BKf " V "TLi- - JSh . - - v - ' 1 EfcX , ' "T3.THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, ffKEDtfLY; AUGUST 9. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1889. n REAL CAUSE TO FEAR. I R & "lEanges. iff- Choked-Up Sawmill Run a Menace to Health in the West End. ft, TYPHOID FEVER ALREADY THERE, K i And Phjsicians Fear an Ugly Epidemic If Jlay let Break Out. ;THB DAM'S BAD EFFECT OX BEWEES The citizens of the "West End are growing more indignant because the dam in Sawmill run is allowed to stand. The heirs of the "Woods estate, however, are determined that it shall remain unless the courts compel them to remove it. "It is very natural," said a resident of Temperanceville to a Dispatch reporter yesterday, "that these people should want to keep" the dam. They own property on both sides of the river, and have built crib bine along both its banks to prevent wash outs. The dam backs up the water and the sand and gravel.which run down the stream, and so helps to keep the cribbinc in posi tion. The dam increases the value of their property; but it does not add anything to the health of the community." FHIGIITFCL EFFECT OF IT. Since the dam was built it is claimed tnat the months of sewers opening on the run have been almost entirely closed by the refute lorced into them by backwater. The bed of the stream is already higher in many places than the mouths of the sewers. The consequence is the sewers are constantly filled with rernse of all kinds that cannot find au outlet, and the filth is gradually finding its wav back into the cellars of the Temperanceville houses. After a hot spell the stench along the banks of the stream is something horrible. The whole situation bids fairly for an epi demic The place lies very low, is almost as hot as an oven, and as dusty and dirty in many places as even health officials could wish it to be. If an epidemic once got a good start in the place, it would make terri ble ravages. . . Several prominent physicians of Temper anceville were seen in regard to the rumors that an epidemic of typhoid had already set in. "Yes," said one ot them, "it is true that typhoid fever is already very bad. Myself and a colleague have attended 12 cases within the last two weeks. I would not like to say, however, that it is all due to the dam, though that may be an element in the causes. A variety of causes are probably to blame." UALABIAL A5D TTPHOID. Several other physicians were seen, and all reported fever prevalent, to a greater or less cxteqL Some vere rather cautious in expressing an opinion, and were inclined to believe the typhoid fever reported was simply a form ot some malarial fever. Dr. J. AV. Xeely, one of the most promi nent physicians ot this end of the city, did not agree with this latter view. "The symp toms in most of these cases are those of downright typhoid lever," said he. "Mind ypu, now, however, I oon't claim that the disease is any worse now than it ever was at this time of year; but you can set me down is saying this: That if the dam is not re moved in a very short time, it will breed a terrible pestilence in the community." "There can be no doubt, then, that fever is prevalent in the "West End, andthat the Sam should be removed, as the city is en deavoring to do. Not one of about ten physicians spoken to hesitate in pronounc ing it a terrible menace to good health. The preliminary steps taken to have the dam removed were in favor of the citizens of the ward, and it is proboble that the cce will soon be taken to court. , CAPTAIN WI6HART AGALV. Storekeepers Fined lor Opening; on Sunday nnd Others Released. Alderman Brinker, of Allegheny, yester day, held hearings in a number of cases brought by Captain "Wishart, of the Law and Order Society, and disposed of them as follows: GrcttaueGcntilJ. 185 Fifth avenne: J. Hart man, Butler street; Mrs. Dawson, Penn avenue, vibo were charged with being engaged in worldly emplojnient in keepiug open their stores and selling goods on cSuuday, were each fined 25 and co-ts. In the cases of August Needy, Butler street; Peter Gallas, Butler street; B. Zenkle. Penn arenne; Mrs. Dagnall, Penn avenue; Thresa Weber, Peun avenne, and Georte Havens, Penn avenne; sentence was suspended on their promise to observe the law in the future. 'Squire Brinker states that he has 45 in formations, but will not give the names of the defendants until after they have tad hearings. The testimony against the cuove was'glven by Law nnd Order detectives, whose names the 'Squire refused to give. FOR A- DIP IN THE SEA. The Pennsylvania Takes a Bis Excarslon to Atlnntic Cily. The excursion of the Pennsylvania road to Atlantic City yesterday was one of the largest of the season. Division Passenger Agent Watt said he had 700 people on board. The depot was crowded in the morn ing, and it required three sections to carry the people in the evening The Baltimore and Ohio road will have its turn at the business next Thursdav,when Division Passenger Agent E. D. Smith ex pects to take out a big crowd. A Brewery (syndicate Rumor Denied. It was reported yesterday that Pier & Dnnnals' brewery, on Stevenson street, had vbeen sold. Mr. Dannals says that, if such is the cae, he knows nothing about it, and expressed considerable curiosity to know why reports of this kind are set afloat. He stated that he knew nothing of any syndi cate operations in this direction. Lutheran's Reunion. The members of the Lutheran denomina tion held their annual reunion at Idlewild yesterday. S;ecial trains were run during the day from the Union station, and it is es timated that 5,000 people attended. The reunion was in charge of the Lutherans of "Westmoreland county. Discharge From Ears Cared. Mr. Lewis Greene, 145 St. Andrew street, East End, city, suffered for vears with a profuse discharge from one of his cars. He has now fully recovered, even to hearing a watch tick. Dr. Sadler, 804 Penn avenue, made the cure. Dr. Sadler asserts that every case can be cured by his method ol treatment, even those of 40 years' duration, as in the cases of Col. Jf. J. Saunders, of Hopedale. O., and A. B. Travis, M. D., of Pleasant Valley, Allegheny City, whom he cured 10 years ago, and remain well to this day. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Seal SncqUM etealJackets. Ladies wishing their seal sacqnes redyed, reshaped, rclined or made into jackets, wraps, or any reai will find it to theirad vantage to write or send their sacques to J. G. Bennett & Co., fur manufacturers, cor ner Wood street and Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. EOp Pillaburx and Lake Erie Railroad. Excursions to Niagara Falls. $7; Toronto, (8, and The Thousand Islands, ?12, Tuesday, August 13. Tickets good 15 days. wr Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden "Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duqnesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of allfamily flours. "No borne is complete without Parker's Ginger Tonic needed for every weakness. Parker's Hair Balsam is life to the hair. . - a ifr fir foi 'A '--T .rfrf nr-f S i.ffljlj aflf '- A-'y '-JsMMEg-ftJ -atfi Fig- THssaBiaMifTI TW I iff HI lit Msirlllll 11 "' tsKBH iM1 lliisssMilslssMstt The Road Is Removing lis Repair Shops From Wheeling to Other Flaees Some Now Positions Created. "When General Manager J. T. Odell, of the Baltimore and Ohio road.'waa lu Wheel ing this week he ordered the shops there to be removed to Bellaire, Piedmont and Graf ton. At one time the Baltimore and Ohio shops at "Wheeling were quite extensive and em ployed a large number of men. They built both engines and cars; but of late vears the force has been gradually cut djwn and only repair work was done. General Manager Odell decided to abandon the shops to reduce expenses, and hereafter the -work will be di vided between the shops at .Bellaire, Graf ton and Piedmont. About 75 men worked at "Wheeling, but they are given the privilege, including the apprentices, to go to any of the Baltimore and Ohio shops they