KS t: 10 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATOHT ' SATOKDAY, AUGUST 1889. i , i k THE MAKKET BASKET. Absence of Good Customers Proves a Quietus to Trade. LAKE SALMON, SOFT CEABS SCARCE. Poultry, Butter and Choice Eggs Tend to a Higher Level. E LOEISTS' TEADE IS AT ITS LOWEST Office op PrrrsBuno dispatch, I . FltlDAY. August 9, lbS9. J Dealers in fruits and vegetables report a slow week's trade, and charge it up to the absence of many of their best customers at rie seaside and'mountains Of new fruits tliat have showed up for the first time this vek. Concord grapes and green gage plnms from the Sonth are worthy of note. The berry season is close to its goal. Monon g; ihela blackberries anil whortleberries in palls ar e still on "band, but another week is expected to wind them up. leas and beans are scarce and higher. Their sea.ton will soon be at an end. At the fish stall's the report was that supply of late has beenJiardly up to demand. The supply of lake salmsn is particularly short. A leading dealer said: "We could readily sell double the amount of lake salmon wo are able to secure." fcoft crals are in short supply owing to heavy deiurad from seaside hotels. General trade is fair for the season. At this tiroo of the year fish trade is at its nadir. Florists report quietness all along the line. Orders from Chautauqua and Cressou occa sionally relieve the monotony of the trade, but in gener al little is doing. bociet.r makes little demand on the beautiful things of the garden at this season of the year. Tbo National Convention of Florists, which will atsecible at Buffalo on the 20th of August, will have a. number ot representatives from our city. .t the meeting last August in New York over -WO delegates were preseut from all sections of the country. In the linn of butter, csgs and poultry, prices are stiff emn g. Poultry Is reported v ery scarce throughout Pittsburg's bailiwick. Butter is no longer tli drug it was a week or two ago. Choice esgs i.uc Lot easv to be had at this time of the year. As to staple meats, trade Is dull and prices are 'unchanged. In all lines o market basket materials, deal ers report quii'itness, and attribute it to the ab sence of a niul litudc of good customers who are seeking r est and recreation at watering places. Meats. The prices call cd for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tender loin steak range -from 20 to 25c, with last figure for cry fancy, wtaci are verj often no better than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 'JUc; standing rib roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck toast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, Joe: boiling Iwof, 5totc; sweet oreads. 3) to 50c per pair; beef kidncM. lOe ap it-ce; beef liver. 5c a pound; calf livers. "25c apiec ; corned beef from 5 to 10c per pound Veal for stewinc commands 10c: roast. Uii to 15c; cut.'-ts 20c per pound; sprine lamns, fore quarter, . J5 to 20;; hind quarters, "S to 25c. A leg of i autton, hind quarter, of prime qualitv, brines 12c; fore quarter, 8c; loin of mutton, 15c; gi blets. 5c per pound. Vegetable nnd Trull. Potatoes. 15 to 20c Jer half peck; egg plants, 10 to 25c; hotboibo grapes. SI CO per pound; tomatoes, bom c-gTown, 25c per quar ter peck; new cabbage, 5 to 15c; bananas. 20 to Sic a dozen: carrots, 09 a buuch: lemons, 25 to 30c per dozen; orangi is. 50c; lettuce, 5c per buiu.li, 6 for 25c: raunlics, 5c per buuch; c ncumbers,2 for 5c; beets. . I for 10c; cauliflowers, 15 to 25c a head; string Im ems, 20. a. half peck; goldeu wax beans, 25c a hi Jf peck: ne South ern ouions, 25c a halt peck: x'ui&hes, 5 to Soc; runruiejous, la to Uelierries, loc a : pound, 2 lor 25c; plums, lac a quart Better. Ecsfi nnd Poultry. Choice creamery butter, 2 c. Good country butter. 25c Fancy pound ro Is, 35c The ruling retail price for e tigs is 20c The range for dressed ctucLens is 90c to Jl 25 per pair. Turkcj s. 15e pi r pound. Spring chickens, 50 to 75c per pair. Fistiin Season Following aro the articles In this line on the stalls, with prices: Lake saltixxo, 12Jc; Cali fornia salmon. 40c pound; white t h, 12c; her ring. 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel. 30c to 35c a pound: sea salmon, 10c a pound; blue fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c: halibut, Soc; rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lak trout, lZ$c; lobsters, 25c: green sea turtle, 2" mackerel, 20c small, 40c large. Oysters: N. Y. counts, Jl 75 per gallon: clams. $1 25 per ctillon; scol lops. 50c a quart: f rops. 81 00 to $2 0 0 -per dozen; soft bcll crabs, 75c per dozen; devil-crabs, Hoc per dozen. Flowers. La France roses, SI OOffl 50 per doiTeii; Bride roes, $1 00 per dozen; Perlcs, SI 00 t-er dozen; Nipbetos SI 00 per dozen: Bennettii, $1 00 per dozen: American Beauty, 25c apic as; Mer mets, it 00 per dozen; carnations, 3.: si dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c perdoz. fronds. B ermuda Easter lilies S3 00 per dozen: Jacqc'w'miaot roses. 75c to SI 50 a dozen; peonies, SI 00a .dozen; moss roses, SI 00 a dozen; June roses, f 1 00 a dozen, f orgetmenots. 25c a dozen; wateitJUies, 50c a dozen. LITE STOCK 3IAREETS. Tho Condition or Business at the East Ut.'wrty Stock Yards. Office of Prrrsmnto Ditatcb.,1 FRIDAY, August 9, 1889. yi CATTLE Receipts, COO head; shipments, 510 bead: market steady at Monday's prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. L800 nead: shipments. Lf W0 head; market firm: best Yorkers, $1 8004 HO; fair, S4 65j?f 75; crassers, "M 50ffil 60; medium and licht Phlladelphias; $4 651 70; heavy bog t. Si 40i 50; six cars of hogs shipped to Ne--v York to-dav. Sheep Receipts. 1.S00 head; shipments, 1,603 bead; market strong at yesterday's prices. By Telesrnah. New Yonit Beeves Receipts, 39 carloads for the market. S3 carloads for exportation. and 74 carloads for city slaughterers direct: market firm; ordinary to prime native steers sold at S3 904 M per 100 fis.;a bunch of poor stockers at S3 25, and a bunch of choice distillery-fed steers at S3 00; bulls. S2 00 to S3 50. and 2 carloads ot Colorado steers at S3 fcOQ 415 respectively. Cahes Receipts, 500 head; easier feeling, but all sold, including veals at SI 506 25 per 100 tts: and buttermilk calves at 2 253 00. Sheep Receipts, 3,300 head; not so farm for sheep as reported j esterday, and Iambs were a fraction lower; steep rauzed from SI 0005 25 per 100 :z lambs, from S6 00 8 00, while a bunch of California calls sold at $4 5a Hogs Receipts, 2.700 head; market firmer and a trifle higher, with sales of live at S4 65o 15 per 100 as. Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 5.183 head; shipments, 3,212 bead; quality of native and dressed beef and shipping steers better than for some time; values steady to strong on both native and Texas cows: stockers and feeding steers firm and in good demand; good to choice corn-fed steers, M 001 30; common to medium, S3 O0U3 75; stockers and feeding steers, SI 60 tti 00; cows. SI 502 70: grass range steer,Sl 75 (2 70. Hogs Receipts, 5,454 head; shipments, V76 head; light strong; heavy weak and a shade lower; good to choice liffhr. $1 254 37J3; common to medium. S3 00t 22. Sheep Re ceipts, 936 bead; shipments, none: market steady; good to choice muttons, S3 75g4 00: common to medium, S2 5UG3 50. CnlCAGO Cattle Receipts. 9,300 head; ship ments, 4,000 head; market steady; good grades stronger; choice to extra beeves, S4 50 4 70: steers, S3 504 40; stockers and feeders. Si 2563 80; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 5003 00: Texas cattle. SI 7503 30; natives and half breeds, S3 003 SO. Hogs Receipts, 14.000 bead; shipments. 6.000 bead; market strong on light, heavy dull: mixed, SI 2504 55: heavy, H 0504 35; licht, S4 3004 75; slips. S3 50 4 CO. Sheep Receipts. 6.000 head: shipments. 2.000 head; market weaker; natives, S3 5004 SO: "Western. $3 8001 09: Texans, S3 504 15; lambs, 0004 75. St. Loois Cattle Receipts. 800 head: ship ments. 900 head: market active ana strong; choice heavy -native steers, S4 3004 50: fair to good do. S4 0004 25; stockers and feeders, S2 25 et.2 50; rangers, corn fed, S3 003 50; grass fed, $2 2002 9a Hoes Receipts, 2,500 beadt ship ments, 1.000 head: market active and strong; fair to choice heavy, S4 4004 50; packinc SI 20 4 35; licht grades, fair to best, 34 1004 60. Kheep Receipts, 1.000 head: shipments, 4,000 head: market strong and active; fair to choice, S3 504 50: lambs, U 0005 5a BU7FAI.0 Cattle Receipts 90 carloads through; 4 carloads for sale. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 18 carloads through: 4 carloads for sale; sheep unchanged; lambs higher: good to best, S6 0006 75; fair to good. SO 2506 60; com mon, J6 0006 25. Hogs steady and unchanged; receipts. 30 carloads through; 22 for sale. CmcrsrifATI Hogs firm; common and light, S3 7504 C5; packing and butchers SI 404 55. Receipts, 910 head: shipments, 310 bod. GEESTS AT CAMP 19, ?&& on. the frontien of civilization, by JtanUin JU. wilt btpubUthed complete m lo-metrmr LinrjLTUH. MABKETSJJY WISE. All the CercnU Lifeless and DIost or Them liower Balls on Wheat Uinblo ta Slnke Headwav Aealnit Favor- able Crop Reports Hoe Prodacts Steady. Chicago-There was a continuation of the late dullness and weakness in wheat, to-day's market being just as narrow and featureless as noted on any ot the preceding days of the week. Opening figures were about the same as yesterday's closing, and temporary firmness was derived from the early cables, prices work ing up yic or so. The weakness developed was attributed to the anticipation of a favorable report by the Washington Agricultural Bureau to-morrow, and was intensified by some selling orders from Ned York. It was claimed, too, that thresher returns in Indiana were showing up big, and there was talk about St. Louis ship ments by the 20th proximo which would quickly tell on elevator stocks there. The market rallied feebly from tbe midday break. From bottom prices a fractional gain was made, but general liquidation by tired local longs, and the buying limited, in the main' to one leading operator, gave to tho market a heavy tone up to the very close, and the latest bids were close around the lowest of the day. Based on yesterday's closings, there was a net loss of kic Corn ruled quiet with the feeling rather easier. Trading was light and confined prin cipally to tbe local crowd, and fluctuations were limited to yj&i range. The easier feel ing was attributed to the fine weather, largo receipts weaker cables and a decline of 54c in the cash market. The market opened a shade below yesterday's closing figures, v. as easy and declined 0ic. became inactive and closed KffiKc lower than yesterdav. Oats were weaker and YeSifi lower. Trading was moderate and chiefly in May. The near futures were the quietest aud weakest owing to good offerings and a lack of demand, especially in August, In which tbe "shorts" have covered freely, leaving the market with out support. Rather more business transacted in mess pork. Opening sales were at 5c decline, which was followed by a further reduction of 5c Later the feeling was stronger and prices rallied 1012c and closed steady. A fair trade was reported in the lard market. Later the demand improved slightly and prices rallied 7J01Oc, closing steady. Trading was moderate in short ribs. Fluctu ations were confined within a narrow range Early prices ruled 2K05c lower, but rallied again later in the day and closed steady. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2, September. 7607C076 BTOJJc: December. 7Si07b77CffbC5 year, 7b676H75J4'eT5c ... . Coks No. 2. September. SoJie3oJc; Octo ber, 35635635ie:Sc; December. S5K 353c Oats No. 2. September. 2O520J20- 20c; October. 20Jf 20c:May. 24j024ic Miss Pork, per bbL September. $10 CO 010 67H01O 55010 65: October. S10 35010 47K 010 S501O 47K: JanuarT. S9 87K09 87J. Lard, per 100 tts. September, S6 4006 450 6 376 45; October, S6 S7Ji S6 3500 45; January,'S6 05:6 07W. Shoet Ribs, per 100 Is. September. 55 42JJ 05 1705 425 47K: October, $5 425 45; Januarv. S4 97J404 97. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet and steady. No. 2 spring wheat, 76Ji077c; No. 3Epring wheat. new.7274e:No.2red,76Kc No. 2cora.355c M 0.2 oats. 20JJc No. 2 rye, 42K043C No. 2 barley. 63Glc No. 1 flaxseed, SI i. Prime timothy seed. $1 4i Mess pork, per barrel. 10 GO01O 65. Lard, per 100 pounds, ?U 40&6 $. Short rib sides (loos,eJ, $5 4505 5a Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $4 8705 Oa Short clear sides (boxed), S5 87K66 00. Sugars Cut loaf. 9ji9Xc: granulated, fcjc: standard A. 8Jic Receipts Flour. 1(1,000 barrels; wh eat, .1(3.000 bnsbelb; corn. 361,000 bushels; oats, 336,000 bushels; rje, 17.000 bushels; barley, none. Shipments Flour, 7,000 barrels: wheat, 120,000 bushels: corn. 2N3.C00 bushels: oats, 13&.000 bushels; rye L000 bushels: barley. 2,000 bushels. On tho Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was fairly active; fancy creamery, IGGIGc; tine, 13014c; finest dairies, 11012c; fair to good. OglOc New York Flour dull and heavy. Wheat Spot dull. KKc lower, and weak; options dull, itc lower, and weak. Rye easy and quiet. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot dull and easier; options dull and weak. Oats fcpot fairly active for export and unsettled; options active and weaker. Hay firm: fair demand. Hops easy and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady at 1O02O points up; closed firm at 5015 points up: sales, 40,250 bags. Including Sep tember, 1510015.20c: October. 15.1015.15; No vember. 15.15; December, 15.G5015.2Oc: January, 15.10015.20; February, 15.15; March, 15.10la.20c; Mav, 1510015.20c; spot ftio steady and more active; fair cargoes, lic. Sugar Raw en tirely nominal; refined quiet andc lower. C. 6;'069ic; extra C, 77Kc; jjilte extra C. 7 75ic; yellow. 6Jf 6c; off TL, 7 lS-16c; mold A. tXc: standard A, fcc; confectioners' A. Mc; cut loaf, bjc; crushed. 8Jc( powdered, Slj,c; granulated, fc&c: cubes, SJic Molasses Foreign dull: New Orleans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow easy. Rosin quiet aud steady. Turpentine firm and irregular at 4142Kc. EggB Choice sc free and firm; western, 1516Vc; receipts. 2.4C6 packages. Pork quiet. Cutmeats dull and weak: picKlcd belllc,708c;piekled hams, 10JiHic; pickled shoulders oc: middles quiet. Lard Options a shade higher and quiet; western steam quoted at SS 77K6 SO; options sales of 2,500 tierces, including Sep tember, at S6 75otober.S5 7586 7j November. SB 53; January, S6 4i Butter Extra firm; others dull and weak : western dairy. lO012Xc; do creamery, ll17c; do factorv. 812c Cheese dull and weaker; western, 0G7c riin.ADEi,riiiA Flour dull for all grades except choice old winters which were scarce and firm, with a good demand. Wheat quiet, and futures declined Kc: car lots ruled steady; No. 3 red in export elevator, 78c; steamer No. 2 red in do, 81&c: No. 2 red on track, 85c; No.2 red In export elevator.lclo. 2 red, Au gust, 83K084c; September. 83KS3Hc: Octo ber. 84Mc; November, Si$S5c. Corn very quiet; prices for car lots ruled firm, while quotations for options were largely nominal in the absence of speculative or export demand: No. 2 mixed, on track and in Twentieth street elevator. 45Kc; do, in grain depot, 46c: No. 2 mixed August. 4341c; September. 4344c; October, 444ic;Noverabcr, 4iy44Kc Oats Car lots dull, but prices steadily held; No. 2 mixed, 29Jic No. 3 white, regular. 32Kc; No. 2 white do. 31031lc: futures dull and barely steady: No. 2 white, August. 304315$c; beptember, SO30Kc; October. J0J31c; No vember. sifcj.uic. xggs nrm; i-ennsyivama xirstsioc St Louis Flour Trading light. Wheat The market was again very dull; fluctuations confined within a narrow range; No. 2 rcd.casb, 7SVf August. 73K0752c closed at"735c: Bep- KUIUCI, V43 '-fl-, -".. MW IWgK AHVU, V- l.- 7CT'rJl'j olnwl ,1 74TM -La1. Tk cember,76Jj;0 cclosed at 77c asked; May,61c, closod at bike asked. Corn dul.: No. 2 mixed. ' cash. 2&ii", August, 33c, closed at 33Jc bid; UctoDer, 33c, ciosea at mc niu. uats weaK; n o. 2 cash, 20c; September. 1920c; May, 23 tic: August offered at 19Kc and no bids Rye lull and dragging at 3SK39c Barley Com 1 ion, 40c Flaxseed again lower; cash, Jl 22; Au- ost, SI 20. CmciMrATi Flour firm. Vheat in fair de-n-ad: No. 2 red. 747Gc; receipts 29.000 bush el I; shipments 10,001) uusbels Corn firm; No. 2taixed. 