'' ifesSSH TrtngTgijffitfm & --r-i. THE . PITTS5TTJEIG DISPATCH, SUNDAY ATTG-TTST 11, 1889. jgesjssEiaiHS THE MUSIC WORLD. Advent of the Phonograph Into the Classic Domain of Harmony( A SEW PENALTY FOE 1?AD SINGING ( Original Titles Invented by the Modern Music Publisher. GOSSIP ABOUT OUR LOCAL ItUBICIaNB The phonograph continues to creep ahead in musical fields. The recent American concert gen by Mr. Frank Van der Stucken at the Paris Exposition trill be banded down to posterity in the shape of little wax cylinders. Now many vocalists are beginning by its aid to hear themselves as others hear them and to realize as Emma Abbott did in Pittsburg how different their voices sound from what thev imagined them to be. If it be true, as claimed, that all manner of lapses :n tnne, time phrasing or pronuncia tion are revealed to the singer himself by hating his voice bonnce back to him, as it were, what a great boon to suffering hu manity the Menlo wizard's invention will be. Instead of the effective, but ungracious method of hissing a poor singer, what a poetic penalty it would be to grind outbe tween acts at the dressing room door a faith ful reproduction of what its inmate had just inflicted upon the audience. And the much-abused press critic; just fancy how, when the big, irate tenor comes 'around to argue the point, he can turn his little crank and annihilate the self-convicted blunderer with a triumphant, "There! I told you sol" The day may come when aspirants for Tocal honors after swallowing an ammonia phone full of genuine Italian voice, and gazing into the laryngoscope long enough to get it properlv placed in the region o: the crico-arytenoideous lateralis muscle, can complete their artistic education by the pur chase of an assorted dozen or so of cylindri cal Patti's, Scalchi's, Tamagno's or Mau rel's, and then practicing away at the phon ograph until the cylinders they turn out are, line for line, scratch for scratch, micro scopically exact duplicates of the purchased models. In that day dealers in wax music will have a right Jo return to the good old style of title, thus: "The Swiss Echo Song, ex actly as performed with marvelous success bv Jennie Lind." Speaking of titles, a glance over the pub lishers' lists of popular pieces of the day is calculated to excite an amused admiration at the daring and ingenuity displayed in the choice of such names. Here are a few picked out at random on s local counter the other day: "Yuba Dam Quickstep," "Straight Crook Quickstep," for instance. Kcte the exquisite appro priateness of the first title to that species of musical form known as the "quickstep." Observe the moral delicately inculcated in the second; how the "crook," even after becoming "straight," is ever fleeing from the sword of justice. Another naively sug gestive designation is, "Clog Dance, 'Grecian Statue' " probably alluding to some colored Galatea of the male persuasion. Then there arc the anagramatic titles got up mechanically by reversing the order of letters, etc Such as these were noted: "Overture. 'Enotirab' for baritone." "Tuba obligate, 'Olos-Abut;'" "Alto obligate K Utlaolos; Trombone solo, VEnobmort.' " If the originality and tenuity ot mven ion shown in some of these names only ex tended bevond the title pace how much more good music the world would possess. Since the American Musician so hand- lomely concedes the strength of the adverse psition assumed by The Dispatch in up- ui.oing thegreatlmrjortanoaoftheorehestra I liihe .51. x. JS. A. meetings, it would be ungenerous not to admit the too-sweeping nature of the term "ultra-Anglican" ap plied in this column to the journal in ques tion. It was not meant to imply that the esteemed Musician is not American in its sympathies, as in its name; but that, where no question of our own country is involved, it leans strongly to the English schools and from the German an antithesis quite natural in the connection in which the term was originally employed. It may be frankly admitted that the Musician is, as it claims to be, "thoroughly American inside, outside, upside, down side, frontside and hindside." And it is just exactly this ubiquitousnessof its Ameri canism, this practice of scanning all kinds of questions by the tallowdip of national delusiveness; it is, in short, the "know nothingism" of the American Musician that gives rise to its silly and futile protests against drawing upon the Old "World for our best orchestral conductors and players. The following list of American conduct ors is given.!) ttiac journal as being quite as fit as Mr. Arthur Xikisch to conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra: Adolf Neu endorff, E. A. McDowell, George "W. Chad wick, ot Boston; Theodore Thomas,. Frank Van der Stucken, John C. Keilzel, Victor Herbert, Edgar