please. On August 1 the store supply department of the road was separated from the ma chinery department, lor the purpose also of saving" money. A general storekeeper, lo cated at Baltimore, and subordinates at dif ferent places along the road, were appointed to look after the supplies. The new position of Division Engineer Maintenance of "Way was alss created. Those appointed were: B. F. Fendall, main stem and branches east of Keyser; J. A. Hunter, main stem nnd branches west of Keyser.W. A. Pratt, Philadelphia division. No changes were made in the Pittsburg di vision, and Mr. Manning still has .the same duties to perform. ANOTHER OIL STRIKE. Developments on Montour Ran, Robinson Township. Oil was struck yesterday morning in the well being put down by Mr. Ewing on the Knopf farm, on Montour run, Robinson township. The extent of the strike could not be learned as the drillers were not com municative, but there was'a "loud" smell of petroleum which could bev detected by passengers on the Imperial Railway trains. Some distance above the Ewing well, in Polly Neely's Hollow, on the Schmid farm, a well was bored some years ago, and it is said it showed the presence of both gas and oil, but some reason known, only tothe company it was plugged and has remained so ever since, though the rig was not re moved. A BAD BUNAWA5T. Severe Injuries Sustained by a Well-Known Ml. Ollrerite. Yesterday afternoon a team owned by Samnel Ansel, the grocer on "Washington avenue, ML Oliver, took fright in Beltz hoover borough and ran ofi. The front axle of the wagon broke, and Mr. Ansel was thrown Sunder the wheels. His head was badly cut. he was brnissd about the body, and his jaw is thought to hare been broken. Sorry, and Took Ibe'Plrdgr. Thomas Buckley, of the Eureka Fire Company, who on "Wednesday evening cut a fellow fireman named John Biley, was before Mayor Pearson yesterday for a hear ing. Bucklev was very sorry for his acL The Mayor held him in 51,000 to answer at court. Buckley took the pledge for five years. The F. & HI. Bank's Successor. Assignee Berg, of 'the-Farmers and Me chanics' Bank, said yesterday-afternoon that the new bank desired the old one's charter, and application would be made to court early next week for an auditor to be ap pointed to distribute the 25 per cent divi dend to-the depositors which was orderedwy the court some time ago. .McKee'n Entlelln. ' v McKee's best Amber flour, per si.'. . . Z 25 Famous, very best family, persk 1 30 Van Cleet, finest patent, persk 1 45 Monarch, splendid family flour, per sk 1 20 Schumacher's Cascade, per sk... ..'... 135 Schumacher's F. S., per ski ...... ...... 1 65 A liberal reduction on alL flour to dealers. 7 lbs. Quaker City best wax soap 25c 9 lbs. floating soap, for toilet or laundry 25c 11 bars Gilt Edge soap 25c 3 full pounds Babbit's "1776" 25c 2 lb. pkge. Schumacher's Tolled oats or AiCIla JlUC 5 lbs. South Carolina rice 25c 4 lbs. best Java rice, .fine as silk 25c 3 lbs. very finest head rice 25c 13 boxes bag blue - 25c Tibs, old German mottled soap 25c 1 'ull quart of Thurber s finest maple syrup 20c More sugar for $1 than any other store. Cut this coupon out and send with orders, or bring with you. All orders accompanied with cash or P. O. money order will receive prompt atten tion. Freight paid on $10 worth and up ward. Send for circular. Joseph McKee. 36 Ohio sL, Allegheny, Pa. Fine Whiskies. XXX, 1855, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts $2 00 18G0. McKim's Pure Eye "Whisky, full quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure Bye "Whisky, Sail quarts.... ...... 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye "Whisky, lull quarts 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 2 00 Gibson's Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 1 CO Guckenheimer Pure Bye "Whisky, full Guckenheimer Export.Pnre Eye "Whis ky, full quarts 1 50 Moss Export Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts .". 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 35 and 97 Fifth ave. Ton Cannot Afford to Miss It. Do not fail to take advantage of the Special sale of 6 80 suits. To-day and to morrow will positively wind them up. Suits that we will offer at 56 80 are worth frcm $15 to $20 of any man's good money, and we guarantee it to be so. You can have either style, sacks, frocks or cutaways, and in 30 different patterns. Take advan tage of this special suit sale to-day and to morrow. Our store closes Saturday night 10 o'clock sharp. P. C. C. O., Cor. Grant and Diamond sU., opp. new Court Houce. Peofbietoks of hotels, saloons and res taurants will find it to their advantage to keep Bauerlein Brewine Co.'s beer on tap, as it has a large call among the lovers ol a good malt beverage, and enjoys an enviable reputation for body, excellency and purity. Their wagons traverse all parts of both cities. Telephone 1018, Bennetts, Pa. BWF Housekeepers' Sales Linens and Lace Cur tains. This is the time prices so very low here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Free! Frerl To introduce our fine crayon work. 100 25 x30 life-size crayons will be given away by Hendricks & Co., No. 68 Federal sL, Alle gheny, beginning August 1, to the holders of their family tickets. This is your chance for a portrait. Table In Center of Stores for Bloase Waist Bargains. They come and go fast here don't mis seeing them. Jos. Hobxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Iron City Beer, Brewed only by Frauenheim & "Vilsack, is perfectly pare, wholesome and .nutritious. Sold at all first-class bars. THE INSANE ASLEEP. Dixmont a Yery Quiet Place at Sight, Even at a Disadvantage. TWO LUNATICS POT IN ONE BED Because the Hospital is Most Dreadfully Overcrowded. A CHAT WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT In conversation with Dr. Hutchinson, Superintendent at Dixmont, last evening, he remarked to a Dispatch reporter that the asylum was dreadfully overcrowded more so, even, than ever Before. Said he: "This hospital was designed to accommo date 400 patients, but we can take 70 addi tional, as we have two detached frame buildings 'which hold that many. All the violent cases of insanity are taken 'down to the frame buildings, and the main bnilding is used entirely for patients of mild forms of insanity. There are altogether C83 pa tients now in the asylum, and it will only be a little while until we have 700. The monthly increase is exceedingly large. For July we bad 26 admissions, with only 16 discharges, increasing our number 10. On Tuesday we had three admissions." The doctor was asked how they found room to accommodate this large overplus, even, by crowding the patients. He re plied:' doubling them up. "Among the more harmless cases we put two together. This we do not like to do; it really is against the law, and against the welfare of the patients; but, if the county sends them here, we must take them. How ever, the health of those in the house is re markable, and has been throughout the summer. There are only four patients con fined to bed, and these are comparatively slight cases. We have not got a fever pa tient in the house, and have not had any for a long time." The doctor called the reporter's attention to the quietness of the house. There could not be heard a sound in the building. The asylum is a model ot cleanliness. THE KIW BUILDING. The doctor explained that the new addi tion to the main building was being erected I to diminish this inconvenience of over crowding. The building is detached and is situated at the east end of the main build ing. The gable end of the new addition will be about 100 feet from the hospital proper: but it will be connected by a bridge. J so that meals can be sent through by a rail road. The building Is to cost 30,000, ana to be built of brick, three stories high, 125 feet long, and 65 lect deep. It will be fur nished plainly and, when completed, will accommodate 128 male patients. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATS Relieves the Feeling of Lassitude So common in midsummer, and imparts vi tality. Is is both pleasant and right to patronize a home industry. Frauenheim & Vilsack's Pittsburg beer is a product of home indus try. It is entitled to your patronage also for its own merits. . Cabinet photos, 89c per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth sL uwfsu MEETIKGB. PlTTSBtTRQ. PAM August 5, 1889. VrOTICE THE ANMUAL MEETING OF LN the stockholders ot the Pittsburg Forge .and Iron Company, will be held at the office of the company. Tenth street near Penn avenue, on TUESDAY. August 20,1889 at 11 o'clock A. , x., for the election ot directors for the ensuing year, and for such other bninesr as maybe brought before them. JAMES K. VERNER, Secretary. au(W4 T) RIDGE NOTICE TJ. 8. ENGINEER'S JD office, Louisville, Ky., Augusts 1S89. The Board of Engineers, constituted to consider the plans and location of a proposed bridge across the Ohio river, will meet In public session at tbe McLure House Wheeling, W. Vsu, at 11A.M., AUGUST 13.-1S89. All persons interested are Invited to be present to express their opinions concerning plan and location of the proposed bridge. AMOS STICKNEY, Major of En gineers. President of the Board. auS-33 iEGAIi I1OTICE&. ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE FAULKNER, deceased Notice is hereby given that let ters testamentary an the estate of Charlotte Faulkner, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those laving claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. OLlVji GEYER PATTERSON, Executrix, 66 East diamond street, Allegheny City, Pa., or 8. H. GEYER, Att'y at Law. 118 Diamond st, Pittsburg, Pa. jy26-90-F Josiah Cohen & Cc Attorneys at Law, 83 Dia mond street. Estate of A. 11. UlLlman, deceased. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Aotlce is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of A. B. Blhlman, de ceased, late of Thinl ward, city of Pittsburg, Allegheny county, Penna., have been granted to the undersigned., to whom all persons In debted to sud estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against jtbe same will make them known without dela'v to JOSEPH BIHLMAN, 49 Diamond st. P-Jttsbunr. JOHN J. WAI. THER, 155 Lowrie 1st, Allegheny City. Execu tors. 1yl2-62-r- W. F. McCoorc. Solicitor. VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN X application will be made to the Governor ot Pennsylvania, on! FRIDAY, August SO, 18S9, by William Doyle, James M. Bailey, William McMillan. Edward 1 Hogan, William U.King and Augustus H. H'elscy under the act of As sembly, entitled "As act to provide for the In corporation, and reed lation of certain corpora tions," approved AjTil 29, 1871, and the sup plements thereto, for. tbe charter of an intend ed corporation to bo' called Pittsburz Clay Pot Company, the character and object of which is the manufacture of clay pots and other articles made from liro clay, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and sup plements thoreto. an8-62 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MORNING, AUGU.Si. 9, at 10 o'clock sharp. Fine parlorjsult in English rug, French tap estry, plush I and haircloth parlor furniture, fine mirrors, pictures, bric-a-brac, door cur tains, shade s, clock, lamps, rugs, odd easy chairs, book' iases, cabinets, ball racks, dinner and tea sets, jtollet ware, hair and husk mat tresses, chamber suits, folding beds, lounges, wasnstands, bedsteads, bureaus, chiffoniers, desks, sideboards, extension tables, breakfast and kitchen 1 able. linoleum, Brussels and in grain carpets , stoves, kitchen utensils, laundry goods, notion1, etc etc, etc ' HI tNRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., au8-B8 I Auctioneers. ruorosAiA. SEALED P EOPOSALS FOR THE EREC TION of la church and school building at Jeannette, Pai, and addressed to the under signed, will b;e received until Friday, August 16, 3 o'clock lr. M. Plans and specifications may be seen an. tbe cigar and news store comer of Clay ave. and Seventh street, Jeannette, Pa., or at the offii .0 of H. Moeser. Architect, 612 Liberty ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. The right w re served to reject! any or aU bids. T. BLASIUS. P. O. box 83,1 -Penn station, Westmoreland county. Pa. li au8-60 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at the Burgess' office lu the bordngh of Greensburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, AUGUST 17. A. D., 1859. for the erection of a main brick and stone sewer in and upon Coal Tar rnn. in said borough, being about 1,450 feet long. Plans and specifications can be seen atlany time at my office in said borough. Bidders will come and see lor them selves and tbe rijcht to reject any and all bids is reserved. CYRUS T. LONG. au7-35-D Borough Engineer. Al WHITET.EY. 128K THIRD AVE.. UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work In the dty. my23-U.TrT A E. LINKENHElMEH, ARCHITECT, MSSmlthfleld street. Pittsburg. Fa. FreSteMt FreaiuOOlngiiarananor. mmaB-jnnr w- ii, lasw -"1 iWLMMrTrir iTitTi Yl Iff .1 T 11" r rwaiwrr ffirTffi.? 7iMiiti.4v.Ti - , CiLr . lJaZ . V . t . t -asaHM 19-. .Ptisan - J 'CT I. nT.J. F t A. - 1 V. . . -JL -. -j . ftf-M. -T3? - t JO-Display advertUcmenti one dollar psr tquare for one tnitrUon, Clatsifled advertite menu on this page rueh at Wanted, Jbr Sale, To Let, etc ten eenU per line for each inter lion, and none taken or lest thanflfty cento. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH bkancb: offices. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have toeen established at the following pieces, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except tr here advertisers already have mccounU wlttTBEJM" FiTCII. x riTTSBUBQ. T.noMAS MCCAFFREY, SS Bntler street. 1 EMIL O. BTUCKET, Mtb street and Penn ave. B. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton W 2J. aTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. XAST end. t I. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OJLSXANP. ' MCALLISTER &SIIEllILElt,Stnav. 6AIW0C dst. SODTUSIDI. JACOB SFOHN. JJo. 2 Carson street. E. A. DONALDSON1, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 89 Federal street. H. J. MCBRIDE, Federal and Oblostref U. FRED II. E3GE1W. 172 Ohio street. F. B. EGOKIW ASON, Ohio and Cheira ntit. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McllENRY, Western, and In rtnaves. G. VT. HUGHES. Pennsylvania, and B averaves. PZKUYM. GLEIM. Ki-becca sn d Allef heny aves. WANTED. Male Heln. TV ANTED-DRDG CLERK. AlXOKESSn. N. SU9-2S !.. Dljpitch omce. fTTANTED A TV wages paid. GOOD ISA RBF.R; At K3 FIFTH .f.VE. GOOD au9-71 WANTED-A GOOD JOUK SEYMAN BAR BER st HENRVBAHETtl, Ko. 1827 Csrson it., Southslde. au9-2S WANTED-A FIRST-CL7. 3S TIN AND sheet Iron worker. JAJiLES T. XINCA1D, Jr., 107 First ave. ., u9-51 -TTTANTEU-A jjoY TO W.ED JOB PRESSES VV Immediately. Apply PE1.TS. PttOTO. ENO. CO., 77 Diamond it. , auS-93 WANTED-BARBEKS ATI THE ORIGINAL and old tellable bar bees supply house, 80 DIAMOND ST., Mttiburjr. aS-W-S,9,lJ,ll,l8 WANTED-A FIRST-CLAl.iS CUTTER TO GO outoftoirn: call batwi -en U audi o'clock at 932 LIBERTY STREET. SU9-M WANTED-BLACESMITJ1 '-ONE WHO CAN ntmie a shop: mnst II e good horsethoer. Inquire JOSEPH HUE, No. 1 71 First ave. su9-57 WANTED A FIR3T-CLAI S3 MECHANICAL ririi(rhtTTin AdrfrM with TiiiTTir BOX 1606, Philadelphia pottos ice. i Jyll-15-invr WANTED EXPERIENC ED LAUNDRY driver: nut tvebood. I 'EARL LAUNDRY CO., LIM., 29 and 27 Federal i t., Pittsburg. auy-a WANTED-EXPEBIENCI.D COSTUME CUT TER. Inquire at 7 AlND 9 W. CANAL, betw. Robinson and Lacock 9 ts., Allegheny. au9-69 WANTED-GOOD MAN UN EVERY TOWN salirv paid weekly. Address SHERMAN, TANGENBEHG 4 CO.. 180 '. Lake St.. Chicago. auJ-65 -TTANTED-A aELtEUUNTOHEFlUSENT1 r a Are brick works; onetnfluentlal with iron manufacturers. Aocres u a reference, Jt. Dis patch office. ' jiuS-419 WANTED AN AbSIS TAN T BOOKKEEPER: unquestionable references most be'.lveu as to ability aud character. Address L. K.j D Dis