Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 11, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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Thilosopliers Who Directed Their
Genius to Inventions
The English Style of LiTirc Coming Into
iumn roR tux nsrATcn.3
The southwest wind blows like the draught
from a furnace far oft Opening the doors
and windows this morning, the onter air
rushed in so many degrees warmer that it
seemed as if the world had been simmering
orer night. The moist depressing heat
gives one a sympathizing idea that it is in
land, in closely built towns and country
houses, with only the breeie between them
and the sun. How do people live without
east winds, cooled by icebergs off Labrador
and the strengthening of salt air?
Why does not some genius study a new
subject and go about telling people how to-
live comfortably? Notably, there was such
a one, the Polish exile and philosopher,
Count Lehmanowski, yet remembered in
the interior where he used to lecture in a
benevolent way. But the best of his work
was always done nights and mornings when
be stayed, in giring valuable hints about
health and conveniences and how to man
age, from cooking a foreign dish to the
routine of crops or choosing a vocation.
He was a man of very sincere mind, and
that wide, clear sagacity for which nothing
was too vast or too small to be of interest,
and I have heard him spoken of almost
adoringly for the help his advice had
given on
on which the comiortof narrowlives turned.
The philosophers like Franklin and Count
Bumford, and Horsford, of Harvard, found
their genius never better employed than devls.
lng alas for domestic economy. It is to Frame.
lln we owe the open parlor stove and 20 other
conveniences nnder patent to-day. The best
cooking ranges and utensils are copied direct
from Rnmford's designs 100 years ago, which
never have been improved upon. I have heard
one of the old Oloucester folk tell of the first
cooking stove ever brought to the place, more
than 5U years ago, which drew almost as much
wonder from the neighbors as the railway en
cine years later. People harnessed teams and
drove up from Marblehead and Ipswich to see
the new cooking machine. We are ant to think
we are at the completion of improvements,
when we have hardly begun on the ideas the
fathers have written and stored away. Life
cocs so much easier with intelligence, and a
tour among the inventions for coolness and
comfort discloses great alleviations Tor days atr
so' in me snaae witu numiauy.
We must eat if it is summer, and that neces
sity adds fearfully to the distress and mortality
of heated mouths. It is a very serious fact
that many women ale every summer from
overwork and overheating. They could endnre
the work if it were not for the heat of that
Meloch of a cooking stove. Kerosene stevs
are a great boon, but even an oil stove equal to
the needs of a family creates oppressive heat.
The ideal arrangement is this square, close shut
japanned box. about two feet square, on four
higu legs, under a tin hood higker than one's
head, with pipe connected with the chimneys.
A large entry lamp under the box supplied lie
heat. lifting, the cover of the box, behold
of white ware jars, one with chicken, another
with beef roasting, three more with vegetables,
and dumplings light as sponge. Another pair
bold brown bread loaves, steaming to perfec
tion; a square tin holds a loaf of white bread,
, which will be finished in the oven at one side.
Observe the convenience. The cooking box is
so high there is no stooping to stir the food or
look in the oven. There is no anxiety about
burning food in these thick pots of fire proof
ware, so nicely is the heat adjusted, and conso-
auently no burning and wltlivrln: women's
ices, standing over the fire. The box, or oven
as you please, Is of paper pulp, fire proof as
Iron, with the excellent property of conveying
no beat into the air. All heat and odor when
opened are drawrrat once Into the chimney by
the tin hood, under which one might fry fish
without anyone in the next room beini- thn
wiser. This Is the invention and practical di
version 01 a very uuxy ana very practical
man, Mr. Edward Atkinson, diplomat, finan
cier, writer on political philosophy, secretary
of a rich Insurance company and student of
such philosophies of common life as the ablest
men of all times have been.
Tho Idea of the cooking box is an old one,
used by the shrewd peasantry abroad, and ap-
E roved by every old writer on the economy of
eat, but it was left for Mr. Atkinson to Im
prove and develop it. It simply reduces the
expense of fuel, and the beat fell to the lowest
degree, while making cookery absolutely an
exact science in practice.
The flavor imparted or rather developed In
such cooking, the tenderness and richness of
meats, the sweetness of bread and fine quality
of vegetables, is remarkable, and the gain in
substance of food pays for the oil burned
thrice over. The whole process Is so free of all
the evils of common cooking that one would
imagine women reaching for the new invention
en masse, but the intense conservatism of or
dinary women in all matters entslde their self
interest stands stupidly unaware what a light
ening of their burdens is here presented. Such
an invention would do more for them than the
ballot if they only knew it and I think the
Western women wni know now to appreciate
The value of the cooking oven depends on
the non-conducting property of paper pulp.
W hat is good to keep heat in will keep It out
and the next application of the material is the
convenient refrigerator of compressed wood
pulp. This has the advantage of not needing
double walls, and being light enough to wheel
Miw rtiij yutc, uimikb mc common Denemoth
refrigerators. The ideal refrigerator of wood
pnlp is decorated with nickel plate, scrolls and
oil pictures to be ornamental enough for an
ordinary dining room or side ball. To my taste
the Qecoration is its only drawback, being too
much in cheap chromo style. When will deal
ers learn to send out a few at least of their
household wares In severely good and plain
finish to suit artistic notlonsr But we must
forgive Its panel of lakes and mountains and
gilt finishes for Its lightness and cleanliness,
till good taste has Its renaissance in manufac
tures as well as art. This refrigerator is a nice
thing for apartments, being oval In shape, a
yard high by 22 inches through and weighing
only 40 pounds. The ice is put in the top and
the prevision chamber has a full circulation of
air with a large door, which will commend itself
to every housekeeper.
The demand in cities now by families who
have been abroad and found the Immense ad
vantage of some foreign ways, is for lodgings
on the English plan, where rooms are let
furnished and people buy what they fancy for
food, and the landlady cooksand serves it for a
certain sum extra. By this way, people get
more variety and more to their own tastes than
in the usual boarding house fare, with more
economy and entire privacy. They pay the
market price for every article they consume,
and only for what they have, and pay the
hostess' price for cookery and service, for
such mensges, all sorts of nice, portable, well
finished domestic contrivances will be In de
mand, and such a refrigerator as this wood
fiber one will not be the least benefit, where
each family can keep its focd with proper san
itary precautions, and none of the "cold meat"
suspicions which sound so vulgar in English
lodging house novels. With this there wSl be
no need to keep the baby's milk on the window
si'l. or the mamma's bottle of porter. If she
must have that detestable compound, or any
keeping ginger pots and Swiss fruit among the
tooth brushes and medicine bottles in the
dressing closet.
Next comes the Indurated fibre bath tub,
which is a boon in houses without complete
water service. It is a question in country or
suburbs, wiiere the prices of water service are
exorbitant, whether it Is not best to adopt In
dependent plans. It costs near Boston ?12 first
payment to the water company for making
connections between the town pipes and
houses, J J 00 at least for house plumbing and
fitting bathroom, and S3 yearly tax for each
faucet In the house, and 15 for the garden
supply, J128 at very lowest the first year. This
.would give a complete set of cisterns with
filters, root tank and bath, with the certainty
of being
for a life time, and the still greater assurance
of perfectly pure water not likely to be cut off
by any town emergency. I bave been In too
many houses whero "tho water didn't run" In
the very time it was uiott wanted, because
factories were using it, or higher houses cut off
the flow, to set a high value on municipal Im
provements. This fiber bath Is one of the inde
pendant fixture the householder la glad of. J
is large size and deep, molded in one piece,
movable and lined with white enamel, the out
side in cabinet finish. The material holds
the heat longer than metal tubs, and
a simple lamp connection the water
can be heated in the tub or a connect
ing boiler, without heating the downstairs
fire, a great advantage In summer sickness,
when a hot bath In case of cramp or rheumatic
fever is salvation. For well personsthere is no
cooling treatment so perfect as the hot bath,
which leaves one cool by contrast. It Is, Indis
pensable in cosmetic treatment. A luxurious
fixture is the seat bath, made by a New York
house, a square tub, higher back than front, in
which one sits at such a height that a wide
spray can be directed against any part of the
person, not administering such a shock as the
shower bath. This spraying is invaluable in
spinal diseases or abdominal disorders, and
suqh an appliance well used would often save
the expense of a journey for health to comfort
less and crowded watering places.