S. Kelley, and Americo Gori, of New York; Charles M. Schmitz, of Philadelphia; Asger Hamerik and W. Ed ward Heimendahl, of Baltimore; August Waldauer, of St Louis; Han Palatka, of Chicago, and Gustav Hinrichs, of San Francisco. Upon this list. Mr, Arthur "Weld, the gifted young composer and conductor, makes the following pertinent comments in the Boston Post: One is Instantly struck by tbe distinctly American flavor of this list of names. With tbe exception of Mr. Chadwick (Mr. McDowell makes no pretensions as a conductor) I bellevo tbere is not a single genuine American name on the list. Let us look at the matter more closely and from a purely professional let us say musical point of view. To be a conductor in tbe highest sense of the word one mnst be more tban an admirable musician. It is a pe culiar gift, and many of the greatest musicians have not possessed it in the least decree. It also requires unceaslnc training and practice Arthur Nlkisch has officiated as conductor of tho Leipsic Opera House for more tban ten years. He has conducted numbei s of times all of the standard classical operas and has brought out under his own supervision many new works. One may say without exaggera tion that for ten jears be has conducted either Important rehearsals or actual performances every day. He was named by Levy as his pre ferred successor at Bavreuth: and in reneral musical circles he is reckoned as one of tbe five or six greatest conductors in Eu rone. As competitors with him a list of gen tlemen is brought forward who have officiated for some time as conductors of tbe numerous small orchestras and choral societies in differ ent American cities, holding probably one or two rebcaraals a week, witb amateur singers and "scratch" orchestras. Is tbts in the least just or is it even honorable? All of these "American foreigners" may be excellent musicians, and doubtless are, but they lack the training, the experience, tbe daily practice of conducting, and nhnvn nil they are not Americans. They came to this country .because they hoped to make money here. Mr. Nlkisch comes probably in precisely tbe samo spirit; but being the better man be gets a position wbich very few of the others would even have applied for. This same so ciety of musicians In New York wbich intends to contest the landing of Nlkisch in this country is chiefly composed of Ger mans. Why did they come hereT Evidently because tbey expected to make money more money than they could make at home. Why do tbey protest against the landing of air. Njkisch? Evidently because tbere is not a man in tbe society who feels himself competent to fill tbe position bimself. and immediately we have a living example of the "dog-in-the manger" argument. Crolcheo nnd Quavers. AccOBpiNO to reports of her appearances In Uerlin last month. Ktelka Gerster's lovely voice Is not a thing of tbe dead past, after all. Mb. Edwabd Scovel writes to the London Jgaro that he has been engaged fortheseason of 1SS9-90 by the Boston Ideals for "Lohengrin," "Carmen," "Faust" and "Trovatore " to sing four' times a week at a salary of 100 ($500) per week. Mb. Hobace Wadham Nicnotx, now of New York, hut well remembered in Pittsburg, was married at Trenton. N. J-.byt.be Mayor, on the 27th of July, to Miss Cornell Mather, whose residence Is variously given as Pittsburg and as Leavenworth, Kan. The Menetlrel, speaking of tho magnificent production of "O telloiftt the London Lyceuta, says: "Signor Facclo Is the first Italian orches tra leader ot our times. Under his baton the Instrumentalists were marvellous, and no or chestra can be compared to that of the work.- jmr. joiin liowAiti), tbe eminent vocai teacher whose previous stay In Pittsbure won him the high esteem of his pupils (among whom were such leading singer as Mrs. J ean Wallace Webster. Miss Rosa Weber. Messrs. D. M. Bullock, Ross "W. Drum and J. N. Bebout), will be welcomed back for another two or three months In the city this summer. A ctmiotjs paper by an English organist upon "ileloayin Speech" asserts that a cow moos in a perfect fifth and octave or tenth; a dog barks in a fifth or fourth, a donkey brays In a perfect octave; a horse neighs in a descent on the chromatic scale. Each person has his fundamental key, in which he generally speaks, but which ho often transsoses in sympathy with other voices, or when he is excited. Dh.F. L. RrrrEK,of Vassar College, cor rected the generally accepted opinion attribut ing to Gnillame Franck the writing of the "Old Hundreth" psalm. "The tnne," writes Dr. Rltter, "is due to Louis Bourgeois, who adapted it from a popular air of the fifteenth century. In the Genevan Psalter, the tune is set to the lSJth Psalm. Louis Bourgeois was born in Paris in the first part of the sixteenth century." A Louisville sparrow found a queer resting