"V r-r-'' w nJr IGLER IS THE MAN Who Will Bear Democracy's Banner Against Speaker Bojer. POSTMASTER LAEKIN WON'T BUN. Congressman Scott th6 Power Behind a Possible Throne. THE PLATFORM TO BE ON NEW ISSUES As the Democratic State Convention will be held at Harrisburg, September 4, a Dis patch reporter sought Postrnaster Larkin yesterday, to ascertain the exact condition of 'the boom which is said to exist in the in terest of that gentleman's candidacy for the State Treasurersbip. Postmaster Larkin said he was not a can didate, and that word has recently been passed along the line that E. A. Bigler, late Collector of Internal Revenue in this dis trict, had been selected as the standard bearer of the Democratic party in the fall campaign. "Congressman Scott being in one sense ' ex-Collector Biglcr's political sponsor, this annonncement indicates Colonel Scott's active participation in the convention, does it not?" was asked of Mr. Larkin. "Oh, yes, Mr. Scott will be there. "With in the last few days the talk ot Mr. Bigler has become so general that no one doubts he will be nominated." "Wbo is talked of for State Chairman, Mr. Larkin?" "Well, now," said the Postmaster, good humorcdly, "I am not in politics. My time is wholly occupied by business, and I can not say that I like to pose as a prophet I am simply saying what I hear in regard to Mr. Bigler." ON THE SAME ATJTHOBITr E. P. Kissner, of Cumberland county, is talked of as his own successor in the chair manship. "I have no personal aspirations, and may fairly be classed as a Bigler man, as I favor his nomination for many reasons. As to whys and wherefores, you must excuse me from being quoted." Another prominent Democrat, who with holds his name from print, talked more freely of the situation, as follows: "It will be in one sense a Scott convention; but Mr. Bandall's friends will have thebest of treat ment. I have it from a place not a thousand miles from Erie that Bigler's nomination is assured. By common consent the .position comes to the "West. Bon. Sam. M. "Wherry, the minority leader in the last House, has a number of friends who are urging his candidacy; but he made some stiff prohibition speeches in the last campaign and is out of the running. lie will undoubtedly draw up the platform however. There is no doubt that the dele, gates from the West will be committed to Bigler; but no one knows what the Pitts burg delegates will do. They are an un known quantity A warm friendship exists between Chairman Kissner and Mr. Bigler, and the way seems clear for the latter. 'This is going to be a campaign tor blood, for the Democratic party leels that it has more than a show of success. Beasons? SVell, there are several. In the first place the unanimity at the late Republican Con- Jintion was ENTIBELT TOO UNANIMOUS, to speak. Pennsylvania people have ore than once rebelled at machine-made nominations. The Bepublican platform djoes not refer to anything the people are 'Vhterested in. The fight this year has to do simply and solely with the financial admin istration of the State. The direct issue is the proper disposal of the State funds as re ouired by law. "We propose to fight out at the polls the skirmish commenced by Rep resentative "Wherry. "We will claim, upon the stump, that the selling of bonds and the loaning to banks of the proceeds is not ac cording to law, nor will we be silent upon the $80,000 shortage in a State official's ac counts, recently made good by his bonds men. "In deference to Representative "Wherry's attitude on this subject he will be given the task of framing the platform. There will be a ringing relerence to the financial ad ministration of State funds, and an allusion to the negative vote on the motion to inves tigate. It will be a new issue presented to the people of the Commonwealth. The can didate will make a strong fight upon a plat form containing something more than plati tudes andjndorsements. "Concerning the tariff, the convention will probably reaffirm the national platform of last year. It is the Democratic senti ment everywhere in the State, and grows stronger every day. The formation of trusts, the general condition of the laber market, the prevalent strikes and the very recent decision upon the importation of labor have ill contributed to strengthen the Democratic party's position upon tire-tariff question. Those who have been flattering themselves that Congressman Scott is out of politics are slightly behind the procession. He will be felt in the coming campaign." An Old Soldier Restored to Sight. Mr. Samuel Dawson was a member of Company F, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and became blind in his right eye about the close ot the war. Two years ago he lot the sight of the lelt eye. The Wellsville Journal says: "Mr. Pear son, of this place, accompanied Mr. Dawson to Pittsburg, where he saw Dr. Sadler, the oculist, 801 Penn avenue, remove a cataract from Mr. Dawson's right eye. He brought the cataract home with him, and exhibited it to the Journal force. The operation was but the work of a moment, and painless. In an hour he could see small objects, a thing lie had not done for years." Since the above Mr. Dawson has secured cataract glasses and can read the finest print ever made. TO ATLANTIC CITY. Excursion Tla the Picturesque Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Via. "Washington, Baltimore and Philadel phia, Thnrs'day, August 15, 1889. Tickets good to stop at Washington returning. Trains, with Fnlinian parlor and sleeping cars, will leave B. & O. depot, Pittsburg, 8 A. M. and 9:20 P. M. Excursion tickets will be honored from Philadelphia to At lantic City on any regnlar trains of the Heading route from pier 7, foot of Chestnut street, August 16th only. For detailed information address or apply to E. D. Smith, Division Passenger Agent, Corner Fifth avenue and "Wood street, Pitts burg. California Wines. Old- Sherry, full quarts 60c Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c Old Port, full quarts 50c Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c Biesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel, full quarts. 50c Tokay, full quarts 50c For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenne. It is both pleasant and right to patronize a home industry. Frauenheim & Vilsack's Pittsburg beeris a product of home indus try. It is entitled to your patronage also for its own merits. Free! Free! , To introduce our fine crayon work. 100 25 x30 life-size crayons will be given away by Hendricks & Co., Ho. 68 Federal st, Alle 'gbeny, beginning August 1. to the holders of their family tickets. This is your chance for a portrait. A DIVER'S ADVENTURES L'e! tiling subject chosen by Morton for an illus trated article in tomorrow Dispatch. HE WASN'T HAKGED. No Trace of DIngee's Sad Fate Could be Found In Files Though He Aided the Search One More Correction. A genial young man, his countenance beaming with content, walked into The Dispatch local room yesterday afternoon, drew a chair close up to the city editor's desk, squatted, crossed his legs, leaned his elbows on the arms of the chair, tapped the fingers of both hands playfully together at the apex of a triangle, and, addressing the man of all work, said: "Do I look as if Lhad been hanged for murder in California?" "N-no; not exactly," responded the writer slowly, as he looked the visitor over, in search of a dull thud.or some other evidence of execution. "Can't see any rope-marks on me, can you? Well, neither can I. I haven't been hanged, I assure you; and I want a correc tion." "Did The Dispatch say you had gone through the last sad rites?" asked the man at the desk, rather dubiously. "A New Castle paper did," was the reply; "and I have been told that the New Castle correspondent got it into your paper, and at least one other in Pittsburg, May 19 said a man back from California had reported me to be hanged out West,for killing aman and his wife and all I want is aoorrection,based on what you see." 