satin back, Nos. 4, 5, 7, 9. 13 and 16. New Knitted Silk Fringes, 50c to $3. New Chat, elaine Bags, 48c to $3. New Silk, Leather 'and Canvass Belts, 10c to St 5a New styles of Silk Umbrellas, with over 300 different styles of handles. New Fall Hats and Bonnets, New BSrds, Parrots, Wings, Tips, etc New Velvets, Plushes Silks. EYE-OPENING BARGAINS In JEBSETS am-d. BLOUSES aUll-TTS8U AUGUST HOSIERY SEDUCTIONS. carryover a pair of summer HORNE & WARD! 41 FUFXB jLVENUE. au!3-D WESTEB2T INSUltAJfCJB CO. OP PITTSBURG. Assets W48.50187 NO. 4U WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER N1MICK. President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President fe22-26-TT3 WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary pEPRESENTEU IN PITl'BBURO IN HSU ASSETS . . vum,cxz&. Insurance Co. of Xbrth America, losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenn& U20-82-D TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold flllines from SI up. Amalcan. 50c silver. 75c; white aUoy.H. b " Oold Crowns a specialty. X3R. J. M. McCLAREN, Corner Smithfield and Fourth avenue. Je53-TTSu n&ia; DR. ORR And Associats Pbysicians. No. 720 Penn avenue, Pittsburg; Pa, submit a brief report of a few cases selected from their many patients for the encouragement r.i f or persons siml- Mrs. W. stated she had been pronounced in curable by some traveling doctors. Her dlseaso Is one of which: many ladies cdmplain. She is very much improved in three weeks' treat ment. Another case of club-foot, very great deform- ...,, r. uu... uami wiwout pain ana im proving raotalr. Yonntr lariv .with Mt.h bronchitis and kidney disease; treated by a num ber of doctors, but grew worse; irained live pounds during first month's treatment Old eentleman with varicose veins and ulcers on right leg cured without an operation. . Consultation free. Office hours-10 to 1130 A. K., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. JylT-D For Ladies and Children. The entire stock MARKED DOWN, many to half price and less. Our assortment of these Is simply immense. Examine the-fine cream, bine, bronze, garnet and gray Jerseys. 1,200 PINE STOCKINETTE JERSEYS, From $j 95 to $7 50, and every one a bargain. New Onyx guaranteed fast black Hosiery, just opened. That Is all we will tell you about this time, good bye. Do you know where we live?" "Oh yes, everybody knows that you are lpgeAbauinlfS 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. Wo will not goods It low prices will sell them. A FEW OF THE BARQAINSFOR LADIES. 60c Striped Cotton now 29c,60o Lisle now -S5c, 75c .Lisle now 44c, Jl 25 Lisle now 75c, II Silk now 75c, GO and 75c Black now 35c A FEW OF THE BARGAINS FOR CHILDREN. 50c Black Cotton, double knees,19c; Stainless Black, double knees, 25c, wortb 35c; 35c worth 60c LADIES' RIBBED au!3-TTSSa GENUINE SWISS VJSSTH, LKKS 21 and 29c, reduced from 60c; 75c Lisle now 60c, f 1 Lisle now 75c; Silk from 75c up. Star Flannel Waists and Blouses Are selling fast the prices make them co. INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND BONNETS, All cnt away down in price; they will cost yon ... ..1. ... MBA Oft J A A UlUbU 1UU1D UW lUJO f UU1 HOW. Tennis Goods and Flannel Shirts Must Go. ' Blazers J2 85. Caps 45c. Sashes il 60; special lot or Flannel Shirts jl 60. This is a great bargain. All Departments Full of Good Bargains Jl fi, CAMPBELL & SONS, 710 PENN AVENUE. 710 PENN BUILDING. Between Beventh and Eighth sts. aul-Tursu Buy Now and Make Money. Don't lose sight that you're sure of a generous money's worth in all sorts of light weight Clothing. This is an unloading month. Summer stock must be sold. We don't want the goods, and want the room for the new fall stock. Wanamaker 8c Brown, Sixth street and Fenn avenie. aulO-D JAS. MNEEL & BKCL BOILERS, BHEET-IROlt" PLATE AND WORK PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulla machinery we are prepared to furnish all worsj in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine wore, xwenty-nuun street ana Allegheny Yal lev Railroad.' leo-55-TTS "W- s. j&ojsnDrzr, tjg-tjst 2. "W- s. URATEKUL-COMFORTTNl EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. Bra thorough knawlerfc-nnf tho.,.!,,...,! i.