-g" irT!.J'T ISffSfSSM ?5CTr THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TUESDAY, AUGUST " 13,-1889. tw niiraTrfr t lift jpigpfalj. ESrABLISHED FEBRUARY ij xiisl Vol. 44, Ko.187. Entered at Pittsburg l'ostofflcc, hovcmber 14, 1S37, as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 00 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 76, 77 and 70 Diamond Street Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 48, Tribune Building, Hew York. Average net circulation of the dj.Hr edition of 'TUEDiSrATCHforslx months ending July zi,lSS9b as sworn to before City Controller, 29,914 Copies' per issue. Average net circulation of tbe Sunday edition of The Dispatch for three months ending July 31, 1S3D, 54,897 Copies per issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOETAOE THEE IN THE UKITZD STATES. DAO.T DiSFATcn, One Year '. 8 00 Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Mouth 70 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, Sm'tbs. 2 60 Daily Dispatch, including Bunday.l month DO bujDAY Dispatch, Oca Year 2 SO Weekly Dispatch, One Year 13 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at J5 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. P1ITSBURG. TUESDAY, AUG. 13, 1SSX TWO SUBJECTS FOE EEF0HH. The evidence presented in the detective and blackmailing cases gives point to the statements already made in these columns as to the need for a reform in the private de tective business, and bids fair to have some thing to spare in the direction of cupporting another position of this journal as to the need of reforming some features in the Al dermen business. The evidence may not be conclusive that the Aldermen named in the. testimony were cognizant of the criminal nature of the suits. But it shows pretty plainly that the practice of taking costs without any hear ing, and without any effort on the part of the Aldermen to inform themselves of the nature' of the prosecutions, opens a wide door for the successful practice of the gravest abuses. This is an influence toward abuse which is common to our justice courts. The Alder man, being dependent on fees for the sup port of his court, is impelled by one of the strongest forces known to modern humanity to accept any course that will yield the costs, and to take the chances on the justice and good faith of the proceeding. The re sult is very frequently grotesque, considered as an illustration of the administration of justice. ' The present scandalous cases will not be an unmixed evil, if they make clear the necessity of abolishing the irresponsible private detective business, and reforming those features of the Aldermen's courts which diminish their care for even-handed justice. AS TO COKE PEICES. It is asserted that some operators in the coke region are talking of closing down because at the present scale of wages they cannot sell coke at $1.00 per ton without losing money. That is the wisest course to adopt if it be true that the cost of pro duction is in excess of the market price. In the first place, the surest way to raise prices to a profitable basis is to cease pro duction at an unprofitable one. In the next place, if the price is held at a losing figure, by any interest, the qnickest way to bring it to. terms is to let It have all the business there is which entails a loss on the seller. But there is a great difference between the proposed jump of prices to $1.50 per ton, and leaving it at the present level. Some of the operators might try selling it at $L101.20 before declaring that the market will not advance. PRACTICABILITY OF THE CANAL. The question of the proposed ship canal from Lake Erie to this city forms the sub ject of'an interesting article by Mr. O. L. Moody in the Erie Dispatch of Saturday. It gives its main attention to the doubt as to whether a sufficient supply of water is ob tainable for the higher levels of the canals. The calculation is made as to the amount of water necessary to permit vessels of 500 to 1,000 tons to pass, and to carry an aggregate traffic of 3,000,000 tons in eight months of the year. Then, by a map of the Con neaut Lake, Chautauqua Lake and Oil Creek basins, it is shown that feeders are practicable there which will supply the drainage of this district of 4,000 square milcB to the highest level of a canal from Tidioute, on the Allegheny, to Conneaut Lake summit.' This offers a strong indication that the canal from Lake Brie to the upper Alle gheny is not only practicable, but is likely to be most economical in construction. The main objection to it is likely to be that as the political influences of Beaver county have been prominent-Jn the revival of the canal project they may object to having the route diverted entirely from their sec tion. It certainly would be calculated to sour a community like the Beaver Valley to start the agitation for a publio work and then to be left entirely to one side in its realization. DOUBTFUL EVIDENCE, The intimation that the Treasury au thorities arc not disposed to accept the fact that workingmen in America informed workingmen in England that they could get employment in the glass lactones here, as evidence of a contract for importation, in dicates a belief that it is time to call a halt on the extreme application of that piece of 1 legislation. It would take a rather strong presumption to regard this a contract; but it would not so strong as the ruling which puts a clergyman under the head of im ported labor, and imposes a fine upon the vestrymen who offered him a salary to leave England. "Whatever the construction of the law may be it will be hard to convince the public that the act of a labor organiza tion in bringing its foreign members from a country where they are out of work to one that wants their work, is injurious to labor. BEND US ME. GLADSTONE. The latest story about Queen Victoria is ' that she intends visiting the United States in the near future. In England the story is not believed, but it is discussed by a good many papers over there, principally for the purpose of sneering at the welcome that would be accorded the good old lady should she land upon our shores. The London Globe, for instance, says: Still, ono may wish that there were some truth in tbe rnmor, If only for the sake of im agining the bustle with which a republic would receive a Queen and Empress. Republicanism aa exhibited in tbe States, is at a disadvantage In comparison with a kingdom In all tbe essen tials which go to make up the splendor of a royal progress. Militia, fire engines and steam whistles are Imposing In their way, but they do not supply the necessary ingredients for a 'radld function such as those which take place upon similar occasions in tbe great capi tals of. Europe. There would, however, be a natural rivalry among the plutocrats of Amer ica for the opportunity of making something like a royal display. We are not sqjlbre that the aforesaid plu tocrats would make such an exhausting ef fort to receive Victoria. It is certain that this Bepublic would not receive the queen with a bustle. Columbia does not encum ber her truly queenlike form with such trash as a bustle. Nor does she harbor the ridiculously effete idea that it is necessary to pay enormous annuities to a parcel of congenital nincompoops who in return are an excuse for gorgeous progresses and splen did functions. But the United Statesman give a hearty welcome to any visitor tney love and honor. If England will spare us Mr. Gladstone for a little while we will show the world what an American welcome is like. Kings and queens need not apply. TO SOUTH CAROLINA'S CEEDIT. The acquittal of Flemon, or Yeldell, by the South Carolina court, and the care that was taken to protect him against the threats of lynch law, deserve a fair recognition from the people of the North. It shows beyond question that the influential and official ele ment in South Carolina fully perceives the importance of exact