place the other day the interior of an organ pipe. Queerer yet is the statement going the rounds of the musical press that the presence ot this sparaow put the organ ont of tune for days, and caused an organ builder to bo called In to see what was the matter. When any dif ficulty with a single one of the thousands of pipes in an organ is enough to move a church music committee to have the instrument put in order, the millenium will have arrived. Mb. Simeox Biseell, of our town, dis courses learnedly in an Eastern musical paper upon the ultra-scientific voice cultivator. This is a feeling portrayal of a not uncommon ex perience: "If the pupil has ever been a pupil of another teacher or a number of teachers, as the case usually is, then the fiery indignation of the rreat discoverer, vea more, the creat cre ator of the only true method of voice building, comes down upon the pates of the voice butchers who have dared to attempt to teach what is still a mystery to all the world save the great voice builder." Mr. Baknabke, who returned to Boston last week after a season of 42 weeks, says: "We have been from Maine to California, played to "standing room only' nearly everywhere, taken enough money to pay everybody all we owed them, gave ourselves (Messrs. Karl, MacDon ald and myself, I mean) our regular salaries and put away $25,000 for futnre operations. We are satisfied, and have health, as well as wealth, as a result of the hard work of our long season.' Apparently the old favorites of "The Bostonlans" had some reason for staying out West and missing Pittsburg for the first season in many years. Here are two sample programmes from the series of piano recitals by Mr. Emanuel Schmauk, in connection with the summer Nor mal Music School now in progress at Eittan ning. Pa.: Aucnst 7 "Bouree" (from third suite for Tiolincello), Bach; "Scherzo," O minor op. 39, Chopin; "By the old Cathedral." Geibel,byK.T. Knox:"MurmurinKBreeie,"Jensen.Niemann; "Liebestraume." Liszt; "Tne Happv Return" (duet). E. H. Sherwood, Miss Lizzie Schweiter mg and E. Schmank; "Etude.'" Eb. op. 13, Rubensteia. August 9 "Roundelay." op. 11, Rbeinberger: "Forest Scenes, Schumann: 1, Entrance; 2. Hunter on the lookout, 3. Sobtarv Flowers; 4. Wayside Inn; S. The Prophet Bird; 6. Hunting Song. "Love's Request," tenor solo, Keicharat, air. R. T. Knox; "Romance in F," Rubinstein; "Impromptu," op. 90, No. 3, Schubert; "Min uetto," B minor. Schubert; "Sonata in C," op. 47, Relnecke, arranged for piano, cello and violin by E. Schmauk, Miss Mary Llndemann, Mr. Blose and E. Schmauk; "Tannhauser March," Wagner-Liszt. Cut this out and paste it in your Grove supplement; the London Figaro is responsible for it: Bottesini's name was, perhaps, not con sidered of sufficient Importance to be included In "Sir George Grove's Dictionary," but it duly appears in the "Appendix." In that extraordi nary work the date of Bottesini's birth is put down at 1822. whereas as a matter ot fact he was born in 1821. Furthermore, it was not at the age of 11 but at 13 (be was indeed nearly 14) that application was made by him to be admitted to the Milan Conservatory. It is, moreover, not true there was then only one vacant place, and that for a contra bassist. Indeed, there were two scholarships open for competition, one for the bassoon and SStSlSSS. cmm he bad already aoqnired a certain knowledge ot tbe Instrument while nnderthe tnitioa ot his uncle CogliatL The date of Bot- teslni's first appearance in this country is also misquoted. His debut, at any rate, accordinc to himself, was at Alary's concert at Exeter Hall, in 1848, and not at tbe Musical Union in June, 1819, while the extraordinary statement in Grove's dictionary appendix, that on the latter occasion he played the violoncello, re quires verification. HITHER AMD THITHEB. movements of Pltrsburgen nod Others 'of Wide Acaualntanee. J. H. Clifton and wife, of Weston, "W. Va., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Hersman, 1902 Carson street. Mr. Clifton is a retired woolen manufacturer well known to many cf Pittsburg's leading merchants, and at one time figured prominently in West Virginia politics. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darby, of Main street. Lawrenceville, leave to-day for a trip to Martinsburg, W. Va. They will be gone sev eral weeks. Harry Holdane, the shipping agent of the National Tube Works, started for New York on business connected wlih tbe works. Frank Connelly went to New York to look after bis book on tbe Johnstown flood, which will be issued this week. Mr. Mohn, of the Electric Laundry, in, this city, has returned from a three weeks' trip to New York. J. D. Boyle, the coke operator, with Mrs. Doyle left for Seattle last night to spend two months. K D. Elliott and Mrs. H. M. Acheson, of Oil City, are among the guests at the Ander son 110K1. Brainard Borison, a prominent iron man of Indianapolis, was in the city yesterday. Arthur Kennedy and Mayor McCallin went to Atlantic City to spend Sunday. B. F. Overholt, of Scottdale, is stopping at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. B. F. Birckmon, of Bradford, "is regis tered at the Monongahela House. Colonel Hill went to Mt. Gretna last evening. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incident of a Dny In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Keadlnir. A eumor was circulated that J. Ludwig Koethen, Esq., who went to California for the benefit of his health, was stricken with paraly. sis. Attorney J. L. JCoethon, Jr., received a letter irom His lather, wno says fie is slowly improving John W. Dean, a man who worked at tha Oakland power house of tbe Pittsburg Traction Company, Is missing, and his friends are growing anxious in regara 10 nis saieiy. lie was last heard of in West Virginia. John SiiEFroBTH, of Crawford street, was thrown in front of his wagon on Center avenue yesterday morning and dragged a con siderable distance. He would have been killed but for the timely aid of a friend. The Baltimore and Ohio will run another ex cursion to Atlantic City next Thursday. DI- vision Passenger Agent E. t. Smith is at the seaside now, but will return on Monday to ac company the excursionists. There will be an advertisement Monday for a large city printing job. Controller Morrow will ask tor bids for printing the list of tax as sessments. The estimates are expected to range from SS00 to $0,000. Phillip Rosenthal charges Isaic Kosen blatz with larceny. He claims the latter, by a clever ruse, got a domestic to give him 30 pic tures which tho former bad in his possession. The survivors of the Seventh Regiment will meet in the AUcgbcnr Common Council Cham ber next Saturday. Owing to the mixing of dates they failed to meet last night. Joseph Sandouch, an Italian, was arrested by Officer Beckert, of the East End, yesterday for striking Contractor John Scanlon on the head with a shovel on July 29. A man named Goldeshun was charged by Abraham Cohen, before Alderman O'Donnell yesterday, wifn disturbing publio worship at the Wylie Avenue Synagogue. An alarm from box 81 about 1-20 yesterday afternoon was caused by a slight fire In the slaughter house of Jacob Baltz. cornor of Tustin and Moultrie streets. Andrew Rpppel, who was trampled by a runaway horse on Wednesday, died at his home on Pius street. William Dalze ll f eft from a roof, 20 feet, yesterday. Be bad five fractured ribs. PAYING OUTJTHE MOKEY. Treasurer Thompson Will Change the fllethod of Distributing tbe Fond Among tbe Johnstown Suffer era Two More Bodies Recovered. rsrxciAi. TiLiaaiK to thi dispatch.! Johnstown, August 10. Treasurer Thompson stopped off in town an hour this evening, and had a short conference with Secretary Kremer. He called at Dibert's bank, where his clerks were paying out the money, and effected arrangements for trans ferring the accounts to the First National Bank. A deposit will be made with the First National Bank, and after this all orders will be cashed there, after being certified by Secretary Kremer. Messrs. Binehart and Farrer will remain a few days to prepare a complete statement of the business transacted, and help to put the papers in proper shape. The board ef Inquiry gave notice, that no orders will be issued after the 16th iust,and Secretary Kremer notifies all holding orders that they must be presented before Satur day, August 17, for payment. If present arrangements are carried out all cases will be acted upon by tbe end oTnext week, and the data will be at hand for the State Com mission to fix the basis for the final dis tribution. Two bodies were taken from the ruins to day, only one of which was identified. It was the remains of John Franke, and the bodv was found just under the surface at the"back of a little saloon which his son had built, and in which he was doing business. A PECULIAR ACCIDENT. The Balloon of nn Aeronaut Bursts Without His Knowledge. CnAELOTTE, N. O., August 10. At the Mount Holly fair grounds, yesterday afternoon, Prof. W. K. Perry, aeronaut of the American Balloon Company, was to have ascended to a height of three-quarters of a mile and then descend by the aid of a parachute. At 5-o'clock everything was in readiness, and in the presence of 1,500 peo ple the balloon and aeronaut ascended. "When the balloon had traveled upward about 700 feet the crowd discovered that it had burst, and it. immediately began to drop. As Prof. Perry was holding on under the parachute he was not aware of his terrible situation. The crowd became frantic with excitement. Tells went up and pistols were fired to attract his attention, but it was of no