3SXc Oats steady: No. 2 mixed, old, 23)14S21Kc; new. 21c Rye quiet; No. 2.41c Fo7 It firm at SH 37& Lard active at S6 15. Uoj Lmeat and bacon quiet and unchanged. But iter steady. Sugar firm. Eggs firm at 11 J Jc Che, ese firm. jUjlitTAUKEE Flour steady. Wheat steady: cash., 75c: Sepumber,75fc Corn quiet: No.3, 26Kfel27c. Oats dull: No. 2 white, 250254c Rye tlull; No. 1, 42Jc Barley quiet; Hip. tembi V, 5sc bid. Provisions firm. Pork, cash, S10 62,: beptember, S10 05. Lard, cash, SO 40; heptei uber, $6 45. Cheese steady; Cheddars, 8s4c. BAV'nMORE Provisions dull. Butter stoady; creamc'iry. 15017c Eggs firm at 14014c; ice bouse, 112013c Coffee nominal. Tole'do Clovcrsced dull; easier; October, S4 42J; Jfovcnbcr. J4 45. Wool Ulnrketi. Pim.AlxEl.PniA Wool Is quiet and un changed. St. Loins Receipts, 47,357 ponnds; market quiet and Weady. NEW YotK Wool steady and in fair de mand; dome stic fleece, 320S9c; pulled, 23041c; Texas 14lSc Boston.--The movement In wool during the past week'lu.s been, confined principally to small lots anJ the total transactions of all kinds foot 11 p L934.300 pounds 400.000 pounds of Australian at 4042Kc and 25,000 pounds of foreign carr.!t wool being included in the sales and swelling: tlie total. Failures in the wool and manufacturing interests have hart a de pressing effec t on trade during the past three days and scar cejy anything was done, but it is thought thai this will soon blow over and tbs.t the market will doubt less rule st cady. Fine washed fleeces move slowly and at about previous prices. Ohio X sells at Sic; XX at 31035c. and No. 1 at 3Sc Michigan X is ottered at 32c, but buyers will not pay over 31c Combing and delaine fleeces arc selling in small lots; No. 1 at 40c, Ohio fine delaln e at 36c, and Michigan fine de laine at 34035c Unwashed combing wools are dull at 28c zor o.ae-quarter blood and 30c for three-eighths blood. Territory. Texas and Cal ifornia wools are quiet but steady. Eastern Oregon wool has been selling at lS25c, as to quality. Jn pulle 3 wool there have been sales ot super at 3339!. and extra at 25029c For eign wool of all k inds is strong and in demand. Weak stomacb.l teecham'sPills act like magic 1'kabs' Soap secures abeautlful complexion. TT IMPD J. in Uymorrouft DISPATCH, tcett flfllrlljUifli daicribet themamurt and cm. J (ami prevailing aHIjong Branch. LAND DIRT CHEAP. Good Building Lots Offered as Low as Five Dollars a Foot. NATURAL GAS COMPETITION. How to Compel Delinquent Debtors to Walk Up to the Captain's Office. HOMES FOE T0ILEES JLT J0M8T0WN Those who maintain that all the cheap land around Pittsburg has been bought tip are not well posted. At Aspinwall Place lots are selling as low as $150, or $5 a foot. The dearest are only 320 a foot. Good lots are offered in many parts of the East End as low as $300. The same is true of the "West End and the Soutbside. The fact is there is an abundance of good and cheap property in the market, but as there is an active demand for it, values will necessarily move up. Therefore delay may be costly to those desiring to purchase. Some of tbe natural gas companies of Pitts burg will soon have to face extensive and welt organized competition, which may seriously af fect their earnings. The gas line owned by Park Bros t Co. will furnish several other Pittsburg firms with fuel tor the next three years. The Equitable Gas Company, composed of a number of Pituburg iron and steel firms, has part of Its line in operation and is making contracts with a number of firms not in the company. Oliver Bros & Co. are pushing the construction of their big line to the Bellevernon field, and will have it completed by October 1, when they will have an independent supply of fuel. Secretary McGinley, of the Philadelphia Company, states according to the American Manufacturer, that they are renewing many contracts at a material advance on tbe old rates, securing new dwelling house consumers and are rapidly introducing the meter system, which will effect a saving of gas and at the same time increase tbe revenues The drop ping of a few big concerns that have contracted with sew lines will leave all the more for the smaller consumers and assure a good supply during the winter months The advisability of building a lmetothe Bellevernon field has been discussed by the Philadelphia Company, but in all probability it will not be pushed this year. Hello, George, where are yon golngT Are you running for a waeerf Not exactly, but something better. Yon see Jim and I were looldngAt a lot at Oakland yesterday. I accidentally heard that be made an arrangement to meet the agent this evening and make an offer for it. I have concluded to buy it, and want to forestall Jim by getting there first. The agent is out there now. Jim and I are good friends but won't allow him to get away with me in a bargain if I can help it. Here comes the car. Good-by. This man will die rich if be lives long enough. L He fully realizes that delays are dangerous. and that the true policy is to strike when the iron is hot. Tho Cambria Iron Company has just made public a plan, which it has had In contempla tion for some time, in regard to the erection of cheap bomes for its employes on suitable sites. This company owns a large farming tract of land on Yoder Hill, just west of Johnstown. The top of this hill Is 1,751 feet above the level of tho sea, while the Pennsylvania Railroad station is only 1.1S4 above tbe sea level. It will thus be seen that one danger, that of Hoods can never trouble this place. It is pro posed to build an Incline plane from near the center of the town which will reach the lots in a little more than half a mile. Here probably 500 acres can be laid out in pleasant building lots, from which access to the mills will be easy. The deeds will contain stringent provisions prohibiting tho sale ot liquors, and arrange ments will be made for locations for religious and educational buildings The scheme is looked upon with much favor, and will help to solve the problem of the future of Johnstown. Street improvement in Wilkinsburgls almost at a standstill for want of money. The coun cil neglected to levy taxes for the work last spring, and an empty treasury Is tbe result. None of the flrepluirs have been put in, al though water will be turned on in about two weeks These are works ot necessity, and should be completed forthwith. Conservatism is a good thing in its way. but it should not be practiced at the expense of the public One of the most important departments in conducting business Is that of collections The following remarks on the subject, coming from a practical man, are worthy of attention: "Those who don't pay promptly always take advantage of any uncertainty in the ring of your demands and have plenty of excuses ready to put you off with. Very few but will begin to hustle if yon come out with a strong 'I must have it.' You may have asked them be fore, 'wishing they would pay It,' or 'when can you pay it,' but when yon get to a place wbero you know you must('root, bog, or die,' then there is if at any time at all, a desire to accom modate you. They 'will borrow it for you,' or hurry some one up "who owes them,' or In some way get the money if yon must have it, whereas before it wasn't possible to do anything for you to-day. "Make the demand in a straightforward, pleasant way as if you expected to get it. Make your business known the first thing after the usual greetings You make nothing by talking of other things first; it won't be as easy to get to the point as at first. Get a definite promise as to time and amount if you can't get all and then be sure to be 'promptly on hand at the time mentioned and demand the amount promised." The annouccemeut'is made that the Vander bllts have at last bought tbe Beech Creek Rail road stock not hitherto held by them, and that they now own the road in fee simple. The price paid is said to have been (40 and (20 per share. The total capital is Sl.300,000 preferred stock and 3,700,000 common. The Vacderbilts pre viously owned about 55 per cent of each class The Cottonseed Oil Trust Is waning in strength. Reports recently published chow that tho number of mills outside of the trust exceeds the number Included in the organization. The other trusts will soon come tumbling after. Sugar and lead are decidedly shaky. HOLD THEIR OWN. With Few Exceptions Local Stocks fihow No Particular Chance. There was a slim attendance of brokers at tbe Stock Exchange yesterday, and there was not much vim In the proceedings, only one small deal being made, ten shares of Switch and Sig nal eoingat21K,yet with few exceptions the mar ket held its ownandclotcd firm, showing that it would require very little effort to make busi ness The fact that stocks are so well sustained with scarely any buying demand is conclusive that they possess a large amount of inherent strength. There was no particular change in the gassers Electric was wanted at B23. Switch and Signal moved up a peg, closing at 21K bid. Manufacturers' Gas was a trifle stronger. Wi being asked. There are about 300 shares of i'oint Bridge floating around, and 3 was bid for some of it. It is held at about 5. The weakest thing on the list was Pituburg Traction, for which the best bid was 4S. The other transactions were abont steady at previ ous figures Bids, offers and sales were: Kpinwo. ATTXBKOOir. . Pld. Allied. Bid. Asked. P.V., B. &M.EX W 0 fit Hi First Mat. Bank. Pitts. 