Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 11, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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Brown could not hare been more deferential
if her gown had been silk. The eating was
uuprecedently hearty, in consequence of the
the zest imparted to the general appetite,
and it was twilight by the time the table
-was quitted. Almost immediately a full,
unclouded moon began to illumine the
camp, and a breeze, so faint as to hardly
make the long shadows of the foliage waver
on the grass, carried away the heat which
the sun had left behind.
There was no chair in Camp Nineteen. But
"Will Brown politely conducted Deuce Low
to a spot of grassy upholstery at the foot of
a tree, where she might sit with her back
comfortably against the smooth bark. The
moon beautified the face into which it
shone. The sunburnt skin became alabas
ter, the hair showed its brown tints glossily,
and the eyes glistened with reflected light.
"Whatever she thought of these advantages,
or of the still more potent one of being the
only girl her companion hadseen in weeks,
the consciousness was not divulged in her
resting, careless attitude, nor in her child
ishly unalert manner. "Will stretched him
self on the grass before her, and by chance
or choice he lay in the shadow of the tree's
trunk. He fancied that from his compara
tive obscurity he could gratify his admira
tion of the illumined face without breaking
etiquette's law against staring. They
talked trivially of their immediate sur
roundings; then about each other a little;
and at length "Will said:
"By which name may I call you?"
O, Deuce low, sue ugntiy replied
"That's an insulting sort of nickname,"
he protested.
"I didn't think so." she answered. "If
my tall Dad was to be called Jack High,
wasn't it well enough to name his short
daughter. Deuce Low? I haven't always
found so nTCclreunsideration as that since
we started Irom Omaha-for Oklahoma."
"And what makes you goto .Oklahoma?"
"Well, we're alone in the world Dad
and 1 and we're rovers yes, adventurers.
Dad thinks we may prosper in the new ter
ritory. I've a voice to sing with, and feet
to dance with "
"And a face to bewitch with."
Instantly the glistening in the girl's eyes
increased, a3 there was the sudden moisture
of tears to reflect the moonshine, and she
was silent. The young man had spoken so J
honestly tbat ne did not perceive bow his
blunt compliment had pained her. He
went on: "Your father while you are
singing and dancing in some Oklahoma
concert hall what will he be doing for an
She was resentful. Should he not have
already found out by her improved language
and her decorous manner toward him that
she was by education and experience better
than the condition of wayfaring in which
she had come to Camp Nineteen? Yet he
could mention her pretty face as directly as
though she had already reached Oklahoma,
and thev were chance acquaintances across
a tabic in a concert hall. Her desire to im
press him favorably was gone, and without
a waver of gaze or voice she shortly an
snercd; "My Dad's a gambler, and he's
down on his luck. If he's to play for grub
stake, he'll do three-card monte in the
streets till I get an engagement. If he
strikes it rich enough he'll deal faro in a
den of his own."
"And you?" "Will exclaimed, shocked by
what she bad said and her way of saying it,
but with no idea that'she had spoken other
wise than heedlessly, "what does he intend
to do with you?"
"Didn't vou yourself sav I had a face to
bewitch with?" and she held her visage
still for him to examine "O. Dad 11 do
very well with me in Oklahoma."
Meanvihile that responsible father was
seated with Aleck Wiams ten rods distant.
A flat stone was between them, and on its
smooth surface were the cards and cash of a
game of poker. The moon made light
enough for the players, and they were en
gaged so earnestly that no other talk than
the play required as indulged in. "When
they spoke it was in very low voices, too,
and it was manifest that 'they did not care
to be discovered. Neither man could have
told, if he had tried to, exactly now the
game had been brought about, nor could
cither have recalled anything in his own
case but eagerness for it. Jack High had
airily remarked at the beginning, as lie
drew his only dollar irom a vest pocket,
"There's plenty where that came from,"
and so there was if he meant the Govern
ment mint; bnt "Wiams did not demand an
insight of the pocket, and so the first bluff
in this frame ol noler was msd nnrl wn.r.
" by the professional gambler. Nor did he
. require oieer capital man mat single dollar.
He played to the end of the first hand with
only the coin and promissory words, and
afterward he had a steadily increasing num
ber of bank notes provided by Wiams'
losses. Luck and skill allied themselves on
his side of the stone, and his accumulation
ot one-dollar and two-dollar bills at length
bulged the pockets that had been empty be
fore. "O, here you be, gents?" and the intrud
ing figure of Old Jugs Brown stood before
the players. "Yes here you be."
His inebriety had passed off, and he was
not only sober, bnt also pompons with the
official duty of being the night watchman of
the camp. He was too untrustworthy to be
hired for regular work, manual or mental;
yet on his son's account, and under the reg
ulating influence ot that circumspect young
man, he was employed to guard the portable
property of the expedition while the rest.of
the company slept. He was now making
his first slow, sauntering round for the even
ing, and he promptly intermitted his patrol
to sit down.
'Playin' for keeps, too," he continned,
with wistful eyes on the several bills that
lay on the stone.
"Hush," aid Wiams, and Old Jugg
obeyed, for Wiams was a man of import
ance. "Hush," said Jack High, but this time
Old Jugg was about to flout the command,
for who was this frayed vagabond that he
should presume to dictate silence?
At that instant Jack High won a stake
and wadded the monev into a pocket already
"G-r-a-cious g-u-d-ness," Old Jugg ex
claimed, indulging his mannerism of spell
ing out the first syllable with more con
vincing emphasis than orthography, yet
keeping his voice down to a horse whisper;
"bnt you're a winner, sure sure. You
didn't have a dollar when you struck the
camp "
' "Pray don't interrupted us," Jack High
, hastily interposed.
, "O, don't let me pester vou. "What I
want's to jine in to g-ine in."
'Can't be done without money," said
"Wiams, who knew that Will Brown's dia-
ciplineofthe erring father permitted no
money to him when within a day's walk of
a barroom, "so you're barred out"
" Old Jugg heaved a deep sigh, and walked
away, only to return five minutes later. He
squatted by the stone, covetly disclosed a
gold watch in bis palm, and said, with a
flabby attempt at braggadocio: ''Does my
watch go for $10? Say does it go?"
"With a quick look of inspection, bnt
without touching the watch, Jack High re
marked that as for him he never rejected a
gentleman's collateral. It was Aleck
Wiams who should have declined the offer,
because He recognized the watch at a glance
as belonged to Boss Donald, and instantly
reasoned that Old Jugg, made desperate by
a possible chance to get some whisky money,
trusting to luck to restore the timeniere.
t, and, induced by his ravening appetite for
alcohol to lapse in his redeeming quality of
honesty, had sneakingly stolen it But
"Wiams assented to a "third hand at the
game, and the watch figured in lieu of
money in Old Jugg's bets. But not for long.
Its thief, who viewed himself as a borrower,
was soon an unperturbed player, with the
watch safe in his pocket and a dozen of bank
notes besides. Something like $500 had
been won from "Wyams by the two others be
fore the loser remarked that he had lost
enough, and the game was stopped.
"I've divided all my ready money be
tween you," he said, "and pay day for my
cat ib ?av ft , tiB.t '
S "I'd enjoy lending ;
you something," said
jacK mgn.
'" ' "Not a bit more'n I would, Mr. "Wiams,"
said old Jugg Brown.
