Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 11, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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The Chosen People Eeturning to Pal
estine and the Holy City.
A Colony of Americans Who Live on the
Walls of Zion.
12 Thirty thousand
out of the 40,000
people in Jerusalem
are Jews, and the
Israelites bid fair to
become the predomi
nant people in Pales,
tine. The Turkish
Government, which
has for ages pro
hibited them for liv
inglonger than three
weeks at a time in
the Holy Land, is
under the influence of the foreign govern
ment relaxing its restrictions and at present
the Jews are coming here by the hundreds.
They are engaging in business and they now
control n great part of the trade of Jeru
salem. Some of them feel that the day
when the prophecy of the Bible that they
shall again inhabit their land shall be ful-
R9SRfliSl. "
given their business over to their sons anda
who live here upon an allowance Irom them.'
The Jews of Jerusalem have some poor
among them, and their condition is worse
than that of any of their race the
world over. The numbers who have been
forced here by persecution are supported
almost entirely by the different Jewish
churches over the world,and the numbers of
different denominations of Christians also
who are so supported, have made Jerusalem
a city of mendicants. At certain hours of
the day bread is given away at certain
places and the people come to these in
crowds. The Jews themselves in the fewest
of cases change their religion, bnt the dif
ferent denominations of begging Christians
move about from church to church as the
supplies rise or fall, just as the bad boy
changes his Sunday school according to the
prospects of presents at time of Christmas.
Such giving has made Jernsalen a hot-bed
for the propagation of beggars; and this is
true of other people than the Jews.
One of the great sights of Jerusalem is
the Jew's wailing place where every Fri
day certain sects meet on the outside of the
walls of the Mosque of Omar which occu
pies the site of Solomon's temple, and with
their heads bent against tho stones sorrow
over the loss of Jerusalem and pray God
to give the land back to His chosen people.
This custom has been observed since the
days of the middle ages, and it is one of the
saddest sights. I visited it last week. In a
narrow alley surrounded by miserable
houses on stone flags which have been worn
with the bare ieet of thousands of Jews
against a wall of great blocks of marble,
which reached for 60 or more feet above
them, a long line of men in long gowns and
of women with shawls over their heads
stood with their heads bowed praying and
weenintr. Many of the men had white
beards, and the long curly locks which fell
down in front of their ears were of silver.
t, i ii MB ssssssw ai isst i ii T - r- . ?
ftffS A OHV " I ' -tJ. I
filled is at hand, and one curious tribe from
Southern Arabia claims to have received a
revelation that thev must leave their desert
country and come back to Palestine. These
Jews have lived in Yemen Arabia for the
rtast 2,500 years. They are of the tribe of
(fad and they left Palestine 700 years before
Qhrist was born. They are bringing with
t&em many valuable old documents which
prove their origin and not a few of them are
e imaged inagriculture near Jerusalem. The
) secution of the Jews in Bussi a and
Austria is driving many of them here and
there are large numbers of Polish and Span
ish Jews in Jerusalem.
THE A3IEEICAN eagle's yictoby.
Our American Consul. Mr. Gilman. tells
me that there are about 200 American Jews
in Jernerffom, nil J mmjrm .that the great
number of Jewish immigrants is the wonder
of the people of this part of the East. He
says that the removal of the restrictions on
Jewish immigration has taken place during
the past three or four years, and that when
he came here it was the policy of the foreign
governments represented at Jerusalem to
aid the Turks in expelling the Jews. He
was advised shortly after his arrival that
some American Jews were overstaying their
three weeks' time in Palestine and was re
quested to direct them to leave. He re
plied that such action was entirely contrary
Others were just in their
crime, and I could not
but wonder when I saw the forms of
these at times almost- convulsed with emo
tion. Eachhadawell-thumbedHebrew,Bible
in his hand, and from time to time the
party broke out into a kind of chant, an old
gray-haired man acting as leader, and the
rest coming in on the refrain. The chant
was in a strange tongue, but as translated it
is as follows:
Leader For the palace that lies desolate.
Response We sit in solitude and mourn.
Leader For the walls' that are destroyed.
Response We sit in solitude and mourn.
Leader For our Majesty that is departed.
Response We sit In solitude and mourn.
Leader For our ereat men who lie dead.
Response We sit In solitude and mourn.
Leader For our priests who have stumbled.
Response We sit in solitude and mourn.
Leader For our kings who have despised
Response We sit In solitude and mourn.
The effect of this chant cannot be appre
ciated without hearing it. The old men,
the weeping women who kiss the stones of
the wall that separates them from what was
once the site of Solomon's temple, and
which is even now the holiest part on the
earth to the Jew, the genuine feeling ex
pressed by all and the faith that they show
in thus cominc here week after week and
J year after year Is woDorfi!I)-1mpressive.
it is indeed one of the strange sights of this
strangest of cities.
