Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 09, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    "A ' f! J-55
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Vol.44, Jo. 161 Entered at Pltubnri? l'ostoffice.
November 14, 1SS7, as second-class matter.
Business Offlce97and99FifthAvenuo.
-News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 43, Tribune
Building, New York.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
nixUlSFATCiiforsix months ending July 31, 1SS3,
as sworn to beiore Ci'y Controller,
Copies per issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
Tint UisrATCll for three months ending July 31,
Copies per Issue.
.JUily Dispatch, One Tear t 8 CO
DAII.T Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00
Dailt Dispatch, One Month 70
(Daily DisrATCH. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
.JJAILY Disr-ATCH, Including bunday.Sm'ths. 3 SO
.Daily Dispatch, Including fiunday.l month 90
fcuxDAT Disi'ATCir. One ear 2 50
1 E1CKLY DI6TATCH, One Year 125
Tub Daily Duvatcii Is delivered br carriers at
-IS cents per w-ck, or Including Sunday edition, at
SOcents per week.
The facts which are set forth in our local
columns concerning the overcrowded condi--tion
of the Dixmont Insane Asylum, does
not reflect credit on our civilization. In the
discharge of the public duty of caring for
the insane it is not sufficient to provide ac
commodations for 400 patients and then to
jam nearly 700 together there. The addi
tion which will give accommodations for 128
more can hardly be dignified with the name
of relief, in view of the fact that the num
ber already there will still be nearly 200 in
.excess of the normal capacity.
Such a state of affairs is not creditable to
our State. It is little more than a travesty
upon the proper discharge of the duty of
caring for the insane. It certainly affords
testimony to the good work of the Dixmont
staff, that with this crowding the physical
health of the patients remains remarkably
good. But it is evident that with insane
patients crowded two in a bed, the care and
separation needed to give them a decent
chance of recovery is impossible. It is an
nrgent public duty to provide ample accom
modations for all patients.
At an era when millions are going into
money-making projects it is not right that
the few thousands required to give the in
firm, wards of the public decent treatment,
Jias not already been provided.
It was an accented theory in police circles
under the old liquor laws that the city force
had nothing to do with people who sold
illegally, unless wink at them. Once in a
while there was a vigorous raid on violators
of the license restrictions, but the usual
official attitude was one of masterly inactiv
ity. This is kept up, more or less, toward
the "speak-eaxies," else the blackmailing
prosecutors could not reap such a harvest of
ictims. The business of institnting prose
cutions with a view to "settling" them for
money is one which the courts of this coun
ty have hitherto punished with great
severity in the cases of convicted barrators.
They will, doubtless, know how to deal with
any new offenders brought before them. But
the other side of the question is that
the policy of inaction by the regu
lar police authorities toward the
"speak-easies" is untenable. As long
as they are permitted to flourish, it is sure
that there will be those to make a trade of
bleeding them. So far as the phlebotomy
affects merely the violators of the license
law there will not be much sympathy for
them; but the spectacle of one abuse flour
ishing upon another suggests that the sim
ple and most commendable procedure is to
close up the places where it is necessary to
drink in a soft, low voice. The parasitical
offense of prosecutions of these places, con
ducted in a whisper in magistrates' back
rooms, and settled for an inducement, will
then of necessity speedily disappear of them
Chicago, -with characteristic "Western
posh, offers a premium of 5250,000 to have
the "World's Fair of '92, while 2few Tork
lias not got beyond discussing a demand on
the National Government for an appropria
tion. Very soon the selection of a site will
be involved hopelessly in the rival demands
of cities East and "West, unless the simple
plan is followed of having the fair at "Wash
ington. "Where the National Capital is,
there the fair should be. Besides, "Washing
ton isplly as convenient for foreign exhib
itors and for the people of the United States
as any other point named. It is well adapt
ed for a "show" city, the streets and spaces
being ample and not overcrowded by trade.
Also, "Washington could make the most
interesting of all exhibits for a "World's Fair
in the year of grace 1802. It could show
Congress, if needs be, in special session
making the laws for a great nation. Strang
ers from the effete monarchies of the Old
"World could then see for themselves the
simple and unostentatious machinery by
which the greatest of modern republics is
"Washington is the right pot for the
"World's Pair.
The idea that the Papal power is coming
more closely into relation with Anglo
Saxon politics, and that the next Pope must
be a man who can speak and think in En
glish, if the seat of the Papacy is not trans
ferred to some English-speaking country,
forms the basis cf a very interesting article
in the Cotemporary Review, liberal extracts
from which appear in this issue of The
Dispatch. It is of significance whether
regarded as a possible boom for Cardinal
Manning, or as reflecting the idea which
has generally been regarded as gasconade
of a possible removal of the seat of the Pa
pacy from Borne. The main obstacle to the
latter project is the obvious fact that in any
English-speaking country the Pope would
have to be satisfied with as slight a meas
ure of temporal power as he now has in
A declaration is made by the Philadel
phia American that the trusts are opposed
to the purpose of the tariff, namely, the
stimulation of competition among home in
dustry, and that therefore, wherever a. trust;
.is formed that has the benefit of a protective
tariff, the duty should be removed. But
, that eminently correct position is weakened,
by the assertion of the same journal that it,
draws a line ''between agreements .among
producers to avoid out-throat competition
and the organization of permanent trusts.'"
If it is an evil to obstruct competition per
manently, why is it not an evil to obstruct
it temporarily?. .The Jactu-that .the trnstis
but a form of organization to accomplish
ends, which under favorable conditions,
have been made just as offensive and dan
gerous to the public without that form. The
Standard Oil monopoly was formed and
ruled with its greatest tyranny without a
trust; the anthracite coal combination has
never found it necessary to adopt the trust
method; and the proposed salt combination,
as well as the recent exploded copper syn
dicate, deemed it possible to be offensive
and grievous monopolies without adopting
the trust device, which has been invented
for the sake of making some of these mo
nopolies permanent.
Th: Philadelphia Press took a much
more decided nud reasonable view of what
is needed. It urged the State recent Con
vention to adopt a resolution against "all
trusts or combinations which seek to pro
mote monopolies, suppress competition,
limit or control production and enhance
prices." The only trouble with the Prest'
position is, that, as experience showed in the
case of the anti-discrimination resolution,
Pennsylvania platforms are not very bind
ing on such subjects. It was just about as
well that the Republican convention did
waste valuable paper by making empty pro
fessions on that head.
The purchase of a controlling interest in
the Cincinnati and Pittsburg Packet Com
pany indicates a gratifying tendency to in
crease the Pittsburg interests in river trans
portation. The drift of the past twenty
years away from the predominance which
Pittsburg once had on the Ohio has not
been for the benefit of Pittsburg. Of course
the perfection of railroading has made it
necessary that it should in a great measure
supplant the slower water routes. But for
certain lines of traffic the- river transporta
tion is far the cheapest, and in others it
affords a valuable check on railroad rates.
Under these circumstances it is good
news that Pittsburg capital is to take holdof
this steamboat line and is going to develop
and extend its usefulness. Every Pittsburg
interest will join The Dispatch in wish
ing the reorganized packet line ample suc
cess, and a liberal supply of such patronage
as will not only assure it prosperity, but
will reflect .the prosperity of Pittsburg's
shipping interests.
A suggestion is made that the city clean
the streets leading to the Exposition grounds.