avail. Soon all the gas in the balloon was exhausted, and, twitching, jerking and whirling, its fall became more rapid. It was too late to release the parachute from the wrecked balloon, and all came down with a terrible crash to the earth. The crowd rushed round the unfortunate man and every attention was given him, but for 20 minutes he did not move or show signs of life. His fall is variously estimated at from 100 to 400 feet. Prof. Perry was brought here and is be ing treated by the best medical skill in the city. Many of his bones are broken and the physicians think it hardly possible that he can recover. POSITIVE INSTEUCTI05S. Tho Scaled Orders GIvon to the Prize Crew on the Black Diamond. Victobia, B. C, August 10. The sealed orders given by the Captain of the Bnsh to Seaman Hawkins, when the latter was placed onboard the Black Diamond, are as follows: Behrinq, Latitude 66.22 North, I Longitude 170.2 West. J Hawkins, Special Officer: Sir You are hereby appointed Special Officer and directed to proceed on board the Black Diamond, of Victoria, this day seized for violating the law. Section 1951, Revised Statutes of the United States, and assume command of said scbooner, its officers and crew, numbering 25, and all and everything excepting navigating tbe vessel, which is reserved to Captain Thomas, and which you will not interfere with unless you become convinced tbat he is pro ceeding to Eome other than your port of des tination, in which event you are authorized to assume full charge of the vessel. Everything being in readiness, you will direct Captain Thomas to make the best of his way to Sitka. Upon arrival in that port you will report in person to tbe United Sutes District Attorney there, and deliver him Inclosed letters as ad dressed, the Black Diamond, her outfit and the person of Captain Thomas and the mate, Alex ander Gault, and set the crew at liberty. After being relieved of the property and persons in trusted to your care, you will await at Sitka tbe arrival of the Rush. Respectfully yours, L. C Shepard, Captain U. 8. Rev. Steamer Rush. GOLD IK THE BRICK. The Peculiar and Fortunate Discovery Made by n Minnesota Manufacturer. Hastings, Minn., Aug. 10. William Sondermann, a brick manufacturer, hating noticed the appearance of gold in a .kiln of brick, opened in his yard on Thursday, bad a sample ot the sand analyzed by a St. Paul chemist, with the resulting discovery of "pay dirt" to the value ot 56 to the ton. The expense of working the bed is comparatively nothing, and Mr. Sondermann will seek wealth in the sand. Marriage Llccnsci Granted Yesterday. h'troe. Retldenee. ( Benjamin E. Wilson Jeannette (Martha Jenkins...- Mansfield (Charles Jernberg McKeesport (Alena Tburnburg- McKeesport (John Drill Pittsburg I Enma Dcuenn...........................ruiBDurg (Thomas A. Parr...... Pittsburg ( Anna uaraner.... ..Pittsburg ("mihelmZlnk...... ..Hrnddoclc ..Uraddocfc )Ann Wsutc. (Wn. C. Smith Pittsburg (Emma C. Zehnter Pittsburg (Bernard A. Mctilnty Pittsburg f J una Jieaiuig. ............... ...... ..jrillSDUrg ( Anton V. Wertlng Pittsburg I Maria U. Hutches PlttsSurg ( Wm. E. Clayton Pittsburg I Ellen Crawford Pittsburg ( George B. M array PUUbnrg I Maggie Crowley t Pitta!) org 03&S VN Is Your Blood Pure7 If not, if you have boils, pimples, "humors," or Indications of scrofula or salt rheum, you should take Hood's Sarsaparllla, which is the best blood purifier known. It effects wonderful cures where other preparations fail. Be sure to get Hood's. TVR. L S. WAUGAMAN, DENTIST. 811 Bmitbfleld street. "Gold fillings SI 00 and np White alloy fillings 1 CO Silver fillings. .... 75 Amalgam fillings.......... 50 Extracting teeth.. 25 Administering gas 60 Teeth. S5 and a Best teeth only SIO. Pine gold flillng and gMd crovn work a spe- dslty. , mm auu-et - i i MARRIED. VOGLE ROTZLEit Onho 8th last, at the residence of Conrad Zicgler. Jr., No. 21 Avery street, Allegheny, by the Rev. Schaffer, Frederick Vogm and Minnie Rotjxkb, daughter of Conrad Zlegler, Sr. COLLINS-LEWIS-On Wednesday. August 7. at Trinity Church, Washington, Pa., by the Rev. F.C. CowperMissEVAM., daughter of Edward Lewis. Esq., formerly of Pittsburg, to Mr. John B. ,Coli.ins, of Monongahela City, Pa. DIED. BEILSTEIN On Friday, August 9, 1SS9, at 820 p. h.. Herbert Fred beilstein, only son of Fred andLoulsaBellsteln.aged 8 months and 3 days. Funeral services at residence, 222 Spring Gar den avenue, AUegheny, Sunday, August H, at2r.iL Friends of the family are respect fully Invited to-attend. Interment private at a later boor. GLOVER On TSaturday morning. August 10, at 1250. WALTER 8EDOBBR0CK. SOU i Ot John William at:d Catherine Glover, aged xi months. " Funeral from residence of his parents, w Page street, Allegheny, on Sunday, August 11, at 2 p.m. FrlendVof the family are respect fully invited to attend. GARDNER Saturday. August 10, at 3 A. it. CARRIE, daughter of Charles and Maryil. Gardner, aged 18 years, .U months andTdays. Funeral services from 'the residence or her parents. No. 172 Buena Vi sta street. Allegheny, at 3 P. Jr. Private interment at 4 P. Jt. HOYER After a short illness, at Mount Clements, Mich., on Friday, August 9,1889, A. C. Hoyer, aged S3 years. Funeral services will be hel dat tne residence of his father, No. 251 Fortieth street, on Mow day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment private at a later hour. ' HEZLEP-At 2 o'clock A. 11, August 10. 