VTF ' THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, AUGUST U, 1889. t ? ffijt Bippxqj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1816. VoL44, .Na.lS3. Entered at Pittsburg l'ostoflce, 2,'ovcinber II, 1SS7, a second-class matter. Business Office 97 and G9 Filth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing' House 75, 77 cart 79 Diamond Street. Eastern -Advertising Office, Koom 46, Tribune Building, Hew York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of TUEDIsrATCHforslx months ending July 21, 1SSJ, us sworn to before City Controller, 29,914 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation or tbe Sunday edition of The Dispatch for three months ending July 31, 3S39. 54,897 Copies per issue. . TERMS OF TUE DISPATCH. POSTAGE mix IN TBI rjXITOD STATES. Daily DispATcn, One Year I 00 Dailt Dispatch, Per Quarter ICO Dailt Dispatch. One Montn . TO Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 yean 10 CO Daily DisrATCU. Including Sunday, Sm'ths. 2 60 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday. 1 month 90 MJurJAY DISPATCH, One Year 1 60 "Weekly Dispatch, One Year 13 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at 13 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at SO cents per week. Voluntary contributors should keep copies of articles. If compensation is desired the price expected must be named. The courtesy of re turning rejected manuscripts uHH be extended when stamps for that purpose are enclosed, but the Editor of The Dispatch trfH under no circumstances be responsible for the care of un solicited manuscripts. POSTAGE All persona who mail the Sunday Issue of The Dispatch to friend should bear In mind tho fact that the post age thereon Is Two (2) Cents. All donhle and triple number copies ol The Dispatch require a --cent stamp to insure prompt delivery, PITTSBURG. SUNDAY, AUG. 11, 1SS8L THE RULE OF THE MOB. The riots which discredited labor, and cast a doubt upon the adequacy of law to protect individual rights, in the coke region yesterday, were committed by an alien and ignorant element in the ranks of labor. Nevertheless it is the sort of thing which inevitably reacts to the disadvantage of labor and cannot be permitted to go on without weakening all the ties of law and order. If industrial concerns in which the em ployers and employes have come to a full agreement cannot go to work without danger of having their works attacked by a disor derly mob, of having the property destroyed nnd the men beaten very nearly to the point of murder, what protection is there for sober and peaceful industry in this coun try? Both sides must share the responsibil ity lor this sort of thing. The employers affl to be charged largely with the presence among their men of foreigners who have little knowledge and less care for the supremacy of law. The labor leaders have had some share in letting this class see that wages disputes are to be won by demonstrations of mob iorce, until the ignorant mob reaches the point of declaring that they will let no one work at all till they get ready. This sort of thing must be stopped. It is well to have great and active industry; it is far better to have the community ruled by law, and the rights of peaceable workmen protected. SHOOTING AT LAWBHEAKEES. The shooting of a man who was resisting arrest, by an officer yesterday, is made the Eubject of complaint. The law on this sub ject has been clearly defined more than once. The officer has no right to resort to fatal weapons, in the ordinary police cases, except in self-defense. The statement of this case is to the effect that the officer was in no such danger. Bus it may be well to remember that the statements come from a quarter that is notoriously prejudiced against the guardians of the peace, and that the subjects of the arrest are promi nent for their readiness to resist the police. Promiscuous shooting on the part of officers must be stopped ; but the judicious use, in the "Yellow Bow" quarter, as in the Owl gang district, may have a salutary effect. A HEW TKADE DEPASTURE. A new commercial feature has just been experimented with in Philadelphia, with results that indicate the possibility of a new departure in the methods of seeking trade. As inaugurated by the commercial travelers of Philadelphia, it consisted in bringing buyers from the West to that city, and of showing them what could be done there in the way of selling them the best lines of roods on the most attractive terms. The inducement was a free excursion to Phila delphia, and the report of the affair in the Philadelphia papers warrants the belief that it has been successful in extending the trade of that city. In the first place this idea, started by the commercial travelers, indicates a departure from the usual methods of the drummers in seeking to make trade at the stores of their customers, to the idea of bringing their customers to the central market once more. This is a partial reaction from the drum ming practice which has taken the place of the old method of having retail merchants visit the central markets once or twice each year. But it is supplemented by the enter prise of bringing the buyers free of expense to the place where their trade is desired, in such a way as to leave the old method far behind. Something of the same sort was done in the glass trade recently here, and the success of the Philadelphia enterprise in attracting buyers on the wholesale scale, might profitably be emulated by Pittsburg's great manufactured staples. A SIGH OF REFORM. There is instruction in the comment of that dashing organ of the New York move ment for the International Exposition of 1892, the New York Sun, upon Chicago's efforts for the sme prize, to the effect that "It is amusing to see Chicago putting her Eolc trust in Congress. Before raising a cent she has begun to appeal to Congress." This being something very mnch like what New York has done, we take it as a hopeful sign that the Exposition boomers of the metropolis have begun to reform. We hope that the Sun will warn the New Yorkers against following the mistaken idea which it charges to Chicago. The proposal in New York to raise a ten million dollar loan for the World's Fair is a very good one; but instead of making it a recommendation that it appeals to rich and poor alike it should be understood in New York that the capi talists of that city owe a duty of promptly taking up.the whole loan. The cities which wish the Exposition should understand that money talks; bnt talk about money is useless. MIDSUMMER VACATIOHS. There never was a time when .60 many people took summer "vacations" as now. It is within the recollection of the merely mid dle-aged, not to speak of the old, when few thought either of stopping work or of going to the country or the seashore, even though the weather, fifteen or twenty years back, did seem insufferably hot compared with the exceeding mild and damp summers we have now. The old custom was to keep right on with the work. Long hours and unending application were the rule. Merchants are still living who remember when it was no uncommon thing for many lines of business, which would now smile at such a sugges tion, to keep the stores open" after supper, and when a whole hour at midday for em ployes would have been looked upon as a wild innovation tending directly to ruin and disaster. No custom is more to be commenced than the one of vacations and change of scene for toilers. Both mind and body are refreshed. The excursions to the seaside, the' camping out of organized parties, the week or ten days at the farmhouse or in the mountains, make a delightful break. in the routine work of the year. It is not the idlers or the wealthy who get the real enjoyment from the summer vacation, but those who are busiest before and after. Nor is it at the fashion