Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 11, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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. ';
Flint Glass Workers Who Will
sume This Midnight.
A Six-Weeks' Vacation Altogether Too
Short for Many.
At midnight to-night the flint glass
houses which hare been idle for six weeks
Trill resume. The large furnaces which hare
been banked since June 30, will be opened
up, and the manufacture ot chimneys, etc.,
which are marketed in every country on the
globe, will be continued for another year.
The hundreds of glassworkers who have
been spending their period of rest anipng
- the pine woods and on the banks of streams,
have returned home and are loathe to re
sume work. The idea of working alongside
fiery furnaces is not a pleasant one, and
there are few of the men who do not want to
wait until the weather is cooler.
The chimney houses will be the first in
the flint trade to start up. The following
named concerns will put their men
to work to-night:
Fort Pitt Glass Company, Excelsior,
Thomas Evans, Hogan Evans, the Peerless
Lead Chimney Company (a new concern to
start, on South Ninth street). These are
all in this city. Those outside are: Cham
bers & McKee, at Jeannefte; Brvce Ilig
bee, at Homestead; McCloy & Co., at Kan
kin; the Thompson Company, at Union
town; Richards & Hartley, at Tarentum;
Challinor & Tavlor, of the same place, the
Lippincott Works, at Findlay; Dunn &
Hopper, the Hoover Company Tbiils, Hib
ler & Co., of Brooklvn; L. P. Whiteman. of
TJniontown, and Gill & Co., of Philadel
phia. These factories will give employment
to about 1,000 men.
Macbeth's factories on the Southside will
start on Thursday, after making a number
of improvements. The prescription hands
will start to-morrow week, and in less than
ten days the whole trade, with about one
dozen new factories throughout the coun
try, will be turning out thousands of bar
rels of ware daily. The prescription facto
ries to start on the 19th are as follows:
J.T.4A. Hamilton. William H. Hamilton &
Co., McCuIly A Co , of this city; Tibby Bros of
bb&rpsbnrc: the Bellaire Prescription Glass
Works, the North Wheeling Glass Works, the
Alton factory, Whitney A Co., Glassboro, N. J.;
tlic new bouse at Washington, Pa.; C. L. Flac
cus, of Tarentum; Marion Glass Company, of
Marion. Ind.: Hemin(rray Co., of Muncie,
Incl., and Thomas Wlghtman, of Parker's Land
ing. When the factories are pnt in blast they
will give employment to about 6,000 idle
men and boys. "Since the shutdown several
new union factories have been added to the
Owing to excessive railroad rates, there
were not quite as many of the boys went
sway as in past years. The Ashing clubs
who took advantage of the shutdown to go
away returned home Friday and yesterday.
The bovs are looking as brown as berries
from their exposure to the sun; but their
hands have not become soft splitting fence
rails with a dull ax. The following clubs
were away this summer:
The Pittsburg and T. V. Murpbv Clubs. St.
Clair Flats, TMich.; the Donegan Clnb. at New
comestown, on the Ohio river; the John Line
decker Club, at Knon Valley; the Half Moons,
near Ashtabula, on the lake: the Jos. Gruntz
Club, at Lake Eric, and the Edward Cowan's,
at Conneaut Lake.
Fnrnucemen Looking to See Which Way
tho Cat May Jamp,
A" number of furnacemen from the She
nango Valley were in the citv yesterday,
trying to ascertain what the coke operators
intended to do in regard to advancing the
price of coke. They received very little in
formation, however, as there were few op
erators in the city, and their representatives
would not talk.
A member of the firm of the J. M.
Schoonmaker Company stated yesterday
that there would probably not be anything
done about advancing the price until the
latter part of next week. At present, he
sum, eacn operator nas as mucn as lie can
3o getting his plants started, and they are
not paying any attention to anything else.
It is now stated that McCIure & Co. is the
firm who will not go into the scheme to ad
vance the price.
There was no coke shipped from the regimj
. yesterday, and there has not been atar
moved from there since the Cth, whi there
. vere"rl:ars shipped West. Kafifoad men
are anxiotf Jy 'inS .JowarA'a resumption
of work, whu.2.Lans a consequent in
creased tonnage report.
The Tiro Public Departments Differed A
Rescuer Appears He Disinfects a
PIngno Spot on Carson Street.