justice to the negro as welt as to the white man. This is the most satisfactory and complete response to the charge that the state of pub lic feeling in South Carolina would secure Flemon's conviction, regardless of the facts. The trial turns out to have been painstak ingly fair to the prisoner, and to have given him the benefit of all reasonable doubts, even to the extent of liberality.! The threats of the mob reveal a survival of the old barbaric spirit; but the precautionsjtaken against a lynch-law murder showed (that the better classes in South Carolina wire in earnest to redeem the pledge that all (he legal rights o! the prisoner should be maintained. The outcome of the case should establish a better understanding and more complete confidence between tbe two sections. South Carolina has certainly done her duty care fully and thoroughly. EALLH0AD MANAGEMENT AND DUELING. The two distinguished and Influential idiots of the Atlanta, Ga., type who fought a duel in Alabama last week, were railroad men. One of them having accused the other before a legislative committee of having tried to unload his railroad upon the corporation of the first, the other retorted that this was untrue. Such an answer made it necessary to burn powder, and accord ingly the antagonists journeyed into Alabama, found a suitable place, and after discharging their pistols at each othera suit able number of times, declared their honor satisfied and abstained from further pro ceedings. ' ' This method of wiping out injury upon their honor arouses jeers of sarcasm from the rest of the country. But it must be con fessed that it affords a decided improvement upon the method which is usually resorted to by railroad men for fighting out their quarrels. As a general rule instead of try ing to cut the throat of his enemy, accord ing to the rules of the duello, the irate rail road manager proceeds to cut his enemy's rates; and the regular method of fighting the war to a finish is to spill the life-blood of the stockholders in the shape of net earn ings, rather than to let out the personal gore of his antagonist. There seems to belittle room for doubt that the average stockholder will prefer that the manager of his property shall resort to the code in the pursuit of his personal quarrels, rather than confine him self to the regular.corporate methods of war fare. Nevertheless the duel in this case seems to have been unsatisfactory on ac count of the total absence of fatality. The errand having been professedly a killing one, it certainly seems that men having at their disposal the resources of two railroads should have been able to make their meet ing more deadly. The next time that they undertake to kill each other, we would sug gest that they meet each mounted upon a locomotive of his own railroad, in which case there is good hope that one, if not both, duelists will be permanently cured of duel ing. THAT AWFUL SUCKS0ABD. Is President, Harrison consistent in all things? Has he sufficient respect for his high office and the gentleman who fills it? These are two questions which naturally suggest themselves to us when we read that in the course of one of Mr. Harrison'B ex cursions at Bar Harbor last week he rode upon a bnckboard in company with eleven society people. "We care not to stop to in quire how eleven men managed to get seats on one buckboard, or to sympathize with the luckless horse delegated to haul such a load; our mission is more momentous. A couple of monthi ago the ebullient and blooming Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Jeremiah Busk, italicised his presence at a rural fete, gotten up by Edi tor Agnus, of Baltimore, by riding on the top of a hay wagon. The feat at the time made a tremendous impression upon the nation, and not a few were found to point to it as a convincing proof of the usefulness of the new department over which Genaral Busk presides. But a few weeks after Sec retary Busk had descended from the hay wagou, it leaked out that President Harri son had said that he thought it inconsistent with the dignity of a Cabinet officer to ride about in such a vehicle. In fact, it is said, the President even went further and pointed out to Secretary Busk the heinousness of his offense. Since then, anyhow, the nation's prime authority on sweet corn and the way to kiil English sparrows has be'en observed to be extremely sedate in his carriage, and when he rides he always eschews hay wagons. "What he will feel at liberty to do now, when he learns of his chiefs ignoble de scent to a buckboard, we tremble to think. But President Harrison, who is probably well-informed upon matters of state dignity and traditional etiquette in high office, may be able to inform us of some subtle techni cality by which the buckwagon is put within bounds of propriety while the hay wagon is kept without Still we adjudge the hay wagon to be a vehicle of ponderous dignity; a very model of majesty as com pared with the rattling and frivolous buck board. And we are forced to admit that President Harrison has shown several other signs of unbending, such as sitting on a camp stool in a ship's cabin with a plate of salad between his knees. All.we can hope is that Mr. Bussell Harrison oh his return from foreign courts wil impart to his father the latest information as to the proper move ment of eminent persons, t Bkv. Wil-mam Bobeetson, of Alle gheny, whose sermon on the labor question was referred to in these columns yesterday objects emphatically to being put in the at titude of representing that tbe condition of wage-earners to-day, in regard to personal liberty, is anything approximating that of chattel slavery. He recognizes -that tbe condensed summary of his remarks, which is- necessary .for a newspaper report, may have created that impression; but he states that he is careiul to draw the line between the subjection of slaves and the personal in dependence of free workingmen. His com parison referred simply to the inability of labor at times to obtain employment and wages, which he regards as an evil that can be compared with slavery. Of course, hav ing commented rather sharply upon Mr. Robertson's supposed views, The Dis patch is glad-to set him right before the public. The annoyance which is expressed by tbe patrons of Saratoga over the frequency and superabundance of the gambling resorts there indicates a hitherto "unsuspected possi bility that Saratoga chips can be over abundant. Compabino the state of negro labor in the South with white labor in the North, the Memphis Appeal says: "We do not know just how kindly the negroes would take to work in the Carnegie foundries when they find themselves guarded by a corps of Pinkerton detectives. They have had no experience of that sort in the South." The reports from the South of cases in which the negroes have been made the objects of mob violence, indicate as much. We have never heard Of their being guarded by Pinkerton detectives or any oth er kind, and perhaps they might not consid er a little protection of that sort wholly mis placed. The New Yorkers whose sole idea of the Exposition ofl892 is an Eiffel tower 3,000 feet high, should stop long enough to perceive that a necessary antecedent is a subscription fund some ten million dollars in altitude. The defaulting President of the street car line in New York explains his fall from honesty with the words, "I adore my wife." The detail of the argument is that he was so fond of his wife that he had to steal money in wholesale blocks in order to satisfy her expensive tastes. The adoration which turns a man into a thief is a sort of affection which most women worthy of love will very readily dispense with. It was supposed that this country had reached a stage of civilization in which financiers and leading business men could draw the dis tinction between adoration and dotage. Pabis advices report that Mrs. James Brown-Potter's health has improved. This is fortunate