That idea is timely. All the streets should
be put in neat order before the visiting
thousands come to seethe show, but particu
larly those which lead to the Point.
Pittsburg is so occupied with planning
for new streets that the old ones remain a
long distance behind the ideal of cleanli
ness. In the bustle and hurry of business
our home people, who have been long in
ured to the mud and dust which make the
order of things in the .suburbs, are by no
means finical about dirty streets. But
when the country cousins come to see the
Exposition even the floors of the city should
be swept and garnished for their reception.
A specimen of the flapdoodle with which
it is attempted to feed the public, with re
gard to trade movements and railway inter
ests, is afforded by a dispatch sent the other
day from Chicago, concerning the report that
a big syndicate of foreign capitalists is going
to buy up the entire surplus wheat crop of
the Northwest, and ship it to Europe by the
Duluth and Canadian Pacific routes. Be
fore the American railroads find out what is
going on. it is asserted, they will "lose this
important source of revenue in consequence
of the restrictions of the Inter-State Com
merce law, which do not affect Canadian
The surplus wheat product of the section
referred to is from 50,000,000 to 100,000,000
bushels. It is evident that if any syndi
cate has a control of the neat little
sum of from 560,000,080 to $120,000,000
required to take this surplus out of
the country and to sell it in the European
markets, its result will be to give the
farmers of the Northwest a large price for
their crops. No one can buy up such an
amount of the product of any section with
out sharply advancing prices. The gain to
the country, therefore, in giving the farmers
liberal prices for their wheat, will be almost
unqualified, in the view that the interests of
the common people are paramount to the
interests of the corporations.
As to the old and somewhat threadbare
statement that the restrictions of the Inter
State Commerce law do not affect Canadian
lines, that is made out of the whole cloth.
The Canadian lines which do business in
the United States are just as much subject
to the Inter-State Commerce law as the
American lines are. This appears plainly
from a reading of the law, and has been
affirmed by the Inter-State Commerce Com
mission. It is true that we have not heard
of any very violent efforts to enforce that
measure against any of the railroads; but
the immunity of the Canadian lines from
prosecution under the law is not more
marked than the immunity of the American
Of course the story is one of the current
trade roorbacks. No) syndicate has the
money to .buy up the wheat crop, and the
wheat will be taken out of the country by
the railroad lines which afford the best and
cheapest routes for shipment
Ax example of the way in which hope
springs eternal in the human breast is af
forded by statements in esteemed cotempo
raries, that Major Serpa Pinto's expedition
up the Shire river, in Africa, is for the pur
pose of opening up water communication,
which is stated to be "already assured by
the Nile for nearly the whole distance from
Khartoum to the Zambesi." In view of the
fact that two thousand out of the three
thousand miles of water communication
along the Nile is in the hands of our pleas
ant lriends, the Soudanese, who make a
practice of killing all traders who come into
their country, the present assurance of
water communication from JChartoum to the
Zambesi does not seem very strong.
Peof. Laxgston, one of the anti
Mahope leaders in Virginia, says that "he
shall accept in good faith the terms of the
compromise between the Bepublican fac
tions." It is also understood that he will
accept in good faith the office offered to John
M. Langston as a result of that compromise.
A JiEMAEKABLE example of the very
slight use that exists for consistency in pol
itics is afforded by an editorial in our es
teemed free-trade cotemporary, the Phila
delphia .Record, which assures the sugar
planters of Louisiana that they ,must stick
to the Democratic party in order to preserve
"the indirect protection of the duties onraw
sugar." In the meantime other free-trade
cotemporarjes, Hke the Louisville Courier
Journal, are assuring -the country that the
0rjer cent4sug.ar, duiiejre.onJy revenue
It is announced that the Shah of Periia, J
by his conduct, -has "shocked 'the moral
sense.of Paris." The-dtscoYery that Paris
has a moral sense to be shocked is such a
novelty that the Shah deserves the gratitude
of civilization for disclosing -what otherwise
the world would have been ignorant of.
It is interesting to learn that notwith
standing all the combinations of the anthra
cite coal corporations the price of that fuel
is steadily gajng down. The people of the
East hare a fab; prospect of getting fnel at
moderate prices until the cold "weather
comes on, when the prices will be put up
again, just when the poor buyers need coal.
Another grist of street railway chart
ers was ground out yesterday. The cor
porators of the various lines will now have
a chance to show the faith that is in them
by putting up the money to build the roads,
or to (.how the faith that is notln them by
omitting to comedown' with theVcasb.
Senatob Da-wes is quoted as saying
upon his return from his trip to Alaska:
"It isn't the Indians who 'want appropria
tions and aid; it is the United States officials
who recognize the needs of the country.'' It
might also be added that the United States
officials, who ask -for appropriations and
aid, recognize the needs 'of the officials who
will get the benefit of the expenditures.
Conferences in the coke region afford
the hope that the dispute will soon be satis
factorily compromised. But doubtful things
arc uncertain, the coke industry has amply
proved that so far as the -wage: question is
concerned, it .belongs in that unreliable
It is announced that a man in New York,
who .created a sensation -the other day by
saying he was going to -marry Mary Ander
son, was "promptly arrested and sent to the
insane asylum." .But whether the wildness
of the announcement or the manifest lack of
sanity in the choice of a wife Was the rea
sonor adjudging him insane, the amiable
paragrapher omitted to state.
The boom which is being-accorded to the
discovery of the "elixir of life" is explained
upon the ground that if successful it affords
a practical means for infusing new life in
.the Presidental candidacy of Messrs.
Blaine and Shermanin 1892.
The declaration of the Liverpool Cotton
Exchange that it must have jute bagging on
its cotton, indicates that the Bagging Trust
has been getting in its fine work. Bnt the
American cotton planters may be just ob
stinate enough to declare that if -Liverpool
will not take cotton that is pot up with cot
ton bagging, it can go withont cotton until
it comes to its senses.
"When a single man with a shotgun can
rob a whole railroad train out in "Wisconsin,
there seems to be a necessity for .hernia
measures tending to intuse a little sand
iuto the trainmen and traveling public
"TnE.Bepublican orators made a mistake
in working the defalcation racket," says the
Louisville Courier-Journal, with reference
to the recent campaign iu that State. The
result certainlydoes seem to show that such
a little matter as a defalcation of half a mill
ion dollars in the State Treasury, cannot
make Kentucky Democrats waver from their
political allegiance.
The Queen will have a replica of her jnbilee
portrait by Angell made for the Victoria Art
Gallery at Melbourne.
Miss Noba Pebby is in rather poor health
at present. She js now visiting at West -Hertford,
Mass., and will spend next month at
The latest about Channcey M. Depewis that
he is tired of railroading, and intends to resign
the Presidency of the New York Central 'Rail
road for the purpose of devoting himself
to politics.
Oliver Wendell Holmes says thatin re
viewing his life he finds that he has taken more
interest in surgery than in poetry, bat he real
izes that lus fame will rest upon the efforts of
his pen, not ot his knife.
Peof. WhaiamT. HABBis,the new United
States Commissioner of Education, is President
of the Concord School of Philosophy, having
s' ccceded Bronson JUcott, but the position is
now a good deal of a sinecure.
