.? rpv "S"v 1T fGEEAT LEGAL BATTLE in "Which Ex-GoTernors and Famons H Lawyers Will Handle the Guns. EEADIHG RAILROAD THE ENEMY. Descendants of Eobert Morris After land Worth $30,0000,000. INSIDE FACIS ABOUT THIS BIO SUIT The largest realty suit ever commenced in this State was formally brought yesterday by the Robert Morris Land and Coal Com pany against the Beading Railroad Com pany, the bill of complaint being filed in this city -with the clerk of the United States Circuit Court, by Arthur D. Vinton, Esq.i of New York city, one of the conntel for the plaintiff company. The papers are sup plemental to six suits ot ejectment and three suits for mesne profits filed recently in I the same conrt, the realty in issue being 8,949 acres of coal lands in Northumberland county now operated by the Beading Coal and Iron Company and the Beading Bail road Company conjointly, partly nnder tax titles and partly nnder leases from the Lo cust Gap Improvement Company and the Fulton Iron Companr. The suit takes a sensational complexion on acconnt of the vigorous allegations that the Beading Company is insolvent; that the lands in 'question are mortgaged for a sum far above their value, and other specific charges, upon which are based a demand that a receiver be appointed for the Beading Bailroad pending adjudication upon the title of the lands. A HISTOBT OF THE BIO SUIT. Mr. Vinton is a son of Bev. Dr. Vinton, of New York. He arrived in the city on the limited express yesterday morning, transacted bis business with Clerk Mc Candless and returned Bast upon the 4:30 r. M. train. Prior to his departure he told a Dispatch reporter the inside history of the suit. He said: "The Bobert Morris Land and Coal Company has been recently chartered under the laws of New York State with a paid up capital of $5,000,000, for the purpose of fighting the suit entered to-day. Stewart Newell, of New York, is President, and a number of the lineal de scendants of Bobert Morris, the first Secre tary of the United States, are interested. Those who have taken stock in the company embrace the foremost financiers in the coun try. The mere announcement of the formation of the company created a flurry in "Wall street, tumbling Beading down four points and lowering first mortgage bonds from 1 to 2 per cent The land at issue is extremely valuable, worth in the neighborhood of $30,000,000. The Bobert Morris Company claims the possession of the land under the original warrants granted to Bobert Morris by the State of Pennsylvania and the subsequent legal titles of record covering the period from 1793 to the present time. The claim is made that the titles are in fee simple and easily traced in the Northumberland county records, that county having been one of the original counties of the State. A vast amount of research has established be yond doubt we think the authenticity of vu tin e titles under which we are moving. THE BEADING'S ACQUIREMENT. "Earlv in the '60s the Philadelphia and Reading Company entered into alleged pos session of portions of the lands by buying out a multitude of squatters, one by one. The balance of the lands were bought upon tax titles, which we shall endeavor to inval idate. By these means 20 contiguous tracts were secured, but we shall attack the whole series of acquirements as being in non-conformity -with legal provisions. Since its first entries upon the land the Beading has opened and operated 30 or 40 collieries,from which at least 2,000,000 tons of coal are an nually mined and sold, approximating at least a third of the annual business of the Beading Bailroad and constituting one of its most important coal fields. "The present proceedings are the culmina tion of six ejectment suits filed over a month since, which were intended to lead to a comparison of titles. At the same time the company brought three suits for damages to the extent of $2,000,000 based on mesne profits. The formal bill of complaint filed to-day alleged succinctly the above facts, and also set forth and alleged that the - Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad, and the Beading Coal and Iron Company two separate offenders, but joined in tne issue are practically bankrupt and are unable to be responsible lor any coal miped from the lands while these ejectment suits await adjudication. We also allege that the two companies are about to ENTEB INTO A TEUST, the Beading's pet scheme, for the control of the anthracite coal market. I believe that the evidence we have goes to show that the Baltimore and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley, Delaware and Hudson, Delaware and Lackawanna, Erie, Jersey Central and Beading Railroads were to be the compo nent members of the trust, which was to be of great magnitude. "We therefore ask that the Beading be enjoined from entering this trust or from mining and carrying away any coal from these lands pending a judicial de termination of the title thereto, and the al ternative relief of a receiver for the property. The bill of complaint also charges that quantities of valuable timber are being cut and carried away, and asks for relief from that injury." Speaking of the general aspect of the suit, Mr. Vinton said: "In addition to the cita tion of damages, we further claim that the lands are mortgaged for far beyond their value to the detriment of the title, and that the creditors of the two companies have been fraudulently misled. We also claim, and I think shall prove, that the assets of the companies are extinct, and that the wrongful possession of these lands enables them to prolong corporate life to the direct injury ot the Bobert Morris Land and Coal Company. "We1 also claim that since March, 1889, the Beading Company has ceased to issue reports as to financial condition, and the discontinuance is because the report, if issued, would show increased financial de ficiency and insolvency. "We also ask for an injunction against the transfer of any land during the pendency of the litigation. The President of the road, Mr. Austin Corbin, was injudicious enough to rush into print, stat ing thajt, right or wrong, litigation would be maintained long enough by his company to enable it to exhaust the coal lands and de preciate their value thoroughly. This utter ance somewhat hastened our action, besides making our bill of complaint much more comprehensive as a matter of self-protection. The allegations we make in regard to the pending trust in the anthracite trade will make a sensation in trade circles, but it, as well as other allegations in our suit, are based upon most searching inquiry and a painstaking collection of evidence having a bearing upon all phases of the suit. BIO LAWYEBS INTERESTED. The following are the prayers of the plain tiffs as contained in the bill of complaint: X. That Your Honors may impound the rents, issues, product and profits of said land and each and every part and portion of it, and appoint a receiver for the same. IL Tbata writ of discovery may issue. I1L That an order may be made prohib iting and restraining the said defendants from mining, shipping, consuming, carry ing away, or selling, the antbracite coal, from, upon, or within said linds, or any part or portion thereof; and from cntting, felling, carrying awav. burninir. or wasting. the timber from said lands, until the rights J of, your orators snail be ascertained and es tablished by this honorable court; or that an injunction issue to restrain tne said delend ants until they give full and adequate se- carity to protect tout orators against the commission of waste upon these lands and against damage or loss arising or accruing to your orators by reason of the said defend ants' mining, carrying away, or selling coal therein or therefrom, and cutting, burning and removing timber therefrom. The complaint is signed by Judge James Byon, Pottsvllle, Pa.; Henry M. Hoyt, ex Governor of