74 Keystone Bank of P'g" 0tX gi Tradesmen's Mat. B'k 805 .... UermsnMat.Bk.AlI'y ISO .... It. E. Ij. &T.Oo.,All'y so .... Third Mat. Bsnfc. Ay.. IM .... jjj .... Ben Franklin Ins. Co. tlTi City Insurance S3 Pennsylvania Ins It Teutonta Insurance.... -50 Unlonlnsuranee....... 43 Chartiers VaL Gas Co. .... SO .... Manufacturers Gas Co Mat. Gas Co. or W. Va. 71 .... 70)4 People's Nat Gas CO .... P. S. G. AP. Co IS .... Philadelphia Co EJ r F Wheeling- Gas Vo 31 33 so Forest Oil Co 100 .... 100 so Central Traction. - li KM 31 SU Ultlzens'Tractlon...... 71 73 . PittsbnrffTractlon..... 43 .... 43 tlU Pleasant Valley MS Pitts, A. ft Man a Pitts.. Y. 4 Ash. B.B. K S P.. tl.ASt.lu E. B. a Point Bridge a .... TJnlon Bridge 13 .. u H LaKorlaMlnlnr Co... IV ik u 9 Westinghouse jOectne K& M jaS U.S. &81(t. Co. - 2I 21 51?, 11)4 U. 8. ft Big. Co. nref. .... S3 .... 33 WestlnitbouseA.B.Co. .... 65 Pitts. Cycioran: Co i .... Pitts. Plate G. Co.pref 210 .... 210 .... The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 218.490 shares including: Atchison, 16.763: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 6.700: Lake Shore. 6.515; Missouri Pacific, 15.210; Northwestern. 8,328; Northern Pacific 4,010; Northern Pacific preferred, 20,387; Oregon Transcontinental, 9.6S5: Readins, 18,900; St. Pan!, 12,730; Texas Pacific, 4,335: Union Pacific, 11,360. THE FINANCIAL FDTDEE. Every Evidence of a Healthy Condition of the Money Market. Business at the local banks yesterday was of the usual description. Discounting showed no improvement, and, clerical work was about a good average, except checking, which was a little off. Money was in good supply and rates unchanged. Tho clearings were 51.713, 1C2 E2 and the balances $425,362 71 A New York authority says: "There is no longer any special concern felt in banking circles respecting the financial future. During the week careful inquiry shows that there is no cause for anxiety, despite the recent Jarge exports of gold and the expected heavy call for money to aid in moving the crops President H. W. Cannon, of the Chase National Bank, formerly Controller of the Currency, Is reported as saying -that there is every indication of a healthy condition of the money market, although rates for call and time money may advance somewhat in the early autumn. "In case of any stringency he had no doubt that blocks of United States bonds wonld be offered to tho Govemnment, and very likely the Secretary of the Treasury may increase the price be pavs for 1 per cents to a point that will net the Government, say, 2 per cent per annum. Moreover, money is easily obtained from Europe on account of our more intimate relations The balance of exchange does not now appear un favorable to New York, and from present Indi cations shipments of gold to Europe have ceased for this season." President Oltott. of the Central Trust Com panv, Russell Sage, President Jordan, of tbe Western National, President Tappan, of the Gallatin, and others coincided with these views Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 36 per cent; last loan, 8; closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 44C. Ster ling exchange quiet and weaker at H 84 for 60-day bills and H 87 for demand. Closing; Bond Quotations. U. S. 4sreK 123 II. S.4i. conn 123 M. K. ft T. Gen. is . 59 Mutual Union Ss. ...101 N. J. C. Int. Cert...ll3 Northern Pac lsU..118J Northern Pac. 2ds..lis Northw't'n consols. 14s Morthw'n debea,a..Ji4 Oregon ft Trans. Ss.MSU St. J ft I. at. Gen. is Mil St. I..& b. V. Gen.ai.iisW Su Paul consols ....115), St.PL ChtftPe.lst.-ii7 U. S.4s, rejf 103H D. S. 4Ks coop.... VtoH Pacific da of '93. 118 Loulslanastampedts 8SM aussoari as..... jw Tenn. new set. 6s... jih Tenn. new set. is Tenn. new set. 3s Canada So. 2ds.. Oen. Pacificists. J03 -jy Ien. ft K. a., Ists X1H Tx., PcL. G.Tr Rs. S0K TX PC K. G.TT.Ecti 37 Den. ft K. G. 4s 79 l.ftK.G.West,Isu. 101 Erie. Ms J03 union rac. iu...H4j West Shore itfau U. K. ftT. Gen. 6s.. 64,'il Yesterdays bond offerings aggregated $100, 850, as follows: Registered is, t90,b50 at 123?i; coupon 4s 810,000 at 106. Nkw York Clearings, 893,521,275; bal ances 3,617,572. Boston Clearings, f 11,569,924; balances f L223.780. Money, 3 per cent. PnrLxTJELPiiiA Clearings 19,615,004; bal ances 1.694.078. Balttmoke Clearings. SL474,714; balances JT81.335. London The amount of bullion gone into tbe Bank of England on balance to-day is 50. 000. Paris Throe per cent rentes 84f 95c for the account. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 9,074,0110. NEW I0EK TUENS JBEAE. The West Knocks Out a Scheme to Broak the OH Market. At the opening yesterday the oil market re flected the prevailing apathy in speculative trading. About 1 o'clock there was a little hurst of excitement caused by New York turn ing bear and trying to smash things, but Pitts burg, Oil City aud Bradford discovered the maneuver and turned buyers thus frustrating the scheme. The trading was entirely pro fessional and of small proportions Very little cash oil was handled. It brought about X cent less than September. The market closed strong on a rally ot 1 cent from the lowest point of tho day. The fluctuations were: Opening,'100aiJ: highest, 100; lowest, 99K; closing. 100. Thursday's clearings were 740, 000 barrels During July 65 Washington county wells were completed, as follows: Twenty-two in tbe Washington pool, 4 in the Gordon, S2 at Tay lorstown, 3 at Canonsburg, and 4 wildcats At tho end of the month there were 205 uncom pleted wells; in the Washington field, 47: Gor don, 18; Taylorstown, 119: Canonsburg.ll; wild cats, 10. The new production is as follows: Washington, 2,535 barrels: Taylorstown. 1,665 barrels; Gordon, 240 barrels; Canonsburg, 22 barrels; total, 4,437 barrels The following is tbe statement of operations In the Macksburg field for July: Wells com pleted in July, 9: producing. 5; daily produc tion, barrels 43; average dally production per well, barrels, 8.6; dry, if drilling. July 31,12; rigs up, July 31, 4; rigs building, July 31,0; abandoned In July, 2. The scarcity of both petroleum and barrels at Philadelphia has checked the chartering of vessels and notices have been posted at many of the refineries that no contracts for oil de livery will be made until after August 23. The scarcity of oil Is due to a large extent to tbe arrival of a fleet ot tank steamships which have heretofore been running to Batoum, Rus sia. Owing to tbe Increase of tonnage tunning to that port, and tbe decline of tbe Russian oil fields these vessels have been forced to Phila delphia. . Yesterday's Oil Ranee. Corrected dally by John M. Oaney t Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened I0W Lowest 99 K Ulxhest lOOftlClosed loon t Barrels. Average runs.. ....... ...... .... ....... 