John Cobbutt, of Philadelphia, has been
elected one of the officers of the Photogra
phers' Association of America, nowiioldlng 4ts
tenth annual convention Jn Boston. He was
the first man to make dry plates in this
Ax old chum of Explorer Stanley's, now City
Controller of Omaha, says that when they
were both there 20 years ago Stanley was the
readiest and most accomplished liar he ever
knew. Stanley was then correspondent for
severalEastern papers.
The courtiers of the boy King of Servia have
been trying, with some success, to set him
against his mother. "You are a King now," '
they said to him, "and don't require to he gov
erned by your mamma." To which the lad re
plied, "Oh, yes; I'm a King, and can take care
of myself."
General Van Vliet, the oldest Brigadier
General in the United States Army, now on the
reared list; is on his way from Washington .to
his home in New Jersey. He Is 71 years of age
and has been 52 years in the service. He has a
rnddy face, overflowing with good humor, and
bushy gray hair, worn long.
The last Harvard" College bulletin shows that
our American colleges have counted some long
lived men among their graduates. -Nathan
Birdseye, a graduate of Yale, lived to be more
than 103 years old; the Rev. John Sawyer, of
Dartmouth, was also over 103 when he died; he
received from his college the degree of D. D. at
the ago of 102; Judge Timothy Farrar, of Har
vard, lived to be over 101, and received the de
gree of LL-.D. on..the completion of Ills -hundredth
year. M. Chevreui, the French chemist,
who recently died in bis one hundred and third
year, bad also received a degree from Harvard
Genernl-IUnry Dupont. ,
Wilmington, Del., .August 8. General Henry
Dupont, since 1350 head of the extensive gun
powder manufacturing arm olji. J. Dupont, Do
.N emonrs & Co., died earl j this morning. He was
prostrated bran attack of heart failure aboat two
months ago, from which he rallied temporarily,
bnt grew worse again a few days Ago. Henry Du
pont was the second son of iuenhere Irenee Du
pont, the rounder of the works, and was born at
Nemours, the lamlly residence on the Brandy
wine, Augusts, IKS. Politically General Dupont
was active and Influential M a Whig, and later as
a ltepu oilcan. He was on the ltrpubllcan electo
ral ticket in 187b, 1880, 18S4 and 1883, but would
accept no more substantial political honors. He
served In the bemlnoU war and was made Major
General of the State mllltla earlv In the civil war.
His wealth, including a large private estate, was
estimated at 115,000,000.
J. N. Anderson.
J. N.Anderson, well know to the citizens of
Pittsburg as a popular bontface, was found dead
in his bed at his home In Braddock yesterday
morning, having expired during the night un
known to his son Kirk, who occupied a room with
him. Formanv years, prior to i860, he conducted
tl e old St.- Clair Hotel, which occupied the site
mfthepreseut Hotel Anderson, with which he re
placed the old structure In 1881 He was also
largely Interested In other real estate, not only
here, but In Ynunsrstown .and Bradi
k. FIT,
.sons survive him George B., one of the
ee .. one or th yii
of the firm of Wood, Anderson Co.: Josenh H,
tors of the Central Hotel; Charles A. and Grant,
and Kirk. The cause of his death was heart
Tbe'Nntlonnl Electrical Asaocintlon.
Nlaoasa Falls, -August -8. The National
Electrical Association to-day fixed Kansas City
MJtbA place DnCTtroertine.-:and.a. new-Executive
Committee was chosn. as follows: G. W.
CIark,.Kana City: Ia-A. 'Beebe. Hotitji,
Kan.rJ.Ai Corby,. Br, Joseb;iB.;F.vSunnejr,
.CbicagprS. ,S, Leonard. '-Minneapolis; .'C dB. I
,faWanjrol6tanAgraA4lot8n.J. j
"How Some Popular Wards and l'hrasea
Cams Into Being Pnt Expretsfom
"Which Fonnd Favor When Boom,
Chestnuts, Too This and Other Words
This may be called in one sense the age of
slang. 'Eut after all what is called slang is fre
quently the giving of a new meaning to old
words or the Invention of new words from old
roots. The -slang of to-day becomes the ele
gant language of to-morrow. It is interesting
to note how many of the commonest words and
even phrases which were once regarded as
slangy ana inelegant became part of the polite
language of the times. Words, like lives, bave
a biography. Many words. Indeed, have histo
ries which are histories of important person
ages and events in the affairs of the world.1
This makes the history of a word often as in
teresting and as valuable as that of indi
viduals. '
''.Dun" is a wofd now whose moaning is
known to every one Who understands the En
glish language. Too many wish they did not
Inowit. Yet at the beginning of this century
It was unknown as a verb. About that time a
constable in England named John Dan became
celebrated as a first-class collector of bad ac
counts. When others wonld fail to collect a
bad debt Dun would be sure to get itont of the
debtor. So well known did this become that
people from all the surrounding country sent
him their accounts when they could not collect
them. It 'soon passed into a current phrase
that when a person owed money and did not
pay when asked he would havo to be
"Dunned." Hence it soon became common iu
sueh cases to say "you will have to Dun so-and-
so li you wisn to collect your money. -
Outsiders and Political Boomr.
Until the nomination of Franklin Fieree for
the Presidency the Word "outsider" Was un
known. The Committee on Credentials came
in to make its report and could not get into the
hall because of the crowd of people who were
not members of the convention. The Chairman
of the convention asked if the Committee was
'ready to report and the Chairman ot the com
mittee answered: ''es, Mr. Chairman; but
the-committee is unable to get inside on ac
count of the crowd and pressure of these out
siders.' The newspaper reporters, ever ready
to appreciate a good word or phrase, took Up
the word and used It. Since then it has been a
common word and we could not do without it.
"Boom," in its new sense of meaning a popular
clamor for a man. or for any question or move
ment, is a recent Word being first used as such
inlSSO. Grant was being run for a third term.
This brought out a bitter opposition, even
among Republicans. One paper said the move
ment was like a boom across a swollen stream,
taking in all that was worth having. A St.
Louis paper took it up, and said the third term
movement was properly called a boom, as it
raked in every thins on the top of the muddy
stream of politics, mostly trash and scum.
This gave a new meaning to the word. Since
then it has been in common use as such.
now Chestnuts Came Into Being.
'Chestnuts,'1 In reference to repeating stories
which are old, is a new word, and not much can
,oe said in its favor, except that, being a word
t&atisnot inelegant either in sound or origin,
and expressing SO much in two syllables, it has
probably come to Btay with us. Its origin is
not positively known, and only two probable
sources- are given. One is that some shrewd
wit, seeing an analogy between the propensity
ofaiokets become stale and fiat qnickly and
'the chestnut to become wormy in a few days,
applied the word "chestnuts" to a joke when
repeated too often and palmed oft as new on a
company which bad beard it so frequently as
to become bored. This may be its' origin, but
I am inclined to attribute it to the other alleged
source, to wit: That theatrical party, travel
ing on a train, and trying to beguile the weary
hours by reading and telling stories, bought a
lot of chestnuts at a station to help pass the
time. A member of the company proposed that
they tell stories, and that whoever told a story
which had been told recently should be pelted
with chestnuts. A little bell in the party was
to lie rung -whenever a stale joke was perpe
trated as a signal that all were to fling a chest
nut at the offender. This is said to be the
origin both of the phrase and of the chestnut
bell craze which raged over this entire country
-four years ago.
Dnvld Copperfleld Called a Dulsy.