Wo are borrowing from the Japanese their
very sensible way of dividing ths interior of a
house by mdvable partitions. Builders arrange
the greater part of a floor In a family house
with transoms of thick stained glass or paneled
wood in a line of partitions, the lower part be
ing panels with movable slats, which may be
opened for coolness, or the entire partition or
any panel of it removed at will. The blinds,
when closed, are said to be sound-proof, and
make cosy, warm, small rooms in winter out of
large, roomy halls for. summer. They have
been used In schools and classrooms long
enough to prove their convenience, and are in
demand for summer cottages. They are espe
cially good for converting wide verandas, into
out-door parlors. Here "just the degree of air
desired can be admitted, no matter how windy
the day a great advantage to delicate women
and invalids. With such blinds a porch can be
shut up sufficiently for a sleeping room or a
workroom by day.
Francy the comfort of a room with three
sides entire of lattice work and air drawing
through. Every practical housekeeper ought
to insist nn snr.h a. norch f ora summer kitchen.
and one for a dining room. Think of the ad-J-
vantage In keeping the files out oi tne rest ox
the house.
A method used in city houses, mostly for the
work rooms of factories, draws a roof awning
of sailcloth, fixed to stays, some 6 to 10 feet
above the roof, to shade it. This awning Is kept
wet in very hot days letting the bose play on it,
keeping the rooms below delightfully cooL
This is no relation of fancy, but the arrange
ment over the workroom of one of the finest
shlrtmakers in New York, and other conveni
ences tor the sewing women, are as thoughtful
as this. It is no wonder the employes call the
head of such a firm "The whitest man they
ever saw." One must contrast it in the news
paper composing rooms under a blazing sky
light, where typesetters put up their um
brellas to gain some shade from the scorching
sun. Awnings of sail cloth that can be wet
freely, for windows and roofs, are the con
ditions of a thoroughly cool bouse, even with
the glass at 100 in the shade.
A correspondent inquires cbout the portable
vapor bath. The only one I have seen was
made by a common carpenter, and was a
cherry wood box, like a bureau desk, with half
the top sloping like a desk. The whole front
opened like a closet door, there was room fora
seat inside, and where one sat down on a cane
stool over the alcohol lamp and pan of water,
the box closed, a collar piece in the top fitting
the neck, leaving the head out. I think the
whole thing cost 17, and the owner used to come
out of her Sunday morning steam in it, look
ing three shades whiter than usual. It would
pay some woman who didn't quite know how
to support herself to have bathing appliances
nicely kept, in a village where such things are
unknown and charge for baths. Girls would
pay readily for the cosmetic benefit.
Shibelt Dare.
Select Knlchts A. O. V. XV.
The following order has been Issued:
General orders Mo. S.
PrrrsBCBG, Augusts, 1889.
First This regiment will encamp at Conneaut
Lake Park, Conneaut Lake, Pa., during the ses
sion of tho Grand Legion,' for a period of five
days, commencing Auenst 12. 18SS.
Second The fare from Pittsburg to Conneaut
Lake will be ft SO for the ronnd trip. Meals will
be furnished on the grounds for 35 cents per meal,
or fl per day. Tent; and straw will be furnished
bythe Grind Legion.
Third. Members will at once make a personal
examination of their uniforms and see that they
are in good order and clean. Those going to camp
wllla supply themselves with woolen blankets,
soap, towels, ic, and any additional necessaries
for their comfort In camp.
Fourth. The different legions will assemble at
headquarters, Old City Hall, Market street, Mon
day, August 12, 1889, at 8.30 x. X.. sharp. In
fatigue unirorm. for the purpose of acting as
escort to the Urand Legion officers. Members are
requested to report promptly, as the train will
leave the Union Depot at 10 a. w., sharp. The
ears on the special decorated trola reserved ror
the members of the belcct Knights and their
ladles will be kept locked until the regiment ar
rives at tbe depot.
Kirtti All baggage must be at headquarters.
Old City HalL not later than o'clock Monday,
August 12, as the last wagon will leave at that
Blxth The field and staff will report to the com
manding officer at 9 x. m. sharp.
Seventh-The belert Knights Band will report
to the Adjutant at the same hour.
Llrhta-lt is desired tnat every legion will turn
out their lull strength on this occasion, and
thereby add to tbe reputation that the regiment
has already earned. By order
,.-... John Eowjui, Colonel,
Offlclal: Jos. B. Eaton, Adjutant.
C. 01. B. A.
The new branch in St Mary's parish. First
ward, will meet on Thursday evening at the
school house to elect officers.
A meeting will be held at St Andrew's
school house, Beaver avenue. Allegheny City,
this evening at 730, to organize a branch.
A meeting was held In St Mary's parish
last Friday evening. A committee was ap
pointed to make arrangements to start a
There will be a meeting to-day at 430 at St
John's school bouse, Thirty-second street when
the application for a charter will be closed.
Thirty-seven names are now on tbe list
Grand President J. B. Fox. of Bradford,
left "for home on Thursday, stopping on the
way a( Sharon. Greenville and Corry. He was
very much pleased with this, his first visit to
Pittsburg, and with the progress of the associa
tion here.
The reunion held at Bock Point on Monday
last was a grand success in every particular.
Nearly 4,000 peop!e were on the ground. Mr.
John Hays, President of Branch 60, won the
foot race for the gold mounted gaveL Branch
No. 33 won the baseball match; score. SS to 28.
In the evening addesses were made by Grand
President J. B. Fox, of Bradford,and Chancellor
M. J. Clark, of Pittsburg, on the nbiects at thn
association, after which Misses Essie, Bertha
Mamie, daughters of Chancellor L. D. Buck
lev, of Branch No. 41, entertained the audience
with some choice selections of vocal music,
which was much appreciated.
Sods of St. George.
Tbe first State Grand lodge meeting of
this order will meet at Wilkesbarre, on Tues
day, August 19, and the following; representa
tives will leave Monday morning by Pennsvlva.
ma railroad: Central Lodge No. 42. A. 8. Vick
erman: Lincoln Standard No. 43. Benjamin
Woodall; English Standard No. 31, William
Nealj Victory No. CO, John Harrop; Earl of
Shaftsbury No. 05, William Curless: Loyal
Rose No. 117, Robert Gray; Allegheny City No.
252, Joseph Freece; Union Jack of England
No 1KL V. f!. Fiabts: Monnt Washinrtnn Nn
284, Benjamin Cutler. There will be many
oiner loages present jrora uraaaocx, juciiees
port Homestead and Irwin. This session being
the first Grand State Lodge of Pennsylvania,
much interest is taken and many changes will
be wrought to Increase this extensive order,
which now covers nearly all tbe States and
Territories in the Union. Each State now has
its own Grand Lodge, and the Supreme Lodge
will meet in October at Chicago. Eachbtate
is represented by one representative for 1.000
Eanltnble Aid Union.
D. R. Watson, of Erie, Pa., Supreme Vice-!
rxesiuent ot me ixruiiaoie aiu u nion. paid a
visit to Pittsburg Union No. 102 on Wednesday
evening, August 7. Mr. Watson bas lnprog.
ress of organization several unions in Wash
ington countv, among them being one in Can
nonsburg and one in Washington. He will
shortly devote his attention to the further
spread ot the order in Pittsburg and vicinity.
A new union is in progress of organization in
the Eighteenth w ard. v
Rational Union,
Duquesne Council of National Union wag
organized by Deputy J. F. Hunt last Monday
night In Allegheny with 83 charter members.
The officers are: President, H. O. McClelland!
Vice President Hugh Marshall; Ex.president,
John Marquis: Secretary, R. J. Shaw; Finan
cial Secretary, W. S. Turner: Treasurer, John
Keilen; Usher, Frank Cupps; (sergeant, Louis
Uauser. Next meeting August 19. The char
ter is still open.