for Mrs. Potter, but the public would have reason to rejoice if tha same thing could be said oi her acting. The same treatment fox respectable law breakers as is given with the disrespectable lawbreakers, demands that the Governor of Alabama shall serve ont to the dueling railroad managers the same treatment that the Governor of Mississippi deals to tha prize fighters. The morals of Tammany Hall appear to make it necessary to draw the line at get ting bogus divorces by collusion with court officials and Influential politicians when the case gels into the newspapers. The weather of the dog days, or what are generally expected to be such, appears bound to make up all its erratic tendencies in the preceding part of 1889. People who com plain of such weather, as yesterday and the day before, are meteorologically insatiable. Suits to recover $30,000,000 worth of land on revolutionary titles are generally apt to prove more imposing in the preface than re numerative in the conclusion. The United States regrets to learn that the Prince of Wales is suffering from gout in a violent form. The regret is all the more poignant because It imposes the neces sity upon the majority of the American dudes to go lame. New gas wells In the McKeescort dis trict add emphasis to the assurance that Pittsburg's unparalleled fuel is not going to" give oat just at present. The news that Stanley is coming out of the wilderness of Africa with a big load of ivory indicates that when he arrives in the realms of civilization he will be prepared to sell on the ivory market and forego the lecture fields. The South Carolina mob which tried to get hold of Flemon has not yet succeeded in getting out a writ of extradition. t The 25,000 ayearpositionswhich Messrs. Walker and Garland obtained through the stepping stone of publio office is creating a very general impression that all men have their price, and that some of them get very steep prices. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Rev. T. DeWitt Tauiaob has a brother who is a missionary in China. ALondoneb advertises that he is "Porous Plaster Manufacturer to Her Majesty the Queen." Chables S. fiULTf, a Maine steamboat owner, is said to be tbe richest man in that State. He it said to be worth $10,000,000 or 15,000,000. Agnes Huntington, tbe American prima donna, has made a professional and social suc cess In London. She is a tall, statuesque woman, with a wonderful contralto voice. Mrs. Herbert "Ward (Elizabeth Stuart Fbelps) has established a fishermen's reading room at Gloucester, Mass., and several'coffee rooms, and is accordingly regarded there with much grateful affection. The death Is recorded of the eminent agri culturist. Count Charles de Bouille 8enator, who 40 years' ago Introduced Southdown sheep into France and devoted the best energies of 'his life to the promotion of farmers' Interests. Mns. J. M. Kellogo, wife of the Attorney General of Missouri, has been Installod as First Assistant Attorney General. She was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court eight years ago. and Is a member of tbe State Bar Associa tion. For several years she was a partner In the law business of her husband, tbe. old firm name being L. B. A J. M. Kellogg. Mrs. La, na Atwell Fillhobe, relict of the late Rev. Glezen Fillmore, who was a first cousin of the late ex-TrcsJdent Millard Fill more, will celebrate her 102d birthday to-day at her quiet home In Clarence, Erie County, New York. Mrs. Fillmore Is without doubt the old est person in Western New York. Bho retains her faculties to a remarkable degree. She was born August 13, 1787, and was married to the pioneer Methodist preacher, Glezen Fillmore, September 20, 1S09. She has lived in Clarence ever since. Her husband died in 1875. HE WILL BE GREATLY HISSED. BtaiorLIndsey Obliged to Leave Washing ton and Return to Waynesboro. .rSFECIAL TXLEQBAX TO TBI DISrATCR.! WASHINGTON. August 12. Major J. B. Una sey, af Waynesburg, who was appointed prop erty clerk at the Inferior Department soon after Cleveland's Inauguration, was Invited to return to his native heath to-day. There docs not appear to have been any charge against the Major except that of dis agreeable politics. He has boon quite a figure here, and will be greatly missed. It's Not for Kale. From tbe Kearney Enterprise. J The newspapers would pay heavily for the private conversation now in progress at Bar Harbor between Mr. Blame a Mr. Harrison.' THE TOPICAL TAIKEE. American Politics) tn the Bible How a Now York-Cabby Vns Routed Jlr. Mnrpuy Rebuked. One Sunday morning recently a little Harris burg girl namedEdlfh.waa devoting bor 9-year-old Intellect to a survey of her Sunday school lesson. Close by her sat her mother. "I never knew that before," said Edith all of a sudden. "Never knew what, Edief That David was a Republican." "What put that into your headT" "Why. here It says," replied Edith, reading from her book, '"David, pleadeth for Protec tion' so ho must have been a Republican. Is there anything in the Bible about free trade, mamma?" As WE were passing through Harrisburg tho other day over tbe Pennsylvania a friend of mine who sat in tbe same section of the Pull man happened to catch sight of the dome of the Daupbln County Insane Asylum. That's the Capitol, isn't ItT" he asked. "No," said I: "it's a madhouse." "Is that soT" remarked my friend. "Well, I came pretty near hitting It." Bttll talking of Harrisburg, the remem brance of an excellent lunch I got in the Penn sylvania Railroad restaurant there compels me to Inquire why all railroad restaurants cannot be run to refresh instead of to exasperate the traveler? . , V When you get to Now York after a long journey through an August day, I knowjno greater annoyance than the gang ot cabnen and hackdrirers who stand just outside the ferry station and shout In all sorts of rasping tones: "Cab, sir, want a cao; can, cab, hack, want a hack; cab, cab, want a cab, or kerrldge, sir!" It is always agreeablo to hear of the discom fiture of a New York cabman, but It is seldom such a tale is told. However, a Pittsburg theatrical man, not long ago, actually per formed this remarkable feat , As this Pittsburcer came out of 'the Cort land! street ferry, fatigued, dusty and eaeer for repose, ho was surrounded by the howling mob of Jehus. The usual chorus, sung In the usual way, -dinned in bis ears. One stout fellow, with a brazen voice of great penetrat ing power, caught the Plttsburger by the arm and repeated the monotonous, expressionless manner of bis tribe: "i Want a cab, want a cab, want a cab. cab, cab, want a cabl" Tbe Pittsburcer stood the hailing for a few steps and then turning upon his tormentor briskly clutched his shoulder and said angrily: "If you want a can so badly- why In sbeol don't you get one there are plenty here!" The cabby was entirely flabbergasted and fell back among bis bowling companions silent and solemn. He did not "want a cab" again while the Pittsburgerwa3 within hearing. V THE other day a contractor, who is grading new streets in a borough near Pittsburg, sent one of his men, a big fellow named Murphy, to the railroad station nearby to fetch some sup plies. The journey both ways onghttohave been accomplished in half an- hour, but Mr. Murphy did not show np again for over two hours. When he bad brought his load close up to tbe mound of earth on which the contractor was standing he called to him by name. The contractor looked up at Murphy but did not appear to recognize him, and merely said: "Well, what Is it?" "I'm back," said Murphy. "That's good f er yez," said his employer, "but me man what's that to me?" "Why, Mr. Blank, I'm Mr. Murphy, don't yex know me?" "Oh, Mr. Murphy is it? Faix-I wouldn't a known ye, but for the harses." And In this delicate fashion was the lash of sarcasm brought down upon the back of Mr, Murphy. CARNEGIE'S COMPANIONS. Tho South American Countries Appoint Delegate to the Conference, Washington. August 