pjjpP" "r . 'w p mmmrn ;" - -- "r isrjgy THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1889. 11 IMPURITIES IiN BEER. - Some Facts About -the Character of the Malt Liquor Drunk Daily. DANGER OF LEAD POISONING. Deadly Drags Occasionally Used to Adul terate Beer. BMEST BKEWEKS ltf THE MU0K1TT. rWEITTM TOa THX DISrATCn.1 The art of brewing was known to the Egyptians many hundred years before the Christian era, and, later, beer was the ordin ary beverage of Julius Ctesar's soldiers. "When the Romans invaded Britain they took with them the art of brewing, and when beer entered England it went to stay; for ever since the invasion of the festive Roman tbe English-speaking people everywhere have been inseparably attached to brewed malt liquor. Some want it as stout, others as ale, and still'others as porter; but the difference is little they are all beer. In every country into which beer has been in troduced, it has become the national bever age, until now it is the favorite drink in all northern and temperate parts of Europe and Asia. Even in Paris, where wine and absinthe are supposed to hold full sway, beer is consumed to an cnormons extent. Coming home, Allegheny county con sumed, approximately, 15,000,000 gallons of beer during the year ending June 30, 1889. These figures represent about 30 gallons for each man, woman and child in the county. A PERTINENT QUESTION. How, considering this enormous and uni versal use of beer, and in view of the fact that, locally, an enormously greater than usual amount of this beverage has been consumed recently, the quality of beer being manufactured is a matter of importance. Some investigations into its purity, then, but be interesting and timely. An analysis for'impuritiesoflS samples of beer as it is furnished to the Pittsburg consumer by brewers, within and without the county, gives the following results: Lead present In three samples. Arsenic present In two samples. Cocculus milieus (picrotoxin) present In five camples, balicylic acid present in two samples. Strychnine present in no samples. Picric acid present In no samples. Tobacco present in no samples. Opium present in no samples. Bacteria (living) present in no samples. Of the three brands of beer containing lead, one was of bottled and two of tapped beer. How the metal came to be present in the bottled article can only be conjectured (probably it was from artificial glucose used as an adulterant), but it is quite certain that the presence of lead in the tapped beer was owing to the fact that the beer was con veyed from the barrel in the cellar to the faucet in the barroom by a lead pipe of about 25 feet in length in the one instance, aud35feetin theother. Thefreeacids, acetic, lactic and carbonic, in the beer, converted the metallic lead into soluble salts which were dissolved and carried along by the beer flowing through the pipes. THE DANGER OP LEAD PIPES. Dr. Hay, the well-known chemist, some time ago pointed ont the danger of using lea'd pipe for this purpose, and recommended that a pipe of iron, lined with an enamel free from lead, be used instead. It may be mentioned that the samples of tapped beer wh&ch contained lead were obtained when wefhad more than 93 saloons in the city a time when beer had more opportunity to ciand in the pipes than it has. now. It is true that the quantity in one case wonld be small, but, as vis well known to medical science,, lead, like all .metals, tends to ac cumulate in the system, and, no matter how small tbe dose, it will eventually produce chrouio lead poison ing. Physicians are constantly meeting with cases where this form of poisoning can be diagnosticated, but where it is a very difficult matter to ascertain the source of the lead. Until pipes made of material other than lead are used lor tapping, beer must come in for a share of the blame in these cases, if the patient is a beer drinker. A professional friend of mine had two patients, both bar keepers (though in different saloons), who were suffering with chronic lead poisoning. The source of the lead in both instances, my friend and I agreed, and analysis showed, was the lead tap pipe. A cample from each of these saloons is in cluded in the table above and constitute two f the three instances in which ' LEAD WAS POUND. In both cases, no lead was detected in cr taken directly from the bar 's. As soon as the matter was ught to the notice of the pro etors of the respective saloons, they im diately made arrangements to have the er barrels placed in the barroom and uped directly with a spiggot, without the ntervention of compressed air and lead ipe, or pipe of any kind; and, though the wo bartenders continued to drink beer as nefore, the symptoms of lead poisoning all subsided. How the arsenic found in two samples got into the beer, is a matter very easy of ex planation. In order to increase the profits, the unscrupulous brewers of these beers bad used artificial glucose in the manufac ture. This substitution would be harmless and justifiable, perhaps, were it not for the fact that in the artificial conversion of starch into glucose, sulphuric acid is used. Now commercial sulphuric acid almost invariably contains arsenic Whence the ARSENIC IN THE BEER. True, this poisonous metal was not founed in very great -quantity, and probably would net as a tonic and increase the avoirdupois of the man who drinks four Or five glasses daily of the beer containing it; but what of the man who drinks 15 or 20 glasses or more a day? If he drinks continually of that one brand ot beer he must inevitably suffer from chronic arsenical poisoning. This is no gauzy hyp6thesis; it has occurred with in the writer's personal knowledge. Picrotoxin was lound in bve sampler It is the poisonous active principle of coccnlus indicus, the fruit of which was used to adulterate the beer for the purpore of cheaply increasing its bitterness and intox icating effects, with a corresponding saving of bops and ot malt A CHEAP ADULTERANT. It talies but very little cocculus indicus to infuse a great amount of bitterness into an enormous quantity of beer, and as but one-twentieth of a grain, when repeated sev eral times at short intervals, is sufficient to produce the intoxicating effects of tbe drug, it is seen that it makes a cheap adulterant. A solution con taining the picrotoxin obtained from a sample ot beer was injected hypodermatic ally into a guinea pig, with the result of literally Jieing him up in a knot with the tetani6 spasms. Death followed iu a short time. This is called the pbvsiological test for picrotoxin, and, though a little hard on the guinea pig, is confirmatory of the accuracy of the chemical test. It is possible that the intoxication due in part to tie picrotoxin in beer may have something to do with many acts of violence which might not be com mitted under the influence of alcohol alone. The effects of the lope-continued use of picrotoxin are most disastrous, the nervous system being chiefly affected. The differ ence between drinking a pure beer and one containing picrotoxin is, other things being equal, simply years taken from the life of the man who drinks the adulterated product. AIT UNNECESSARY EVIL. Salicylic acid is not a danrerous adulter ant, but it has no business in the beer. If enough bops are used there is no necessity Strychnine and picric acid were not found in the samples analyzed, though they are sometime used to increase tbe bitterness and the profits. Tobacco ana opium care oeen usea to I adulterate beer, ut prohablv not very frej quently. No traces of either were found in these analyses. No living .bacteria were de tected, and it is a pleasure to find these om nipresent organisms absent from something. To drpp to slang literally there are no flies on beer. There were indication in some samples of there having been carbonate of soda added to the beer to neutralize the acid and in crease the foam. This, of course, is not in jurious to the drinker; nevertheless the drinker feels himself injured, for when he gets a thimbleful of beer buried under a glassful of froth, he thinks, and rightly, that the dispenser is making undue money off of him. RESULT OF DEUfKINQ IMPURE BEEE. In regard to the actual results of con tinually drinking a beer containing the impurities detected, the writer is aware that many a stout and healthy individual will argue thus: "I have been drinking beer all my life and I am a sound man to-day; so it can't be adulterated so awfully much." But this individual must remember these three things: That