Knights of tbe Golden Eagle.
Grand Chief A. O. Lutle paid Venus Cas
tle, No. 291, a visit on Thursday evening, Au
gust 8, and exemplified the secret work of the
three degrees and conferred the Past Chief
degree upon six candidates. A very pleasant
evouing was spent and the Grand Chief prom
ises to return again soon.
M. G. CortEK, diamond expert and jewel
er, G33 Brnithfield st, formerly cor. Fifth
ave. and Market st
OABrmBT photos. 89e per dor. Lies' Poo.
nlarGallcfy.lO and 13 Blxth t. mma
Business Having About Touched Bed
Kock Begins to Broaden.
An East End Syndicate to lead Off With
Two Hundred Brick Dwellings.
Manager Chaplin, of the Clearing House,
takes a hopeful view of the business situa
tion. He remarked yesterday: "Pittsburg
is doing remarkably well this summer.
This has been about the dullest week of the
dullest month of the year, yet the bank
clearings are in round numbers 5800,000
better tbau for the same time last year. The
prospects for a big .fall trade are rosy. I
would like to see the exchanges average
$3,000,000 daily, and would not be surprised If
my wishes were realized. This would place us
permanently ahead of St Louis.
"We are steadily leading Baltimore and Cin
cinnati. The former is losing its grain trade,
and is not likely to be a formidable competitor
much longer. I telegraphed to Boston to give
us precedence over Baltimore In the Clearing
House reports, and 1 see they have done it
Tbe signs of the times, as I read them, are full
ot encouragement Pittsburg has nothing to
There were no imnortant changes In the busi-
ness situation last week, but such as occurred
were in the direction of expansion. It is the
universal opinion that the financial, commer
cial and industrial interests oi the conntry
were never on a sounder footing. The outlook
for a large fall trade grows brighter astimo
passes. That It will give full employment to
labor and absorb about all the Idle money Is
generally admitted. Local securities were,
with few exceptions, firm and dull.
Tbe same may be said of petroleum.
There was a good movement in real estate
for the season. The number of deeds recorded
was 18. representing $256,778. Business In
mortgages was comparatively light owing to
the absence of a large number of capitalists.
The number officially noted was 192. Involving
$318,251. The largest was for $15,000, placed
with the Fidelity Title and Trust Company.
Iron was active and firmer. Wholesalers and
jobbers of the leading staples reported larger
sales than at the same time last year, and col
lections easier.
Among tho rumors that "floated through
Fourth avenue last spring was one to the effect
that a syndicate was being formed to build a
large number of houses in the East End. Yes
terday It bobbed up again, but In a shape to
show that it possesses a strong element of prob
ability. According to the latest version of the
story, the syndicate has been organized with
Mr. H. S. A. Stewart at the head of It, and that
arrangements are about comploted for putting
up 200 brick dwellings. Other members of tho
combine are said to be Messrs. Booth 4 Fllnn
and CL. Mage e.
As an assurance that they meanbusines, they
took out a permit yesterday for 15 bouses, to be
erected on Negley and Stanton avenues, where,
it Is presumed, tbe other buildings will be lo
cated. These gentlemen show the right spirit
Pittsburg is badly in need of houses to accom
modate the fast increasing population. A few
such deals as tbe one in question would natur
ally relieve the pressure. It would be advan
tageous to the city, and profitable to them
withalv if other capitalists would do likewise.
Life insurance or assurance, as our English
cousins put it which was In the zenith of its
activity just after the Johnstown flood, is now
in the nadir of its dullness. "People seem to
have lost all fear of dying," remarked an agent
yesterday, "and very few of them will talk
about insurance. We bad a llttlo spurt of
activity growing out ot fears of an epidemic
from drinking Allegheny river water a few
weeks ago, but the outbreak failed to ma
terialize and the community has relapsed into
Indifference." Health and prosperity are bad
for Insurance men. A few financial crushes,
or a material increase In tbe death rate, would
help our business wonderfully. They make
people think of the hereafter."
There was quite a spurt in building opera
tions last week, 70 permits being granted, in
volving an estimated expenditure ot $210,527,
The largest was taken out by H. S. A. Stewart
representing an East End syndicate, for 15
brick buildings, to be erected on Negley and
Stanton avenues, at a cost of 875,000. Tbe next
largest was issued to, J. F. Maderfor a flvej
story stone and brick struoture on Fifth ave
nue. Third ward, to cost $22,000.
The East End Reformed Presbyterian
Church-was granted a permit for a one-story
brick building on Hiland avenue, which will
involve an outlay of $2u,0u0- Dr. J. S. Blocum
took out one for a brick and stone three-Story
house. Linden avenue. Twenty-second ward,
which will cost him $12,000.
Two others were taken out for buildings
costing $4,000 and $9,000 respectively. Small
and medium-sized dwellings still have the call,"
Indicating that worklngmen are investing their
surplus cash in homes.
A gentlemen in charge ot the mortgage de
partment of a leading real estate agency on
Fourth avenue, remarked yesterday: "Busi
ness bas been a little slack for a few days. I
have, plenty of inquiries, but so many capital
ists are out of the city that negotiations in
many cases will hang fire until their return.
There seems to be no scarcity of money seeking
this form of Investment, although rates aro a
shade stlffer than they were a month or two
"What effect tho revival of trade in the fall
will have upon my business I cannot tell, but
if it should be as active as expected, a good
deal ot money will probably be diverted to
other channels, which promise larger gains,
but, as I look at it less security."
The Market for Local Securities Continues
Hull and Fentnreles.
The stock market yesterday, so far as re
gards actual quotations, was practically un
changed. Tbe extreme dullness admits of any
figures which principals or their agents choose
to make. Philadelphia Gas was fractionally
weaker. The prospect of losing many of its
best customers causes, speculators to handle it
very carefully. Tbe other gassers about held
their own. Electric was firm at G2& bid. The
good condition ot the company enables this
stock to hold all the advances made.
La 9 oria held around the old figures. There
would be considerable difficulty to market any
large amount of it at current prices. A fall,
honest statement of the condition ot the plant
would be a boon to Investors. Manufacturers'
Gas continued its upward movement It was
offered at SO, with a small sale at 28. Citi
zens' Traction was ottered down to 7L Cen
tral was in light demand at S1K-' Pittsburg was
neglected. It is suffering from a smallness of
dividends. Switch and Signal was a shade
Owing to the absence of Mr. Mustln the
bank stock chestnut tree was less vigorously
shaken than usual. Quite a number of quo
tations were made on insurance stocks, which
are growing in favor. A bid ot 15 was made for
Westingbouse Machine Comptny, being an
advance of $15 in about two weeks. So many
brokers and Investors are away that tbe out
look is for continued dullness the remainder of
the month. Bids, offers and sales are appended:
. .. - .. -"W- Asked.
Pitts. Pet, 8. and M. JExchange 75
Bid. Asked.
Bank of Pittsburg
Cltltens1 National liant
Diamond National Bank
Uuquesno National Bank..,..,
Kx change National Bank
Fifth Avenue ,...;
Fidelity Title and Trust Co....
Iron Cltv National Bank
Iron and Glass Dollar Savings,
Monongabela National Bank..
Pittsburg BaiBc ror Savings....,
People's National Bank ,
Third National Bank
Tradesmen's National Bank..,
Union National Bank
Herman JtatloaaL Allegheny.
....... .238
Beal Estate Loan and Trust Co.,
Third National, Allegheny ,
Worklngmxn's bai lngs, Allegheny
, Bid. Asked.
AlUsnsnnla...... 43 41
Armentt. ...... ........... .......... ...... .,. 100
BOttmiQ.sM.. ,... SB M
Ben Frtimni.iMiMtMMnti HH .
Citizens' ) "
German-American so ....
Teutonia J"
Union..., jj"
Western " "
, Bid. Asked.
Consolidated Gas Co. (Ilium.) 3S -..