patch omce. au9-29 WANTED-2 GBEENl SAND AND '2 LOAM molders: none b-it good mechanics need apply. GL terClty, N. GLOUCESTER. IRON WORKS. Glorn.es- J. au7-29 -TTAN TED SALESMAN IN THIS 1")1STBICT: ( TV ddboi DarmeDinieaH,uium 'u aoQKiUU in -as, ana is doing oeiwr mis year. r. v. iiua 1371. New York. au9-ll WANTED KELI All LE MKN TO SELL OURS Eastern Ohio. GRAN!D UNION TEA CO.. 9J VV ylle avenne, Pittsburg-. an9-38 TJ ANTED SHIPPING CX.EBK: MUST KB it experienced: apply dt man with, refer ences: no personal application considered. W. VV. LAURENCE & CO., Water;st. aus-ei -TITANTEU UPRIGHT l.ND 'WILLING VV man: light work, iteadj employment and ood wages: references required. NEW YORK IFG. CO., 62 Fourth avenne, uf pstalr . au9-53 WANTED SALESMEN TO ilELL A PATENT ledger, advertising cards, far. j. calendars rulers, novelties lor advertising, inc., to. mer chants. MODEL LEDGER CO., Wou'fli Bend, lnd, sm9-44-EOD WANTED COMPETENT MAOST TO RUN pneumatic, riveting machine. Address, rlth references, etc., A. J. Lilt LOCK. Prop. Mo. Valley Bridge and Iron W'ks, Leav '(worth,, Kas. ano-v WANTED FOUR TEACHERS flM MCCAND LESStwp , males preferred: pr ages fto per month: term six months: electlofo. for teachers Aur. 17. at No. 3. WM. EMR1CK . Bee. Perrra. vllle P. O. au7-9-wr nTANTFD FIRST-CLASS PJff-.THnRIITlnN V V glass blowers Immediately:, will pay 10 per cent more than union list: steady J job: Can paid to Chicago. Telegraph CHICAGO); GLASS MFG. ,J., VUltOKU, 1 aud-z WANTED-AGENTS-THEA MI-RICAN AND Canadian Peoples' Lawynr, The Business Man's Typewriter; a book and machine that sells at sight: large profits; good territory. INTER NATIONAL PUB. CO-.TJorlinztoaJ. Vermont. a.na-o-anv jr TtTANTED-AGENTS OUTSIlHr OF PHILA. V V DELPIIIA to represent Wes ern I'lnanclaL i4Hspau7, -n-cu-suowu doiu xst aui a west: bank, officer or clerk or real estate men ju -eferred. Ad dress, with relerence. M.. Boxirfl vnii.i.inhi. Pa- I au9-42 -TTTANTED-S YOUNG MEN W )R REAL ES- VV TATE business, to take Xj interest each; plenty of business on hand and larj xe list of prop- ertr: mnat be enerretle and rellahlJ , ntrft., h,.. Inn KC0 or more capital. Address! A. N. D.. Dis- iiu vjiitc, t an-oo TIT ANTED SALESMAN El rPTTHlKVnlr.il VV and reliable man on commls slon. with lines not conflicting, to sell our line orj children's aud imams- iaut 10 c&i&DiiBoe iraaq in Uhlo, Plus barsr and vlclnitv. Address. wltH 1 rfprn, a n uumirM A-fw, si-....,. i :.. jj. wiwnu vw viniauHih r a. aU0-4f TUTANTED-MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF II uui sales; 0izo Mjuoxja inc nes; weignt COO .us.i icuui iiiitc (iiutucBi:9iu jroportion ; rare chance to creatu permanent bu ilaess at homr- these safes meet demand never be 'ore supplied br othersafe companies, as we are: not governed bv 1 itv!i "..,. tt .v '.,sUlcimiau,V, TTTANTED-TRAVELING SAL; E3MEN. SEND to KEYSTON E un tv. Pa., and ntiit. Including U. (Inc.), Glrard. Erie ce thev will mall Ton. free, a full e model, of an article that tells rratlllyto thn trade In every town and city, and upontwiiich tbeTwlU a ounces. 'auT-iS-BOD WANTED - COMPETENT 3LOf "WHO IS thoroughly familiar with the manufacture of iron bridges and experienced In thr, manage ment of men. to act as assistant superintendent of bridge shops; will pay right 'party rair -T ,n Tea.r.' , engagement. Address, with full particulars as to. ezDerlence and references as to ability and crisracter. A.J. SiVS- ProSn 'r .die and Iron W'ks, Leavenworth, Kas. , au6-ti Female HbId. TTTANTTTIl VIPRT-rir. T. a ri-v 13 vun,. v... VV ANT cook. Apply JOS. WaiTNER, cor. Allegheny ave. and Rebecca St.. Jiuiegheny City. J an9-77 ttt 1 wrffiiainrn t itt .........- V PLO-JENT: thoto-'ffiaerffilhSS. ims tiu-'i:.- ifa """"'" ahi 2. no. WANTED-A GOOD GI3L f FOR GENERAL housework; one who can) cook, wash and Iron: small family without chili lren:ood waees reference required. IS LIBERTY STREET Alle gheny. I a'n9.2. Slalo and PcTnalolflelD. WANTED AT ONCE, 'WHITE WAITER FOR private family, farm barldi. colored wait ers, seamstress, honsekeener. nirnAi. . ...r-iTT bermalds. 4dlnlna;roomgirls, I-unary'riiisThead laundress, second, cook. .MELilAN'sIiu !tlrant St. auS-9 WANTED -U15 WEEKLY-REPjkESENTA-TIVE. male or female. In every ominunlty: goods staple: household necessity: sell at slcht-110 peddling; salary paid promptly. andX-xpenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable? samnle case free: we mean Just what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARECO.. Boston. Ma'S. iel-70.n Situations. TfTlUTPn BTnTTIW 1Tlvnu .. Jtli. t?2!iTe..l5UT,OT,.'',e.01! fil other outdoor nv" -....... n. a.., juyu.cu pmcc auy-Z7 -rrr A KTF.D-RTTTTATTnw llvJ n.tvrin, ...,. JT VV experienced grocery deJkt best of refer ence and security fixrntaned. J J. B.. Dispatch auv-iu -m-ANTED-POSmov I tJ W young man: can apeak TCRTATTRATtfT UT hdread and write uerniKii auu aujuau. ji.aares: ili UAitBUH HI'., an7-23 o. o. xrg. .. a UTVti a a T.lreit r W GElICworker-irlth exi i.nrp vuTu. irlence wishes po- sltlonwlth drtgoods bouse, jt uuress A. l,. m , an5-U Box bm, ix)cx xiayen. m. TTTANTED A rOU'CMANHITIP mr .. - VV FKR1ENCKD man on llJawlugs. planlhk mill buildings and lui nberyardt best di reierenee rurnUhed. "Address DRAWINGS, lMselteS office. ' ' auS-71 Boardfra aadYodcers. "TS-TANTED ON K OR TWO (rmrnsra w W board In private family: norother ohU- Area: shade frees, and playrrousdr. best or nan guaranteed. AOh, X.5,, Dlspsteb oUe, ' Boardlnc. ANTED BOAEDMAN AND WIFE, ' cuua a years ana odt 2 yesrs; iroab swiu, psOiath, etc Address with full particulars, W . FyDbpatcb, offlee. an9- Financial. "TTAN.TED TO LOAN S180.COC AT H AND . WV S-percent. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth. ave. auS-M TtTANTED-MOKTGAGES-ajOO TOS500.000TO ii7. Jn at 4K. s and 6 percent. JAS. W. DKA PE 3t CO.. & Fourth avenue, Plttsbur. aaS-lO-D nV-22-D my; TfrA N T E D-MORTGAGES-LABGE AM .J 1 sinsliamountion improved city propert J? 5 per cent. W. A. HEKKON SONS. 80 Foart J enue. aul-80-1.3. 5.7,9, 114,18, 19,11. 5.. 13. 30 VT7" ANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OK TT Si suburban nronertr: monev loaned in larare or small amounts. E. D. W1NOBNBOTH, 100 Fourth ave. Jy81-33-M,au2,4,7,9,lt WANTED MORTGAGES MONEY TO loan on bond and mortgage: Plttsbun or Allegheny property preferred. GEO. JOHN STON, 62 Fourth ave. auS-64 TTrANTED-MOKTGAGES-.000,000TOLOAN VV In large and small amounts at 1H, Sand ter cent, free of State tax; no delay. BEED B. OYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. jnya-flO "TTTANTEl) TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS VV or S3, 030 and upward, oneltyand suburban property, on 4i percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at Sands per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. seH-das-D TJ"ANTED MORTGAGES Sl,CO0,0O0TOLOAN VV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand t per cent and on farms in Allegheny and aqja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK ' SON, 103 tourth avenue. ap7-fU TrjANTED-TO LOAN 9200,000 ON MORT .VV GAGES: 8100 and upward at per cent; 1500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business SnP"tJi also In adjoining counties. S. U. REN OH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc3a-eS4-D llllscellaneoas. WANTED-TO TRADE PIANO OR'BUGGY for carpenter work. Apply, evenings, to 118 CRAWFORD ST. au-67 WANTED ANY PERSON HAVING A stock of groceries forsaie in a lump can and: a cash buyer by addressing B. T. G Dispatch offlee. auK-ts WANTED-A GOOD SECOND-HAND ROAD cart: seat two persons: must be in first-class order. Address ROAD CART, Dispatch office, stating price. au933 WANTFD-CUSTOMERS FOR DIAMONDS, gold and silver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc, atl per week upward, at 130 fed eral st., Allegheny. J. MITSCH. Jel5-MWTSu w ANTED ATTENTION, FARMERS! wanted fallen annles. snltable for cider vinegar. II. J. HEINZ i. CO., lb Second ave, Pittsburg, or 213 Main St., Allegheny. auS-100 