"No. thank vou." was the renlv. "V,n
haven't bankrupted me, and Im not whimp
ering. Good-night," and he strode away to
his tent
The two winners were very jocular. They
linked arms as thev strolled alonsr. Then
Browd thought of the watch, and got away
Irom las companion long enough to replace
it where it belonged, but he was back" again
in a minute. It was 10 o clock and the
camp was nearly all asleep. Those .who
weie only dozing as yet were first to hear
the lowXsoft commencement of a song.
"That my daughter's voice," Jack
High remVrked, with proprietary pride.
Other listeners, and especially those
whom the melody had awakened from slum
ber, may b&ve drowsily imagined that it
was supernal; but as the singing grew
louder and sbonger, and the words ot a fa
miliar, sentimental song were enunciated,
the hearers recalled Deuce Low, and knew
that she was the vocalist. It was an agree
able disturbance of the quiet of the night,
and when it ceased the unseen audience
clapped hands and made a great outcry of
delight Then, afraid that the hubbub
would keep the singer silent instead of in
citing her to begin again, the men ceased
their noise and waited. The two ftithers
found their boy and girl still at the tree.
Deuce sat leaning against the trunk.as bey
bad left her; and the moonbeams had not
ceased to glorify her face, into which an ex
pression of tranquility had come. An in
effable tenderness had softened the pretty
lineaments, and all trace of disingenuous
ness was gone. It was as though the woman
which she had hardly become bad snng n
lullaby to the child which she had barely
ceased to be, and so a serenity of repose had
settled down upon the poor little ad
I venturess. The shadow of the tree had
shifted with the higher rise of the moon,
leaving "Will Brown out in the light; but
he no longer took care to screen his rapt re
gard ot ms gnest, and this may nave been
because he perceived that he was not a con
sequential factor in producing her placid
"You nor me haint held es pretty a pair
es them," whispered Jugg, his exultation
over the game asserting itself in his lan
guage. "They'd be winners, sir winners," Jack
asserted vivaciously.
"My son's a p-r-ince," and Jugg's pa
ternal vanity easily likened his gracefully
posed son to some vaguely remembered hero
of limclit theatricals.
"And my daughter's a p-r-i-n-cess " re
torted Jack, adopting the other's spelling
out whim of speech rather mockingly, and
with immense emphasis on that syllable
which made the word exclusive to feminin
ity. The two men were not likely to be har
monious in eulogies of their offspring. They
were sneneeu, nowever, by tbe youngsters
themselves, who began to sing together. It
was a umy ima nonsensical words out a
captivating melody, and the night air re
ceived it with all "acoustic kindness; with
discrimination, too, for it carried the tune
ful notes far beyond the reach of the dog
gerel rhymes. At the end of the verse what
sounded for an instant like an echo, but
which developed into a refrain by a third
singer, came from the distance. The voice
was high and strong, with a
strenuous unction seldom heard else
where than at a religious camp
meeting, and the unmistakable twang of an
Afric-American. "Will and Deuce sang an
other verse, and again the approaching
voice repeated the chorus with anose vim.
The campers emerged from their tents and
wagons, the sentimental loungers at the
tree stood up, their fathers joined the in
creasing group, and all watched two persons
wno were coming Into view on mustang
ponies. One of these was the assertive
vocalist, .and she looked more like a witch
than a siren as she rode into the throng.
She was a negress, with the sooty blackness
of a native Alrican, but withoutthe usual
accompanying ugliness of face. Half a cen
tury had not bent her stalwart form, and as
she alighted from the horse she stood a
physically commanding figure, even in a
gatnering of men. A bright handkerchief
turbaned her head, and a gaudy shawl
wrapped her shoulders.
"I'se glad to see yo'sels, an' I's hopin'
my singin' hasn' 'sturbed yo," she said-ora-torically.
"When I heahs music I cain't
try to hold my yawp deed I cain't Dough
singin hain't my perfes'n'ble 'ployment.
I'se a hondoo fortin' teller."
Her companion was a man of 30, with a
shaven yellow face, but with none of the
facial characteristics of a mulatto. His
garb was that of a cowboy. He still sat astride
his horse In silent scrutiny of tbe company, and
tbis singular eyeing of the campers would not
have passed unnoticed if tbe negress had not
been engrossing the general attention.
"What's your night riding forfBoss Don
ald roughly demanded to know. "Are you
sure you haven't stolen these horses? I guess
you'd better star with ns till morning, to see if
somebody doesn't come chasing you."
"Chasing us?" and the yellow man's first ut
terance wxs quizzical. "We ain't chased we
chase." He checked himself abruptly, and
added in a docile tone: "O, we'll stop the night
with you. If you want us."
"He's my son," the negress volubly resumed.
"'Deed, fo'ks, he's my son. We's trabblin'
tow'd Oklahoma."
"Fortune seeking?" Will Brown suggested.
"An' fortin' telling, boy," and she chuckled
over her own wit "Who wants Queen bheeb
t' prophecy 7 Er does yo' ruther buy a houdoo
The superstitions instinct of a gambler spoke
out in Jack High. "What you got Auntie?"
he asked.
"Genuin houdoo luck cba'ms, sah. Nebber
fail, sah," and she brought out a handful of
small bags. "Made o' rattler skin, sah, an'
filled wid seven lnckies. Hahd to get sah, an'
cheap at a dollah."
"All alike?" and he examined the charm
bags with his eyes, seemingly averse to touch
ing the nncanny things,
"Jes' alike, sah fr"m crow's tongue t' dead
chile's toenail, dey's ebery one got do right
seben ingred'nts Into 'em. An dey was put
t'gedderwlf de true houdoo cermony at the
tu'n ob de moon."
Jack chose one of them, put it into his
pocket and handed a paper dollar to Queen
Sheen. Old Jugg Brown bought one, too, and
also paid for It with one of the dollars won
from Aleck Wiams. The yellow man slid out
ef bis saddle, and eyed the money as it was re
ceived by the negress. His eagerness was very
demonstrative. He took tbe two notes from
her hand and held them up for a close inspec
tion, searching for some peculiarity of their
print Then he becanfe suddenly domineering
in manner and dictatorial in tone.
"I want you. and vou." he cried, indicating
the two men who had bought tbe charms.
"Tbis is connterf eit money and I have a war
rant for your arrest"
"For my arrest?" Jack gasped.
Old Jngg was dumb with amazement
"Here's the document" the stranger said,
producing a crumpled but still legal looking
paper. "It calls for John Boo and Richard
Roe, and the names will do for you, I guess.
I'm a Deputy Sheriff and Government detec
tive; and you'll let me search you, if you
He went at the searching in such a prompt
professional way tbat the two men offered no
objection. He first took all the money from
Jack High, examining and marking it pieceby
piece: and then be seized npon Old Jugg
Brown's winnings In the same methodical man
ner. "How do we know who and what you are?"
Boss Donald interposed. "I don't believe III
let a pair of fortune-telling tramps fool with
this camp "
"Old Hannah is in the houdoo line." Was the
fellow's calm explanation. "I'm only a sort of
traveling partner. Of course I ain't her son.
and of course tbe yellow on my face is butter
nut stain. I've been sent to do this job neat,
and I've done It Here's my credentials," and
he submitted a metal shield and a document to
"Bnt you've blundered, my capable friend,"
said Jack, with professional calm. "Tbe
money may be bogus: I don't know, for we
have only just won it at poker from Mr,
"That's a fact," Jngg hoarsely added; "we
just won it from Mr. Wiams."