There are anumberof agricultural colonies
in different parts of Palestine. There is an
agricultural school near Jaffa. which tin
more than 700 pupils, and there are eight of
dition of the city has been greatly im
proved. There is" still room, howeVer, for
further advance in this direction, and the
side streets are filled with garbage and
slops, and you now and then find a dead
dog or cat in a state of putrid decompo
sition. The Jerusalem outside the walls is
now almost as large as the city within, and
I am told that land has risen to such an
extent that the holy city may be said to
have a real estate boom. In the Medi
terranean Hotel where I am stopping, there
is a card advertising a fine farm lor sale
between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, and I
learn that along the Jaffa road, just out
side of the gate, property has gone up
within a year or so several hundred per
cent. One piece which belongs to a
charitable institution was bought a short
time ago for J500. It Is now worth 180,000
and cannot be bought for that amount A
telegraph line now runs from here to the
sea coast and a railroad company has been
organized to build a line from Jaffa to
I drove out to Bethlehem, which lies an
hour's ride from here, yesterday, and I
found telegraph poles planted on the plains
where King David fought the Philistines,
and running up the hills where the shep
herds watched their flocks when they saw
the wonderful star. On the same eround
to-day the turbaned Bethlehem shepherds
of the nineteenth century are minding their
sheep; and as I looked at their rough forms
clad in sheepskin coats, I wondered
whether the bright star of the electric light
might not some time appear in their own
little town and on the tower of David,
which looks down upon them from the
Jerusalem of to-day. Bethlehem has many
new houses,. There is a good road now to
Hebron, and the day will probably soon be
when you can travel over the Holy Land in
a carriage. Jerusalem, for the first time in
its history, has a police force, and its order
is now as good as that of New York. It
has fairly good hotels, and the town is
awakened every morning by the bugle call
of the modern "Turkish band. The Ameri
can flag floats from the roof of the Consular
buildinc on the top of Mount Zion, and vou
find on its streets travelers from all parts of
the world. Ebank G. Cabfenteb.
Puzzling the British Tourist by a
Multiplicity of Names.
A Scheme to Counterbalance the Effects
of Heavy Losses.
these agricultural colonies. One of their nhnkM. ..'.
SSS rr5n.2K S ?-r,one of the brightest newspaper x
Mysterious Sounds That Scared a News
paper Man Into Illness.
Atlanta Journal. 3 t
Augusta has an editor who was scared
into several weeks' illness by a ghost. One
of the reporters on the paper tells of it in
print. The sickness is over with now, and
the cause of it has just leaked out. The
name of the editor who suffered himself to
be so badly frightened is not given, but it is
a pretty good ghost story and is given for
what it is worth.
During reconstruction times a resident of
Augusta was arrested by the military au
thority, and put under guard in the Pal
metto House, which stood then where the
Chronicle office now is. One guard kept an
eye upon the imprisoned citizen. During
the night the muffled tread of the sentry
was brought to halt by a fatal knife thrust.
After a brief struggle the guard was dead
and the prisoner liberated. To this day it
has never been learned who did the killinc-.
It happened one nicht some eiuht week
ago that one of the Chronicle editors found
it necessary to remain at his desk after the
rest of the force had gone home. He was
engaged busily writing, when he heard a
low muffled noise. Thoughts of the story
of the Yankee's murder came back to him.
He listened intently. He heard the almost
noiseless steps of the avenger. Then he
heard the noise as the guard was borne
down, the death cry as the knife blade
reached a vital part, the hurried steps of
tne neemg liberator and lioerated the edi
tor was in a delirium.
It was more than the ooor newspaper fel
low could stand. Weary with work, frail
in mind and body after hours of labor, he
gave completely away. In his" helpless
condition visions of his high tariff articles,
of his pilfered leading essays, of his whole
life, came up before him. ' He reached
home, but was thrown into bed, where he
remained for weeks. The incident had
The story is told in tha
overtae signature of Mr. W. C,
rcoaaxsroNDEscE or thb dispatch.
Long Branch. August 9.
LL that is Long
fT Branch is not so
n "called. Theexten-
. vision of the im-
y," mensesummerpop-
(J ulation has gone
so lar Deyona tne
limits of the orig
inal Long Branch
that no less than
16 distinct names
for railway sta
tions, and post
offices are in use
""" between Sandy
Hook and Key East. Changes are frequentj
ly made in them, at that, and it is only this
season that Avon-by-the-Sea is substituted
for the old-fashioned Key East Wealth
and fashion are whimsical, yon know, and
will not tolerate the commonplace in
nomenclature any more than in other
things. So uniform is the pretentiousness
at Long Branch that the sight of a tatter
demalion girl playing in the water from a
hydrant with her bare 'feet was a sight to
make me stop and look. The modish chil
dren may take off their shoes and stockings
for the surf, but the line for such indul
gence is drawn for them at the bluff, and a
dozen of them were watching this unconven
tional youngster with positive envy.
But I was writing about the fitfnl and
sometimes foolish names of the differ
ent portions of Long Branch. Just now
there is something of a controversy over two
them while the" fate of their dollars is being
dec.ded. Others are open and above board,
making no effort to conceal either their tx
citement or the other evidences ot their in
digence in wagers.
On my last visit to the track I saw a care
fully reared and in no wise reprehensible
young daughter of a New York millionaire
seated at the front of the dub house stand,
making her bets through the medium of a
well-known bookmaker's employe a
tough-ldoking fellow, who of course could
not spproach her socially, but who for this
occasion was a familiar' and confidential
agent. She displayed conspicuously, before
thousands of observers, the tickets repre
senting her bets, 'and her consultations with
the bookmaker's man, as well as her orders
to him, were in ordinary conversational
tones overheard by everybody within a doz
en fset They were informed, too, by her
raptarous ana mathematical exclamation at
the dose of theay's racing, that she was a
winaer to the extent of $240.