WANTED LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH Kecnan repair, reanlsh or upholster old. furniture promptly and in the best possible man ner. 33 AN D 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my-8a. TTTANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM-. YV BEES to secure a flue gold watch for each one In the club at 91 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX ML and I will call and suow you the watch. TIT ANTED-a X A TEACHER OF MUSIC, THE VY use of a parlor and piano ror six or seven weeks from Aur. 13: location central. Penn ave preierrea. Auaress Teacher. Pittsburg. JOHN HOWARD, Vol BIHT TTIT-S-NTED-PUPILS-TYPEWRITING jju VV use of the phonograph and phono vranh graphaphone taught at the Western Pennt ' pho nograph Co.'s, 1-tflHnn ave.: situation .rrin feo secured for edncated operators. :an4- j&.wrsa llTANTED BY PEARSON, LEA1 ,1NO ?HO VV TOGRAPHER, DO Fifth avenri PutaburirT and 43 Federal street, Allegheny ererybod to know that be it making fine cab'jjeM tj, o Der dozen; photos delivered when Vroaijedvlnttan taneons orocess. mhlJ-83 TTT-ANTED-BARBERS TOKNOW THAT THE VV secret or our succeS that we have the most substantial and best -upholstered chairs at astonishingly low prices: he tact that our chairs andother goods are Khvwj m ninety-nine out or ererr hundred ahons n thi. .,i .t...... itownslssufflelent cadence of our claim. ROSS n. MjLtjiiz ou uii' tnrin T nihh.M. id.nri fnal Harhra' Snniil. irA,i.. Sup'ly House. an8-94-8,9.t2,H.lS FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residence. FORBAlffi-THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING containing 10 rooms, on Ross street. near ronrtb avenue. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent. 1 Fourth avenne. au3-84 CVOK.SALE-2-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS IN A' First and becond ward at leas than value; one of them with lmmedlateipossesslon. c. H. LO VK. 93 Fourth ave. anS-W 1KVORSALE ATABABGA1N.PRESSED BRICK A? dwelling In good location In Sixth ward; 8li:.et4flS9i.his,1 go"1 property and cheap. -U. LOVE, M Fourth are. auS-92 JOHNSTON. Agt, 82 Fourth ave. auft-84 FOR 8ALE-0LY r3.000-SEVERAL NO. 1 brick dwellings on Twenty-sixth St., South side,! each coutalnlng six rooms and! finished attic, hall, vesttbnle. natural gas, good cellar, 4c. ; very .Iberal terms; small cash payment, bal ance as rent, and only one square from proposed cable Une. BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. au4-(a FOB SALE DESIRABLE WEST END RESI DENCE in a good locality; brick house of 9 roams, bath, laundry, inside w. c. slate mantels, tile hearths, both gases and replete throughout with all modern Improvements; everything In Tjrlme order: will sell at a bargain. Inquire of W. H. HESEI.BARTH, Real Estate Agent, 121 Wabash st.. West End, city. au$-CT-MWrsu FOR SALE-HOUSES AND LOT, 162 FORTY FIRST street, at auction, on Saturday, An gust 10, 4 o'clock; lot2axl&0; one frame and two rick houses, four rooms and attic each, cellars, water and sewerage to each house; yearlv rents, fSSi: limited price, 15,000, at which sale will be made lrmore cannot be realized: this sale should receive special attention. Further particulars by JAS. E. fjRFIGUTON & CO., 12 Federal St., and A. LEGGATEA SON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal st, Allegheny. au7-S2 ' East End Residences. FOR BALE-DESIRABLE EAST END RESI DENCE: brick, new, late style, nine rooms, well finished, besides laundry, bathroom, pantry: all latest conveniences; lot 40x121 feet: near steam aad cable cars: location very desirable: price low; terms moderate. W. A. HEKKON & SONS, 89 Fourth avenne. Jy2S-61-:s-au2,t,9,13 ITIOR SALE-IN COLTART SQUARE, OAK X1 LAND, desirable new bouses of latest style of architecture, 9 rooms, elegantly furnished, complete in all its appointments: near cable line; complete sewerage, street Improvements made. For plans and Information see W. A. HEKKON & SONS, or U. K. BEAM, on tbe premises. au2-9-Tur FOR SALE-NEW FRAME HOUSE OF 7 rooms, and large grounds, on Hastings St. (Point Breeze): handy to P. R. R. and cable, and in excellent neighborhood: we offer this property for 82, 600; we have also printed list or line proper ties, which we will bo pleased to mall on applica tion to those desiring. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 station st,, E. E. au4-40-WFSu TTiOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS AT X executors' sale, to settle up an estate, situate on Friendship avenue, opposite Mary St., third property east from Penn avenue, about 45 feet front and about 65 feet in depth, with 2 small houses thereon, to be sold at public sale by order or executor, on Saturday afternoon. August 10, at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Terms, etc.. from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Agents and Auc tioneers, la i ourm ave., niuourg. anS-OT .T7IOK SALE PARTIES LOOKING FOR JU houses cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square; the greater number or the durably built, handsomely finished hew dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty days; asphalt pavements, r&tural ana artificial gas. a beautiful park planted with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among tbe ad vantages. Prices. O.SOOand 18.700, on easy terms. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, on the premises. Jy23-6 Aneaneny Residences. CHIR BALE AT f7,000 IF SOLD QUICK-ON A? Lacock, near Sandusky st., lot .CxlOO with ktjv uncuiugs; win pay over o per cent net; a gooa inTcsimeniana comfortable home. W.A.HI ER- BON A SONS, 90 Fourth are. au:-61-Tur P jwn BJlljJ-r.r.lJ.bltAljB.LKE.r. .MZSW EL.EU L? TR1C road extension, a rmAntirnl. l-r rinn- ble frame dwelling; natural gas. city. and spring water, etc.: large lot well Improved, has fruit or all kinds: will sell cheap. Call at 95 Fourth ave. BLACK A BAIRD. 2H-143 au4-8-UWF8 FOR SALE AT A LOW PRICE AND ON liberal terms, 4 frame houses of 3 rooms and good attic each, and l choice lots, on Royal street, Allegheny: will sell as a whole or In parts, as de sired; good chance lor a speculation; rare oppor tunity for borne seekers. Call on BLACK A BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. au4-S-atwps FOR SALE AT NO. ,21 NORTH DIAMOND street. Allegheny, at auction, on Friday after noon, August 9, at 2 o'clock, on the prem ises, two-story brick bouse of 6 rooms and attic. uvitiKuci ion water: lot laxw: terms, row casn. and balance In 6 years; possession at once. For urther particulars see EWING &BYKRS. Heal Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, No. 107 Federal street. Allegheny. au4-72-TTFesu Suburban Residences. FOR HALE-AVALON STATION. P., F. W. C. Ry.. a good 8-room frame dwelling, ele gantly lurnlshed tnroughout: slate mantels, etc: natural gas; M acre of ground covered with fruit and shade trees; most beautiful view on the Ohio rlrer; SLOCOdown, balance long time. BLACK & BAIKD. 95 Fourth ave. - aul-BSD T7IORSALE AT SI, 700, AT WILKINSBUBG: A! well located on Holland St., fire minutes walk from the station, good house of seven rooms, reception ball, finished attic and bath: all well finished, the house being built with great care; lot Is 0x122 feet; fruit and shade trees: city water. Full information from VV. A. HEREON A SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. au4-"4-MWT F OR SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE IN j- oorougn, a acres, 570 feet front on principal avenue, on good macadamized road: never falling spring and well of purest" water: large, beautiful brick dwelling, slate roof, marble mantels, Inside w. c, bath, laundry, pantry, natural and lllnmln atlag gases: best fruited place In the country ; a bargain. W. H. HBeRSCaAKTH. Seal Ksuto 3SStffifQ"g.'