East End uas vo. iuiuui.j -
Manufacturers uas ixj "..
Natural Oas Co. or W.Va 70
Ohio Valley.......---"..;
People's Natural Oas Co
Feople'sNat. Uasandl'lpeageCo ....
Philadelphia Co
Union Uas Co "
Wheeling Uas Co
Forest Oil Co..... 10u
Tuna Oil Co - ;"
Central Traction 3it
Citizens' Traction
'Pleasant Valley -- .-
Pitts Younrstown A Ashtabula It. K.. 31
Pitts., CIn. Abt Loots It h "..
Pitts.. Va. & Charleston B. K. Co 38
Mononirahela Bridge. 1
Union Brldfre.......
La Noria MinlnjrCo.. JH
Westlnghouse Klectrlc KM
Mononxahela Water Co.... ".. ....
Union Switch and Slmal Co 21ft
W estlnzhouse Air Brake Co .-.
FltUbure Crcloraina Co Si
34 -
Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, prer.. zi
The sales were 20 shares of Manufacturers'
Gas at 2SX and 25 Washington Oil at 79X- 4
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 18,500 shares, including Atchison,
6.090: Erie. 1,600; Lake Shore, 2.200: Missouri
Pacific. 4,710; Northern Pacific, 3,300; orthern
Pacific preferred, 6,023; Heading, 4,Mo; ot
Paul, 5,500.
Clearing House Figures Continue to Show
Gains Over Last Year.
With a clear gain of about $800,000 over the
same period last year, the week's financial rec
ord is not to be sneezed at At the banks yes
terday the unvarylnc report was: "We are do
ing well for this season. Discounting is rather
slow, but as good as we have a right to expect
Routine business is well up. We look for an
active demand for money to set in in a few
weeks. Bates may harden a little, but there
will be no stringency. The banks aro In excel
lent shape for the fall trade." The Clearing
House report shows very little shrinkage in the
value of transactions:
Exchanges f .890,2M
Balances SM.75S 11
Exchanges for the week "''SI S
Balances ror the week. 2.41S.30S a
Exchanges dally average 1-S'iZ" ii
KxchingesweekoriS6s 10,673,2:8 72
Balances week or 1888 SEI'7?1
Exchanges last week. "'SiH
Balances last week. 2,078,119 02
Exchanges to date, 1S89 390,125,819 12
Exchances to date. 1883 349.821.7C4 88
Gain. 1S89 over 1SS1 40.3I&.8H24
Money on call at Now York yesterday was easy
at 3 per cent Primo mercantile paper, i
6& Sterling exchange dull but steady at
$1 Ui for 60-day biUs and $4 &71 for demand.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued yesterday shows tbe following
changes: Reserve, decrease,$l, 423,050; loans. In
crease, $1,621,200; specie, decrease, $572,500;
legal tenders, decrease, $1,347,600; deposits, de
crease, $1,988,200; circulation, increase, $3,200.
The banks now bold $S,79J,125 in excess of the 2o
per cent rule.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4s,reg....,
U. B. 43. coup..,
U. 8. 4Ms. reg..
U. S. 4HS. coup,
MiK. AT. Gen.Ss
Mutual Union 6s...
N. J. C. Int Cert.,
Northern Pac Ists,
Northern lae. 2ds.
. 118
Lonlslanastamned 4s'S9S
Missouri Ss IOH4
Tenn. new set 6....109K
Tenn. new set. 5s. ...103
Ttnn. new set. 3i 73
Canada Bo. Ml 99
Cen. Pacificists IUH
Den. ft K. G., I8ts...l21,4
Den. 4K. G. 4s 79
D.ftltG.Weetlsu. 101
Erte-2ds 103
Northw't'n consols. Ho
Mnrthw'n deben's..U4
Oregon & Trans. 6s 105N
St. 1..AI JI.Utn.5a S5U
St. L.iS.r.Gen.iLllCS
Su Paul consols ....115.S
St. PL Chi & Pc. Ists. 117
Tx., PC.L. G.Tr Us. 904
Tx.,Pc.K.G.Tr.Lcts 378
Union Pac. lsts.....m
West Shore ,..106J
11, uen. es.. av
Yesterday's bond offerings aetrresated $111,
000, as follows: Registered 4s, $10,000 at 128;
$50,000 at 128; coupon 4j2s, $1,000 at 106 regis
tered 4e, $50;000 at 10o
New Youk Clearings to-aay. $102,432,073;
balances. $5,292,888. For the week Clearings,
$585,599,090; balances, $28,643,698.
Boston Clearings, $12,319,417; balances,
$1,451,000. For tbe week Clearings, $77,054,851;
balances, $9,162,102. For the corresponding
week in 18S8 Clearings, $74,470,267; balances,
PuiLADKLrniA Clearings to-day, $9,377,094;
balances. $1,621,455.
Baltixobe Clearings, $1,801,113; balances,
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 19,
000. Bar silver, 42 5-16d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, E3f for ths
Chicago Money steady and unchanged.
Bank clearings, $10,100,000. , j, ,
Bullish Pipe Line Report Causes a Tern
porarr Spurt In OIL
There were no particularly interesting .feat
ures in yesterday's oil market but trading was
eood tor a short day. As, anticipated, tbe pipe
line report was bullish, showing a net roduc
tlen in stocks of 775,000 barrels, in round num
bers. The immediate effect of this was an ad
vance of a cent but in the absence of support
the advantage could not be held, and tbe mar
ket gradually weakened and closed at the low
est point of tbe day, the fluctuations, however,
being extremely narrow. Cash oil was to Ji
below the option and dull.
Range of prices: Opening, 100; highest
101K; lowest 1M; closing, 10f; Friday's
clearings were 48i,0&0 barrels. A broker re
marked: "I think tbe market is hung up for
tne rest of toe montn. There is no prooaoiiir,
of a chance In .conditions. Everything Is s
bullish that a slump seems out of tbe question.
un tne oiner nana, mere can oe no radical au
vance without tbe help ot tbe outside interest
which is very slow coainc in. For these rea
sons I look for no particular change either way
for some time."
Yesterday's Oil Range.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey & Co., 45
Sixth street members ot the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened lOOKILowest 100W
Highest Ulkl Closed lOO'-i
Average runs 47,233
Average shipments - 78,152
Average charters 47,197
Keflned, New York, 7.40c
Kefinetf, London, 571.
IleCned, Antwerp. 18HC
Keflned. Liverpool. SUA.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 89c;
calls, $1 01K.
Other Oil Markets.
Bbasfobd, Xugust 10. National transit cer
tificates opened at $1 00; closed at $1 OOH;
highest $1 01; lowest, $1 OWil
T1TUSVII.1.E, August 10. National transit
certificates opened at $1 00; highest $1 OlVis
lowest, $1 00K; closed, $1 (X.
New Yore, August 10. Petroleum opened
steady at 99c, and after a slight decline be
came strono and moved up to $1 00. A slight
reaction followed and the market closed steady
at $1 0OU. Stock Exchange: Opening, 99c;
highest Jl 00: lowest, 9&c; closing $1 00&
Consolidated Exchange: Opening, $1 00s;
highest $1 01; lowest $1 0Q; closing, $1 (UK
Total sales, 280,000 barrels.
Permits Taken Out for Flfty.FIve Homes
for the People.
Building was active last week, the number of
permits issued being 65, and the estimated cost
$135,525. A greater number than usual were
for large bouses, but the majority were for
small and medium-sized dwellings homes for
the people, The following is the list:
T. P. Travers, frame two-story, 18x28 feet, on
corner ot River avenue and Eleventh street,
Twenty-first ward.
V. WilosKi, one frame two-story, 16x16 feet
on No. 28 Denny plan. Thirteenth ward.
M. O. H. Bpriee, three brick two-story and
mansard, 16x44 feet, on Penn avenue, Twelfth
John Seltz, brick, two-story, 18x34 feet, on
Wooster street, Eleventh ward.
8. McDonald, frame two-story, 20x18 feet, on
Brereton avenue, Thirteenth ward.