there are exceptions to rules; that the effect of adulterated beer may yet tell on him (if he drinks much ot the adulterated brands), and, lastly, that be is probably not so healthy a man as he thinks he is. Certain it is that every practicing physician has constantly under his care one or more victims of impure beer. Again, as each individual beer drinker hears a reference to adulterated beer, he will say: "Oh! yes. there is lots of impure beer on the market. You ought to drink only the so-and-o brand: it is the only pure article." AVe should answer "Don't be too sure about that." A VEET FAIE SHOWING. In reference to the above analysis it should be stated that no one sample of beer contained more than three of the four im purities found, and of the fifteen samples no impurities at all were detected in ten sam ples. This is a showing of 33J4 per cent of impure beer on the market. This percent age is, however, but little, if any worse, than is the case with the majority! manu factured articles of food and drink." All kinds of such products are more or less adulterated. The present article must not be considered as a polemic against the brewers in general, for, as I have said, their products arc no worse than those of other manufacturers, and it must be said for them that the more responsible ones, some of whom have been spoken to in regard to this matter, are aware of the prevalent adulteration . of beer, and deplore it. They know that it is done and they know how to do it, but refrain from the nefarious practices themselves, as a mat ter of principle, though they could im mensely increase their profits if they should yield to greed. The writer has talked with come of the best brewers in the country and they all agree that a stop of some kind should be put to the . -WHOLESALE ADULTERATION going on in many local and distant brew eries; they cay it is damaging the honest brewer who brews with an eye only to the legitimate profits of his business. It is well that there are a few of these hontst fellows, for if all the beer sold was asbad as some of the bamples analyzed, the future ot our peo ple would be appalling to consider. This Suggests the only immediate rem edy the only thing the beer-drinker can do to lessen the risk of detriment to his health from impure beer that is, "don't confine your potations to any one brand of beer, but let them be of as many different brands as possible." As about 33J per cent of all beer supplied to the Pittsburg consumer is adulterated, by a conglomera tion of beers you will get two glasses of the pure article for one of the imnure. That is two to one in your'lavor and is the best you can do under the circumstances. Chevalieb Q. Jackson, 21. D. M. G. Cohen, the popular jeweler and diamond expert, formerly at the corner of Fifth avenne and Market street, has opened a new store at 533 Smithfield st. Eis old friends and the public are invited to call and inspect his stock and prices. Don't forget the place, 33 Smithfield st. California Wines. Old Sherrv. full quarts BOc Extra Old Sherry, full quarts. ...75c Uld Port, mil quart;, , Extra Old Port, lull quarts , Riesling, full quarts , Angelica, full quarts Muscatel, fnll quarts. Tokay, full quarts , For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, Nos. 97 Fifth avenue. ....50c ....75c ,...40c ....50c ...50c ....50c 95 and Excursion to Atlantic City, Via the B. & O. K. E., next Thursday, August 15. Kate $10 for the round trip; tickets good for. 10 days; good to stop at "Washington City returning. Trains of Eastlake coaches" and Pullman palace cars will leave at 8 a. m. and 120 p. M. TnE best French sateens now only 25c a yard, and a choice assortment of all-wool French challis reduced to 35c a yard. Hugus & Hacks. "We carry the best line of dollar corsets. F. Schoekthal, 612 Penn ave. Cabinet photos, 89c per dor. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. mwtsu PEACK SHORT CAKE. Take one pound of flour; mix well through it one and a half measures 'Ban ner" Baking Powder; add two teaspoonfuis salt; then rub in one-half ponnd shortening, add with a spoon one-half pint of sweet milk; bake in jelly cake pans; when cold, and just before eating, place in layers. Take ripe, fresh peaches, which have pre viously been washed, pared, chopped, and sugared. Spread the fruit on each layer and serve with cream. charlotte eussk. Take one quart ot rich cream, four table- E-poomuis Ul puwucrcu iuK, fcwu tea Spoonfuls extract of vanilla; place this in a vessel packed with chopped ice; allow it to thoroughly chill. Then beat into this two tablespoonfuls gelatine that has been dis solved in two tablespoonfuls sweet milk. Prepare your cake as follows: Take the whites ot 11 eggs beaten stiff, one and one half teacUpf uls granulated sugar measured after sifting; beat the sugar in gradually, also the yolks of six eggs and one teaspoon ful extract of orange; stir into this one tea cnpful flour, measured after sifting four times, having mixed through the dry flour one measure "Banner" Baking "Powder. Bake 40 minutes, slow oven, square pan. "When cake is told cut out the center and pour in the whipped cream; drop over top candied cherries or other conserves. Now is the season to keep on 'hand a supply of HOUSE "SCOTJBENE" to do all CLEANING your house cleaning. WITH There is no lenown article SCOTJEENE for 6 cents that will so help through ho nse cleaning and jio it as well. LEAGUEATERAGES. Some InterestingJlecords of Batting and "Fielding Ability. BRODTHERS THE LEADING BATTER. The Cleveland still Lead the Other Teams In Fielding. MEW I0KK IS PIEST IN STICK WOBK The detailed batting and fielding aver ages of the League clubs and players are here given complete up to August 7. A record is given every player who has played In at least ten games. Broutbers is clinching his hold on first batting honors. Cleveland still leads tbe fielding, with .New York first in batting. Chicago has improved In both batting and fielding. New York has five out of tbe first eight batters. The figures follow: B 2 H H a a 3 n 2. m o ! CLTO ? I I ! I h BATTING. 3 ? 3 p S 5 . . g. f g.. : :::::: .3 1 Ne York 76 1741 537 7S7 "is! "5 153 2 Boston 78 2735 SS 749 1611 176.274 3 Chicago 83 2936 '537 782 117 211 .268 4 Indianapolis. ....... S3 302Z 4S4 812 177 233.263 5 Philadelphia 80 2911 474 761 219 3)1 .261 6 Cleveland 83 2858 410 711 160 158.249 7 Washington 75 2578 351 632 160 113.245 8 FltUburg 82 2370 410 699 IU 195.241 o B m i s o n u " S. 3 5 ? " jr e o S 2 !. . 5 CLUB FIELDING. 2 " : g : 3 : " : S 2 8 . a, j? : ":::: :::::: "I Cleveland 83 2212 1240 223 3675 135 .939 2 Boston ,. 78072 1057 249 3378 207 .929 3 Indianapolis 83 2209 1213 261 3683 144 .929 4 Pittsburg 82:2158 1158 257 3573 154 .928 5 .New York 76ll947 1028 243 3218 163 .924 6 Philadelphia 8012127 1066 261 3454 156 .924 7 Chicago 83 2250 1270 316 3836 119 .918 g Washington 75J1941 993 316 3250 143 .903 a n ". ? I 3 q - I s 8 n a e J f ! : ? : I S I T . a If BATTING. Playtr$-Clubl, Dronthers. Boston .408 Tlernan, New York.. .362 awing, new lorn Gore, New York Glasscock. Iud'apolla. fields. Pittsburg Connor. New York.... OVRourke, N. Y Sanders, Philadelphia. Darling. Chicago Carroll. Pittsburg Klchardson, Boston... Whttnej-, Indla'polls. Clements. Pblla'phla. (Duffy, Chicago i Denny, Indianapolis .353 .332 .331 .330 .328 .324 .321 .318 .317 .316 .313 .312 .311 .III i van iiauren. i;mca, I Buckley, Indian..., Delahanty, PWla 5 Thompson. PbUa..., Heklev. Plttabure. .319 .110 308 .301 .364 .304 .302 .300 I nines. Indianapolis. beery, Indianapolis... sioiTer, i-mia.. Wllmot,Vash.. Anson, Chicago Dalr, Wash ibulllTan. Ind. ,2V4 291 .290 .239 1 Zlminer. Cleveland.. .289 .283 ,286 .238 .282 ,278 ,277 .276 .276 .275 .273 .273 ,272 ,272 .263 .266 266 ,265 264 Kyan, Chicago (Crane, New York.., 1 Kelly. Boston Andrews. Phlla Myers, Phils. & Wash. Tebeao. UeTeland... J Madden. Boston ..., Mack, Wash Maul. Plttsburir J Gumbert. Chicago.. (jonnston, jsosioa. I McGeachy, lnd.... i Onlnn. Boston Richardson, N. Yt... Ward. New York.. JTwltchell, CleTe..., Hoy. Washington.... I Farrar. PulU IFarrelL Chlcaeo.... .264 .261 Miller. Pittsburg , Dalley. Indian Kuehne, Pltisbarg... ,2SS 257 xiaiiinan, l njia...... O'Brien. Cleve ( Nash, Boston I Badbourne, Bost.... 1 Brown. Boston J Wise. Wash I t'ogarty, Phlla....:. Tener, Chicago Schoch. Wash Ebrtght, Wash Gllks, Cleveland.... Strieker. Cleveland. .255 ,25 255, ,254 254 ,251 .251 250 .250 250 ,250 .250 .2(8 .247 bhrlver. Philadelphia Itowr, .riiisDurg Wood. Philadelphia. ( Sunday, Pittsburg. Pfeffer, Chicago (Clark, Washington, 1 Ganiell. Boston ,248 245 245 .244 244 ,241 Carney. Washington Haddock Wash'n... Clarkson, Boston Dunlap. Pittsburg... Keefe, Washington.. McAleer, Cleveland,. .239 .238 .235 ,231 .233 ,232 ,232 ,231 .231 ,231 .223 iraaiz. uercisnu... 