"Youare a daisy," is considered very
slangy by those who use it indiscriminately;
and, oftentimes, it is. Bnt, if used in the
sense .in which its inventor, if I may so
peak cf a word, CbailesDiekens, Intended It,
it is a good and forcible word. In "David Cop
perfleld" itis first used in the sense of calling a
person a daisy in a way to express admiration,
and, at the same time, to laugh at one's credul
ity. Steerforth says to young Copperfleld:
"David, my daisy, you are so innocent of the
world. Let me call you my daisy, as it is so
refreshing to find one in these corrupt days so
innocent and unsophisticated. My dear Cop
perfleld, the daisies of the field are not fresher
than you." Hence, when conveying the idea
that a person is artless and innocent amid a
skeptical and scheming condition of society, to
say "You are a daisy"-js not slang. Jit is f orci
ble and elecant. The same passage gave us the
other word, meaning the same thing though
-sounding a little harsher, "fresh." We often
hear the expression, "You're too fresh." This,
too, was originally meant by Dickens to mean
an mnocentjgnorance of the ways of t ho world.
It was so used by Steerforth in reference to
David Copperfleld. But when used to mean
that a person is Impudent or forward; as is too
frequently the case now, it becomes slang, as
such a meaning is in reality senseless.
Too Thin Not Slang.
"Too thin" is a two-worded phrase heard in
.all classes of society. By some it is used in a
vulgar sense, and is -objectionable slang; by
others it is used in the mannerwhich gave it to
nsasagoodword. To say, when speaking of
an action, "Oh, that is too thin," is vulgar
Slang, because an action can not be thin. But
to say, when a person makes a statement which
is calculated to mislead, "Oh, that is too thin,"
js not slang. It was given currency by the
Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, in
the United States Congress in 167a Some
member had made a reply to Mr. Stephens, and
the latter bad bis chair -wheeled out in the
aisle and said in that shrill, piping voice which
always commanded silence: "Mr. Speaker, the
gentleman's arguments are gratuitous asser
tions made up of whole cloth. And cloth, sir,
so gauzy and thin that it will not hold water.
-It is entirely too thin, sir.
Seeking; Brother Jonathan's Aid.
'.'E ro th er Jonathan," as a namo for the United
States, Is much older than this, and was given
by Washington himself, though that Individual
bad no idea of making a slang phrase for a
name to Ills country at the time. Jonathan
Trumbull, Governor of Connecticut, furnished
-the struggling colonial army -with funds and
supplies on many an occasion. One time tfte
army was in soro distress and a consultation
was hold. In the 'midst of it some one won
dered wnat -would be done. TVaEhington an
swered: -'Well, we'll iiave to put it off till we
can see Brother Jonathan," as Governor Trum
bull was called, "he will help us out, I guess."
And be did, and gave his name to the country
bis zeal and patriotism helped to save.
An Invention of Prof. Tvndnll.
Thus it is that words are made and phrases
take on a new .meaning. In this manner the
language progresses "by accretion, as it were.
Such words as take new meanings from a
.custom are usually from the common people;
thatis.irom those who are not scholarly. It is
in this way that old words drop out or take new
meanings and lose their old ones and new
words take their place. At first most of them
are4lang. One of the best words we have is
"agnosticism," yet its Inventor. Prof. John
Tyndall. the great scientist, says that when be
used it he bad no idea it would be used again,
or that ho would be understood in using it. He
could find no other, he says, to convey an idea
of bis reliKious belief inanswer to some church
men thathe tell whatuhe did believe. Hence
ne invented "agnosticism," meaning "th nn.
acnowable." It Is only about 15 years old.
My lady baran opal heart;
I cannot sing the changing hues. '
Ab me,. It mocks me and my art I
1'asslve. perforce, I bear the smart.
And thus, for comfort of my muse,
'Aly lady has an opal heart,
Oh 1 how I wish it were a wart
tlponmyhand, that I could bruise
"Whene'er It mocked me and my art I
For half the time I mope apart
The truth to see I can't refuse
Mr lady has an opal heart.
Bages and blisses through me dart
As or J ponder her abuse.
Ah me, ltmocksraeand my art!
I wish I'd known it at the start,
Ere Iliad .found a love to lose
Jtvladr has an opal heart.
Jli me, It mocks me and my art I
- tnmcuA.i
rpuzzLrrrcrTiiE doctoes;
A Man-WhCut His Throat Is Fed Turouffb.
nTubo and Recovers.1
AKLEUTO'WN, August 8. A remarkable re
covery is that of Thomas Sweitzer, the young
man who, four weeks ago, attempted-to com
mit suicide by gashing bis wrists and cutting
his throat. In order to procure a razortO do
the work' he first broke open a barber shop,
and. with razor in band, walked three blocks
to the house of a friend, and, while standing
on the curb at midnight, drew the keen weapon
across nU throat, infllcting'a gash which lacen
ated the larynx and sesopbagus. Falling in
the cutter from weakness occasioned by loss ot
blood,' be became-uncouscions and would soon
have bled to death had not his moans attracted
the attention of bis friend's mother, who
aroused her son. Two physicians were sum
moned and removed the young man to Ms
mother's house, and, after stitching up the
ugly wouna, naa him removed to the county
hospital. The mother and young man were
informed that be could not possibly live, but
before a week: he showed sums of iinrjrove-
Kment. began to eat, watted to live, and hi3 im
provement lias Deen steady ever since.
To-day be was permitted to leave the institu
tion, and walked the streets of this city with
his neck bandaged. He isi considerably ema
ciated, but in a few weeks will be himself, the
wounds being almost healed. The casepuzzles
the doctors. Sweitzer is delighted. He says
the loss of a child impelled him to commit the
act. The hopelessness of the case atthe early
start will be appreciated from the fact that for
several days after he was given nourishment it
gushed out of the nglygasn in his throat. A
tube was then Inserted and from that day ha
Improvement dates.'
A Project for a Waterwny 'From Bismarck
to St. Pan I.
Grand "obks, Dak., August 8. Influen
tial citizens- of 'Fargo, Bismarck and Grand
Forks have, developed a remarkable canal
schema The idea is to construct a canal from
the Missouri river at Bismarck, LKBfeet above
the level of the1 sea, to Lake Traverse and Big
Stone Lake, '900 feet above the level of the sea.
It will rnn through a section in North and
Sonth Dakota tkat is in great need of irriga
tion. If desirable lateral canals can be con
structed by the various counties, hundreds of
thousands of acres of arid land can be re
claimed while the cultivated land would be
wonderfully enhanced In value.
The fall of the canal will be sufficient to Veep
up a steady current when properly protected
by locks and dams. At the lakes dams and
locks can be easily constructed so that part of
the water will be Iforced into Lake Traverse
and part into Big Stone Lake. The water from
Lake Traverse flows northward in the Bed
river of the North! A few locks placed at the
proper points aloni the route toward Winnipeg
would retain sufficient water during the entire
season to make snip of navigation. The water
from Big Stone Late flows southward through
the Minnesota rlter to the MisiislppL By
proper dams and locks this stream could be
made navigable. J
This canal woulqmake an easy water course
to St Paul and Minneapolis, and for that mat
ter clear to the Gulf of Mexico if a f sir million
dollars were expenled. it would also tend to
rednce freight rates on wheat for export and
on imported raw miterial. The coal mines of
Western Dakota wuld also be easy of access.
The canal, it Is estimated, would cost H 000,000.