Pennsylvania; C. Meyer Zu lich, ex-Governor of Arizona; Arthur Dud ley Vinton, of New York City, attorneys for Bobert Morris Land and Coal Company. The counsel to whom the case had been previously submitted, and who declared that the title of the Bobert Morris company to these lands is unquestionably good were the late Governor Geary, Pa.; Francis Jor dan, ox-Secretary of State, Pa.; "Wayne MacVeigb, ex-Attorney General of the XT. S.; John B. Packer, Sunbury. Pa.; and J. "W. Maynard, Theodore Cuyler, Abram "Wakeman and John B. "Weeks. The case will be tried before Judge Ache son at the November term of court in this city. J THE LATE J. 8. CDOK. Action of the Attorney Yesterday on Their Friend's Death. The members of the Allegheny County Bar Association met yesterday and passed suit able resolutions concerning ,the death of Josephs, Cook, Esq. Ex-Judge Fetterman presided, and S. B. D. Beese abted as Secre tary. Remarks eulogizing the life ot the de ceased' were made by D. F. Patterson, Thomas Herriott, N. S. "Williams, James S. Young, H. S. Floyd, T. H.B. Patterson and S. A."McClung, Esq. Bev. Silas Cook, of Peoria, I1L, a classmate of Mr. Cook at "Washington and Jefferson College, Inn brief address testified to the many virtues of bis deceased friend. B. H. Johnston, C. C. Dickey, "W. M. McElroy, D. Beardon, G. L. "Wurzell and John Haymaker were appointed to attend the funeral from the late home of Hr. Cook, in "Westmoreland county, Wednesday. SL0WLI EEC0TERIKG. Hon. Russell Errelt Cornea Homo flinch Improved In Health. Hon. Bussell Errett returned home from Europe yesterday accompanied by bis wife and son. He was stricken with paralysis at Frankfort-on-the-Mam (July 10. As soon as he heard of it, W. for Germany at once, and Errett started ten he arrived there found, bis father ha improved very much and was well cared fo: btrong bopes are now entertained for bis ecoverv. This is the third stroke Mr. E: .t has had. At first he bad considerable difficulty in re membering names, ilia mind is much stronger now than it was a reek ago. He was met at the depot jy James S. Mc Kean, and, after eating breakfast, was taken to his home, where he will remain for some time. ' THE PfiOPER WAT. Pittsburg's Exposition Wilt Draw Excnr stonlsts From Cincinnati. Yesterday Manager Johnston, of the Ex position Society, received a letter from C. C. Harbaugh, of Cincinnati, Requesting that lithographs and printed matter in regard to the Exposition be sent to him. He states that be is getting up an excursion to this city on September 4, to reaih here in time for the opening of the new Exposition. He has already secured a company of SO persons, and expects to bring a train load of 500 or 600 people. The managers of the Exposition Society will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock to transact some urgent business. A WIDOWS SILENT SUFFERINGS. After Loos; Privation She Goes to a Hospital With Fever. Mrs. Lizzie Johnston and her bright 1 or 2-year-old boy were taken to the Homeo pathic Hospital yesterday by order of the Charities Department, the mother having a fever contracted by living in privation in a damp, unwholesome room s 49 Third ave nue. She came here with her husband from Blairsville five years ago, and he was killed as a Ft. Wayne trainman at Alliance two or three years later, since which time she has maintained herself by washing, until, in April, she broke down. She has been a silent sufferer ever since. A DIVIDEND DECLAKED. Stock of the Old Electric Company Rnpldly Being Chanced. The Board of Directors of the Westing house Electric and the Westinghouse Elec tric and Manufacturing Companies met yes terday afternoon in Mr. Westinghouse's office and declared a dividend of 1J per cent for three months, to be paid on the 25th of this month. It was stated that, up to date, 55,000 shares of the Westinghouse Electric Com- Eany have been exchanged for Westing ouse Electric and Manufacturing Company stock. The child's strengthener is Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, which corrects all acidity of the stomach, restores digestion and im parts strength and vigor to adults and chil dren alike. Delicate children are almost always benefited by its use; and, if worms be present, it is the mildest and safest of remedies. Sold by all druggists. Fine Whiskies. TTT, 1855, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts. ...4 $2 00 I860. McKim's Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 3 00 Monogram, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, PureBye Whisky, full quarts 1 SO Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye Whisky, full Gibson's Pure Bye Whisky, full Qtmrxs x u Gnckenheimer Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts , 1 00 Gnckenheimer Export,Pnre Bye "Whis ky, fnll quarts 1 50 Moss Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts ..;. 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth aye. SPECIAL CHEAP BATE EXCURSION To Ogden, Salt Lake and Hollev, Idaho, Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Bound trip tickets good 30 days at less than the regular fare one way. On August 20 only. Call early and secure berth in Pull man sleepers,"or chairs in reclining chair cars tree of extra charge. For particulars write to or call on H. B. Minor, Passenger Agent Wabash line, corner Seventh avenue and Smithfield street, Pittsburg. TuSa Jnst for a Boomer. We will offer for -to-day's sale only 650 men's fine cassimere suits at the low price of $8 40, regularly sold for $17, $18and $20. Remember this offer for to-day only, and $8 40 is the price. P. C. C C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Bargains Seasonable Jackets In the Cloak Boom. Light weight, all reduced, including the finest beaded wraps marked down to less than one-half. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Call or send for plans, free, of those desirable suburban lots, at Aspinwall sta tion, adjoining Sharpsbnrg. W. A. Heeeos & Sons, 80 Fourth ave. au7,101,3,16,19 Use "Una" flouiv-finest snrinp natenl In the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of oreaa nonrs. srs. "Dnanesne" h nn nnl . a pastry flour. Homing's. "Ivory," sea of all fjuBllyfloan. ' THE' FRANCE'S NEW IDEAL To Form a Good, Strong Kepublic is a Big Kesponsibility. ' . A BET0RNED PITTSBUBGER TALKS Of How the Bonlanzer Craze Was Magni fied in America. FEW HATS OFF, ETEN FOE A PRESIDENT Charles Bobinson, lately appointed to the superintendency of the Ponco schools, Indian Territory, arrived in this city from Paris several days since. He had resided in Paris since 1886, where he worked with the Westinghous Airbrake Company. In an interview he said to a Dispatch re porter: "The French people are slowly but surely recognizing their immense responsibility as citizens of a republic, for the best thinking people of Paris are conservative. Any step they take toward enlargement of popular rights is done with great deliberation. "Bonlanger, thongh elected in Paris, is not really popular. At the time of his election I noticed the American press full of sensational accounts of large and en thusiastic crowds cheering for Boulangcr. PABIS WAS IMPERVIOUS. "I was in Paris, and,beyond a few coster mongers and a few of the lowest and jront element making a feint at a demonstration, Paris was impervious to him or his election. "President Carnot and his Cabinet are popular in France. I believe they have the best interests of the people at heart It sur prised me at the opening of the Exposition, however, when Carnot came under the dias, to see how qnietly everything passed. Beyond the raising of a few hats and a quiet 'Vive le Carnot,' no demonstration took place." The reporter asked Mr. Bobinson about the condition of the working people in France, and he replied: "The workingman is not so well paid, and so lives, generally, much poorer than the American. A skilled mechanic