Aleck Wiams walked into the assemblage.
"What's that you're saving?" he exclaimed.
"You've been playing poker with me? Why, I
haven't touched a card In months. And you,
Jugg. where could you pet money to start in
with? If you two are in a scrape it won't help
you out to go to lying. I was fast asleep from
8 o'clock till I heard the singing."
One of the prairie wtgons was made a prison
for the two captives. The walls were only can
vas, and the entrance had nothing more like
bars than the crossings or cord that tied the
flaps together. But Deputy Sheriff and De
tective AUoway reinforced the cloth with
human safeguards. Boss Donald was convinced
of tbe prisoners' probable guilt and he felt
that it was right to lend f onr workmen to the
dutv of patroling around the wagon until
morning. He had no sympathy for Jack High,
and not much for old Jngg Brown;and his rude
kindliness to Deuce and Will lound expression
in a brusque command to clear away from the
vehicle containing their despised fathers.
"I'm sorry tor you. Will," he said, gripping
the young man's shoulders with his brawny
hands and scowling into his face, "bat yon can't
do anything for the old man to-nlebt As for
you, Sis," and he grasped her wrist with
scarcely lessened force, "what you want to do
is to go to sleep. Now, don't cry."
There was notice faintest suggestion of tears
in her frightened eyes, and the suggestion that
they would shut themselves In and sleep was so
absurd that she could almost smile at it
"Can't I stay with dad?" she pleaded.
Aleck Wiams had been active and insistent
in helping AUoway to establish a sure jail, and
to Deuce's request he peremptorily said: "No,
you can't We don't propose to give him your
sharp wits to help bis own in some scheme to
escape. You nor Will can't go near them till
morning." . .
"Look here. Mr. Donald," tbe girl persisted.
Ignoring Wiams. "you're all making a mistake.
My dad is a gambler, and he can't be called a
circumspect gentleman; but he isn't a counter
feiter, and he wouldn't cheat.any man out of a
nickel except in tbe way of cards. Besides, he
hadn't any money, good or bad, when we got
here. You know that," and she appealed to
Will Brown.
"It is so," Will assented earnestly. ."He had
to pet a dollar from me."
Wiams laughed viciously. He had not
known before bow small an amount It had
been possible for bim to win in tbe game, and
he angrily exclaimed: "Your worthless parent
be hadn't a cent either, I suppose; but we
find his pockets lull of counterfeit money just
tbe same. Where did It come from. I'd like to
know?" ,
"He says he won it from you," said Will.
"Tell me how in this game tbat never was
played how it was that be could start into it
without a cent to play with," Wiams excitedly
'Better be off to bed, my boy," Boss Donald
said: "you can't do anything to-night Off
with vou!"
Will Brown obeyed the last emphatic com
mand so far, at least as to slowly quit the
spot Deuce wonld have followed him, but the
band of Donald was still on her wrist "Littlo
girl," he said with abated harshness, "you're
going to get right into the hammock in my
tent and stay there till daylight I can't use
my quarters to-night anyhow, and you're wel
come to them."
There was force enough in bis one arm to
conquer ber hardest resistance, and so she made
none oy eitner word or motion, out let mm lead
her to a tent which was high and square, for it
served the boss as a daytime office as well as for
sleeping quarters. It bad no occupant until
they entered. From one endpole to the other a
hammock was strung. It was as high as tbe
man's breast, and, therefore, about level with
the girl's chin. Without a word he lifted her
in his arms and laid her iu the suspended
"Now. there's no use fretting." he said, with
what was gentleness in such a man accustomed
to giving gruff orders to gangs of laborers; "you
go to sleep; do you bear?" and he set the ham
mock to swinging like a cradle. "Nothlngshall
happen to your father before morning, nor to
you. Good-night".
"Thank you," she responded faintly, "good
night" She lay alone, gazintr wide eved and sleenleRS
at tbe canvas roof, with her mind in an abso-'l
lute tnougutiess condition. Tbe blow had
stunned ber, and she only slowlv regained her
accustomed mental activitv. The sky became
filled with drifting black clouds, and it was at
increasingly rare intervals tbat tbey let the'
moon sbine tbrongh. At one of these times.
following a f aw minutes ot darkness, the illu
mination was so sudden and brilliant that the
change roused her from a lethargy which
might otherwise have lulled ber to sleep. An
instant of daze, of confusion as to where she
was, and then she saw a man sharply shadowed
on 'the side of the tent It was a startling
vivid silhouette. The figure's pantomime was
that of cautious stealth, and it was her first
alarmed belief that it was inside the tent But
it was noiseless, and it disappeared as suddenly
as it had come. She stared at the blank fabric.
Then the ciouds shut off the. light again, and
she was left in a gloom that was almost black.
"Sisstf" came to her alert ears, as sbe dimly
saw that the entrance to the tent was being
cautiously opened. "Don't be scared, and don't
make any noise"' was whispered.
She swung her feet over the edge of the
hammock, and sat up. Instantly the intruder
was close to ber, with his hands clasping hers
to keep her still, and she saw that he was Will
Rrnvn. '
'Tvfe come to talk with you. Deuce," he said;
"I don't know why, for I don't see tbat we can
do a thing yet"
"I'm glad you've come," and she held hard to
his hands, like a child not fully awakened from
a nightmare. "I was lonesome and scared."
"But we can at least come to an understand-,
ing about tbis matter tbis arrest lam sure
my father didn't know the money was counter
feit He is a drunkard as much of a sot by
spells as circumstances permit: but I never
knew him to do a dishonest act Thirst for
whisky would tempt, him to indiscretion, put
to nothing so methodical or calculating as to
deal in bogus bills. It isn't in him. Deqce he
wouldn't be equal to It if he tried." He
stopped with an indication tbat politeness pre
vented him from going on.
"But you're thinking tbat my father has
brains and badness for it What kind of an
oath can can I take. Will Brown, to make you
take mv word for truth?"
'Whatever you tell me now here I will.
Deiieve you."
Their hands were yet clasped together, and,
as he stood before her, while she bent ber head
in her earnestness to see in the darkness
whether he looked serious or mocking, their
faces almost touched.
"Then I tell you that my father is innocent
about this bad money. We hadn't so much as
a dime between us when we got here. He had
lost in an unlucky game, all the money we had
started wijh from Omaha. Tbat's why, we
came along here no better than tramps. He
surely surely brought no counterfeit bills. I
am not saying he's what he ought to be; and
I'm afraid it's likely he'd use a bad bill If he
had it But no no don't think he is a crim
inal. We're very, very Intimate Dad and I;
and he's an honorable man in his sort of way.
We're adventurers, but upon my soul we're
not reprobates. My mother is watching us
from up yonder, you know, and she would see
it if Dad was to take me to disgrace. He
promised her be wouldn't and he hasn't"
Sbe was weeping now, and when she loosed
one hand to wipe away. the tears. Will's disen
gaged arm encircled her protectingly. It was
wholly a caress of sympathy and faitb, as she
somehow understood, and in a moment she was
sobbing, with her face buried on his shoulder.