The short tunnel under the Virginia and
Charleston Railroad, connecting Manor and
Carson streets, near the head of Third
street, is just now the scene of a conflict of
authority between the Departments of Pub
lic Safety and Public Works. For years
past this tunnel has been a scented nui
sance as well as an eyesore to the public in
general, and the lady teachers of the Knox
school in particular, who were bound to
pass through it. This is because of its gen
eral filthy condition, its lick of light and
the numerous loafers and ruffians that fre
quented it by day and by nighL-
When, a few months ago. Police Magis
trate Brokaw took -up headquarters at the
Thirtieth ward station house, which is
just at the mouth o' the Carson street en
trance, Southsiders bailed their deliverance
as at hand. Not so, however, as in spite of
the blue-coated minions ot the law the
nuisance' remained in statu quo. Since
then Brokaw's headquarters have been
transferred to the Twenty-eighth ward sta
tion house, and matters have been growing
worse. Things culminated a few days ago
by reason of the stench becoming so villain
ous that passengers on the Carson street cars
had to hold their noses while passing the
mouth of the tunnel. In fact it was fre
quently mistaken by strangers who were
not acquainted with the peculiar scen,t or
odor for the mouth of a sewer. Inspector
McKelvy of the' Twenty-eighth ward
station, undertook the herculean task of
cleaning this Augean stable. By first
interviewing Superintendent Andrews, of
the Highwav Department, and de
manding that that functionary imme
diately put the obnoxious tunnel
in good sanitary condition, he received
the somewhat equivocal answer that, while
the Highway Department might wash out
the tunnel with the hose, they had too much
work on hand at the present time to do any
ornamental work in the way of whitewash
ing or frescoing ceilings. While the two
departments were at cross purposes Thomas
Baker, of the Bureau ot Health, seeing
the imminent danger of a clash
of authority between the two big
departments, quietly intervened, took
possession of the troublesome tunnel,
placed a colored gentleman within with a
barrel of lime, disinfectants and other neces
sary implements, with instructions to hold
the fort or tunnel (provided he wasn't in
stantly killed by the vile odors thereof;
against all comers until the same was thor
oughly whitewashed, disinfected and the
electric lights placed therein. As the mat
ter stands at the present time the work of
whitewashing is being done rapidly, but
when finished it will be bnt a whited sepul
cher at best.
What the public can't understand is why
the powers that be do not tear away the
wooden tower at the Manor street entrance
with its spiral stairs that utterly obscures
the light of day, and is a lurking place for
thieves and ruffians of every description.
They Are Ground to Pulp by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
Johnstown's Great Can on the Coupons of
AU Ticket Sellers.
Company F. Forty-Sixth P. V., at East
Liverpool, With Pliubursers.
The annual reunion ot Company F,
Forty-sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol
unteer Infantry, was held at Mr. Noah A.
Frederick's pleasant home, in East Liver
pool, yesterday. The occasion was the 27th
anniversary of the battle of Cedar Moun
tain, Va., an engagement into which this
company went 65 strong, and out of which
they came with only one corporal and nine
privates reporting for duty. For the year
closing Captain R. N, Craig has been Pres
ident and George B. Beecher Secretary.
The following answered to-day to roll-call:
Captain Ben W. Monran, of Remington, Pa..
Captain R. N. Craig, Pittsburg: Lieutenant
Thomas Matthews, Rochester; Lieutenant
Cyrus Shade, Pittsburg; Henry B. Ewing,
Beaver Falls: William R. Haywood. Sljinnini-.
ort; James Boyle, Salineville; James REwing,
Jeaver connty; James H. Bray, Cook's Ferry:
8unael Seswricht. Coolt' Perm Jm
Todd. Beaver connty: Matthew Nelson; "I
ueaver county; j. u. McKibbln, Beaver county;
John Craig, Beaver county, Peter Bariz, Mercer
county: James Clifton, WelUville; Joseph
Niland, Pittsburc; Benjamin Dawes, Pittsburg;
William Scott, George R. Bereher, Pittsburgj
Charles Shenkcl, East Liverpool; James Wild-
Dioou,.ast Liverpool; N.A. Frederick, East
John III
Ho Says He is Glnd the Strike is Settled
and Everyone Will Go to Work.
John B. IJae, Master Workman of N. D.
A. No. 135, Knights of Labor, miners and
cokers, and John Costello, member of the
General Executive Board of the order, were
in the city yesterday on their way to the
East They had arrived from the Connells
vilie region, where they were directing the
strike, and which came to a speedy settle
ment under their management. Mr. Rae
Etated he was glad the strike was over, and
every man in the region would be at work by
Monday morning. The Master Workman'
now intends turning his attention to the
annual convention of the national dis
trict, which will be held at Wilkesbarre on
the 17th inst.
ool; H. M. Campbell, Beaver connty:
tagan and James Searisht. Pittsbnnr.
A bountiful dinner was served by Mrs.
Frederick, her daughters and a number of
other lady friends ably assisting her, and
after dinner the business and social meet
ings were resumed tinder the ample shade
of a large tent. (Election of officers re
sulted as follows: President, Cyrus Shade;
Vice President. James Brav: Seeretnrv nnH
Treasurer, George It. Beecher; Chaplain,
Pester Bartz. After lunch they adjourned
trj meet at Frccdona, Mercer connty, Au
'gnBt 7, 1890. The company intend to go to
Gettysburg in a body on Pennsylvania's
day. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick.
An Italian Pats a Knife Into n Countryman
on Account of 50 Cents.
Shortly before 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon a stabbing affray occurred in Splane's
court, off Fifth avenue,in which one Italian
inflicted four cuts on a fellow countryman
and which may prove fatal. The princi
pals in the cutting were Pasquale Cioue,
about 22 years old, and Michael Carfagua,
aged CO. Both these men are laborers.
They have only been in the city for three
days, and roofed together in Splane's
At the time mentioned they were return
ing home from work, and had just reached
the mouth or the court when Carfagua asked
Cioue for 50 cents. The last named denied
having that amount, and a wrangle ensued.
The war of words was kept up until thev
entered the court, when Carfagua grasped
hold of Cioue. As he did so the latter
pulled a knife and stabbed his companion
Jour times. One cut was on the lelt arm
and the other three were on the left side in
the recion of the heart. Ofllopr Hi-;...
heard of the cutting and succeeded in ar
resting Cioue and placed him in the Cen
tral station. Carfagua was taken to the
Homeopathic Hospital. An examination
showed that the cuts were not fatal, and the
man will recover.
Carfagua has a wife and family in Italy.
Cioue is a single man.
An Italian laborer, whose name was such
a jargon that nobody could spell it, was in
jured in a fight on Washington street yes
terday afternoon. He stopped at Harnet
Juliet's fruit stand and wanted a piece of
watermelonwithout paying for it. Juliet
refused to give it to him and the two men
began to quarrel. Juliet threw the other
man down, striking his head on a stone.
He was not very badly injured.
Chatelaines, pockefbooks and belts; low
est prices. F. Schoenthal.612 Penn ave.
Surra to order, $25; pants, f5 and upward
st Pitcairn'e, 434 Wood st, su
A Chip of tho Old Block Gets Hurt on
Second Avenue.
Yesterday afternoon as Jung Lee, China
man, was driving his laundry wagon up
Second avenue, he pulled too near the side
walk, and one wheel passed over the foot of
a 7-year-old boy who was standing on the
crossing. The little fellow's foot must have
been badly smashed, and several gentlemen
offered to assist him to the neighboring
uoijumi. .ue, nowever, reiusea, saying
that his father would ''lick" him if be
didn't go home. He refused to give his
name, because "pap didn't like gettin' into
the papers."
How a Hone Thief Managed to Kill Several
Birds at Once.
Mr. McDonald, of old 'Washington road,
yesterday identified a horse in Allegheny
that had been stolen from him some weeks
ago. The procedure of the thief had been
to go to a stable and first steal a horse and
then hitch it to some other man's wagon,
and at night enter a farm yard and fill his
wagon, go to market, sell his produce, un
hitch the horse and then turn him loose.
The thief has not been found.
Been Started Some Time.
The fifteen permits taken out yesterday
by Mr. H. S. A. Stewart are for bnildings
which have been in course of erection for,
some months on what was formerly the Neg
ley property, near Stanton avenue in the
East End. They are the first instalment of
a large number of dwellings to be erected
by Messrs. Stewart, Flinn and Magee, de
tailed mention of which has already been
made in these columns.
After a railroad conductor takes yortr
ticket, punches it and stows it away under
his finger.has your imagination ever ran on
and led you to wonder what the great rail
roads do with the thousands of pasteboards
that thus become useless on their hands
every day? Do the officers give them to
their babies for playthings? Or does a
waste-paper merchant turn a ticket, good
between New York and San Francisco, over
and over again while he wishes the punch
hole was not there? No. They are gotten
rid of in a more thorough manner.
The Pennsylvania road has a pulp mill
in the general offices in Philadelphia, and
after a certain length of time the old tickets
are ground up and sold to the paper men in
that shape. The Pittsburg and Lake Erie
Company has been in the habit of burning
their tickets in the firebox of an engine, but
General Passenger Agent Clark says he
would sell them to the pulp dealers if there
were any mills in the city. None of the
railroads sell the old tickets to paper men
because they desire to prevent all possibili
ty of their being used again by sharpers. J
Each railroad buys its tickets in different
places. A Pittsburg firm prints the Lake
Erie tickets, the B. & O. work in this line is
done in Baltimore, and the Pennsylvania
road purchase their coupons in Philadel
phia. The methods of collecting and audit
ing the tickets are almost identical on the
numerous railroads. After a conductor
punches a ticket he turns it over to the
auditor, who keeps it until the report of the
agent who sold the ticket is handed in. The
reports are usually made at the end of
every month, but the ticket is kept
much longer than that. If the
auditor finds everything satisfactory the
local tickets are disposed of in the way
described. The foreign tickets, as a general
rule, are never destroyed, but are preserved
for future reference. Some of the railroads
have immense piles of these old tickets
stored away in boxes. At any time after an
agent sells a foreign ticket the other lines
are liable to make a request for their share
of the purchase money, and the coupn is
often the only thing that prevents serious
disputes. For example, a limited ticket
may have been sold when the other road
demands the fare for an unlimited one.
As there is quite a difference often in the
price of the two tickets, a reference to the
coupon will soon settle the difficulty.
It may not be generally known that the
manufacture and printing of railroad tick
ets has become a distinct business, and
there are a number of firms devoted" exclu
sively to the work. By referring to the
annual reports of the railroads in the
United States the number of tickets sold in
a year could be approximately estimated,
and any one who stops to think will see the
number must be enormous. In addition
fares are often collected on all the roads by
tne conductors, ana tnese wouia represent so
many more.
The railroads are usually prepared for all
emergencies. Every passenger agent knows
about how many tickets he can use from
past experience, and the General Passenger
Agent keeps him supplied. Bnt it some
times happens, as in the case of the Johns
town calamity, that a bier run is made an a
htee, and the Tegular tickets give out. To
provide for such an event the ticket offices
always have on hand a number of skeleton
tickets, which the agent can soon fill in with
pen and ink, and the business is kept going.
In this age, also, whlin machines will make
20,000 tickets in a day, in a few hours the
railroads can secure all the tickets thev
need to .supply any crowd, no matter how
Are passenger tickets ever counter
feited," was asked General Passenger Agent
A. E. Clark, of the Lake Erie, yesterday.
"In my experience I have met with only
one case," he replied, as he pulled out of his
pocketbook an old Nypano ticket, and
showed it to the reporter.
"That ticket" he continued, "sent a man
to the penitentiary in 1877. It is stamped,
as you see, and the fellow had successfully
counterfeited it. The ticket fell into the hands
of a Cincinnati broker, and he came to me
one day, and said there was something
wrong with it. He felt sure it had not been
made in one of the regular printing offices
for that kind of work. Hooked at it for a
few minutes and . almost staggered the
broker when I remarked that it certainly
had not been made by an experienced
"Why, how can you tell that?" he asked
"Well," I replied, "the tickets are made
on revolving machines, and, if yoa will look
sharply at the numbers, you will always
find one figure a little higher than the other.
In this ticket they are even, and it is evi
dent they were put in by hand.
"I then telegraphed to a number of places
lo look out for such tickets, and two hours
afterward I received a telegram from In
dianapolis stating they had caught my man
with a number ol the counterfeited tickets
on his person. But counterfeiting in these
days is seldom attempted."
Can a Blan bo Imprisoned for Stepping Be
tween Officer and Prisoner.
Edward Barrett yesterday filed an appeal
in the Quarter Sessions Court, from the de
cision of Alderman McKelvey, of Alle
gheny, who sent him 90 days to 'the work
house in default of a fine of $25. It was
claimed that Detective Murphy last Mon
day had arrested Pat O'Toole, who was
charged with a felony, when Barrett stepped
between the officer and his prisoner, and the
latter escaped. Barrett was then arrested
Jor interfering with an officer.
Barrett claims that he was unjustly con
victed, and was ignorant of any offense;
also, that his friends have since raised the
amount of his fine and the costs and are
willing to pay. Judge Collier fixed next
Wednesday for a hearing.
Lines From Legal Quarters.
R. S. Maktin, Esq., is commissioner in the
dlvorce.case of Ellen Highland against Alex.
Highland. In the case of Elizabeth Langguth
against Louis Langguth, Thomas Harriott,
Esq., is commissioner.
B. F. Jones, one of the defendants in the
suit of H. Sellers McKee and others against
the Monongabela Water Company and others,
yesterday filed bis answer. It was similar to
the one filed by M. W. Watson, President of
the company, and denies the charge of conspir
acy. John a. Mamtn. the milk dealer, yesterday
filed an appeal from the decision of Alderman
Brinker, who fined him 25 and costs for spil
ing milk on Sunday, August 4. He claims he
had been previously sued by the same prosecu
tor on the same charge before Alderman
Burns and acqulted.
W. M.WAT30N, Esq., Commissioner in the
lunacy proceedines against Joseph 8. Travelle,
Jr., filed his report yesterday. Travelle is 35
vears of aire, and was f onnd to hare been a
lunatic since 1879. He is worth several thou
sand dollars, and John -Irwin was appointed to
take charge of him.
The first and partial account of the Safe
Deposit Company as assignee of the Duquesno
Furniture Company was Bled yesterday. The
account charges the assignee for the amount of
the inventory, appraisement, etc., $8,608 28.
The assignee is credited with money on book
accounts, eta, to the extent ot 8,606 28.
Judge Collier yesterday refused the peti
tion of Mollie Butler for a writ of habeas
corpus to secure her release from the woik
house. She had been arrested in a raid on the
honse at No. 85 Robinson street, Allegheny,
and sent up 80 days by Mayor Pearson for dis
orderly conduct.
Mrs. Ellen Lanahan yesterday peti
tioned, and was granted by Judge Collier, per
mission to enter a defense in the divorce suit
of her husband, James P. Lanahan. She claims
she received no notice of the suit and knew
nothing of it until she saw it in the newsDapers.
She also denies wilful desertion.
A Bill, in equity was tiled yesterday by Mary
J. Hill against J. C. Hill and Samuel Slahood.
She claims tbat the three composed the firm
of J. C. Hill Co., dealers In wooden ware and
grocers' supplies, which was dissolved August
1. She had 2,000 invested. When the firm
dissolved no settlement was made, and the
others have retalned-all the money. The firm,
she states, earned large profits, and a consid
erable sum is due her. Court is asked to order
an accounting.
F. O. McGibb, Esq., yesterday filed his re
port as master in the case of D. R. Speer
against Gustavus A. Pannier, the result of a
controversy growing out of the purchase by
Speer of Pannier's one-half interest in the
Hope Biscuit Works, or Allegheny, owned by
Pannier and A. R. Speer, a son ot the plaintiff.
Speer claimed the price agreed upon for Pan
nier's share was $5,000, while Pannier held it
was 7,600. The master decides in favor of
Captain Eowley, of Pittsburg, a Pilot
in the Days of the Raids.
A Marvelous March of 500 Miles Into Ohio
With 5,000 Men. I
A Service for Sillier In Hungary and One
on the Sonthslde.
- An incident of the close relations that
German Hungarians in this country main
tain with their kinfolks across the water
was brought to light in Consul Shamburg's
office yesterday. John Miller, the young
German Hungarian who lost his life in the
accident on the Southside day before yes
terday, will be buried this afternoon at two
o'clock, 'the funeral' services to be atEer.'
Mr. Brandt's church, on Pius street.
Yesterday afternoon John Miller's father
sent a lengthy cablegram to his former
home in Hungary announcing young Mil
ler's death, and requesting the home relig
ious society to hold a formal funeral at the
same hour oa a testimonial to the deceased.
A laege stock of diamonds set and un
set at prices below competition at M. G.
Cohen's, 533 Smithfield st
Harvest Excursions.
Lowest rates ever offered. On August
20, September 10 and 23. To all points in
Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas
Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Indian Ter
ritory. Wyoming, Idaho, Dakota, Montana
and Utah; also, points in Minnesota, Iowa
and Missouri. Tickets good returning 30
days from date of sale. Privilege to stop
over allowed at intermediate points. Seats
in elegant recliningchaircars free of charge.
Berths in Pullman cars reserved. Call on
or address George B. Gleason, Ticket Agent.
No. 978 Liberty st, or No. 6 Smithfield
St., x-iKSDurg, jra.
One Thousand miles ol Transportation and
- One Week's Board for SIS OO.
The Pittsburg ,and Cincinnati packet line
Steamers leaving Pittsburg as follows':
Steamer Katie Stockdale, Thomas S. Cal
houn, Master.leaves everv Monday at 4 v m.
Steamer Hudson, J. P. Ellison, Master
leaves every Wednesday at 4 p. ji. '
Steamer Scotia. G. W. Kowley, Master
leaves ever Friday at 4 p. m. '
First-class fare to Cincinnati mt ,
$12 00. meals and stateroom included- or
down by river and return by rail $12 Co'
Pl Jt lv-rih4 4BAA ww4-!Y mJt
Tickets rood until used
For further information apply to
A. Henderson, Superintendent, M
street. n
Su- j
Fine Whiskies.
XXX, 1855, Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts S2 00
1800 McKim's Pure Eye Whisky,
full quarts 3 00
Monogram, Pare Eye Wnisky, full
quarts 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Eye Whisky,
full auarts 1 M
Gibson's, 1879, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 2 00
Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, full .
quarts 1 50
Guckenheimer Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 1 00
Guckenheimer Export,Puro Eye Whis
ky, full quarts 1 60
Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 1 25
1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 1 25
1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts ., 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Fifth ave
$4 73
Via Allegheny Valley R. R., Saturday, An.
gust 17.
Train of Eastlake and Pullman palace
sleeping cars leaves Union station at 8:50 p.
31. (eastern standard time). Tickets good
for four days returning.
Natural Cos Bills Reduced 73 Per Cent.
See our new gas fires, gas ranges, gas
stoves, etc., and register your orders for fall
delivery. The largest, finest and most com
plete assortment! of any firm in the world.
O'Keepb Gas Appliance Co., 34 Fifth
ave. .'
Did You Know Itf
That you can get a baker's dozen 13 good
cabinet photos for $1. Well, vou can at
Stewart is Co.'s, 90 Federal st, Allegheny.
Fob a good fitting suit leave your order at
Pitcairn's, 434Wood st. su
Pare silk mitts, 15c and 25c.
F. Schozxxhax, 612'Penn ave.
A Case of Allotted Dlallcloas Mischief Com.
Ins; to a Head.
Mrs. John Fauken entered a charge of
malicious trespass jagainst Mrs. Maher, and
John Pauken entered a similar charge
against George, Edward and James Hemill
yesterday before Alderman Callen, of Alle
gheny. Mrs. Pauken alleges that Mrs.
Maher broke down her fence and with a
rail destroyed her tomato vines. John
Pauken affirmed that the three defendants
whom he accused have been systematically
robbing his apple orchard. A hearing will
be held to-morrow.
Captain George W. Eowley, the well
known river man and resident of Pittsburg,
figured quite prominently in the late Civil
"War as pilot of one of the boats of the
Union fleet which headed off General Mor
gan in his terrible raid through the North
ern States. A Dispatch reporter called
on that gentleman at his home on Pride
street yesterday afternoon, and listened to a
very interesting account of numerous occur
rences in that celebrated raid. The story is
best given in the words of the Captain him
self: "Yes, I suppose an account of what took
place on the river during Morgan's raid
would prove interesting to many people. I
served on a gunboat during the whole of
the war, and the time spent in chasing
Morgan up and down the river was the
most exciting of all my experiences. Mor
gan had, before he started on that raid, a
little over 5, 000 men; but this number was
slightly reduced in the battle of Gallatin,
where he was defeated by Colonel Hobson.
It was after this battle that he headed for
the Ohio river, and crossed over to the
State of that name near Brandenburg.
Hobson was close on his heels, and we
arrived at the place of crossing the day
after he had got over. ,
"We had seven gunboats at that time,
and 'I was pilot of the Moose. No battle
took place at Brandenburg, but
while Morgan was crossing the river.
Fearing that a Union force might be con
cealed in some of the numerous strips of
Tffnil Inml m?avs 4 Via t-xinlVo f 4 Via fImmm
he caused shells to be thrown into them, and
some of these exploded near parties of farm
ing people who had come down to the banks
to see what was going on.
"Then began one ol the most famous raids
in all history. It has . always been sud-
-posed that Morgan crossed the Ohio for the
purpose of raiding the Northern States; but
I believe this to be a mistake. Many pris
oners whom we took from his ranks told us
that he crossed, not for the purpose of mak
ing a raid, but simply to escape from Col
onel Hobson, who was pressing hotly on his
rear with a superior force. Morgan's ac
tions seemed to bear out this view, for he
was continually attempting lo recross the
river and get back South.
"The whole affair was managed this way:
Colonel Hobson pressed by land on Mor
gan's rear, while we steamed up and down
the river with our boats, and headed the
rebels off whenever they attempted to get
over. Morgan hurried through Ohio, de
stroying everything in his way. What he
did not destroy he carried off. He fol
lowed the line of the river continually; but
seldom came in sight of our boats, except
when he would make an attempt to get
back South.
"We were kept pretty well informed of all
Morgan's movements. . The country people
along his line of march would mount their
hones during the night, ride down to the
river, where we were, and, after attracting
our attention by tnrowmg stones at the
boats', would tell us all the particulars of
his movements, ne made attempts to cross
at virions places. Now he was at Leaven
worth, then at Louisville; at one time he
was at Cincinnati, at another, near Man
chester. No matter, however, where he
went, or what place he endeavored to cross,
the gunboats were
Terr Few Who Saw the Sonthslds Explo
sion Appear Before the Coroner What
FourHIen Say.
Coroner McDowell yesterday morrling
held an inquest into the cause of Friday
evening's terrible explosion on the South
side. Those who were near the ditch at the
time were not forthcoming, and very little
evidencewas elicited, bo theinquest had to be
adjourned till August 20,atllA. M. Emannel
Jackson, undertaker, of Carson street, said
he was sitting outside his place of business
about 6 o'clock, when he heard a noise like
that of a cannon shot. He ran down to the
ditch, and found the results of the explosion,
precisely as published in The Dispatch
Pat Eyan, of 282 Second avenue, foreman
for Booth & Flinn, deposed that the line
bad been inspected Friday afternoon and
stood 60 pounds pressure all right. It was
noticed that the dead-cap was leaking but
no order to tighten the bolts was given.
Conner,' however, went down, and was about
to tighten them, when an explosion took
place. Eyan himself was then struck with
a heap of stones, and thrown quite a dis
tance. After that he became insensible.
Neither John Miller, nor John Greener was
in Booth & Flinn's employ. Conner, the
other man killed, was the only man in their
Pat Gaxvey and Philip Shea.said they al
ways considered "the dead-cap safe. It had
been used with a 75-pound pressure.
AH those wounded stand a fair chance of
recovery, with the exception of Harry
Eech, the 14-year-oid boy whose skull was
factured, and whose condition is precarious.
Not much could be done at the point
where the explosion took place, as the dead
cap was whirled up Bingham street, struck
the water main, where it joins a fire-plug
near south Eighth street, and the water
filled the trench.
Pittsburg and Allegheny Equestrian Classes.
Ladies and gentlemen wishing to join the
above select afternoon and evening classes
for the season are invited to apply to Dr.
Wall, Exposition Park, Allegheny: tele
phone No. 3061. Each class will be in
structed by an experienced riding master,
whose course of lessons will include high
class riding, school drills and military ex
ercises. Only quiet, gentle and reliable
horses will be used, and every effort made
to secure the comfort, pleasure and safety of
the riders.
Horses will be sent to ladies' residences
when desired. Horses broken to carry
ladies and children safely.
Parties owning their own horses can join
the classes at special rates.
Special classes for beginners and children.
covered ecnools for bad weather.
For references and terms apply as above.
Imported Port.
1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.$3 00
1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 CO
Fine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00
London Dock Port, full quarts , 2 00
Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 50
Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97
Fifth ave.
Which Said Sale Will Dwarf the So-Called "Mark-Downs"
Around Town Just as the Pittsburg Exposition Will
Towe Over All Things of a Previous Nature
Held in This City Before.
Men's Suits, sold before at $8, 10, $12 and $16, will go for $S, $6,
$? 50 and gio only.
Children's One-piece, All-wool Kilts 98c only.
Children's Two-piece Kilts, worth $1 75, $2 and $2 50, you can take
choice for One Dollar only.
Boys' Jersey Suits in Fancy Shades and Stripes, sold now all over
the city, at $4, you can take your choice for $2 25 only.
Boys' Summer Coats at 15c. Boys' Summer Coats and Vests, 75c
and 98c.
Some 2,500 pairs of Children's Pants will be offered at 29c, 39c, 48c,
59c, 65c, 75c, 86c and 98c In no case is any pair worth less than double
the amount.
Again the Unlicensed JL. Si QSm.
James P. Young and Edward P. Hesser
were before Alderman McNulty. of Alle
gheny, yesterday on the same charge as that
. nUl iuUUu ,mcuu uiscnargea
them. Young and Hesser are employes of
Captain Wishart and the Law and Order
League, and have been acting as detectives
without any license except that held by
Captain Wishart. John A. Martin is the
A Flying Horse and a Broken Arm.
John Hartmsn, 9 years old, had his arm
broken yesterday, being thrown from a fly
ing horse in his parents' yard, on Steuben
street, West End. Dr. Kecly attended him.
Stop-Off nt Cresaon Sprints on 'Pennsyl
vania Ballrond Ticket.
The Passenger Department of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company announces that
passengers noiaing nrst-class limited tickets
of any description will be allowed to stop
over at Cresson Springs, during the season,
as long as desired, up to October 31.
In order to avail themselves of this privi
lege, passengers should notify the train
conductor of their intention tn hnlr iha
journey at Cresson, and immediately upon
arrival should deposit their tickets with the
company's agent at Cresson.
This concession is greatly appreciated by
through passengers, as it enables them to
become acquainted with one of the most de
lightful mountain resorts in the country.
All through passenger trains, including the
celebrated New York ana Chicago limited
express, stop at Cresson during the season.
To Osdcn, Salt Lake nnd nailer. Idaho.
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo
Round trip tickets good 30 days at less than
the resular fare one wav. On Ann. on
only. Call early and secure birth Jn Pull
man sleepers, or chairs in reclining chair
cars free of extra charge. For particulars
writp to or call on H. R. Minor, Passenger
Agent Wabash line, corner Seventh avenue
and Smithfield street, Pittsburg. tusu
Fine 8500 Uprlsht Pinno.
A magnificent li octave, upright piano,
with latest improvements, excellent tone and
handsomely carved rosewood case. This in
strument is in perfect order, and willbesold
fully warranted for $200, including cover
and stool. A great bargain at the music
store of J4 M. Hoffiaan & Co., 637 Smith-
ueiu abrcci.
to spoil his plans. In his official report,
made after the raid, Morgan said that the
river was lull of gunboats, and that he
could do nothing on that account, whereas
there was only one lleet on the water to op
pose him.
"Morgan made a desperate attempt to get
into Pomeroy. The people were prepared
for him, however, and among their weapons
was a small cannon, fashioned out of a
queer piece of iron. They loaded this, and
planting it on a hill, succeeded in killing
one of Morgan's men. It caused the rebel
leader much chagrin to think that one of
his soldiers had been silled by such a de
spised weapon.
"Morgan was daily becoming more des
perate, and finally he was brought to bay.
Colonel Hobson was reinforced by General
Shacklebrand, and the union force was now
nearly double that of the rebel leader.
Finally a battle took place near Swan Bar
on the banks of the Ohio. It was in the
morning, and a dense fog hung over the
scene. As we moved up the river with our
boat I noticed some of the rebels drainc
a gun through the bushes for the purpose of
getting a snot at us. 1 notinea tne captain
and a shell was promptly thrown at them.
The frightened soldiers let go the gun and,
as it was on wheels, it rolled into the river.
This was very lucky for.us, as we were only
musket proof, and, had our boilers been
disabled, we would have been in a very
serious plight, as our boat was the only one
which had succeeded in getting over the
bar. -
"Morgan was finally defeated. Three
thousand men surrendered on the field of
battle, and 2,800 head of horses were recov
ered. Morgan eluded capture for tome time
longer, and, although he succeeded person
ally in getting across the river on one occa
sion, he went back, refusing to desert the
major portion of his band. It was only a
question of time, however, and he was fin
ally taken.
"The distance traveled by tbat man, with
an army numbering 0,000, was simplv as
tounding. Inside of six days he must nave
traversed at least COO miles. I do not think
that an army ever made better time under
similar circumstances. Morgan deserves
much credit for the shrewdness, if not for
the purposes, with which he conducted that
That heretofore appeared on
this page of THE DISPATCH
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
this issue.
The Wants, For Sales, To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc
tion Sales, eta, are placed
under their usual headings on
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handed in too late
for Classification will be
found on the Sixth Page.
In beautiful Check, Plaids, Stripes and Broken Check Cheviots quite
a big lot of 'em not many of one style. Some of them were worth $10,
Why, they're awful cheap at the price, but we've only one, two or three
of any one style, .and sooner than carry them we'll let them go for a "V."
The Balance of Our Men's Summer Clothing Sacrificed !
, It'll pay you to buy now, if only to put away for another year.
Of Men's Dress Pants from $18, 20 and $25 Suits, of which we have
sold Coats and Vests. There are no two pair alike, but you can find a
.pair to suit you out of the lot Any pair of pants offered is worth at
least $5, while many are of good value at $6 and even $7. Come and
see them.
This Sale is for This Entire Week ! Everybody Come !
300 to 400
Market street.
K. D. WILT, Lessee and Manager.
Return of the Favorites,
Direct from their Broadway Theater,
Box Office opens Thursday, August IS.
Relievos the Feeling; of Laasltado
So common in midsummer, and imparts vitality.
Also, a double reed Estev rnnn in nr.A
condition for $25.. ' 6
OB to tho Smiiborr.
Take the excursion on the B. & O. B B.
to Atlantic Oily next Thursdav, August 16,
ot the extremely low rate of $10 for the
round trip, tickets good for ten davs:good to
stop at Washington City returning. Trains
will leave depot at 8 a. m. and 920 p. m.
Secure yonr parlor and sleeping car,accom
modations at once.
Ever Opened In This City Can Now be Seen
in Groctzlnger's Window.
Take a look at them when passing along
Fenn avenue.
Once you see them you will not stop there,
hut come in and see the beautiful new styles
in carpets ot all irrades.
Many of the new designs in carpets were
imparted direct by us, and will be found at
no other honse.
Large assortments of oilcloths, linoleums,
corticine, curtain poles, cords and tassels,
apd fancy metal chains lor looping curtains
The cheapest line of nhina mattings west
of New York City.
Edwaed Qroetzinoeb,
. C27 and 629 Penn avenue.
Atlantic City.
Largest and most prominently located hotel
with a new and first-class Restaurant attached.
350 chairs. Open all tbe year. Coacnes to and
from Beach and Trains. Brophy's Orchestra.
on tbe Allegheny river; beautiful loca
tion; lawn tennis and croquet; scenery delight.
f ul; pure air and water; nrst-class accommoda
tions: rates reasonable; 89 miles from Pittsburc
viaA.V.R.R. N. MACKIN, Prop'r. jy2S72-su
A leading hotel in every respect. Beauti
fully situated near the beach. All rooms com
mand an unobstructed view ot tbe ocean. Ap
pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani
tary arrangements perfect. For information
address MORGAN A PARSONS. jelS-35
To Mako Room for Fall Stock
We have cut prices in half. Every dollar's
worth jof summer goods must go. Summer
coats and vests at half cost Summer suits
at less than cost. Summer underwear at a
sacrifice. Straw hats for a mere trifle.
Jackson's, clothiers, tailors, hatters and
furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty st. 8tar
corner. A few custom made suits and pants
left on band to be sold (regardless of de
posits. Pree! Freel "flittsburg and Its
Exposition," a text book With over 100 il
lustrations, free with evfcrr nnrnhuM l
HEHItT WAI.TEB,Propr., Jno. B. Schlossbe,
Manager, late ot Hotel Dnquesne, Pittsburg:
Thomson PJouse, Kane,
2,000 feet above ocean loveL Open all the
tion of sum-
Write for circular.
C. H. KEMP, Prop.
Keech, the popular House Furnisher, has taken it upon
himself to solve the problem, and, if present indications count
for anything, the solution will be -most satisfactory. Keech
has always held that there can be no dull trade where low
prices rule, and never before has the truth of this claim shone
forth as bright and brilliant as at present While other Fur
niture and Carpet Dealers send up their pitiful tales of wail
and woe about poor, almost stagnant business, every day of.
the present month thus far looms tip with increased sales at
Keech's, and this fact is directly and solely attributable to the
liberal reductions that have been made all over the Mammoth
House Furnishing Concern, 923 and 925 Penn avenue.
Thither the people flock to avail themselves of what .unques
tionably is the greatest money saving opportunity ever pre
sented to buyers of Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, House
Furnishing Goods, etc.
If you have any intention at all of furnishing, refurnish
ing or replenishing your; house, take ' our advice and make
your purchases now. If you are not quite ready yet, it will
more than pay you to store the goods away until you want
The biggest 'reductions of all have been made on the
prices of Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Coolers and'
Filters, also Baby Carriages, Mosquito Bars and all such
goods as are sold during the summer season only. Don't
forget, either, that you can buy anything in the house
year, jm ow prepared for tbe rcceoi
mer visitors. Rates. $2 00 per day and from
S7 00 to JU 00 per wcet.
RENOVO. Clinton Co Pennsylvania. 1,200
feet above ocean level. Open all the year.
Now prepared for the reception ot summer
visitors. Rates, tl 00 per day and from 17 OH
to tit 00 per week.
Write for circular.
Jyfr42-MWTSn a H. KEMP. Prop.
The Lenhart Cottage is situated a minute's
walK from boat landing and postofflce. It has
a nicely-shaded beach and lawn, which are
always cool and refreshing. We have a beau
tiful view of the lake from all the rooms in tbe
house. Tbe rates for rooms and board are rea
sonable. For particulars address the proprie
tor. L L LENHART. RmuPniat. rrh-,r,r r
ITor Oash. or on Credit,
Cash' and Credit House, ,
923 and 925- Penn ave'.,
ITeaa? USTixL-tfln. S-bi-eels.
GT Open Saturday Nltfktn tfll 10 o'olook
, aall-f
IN. Y. -aull-atfta