4S,S34 Average shipments 76,633 Averaite charters , 81, H7 Refined, Mew Tors:, 7.40c Iteflnet1, London, 3ad. Refined, Antwerp, ISHr. Refined. Liverpool, Wd. A. a McQrew fc Co. quote: Puts 993c; calls, II 01. Other Oil Markets. On, Crrr. August 9. National transit certifi cates opened at Si 00; highest. Si 00; lowest, 99JJc; closed, 109. Sales 314.000 barrels; clearances 1,344,000 barrels; charters, 14,643 barrels; shipments, 88,633 barrels; runs 60,023 barrels Pittsbdbo, August 9. Petroleum dull and heavy: National transit certificates -opened at Jl 00: closed at Jl 00; highest, tl OUi; low ost,Kc Bradford, August 9. National transit cer tificates opened at tl CUM; closed at SI COX; highest, tl 00; lowest, 99&c; clearances 094 000 barrels Trrusvnxx, Aueust a National transit cer tificates opened at tl 00; highest, tl 00; low est, 99c; closed, tl 0OJ& New York, August 9. Petroleum opened steady at 99c. and after a slight decline in the early traaing moved up slowly and closed firm at tl 00. Total sales, 433.000 barrels CHANGING HANDS. Realty Continues to Find Pnrchmer Latest Sales In City nod Country. Lb O. Frailer, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets sold for Andrew Grenlich, No. 175 Thirty-eighth street, Fifteenth ward, a frame dwelling ot six rooms, lot 79x107 feet to Fos ter's alley, to E. Z. Wainwright for S6.000 cash. The Pittsburg Company, Limited, placed a mortgage for $7,000 on four dwellings on Man hattan street, Allegheny, five yean, at 4 per cent, free 01 tax. Charles E. Cornelius sold lots from bis place at Mornlngslde as follows: To William T. Meeks two lots 20x100, IC00; to John Neill, two lots 20x100,1100; to Mary Hopkins two lots, 20x100, 8400; to -Diffonbacher, two lots 20x106,1300. Black ABaird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold forW. L. Mellon a new frame dwelling of six rooms finished attic with all conveniences to Charles F. Hood for t4,200. James W. Drape & Co., sold two acres of ground oa Mulford avenue, near Brushton street. East End, for S6.400. They also placed a mortgage on a suburban residence property on Frankstown avenue. East End. of SaOGO at 5 per cent; also sold a bouse and lot near Craf ton. Panhandle Railroad, for S4.250: also a mortgage of 11.200 and one of 12,500 at 6 per cent on house and lots In McEeesport: also a mortgage ot 5,600 on residence property in Bellevue at 6 per cent. John F. Baxter, 612 Bmlthneld street, sold to David Maloney lot No. 615 Villa Park plan, Brushton station, frontage of 40 feet on Blaet adore avenue by 150 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $350. r Ewing AByers No. 107 Federal street, sold at auction for Mrs Fannie Broomll toe. W. Lamphefe the property No. 21 North Diamond street. Second waid, Allegheny, being a two story brick house of six rooms and attic, with lot 15x60, for 13,15a Badness Metes. -NrwYonr tried to smash tbe c& matket yesterday, but was prevented by good buying in the West. Union bridge stock is looking up. Dividends work wonders Captain Babboub looked very sad about 3.30 r. M. yesterday. It was a goose egg. Tux Bethlehem Iron Company has increased puddlers' wages from J3 25 to S3 SO a day. It would worry the bears to make much of an Impression on Electric Business counts for something. PrrrsBUBO Traction was the particularly weak spot in tbe stock market yesterday. The bears are killing it by inches The Sewickley Electric Light Company has adopted the Westlnghouse alternating current, and will have its plant in operation within two weeks TruBTT-EiariT mortgages were recorded yesterday. The largest was for 515,000, placed by Sarah A. Reed, with the Fidelity Title and Trust Company. Tiie pipe line statement, due to-day, will be bullish as usual, but as it has had its effect, tbe market will undergo no particular change either way as a result ot tbe publication. Among the members of the Exchange who are absent on their vacations are: 8. S. Pinker ton, W. L Mustin, W. J. Robinson, James Carothers, Harry SprouL J. C. Foree and George L Whitney. W. H. Watt has returned and is again on deck. Official returns from B. G. Dun & Co.'s Agency show that in 1881 there were 176 busi ness men in McEeesport. but the number rap idly increased each year until in July, 1889, there were 500, an increase in eight years of over 400. The ratings show a corresponding gain. STOCKS EALLY. A Fairly Firm and Aettvo Market London Up to New York Figures A Drop In Sugar Trust Smalt Gains nnd a Good Close. New Yoke, August 9. There was more vim to the stock speculation to-day and the buying was of a more general nature than during the past few days, which imparted a firmer and more pronounced tone to the dealings There was very little news of importance to affect values, but tbe reports from the crops in Illi nois the action of tbe Northwestern in restor ing coal rates between Milwaukee andSt.Paul, and the additional favorable returns of earnings were factors in the market to-day. There was what seemed to be good buying in the Vander-bllts-Gould stocks and Villardstbe first of which did much to give a confident tone to the buying, and the pools were still active in their favorites resulting in a general though mod erate appreciation. Londonhad gotten over the influence of tbe advance In the Bank of England rate, and this morning was fully up to our figures of last evening, while our market opened ud from 'A to per cent. There was a better distribution of the business done though the special favor ites such as the Chesapeake and Ohio, the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St. Louis and Lake Erie and Western maintained their ascendency in the dealings and furnished an element of strength to the rest of the market. London was again a buyer in the early trading, but received but little support from tho local operators until well into tbe morning when Missouri PacificandNotthernPacificpreferred became especially active and strong, and were followed later by Union Pacific The Gould properties were features of the afternoon's trading and the Wabashes esneci aily under the influence of the very flattering report of earnings for last month made a handsome advance. Oregon Transcontinental also was remarkable for a spurt which carried it to over 1 per cent and among the other low griced shares Southern Pacific, preen Bav and an Francisco preferred made specially large gains on small trading. Toward the latter por tion of the afternoon a selling movement which was supposed to emanate from Chicago was begun iu Sugar Trust and tho pressure was lifted only with the close of business: by which time its price had been depressed 3 per cent. This movement affected to some extent the rest of the market and concessions were made from the best prices over the entire list. The close, however, wa dull but firm at fractional advances over the opening fhrnres Tbe only important final change amongtbe active stocks was the loss ot S per cent in sugar. Tho railroad bond market was quiet, and the Chesapeake and Ohio 5s and Richmond and Allegheny lsts maintained their leid in tbe dealings the first named f urulshlngSS6,0CO out of a total of 31.308,000. Tbe market was firm, but there was no decided tone to the dealings St. Paul gold 7s rose 2 to 12, Chicago, St. Louis aud Pittsburg lsts 3 to 95. and Wabash general receipts 4to4S. Northwestern sinking funds lost 2 at 120. The following table snows the prices of active stocks oa the Mew York Stock Kxcliange yester day. Corrected dally for The Dispatcii by tYHiTNEY ft Stephenson, oldest 1'ltuburx mem bers of Mew York Stock Exchange, 37 Fourth ave nue: Clos ing lllrts. 53 J7H 33 32 2555 KCK 72 98 14 S5J 97 110H m,H 74H 1021, as 147 H 7Z 23 1I7 a 65 Open ln. An. Cotton OH S Atcn.. Top. ft S. F.... 7IH Canadian Pacific Canada Sontnern S2it Central ofMew Jerser.112 CeutraiPaelfiL. 33 H1H eu . 3SX Low. est. 18& 33 23 S7 13 iili 97 lj lluH ii'H 101J, 11JU 9SH 13 Chesapeake ft Ohio.... SIX V.. Bur. ft uulkey. , C, Mil. ft St. Paul. C. RocKLftP , ...iras ... 75 . S3 IX, St. L. ft Pitts 13 u., si. 1. amis. pi. C St. P.. At. ft O ZtH C. ot. P..M. ft O.. pr. 7S C ft .Northwestern.. ..110K Cft North ires tern, pr. .... C, C, C. ft 1 73X CO.. C.AI.. pf.....lOI2 Col. Coal ft Iron Col. ft Uocklnt: Val Del.. L. W tH Del. ft Hudson 417lj Denver & Rio G.. nr E.T., Va.ftGa - .... E. T., Vs. ft Ga. 1st pr. 73 K. T.. Va, ftGa. 2dpf. 23H Illinois Central Lake Erin ft Western.. 20!4 Lake Erie ft West. vr.. U Lake Shore ft M. S .103H LoulsvUIeftMashvllie. esx Mlcbltrsn central 83 Mobile ft Ohio 34K no W4 102X i if 73 an 65)4 1043 63M 73 23X 20 " S4S 103 S GSM t&ii 1031, -est S3-, 13", 10H 72H 10S 66 "X 63 34 SOft 1JH I3M 51 !4 29 tW5j r!1 Mo., Kan. A Texas. Missouri Pacific. . . New York Central. , M. Y.. L. E. ft W-. ..7i!4 -107 73 107 tlM. 72 107 26 64ft ... 