able resorts, where style is on parade and personal display the object, that the best is to be had for the time and money. Those with such ends in view have no special need for a vacation, excepting from that most dreadful fatigue, the fatigue of doing nothing. It is the toilers, not the idlers, who have the real enjoyment in the summer vacation; and their one or two weeks' relief from the desk, or the shop, or the mill, in midsummer, is usually fuller of delight and recreation to them than the idle, or compar atively idle, folk find in their immunity from labor through the whole year. EDUCATION FOE THE SOUDANESE. The entire defeat and practical extermi nation of the Dervish army, which under took only ashort time ago the work of con quering the world by the route of the lower Nile, is likely to put a quietus for 6ome time upon the professed mission on the part of the Soudanese Moslems of putting the whole of Christendom to the edge of the sword. While the warfare was carried on in the deserts the Soudanese were well able to cope with the forces of civilization by the aid of their great allies, the tropical sun and the sandy wastes of their own country. But their attempt to carry the conquest be yond the Soudan, both as made by Osman Digma upon the Red Sea and by Nad El Njuma on the lower- Nile, has met with such disaster that the fanatical idea of ex terminating Christianity has probably re ceived a permanent check. This discouragement is not to be attributed wholly to the dislike of the Soudanese to be ing slaughtered by the military engineery which civilization opposes to them. Their religion teaches them that the greatest good fortune which can befall a Moslem is to die in battle for the advancement of his faith. But even Moslem fanaticism requires the encouragement of snecess to keep up its faith. While they were successful in the task of expelling the unbelievers from the Soudan, their belief grew and their numbers increased, but when they find that the re ligion of the Prophet is not able to contend with armed steamers and Krupp guns, their unquestioning iaith in the destiny of that nation to conquer the entire civilization that is behind those steamers and cannon, must necessarily receive a rude shock. In other words, General Grenfell's cam paign on the Nile may be styled a grim, but effective, campaign of education. .It has taught the Soudanese that their religious crusade against the rest of the world is like ly to suffer wreck when pitted against the resources of civilized nations. The lesson may be salutary, and certainly seems to be convincing. A PROMISING PROGRAMME. Among the good things now promised to Pittsburg are: An Exposition; newly paved streets; one big park with several little ones; street railways running by cable or electric ity in every direction; several new gas lines; river improvement to make better naviga tion around the cities and to help traffic with the Southern ports. This is a handsome programme. Private enterprise has done wonders in building up Pittsburg since 1879. Public spirit should now come to the front and make the city second to none in attractions as a .place of residence. The $40,000,000 moire business which Pitts burg has done so far in 1889, as compared with 1888, tells in figures tersely its own story of the strides oi the place which so long afo as by George Washington was picked out as the site of a future great city. Everybody will wait with curious interest for the census returns of next year to show the increase of population. Excepting by some of the magical new cities of the West, such as Minneapolis and St. Paul, Pitts burg's percentage of increase will not be surpassed. The doubts that were aroused as to what the people of the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul would do, after they had exhausted the directory dispute as to their respective population, is now solved. One of the papers announces in flaming headlines that the attendance at the circus eclipsed that of the other city. In some places this might be regarded as an unreliable basis for esti mate of population, but as all the people of Minneapolis and St. Paul, who have money enough, Ita to the circus, the returns of the entrance money are regarded as conclusive. Competition in this line will be highly en joyed by the circus interests. The Knights of Labor condemn the riot ous proceedings 00 the Hungarians in the coke regions; and similar action would be pertinent with regard to the strikers near Braddock. All true friends of labor must know that the cause of the workingman is most injured when it is placed under the rule of unlicensed mob law. It is said that the failure to advance the price of coke is due to the refnsal of one firm to come into the price agreement. But if it costs more than a dollar per ton to pro duce coke, what is the need of waiting for any firm to agree to an advance? The firm that sells the most coke below the fair cost of production, including the cost of the plant, will.be the most out of pocket by the operation; and these who turn'away losing business will be the most ahead by it Com binations are unnecessary, except to put the price a good deal above cost The information that Mrs. Maybrick is .to be hanged not for runnier, of which the evidence is slight, but for her confessed infi delity to the marriage tie, reveals the hitherto unsuspected fact that adultery is a capital offense in England. This raises ap prehensions of a coming decimation of the ranks of the aristocracy. TUB absence from the platform of the Harrisburg. convention of any reference to civil service reform, ballot reform, railroad reform, and the abolition of trusts, is calcu lated to create the impression that in the opinion of the Republican politicians this is not a reform year. There is reason to be lieve that our Republican friends think that all the reform necessary was secured when they got upon the inside of the Gov ernment offices. THE remarkable rainfall of this year is not without its obvious purposes. It has proved adequate to lay the dust in Pitts burg. So far as can be seen, no other means of disposing of that nuisance has been pro vided. An esteemed New York cotemporary as sures its Western friend's that thp Wash ington arch "will adorn the entrance to the Fifth avenue when the great Exhibition opens at New York in 1892." If it could add to that assurance the one that the long ptomised Grant monument will be com pleted at that time, it would elevate the reputation of New York, in the opinion ol -he country at large, by an indefinite increment The people who contemplate traveling to Europe are-at present engaged in denounc ing the coming ocean race, and waiting to see which steamer wins, in order, that they may take it when they next go across. New Yoek is chuckling over the fact 'that the Western merchants whomWana- maker brought East to buy goods of Phila delphia are now' coming to New York, which does not at all detract from the enter prise of the great Philadelphia merchant, but puts New York in the n'ofvery dignified position of grabbing for the crumbs of trade which are to be had after Wanamaker is through with his customers. Three deaths from that gas pipe explo sion prove that tests with compressed air require as careful handling as the gas the danger of which the compressed air tests are intended to prevent The declaration of the small kingdom of Greece, that if the other European powers do not interfere in behalf of Crete against Turkey, she will take a hand in the game and play it alone, may not be very discreet, but it is decidedly plucky. A little of the same sort of backbone developed by bigger nations might bring out some new and inter esting features of European politics. TnE good. Colonel Elliott F. Shepard is reported to have emptied the benches at Chautauqua almost as promptly as If he had quoted texts at his audience. Senaiob Delamateb's speech at the State Convention is highly approved by the Philadelphia Press; but the Press omits to enlarge upon its chief characteristic, namely, its remarkable resemblance to the plftform, adopted after the speech was delivered. This permits the inference that the speech and the platform were drawn up by the same master hand. Hawaiian politics are apparently get ting to be as much sport of petty revolutions as was formerly the case with the Central American States. When we remember that the town of Seattle was burned out, at about the date of the Johnstown disaster, and then read that the same town railed a carload of provisions and $16,000 in cash to send to the Spokane Falls sufferers, we are afforded a basis for new and enlarged ideas upon the uncon querable enterprise of the Northwestern State builders. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Farjeon, the popular English novelist rat-J ties oil bis stories on the typewriter Just as though he were playing the accompaniment to a comic song. The Prince of Wales Is Colonel of this and that regiment and draws a salary for duties which he does not pretend to perform, fie pets a large salary for being a field marshal, and does nothing tor it Geoeoe Sand made 1,000,000 francs by her literary labors, and gave it all away exoept 20, 000 which she invested in order that, in case she fell sick, her herb tea would not cost her children anything. Edgar Saltus, whose novels or an erotic rot character have gained a certain notoriety among an uncertain class of readers, has gone to Italy for the purpose of farther inflaming his already rather warm imagination. His prico for a short story is 250. Stanford, Crocker, Colton and Hopkins, the projectors of the Pacific Railroad, had not among them all money enough to buy a supper when they started, but by the snecess of their magnificent enterprise, they became railroad kings, with a torture of twenty millions apiece. Hawthorne had not the least taste or feel ing for art but because bo thought it bis duty when' in Italy, ho wearily dragged himself through picture galleries, though admitting to himself that it was a great -trial, as he conld not take in more than a few objects at a time. He thought be could appreciate sculpture, but as to pictures he was in a hopeless state of con fusion. ( 8am Bowles, the founder of the Springfield, Mass., Republican, began his life work so early that on his deathbed, he said, he had had very little boyhood. He had no aptitude for manual labor, no relish for boys' sports could not make a kite or drive a nail but he was a hard student and great reader. When ho became a journalist he displayed a push, an energy and ambition that proved that he was the right man in the right place. Bishop Keane, the rector of the Catholic University which will be opened at Washington in the coming autumn, did not display any marked ability at school. He was very fond of cakes and candy, bnt won few prizes, and none of the first order. Hts studious tastes de veloped when he went to. college to prepare for the priesthood, which he did at the age of 20, after a brief experience as a clerk in a book store. w Strength In Her Yolce. from the Chicago Times. J An Italian torpedo-boat and a Russian corvet have arrived at Candia, Crete. It looks as though the powers were falling over them selves in their efforts to comply with Greece's demand. Greece doesn't say much as amis, bnt when she does lift up her voice the tin pans in the-cellar get up and do a dance. As Big as a Yoke of Steers. From the Boston Globe.: A man who had evidently come some distance to see the President Wednesday, created much merriment by remarking, as the nation's head stood by tho side of the Mayor: "They're about the size of a good 2-year-old yoke o' steers, by gosh: but they're darned big fellers all the samel" A Dlfflcnlt Task. From the Chicago Mall.? President Harrison is at Bar Harbor with Mr. Blaine. He is there jnst to lazy around and think up schemes for making one fat office sat isfy a dozen hungering claimants. If he solves this he will bavo.done a pretty fair week's work. Rlddleberjrer's Course Commended. Prom the St PaulTloncer Press. Ex-Senator Rlddleberger. has gone to raising cotton. This Is better than raising in the Sen ate the place of whose existence Mr. Ingersoll is In doubt ' Jnst Beginning. From Time. "Do you speak French, Mr. President?" "Only a little. I have got as far a Jen sais Quay." This Year's Style. From the Columbus Dlspatch.J Treasurers'- account! are being won Very abort uus season. THE TOPICAL TALKER. Atlantic City's Big- Appetite The Homnnnt of a Hairpin Bnrr Mcintosh on Deck Tho Shady Sldo nnd Otber.SIiles of Life. At dinner the other day in sound of the sea waves which, by the way, were rollicking in the sunshine that day rather than sad, 1 happened to remark to my vis-a-vis that I guessed he was disgusted at my enormous'appetita. With an appetite sharpenedTceenly by the salt air I had alarmed myself even by disposing of an im mense steak. "Do not apologize," replied my friend, ' have been trotting a few beats with Captain French, of Atlantic City, and large appetites will never excite my surprise again. You know Captain French!" No. I regret to say I don't" I replied. "Then you have not met one of the largest lions Atlantic City possesses. He u an old sea dog; was a captain for years and years, and still lives in sight of the sea or on it in his sloop. About 65 years old. be weighs 375 pounds, and he is built on massive lines. When I met him a week or two ago about the first thing he said to me was: 'Xtold my wife I wasn't feeling well this morning and I dropped down to the Hotel Malatesta for breakfast All I could get away with was 157 clams and about half a pound of pork.' "Another day I was with him at Grassy Bay, when he ate five or six pounds of perch a fish of which be. is very fond and 'about four pounds ol beefsteak. After seeing him do this 1 was not surprised to hear that in view oi the fact that his f amilylaIso possess healthy appe tites be buys a whole ox when he wants a little meat for the table at home. "Mind you, this is npt fiction. Any fre quenter of Atlantic City will tell you that I am not exaggerating. Another time Captain French was Invited out to dinner with five or six friends. As the party sat down to dinner, the host at the head of the table, before whom a fine goose was set said: 'Now, gentlemen, help yourselves.' Captain French took him at his word, and quietly drawing to him the goose held on to it till its bones were clean enough for pipe stems. So I beg you won't apologize for any little, appetite you may be able to show." i .