"There there don't cry any more," he con
jured her, and then went on with a good reason
for continned weeping: "You can't help your
father in his predicament and"
"Don't say that" she interrupted, slipping
down from tbe hammock, and standing with
every fiber tense for action. "I must help him,
wneiuer x can or nou
"Then let us get at the mystery of the case if
we can," Will admonished ber, "so as to know
what is best to attempt We are convinced
that the bogus money was won from Alex
Wiams, are we not? and therefore we mutt
conclude that Wiams is the real criminal. The
officer, Alloway, says the Government got in
formation of a quantity of counterfeit treasury
notes being sent into tbis region. He was de
tailed to search for them. He found that they
were being circulated along tbe routo of tbis
telegraphic expedition, but very sparingly.
Then be hit upon the ruse of pretending to be a
son of the houdoo woman, and that is all be
probably knows about it He will take his pris
oners back to Aoahoque in the morning."
"Tbat is a rough town, full of Oklahoma
boomers. We came through it three days
"And Alloway spoke of the chances that an
Apahoque mob might lynch his captives,
because some of the bogus bills have been
passed there. He talked to Wiams about
this danger, and Wiams offered to provide
half a dozen men for a posse. Hushf"
The admonition was caused by Deuce's in
cautious cry of alarm. "Don't you see," she
said, "tbat if Wiams had made two men scape
goats for himself, he will get them lynched in
stead of saving them? They'll be murdered."
"We will muster a force to defend them."
"Better release them to-night"
"Well, somehow anyhow."
Tbe girl was emboldened with her purpose,
and her companion caught from her an ardor
Of spirit uncommon to his calmer temper
ament "Let me think," he meditated. "The guards
can't be expecting an attack from the outside.
They're only watching the wagon to see that its
inmates don't break out Mightn't I take one
unawares, when the others are not too close
by, silence and down him by throwing a blanket
over his head, and so give you a chance to slit
the canvas with a kntte? If we had four horses
ready, wc might get away before much alarm
could be raised." , .
'.Could you fight a stronger man than yonr-
seiir xt woum do Detter to let me belp you.'
"The fellow might be stronger than L but
probably not so quick, or dexterous, for I am
something of a wrestler. Besides, he would bej
canght at a disadvantage. And your part
would require all your time and presence of
They discussed tbe details,of the plan freely;
yet rapidly. Then Will went out to get tho
horses ready. He found where two mustangs
were tethered. These and two other horses be
saddled and left at a point a few rods, along
tbe road. Then he reconnoitred the prison
wagon. The gnards were drowsy and unalert
Tbe restof the camp seemed to be fast asleep.
He returned to the tent Deuce was pacing to
and fro like a young tigress in a cage. A knife
gleamed In her hand.
"I found it here," she said, "and it seems
sharp enough to cut canvas quickly. Here's a
strong and not very heavy blanket for you to
muffle the man with. Can we do it right off?"
"Yes," Will replied.
They emerged cautiously into the darkness,
which bad become as heavy as rain-laden
clouds could make it and passed a dozen tents
and wagons, in which no signs of wakefulness
were given by the occupants. Suddenly Will,
who was ahead, drew Deuce back behind a
wheel. He had beard the approach of foot
steps, and there was barely time to. ensconce
tncmseives Def ore Aleck Wiams passed by so
closely that they could have touched bim. 'Will
left Deuce where sbe was, and stole after the
man untu ne entered nis own tent It was1
smau one, exclusive to vv lams' own use. a:
situated near by tbe makeshift jail. A lig
awu ciuuiaereu wiuiio, oa men tne watch
saw him fasten the opening together, icclosi;
juuibvu. who remantauic care. WLU drop
v 19 uhu3 uu. juiocc, crept siowiy to
back side of tba tent and lay flat on tho
ground. The canvas showed no hole through
which he conld look in. He crawled all the
way around the tight strncture without dis
covering a lesion in tbe cloth. He heard
Wiams astir within, and the position of the
lighted lamp was changed several times. At
lengtn. despairing of a less risky divlce. Will
took ont his penknife and made a tiny slit
With one eye at tbe aperture, ho looked in.
Aleck Wiams sat astride a trunk, on which
stood the lamp, while in his hands he held a
package of treasury notes of the same fraudu
lent manufacture that had been taken from
his two scapegoats. He was irresolutely finger
ing them, as though making up his mind with
difficulty what to io with them. When a de
termination was reached, he had to summon all
his resolution to carry it out He held a handful
of the. notes over the glass f nnnel of tbe lamp,
but before the heat ignited the paper he drew
it away. Wiams was compelling himself to re
luctantly burn the remainder of his stock of
spurious money for fear that it might be dis
covered. He bad obtained it to mix with cash
to pay his emplojes. A little had been used in
that way. ad Detective Alloway had followed
tbe trail by means of these cautious outauts.
It seemed the part of common sense to make
nisrsafetysureby destroying all the evidence
of guilt rather than keep it at his peril. Again
beheld the package over the lamp, aad a
charring corner broke into a flame.
"Stop, you scoundrel!" Will Brown yelled
impulsively.' . ,
Wiams' action was equally inconsiderate and
Instinctive. He dashed the lamp to the ground.
But Instead of putting out the light he created
a vastlygreater one. The glass broke, with, an
explosion, and the oil was thrown over tbe
man's clothes. The tent and its occupant were
instantly ablaze.
A screech of fright and agony resounded
through the camp. The tent flamed high, and
was gone like a flash of flroworks, leaving
Wiams burning like a great torch. Tbe oil had
saturated his garments, and he was all en
veloped in fire. The four temporary jailors ran
hastily to tbe spot Deuce Low was next Sbe
saw the burnlnir man. and believed that lome
mischance of the intended rescue had delivered
her father from durance into this awful dis
aster. Sbe bad brought the blanket from
where Will had dropped it ou leaving her. She
desperately wrapped the woolen cloth around
tne nery oojecc ioen oiuer iuwus ueipra, ana
the flames were smothered; but tbey saw that
the man was dead, and Deuce as well as they
recognized him as Aleck Wiams. Her fither
'caught her with a hng, for the abandonment of
his jail had left him free to join the excited
"O, Dadr" she cried, kissing him hysterically,
"I thought 'twas yon."
"Well, you were saving your father just the
same," exclaimed Will Brown, "for you kept
this evidence of his innocence from being
burned," and he took from tbe scorched hand
of the dead criminal the half-burned bunch of
counterfeit notes.
There was no more imprisonment for Jack
Higli and Old Jugg Brown.
A few days later they wero discussing the
singularity of their escape, and the commend
able parts played in that event by their chil
dren. "It occurs to me," .said Jack, without' quite
hiding his idea that such a thing would be a
condescension, "that nothing would delight me
more than to marry my girl to your boy."
"An I've been a th-inking,"responded Jugg.
with still less concealment of his belief that
the bestowal of honor wonld be his. "that I'd
like to have my boy marry your gal."
."Of course, my daughter would not go into
an engagement without first getting my con-
"An'ny son wouldn'tpop the question with
out my knowin' ot it before hand."
At that moment tbe voungster joined them.
"Father." said Will Brown, "this young lady
is Miss Laura Wallace, and she has consented
to become my wife; and, in telling you of It.
I'm going to say something to you straight
and plain. You must sign a total abstinence
pledge, and keep it or we will disown you.