1 Radford, Cleveland. ( jnciiean. uievciauo. 1 Burns, Chicago I Hutchinson. Chic... A.Irwin, Phtl. Wash uieason. jrnuaa'a.... .227 .226 .225 Shoeneck. Indlanap's Hanlon. Plttsburir 62Casey, Philadelphia.. Bennett. Boston ,218 217 Flint, Chicago , Boyle. Indianapolis... Bassett. Indlanasolts. .36 ,215 ,214 bwecny. Washing.... tjommers, Chicago (bmlth. Plttsburtr. .213 ,2 1 LUtfleld, New York. .209 Welch, New York... Brown. New York... .206 .2K Snyder, Cleveland... 203 197 wniiney. aew xors Dwver. Chlcaco .IDS Galvln. Pittsburg.... MorrllL Washington. 183 181 Getzeln. Indlananolls .178 .167 I Kusle, Indianapolis. Myers, Indianapolis 167 U'AJay, flew tors...., Butclfffc Cleveland.., Staley, Pittsburg Krock. Chicago & Ind. .163 .162 ,161 156 153 BnfSngion, Phlla. ... Keefe, New York.... Bakelev, Cleveland .. Bastlan. Chicago Fersoii. Washlnsrton. .146 131 124 111 White, Pittsburg.... Beatln, Cleveland... Decker, Philadelphia. Uealy, Chicago .110 ,085 ,071 066 79 296 74 121 67 276 78 100 67 238 53 84 71 293 78 99 82 362 80 120 30 106 12 35 76 291 74 95 75 299 47 97 21 84 9 27 13 44 6 14 47 161 44 51 M 307 73 97 10 32 6 10 43 199 33 62 83 344 89 107 81 351 62 109 82 326 74 101 39 155 12 42 26 117 23 36 79 339 62 103 71 296 53 83 76 306 48 93 76 305 70 92 78 333 53 100 56 221 41 65 83 323 88 94 33 124 24 36 54 197 37 87 45 142 33 41 83 364 82 105 16 56 10 16 71 294 68 84 10 39 10 11 72 281 48 77 84 329 40 91 16 58 5 16 58 225 32 62 58 218 31 60 31 121 25 33 78 319 64 87 79 320 46 87 64 250 26 68 73 299 43 80 58 248 45 68 83 342 46 91 76 309 51 82 80 299 45 79 63 230 49 74 65 264 49 69 40 151 27 39 63 272 27 70 70 275 33 70 28 110 11 28 75 274 53 70 20 71 10 18 78 319 89 81 70 271 44 68 79 303 69 76 24 84 7 21 30 108 13 27 16 GO 7 15 18 72 6 18 83 348 49 87 34 129 15 32 23 09 12 22 75 321 58 79 52 212 41 51 82 319 55 78 21 82 11 20 44 168 22 41 48 195 20 47 17 46 5 11 40 147 20 35 74 285 31 67 16 47 6 11 81 331 49 79 81 315 39 73 83 285 52 66 70 386 50 89 82 320 36 75 19 & 12 15 65 219 27 50 18 66 11 15 16 62 3 14 76 302 53 68 15 SO 2 11 48 147 16 32 15 to 6 13 29 87 11 21 83 317 35 68 SO 192 13 41 12 47 5 10 72 253 27 53 28 110 20 23 26 97 14 20 23 83 8 17 18 (J 4 14 74 269 42 5J 22 82 8 16 24 85 S 16 44 149 19 27 31 101 16 18 12 36 4 6 40 151 22 25 15 49 1 8 21 74 7 12 33 124 7 20 10 32 4 8 32 111 10 17 25 82 10 12 26 84 6 11 40 137 16 17 24 81 4 9 18 73 6 8 19 59 4 5 10 28 3 2 17 61 8 4 7 B S P 5 o o. " B o s : : a " . - " 2 : : : S ?:::. FIELDING. CATCniBS. Player Club. Bennett, Boston... Schrlvcr, Phlla.... Hnvder. (Cleveland : .963 .947 r .944 Zlinmer, Cleveland... .90 ,93a f.wing, new xora., UanzelL Boston... . r .927 I.V21 1 .916 r .909 Darling. Chicago Dalley. Washington.. Elements, jrniia. ...... (Buckley, lnd I Sntcllffe, Cleveland. Kartell, Chicago flint, Chicago Myers, lnd '. Dally, Ind Miller, Pittsburg Mack, Washington... Carroll, Pittsburg.... 1.897 .894 .892 Brown. NewYor ! .845 rieius. riiisDurg. 3ommers, Chicago. . Kellv, Boston tint Basemen. (Anson. Chicago...., SBeckley, Pittsburg, Faatz. Cleveland .813 .815 I .979 I .978 J Morrill, Washington iSchoeneek. Ind Brouthers. Boston.... .978 .877 Karrar, pnua Illnes. Ind I .971 1 .965 7 Connor, New York.... .962 .861 0 irney, nn,, Second Mcucmen. 1 Wise. Washington.... 2 Hallman. Phlla. 3 Dunlap, Pittsburg.... 4 Myers, Wash. & Phlla 5 D. Klchardson. N. Y. 6 Strieker, Cleveland... 7 Bassett, Indianapolis. 8 U. Richardson, Boston 9 PfeCer, Chicago 10 Delchanty. Phlla 1.958 1.957 .942 .841 1.932 ' .931 .930 .928 I .925 I .915 Third Battmen. Nash, Boston JTebean, Cleveland.. Murrey. Phlla 'hlte, Pittsburg Denny, Indianapolis. Kuehne. Pittsburg... Whitney, New York. Burns, Chicago Wise. Washington... Sweeney, Washington Snort Stop: McKean, Cleveland... Gllks. Cleveland Uallman, Phlladel.... KAstlin. fjhleasro 48 247 43 II 301 20 130 49 10 189 18 74 27 6 107 45 168 79 15 262 52 272 71 24 367 19 102 25 10 137 14 67 13 6 76 26 131 44 16 191 49 239 49 29 317 Sll 132 38 19 189 21 107 36 16 159 45 183 62 28 273 15 64 12 9 85 16 63 28 11 102 33 142 27 21 190 55 216 70 36 322 31 136 63 29 228 10 30 16 7 53 23 100 3) 22 142 13 44 17 12 73 10 40 5 10 55 11 23 15 10 83 913 47 20 977 70 711 17 15 753 84 840 35 19 894 40 137 20 S 416 16 165 12 4 181 79 782 32 19 833 79 761 27 21 8U9 63 655 21 25 711 75 744 17 20 781 32 311 8 11 K 20 44 71 6 120 12 38 34 12 84 73 233 234 29 496 72 196 237 27 46 73 201 236 32 469 53 251 286 40 577 82 224 292 39 655 78 221 280 39 Ml 81 276 307 47 630 23 83 55 10 118 ,914 .905 .90S ,898 .897 .889 .887 .879 .810 .749 .tit .914 .913 tjuUascock, Indian's,. 66 119 156 26 301 85 106 181 30 317 79 104 181 30 315 14 19 25 6 49 80 114 173 33 320 81 70 138 26 234 T2 101 166 34 SOI 83 ISO 197 45 372 13 26 25 12 63 47 66 80 49 195 70 128 230 33 SI 13 21 43 6 70 SS 131 180 SO 341 89 137 18 194 . 82 15)-ft- &M H 898 302 .891 283.878 119'. 874 1151.861 277.838 166.831 1351.830 40.800 .945 .942 .936 .919 TwltchelL Cleve'd.... .904 seery, maiana pons. O'Bourie. N York.... Wood. Phllada Schock, Washington.. VanHaltren. Chicago. Fields. Pittsburg Center Fielder: Hlnes, Indianapolis.. MeAleer, Cleveland... Fogarty, Phlla Farrell, Chicago Hanlon. Pittsburg.... VanHaltren. Chicago. Johnston, Boston... Myers, Indianapolis.. Sullivan. Ind'apolls.. Hoy, Washington Kyan, Chicago Gore, New York Sight FUlderi. GanzeL Boston Maul. Plttsburir .89 .891 .890 .832 .872 .667 .971 .959 .953 .947 .931 .930 .918 .915 .900 .896 ,8S7 .871 .963 .947 .933 .936 .933 .931 .908 .907 .896 .881 .876 Sunday. Pittsburg.... mcueacny, nu Radford. Cleveland.. Schock, 'Wash Duffy, Chicago Mack, Wash Kellv. Boston Tlernan, New York... Thompson, Phlla...... Carney, Wash wise, wasn Smith, Pittsburg Ward. New York Irwin, Phlla. & Wash. Hatfield. New York. Rowe. Pittsburg Uulnn, Boston , Kyan, Chicago Wise, Washington.... Duffy, Chicago . rteiaer: Wllraot, WasblHon... ManL Pittsburg Carroll, Pittsburg Krawn. Boston. ....... 55 93 170 30 56 109 160 33 66 81 171 35 20 37 67 15 23 30 69 16 63 71 111 45 29 29 109 28 25 44 68 23 10 3 29 8 54 114 e 7 36 71 1 S 21 42 2 3 78 161 8 14 81 130 11 15 76 131 17 17 74 98 8 13 67 124 5 16 16 27 3 4 66 92 10 15 11 10 2 6 12 31 3 1 81 186 23 9 78 199 25 11 14 34 1 2 77 183 13 15 13 25 2 10 76 162 6 15 17 42 1 4 53 105 3 12 72 143 20 19 55 121 20 18 68 142 13 23 17 20 6 1 18 31 6 2 SI 91 15 7 73 118 29 10 82 )18 8 13 22 6 2 72 97 11 11 24 42 7 5 69 85 10 11 65 103 8 15 79 97 16 16 15 21 2 6 10 9 1 8 93 ft 13 PITCHERS' AVERAGES. Player Club. -!z a- m Ml 1.57 1.59 1.64 1.70 1.75 1.83 1.93 1.83 2 00 Person, Wash.. Keefe. K. Y.. . .256 .219 .239 O'Brien, Clevl'nd uiarason. Boston.. Grnber, Cleveland Bakeley, Cleve.... Welch, New York Z3 262 .265 22 (Crane. H.Y. 291 1 Keefe, Wash.. Casev. Phlla...., .267 .269 Tener. Chlcairo. .254 2.06 2.11 iseatin, t;ieveiana 243 .243 .246 .398 243 Bumneton, rnua., 2.16 Kadbourne, Bost., 2.20 c uwver. unicairo. 2. S3 Haddock. Wash.iM llovle. Ind 28 ,33 245,2.46 Gumbert, Chl'go ,253 ,237 .237 2.47 (Sanders, rnua.. .Hutchinson, Chi S3 2.53 2 56 2 72 2.87 3.11 3.27 jnaaaen. Boston.. .247 Stalev. Pittsburg.. Gleas'on. Phlla.... Healv. Wash o'Day. Wash,N Y Getzem. Ind 155 289 241 .278 280 1. 29 Galvln, PltUburgl 311 3.69 Beech am's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills Piaes' Soap secures a beautiful complexion Iron Cltr Beer, Brewed only by Erauenheim & Vilsack, is perfectly pure, wholesome and nutritious. Sold at all first-class bars. Bargains in summer suitings and trous erings at Pitcairn's, 431 Wood st. sn TT- MEETINGS. PnTSutma. Pa-August 6. 1S89. VTOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Jj the stockholders ot the Pittsburg Forge and Iron Company, will be held at the office of the company. Tenth street near Penn avenue, on TUESDAY. August SO, 1S89 at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of directors for tbe ensuinc year, and for such other business as mar be brought before them. JAMES K. VERNEK, Secretary. an634 AUCTION SALES. AT AUCTION FINE CABINET GRAND upright pianoforte, fine parlor suits, cham ber fnrniture. brussels acdintrrainscarpetsj etc TUESDAY MORNING, August 13, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. 