- V THE BOJIAUNT OP A HAIRPIN. ' Gray little Quaker, quiet-eyed, Cooped in the corner of a car, I watched you leaf from tear divide In that poor novel ".Like a Star." Your paper-knlle, I do declare. Was but hairpin from your hair. And while the hairpin led the way, I saw yon smile from page to page, And nod your head as if to say: Thlsstory doth my heart engage." Bat suddenly, unlike a lamb. You that the volume with a slam. "What did the precious heroine do? Prove false, though most divinely fair? Or die untimely? Would I knew That I might make the placid air Wherein that novelist exists A very hurricane of fists. Ah I would that I might pen a tale. All fashioned for your ears alone; A little ship with silver sail From sapphire seas of Eros flown. But not Ton put the hairpin back And left the train at Hackensacfcl 1 The very first person I met as I turned on to Broadway In New York the other day was big bodied and big-hearted Burr Mcintosh. He was in splendid health and spirits, although the failure of his watering place tour and a family grief would have excused his looking sad. It is Impossible to knock out Burr, if he will pardon the familiarity, with fists or reverses. He stands to-day smiling and ready tor the next round. But although he has had some hard luck, and the loss of his brother a day or two ago mas: have been a very severe blow to him, he is facing the future bravely. This season will find him still upon the stage, and this time as the leading juvenile in Arthur Rohan's com pany, which I understand is to be one of the best straight comedy organizations fan the road. From air sides I hear a brilliant career predicted for Mr. Mcintosh. He did well in "The Boggarth" year before last better with Helen Barry last year, and be is likely to be still better salted in Daly's "Lottery of Lore,'.' in which he will have for companions J. -St. Byley, the amazingly clever comedian, and Madeline Lucetto and other good people. Ryley and Lucotte, by the way, have deserted the comic opera stage for good, they say. It really seems as if the comic opera of the future will be devoid of humor if the comedi ans now engaged in it do not improve. V "Do you think the joke in that paragraph is apparent?" asked the professional punster. "It is old enough to be a parent" replied the stern managing editor with a glassy stare. THE SHADY SIDE. When flies the dust adown the road. As rolls the groaning harvest load Toward the barn upon the hlU; When summer's stopped the water mill. When katydids the frost foretell. And apples ruddy grow and swell. That man is mad who doesn' t ride Or walk upon the shady side. 'Til all the same where'er yon be Blch man or poor, bond sla e or free, tlnter den Linden or Broadway, Pall Mall or shores of far Cathay. When coats and consciences are light With Borneo's who love the night Few men there are who need a guide To lead them to the shady side. Yet when the racking years roll by, And youth's illusions fade and fly, "When earthly pleasures tasteless grow, And sin and sorrow shadows throw Across the whole horizon here. When autumn comes with visage sere, Man shrinks as from a deadly tide From life's descending shady side. Hepburn Johns. A LUCKI STAGE DRIVES. ' He Elope With a Pretty Girl Who After ward Inherits 8140,000. rsrxciAi. txxxokax to the dispatch.! NrwYOEK, August 20. William Underbill used to drive the stage between Oyster Bay and Locust Valley, L. L Three years ago he married Miss Clara Mason, the pretty daughter of James Mason, a retired merchant who had lost all his money. The Masons were cousins of Louis Hamersley, whose widow recently mar ried the Duke of Marlborough. They felt above yonng Underbill in a social position and be bad to run away with pretty Clara in order to marry her. When Louis Hamersley died tbe Mason family contested his will, but under the decis ion of tbe Surrogate of New York, tbe Duch ess of Marlborough got the estate. Things looked blue for the Masons, but a year ago old Joshua Jones died suddenly at tbe New York Hotel. He was Mr. Mason's cousin. He owned the row of white marble houses at Fifth ave nue and Fifty-eighth street and left an estate valued at $.000,000. Old Mr. Jones left $140.. 000 to each of Mr. Mason's, children, of whom there are six. Clara Mason, now Mrs. Under bill, of cdurse got her share and now tho former stage driver and his wife have gone to spend the summer in Europe. HE WANTED A DIVISION. Why A. J. Orton Sent Scurrilous Letters to Prominent Men. tSraCIAtTZXrOBAMTO TH DISPATCH.! New Yoke, August 10. Azarlah Jackson J Orton, who sent scurrilous letters to President Harrison, Jay Gould and other famous men, was brought before United States Commission er Shields this morning. ( He said that his purpose in writing tho letters was to demonstrate the inequality in the distri bution of wealth in this country, and, having failed to ventilate bis views through the medium. of tbe press, be decided to address tbe accumu lators of vast riches individually. Orton was held in 2,500 bonds. DEATHS OP A DAY. A. C Uoyer,' Esq. The County Bar Association win in eet on Mon day to take action on tbe death of A. O. Hoyer, Esq. Tnls well-knowq lawyer died at Mt Clemens, Mich., on Friday evening. He was a sufferer from rheumatism and a variety of complaints, anu had been accustomed to spend s part of each summer at Mt. Clemens. Although only a young man, the deceased had held many important offlces during his lifetime. He was elected to the City Council before he was XI years or age, and was Solicitor for the old Poor Board Department before It was merged Into the Department of Public Charities. A fluent speaker and a good political worker, his services were much in demand during the -campaigns.- He was making rapid progress in his profession, and bad acquired s host of friends. His rather la a pnddltng boss.m Varnegle's Union milts, oneof his sisters is I teaeber in the Fifteenth ward cnhoola. and anol-uer Is tha Ifn At uv J v .Hanaall in Beaver rrtntr. ' -' THE PRINTING DOES NOT IMPROVE. Tronble in the Government Bureau of En. craving- and Printing. " tsrSCt-L tLXGBAat TO TUB DISPATCH.l Washington. August 10. On account of Its peculiar business of making money, the affairs of the Bureau ot Engraving and Print ing are always of interest to a great number of people who keep Tretty well Informed as to what is going on. Among these the manage ment ot the new bnreauchlef, Mr. Mereditb, is tbe subject of a good deal of discussion. Be cause it was well understood before his appoint ment that be was in sympathy with organized labor and with the movement to abolish the steam presses and improve the quality of the printing of Government securities, belreceived the hearty support of labor organizations here and elsewhere. In fact 'these organizations were the means of his withdrawing from his candidacy for the office of Government Printer, and presenting his application for the office ho now holds. It was expected by all who supported him and made him and his candidacy popular, that be would do every thing possible to further tho reform of the office begun by abolishing the steam presses. It was supnosed that tbe disappearance of the presses would be followed speedily by tbe abolition of the little Clique which upheld the presses and fought inch by inch. In company with ther late Chief Graves, every effort to bring back the printing and engraving of the public securities to at least tho -standard of exceUence that obtained previous to tne In troduction of the steam pi esses. Assistant Chief Sullivan is the head of this clique. When Meredith took charge of the office It was his declaredlntentlon to get rid of Sulli van and bis lieutenants as eoonjas possible, but Instead of that he appears to have fallen into their hands and is allowing them to run the bureau as they please, even to the point of promoting some of their own crowd and reducing others not of the clique. Sullivan is in reality the chief and Meredith a figure head. Nothing is being dono in tbe way of reorganiz ing the office in the Interests of improved work, but on the contrary things are being run in a slipshod style calculated to make the en graving and band work more indifferent than ever. At least all of these things and mnch more, are charged against the conduct of the bureau by officials of tho Treasury-Department whose positions necessarily make them familiar with the operations of the bureau. AN OCEAN MYSTERI SOLVED., A Supposed Island Found to be Nothing ' bnt an Enormous Dead Whale. ' Philadelphia, August 10. The Captain of the bark Otto, which has just arrived at this port solved a curious ocean mystery on the voyage here, and long puzzled navigators and hjdrographers all over the country are laugh ing over the Jules Veme-llko solution of a problem which has been bothering them for tbe past six months. Some time ago a mys terious island was reported to hare appeared south ot Newfoundland, or, nautically