can make about 14 cents an hour, or if he is working by piece work, about 19 or 20 cents an hour. The laborer will only make from 8 to 10 cents. The living may be a little cheaper, as the French live in flats and are willing to climb to procure cheap ones. THE TOWES AND PATRIOTISM. "Eiffel Tower, from a mechanical stand point, is a magnificent structure. From base to summit perfect symmetery is ob served. I ascended the tower on the 4th of July and had a small American flag, and, in company with a few other friends cheered the great day and sang the 'Star Spangled Banner.' The unveiling of the Statute of Liberty on the Eil de Grenelle was a great event, and Whitelaw Beid made a great speech. One could easily observe that the French people had a deep rever ence for our American nation. "Clothing in Paris costs about the same as in America; produce generally is cheaper; but meat runs as high as 45 cents a pound." Next to an Approving; Conscience, A vigorous stomach is the greatest of mun dane blessings. Sound digestion is a guaranty of quiet nerves, muscular elasticity, a hearty appetite and a regular habit of body. Though not always a natural endowment, it may be acquired through the agency of Hostetters Stomach Bitters. one of the most effective in vigorant and blood fertilizers In existence. This fine tonic also fortifies those who use it against malaria, and remedies biliousness, con stipation and rheumatism. fittsbcrg & lake ebib b. b. Special Excursions. August 13, Alexandria Bay and return, 12- . , -.-,,. August 13, Toronto and return, $8. August 13, Niagara Falls and return, 7. Leave Pittsburg at 8:00 A. h., arrive at Buffalo at 4:50 p. M., Niagara Falls at 7.-05 p. II., Alexandria Bay 7:00 A. M. Leave Pittsburg at 920jp. M., arrive in Buffalo at 620 A. M., Niagara Falls 9:50 A. M., Toronto 10 p. M. August 14 and 15, Conneaut Lake and re turn, J3 35. Leave Pittsburg at 8:00 a. m., arrive at Meadville at 12:30 p. M., and Conneant Lake at 30 p. m. Leave Pittsburg at 4:10 p. M., arrive at Meadville at 835 p. sl, and Conneaut Lake at 9:10 p. m. Lake Chautauqua every Tuesday Saturday, $5. and IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Seal Sacques Seal Jackets. Ladies wishing their seal sacques redyed, reshaped, relined or made into jackets, wraps, or any repairs will find it to their ad vantage to write or send their sacques to J. G. Bennett & Co., fur manufacturers, cor ner Wood street and Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. EOD SI 75 TO NIAGARA FALLS AMD RETURN 8475. I ... . .. . I via Allegheny voney u., Baturdny Au- gnst 17. I Train of Easttake and Pullman palace sleeping cars leaves Union station at 8:50, p. m. (eastern standard time). Ticket good ior tour days returning. I CLARET WINES. I Imported Braudenberg Freres. Medoc, St. Emllion, St. Estepha, St, Julien, Margeaux, Pontet, Canet,8t.Plerrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau laBosa, Chateau Mouton, Grand Vin Chateau Margeaux, Grand Vin Chateau Lafitte, by the case or bottle. G. w. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Excursion Via the B. ot O. B. B. to Atlsntlo CItr, Thursday, Aug. 15. Bate, $10 for the round trip, tickets good for 10 days; good to stop at Washington City returning. Trains will leave depot at 8 A. m. and 920 p. M. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accom modations at once. Jnst lor a Boomer, , We will offer for to-day's sale only 650 men's fine cassimere suits at the low price of $8 40, regularly sold for 17. $ 18 and 520. Item ember this offer for to-day only, and 8 40 is the price. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Iron CItr Beer, Brewed only by Frauenhelm & Vilsack, is perfectly pure, wholesome and nutritious. Sold at all first-class bars. OFFICIAL PITTSBUBG. PrrrsBDEO, August 9. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessment lor the grading and paving of Natrona alley, from Fifty-second street to Mc Candless avenue, is now ready for examination and correction, and will remain In this office for ten (10) days,after which It will be returned to the City Treasurer for collection. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. au9-75 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until Friday, August 16, 1889, at a o'clock p. at, for the erection of a police station In the Thirty-sixth ward. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Burean of Police. Bonds in double the amount of bids will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department ot Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. auo-98 T ADIE8- "You can buy the cutest little stick-pins you ever saw for 26c. eoc and 76e apiece, at WIUSUH'B JJSWELKI BXUKB. .ftUU-XXS - at TwiiroTW iviium I ncuvAAMATsiflua, i PITTSBURG - DISPATCH, Bg-Dirplay advertuemetttt one dollar pir tquare for -one inicrtion. Clauifled advertise ment on thU page tuck a Wanted, For Bale, To Let, rto, ten cent per Une for each inter tton, and none taken or let than fifty cent. THE PITTSBUR6 DISPATCH BUANCS OFFICES. For tho accommodation of tho public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where-Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P.- M. for inser tion next morning: AdrertisemenU are to be prepaid except where advertisers already hare accounts wlthTmcDls- rJLTClt. PITTSBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFBEY, &Bntler street. KillL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and renn ave. E. G. BTUCKEY tCO., Wylle ave. and Fulton it. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market Honse. XXSTXKD. J. W. 'WALLACE, 6121 Fenn avenue. OJLZXAXS. MCALLISTEK & EHE1BLER, 5th av. ft Atwood It. 60BTHSIDX. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Canon street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ' ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEK, 89 Federal street. H. J. McDKIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. "W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aTes. PEltltY M. O LE1M. Hebeeca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Slale Hcls. w ANTED A GOOD BUTCHER. APPLYTO AIEAT iiAKli.t.1, 4311 iiutier street, city. aul3-7J WANTED-BOY TOR ERRANDS AND GEN ERAL work about store. Call at 99 WYLIE AVE. anl3-S9 -TTANTEI FIRST-CLASsS BABBER-VAL-VV ENT1NE KLINGINS. No. 16H Carson, Sonthslde. aul3-49 TTASTED-2 FIRST-CLASS HORSCSHOEKS. VV Inquire S. MCDONALD, 6012 Ellsworth ave., E. E. anl3-41 -TTANTED-LMMEDIATELY-10FltACTICAL, V V sober. Industrious boiler makers. REEVES BROS., Nlles, O. aull-C WANTED MAN GAKDENER.ALSO DRESS MAKER: jrood positions for both. t. F. FISHER, Frisco, Fa. . auU-45 WANTED-TWO (2) EXPERIENCED GAS fitters: apply at once. MCCAFFREY A CO., nnder St. Charles Hotel. aul3-47 WANTED 2 MEN WHO UNDERSTAND making and putting op iron fence. TA.Y LOK A DEAN, 203 and SOS Market St. anl3-77 WANTED YOUNG MAN THAT CAN OP ERATE typewriter and keep small set of books. H. V. SMITH, Hamilton BnUdlsg. aulS-46 -fTTAJ ED THREE OR FOUR GOOD STONE W CUTTERS Immediately. Inquire of WADE, at the Dispatch office, for Information. aulI-42 TTANTED-GOOD MAN IN EVERY TOWN; VV salary paid weekly. Address SHERMAN, TANGENBERG & CO.. 160 W. Lake St., Chicago. an3-5 WANTEDA CARRIAGE AND WAGON blacksmith helper. Address or call at A. W. SMITH'S, McKeesport. Pa., carriage and harness shop. autt-3 WANTEO-FHtST-CLASS BENCH HAND3 No others need apply. EVANS, CUNNING HAMS JONES' PlZaNlNGMLVLS; cor. beTenth ave. and Urant tu suU-60 WANTED-SALESMEN TO SELL A PATENT ledger, advertising cards, fans, calendars, rulers, novelties for advertising, etc. to mer chants. MODEL LEDGER CO., South Bend. lnd. anSM4-zon WANTED AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners ormlllmtn can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASHUtO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. J2S-86-tts -TTANTED-AGENTS TO