311 Market street. Satin and silk tapestry, rujs, brocatelles and hair cloth parlor suits, fancy rockers, pictures, mirrors, clocks, ornaments, cabinets, bandsotne upright piano, door and window curtaining, lamps, hall racks, brussels and lntrraln room, hall and stair carpets, rugs, linoleum, chamber suits, folding beds, dressers, wardrobes, wash stands, chiffoniers, bedsteads, bed lounges, chairs, hair and husk mattresses, center tables, feathers, shades, decorated toilet ware, library tables, desks, secretaries, bookcases, sideboards, extension tables, leather chairs, buffets, china, and glassware, water coolers,, refrigerators, stoves, notions, eta, etc. HENRY AUCTION CO, LBL, Auctioneers. aull-85 PROPOSALS. Notice to Civil Engineers. Sealed proposals will' be received by the committee until MONDAY, the 19th day of August, A. D. 1SS9, at 4 p. M., for the surveying and establishing the grades, drawing of plans, etc., for the borough of Tarentum, Pa. Specifications and old plans can be seen at Fleming iEsler's drugstore. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. G. B. HAYDEN. ) H. H. KENNEDY, J Committee. G. T. OWEN8. j " TAEENTirat, Pa., July 19, 18S9. aull-21-D Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will bs received at the office of the City Clerk of tbe city of Sterling, Illinois, for furnishing materials and doing the work of constructing a portion of tho Avenue -B" sower system, and connections and appur tenances thereto. The work will comprise, ap proximately, the following: L00O lineal feet of 43-inch brick sewer; 5,000 lineal feet of pipe sewer from 6 in. to241n. in diameter, together with the catch basins, man holes, catch basin and manhole covers, etc., as shown in plans. Tbe bids for furnishing pipe, and for the best Akron cement, to be made separately. The whole of the work to be completed not later than Nor. 1, ISSV. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the City Clerk. All bids must be in tbe hands of the City Clerk, J. F. Barrett, on or before August 19. 1889. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Com. on Streets and Alleys. aull-23-D EVERYONE ADMITS That the success of a town is dependent upon the relative size and importance of its industries and likewise upon its location and advantages. "Without enterprises of moment to support its population, general business languishes; without public im provements people prefer to live elsesrhere. At WILMERDINB The presence of both these elements prom ises success and the rapid sale of one hun dred and fifty lots, on which buildings are in course of erection, confirms the prophecy. THE "WESTINGHOUSE AIE-BEAKB "WORKS, located in the town, is the ost phenomenally successful manufacturing en terprise in the country, and its army of workmen, with their families, would, alone constitute a thriving community. The various public improvements at Wil merding are being pushed along as speedily as possible, including the laying- of the street mains through which the town will be abundantly supplied with pure water. Substantial plank sidewalks, sewers and natural gas add to the public comfort. Double-sized lots at all prices. For choice locations apply at once to the East Pittshurg ImprovementCo "WilmerIixir, I. 'It. K., or Westinghouse Building, aul-91-WSu PITTSBURG. PA TO EUROPE WE SELL TICKETS FOR tbe leading lines, secure berths and pass ports, issue drafts, letters of credit and money orders, and sell foreign com at N. Y. rates. MAX SCHAMBERQ & CO, 527 Smithfleld st, Pittsburg. jytwsu II JTUEHLBRONNER'S JML VEGETABLE AND POULTBYSTAND supplies all tbe city hotels; housewives will find it to their advantage to deal with him. Telephone M. 123 DIAMOND MARKET, Pittsburg. . Jyl4-S4-su WAI.TXB J. OsfeotrRNE. KicrrABDilAEBowa. BARROWS & OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, ' SO Diamond street TaIaaIi AAA Tin. fill ; MS-UOTXEM I H K ST m H I -Si i ; I a s g o - s o i r: c , 2 a o S ? S I m o r o t3 3 m 745 99 191 54 31 802 124 176 42 36 905 131 216 59 43 1345 157 300 81 64 340 48 89 32 17 849 US 225 49 42 862 113 MO 45 47 429 99 125 28 23 476 112 127 21 27 450 61 121 28 29 668 105 170 33 37 625 80 152 32 38 1091 135 272 CI 67 515 80 127 22 33 684 101 272 22 43 453 82 111 27 31 956 130 244 61 69 578 78 146 23 42 782 106 185 39 S3 541 93 126 30 48 562 93 139 36 41 1034 174 267 63 79 537 99 155 29 43, S72 129 138 40 47 633 106 143 30 49 935 166 262 54 89 876 168 212 65 84 1 Ki-DUplay advertUcmtnU one dollar ptr square for one insertion. Classified advertise ment on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, ete, ten cents per line for each inser lion, and none taken Sot less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. Fort the accommodation of the publii, Branch Offices have been established at the folio-wing places, wherpWant, For Sale, To Let, and other.transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlth'inxDlS fatch pittsbukg. THOMAS KCCArFKEY, SS Butler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G . STUCKEY A CO., W vile ave. and Fulton st, K. STOKELY. JTUth Avenue Market House. XASTXND. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAXXAXD. MCALLISTEK X SEElBLEB,5th av. 4 Alwood st. , Eocrnsms. JACOB SPOHN. o. -2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. JtclJRIDE. Federal and Ohio street. FKED H. E0GER3. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEK3 & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EUltr M. GLEIM. Hebecca and Allegheny ave. WANTED. Male Hcls. -rTXANTED-CABTENTEKSAT EXPOSITION TV 1SDILD1NGS. . aull-18 w ANTED-MARBLE CUTTER Address S. &.. ULXbO.N. Kittanning, fa. anu-ai -TTTTANTED-A BOY TO RUN THE ELEVA VV TOR. FLEISHMAN & CO., S04 to 508 Mar ket St. au 11-15 TTANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TOBACCO VV salesman at HAW0BTH4DEWHURST, or address LOCS B.-304: anll-U WANTED-CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH'S . helper. THOS. S. O'NEIL Jfc CO.. 5821 5825 Fean ave., E. E. aull-44 WANTED FIRST-CLASS HARDWARE . man: good position. Address HARD WARE, Dispatch office. aull-69 WANTED-AT OICE, FIRST-CLASS CAB-1NE-1 makers. FRANK J. GUCKERT. $3 and 70 Seventh avenue, city. aull-53 ITrANTED-FRACtlCAL WATCHMAKER TV most be a good mechanic and furnish best of reference. M. J. SMIT, 311 Smithfield st-aulO-33 w ANTED TINNERS AND SHEET IRON workers at Wllmerdlng, Fa., on the 1. K. K. Apply at 161 LACOCKbT.. Allegheny, ra. anll-92 "TTT'AtJTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS TINNERS vv forrooflnz. Inquire between. 4 and 8 r. JL, SQUIRE'S HARDWARE CO., 5200 Fenn ave. aull-OT YTTANTED TWO MEN TO DO DRAUGHT S' T Ii G In the Iron business; state salary and experience. Address B. A, C, Dispatch office. au8-3-Thsu WANTED-GOOD MAN IN EVERY TOWN; salary paid weekly. Address SHERMAN, TANGENBERG & CO.. 160 W. Lake St., Chicago. au3-C5 WAJ.TED-GOOD, HANDY MAN TO RE PAIR carts and dump cars. Apply S. CAbPAKIS. Contractor, Conemaugn, Cambria county. Fa. a-ulo-lW . WANTEU-2 GREEN SAND AND 2 LOAM molders: none hut good mechanics need apply. GLOUCESTER IRON WORKS. Glouces ter City, N.J. au7-29 WANTED-A GENERAL MANAGER FOR A glass works, running on specialties: agood opening for a man who can Invest some capital. Address SPECIALTY, Dispatch office. aull-65 WANTED-YOUNG MAN, RESIDING WITH parents, thoroughly competent to take charge of a set of D. E. books. Address B, Dis patch office, stating age and salary desired. aull-33 WANTED-SALESMEN TO SELL A PATENT ledger, advertising cards, fans, calendars, Tnlers. novelties for advertising, etc., to mer chants. MODEL LEDGER CO., South Bend. lnd. au-44-xoi XTTA-NTED AGENTS TO CANVASS AND VV tell our homeopathic family medicines: steady work; can make 112 to 115 per week. DR. O'KEKITE & CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 31 Filth are. auU-99 TTrA,TEU-AT ONCE, TWO GOOD, RE IT UIABE, sober salesmen on commission to tell scheme soap to families and stores; big pay guaranteed to right men. Address P. s. Co.. Dispatch office. aulo-M WANTED-THE SERVICES OP ENERGETIC and intelligent men, (20 to $30 per weel ac cording to ability; steady employment If business suits you. Address PEOPLES' SUPPLY CO., Alanorvllle, Armstrong county. Pa. aulI-37 yXT ANTE D IMMEDIATELY A FIHST VV CLASS book-binder and ruler acquainted with fhe business in all Its branches; steady em ployment. Address, erring reference and wares expected, HERALD, Johnstown, Pa. anll-llS -TTJANTED-FOR THE UNITED STATE8 V V army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 35 years; good pay, rations, clothing and