speak ing, in latitude 15 north, longitude 55" west The bark Otto? from Harburg, commanded by Captain Grnndsen, passed the mysterious island on the voyage to this City. Captain Grundsen is of an Investigating turn of mind, and when his lookout reported the island abeam the Cap tain decided to see more of it and tacked tbe Otto up closo to the dark mass which appeared above the surface of the water. Thousands of birds were flying above it and a school of sharks fled before the vessel's approach. Upon approaching close to the supposed island Captain Grundsen's astonishment was intense when he found that the great mass was apparently floating upon the bosom of the ocean. Ho was still further amazed, upon sail ing nearer to it to find that be was approach ing an enormous dead whale, which had been floating upon tbe swells of the sea for many months. The monster, from the Captain's description, is probably the largest whale ever seen in At lantic waters. According to Captain Grundsen's statement backed .by those of his crew, the animal was fully 100 feet long and 35 feet broad. The body was considerably decomposed, but was bloated enormously. The entire mass above water was covered with birds, which rose in screaming clouds as the vessel approached, while under water It was surrounded with sharks, some of enormous size. BE JUMPS LIKE A BABBIT. Wonderful Effect of the Elixir of Lifo on a Jersey Octogenarian. Newark, N. J., August 10. A startling story comes from Buffington, up in Sussex county. ?asper Crouse. 82 years old, has re cently been treated with the "elixir of life" of Dr. Browd-Sequard by a local physician. A portion of a rabbit was used as the injection. After a week the old man grew perceptibly stronger. His youth seemed to return. Then strange changes occurred. He left off eating meat and took to devouring raw cabbage leaves, lettuce and clover with avidity. He nibbled at the leaves like a rabbit Then the old man's step grew springy, and gradually the spring has developed Into the jump, jump of the rabbit His body became stronger, but bis reason has nearly departed. At the present time Crouse is nothing bnt a two-legged rabbit with all tho habits of the animal, portions of whose body was used as an elixir. If a dog barks be makes long jumps until be reacbes home. Yesterday he dug a large hole In the ground with his hands. The Doctor and his family are now thoroughly alarmed. No more elixir is being given Crouse. HE SATED THE BOI'S LIFE. .William Hendricks Shows His Presenca of Blind br an Act of Heroism. rsrXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, August 10. A little boy slipped and fell before a huge roll of paper which was being tumbled from a truck to the side walk on Park Row this morning. For an In stant the boy's death was imminent William Hendricks, 33 years old, saw the boy's danger, thrust out his leg and received on it the weight df the roll. Hendricks' leg was broken just above the ankle and the boy's life was saved. THIETEEN TEETH EXTRACTED. The Operation Followed by Blindness and the Patient's Death. Lexington, Kt- August 10. Mrs. Chas. E. Britton, of Jessamine county, came to the city to-day to have some teeth extracted and went to a dentist Dr. Galbreath. He extracted ,13 teeth without the use of an anesthetic. After that she took whisky as a stimulant After chatting pleasantly she complained that she was blind and that ber head was bursting. She died some time afterward, tbe trouble being congestion of tbe brain. Jnst Llko Ordinary "Mortals, From the Alta California.! The Sultan and the Shah will not meet They are too big. The code of Oriental etiquette provides no formula for an encounter. But a green cucumber will double them both up jnst the same as if they were common clodhoppers. The Progressive West. From the Chicago Trlbune.1 Westward the star ot Missouri's empire takes its way. The train robbery in Utah two or three days ago was a much more imposing and successful affair than the one near Kansas City last week. Poetical Surgery. From the Baltimore American. 1 , As a poet Dr. Holmes can perform an opera tion Impossible to him as a surgeon he can cut off the feet of his poems wlthaut making his verses lame. FATHER. TIME. In vain we search the annals of crime For so monstrous a thieras old Father Time. Still no earthly being can boast of tbe power To hold the old robber in bondage an hour. Onward he marches at a furious pace,! , Never halting a moment in the terrible race, And this hoary old monster la only content When on errands of plunder his footsteps are bent Be robs uS or beauty, of youth and or grace, Hl bows the fair form and dlsflgres the face. Bis rude footmarks leave deeper their Impress each day. And be turns the brown locks and the golden to grey. He pauses not In his hasty career To count o'er his treasures 'at the cjose of the year: But moves bravely on, new victories to meet Scarcely viewing the trophies that are laid at bis feet Bis murderous scythe never rests In the sheath; Be mows thousands down at one pestilent breath; He will reign in the future as he reigned in the past; He has swept all before him and will to tbe last Thro ugh ages eternal this monarch-will wind Hts way fiercely onward, for bis years never end. And legions of angels, with their pencils and Will measure the space as kit car onward rolls. "'Harrietts, csxsar, rrrrwEsxp. mass., am. a. ' t THE WORLD'S EIP0SITI08. Arguments In Favor of Washington as Its Site -A Matterof Politics The Facilities of the Capital as Compared With Other Cities. tcoBBXsroxDzxcx or the dispatch. Washington, D. C, August 9. The great local and national question of the present is the Exposition of 1KB, which will commemorate tbe centenary ot tbe rediscovery of America, 600 years after the Norwegians under. Lief Ericsson bad.discovered and failed to utilize this wonderland. We are Just a llttle"cranky" about It here, as we think that the capital is the proper place for it and nobody can argue us out of the con viction. I think I am justified In assuming that if the late lamented Christopher Columbus had possessed a foresight of the character of United States politics, the peculiar periodicity of the national elections and the importance on these occasions of keeping each State free from all extraordinary and extraneous influ ences, he would have timea his discovery that the Centennial celebration would not fall upon a year when tbe national election is held. This, at Hast If he had been a champion of New York as the place for the fair. Possibly he did foresee the whole business, and felt so kindly a premonitory sensation for the magnificent capital to be, that he timed his coming exactly that the centenary wonld occur in a year ot general elections, when it must appear to a child that the neutral and unpolitical ground of the District would be the only safe grouneV in the Union. New York claims the great fair, but New York had better beware. The condition of her politics and the relations of tbe two great parties in the State make it imperative that no doubt should be thrown upon the honesty of the national contest of November, 1S92. It will be a contest ofintense excitement New York will be the battleground. Naturally tho con trolling spirits will bo designated by the city government which is dominated by Tammany. Nobody who knows the past record Jof Tam many will for a moment suppose that the schemers of that remarkable organization would hesitate to "colonize" a sufficient number of thousands ot Democrats as em ployes of tbe great exposition to make sure the calling and eleetion of the candidate for President of the Democratic party. Such a result, accomplished by such means, would never bo tolerated by the Republican party, and thus the world wonld witness a complica tion far more serious than tbat of 1878, which probably