'Your name, please, and the caption of the article," said the writer, preparing to look through the files for May 19. "Samuel Q. Magee; age, 21; son of J. A. Magee, elder in the TJ. P. Church, Plain grove, Pa.; went to California some time ago, and was written to lrom home, to come back and show that I wasn't hanged. Cheer ful news, wasn't it? In the paper it was headed, 'Magee's Sad Fate.' I believe in big letters." Then the files for May came down off the hooks, and together the two pored over the pages ot the issue of the 19th. In looking lor "Magee's Sad Fate" they found some items that were deceptions at first glance, but no "Sad Fate." "There it is!" exclaimed young Magee, as the digit of his right hand rested on an itemheaded,"ItDoesn't Hurt to be Hanged." K-n'o, it must be something else, "added he, looking again, and observinethat the item in question was one on electrical executions, etc "Still it's true; It doesn't hurt to be hanged, when youaren'thanged, as I wasn't." Then his eve fell on a big display head line, and he ejaculated, with a degree of satisfaction: "There it is!" The Headline in question was "Magee on Top;" but it re ferred to local politics. The search lor "Magee's Sad Fate" was all in vain, but it was followed by this statement from the young man: "Well, all I want from the Pittsburg papers is a cor rection, saying I haven't committed any crime whatever, and that I wasn't hanged." He was accommodated. In Memorlsm. At a special meeting of the board of di rectors of tbe Braddock National bank, held August 9, 1889, the following minute, pre sented by Hon. John Dalzell, was unani mously adopted: The directors of the Braddock National bank meet this morning in special session to make note of their sorrow because of the death of one of their members, to bring their tribute of esteem, for his memory, and to testify to his worth. On August 8, 1889, J. N. Anderson, a member of this board, and vice president of the liraddocK national banc, unexpectedly and withont warning, was summoned to his final account. He died full of years and of honor, leaving to those who survive him a monument more enduring than brass in the record of a life constantly devoted to the faithful performance of duty. Without conspicuousness or special pub licity, his career was full of substantial, effective and conscientious work. Extend ing over a cocsiderable period of time dur ing which the city oi Pittsburg has made great strides in progress, it is to be said of him that he was not only an actor in, but that he contributed largely to that progress. Be bad those elements of character which combine to render men useful both to them selves and to their neighbors. Good judg ment, generous views, a good deal of fore Bight, industry, honesty of purpose and of action in him bore their legitimate fruits. He was an upright man of business, de servedly prosperous, a good citizen, a faith ful friend and an honest man. In all the relations of private life the most that can be said of any man can be said of him, that he left no duty unper formed that affection prompted, and that to those dearest to him his memory will be a precious legacy. As one of the board, his absence will be especially felt. A modest, kindly, courteous manner in social intercourse, excellent judg ment and conservative counsel, and faithful attention to duty in matters of business were distinguishing marks of his character here. His place will be difficult to fill. His loss will long be mourned, while his exam ple will remain as something worthy to be cherished, and that whatever of consolation there may be in our sympathy, may be ex perienced by those who mourn him at home. It is directed that a copy of this minute be transmitted to his family. R. E. Stewaet, Chairman, John C. Newmyeb, Secretary. " THE THREE INVISIBLES fcff. of a charming story for the Utile one by Er nest IL Heinnchs m to-morroufs Dispatch. Joyce's Store Has a big list of bargains for this week. Value will not be considered, as they mustf be closed out. Lace curtains worth $1 50 are offered at fl pr.; short curtains 35c, sold at 65c; lace bed sets worth $2 reduced to $1 20; one lot of white spreads 75c, slightly, soiled, usual price $1 10; a job lot of corsets worth 81 will be closed out at 50c; feather fans, all colors, 20c; parasols, red or blue, 50c; ladies' muslin underwear marked to al most half price; ladies' collars and cuffs 10c set; 2-yd. remnants of skirt embroidery worth $1 50 at 75c yd.; fine white flannel, all wool, 25c; fine cashmere shawls 55c, worth twice the money; velvet, any color, plain or striped, at 25c yd.; double width gray cloth, all wool, 25c, worth 45c; striped or barred goods 35c; jerseys reduced from 65c to 45c; our $1 75 jersey catwnow be had at $1 10; seamless black hose 12c; chil dren's 10c; men's flannel shirts 38c; un laundried white shirts, reinforced back and front, 48c, usually sold at 65c Come and see us. Joyce's, wssu 307 and 309 Penn ave. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LEIL, 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts tit TTTJT V II A T T ' to-morrote's Dis IiLArCiLI HALL, patch, describes the trials and tribulations of a British matron in search of help. CLARET WINES. Imported Braudenberg Freres. Medoe, St. Emilion, St. E3tepha, St. Julien, Margeaux, Pontet, Canet,St Pierrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau la Bosa, Chateau Mouton, Grand Vin Chateau Margeaux, Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte, by the ease or bottle G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Pilsner Beer Has won high esteem by its delicious flavor and perfect wholesomeness. No bad effects can come from its use. FEAUEN HEIM & VlLSACK. Telephone 1186. Visitors to Paris Exposition Can find "Holmes' Best" rye whisky at A. D. Gaillard's, No. 30 Boulevard des Oapu cines, Paris. ttssu, BELVA A. LOCKWOOD. &S patch, gives a detailed description of the home life of France. THE ' F1TTSBTJRG- Mi SHU1' uais Aui.K A Glecfleld Grocer Effectively Uses a Be voWer Upon Thieves. Willie Frisbee, a boy about 14 years of age, was shot about midnight Thursday, while he and five of his companions at tempted to regale themselves with Ice cream in Hageman's store, in Glenfield, on the Fort Wayne Bailroad. Hageman had been told that thieves had broken into his store, and he went In at the front door. When he noticed the crowd he shot among them, and hit Frisbee in the thigh. The wound is very serious. The other boys, ex cept John Bippert, who was arrested, are not known. An Itnllnn Assailant. Magistrate McKenna committed P. Pon everto, Italian, to jail for an ugly assault on Bertha Fidler. Poneverfo keeps a fruit stand on Liberty street. Advxbtisees contemplating making contracts for the Exposition season should arrange at once, as better terms and posi tions fan be obtained now than after Sep tember 1st Kemington Bros., sole repre sentatives Penna.. Ohio and West Virginia Press Association. MEETINGS. mHE COMRADES OF CO. B. 9TH KGT. , JL P. H. V. Co. (uarmaiai uuarasj are re quested to meet at Chat. Weltershausen'a, No. 195 Ohio St.. on Sunday at 1 o'clock sharp, in civilian dress, to take part in the funeral services of the late comrade'Edward SchendeL Carriages for the comrades. aul0-52 Pittsburg. PA., August 6, 1889. TVTOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OP IX the stockholders of the Pittsburg Forgo and Iron Company, will be held at the office of tho company. Tenth street near Penn avenue, on TUESDAY, August 20, 1889 at 11 o'clock A. M , for tho election of directors for tbe ensuing year, and for such other business as may be brought before them. JAMES K. VERNER, Secretary. an634 PROPOSALS. QEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE EREC O TIONof a church and school building at Jeannette, Pa., and addressed to tho under signed, will be received until Friday, August 16, 3 o'clock P. M. Flans and specifications may be seen at the cigar and news store corner of Clay ave. and Seventh street, Jeannette, Pa., or at tb-j office of H. Moeser. Architect, 612 Liberty ave., Pittsburg, Pa. The right is re served to reject any or all bids. T. BLASICS, P. O. box 33, Penn station, Westmoreland county. Pa. an8-60 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at tbe Burgess' office iu the borough of Greensburg. Pa until 12 o'clock noon, AUGUST 17, A. D., 1889. for the erection of a main brick and stond sewer in and upon Coal Tar run. In said Dorougb, being about 1,150 feet long. Plans and specifications can be seen at any time at my office in said borough. Bidders will come and see lor them selves and the right to reject any and all bids is reserved. CYRUS T. LONG, au7-35-D Borough Engineer. BUSINESS CHANGES. PARTNERSHIP-NOTICE IS HEREBY egiven