ISOLICrrOKDEBS TV for oar celebrated oil portraits; the finest made; no experience required; beginners earn $50 a week: 2 outfit free: send for full particulars: a rare chance. SAFFORD ADAMS & CO., 48 Bond St., N ew York. aal0-Sl-D WANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S - ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg: pen manship, bookkeeping, arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting thoroughly taught for S5 nermonth: private instructions for both sexes; open dally 9 A. M . to 9 r. M. auld-TTSSu WANTED SALE8MEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary: largest manufacturers in onr line; lnclose2o stamp: wages S3 per day permanent position; money advanced, for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MT'G.CO.. Cincinnati. O. Je29-1-TTSSU WANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF our safes; size 28x18x18 Inches; weight SCO lbs. : retail price S3S; otherslzes In proportion; rare chance to create permanent business at home; these safes meet demand never berore supplied by other life companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. Je20-4-D WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN. SEND your address and reference to KEYSTONE MFGCO. (Inc.). Glrard. Erie county. Pa., and they will mall you, free, a full outfit. Including model, of an article that sella readily to the trade In every town and city, and upon which they will Jay you a liberal commission; whole outfit weighs ounces. au7-15-IOD WANTED COMPETENT MAN WHO IS thoroughly familiar with the manufacture otlron bridges and experienced in the manage ment of men, to act as assistant superintendent of bridge shops; will pay right party fair salary on year's engagement. Address with full particulars as to experience and references as to ability and character, A.J. LULLOCK, Prop Mo. Valley Bridge and Iron W'ks, Leavenworth, Kas. auMS WANTED AGENTS TO SEE THE "PAR NELL MOVEMENT;" the greatest political movement of modern, times, with a history of Irish parties from 1843, containing a full accoant of tue great trial Instigated by the London ' Times. ' and giving a complete history of the borne rule struggle from Its inception to the suicide of Plgotl, by Thomas Power O'Connor, member-of Parliament: fine steel portraits of the great leaders. Apply at once to P. J. FLEMING, 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. aul0-12 Female Help. XTTANTED FIRST-CLASS VV Apply Immediately at J. CO.'S. t& Liberty st. MILLINERS. D. BERND & aulJ-34 -TT-ANTED-TEN GIRLS TO LEARN DRESS VV MAKING, cutting and fitting at GAB- NIER'S SCHOOL, 802 Penn ave. The trade Is taugni complete in four months. au 13-70 Male and Feinale Helo. WANTED-AT ONCE-8 CARPENTERS, 10 farm hands, yard man, 2 colored men, 60 cooks. 10 chambermaids, dishwashers and laun dress, housekeeper, seamstress. MEEHAN'S AGENCY, M6 Grant St. sul2-I WA,WU - P3 "WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community; goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Fnll particulars and valuable sample case free; we mean Jutt what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. el-70-D Situations. . WANTED-TO BOS8 BAKERS-A FIRST CLASS hand wants a situation on bread and cake. Address for one week, J.BAKER, Dispatch office. aull-es T17ANTED SITUATION BY A DRUG TV clerk: 13 years' experience; best of refer ences speaks some German. Address DRUG- OlST, care 107 First ave., city. aul3-83 WANTED -POSITION IN DRUG STORE outside or city; registered manager, can five good reference. Address H.H. SHANNON, 7 Sixth avenus. Reaver Falls. Pa. aul3-35 WANTED srrUATION BY A YOUNG MAN speaking EngUsh and German! any kind of respectable Indoor work; best of reference and security given. Call on or address HOTEL RHODES, 55 Ohio St., Allegheny. aliiWO WANTED-WORK-A. YOUNG MAN THAT can speak English or German: can milk cows or drive horses; understands all gardening, or would be willing to take any kind of work around the city. 'Address O. B., 1223 Liberty St.. Pittsburg, Pa, auli-71 Rooms. Ilonsea. Etc WANTED-A GOOD WELL FURNISHED room In private house in central part of city for single man. J. P. J.'. Dispatch office. ', aulJ-43 WANTED SITUATION" AS WATCHMAN by a trustworthy married man; best of reference at hand. Address R. -U., Dispatch office. aul3-63 -TTTANTED-BY GENTLEMEN ONE OR TWO TT rooms with or without board; must be first-class in every particular; state terms. Ad dress K. B., Dispatch office. aul3-M Financial. In sums to suit st 4X. S and 6 per cent. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel LIST. api9-l-XTBBU WTrANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP- jjS1FxtvCTMW,Sw? 2r. ; "o LE.lkA A. I, .MA Am VV., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WAiNTZUT:A PARTY WHO HAS 860.000 TO loan at 4 V per eent for 5 or 10 yeanon good first-class security; no brokers need apply, Ad dress MONEY. Dispatch office. iuliia "WAIVrJDTO'OAi' .W0. IN AMOUNTS VV of 88,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H , percent, free lortax: also smaller amounts at Sands per cent. BLACK ft BALED. 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2-D 000, 000 TO LOAN YY on city and suburban properties at 4H. Sand 6 per cent, and on Isrms-la Allegheny anT seja- -..iV.Xi,2yk.t..rr't' J ;"!. syOTniMilfww ax7.u TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, WANTED. financial. TJANTEDMORTGAGES-tl.000,CC0TOLOAN TT In large and small amounts at 4k. 3 and per cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE ft CO.. 131 Fourth ave. my21-0 7-ANTKD-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT- uauu;uw ana upwara are per cent; Miscellaneous. TITANTED-TO RENT. A SUIT OF OFFICES. TV furnished or unfurnished: Penn avenue or other central location. Address B. V., Box 89S, city. auM-72 WANTED YOU TO GET A BAKER'S doxen (13) of Stewart A Co. 's fine cabinet photos for SI, at DO and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv2S-4-,rrstt TTANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH JT Kecnan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and in the best possible man ner. 33 AND M WATER ST. 'Phone 1825. myil-82 TXT ANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM Tt BERS to secure a fine gold watcb for each one In the club at II 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX Ml, and 1 will calf and snow you the watch. JV3-40 FOR SALE I3IPBGTED KEAIi ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR SALlf-ONLY flOOO-SEVERAL NO. 1 , . brick dwellings on Twenty-sixth St., South--Slde. each containing six rooms and finished attic, hall, vestibule; natural gas, good cellar, etc ; very liberal terms: small cash payment, bal ance as rent, and only one square from proposed cable line. BLACK A BALED, 93 Fourth ave. atl3-76 F)R SALE-GOOD INVESTMENT ON FIFTH svennenrarthemarkethouse: modern pressed bilck dwelling; 9 rooms, bath, laundry, etc: also two new four-room dwellings In the rear fronting on Ann st. ; property In excellent condition; price S9.S0O. terms S3,u: cash balance at 4H per cent; rented now to oar 11 ner eent nroflt on cash nav- ment required; right In the district where values are enhancing. Fourth ave. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 auiu-93-Tus East End Residences. T7IOR SALE-CLIFF. ST., AN ELEGANT 10 JJ room residence, 2-story brick with all mod ern Improvements; lot 42x147. J. C. RE1LLY. 77 Diamond st. aull-et-TT8su FOR SALE -TWO SMALL HOUSES AND lots at Sh.idyilde, near R. R. station and cable cars; lot 36)xl37 feet to an alley; price only ,000. Trms. etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE i CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. aulS-53w FOR SALE BARGAIN ON LOGAN ST. NEAR Fifth avenue. 