The escape you have had should be a life warn
ing to never taste whisky again."
Old Jugg Brown was silent and solemn a mo
ment before grasping his son's hand, and say
ing: "So help me God, I will never taste the
stuff again. An! wish yod g-o-y."
"Dad," said Miss Wallace, "it is true that I
have engaged nryself to Will, and you are the
only reason why I shonld't be his wife. But if
you will swear to let tbat game of 'poker be
your last hand of cards, I will name the wed
ding day, and put you on probation.".
"I solemnly swear tbat I will never gamble
again," be slowly answered. "God bless you."
and he kissed a scar which the fire had left on
her hand.
The fathers snbseanent.lv siimed their namu
to a certain marriage certificate as "Robert H.f
w auace unu xienry a. xrown, witnesses, ine
nicknames of Jack High and Old Jugg were
silenced along with that of Deuce Low, when
she became Mrs. Brown, and it seems improb
able that they will ever be revived.
Copyrighted, 1S89. All rights reserved.
The Mnrvelonn Qualities of tbe Favorite
Boston Food Described. n. i
Boston Globe.l
Beans are a thoroughly domestic diet It
is the pie-bean characteristic which excites
the sneers of good society beyond our bor
ders, but our bean-bred giants, ranging from
Daniel Webster, to John L. Sullivan, af
ford ample evidence that, whether for pur
poses ot brain or muscle, beans take the
bakery. '
The fame of the bean has already reached
Paris and in that diluted form vulgarly
known as bean porridge, and in our prisons
as "bean-dive, from -the alleged obligation
of the prisoners to dfve in order to find the
beans. Fashionable society in Paris, how
ever, does not indulge in this luxury as
bean porridge, but as "puree de paritots et
de homine," under which name American
tourists discover the beau to have marvel
ous and hitherto unknown qualities.
Beans can be made into a great variety of
dishes, and even into delicious non-intoxicating
leverages. The time is not far dis
tant when beans will flow from sparkling
fountains in all the haunts of true culture.
A glass that cheers, but not inebriates, in.
the form of a bean cocktail, will yet yield
the inspiration for many a brainy feat in the
Athens of the future.
Let the cynics sneer. Boston culture will
yet vindicate itself, and the fame of the
bean be waited from pole to pole.
The Kan Who Sent it Didn't Think It Was
Worth Anything.
A well-known editor, who never talks
shop unless he has something worth telling,
recently told a story at his own expense to a
party of friends, which was overheard by
an Evening Sun reporter.
"Mot long ago," he said, "I received a
poem from an unknown contributor who
lived in a little Western town. The letter
accompanying the manuscript was wrttten
iu that confidential strain which always
proves the wri ier to be an untrained con
tributor to the press. After praising my
paper and informing me that be had been a
reader of it for more years' than it had been
in existence, he had taken the liberty of
sending me a little poem for publication.
The honor of appearing in print was all the
remuneration he desired; indeed, he was
frank enough to state that he did not con
sider the verses enclosed had any market
value. When I examined the poem I found
it was one I had written myself many years
before, and for which I had received a hand
some sum."
A Lesson That Cost a Man Who Had Trav-
eled Somethinir.
Detroit Free Fress.l
A young man with a great deal of hat
and a small amount of grip-sack, came-into
the Third street depot on a train the other
day and walking through to the hackstand
he said to the driver of a vehicle:
"I want to go ap to the "Wayne Hotel."
"Yes, sir."
"The ordinance gives you 50 cents,"
Sit does."
"Here's your money. I've traveled a bit,
I have, and I know what's what Don't
try any gum games on me."
"No, sir get right in."
The stranger entered the hack, the driver
drove across tbe street and got down and
opened the door, and as the stranger saw
how he bad fooled himself he looked as flat
as chalk and muttered:
"Yes I see just across the street I've
traveled, I have, but I guess I was on the
wrong train."
No Doubt About the Hie.
Borrlttown Herald.
A delver into ancient history has discov
ered that the song, "We Won't Go Home
Till, Morning," is a classic. We always
knew there was considerable "hie" about it,'
bat we should call it a class "hie" '
Pictures of the Great Irish
Leader's Life and Work.
Farnell's Besidenco Unknown to Most of
His Friends.
' LONDON, July 28.
The noonday sun is
shining dimly through
the London, fog over
Temple Bar. It casts
a weak glint on the
frowning statue of
Samuel Johnson some
distance away, and
shines on an architec
tural nightmare front
ing the square. Pres-
nhnri,. Rtnnnrt p, ently two gentlemen
nelL walk quickly up the
streetin the direction of this building. Oneof
the men is square shouldered and of sturdy
build. He would be regarded at first sight
by almost anyone as a man thoroughly
capable of talcing care of himself in any
sort of a crowd. His companion is of fair
height, but of delicate frame. That portion
of his face that is not covered by a well kept
brown beard, is pale, almost pallid. His
features are regular and clear cut,
and almost anyone would desig
nate him as a handsome man. You
might take him for a hard
worked lawyer or perhaps a struggling
literary man. Nevertheless there is a look
of power orfthe man's face and in his eyes
that stamps him as a no common man. As
the twojmen are passing into the building
they meet an old Irishman, evidently a
laborer or longshoreman. The latter looks
at the two men and then gives a second
quick look at the smaller of them. Then
his face lights up, his hat comes off with a
jerk and he bows almost to the ground.
The two gentlemen bow "slightly and pass
on. The old man, hat in hand and face
radiant, still stands gazing after them until
they disappear within. Then he throws
the old hat in tbe air and yells en
thusiastically: "Hurroo, God bless him and
God save Ireland."
What has happened to stir the old man
up so? Not mucn.
parnell's constant companion.
He has met Charles Stewart Parnell face
tp face and has been honored with a bow
from the Irish leader, for the small bearded
man is none other than the great Home
Ruler. His companion is James O'Kellv,
M. P., who is well known in New York,
where he worked on the Herald for some
time. He has had some exciting adven
tures; has served as a special correspondent
in Cuba, in Spain, in the Kusso-Turkisb
war, and later in the Soudan, and on at
least one occasion was sentenced to be shot,
being taken for a spy. O'Kelly is looked
upon as a man of iron nerve, and is Par
nell's constant companion, and the only
man whom this rather mysterious man has
ever taken closely into his confidence.
After the scene described above, the two
men pass through the court and corridor
into the stuffy little room in which the
special commission is endeavoring to fairly
settle the famous controversy between Par
nell and the .London 'limet. The room is
well filled. All three of the commissioners are
in their places. Sir Charles Bussell and the
other lawyers who are doing battle for the
Irish leaders are in their places. Sir Rich
ard Webster, the principal lawyer for the
Timet, is just getting ready to put Michael
Davitt in the witness boxand looks as
though he wishes his task were over, the
sequel showing that there were good grounds
for the wish. Davitt himself, his empty
sleeve pinned across his breast, his swarthy
face wearing a confident expression, sits
in the front of the court among Parnell's
lawyers. A dozen or more of Irish mem
bers of Parliament are in the room. The
place reserved for newspaper men is
crowded uncomfortably, and so is the little
gallery in which strangers with "influence"
are allowed to sit. There is a buzz as Par
nell makes his way through the court, and
even stately Sir James Hannen inclines his
handsome head forward with sudden inter
est. Parnell bows slitrhtlv in response to
the greetings of his colleagues aud friends,
bends his head respectfully to the Judges,
and takes his seat among his lawyers. His
presence in court is a no unusual thing, but
just now matters are pretty intense.