- neaR. sale imphoted real estate. Nnburbau Residences. -TTAOBHALE-HOUSE AND FINELAUGELOT. JJ 60x100 lee t, atWilkInsburg;contlguoustolt.ll. station: a most beautiful property: nice smooth lawn all around the lot, and fragrant wltft Boral loveliness; a bargain. JAS. W. DRAPK& CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. auS-87 COR SALE A GOOD DWELLING AND -a- large lot at Crarton: convenient tntallroad sta tion; S nice rooms: 3 porches: good Water: natural 5 as: One lot, 53x153 feet: abundance of fruit; stable nd out-bulldlngs; price only SS.'jin. Terr cheao: ??ir "?",utesfromsutlon. Xa. -y. DRAPE w.. iwruuruiKTElint, lllV arK. au8-87 FOR SALE--LOTS. CI tr 'Lots. L ThTOR,,?,ALE 5?a JEET ON SECOND AVE- I rri.?U.E' nJLsSi"le' street. GEO. JOHN- SfON, Aent, 63 Fourth aTenue. an8-84 YjtM End Lots. Fjf,g-LEC, HEAP-AS A WHOLE-IS DE j S .. . building lots fronting Euclid ave. ?J?diB.!a,)r8,b'' near Ulland ave., lnthemldst of JhS.S.,n.lternr,, y"a1- W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. au2-4l-Tur F05r.i8if LE-160 PER FOOT-SHADYSIDE; ,wlyjglord, near Neville St.: 90x181 feet: S?fi. 1. . ble building site in E. E.: Walllngford liTSii ow being graded; propertv will enhance rapidly. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., W Fourth ,Te- au2-74-uwF8 FOR 8ALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS-SW TO W ,M ' foot front: sewered, curbed and flagstone ilrJ: ""; complete; where can you dn plicate ;?5'e.Prlces?. rnll Information from MELLON Ys.tat,on E- -. or JOHN F. BAX1ER, A'gt., 512 Smlthfleld st. an4-70-Mwr (TOR SALE-S2.0W-NEAR H1LAND AND Xz Stanton aves.. lot 60 ft. fronton Jackson st f.IJ?,eitendln; ,ra n- alonS St. Clair st. ; this beau tiful corner lot at 33 a ft. front Is a rare bargain; ?rr,.lJ?.r.!r Printed list or properties for sale. MEL LON BROS., 6319 Station st.; E. E. au4-33-MWrsu FOR SALE A FEW LOTS-IN SPOUR PLACE, East End, on South Ulland avenue. Edwin ".ln,LbPonr these are the moat desirable lots at tho East End for the money: some of them on the line of Pittsburg Traction Company and none of them more than from 1 to 3 minutes' walk from either of the traction company's lines or the Pennsylvania Railroad. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourtb avenue. au9-35 sTPJR, SALE-A 2-ACRE LOT IN THE EAST jl. END at executor's satoto settle, up an estate, situate on Munrora avenue: second lot east from Brtuhton street and omry 3 minutes walk from Brushton statlonta besutliul piece ofground.qnlte leTeiandemlnenUysidaptedforlaylngoutlnlots; will be sold at public sale by order of executor on Friday afternoon. August 9. at 3 o'clock. 011 the p.Fe,?.15.e.:.KreJir,tory sale. Terms, etc, from JAS. W. DRAPE &I-O., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth aveont, Pittsburg. au8-89 ' Allerhcnv Lots. T7VOR.SALE-LOT3 0N MAPLE AND LINDEN A-' avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply W JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamonds!. mh7-98-Dv T?0,1 lSale lots i lots i lots i the hen - J DEKSON property, on Nunnery HIll.Twelfth w?rd. Allegheny, is now for sale at this offlee: t'SR? nd prices on application. A. LEGGATE SCji, Agents, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. auS-12 Buburbnn Lot. "iTMR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD-LOTS 50x150: t S minutes from station: beautiful location; (J50t easy terms. W. E. HAMMETT, 404 Smltnield reet, and Wllklnsburg. Pa. au9-19 THR SALE-EAST JEANNETTE SPECIALTY JD Glass Co. plan a few good lots, 40X100: free pM; stores needed; 25 houses building: several large factories coming In. S14 HAMILTON BUILDING. anI-63 FOR SALE "THE NEW VILLA PARK Flan. " adjoining Wllklnsburg and Brushton. affords the very best chances for profitable in vestments to be found within many miles of Pitts burg. For proof of thl assertion get particulars from JOHN r. BAXTER, Agent, S12 Smlthfield St. au4-71-JTWF6u Irnrma. FOKSALE-FARM100 ACRES: FINEST DAIRY place In tbts part of Pennsylvania: advanced age oi owner reason lor selling, xs. Uliiiaii. tiu 1 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jy31-D TTIOR SALE VIRGINIA FARM ON THE PO X? 'IOMAC river, 60 miles from Washington; large orchard, 90 acres of land highly productive: uaii miie irom wnari: comionaDie aweiiing. pncGS4.Hu. Auaressu. d, uuui rice (3.000. Address G. J. GOULDMAN, Maple urove. va. aui-za-wjrau MlseenanHoas. FOR SALE-SMALL CHEAP HOUSES AT auction Monday, August 12, art o'clock, on Hum boldt street, above Spring Garden ave., Seventh ward, Alleghcuy:alao, tame day,4 o'clock, hairacre and small house adjoining St. Peter's Cemetery, Spring Garden borough. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers. 31 Federal st.. Allegheny. an9-30 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cnunresv TTIOR SALE A KEK ENTERPRISE WHICH X: can be started ln'sil towns. For full partic ulars address E. L. MARTIN, Decatur. III. au9-40 FOB SALE-BAKERX AND CONFECTION ERY, horse and wagon and established trade; cheap rent: a rare opening for a good man. BAL TENSPERGER ft WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. au9-48 v FOR SALE-HOUSE FURNISHING ANDTIN" WARE store, on good street, doing a good business: this is a first-class opening and will bear inspection. Call and see BALIENSPERQER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue au9-5 TPOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN DRCG Jj STORE located at Bolivar. Westmoreland co.. Pa.; best opening in the State for a physi cian: no other drugstore nearer than 7 miles: population 800. For rnrther particulars address H. KELLY. Bolivar. Ta. au8-8 CVOB SALE-DON T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY JD slip, buy now and make money: several very choice cheap grocery stores, bakeries, dry goods and notion stores, furnlsbedhouse full of roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery business, cigar stores, feed store, milk depot, restaurant and dining room, printing office, shoestores, etc : will exchange good grocerv store in city for building lot. Free particulars. SHEP ABD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. au9 Business Stands. F IOR SALE-VALUABLE BUSINESS PROP ERTY, cor. Seventh are. and Chem-nlTpv lot 30x100 ft. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agk. 62 Fourth IT. .na.U FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY ON THE new cable line, Carson st,, S.S.; lot 20 and 22x120; an excellent corner; good part of street for retail business: buy now and get the Increase of value. SAMUEL VV. BLACK & CO.. m Fourtb ave. au9-e3-Tura FOR SALE-ORBENT-THE PLANT OF THE Crystal Glasi Company, situate on the cor ners ot South Sixteenth, beventeenth and Sarah streets, consisting of two furnaces with lears, engine and boiler and other bulldlugs, all lncom- Elete order: parties purcbaslng or renting can ave possession to start in ten days. For price, terms, etc., applron PREMISES. au7-lS FO R S A L E-OR LEASE-GLASSWORKS AT Butler, Pa., consisting of a 12-pot furnace In good order, 8 gootl pots In furnace; fire not out; also Implements necessary for a prescription house; 4j acres of ground; also an 8-pot furnace; stack on the premises; also 1 gas well and lines in good order: siding connections on 3 railroads; possession given immediately. For particulars address UU1LEK GLASS CO., LIM., Butler, Pa. au4-43 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Tlorses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc T710R SALE FOR WANT OF USE-2 MEDIUM JD slzo mules. Apply at 227 SECOND AVE., cor. Try st. au9-39-p FOR SALE-CHEAP-S LIVERY CARRIAGES In good repair, at MILLER & McCON N ELL'S, MauuliMUDh, AlKgUCUT, lUln-WfS FOR SALE-ONE REGISTERED AND TWO fine grade Jersey cows; sound, handsome, gentle and cheap. M. It. MARSHALL, 117 Dia mond St., Pittsburg, Pa. au9-50 ainculnerv ana Metals. FOR SALE-28X43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be. seen in operation; price un application; Wortblagton pumps, automatic and plain slide valve engines, boilers, pine and fittings, j. a. Mccormick, ia tint ave. aul-p32-UWT FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest rlces; mounted portable engines. 