that Jacob Gulentz and Charles Unl ntr, residents of Pittsburg, Pa., as part ners nndcr the name of Jacob Gulentz, will on August I, 18S9, commence the business of a shoe store for a term ot fire years. The gen eral partner Is Jacob Gulentz, the special part ner is Charles Gulentz, who has contributed SLO00 to tho common stock of said partnership. JACOB GULENTZ, CHARLES GULENTZ, aulO-50-s 1113 Penn avenue. TVSSOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY I I given that the late firm of Duncan & King, doing business as the Merchants' Uir and Col lection Bureau, has this day been dissolved, Henry King having disposed of his interest in said firm to A. C. Duncan, who assumes the liabilities, and to whom all debts of said firm will be paid. A. C. DUNCAN. HENRY KING. In retiring from tbe firm the successor has my best wishes, and I hope the patronage here tofore bestowed upon the firm will be continued with the successor. HENRY KING. AUGUST 1, 1889. The business will be continued under tho old firm name of Duncan &. King. Merchants' Law and Collection Bureau, under the management of A. C. Duncan, who originated the same. au8-88 DUNCAN & KING. LEGAL NOTICES. JAMES T. GILDEA, Attorney at Law, 437 Grant St., Pittsburg. ESTATE OF NICHLAUS BTUPY, DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Nlch lans Stupy, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having dates against the estate will make them known wlt.lout delay to JOSEPH VOGEL, JR., anlO-99 No. 3703 Butler sL. Pittsburg, Pa. AMUSEMENTS. B ASE BALL- RECREATION PARK. "WASHINGTON VS ALLEGHENY. Two games to-day for one ticket. Games called at 2:15 and 4 o'clock. Admission, 50c aulO a RAND EXCURSION DOWN THE OHIO Sunday, August 11, on Str. Mayflower. Leaving at 2 p. St.: returning at 10 P. M. Good music Round trip 50 cents. aulO-97 OFFICIAL-F1TTSBURG. AfNo. 48J N ORDINANCEAUTHORIZING THE opening of Lydia street, from Greenfield avenue to Bigelow street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be' and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed, and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, Lydia street, from Greenfield avenue to Bigelow street, at a width of 50 feet, in accordance witt plans on file in the Department of Public Works known as "plan of streets in the Twenty third ward, approved November 12, 1877, and D. Wenkes plan of lots in the Twenty-third ward, recorded in Plan Book, voL 0, pace 77, City Engineer's office. The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers In cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinanco or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 22U day of J uly, A D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L.HOLL1DAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. July 26, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ItOBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded m Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 117, 6th day of August, A. D. 1889. auB-76 Continued on Ninth i?atie. Notice To Navigators. During the reconstruction of the channel span of the Ohio river brldgA at Steubenville, Ohio, which is now In progress, parties navi gating the Ohio river will be required to pass through the span next west of tbe channel span, which has been dredged so as to afford a good navigable water. White lights will be dis played indicating the obstructed channel span, and red lights will be displayed indicating the channel to be used. M. J. BECKER. Chief Engineer P., C. fc Si. L Ry. Co. jy28-70.D piANOSs, ORGANS. 8. HAMILTON, n AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-D J. A. -JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 96 Fourth avenne. JyU-22-TTS Pittsburg. Pa. QJILVERWARE In great variety and beautiful, new designs. Sets and single pieces. WDLSON, 61 FOURTH AVENUE. Jy2(HTS G A.BALPH, BIHLDING CONTRACTOR, i Berenw avenue, . Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1SH. se5-n00-rrs Walter J. obbourne. kichardiiabbows. BARWOWH fc OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamond street Telephone No. 613 c2-k5frTTSou rA?s"j" -"; -u DISPATCH. -Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, ete, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For tho accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertiaementa will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTnxDls rATCn. prrrBBCEQ. , THOMAS MCCAFKKEY, Si Btler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY. Ztth street and Penn ave. K. G. BTUCKEY A CO., Wylla ave. and Fultonst. N. BTOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market House. XXSTXSO. J. "W. WALLACE. 6121 Penn avenne. ojuruurp. MCALLISTEB & EBEIBLEB, Sth av. ft AtwOOd It. SOCTIIStDZ. JACOB BPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Canon street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK. 59 Federal street. H. J. McBKIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBED H. EOOEBS. 172 Ohio street, F. H. EGGEKS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. 8TEVENSON,Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin avei. U. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver ares. PEKKYM. OLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Dials HclD. WANTEDA HARNESS MAKER-INQUIHE at WILLIAM WALZ, Second avenne, near Brady itreet. anl0-91 WANTED CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH'S helper. THOS. 8. O'NEIL ft CO., 682I-5S2S Penn aTenuc, E. E. anlO-44 WANTED-DKUG CLERK HITH SEVERAL years' experience; also, bright, active boy. Apply at 3400 PEN N AVE. nlM5 -TTT-ANTEU-TWO GOOD TINNERS ACCUS W TOMED to jccneral Jobbing. B. KE1GH LEV ft CO., Ross it., Pittsburg. anlO-lS -TT7-ANTED-PKACTICAL WATCHMAKER V must be a good mechanic and furnish belt of reference, il. J, SMIT, m Smlthfleld st. aulO-33 -TITANTED-GOOD MAN IN EVERY TOWN; VV salary paid -weekly. Address SHERMAN, TANGENBERG ft CO., 160 W. Lake it.. Chicago. uJ-65 WANTEDAS BUTCHER-A YOUNG MAN that is steady and reliable and understand! the business. Address J. M., 416 Larimer are., E. . aalO-96 TTJANTED-1NTELLIGENT BOY ABOUT 14 TV Tears of are; inquire between 9 and 10 this morning. B. 81EULE ft SONS, 64 Fifth ave., city. aulO-11 WANTED-GOOD, HANDY MAN TO RE PAIR carts and dump cars. Apply S. CASPARIS, Contractor, Conemangh, Cambria county. Pa. anlO-100 WANTED-2'GREEN SAND AND 2 LOAM molders: none bnt good mechanics need apply. GLOUCESTER IRON WORKS, Glouces ter City, N. J. au7-29 TTTANTED TEAMSTER-COMPETENT TO V drive, take charge ot stable and care for horses; single man preferred; reference required; state age and experience. BOX 470, city. aulO-30" WANTED-A MAN TO ATTEND TO HORSES and garden: must be well recommended. Call at the residence of MRS. JOHN S. DIL WORTH, Stanton, near Ulland ave., East End. anlO-43 T7-ANTFD FIRST-CLASS PRESCRIPTION r glass blowers Immediately: will pay 10 per cent more than union list: steady job: fare paid to Chicago. Telegraph CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO., Chicago. auS-2 TTT-ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING TV powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmon can makeiconey In their spare time. YAMASH1KO TEA CO., U Jackson at.. Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-8-TTS WANTED-AGENTS OUTSIDE OF PHILA DELPHIA to represent Western Financial Company, well-known East and West: bank officer or clerk or real estate men preferred. Address, with relerence, M.rBoxl7, Philadelphia, Pa. au9-42 WANTED FOUR GOOD LIVE MEN TO sell goods to families: horse and waxen fur nished: a good salary will he paid to reliable par ties. Apply between 1 and 3 T. M., to JOHN M'KEOWN, No. 63S Smlthfleld St.. second floor. front, city. aulo-17 .XTT-ANTED-S YOUNG MEN FOB REAL ES V TATE business, to take H Interest each; plenty or bnslness on hand and large list of prop erty: must be energetic and reliable parties, hav ing K00 or more capital. Address A. N . D.. Dis patch office. aulo-18 WANTED-AGENTS TO OLICTTCOEDEUS for our celebrated oil portraits; the finest mader no experience required: beginners earn 330 a week: 32 outfit free; send for full particulars: a rare chance. SAFFORD ADAMS ft CO., 46 Bond it.. New York. aulO-31-D WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED and reliable man on commission, with lines not conflicting, to sell our line or children's and Infants' shoes to establlshe trade in Ohio, Plus-burs- and vicinity. Address, with reference, A. E. BROWN ft CO., Orwlgsbnrg, Fa. au6-44 WANTED STENOGRAPHER AN EXPE RIENCED and capable Remington machine operator; must be a gentleman, prepared to en gage for immediate service; none other need ap ply. Apply between 9 and 10 and 12 to 1 o'clock to day, ROOM4U, Lewis building, 606 Smlthfleld st.