E. Hutcbins, one frame two-story, 18x14 feet,
MUlward avenue, Thirteenth ward.
J as. Horrocks, two brick three-story and
mansard, 17x82 feet on Keystone street, Eight
eenth ward.
Jos. Schaffer, frame two-story, 20x34 feet, on
River aveaue, Nineteenth 'ward.
M. Gallagher, frame two-story, 20x32 feet, on
corner of Natchez street and Southern avenue,
Thirty -second ward.
J. F. Mader, one stone and brick five-story,
20x110 feet Mo. 135 Fifth avenue. Third ward.
W. H. Thackeray, frame one-story, 14x32 feet
on No. 118 Crawford street Eighth ward.
Mrs. A. Smith, brick two-storv and mansard,
21x42 feet, on corner of Vine and Reed streets.
Eleventh ward.
Wm. Loefiier, brick twe-story and mansard,
22x50 feet on Meyran avenue, nearForbes,
Fourteenth ward.
Thomas Davis, frame one-story and mansard,
20x39 feet, on Arlington avenue. Twenty-fourth
M. Schelder, frame two-story, 16x29 feet, on
Washington avenue, Thlrty-flrst ward.
Adam Alter, frame two-story, 18x32 feet, on
Kramer's way. Thirty-second ward.
Samuel McCotnbe, frame two-story and man
sairr. 13x23 feet on Plymouth street Thirty
fifth ward.
'South Penn Oil Company, one Iron clad, 22x
41 feet, corner of Liberty avenue and Thirty
Mcomd street Fifteenth ward.
AHam otrsu, one iraae, twsHMry.McMSMt.
a Kkrctone street, Elgatetttk ward.
J. M. Donaghry, two 'frame two-story, 85x44
feet on corner of Broad street and St Clair,
Nineteenth ward.
t W. H. Fritz; one DriCc two-story 22x42 feet
C Inches, on Sheridan avenue, Nineteenth
t J. W. Axtell, one brick two-story and attio
35x40 feet 6 Inches, on corner Hiland avenue
and Walnut street Nineteenth ward.
I Miss M. Arcliidls. one frame two-story 23x42
feet on Howe street Nineteenth ward.
Squire's Hardware Company, one frame two
story 20x30 feet on Shakespeare street, Twen
tieth ward.
Jacob H. Dahlem, one one-story 14x11 feet on
Lambert street. Twenty-first ward.
I Albert Hill, two frame two-story 31x32 feet
!n Olympla street Thirty-second ward.
Celia Bulk, one frame one and one-half story,
3x32 feet on Shaler street Thirty-fifth ward.
, Dr. F. 8. Slocum, one brick and stone three
story, 33x57 feet, on Linden avenue, Twenty
second ward.
8. E. Doty, frame two-story, 11x44 feet, on
Whlttler street Twenty-first ward. ,, ,,
John Mlnleps, one- frame two-story, 14x44
feet on Whlttler street Twenty-first ward.
Mrs. Mary Burns, two frame two-story, 24x30
feet on Stockholm avenue. Twelfth ward.
Alfred Turner, frame two-story addition, 20x
20 feet on Fifth avenue. Fourteenth ward.
Thomas Lewis, frame two-story, 20x44 feet, on
Dickson street Thirteenth ward.
H. B. Fisher, frame two-story, 17x16 feet, on
Mifflin street Sixteenth ward.
William Vette. frame two-story, 17x46 feet,
on Liberty avenue. Sixteenth ward.
John Suckling, brick two-story, 18x50 feet on
Maine street between Penn and Liberty ave
nues. Sixteenth ward. ' m
James Martin, frame two story, J8x46Teet on
8taunton, between Fifty-second and Fifty-third
streets. Eighteenth ward,
v Edward Hendrick, two frame two-story, 84x
23, feet on lot No. 1715 Fifty-seventh street,
Eighteenth ward.
1 East End Roformed Presbyterian Church,
brick one-story. 59x105 feet on Hiland avenue.
Nineteenth ward, between Broad and, Putnam
Charles G. Kolme, brick two-storv, 16x65 feet,
on Gloster street. Twenty-third ward.
Ed Snyder, frame one-story, 12x20 feet, on
Harcums alley. Twenty-fourth ward.
Thomas and James Moore, frame two-story,
29x35 feet, on Meridan avenue. Thirty-fifth
B. Biber, one three-story addition on Market
street between Fifth and Liberty avenues,
Third ward.
Pat McCormlck, one frame two-story, 17x48
feet on 2641 Penn avenue. Twelfth ward.
H. Doyle, one frame two-story, 16x17 feet, on
Crescent street Thirteenth ward.
Mrs. Jennie Cave, frame two-story, 18x32 feet
on Mingo street Thirteenth ward.
Wm. J. Crawford, one brick and stone three
story,21x50 feet,on Oakland avenue,Fourteenth
Henry Schmidt, one brick 6ne-storv, 22x13
feet on 3507 Butler street. Fifteenth ward.
F. Alpert one frame two-story, 22x18 feet, on
Lotus alley. Eighteenth ward.
M. J. Smith, frame two-story, 8x17 feet, on
Fifty-flfth street, Eighteenth ward.
Miss C. H. Menold. one brick two-story, 16x32
feet, on Dearborn street Nineteenth ward.
Miss Lizzie Coles, one frame one-story and
mansard. 18x16 feet, on Greenfield avenue,
Charles Shultz, frame one-story, 14x26 feet
onJace street Twenty-fourth ward.
Home for Aged Colored Women, one frame
two-story addition, 30x31 feet on Laplace
street Thirteenth ward.
Geo. Dc, one frame two-story, 17x32 feet, on
25 Hill street Thirteenth ward.
A Hazel wood Residence Changes Owners at
a Round Figure Other Dickers.
Samuel Black & Co. sold, through A.W.E.
Bauck, the residence ot Georsre H. Anderson,
Esq., at Hazelwood, with about two acres of
ground, for $16,000. Tbe same firm placed a
mortgage of $S50 on a two-story frame dwelling
on Shetland avenue, East End, for two years,
at 6 per cent
John F. Baxter, 512 Smithfleld street, sold to
John W. Heare, two lots, Nos. 09 and 70, ViUa
Park plan. Brushton station, containing five
and one-half acres, f or$5,000.
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets. sold for William Velte et al. anew
modern frame dwelling of five rooms, lot 22x100
feet situate on the west side of Gross street
near Liberty avenue, Twentieth ward, to John
Kaupp, for $2,608.
Ewlng & Byers, No, 107 Federal streetplaced
a mortgage of $1,700 for three years at 6 per
cent on property on Overlook street, Second
ward, Allegheny.
Black & Balrd sold a lot fronting 100 feet on
Woodwarth street and extending back 23) leet
to the Pennsylvania Railroad, Twentieth ward,
for J. S. Conley, Esq , of New York City, for
$1,900 cash. The purchaser was F. W. Glpner.
i George S. Martin, 603 Liberty street sold in
e Maplewood Park plan, Wilkinsburg, lot
Ifo. 4, having a frontage of 40 feet on James
sbeet by 120 feet to Grant lane, for $100 cash,
jo Mrs. Eliza Satter.
Reed'B. Coyle A Col, 131 Fourth avenue,
sold to William Spriestersbach lots Nos. 68 and
69 in the Marion Place plan for $650 cash.
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to Lissette Oram lot No. 93, In tho Marion Place
plan, for $500.'
Business Motes.
BuaAR refiners have reduced the price He to
correspond- to the drop in raw.
Next to Caldwell's, McAfee's new residence
will be the finest in Edgewood.
Bank stocks bad a comparatively easy time
ot It yesterday. Mr. Mustin was absent
The Edgewood borough scheme Is still tied
up in the Supreme Court One kicker made all
the trouble.
George Hetzel, the artist, has a beautiful
home in Edgewood, where he whiles away all
his spare time.
New Yore bears still pin their faith to a
tight money market as certain to bring about a
reaction In stocks.