Davitt has been on the stand, and has
made an excellent impression, winning tbe
evident respeSt of Sir James Hannen, an
important thing in this case, sinoe he has
been supposed to lead slightly to the Times'
side of it. It has been whispered about
that to-day is to be the important day of
Davitt's cross-examination, and the audi
ence is anxious to see how Parnell will take
matters. 'Their curiosity seems unnoticed
by him. His face is as impassive as a
statue, and, with few exceptions, he remains
so throughout every episode of the examitm
tiou. This trail man certainly has iron
nerves, and even his English opponents,
who always appreciate pluck, are never
slow in expressing their admiration for that
of the Irish leader.
Davitt's cross-examination begins, and
Parnell moves so that he can look into the
face of the one-armed agitator, who disa
grees with him on almost every phase of the
Irish problem, but who Is one with him on
the main issue, and who is constantly an
nouncing "Home rule by your plan, or by
mine, but home rule any way. To enter
upon details of tbe sparring between Sir
Richard Webster and Davitt would be use
less. To the layman fairly posted on Irish
afiairs in Ireland and America, it seems
that the ready-witted Irishman gets rather
the best of the slower English lawyer, and
evidently Sir Charles Russell thinks so, too,
for he smiles broadly as Davitt again and
again defeats the Attorney General in his
efforts to draw out something damaging to
the Irish leader, and frequently whispers in
the ear .of his famons client The latter
bows gravely, but not a muscle of his face
moves. The audience in the courtroom
does not seem over interested in the evi
dence that is being,given. In fact, it looks
as if many of the spectators understood but
little of it They seem chiefly interested in
the faces of the principal figures in the trial.
They scan the faces ot Sir James Hannen,
of Davitt, Parnell, Sir Charles Bussell and
Sir Richard Webster, as though from them,
and not from the testimony, the importance
of the case can be judged.
Davitt and Sir Richard Webster wander
industriously through a mass of detail con
cerning tbe Fenians, the Clan-na-Gael, the
Land League, the Irish National League
and every other society, secret and other
wise, that has to do with Irish affairs. There
is no man living who knows more about
them than Michael Davitt, and Sir Rich
ard Webster labors hard to, thrash out some
thing beneficial to his case from the chaff,
but with poor success. Davitt gives his
testimony in a free and frank manner, like
a man who wishes to hide nothing. As he
goes on the counsel for Parnell do not at
tempt to hide their satisfaction, while the
Irish members present are plainly jubilant
Now and then a faint spot of red appears on
the pale cheek of the Irish leader as he lis
tens this friendly foe in the witness box
defending him against unfair attack. .The
face of Sir Richard Webster takes on a
troubled and puzzled look as the duel goes
on. He sticks bravely to it, however, and
the Timet, people can certainly never charge
him with not having worked hard to earn
his fee. .
Now and then Sir James Hannen, usually
Impassive, gasei with curious interest at
JKSKS57' y X
f&TlW ?
Davitt The English people have never
been ablcto make this remarkable man out,
and it may be that the learned Judge is
studying him as an original. But study
him he certainly does. On Davitt's dark
face rests meanwhile a grim smile of satis
faction. It may that he is thinking of tbat
cold night when, with his mother and her
other children, he was driven from a little
cabin that had been his father's home, to
sleep under the shelter of a hedge. Many a
rack-rentinr landlord has since wished that
Davitt had died -that night, for a bitter
scourge has he proved to them in later
The case goes on. There is some powder
near, so to speak, though no one knows it.
It soon explodes. Sir Richard Webster
thinks there are important developments
behind the fact that Davitt declines to
divulge certain information wanted by Sir
Richard on the eround that it is the prop
erty of another. "Sir Richard insists upon
an answer. Davitt remains firm. Sir
Richard appeals to the judges.
Then follows a dramatic scene, for sud
denly Davitt draws himself to his full
height, his dark eyes flashing, his face
flushed with emotion. Swinging his single
hand aloft he, with unmistakable sincerity,
asserts that, upon his honor as a man, there
is nothing in the information whatever that
can affect this case other than favorably to
Parnell. He adds that he holds it under
seal of a confidence that he cannot and will
not betrav. Then, with singular impressive
ness, in the presence of the commission, he
solemnly conjures the friend in- America
who gave him the information, by the
friendship he bears him, to unseal his lips,
that he may speak and satisfy England and
the world.
There is not so much in the words, but no
one who saw it will soon forget the scene.
Davitt is always earnest, but on this occas
ion he is dramatic. There is almost an
outbreak in court, but Judge Hannen, after
turning one quick look of admiration on
me witness, sus rigid ana stern, ana one
young Irish member, who was about ready
to explode, sinks back in his seat with a
"I'd give a ten pound note for one cheer,"
he whispers to a friend near him.
A single red wave sweeps over Parnell's
Iiale face, but he sits quiet The worried
ook that had for a moment rested on the
laces of Parnell's counsel gives way to
smiles, and Sir Richard Webster is visibly
annoyed. The spectators now take less in
terest in the proceedings. The climax has
been reached in a melodramatio scene that
interests everyone.
Not much later Parnell, with his fid us
Achates, O'Kelly, make their adieus and
leave as they came. One part of the Irish
leader's day.'s work is done, but it is by no
means over. As he walks through the street
it is noticeable that but few persons salute
him as did the old Irishman in tbe morning.
In fact, he seems to be little known in Lon
don. Thomas Power O'Connor knows pretty
much everyone, but it has always been Par
nell's plan to shun publicity except when
on the hustings. Bnt lew men know where
he lives, or how he lives. O'Kelly and a
few more know, but are not given to talk
ing. There are certain places where he can
be seen when he wants, but his private
haucts and afiairs he keeps to himself. So
it is that the
as he is sometimes called, whose reputation
is world-wide, walks the streets of London
with fewer signs of recognition meeting him
than would greet a New York Alderman
walking 20 blocks on Broadway.
But this is as he wishes it.
Some time later the Irish leader Is ?en
entering the lobby of the House of Com
mons. As he walks through he passes a
group of young Tories in evening dress. Two
or three of the group turn their backs upon
bim, a couple more stare stolidly at him
through their eyeglasses, and a couple of
others nod carelessly as he goes by. He
notices neitner tne one nor the other, but
pushes his way along. A few feet farther
on he meets another trnnch ofLiberals, and
this time is greeted warmly, as he stops for
a moment to exchange a shake of the hand
with another friend, a slender, refined man
with a thoughtful face set off by carefully
trimmed side whiskers. Ho is no other
than the redoubtable Arthur J. Balfour,
"Bloody" Balfour, as the Irish call him,
Home Secretary for Ireland. He is waging
a bitter fight on Parnell and his party, but
he bows pleasantly and respectfully to the
Irish statesman, and the salute is as pleas
antly returned. These men are too big to
adopt the tactics of the yonng Tories before
mentioned. As Parnell is about to enter
the chamber a hand is laid upon his arm;
it is Henry Labouchere this time.