8 to 25 b. p. 1-25 Park way. Jt S. YOUNG, Allegheny. Pa. Ja3-02-Mwr TiWR SALE HOISTING ENGINES, NEW JD and second band; wire aud manllla rope, der rick and flttlncs, hoisting tubs and cars, cliy and ore pans, enxincs, boilers and machinery. 'I HOM AS CARLIN 'S SONS, Laeock and Sandusky sts Allegheny. auS-17-MWT 9nscelloneons. TTOB SALE-800 TO 1,000 TONS OF- CLEAR JD Ice. Inquire orD. J.KENNEDY, 6351 sta tlon st.. E. E.. Pitts. au4-118 LOST. T OST-POCKETBOOK CONTAINING A SUM JU ofmoneyand papers or no value except to owner. A liberal reward for Its return toll. J. LYNCH. 438 Market St. au9-65 -p OST SHEPHERD DOG ON AUUUST0, J between Chestnut st: and Cedar avo., Alle gheny City; a liberal. reward will be paid for his return to H. ItlOllX, No. 33 Butler St., Etna. Pa. SU9-47 LOST A LIGHT RED SHEPHERD DOO WITH white fore-feet, white breast aad tip of tall white: a liberal reward for his return to J. II. W1LHELM, Bates St.. foot of Meyran arc, Oak land. , an9-73 LOST-SUNDAY AFTEBNOON, NEAR DAL LAS Station. P. R. K., a black and white setter dog: a liberal reward will be paid if re- turneatoii. u. WEBTINUHOUBJ Jbdgewood, P. K.R Jy29-6 LOST-OB 8TRAYED-FROM MT. WASH INGTON, sorrel mare, wbltlsb strip on face and white hind foot, years old. Liberal reward If returned to BITNEK'S LIVERY STABLE, Carson.nearTwenry.ninth at., Southslde. au9-5 FetJNB. TTOUND-A BTKAYED HOBSE. ON MONDAY. JD Augusts. HSSttaaowBev can call for same by paving aUeneasss, at JOHN WITTMANN'S, S.-31jlS' TO LET. Cltv Resldecci TO LET-HOUSE-NO. 97 CENTER AVE., bouseof 10 rooms, all modern Improvements: rent $35 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt, 62 Fourth ave. au8-4 Suburban Residences. tT10 LET-AT INORAM-HOUSE OF SEVEN JL rooms, with fiacres of ground: rent 115 per month. GEO. JUHNSION, Agt.. KFourth arc. . au8-84 T O LET-A DESIRABLE COTTAGE OF8EVEN rooms: large gronnda: soring water: in a town or 5.000 inhabitants: two blocks from R-R. statlontairalnutes' ride from city. Inquire J. S. FOSTER. 191 First ave., Pittsburg, Pa. an9-53 Apartments. T 10 LET-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO gentlemen only. N 0. 45 Ull U'UAii si. au9-49 TO LET - FURNISHED ROOMS WITH kitchen, etc.: folding beds, sewing machines, ice furnished free; washing done by us: every thing new: nothing like It In the city; St 75 to 4 60. 41 LOGAN ST., near VV ylle. au9 00 Offices. Desk Room. fcc rno LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY JL painted: elevator, Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. e3-68-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street, two or the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found in the city; rent, tax) and rjoo per annum, lncludlngelec trie lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. x. andlr. K., or between 2 and 4 P.M. JyS-67 rpo LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., JL near Seventh St., offices single or en suite, in this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low: floor plans at onr office: we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO . 99 Fourth ave. Jc23-32-p PERGONAL. Personal-books: booksi booksi New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. au3-98 -TSERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, JL mother or daughters in reoalrlng and clean lug your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the TaUor, cor. Fifth aTe. and Wood St., second floorr Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order: spring styles now readv. 'telephone 1558. mhs PERSONAL-SAY, HARRY, THAT NEW suit is Immense, but your shoulders look as though you bad gone through a snow storm Irom that dandruff falling from your bead. Why don't you get your barber to give you a shampoo with ROSS VV. BLACK'S Keystone Snow Flake Egz Shampoo Cream, and I'll guarantee you will never be troubled with dandruff anr more. an8-94-&. EDUCATIONAL. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HAM, for girls and young ladles. SHOBTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMV, for boys and youngmeu. SW1TUIN C. SHOBTLIDGE, A. M. (Harvard Graduate), Media, Pa. (near Philadel phia.). aul-8 HOLY GHOST COLLEGK Complete preparatory, commercial and coueiriaia departments, reopens vvr.UiMC DAY, SEPTEMBER 4 hew students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. John T, MtTRPHT, C 8. Bp President. JV17-2S T ONG VIEW, BROOKVILLE, PA., A CbnVch School for Girls, will reopen SEP TEMBER 11, 18S9. For catalogue apply to Rev. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. LUD., auZ-73-Tar ' Principal. CHELTENHAM ACADE3IY. OGONTZ, Pa. Unexcelled location and surround incs. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, eta Thorough preparation for collece or scientific school. For circular, etc, address JNO. CALVIN RICE. A. M., Principal. je2S3 MISS MAKY MAC DONALD. FORMER principal of Miss Fuller's school, will open A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in Allegheny OCTOBER 1, 1889. au2-30-T-QF NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cor'nwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful nnlldings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. 8., A. M, Supt.; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelO-U 1TOUNTAIN SEMINARY, BlRMING JJX. HAM, Pa. A thorough school for young ladles. Situation noted lor health. Home comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 100 acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college. Send for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRIER, Busi ness Mn'g'r. MD3S N. J. DAVIS, Principal. anS.53-0 KEBLE SCHOOL. BYRACUSE.N. i. Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of the Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, ItSSV. References Rt. Rev. H.C. Potter. D.D.,t.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Hnntlngton. D. D Grace Church, N. Y. City. Fres. E. N. Potter, D. D Geneva, N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. Jel4-72-Tor BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION-NOTICE IS HUREBY given that the late firm of Duncan King, doing business as the Merchants' Law and Col lection Bureau, has this day been dissolved, Henry King having disposed of his interest in said firm to A. C. Duncan, who assumes the liabilities, and to whom all debts of said firm will be paid. A, C. DUNCAN. HENRY KING. In retiring from the firm the successor hag my best wishes, and I hope the patronage here tofore bestowed upon the firm will be continned with tho successor. HENRY KING. AUGUST I, I8S9. The business will be continned under the old firm name of Duncan & King. Merchants' Law and Collection Bureau, under the management of A. C. Duncan, who originated the same. au8-88 DUNCAN A KING. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. lNo.67.1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDI NANCE entitled "An ordinance author izing the opening of Railroad street, from Columbia 'street to Thirty-third street." ap proved March 22, 1889, providing for the open ing of the street to Thirty-first street instead of Thirty-third street, and Twentieth street Instead of Columbia street. , Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That an ordinance entitled "An ordinance authorizing tho opening of Railroad street, from Columbia street to Thirty-third street." approved March 22, 1SS9. which reads as follows! AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of Railroad street, from Columbia street to Thirty-third street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe anthority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordi nance. Railroad street, from Columbia street to 1 Dirty-third street at widths ot 30, 32, 40 and 60 feet. In ac cordance with plans on file in the Department of Public Works, known as plan of O'Hara ville. Plan Book. vol. 4. page 131, and tbe City District Plan. Tbe damages caused thereby and tbe benefits, to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonweal tlrof Pennsylvania entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of tho second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and pnblie high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for tbe appointment of a Board of Viewers ot Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for tbe assess ment and collection of damagps and benefits, anthorlzing the use of private property, and providing for filing liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon and prohibiting the use of puoiic Btreets, witnont autunniy oi councils, approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887, "shall be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening ot Railroad street from Twentieth street to Thirty-first street. Section 1 Be It ordained and enactesl by the city of Pittsburg; in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and Is hereby anthorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of tbe passage of this ordinance. Rail road street from Twentieth street to Thirty-first street, at widths of 80. 