Besides the public methods of gambling,
quite secluded games of poker were never
mora numerous at Long Branch than they
are this season.
A question commonly discussed hers Is
whether the games at the two great club
houses aro "square." You would be sur
prised and amused by the partisanism arts'
ing sometimes to rancor over this seemingly
inconsequential point My own impression
is that the, club proprietors are' content, as
they really ought to be, with the regular
percentage in their favdr. Still the mag-
muuence ot the establishments, and the im-
JpisHSr Watwif
If && le?TVissi".'l U 1 IK
The Parasol Flirtation.
Natives of Jerusalem.
to the spirit of our government which is
founded on religious and race freedom, and
after some negotiations the American Jews
-were allowed to remain. Shortly after this
the British Consul, under instructions from
the British Minister at Constantinople, took
the same grounds, and I am told that the
German and the French Governments have
followed suit. The time of Jews remaining
in Palestine has been extended and the re
strictions upon their residence. "In Jerusalem
have been practically removed. A half
century ago there were only 32 Jewish fam
ilies in all Jerusalem and the number in
Palestine was only 3,000. Now there are
nearly 50,000 in the Holy .Land, and three
fourths of the population of Jerusalem is
made up of. them. .
A curious people thev are! Like no other
Jews on the lace of 'the earth. Thev are
nearer the type which existed here in the
past and they have a prescribed dress and
their appearance is like that of no other
people of the Orient. The boys and men
wear long coat-like gowns which reach with
out belts from "the neck to the feet and
which show other gowns beneath them at
the front Their heads are covered with
cloth or velvet caps bordered with long
brown fur which stands straight out, form
ing a wide fringe about the head.
None shave and all who can wear beards.
Each face is framed in two long curly locks
of hair which come out just in front of the
ears and in many cases reach down to the
breasts, in accordance with an injunction of
the Scriptures stating that "thou must not
mar the corners of thy beard." The Jews
here never cut their hair in Jront of the ears,
and I have seen boys with the whole of the
rest of the head shaved and these two locks
left These Jerusalem Jews have fine faces
with the olive complexion, which are com
mon to their race the world over. They have
hair of all colors from black and white to a
fiery red, and there are men among them
with btards of silvery whiteness.
Jerusalem is to the elderly Jew of Europe
what Benares is to the Hindoo. He hopes
to come here to die, and I am told that some
of the race have a belief that if they die in
other lands they will be dragged under the
earth through the globe from whence they
are laid until they come out upon the Mount
of Olives. The side ot this mountain is
covered with Jewish tombstones, and soil
from it is sent to Jews in many parts of the
world in order that it may be put into their
coffins at burial. Quite a number of the
American Jews here are old men. few of
them, however, are of American birth and
rerr few sDcakEnelish. Therhare mvinirorl
in some way a citizenship in America, .But
they are not of the high class of their race
in our country.
Philistines lived, and it has tens of thous
ands of vines.and olive trees. The Turks
are very much averse to selling land to the
Jews, but the latter show themselves to be
as good farmers' as they are business men,
and the terraced condition of the hills
about Jerusalem shows that the Holy Land
was far better cultivated under them than
it has been under their conquerors. A
large amount of land just outside of the
city of Jerusalem is now either in the
hands 6f the Jews or of their charitable in
stitutions. Mr. Behar, the head of the
Bothschild schools, tells me they have just
bought the Jerusalem Hotel and'will add it
to their school. Sir Moses de Mont-fior
who managed the fund left by a rich New
Orleans Israelite, built many good houses
for Jews on the road between Bethlehem
and Jerusalem, and there are a number xf
Jewish hospitals. r
Amone the people who confidently be
lieve that the Jews will soon again own
Palestine is a colony of IS persons who live
in a fine house built on the' very walls of
Jerusalem and who are known as "the
Americans." These neoDle are not Jews
vW&tt&y 'milk raw' j?v
X fcl OWlGEBtssssssssssssssssVC. "Si
V- gj VssssssWliliHissssssssssssssm V!
porters on the Georgia press.
Sixty Thousand Dollars the Sum Mr. Astor
Paid for tho Instrument.
From the Ucean.t
In the early days of the direct tea trade
with China importers were anxious to se
cure the earliest cargoes of a new crop.
The fastest clipper ships were engaged in
the trade. Great haste in loading them was
followed by a hot race to reach New York
first The first cargo brought the best price
and large profits. The successful captain
was always rewarded, so every known aid
to navigation was adopted.
The vountr Caritain of one or tv a ..
clippers bought, on one of his trips, a new
chronometer, and with its aid made a quick
passage and arrived first. He put the price
of it into the expense account of tho trip
but Mr. Astor threw it out, insistine that
such items of expense for new fangled no
tions could not be allowed. The Captain
thereupon resigned and took service with a
rival line. TJie next year he reached port
long before any competitor, to the great de
light and profit of his employers and the
chagrin of Mr. Astor. Not long after they
chanced to meet, ami Mr. Astor inquired:
"By the way, Captain, how much did that
chronometer cost vou?"
