FfiwlTBMinfl 'tVslJp " WV st;;; '. ?iA ? - "ef fr .1 HpV v. 'a HE'PITTSBtmG DISPATCH,: THURSDAY, AUGUST ' ''.8, 1889. . ; LOCAL LITE STOCK. - ; r leading Features of Markets at the East Liberty ar3s. CATTLE BELOW THE AVERAGE. Tlie Prices of Last Week Fairly tained on Good Grades. Main- BUTCHEES AXD EXPORTERS HAPPY OrncB or pjttsburo Dispatch, I Wedxesdat. August 7. 1SS8. J Supplies for the week aggregated 118 carloads, against 135 loads last week. The quality did not arerage up as well as those received a week ago. "While there were about 15 loads of good shipperf, weighing 1,400 to 1,500 pounds, there were no extra primes in this week'a receipts. The bulk of supplies were common to good butchering cattle. Chicago furnished 17 loads of light stock, mostly betters and cdws. Of this grade supply exceeds demand and sales were only mide by liberal concessions. This is the time of the year when markets are usually over stocked with ligbtweigbt cattle from near-by districts. Tbe heavy rnn from Chicago demor alized markets, and on these lightweights prices this week were tbe lowest of the season. Tbe range for this erade of cattle was tl 10 to S3 00, and at these figures markets were slow. Ten carloads of 1,400 to 1,450-ponnd cattle which were bought for export sold at $4 10 to M 80. Three loads of the best on tbe market were bonght for New York at SI 35. This was the highest price paid this week. There is no essential difference in prices as compared with last weckexcept for light stock, which were in liberal supply. Herr's Island drovers report a loss on this wee k's operations because of tbe higher prices they were forced to pay in Chicago, wblle butchers here could not be brought to pay the advance. Drovers this week have generally suffered loss, if tney bought last week. One drover said, ! would be glad to close this week's deals at a loss of $75?' Another placed his losses at 1100. and another at $50. Tbe op portunities ot our butchers to secure stock at low figures tbls week bave been first class. It is not learned that the consumer is to derive any benefit from low-priced cattle. He will no doubt be required to pay the same for his roasts and steaks as wben tbe price of live stock was at least 3c per pound above rates of to-day. Tbe butcher's excuse for holding np prices Is that tallow, bides and rough meat are so much reduced in price. It Is assuredly time that our steaks and roasts should join tbe downward movement of eata bles. With choice beeves selling at M to St 50, 15 to 20c per pound for beef, is too high or it was dreadfully low a few years ago when cat tle brought 7 to 8c per pound. The present must be a harvest time for butch ers and exporters. Sheep and Lamb. The run was light, Monday's receipts being 18 loads against 26 tbe previous Monday. Tues day's receipts were 6 to 8 loads, and to-day but one load was reported. Markets varied little from last week, the light run being the saving clause. The range for wethers was 3?i to 4fl. Noth ing above the latter figure could be traced. Lambs brought from $4 65 to $5 50. Anything of a choice quality In sheep or Iambs found ready sale. Low grades, which were In the majority, were dull and slow at inside quota tions. In these days of low prices and narrow margins good goods bave tbe lead more de cidedly than in high price times. Low grades can only be foisted on to markets by conces sions. nogs. Markets present no new features. Supply was light as it always is In midsummer. Sheep meat seems to be more in demand than pork. Heavy bogs are particularly slow. Lard keeps drifting downward, and while this is the case, heavy hogs will inevitably go slow. OlcCall & Co.' Review. The supply of cattle has been fair and the market ruled strong on all grades, especially good, which was in light supply. We give the following as ruling prices, the market closing strong: Prime, 1,300 to LOW Its. $4 BOSH 40; good, 1,200 to 1,400 lbs, S3 9o4 20; rough fat, 1,100 to 1.300 As, S3 503 70; good butcher grades, 900 to 1,100 lis, S3 303 63; common t fair. 800 to 1,000 As, 52 ,SS 23; bulls and tat cows, S2 00Q2 73: fresh cows and springers, S30 00035 U0 per bead. The supply of hoes on Monday was about equal to the demand, and while prime light grades sold readily at former prices, medium and heavy wereslowsalc. Tuesday the receipts were light, bnt composed of grassers and stub lers, which were bard to sell at 1520 per cent less than cornfed. To-day the receipts are light and all sold at the following quotations: Best light Yorkers. S4 754 80; common to fair Yorkers, $1 404 6j; heavy medium, selected, 4 304 C5, rougb stags and sows, S3 2504 00. Tbe receipts of sbeep this week were heavy, and the market slow at a decline of 10c to 15c per cwt. from last week's prices. We give the following as ruling prices: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, eigbing here 110 to 129 As, S4 501 85. good, 90 to 100 As. $4 23 4 40; fair to good, 75 to 80 As, $3 504 00; good yearlings. 