conld not be settled by returning boards and electoral commissions, and which would possibly plunge the country Into civil war, and all the result of tbe greed of New York tobave spent within ber borders the millions which would be expended by visitors. Arguments In Favor of Washington. Aside from this really serious consideration the question is one of fitness and facilities. As to fitness there can be no question that Wash ington is tbe place. All the romance and sentiment of a country from its discovery to its present must be concentrated at the capital. There are found- unquestionably tbe repre sentatives of every part of the whole. Both the political and social atmospheres are repre sentative. In miking international acquaint ances the capital 'of all other cities is the proper place for the Introduction. Here are the pictures and monuments and srilrit ot our progress and institutions dis played in the vast piles of the public buildings. New York and other cities exceed us In the brute commercial force that drives great populations together under dur competitive system, but in none of these cities are structures so imposing and so Sug gestive of the immeasurable busyness .and worldwide importance of the aggregation of States. New York Vainly claims to be metropolitan. To the experienced it is mis erably provincial. It Is a grea't international enttepot, but in its spirit superficial appear ance and government it is narrow and sordid, unnational, the expositor of a province pnly, as well as a corrupter both as a municipality and a commonwealth. In every way Wash ington represents an immeasurably broader, more catholic and more1 international im pulse. The hand that Is reached out from here to the foreigner whom we would cnltivate for mutual benefit ' not the loiig, lean claw-like band of greed, but the broad, soft generous palm of the statesman anddIplomat which warms and magnetizes, not clutches and robs. Of course tho intention is to rob, all th same. In a way, but here we suggest in theories and enactment a sort of reciprocal robbery which is gentle and statesmanlike, and not the "money-or-your-llfe" stylo of the commercial metropolis, which elects its Governors and law makers one year and sends them to the peni tentiary the next or what is worse, connives at their escape from justice. This is a nice phase of the subject and af fords so great temptation tbat I can hardly re frain from continuing rhetorically and epithet lcally to abuse New York and put a fine color upon Washington, but I wapt to touch a mo ment on a more practical phase of the matter. New York's Facilities. New York claims superior facilities for enter tainment and transportation, and in this grossly misrepresents tbe facts. In New York the exposition buildings must be placed at least six, and more probably ten miles from tbat part of the city where only the mass of visitors can find lodging and board. With double the existing facilities the crowds which will undoubtedly be in attendance could hardly be transported one way daring a whole day. At Philadelphia, the last day of the ex position of 1876, nearly 20,000 people could notd reach the entrance oi tne Duuuings ataii,ana of those who did gain admission thousands could not get away from tbe grounds till mid night No city of this land has or can con struct facilities for transporting such an as sembly a round trip in one day. There must be opportunity for thousands upon thousands to walk, and that may not be where the focal point is many miles from bed and board. Washington offers singular opportunities in this respect In no other city of America can the necessary buildings for the Exposition be placed, as it were in the heart ot the city. On tbe "White lot" immediately south of the Ex ecutive Mansion, and on the open flats and vacant lots stretching from Fifteenth to Twenty-fifth, and from B to E, all much above high water mark, threo long blocks in width and nearly a mile in length, close to public buildings, hotels and the "city of boarding houses," which constitutes all Washington, within easy walk from the "Boundary," with solid streets, clean in rain or shine, wide side walks and roadways, 100,000 people could be entertained and walk to and fro at leisure without discomfort or danger of exciting a riot This leaves out of the question the street car, herdic and carriage service, for the in crease of which facilities on broad avenues offer unparalleled opportunity. The railroads could urop passengers within easy walking distance. Tens of thousands of visitors could live in Baltimore and be transported back and forth with greater ease than the crowds could be taken to and fro between "downtown and the Exposition grounds in New York. A Mora) Aspect. The more one thinks and writes of this sub ject the more one realizes the unapproachable facilities offered by Washington as against any other city in the United States. Tne Paris Ex position, situated in the Champ de Mars, on the esplanades of the Invalides and tbe Trocadero and other adjacent spates. Offers the only par allel to the opportunities presented by Wash ington to erect so vast a display In the very midst of the people. So much for the "business" features of the matter. Perhaps greater than all other con siderations is tbat of tha necessity and wisdom of the General Government's assuming sole control of this indescribably important affair. In any other city the moral effect of this draw ing together of tbe Americas wonld bo mainly lost The peoplo of the whole country are to recelvo the benefit and they would not murmur at any expense. It Is evident from expressions from every quarter that they demand the new bond of friendship shall have the glory and solemnity of the Government seal, and they willing to pay for It Tbey do not want the meeting strained or minimized by local nar rowness and jealousy. This necessity of na tionalizing for the United States what is de sired shall be an international affair of all the Americas, is all important nd without snch moral and material management the scheme had better be altogether abandoned. Here each State would stnve to do Its best, as would all of the foreign States, and tbe result would be many permanent monuments of the occa sion, of which every State would be proud. Elsewhere indifference wonld enter into tbe preparations, especially of tbe States other than the ono presuming to monopolize the Ex position, and practically all would be tempor ary, even to the effect upon foreign States. It seemstomethatlf thereis any spirit of wis dom or patriotism among the newspapers and citizens of tbe country they will wake to the occasion and demand ot Congress to take charge of and prepare elaborately for the most interesting exposition mo worm uaa jab bgcu, anoUiegraade-ttalttposbimies. , IT 'WAJ.EI JUS, , A GHOST WITH A CANDLE. A Spook la a Baltimore Saloon Attracts Crowds of People. . Baltimoke, August 10. For a week or more a portion of the people of South Baltimore have been exercised over a ghost tbat was re ported to have made its appearance in a vacant saloon in the neighborhood of Monroe and Mo Henry streets. The neighbors said they bad seen tbe ghost at different times, and for sev eral evenings lately the house has been sur rounded by great crowds of men, women and children, who eagerly waited for the appearance of the ghost The crowd, several nights ago, was so largo that the patrolman on the beat was compelled to disperse it This wonderful woman in white was first seen Wednesday night a week ago. In the evening, a little after dusk, a number ot young men were loafing on the corner. Suddenly a latch on the door of the vacant house was beard to rattle. Oneof tbe boys saw the latch move. The noise sounded through the empty house, and was beard by the crowd On the cor ner. They all started, and one