2-story brick dwelling, 7 rooms, both gases: with very little expense this can be made a comfortable home. J. C. RELLLY, 77 Diamond St. aull-64-TTSSu "ITIOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, X' new brick bouse, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement: all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. lu. by 133ft.: terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bluff St. aul-87-TTSSU FOR SALE WINEB1DDLE AVE. 2 MINUTES from Ben Venue station, nearly new 2-story frame, 7 rooms; bath, laundry and reception room, front and rear porches; lot 30x150. J. C JtEILLY, 77 Diamond st. aull-64-TTSSu FOBSALE-A PRETTY, NEW QUEEN ANNE house In the East End of 9 rooms, reception ball, range, bath, lanndrv. comDlete In all re spects; close to P. R. R.; elegant lot 80x100; paved Buret ana wen sewerea; ii.wu aown, Ti&lAnea on time. BLACK A BALED. 95 Fourth ave. aul3-78 FOR SALE-HANDSOME 8-ROOMED HOUSE and beautiful lot, 48x135 feet, on Frailer St., Dallas. This Is a fine property, handsomely lo cated, as Frailer st. Is now open and online of proposed electric read. We offer this bargain at $4,200. MELLON BROTHERS, 6319 Station st., E. E. auIl-108-TTSu FOR SALE DESIRABLE EAST END RESI DENCE: brick, new, late style, nine rooms, well finished, besides laundry, bathroom, pantry; all latest conveniences; lot 40x121 feet: near steam and cable cars; location very desirable: price low; terms moderate. W. A. UERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jy28-l--au28,9,13 TL7WR SALE IN COLTART SQUARE, OAK JJ LAND, desirable new houses of latest style of architecture. 9 rooms, elegantly furnished, complete In all its appointments: near cable line; complete sewerage, street improvements made. For plans and lnlormatlon see W. A. HEREON & SONS, or U. K. BEAM, on the premises. au2-69-TUI FOR SALE PARTIES LOOKING FOR nous's cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square: the greater number of the durably built, handsomely finished new d elllngs erected there have been sold within the past slxtr days; asphalt pavements, natural and artificial gas. a beautiful park planted with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices, WLSOOand 86,700, on easy terms. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, on the premises. 'l Allegheny Residences. TTtOR SALE-NORTH AVENUE, ALLEGHE J2 NY, resldenceeheapif sold quick: lOrooms; eornlr lot. n. A. wtMavn s, suns, eu lonrta avenue. au2-0-2,7,10.13,17 TTIOR SALE AT P.000 IF SOLD QUICK-ON A? Lacock, near Sandusky St., lot 22x100 with two dwellings; will pay over S per centnet; a good Investment and comfortable home. W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. au2-l-Tur 17IOR SALE-FEDERAL STREET. NEW ELEC TRIC road extension", a beautiful, large, dou- ble frame dwelling; natural gas. city and spring water, etc. : large lot well lmoroved. has fruit of water, etc. : large lot well Improved, has fruit all kinds; will sell cheap. Call at 95 Fourth ave, BLACK &BA1RD. 2H-143 aul3-76 jp Suburban Residences. IOR SALE AT BRUSHTON STA., P. R. R.. onlv S2. GOO. on easv Davments. a neat honse. 8 rooms; lot 63x132 ft. : this fs cheap. W. A. UER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. aul3-63-TTS OdK HAI.TC KTTIinKBAN TtEStDENrHE IN V borough, 12 acres, 870 feet front on principal avenue, on good macadamized road; never railing spring and well of purest water: large, beautiful brick dwelling, slate roof, marble mantels. Inside , bath. laundry, pantry, natural and Illumin 111 i ating gases; best fruited place In the country; a srgain. w a. iijscubaiai u., joi xewite gent. 121 Wabash St.. West End. city. an8-66-TTS FOR SALE LOTS. City lrfits. tOR SALE P sts., neai feWABD.20 SALE-LOTB ON BLUFF AND VICKBO Y near college; terms to suit. ROBT. xuun si. aui-e-TTB8U FOR SALE LOTS-MT. WASHINGTON, VER Y nice; one fronting 40ft on Natchez st. bySOO ft. to Belonda: prlcell.OM: SlOOdown. balance long time. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond St. aull-et-rrssu I 'East End Lots. FOR 8ALE-CHEAP-AS A WHOLE-28 DE SIRABLE building lots fronting Euclid ave. snd Beattyst., near Hlland ave., lnthemldst of toe mneieenm warn. na.xiuuiuAsauna, 10 Fourth avenue. au2-4l-Tup FOR SALE-875 00 A FOOT FRONT-STUDY well this offer: handsome, large corner lots in Orchard plan, situated on Rlppey st. ; this lo cation is between Hlland and Negley aves , both f which are now paved, Rlppey st. being also paved, and all sewers, gas and water to curb; vhere can these prices be duplicated In finest lo cation and for Improved property MELLON BROTHERS, G349 Station st., E. E. auU-IOS-TTSU i . . Bstzelwood Lots. FOR SALE MUST BE BOLD-FINE PROP ERTY of 5 or 6 acres at Hazelwood, Twenty third ward: excellent location for manufacturing or other purposes requiring large space and con venience to the business center; river frontage of COO feet: would eub-drtide Into building lots; a quick sale Is necessary and someone will get a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. aulO-85-Tus Allegheny Lota. FOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In tlieTenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply toJOSEPHMCNAUGHER, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-9s-i FOR SALE LOTS ON THE HENDERSON property. Nunnery Hill, Allegheny, have now taken a start, and are moving right along: Blsns and prices at this office; we guarantee a good tie. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal St., Alle gheny, au!3-78 FOR SALE PERRYSVILLE AND DAISY ave., near head ot Charles st.. Tenth ward, Allegheny, at auction, Saturday, Aug. 17. at 2 o'clock F. it., Pentecost. Simpson A Rarcorte plan, 4 desirable building lots; city water; elec tric cars. A. J. PENTECOST,. 413 Grant St. aulO-21 FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE SALE, PERRYS VILLE ave., on the Watson place plan, com mencing at the car honse, rear atson circle, beautiful building sites 50x125 and 60x200; terms J csshtbal. I, 2, and 3 Tears, Monday, August X at 2 o'clock P.M. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer, 413 Grant St. aulJ-71 Suburban Lots. TTIOR SALE-EAST JEANNETTE SPECIALTY Glass Co. plan a few good lota, 40x100; free gas; stores needed; 25 honses building: several a; uonsf coming In. Urge factories X1JU1. 1LTON UUILUIHG, anl-G3 TTIOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE J? at Edgewood. P. R. K, 103x200 feet: level and within 2 minutes' walk from station; reasonable price and easy terms. BLACK ft1 BAIRD, 98 Fourth ave. 3-A. a u 13-76 rR SALE-AT ASPINWALL 'STATION IN the Ross estate the most desirable suburban building lots now In the market for sale: prices very low and terms easy : call or send for plans. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. aul-l-5-8-U-17-20-24-27-30 Tanasi FOR SALE-FARM 155 ACRES ONSHENAN GO, near Sharon and Middlesex station: 2 railroads In sight; not better land for all purposes; bouse, barn and other buildings; 845 per a., worth 870. ED. W1TT1SH. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. anio-p FOR BAJ.E BUSINESS. Business Chances. TTIOR BALE TINNING BUSINESS IN A Jj growing town of ten thousand Inhabitants: good stand; pavlnjr business-. For' Information address 8K8HK TlYBtfKIVJfi HtUttSfton. W TTTANTED BY PEARSON, LEAPING PHO TT TOGHAPHER, 98 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at fl GO per ooien; photos delivered when promised; Instan taneous Drocess. mhl3-63 L889. VOR SAXE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE A NEW ENTERPRISE WHICH can be started In all towns. For full partic ulars address K. L. MARTIN. Decatur, III. au9-40 FOR BABE-A FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP, with two chairs, doing a good business: no opDosiiion, goou reason for selling. Auaress BARBER SHOP, Dispatch office. aul3-80 FOR SALE BOARDING HOUSE-GOOD LO CATION, good business, furniture, good will, etc FurtberlnlormatlonlnqnlraorALLES ft BAU.EY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. aulO-92 TTIOR SALE-DON 'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY X1 slip, buy now and make money: several very choice cheap grocery stores, bakeries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished house full of roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery business, cigar stores, feed store, milk depot, restaurant and dining room, printing office, shot-stores, etc. : win exchange good grocery store In city for building lot. Free particulars. bHEP ARD ft CO., 54 Fifth ave. au9 Business Stands. FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY ON THE new cable line, Carson st., S. s. ; lot 20 and 22x120; an excellent corner; good part of street for retail business; bnynowand get the Increase or value. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO- 99 Fourth ave. an9-62-Tnra FOR SALE-OR RENT THE PLANT OF THE Crystal Glass Company, situate on the cor ners ot South Sixteenth. Seventeenth and Sarah streets, consisting or two furnaces with lears, engine and boiler and other buildings, all Incom plete order: parties purchasing or renting can have possession to start in ten days. For price, terms, etc . apply on PRESHSES. an7-!8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, tfcc FOR SALE-FORWAfcTOF CSE-2 MEDIUM size mules. Apply at 227 SECOND AVE., cor. Try st. au9-J9-D FOR SALE HORSE, HARNESS AND COV ERED wagon. Can be seen at E. GENSEN LEITER'S STABLES, Seventh St. snl3-S9 Machinery ana Metals. FOB BALE ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted; repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., L1M., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 shaper, and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks. Stamen valves, castings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. )y21-91-TT8 PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old, ancient and mouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S ROOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. an3-9S PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the TaUor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. inhs LOST. LOST-HORSEANDBUGGY-BROWN MARE. about 15 bands high: leather-lined buggy. ARCHIBALD, U.9 Third ave. anl3-86 T OST. STRAYED OR STOLEN-I COW-RED, JJ with white spots. A reward will be paid If returned to MR. bKHELL, Smitb St., near New Brighton road. Tenth ward, Allegheny. anl3-50 MEETINGS. PrrrSBURO. Pa August 5, 18S9. "VrOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF LN the stockholders ot the Plttabnrj; Force and Iron Company, will be held at the office of the company-Tenth street near Penn avenue, on TUESDAY". August 20, 1SS9 at 11 o'clock A H., for the election of directors for the ensuing year, and for such other business as may be brought before them. JAMES K. VEENER, Secretary. auS-34 -TiGREMONT CASTLE, A. O. K. M. C Sir Knights are requested to meet at Castle Hall. 102 Fourth avenne, at 1250 WEDNESDAY, 14th, to attend the funeral of our late 81r K.r.0., "Win. Phillips. Sister castles are respectfully invited to attend. H. E. STEWART, S. K. C. L. F. CONNER, A. R. S. an!3-6 JJRIDGE NOTICE U. S. ENGINEER OF 5 FICE, Louisville, Ky August 10, 1S89. be Board of Engineers on the Louisville bridge will meet in public session at Major A. Stlckney's office, Louisville. Ky., on September 12, 18S9. at 11 A if., local time, to hear argu ments for or against the plan and location of the bridge proposed by the Louisville and Jef fersonville Bridge Co. C. B. COMSTOCK, Colonel of Engineers, President of the Board. aul3-2S-13-14-15-16-sel0-ll PITTSBURG COMMANDERT NO. 1, K. T., ( PrrrSBtmo, August 13. 1889. t ATTENTION SIR KNIGHTS THE MEM BERS of this Commandery will meet in the asvlum. Freemason's Hall. Filth avenue, en WEDNESDAY, August 11, 1SS0, at 1:30 o'clock T. if., sharp, to attend the funeral of onr late Frater, Sir William Phillips, Br. Mem bers of commanderies Nos. 33, 48 and 59 are courteously invited to meet with us. JAMES S. McKEAN. E. C. "WM. T. RETTER, Roc anl3-68 AUCTION BALES. AT AUCTION-FINE CABINET GRAND upright pianoforte, fine parlor suits, cham ber f nrniture. brnssels and ingrain carpets, etc TUESDAY MORNING, August 13, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms, 311 Market street. Satin and silk tapestry, rugs, brocatelles and hair cloth parlor suits, fancy rockers, pictures, mirrors, clocks, ornaments, cabinets, handsome upright piano, door and window curtaining, lamps, halL racks, brnssels and Ingrain room, ball and stair carpets, rugs, linoleum, chamber suits, folding beds, dressers, wardrobes, wash stands, chiffoniers, bedsteads, bed lounges, chairs, hair and husk mattresses, center tables, feathers, shades, decorated toilet ware, library tables, desks, secretaries, bookcases, sideboards, extension tables, leather chairs, buffets, china and glassware, water coolers, refrigerators, stoves, notions, etc, etc HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. anU-85 E. P. 4 C. "VV. JONES, Attorneys, 408 Grant St. MASTER'S SALEBY VIRTUE OF AN order of the Court of Common Pleas No. a. of Allegheny county, at No. 31, January term, 1SB9, In partition, I will offer at Dubllc sale, on tne premises, on euuuuuai, .august. 17, 1889,' at 2 o'clock p, Jf., the following prop erty, viz: All those certain lots situate in the Eleventh ward, of the city of Pittsbnrg, county of Allegheny and State Of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning on Cen ter avenue at a line dividing lots Nos. H and IS in William Arthur's third plan or lots; thence along Center avenue, eastwardly, 74.65 feet, to Roberts street; thence along Robertsstreet 97.31 feet to Short alley; thence along Short alley, westwardly.74.65 feet to line of lotNo. 14; thence along the line of lot No. It 97.31 feet, to Center avenue.at the place of beginning,being lots Nos. 15, 16, 17 and Is in William Arthur's third plan of lots, as recorded in deed book, vol. 5L page 281. The above property will be sold subject to mortgage of Robert W. Franklin to Annie R. Speer, recorded in mortgage book, vol. 198,page 438. Terms of sale Cash: $100 upon day of sale and balance on confirmation of sale by the Conrt and delivery of deed. A, F. BYRNES, Master. D. P. THOMAS CO., Auctioneers, anl3-27 408 Grant street. Pittsbnrg. Pa. DIVIDENDS. The WesttnqhcSube Electtuc Co, PlTTSBUBO. PA. AUCUSt 12. 18S9. 0..1 P DI- T-vIVIDEND NO. 6-THE BOARD OF XJ RECTORS of this company have this day declared a aiviaena 01 un&anuuoirnau! PER CENT (IK) oat of the earnings for the quarter ending June au, isa, payaoie on tne 2fith Inst. Transfer books will be closed from the 15th fnst. to the 28th inscboth Inclusive. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. aul62 JOHN CALDWELL, Treasurer. the WESTntonousE Electric ) AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Pittsburg, Pa. August 12, 1889. T-vIVIDEND NO. I-THE BOARD OF Dl J RECTORS of this company have this day declared a dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF (IX) PER CENT out of tho earnings for the quarter ending June 30, 1SS9. payable on the 26th Inst. Transfer books will be closed from the 15th lost, to 26th lnsr., both inclusive. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. JOHN CALDWELL. Treasurer. anl3-61 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF MARGARET J. CROMLISH. deceased Letters testamentary upon the above -estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against the same present them to NANCY U.ALKER, Hazelwood avenue, or her attorney, MARSHALL BROWN. 