275 N.x.. L. E. ft W.. nref su m. .. a ft st. t. M. x CX ft St. L. nr. M.T.. U. ft St. L,. 2d pf ... M. xftM. E S1K M. V.. O. ft VY 17 Norfolk ft Western Norfolk VTestern.cr. Northern Pndfir...... 29S Mortnern Pacific oral. eSH Ohio ft Mississippi..... M Oregon Improvement. .. . orcEon Tratiscon St Pacific Mall H I'eo. Bee. ft Evans..... 23 l'bllade). ft Rcadluc. 44SS Pnllman Palace Car.. .180 Ricbmona ft W. P. T JMt Richmond ft W.P.T.nf St. P., Minn, ft Uan..I(UU St. L. ft San .Fran 23a St. L. ft San Tan pf.. S3 M.Li, ft San J. 1st pf.. ... 31 17 Irt Texas Pacific... 20V( 53 86 71ft union raciuc Wabun 603 . J6H Wabash preferred.. ,.j ao western uuion.... Whrelinjr ft L. .. Snirar Trust 114 National Lead Trnst.. Z33f Chicago Gas Trust Wj Minlnc Stocks. NEW Yobs. Angusta Amador. 100; Aspen. 100; Caledonia B. 1L, 300; Colorado Centra, 100; . Consolidated California and Virginia, 71214; Deadwood Ten. 140; Eureka Consoli dated, 100; El Cristo. 100; Gould & Curry. ISO; Hale 4 Norcross 263; Homestake. 000: Horn Silver, 125: Iron Silver. 176: Mexican. 233; Mutual, 140; North Belle Isle 100; Ontario, 34.00; Ophir. 42.00; Plymouth, 460: Savage, 12S; Sierra Nevada, 210; Standard, 110; Sullivan, 110: Union Consolidated. 240; Ward Consol idated, na Philadelphia Rtochs. Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, bakers Mo. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. DM. Asked. Pennsylvania BaOroad 32ft 52ft Reading 22ft 2ft Bufialo. Pitubur and Western 10 10ft Lehigh Valley 33ft 53ft tuehltth Mavlgatlon ,. 32ft Northern Pacific 29ft sift northern Pacific preferred 67 67ft Boats Atch. ft Top. B. K... 37M Kostonft Albany. ..517 Boston ft Maine.... .HB C. U. ftQ. 104 Clnn. San. ft Clove. 24 Eastern B. K...... ..100 flint ft Pen M. cftt. M Uttle K ft Ft, 8. 7s. 105 MexieanCen. com.. 15 Mex.C.lstmtfr. bds Kft N. i. ft JMewEnc... 505i M. Y. ft .E.7s....l2S)i Old Colony 177 Stocks. Bntland preferred., W la. Central, com... AllouAlt;Conew), Calnmet ft fiecla.... Kranxiio. ... Pewable (new) Qalney ...,. Bell Telephone.- .. Boston Land Asm Power 40 223 . 2 231 Vs HEft . 27 Tamack San lllego Metal Slarkot. New Yor.K Copper quiet but firm; lake, til 00; copper, S3 60. Lead steady, with mora dolnsr, closing quiet and easier: domestic, 13 85. Tin firmer; straits, 19 PS. LoMBOir Pig tin Active markst, with prices somewhat Irregular, but strong; straits SS 17s 6d for spot; futures (8 months), 8 10s Od. Copper This market isbarelysteady.bat business is fair; Chill bars are now quoted at 44 0s for spot, 12 lOd for future delivery: best selected English, 48 0s. Lead Steadier mar ket, with business on the increase: Spanish quoted at 12 10s Od. Spelter Market con tinues firm, with good business; ordinary Sile ulan nuoted at 20 Sa Od. Tin slate The de- miiiif toll IntTTiMsd. milrlse tbe snatkat ftrsuj SO 2SJ eiK 66S 2fa 22 31ft 32ft 33U 3b KH 334 23 S3 tlH 41ft 44V 43 MOV 1KH 183 23ft 23 Z2 so 100ft 100 lCOft 28ft 23 23 M1 33 59ft .... 109;, 20 21 60ft 6IH MM 16ft SOft acS Mft 85ft 6S 70ft .... l('l sift six mx . - -.-v . .r- DOMESTIC MARKETS. Bnttor and Cheese Looking UpPo tatoes and Tomatoes Firm. GOOD EGGS ACTIVE AT QUOTATIONS Oats, Hay and Hillfeed Are Slow Cora SteadyFlour Quiet. COFFEE STE0KG ENOUGH TO RISE Office ot PrrrsntJBO Dispatch, 1 Fbiday, August 9, issa. i Country Produce Jobbing; Prices. Tomatoes and potatoes show a tendency to higher prices on account of scarcity. Produce is scarcely as plenty as for the past week or two, but supplies are ample for all demands Plums and peaches from the South bejin to put in an appearance. Butter and cheese are more ac tive, with an npward drift Eggs are steady, the difficulty being to secure ad entirely relia ble article at this season. When It coues to candling eggs as is necessary under all circum stances at this season, consumers fight shy of hen fruit. A distinguished humorist says: '"Tolerably good eggs like tolerably good peo ple, are ever at a discount." An advance in cheese has been made both East and West within a few days and will reach here soon if all signs do not fail. Bumn Creamery, Elgin, 2021c; Ohio do, 1819c; fresh dairy packed, U15c; country rolls 1214c Beai.s Naw hand-picked beans, S2 402 60; medium. S2 302 4a Beeswax 230e V & for choice; low grade, lS20a Cider Sand refined, 6 507 50; common. S3 50Q4 00; crab cider, $3 00&8 60 V barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c yl gallon. Cheese Ohio, 8c; New York, 10c; Lim burger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer, 12c: imported Sweitzer, 22c. Caufornia Fbuits California peaches $2 00 V K-bushel box; Bartlett pears, $3 00 3 50 V box; grapes S2 503 00 a 20-pound box; apricots $2 00 a 4-basket case; plums, 1 75 2 00 a 4-basket case. Egos 15c 9? dozen for strictly fresh. Fbuits Apples tl 602 00 V barrel: pine apples tl 001 25 f) dozen; whortleber ries 75cU 00 V pail; blackberries, 5Sc W quart; watermelons SIS 0020 00 hundred; Delswaro peaches, tl 251 5U per half-bushel basket. FeatheeS Extra live geese, o060c; No. 1, do, 404Sc; mixed lots, 3033c V & Poultbt Live spring chickens, 5060c $ pair: old, 7075c f? Pair. Seeds Clover, choice, ta tts to bushel, $5 60 bushel; clover, large English, 62 Its $6 00; clover, Alsike, $3 60; clover, white, f9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs, tl 63: blue grass extra clean, 14 tts, 90c: blue grass fancy, 14 tts, tl 00; orchard grass, 14 Iks. 81 G5; red top, 14 8s, tl 25; millet, 50 &s tl 00; German Millett,60 Bs tl 50; Hungarian grass, 60 &s tl 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, 2 50 t) bushel of 14 Es Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, i 5c Tkopicai. Fbuits Lemons fancy. t5 50 6 00 p box; Messina oranges S5 005 50 V box; rodi. f 1 505 00; Dananas, S2 00 firsts 1 25 good seconds. $ bunch; cocoannts M 004J1 50 W hundred: new figs 8K&c V &; dates &H 6K0 91 ft. Vegetables Potatoes tl 251 60 w barrel: tomatoes, home-grown, tl 002 25 f) busbel: wax beans, tl f) bushel; green beans 60075c 9) bushel; cucumbers home raised, tl 50 9) busbel; radishes 2540c 9) dozen; home-grown cabbage, 50c 9? busbel; new celery, home-grown, 50c V dozen; sweet pota toes tl 004 iiOa barrel. Groceries. There is no let-up to the firmness of coffee, and an advance in packages must come soon, from present outlook. Sugars are at a stand still. Other groceries are unchanged. Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 21J422Xc; choice Rio, 1920c: prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio, 18Ji19c: old Government Java. 26c; Mara caibo, 2223c; Mocha, 272Sc; Santos 1922c; Caracas 2022c: peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21"J2c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, J-Jc: high grades 24JS26c; old Government Java, bulk. 31031c; Maracalbo, 2627c; Santos 20K22c; peaberry,25J$c; peaberry.choice Rio. 23ic; prime Rio, 21Kc; good Rio, 21c; ordi nary, 20c. Spices (whole) Cloves 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c. Peteoleum (jobbers prices) 110 test.7c; Ohio, 120, SKc; headlight. 150. 8Kc; water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, llKc; royaline. 14c. SVBUPS Corn byrups 2620c: choice sugar syrups, S3SSc: prime sugar syrup, S023c; strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c N. O. MOLASSES Fancy. 4Sc; choice, 46c; me dium. 43c; mixed. 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs3J$fc;bI-carb in 6c; bi-carb, assorted packages 5J6c; sal soda In kegs lc; do granulated. 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft set, s4c; paramne, uigiizc Rict Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6 7c: Drime. 5XK&A.C: Louisiana. o6Kc :; prime, ojiaojic; j. Stabcii Pearl. 3C A? ' ' -1 i-. . ' l --V.rr.- . cornsurcn, oiac; gloss starch. 