The Wilkinsburg gas well is a matter of
istorv. Very few can bo found to confess any
personal knowledge 01 it
RojtTNSON Bbqthers sold last week $25,000
ot Equitable Mortgage Company debenture
bonds at riar and interest
Tub monthly pipe line reports show 0 de
crease of lVrxftOOO In certificates and a net re
duction ot 77a, 000 barrels In production. This
is rather bullijih.
Wore on California avenue Is progressing.
The viewers ware busy all last week, and it is
understood they had very little trouble in
settling damagerand benefits.
Several big deals in real estate last week
failed to reach tbe surf ace. One of theso tran
sactions was in the Squirrel Hill district An
other mvotved several acres near the Bayne
tract below town. V "
.TnE Northom Pacific statement for tbe year
shows $571,000 surplus. There is about 3" per
cent due preferred stockholders. The com
pany's June statement snows a net decrease of
$sz,(jou considerable .rtttsourg capital is
vested in this read.
Professionals Take Possession of the Stock
market aid Run It Inno tbo Ground
Tho Sugar Trust lRnliled A
Dull and HeavylCIose.
New Yore, August 10. TJhe stock market
to-day, owing to tho absence c-f a largo number
of the prominent traders and brokers, was al
most entirely given up to the professional
element Prices were first advanced and after
ward let off to about opening figures, and the
final changes are generally for insignificant
fractions. The London market was quoted
very strong, but first prices he're were only
(lightly changed from last night's figures, but
the temper of the room for the tljme being was
very bullish, and in the first hour's trading
there were marked advances scorjed in some of
the specialties, ot which Sngar Trest, Wheel
ing andLake Erie preferred andjWabash pre
ferred were most conspicuous, ruling IK. IK
audi per cent respectively. Oregon Naviga
tion later shot up VA per cent, but the general
list was dull and uninteresting frolm the open
ing to tbe close. ,
Borne animation was shown In Atbfjlson, Bur
llngton,Northern Pacific preferred and St Paul,
but in neither ot these stocks did tbe extreme
fluctuation exceed Jiper cent Tbtk buying
was mainly for the covering of sh4rts,but
later the selling of Sugar Trust by brokers wbo
are understood to act for tbe pool knocked that
stock off to below the first price. The I rest of
the list soon followed, and tho early adwances
were in most cases entirely wiped out Both
the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati anli St
Louis and Chesapeake and Ohio's were Com
paratively quiet, and moved over an extrediely
narrow range. The market finally closed olull
and rather heavy, at about opening prices.
J&llroad. bonds were quiet though the sales
reached somewhat higher flcures than usual of
late, being $462,000. This was divided betwedn
a comparatively small number of issues, anld
the movements ot the day were without im
portance. A firm tone generally prevailed, buV
there were only two Important final changes',
and they were declines. Wabash general re-l
celpts lost 4 at 44. The sales of bonds for the
week were 7,131,000, against only $4,884,000 for
last week.
The following table snows the prices oractlve
stocks oh the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for Tux Dispatch by
Whitxxt A stxfbexsox. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stock Exchange, 57 1'ourth avenue:
, Clos-
High Low- lug
est. est Bids.
MH HH saw
T a" Ss
i3k van i
tm m)tj
lnar. Am. Cotton On 4H
Canadian Pacifle....... ....
Canada Southern.. ..... eft
Osatrl of New JeiMr.iaK
CeMnaPaetms, ..,
Chesaoeake ft Ohio..
C Bur. Oulney..
C Mil. a St Paul.,
C MU.ft St P., pf
C, KoccL&P ,
v.. BI..U. sniis.,..,. ...,
C St L. Pitts, pi ,
C St. F..AL&U...
C. St. r.lt. 40.. pr. .
U ft Northwestern.. ..UOH UOtf IWi
Cft Northwestern, rjf. ,
C, C, C. ft 1 73
a, a, a & 1., pt,,...iK.x
Col. Coal A Iron 27
Col. ft Hocking Val .. UH
Del.. L. ft W 115
Dei. ft Hudson
E.T.. Va. ftUa 10
E.T.,Va. ftGa.lst pf. ....
E. 1.. Va. ftGa2dpr. ....
Illinois Central 113
Lake Erin ft Western.. 20S4
Lake Erie JfWesL Dr.. &
Lake Shore ft M. 8. . ...103X
Loulsvllle&Nashvllle. 63J
Michigan central
Mo., Kan. ft Texas.... 10H
Missouri faclne 72K
New xora- CentraL....107
N. Y.. L. E. ft Vf I7K
N.I.. L. E. ft W.. pref ....
N. 1.. C. A St L,
N. X., C ft 8t L. pf.. .....
N.Y.. C. ftht-L. 2d of ....'
N. YftN. E 81
N. y.. O. ft V KH
Norfolk s Western.... It
-Norfolk Westerner. ....
Northern Pacific 23W 23
Nortnern faclflc nref. C7K C7)i
Ubloft .Mississippi..... 22J Wi
Oregon Improvement. M S4
Oregon Transcon 33 K 33V
PaciSeMaU 35 lj
Peo. Dec ft Evans.
Pullman Palaee Car...l804 laoy
Hlchmona ft W. V. T.. 2314 23J4
Klchmond ft W.P.T.pf 80 H 80X
St. P., Minn, ft Man.. 101 101
St L. ft San Fran
St. L. ft San rran pf.. 59 f MH
St.L. ft San if. 1st pf.
Texas Pacific 21! 21
UnlonPaeinc Mi eiH
Wabasn 16H 17)4
Wabash preferred SoV 31J,
Western Union SiH 88
Wheeling ft L. t 70S 7l
Bugar Trust 103 ....
National Lead Trust. 23X
Chicago Gas Trust S3), S8)j
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 67
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
.. Z2K
.. 10&
22 8-ltt
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Bufialo. Pittsburg and Western..
Lehigh Valley
Lehlffh Navlsratlon
... UK
... 52H
Nortnern Paelfle 293
Northern Paclfia preferred SIX
Wheat Balls Routed Horse. Foot and
Drngoons A Downwnrd Plunge That
Carries Everything With It
Corp Weak Onta Drop.
Oat of Sight.
Chicago For the last day of a dull
week in wheat speculative trading was
active. Everythinc favored lower prices, and
a downward dip of c was witnessed before
noon. September went to 75c, and December
to77Jc So uniformly depressing were the
surroundings, that the bears appeared at last
to have tbe couraga of their convictions, and
they went at the market with a rush right from
the start The decline was accelerated bythe
unloading of numerous lines of long wheat,
some of which were pretty large ones, and by
local parties that all along had been regarded
as the most radical bulls on the floor.
The impression that the Government crop
report would be more favorable than the last
was so general that the market took on its In
itial weakness from that cause. Next In Im
portance to tbe bear side, was the clear, cool
weather reported in tbe Northwest When the
market got down around 777c for Decem
ber about noon, it hung pretty stubbornly for
a time, and J bough heavy, the decline was
checked by good buying, principally by shorts.
Half an hour or so before the close it weakened
again, this time touching 77c, nnd at tbe close
77cwa3the market being a net loss for the
day on December of Jc, and for the week of
Corn was active and weak. Trading was
Tieavy. and the volume of business larger than
for many days past Offerings were large
"longs" selling and shorts covering. The
weaker tone was attributed mainly to large,
movement and break in the cash market The
country were large sellers and shippers sold
freely early in the session. Tbe market opened
Jic below the closing prices of yesterday, was
steady for a time, but soon ruled weak and de
clined without a reaction c, rallied a little,
became easy, closed J?c lower than yester
day. Oats were active, weaker and lower than for
any time In ten years. Tbe weakness and de
cline was due to continued free receipts. Free
general selling for local and outside parties re
sulted, especially of the new features which
were depressed by the large offerings of cash
property and a decline of 10 in the market for
samples. Prices for futures declined o
and Uosed at about inside figures.
A fairly active trade was reported in mess
pork with considerable fluctuations In prices
within a narrow range. Prices declined 10c
daring the early part of tbe day, but rallied 6
7a later and closed comparatively steady.