82, 40 and 60 feet, in accordance with plans on, file In the Depart ment of Public Works known as plan of O'HaraviBe, Plan Book. voL4, page 13Land tbe city district plan. The damages caused thereby and tho benefits to pay the same to bo assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating U. streets and sewers in Icltie of the second class," approved the 10th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far aa the same affect this ordi nance. Ordained and eaaeted into a law is ConnciJj this 28d day of July. A. D. 18681 Mayor's Office, July 38, 1888. Approved: WM. MCCALUN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTER, MAIER. Mayor's Clerk. , . ' M. P. FORD. Freezes. of Seieet ' Council.' rVV OFFICIAL FITTSBCRG. Attest: GEO. SHEPPAKD Clerk of Select Council. GEO. I HOLUDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 124. 7th day of August, A. D. 1889. au9-7G PrrrsBUBQ. August?, 1889. NOTICE IS-HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessment lor tbe grading and paving of Natrona alley, from Fifty-second street to Mc Candless avenue, is now ready for examination and correction, and will remain in this office for ten (10) days,af ter which it will be returned to the City Treasurer for collection. E. M. BIGiXOW. Chief of Department of Public Works, an9-75 SEALED PROPOSALS WTLL BE RE CEIVED at the ofllce of the Ci y Con troller nntil Friday, Acgnst 16, ISS9. at 2 o'clock p. St., for the erection of a police station la tbe Thirty-sixth ward. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double tbe amount of bids will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department ot Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. auC-98 AJN0.47.J N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Torley street, from Friendship street to Pearl street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority of tbe same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to canse to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance Torley street, from Friendship street to Fearl street, at a width of 40 feet, in accordance with a Dlan on file in the Department of Public Work& known as "plan of lots laid out by John and Henry Loeffler." recorded in tbe Recorder's office or Allegheny conntr, in plan book, voL 3, page 133. The damages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay tbe same to be.assessea and col lected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," ap proved tbe 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 21 bat any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions ot this ordinance be, and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 22d day of July. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select ConncU. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's office. July -28, 18S9. Approved, WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERM AIER. Assistant Mayer's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, VOL 7, page llfl Sth day of August A. D. 1889. an9-6 iNo. 49.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Adler street, from Shady ave nue to Hlland avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tho authority of tbe same. That tbe Chief of the Department of Fnblic Works be aud is hereby authorized and directed to causo to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of tbe passage of this ordinance. Adler street, from Shady avenue to Hiiand ave nne. at a width of 50 feet, in accordance with apian on file in tbe Department of Public Works known as plan of proposed cbange ot location of Adler street, approved by Councils November 1L 1872. The damages caused there by and tbe benefits to pay tbe same to bo as sessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "Arvact relating to streets and sewers in cities of tho second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the samo affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 22d day ot July, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest! GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk o' Common Council. Mayor's office, July 26, 1839. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 118, 6th day of August, A. II. 1889. au9-76 ArNo.50J N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of St. Clair street, from McCully street to Bryant street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That tho Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of tbe passage of this ordinance, SL Clair street, from McCullv Street to Bryant street, at a width cf 0 feet, in accordance with a plan on filo in the Department of Public Works, known as East Liberty plan of streets, approved Septem ber 20, 1870. The damages cansed thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tho provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions ot this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordin ance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 22d day of Jnly. A. D. 188S H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Cleri. of Common Council. Mayor's Office. July 26, 1889. Approved:, WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 119, 6th day of August, A. D. 1889. au9-7Q Continued Sixth and Eighth Pages. AMTJ8E31ENTS. " ASE BALL TO-DAY 4 P. M. RECREATION PARK. WASHINGTON V3 ALLEGHENY. Train at 3.40. Admission, 50c In case of rain, watch to-morrow's advertise ment for double game. an9-21 TTARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Night, Week ot August 5, THE MONEY LENDER. an5-18-Mwr WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS ' WAINSCOTTINO, IHTERIOR DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete) House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT CO.. 1219 and 1221 Market St. Jy9-76-Tuy Philadelphia, Pa. JF YOU WANT TO BUY OR 8ELL Lots, or Houses and Lots, in Craf ton or Ingram, or in any part ot Char tiers township, communicate with J. R. MURPHY. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, Craf ton. Fa. Office opposite tbe Railroad Station. au9-31 Notice To Navigators. During the reconstruction of the channel span of the Ohio river bridge at Steubenville, Ohio, which is now In progress, parties navi gating the Ohio river will be required to pas through the span next west of the channel spaa, which has been dredged so aa to afford a good navigable water. White lights will be dis played indicating the obstructed channel span, and red lights will be displayed Indicating ths channel to be used. M. J. BECKER. Chief Engineer P., O. A 8C L, Ry. Co. jyaS-TO-D A50 REWARD FOR THE THIEF THAT tl) stole a watch and chain from Heary Allwes at his father's residence la West Liberty borough. For information call at No. 17 0ARSOX ST., 8. a aaS-86". piANoa, ORGANS. y B Tl- ?T TWt . "Si tI HAXDIB FIFTH AVENTJK, ttt& i'HBuarc ra. .r', .ai ;aaw3 aw; ii jstir'Biiiir.-ri.'r-r: iiriiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iTff.ffTrTa'