12. The State De partment is advised of the appointment of the following delegates to the Conference of the United States, the Republics of Mexico, Cen tral and South America, Hayti, San DomJigo and the Empire of Brazil, authorized by theaot ot Congress of May 24, 1SS8: Argentine Republic, Don Vincente G. Quesada, Don'Roqne Saevs Fena, Don Manuel Quintana; Bolivia. Dr. Juan F. Velardo; Brazil, Lafayette Rodriguez Perelra. Dr. J. G. Do Amoral Valente, Salva dor De Mendoca; Colombia, Don J. M. Hur tado; Guatemala, Dr. Ferdlnando Cruz; Peru, Dr. F. C. C. Zeg&rra. Chili, Costa. Rica, Ecua dor. Hartl. Honduras. Mexico. Nlcaramn. Sal. vador, Ban Domingo, Uruguay and Venezuela have accepted tbe invitation to take part, but have not yet sent the names of their delegates. The Conference meets in Washington next October. Tbe delegates named by President Harrison were! John B. Henderson, ot Mis souri; Cornelius N. Bliss, of New York: Wm. PInckney Whyte, of Maryland; Clement Stude baker, of Indiana; T. Jefferson Coolidge, of Massachusetts; Wm. Henry Trescott, of South Carolina; Andrew Carnegie, of Pennsylvania: John R. G. Pitkin, ot Louisiana; Morris M. Estee, of California, and John Hanson, off Georgia, Of these, Mr. Whyte has declined to1 serve, owing to pressure ot business eugage- uHuia, auu jur. jribuu uas oeen appointed auiunfccr tu tug Argeauuo xtepuDllc A FLI CAUSES DEATH. An Insect Kills a Punxsatnwney Horse and. Its Owner. p sutawnkt, August 12. Moses Elvlch,! a juns: aeaier, nau a team ox horses, and he thought a great deal of them. He had been engaged to haul a load ot furniture for a mas who was moving from Brookville to this nlaceJ It Is a hilly road and tbe horses needed careful watching. While going down a steep hill Moses saw a large fly on the neck of one of the corses. It annoyed the man asinuch as It did the horse, and the little insect caused the death of the animal and also of Moses. El rich, in leaning forward to brush away tbe fly, fell to the ground and broke his neck. The horses took fright, and, running into the fence, the one on which tbe fly was sitting; broke Its leg and had to be killed. Elvlehi was picKea up oy ms latner-tn-iaw, who was, following with another load of household, goods. WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN MONTANA. ' Quite a Fight Over tho Subject la the Con tltatlonnl Convention. Helena, Mont., August 12. In the conven tion to-day tbe Committee on Suffrage re ported recommending the proposition to sub mit woman suffrage as a separate proposition. Kennedy moved to lay tbe report upon the table. The motion was lost, and Warren moved to suspend the rules and adopt the resolution as a separate proposition. The motion was lost on a tie vote, and so tbe question rests. A proposition making the keeping of "black lists" a felony was referred to the Committee on Ajaoor. j.uo capital question came up next. A motion to submit the location of the capital in the year 1892 to a vote of the people, was amended to read that the temporary capital shall remain at Helena until such election takes place. Thus Helena remains the capital until the el ec tlon of 1892. Lota of People Just Llbe Him. From tbe St. Louis Ulobe-Uemocrat. 1 ChaunceyM. Depew says he would give up his private business to accept the Presidency. This is very high-minded tn Chauncey; but we are tempted to observe that we know ot whole families in which a similar sacrifice would be made. Dropped Into Their Niches. ISFXCIAL TELXOBAK TO TOE DISrATCn.! Washington, August 12.-J. L. Worth was appointed postmaster at Idlewood, and Samuel McKinney at Sturgeon, Allegheny county, to day. DEATHS OP A DAY, W. J. Brnndreth. OIL crrr, August I2.-W. J. Brundreth, gen eral scent of tbe Ureen Llnj (tank car line), died at his residence 4n this city at 6 o'clock this mornlDK from tbe effects of a stroke of paralysis. He has resided In this city since 1S6S and was highly esteemed by all who knew blm, He leaves a wife and his sou. K. F. Brnndreth, President of tbe Imperial Be nnlnjr Company. The lemalns will be taken to Puterion, 8, J., to-morrow for Interment. William Phillips. William Phillips died at his home, on Broad street, East End, yesterday, aged 63 years. He was an old employe of Husey & Blnn's, and a prominent member of many secret societies. D. C. HeCrackcn. nrxciAi. Txiann to tbb sisrATcn.t Frasklix, August li-D. a McCracken, one ot tbe oldest and most prominent citizens of.tbU place, died very suddenly in his curiae tab afternoon while conversing with a friend. J AMERICA 4N 'AT TllE FINISH. Coins at 64 MIlea an Hour to Get to tho Paris Art Sale. SPECIAL TELEQRAM TO TBI DISPATCH.! Washington, August 12. Mr. J. B. Mo Quire, who, as an agent of the Corcoran gal lery of art, bid 611,000 francs for "Tho Angelus" of Millet, arrived home to-day. He states that though they failed to secure Millet's great work they purchased several other valuable canvases which will be a great addition to the collection. Mr, McGuire tells an Interesting story of the manner by which they succeeded in reaching; Paris in time for the sale. He and Mr. C. C. Glover, of this city, salledfor England on the Etruria because she was one of the fastest Atlantic steamers and ought to have landed thorn at Queenstown in time or them to get to Paris by regular trains before the great sale began. As the steamship stokers Were on a strike and the ship's boilers were fired by green hands, the vessel was several hous late. Tho two gentle men hurried by regular train and boat from Queenstown to Holyhead, and there discovered that it was Impossible by tbe regular trains to reach London in time to catch the Dover train and Calais boat. They telegraphed to Chester to have a special tram ready for them to go to London in time to catch the Paris train. The two gentlemen soon convinced the railway authorities of their earnestness and responsi bility. When they reached Chester they fonnda train with five coaches waiting for them, and Eaid WOO for it. They needed only one coach, ut the other four were put on to keep this one coach from flying the track. Every prepara tion was made for a fast rno. "I never ex pected to reach London alive," said Mr. Mc Guire. "My hair stood on end all the way. I never traveled so fast in my life." The runot 180 miles to London was made in three hours. The train stopped on the way three times to change locomotives, and was delayed two min utes at one point because the draw on tho bridge was up. The actual average speed made was 64 miles an hour. The two travelers roached London In tune to catch the Paris train. They arrived in Paris at 7 o'clock the next morning. The sale began at 10 o'clock, and they were ready for it. In Paris the story became exaggerated into a statement that they had como all the way In specially chartered fast steamers and trains, and the feat was put down as another instance of tho way Ameri cans do things. THE PRESIDENTAL PROGRAMME. Sir. Harrison and Ills Friends Have Slapped Out a Busy Week. Ells worth. Me., August 12. Senator Hale has as guests to-night President Harrison, Sec retaries Blaine and Tracy, Mrs. Wllmerding, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lodge, Walker and Miss Baine, Mrs. August Day and Miss Gene. The President and party came this morning, and a ride over the country has constituted the chief featuro" of the day. After lunching with Sen ator Hale, the President was entertained in the house, and strolled through the grounds until about 4 P. K. Then, with Secretaries Blaine and Tracy ana other members of the party, be was driven to Hancock Hall, where a reception was held. This was the first formal popular reception that he bad held since leaving Boston on Wednesday, and the people of Ellsworth turned out tn large numbers to greet him. The President stood upon a raised platform In fiont ot the stage, and after an introduction to the committee who had managed tbe affair, shook