modicarattendance. Apply at NO. 81S PENN AVEN UE, Pittsburg, Pa. " JySl-30-WSU XTTANTED-AGENTS OUTSIDE OF PBILA Y V DELPHIA to represent Western Financial Company, well-known East and West: bank officer or clerk or real estate men preferred. Address, with reference, M., Box 137, Philadelphia, Pa. r au9- W AM TED-A YOUNO MAN TO TASK charge of our gents' furnishing goods de partment: only those having experience In large retail stores and capable of managing need apply. Adtress OENTS' PUKNISHINU3, Dispatch office. aull-31 TIT ANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED VV and reliable man on commission, with lines not conflicting, to sell our line of children's and Infants' shoes to establlsbe trade In Ohio. Pitts burr and vicinity. Address, with reference, A. E. BROWN CO., Orwlgsburg, Pa. auS-44 WAlnTED-AN ACnVEBOY FOR GENERAL office work; one who can operate a type writer; an opportunity for a reliable, capable boy to learn a first-class business. Address In own band writing stating age, reference and salary expected ELEVATORS, Dispatch office. aull-18 TrANTEO Ba1 WRITERS AT SMART'S VV ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg: pen manship, bookkeeping, arithmetic shorthand, typewriting thoroughly taught for SS Dermonth: private Instructions for both sexes; open dally 9 A. M. to 9 F. M. aulO-TTSSU -fTJANTED-BALESMEN WE WISH A FEW VV .men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary; largest manufacturers In our line; inclose 2c stamp: wages S3 per day; permanent position; money advanced lor wares, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G. CO.. Cincinnati. O. JeZM-TTSSU WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN. SEND your address and reference to KEYSTON E StFGCO.,(lnc), Glrard, Erie county, Pa., and they will mall you, free, a full outfit. Including modcL of an article that sells readily to the trade In every town and city, and upon which they will ?ay you a liberal commission; whole outfit weighs ounces. au7-iS-EOD WANTED-AGENTS FOB THE MISSOURI Washerwhlch affords profitable business; It washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam with out rubbing: argnments In its favor are numerous and convincing: easily sold; sent on two weeks trial to be returned at my expense If not satisfac tory: write for Illustrated circular and terms. J. WORTH, M Beekman St.. N. Y. Je30-74-sn -TTJANTED AGENTS TO SEE THE' "PA VV NELL MOVEMENT:" the rreatesl Tjolltl movement of modern times, with a history of Irish parties from 1S43, containing a rull account of the great trial Instigated by the London "Times. " and giving a complete history or the borne rule struggle from Its inception to the suicide of PIgott, by Thomas Power O'Connor, member of Parliament: fine steel portraits of the great leaders. Apply at once to P. J. FLEMING. 77 Ulamond st., r Pittsburg, Pa. aula-12 WANTED COMPETENT MAN WHO IS thoroughly familiar with the manufacture of iron bridges and experienced In the manage ment of men, to act as assistant superintendent of bridge shops; will pay right party fair salary on year's engagement. Address, with full particular! as to experience and references as to ability and character, A.J. LULLOCK, Prop. Mo. Valley Bridge andiron W'ks, Leavenworth, Kas. au45 WANTED-ACCOUNTING.BOOKKEEPING. comollcated and crooked accounts audited and straightened, statements made and settle ments arranged, books opened and closed; com pany and partnership affairs a specialty; book keepers, office clerks, stenographers, typewriters and all kinds of clerical heln supplied perma nently or temporarily; books kept by contract where the services of a regular bookkeeper are not required: Instructions in bookaeeplng. In cluding new methods and voucher system, w. WOOLSEY, Expert Accountant, 163 Fifth avenue. aull-0t -TmTANTED SALESMAN WE WANT TO VV contract soon with a limited number of men from everywhere to travel; necdKbose disengaged. Insurance and other canvassers, clerka, school teachers, young men of a business turn and fair address; no canvasslnr or peddling: trade visited In towns or 3, COO and upward; if enterprising and honest write us; want only such: salary ssoo for ten months rad expenses; state former occupa tion and inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. This notice will not appear often or regular, as first come of sufficient sjaillty will secure the posi tions. Address POyTAL-KAILWAY BULLETIN COMPANY. Indianapolis, Ind. an 11-13 Female Help. . TTrANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALES VV LAD Y to take charge of our lace depart ment. Address; with particular, LACE DEPT., Dispatch office. aull-31 WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN dressmaking, cutting and fitting at GABNIER'S SCHUOlZ 802 Penn ave.; scholars entering, next week wlU get special low rates. ull-W . WANTED. Stale) and PemnJo Helo. -TTTANTED PARTIES DESIRING FIRST VV CLASS help and girls wanting situations to call at EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 319 Western ave. aull-47 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HAND, either lady or gentleman, to take charge of ribbon department lnlarge retail bouse. Address, stating experience, references and salary re quired, Z.X.Y.. Dispatch office. aull-31 WANTED-PUPILS-TYPEWRIT1NG AND use of the phonograph and phonograph graphaphone taught at the Western Fenna. Pho nograph Co.'s, 14S Fifth are.t situations will be secured for educated operators. :au4-15-wrsu -TTTANTEO-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO V V earn S3 to i5 a day at their homes; no canvass ing: work furnished and sen: by mall. For par ticulars address with stamp. CRYSTALIZED PHOTO CO., 112 W: Sixth St., Cincinnati o. aull-17 Situations. WANTED-FOSITION AS FOUNDRY FORE MAN by a practical mechanic, -who can give good reference. Address FOREMAN, Dispatch office. aull-14 WANTE1J-SALESMAN A LIVE. ENER GETIC worker with experience wishes po sition with dry goods house. Address A. L. M., Box 954, Lock Haven, Pa. auS-11 WANTED SITUATION BY MAN WHO understands the care of horses and cows and can do gardening: willing to make himself gen erally useful. Address GARDENER, Dispatch office. aull-00 WANTED POSITION A CARPENTER thorough and experienced desires position as cierk of works: understands plans, theory of construction, nature and quality of materials and capable of carrying minute details to a finished completion; good references. NORMAN, Dis patch office. aulO-83 Room. Bouces. Etc. -fTT-ANTED-A FURNISHED ROOM; BOTH VV gasesandbath; staterenLt Address!'. D. C, Dispatch office. , aull-29 T7-ANTED TO BUY-HOUSE AND LOT. OR VV a lot In Homestead, Pa.; give No., location, size and lowest cash price. Address HOME STEAD, Dispatch office, city. aull-114 w- ANTED-LADY WISHES TO RENT AN unfurnished house, suitable for a boardlnr- bouse: located on Robinson street, Allegheny. Address R. O. B., Dispatch office. auli-M Bonrdera and Lodgers. TTTANTED BOARDERS AT AVALON, ON VV P.. &F. W.R. R. AddressBIRMINGHAM HOMESTEAD. anll-33 WASTED-BOARDERS AND ROOMERS IN theE.F.; S3) per month; location desir able: rooms large and pleasant. Address J. H. G East Liberty P.O. .auU-35 Boarding. WANTED-A YOUNG MALE TEACHER EM . PLOYED in the city wishes to lire with a private family needing a teacher tor evenings; high references. Address V. E. W., Dispatch office. aull-83 Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN S180.D0O AT 4Jf AND 5 per cent. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave. auS-M -TfTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 4)f, 5 AND V V 6 per cent free ol tax. 114 Fourth ave. W. jw BlDVAitl': la3)-2-su TTAN TED-MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN W In sums to suit at 4M, i and per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1S7. apl3-14-TTSSU WANTED MORTGA-GES MONEY TO loan on bond and mortgage: Pittsburg or Allegheny property preferred. GEO. JOHN STON, S2 Fourth ave. au8-S4 -TtTANTED-MORTG AGES-fl. COO. OX TO LOAN VV In large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. COYLE A CO.. 131 Fourth ave. myZl-CO TTTANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN VV au amounts, ootn large ana smaii; money at 4)4, S and S per cent, as to amount, security, etc. C.H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. au!0- YlTANraD MORTGAGES 11, 000, 000TO LOAN , V V on city and suburban properties at 44, Sand Dpcrccnu inuoa iarms iu auckucuisuu auja- cent counties at S per cent. a. .ai. xrju?inut;A. a bV2i, ro fourtn avenue, ap7-f41 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE -over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4K per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on Improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette. Washington and West moreland counties: any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK it BAlRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ie3-a9-su -TTrANTEO BORROWERS MONEY FOR VV you; an Eastern National Building and Loan Association, having more money and mak ing larger profits on Investments at lower pre miums than any other association, wants bor rowers and Investors: shares par valne; SI monthly; territory open for a live, energetic agent: opportunity of a century. GRANITE STATE PROVIDENT ASS'N, 163 Broadwav. New York. aull-75 miscellaneous. WANTED-AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE RACK ING horse. CO FRAN KLIN STREET. auio-ta WANTED-A YOUNG DOG: FAIR PRICE will be paid for same. Inquire of JOE HYMAN, 970 Liberty St. aull-52 WANTED-TWENTY HORSES AND CARTS: wages t4 per day per team. Inquire of BENNETT St. TALBOT, Greeniburg. Pa. aull-23 WANTED-FAMILY TO ADOPT A GIBL 12 years old where she woqld be treated as their own. Address HOME. Dispatch office. aull-103 XtANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV docen (13) of Stewart Co. 'a fine cabinet photos for I, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv23-19-TTSu -TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OR VV suburban property: money loaned In large or small amounts. E. D. W1NGENROTH. 100 Fourth ave. jy3i-33-31,au2,4,7,9,ll WANTED-LADIE3 TO KNOWHAUGH Keen an repair, reflniah or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER8T. 'Phone 1KB. my9-82 w ANTED CUSTOMERS FOR DIAMONDS, gold and silver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc, at aiperwerK npwsrc, huuicu eral St., Allegheny. J. MITSCH. Jel5-MWT8u WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at fl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX ML and I will call and show you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 90 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at II SO per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-63 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. FOR SALE CLIFF ST., AN ELEGANT 10 room residence, 2-story brick with all mod ern Improvements; lot 42x147. J. C KEILLY, 77 Diamond St. aull-44-TTSSU FOR SALE PENN AVE . 'FIRST WARD. 3 ttory brick dwelling, with 2-story brick stable In rear: lot 60x110 to alley. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ' aull-73 FOR SALE-THKEE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING containing 10 rooms, on Ross street, near Fourth avenue. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, C2 Fourth avenue. au8-M TTWK SALE-ON THIRD AVE., NEAR GRANT a; ut.. three-storv brick dwelilnr. containing 11 rooms and bathroom: lot 30xs0 ft. GEO. JOHNSTON. Art., 62 Fourth ave. anS-84 FOR SALE WYL1E AVE.. NEAR ERIN ST.. a bargain; good .brick house, 4 rooms and two well finished attics, nat- and art. gas, good sewerage: lot 23x110, J. R. COOPER & CO., 10 Fourth ave. aull-73 Y7OR SALE BARGAIN ON LOGAN ST. NEAR A? Fifth avenue, 2-story brick dwelling, 7 roams, both gases; with very little expense this can be made a comfortable home. J. C. KF4LLY, 77 Diamond St. aull-4-TT8Su FOR SALE FRANKLIN ST.. NEAR CON GRESS. 2-story brick bouse, i rooms, finished attic, water and gas; also, 3 -room brick house, rear, side entrance; lot 20x90. J. R. COOPER i CO., 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 FOR SALE BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick bouse, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 In. bT 1 ft.: terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bluff st. aul-87-TIsau FOR SALE THIRTEENTH WARD $2,500 near traction road, new frame house, 6 rooms, hall, vestibule, slate mantels, city water, nat. gas. good cellar and wash house; lot 20x1:0. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 FOR SALE MAIN ST., SEVENTEENTH ward, mew two-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, bath, b. and c. water, slate mantels, etc.; finely finished all through: rood lot; price low and terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler tu. aulO-SS FOR SALE DESIRABLE 'WEST END RESI DENCE In a good locality; brick house of 9 rooms, bath, laundry, inside w. c. slate mantels, tile hearths, both gases and replete throughout with all modern Improvements; everything in prime order; will sell st a bargain. Inquire of W.H. HESELBARTH, Real Estate Agent. 121 Wabash st.,. West End. city. aoS-67-MWTSU FOR SALE- HANDSOME HOUSES OI SID NEY st.. above Twenty-third; the best loca tion on the Southslde; houses have pressed brick front, contain 8 rooms, with bath and laundry, city water, both gases ad first-class plumbing; are one square from, Carson st. cars; terms, tuooo cash, balance payable as arranged to suit tbe pur chaser. Apply, as noted on PREMlbES, or to B. PHILLIPS. Dispatch office. Firth ave., city. au6-6-TT6SU East End Resiaences. fTH)B SALE-811,000. ON EASY PAYMENTS: A JL7 new Queen Anne hrlek dwelling, containing 12 rooms, all conveniences, fine gas fixtures, and Is elegantly papered: lot 65x175 feet: located In the heart of the East End, on oneof themaln avenues. "VV. a STEW ART, 114 Fourth ave. aullS-su FOR BALE PARTIES LOOKING FOR houses cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square; the greater number of the durably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within tbe past sixty days; asphalt pavements, natural ana artificial gas. a beautiful park planted with shade trees, anB convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices. s,woaad8.TOO. oaeasyiexas. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, oa tbe premises. JjJWfl FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. -TTIOR SALE-309 LARIMER AVE., EAST END; x: oniy axon, see ewinu bisju. ". fisoc St. 107 Federai aull-58 OR BALE-CONKLIN3 ST., THIRTEENTH ward, half square trom cable line, only 11,400. new frame house 4 rooms, well finished; good lot. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 FOR SALE WINEB1DDLE AVE..2 MINUTES from Ben Venue station, nearly new 2-story frame, 7 rooms; bath, laundry and reception room, front and rear porches; lot 30x150. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. aull-t-TTSSu FOR SALE-U.700-GROSS ST.. TWENTIETH ward. 3 minutes' walk to station, new frame dwelling, S rooms, finished attic, halL vestibule. Inside shutters, porches, etc.; lot 21x100 feet; terms easy. L. 0. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler stc aulO-85 FOR SALE HANDSOME 8-ROOMEtt HOUSE and beautiful lot, 4SX133 feet, on Frailer St., Dallas. This is a fine property, handsomely lo cated, as Frazler St. Is now open and on line of proposed electric read. We offer this bargain at Kan. MELLON BROTHERS, 6343 Station it.,' E. E. aull-108-TTSU FOR SALE THE MOST ELEGANTLY shaded residence at the East End: the grounds aro large, the- house fair, a little old fashioned, but for shade, fruit, shrubbery, flowers, etc. Ills unsurpassed by anything In the East End; the location is first class In every particular; terms to suit. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. aull-63 FOE SALE WILL REQUIRE AN INVEST MENT of (10,000 cash-an East End property that, if I was worth a million, I would not be afraid to guarantee that It would sell for enough to clear $13. 000 Inside of two years, and 1 believe It will clear S25.O0O by that time; It Is on an A No. 1 avenue, graded and paved, and right In the midst of where the most Improvement Is being made: there Is not another property for sale in the East End that Is so advantageously situated and so sure of enhancement In value. For further Information Inquire of C H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave. aulO-23 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE NO. 68 POPLAR ST., AT A BIG bargain: possession at once. See EWING & BYERS.No. 167 Federal St. aull-M FOR SALE-NO. 243 ARCH ST.: ONLY 11,000 cash and balance to suit buyer; possession at once. See EWING A BYERS, No. 107 Federal St. aull-58 FOR SALE-5,0O3-ON MONTEREY STREET, near North ave., fine two-story brick house of 6 rooms and attic, both gases and water, marble mantels: lot 20x110 to paved alley; this Is the cheapest house on the street. See EWING A BYERS. N o. 107 Federal street. aull-58 OR 8ALE-85.0CO-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms, bath, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all Im provements, located on Ackley st., bead ot Monterey St., Allegheny. W. C. BTEWART. 