889, Martha. Rath, wife of JoiWPh B.Hez ep. in the CSth year of her age. Funeral services from her late residence. Turtle Creek. Allegheny county, Sunday, August 1L at 4 o'clock P. H. Interment MON DAY, 10 a. si., at Lebanon cemetery. KELLY On Saturday. August 10. I89. at 8 p. m., or scanet lever, William j., euu-" of Louis A. and Kate A.JCelly, aged Br ye" and 7 months. ' Notice of funeral id Monday's paper. MCKAY 6n Thursday, Ausjust 8, U9. at 7 A. 31., WlU. G. McKay, aged 27 years. Funeral took place Friday apternoo N t 2 o'clock at Washington, Pa. McWILLIAMS At her home in Nottb Braddock, on Friday, August 9, 1SS9, at U o'clock a. St., Mary, wife of J. C. McWilllamil In her 23th year. The funeral will occur on Sunday after noon, August 11, at 2 o'clock, when funeral services will be held. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 O'CONNORS Suddenly, on Friday. August 9, at 8 P. JL, John O'Connors, In the 30th year ot his age. Funeral from tho residence of William Shea, Harvard street, near B. St. Clair street, Nine teenth ward, on Sundav, 11th Inst., at 2 p. if, O'BRIEN-On Saturday. August 10,1889. of heart failure, John J. O'Brien, aged 63 years, stepson of tbe late Robert Galway. brother of Mrs. Joanna Davis, E. E.; stepbrother of the late Mrs. Joseph Horn and the late Mrs. Bernard Shea. Funeral from his late residence, 1633 Liberty avenue, at 3 p. it. Monday, August 12. Fu neral service at 2 p.m. Friends of the family Invited to attend. 2 O'REILLY On Erlday, August 9, MS3, at $30 o'clock, Charles O'RETliT, youngest son of Thomas and Mary O'Reilly, aged I year lmonth and 2 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Charles street. Fourteenth ward, city, on Sun day, August 11, at 220 o'cIock. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 REET Suddenly, on Saturday. August ' 10. 18S9, at 3:15 p. it., Logan Southworth, youngest son of Colonel W. li. and Lillian ueet. Notice of funeral in Monday morning papers. StflTZ On Friday, August 8. at 8.20 A.M., CHARLES B., son of Frederick and the late AnnaB. Seitz. SMITH On Friday, August 0, 1889. MARTIN Smith, aged 29 years. In the midst of life we're In death. Funeral from 105 Third street, Soutbside, at 2 o'clock, on Sunday attebnoon. Interment private. Funeral Sunday, August 11, at 2 p. jr., from family residence, Sbarpsburg. Pa. Friends of the fainily are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 WARD On Thursday, at the residence of his parents. Renovo, Pa., John Brown, son of William and Bella & Ward, in the 4th year of bis age. Funeral from tbe residence of James Kerr, 23 Erie street, Allegheny, on Sunday, at 10 a. M. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. YOUNG On Saturday, August 10, at 1 p. it, at the residenco of his son-in-law, M. J.Hlckey, West street. Brnshton; P. R. R.. Sahuex. B. YOUNO, late Lieutenant Company B, One Hun dred and Tenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol unteers, in we mn year or. nis age. Funeral at 2 p. m. Monday, August 12. ferment private at Homewood Cemetery. In- ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold A Co., Lim.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB, Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenne. Tele phone connection. mylO-68-HWFSU JAMES M. FULLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. apZ7-82-WFSu W; n. I1EVOEE &so, Undertakers and Embalmers and Ltvery Stables, No. 612 Grant street, near Fifth avenue. At the old stand fine carriages for shopping or parties or opera ai tue most reasonable prices. '.telephone 223. mhi3-86-wsa DYSPEPSIA IS THE BANE of the present generation. It is for its cure and its attendants. Sick Headache, Constipa tion and Piles, that Tutt's Pills have become so famous. Tbey act speedily and gently on the digestive organs, giving them tone and vigor to assimilate food. No griping or nausea. Sold Everywhere. - Office, Murray stbeet, New York. TTSSU AUGUST HOSIERY REDUCTIONS. We will not carryover a pair of summer goods it low prices will sell them. A FEW OF THE BARGAINS FOR LADIES. 