hands with the people as they passed before him, many of them being introduced by Mayor Aiken and Judge Wlswell. After shaking bands with the President tbe people greeted tho other digni taries in the Presidents! party. This evening there is a dinner party at Sena tor Hale's, it Includes In addition to the visit ors from Bar Harbor, Judge and Mrs. Emery, Judge and Mrs. Wlswell and Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Cummings. The weather to-day has been the best that the President has seen In New England. To-morrow President Harrison, and accompanying party, will leave about 11 A. M. and will reach Bar Harbor In time for a I o'clock luncheon with Mr. W. B. Howard at MossleyHall. Eighteen plates will be laid. In the afternoon tbe driving flowerf estival will be witnessed, and later the President win dine with Mr. Gurne. The programme for the rest of the week is determined upon. On Wednesday a start from Bar Harbor will be made early In tbe morning. Bath will be reached In time to allow luncheon with Mr. Arthur Bewail and for inspecting tW shipping. The journey will be continued so Manchester, N. H., where the President is to be the guest of ex-Governor Cheney for the night. On Thursday a reception by the Gov ernor and Legislature will be given at Concord. At 2:50 P. x. tbe President will start for Wash ington, traveling by way of Lowell and Mans field, but not going through Boston. TEACHERS FOR TOE INDIANS. Persons of Good Health and Some Expert ence Only are Wanted. Washington, August 12. Tho Commis sioner of Indian Affairs having received a large nnmber of applications for appointment at teachers In the Indian schools, has sent the fol lowing reply to all applicants: Your applied tlon for appointment as teacher has been re ceived. Inclosed please find blanks to be filled' ont and returned." It is the purpose of ths office to appoint no person as a teacher In the Indian school service who would not ba able to secure a similar position in the best schools for white children in the community in which he resides. Indeed, the exigencies of Indian schools are such as to require a higher order of talent to secure success than is requlred-ln or dinary teaching. Emphasis is laid upon the fact that those who are engaged In the Indian school service should be persons of maturity, of vigorous health, with some experience In teaching and with special fitness for tho work. Preference is ex pressed for those who have had a normal school training. It is very undesirable that persons should enter the service, who, by reason of ill health, age or other Infirmities, are unable to do fuu, vigorous work. JUDGE GRESHAM TAEES A HAND. Ho Ovcrrnles the Appointment of a Receiver far a Railroad. rSPECIAL TXLXOXAX TO TUB CirrATCrLI Indianapolis, August 12, Thero were ex traordinary proceedings in the United States Court to-day. Judge Walter Q. Grcsham, ot tbe Circuit Bench, came down from Chicago and of his own motion peremptorily set aside an order made last week by Judge Wm. A Woods, of the District Fedoral Court, creating a receivership tor the IndianSpplls, Decatur and Western road, ana appointing R. B. F. Pierce recolrer. Judge Gresham gave two reasons for this action: First, that sufficient cause for a receivership had not been shown; second, that there was no property in the ac tion and probably no jurisdiction. The Court wanted to know wbatthe railroad company had done with Its earnings and how It happened to be 00,000 In debt when It was earning enough money (perhaps $10,000 a month) to pay operating expenses. "You have been paying off coupons on mortgage bonds," said the Court, "with money that should hare been appliod to the running expenses." IT LOOKED LIKE A SNAP. The Clever Scheme of a Florida Company Which Gave Town Lots Away. Washington, August 12. Assistant Libra rian Scudder, .of the National Museum, has discovered a neat real estate operation In Florida lands, which he describes as follows: A short time ago I received by mail a deed to a lot In a town in Florida .from a railroad com pany there, with a letter telling me that if I wanted to accept the property free I could do so by recording the deed. For that purpose I sent tl 25 to the Recorder with the deed, and now I own the lot. "It looked like a snap, but I found out that tbe company hired a clerk to record the deeds and themselves received the fee. There are about ten lots of tbe size of the one they gave me to an acre, so they received f 12 0 per acre for tbe ground from the fees, and you conld buy all tbe land about tbat placo you want for $1 25 an acre from the Government. 1 am not looking for snaps now. I want to pay bard cash and full price for whatever I get." FOOD COMING EAST. Shipments of Floor, Grain and Provisions In Excel of Last Year. Chicago, August 12, The east-bound ship ments of flour, grain and provisions by tbe lines In the Central Trafflo Association last week aggregated 21,458 tons, against 25,961 for the week previous, a decrease of 4,600 tons, against 17.TO8 for tbe corresponding week last Sear, an Increase of 8,660 tons. Tbe vanderbilt nes carried B2J3 per cent of the whole business: the Pennsylvania, 15.6: Chicago and Grand Trunk, 20,4; the Baltimore and Ohio, 6.0. Aa Interesting Question. From the St. Louis Post Dlspatth.1 Mr. Gladstone gives the key to tho matri monial bliss of himself and bis wife in these words: "Whenever my wife insists, I submit; whenever,-'insist, she submits." That is easy enough, but win the GrO. M. kindly state for tbe beaefit of pusried young oeusles what ha? peas when bott"iflrtf" ;---- A DAI W NEW YORK. Evil Effects ofBrcaklns: a Pledge IJEW YORK BUREAU S FECIALS. 3 New YOBEt, August 1Z Georce TInney, a colored waiter, last night broke the pledge, which he signed two years ago, and got fighting drunk. He began to beat his wife as soon as he got home. At midnight she escaped out of a window, and went to a neighbor's house. At 2 o'clock this morning he carried all her clothes and half of his furniture to the house In which she was sleeping, piled tbem up on the door step, poured six gallons of kerosene over them, and applied a match. A big bonfire, a panic and a fire alarm were the Immediate results. No one was injured, and firemen quickly ex tinguished the flames. After a 20-minutes' straggle with two policemen, this morning Tinney was disarmed of two razors and a re volver, and was locked up. A Murder Trial Before a Consul. Peter Lynch, heavily ironed, was brought Into port by the steamship Charles Moraud. from Manzanilla, this morning, and this after noon was arraigned for murder before the British Consul. While the Moraud was lying at anchor in the harbor at Manzanilla, last July IB, Alexander Hertz, the mate, quarreled with Lynch, then a sailor, concerning a ques tion of discipline. The mate struck Lynch twice. Lynch then plunged a sheath knife into tho mate's abdomen. Seven days later the mate died of the wounds. As both men were British subjects, on a British ship, tho whole affair Is within the exclusive Jurisdiction of the British Consul. i John He Conld Not Save Both. in ROS6an- & nrnfmarnna mnMinnfi- nnif Ma twotoung sons went out rowing on the North riVC.4. The ebblnir tirtn r-K-rrlvA tfcnlr hn-if agaiist a pier. While trying to push It off Mr. Rosciu'tippedtheboatsothatit began to fill withivater. He immediately tossed his elder boy. up on the dock. With the other boy in bis arms, bo tried to climb up the piles under the pier. The boat went under before he could get a foothold. He fell into the river, and his child was swept from his arms and drowned. He saved himself by swimming ashore, after trying In vain to recover his boy, A Philanthropist's Troubles. A short man with frowsy hair and short beard, and wearing a ministerial costume at tracted a great deal of attention In the Harlem court this morning. He was the notorious William H. Ramscar, who Conducted the un sectarian home for children near