"Six hundred dollars; and may I inquire
Mr. Astor, how much it has cost you?" '
"Sixty thousand dollars."
The moral is plain.
?'(.? 'K'JvmyJilBflkiM
jMiwA'YM II mi im
'&tff&fA2AA'.' i I'.iBljnilLlil Mai
)&2&2!??- - V.'HiH Hil im
The TburitW Perplexity.
Eelhlehem Shepherd in 1SS3.
at all. They are Christians who have
come here from different parts of the
"United States, and more especially from
Chicago, to await the fulfilment of the
prophecy that God will regenerate the
world, beginning at Jerusalem. They be
lieve that this day is close at hand, and
they say that it has begun in the Jews com
ing back to Palestine. They see its fulfil
ment in the improvements that are going
on in Jerusalem, and cite the new roads
that have been built over the country as
one of the evidences of it They are evi
dently people of means as well as of refine
ment and culture. "When L. visited them
the other day I talked with several of them
and found them intelligent and well edu
cated. I asked one as to, their belief, una
was answered that they took the Bible as
Timepiece That Break Their Springs With
Astonishing Regularity.
Levlston Journal.!
Jeweler Doten, of Auburn, tells the latest
story about the curious' breaking of main
springs in watches. Friday a man came in
with a watch to have the spring replaced.
The jeweler put in a new one and hune the
watch up. No sooner had he done so than
along came another man with a watch whose
mainspring was broken and which was of
the same firm's make as the first one. He
put a good mainspring in this, as he had in
the other, and hung'the watch up beside it
It was but a few minutes Wore the main
springs in both watches broke, one of then
in 19 pieces and the other in 13. They had
broken within two seconds of each other.
He took them down and put in them two
of the best mainsprings he had in the shop,
but in less than 12 minutes one of them
broke, and during the night the other did
likewise, each'beinc in many nieces. Thi
morning he was wondering whether .to try
it again or furnish the owners with new
watches, thinking it might be cheaper,
A Remark Thnt Was Neatly Turned by Gen
eral Bam Houston.
Atlanta Joarnal.l
names for one railroad station. Some bother
for new visitors is caused thereby. It was
only last "evening that I saw a British tourist
and his daughter interestedly viewing the
prismatic fountain in the grounds of the
Pennsylvania Club.
"And what place might this be?" the
man asked of one of the policemen whom
the authorities assign to friendly dnty
arbund this famous gambling house.
This is the West End, sir," was the re
ply, "and that building is the Pennsylvania
"But is the Pennsylvania Clnb at the
West End, and are there two of them?
Halt an hour ago we saw a Pennsylvania
Club at Hollywood."
It was the same establishment He had
approached it from the other side. There
was a time when the West End Hotel was
in Long Branch, but the proprietors secured
a postoffice and railway station there, nam
ing both West End. Later, John Hoey
made his enormous investment in Holly
wood, an adjacent park, and by donating the
ground and edifice for a new station, he has
induced the railway people toall it Holly
wood and West End. He is now nushinir
hard for a separate postoffice, to be called
It would be unsuitable to write a column
about a Long Branch without paving some
attention to the gambling, which remains a
foremost, assertive and characteristic feature
othe place. A portly, middle-aged man,
broken in health and impaired in mind, is
seen mingling in the chance assemblages.
That is the notorious "Phil Daly, the propri
etor of the Pennsylvania Club, and for years
so dominant in local politics that the police
and other officials were servile in the inter
est of his law breakage. In those days he
Watching Their Dollars Come and Go.
At a banquet General Sam Houston was
men Kuiuc, uu wuir uuc; iuu cume to jeru naming tne .rresiaenu unu mcir cnaracter-
eaiem to cnueavor w joiiow its precepts
while living upon its walls. They have no
particular creed, and one of them said, when
asked as to this, that there is too much
preaching and too little good living. They
do no missionary work, and say they have
not yet felt called upon to preach. They
spend much ot their' time in Bible study
and singing, and are much respected among
the foreigners who reside in Jerusalem.
'Ftiavsft trt iJwiTif dntsBiiAB Al-.A T
"AmI"!.,-0I"?JlemislB'Pi. D o,t of iU. Sets
whahate pme out of busineM. or ban ' we now nell iayVd tto'iS bSe?
istlcs, and omitted Monroes name. A
nephew of Monroe asked:
"General, what have you to Bay of my
General H. O, Mr.' Monroe was a very
agreeable companion."
Monroe Why, General, yon might as
well call him a fool, and be done
with it
General H. No, I reserve that compli-
Tke above was told bv Dr. Martn.m
Hnntsville, Tex..here General Houston
was an aggressive and stalwart Individual.
But never since the assault made on him by
a conspiring gang of men and women in
New Yort, last winter, has he been his old
The Pennsylvania Clnb is open as re
splendently os ever, and so is its equally
gorgeous rival, the Long Branch Club.