157 Fourth avenne. ij9-71-Ta HARRY L. GOEHRINO.Atty,100 Diamond st ESTATE OF ADOLF 8AUER, DECEASED. Administrator's notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the es tate of Adolf Saner, late of the city of Pitts burg, In tbe county ot Allegheny and the State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to F. C. SAUEH, Admin istrator, corner Sixth and Liberty street. Pitts burg, Pa. jy:e-5f-Tn JENNINGS & WILSON Bakewall Law Bulld- lng. E STATU OP MR&. ISABELLA "VV. C. Comtngo, deceased Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. Isabella W. C. Comingo, deceased, late of Pittsbnrg. county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same wHl. make them known with out delay to IS AAC CRAIG. JR. Admlnistra- DO LET. Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 8 LINDEN STREET. ALLE-GHENY-A new honse of 7rooms. In fine or der: late Imorovements; 826 par mo. W. A. HEB RON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fljl anIl-72-MTT fTlO LET-NEW ROOM FRAME HOUSE. L Second ward. Allegheny. 16: new room house 89; new 3 room bouse, 812. W. W. MC NELLL ft BRO., 105 Fourth ave aull-67 Anarttnenis. TO LET -ONE SUITE OF NICE APART MENTS. sultablerorUghtbousekeeping: wa ter and both kinds of gas. JOHN G. MORROW, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. anl3-29 Offices. Desk Room. Jfcc rrtO LET WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY" JL painted: elevator, Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMANIA SAVINGS BAN K. 423 Wood street,' e2-6S-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two or the roomiest and best-lighted offices tobe found In the city; rent, 200and 8300 per annum. Including elec tric lights, janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. X. afidlr. M or between 2 and 4 r. M. jy23-67 STRAYED. QTRAYED OR STOLEN FROM PREMISES O or the late John King. Lemlngton avenue Twenty-first ward, Pittsburg, during the night of August 11, two gray Percheron horses, one gray mare, one small dark brown driving horse. Any information leading to the recovery or same win be rewarded by the owners, GEO. S. MARTIN ft CO.. 503 Liberty st., Pittsbnrg. Telephone 872. aul3-75 AMUSEMENTS. ARRIS THEATER very afternoon and evening the great moral temperance arama, TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM. anl3-9TTS Base Ball to-day. recreation park. Sawder's old comrades. IBOSTON VS. ALLEGHENY. Game at 4 p. jr. I Train at 3-10. Ladles' Day, Tuesday. First of the season. auii-ra lOPOSALH. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals will be received at the Burgess' office iu the borofagh of Greensburg. Paw. until 12 o'clock nopn,lUGUST 17, A. D., 1889, for the erection of a mim brick and stone sewer in and upon Coal Tar run. in said Dorongh, being about L450 feet long. Flans and specifications can be seen at anv time at mv office in said borongb. Bidders will come and see lor them selves ana tne ngns to reiecr, any ana an mas 13 a.AMpd fIVTJTTft t TiTn au7-35-D I Borough Engineer. Notice to Civil Engineers. Sealed proposals will be received by the committee until MONDAY, the 19th day of August, A. D. I8S9. at 4 P. M for the surveying and establishing the grades, drawing of plans, etc, for the borough of Tarentnm. Pa. Specifications and old plans can be seen at Fleming fc Ester's drug store The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. G. R. HAYDEN. 1 H. H. KENNEDY, Committee. G. T. OWENS. J TABKznuit, Pa, July 19, 1S89. aull-21-D Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the city of Sterling, Illinois, for furnishing materials and doing the work of constructing a portion of the Avenne 'B" sewer system, and connections and appur tenances thereto. The work will comprise, ap proximately, tne following: 1,000 lineal feet of 43-inch brick sewer; S.00O lineal feet of pipe sewer from 8 in. to 24 In. in diameter, together wfth the catch basins, man holes, catch basin and manhole covers, etc, as shown in plans. The bids for furnishing pipe, and for the best Akron cement, to be made separately. The whole of the work to be completed not later than Nov. t, 1889. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the City Clerk. All bids must be in the hands of the City Clerk, J. F. Barrett, on or before August 19, 1889. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ' By order of Com. on Streets and Alleys. aull-22-D - PROPOSALS FOR STEEL PLATES FOR use in tbe construction of tbe United States armored battle-ship "Texas," at the Navy Yard. Portsmouth, va. Navy Depart ment, Washington, D. C.. August 6, 1889. Under authority conferred by the act of Con gress, entitled "An act to Increase tbe naval establishment," approved Angust 3, 1886, (24 Statutes at Large, page 2MO sealed proposals are hereby invited, and will be received at this Department until 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, the 1st day of October, 1889, at which time and place they will be opened in tbe presence of at tending bidders for furnishing about six hun dred and sixty-one (661) tons (2,240 ponnds) of steel plates, forty (40) ponnds per sqnare foot, for use In the constrnction of said battle-ship: about two hundred and forty-six (246) tons of such plates being for the lower layer of protective-deck plating, and abont four hundred and fifteen (415) tons for the upper and middle layers of protective-deck plating, the upper and lower layers of top of redoubt, and the ?rotectlre-side plating. Such plates to be de Ivered at such place or places in the Navy Yard. Portsmouth, Va., as tbe Commandant of that Yard may designate. Deliveries to com mence within thirty (30) days from the date of contract, and to be completed within sixty (60) days from the date thereof. The plates to be in accordance with a detailed schedule, which may be seen on application to tbe Bureau of Constrnction and Repair, Navy Department. All such plates to be of domestic manufacture, and to be accepted only after passing such tests as may be prescribed therefor by tbe Sec retary of the Navy. Proposals muse be made in accordance with forms which will be fur nished on application to the Burean of Con struction and Repair. Each proposal mnst be accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the bidder is able to furnish and deliver the mater ial for which he bids. Each proposal mnst be accompanied by a certified check, payable to tne oraer 01 tne secretary 01 tne .navy, ior an amonnt equal to fire per cent of the bid. The check received from the successful bidder will be returned to him on his entering into a formal contract for the dne performance of the work, and giving bond for the same,wlth satisfactory surety. In a penal sum equal to twenty-five per cent of tbe amount of his bid; but in case be shall fail tt enter into such con tract and to give such bond within ten days aft er notice of the acceptance of bis proposal, tbe check accompanying sach proposal shall be come tne property 01 fne united states, au checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted will be returned Immediately after tbe award shall have been made. Information relative to the dimensions and shapes of plates, and all other information essential to bidders, will be furnished on application to the Burean of Constrnction and Repair. Proposals must be made in duplicate, and Inclosed in envelopes marked "Proposals for Steel Plates for Ar mored Battle-ship Texas.'" and addressed to theSecretary of the Navy, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. The Secretary of the Navy reserves the right to reject any or all bids, as.ln his judgment, the Interests of the Government may require. B. F. TRACY, aul3-54-M Secretary of the Navy. "WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS WALNSCOTTING, INTERIOR DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Fins Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete Honse Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT & CO., 1219 and 1221 Market St. Jy9-76-TOF Philadelphia, Pa. DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, such as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portler curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at the SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 68 SIXTH AVE, Goods called for and delivered. JeU-TTS G A.BALPB, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u oeventn avenne. t Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TT3 plANOS, ORGANa S. HAMILTON, 81 AND 88 FIFTH .AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-o WAXTXRJ.OSBOUKNZ. KICKAXSBAXBOW& B ARROWS fc OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, -, , .. ,.. w Diamond street. TsJsnnnsm No. Ml EDUCATIONAL. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOK.KHALI, for trlrls snd young ladles. SHOKTLIOGE MKlllA ACADEMY, for boys and Ta,iTTi. HWITIIIV n. HHOKTI.1DGE. A. M. (Harvard Uraduate), Media, Pa. (near Phlladel- yuia.; aul-8 WSTWALNDT8THEET SEMINARY FOR young ladies: 23d year: Is provided Tor lv lng a superior education In collegiate eclectic ana Sreparsiory departments: also In music and art. IBS.HENUIKTTA K.UTZ, 2015 Walnut st, Pallia. au4-0-TT T ONG VIEW, BBOOKVILLE, PA., A Church School for Girls, wiJI reopen SEP TEMBER 11, 18S9. For catalogue apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. LLD, an2-78-Tur Principal. 1 HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY. SEPTEMBER4; new students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. JoitN T. MURPHY, C S. Bp.. President jy 17-28 CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment Gymnasium, military drill, etc. Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, etc address JNO. CALVIN RICE. A. M., Principal. je2S-53 MISS MAKY MAC DONALD. FORMER principal of Miss Fuller's school, will open . A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in Allegheny OCTOBER 1, 1889. au2-36-Tur Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladies and pre paratory school for little girls, EMBLA P.O., three miles from Baltimore, Md.. condncted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. ' jv3069-TT3 SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL MB GIRLS, 915 and 917 N. lharle street Baltimore. ' MR8.W.M.CARY. I Established 1842. French MISS GARY. (the language of the- school. jyl8-S4-rrs NEW YORK MHJTARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study la civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds. location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. B A. M., Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. JelO-U MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. BIRMING HAM. Pa. A thorough school for young" ladles. Situation noted for health. Home comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 100 acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college. Send for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRXEE, Busi ness Mn'tfr. MISS N? J. DAVIS, PrincipaL anfi.53-D PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic, Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in the best col leges, for teaching, for business. Young La dies' Seminary Department Fall term opens September 9, 1SS9. Hon. Tbos. M. Marshall President Board of Trustees. Address J. WAR 'REN LYTLE, Principal. No. 7 Fourth avenue. Jyl8-Sl.rrs PARK INSTITUTEFORMERLY -PREPARATORY and commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Business,inclndlngshort hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open to both sexes. Fall term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Office nonrs 9 to 11 a. if. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN, A. M.. Principal. auJ-46-TTS KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE, N. X. Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of the Rt Rev. F. D. Huntington. S. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September II, 1869. References Rt Rev. H.C. Potter. D.D..N.Y. Rcv.Wm. R. Huntington. D. D., Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter, D. D.. Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jelja-Tny CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. L4T7 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better education respectfuliv solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. iL. Pres't JylS-82TS. THE PMSTLYAinA STATE COLLEGE. Fall session opens September 11. Examinations for admission September 10. New buildings and equipment greatly increase the facilities for In struction in all departments. Courses In Agri culture. Chemistry, llotany snd Horticulture, Civil, .Mechanical and Hectricsl Engineering, and In General Science and Modern .Languages. Special conrses for Ladles. Tuition free 1 lft y Scholsrsnlps entitle the holders to free room rent. i orcatalogne or other Information address THE PRESIDENT, State College, Center Co.. Pa. aul-7-ITS TJITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, ESTAB X LISHED 1884, offers advantages of a tnorougn Acaaemic ocnooi 01 Art combined with private in struction: each pupil under joint direction of George Het- zei (uusseiuori Acaaemyj, jonn W. Beatty (Munich Academy). Students who cannot attend daily may enter ior limited numDer 01 For Drosoectus address days a week. JOHN W. BEATTY. Principal. au3-6S-TuS 413 Wood street Pittsburg; Pennsylvania Female College. Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau. In tbe suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dnst Unsurpassed for beauty and healthlulness. Excellent facilities for study of Natural Sciences, Classics and Mathematlcs-ln short every department well equipped. The completion of Dllworth Hall, comorlslng new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has Increased capacity and furnishes faculties for thorough educational work or the highest order. Season opens September 11, USB. Early application Is desirable. For catalogues and further Information apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETBEAU, President Pittsburg (East End), Pa. Ji-M-Tus F IOR SALE- BUILDING LOTS AT aspjnwaijTstation, West Penn Railroad, only 7 miles from AEe ebenv deDOt adjoining SHARPSBURG. The "Aspinwall Land Company" have subdi vided a part of tbebeautif ul suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE, Into lots of 25 feet CO feet and 100 feet frontage, or by the acre, and are offering them for sale at prices that will suit the most conservative. Terms very easy, title guaranteed by the "Fidel ity Title and Trust Company," of Pittsbnrg. Special inducements to early purchasers. There is a representative always on the premises who will show the property. Take a train to Aspin wall station, which is directly on the premises, or call on the agents, W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave., city. Who will give yon plans of the lots, with full Information and prices. auI-60-2,6,10,13,17,20,24J7.81 CHOICE BUILDIHG LOTS BLAIR ESTATE, Hazelwood and Glenwoofl, Twenty-third ward, city. These lots are 24x120 feet on Second avenus and good side streets: only 15 minutes from Smithfield street and from 3 to 5 minutes walk from station; the electric street railway will soon be running to Glenwood; monthly tickets, 6K cents per trip. PRICES: S125toS1.000. EASY TERMS. 10 per cent cash, balance long time. Monthly payments If desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK fc CO, au7-20-TTS 99 Fourth Avenue. F OR SALE- AT A GREAT REDUCTION; mEE BRIffiDWELLLNGS. Only 2,200 each, on small monthly install menu If desired. A RARE'CHaNCE TO GET A HOME Of eight rooms, vestibule, hall, bath, range, natural gas. hot and cold water. Only 26 min utes from postofflcc, on Sycamore and Plymouth streets. Thirty-fifth ward. Price reduced in order to make quick sales. Call at once on W. A. HERRON fe SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. anl-9M,3.S.10,I3,17 J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, WFawta aveaae. 7 JMgS&TTi B$ltWl a JiSJH&BiTO " -A -?tV J-' , i'wsjsssjrjsfjssi 1 V f - J it!,. ,S L.-. . V if J ' ffiYv: si
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers