TEE PITTSBTmG- DISPATCH. SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1889. 3; AS M AYENGER Justice Travels Hence to Far Away Hungarians. TWO EUBOPEAN SUBJECTS To be Tried for a Murder Done in Clearfield County. lETTERS ROGATORY FORWARDED. Consul Schamberg- Aids in Bringing Fugitive Huns to TriaL A MESSAGE OF DEATH GOES BY HAIL The eastbound mail train last evening carried a message of death, transmitted lrom the District Attorney of Clearfield county to far distant Hungary. Two lives will pay the penalty of murdering a fellow creature, the package containing letters rogatory, considered complete evidence by the Hun garian courts. The history of the crime for -which two Hungarian subjects stand ac cused is familiar to the readers of The Dis patch. On the 14th of last February the friends of John Leging gathered to celebrate his wedding at a hamlet in Clearfield coun ty. Hilarity lapsed into a free fight, in -which Joseph Loksa received fatal Injuries. The guests scattered hurriedly, two of them fleeing to Sceil vas Uzfalu.Hungary. Andrew Iran and Stefen Toma did not escape the remembrance of the relatives of the mur dered man, and letters passed between the two countries, finally resulting in the arrest of Toma and Ivan by the Hungarian au thorities. They notified Clearfield county through Schamberg. His action in the case had from first to last been based upon his belief that extradition was sensational and cumbersome. The Hungarian authorities offered to try the case against the men, Toma end Ivan, out of a jealous SENSE OF INTERNATIONAL HONOR, thus avoiding the expense and risk of extra dition, and with the further proviso that the evidence would he as carefully weighed there as it before a Clearfield county jury. This handsome offer was accepted by the Clearfield county authorities. After considerable correspondence be tween S. V. "Wilson, District Attorney of Clearfield county, and Consul Max Scham berg, in which the latter repeated with em phasis the motives of honor which had im pelled the Hungarian authorities to under take the trial of their subjects, District At torney "Wilson commenced the preparation of the "Letters Rogatory," as the official documents ars styled. The Clearfield peo ple looked upon the matter in the light of a very considerable sum saved to the county treasury, as the cost of extradition of the two men would have added a great deal to the usual expense of a murder trial. Consul Schamberg received the letters oogatory yesterday morning. They em braced a complete record of the crime, in cluding an attested copy of the indictments found against Toma and Ivan; affidavits of the eye witnesses of the affair; several let ters from Hungary attesting the flight of Toma and Ivan from Clearfield county, and a number of documents in the Hungarian language having a beaming upon the case. BELIEVES THEY AKE CONVICTED. The English portion of the document was translated into Hungarian by Consul Schaniberg's attaches yesterday. After a careful examination of the papers Consul Schamberg said: "The history of the crime is very clearly presented in these documents, and I have attached my official seal to the mass of testimony which constitutes the letters rogatory." "Will the Hungarian courts accept this testimony as final?" was asked. "Oh, yes. The home government of, course accepts my indorsement of the matter, knowing that I hare familiarized myself with the story of the crime. The evidence is so strong that there can be no doubt that Toma and Ivan will be executed. "While the summary administration of Hungarian justice in this case is a sad affair, it show? clearly that the Austro-Hungarian Govern ment is willing to go out of its way to aid in the maintenance of the laws that govern the relations of the two countries." The letters rocatory were mailed last even ing, and will reach their destination in the course of a fortnight. KO CHINESE WALL AFFAIR. Non-Resldcnt Exhibitors Got nn Enrly Cbnnce at the Exposition A Branch Postofflce fechemc. Manager Johnston yesterday made some pointed remarks about the Exposition and those who desire space. He said the directors, in the inception of the enterprise, determined to administer in a liberal 7 ay. They sent blank forms all over the conn try to manufacturers, inviting them to exhibit their products here. "This," said Mr. Johnston, "is not an enterprise exclusively for the people of the city; they cannot expect we can build a Chinese wall to exclude strangers. The de mand for space already greatly exceeds the supply, and we shall have, very reluctantly, to refuse a large number who desire to ex hibit. A novel feature of the exhibition will be a model postoffice, to be exhibited by the Yale Lock Company, of Stamford, Conn. Postmaster Larkin has been consulted with rerard to making it a branch, and it is pre sumed a fully equipped postoffice will be in the Exposition building. THE INFANTRYMEN PICNIC. A Larco Tornlnc Out to do Honor to tho St. Andrews Company. The members of St. Andrews Light In fantry held one of the largest picnics of ihe season at Bock Point yesterday. The com pany is one of the coming military organi zations of the city, and under the command of Captain McCarthy, of the Eighteenth Becinicnt, it is rapidly coming to the front At the picnic were about 2,500 of the best people of Allegheny and Pittsburg. All kinds ot sports and amusements had been provided by the committee. Among the honorary members of the company pres ent were Thomas D. Casey, ot this city; John Sullivan, of the postoffice, and Coun cilman Hannum, of the Ninth ward, Alle gheny. EVERT TWO YEARS. The Ft. Wayne DIcn are Bclnc Examined For Color Blindness. An examination of the eyes and ears of all the employes of the EL "Wayne road was Started last Monday. The inspectors will go over the main line and branches. Up to this time no color blind employe has been lound. It is the custom of the'Ft "Wayne to examine its men every two years. A sim ilar examination will be made on the Pan handle and Pennsylvania, A Sobo Fliltit, There was another row Ast night in the "speak easy" district of Aho. Loud cries for the police could be heajd, but when the officers arrived the fight vfis over, and no body could give any information, FOR FELONIOUS ASSAULT. That I the Choree Mado Acalost a Police man by a Man Whom lie Shot Stories of Both Sides A Bad Case. Officers Shawl and Singer had an ex citing time with several men whom they were attempting to arrest yesterday after noon. The former officer shot at a man and struck him below the hip. The wound is a a painful though not a fatal one; but the bullet could not be extracted. Officer Singer, it is alleged, clubbed his prisoner into submission. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the attention of the -'icers was attracted to James Br it ton an! Peter McGuire, who were annoying pedestrians in the neighbor hood o f 292 Second avenue. The former had a toy Flobert rifle, like those given away with purchases in some of the stores. Officer Shawl threatened to arrest him if he did not put up the tov; but the man paid no atten tion to him. "Shawl then laid hold of Brit ton, when a scuffle ensued, in which the lat ter secured the officer's, mace. According to thestoriesofbystanders,Britton started to run across the street, when the officer called to him to stop. The request was unheeded; the policeman drew his revolver and fired, the bystanders say, three times. The first took enect in Britton's hip, the second struck a bystander on the top of the left car, and the third went in the air. The man struck on the ear is a "Welshman, and resides on the Southside. He left word at the scene of the shooting that he would be at the hearing this morning to testify. At the Central station several officials denied that there had been any shooting at all, though a charge was made to Inspector McAleese that Shawl was under the influ ence of liquor when he shot. Upon being shot, Britton was removed to his home in the rear of 292 Second avenue, where two physicians probed for the bullet, but could not find it. The Homeopathic Hospital ambulance was sent after ihe man; but his family objected to his removal. His father, it is claimed, is occupying a bed next to him, in a dying condition. Britton's brother went before Alderman O'Donnell last night and swore ont a war rant for Shawl's arrest, charging him with felonious assault. Inspector McAleese went bail for the officer, and he was not locked up. Pete McGuire. who was beaten by officer Singer, is a well known character, and lives near the spot where arrested. He was frenzied by one of the officers calling him a thief, and saying he had always been a thief. At this the prisoner refused to go. Officer Shawl denies the statement of the bystanders and said: "I went up to Britton and told him to pnt away the gun he was snapping at peo ple. He refused to do it, and said no-policeman could arrest him. I told him if he tried any crooked work I would shoot him, intending to scare him. He replied, 'Oh, I can shoot as quick as you.' At the same time he put his right band back to his hip, and, thinking he was going to shoot me, I fired at him. The bullet hit him in the leg, and made only a flesh wound." FAVORABLE TOJ ANN EXATION. A Portion of Canada Which Hlshlr Honored a Pittsburg Lawyer. "William A. Golden, Esq., of the Pitts burg bar, International Secretary of the Emerald Beneficial and Literary Associa tion, returned borne yesterday from nearly a week's sojourn with his family in North western New York and the Ontario penin sula. On Tuesday last he was the honored guest of the Canadian department of his order in a monster street demonstration and reunion of its Dominion branches and their friends at Merritton, adjoining St Cath arine's, which was participated in by a dozen of the most prominent clergymen of the Toronto archdiocese, including Very Rev. E. P. Kooney, rector of St. Mary's Church, and "Very Bev. J. M. Laurent, rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, that city, administrators of the vacant See; Very Bev. Dean "W. B. Harris, of St Catharine's; Bev. Pierre Gagnon, of the faculty of the University of Ottawa; Rev. L. A..H Al lain, of Merritton, and the Carmelite Fathers Anastasius Kreutz, Dominic 0'Meaghliraand Paul Byan, well known in this city. Mr. Golden found quite a general incli nation among the people of that section of the Dominion toward political annexation with the United States. HOTEL BEATS. A St. Lonls Man Does Up the 9Ion. House for a Few Days' Board. One of the clerks of the Monongahela House, with a disgusted look on his face, leaned over the counter yesterday and re marked to a reporter that a fellow from St Louis had beaten the hotel for a few days' board. "Such a thing," he continued, "seldom happens, but when it does it always ma'kes me feel mean to think that I would allow a man to work the house. It doesn't pay to beat a hotel. Descriptions of such men are sent around to all the houses, and the clerks keep a sharp lookout for them." "When he had expressed his candid opinion of dead beats, the clerk said: "It is sur prising how often a gnest will ask what lime a train leaves. He will never inquire of the same clerk twice, but if there are ten of them behind a desk as a general rule he will ask everyone of them. I suppose peo ple are anxious to get away, and are afraid 'of having any mistakes made. They are not satisfied with the statement of one or two men, bnt if they can get a half dozen people to confirm it they finally come to be lieve that the first clerk who told them the train would leave at 5 o'clock'in the after noon was right" 1 A MARKET HOUSE GALLERY. Scheme, to Dispose of Allegheny Sidewalk Vender Xnlsnncc. An Allegheny official has fathered a scheme to remove from the sidewalks about the market house the army of small .vend ers which obstructs the passage of pedestri ans on market days and makes it a work of great difficulty to reach the inside of the building. His idea is to utilize th'e interior of the building for a gallery, upon which the small wares may be sold. Bunning clear around the building are a series of iron posts amply strong enough to sustain a' substantial gal lery, and there is said to be enough space in the' way of heighth. Steps and approaches could be easily put in, and the lower floor thus relieved of a large number of huck sters. The plan will . be presented at the next meeting of the Market Committee. A COMING MEETING. An Attempt Will be Made to Federate the Rallwny Brotherhoods. The engineers, brakemen, firemen and switchmen of the four brotherhoods of the country expect to meet in Pittsburg some time in the latter part of September, for the purpose of forming the Supreme Council of the United Order of Hallway Employes. The object is the federation or the lour brotherhoods, a plan which has been dis cussed for sometime, and is liable to be con summated. Bepresentatives erf all the brotherhoods from every part of the United States will attend, if the reports are true. Still Another One Chartered. A charter has been granted to the Hiland Avenue Street Bailway Company, with a capital of 521,000, to construct a line from Frankstown avenue along Broad street, thence to Et Clair street, and along Crom well street, thence to Euclid street, taking the same route back. John F. Steele owns 380 shares of stock, James Carothers, "W. J. Smith, A. M. Keeper and John M. Ander son 10 shares each. .Dn. B. M. Hanka. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Pens street, Pittsburg, Pa. S&sn RULE OR RUIN RIOTS. Foreign Coke Workers Murderously Assault Hen at Work AND DAMAGE LOTS 'OF PROPERTY. Two Tery Ugly Outbreaks at tho' United and Hecla "Works. THE SHERIFF COMES TO THE CALL. A neatly-dressed, mild-mannered gentle man possibly, from his appearance, a bookkeeper or agent of one of the firms operating in the coke regions came into this office la3t evening and said: "I am no striker not even a manual laborer or a trades union "man "but I took a passive part in a riot to-day; carried a club and kept' in the midst of the mob; all be cause I simply had to. It was a coke workers' riot an ugly affair before they gat through with it" The gentleman Vent on to explain that he was connected with one of the coke firms; that he was at Calumet yesterday forenoon; that a mob of 200 or mora Hungarians was formed there; that he was told to pick up a good big club and join, or take the conse quences, and that he avoided the latter. The mob was formed, it seems, because the men at several of the works had, of their own free will, accepted the 12 per cent ad vance in wages agreed upon three days ago, and resumed work before the notices could be posted or the Huns be gotten together to resume at other works. Those still idle persisted in believing there MUST BE SOMETHING "WRONG in the others resuming, and made up their minds to stop it Hence the formation of the Calumet mob shortly before noon. The gentleman's own short story of the rioting that followed mav safely and properly be given, without his name, for he was in'the midst Of it, carrying a club, as he had to, and saw everything: "The infuriated foreign workmen from Calumet were soon joined by about 250 others from Mammoth, and proceeded to the works at'United, Hecla and Mutual to stop the men who had at those places re sumed work. I had to go with them to United and what I saw was rough in the extreme. They assaulted two ash-carl driv-. ers, beat them over the heads till they were all but unconscious, and almost killed the stable boss. I picked him up, and went to assist him dome; but they made me quit They smashed all the windows in the build ings here and all the oven doors, and then marched on, 300 or 400 strong, to Thaw & Dorsey's Hecla works, where they raised the worst and most damaging riot of the lot I know about what the results at Hecla are; but if, as you say, you already have the story of an eye-witness from there, you'd better take up his account just here, where mine leaves off. I was told the manager at me united nad sent tor the militia. Before the arrival of the gentleman who spoke as above, another, a professional man, had come into this office to tell of what he had seen at Hecla. It is obvious why nei ther nis name nor mat ot tne otner miorm ant can be published neither of them feels that he would again dare to venture into the region. The story of the gentleman from Hecla follows in its order: THE STORY FROM HECLA. "The men who came over from Morewood all foreigners, and mostly Hungarians drove over 500 men from the Hecla "Works, shut off the steam in the engine, clubbed Chief Engineer Jack Green away and nearly killed him. They were, all armed with clubs ana coke slats, and Green was beaten over the head and all cut up. Two others were also dreadfully injured one, the blacksmith at the works, and, the other a yardman. Then the rioters broke the engine valve, which stopped the cars rnnning up and down the shaft, and began flooding the mine with water. Three men in the mine, to escape with their lives, had to ascend the shaft on ladders. As they did so, one by one, they no sooner got away from death by drowning in the mine than they were belabored by the rioters until laid aside, helpless. The mob threw all the larries ofl the tracks, dumped a bale of hay and a lot of wheelbarrows down the mine shaft and choked it effectually for at least a week to come, smashed windows, broke oven doors and finally cleared out, leaving evi dences of the worst two hours' work I have seen in a long while. "You want to know the cause of all this? "Well, the 12 per cent advance had not yet been given or conceded at Morewood, and the foreigners wouldn't passively let any other works enjoy it or its fruits." AS TOLD BY WIRE. Westmoreland's Eherlfl Responds to a Call now the Hans and Other Foreigners Scattered Before He Came. The story of these ugly outbreaks, as it comes from the coke regions, is told in special telegrams received at midnight From Greensburg comes this one, telling about tne Hecla riot: -- This afternoon, abont 3 o'clock, a desperate riot was inaugurated at the Hecja Coke 'Works. The miners and drivers at the Mammoth works, owned by J. W. Moore, organized a mob numbering 100 or 500 men. They pro ceeded to Fisherdale and then to United, and at each place they compelled the workmen to join them, and going to the Heel works ot "William Thaw, war wa. opened up on the workmen" there. There were then in the mob about 700 men. The men at work were set upon by the infuriated mob, and some of them were terribly beaten. The wagons were thrown down the shaft Three men coming up in a cage were strnckby one of tbo wagons, and they were all, seriously hurt One of them bad a pick driven through his shoulder; another was in jured about the bead, and both will die. The larries were thrown from the tracks a distance of GO feet and broken to pieces. The buildings were attacked and tbe windows broken, and men, women and children fled for their lives. Word was sent here to tbe Sheriff calling for assistance. Deputies were dispatched to the scene, bnt when they had arrived there the men bad cooled down considerably. The dam age to the propertyls great , The mob was composed of Huns, Italians and Americans. All the men at the works in that neighborhood went to work this morning, except the ones at Mammoth, and the refusal pi J. W. Moore to pay the advance caused the men to .inaugurate the war. Tbe stable boss at Mammoth was set upon bva partyof Huns and beaten until nearly dead. J. W. Moore said to-night that he could not possiblr pay tbe ad vance. "Unless the price of coke advances, to run under the new schedule of prices would bo to lose money," said he. Then there was this special from Connells ville, giving later details: When tbe Sheriff and his posse went to Moycr this afternoon to arrest th6 rioting nuns, the"y found none in sight The posse, however, surrounded the. houses in the valley and intended to arrest every Hun in the houses. They found but two. They were placed under guard at Squire Murphy's office. The posse then went up the bill and arrested two more. Word was received that Huns, to tbe number of 150, were entrenched behind a stone fence, armed with pistols, knives and cinbs;were awaiting the coming of the officers. The men separated and surrounded the unruly for eigners. When they came within 75 yards of the Hans, firo was opened upon the officers. It was returned promptly, and the Huns broke and ran. Noocowashurtoneltherside. Sheriff Miller collected his men and formed a plan of action. Tbe Huns were meantime out of sight and the officers started toward Mor gan station, where it was learned the Huns bad collected. On tbe way throngb fields and over bills, tho posse was fired upon several times by hiding Huns. When the men arrived at Morgan station they found the Huns in their rendezvous, the souphouse. After parleying a whilo some of the rioters came out and fired upon tbe officers, who were on a bluff overlooking the house. At this time it cannot be learned it any person in either party was injured. They were still flcbtlnc at the last report . The Huns are well armed with revolvers and knives and some hare muskets, Tney are de termined to resist arrest and considerable trouble is anticipated in dlelodglng them from their stronghold. A. C. Duncan, the officer assaulted by the Huns this morning, was badly cut about tho face by the stones thrown by tho rioters. The bone in one of his legs was almost broken by a large club wielded by one of the Huns. "Neither Sbrum nor Franks, the other officers, were injured. No cause can bo assigned for the action ot tha Hungarians in. first assaulting tbe work men at Coalbrook. After the scale had been fixed at the conference at Everson, tbe matter was Interpreted to them, and they appeared perfectly willing to resume work, but no sooner had the English-speaking miners started to wurjt taan tne xiungs oroke out. aucj uavu been drinking all the time during the strike, and. to-day when they resisted arrest by the posse were wild with liquor. The four Huns arrested al Mover were taken to Uniontown this evening. They acted as if they expected to be rescued by their countrymen, bdt were easy to control until just before boarding the train. Tbey then attempted to escape, ana very neany succewucu, u mu guard was not large.- Another correspondent from Scottdale gives an account of the trouble atMoyer and the Morgan works as he obtained it His telegram follows: From information just received, which is be lieved reliable, tho following Is a correct state ment o f the trouble as tar as can be learned: The Hungarians at Mover Works, of W. J. Bainey. heard that the Fort Hill Works, of the same company, were working, and tbey started in a body to take them out, not having under stood that the strike was settled on their route. When they came to the Morgan plant of the H. U. Fnck Coke Company where the men had resumed work, the men of the Morgan works as soon as they discovered them approaching 'fled In fright. Some of the men, it is reported, were roughly bandied, and tho sheriff was wired for. He arrived on the scene this after noon and the Informant states was industrious ly engaged in searching the soup house, a some what notorious resort for Huns at Sherricks station, for tbe offenders, but the reports of his being routed with bis force and badly beaten lack confirmation. From what can be learned tbe report of riot at Mover station arose from tbe fact of tho township constable attempting to arrest some linns for alleged liquor selling at that place, and was roughly bandied, but this had no con nection with tbe strike. . A large meeting of tho Standard miners was held at Mr. Pleasant to-day. Resolutions wero passed condemning the riotous actions of the Huns at Bessemer and Alice yesterday, and they voted to a man to resume work on Mon day morning. Tbe Central employers also held a like meeting, and took this same action. Applications hive been re ceived by tho organizers of the K. of L. here to organize over 30 new assemblies of the order in the coke reeion, but according to tbe laws of the order it cannot be done while any trouble exists at any works in tbe region. It is safe to predict an increase ot 4,000 mem bers to National Trades Assembly 135 in the next CO days, ' Q0IET AT KEATING. Carrie Furnace Strikers Are Qnlte Peace able Now The True Story of Friday's Disturbance. A trip was made to Keating station on the B. & O. line yesterday evening to as certain the true state of affairs at the Car rie furnace. There was no sign of disturb ance in the neighborhood, and the deputy sheriffs were smoking on the porch of their shanty. They reported a complete cessa tion ot hostilities. The affair has resolved itself into an ordinary strike, and as soon as the men get their price they will go to work again. Several of the men were seen, and all at tacked the sub-sheriffs bitterly, blaming them for Friday's disturbance. It is said that when the names of tbe rioters were called, each man stepped forward without hesitation and gave himself up; but only on the strict understanding that he was to be tried in his own township, the officers agreeing to bring them before 'Squire Laury, who lives on the outskirts of Brad- uock. v nen the party reached the Squire's office the officers asked the men to go Up to Braddock- and have a drink. Ihey firoceeded to a saloon and there the men got nto a semi-intoxicated condition, the of ficers paying for everything that was drink, and encouraging the prisoners to drink. Then they announced their real intentbns, and brought the men to the railway station. Some lookers-on cried out to the prisoners that they were being bamboozled. Theoris oners, considering themselves aggrieved, made an attempt to get free. Hencc(the riot The house of George Morrison, near 'Squire Laury's, where several of the pris oners boarded, was visited. Mr. Morrison says he offered to bail two of the prisoners day before yesterday, but was refused. He then journeyed to Pittsburg, where he re newed his 6ffer yesterday morning and was again refused. He claims an at tempt was made to implicate him in the riot, and a warrant was drawn up for his arrest He, however, beat a re treat The men complain of the sensational stories published in the evening papers about their hostile intentions. No one was prevented Yrqm going near the furnace, though some were questioned as to their business in a civil manner. BELIEF THAT WAS TI2IELY. A Report of What tho Newspaper Train Took to Johnstown. Messrs. Charles Houston and Joseph T. Kevin, the committee that took charge of the press relief train, which was one of the very first to carry an appreciable quantity of provisions into Johnstown after the horror, have just completed their report and settled up all accounts in connection there with, showing how very timely the relief in that line and at that time was. The fund was contributed in equal amounts by Pitts burg's seven English dailies. Among other things the report shows: The cars that were sent out Dy the dally papers contained the following: Fifteen bar rels of butter crackers, C93 pounds; 7 barrels soda cracken, Z5 pounds; 15 barrels water crackers, 878 pounds: 8 barrels Boston crackers, 395 pounds, bought from Thomas R. Herd fc Co.: 1,02) pounds soda biscuit, G79 pounds water crackers, 184 pounds toast 95 pounds butter crackers, 131 pounds Saratoga biscuit and 37 pounds milk biscuit boucht from A. It Speer & Co.; 927JJ pounds New York water crackers, 737 pounds soda crackers, 773 pounds tea cakes, bought of E. Jilaginn; 812 pounds soda craskcrs, 7S2 pounds water crackeis, 703 pounds butter crackers, and 98 pounds tea cakes, bought of James McClprg & 'Co.; 50 boxes containing 1,753 pounds of Ohio cheese, 60 boxes of canned corn beef 15 boxes chipped beef, and 25 boxes Keystone salmon (canned), bought from Arbnckle fc Co.; water crackers, soda biscuit, bread and butter cakes, 2.159 pounds, bought pf 8. S. Marvin A Co , a total of 11,131 pounds of bread and crackers, and almost a ton ot canned meats. THE SNAKE AND THE SLEEFEE. A Postoffice Messenger, Wears a Scar and Tells All Abont It. A messenger in the Allegheny Postoffice bobs up with a genuine and well-authenticated snake story genuine because the boy has the snake-bite to show. Torrance Ky feldt, pne of the special delivery boys, was given a 15-day vacation last Monday, which he proceeded to enjoy at Introbe. "While reclining in the grass, half asleep, Tor rance felt a savage bite on his face, just be lowthe left car. Springing up he saw a black-snake in the grass near him. Like any well-regulated messenger boy, Tor rance travels with a pistol. Hastily pull ing it out, he fired at his snakeship. The shot infuriated the "pesky varmint, ".and he wriggled toward Torrance, who fired once more, the second shot doing the busi ness. Mr. Snake measured sir feet long, which is doing pretty well for an ordinary every day black-s5ake.t The boy rushed to a local doctor, who applied remedies which averted whatever danger lay in the bite. Tne youngster is now nursing his bite at his home in Pleasant Valley. WANTS TO LEAYE HOME. Kattle lions Alleges That Her Fcther Drove Her Out of Doors. Earl last evening a girl about 9 years of age wandered into the Allegheny Mayor's office. She gave her name as Kattie Long, aiirt B!lM film IIvaiI nn Williams atw.l CUk ...... .v w ....- .. ......u... anw mi. claimed that her father drove her from orac, out tne latner, wno called later, said that she ran away. The girl wanted to go to the Little Sisters of the Poor, and the at tention of Agent OM3rien will be called to the matter. ,, ., , BEEAKEESAEENEAK. Complications Threatened in Library Hall Mortgage. That A. TALE OF THE TWO COMPANIES. Will a Sheriff's Sale Givo an Unencumbered Title to the Buyer? SDFP0SED STATUS OF TflE T. M. M. L. AM.I Said a gentleman yesterday: "There is an interesting question connected with the attempt to sell Library Hall on a mortgage. I don't believe it can be done and I think the purchaser will bay subject to a perpetual lease by the Young Men's Mercantile Li brary and Mechanics' Institute. Go and see the law published in 1860, page 811, Acts of Assembly." S. M. Baymond, Esq., pulled down the volume required, but remarked 'when he looked over the act that so far as anything in it was concerned, he could not see why the buildings might not be sold on the mortgage. An act passed in 1859 provides that said build ing, when completed and ready for use, shall, with tbe ground aforesaid, be perpetually leased to the Young Men's Mercantile Library Company and Mechanics' Institute, on tbe fol lowing terms, viz.: Tho Young Men's Mercan tile Library and Mechanics' Institute sball pay to the corporation hereby created, on, or before tho first day of January in each year, all neces sary repairs and taxes to which said grounds and buildings may be subjected, and In addi tion thereto a'sum not over 6 per cent per annum on the whole cost of said ground and boilding, or such part thereof as shall not have been repaired by the slid Mercantile Library Company, to tho corporation hereby created, and in consideration of the payment of the before mentioned, taxes, repairs and interest tho Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Iustl stitute shall forever havo entire POSSESSION AND CONTEOL of said grounds and buildings erected thereon, and shall havo power to sub-let tbe whole or any portion thereof, and collect the rent and revenues, and mako appropriation of the same; provided, nevertheless, that whatever rents and revenues they may receive over and above the amount of the taxes and interest and repairs shall be paid to tho corporation hereby created, to reimburse tbe same for the cost of tbe ground and buildings. And provided further, that if tbe Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Institute sball at any time be in arrears for two whole years' taxes; repairs and interest then tbey shall forfeit their lease aforesaid and the corporation mar, after six months' notice to President and Managers, take possession of the aforesaid groun and buildings: In that event tho corporation hereby created shall annually Jay to the Mercantile .Library aad Mechanics' nstitnte such proportion of the net revenue from the aforesaid ground and buildings, as the amount paid by the Mercantile Library and Mechanics' institute, toward tne reimburse ment of the cost of the ground and bulldines, sball be to tbe whole cost thereof, and in case of sale of the whole or any part thereof tbe said Mercantile UDrary ana mecnames- insti tute shall be entitled to a like proportion of the proceeds of sale. Section 5. That on or before tbe completion of said buildings, tbe corporation hereby cre ated shall covenant. etc.v with tbe Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Institute, to convey to said corporation all the right, etc., hereby cre ated in the ground and buildings aforesaid, so soon as the Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Institute sball have reimbursed tbe corpora tion thereby created, its cash outlay for ground and buildings. TEOVISIOlf S OP THE FIEST ACT. The gentleman who first spoke said: "The original act of 1849 provides for a home for a library and the diffusion of public educa tion. A time came when the Young Men's Mercantile Library Company did not find it expedient to assume the obligation: to pay G per cent etc., spoken of above. It didn't earn it The Library Hall Company and the Young Men's Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Institute are separate organiz ations, and the question that arises is what legal action is there that can relieve the hall company from its . chartered obligations to provide a home for a library and the diffusion ot public education? There is a reference in the minutes of a meeting held in February, 1871, to an agee ment made or proposed to be made between the two companies. I have heard it said the agreement wad that the Hall Company was to manage the buildings as trustee for the Young Men's Mercantile Library Com pany. This agreement was subject to rati fication by the stockholders. I do not know whether it ever was or was not ratified. The only thing I could find was a minute that such an arrangement had been agreed upon. A3 TO POWER TO BOKEO-W. ' 'The original company was only allowed to borrow to tbe extent of its capital stock which was $104,000. It borrowed from the Sanitary Fair fund, from the "West Penn Hospital and this mortgage of $30,000 is certainly in excess of what it was originally allowed to borrow and this is the one that is being foreclosed. There is a question in my mind as to whether the Hall Company had a right to give a third mortgage. The two companies act independently of each other. I think the Young Men's Mercantile Li brary Company can Btay these notwith standing the sale by the Sheriff." Continuing the search another member was found who said he believed some people were made trustees and that they acted with out authority and never made a report, as he held that the loan could not be made without the approval of the Library Association, and he said ,the third loan was illegal be cause .it exceeded the amount of indebted ness allowed $10,000. He supposed, how ever, that equity might enforce payment up to the amount allowed by legislative enact ment. He further said the lines were re-t laxed in the days when the Legislature was untrammeled and did legislative job work for any one who wanted it and was willing to pay for it He said he didn't know of any improper influences to get tne limit ex tended, in fact didn't believe there were THINKS T MIGHT PAT. This gentleman made an arithmetical cal culation to show that he could rent the building so as to make it more than self supporting, and rather more than half inti mated that the management hadn't em ployed its talent, or talents, to the best pos sible advantage, possible as tbe taxes were light on account of the character of the in stitution. He thought Mr. Brunot might possibly be partly submersed in the soup. Still another member of the Mercantile Library Association said: "There will be quite a story in this matter when those who are working it up are through, but I don't feel like saying anything at present" Prom all that can be learned some inter esting information may be expected by and by, but for reasons best known to themselves nearly all the people interviewed Refused to tell all they knew, and made it a condition precedent to talking that their names should not be used. HE DID NOT GETAWAY. A Wife Kips a Desertion Scheme In tbe Bad aad Jails Her Husband. Elizabeth Brughes entered a charge of desertion against her husband, before Alderman O'Donnell yesterday, alleging she had discovered a letter in'his possession which gave evidence to show that he in tended leaving for Germany without her knowledge. The husband had not been seen since the discovery of the letter until yesterday, he was arrested. . H0BE HONEY FOR YELDELL. The Meeting To-Morrow Night l'rpmlsesto be a Bis One. The news from South Carolina yesterday caused the Pittsburg friends of E. F. Flcmon (or John Yeldell) to redouble their efforts in his behalf. They believe the meeting at Lafayette Hall to-morrow evening will be influential and largely attended. Treasurer "Washington received a number of addi tional contributions yesterday. ' c 'AS AN EDUCATOR. The Sisters of Merer Adopt the Phonograph In Their School Mistakes Mado Glaring A Johnstown Stntne. A party of Pittsburgers left yesterday morning for St Joseph's Academy at Seton Hill, near Greensburg. The party had been invited by the superioress of the academy, which is conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, to witness a test or the phonograph in edu cational work. The party listened only to the test by three members of the reading class who ore spend ing their vacation in the academy. Each boy read into the receiver some choice selec tion, and then their utterances were in turn ground ont The boys readily discovered the mistakes they had made. One boy tried to repudiate a rendition, but the record beat him. He would not believe that he had read the stuff in the manner ground out until he was convinced by the bystanders. Sister Inez conducted the test This is the lady whose ability in an examination for a teacher's certificate was so marked that Superintendent Luckey highly compli mented her. The Sisters propose to use the phonograph in elocution; music, both vocal and instru mental; tinging, and extempore speaking. The phonograph seemed to magnify defects, so much so that where perfection and beauty passed almost unnoticed, the defects became glaring. It will be a study to the acoustic sharp to explain why one does not recognize his own voice and unmercifully criticises it as it comes from the phono graph. It is said to be due to the loss of certain harmonies in the phonograph. The visitors spent a few moments in ex amining the academy buildings and grounds. The academy proper is a massive brick building, and is undoubtedly the most handsome structure in "Westmoreland county. Handsome statues, donated by Fathers G. 6. Grace and James Cosgjave, adorn the ground. In the art gallery is the statue which was saved from the Sisters' building in Johnstown, when the flood came upon them. There are also a number of pictures in the gallery, which had been. painted by Johnstown pupils wno went down in the flood. A LIVELY SKIRMISH. Potton Embezzled 81.380.17 From the Sovereigns of Industry. Probably the liveliest meeting in the history of the Grand Council of the Inde pendent Sovereigns of Industry was held last evening in the Moorhead Building, Second avenue and Grant street The at tendance was large and there was a con tinual fight from the beginning to the end of the session. The fight started over the representatives of Southside Council No. 7 and Economy Council Ko. 13. The officers of these councils had not been installed by the Grand President, and he decided that their representatives were not entitled to a vote in tbe grand body. He admitted that Econo my Council bad notified him when their officers were elected, but he forgot to attend the meeting to install them. He claimed Southside Council had not notified him. The fight was long and warm, as the law does not provide that the Grand President shall be notified. The representatives were allowed to remain. The next fightrwas a short one, and re sulted in an indefinite postponement of the consideration of the proposed new general law, which was claimed to have been pre sented in the interest of the grand officers. The Grand Secretary, D. B. "Wood, re signed his office, and Samuel Harper was elected to fill the unexpired term. "William Anschutz was elected Grand Treasurer in place of J. "W. Patton. who mysteriously disappeared about two months ago. A board of seven Grand Trustees was electedand the bonds of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer were fixed at $1,000 and $2,000 respectively. The Grand Secretary's report for the last quarter shows a total member ship of 7,688, an increase of 653, with coun cils to hear from. The financial report shows that tbe amount taken by Grand Treasurer Patton was ?1,3S0 17. The re ceipts for the lastquarter were $304 43. The check for $500 voted for the Johnstown sufferers, which remains unpaid owing to the embezzling of the funds by Grand Treas urer Patton, will be made good. WILLING TO COMPROMISE. The Owners of tho Carrie Furnace Offer Their Men nn Advance. The owners of the Carrie Furnace have made overtures to the strikers to settle the matter; but the employes say it is a scheme to catch them, and refuse. The company agrees to pay the men on Ko. 1 furnace what they ask, but says nothing about Ko. 2 fur nace. The latter is a new one, and has a 20 foot bosh, while the other has but an 18-foot bosh. The one scale cannot in justice be a fj plied to' both furnaces. The men are determined and say they will allow no one to go to work until an agree ment about both furnaces is made. They offered no resistance to the arrest of some of the strikers yesterday, and declare they will not interfere with the law. Their con dition, they declare, has made them desper ate, and they will not brook outside inter ference. TWO SLY RUNAWAYS. ' They are Caught at the Union Depot, bnt Manage to Escnpe. Two small boys, Harry Singer and John Connor, of Altoona, aged respectively 7 and 9 years, ran away from their homes and 'came to Pittsburg. Connor's father tele graphed Officer Harrison, and he caught them when they arrived. The boys promised to remain in the depot f until the officer could hear from Altoona, but while he was calling out a train, the boys managed to slip away. The police de partment was notified to look for them. , WATCHING FOR THE WATCH. A Blaomfleld Lady Pnt Up S20 for a Ticker She Did Not Get. Mrs. Mary He Hoy, of Bloomfield, claims to have been swindled out of $20 by a man who said he .represented a jewelry firm of Baltimore. The man called on her and se cured the money, promising to have a watch sent her in a week. Two weeks have elapsed since the visit,and nothing has been heard of the man or watch. FEMININE TRAIN JUMPERS. Two Young Ladles Jnmp Off a Train Mot - Ins Hapldly. As a picnic train was drawing out of the Fort "Wayne depot on its return trip, about 10 o'clock last night, two young ladies jumped from it while it was going at a lively rate. One alighted all right, but the other was thrown down near the wheels, though she escaped with a severe shak ing up. ON LINDEN'S HEIGHTS. A Demented Man Found Wnndcrlng About the TlaceLastKlght. Officer Mess found Robert Mulligan, a demented man, wandering about Linden grove last night. "When arrested he had his hat, coat, and shoes off. His head had two ugly scalp wounds, which had been dressed. - -- Are Yon Gslng Weslf The Union Pacific Bailroad is unequaled in time and accommodations to Denver, Colorado Springs and other Colorado points; Cheyenie, Rawlins and Laramie, AVyo.; Helena and Butte, Mon., Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, San Francisco and other California points; Portland and Salem, Oregon; Tacoma. Seattle, "Walla'TValia and other points in the Northwest. For rates of fare, maps, etc., call upon or address H. E. Passavant or Thos. -S. Spear. T. F. & P. i-As'ta, 400 'Wood ., Pittsburg, Pa. AGITATING FOR A P.O. Alleghenians Again Clamoring for a Government Building, APPEAL TO CONGRESSMAH BATHE. An Annual Business of Haifa Million Used as an Argument, MAYOR PEARSON MOTES IN THE MATTER The long-dormant scheme of a new Gov ernment building for Allegheny City has taken new life within the last few days. Mayor Pearson, in response to urgent re quests from prominent citizens, will wait upon Colonel Thos. M. Bayne on Monday for the purpose of consulting with tbe rep resentative of the Allegheny district in Congress as to the proper step to be taken to secure concerted action upon the matter prior to the meeting of Congress in October next. It is confidently believed by Alleghenians that the Bayne-Qnay coalition will have enough influence with the Congressional Committee on Appropriations to secure a sum amply adequate for the proper pro vision of a Government bnilding befitting the importance ot Allegheny as a city and as a postal branch oi the United States mail service. Mayor Pearson has been requested to call a public meeting to consider the situation, but stated last night that he had decided to consult Colonel Bayne before taking any action, as the upholding of Artemus "Ward's ideas about ''the old flag and an appropriation' has from time im memorial been one of the constituent cares of the local Congressman. It is certain, however, that an active reagitation of the question will be begun within a few days. Of the former efforts in this line, the work of a special committee appointed jointly by Mayor Pearson and City Councils in the early part of last year, was the most ener getic, and it is believed that failure to secure an appropriation was only due to the facts that the administration was Demo cratic, and that Hon. S. J. Bandall, chair man of the Committee on Appropriations in the last Congress, WAS ILX, AND ABSENT from "Washington at the time of the Alle gheny committee's visit to tbe capital to urge the expediency of an appropriation. The committee of last year embraced the cream of Allegheny business men. Mr. John H. Hampton was chairman, and Rob en Dilworth was secretary, and a consider able amount of enthusiasm was engendered at the several'meetings. Among those who went to "Washington to urge Allegheny's claims were the following gentlemen: Post master Swan, James B. Scott, James L. Graham, Samuel "Watson, M. Harman, Arthur .Kennedy, John A. Myler, . "v erthsimer, James McFarland, "W. D. Moore, Julius Groetzinger, "William S. McKinney, and the late William Semple and James E. Crow. So certain was the public that some tangible result would be attained, that a very heated controversy arose as to the most expedient site for th'e new building, bflt the refusal of Congress to make an appropriation put a damper upon the project Mayor Pearson was seen last night, and said: '"The city not only needs the 41x30 room in which the postoffice has been locat ed for the past 25 years, but the citizens feel THAT IT IS HIGH TIME that a change for the better be made. At the time the former memorial to Congress was prepared by the special committee the statement made by Postmaster Swan showed the Allegheny postoffice yielded a net revenue Of$32tOOu porAnnumf-tlia irnxzaill''bvi-. ness ot $450,000 in round numbers was done, and that every postoffice inspector who had examined tbe postoffice during the last 12 years had professed astonishment at the amount of business crowded into the small space. A most convincing array of statistics was presented regarding the general growth of Allegheny City, unlortunately without weight in the eyes of a Democratic na tional administration. It is now generally felt that the Republican administration should be urged to give to Allegheny a building commensurate with her needs. Postmaster Swan stated to me the other day that the postoffice wonld do a business far in excess of $500,000 in the. current year. There are so many arguments in favor of a Government building, and the possibility of a successful ending of a popular move ment for it is now so promising that I hope to stir up a feeling which will result in success. Colonel Bayne is now and always has been heartily in lavor of the plan.nd I shall see him next Monday at his summer residence in Bellevue and secure his valu able co-operation." WAERIKG STREET RAILWAYS. The Pleasant Taller and the Transverse People Taking: a Bonnd. Once more the Pleasant Valley Street Bailway Company looms to the front in a quarrel with another road. , This time they are reported to be at loggerheads with the Transverse line. Some time ago the Pleasant Valley began laying tracks along Duquesne way from the Ninth toward the Seventh street bridge. Friday night work was completed on ,a switch connecting the Pleasant Valley lines with the tracks of the Transverse on Seventh street Hereafter the Pleasant Valley cars will travel from Ninth street and Duquesne way, along the latter thoroughfare, to Sev enth street, to Sixth avenue, to Smithfield, Fifth avenue, baek Sown Smithfield to Sev enth avenue, to Liberty street and Ninth street The Transverse Company are very indig nant over what they term a hypocritical in fringement on -their rights. Legal redress will probably be sought It is said that the tracks on which the Pleasant Valley cars will run from the corner of Smithfield street and Sixth avenue, to the south end of Seventh street bridge are owned by the Transverse Company and that the former companv onlv pay a yearly rental for the use of them." It is also stated that the Pleasant Vallev company has no legal right whatever to utilize Duquesne way. EYE. EAR, NdSE AND THROAT. Dr. Sadler, 804 Penn Avenae, Pittsburg. The most reliable person to consult, Be cause: He is thoroughly educated in general medicine. .... Because: He has had, the largest experi ence in his specialties of any man west of the mountains. . Became: His reputation depends upon the satisfaction of those who have experienced his results, not influence through percent-, ages. Because: He is not afraid to have results investigated and compared with the best anvwhere. Because: He gives you thorough examina tion and reliable opinion of your curability, before yon begin treatment. Because: He gives his personal attention to every case. Because: Ho gives the least possible pain in all treatments. . BecausetTHe does not experiment Because: Your circumstances govern his charges. No fltnlrs to Climb. The Standard Photo Art Company will make one-half dozen of their finest photos of anybody for $1. Mothers, bring tha children, as these pictures will not fade Gallery, 70 Federal street Allegheny, ground floor. x $6 25 18 TBS price we put on combina tion pattern thai were formerly $12 and $15 each. ' rt . HUQC3& Hacks. Go and See for Yonrselfc The announcement of a series of what have become familiarly known as harvest excursions, to be run by the Chicago and Northwestern Bailway during the mouth of August, September and October, will bo joyfully received by a large number of our readers who are becoming interested in those portions of the wonderful Northwest, reached by this great railroad and its con nections. Topographical and sectional maps, accompanied by vivid descriptions and voluminous crop reports, are excellent mediums for awakening the interest of home seekers in a new country, and these, supplemented by opportunities placed within the reach of all for visiting the country at a season when exact demon strations can be made of its merit, give convincing evidence of the fact that the Northwestern Company has sufficient faith, in the regions traversed by its lines, to ex tend nnusual facilities for all to go and see for themselves. The excursions will be five in number, and will leave Chicago Angust 6 and 20, September 10 and 24 and October 8 Tick ets can be purchased at the rate of one fare for the round trip to points in Iowa, Min nesota, South and North Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and. Montana. These tickets will be good to return for 30 days from date of purchase, with stopover privileges in certain Territo ries, thus giving land-seekers ample time and opportunity to "spy out the land," and to discover for themselves the fitness of the great West and Northwest for homes and investments. South Dakota, just blossoming into vigorous Statehood, with overC.000,000 acres ot Government free land now open to settlement, and a large area of cheap railroad and deeded lands; the fertile valleys and mining interests of the Black Hills, of uncalculated value; the beautiful and productive Elkhorn and Niobrara val leys of Nebraska, and the broad grazing districts of Wyoming are all traversed by the Chicago and Northwestern Bailway, and are available br means of these excur sions. Maps and circulars giving detailed information and rates from Chicago to all principal points will be mailed on applica tion to E. P. Wilson, Gen'l Passenger Ag't. C. &K.-W. B'y, Chicago, 111. MABSHELL, THE CASH GUOOCEE, Will Save You Money. Twenty per cent on $1 00 is 20 cents; 20 per cent on $3 00 is $1 00. If you spend $5.00 per week on groceries, I can save yon one of them. Kow, if you are one ot those persons who are too high toned to pay cash for what you buy, or if yon think it is too much trouble and so much easier to have it charged and pay every 30 or CO days, you can go on and maintain your dignity or laziness at the rate of 20 percent interest But if yon work for your money and think it is worth as much to you as to any one else, you are the person I want The item of crackers is a big one in sum mer time. What do you pay for yours? I will sell you wine, lemon, ginger cakes and ginger snaps for 7c per pound; soda crack ers, oyster and water.for 6 cents per pound. Can you save any at my prices? Tea is another thing you need. I will sell you tea at any price you want, but specially recommend my 25c teas. I guar antee them to be equal to any yon ever bought for COc. I do not ask you to take my word for this; bring me a sample of your 50c tea, and we will draw it alongside . of our 25c tea, andlet yon decide. We .are having a great run on Buckeye flour. Many people do not like to bake this time of the year, because the bread dries out so quick. Bread from Buckeye flour will keep moist and good for a week. Send for weekly price list and order by mail. Orders amounting to $10, without counting sugar, packed and shipped free of charge to any point within 200 miles. I ," Mabsiieix, I 79 and 81 Ohio st ,cor. Sandusky, Allegheny. I ALWAYS KEEP A LOOKOUT For Low Prices at Thompson's New York Grocery. 11 lbs granulated sugar .$100 jjiwrr wnw bukm.- a ids Carolina rice 5 packages corn starch. 25 25 4 lbs tapioca 25 7 lbs rolled oats 25 8 lbs Kingsford's large lump starch... 25 3 packages electric starch 25 8 lbs Schumacher's oat meal, 25 12 boxes bagblue 25 3 packages fruit puddine. 25 31b can brook -trout 25 3 lb can mackerel in tomato sauce.. 25 2 doz parlor matches (200's) 25 Scans sardines 25 1 can chipped beef, 17e,or 3 for. 50 2 lb cans corned beef, 17c, or 3 for. ... 50 6 lbs of 20c English breakfast tea 1 00 6 lbs of 20c young Hyson tea 1 00 6 lbs of 20c Japan tea 1 00 1 sack choice amber flour 1 20 Extra sugar-cured hams per lb llf Goods delivered free to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the city will prepay freight on all orders of $10, $15, $20 and upward. Send for catalogue. M.tB. Thompson, 301 Market street, corner Third aye., opposite Gusky's. v A CLEAN CUT. To Make Room for Fall Stock We have cut prices in half. Every dollar! worth of summer goods must go. Summer coats and vests at half cost. Summer suits at less than cost Summer underwear at a sacrifice. Straw hats for a mere trifle. Jackson's, clothiers, tailors, hatters and furnishers, 934 and 956 Liberty st. Star corner. A few custom-made suits and pants left on hand to be sold regardless of de posits. Free! Free! "Pittsbnrg and Its Exposition," a text book with over 100 il lustrations, free with every purchase at Jackson's. YOU NEED NOT WAIT For the Exposition to Open to Obtain m. View of tho Works of Art Contained in the fall styles of carpets. The stock sow on exhibition at Groet zinger's was never paralleled in this coun try. It is as complete as can be, still there are some rare pieces that will be picked up by early buyers. Come at once, whether you want the goods delivered now or later. We will store the purchases free of charge, and make and lay them when you are readr. EirwAnD Gkoetzinoeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. 84 75 TO NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN 84.75. Via Allegheny Valley R. R Saturday. A. gust 17. Train of Eastlake and Pullman palace sleeping cars leaves Union station at 8:50 p. si. (eastern standard time). Ticket good for lour days returning. Come To-mobrow. Summer goods must be sold at any sacrifice, jersey vests 10c, summer corsets 49c, wrappers 50c, calico basques 25c, ierseys and blouses 2oe up, girl's calico dresses 7c up, white dresses 15o up. Ladies muslin underwear at cut prices. Busy Bee Hive, cor, Sixth and Liberty, j Remember Next Thursday, August 15, is the date of the excursion to Atlantic City, via the B. & O. B. B. Bate, $10 for the round trip, tickets good for ten days. Trains will leave depot at 8 A. St and 920 p. M. Secnre your sleeping and parlor car accommodations at once. On, Mothers! Buy your infant's cloaks, slips and caps this week, at reduced prices. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. Stewart Si Co. Give 13 cabinet phctos for $1 at 90 Federal st, Allegheny. ' The fashionable ladies' corrective tonio is Angostura Bitters,- the world-renowned tonic. . , ' 4 ,'.w say. sy. jfrSSgjgaBwwsssre aa asazsiaaia . f