-aul0-35 WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg: pen manship, bookkeeping, arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting thoroughly taught for Jo per month: private Instructions for both sexes; open dally 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. aulO-TTESU WANTED-SALE8MEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to tbe wholesale and retail trade; on salary; largest manufacturers In ourllne; Inclose 2c stamp: wages S3 per day; permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G.CO.. Cincinnati. O. Je2-l-TTSBa T1TANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF TV onr safes; size 28x18x13 inches; weight 600 lbs.: re tall price 336; otherslzes in proportion: rare chance to create permanent buslaess at home; these safes meet demand never before supplied by othersafe companies, as we are not governed by tbe Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. . Je20-4-D WANTED-AGENTS TO SEE THE "PAB NELL MOVEMENT;" the greatest political movement or modern times, with a history of Irish parties from 1843, containing a full account of tin great trial Instigated by the London "Times, " and giving a complete history of the home rnle struggle from its inception to the suicide of Plgott; fine steel portraits or tbe great leaders, by Thomas Power O'Connor, member of Parliament. Apply at once to P. J.FLEMING, 77 Diamond St., Plttsbnrg, Pa. aulO-12 WANTED COMPETENT MAN WHO IS thoroughly familiar with the manufacture of Iron bridges and experienced In the manage ment of men, to act as assistant superintendent of bridge shops; will pay right party fair salary on year's engagement. Address, with full particulars as to experience and references as to ability and character, A.J. LULLOCK, Prop. Mo. Valley Bridge and Iron W'ks, Leavenworth, Kas. au6-tS Female Help. WANTED-AT ONCE-CHAMBEBMAID AT BOYLE'S HOTEL, 32 and 33 Diamond so. ritisDursr. p aulO-ti k! Dlole and Venule Help. WANTED COOK AND CHAMBERMAID for small family, laundresses, cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls, nurses, house girls, German and colored girls, waltert, drivers, farm hands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant stl ' J)H-J-MThS TTTANTED-ATONCE, WHITE WAITER FOR T T private family, farm hands, colored wait ers, seamstress, housekeeper. 60 cooks. 20 cham bermaids, 4 dining room girls, laundry girls, head laundress, second cook. MEEHAN'STsu Grant st. ani-D TU'Ar1?,TIU-P V-EEKLY-REPBESENTA-V TIVE. mafeorfemaie. In every community; goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free; we mean Jnil what we say. Addresast once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.? Boston, M" Jel4-TO-D Situations. WANTED-SITUATION BY THOROUGHLY experienced grocery clerk; best of rerer (rce and security furnished. J, R., Dispatch offlee. aul0-37 -rtJANTED SITUATION AT NATURAL VV gasflttlng: will be unemployed after the 16th. Address EXPERIENCE, 1JI2B.R. at., Mc Keesport, Pa. aul0-42 -TYJ-ANTED-SALESMAN A LIVE. ENER V V G ETIC worker with experience wishes po sition with drygoods house. Address A. L. M , Box 964, Lock Haven, Pa. auS-11 WANTED - POSITION - A CARPENTER thorougn and experienced desires position as cierk of works: understands plans, theory of construction, nature and quality of materials and capable of carrying minute details to a finished completion; good references. NORMAN, Dis patch office, aclO-95 Financial. WAN TED-MORTGAGES! MORTGAGES! We have money to loan In large or small amounts on Pittsburg, Allegheny orsuburban Im proved Ieal estate, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER ft LEE. 313 Wood st. aulO-3-MWS SON, IU Fourth avenue, ap7-ftl -rjTANTED-TU LOAN 1310,000 ON MOKT W GAGES; 3100 and npward at S per cent; 3600,000 at H per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining counties. 8. U. J'REN OH, 125 Fourth avenue. oca-eSt-s SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, WANTED. TlnanclaL WANTED-TO LOAN 3180.000 AT H AND 6 per cent. GEO. JOHNSTON, 63 Fourth ave. auS-84 WANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN ...In sums to suit at 4X. 6 and 6 per cent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. 1-M-TTBSU WANTED-MORTGAGE3-3300 TO 3600,000 TQ loan at4, 6 and 6 percent. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., l& Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. auS-eo-D "ANTED UOnmAHIS ON CITY PHOP- .'Jl.-KKTY. over 34,000; 4K per cent; no tax. HEN BY A. WEAVER ft CO?. 32 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED - MORTGAGES - MONEY TO ... loan on bond and mortgage: Pittsburg or - IV-SUUU uuuu ctu sw&he.27., P.Perty STON, 62 Fourth are. Allegheny nronertr nreferred. GEO. JOHN- au8-84 WANTED-MORTGAGES-Sl. 000,000 TO LOAN in large and smaU amounts at 4H. and C Pr eent, free of Bute tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE ft CO.. 131 Fourth ave. myn-60 WANTED-A PARTY WHO HAS 350,000 TO loan at 4K per cent for 6 or 10 years om good dress MONEY, Dispatch office. anlQ-27 WANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN all amounts, both large and small; money at 4, 5 and 6 jercent,as to amount, security, etc. CH. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. aul0-2) "TTTANTED-TO LOAN (660,000 ON MORT T T GAGES in amounts to suit. In city or conn Jryi t 4) to 6 per eent. as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl4-16-HThS w ANTED TO LOAN 3500,000. IX AMOUNTS of 33.000 and nnward. on city and suburban property, on m percent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent, BLACK A HAIKU, no i ourtn avenue. sea-aas-D SllseellsuieoasC WANTED AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE RACK ING horse. 80 FRAN KLIN STREET. aulO-39 WANTED-THE BOSS BAKERS TO KNOW that the employment office of Bakers' Union No. 27 has removed to 3)1 GRANT ST. an6-UOI3 "TtTANTED-TO BOARD-A HORSE SU1TA VV BLE for driving or riding, by a lady, for Its reed. Address, fori week, HORSE, Dispatch office. auli-M WANTED ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 wanted fallen apples, suitable for elder vinegar. H. J. HEINZ ft CO., 1S3 Second ave., Pittsburg, or 213 Main St., Allegheny. auS-100 WANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH ft Keenan repair, rcfinlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my-63 w ANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM- vutiu uncmuftiii wuu ircck, Auurcaa L. V. BOX 601, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 Mns Ik l !.... m .... a .a..... . WANTED-BY A TEACHER OF MUSIC, THE use of a parlor and piano for six or seven weeks from Ang. 19: 1. cation central, Penn ave. preferred. Address JOHN HOWARD, Voice Teacher. Pittsburg. au9-32 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at (1 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneons process. mh 13-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING containing 10 rooms, on Ross street, near Fourth avenue. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. ans-64 FOR SALE-2-STORY BEICK DWELLINGS IN Pint and Second ward at less than value; one of them with Immediate possession, c. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. anS-92 FORSALE-AT A BARGAIN, PRESSED BRICK dwelling in good location la Sixth ward; price 11,600: this Is a good property and cheap. 0. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. auS-92 T7WK SALE-ON THUtDAVE., NEAR GRANT JU ST., three-story brick dwelling, containing 11 rooms and bathroom; lot 80x60 ft. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt., 62 Fourth ave. auS-64 TJWR SALE BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, J new brick house, S rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 133 ft. ; terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bluff St. attl-67-TTS8a FIR SALE-AT A GREAT BARGAIN. ON account of removal of owner, 1 lot 96x160 feet, fronting Penn ave. and Butler street, near tbe Lawrence Bank, with large dwelling and out buildings, known as the residence of William Halnsworth. W. A. HEBRON ft BON, 80 Fourth are. aulO-26-10, 14,15,20) . FOR BALE MAIN ST., SEVENTEENTH ward, new two-story and mansard brick dwelling, 6 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, hath, h. and c. water, slate mantels, etc.; finely finished all through: good lot; price low and terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler its. aulO-88 FOR SALE-ONLY 33,000 SEVERAL NO. 1 brick dwellings on .Twenty-sixth St., South side, leach containing six rooms and! finished ai.ic. nail. eB.louie natural gaa, gooa cellar. Ac: very liberal terms: small cash payment, bal ance as rent, and only one square Iron, proposed cable line. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 1 au4-ea FOR SALE 6 HANDSOME HOUPES ON SID NEY St., above Twenty-third; the best loca tion on the Sonthslde; houses hare pressed brick front, contain 8 rooms, with bath -nd laundry, city water, both gases and first-elav plumbing: are one square from Carson st. cars; terms, 31.000 cash, balance payable as arranged to suit the pur chaser. Apply, as noted on PREMISES, ortoB. PHILLIPS. Dispatch office. Fifth ave., city. au6-6S-TT8SU FOB SALE-GOOD INVESTMENT ON FIFTH avenue near the market house: modern pressed bilck dwelling: 9 rooms, bath, laundry, etc.: also two new four-room dwellings In tbv rear fronting on Ann st. ; property In excellent condition; price 83,600: terms 33,000: cash balance at M per cent; rented now to pay 11 per cent profit on cash pay ment required; right In the district where values are enhancing. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. W Fourth ave. aulo-93-Tus FOR SALE-HOUSES AND LOT, 162 FORTY FIRbT street, at auction, on Saturday, Au gust 10. 4 o'clock: lot 26x160; one frame and two rick houses, four rooms and attic each, cellars, water and sewerage to each house: yearlv rent, tWs: limited price, 83,000. at which sale' will he made If more cannot be realized; this sale -should receive special attention. Further particulars by JAS. E. CEEIGIITON ft CO., 12 Federal St., and A. LEGO ATE ft SON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal it., (Allegheny. au"-J2 East End Residences. FOR SALE-82.70O-GHOSS ST., TWENTIETH ward. 3 minutes' walk to station, new frame dwelling, S rooms, finished attic, halt vestibule. Inside shutters, porches, etc.; lot 21x100 feet; terms easy. L. O, FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler su. aulO-86 FOR SALE-CALL OR SEND FOR PLANS and description of those fine new brick houses on Forbes st. and Coltart square, Oakland; tbe most complete and desirable bouses In the market for the money: 9 to 13 rooms each. W. A. HERRONftSONS, No. 80 Fourth aTe. au6-23-WS FOR SALE-COZY 4-ROOMED HOUSE, AL MOST new, on Broad St., and lot 24xi4S ft., through to Klrkwood St.. giving opportunity for front on two streets: this property Is beautifully located and every way in good repair and a nice little home: price 32,700, on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. SU4-42-TTS6U FOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS AT executors' sale, to settle up an estate, situate on Friendship avenue, opposite Mary su, third property east from Penn avenue, about 45 feet front and about 63 feet In depth, with 2 small houses thereon, to be sold at public sale by order of executor, on Saturday afternoon. Angust 10, at 3 o'clock, on tbe premises. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, au8-37 FOR SALE PARTIES LOOKING FOR houses cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square: the greater number of the durably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty days; aipbalt pavements, natural ancf artificial gas. a beautlfnl park planted with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices. 16, 500 and A 700, on easy terms. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, on the premises. Jy2J-66 FOR SALE-WILL REQUIRE AN INVEST MENT of 810.000 casb-an East End property th&t, lfl was worth a million. I would not be afraid to guarantee that it would sell for enough to clear 816. 000 Inside of two years, and 1 bellere It will clear tC5, 000 by that time ; It Is on an A N o. 1 avenne, graded and paved, and right in the midst of where the most Improvement Is being; made: there is not another property for sale In tbe East End that Is so advantageously situated and so sure of enhancement in value. For further Information Inquire of C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave. aulO-2S Allraheny Residences. FOR SALE-NORTH AVENUE, ALLEGHE NY, residence: cheap If sold quick: 10 rooms: corner lot. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. au2-60-2,7,10,13,17 p; R SALE-FEDERAL STREET. NEW ELEC TRIC road extension, a beantlfnL larre.don- ble frame dwelling; natural gas. city and spring water, etc.: large lot well Improved, has fruit of all kinds; will sell cheap. Call at 96 Fourth ave. BLACK ft BAIRD. 2H-14S aot-S-Kwrs T7HJR SALE-SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY, J No. 77 Logan St., between Washington ave. andKlrkpatrlckst., good 6-room house and fin ished attic: water in kitchen: sewered, luqulre J. H. VENNING. 304 Franklin St., Allegheny. Price, 31,950; good terms. aulO-61 TJiOR SALE AT A LOW PRICE AND ON X liberal terms, 4 frame houses of 3 rooms and good attic each, and choice Iota, on Royal street, Allegheny r will sell as a whole or in parts, as de sired; good chance for a speculation; rare oppor tunity for home seekers. Call on BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth are. au4-8-KWTS , Suburban Residences. TRIOR SALE-NEAT DWELLING HOUSE AND J 2 acres of ground on line of railroad near theelty; dense cover of fruit and shade trees; copious flow of pure water, always cool; 7 rooms in dwelling, small room, observatory. 3 porches, vestibule and hallway, dry cellar, natural gas, marble mantels and in prime order throughout stable and carriage house, poultry house and other outbuildings, a beautiful place, pure air, line elevation and wide expanse of scenic grandeur, only 3 minutes' walk from railroad station: monthly tleiet 3473; this prop erty Is worth looking at. Full lnlonnatlon from Jorsonal examination will be given at our office. AMES W. DRAPE ft CO., 1& Fourth are, aulo-3-D a 1889. POR SALEr-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. gnbarbu Residences. TJiOR SALE-AT BELLEVCE, X FRAME JOr house, seven rooms, hall and attic; natural gas, water In kitchen, etc: lot 50x230 feet, iront lng on two good streets. AD. WILSON, 65 Fed eral St., Allegheny. anlO-10 FmSALE-HOUSE AND FINELARGELOT. eoxieofeet, at WlUlnsbnrg; contiguous to H.B. station: a most beautiful property: nice smooth lawn all around the lot, and fragrant with floral loveliness; a bargain. JAS.W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenue. Pittsburg. auS-87 FOR SALE-AVALON STATION. P., P. W. C. Hy.. a good 8-roora frame dwelling, ele gantly turnlshed througbont: slate mantels, etc; natural gas: H acre of ground covered with fruit and shade trees; most beautiful view on the Ohio river: si.ooo down, balance long time. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. aul-9S-D FOR SALE A GOOD DWELLING AND large lot at Crafton; convenient to railroad sta tion; 8 nice rooms: 3 porches: good water; natural gas; fine lot, 63x160 feet:ahundance of fruit; stable and out-bulldlngs; price only 33,600; very cheap; only 2 minutes from station. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. ao8-87 FOR SALE ELEGANT BESIDENCE AT Edgewood station, P. R. R., Franklin street, convenient to station, pretty suburban home con taining 10 rooms and bathroom, inside w.c, range, etc.: this house Is finished In bard wood and has city watcr.natural gas, electric lights and alarms, etc. ; good stable with water, gas and electric lights; If yon want a choice home don't fall to see It. Call at office for particulars. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3A-29S. an3-3S-TTS CWR 8ALE-IN W1LK1NSBURG A PRIME J brick dwelling, with nice lot 68Xx2S4 feet, ex tending through from street to street: 1ft fine rooms, bath, furnace, registers, natural gas, hall, dry cellar, cblna closets and grocery and vegetable bins; clothes cupboards, full flow of good water: everything in splendid condition: tbe lot la well Improved; plenty of shade and shrubbery, out buildings, etc, etc.: desirable neighborhood; no small properties around: owner desires to remove and will sell at a bargain to a prompt buyer. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Plttsbnrg. aulO-23-D Hozelwood Residences. T7IOR SALE-AT HAZELWOOD. WELL LO JJ CATED on Johnston near Second ave.. 2 acres of ground fronting 3 streets; a good house 8 rooms; wonld sub-dtvlde Into lots to advantage: only 88, 000 for all. W. A. HEREON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. aolO-87-lO.lX16.19 POR SALE LOT. City l,ots. FOR SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKRO Y sts.. near college; terms to suit. ROBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff St. aul-87-TT8SU T7I0R SALE 45x80 FEET ON SECOND AVE V HUE, near Smlthfleld street. GEO. JOHN STON, Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. au8-84 fT'OB 8ALE-A NICE LOT IN THE CITY. 1 .S-' near center avenue, ioromysou; terms, fiu a month. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 12 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. anlO-23-p East End Lots. TJIOR SALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY JTj desirable lots for a home or investment. Villa Park plan; now Is the tlmeto secure a selection. Colored plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 612 Smlthfleld st. au4-9-TTS8a FOR SALE-PROPERTY ON IMPROVED street, being adv-'rtlsed at 382 a foot front. I can offer you choice lots on wide streets, curbed, sewered and wide flagstone sidewalks, from 340 to 330 a foot front: investigate this. JNo. F. BAX TER, Agent, 512 Smlthfleld st. au4-69-TTS6a FOR SALE A FEW LOTS IN SPOHR PLACE, East End, on South Hlland avenue, Edwin st. and Spohr st. ; these are the most desirable lots at the East End for the money: some of them on the line of Pittsburg Traction Company and none of them more than rrom tto 3 minutes' walk from either of the traction company's lines or the Pennsylvania Railroad, a H. LOVE, 93 Fonrth avenue. ' au9-35 FOR SALE-A FINE LOT ON SOUTH Hl LAND AVE.. East End. adjoining Mr. Theo. Uartman's and near to Mr. Tbos. Lazear's and others, best part of avenue; size 23x120 feet to an alley; will be. sold at public sale on Monday after noon, August 12, at 3 o'clock, on the premises; terms to suit; title perfect. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, 13) Fourth ave, Pittsburg. au8-8S-Miha Allegheny Lou. FOR BALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In thoTenthandTwelrth wards: on eajy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUOHEB, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-98-D FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! THE HEN DERSON property, on Nunnery Hlll.Twelfth ward, Allegheny, Is now for sale at this office: plant and prices on application. A. LEGGATE ft SON, Agents, 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. au8-12 FOR BALE-2M BUILDING LOTS, EAST ST. extension, on the Watson plan; sale to com mence on East St. at Watson coal shaft, Tuesday, Aug. 20, at 2 o'clock V. M. Terms: 825 cash at sale, hal. 35 per month." A. J. PENTECOST, Auc tioneer, 413 Grant st. aulO-22-EOD FOR SALE-PERRYVILLE AND DAIRY ave., near bead of Charles st., Tenth ward. Allegheny, at auction, Saturday, Ang. 17. at 2 o'clock r. li.. Pentecost, Simpson ft Rarcorte Ian, 4 desirable building lots; city water; elec :1c cars. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. anlO-21 Uazclwood Lata. . FORSALE-MCST BE SOLD-FINE PROP ERTY of 5 or 6 acres at Hazel wood, Twenty- tmra wara; excellent location ior xnanmac.uriug or other numosea reonlrlng large cnace and con venience to the bnslness center; river frontage of GOOteet: wouia suo-aiviae into ounaing lots; a qnleksale Is necessary, and someone will gets bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. anlO-86-Tus Suburban Lots. FOR SALE AT EDGEWOOD-LOTS 50x150: 7 minutes from station: beautlfnl location: 8550; easy terms. W. E. HAMMETT, 404 Smlthfleld street, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. au9-19 p,: R SALE EAST JEANNETTESPECIALTY Glass Co. plan arew good lots. )xiuu: rree gas; stores needed; 25 nouses building: several large racto BUILDING, e factories coming In. 314 HAMILTON am-c4 F. R SALE-GOOD-SIZED LOT. EDGEWOOD atatlon. on MaDle street, convenient to sta tion. And in anlendld location: will sell eheaD: don't fall to get terms. NO. 95 FOURTH AVE., Black ft Balrd, 3-A-298 au4-9-MTTS FOR SALE-14K ACRES NICE LAND AT Stoops' it a.. P. ft L. E. R. R.; excellent or chard, bearing fruit trees, cottage house, stable, etc.; within 8 minutes' walk of station; price 82,000; a bargain. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood st. aulO-2 FOBSALE-EM3WORTH, P., F. W. ft C. R. W., only fire minutes' walk from station, several choice vacant lots: splendid location, good neigh borhood; convenient to proposed electric road: will be sold at low rates. If you want a lot In this vicinity call now on BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave (iH-$S). auS-34-TTS F iQH 8ALE-5 ACRES, 10 ACRES AND 20 acres for snburban residence sites on line of Allegheny Valley Railroad, between Parnassus and valley Camp I, over a half mile railroad front, fine groves, forest trees, full supply ot pure water, natural gas; one or the prettiest sec tions for suburban homes on any railroad enter ing either city. Particulars from JAS.W. DRAPE ft CO., IS) Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. aulO-23-D Vnrmn, FOR SALE 174-ACRE FARM, 165 ACRES cleared, convenient, productive and desirable; large buildings; very large orchard; abundance stock, water, etc.: only 830 per acre. . H. BR1TERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa. anlO-l FOR SALE-FARM 155 ACRES ONSHENAN. GO, near Sharon and Middlesex station; 2 railroads In sight: no better land for all purposes; house, barn and other buildings; 315 per a., worth (70. ED. W1TT1SH.410 Grant it., Pittsburg, Pa. aulO-D FOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF ISO ACRES with dwelling house, outbuildings, orchard, water and a quantity of good coal, etc.. etc.. near railroad and river: price only 340 per acre; a rare bargain: would take a small city property In part payment. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. au 10-24 fTHJB SALE-FARMS. FARMS. FARMS-70 JJ acres with good house, 6 rooms, barn, etc., 1 mile from Rochester, 35,000; will take house In or near Pittsburg in part pay; also 225 acres, 9 room house, large orchard, 6 miles from Beaver Falls, for f 10,000: will exchange or sell on easy payments. Send for farm and exchange list, N. Jr. HURST, Rochester, Fa., lock box 49. Twenty acres, 5 room house, farm and orchard for (1,600;, J500 down. (150 a year. au2-5S-E0D Bnscennneoas. FOR SALE-SMALL CHEAP HOUSES AT aaction Monday, August 12, at2 o'clock, on Hum boldt street, above Spring Garden ave., Seventh ward, Allegheuytalso, same day,4 o'clock, half acre and small house adjoining St. Peter's Cemetery, Sprlng Garden borough. A. LEGGATE ft SON, Auctioneers. 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. ao9-20 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOB SALE-A FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORE, situated on Sonthslde, Pittsburg: good loca tion. Address DRUGS. Dispatch office. aulO-7-MWS Iaok sale1 A DhUusTUlU. IN A NiCE 7 country town on line of railroad: everything In prime order, and good steady business. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., lijFourtr avenne, Plttsbnrg. aulO-23-D FOR SALE-A GOOD RETAIL GROCERY bnslness In Allegheny, situate In a first-rate thoroughfare and doing a paying business JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. aulO-23-n FOR SALE-HALF" INTEREST IN DRUG STORE located at Bolivar. Westmoreland co.. Pa.: best opening in tbe State for a physi cian: no other drugstore nearer than 7 miles: population 800. For further particulars addrers H. KELLY. Bolivar. Pa. au3-68 -f7IOR SALE-A-HOUSE FURNISHING AND J general tin storeln a largeaannfacturlngcltv on line of railroad, only 2 hours' ride from the city; business Is in good sbanA vnrl naTlngwell: satis factory reasons for selltag. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., li) Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. aulo-23-D TTIOR SALE-DON'T LETTHISOPPORTUN1TY A? slip, buy now and make money: several very choice cheap grocery stores, bakeries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished house full of roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery bnslnes s, cigar stores, feed store, milk depot, restaurant and dining room, printing office, shot-stores, etc: will exchange good grocery store in city for building lot. Free partUoUrs. BU SP ARC 4 CO., 64 Fifth ave. ana POR SALE BUSINESS. Business CBOJieea. "CWR SALE-A NEW ENTERPRISE WHICH A? can be started In all towns. For full partic ulars address E. L. MARTIN. Decatur, HI. an9-40 17IOR SALE-AN INTEREST IN AN OIL WELL JC now drilling, adjoining two Urge prodaelng wells. Address FARMER, Dispatch office F R SALE-BOARDING HOUSE-GOOD LO- jl.- uAiiuA, gooa ousiness, lumimrc, ayw. " n- c uituci iuiuruia.it. iuw w- " ft BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. TeL 167. anl0-92 Bnslness Stands. FOR BALE WOOD ST. WAREHOUSE AT less than market value to close up an estate; lot 20x90. C. H, LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. anlO-2S "CWR SALE-VALUABLE BUSINESS PROP AJ ERTY, cor. Seventh ave. and Cherrvalley: lotaOxIOOft. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62Tourth are. an8-84 "tr-OR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY ON THE 1 new cable line, Carson st- S. S.: lot 20 and 22x120; an excellent corner; good part of street for retail business; buy bow and get the Increase' or value. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth are. au9-62-Turs TTIOR SALE A HALF INTEREST IN QUARRY X! and stone crushing bnslness, on line of rail road, near the city: excellent shipping facilities; 5 routs large and safe; value orhalfluteresttS, 090. AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pitts burg. aulo-23-D FOR SALE-A BTOEEROOM, WAREHOUSE and dwelling, with stock of goods If neces sary, at a good point on line of railroad in Ohio; a good town and fine country and splendid place to reside or for business. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Plttsbnrg. aulO-24 FOR SALE-ORRENT-THE PLANT OF THE Crystal Glass Company, situate on the cor ners ot South Sixteenth. Seventeenth and Sarah streets, consisting of two furnaces with lcars, engine and boiler and other buildings, all In com- Elete order: parties purchasing or renting can ave possession to start In ten days. For price, terms, etc.. apply on PREMISES. au7-18 FO R S A L E-OR LEASE-GLASSWORKS AT Butler, Pa., consisting of a 12-pot furnace In good order, 8 good pots In furnace; fire not out; also Implements necessary for a prescription house: H acres of ground; also an 8-pot furnace; stack on the premises; also 1 gas well and lines In good order; siding connections on 3 railroads; possession given immediately. For particulars address BUTLER GLASS CO., LIM., Butler. Pa. au4-43 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. nones. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec FOR SALE-FOB WANT OP USE-2 MEDIUM size mules. Apply at 227 SECOND AVE., cor. Try st. au9-39-D FOR SALE-CHEAP-3 LIVERY CARRIAGES Ingoodrepalr.atMILLER&McCONNELL'S, 32and 34 Race st., Allegheny. au7-6Vwrs Machlnerr and metals. fTIOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW JD and refitted; repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NEC0.,L1M11 below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR BALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planera and 1 sbaper.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, St-men valves, castings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. Jy2t-91Jrrs miscellaneous. FORSALE-800 TO LOW TONS OF CLEAR lee Inquire of D. J. KENNEDY, 6351 Sta tlon St.. E. E.. Pitts. anl-lia TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET FORTY-FIFTH ST.. BRICK dwelling, 6 rooms, attic, etc : (18 per month. L. O. FRAZlER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. aulO-86 . O LET-HOUSE-NO. 97 CENTER AVE., house of 10 rooms, all modern Improvements; rent 335 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. anS-34 TO LET FORTY-FIFTH ST., BRICK dwelling. 6 rooms, hall attic natural gas: (25 per month. L. O. FKAZDlR. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. anlO-66 T) LET-NO. 186 BEDFORD AVENUE; A good house: 6 rooms; finished attic: latest Im Erovements; 327 per month. W. A. HER30N ft ON S. 8U Fonrth ave. auS-28-TTS rXlO LET-NO. 177 THIRD AVE., HOUSE OF 11 JL rooms, bath and cellar; good location for furnished rooms or boarders. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave aulO-20 TO LET NO. 955 PENN AVE., HOUSE OF H rooms and bathroom; good location for fur nished rooms or boarding. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. aulO-20 TO LET -139 WEBSTER AVENUE. 8-ROOM house allmodemlmprovements:both gases; paint and paper in excellent condition: 830 per month. Apply to GEO. CUNNINGHAM. Sev enth ave. and Grant St. aul0-8 Alleahenv Residences. TO LET-SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES IN AL LEGHENY; immediate possession. A. D. W ILSON , 65 Federal St., Allegheny. aulO-9 mo LET-ONLY 327 PER MO.. NO. 128 MON 1 TF.KKY at-. Second ward. Allerbenv. 8 rooms; late Improvements. W. A. HEBRON ft sua D. ou j ounn ave. au.-o-wxus TO LET-IN ALLEGHENY. NEAR PARKS, brick house of six rooms; finished attic, back room, w. c. both gases, range, hall, cellar, etc. : at 32 per month: no water rent. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood st. anlO-2 TO LET-ON R1DGEWOOD AVE.. ALLE GHENY, modern dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, bathroom, both gases, etc.: convenient to street cars: desirable neighborhood: rent. (22 per month. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood st. aulO-2 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT INGRAM-HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms, with lOaeres of ground: rent (16 per month. GEO. JOUNSION, Agt.. 62 Fourth are. TuS-St T O LET A DESIRABLE COTTAGE OF SEVEN rooms: large grounds: soring water: In a town of 5,000 inhabitants: two blocks from R. R. station ; 20 minutes' ride from city. Inquire J. S. FOSTER, 191 First ave., Pittsburg, Pa. au9-56 Apartments. T IO LET-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO gentlemen only, ku.uuuaiuaust. au9-49 Offices. Desk Room. fcc TO LET-OFFICE AND DESK-ROOM, ON Wood St.. near Fourth are. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 W ood St. aul0-2 TO LET-DESK BOOM-IN OUR MAIN OF FICE, with use of desk, etc; rent low to a good tenant. C U. LOVE, 93 Fonrth ave. aulO-2S Trio LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE, NEWLY I painted: elevator. Janitor service and at modern conveniences. Apply to GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK. 423 Wood street. e23-68-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street, twooflthe roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found in tbe city; rent, tax) and (300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. X. and 1 r. H., or between 2 and 4 P.M. Jy2W7 mo CET-FENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., I near Seventh St., offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at onr office: we have also de sirable offices in other good buildings. SAMUEL AV. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. JeZW2-D Bnslness Stands. TO LET-ON LIBERTY. NEAR FERRY ST. store and dwelling, together or separate; rent low. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. anl-79-1,3.6.10 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS! -BOOKS I BOOKS I New and old. ancient and mouern. standard andVxare. legal, medical and scientific 30.000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. 900 Liberty st. au3-8S SERSONAL-WI1Y TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in renalrlng and ele.u your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle hy DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave and Wood st., second floorr Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed : suits made to order: spring styles now ready. 