A House to be Eref led for the Exclusive Use
of Honeymoon Couples.
From the London Figaro, j
I am awaiting farther particulars of that
Honeymooners' HoteVwhich, according to a
circumstantial correspondent, is to be built on
the South Devonshire coast for the special and.
f possible, sole use of newly married couples
on their wedding trips. 'That the surroundings
of the establishment are; to be made as idyllic
and fairylike as possible need scarcely be said.
Bomantic arbors in shady corners, gushing
streamlets, secluded sylvan nooks are to be
provided ad lib , while, with the aid of science,
every night will be a moonlight one and every
day one of seeming bngnt and warm sunshine.
The prospectus is even said to bint at the pres
ence of mechanical nightingales, which, thanks
to persistent winding up, will warble on every
Suitable tree.
The decoration!, artistic and otherwise, of
the hotel are, of course, to be all in character,
though I must adinit that "I question whether
the proposed transformation of the ordinary
weakkneed bottit waiters and the somewhat
too substantial clambermalds of the provinces
into attendant Oanymedes and Hebes, as
artistic in theirtposes as they are classical in
their attire? wills-eally be an advisable step to
iaxe. xub laying on oi -cconan narps ana
otber mysurlons music m every apartment is
another dettil open to criticism. But there is
nothing like actual experience, after all, and I
shall be curitus to hear more about the Honey
mooners' Hotel when it has been opened for
business for i few-weeks.
A Tonne Cpuplo Who Had Quarreled
Hocinclled, bat Too- Late,
"WrLKESBJUtEE, August 8,At ll o'clock last
night Miss Majgie Knhl. of this city, lying, it
is believed, on ler beathbed with typhoid fever,
was united in marriage to Wm. Griffiths, a
young man, ls of this city. Miss Kuhl is a
young womaiot about 20 years, and for some
time past has been engaged to Griffiths. A
short time an they had a quarrel and Griffiths
left the city. 1 Only a few days alter Miss Kuhl
was taken sick, and her illness soon developed
into typhoid! fover. Yesterday it became
evident that leg- chances of Tecovery were- very
slight. When she was informed of this she ex
pressed the wish to see Griffiths before she
died. One of per friends went to Scranton,
where he was. ,t work, and brought him to the
Her lover w s taken to her bedside and an
affecting interview took place. To prove his
devotion to be he proposed marriage thee and
there. Alderr. an Marshall, of the Sixth ward,
was sent for. a id united them in the presence
of a number off riends. Miss Kuhl's condition
to-day shows n
improvement; and little hope
of her recover! entertained.
Mis Emma I cully and D. Robertson Join
'' InndsTor Lire.
Miss Emma ( ertrudo- Scully-was married to
Mr. Dandrldge
Robertson last night at her
station. Bev. Father Devlin
home in Msrioi
nerformedthe :eremonv.
Miss Scully is the daughter of John D. Scully,
Cashier of Ihe First National Bank. The honse
was most beautifully decorated with flowers
ana green plants.
Over 100 guests were present when the cere
mony was performed. A supper was served in
the best style of the Duquesne, after which
the happy couple departed on an Eastern
bridal tour
Only a fey weeks since another daughter of
Mr-Scully is married.
Tbo muslq tor the occasion was furnished by
Gernert AGuenther'sOrchestra.
A Warn!? to the Ambitious.
From the AlbaVy Journal.1
All persons Iwho "want the earth," either
with or wl thoutjthe proverbial wire fence.sh ould
consider the fan that has overtaken the am
bitious dervishes of the upper Nile.
Inquirer: Dr. Brown-Se
truard's elixir wi
discovered too late to save
the Greenback
Chicago Herald: A turtle dated 1771'bas
-turned np on the Massachusetts coast. The
turtle, instead of the lamb and. tho guinea pig,
might b used, perhaps, for compounding the
elixir of lite.
Chicago Inter-Ocean: Some future Don
nelly will loubtless discover cryptogrammatlc
evidence tiat Dr. Brown-Sequard was not tbe
original discoverer of the "elixir of life;" that,
in fact, the Secret of the rejuvenating art was
known to thi ballet girls many years before
the venerable Sequard was bom.
New YoBicWn- The silliest humbng of
the day is, probably, tbe rejuvenating elixir
which Dr. Hammond is sr'dtobe administer-'
ing to broken dlwn old chaps In Washington.
Is it fraud? Is li lunacy! Who knows?
Boston G:o6l In tbe midst ot tho dog-day
season, when news is dull, this unexpected re
vival of the speculations of the alchemists Is
certainly rather Entertaining.
Chester JTem: If Dr. Brown-Sequard's
elixir of life should fill tho bill, ft will be rough
on the undertakers. Still they may eke out a
miserable existence as long as ice cream and
bad whisky are fashionable luxuries.
Chicago Times: When what we now know
as whisky was Urst distilled the chemist pro
nounced it the water of 4 life. It has instead
proved Its'clf the bane of many a man's exist
ence, mercKcJ to hlai only when It cuts him off
from a life which became a daily horror.
Brown-Sequard's fluid win have its run, and a
OteappoIajedtHrt a credulous World wilt stand.
Peculiar Symptoms of n Slranie Mnlady
A Change or Climate the Best Remedy
The Queer Xflsct the DIseaso Has Upon
Same People.
Hay fever, rose edd, peach cold and their
kinds are only slightly varying manifestations
of the one widely spread and most torturing
disease the asthma, which by some authorities
Is thought to be entirely a nervous affection
and by others to be due to organic disease of
the heart- lungs or bronchial, tubes. Botb
views would seem. to. be correct, for there are
undoubtedly instances of purely spasmodic
asthma and others which- are complicated with
organic affections, but in both the peculiar dis
tress of asthma seems owing to some yet undis
covered idiosynciacy of the nervous sytem,
rendering it susceptible to influences not at all
injurious to the normally constituted. In a
few of-the more fortunate cases of hay fever
and its congeners he symptoms are merely
those of a violent cold in the head, accom
panied by intense and. ceaseless itching of
eyes, ears, nose, lips, chin and palate; but gen-
ciuijr tuis sort oz sunering uau enougn,
though endurable is supplemented at night
by the hundredfold worse affliction of asthma.
Whether "purely nervous" or nor, the suffer
I tig is the same. Onewho has ever experienced
a paroxysm of asthma does not need to be told
that his agonies are. real and intense: or one
"who has ever examined a person so suffering."
says Dr. Salter in bis work on asthma, "needs
no stronger proof than to see the immense
array of muscle that on the emergency be
come accessory to the toil of the asthmatic in
his struggle tor breath, and may guess at the
extremity of the suffering that necessitates
such immense labor,"
Symptoms of lbs OInlad?.