whispered "It's a ghost." The crowd moved off the corner, and their fears were heightened by the story told by a lady who lived just across the'street She said she was standing on the corner looking up at tbe middle window in the second story when she saw a light Thinking It strange, she looked again and the light which bad seemed to be in tbe far end of the room, moved slowly to the window.growing brighter and brighter as it approached the window. She kept on looking at the window and was surprised to see the figure of a woman standing there. The figure appeared to be tbat of an old woman. Her hair was white and her face was ghastly pale. There was an unearthly look in her eyes. She was dressed in whltojtnd held a candle in her band. The lady says that when the ghost saw her the ghost pulled an apron over ber hc'ad.and in a moment disappeared, and the room was as dark as ever. This story aroused everyone in the neighbor hood, and the next night there was a mob around the house. A policeman went into the deserted hcoso one night and looked through, but could not discover anything. The neigh borhood is still exercised over it, however. People say that several years ago an old lady fell down the steps of this bouse, and soon afterward died from ber injuries. GROWING BA1IIE IN GEOEGIA. Tho Experiment of the Pittsburg Company Apparently Quito Successful. Atlanta, August 10. The Ramie Plant Company is an institution with headquarters at Pittsburg, organized for the purpose of developing the ramie plant in this country. This company some time ago bought a small tract of land near Thomasville, Ga., to be used as an experimental farm. A plot of ground was set in ramie which grew even beyond all expectation. In the meantime, owing to cer tain troubles, the company failed to push its experiments. The impression prevailed that tbe machinery was a failure and that the com pany had gone to pieces. This, however. Is an error. John M. Tlernan, who represents the com pany, has written to Air. JIlllsop, who had bought tho farm in Thomasville, to learn how much ramie can be shipped him at Pitts burg. The ramie is to be used in further experiments. The patch originally planted has been left undisturbed, and this year produced a bonntitul yield without atten tion. So It will be an easy matter to ship Mr. Tlernan all the ramie he may need. The ques tion of growing the ramie has been satisfac torily settled. The next thing to be done is to produce the proper machinery for its manufac ture. TALKING TWO HUNDRED MILES. Directing Business In Boston From a Sick Bed la New York. New Yobk. August la Helpless and bed ridden in a hospital, 200 miles from home, Os wald Speir, Manager of tbe Perth Amboy Terra-Cotta Company, ot this city, still main tains as direct and active a management of his business as though be were daily seated in bis office at No. 13 Cortlandt street He calls his subordinates and tbey hear his voice and receive his Instructions. His corre spondence is read to bim and he dictates re plies. Every detail of business receives the samo close personal attention tbat it always did, for. paradoxical as it may appear, Mr. Bpelr is in two places at the same time. Tho inexorable laws of nature keep his body a prisoner at Boston, while the possibilities of modern science enable bis mind to break the tame bondage and fly unfettered to New York. Mr. Speir has been conflned to his bed since July 31, when he slipped and felt breaking his ankle. As his business required his personal attention, be bad a long distance telephone nut into h la rfiiJdeneL fttuLHr. Snelr bma ainas Uspoaed of all business matters jnst as be would bad he been able to go to bis office daily A BDTT0N IN HIS NOSE. It Remained Therefor Five Yean With out Causing the Boy Any Trouble. Xenia, O., August lto-rYesterday Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, of Jamestown, .this county, came to this city with their 9-year- Qld son, Claude, and called on Dr. C. M. Galloway to have the boy's nose examined, as one nostr) bad closed up and was becoming offensive in smell. The physician finally discovered a polypu! growth some distance up tbe nostril, and cutting into it extracted a shoe-button, which had b&en im bedded there for more than five years, tthefact having escaped the memory of the parents, it Tbe case is a singular one from the fact tha Jyl no inconvenience arose for years. The snrgi-Y cat operation was entirety successiuj. THE LARGEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD. Death of Laura Wolford, Who Was 31 Years Old and Weighed 004 Pounds. Lafayette, Ind, August 10. Mrs. Laura Wolford, claiming to be the largest colored woman iu the world, died here this evening. She was on exhibition in a museum for several days, but on Thursday was removed to the Catholic Hospital, a dray being used as a con veyance. Mrs. Wolford was aged 31 years, and weighed before her illness S04X pounds. She measured 9 feet around the waist, and 61 inches around the thigh. The intention is to bury her here Saturday. A GIRL'S RAPID GROWTH. A Month Ago Small and Slender, bnt .Now Sho Weighs 285 Pounds. Carjo. Ill, August lu. Henry McMullln, a well-to-do farmer living near this town, bas a daughter of IB who has been until recently sickly'and small ot her age. Within tbe last month her cheeks have become rosy and ber form symmetrically developed, and the young girl of one month ago now weighs 2S5 pounds, and is a healthy and well-developed woman. Her father says she is still Improving, Taseott In Paris. From the Detroit Free Pre.l The latest Taseott is under arrest at Laredo, Tex. A Chicago man, just returned from Paris, say tbat he saw Taseott and Charlie Boss on the Eiffel tower, together. Showing Its Sympathy. From the Chicago Herald. 1 Tbe Prince of Wales is suffering from the gout and all ?ew York limps up and down Broadway. TRI-STATE TRIFLES. For four years past a company has been con stantly working tbe feldspar mine at Brandy wine Summit, Delaware county, with success. The daily yield at present Is about 40 toniJLait year's uplift of spar amounted to about 11,000 tons, which was sold for an average of $10 per ton. . t Uohn SHCLTZ, foreman at Light's rolling mill, Lebanon, while working scrap threw into the fire an old gun-barrel, which proved to bo loaded. The ball entered his forearm, lodging in his elbow, and he will probably lose his arm. A becxnt freshet washed out some rock on the farm of Sidney Herrlngton, abont two miles above Elkland, Tioga county, which contain some mineral, which was broken up and melted, yielding a large per cent of lead. Newton, nearWillia msport, has had a game of baseball between the short and slx-foqt-tall men or the "Runts" and the "Eiffel Towers." The Towers-won by Tto 2. Fbank P. Keys, of Mclntyre, near WU Uamsport is an enthusiastio angler, apd as a peculiar caper of the late flood his house now sits in the middle of the creek. S. SmLCtTO, of Chambersburg, has a two pound three-ounce tomato, which nearly stag gered the seven-foot stilk it grew on. A farmer In Belmont county, 0 states that awoodebuck and a blaclunake Inhabltthe same hole In his clover lot and are apparently ou tho besrol tsrms. AMonongaliVcounty. W. Vs., gardener. is now ga eruur hk second crop of straw Ijwn ny CUEI0DS C0NDEHSATI0BS. Harvest hands in Oregon demand $3 a day and board. Southern California Js figuring on a honey crop of 2,000,000 pounds this season. A company is about to engage in the manufacture of bagging from pine fibre at Wilmington. N. C. Mrs. Elizabeth Lang, the wife of a Brooklyn tailor, Is the mother of 15 children, all of whom are living. Pasadena, Cal., has a Democratic post master who is so popular that over 400 Repub licans have signed a petition requesting that be be retained until the expiration of his term., Mrs. E. lb Henry walked into her yard