This season there is not even any talk of en
forcing the law against them. Indeed, it is
dopbtful whether a vote of all the residents
of the West End and Long Branch proper,
temporary and permanent, wonld count up
against these gaming houses. The villagers
? uci Hcutu bu lose any money in
them, and many of them benefit by the em
ployments afforded in one way or another by
the clubs. The summer visitors are so
largely Wall street men, turf speratora and
others accustomed to taking chances, that
the faro and roulette tables would be re
gretfully missed by something like a
majority. That may be wicked, but it is
Go to Monmouth Park race course any
day when the grand stand and club house
re brilliantly crowded, and you will have
to look about you very closely to find a per
son wuo u uut Kimuuuj,. J-ne women are
mense cost of their-maintenance, to say
nothing of the admitted princely profits, are
to a certainty paid'for by the visitors. That
should be enough to deter anybody from
playing with a view to escape the almost
inevitable expenses of the diversion.
The club managers do at least indulge In
one periodical exploit of humbuggery.
Whenever an inordinately heavy loss is
sustained by a guest, it is followed by a
fictitious instance of heavy winning by a
mythical outsider. That has happened
every year or two ' since the clubs were
opened. The latest of these occurrences was
last month when the recklessly profligate
Geoige Law lost over $30,000 in a single
night at the Pennsylvania Clnb, and that
was followed within a few days by an al
together fanolful account ot almost equal
winnings by "millionaire Jim Beschler, of
Denver, ex-Senator Tabor's old partner in
ijine xiiitie jrittsourg mine." A lemlnino
rLong Branch correspondent who' -nossiblv
may have believed what she wrote, gave
this pieoe of fiction to the world. The club
men declare its truthfulness, but I have
found upon Investigation no shadow of sub
stantiality in it Senator Tabor writes to
me that there is no Jim Besohler, so far as
he knows. A persistent search of hotel
registers at Long Branch reveals no such
nameia trustworthy witness of the alleged
play pannot be found, and the whole matter
.waM concoction intended to offset George
Law's losses in public attention.
The girls at Long Branch average well to
the eve in dress and deportment They are
not displaying themselves in the surf as
much as hitherto," and instances of in
decorous bathing costumes have become
scarce. Equestrianism 'is their favorite
sport What is called parasol flirtation is a
new indulgence, and it consists of holding
their gay sunshades thus, or twirling them
so, with intricate meanings for flirtation in
each movement A more or less well de
fined code of signals is in nte, just as fans
and handkerchiefs have been employed in
that way. "Dancing "in the barn" is the
season's terpsichorean innovation here, as at
other watering places. It is a quite ballet
like departure in round dancing, and, for a
display of grace or awkwardness, as the
case may be, it has never been surpassed in
summer notei parlors. ,
For the dandies it is to be said that they
are truly sweeter than the girls in the matter
of costumes. They have taken to nrfvycaps
and white flannel suits, with colored sashes
and canvas shoes brilliantly dyed. They
are simply gorgeous. Kaiieba,
They Catraot Get Their Bills Oat While You
Hold Yoar Breath.
Three or four men were sitting on the
piazza of a seaside cottage smoking. It was
evening. The stars were as thick in the sky
as freckles on a red-headed girl's face. The
waves came in, on the beach with a swish-swash-swosh
just as they have done- ever
since the second day of the creation.
More piercing than the song of the waves
were the notes and more multitudinous than
the stars of heaven the number of the mos
quitoes that haunted that piazza, and every
one of them was "looking for blood." The
men had ceased smoking for fun. They
now- punea tneir pipes ana cigars to Keep
the mosquitoes away.
"Something funny about mosquitoes,"
said one rather absent mindedly.
"Yes, rather," was the drawling replv.
"Funny how much blood it takes to fill
one of them up."
"No, but honest now; do you know that if
a mosquito 'd get his bill down into your
hand he can't pull it out while you -hold
your breath?"
"Don't believe it"
"It Is true, however, for I have tried it."
"Bet you the cigars a mosquito can take
his bill out at any time he wants to do it,
and we will trv it right here. It is a go?"
"It is, and I'll let them try."
A lamp was lighted and the cigars put
out, and all waited. In less than a minute
a mosquito had placed himself on Tom's
hand and began operations. .
"Now," said Tom, and placed the fore
finger of his other hand down close to the
mosquito. It did not budge. He placed
his nail against the abdomen of the -insect
and whirled it around. StUl it remained
"You can do it every time," said Tom as
he killed the mosquito and drew a long
It is a fact Go and try it
She Can Oatrlde a Comanche
Virginia City Enterprise.!
Miss Johanna Kemler, a belle of Para
dise Valley, Nevada, has set out for Paris.
She rides any animal that wears hair, and
hoofs, and cares no more for a saddle than
does a wild Indian. She is as much at
home on the side of a galloping steed as on
his back. With her horse at full speed she
can pass under his neck and come up on the
other side, a feat that few Comancb.es care
to undertake.
The Itter of the Law.