While the paroxysm lasts, at each Inspiration
barely enough air to snstaln'life gains admit
tance to the lungs j and after the paroxysm
which may last from one to six or even more
hours the sufferer Is oppressed by an inex
pressible languor and fatigue. 1 he muscles of
the chest, sides, back and abdomen are as sore
and aching as if the victim had been toiling at
the washtub or digging ditches. while bis whole
system is far more exhausted.' To find out
what are the exciting causes for these parox
ysms would seem to he a simple matter says a
New York, World writer, but so far no more
has been ascertained than that there are places
where there is comparative or entireimmunity;
but no one place is alike good for alt Many
persons escape the attacks of hay fever by go
ing to Bethlehem, in the White Mountains,
but many others have found themselves still
worse oil there, though at Nantucket they en
tirely escape the attacks. Some find freedom
only on tre pleasant slopes of the Western Con
nectlcusbills, while to others there is no safety
out of New York City, and still others are
obliged to take a sea voyage. It was long ago
settled that tho name of hay fever was a mis
take, for while the odor of new-mown hay, or
of blossoming grass, may or may not be present
at the time of tho first appearance of the
trouble, many cases of precisely the same char
acter appear earlier in the season and are called
rose colds, ana others Uter aro named peach
colds and autumn asthma, and others again
coverthe time of all these, beginning in June
and continuinguntll the first hard frost, or un
til settled cold weather has come. By a special
perversity that which, comes earliest usually
stays latest.
Sources of the Trouble.
Some patients can name the day of themonth
when it is duo and arrange their affairs accord
ingly, knowing that on. such a day they must
cease from the usual haunts of men and be, to
ail useful intents and purposes, as it they were
not until after another date, which they can
also fix with certainty. With many the dates
vary with the seasons as they are cold or hot,
wet or dry. Some have connected their annual
period of suffering with the blossoming of the
Roman rag weed, but this seems to be no more
than one of the many immediately exciting
causes, any one or two of which will affect
some patients, though they may not be offen
sive to otheis. The smell of old cheese, of am
monia, of naptha, of benzine, of cayenne pep
ir, of dry hay, or straw dust; the dost raised
I Bleeping, or that of an audience hall when
set iu motion by feet passing in and out: the
perfume of tube roses, or cape jasmine, or the
odor of ailanthus blossoms, are some ot these
exciting causes. Animal odors are peculiarly
iiaDie to proance attacKs even in localities
where the subject is otherwise well. A severe
attack has been known to last two or three
days with a person who bad never had one be
fore or since by attending an agricultural fair
where he had been appointed one of the judges
of cattle. This gentleman stated that, though
very fond of. domestic animals, and owning
many of them, he had always avoided visiting
them where many were Inclosed together, be
cause he felt a "tightness of -breathr" but be
had never bad asthma before nor thought
No Care for Asthma.
All these sources of trouble are the moro
singular because though the different odors are
plainly and sometimes disagreeably offensive
to others they are rarely perceptible to the hay
fever patient. In his case tbe catarrhal visita
tion Is such that the organs of taste and smell
are for the time being blunted or paralyzed.
He feels tbe effect, bnt is often otherwise un
aware of the- existence in his vicinity of the
cause ot his trouble. The point of greatest im
portance is as to the cure. And so far as now
known there is absolutely none, nave change of
place, either for hay fever or any other form of
asthma. Where shall the patient go? Ex
perienceindividual experience alone will
tell. The writer knows of a gentleman who
bad summer asthma in bis own honse. but in
that of his mother, directly across a narrow
street, was quite free. But in general the
change should be complete, from sea te mount
ain or from mountain to sea. The best advice
to the asthmatic would bo to continue travel'
ing with persistency until he finds a favorable
locality; then let him pitch his tent and remain
in spite of all temptation t move. Inconven
ient as this remedy must often be. it is no
wonder if the patient and his friends rebel, but
tney would notaosou tneyreanzea tne lasting
consequences of permitting the: annual repeti
tion of their suffering.
When Children Ar Afflicted.
If It were only death that is certain there
would not be so much to fear, but when the
young are attacked there is a lifetime of inex
pressible misery in prospect. Children often
suffer terribly and do not complain. They take
their sufferings as something inevitable, and.
fade away while their elders are thinking:
"Poor things! They suffer, but they will out
grow IK Asthmatics live forever:" Let no
parent or other relative or guardian think that
there is any enre in medicine for the victim of
asthma. There are a number ot palliatives
and-thankful shoum we be for that hut, medi
cine basno cure. Any hontst physician, of any
school, will confess this. The palliatives are
good. Anything that will shorten theasthmat
ic'a ai-onv bv ever so little should be sedulous v
employeu, butthe only cure is change otlocaU- -I
ty, ana wnatever tne saennce n. snouia ne
made. The attacks which in early
Ufo may be of but short duration, taking- bnt
three or four weeks out of tbe year, often
lengthen thelrterm with each advancing year
uatil tbe periods of immunity become shorter
than those of suffering. If the cnlld.is to. have
anyreal good of his future life he must not be
allowed to contract tbe habit of astbmaticsuf
fenng. When change of place U impossible
tho sufferer must resort to palHatiTes, for any
thing that gives even a temporary relief is less
Injurious to the constitution than ire tbeastb
matic's sufferings; but it should always be re
mnmhftred that anvthinff of sufficient uower to
A control the disease is strong enough to produce
after effects oi a decided or very ppssioiy.nurf.
ful character.
A Vovr Palliatives,
A sufficient dose given when the premonitory
symptoms manifest themselves is jf more pres
ent good effect and less after ill enter than to
wait later 'and then have to reheat the dose
three or more times. Some of thp most help
ful remedies are to be smoked, but to draw the
smoke from cigarette, cigar or pips requires an
exertion of lung power which Is tfo great for
the asthmatic Forhlsuse therdare tin tubes
rising about five inches from a base something
like an inverted shallow teacup. By placing on
a flat plate the proper dose of tie powder, set
tingfire to itand putting the mbe over the
sputtering mass, the tube will act as a chimney
and draw the smoke upward so mat tbe patient
bas only to apply his mouth to tie upper end of
the tube and receive the smoka without effort.
If one cannot readily eet one of these tubes an
inverted funnel will do nearfcr aswelL An
open wood Are in the room is of great advan
tage, drying the air and cansintf itjto circulate
freely. But notwithstanding .f 1 care and with
all tbe known palliatives, thcretis no cure but
change of place.
Ahead or (be President.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.! i
As Senator Quay is off onaflshlngcruise.he
can hide his. blushes under tun tan when he
finds himself in front of President Harrison
In the Republican platform oi grateful Penn
sylvania. Iraoeenl Simplicity.
From the Atchison Globe. 1
Every girl believes that when, she gets mar
ried her hutiHsBg wfil tell Bar what they do at
A Batllo for Her Hand and Heart.
Vint Tone BUBXAU 8FKCLU.S.!'
NiwVoex, August a Michael' Young and
Eddie Moran. young mechanics- who live on
Staten Island, have. loved, the same- girl for
ilUlUVa IsnwjM. AUC1 UAigiiOU oDTClsU-tVUJjta
edly asked her to settle their rivalry by choos
ing between them. She refused to interfere.
A few weeks ago Young and Moran agreed to
decide in the prize ring who should have the
girL Each punched the bag, ate eggs and took
a spin on the seashore dally. This training
brought Moran's weight down to ISO pounds.
Young weighed two pounds more. They-met
in the presence of some 50 friends and acquaint
ances near New Brighton this morning. They
fought seven long rounds, in which both showed
less science than gameness. In the first four
rounds Young put in some telling blows, and
looked as If he were going to win the girl, bnt
Moran began to pick up after that. In the last
round, while Young was thoughtlessly wiping
off the blood which was streaming from his
nose, Moran, with true prize fighters' instincts,
dealt him a terrible blow under the left ear and
knocked him flat on his back. The referee
gave Moran tho fight and 200 which the spec
tators had subscribed for the winner. Moran
expects to marry the girl next October.