1 elephone 1558. mha LOST. LOST-SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NEAR DAL LAS Station. P. R. IL, a black and white setter dog: a liberal reward will be paid If re turned to H. H. WESTINGHOUSE, Edgewood, P. K.R. Jy29-5 FOUND. TTIOUND-A STRAYED HORSE ON FRIDAY, II August 9, 1889. The owner can call for same by paying all expenses at G, CADDICK'S, 160 booth avenue. Allegheny. an 10-39 TJ10B SALE BUILDING LOTS AT ASPmWALLl STATION, West Penn Railroad, only 7 miles from Alle gheny depot, adjoining: 8IJARPSBURG. The "Aspinsall Land Company" have subdi vided a part of tbe beautlfnl suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE, Into lots of 25 feet. SO feet and 100 feet frontage, or by the acre, and are offering them for sale at Special lndncements to early purchasers. There is a representative always on the premises wbo will show the property. Take a train to Aspin wall station, which is directly on the premises, er call on the agents, W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, tn Fonrth ave.. city, Who will rive yon plans of the lots, with full information and prices. aul-0-2ie,10,13,17WM,27,31 EDUCATIONAL. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALU forglrli and young ladles. SHORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY, for boy; and young men. 8 WITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE, A. .M. (Harvard Graduate), Media, Pa. (near PhUadel- Daia. l .- -faTEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY FOB n a inpertor education In collejclAte, eclectic and prtparalorr departments: also In maslc ana art. 5lK3.HlRLlOTA KUTZ, 3M5 Walnnt lU.FhUa. WESTERN RESERVE BEMINARY AND Normal College, West Farmlneton. O. Sixty years. Collegiate Normal. Mnsic. Busi ness, Stenograoby. Board and Tuition. J100 per year. REV. E. B. WEBSTER. A. M, Prea'fc aulO-30-8 HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBER; new students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. Joiur T. 3IUBPHY, C. S. Bp., President: jy!7-2S TpLOCUTION MUSIC -LITERATURE. JQi Mrs. Lizzie Pershing Anderson's School, &4Unlon avenue, Allegheny. French and Ger man. Drawing and Painting. English studies. Fall terra, opens September 10, 1SS9. Send for prospectus. jylS-IA-wa CHELTENHAM ACADE3IY. OGONTZ, Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, etc, address JNO. CALVIN IUCE. A. M., Principal. Je28-53 Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladies and pre paratory school for little girls, EMBLA P. O., three miles from Baltimore, Md.. conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. j30-C3-tts SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 915 and 917 N. Charles street, Baltimore. ' MRS.W.M.CARY. I Established 1S42. French MISS CARY. ( the language of the school. jyl8l-TTS NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study In civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautlfnl buildings, grounds, location. COL C. J. WRIGHT, B. S A. M Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelMI BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE A COL LEGIATE school for young ladies, cor ner Penn ave. and Fonrth street. Pittsburg. The next session begins Wed., Sept. IL Send for register giving full information. Address the rector, REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M. jyl4-W8 MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. BIRMING HAM, Pa. A thorough school for young ;s. Situation noted lor health. Horns comforts. 33d year. Grounds, ICO acres. Three) courses of study. Prepares for college. Send for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRILR, Busi ness Mn'g'r. MISS N. J. DAVIS, PrincinaL an8.53-D PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester. Pa. Twenty-eighth year opens September IS. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Archi tecture, Arts. Thoroughly organized, prenara torv courses. Circulars of Mr. F. G. PAUL SON, 441 Wood st, city. CoL CHA& K. HYATT, President. jyl062-WS PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic, Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in the best col leges, for teaching, for business. Young La dies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens Beptember 9, 1889. Hon. Thos. M. Marshall, President Board of Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal, No. 7 Fourth avenue. jyl8Jl-TTS TARK INSTITUTE FORMERLY PRE X PARATORY and commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Bnsiness,inclndingshort hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open toboth sexes. Fall term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Office honrs 9 to 11 A. K. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN, A. M.. Principal. au3-46-TTS Eupworth Boarflii and Day Scliaol For girls, 122 West Franklin street, Baltimore. MrL,Jdrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE. principaL This school will reopen on Thursday, the 19th of September. The course of Instruction em braces all the studies included in a thorough English education, and tho French and Ger man languages are practically taught. jy30-C8-ws "PITTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE FULL JL and special conrses of stndv in Literature. Language, Natural Science, Music, Art and Elocution. Unsurpassed home comforts and care. Buildings large: facilities ample. Health ratio not surpassed anywhere. Location cen tral; Eighthstreet, near Penn avenne. Tuition and boarding very reasonable. Next season opens September 10. For catalogue and full information send to PRESIDENT A. H. NORCROSS, D. D., jjlO-23-WS Plttsbnrg. Pa. CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. 1,177 STUDENTS LAST YEAlt. Classical. Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. J AMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. JL. Pres't. jylS-82-TTS. THE PEHNSYLYANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fall session opens beptember 11. Examinations for admission September 10. New bulldlncrs and equipment greatly Increase the facilities for In struction In all departments. Courses In Agri culture, Chemistry, Botany and Horticulture. Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and In General Science and Modern Languages. Special courses for Ladles. Tuition free fifty Scholar snips entitle the holders to free room rent. Porcataloguo or other Information address THE PRES1LDENT, State College, Center Co.. Pa. aul-7-TTS PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL ESTAB LISHED 1884, offers advantages of a thorougn Academic ttcnooi ot Art, combined with prlvato in struction; each pu pi I n n d e r joint direction of George Het zel (Dusseldorf Academy), John W. Beattv (Munich Academy!. Students who cannot attend daily may enter for limited number of days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal, au3-68-Tns 413 Wood street, Pittsbur& Pennsylvania Female College, Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau. In the suburbs of Plttsbnrg, away from city noise anil anit. Unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. Excellent facilities for study of Natural Sciences, Classics and Mathematlcs-ln short, every department well equipped. The completion of Dllworth Hall, coniorislng new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has Increased capacity and furnishes faculties for thorousb educational work of tba PELLETBEAU, President, Pittsburg (East End), Pa. JT6-94-TUS CHOICE BUILDING LOTS BLAIR ESTATE, HazBlwood and Glenwooil, Twenty-third ward, city. These lots are 24x120 feet on Second avenna and good side streets: only 15 minutes from Bmlthflcld street, and from 3 to S minutes walk from station; tbe electric street railway will soon be running to Glenwood; monthly tickets, 5K cents per trip. PRICES: 1125 to 81,000. EASY TERMS. 10 per cent cash, balance Ions time. Monthly payments if desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. au7-20-TTS ) Fourth Avenne. E IOR SALE- AT A GREAT REDUCTION, THREE BMOWSXINGS. Only $2,200 each, on small monthly install ments if desired. A RARE CHANCE TO GET A HOME Of eight rooms, vestibule, ball, bath, range, natural gas, hot and cold water. Only 25 min utes from postofhee, on Sycamore and Plymouth streets. Thirty-fifth ward. Price reduced In order to make quick sales. Call at once on W. A. HEP.RON k SONS, SO Fourth avenue. aul-91-L3.e.lO,13,17 DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, sneb as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portler curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tax tile fabrics dry cleaned at tbe SIXTH AVENUE- DYE 'WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 68 SIXTH AVE. ; Goods called lor and delivered. jell-TH m J - fc& 'sirVa '&t--ciJryjL HHESBSca