Now Haven PaUadlnm.1
As the city ordinance reads, every dog
shall wear a muzzle between the 1st of June
and the 1st of August A muzzle can be
ut onto a dog as the owner likes and yet
within the letter of the law. A. muzzle
. .u - . -Ufc. iua wuiucu re i us wuiiu lueicueroi tne taw. -a muzzle
, at no exception. f Some of them do their bet- . can be put jupoa tha tail .of a canine; and
stoa ting very quietly, through their escorts, and if it can only be made to aUyJhfLdozia allj
'GUST of March
wind caught up a
bushel of dust from
an Arkansas road,
threw it into the
air, kept it whirl
ing high for a minute, and
then let it settle to the
ground. As this dense
clouding of the highway
slowly ceased, two pedes
trians developed into view,
as though materialized on
the spot, by some whimsi
cal phenomenon, from
that which the Bible says we all ore and
shall return tp. That the dust was a cor
poral part of these persons was not hard to
believe, for the new deposit merely mixed
itself with that which had previously
whitened their heads, shoulders and other
places of chance lodgement They did not
take the trouble to brush any of it off- their
clothes. They clapped their hands together,
and, having thus shaken it from those mem
bers, they rubbed it from their faces. One
of them was a man who strutted so pompously
that more of the dust remained on his breast
.than on his back; but if his over-erect
posture came of personal pride it must have
been accomnanied by abundant mortifica
tion, for dilapidation wasdisclosed wherever
the dust did not hide' his frayed and dis
colored suit But the frock coat was closely
buttoned over a figure which it fitted by
original design, not by second-hand chance,
and the trousers, although they had not re
tained their shapeliness equally well, had
been made from a measurement of the same
legs which they had too long inclosed. The
decay was not careless; it was unavoidable.
The prosperity of the man the endurance of
his clothes had evidently passed away to
gether, and only the length of time that had
sufficed' to bring the wearer and the worn to
a state of harmonious ill-fortune remained a
matter of estimate. In one particular, how
ever, his asnect did not show anv unsiirhtli-
ness. Scissors and razor were still his to
us'e. His hair was cropped neatly close, his
mustache drooped gracefully at the sides of
a smoothly shaven chin, and the gray of
both was in an effective contrast with the
redly sunburned complexion. i
The companion of this unrelaxed effigy
of dignity was a contrastingly lissome girl,
16 years old, if judged by her face, but less
if measured by her rmall stature", on which
the tatters of a once jaunty jacket and gown
were no disfigurement; whose countenance
was not a loser of prettiness through tan
orfrickles; whose hair wrapped her head
with brown, and was powdered like a court
beauty's , with the dust; and whose feet
stepped as lightly in a pair of shattered
shoes as though newly slippered. She was
the fairest of tatterdemalions.
"Dad," she said, and then stopped to
fleck a grain- or two of the small cyclone's
deposit from her lips. "Dad, this eight
mile tramp's just about six miles too long."
"Daughter," he "responded, as he
shifted the strap of a shabby leather
bag from one shoulder to the other,
"don't say 'tramp' please to don't
say 'tramp. Say trudge, if you ob
ject to'calling it a Talk, or mention it as a
saunter a stroll anything ths,t, doesn't
make us out vagabonds. We mustn't con
fess before we're convicted."
"Whatever 'tis, tramp or trudge," the
girl retorted, "it's something we've got to
do; so let's jog along."
The father's tone was a little querulous,
although he tried to speak jocosely, and the
daughter's smile was something like a peev
ish grimace: but as they walked alone the
girl took hold of the bag, to relieve the man
oi some ot its weight, whereupon he gently
removed her hand and'held it in his own.
Telegraph poles made 100-yard measure
ments along the road, with their still sappy
surfaces of hemlock from which the barK
had lately been removed, and the small
rounds of freshly-pounded earth at their
bases outlined sharply by the surrounding
turf, showing that the work had.net been
done long. The evidences of newness in
creased steadily, and when the pedestrians
had cone a. mile further thev came to the
men who were making this line of telegraph
from civilization across the boundary into
the transitional territory of Oklahoma.
There were several canvas-topped prairie
wagons standing in a row, and the horses
belonging to them, unhitched but still har
nessed, were nibbling the grass near by.
Other vehicles consisted merely of heavy
running gear on which lay loads of the
barked trunks of tall, straight trees, ready
to be set up, and still others were freighted
with wire and the appliances for stretching
it from pole to pole. Two tents ot the army
pattern had been pitched where a big old
tree overhung them, and close to a brook
which seemed to 'be constantly washing
itself, so clean did the water look with its
underlay of white pebbles and its border
ings of vejy green grass. A roof of canvas
was over along table of adjustable boards,
on which tin plates and cups were ready for
tne meat wnicu iwo men were cooKing at a
portable stove. Some tethered cows and
sheep and a stock of canned eatables in a
box wagon, showed "how little dependence
lor iooa was piacea on tne route. This
movable encampment had been located for
the night, and the sun had already sunk
into the distant edge of rank grass. Not a
sign of cultivation or permanent habitation
was in sight, and the unfenced roadway was
no more than a wide abrasion in the prairie
where the "boomers" had dragged their
way toward the land of vague promise.
This was the nineteenth nightly place of
stop, and therefore was called Camp Nine
teen. The last one had been named Eight
een, and the next would be Camp Twenty.
Halt a hundred men were erecting poles, a
shortgdistance further along, but the wire
had not been carried beyond the spot where
the night's camp was fixed, and there the
Only person beside the busy cooks immedi
ately discernable when the pedestrians ar
rived was a young man busy at a telegraphic
instrument A tripod made the legs of a
small table, and on it was the apparatus
lor senaing ana receiving messages over the
wire, .which was brought down ftom tha
last pole to which it had been adjusted.