60c Striped Cotton now29c,50c Lisle now 85c 75c Lisle now 44c, SI 25 Lisle now 75c, SI SUk now 75c, 50 and 75c Black now 35c A FEW 'OF THE BARGAINS FOR CHUL DREN. 50c Black Cotton, double kneej.l9iv stainless Black, double knees, 25c, Worth 35c: S3c worth 60c LADIES GENUINE SWISS RIBBED VESTS, L N N S 21 and 29c reduced from 60c; 75c Lisle now 60c, SI Lisle now 75c; Silk Irom 75c up. Star Flannel Waists and Blouses Are selling fast, the prices make them eo. INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND BONNETS, All cut away down in price; they will cost you much more 30 days from now. Tennla Goods and Flannel Shirts Must Go. Blazers 12 85, Caps 45c Bashes Jl 60; special lot ot Flannel Shirts II 60. This is a great bargain. All Departments Full of Good Bargains A, G, CAMPBELL & SONS, 710 PENN AVENUE. 710 . PENN BOIXDma Between Serenth and Sihthsts. auirursa, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE INCREASED DEMAND -FOB OUR- IRON PDS Has made it possible $o reduce the price. This Iron Bed now costs $5 50, Size, 3-6x6-6. Proportionate prices for other sizes. P. ft Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. PITTSBURG. N. a Factory large quantities. quotations on auU-trsa Imobe than a name -IN A- CHILD'S SHOE. HIMMELRICH'S CHARMER A ShoeKConstruotod for Children, ranging rom 2 to 5 years, has proved a blessing in every sense. The mostmatural shape shoe; drills the foot peifectly. Children walk with comfort, and a most pleasing shoe to the eye. Parents should buy no other. Stand tough usage better than amy. All widths, from AA to D, 75cto 81, according to Bize. flIMMELBICH'S, Market St, Entrance 430-436. , Braddock, 916 Bradtfock Avenue. - aull-eu TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from $1 up. silver, 75c; white alloy, SL Oold Crowns a specialty. Amalgao, GOc; DR. J. M. McCLAREN, Comer Smithfield and Fourtbavenue. je23-TTSu - PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait $3 60; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, & and U 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. apU-16-xwrsu OPIUM XorpUne and Whisky TfaMU pain lessly cored. 1 reatment ftent triat free. Confidentially address H. L. kwumkk, see 1MX2 ursrrtte, us. se!4-u29-su v ALREADY tV sQ IT i mrmL We take time by the forelook. Our buyers are always on the lookout for novelties, and they are displayed without delay on our counters. FALL GOODS Have been shown by us for theJasi ten days. , the following: VELVET RIBBONS. Colored Silk Velvet Ribbons, with cotton back, in desirable widths. O 1 TTITP1 C Tbe popular Chatelaine Bags in greatest variety W I I iH r I N and at all prices. All the fashionable shades and JtilJllLiLiJ, black, 50c up. belts: An immense variety of 10c to 50o. mii i irav ill 1JJ Lull Lli X t shades, in three HEW UMBRELLAS. silver crooks, 82,.formerly 83. partment. NEW GUARANTEED FAST BLACK HOSIERY, For Ladies, Gents and Children,, at attractive low prices. 600 IFIOsriEi SHE VESTS 74c, formerly $1 25. New Styles of Fioh.ua, Lace Collars, Linen HemstitohecLHandker ohiefs, eta, at astonishingly low prices. jei)bayin? S 510,512,514 MARKE1STJND37 FIFTH AVENUE. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fr08Afr3jS) 0 $$$$ id li isl'iiil ; BARGAINS. Fall- Fabrics are arriving daily and our tailors are now hard at work manufacturing our Fall and "Winter Clothing. In order to ob tain the necessary extra room we have determined to dispose of all LIGHT and MEDIUM WEIGHT GOODS immediately'. To this end, former prices on Suits, Pants, Straw and Light S(iff Hats', Flan nel Shirts, Underwear, eta, have been reduced 25 to 50 per cent. -- STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH, TailOK, CIolMfirs and Hatters, 161, 163. Federal St, Allegheny. fr6frfrfr anll-wrsu BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street. Mors Bargains for This Week Grand Open ing of Picture Frames Read Our Prices. 23 doz. 8x10 frames, in walnut, gilt, bronze and oxidized, worth 50c only 25c 30 doz. 8x10 frames, in walnut, gilt, bronze. ana oxiauea. cneap at ix, only sue. 15 doz. SxlO frames, in gilt, bronze and" oxi dized, sold everywhere atfl, only 75c 12 doz. SxlO frames. In 20 different styles, worth from II 50 to 12, only SI. Beautiful silk plush cabinet frames, 23c. Elegant pastel panels, In gilt, oxidized and oak frames, only SI 25. Artotypes, size 20x22, In oak frames, regular price S3 GO, only 52. Decorated front wall pockets, 50c to 12 60. Ebony towel raeks, plush front, only 89c Black walnut tables, only SL Black walnut aide and corner brackets, 25c toSL Bronze lava statuary, 60 different styles. SI to S2 75. . Bags, 25 different styles, from 25c to 14 60. Croquet set closing ont at 75c Union web hammocks, worth $1 25, only 75c Beautiful dolls, all kinds and styles, from 5c up to SI 50. Thousands of vases, worth double the money, which we are selling from 5c to SI 25. Albums, lower than ever, from 69c to S5. English printed tea set. 68 pieces, onlv 12 89. English printed dinner set, 108 pieces, only $360. 