-rt, which govern the operations of digestion and n i 7-. hurts ,-VHrsansmiQ ..j,u. w .ru.vupu.lllU, Fnzr-ABED BT D'. J. a Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mast . trl l;siibctu 5. worth tsabettj A GOOD INVESTMENT In a growing locality in Allegheny; corner lot Hiui & irtJQiage ui w ject vn eacn Ox two good streets, 2x5 room bouses, room for 4 additional houses, all for W.500, ' Insject tMs'ieny Properly Corner lot, with a frontage of 200 feet largo house, yielding a rental of J408 per year, always rented, and a small outlay in improvements would increase the Income; 2,800 will buy it: choice and cheap Improved and unimproved properties in both cities and suburbs. Call and see me. CHARLES SOMERS, 313 Wood bt line nroDertiesof welljinleetnH has prodded our breakfast tables caieiy navorea oeverai tocoa, Mr. Ep with a 1 nuirition,anaanatyacareftiIappllcatlonoftbi uocoa, blea w) icm w.. .. . manv heaw doctors' blYln. Itt. h.,. jr.i, use of such articles of diet that a constitution wj w tuuauj uuut up until stronflr 4 . v.. OTery"naenFr to disease. Hundred ' uiiuamra are noanng around us n to attack wherever there ia a weak noint. may escape many a fatal shaft by keeninir selves wen lortined with pure blood and a pro "ii.. rf" .if.t.,.T?r'v" oerac uateu f . J'ri"' "" "uume water or milk. oniy innau pouna uns ny Grocers. labeled thus! AomcBopatmauhemlsti noS-h-! WM. SBMPLB'S STORES, 165, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA., ... , , . -. - UNDOUBTEDLY BEYOND COMPARISON. New staple and desirable goods arriving daily in all departments meantime we continue the low prices of the past month, which have proved such a success a great many all the year round goods at the mark down prices. ' ?i quality curtains 75c per curtains $2' per pair. Finer Jas.Epps&Co. Telephone 1012. ma Fir a DISORDERED LIVER Try BEECHAM'S PILLS. 25cts. a Box. .xrovct: Sec the large lines of Lace Curtains: pair. $1 50 curtains $1 per pair. $3 grades at proportionate prices. In Carpet room prices 'cut j to jl $1 Body Brussels Carpet. p;ood patterns, for 75c. $1 25 Body Brussels Carpet for 90c 60c Tapestry Brussels Carpet for 45c Ingrain Carpets i off price. In Cloak room rare bargains in Shawls, Wraps, Jackets, Ladies' and Misses' Silk, Stuff and Wash Suits, to clear. The low prices in Silks still on. Black Surahs now 50c, down from 75c. $1 Surahs now 75c. $1 25 Surahs now $1. 90c, $1 12 and t 25 Black Gros Grains were 1 25, $x 50 and $1 75. Fancy Silks all reduced. Open to-day beautiful line Bisque, Patent. and China Dolls and Doll Heads, from 25c up. Bargains in Ladies' and Misses' Underwear, Infants' and Children' White Dresses, all tf off. I See the, beautiful White Goods kid Embroideries at marked down prices. JA off Glassware, Queensware, Lamps, etc. " ' 1 Mail orders promptly filled at lowest prices. s. Dress Goods department replete with desirable goods: The $1 fancy wool Dress Goods now 55 and 60c. The 75c imported Drew Goods now 50c. . Three lots of plain, mixed striped, plaid and fancy weave Dress Fabrics at 20c, 25c and 37c are specially worth attention, many of them just half price. 20c striped and plain Beiges now 10c 31c French Satines, 18 and 20c Best American Satines, I2c. Light colored 15c Satines, now 6c. Challis and Challis Beiges 6c up. Colored Cashmeres, all wool, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 75c, are yi off price. Another case Turkey Red Tablings at 35c, worth 50c. Another case golden flax Table Linen at 50c a yard; regular price 65c Special bargains in Towels and Napkins. Parasols clearing at half price. Millinery in all its branches, including Ribbon, Feathers, Flowcn, etc., yS off. Ladies' Ribbed Vests lajc up. Men's light weight Merino Shirts 15 and 35c urv Men's French Balbriggan Shirts 33c, were 50c. Samples sent when requested. -- ' ,, WMA sKsasaa