75 to 80 As, H 254 60: com mon to tair, 60 to 00 As, $3 50a4 15; veal calves, 110 to 120 As, U 005 00. Br Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, 48 carloads for tbe market. 35 catloads for exportation and 27 carloads for city slaughterers direct. Opening prices for good steers were a trifle stronger man on aionaay, dui tne market closed barely steady; extremes for steer, all natives, S3f'04 60 ner 100 lbs; for bulls, 12 10Q 8 20, shipment: tc day, 1,270 beeves and 4,460 quarters or beef. Calves Receipts, 2,400 bead; market firmer and higher, with a good clearance at S2 503 25 per 100 lbs for grassers and buttermilks; S3 504 25 for mixed lots, and S4 504J6 25 for veals. Sheet Receipts, 6,000 bead, and 2.000 bead were left over Teaterrliv- sheep quiet aud steady; lambs active anil ' yc per pound higher; sheep sold at S3 6005 25 per 100 lbs. lambs at 55 607 50. with about five carloads of choice lambs at J7 75. Hogs Re ceipts, 6.U0O bead; market firmer, with sales alive at H 605 10 per 100 lbs. Kansas Crrr Cattle-Receipts. 4.778 head; sbipinents, 8,442 bead; good Texas and native dressed beef steers active and steady to a shade higher; common dull and weak; Mockers and leedmg steers steady; good to choice corn-fed steers, J4 0034 25; common to medium, S3 OOtl 3 75; stockers and feeding steers, SI 6083 00; cows. Jl 50S2 50; grass range steers, SI 752 Wi Hoct Receipts, 6,575 head; shipments, 1,361 bead; market strong to 5c higher, closing weak: good to choice light, S4 27V4 32)fc heavy and mixed, S4 05S4 25. hheep Receipts, 432 head: shipments, 130 head; market steady; good to choice muttons, S3 75Q4 00: common to me dium, $2 50Q3 53. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,700 head; ship ments. 800 head; market active and strong; choice heavy native steers, S4 3004 45; fair to good. S3 804 25; stockers and feeders. S2 25 2 50; rangers, ccrn fed, S3 253 75; grass fed, S2 30gS 00; range cows and heifers, SI B02 25. Hoes Receipts, 2,400 head: shipments, 1,000 head; market opened strong and closed tame; fair to choice heavy, S4 354 60; packinr S4 254 40; light grades, fair to best, S4 400 4 65. Sheep Receipts, 3,200 head; shipments, 2,200 head; market active and firm; fair to choice, S3 404 0 Lambs, S3 755 5a CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 25.000 head; ship ments, 6,000 bead; market steady; beeves, (4 20 4 55: steers, S3 604 35; stockers and feeders. tl 30Q3 30; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 6003 00; Texas cattle. SI 60ffiJ 10: natives and half breeds, S3 303 SOL Hogs Receipts, 14,500 head; shipments. 6,000 head; market steady: mixed S4 254 65. heavy, S4 104 40; liebt,$4 35g4 75: skips. S3 5004 bO. Sheen Receipts. 11.000 head; shipments. 2,0G0 head; market steady and a shade weaker: natives, S3 6004 70: western. 83604 10:Texans, S3 40i 16; lambs, S4 750 5 75. Btwalo Cattle Receipts 98 carloads through; 6 carloads for sale: market un changed. Sbeep and Iambs Receipts, 9 car loads through: 6 carloads for sale; sheep un changed: lambs higher: good to best sheep. 5. 55: ?alr t0 KOO(1- M604f4 76; common; S4 0004 50; lambs, good to best, 86 2506 60; fair to good. $6 0006 25; common, 85 006 Ott Hogs Receipts, 13 carloads through; 12 for sale: market active and 5c higher; medium. S4 650 72jBUxe1, U ai 80! rke. M 7004 90; pigs, A Slcnal Improvement. The rail circuit system of automatie block signalling will be put Into formal service to-day between the Union station and "Wilkinsburg on the Pennsylvania road. If it proves successful the system will be ex tended along the entire line. CLARET WINES. Imported Brandenberg Frere. Medoc,' 8t. Emillon, St, Estepha, Bt Julien, Margeaux, Pontet, Canet,8t. Pierrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau la Rosa, Chateau MontoD, Grand Vln Chateau Margeaux, Grand VinChateau Lafitte. by the case or bottla. G. W. Schmidt, 96 tnd 97 Fifth avenue, city. MARKETS BY WISE. The Ball Side of 'ike Wheat Pit Gets a Black Eye Good News for Con- sninrra A Big Hrycr Check the Decline .mil Saves tho liny. CHICAGO, August 7. Tlio trend of wheat values was downward to-day. The local trad ing crowd bave been working the bull tide of the market