Some interest was manifested in the lard
market and the feeling was easier. Prices de
clined 57c and the market closed quiet at
medium figures.
A fairly active trade was reported in short
ribs and the feeling was comparatively steady.
Early the market was weaker and prices ro
ceded25c, but rallied slightly and closed
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 3, September. 755i75K75K
75JSc; December, 77ji7727777c; year,
vuiuuer, oj(ou;
Oats No. 4, September. 20JiH)2020c:
October, 20K20cs December, 21(h212
Mess Poke, pe? bbL September, $10 0
10 6010 50010 5"K: October, $10 3510 37;
year, $9 50QU '
Lard, per 100 As. September, $6 456 42V;
October, $6 403 420 35S 40; year, $8 02
06 05.
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. September. $5 420
5 42& October. $5 405 42K5 405 42k; Jan
uary. $4 954 97Kt JC4 Vb.
casn quotations were as ioiiows: .Flour
uiet Southern winter lOo lower. No. 3
ring wheat 7Gc: No. 3 spring wheat 700
e: .No. 3 red. 75Jc No. 2 corn. 35c
no. z oats, ivyw. .no. 2 rye. wxiM. no.
2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 201 2L
Prime timothy seed. $1 421 41 Mess pork,
per barrel, $10 65 10 6a Lard, per 100 pounds,
$87K0 4O. Bbortnb sides (looser), $5 4035 60.
Dry salted shoulders (boxed), unchanged.
Short clear sides (boxed), unchanged. Bugars
Cut loaf. 9i9Mc: granulated, 8c: standard
A.&c Receipts Flour. 9,000 barrels; wheat,
122,000 bushels: corn, 33-,000 bushels; oats, 310,000
bushels; rye, 11.000 bushels; barley, 1,000 bushels
Shipments Flour, 5,000 barrels: wheat 140,000
bushels; corn, 65.000 bushels: oats, 211,000
bushels; rye, none; barley, 1,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was fairly active but unchanged. Eggs
in good demand at 12c
The Condition of Business nt the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office oFPrrrsmrRO Dispatch.!
SATURDAY, August 10, 18S9. J
CATTLE Receipts, '600 head; shipments, 600
head: market nothing doing; all through con
signments; 2 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 900 .neadt shipments, 00
bead; market firm! best light Yorkers, $4 800
4 90; fair, $4 65(34 75; jrrassers, $4 50S4 60;
medium and light Phlladelphlas; $4 654 70;
heavy hogs. (4 404 CO; 2 cars ot hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 2, COO head; shipments, S.0OO
head; market steady at unchanged prices.
Movements of Specie.
New Yore, August 10V Tho exports of
specie from the port of New York last week
amounted to $612,550. of which $104,000 was in
gold and $608,550 in silver. All tbe sliver and
$2,000 In gold went to Europe and $102,000 gold
to South America. Tho imports of specie for
the week amounted to $23,410, ot which $23,133
was in gold and $2,272 silver.
"MY husband and I purchased six bottles
of Pe-ru-na," writes a lady who lives in
Morgantown, Ky. "We are both taking it,
and are both greatly improved in hoslth by
it." Sold by all druggists?! tt bottle.
Imported Brnadanberar Frarea.
Medoo, St. Emilion, St Estepha, 6t
Jullen, Maxgeaux; Fontet, Canet,8tPierrie,
Chateau Leovllle, Chateau la Boss, Chateau
Mouton, Grand Tin Chateau Margeaux,
Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte, by the case or
ttle. U. V. SCHMIDT,
05 and 07 Fifth avenue, city.
Fraaeaholat & THsack's
btftUd Pllsaar tar U on draught at all
, first Vejaasbaw, Call ror It eaca b f
juiicjk li always. -Aaiiaao&a
. 23X 2SV
... TJJ 72K
,..112? 112K
... t3X 8&
Lieutenant W. L. Burdice, U.S.N., is
back In the city after a few weeks' absence in
Fortt-one commissions were issued
throughout the State during tha past month,
of which 2S went to the Thirteenth Regiment
Captain O. a Coon, of Company 1, Mc
KeCsport has made a gratifying score this sea
son, of 50 out of a possible 60 points. This Is
tile top notch in shooting in the National
Guard, and there are but few men in tbe State
who have accomplished the feat.
A nukber of local military gentlemen left
for Mt Gretna last night to spend a few days
at the camp now being held there. Among
them was Lieutenant Brown, of Battery B, wbo
was unable to leave with the rest of the com
mand last Thursday.
Colonel Wrms.'J.HPLraGSrOf the Six
teenth Regiment, spent a few days in the city
during the past week. The Colonel is owner of
a lumber tract in West Virginia comprising
26,000 acres, and is considered as tbe lumber
king of that part of the country.
As predicted in this column last Sunday,
Captain William M. Awl, whom some people
havoiven considerable unpleasant notoriety,
arrived back in the citv last Wednesday. Cap-
.tain Awl's actions were perfectly open and ex-
piainanie. anane expects to maxe mines uveiy
for his slanderers.
ALL the regiments of the First Brigade were
inspected during tbe past week with satisfac
tory results. Several accidents happened
throughout the brigade during tbe encamp
ments, among others. Major Chew, of tbe Fen
clbles, being badly cut abont the face by a fall
ing tent polo during a wind storm.
i'HE Sheridan Sabres, a semi-miiitaryorcanl-zatlon
located In Wilkinsburg; cave an" inter
esting exhibition and drill last Thursday night
which was attended by a large audience. The
company bas been organized a little over a
year, and besides snlforming themselves, the
members have made very fair progress In tbe
sabre drill.
Late statistics show that desertions are
largely on the increase In the regular army,
2.811 men having taken "French" leave during
the past six months, against 2,439 during the
same period of last year. An effort is being
made among some nf tbe highest officials of
the army to determine the causes of the
trouble, and if possibly remedy the same.
Major Sauuex. Hazxktt, Inspector of
Rifle Practice of tho Second Brigade, sailed
for Europe last Friday. He expects to be gone
about six weeks, and will scarcely be homo In
time for the brigade matches in September.
His place as Captain of tbe Second Brlgado
team will bo filled by General Wiley appoint
ing some other member of bis staff.
, The Sheridan Troop, of Tyrone, arrived in
camoat Mt Gretna yesterday after a march
offlvedavs. The Governor's Troop, of Har
rlsburg, also marched to camp, the trip con
suming two days. Governor Beaver and staff
will be on tho grounds forfour days, and after
tho militia leave it is probable that the regular
troops, will remain until the latter part of the
The Duquesne Greys, under command of
Captain Moore, went into camp near Erie last
Friday. The members made a very creditable
appearance in their new uniforms, and the or
ganization has apparently gotteu a new lease
on life. The muskets numbered about 60. a
local band accompanying them. The spot se
lected is said to bo a very pretty one, and will
be occupied by the Heavies for about two
Adjutant General Hastings has de
cided to equip the Fourteenth Regiment
throughout with new uniforms, in return for
those worn out at Johnstown, it is extremely
probable that the regiment will be taken to
Gettysburg in September for three davs dur
ing the reunion of the Grand Army, In place of
the regular summer encampment which was
postponed. Should the trip be definitely de
cided on, the new nniforms will be furnished
in time to be worn on tho occasion.
At a meeting of the Washington Infanty last
week, it was decided to change the date for tha
annual target practice from October 6 to .Sep
tember 26. Tho three company medals will be
contested for at that time. A committee con
sisting of Lieutenant Nlebaum, Joe Kurtz and
Ed. Klaus were appointed to secure a location
and make all necessary arrangements. Besides
rifle practice, a number of other sports will be
on the programme for tbe same day.