"Come along, Parnell. I've something'
good to tell you," he exclaims, pulling the
Irishman along with him. Presently
the latter reappears again with
as much of a smile on his face as is ever
seen there, and this time he makes his way
to his seat without further interruptions.
It is a quiet night in the House. Pew of
the big men are present
The proceedings are rather monotonous.
One honorable member wants a question
concerning Egypt answered. Another wants
the Home Secretary to give him some in
formation upon a point that no one can see
anything in. Then Tim Healy, who could
not keep still for any great length of time,
starts in to worry Balfour. He wants to
tcnow a good many things that the- latter
don't want to tell bim and the result is a
skirmish which the Honse enjoys.
Meanwhile Parnell sits with his hat pulled
over his eyes, seemingly oblivious of all that
is going on. But he is not, for some time
later when an honorable member goes out of
bis way to make a misstatement about him
he is on his feet in a moment, and with about
a score of objections upsets the honorable
gentleman so that he takes his seat and
keeps it But even in this short time the
cry, "Parnell is up!" has gone through the
lobbies, and members copie crowding in, for
Parnell's utterances are of importance just
now. Finding him sitting calm and care
less as before they retire in disgust. '
By this time Parnell is getting tired. He
regales himself with a chop or grilled bone
and returns to his seat He does not remain
long there. The House is practically de
serted, although Biggar is still watching
bis victim. The Irish leader looks at his
watch, whispers to the member sitting near
bim and with a general salute to all, he
leaves the House with O'Kelly for his lodg
ings, wherever they are a matter that is a
mystery even to his friends. The Irish lead
er s day's work, -is done. It was an easy one,
too, compared with some that he has known
and some that he will know not a great
while from now.
But these are dull times in England.
Just wait, however. There is fighting
enough right ahead to please the most
It Came Froirihe Sooth and West Some 19
Years Ago.
New York Star.
As far as New York is concerned, the free
lunch was unknown until the early part of
1870. About that time it came to us as an
importation from New Orleans, and San
Francisco, bnt it was not regarded with
favor by the ordinary saloonkeeper, and
would have died out as a fashion were it not
for the German restaurants with bar at
tachments. The proprietors of those places
introduced the practice of serving up to
patrons ot the bar the overplns of the food
prepared for the restaurant guests, in the
lorm of a free lunch.
When it found that the free lunch made
German saloons attractive, the example set
was quickly followed, until to-day -there is
hardly a saloon to be found in the city that
does not set out a side table with something
to eat for its customers.
It Was a Strong- Bench. .
Macon Telecrtph.l
The five daughter! of Mrs. Amanda Al
mond, of Elbert County, were sitting on
tbe same bench together at Dove's Creek last
Saturday, their weights ranging from about
175 to 200 pounds each. Those whOjSaw
them laid it was indeed a tight to behold.
Blatelj Hall Describes the English
Schools of Cookery.
Why the British Matron Doe3 Not Advertiso
for a Servant.
London, August 2. During the past
five years an unusual amount of attention
has been devoted to the question of the
domestic training of young women in En
gland. In the State-aided schools the train
ing is chiefly theoretical, and of little value
in after life. The girls are collected once or
twice a week in special classes
and solemnly lectured Jby a "domestic
economy" professor, or a professional
cook who has developed oratorical gifts.
The professor warns the lasses against the
waste involved in the use of the frying-pan,
and the cook explains how much better it is
to use butter aud not drippings in making
pastry, oblivious of the fact that the parents
of the majority of the pupils are in a posi
tion to afford neither butter nor pastry as
part of their daily meals. There is much
learned talk at these lessons about 'the con
stituents of various kinds of food. But of
practical knowledge little is either imparted
or acquired.
Middle classes and aristocratic girls are
even worse off, for in their schools there is
rarely even a pretense of teaching house
wifery. A few years ago a correspondence
was started in one of the big daily news
papers upon this lack of domestic training.
Young men wrote pathetic letters setting
forth how they yearned to get married, but
were unable to do so, because they could not
find the right kind of girls to take charge of
the households and make the best of their
slender incomes.
The girls replied with equal pathos, la
menting their shortcomings, and pointing
out that it was really not their fault, be
cause they had no chance of learning things
which would make them useful wives. The
correspondence was not without effect for it
led to the establishment of a national
association for teaching housewifery, and of
practical cooking classes, where girls and
ladies for a small fee could learn all about
the culinary art. Tbe classes have proved
a great success and increase in number and
usefulness every year. The teachers are
supplied chiefly from the National School
of Cookery and the teaching is severely
practical. Food is actually prepared and
cooked before the eyej of the pupils who
follow each detail, ask questions and make
experiments on their own account. It Is
sometimes very funny to see a class of
grown-up women following with rapt atten
tion the deft hands of a smart young teacher"
banging on a pasteboard or making an om
elette. They are generally half-ashamed of
being present and rarely speak to each
The teachers are in most cases women, but
in the West End of London, George
Marshall, a well-known English chef, has
started classes and must be making at least
$5,000 a year by them. They are attended
7 cooks, male and female, belonging to
middle class families which pay an average
fee of 5 shillings a lesson to have their
servants taught how to make a particular
kind of dish or improve their knowledge as
to the preparation of entrees, salads and the
like. On certain days of the week, Marshall
and his wife give lessons to the mistresses of
the servants who seem to look upon the
business as great fun.
The National Housewiferv Association
undertakes to teach a woman everything
connected with doawtlo economy, Irom tb
scrubbing of a floor to the cooking of a joint.
A fine mansion has been hired on the banks
of the river Severn as a training college,
and good work is being done. The associa
tion has practically provided a new profes
sion for women. Ladies are received at tbe
college and boarded, lodged and taught for
less " than $200 a year. The curri
culum of this curious college includes the
domestic kindergarten, plain cooking,
home dressmaking and needle work,
home nursing, all branches of housework,
hygiene, nursing babies and domestic sani
tation. Girls are received for training at
the age of 16 and upward, and quick and
clever young women are turned out perfect
housewives in a year or less. Armed with
the association's certificates of efficiency,
they have little difficulty in obtaining well
paid employment as teachers. But they
rarely remain teachers for any length of
time, for their value in the matrimonial
market is obviouslv so great that they soon
have at their feet all the most eligible young
men in the district in which they happen to
In some of the more enlightened towns
efforts are being made to include cooking
and domestic training generally as part of
the regular school course. Sanguine re
formers even hope that some time before the
arrival of the millenium the government
education department will recognize that- it
is of more advantage to tbe State for women
to become useful wives than to fill them up
to the chin, with ornamental learning. Good
domestic servants are growing more and
more rare in England.
Within the memory of middle aged men
it was the almost universal custom for the
daughters of the Working people to enter
domestic service. But m these days de
cent artisans and clerks, here as in
America, do not consider the position
of a cook or housemaid genteel
enough for their daughters, and the
girls themselves too often prefer the ill-paid
comparative freedom of the factory or the
shop counter to the excellent wages and
good feeding obtainable as domestic servants.
Nn tradesman in London need advertise for
a shop girl. He has only to put up a notice
in his window, "shop girl wanted, wages 6
shillings a week," to obtain a choice of
scores of applicants. There are thousands
of girls in London shops and restaurants
whose wages range from $1 50 to $3 00 a week,
out of which, too often, they have to lodge
and clothe themselves, and sometimes even
to find food. The same girls could obtain
liberal wages and comtortable homes as
domestic servants, but domestic service
implies constant restraint, and they will
have none of it.