Tbe Ocean Record Again Broken.
A cablegram from Southampton to the mari
time exchange to-day announced that the
Hamburg steamship Columbia passed the
Lizard at 3:30 this morning and came into
harbor eight hours later. This breaks the
record. The Columbia cleared Sandy Hook at
9.50. The ship's correct time is, therefore, 6
days, 20 hours. 49 minutes and S6 seconds. Tbe
time of her maiden voyage, till to-day, tbe best
on record was S days, 21 hours and ZTminutes.
Has Left tbe stage Forever.
Comely Alice Hood, daughter of the sarsa
parilla millionaire and the Oberon of Augustin
Daly's "Midsummer Night's Dream." is mar
ried. Miss Hood's friends believed that the
young lady was busy making her arrangements
to go to Europe, where, according to a pro
gramme she had mapped out, she was to study
for a year and then rejoin Mr. Daly's organiza
tion. Miss Hood's contemplated trip will never
be made. She has given up the stage forever,
she says, for the rich young man from Wash
ington whose name she has just taken. Miss
Hood bad never been upon the stage until she
became a member of. Daly's company two sea
sons ago. She did very good work as Ofteron
in "A Midsummer Night's DreamJ' She ac
companied Mr. Daly's company to. London, ana
was seen at the close of the season just ended
in several ot the subscription revivals.
Conld Not bee the Polar.
Mrs. Elizabeth Bethon, charged with bigamy,
told the story of her married life in a Brooklyn
police court this morning. At the age of 16
she married John Bethon. He lived happily
with her one year, ami then ran away to Kan
sas City with another woman, leaving her with
a little boy and no money. Peter Kircbner,
whom she married three years later, lived with
her nine years. Then he, too, ran away with
another woman. In the meantime tho number
of her children had increased to four. Six
years ago she became Mrs. John Scneibel. Both
of her former husbands were still alive, and
had married again. A few weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Scheibel quarreled, and after a fistic com
bat, Mrs. Scheibel threatened to run away.
Scheibel replied that if she left him without a
housekeeper he would have her arrested for
bigamy. She disregarded the threat, and he
was as eood as his word. On being assed by
the Justice if she was not aware that bigamy
was a crime, she said: "No; if my husbands
run away and get married again, I can't see
whyl can't ao so too. She was remanded.
A Jcnlons Husband's Revenue.
There was a private pleasure party of a hun
dred or more people at Ozone Park, near Rock
away Beach, to-day. The gayest man in the
party was Frank L. Husbands, togged ontm
duck trousers, navy blue vest, cream colored
sash, flannel shirty cardinal necktie and white
linen bat, a splendid contrast to a rainbow.
Mr. Husbands is a society dude, with a wide
spread reputation as a masher ot married
women. One of the young women with whom
he flirted was Mrs. Charles H. Lewis, of Wood
haven. There was some scandal about the
affair; ana Mr. Lewis and bis wife separated.'
While the pleasure party waited for the last
train homer last night Mr. Lewis joined the
crowd.-At sight of his enemy Mr. Lewis be
came enraged; He caught Mr. Husbands by
the throat, and proceeded to batter his face.
Mr. Husbands cried "Murder." The ladles ran
screaming away. The men stood aghast Not
a person attempted to restrain Mr. Lewis. His
righthanders did terrific execution on Mn
Husbands' face. He made no show at fighting
back. Mr. Lewis drew blood with every blow.
He threw his victim down and jumped on him
and kicKed him, then fell upon him and ham
mered his face with both- flsta. It was as brutal
a beating as one man ever gave another. Mr.
Husbands' spotless clothing was begrimed
with blood and dirt, and this mwrjlngthe
ground where the scrap occurred was crimson
with blood. It will be sometime before Mr,
Husbands will figure in society again. Mr.
Lewis was at work as usual to-day.
Tbe Law Too Much Disregarded.
From the Philadelobla Press.;
The riotous proceedings in the coke region.
oucht to be stopped, and pnnishment meted
out to the offenders. The strikers have a per
fect right to refuse to work, but-the forcible
interference with others and the destruction
of property is intolerable. There is altogether
too much of this disregard of law in this coun
try for the country's. good.
The Tyrone HeraHS taxes the credulity ot
its readers with the following story: The otber
day some railroad men on the mountain near
Tyrone noticed a- large snake with a mouse in
its mouth. As the snake crawled along the ob
servers, thought, it looked like a rattlesnake,
but saw thatithad no rattles. The mea con
cluded to follow the reptile and see what it
would do with its prey, and after while they
saw it reach its nest whets several little snakes
were in waiting. The oldtsnako tore the mouse
into small morsels which, it fed to the little
ones, and while they were busily eating, it
gathered, up Its rattles and put them In their
place on its tail. It was then evident that the
old- snake bad given its rattles to the young
snakes- for playthings while it had gone in
search of food.
Samuel Bubb writes to the Winiamsport
Gajeto say that he has slain a 33-foot serpent
in Mosquito Valley.
GBZX3SBUBG), says the Argus, bas several
residents who. although residing here all their
lives, have never ridden in a railway car. never
smoked, chewed or drank, never have been in
side a church, never exercised the right ot suf
frage, never read, a newspaper, nor, to their
credit be it said, have they ever been guilty of
the crime of baseball playing or uf witnessing
the demoralizing game. And. yet they are a
law abiding class and possess the love and af
fectionate regard of all who- know them.
Two ten-foot blacksnakes were killed at
Sawmill Run,LIgonier township, Westmorelan d
county, recently, by Candas Mersnon and
George Zeltncr.
A lad by tho name of John Devan. while
picking "huckleberries" near Uniontown a few
days ago, was treed by a rattlesnake, which
colled Itself at the foot of the tree and content,
edly awaited the boy's descent. His outcries
attracted some persons to the spot, and the
reptile was killed.
A fresh young bride from Ohio having
heard tbatenmphor fumes would htnish flies,
put on her kitchen range a tot of supposed
lumps of camphor. They melted and spread
out, and all tb flies for squares away came
swarming to them. The despairing bndo con
sulted an experienced matron next door, who
discovered that tho supposed camphor was
rock candy.
D avxd Caxpbiix, a pnddler of Lancaster,
has a ferret farm, and sells a good many ot the
animals to persona who want them to kill rats.
A PEACOCK wandered into the house of John
Ecks In Ohio county. W., Va the other day,
and be is wondering where It came from, as he
deelares to bis certain knowledge nobody
iiTiBfcwiMOs tMsafiHof hUBoawhadaoata
baa, -- -
Utah- has a colony composed ot natives
of the Hawaiian tth1.
Under the new Scheffer law in Minne
apolis, which malrrq drnnkenness a crime, a
L woman was the first to be sentenced to jail.
They are trying to acclimatize the Con
necticut oysters at several places on tbe coast
of Sweden. So far they havo done very well.
Susanville, Nev., boasts a citizen who
has been Bunstruck, struck by lightning, frozen
until be lost consciousness, and yet is as
"hearty as ever."
A gooseberry bush, growing out of the
side of a maple tree, 23 feet from the ground,
wasa big siebt seen in Johnsbury, Vt., when a
tree was felled in the Court House yard the
other day.
Captain Charles D. Grant, of the
schooner Lizzie May, recently brought into
Portland tbe largest swordfish taken on the
coast or maine this season. After being dressed
it tipped, the scales at 500 pounds.