114. Fourth ave. ap21-19-sn Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-8 ACRES OF LAND, HOUSE OF 6 rooms, stable, etc: 7 miles from city: 10 minutes' walk from R. R. station. LASHELL RANKIN, 67 Fourth avenue. aull-23 FOR SALE-AT SHERIDAN STATION. P. C. A- St. L, R. R., 11 acres of land, frame bouse, stable, orchard, etc ; a good Investment; could be divided Into lots. LASHELL RANKIN, 67 Fourth avenue. aull-23 T-IOR SALE WILKINSBURG GOOD STREET JJ and nice location, new frame house, 7 rooms, halL front and back stairs, front and back porches, nat. gas for light and fuel, well of good water, cistern, grape arbor, shade trees, etc; lot 30x132. J . R. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 TT-GR SALE WILKINSBURG 2 MINUTES A? from station, neat 2-story frame house. 7 rooms, hall, nat. gas for fuel and light, front and back stairs, front and back porches, rood cellar, cistern and well of excellent water, grape arbor, etc. ; lot 30x132. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 T7IOR8 ALE-TVILKIN 8 BURG-ROSS ST., N EAR JO Center, coxy frame dwelling 6 rooms. halL front and back porch, both gases; well finished throughout; grape arbor, fruit trees, well of ex cellent water; good stable; lot 42x132: price low and terms to salt. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 F OK SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE IN boronrh. 12acrea. 870 feet front on nrlnclrjal avenue, on good macadamized road; never falling spring and well of purest water: large, beautiful brick dwelilnr. slate roof, marble mantels, inside w. c.bath, laundry, pantry, natural and Illumin ating gases: best fruited place In the country; a bargain. W. H. HESELBARTH, Real Estate Agent, 121 Wabash St., West End, city. an8-66-iOD FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lots. irq IS SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKRO Y sts., near college; terms to snU. ROBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff St. aui-m-TTSsu T710R SALE 45x80 FEET ON SECOND AVE- Jl' HUE, near smithfield street. GEO. JOHN SIGN, Agent, 2 Fourth avenue. i aai-84 T7IOR SALE LOTS-8 CHOICE BUILDINU JD lots on Webster ave., near Francis st.; only 8300 each. J. E. COOPER CO., 107 lourth ave. SU1I-74 F lOR SALE-LOTS-MT. WASHINGTON. VERY nice: one frontlnr 40ft on Natchez st. br2O0 ft. to Betonda: price SI, 050; Sioo down, balance long J. i. UEiLLiZ. 37 jJiamona st. aull-64-TTSSa FOR SALE-LOTS ON EDMUND ST., SIZES to suit: 2 lots. 25x100 to alley, with two frame houses, good stone foundations; one 4 rooms, at tic and storeroom: one a rooms, rents tor sxsu; Daupbln st., 83,000: 2 lots. 24x100 each. Forty fifth St., lots 20x100, Dauphin St., with frame house, 3 rooms, almost new; 11,000. D. BEHEN SON. 4112 Penn are. aull-43 East End Lots. Tr"OR SALE CRAIG ST.. NEAR CENTER JL' ave., fine building lot 60X140, at a bargain, J. B. qyFER&CO.. 107 Fourth ave. aull-73 FOR SALE-H00O CASH-LOT 83x260 FEET, desirably located on one of tbe finest avenues (paved) In the East End. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. an4-5-8n T7I O K SALE ONLY 815 A FOOT FRONT JP terms 8250 cash, balance In 5 years; think of ill tor iota ouxuuieec, aesiraoiy locaieo. on snauy lane, near Wllklns ave. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. aull-6S-flu FOR BALE-PROPERTY ON UNIMPROVED street, being advertised at 162 a foot front. I can offer you choice lots on wide streets, curbed, sewered and wide flagstone sidewalks, from 840 to S.W a foot front: Investigate this. J N O. F. BAX TER, Agent, 512 Smithfield st, aull-70-wssu FOR SALE-82, 000 NEAR HILAND AND Stanton aves,, lot 60 ft. front on Jackson St., and extending 102 it. along St. Clair St. : this beau tiful corner lot at $33 a ft. front is a rare bargain; write ror printed list of properties for sale. MEL LON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. au4-33-MWT8u FOR SALE-A FEW LOTS IN SPOHR PLACE, East End, on South Hlland avenue Edwin St. and Spohr st. : these ate tbe most deslrablelots at the East End for the money: some of them on the line of Pittshurg Traction Company and none of them more than from 1 to 3 minutes' walk from either of the traction company's lines or tbe Pennsylvania Railroad. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. au9-3S FOR SALE-175 00 A T0O2 '7RONT-STUDY well this offer; handsome. Jirge corner lots In Orchard plan, situated on Rlppey st,; this lo cation Is between Hlland and Negley aves.. both of which are now paved, Rlppey st. being also paved, and all sewers, gas and water to curb; where can these prices be duplicated In finest lo cation and for Improved property? MELLON .BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. , auU-103-TTSu FOR SALE-ONLY 8150 CASH. BALANCE ON easy payments, will buy a lot 50x150 feet to an alley In the McComb's grove plan, which Is one ot the most beautifully located plans of lots In the East End. being lu Shadyside (Squirrel Hill dis trict), in a neighborhood that Is strictly first class: the new electric road, which will be in operation la October, passes this property: It Is within 10 minutes' walk of Fifth avenue cable cars and but a few steps from tbe proposed park. Sold subject to building restriction at prices ranrlng from 1 1,000 to 11,501 per lot. Call and ret a plan. If you want to see theprppsrty, take Fifth avenue cable car, get off at wllklns ave. and walk to Wlghtman St. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Jyl4-ll-su Hazelwood Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND Glenwood. near the station: forest and irntt trees, graded streets, sidewalks, city water, natural gas; houses for sale small payment down, balance In monthly payments If desired; Second Ave. Electric Railway will pass In front of these lots: B. & O. Railroad fare monthly tickets. SM cents per trip. GEORGE W. BUROW1N. 150 Fourth are. Jy24-12-xwsu Ariecbcnv Lots: FOR SALE ON PEHRYSVrLLE AVENUE, lots from 8123 to fCOOO. Call for plans. EWING BYERS, No. 107 Federal street, aull-58 FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS I LOTS I THE HEN DERSON property, onNunneryHllLTwelfth ward, Allegheny, Is now for sale at this office: plans and prices on application. A. LEGGATE A SON, Agents, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. auS-12 FOR SALE-PERRYSVILLE AND DAISY ave., near head of Charles St., Tenth ward, Allegheny, at auction, Saturday, Ang. 17. at 2 o'clock p. M.. Pentecost, Simpson A Rareorte plan, 4 desirable building lots; city water; elec tric cars. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. aulO-21 Fauns. F; R SALE AN IMPROVED FARM OF 43 acres (In tbe oil region). Penn townshlD. Butler county: good bargain. Address MRS. FL1ZABETH TOBEN, Glada Mill, or NO. 34 WYL1EAVE. au3-l00-8n X?OR SALE 174-ACRE FARM, 1SS ACRES X- cleared, convenient, productive and desirable: large buildings; very large orchard; abundance stork, water, etc : only 830 per acre. E. H. BUTERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa. aulO-1 TTlOR BALE VIRGINIA FARM ON THE PO X? TOMAC river. 60 miles from Washington; naif mile from wharf; comfortable dwelling, large orchard, 90 acres of land highly productive; price 13.000. Address O. tf. uuuLUJiAfl, aiapie urotc. an7-23-wrsu 9Hscenaneous. FOR SALE SMALL CHEAP HOUSES AT auction Monday, August 12, atl o'clock, on Hum boldt street, above Spring Garden ave., Seventh ward, Allegbenyialso, same day,4 o'clock, half acre and small house adjoining St. Peter's Cemeterv. Spring Garden borough. A. LkGGATS A BON. AticUoaeea, U lederai at, , Allegheny, ajg FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban Lots. FOR SALE AT EDGKWOOD-LOTS 50x150: T minutes from station: beautiful location: 8550: easy terms. W. E. HAMMETT, 404 Smithfleld street, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. an9-19 F IOR SALE-EAST JEANNETTE SPECIALTY Glass Co. plan a few good lots, 40x100: free gas; stores needed: 25 houses building: several large factories coming In. 314 HAMILTON BUILDING. aui-es FOR SALE-AT CORAOPOLIS. P. A L. E. R. R.. 3 line lota on Third avenue and 2 fine lots on Broadway: the lots will be sold at a bargain owing to the non-resldenee of owners. LASHELL A RANKIN. 