667c Foreign Fbuits Layer raisins t2 65; Lon don layers, J3 10; California London layers 12 50; Muscatels, tl 25; California Muscatels, tl 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 7k8c; sultana, SJc: currants, 45c; Turkey prunes 5c; French prunes 8K13c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-k package, 8c; cocoanuts ft 100, to 00; almonds Lan per lb, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts nap., 12X15c Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 16cj new dates 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan, 11015c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per fi, 1314c; orange peel, 12k'c Dried Fbuits Apples sliced, per lb, 60 apples. evaporated, 6'46c; apricots. Calif or; ma, evapora'ed, 15015c; peaches evaporated, pared, 2223.; peaches California, evaporated, unpared, 1012ic; cherries pitted, 21322c; cherries unpitted, 5Q6c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424Kc; blackberries 7K8c; buckle berries 10Ql2n Sugars Cubes, 9gJ4c; powdered, WA 9-)c; granulated. 9gc; confectioners' A. VjQ 9c; standard A. 8c; soft whites 8KSKc: yel low, choice, 8c; yellow, good, 7!ic; yellow, fair, 8c: yellow, dark, 7Kc Pickles Medium, bbls (L200), H 50; medi um, half bbls (600). $2 75. Salt No. L V bbl, 95c; No. lex, V bbL tl 05; dairy, ft bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal. 9) bbl. tl 20; Hlggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks t2 80; Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 & pockets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches SI 30 1 90: ids. tl 301 35; extra peaches, tl 5001 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, flftil 50; Hid. Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries 90c$l; Lima beins tl 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c: mar rowfat peas, tl 101 15; soaked peas 70075c; pineapples, tl 401 50; Bahama do, J2 75; dam son plums 95c: greengages, tl 25; egg plums $2; California pears t2 50; do greengages $2: do egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, S3 90: red cherries, 2 tts. 90c; raspberries f 1 4001 50: strawberries, tl 10; gooseberries $1 3001 40; tomatoes 82K92c; salmon, 1-tt, tl 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash. 2-S cans soaked. 99c: do grcen,2ttsS125150:cornbcef,2-ftcans f2 05: if ft cans t!4 00; baked beans tl 451 fO; lobster, 1-tt. tl 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, tl 50; sardines domestics Ks I' 50 4 60; sardines domestic s t8 25s 50; sar dines, imported, s, til 6012 50; sardines im ported, Ks tl8: sardines mustard, 11 50; sar dines, spiced, $4 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. tSfl 91 bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess HO; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, J32: extra No. 1 do, messed, (36; No. 2 shorn mackerel, 24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Kc 91 lb; do medium, George's cod, 6c: do large. 7c; boneless bake, in strips 6c; do George's cod in blocks 6K7Kc Herring Round shore, to 00 M bbl; split, V 00: lake, t2 50 P 100-tt half bbL White fisb. f7 0C fl 100 & half bbl. Lake front, t5 50 V balf bbL Finnan haddock. 10c f) ft. Iceland halibut, 13c 5? lb. Pickerel. K barrel, t2 00; K barrel, tl 10; Potomac herring, to 00 91 barrel, t2 50 fl barrel. Oatmkal S3 306 60 ft bbL Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 58000c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at tbe Grain Ex change, 22 cars By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of wheat, 8 of oats 2 ot hay, 4 of flour, 1 of malt. By 'Pittsburg, Cincinnati aud St. Louis 1 car ot oats 2 of corn, 1 of screen ings 2 of hay. There were no sales on cjlL No. 2 new wheat was offered at 85c and 83c was bid. New No. 2 white oats were offered at 31c. with 29Kc bid. Bnpply and demand for bayare light. Millfeed is slow. We are now between seasons and tbe heavy crop of grass and hay has a depressing Influence on oats The first arrival of new oats from Ohio Is reported to day. Both wheat and oats aTe In unprecedented supply. Hay, too, is in supply far above the average, throucb Pittsburg's territory. Corn Is the only cereal crop that favors a bull move ment. The flour drift Is toward a lower level of prices Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83 84c: No. 2 red. 89$bc: No. 3 red. 8384c Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4546c: high mixed ear,4444Kc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 42043c; bleh mixed, shelled, 4142c; mixed, shelled, 40041c OATS No.2 white. 32032KCS extra, No. 8, 31J31Xc; No. 3 white, S0Q3uic; mixed oats, 262bC Ute No.lPennsrlvania and Ohio, 51652c; No. I WeLtern, 50651c; new rye No. 2 Ohio, 4743c Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 15 7500 26: winter straight, t5 0653E: dnr winter. Si 75SS Oth strafe nt XXJLS bakers', 4 3604 54 Rye lour, 16 598 J wfc SfUXFEED Middlings fine white. 514 50 15 00 f ton: brown middlings til 60 12 00: win ter wheat bran, til 0011 25; cbop feed, 215 50 16 00. Hat Baled timothy, choice, tl 1 50014 75: No. 1 do, S13 50Q13 73; Na 2 do, HI 0012 50; loose, from wagon. S16 00018 00; new hay crop, tlO 00 14 00, according to quality: No. 1 upland prairie 59 009 50; No. 2, t7 508 00; packing do. tB 006 60. Straw Oats, 8 60; wheat and rye straw. f5 606 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams large, IlKc; sugar-cured hams medium, 12c; sugar-cured bams, small, 12J$c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10c: sugar cured shoulders 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9Hc; sugar cured dried beet sets 10Kc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds 12c; bacon shoulders &c; bacon clear sides 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders 6c; dry salt clear sides 8c Mess pork, heavy, S13 00; mess pork, family, tl3 50. Lard Refined in tierces 6Jc; half barreisc: tu-n rata, tc; avo paus,vc; ou-m tin cans oVc: 3-ft tin palls 7c; 6-6 tin palls, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin pails 7c; 10-& tin pails 7c Smoked sausage, long; 6c: larre, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams 10c Pips feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter barrel, S2 00. Dressed Meat. Armour fe Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 tts,SKc;55D to 650 tts 6Vc; 650to 730tts6c Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs, 10c ft tt. Hogs &Mc Fresh pork loins SKc BEITISH IK0M. The Market Continues Active and Prices Generally Strone to Steady. London, Augusta. Scotch Pig Active market and prices fair. No. 1 Coltness 67s 6d. L o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 57s 6d. L o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Garteherrie 55s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lLangloan 56s 6d. Lo. b. Glasgow No. 1 Cambroe 49s Od- f. o. L Glasgow No. 1 Shotts 55s 6d- f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Glengarnock 54s Od. at Ardrossan. No. 1 Dalmelllngton ...4Ss Od. at Ardrossan. No.lEglinton ....46s. 6d. at Ardrossan. Bessemer Pig Active trade and prices bold ing strong. West Coast brands quoted at 52s Od. for Nos L 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig Continues firm, but quiet. Good brands quoted at 42s. 6d. for No. 3. f . o. b. Splegelelsen More demand and prices firmer. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s 0L L o. b. at works. Steel Wire Rods Steady market but demand moderate. Mild steel. No. unquoted at 6 17s 6d- f. o. b. shipping port. Steel Rails Market firm and demand cood. Standard sections quoted at 4 17s 6d. f. 0. b. Bhipplngpoint. Steel Blooms Fair demand and market firm. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 7s. 6(1. L 0. b. ship ping point. Steel Billets Firm market and demand good. Bessemer (size 2Kx2) quoted at 4 12s 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs This market holds steady on a moderate demand. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 15s Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends Firm market and the demand better than that of last week. Run of the mill quoted at 2 15s Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Old Rails An Increased demand has made rices firmer. Tees quoted at 3 2s. 6d., and ouble heads at 3 12s Ud. c L L N ew York. Scrap Iron Market firm on a better demand. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 7s Od. L o. b. shipping points Manufactured Iron This market continues active with prices strong. Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.bX'pool)8 10s Od ' common bars 0 OsGdBlSsOd " blk. sheet singles 0 Os Mm 8 5s Od Welsh bars, f.o.b. Wales... 