The Third Minnesota Regiment one day
during their recent encampment performed a
little drill not to be found in Upton. The en
tire command was assembled on the lakesbore
to take a batb. The men were dressed in whlto
shirts and blue trousers, carried towels over
their left arms and cakes of soap in their right
hands. At the word of command they ad
vanced in a body into the water up to their
waists and commenced operations. The sight
is said to have been very interesting and all
seemed to enjoy it
Lieutenants Patterson and Brown, ot
tbe Fourteenth, did some remarkable fine
shooting at 200 and 500 yards last Thursday on the
range at Saltsburg. They fired 40 ronnds each
at the targets. Patterson winning by a total of
,162 points to Brown's 160 points. The Four
promises to be one of the best on the grounds,
among those selected so far being Brown, Pat
terson, Huggins, Robb and Smith, formerlyuf
the Tenth Regiment
Colonel Watees. Division Inspector of
Rifle Practice, has issued his Instructions rela
tive to the rifle matches which are to be shot at
tbe Coleman range, Mt Gretna, from Septem
ber 2 to 7. The regimental teams consist of
four men and two reserves, and the brigade
teams, 12 men and three reserves. The dis
tances 200,500 and 600 yards, seven shots at
each distance, and no practice shots allowed on
tbe days ot the matches. Men will receive six
days pay and subsistance. Teams are expected
on tho grounds Monday morning, September 2.
the regimental match to take place September
4 and the brigade match September G. Mr.
Robert Coleman has offered an additional
prize ot $500, besides the regular trophies.
After the matches Colonel' Watres will select
a team from the contestants on tbe grounds,
to shoot at Creedmonr during the week com
mencing September 8. Tbe matches are to bo
governed by Blunt's manual.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Chlldren,she gave them Castoria
The entire issue being $300,000, on the prop
erty and franchises of the 'company, including
all its consolidated lines, $75,000 being retained
by the Fidelity Tile and Trust Company, of
Pittsburg, trustee, with which to pay $75,000 of
a prior issue at maturity. Bonds are for 31,000
each, payable In 30 jears, free of all taxes.
Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually,
beginning July 1, 1SS9, Proposals f orall or any
part of these bonds will bo received by the
Treasurer of the company op to and including
the 31st day of August and allotments made
thereunder accrued, interest must be added to
tbe price of bonds. At from $113 68 to $105
these bonds will yield from 4 to 4 6-10 per cent
The company reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
For further information address the Treas
urer, R. F. RAMSEY.
05 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan ft Co., New York. Passports procured.
Ratlroad I Mining nil
Stocks. Stocks. UIL
San Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at low rates ot interest
Established 1876. J-Weekly Circular FREE.
A. R. CHISHOLM 6, CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y.
Membera Chicago .Board ot Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
Over the Pittsburg and Lake Erie to
The Pittsburg and Lake Erie road from
Pittsburg to Youngstown, O., without doubt
passes through one of the most picturesque
portions of Western Pennsylvania. .Run
ning down along the Ohio river, which it
crosses at Phillipsburg, thence up through
the Beaver and Mahoning Valley e.high cliffs,
studded with forests of trees, green valleys,
fields of grain and populous villages and
cities greet the traveler on all sides. It
was while on a trip over this road that the
writer first met Mr. P. V. Birmingham, of
No. IS Crystal Row, Carson street, South
side. He is brakeman on passenger train
No. 12, which leaves Youngstown at 1027
A. M., arriving in this city at 1250 p. m.
During the course of conversation Mr. Bir
mingham said:
"I have been railroading for about 11
years, ten of which I spent on the freight runs.
It is to this that I attribute considerable of
my trouble. It was 15 yean ago when I
first noticed that I seemed to be continually
catching cold. My nose was clogged up
and I was constantly raising phlegm from
my thro. "When I went on the freight run
my trouble grew worse. The exposure to all
kinds of weather seemed to irritate it My
head became stopped up, and a dull, heavy
pain set in over my eyes.
"There was a constant buzzing or ringing
sound in my ears, and when I blew my
nose it seemed as though something was
breaking inside of them. My nose for sev
eral years would bleed, anywhere from four
to a dozen times in one day. The trouble
seemed to have a firm hold on me and to be
steadily, though slowly, extending. I spent
large sums for patent medicines, and was
treated by several pbysioians, but obtained
no relief. When I was promoted to the
passenger run about a year ago I had got
into what was indeed a serious condition.
Jfr. P. V. Birmingham, IS Cryttal Row.
"My throat would become parched and
very sore. I couid scarcely speak above a
whisper, and a physician told me I would
lose my voice entirely unless I gave up tha
business. The calling out of the stations
being particularly hard on me.
"I could not sleep. When I would lis
down the mucus would drop back into my
throat, nearly choking me. I would get up
tired in the morning. I had no appetite,
only eating one good meal in a day, and
then the food laid like a heavy load in my
stomach. I had to use laxatives constantly
to. keep myself in any kind of shape. X
began to have severe cutting pains in my
side and groin, extending to the shoulder
blade. They would come on me suddenly,
and when they were over, I would feel
faint, and everything would be spinning
around in front of me.
"X had lost 25 pounds in flesh in four
months, and was weak and unfit for work,
when I heard of Dm. Copeland & Blair. X
called at their office. They did not promise to
perform any miracles, but their charges were
reasonable and 1 felt confident they could help
me. I placed myself under their care.
"I Improved from the very first Soon my
bead became clear. The buzzing sound in my
ears left me. My throat got well and I had no
more trouble with my voice. Gradually tbe
pains in my side and groin disappeared. In
fact to-day I feel like a different man. I sleep,
well and eat three good meals a day. I bavo
gained in weight I am once more strong and
healthy, and owe my recovery to Drs. Copeland
& Blair. I am more than gratef nl to them."
Mr. Birmingham lives, as stated, at No. 15
Crystal Row, Carson street, Sontbslde. Ho
can also be seen every day at the P. & L. E.
depot at 130 p. st, and his statement easily
Showing the Connection and the Signs of
A large proportion of the troubles of the
ear may be traced to catarrhal auctions.
Many sufferers from catarrh will testify to
the peculiar effect that the disease seems to
have even in its early stages upon the hear
ing. The roaring and buzzing in the ears is
one of the most familiar symptoms to ca
tarrhal sufferers.
Sometimes the sound which they hear la,
their ears Is described by them as "steam
going out of a pipe," "the sound of a great
waterfall," "sounds of water overflowing,"
or "steam from a locomotive," as buzzing,
singing, ringing and crackling; sometimes
like the sounds in a shell held at the ear o-
the bursting of bubbles.
Sometimes the sounds are of a belting,,
pulsating; throbbing character, in cased
keeping time with the regular beating of the
heart Sometimes there are several different
sounds such as pulsating and buzzing together,
in some cases the sounds are so intense as ta
render life a burden, and there aro instances on,
record where the distracted sufferers have re-
sorted to suicide to rid themselves of them.
There can be no more Important predisposing
or exciting cause in producing ear diseases than
catarrh in tbe nose and throat Tho symptoms
of catarrh itself can bardlv be mlstaxen. la '
many cases tbe patients have pains about the
chest and sides, and sometimes in the Dacx.
They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth bas a bad
taste, especially in the morning. A sort ot
sticky slime collects about tbe teeth. Tho ap
petite is poor- There is, a feeling like a heavy
load on tha stomach, sometimes a faint "alt
gone" sensation at the pit of the stomach which
food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the
hands and feet become oold and clammy.
After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but
after a few months it Is attended with a greenish-colored
expectoration. The patient feels
tired, all the while, and sleep does not seem to
afford any rest After a time he becomes
nervous, irritable, and gloomy, and bas evil
forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort ot
whirling sensation in the head when rising up
suddenly. The bowels become costive, tha
skin is dry and hot at times: the blood becomes
thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyos be
come tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions
become scanty and high colored, depositing a
sediment after standing. There is frequently
a spitting up of food, sometimes with a sour
taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste, this
is frequently attended with palpitation of tha
heart and asthma tic symptoms.
Are located permanently at
-Where they treat with success aQ csrabMJ
Office hours C to 11A.M.; 2 to 5 P.V.i7to
p. W. (Sunday included). '
Specialties CATARRH, and ALL CIS
Consultation, fl 0a AddrewaUmaHto
aS N Ms ftviw, TttotomjuVif ,