at tbe Rutherford place, near Macon. Gx, and found ber child charmed by a snake. She killed the reptile just as it was about to strike the child. While her husband attends tbe fire Mrs. Moulton runs the engine of the Ocean City, a boat that conveys passengers from Lonsjport to Somers Point and Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. Moulton is a pretty brunette. Daniel' Copperthite. a Meriden, Conn., veteran, walked from his home to Baltimore whence he was given transportation to Wash- ington. His object in making the journey was to see if he could not get his pension increased. The Petoskey Methodist Indian Mis sion, embracing in its limits tbe Indians of Charlevoix county, Mich., has as its native pas tor Rev. John S. KewaygashlE, A .full-blood Ojlbway Indian. He has been on this work two years, and has shown remarkable ability and zeal. The largest fish ever caught in Indiana waters was captured In the White .river Just south of Columbus, the other.day. The mon ster was a shovel-head cat and weighed 1M pounds. It was landed by Arty Monroe and Nick Herod with a trout line. It brought 811 In the market An Adrian, Mich., boy props a wide and heavy plank on a stick, to which a string is attached, so he can drop the plank while hid ing behind a distant rosa bush. He then sprinkles grain under the plank and often cap tures 100 English sparrows at one fell swoop. Michigan pays a bounty on dead sparrows. About a week ago Ordinary Herring 'ton, of Clarke county, Gx, issued a marriage license, the prospective groom being about 80 years of age and tbe intended bride about 40. The lady was the sister ot the gentleman's son's wife. Two days after the license had been se cured the old gentleman concluded to back out Nearly a month ago three young men, of Jacksonville, I1L, J. B. Johnson. Irwin Woods and Arthur H. Woods all expert bicy clers, mounted their wheels In their native city and set out for a run across the country. On Thursday they reached Washington, after being 23 days on the road and having traveled 1,000 miles. They say they've bad a glorious time in spite of the rains. A man in ignorance df the fact that his hand was off was found by a policeman walk ing on the railroad track at Lynn, Masi., early one morning this week. It was afterward learned that shortly before daylight while be was asleep under a shed with bis band on the track, a freight train backed and severed the member. The amputation was as cleanly done as if a knife had been used, though it numbed all the nerves of the arm. He admitted having been drinking, and didn't look unlike a tramp. Laborers around a new building in Bos ton were amazed the other day to find that they could hot release their hold on a guy rone of the derrick. Tho foreman shouted to them to go to work, and they replied that tbey ' couldn't He became angry at the answer and, rushing to the spot, grasped tbe guy. He then Understood tbe situation perfectly, but he was unable to remove the cause ot the trouble a live electric Wire that bad crossed the guy. Soon the connection was unaccountably broken nnd all tbe men were released, little thq worse for their experience. Dr. Williams, of Waycross, Ga., who it tenting with bis family on St Simon's, has a natural curiosity m the shape ot a minnow with two distinct heads. The doctor was walking on the beach when he came to a pool of water. Hs naturally desired to see something of tbe in habitants of the pool, and after throwing soma of the water out he noticed this strange-Iookinc fish. Picking It up he conveyed it to tne PvJ' ion, where it excited considerable surprise-. Jf Is a common-sized minnow, its bodyjand tall being of usual shape and size. The two heads branch out from the body, and a peculiar thing-Is tbat too flah has fonreyea . The blood orange is a mere variety of tbe sweet orange, obtained by cultivation, and appears first to have been raised by theSpanisb, gardeners In tbe Philippine Islands, from the capital ot which (Manila) it, together with the well-known cigars, formed at one time one of tbe chief articles of export On its first ap pearance in Europe it excited a considerable sensation: and in tbe last century very high prices were demanded for the trees which boro tho wonderful fruit None, however, now are brought there f torn Manila the supply being derived almost entirely from Malta, whera great pains and attention are bestowed upon their cultivation. It was for a lone time sup posed, and the idea is not yet quite extinct that the blood oranges were produced by the crafting ot the orange with the pomegranate, bnt there is not the slightest foundation for this belief. The bees have literally taken possession rjjf Rufus Kinney's residence, at Reno, Ner, trafWf ormlng It into a vast apiary anu compell ing tnel&mliy to vacate portions u& uiu uuubc, t, . a7ralble part of the house Is filled with bees; the walls.. transiomedintohj Ay least a dozen colonic Arsn lodged themselves under the building, and the pugnacious little rascals dispute with the owners every part of the bouse from cellar to garret And still from every quarter new swarms are dally coming; some' days as many as three or four different colonies arrive, and despite the fact that Mr. Kinney has killed as many as 12 swarms al ready this season, they are gaining rapidly on him. and he is seriously contemplating the ne cessity of moving out and leaving the bees in possession of the premises. Reports from other quarters show similar but not so serious condi tions. FOLLY AS IT FLIES. A hard row to hoe must be a shad roe. Wa have never beard of its being hoed. Harper1 Basar. The peace problem of Europe "I wonder If the other fellow's gun is really loaded!" J'ue. Back From Bural Scenes "I inpposo everything was very fresh on the farmJ" "Yes; particularly the family." Harper's Basar. "Popularity is evanescent," says a phil osopher. It is, indeed. Just see how quickly the popularity ora popular subscription dies out Boston Courier. ALiDg.Long.Weary Day. Gus What'a the matter, JacM You look all worn out jack I've been visiting a young couple with their first baby. Sew Tor Wetlly. One of Many". Old Lady I hope, my dear, yon never conceal anything from your hus band. Young wife Oh,bio; nothing but my thoughts. Jtoo lor Weekly. Accepted suitor Won't you find it awk ward when you meet your other two husbands In heaven? Interesting wldow-I do not expect to meet either ofthem there. Lift. , A Thoughtful Girl. Bessie Flora is go ing to marry the Italian count. Jennie Indeed! Did she make him promise to give up drinking? Bessie No;.to take a bath oncea week. Dross' Magazine. Bebuking the Youngster. Canada (in great wrath to John Bull) Why don't yon bring your Ironclads over here and teach these Impudent Yankees a lesson? John Bull Sit down, child, sit. down. I can't afford to quarrel with them. Got too much money Invested In their "blawsted country. Chi cago Tribune. Mrs. A. You say brandv is a good remedy for colic, bnt I don't agree with you. Mrs. B. What do you know about It? Mrs. A. A great deal. Before I had brandy In the house my husband never had colic more than onco'or twice a year, but as soon as I kept a supply he had colic almost every day. Texas Sittings. Nervous and Tender-Hcarted. "Con ductor, what was that?" asked a nervous old lady as the wheels of the coach made a little more Jar than usual. "Wewentoverarew,fregs just then," he re plied. "Most likely squashed the poor things, too," she said, with a tremor In her volte. harper' Basar. Beporter You have led a great many choirs, I understand? Organist A great many. "And you have no doubt seen a great many love affairs among the singers?" "Yes." "Welt what 1 waut to know is this. Does the belle of tbe choir generally marry the enor or the basso?" Thetenor. He gets the most salftrT.'J-flBf J Tort rrtMUr. '' ' 'l '.