The operator's name was William Brown,
and it goes far toward describing him to
tell that in the rough and impolito com
pany ' of telegraph constructors, he was
called Will Brown and not Bill Brown.
No doubt some of this consideration on the
part of the men given to hard nicknaming
was due to young Brown being the elec
trician oi the expedition, and therefore a
scientific mystery to most of them; but
more than that, his unvarying suavity of
manner, modesty of speech and careful re
tention of Eastern deportment character
ized him so markedly as'to make "BU1"h
misnomer and "Will" appropriate.
"Look, Dad," the dusty girl whispered to
her companion, as her eyes fell on Will
Brown; "we haven't seen a thing like that
since we quit railroad tracks and took to
footprints., Isn't he pretty?"
"He glads my eyes, daughter he glads
my very gaze,' the man returned, eyeing
the busy operator, who had not yet sees
ness jras understood by the girl when she
saw him advance with an enlivened stride,
and heard him say briskly: Ah I a tele
graph station, eh? That is fortunate. Is
this 'a money order office, my young friend?
I would like to send a message to Fort
Smith at once for a transfer ot funds."
Will Brown straightened up from his
bent posture over the instrument, looked at
the exaggerated dignity of the enquirer
with a twinkle of merriment in his honest
blue eyes, and urbanely replied: "This
isn't a money order station; it isn't any sort
of a station; it's just the temporary end of
the line, and doesn't take any business."
"Oh, don't say that pray don't say that,"
and the disappointment of the applicant
looked like genuine anguish; "I shall be
distressed we shall be distressed daugh
ter and I if we can't get a remittance by
wire." Will Brown's eyes turned to the
girl, and saw in her face as woe-begone an
expression as she could command without
hurting her prettiness. After a pause to let
the young man appreciate the comeliness of
the maiden in spite of her bad attire, the
father continued: "We have walked six
miles this afternoon, and intended to go as
far as Wealth City."
"Wealth City?" came in a guttural voice
from the center of a clump of low bushes;
and then a red face, fringed with whiskers
from one side of a straw hatbrim around to
the other, and stubbled over with an un
shaven week's beard, lifted into view.
"What'n t-h-u-n-der's Wealth City?" the
grim voice demanded, spelling out the first
syllable phonetically, with heavy emphasis
on each letter and an equal stress on the
rest oi me word.
as no man other than a practiced handler of
gambling chips would be likely to. He
seemed about to toss it back to the lender,
or donor, but slipped it into a vest pocket
instead, and blithsomely said: "My daugh
ter is a genius sir a genius. She sings
she dances she will go into Oklahoma, my
young friend, like a revelation of melody
and a disclosure of grace. It may be that
her talent must submit to ofiensive environ
ment for awhile, and, indeed, I may confess
that our immediate expectations as to
Wealth City are centered in a concert hall
said to have just been opened there; but all
Oklahoma is oars, and we shall, speedily
possess it Jack High, sir, and and "
"Call her Deuce Low," was the sleepy
suggestion from Old Jugg Brown in the
"Jack High and Deuce Low," cried the
shabby adventurer, exhilarated by the pos
session of an unearned dollar, and he was
about to impulsively declare that the card
named couple would win the game, but he
checked himself, and chose other Ian cuace.
"They will conquer prosperity in Oklaho
mawill Jack High and Deuce Low Oh,
The appetizing fragrance of coffee came
from the opened kettle on the stove, and the
two cooks were seen to be active in putting
the meal on the table. .
"Will they sell two suppers for a dollar?'."
Deuce Low asked, raising her eyes to Will
Brown; and when he did not answer in
s'tantly, she eagerly suggested: "Well,
then, say one supper and a half?" She
rolled partly over and rested her chin in
her palms('while her elbows settled into the)
turf. "I'd rather get half a supper than
-Will Brown felt like a boyish playfelllow
of this coaxing little creature, notwith
standing his 22 years, and he stood with
arms akimbo, looking down into her wist-,
ful face, with a juvenile impulse to sharsl
with her whatever he had to eat
'I don't think you can buy any sappers
here," he said, "because we don't make a
business of sellinir them. But we'll feed
you for nothing." His glance turned to Jack
High, and he less hospitably added: "And
you, too. But in that case what use is my
dollar to you? You' might pay it baok
now, you know, and-get it off your mind."
Adrouieer preiaceu jacc xugn s repiy.
The rise of this individual was so much ' "You're right as can be. I'll satisfy tho
bbBco t'!)tv!&&-':je7 "ssft J!a '!?
V3v:... p
like that of jack-in-a-box caricature that the
girl exclaimed, like a surprised child, "Oh,
that's tunny!" aud one of her feet leaped
clear off the ground in a little caper of mer
riment The object of her glee displayed no
resentment Ho was amiably drunk, and
disposed to gratify, with all particulars
about himself, the curiosity which he had
"My name's Old Jugg Brown," he sen
tentiously said, addressing himself directly
to the girl, and speaking as a human ex
hibit in a museum migfet in lecturing on it
self. "I was born Brown, and now they
call me Old Jugg because I'm such an al
mighty hard drinker. Yes, I'm Old Jugg
Brown, and this young gentleman is my
son. I'm proud of my son, and he ain't
proud of me. He's a reformin' me Will is
but I got hold of a bottle o whisky, and
I've-been drinkin' here in the brush."