12-plece decorated toilet set, with Jar, worth S3, only S5. 10-piece decorated toilet set, cheap at S3 50. only S2 25. i s- . Iron rakes, hoes and shovels for children, only 5c Qarden sets (three pieces) only 25c Boys' 4-wheel wagons, 39c. 50c 95c to S3. Girls' doll carriages, with parasol top, only wl. Boys' wheelbarrows, 10c, 25c 50c and 95c If you need anything In the house furnish ing line, don't fail to examine our stock. You can save 60 per cent. A full line tinware, crockery ware, glassware, silver ware, wooden ware, eto." Goods delivered free in both cities. H. G..HAYDEN & CO. aull-wsu . P ATE1TTS O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avenue, above SmithOeld, next Leader omce. inoueiay.j xianiisneazu years. se29-hlil PREPARED Attention is called to All widths of Black Silk Velvet Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 20. Black Velvet Rib bons, satin backs, Nos. 4, 5, 7, 9. 12. 16. Silk, Leather and Canvas Belts, Fall styles of Hats and Bonnets, Velvets and Rib bons to match. New Crown Edged Ribbons, all qualities. 200 26-inch Gloria Umbrellas, gold and silver handles, 81 50, formerly 82 60. 350 26-Inch Gloria Umbrellas, gold and Over 500 styles are shown in this do- B NEW ADVEKTINEMlurrg OUR SECOND FtOOR is to undergo the winnowing-out process this week. To-morrow our counters will be piled with bargains. Prices have been reduced, not on everything, but on aU odds and ends, and their name is legion. On this second floor you will find . Ladies' and Misses' Muslin Underwear. bargains in Chemises. Bargains in Night Gowns. Bargains in Drawers. Bargains in Corset Covers. , Bargains in DressingxSacques Bargains in Skirts, Infants' Wear. Bargains in Infants' Short Dresses. Bargains in Infants' Long Dresses, Bargains in Infants' Long Cambric Skirts. Bargains in Infants' Sliort Cambric Skirts, l Bargains in Infants' Long Flannel Skirts. Bargains in Infants' Short Flannel Skirts. Bargains in Infants' Flannel Sacques, Bargains in Infants' Flannel Wrappers, Bargains in Infants' Flannel Bands, Bargains in Infants' Caps. Bargains' in Infants' Cloaks. Bargains in Infants' Short Coats. Bargains in Infants' Flannel Shawls, Bargains in Infants' Knit Shirts, Bargains in Infants' Feeders. Bargains in Infants' Bibs. Bargains in Infants' Bootees. Bargains in Infants' Zephyr Sacques, Boys' .Star Shirt Waists Beducedfrom 7Bc to GOc. Beducedfrom $1 to 75c. Beducedfrom $1 25 to $1, Ladies' Aprons Beduced from 25c to 18c. . Beducedfrom 63c to 39c. Beduced from 7 5d to 50c. Beduced front 88c to 69a Ladies' Jerseys and Blouses Beducedfrom $2 25 to $1 75. Beducedfrom $2 88 to $2 25. Beducedfrom $3 SO to $2 75. Beducedfrom, $4 to $3, Ladies' and Misses' Rnbber Gossamers Beducedfrom $3 75 to $2 88. OBDEBS BY HAIL BECEIVE FBOMFT ATTElTTIOUri -- -- FLEISHMAN CO.'S New Department Stores, 504-506-508 Markst Street, Pittsburg, Pa; W. H.THOMPSON & OO. THE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 305 "Wood s-ta?ee-b- 305 CASH or CREDIT. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Chamber Furniture. Wlien in want Brussels Carpet, of anything in Parlor Furniture. Mh& . househcld Ingrain Carpet, Lounges, line you will con- Bag Carpet suit your own in Couches. Bugs. terest by giving Befrigerators, us a call. Lace Curtains, Ice Chests. Do not forget mndowShadeat the number, 305, CASH or and go no place CASH or CBEDIT. eUe- . CBEDIT. Store open Saturday evening A SENSATION IN PRICES. This fall we are going to create the greatest sensation in price the public in this dtjr have ever experienced and to do so we must hare a very large stock. Now, we have the stock and It certainly is an Immense one. We are showing a finer line than ever in DINING ROOM FURNITURE, Both In Oak and Walnut, so that now is a good time to refit jour Dining Roots, -while the stock is new and fresh. In BED ROOM FURNITURE We have a line that cannot be surpassed, showing over ONE HUNDRED different styles in Oak, Walnut, Cherrr, Mahogany or Ash, and ranging in price from $ao to $400. During the past two weeks our sales in PARLOR; SUITS Have been enormous, more particulatlr In fine goods, so that onr upholsterers have been actually working night and day to get them out. Still we have a handsome display of them on our Parlor floor. They range In pricefrom $40. to $335. CABPETS AND DRAPERIES : Are arriving every day. New goods, new design and exceedingly low price. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. HOPPER PROS, & CO,; . THE LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS, 307"-"WrOODD ST.-307 tySole affeata far'fte DAVIS SEWXO MACHINE. -- aull-su until 10 o'clock. anil -- asMorrn I W T I