A trumpet producing its musical note
by the vibration of a circular steel membrane
by means of electricity has been invented by
Captain Zlnang; of the Thirtieth Infantry, in
garrison atDomfront, Orne, France.
Justice Lockwood, of Los Angeles, went
in swimming asCatalina Island last Sunday.
A colony of sharks came in sight and drova
every one to the shore. The justice found
an old saber and managed to kill twoman
eaters. A Milton (Pa.) paper says that on the
day of the Sullivan-Kilraln fight the wife of
William Follmer, of Shakespeare, presented
him with twin boys, of six and eight pounds,
which the father named Jacob Kilrain and
John Sullivan respectively.
Mr. E. "W. Smitb, one of the- substan
tial citizens of Toledo, declares that he went
out on tbe lake in quest or sport, and in the
space of about 15 minutes drew from their na
tive element no less than ft! of the flnnv tribe
that turned, the scales at from 1 to Co pounds.
Smoke extends from California to
Western Kansas, a distance of 1.000 miles. At
first the smoke partially shut off the rays of the
sun. making the air cooler, but now it adds to
the already high temperature. It is supposed,
to be caused by the mountain fires in Montana.
The first settlements- iu Arizona and
California were founded by Eusebio Francisco
Kino, a Jesuit, who was an explorer In those
regions as early as 1650. He founded the flrst
settlementin Arizona on the Gila river In 1670,
and in 1697 founded the flrst settlement in Cali
fornia. Honey bees, that come from nobody
knows where, are makingllfe miserable around
Reno, Nev. They invade dwellings, and have
forced several families to vacate portions ot
their homes. One man has killed 12 swarms
this season, butthe bees seem to be as numer
ous as ever.
A. M. Snow, a farmer near Athens. 42
years ago discovered a land terrapin on bis
farm which bore on its under surface the
carved legend "A. H 1771." He has manv
times since run across the same creature, and.
recently again found it. being- able to certainly
identify it by the initials and date given.
Two colored men named Young" and
Garrett have indnced 911 colored men to locate
upon Government land In Oklahoma, taking 160
acres each, or I,760 acres in all. They have
laid out a town site near the center of the col
ony. The name ot tbe town is LincosB, located
on the north bank of the Cimanon river, and is
destined to be the county seat, as they have Ave
townships and are in the majority ten to one.
A. party of campers at Moosic Lake,
near Carbondale. had beard of. a bear- In, tbeir
vicinity, but didn't credit the story. But when
they saw the bear coming directly toward
them the other evening there-was a commo
tion. Lewis Compton. the crack marksman of
the party, seized his rifle, and when the animal
reared upon its haunches, sent a boiler into its
body that put an end to- Bruin's career in short
An interesting- innovation in the method
of catching cod has ju3t been made by the
French fishermen, coasting off Newfoundland.
They catch large periwinkles, remove their
shells, and use the creatures for bait. The cod,
it is said, bave bitten eagerly at the new bait;
and the owners of the French vessels have
caught fish so fast that they were able to sail
for France in the flrst week of July. Instead of
in October as usual. In England the whelk has
long been used for the same purpose.
The schooner Fannie Chase, owned by
Lewis, Chase A Wnitten.of Portland, Me
sailed into port tbe other day with something
unusual In its cargo. Just outside the bftvurS
the lookout saw a peculiar suhew acting
in. the water, and hauled it on board u get- a
better viewot it. Then It was seen that the
prize was a lump of ambergris. It filled two
thirds of a barrel, and is worth 325,000. The
owners of the vessel will take half the prisa
and the crew, numhenng 15, will divide the
other half.
Thibet is the only known country on
earth not open to missions. It bas an area of
750,000 square miles. The greatest length from
east to west is L500 miles, and the population
isestimated aC8.000.00a It is tbe stronghold of
Buddhism. Lhassa, the capital, is the "Rome"
of the Buddhists, and tbo Dalai Lama is tbe
BnddhistPopp. He is supreme in botb tem
poral and spiritual things. One monastery has
about6.000 Buddhist priests, and there are
about 60,000 In tbe country. Thibet is virgin
soli for missions. The country is tributary to
K A. remarkable and very disastrous
plague to siocs is now raging in .uaviess coun
tyidiana. During the past few weeks a num
ber 6' farmers m various parts of that county
bave tost some of their finest horses-Aqin-
vestigatlon as to the cause or the strange OG-J
currences bcoucht to litrht wnat seems an Ina
credulous state 6TaIIlir.trnt has proved an ab-'
solute fact. It was found that ticks are actually
killing horses, which- tbe pests attack in great
swarms, and suck tbe blood from the animal ,
until it is- helpless and is relieved, of its suffer-
ings by death. Examinations show that the I
pest eat their way through the bide into the
flesh. It is thought the ticks were brought by
the Texas ponies, which have been sold here in
large numbers in the past few months. The
ticks attack cows, butdo not seem, to have the
same effect as on horses.
Mrs. Shaw has struck the public in tbe
same way as a bullet by whistling through the
air. Baltimore American.
She What's the matter? Ton look
He-I'm hot. Jmt got my Ice bill 1H.fe.
Ethel Oh, I saw such a sweet match
safe this afternoon.
George "What shape was It in?
"U was In the shape of a marriage certificate."
Jason The papers say that the
leaders or the prohibition, party are undecided
what course to take.
Mr. Jason It will he a water course, most
likely. rerre Haute Erpreis.
A Mere Trifle. "That was a serious acci
dent," remarked Mrs. Bawnso, looking up from
the paper: "Policeman McNab attacked by a
furious steer and thrown into the air."
Not very serious," replied Bawnso, "It was.
merely the toss of a copper.1 'Puck.
He loves yon, but his chance is slim,
Poor fellow, howsoe'erhewoo.
You don't expect to marry him.
Though he expects to marry von.
-Jot Tork hvtning Bun
No Love Games. "Mr. Dash may be
very fine player, but I do not Intend to askhim to
my lawn tennis parties."
'Why, what Is there against hln?"
"Oh! he pays too much attention to the guns
and too little to the girls." Time.
A Comprehensive Order. Mr. Hyde (of
Hyda & Tallow, Chicago) Waiter, I want a din
ner. Walter -n ill ze gentlemen baf table d'hote, or
a la carter
Mr. Hyde Bring me a little of both, and have
'em put lots of gravy on il.fuct.
Summer Suits in Chicago. First Chicago
woman Have you seen Mrs. Fowler's new sum
mer suit?
Second Chicago woman No; what Is It?
First Chicago woman Principally allegations
against her husband. She hopes to get tho divorce
in ten days. Judge.
At a College Examination. "And now,
sir, let us see whether you know more about
physical science than about the other susjeets you
barestudled. What are the properties or heat!"
"One of its properties Is to cause expansion."
"Correct; give me an Illustration."
"Ob, that's easy enough. In summer, the sun,
being hotter, causes the da js to lengthen, sir."
"When you tell an old man a jokelet,
And laugh yourself, "Hot hoi" ,
While, be merely snickers a little.
It fills you soul with woe
As the octogenarian mutters,
"inat's very good, you know.
jsm it isn't ire way I nearo: ll
I ' VurtaRy yesrs ago,"
1 ' S -w XrJ
Se ! jars JSaC
t vA-cR