He told this assomethingthathad casually
JvvM""'jT -r sisr lii
-Lir" -Gnrr.
Two Quests for Camp Nineteen.
J&!&&&&im$S& &i'A jtjPiW dtfiWn ajdat bgJwtM j fog, J
happened to him something regretable.and
yet nothing that he could have been ex
pected to prevent. He held up the half
emptied bottle, and swayed with it to and
fro, until the son took it from him and
smashed it on a stone. He regarded this
summary action apathetically until the
aroma of the, spilled whisky reached his
nose, and then he sniffed feebly, his bland
smile changed to a erotesque pout, and he
sank slowly down into the bushes as though
an invisible hand was shutting him down
into his box.
"X was saying that we meant to get to Wealth
City before night" the strutting stranger
resumed. "We understand that Wealth
City is a new name for a sudden place the
name about a day old, and the place some
thing like a week. I will not conceal the
fact that we are in a sense well, call "us
fortune seekers and we haven't yet found
it May be it is in Oklahoma, and what we
wish is to cet there. At this moment" and
here he snapped a thumb and finger of each
hand airily, "we are tired, we are hungry,
and we are penniless:"
Will Brown was not unaccustomed to
wandering adventures in a similar plight,
and he would have repulsed this man,
doing it not the less decidedly because
politely; but at that instant the girl settled
to the ground, very limp and prone, but
falling into far too graceful a pose to make
it possible'that she was careless about it
Her fatigue was pitifully genuine, however,
and the sight of beauty in distress
although also in racs was an appeal which
Will made no effort to resist
"You're welcome to a dollar," he said,
holding forth a coin instinctively toward
debt, and give you likely's not your
money over again for interest"
Deuce Low rolled over on her back, and
gazed idly skyward, like one for whom the
proceedings had taken an uninterestingly
usual turn.
"That's generous," and Will Brown
"I will shift the dollar from one hand to
the other thus," and" Jack High slowly'
transferred the silver coin from palm to
palm; "and you can easily follow it with
your eyes as you see. Here it is, and',
there it is here it is, and there it is and
where is it now?" He closed both hands
and held them forward. "Choose, and if
you're wrong I owe you nothing. If you're
right, you get $2."
"One now and the other when?"
"One now, and my word of honor, sir, for
the other." '
Will Brown laughed again, and clasped
one of the fiats in his own. "The dollar's ia
this one, of course," he confidently de
clared. But it was not The opened hand was
empty, and from the other the dollar slipped
into the deftpalmers pocket
Will Brown had obtained, at the cost of
only a dollar, the information that Jack
High was a professional rogue. The young
gentleman's habitual politeness was in
stantly at a strain nnder which it was ia
danger of giving way, and thereupon, if the
job of kicking the rascal out of the camp
seemed repulsively rude, he might request
the less heedful workmen to perform it ia
his stead. The company of linemen, team
sters and diggers were just then coming from
the point where their day's work had ended.
Dence Low arose as she saw them approach
ing, and the- movement drew Will's eyes
away from the object of irritation to one of
"Supper's ready," he quietly said: "step
this way."
The, viands of the supper at Camp Nine
teen differed hardly any from those of its 18
predecessors, and the sameness of the fare
had begun to offend those of the party ac
customed to any degree of luxurious variety;
but this time there was one feminine eater,
and her presence made the occasion almost
a convivial banquet Deuce Low had a
seat on thorough bench at the end of the
table with the magnates of the camp. She
was at the right hand of Boss Donald,
the chief of the party. Next to her on the
other side was Will Brown, who regarded
her as his own guest, and his courtesies
kept Donald, who was not a smooth man,
thegirl, but relinquishing it to the ready
hand of her less charming parent "If
you'll give me your name," he added, in a
sudden attempt to give to his sentimen- -,
tanty a strictly commercial turn, "I'll
make a memorandum of the loan,'' and ex
pect you to pay it sooner or later."
"My name?" was the forcedly glib re-
sponse, "O, yes, my name. Well, yon see.
we are traveling- incognito. Poverty is
ever sensitive, yon know ever sensitive.
In the last shuffling ot the cards, somehow,
we've been dealt clear 'out of the game. I
ought to be a winner, but heighot Well,
call me by what name yon please "
"Call him Jack Higb,"-came drowsily
from the bush.
"I'll call you Jack High." assented Will
Brown, making an entry in a notebook,
'-'and, Jack High, you owe me one dollar."
j aox.JU.ign twined the- dollar, and made
'R!f futiuSL cL. "T35$3"b!&i
Binqing fa the Moonlight.
from treating her with a flippancy which her
worn clothes and battered father would
otherwise have incited. Directly across the
table was Jack High at elbows with a blackly
whiskered foreman, or contractor, named.
Aleck Wiams whose part in the expedi
tion was to provide workmen and convey,
anees for transporting and planting the tel
egraph poles. Jack was loquacious and
Wiams was reticent, so they were paired
happily for snpper conversation, because
nearly all the speech was br one and the
listening almost' wholly by the other. From
further ddwn the long table, even from"
where the merest manual laborers sat at the
other end, came glances of curiosity and
the sounds of uncommon vlvaeit-r. all
jused. Jjy the. frtterep, gfrljto ytoiaWIll