Fleetwood Park, until Imprisoned some time ago for his horrible treatment of bis youthful charges. Recently he has been conducting a '-national unsectarlan home for old men" in the upper part of the city. June 19 John Lcfferts, a white haired, weak old man with a small Income, en gaged board and furnished room on the first floor of Bamscar's institution. He lived in it two days and was then directed to sleep In the attic. When he refused to move Ramscar beat him with a cane till he became uncon scious. In court Lefferts showed big bruises and gashes which Ramscar's cane had made on his head, neck and back. Several police men told how, when passing the old men's home at night, they had often heard Ramscar beating his wards. Several of the old men in Ramscar's care testified that they had meat seldomer than once a week. Ramscar was held for trial. His old men's home will be Investi gated. A Newsboys' Riot. A newsboys' riot has been In progress on Park L row all day. The cause of the trouble was tho raising of the wholesale price of the Evening Sun and Evening World from 5 cents to 6 cents for ten copies. The boys refused to pay tbe new price and retired In a body to Theater al ley for consultation. An hour later some 600 of them marched out behind a red rag on a stick, shouting, "Boycott the Sun; boycott the World." Only two newsboys on the row tried to sell the boycotted papers. One of these, after being chased all over City Hall Park, got a bad thrashing and his papers were torn up. The other was escorted by a policeman through the yelling mob of boys to Broadway, where he took to his heels with some 200 dlrtv.fa-ii barefooted little imps after him, shouting "Scab." The shouting and marchlnc were kent up till dark. The boys expect to continue the boycott till the old rates shall have been re stored. Pat Had to Fight. " Colonel John C. Calhoun, brother of Patrick, or"Pat,"as)ie is familiarly known in Wall street, came to New York from Montreal to-day. The Calbouns have offices at 18 Wall street They are grandsons of the f jmeus South Caro lina Senator. They have become very promi nent In Southern railroad ventures in the last few years, and are particularly close In their associations with Colonel Calvin S. Bnce, Gen eral Thomas, John H. Inman and other million aires interested In Southern railroads. Colonel Calhoun is President of the Southern Society. He Is six feet six, and big proportionately. He did not want to talk about the duel. He said that now that his brother and Mr. Williamson had adjusted tbeir difficulty It would not do for him to say anything. Ho spoke, however, of a coincidence. A few months ago his brother was reading of a duel, and, swinging around in his chair, he said: "John, I hope I shall never have to go upon the field of honor. I do not approve of tbat way of settling differences." "And yet six months afterward be was obliged to do so," said Colonel Calhoun. "Pat Is a manly fellow, and you must remember that the sentiment about such matters is different in tbe South. If Pat had not taken notice of this affair he would have been thought a coward, and his refusal might have injured blm in a business way." A number ot Southern rail road men In Wall street, friends of Pat rick Calhoun, received . messages from Htary W. Grady, editor of the Atlanta Cetutiluuon. Tbey said that Mr. Calhoun's one shot slightly injured Mr. Williamson In the aria, and that "Pat Is a trump clear through." I ' A Bucket Sbop Suspends. Attachments were to-day filed In Philadel phia against J. C Allen & Co., of this city. The attached firm wero proprietors of a bucket shop and had to suspend because of losses in curred in tbe recent rise in prices. The at tachments are to protect Ed C. Holske & Co. and J. B. Fleshman, of Philadelphia. Allen originally came from Syracuse. A little more than a year ago be made $100,000 in Boston, and afterward joined tho firm of Fisher & 'Al len, ot New York, which failed some months ago. "J. C.Allen constitutes the whole con cern," said one of his employes this afternoon. "He is sick at his home to-day. He Is going out of business on account of the poor prospects in the bucket shop business, but be is going to pay all his debts here. I'm looking for a job my self. The fact is, since Allen has been here. about a year, he has lost tOO.OOO or 70,C0O. It has been a bullish up-hill market, and I don't believe any of the bucket sbop men have made anything. The Western Union makes all the money. Cost us $30,000 this year. The anti bucket sbop bill has had some effect, too. Ap parently It Is a dead letter, and I don't believe It amounts to a row of pins, but we thought something was going to be done, and the publio were somewhat suspicious for a while." Photographic Piracy. Two suits hava just been begun In the United States Circuit Court against the Henry G. Allen Company, of this city, asking that the csmpany be enjoined from publishing the "En cyclopedia Br)tannica." The suits were brought by the firms of Adam AGhas. Black of Edin burgh, and Francis A. Walker, of Boston, and Charles Scribners' Sons, of this place. Tbe Henry G. Allen Company publishes the "En "Eneyclopedla" from a reproduction of the original ninth' edition, taken by the Gelatine method. In -the ninth edition is an article which Mr. Walker claims to hare written and copyrighted, called "Political Geography and Statistics," and which is used in the encyclo pedia published in Edinburgh by permission from the author. AGRICULTURAL l.XPERIHENTa The Present Appropriation Not Available for Use In tho Territories. Wasnoton, August 12. First Controller Matthews has decided that the appropriation of (600,000 made by the act of March 2. 1889, for "Agricultural Experiment Stations" can be used for the benefit only of the 40 stations for which estimates were made, namely, 115,000 each, for stations tn each of tbe an States. In tbe Tei rltory uf D.iWuia aud at tbe Agricultural Department, and th.t uu part of the appropria tion can be usod la the establishment of such stations in any of the Territorlea with tbs ex. cep tlon of Dakota, that being tha only one In eluded In ttw etdmatM uaoa wbiflh teaBo- prUUcawas based,, A AN OLD PITTSBURG PASTOR. The Oldest Clersryman la America Who Preached Here Many Yean Axe. Btractjsk, August 12. The Bev. David Kaemmerer, D. D., of Wooster. O- Is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. James B. Chllds in Booth Sallna street. Father Kaemmerer. as he is known by churchmen throughout the country, Is the oldest minister in the United Btates In years of service, having been one of the pioneer preachers o'f the German Reformed Church. Father Kaemmerer is 87 years old, but after 62 years of active clerical labor his step Is still vigorous and his voice Is clear. His good health and strong constitution he attributes to con stant outdoor exercise, and he Is still fond of an early morning walk. Father Kaemmerer was born at Easton. Pa and after an excellent theological education he became pastorof the German Reformed Church at Pittsburg when that town was a thrifty little city of about 10,000 Inhabitants. The young paster quickly became known for his energy and ability, and In a few years a handsome church was built through his efforts, and was then one of the largest in tho city. When tbe building was cofapleted a bell was needed for tbo tower. Hdw to obtain It puzzled the church people, as few bells were then manu factured In th.s country, and the means of transportation were limited. Father Kaem merer finally beard tbat two excellent Swiss bells were held at tbe New York Custom House for duty. One of these was bought for tbe new churca. and after much difficulty was brought to Pittsburg. It bore the quaint in scription. "For. the Little Church in tha Wil derness." and la verse of scripture,, and for nearly a half century It sent out its call to the citizens on Sundays. Father Kaemmeror remained In Pittsburg until 1840, when be resigned tbe pastorate to engage in church extension work. For several years he traveled through Ohio and Indiana upon horsebacK, often preaching tour times on a Sunday, and always in German. About this time Father Kaemmerer formed the acquaint ance of Henry Ward Beecber, who was ayoung pastor of achurch at Indianapolis, and a warm iriendshhysprang up between them. In 1853 Father Kaemmerer accepted the pastorate of a church at Wooster, O. During lis career Father Kaemmerer has performed more tban 1,500 marriage ceremonies and baptised between 3,000 and 4,000 persons. The comer stone of the now church at Pitts burg was laid by him a few years ago, the oc casion being celebrated by all the citizens. A SNAKE WENT DOWN HIS THROAT. A Diver Accidentally Swallows a Reptile and la Stranuely Affected, Vincknnes, Ind., August 12. One of the most remarkable cases with which tbe medical men of Southern Illinois have had to contend is that of Everett Terry, a 14-year-old son of Farmer Terry, of Grove township, Sullivan county. Recently the youth, with a number of companions, wen; bathing in the Embarrass river. Terry prided himself on ho diving abil ities. After making" a long dive ho told his companions that while under water he had swallowed something. He soon became deathly .sick, went home aod took to his bed. Several aays later ne was) seized with convulsions of the most violent nature, and his sickness took the most peculiar phase. Dr. Maxwell was summoned and was puzzled with the condition of the patient. Between the hours of 6 and 7 In the morning Everett Is able to take medicine. After tbat time his stomach will retain neither liquids nor solids until 4 o'clock In the evening, when he seems to crave for food, and partakes of milk. meat uu soup who apparent rejisn. xnirty minutes after eating thepauent la attacked with smothering spells. He smacks his jaws, winks his eyes with llchtning rapidity, and then becomes unconscious. Convulsions be come more intense, and finally be grows so violent tbat it requires the combined strength of three men to Sold the patient on a pallet. These fits continue until about 9 o'clock, when ho gradually grows calmer, eventually dozes off to sleep, and slumbers until daylight. His spasms are of stveral varieties, namely, cata leptic epileptic aad tetanic. . In his convulsions he Imitates the voices of animals and birds, the whistle of a locomotive and many other sounds. For four days he was denied food of any kind. On the third day of his starvation tho head of a reptile of some kind was seen In his throat, but all efforts to se cure it were fruitless. The doctors disagree as to the nature of the case and cause of disease. Some aver it is a disorganization of the ner vous system, while ethers claim tbat tbe boy swallowed a serpent, lizard or frog. Despite all theories advanced, the mystery is as far from solution as it was a month ago. THE SEASON CLOSING AT HARRIS'. Ten Night In a Bar Room the Wlnd-Up for the Year. If "Uncle Tom's Cabin" has a rival in Its 'perennial powers, of drawing large audiences It is the dramatization of T. 8. Arthur's temper ance novel, "Ten Nights In a Bar Room." For six or eight weeks there hare not been such audiences at Harris' Theater as were gathered there yesterday to see Joe Morgan battle through five long acts against temptation. Tha Company which will doubtless entertain crowded houses this week is the good one seen in "His Natural Life." headed by Charles Pat terson, Miss Lilian Andrews and Miss Agnes Lane, and is fully equal to all demands npon it. Little Pearl Marten Is a clever child actress, too, and sings quite sweetly. Another change took place yesterday In the management of this popular playhouse. Mr. Walter P. Dean, who has had charge since last April, has left to manage Mr.Barrls'nsw opera house in Minneapolis. Mr. Dean made many friends, while here, who will regret to see him leave, while rejoicine in his advancement His successor is Mr. E. W. Starr, a young man well known In Pittsburg theatrical circles, and one who, from long former experience In the con duct of the local house, cannot fall to give full satisfaction to bis employer as wall as to the patrons of the theater. GR0VER CLEVELAND OUTDONE. The Wonderful Succei of an Ex-TJeutenant Governor n a FUherman. Round island Paes, August 12. Ex-Lleu-tenant-Governor Thomas G.Alvord has beaten the record In this year's fishing. Saturday he caught a 40-pound tnuskallonge, S3 Inches long, which he presented to Congressman Belden. and which was again given away to the hotel and served for dinner. To-day "Old Salt" had a lively tussle with another muskallenge, and It required a quarter of an hour for an old fish erman like him to get the monster quiet on the boat. "It wasn't much ot a day for fishing, either," said the hoary- headed old politician, as he showed 31 nice large pickerel, from two to eleven pounds, which wero also taken In on tbe same trip. On Friday he caught 43 pickerel. The muskallonge was hooked In McFadden's Bay. near Clayton. Old Salt Intends to catch a whale or a sea serpent before the season Is over. The President's Awful Pan. From the Lewlston Journal. I Secretary Blaine looked through the big oval window of his dining-room this morning aud saw that a fog was hiding tbe view aealn. "Ah, this is beastly weather!" exclaimed the Secretary to his guest. "BarharboToual" replied the President. TRI-STATE TRIPLES. Levi Smth. while working a threshing ma chine on tho farm directly east of Wheeling Park, one day last week, killed a snake meas uring nearly 7 feet, which contained over 150 young ones. The reptile belonged to a species said to be a cross between a garter snake and a dry land moccasin. The cry of the sratydld has 'been heard in the suburbs. This augurs frost within six weeks. D. A. Chandlee, Chatham, Pa- has In his L possession a solid walnut desk of antique style. It has inscribed on one or the oottom drawers the name "Job Bally," and the date "1747." Though in use for three or four generations, It Is still in a good state of preservation. ' A Lebanon photographer arranged a cam era in tbe gallery and had his picture taken during his wedding ceremony. A col ant of ten ladles and gentlemen met accidentally in a house in West Chester a week ago; and their names were two Josephs, two Annies, two Marys, two Nellies and two James. A Chester, horse drinking at the edge of a creek became scared at a wriggling eel, caught by a fisherman, and ran away, dragging ths wagon after him Into mid-stream. Ellta Httll, of West Nantmeal township. Pa, has held a commission as Justice of the Peace for 42 years, and this week took dut his commission for five years more. A!C EBTXSmiss found a pocketbook contain ing dlO In c-sh and returned it to the owner. He gavu her 26 cents. A sxbancm tmal was killed by a farmer la. Belmont. couay. Q tbe other day. It reseat pled a ground hog all bat la talk which wm over two xeet CUBI0US COSDENSATIOBS.