6 17s 6d 0 OsOd Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 43. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s Od. A BINDING STATE TAX. The Severe Penalties Provided for Non conformity Thereto. The County Commissioners yesterday re ceived from the State Board of Revenue Commissioners the new blanks for the re turns of personal property subject to State tax. The blanks contain explicit directions as to taxable property. Several sections of the act show that any person or officer mak ing a false return shall be guilty of perjury, punishable by a tine not exceeding $500 and undergo an imprisonment not exceeding seven years. For an assessor to accept a return without administering the oath or affirmation, is a misdemeanor, and punish able with a fine not to exceed $500. If the assessors or any taxable person make any arrangement to return a less amount of tax able property than should be returned, tbey shall be guilty of conspiracy and upon con viction be lined not more than 1,000 and sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding three years. Another change is that the county now gets one-third ot the tax for trouble in col lecting it. Heretofore the Revenue Com missioners merely allowed expenses The new blanks will" be used for the fall col lection. A Bride and Groom In Jail. The wedding of John Spall and Mary Train, on Thursday night in Four Mile Run, was attended with such boisterous hi larity that officers interfered and locked np the bride, groom and two guests in the Four teenth ward station house for the night. 9 Starved Himself to Death. Frederick Neff, who had been in jail since August 4, for disorderly conduct, died yes terday morning, became he had refused food for several days. He was insane, and his re moval to Dixmont had been ordered. A FRONTIER R0MANCE,T entitled "Quetts at Camp Nineteen," will be published in to-morrouf Dispatch. Pears' Soap (Scented and Unsnented) SECTTRES JL BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. OF ALL MlUaGISTS. A PEHFEC1 "WsTaEa5 BEiigj-yfm A purely Vegetable , Compound that expels tall bad humors from tho f system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. BaiiBJajfcg ap2-5S JAB. D. CALLERY President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier CITY SAVINGS BA3STK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital and surplus 125,000. Transacts a General Banking Business JyS-TTS Cczema,wltchr, Senly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Th slsipl appUertioa ofSwiini Onrmrr" niLboat any laternkl medlcta. -ill car t?r Tetter. SaJt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT tfcrnw, Ria rwoTB. PUaa, IuA. Sore, rimplw, trrnpnn al SKIN BISEASES & Biuir hQV obidntta or Iocs tadiac. &VU Itf orogguu, ir km T iill tor 50 CM. 3 Bolt. IJS Addrcaj. Pt. Bwra4tSaa,raUailelsU.rk iitmrlnillnkta rasJED DENVER RANGE Bold by all Otero dealers. Manufactured by CERAJPJF, JHCTJGXJS & CO., 08 and JM LIBEKTY STBEET. 4U64-TTS Blood PonficF. -w&" KEW ADTERTISEarEyrS. ra"5; MBS. DK, CROSSLEY. Little Maggie Hayden, only 5 years old. who lives on Webster avenue, corner Klrkpatrick street, became so badly affected with catarrh as to greatly alarm her parents and friends She bad a stuffed up condition in her head and throat so that at times it was difficult for her to breathe. She was restless nights, and the dry, raspiue cough was very severe. She had a hollow look in her eyes and emaciated appear ance, and she seemed to have a cold all tho time. Her parents took her to tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, at 323 Penn avenue, and after consulting with Mrs Dr. Crossley aad her associate physicians she began treatment and became entirely cured in two mouths. Her father says: "My daughter has been cured by tbe physi cians or the Catarrh and Dyspepsia institute. I hereby sign my name. "KOLLINS D. HAYDEN." Catarrh is a disease that affects children as well as adults, and often at a verv early age. It Is the direct cause of most of the consump tion of this climate, and not infrequently . the disease develops into consumption with chil dren under 10 years of age. The four physi cians associated with the Catarrh and Dys pepsia Institute have for years made a special study of catarrh and dyspepsia and diseases of women. If they can cure you they will frankly tell you. If theycannot they will as frankly tell you that The crowns of patients who daily assemble in their parlors bear proof to their success in making cures. Remember the place. 323 Penn avenue. Consultation free to aU. Office hours 10a. jl. to P. at, and 6 to 8 p. at. Sundays 12 to 1 p. at. aulO-TTS WHOLESALE H0USL JOSEPH HORNE . CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sta, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PliUSKBS, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices -' and see us WH0LESALEEXCLUS1VELY fe22-rSi-D JONES'A MAGIC ROCH POW ur-iu noacnes oanisned Dye on tract. Satisfaction guaranteed or nn nnv as RTTVlT'vriT xri. 'Pittsburg. Pa Price 1150 per pound. ja2-55-s JOHFtf FLOCKER & CO., StAStrPACTOEEES OF Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hid Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yam, etc t WORKS East street. Allegheny City, Pa. OFFICE AND SALESROO 11-83 Water st, ttsburg. Telephone No. 1370. my3-arws Do You Know It? To perfect a cure, youmust remove the cause. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME AND SOOA supplies the system with Oxl dizable Phosphorus, the deficiency of wfaich Is tbe proximate cause of Consumption. For Coughs Bi'oaehitis, Weak Luogt, Night Sweats, and all Throat Diseases, it Is an un equaled remedy. Sold by Druggists Jl per bottle. Recommended hy physicians Send for circular. WINCHESTER & CO., Chemists, 182 William Street, New York. my31-24-TTSwk P ATEHTS O-D. LEVIS. Solicitor of FaUnts 131 Fifth avenue, above SmithHeld, next Leader office, (rtoaeiay.j .bsianusneazu years. se29-hlu llKOKlnS-FINANCIAL. 7" TTTH1TNEY &. STEPHENSON 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers" credits thronch Messrs DrexeL Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. apza-i aiEUlCAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER S14 PENN AVENUE, PITTsBDaG, PA As old residents know and back Hies of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. Sb?empnsNOFEEUNTILCURED KILDnt lOand mental diseases physical l tn V U U O decay,nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbfulness dizziness, sleeplessness pimples, eruptions im poverished hlood, failing powersorganlc weak ness dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINSSTJW! blotches failing hair, bones pains glandular swellings ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers old sores are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIPIMARV kidney and bladder derange. UnilMAn Ijinents weak back, gravel. ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive, searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if hers Office hours 9 A. X. to 8 P. X. Sun day, 10 A. it to 1 P. it. only. DR. WHITTIER, SllPenn avenue. Pituburg; Pa. au8-16X-DSnwk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake. M. R. C. P. 3., is the oldest and most experienced specialist in the city. Consultation freo and strictlv contidentiaL Offlea hours 'J to 4 and 7 to 8 P. St.; Sundays 2 to p. isConsult them personally, or write. DocroE3 Lake. 908 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. jel2-45-DWk ?3 Oottcm. EOOt COMPOUND iDosed of Cotton Root. Tanrr and Pennyroyal a recent discovery try an 'old chvslclan. Is tuceetsfuUu used monuau Safe, Effectual. Price (L by mall, sealed. Ladles ask your druegist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress FOND LILT COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit. Mlclu. MEN ONLY a posmvis CUKB For LOST or Falling UAKUUOD,Mcrvoas- ness weakness oc Body A Mind. Lack of 8trenffth. Vliror and De velopment, caused by Errors Excesses &c Hoot, JIodk of Bttr-TRKATJCUtT. and Proofs mailed (rested) tree Address LUlE MEDICAL CO- xtiuiaio. .a. x. duri-S7-Trs&rk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases In three days, and cam in five days Price Jl 00. at J. FLEiUNU-H DRUGSTORE, i JMB-TTSeu iu dtaues snee. i , DM GOODS and HIS. N-.SS, , 1