67 Fourth avenue. aull-23 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Caaneea. FORSALE-GOOD WILL AND FIXTURES OF the well-known restaurant, No. 102 GRANT ST. auil-41 FOR SALE A NEW ENTERPRISE WHICH can be started In all towns. For full partic ulars address E. L. MARTLN. Decatur, I1L aa- FOR SALE-AN INTEREST IN AN OIL WELL now drUllrJg, adjoining two large producing wells. Address FARMER, Dispatch office auIl-88 FOR SALEBOARDING HOUSE GOOD LO CATION, good business, furniture, good will, etc. Further Information Inquire of ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. au 10-82 FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN DRUG STORE located at Bolivar. Westmoreland co.. Pa.; best opening in the State for a physi cian: no other drugstore nearer than 7 miles; population 800. For further particulars address H. KELLY. Bolivar. Pa. auS-68 FORSALE-AN INTERESTIN A WHOLESALE mercantile business; old-established and profit- . able, we know the firm and are familiar with tbe business, and can vouch for the opportunity as a rare oue for an active man with ticro to 83.000 to Invest. Call upon or address ALEXANDER LEE, 313 Wood street. auU-81-nwrssu FOR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST AND OLD EST established retail businesses In Pittshurg, la located in the heart of the city: stock Is new and not controlled by style; will Inventory about tlO, 000. This Is an elegant opportunity for a wide awake man to get into a clean, profitable and legitimate business. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. Jyl4-14-su TTIOR SALE-DON'TLET THIS OPPORTUNITY 'X; slip, buy now and make money: several very choice cheap grocery stores, bakeries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished house full of roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery business, cigar stores, feed store, milk depot, restaurant and dining room, printing office, shoestores, etc : will exchange good grocery More In city for building lot. Free particulars. BHEP ARD A CO., 54 Fifth ave. au9 Business Stands. FOR BALE WOOD ST. WAREHOUSE-AT less than market value to close up an estates tpt 20x90. C. H, LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. anlo-28 FOR SALE-VALUABLE. BUSINESS PROP ERTY, cor. Seventh ave. and Cherrv alley; lot 30x100 ft. UEO. JOHNSTON. Art., 62 Fourth ave. auS-84 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth ave: also a number of pieces on Penn ave, Smithfleld st. and other good streets: will take pleasure In riving full par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART, ll4 Fourth ave. ap21-19-su T7HK SALE OR RENT-THE PLANT OF THE J? Crystal Glass Company, situate on the cor ners ot South Sixteenth, seventeenth and Sarah streets, consisting of two furnaces with lean, engine and boiler and other buildings, all In com plete order: parties purchasing or renting caa have possession to start In ten days. For price, terms, etc apply on PREMISES. an7-!8 FOR SALE-19I1SCELLANEOC9. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dee. FOR SALE-LTVERY STABLE NO. 167 SECOND ave.. near B. A O. depot. Anply to A. V. D. WATTERSON. No. 144 Filth ave aull-5 TTIOR SALE HORSE BUGGY AND IIAIt X1 NESS; bore sound and gentle: suitable for family use. Call or address 725 IVY ST. aull-53 TTIOR SALE A FINE LOT OF YOUNG PAK- X ROTS guaranteed to make talkers: price, 83 each; come soon to secure first choice ESPICH'S, 640 Smithfleld street. auU-25-wsu FOR SALE-P50-PONY. HARNESS AND cart: la new and the handsomest turnout In the East End: reasun for selling, ownerleaves the city. W. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave. Jy7-10-Ba Machinery and Metals. fTIOK SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW P and refitted: repalrlngnromptlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..LIM.. below Suspension bridge. Allegheny. Pa. anlO-29 TO LET. Cltr Residences. TO LET FORTY-FIFTH ST., BRICK dwelilnr. 8 rooms, attic, etc : 818 per month. L. O. FRAZXER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. anlO-M TO LET HOUSE NO. 97 CENTER AYE bouscof 10 rooms, all modern Improvements: rent 835 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Art, 62 Fourth ave. au8-m TO LET FORTY-FIFTH ST., BRICK dwelilnr. 6 rooms, halt attic natural ras: 825 per month. " ." V .. U....S.M. -, . -.- "I . u it. j iA.ir.is joriy-nun ana sutler sis. aulO-SS TO LET-NO. 177 THIRD AVE., HOUSE OF It rooms, bath and cellar; good location for furnished rooms or boarders. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth are. aulO-20 TO LET-NO. 955 PENN AVE., HOUSE OF 11 rooms and bathroom: good location for fur nished rooms or boarding. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. aul0-3 TO LET-A FURNISHED BOUSCl RENT very low: carpets and furnltnre throughout tbe whole bouse, or will sell at a very low rate, and good will; ail the rooms are occupied; pos session gtven at once lr required; Is In a very central part of the city. AddressK. N., Dispatch office. anll-8 TO LET-FURNISHED. OR FURNITURE FOR sale bouse of 7 rooms and hall, bath, w. c, nat. and art. gas, electric bells, finely papered throughout, new carpets, new furniture. 'No. 90 'Washington St.: 6 minutes from postofflce: pos session given at once Apply to K. C. PATTER SON, 511 Market st.. Pittsburg. -jy.S-9-gu Allegheny Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS IN GOOD RE PAIR, No. 12 Linden street, Allegheny City. Inquire on PREMISES. aull-39 TO LET-NEW 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, Second ward. Allegheny, f 16: new 3 room house 89; new 3 room house 812. W. W. MC NEILL A BRO 105 Fourth ave aull-67 Suburban Residences. LET-AT INGRAM-HOUSE OF SEVEN rpo (uvius, nitu 'v awics us, giuuitu, ir,ut aia yctr month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. . aaS-84 .n. . irt aa Mt .. s4i . sttC ,. . Aoartmenis. T IO LET-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO gentlemen only. o. 45 CHATHAM ST. au949 TO LET-NICELY FURNISHED. PLEASANT front room, facing parks. 23 MONTGOM- -ERY AVE., Allegheny. auU-27 t TO LET FOUR NICE ROOMS ON SECOND floor No. 49 Chestnut St., Allegheny; rent US a month. Inquire 11J3 LIBERTY AVE.. Pitts burg. auU-ICO TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH kltcnen. Ice folding beds, sewing machines, ' wasblng for rooms, etc.; 83 7S to 84 50. 41 LOGAN ST., near Wylie. aull-104 TO LET-TWONICELYFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping, with nat ural gas, bathroom, Inside w. c. No. 42 WATSON ST., near Chestnut, city. aull-93. Offices. Desk Room, etc TO LET-DESK ROOM-IN OUR MAIN OF FICE, with use of desk, etc : rent low to A good tenant. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave aulO-23 TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In tho city; rent, 3200 and 8300 per annum. Including elec tric lights, janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. X. and 1 r. v., or between 2 and 4 P.M.' Jy21-7 Business Stands. TO LET-ART GALLERY IN PEOPLE'S Bank Building, McKeesport. Pa,, Mr. Mo meyer the former tenant having dled;an excellent opportunity is hereby presented to a good artist; Ior further particulars call on JAMES L. DE .ONG, Real Estate Agt., In the Bank Building. au7-100-7,ll.-lS LOST. LOST-GREEN LAP ROBE "WORKED 'WlTHr green silk, Thursday morning, corner First ave. and Grant st. Liberal reward If returned to BEINEMAN'S, (OS Wood St. aulI-SO LOST-SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NEAR DAL LAS Station. P. R. It., a black and wblto setter dog: a liberal reward will be paid If re turned to H. H. WESTINGHOUSE, Auliewood, P. R. R. JJ29-4 LOST-810 REWARD-MONDAY. JULY 15, ON Pennsylvania avenue Allegheny, Skye ter rier dog. registered: answers to the name of Dandy: liberal reward paid If returned toE.DE RO Y, 144 Sheffield street, Allegheny. aull-53 T OST-POCKETBOOK ABOUT JULY 24. IN JLjAllegbeny Cemetery ur on Penn ave car. con taining a small sum of money and onyx bar pin and earring. Finder can retain money and return balance to WILSON BJSjLEY CO.,- 118 Water St.. city. anll-40 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old, ancient and mouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30, 000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. au3-M PERSONAL-BE SURE TO SEND TWO 2-cent stamps for Ta-va-zon Illustrated Her ald of Health, describing the crowning success of the century. DR. GRXFFITU DRUG CO., 301 Grant street, Pittsburg. aoll-iai X OOK OUT STONEMASONS Evei iverv stonemason should be at the next meet. Ins. on the 14th ot AUGUST, fox their own. good. At tbe name of ftUU-M RVJW4 OAVMJWaAJtUa. i i 'iM