The British housewife never advertises,
because it would be money thrown away.
When she wants a servant she makes a pil
grimage to a "registry office" and pays 60
cents for the privilege of having her wants
recorded. .
It is the business of the registry offices to
bring mistress and servant together. It is a
very profitable trade, and there is one man
in London now who is contented to make
$150,000 a year out of it. He has established
branch offices in every part of London, and
is gradually driving all competitors out of
the field. Every first-class servant whom
he can manage to get on his books is a clear
$500 to him. He is not such an unbusiness
like fool as to send her to one of the mis
tresses on his register. For that purpose
any ordinary girl will do.
The-prodigy the girl who has been in
her last place two or three years, who is
leaving solely on account of the family
moving abroad, who can cook well, nurse
the baby, do all kinds, of sewing, who is
civil, obliging, good tempered, clean in per
son and work she is widely advertised in
the daily newspapers, and her qualities, real
and apocryphal are set forth in big letters.
The British matron reads open mouthed,
eagerly writes to the office, offering the
prodigy large wages, and faithfully forwards
the necessary half crown, only to learn that
she is too late. There are rarely less than a
thousand inquiries after each prodigy, and
nine-tenths are aoeom-oanied hv the fM-
WrathfuldUajjpciatedaiatronj haTO been
heard to sar upon these occasions that the
prodigy has no substantial existence, but
this is unjust to the registrar. The prodigy
is duly drafted into a family, usually one
with numerous daughters, and if she
answers her description to a reasonable ex
tent, her grateful mistress and the young
ladies aforesaid spend their spare time in
booming the girl and the wonderful registry
office through which she was obtained.
In the ordinary course of. business the
matron pays 60 cents, returns home and
waits in fear and nervous trembling for the
arrival of an applicant Sometimes the
period of suspense will be prolonged for
weetcs, and half crowns are paid to olner
registry offices. When at length a likelv
girl presents herself, and mistress and maid
agree upon terms, personal inquiries are
made as to character, and, if they result
satisfactorily, the bargain is struck. A
smart girl of 16 years of age will probably
receive at the beginning $80 a year, and, if
she develop tew faults, the mistress will
make anysacrifice to retain her. Nothinjr
in reason is denied to a decent servant
She is well fed and considerately treated,
allowed frequent holidays and not over
worked. For a brief period the much -worried
matron is at peace.
But sooner or later, generally, sooner,
the girl becomes dissatisfied, or longs for
change, or quarrels about the quality and
quantity of her daily beer and in dne and
invariable course she gives a month's notice
to quit
Ifaese are the sad experiences which form
the staple of conversation at every social
gathering oi British matrons of the middle
class. Among the aristocracv these domes
tic worries are relegated to the housekeeper,
who is well paid to bear them. Matrons
and housekeepers alike agree that there is
something radically wrong, but no one has
yet been able to find a remedy. Now and
then philanthropists start training homea
for servants, or withdraw their subscriptions
from orphan asylums where proper promi-
ucutu ,a nor. uevuveu to domestic economy.
But somehow the girls will not allow them
selves to be trained, or after a course of
training drift into -the overcrowded shops
and factories, and the asylums look for new
The British matron is still waiting for
the man who shall benefit his species by the
invention of some cunning scheme for the
equalization of the supply and demand for
domestic servants. All sorts and conditions
of men and women have vainly wrestled
with the problem. Enthusiasts have urged
compulsory domestic service for the daugh
ters of the masses. Others -have advocated
the legislative prohibition of female labor
in shops and factories. The puzzle is not
easily solved. Since slavery has been for
ever abolished there is nothing to do bnt
watch the registry offices in the wild hope
of some day catching the model servant who
is so widely advertised.
Blakut Haii,
An Illinois Iiecfslator Who Appears to Have
Understood the Question.
Washington Post
One evening, a few years ago, the late
Elijah M. Haines, of Illinois, was called
upon to preside at a meeting of lawyers as
sembled in Springfield for the purpose of
considering the best means of passing a bill
then pending in the Legislature. Mr.
Haines, on taking the chair, explained the
purpose of the meeting and suggested what
he thought would be the best way to insure
the bill's passage. Interrupting him, a
gentleman in one of the rear seaU arose and
said; t
"By the wajr, Mr. Chairman, if I ma
mace a suggestion rignt nere -"The
gentleman's suggestion is.
..nA., ..HA - B . rt nA 1 a.. fltini.iHn
is. a very
the genM
a't madet
Kuuu uuc, oatu uo Atcc uuaiiuiau.
"How do you know?" asked
man. a little miffed. "I haven'l
"Oh," replied Mr. Haines, "I thought
you said 'buy the way,' and I am sure that,,
is the quickest and easiest means of obtain
ing a wa -Jto pass a bill."
Be Dlinppen'n, Taking; With Bim a Tree)
and an Island.
TJtlca Herald.l
The Hon. D. E. Petit, of Syracuse.started
out one evening in company with his usuaf
oarsman, and proceeded to the fishing
grounds, near St John's Island. They had
been there only a fe-v minutes when Mr.
Petit discovered that he had a "bite." The
oarsman cautioned him about losing the
huge fish, for that is what it appeared to
be, and rode to an island near-by where
both men were unable to pull the fish
Mr. Petit tied the line to a tree and then
came to the Park Hotel, in company with
the oarsman, where a number of men and t
steam yacht were procured, to go and get Ir
tish. The party immediately proceeded
the spot only to End the fish, tree and '
land had all disappeared. The Dartjvwe.
of course, disappointed, as the fish could no
be weighed.
Ilovr Small Hots Gained a Monopoly
Fishing: Grounds.
.Hew York Snn.l
A New Yorker who was stopping for a
day or two at a small town on the shore of
Lake Huron saw many fish caught, and
naturally became enthusiastic to mate a
few choice hauls himself. Going down to
the only wharf, he asked about lines and
bait, and a 12-year-old boy replied:
"I furnish everything and charge 25 cents
per hour."
"But isn't that high?"
"No, sir."
"I think its downright robbery, and I'll
try some other place."
"All. right," responded the boy. "There's
this wharf, that old wreck, and that' slab
pile. We've formed a trust and made the
price, and if you want to fish you've got to
come to it"
IN its first stages, can Ibo successfully)
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Cherry Pectoral. Evea fn the later,
periods of that disease, the o-u.fh is,
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"I have usedAyer's Cherry Pectoral'
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This wonderful preparation once saved
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" Several years ago I was severely ill.1
The doctors said I was In consumption,
and that they could do nothing for mo,
but advised me, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine two or three months I
was cured, and my health remains good
to the present day." James Birchard.
Darien, Conn.
" Several years ago, on a passage home
from California, by water, I contracted
so severe a cold, that for soma days I
was confined to my state-room, and a
physician on board considered my life
in danger. Happening to have a bottlo
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it
freely, and my lungs were soon restored
to a healthy condition. Since then I
have invariably recommended this prep
aration." J. B. Chandler, Junction, Ya.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rBirjtnxrj bt 9
C. Aver & Co.. LotoeH, Mast-1
Dr. J.
Sold by all Druggist.
Price tlislxbotUes.tM