- A Philadelphia fed peanuts to the po lar bear at tbo "Zoo," and the ungrateful ani mal bit one ot his fingers' off. Mrs. Leyton, a bright yonng married woman of New York, has opened a carpenter's shop. She is a skillful artisan and finds busi ness good. A man named Grossman, of Chicago, is gettincrich raising frogs for the market. His "frogging'ashecallslLlsapond on one of his town lots. A Cincinnati physician believes that rheumatism is caused br bacilli. They origi nate in decaying matter and getinto the system from the atmosphere. Green plants In Irving rooms he pronounced a great source of danger. The ill luck attached to the nnmber 13 struck little Katie Fehling, of New York, with full force the other day. She Is 13 years old, and is one of 13 children In the family. At 6:13 she was arrested for shoplifting, and pleaded guilty. At Sylyania, Ga., a few days ago Frank McCrimmon found a turkey nest on which an old gobbler was sitting; On examination ha found that tbe nest was flllari not with nnm. but with apples. Mr. McCrimmon has found U a difficulty matter to undeceive the gobbler. It is a Carrying Place Pond, Me., fish erman who relates that while he was pulling in a pickerel that he had caught, one day, another fish grabbed tho pickerel's tall, then a third seized the second one's tail and so on till thero were seven on the string; he landed them all. Will Ogden, of Fairfield, Neb., per formed a remarkable trick last week. He laid a cocked gun on the ground, stood off about 15 feet from it, threw a common glass ball Into the air, turned a handspring; picked up and discharged the gnn. breaking the ball before) it reached the ground. A Philadelphian named Humphrey, who has been enjoying the delights ot Bar-Car-bor, has a high appreciation of the honesty of the colored servants on board the boats run. nine down to Boston. Mr. Humphrey left his pursa, containing $206, under his pillow, and it was found by a servant and forwarded to him. William Sondermann, a brick manu facturer of Hastings, Minn., having noticed ths appearance of gold In a kiln of brick opened in his yard on Thursday, had a sample of the sand analyzed by a St. Paul chemist, with tho resulting discovery or "pay dirt" to the value of S6 to the ton. The expense of working the bed is comparatively nothing; and Mr. Sonder mann will seek wealth in the sand. The latest thing in hotel bills of fare is an edible menu card. You select tbe dishes you want, and then while waiting for them yon amuse yourself by leisurely eating up the bill of fare. It acting as an appetizer. It is ths scheme of a London confectioner. He makes a thin sheet of sweetened dough, and after it has been baked he prints the menu upon it tn ink made of chocolate. It hasn't got over here yet, but it will by and by. The dried leaves of the coca plant which is cultivated on the slopes of the Andes, form an important article of Internal trade among the various native tribes. It is esti mated that not less tban 30.000,000 pounds are consumed annually. After the morning meal men and women, alike take a mouthful of ths leaves mixed with a little lime; fresh leaves are added throughout tbe day, and without any additional food the consumer is enabled to do a hard day's work. The smartest horse in Rome, Ga., is tha sorrel horse owned by M. G. McDonald. For quite awhile Mr. McDonald has been going Into the stable and finding the water turned on, and frequently reprimanded his servant for leaving the water turned on wnen he would go to water the anlmaL Tbe other day Mr. Mc Donald chanced to peep in and saw the horso turning the crania, and presently the water was flowing freely. When the trough gets dry h just turns the water on himself. About one month ago a young man named Joe Harpster, of St. Louis, was struck on the back ot the head with a pair of brass knuckles by a footpad, knocking himsenseless, and for more than a month he lay unconscious. A few days ago he suddenly recovered his senses, but when he did h e was able to convers. intelligently only In the German language. Ht was born of American parents, who spoke Ger man, and that was the language he first learned. He gave that up. however, and learned En glish, using It at all times, -entirely forgetting Is German. Now he can remember nothlng of English. Scientists are wrestling with ths problem. township, Lycoming county, lightning struck a large elm tree aod split Jt evenly to a point about midway between the lowerllmbs and ths butt. Waving the branches undisturbed. Ths tree was not killed, and tbe owner let It stand. The lower part of the split grew together In a tew years, and tbe elm's foliage was as thick each summer as it had been before, although it was a little later in gettlne its full leaf than Its neighbors ot the same species. During a terrlflo thunder storm late in June of this year, light ning again struck the elm, split It clear down to the roots, tore a good deal of the bark off, and killed it, . Mrs. Bonfield went to ths Baltimore and Ohio depot of Zanesvillo to see some friends off on a train. When the train arrived she laid her baby down In the gentlemen's waiting room and went with friends to the platform. Alter tbe train departed she entered the car riage and drove away. She made several calls and never discovered the loss of the baby until she returned home, an hour afterward. Sbo hastily returned to the depot and found tho baby safe and sound in the arms of a hotel runner, who had discovered it and took cars of it. During ber absence half a dozen persons had attempted to secure it for adoption. She was overjoyed at finding it and wept freely. John Reach, of Deuison, Tex., was an eye witness of a terrible battle between a large wood rat and a blacksnake, near the farm of Mr. Ninon. The snake was concealed in the weeds and attacked the rat, which was crossing the wagon road. The reptile grabbed tbe rat, which extricated itself and then turned on Its antagonist, biting 'a piece of the flesh out of the neck near the head. The snake struck at the rat, but the rodent evaded the blow by jumping Into tbe air. The reptile, by a move ment which Reach described "as qulek as llebtnlng' grabbed the rat a second time. The rat bit the snake, and then. Reach says, com menced tbe battle to the death. Thesnaks and rat were badly mixed up, and the dust flow so tbat ho could not distinguish one of tbs combatants from tho ether. The atrugcle lasted about ten minutes, when the rat lay la the road dead, and tbe snake was so badly wounded that Mr. Reach killed It with a stlcK. Tbe back of tbe reptile was literally torn to pieces, and Mr. Reach Is astonished that It sur vived the battle. PLEASANT PAUAGRArHS. There is talk of changing the name of ths State of Kentucky to Sparta. Spartans were never knows to tale water." Light. He (refected) Well, you may go further and fare worse. She Yes; can't be done around here. Muruey'i Wtetly. Mrs. Smallers They do say that Midship man Blinkers Is a very fast younz man. Captain Beaugard Tes; he belongs to the fleet. Ktarniy EntirprUt. Henka 'Tis a criminal offense for any clerk In this city to die young. Hobbs Nonwnse; what makes you think that? Henks It Is a proof of shortage, Isn't It. Kear ney EnUrprUe. Shall strangers in the Northern land Defy the sign of Star and Stripe? Shall England pluck with ruthless hand Our sealskin saeques before they're ripe? Wat king ton Capital. It is seridusly stated that it takes a fly a two-billionth part of a second to wink. If a man's wink was aa sudden as a fly's, he would never get anything but plain soda at ths fountain lam arugstore. SorrUtown i Herald. 'We are all worms," exclaimed the preacher in bis sermon. Little Bobby, who was following the discourse attentively, whispered to his mother: "Then that's tbe reason whythe great big fish swallowed Jonah, Isn't It?" Port land, Me., Prut. t Young Harduppe But don't you think you could learn to love me? Is there no hope? Ancient heiress I amafraldnot,Mr. Barduppe. Sly heart was lost when I was but a young girl. Mr. Harduppe But you oughtn't to count whst happened away before the war. Tern Haute Ha prett. "Is your father coming to church this morning, Henry?" asked tbe minister ora small boy whom he met in tbe street. "I guess so, ".re plied Henry. Somebody stole his ashing tMkle last night, and I beard Mm tell ma at the break fast table this morning that his fun for to-day was spoiled, and be s'posed he might as well go to church." XorrUUnen Herald. He Wasn't Bashful Mrs. Prim Good morning. Tommy. Did your mother send yon In? Tommy (aged 8) No'm. i thouxht 1 would like fa make a call. . Airs, rrun-mai is very nice, I am sure. But you mustn't be bashful on your first call. Can't you raise your eyes from tbe carpet? Tommy-Ob, I'm not bashful, but mother says year carpet 1 so ugly It makes her sick to look a; It, and l to ckf I weald esse W ana try U ssy self. -Norton Pof,