for tho past two or three days, but this morning the feeling was weak in the ex treme, before as well as after the opening. Cables came in unfavorably, both spot and fut ures of wheat at Liverpool being quoted lower, with a limited demand. Tbe increase for the week in the quantity on ocean passage, accord ing to tbe boards report, was 880.000 bushels, butBeerbohm made the Increase 1,040,000 bush els, and explained that it was almost all Rus sian wheat. This was regarded as a bear circumstance. Coupled with the depressing cables was the fine weather on this side and free movement of wheat into the primary markets. Influences were in fact pretty generally fjcrable for lower. prices, barring the good cash demand for both wheat and flour, and this did not ap pear to have as mnch weight, either yesterday or to-day, as the bulls bad hoped for and confi dently expected. The opening was K under yesterday's closing range, and before noon tbe market weakened c more, De cember selling down to TSJ-c. At that figure a prominent local operator was a free buyer, taking, it was said, fully a million and one-half of December at TSc and under. The effect of this buying was to check the decline, and the market slowly rallied to the opening price of 78Kc Later It became weak and receded to about inljlo figures, closings being at a net loss for the day in leading fut ures of iHc Considerable long wheat was closed out by tbe local bull houses ana at times was fairly active, though tbe volume of trade on the aggregate was not large. Corn ruled rather quiet the greater part of the session, though there were periods of temporary activity. The feeling on the whole was easier, and trading was at slightly lower prices of yesterday and easy and offerings were quite free. Influenced some by tbe fine weather, and prices declined c. A large local specu lator was a buyer on the decline and the market rallied, eased off a little and closed Jc lower tban yesterday. There was some selling on country account early in th day. Tbe demand for cash when the market opened also had a strengthening influence on the market. Cables were less favorable to holders, and domestic markets were easy and steady. There was less trading in oats and a quiet and cesier feeling prevailed, but price changes were confined to a small range. Considerable interest was manifested in the market for mess pork tbrougbout the day. Prices were advanced 1012c,and closed at outside figures. The market for lard attracted considerable, attention. Early tbe feeling was firm and prices were advanced 7X10c. Later prices receded 25c. At the close it rallied again and ruled firm. Fair attention was given short ribs. Early the feeling was stronger and prices ruled 2K 6o higher. Later prices receded again. To ward the close rallied 57c and closed steady. The leading rutures ranged as follows- WHEAT No. Z September. 76k76K76U 76c; December, 78i78iQ78K'ic; year, COBH s No. 2, September. 3636 October, S63Bc; December, !Kc. . . . uats .wo. z. September. Aew-j& 20c; October. 20J6203c:May. 24 24c Der. S10 62V Mess Pork, per bbl. Septerc 010 75010 60010 70: October. SI0 45010 67K 010 45010 55: January. S9 6009 92V6.0 97U6) 8 82)$. Lard, per 100 As. September, S6 32K06 45 06 3266 45; October, S 37H66 4506 S7K0 6 45: year, SB O7K06 la Short Ribs, per 100 As. September, 85 45 05 6505 4506 5; October. S5 4505 62k0 6 4505 5f ; January. S4 92H05 00. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat 765c: No. 3 spring wheat, new,71c;No.2Ted.76?-4076Kc: No. 2 corn. 36K036VC. No.2oata,20jc No.2 rye.42K043c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flax seed. SI 20, Prime timothy seed. SI 421 41. Mess pork, per barrel, S10 70010 75. Lard, per 100 pounds, SO 37K06 4a Short rib sides (loose), 15 4505 65. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 87X65 03. Short clear sides (boxed), S5 750 6 87K. Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 18.000 barrels; wheat, 202,000 bushels; corn. 492, 000 bnshels; oats, 293,000 bushels; rye, 6.000 bush els; barley, 4,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 11,000 barrels; wheat, 179,000busbels:com. 206.000 busbelstoats, 201,000 bushels; rye, none; barley, none. , On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was active for finest and unchanged. New York Flour heavy and moderately active. Cornmeal dull. Wheat Spot dull, X?c lower and heavy; options moderately active ana 54j0Jc lower. Rye firm. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot dull and weaker; options dull and weak. Oats Spot quiet and lower; options fairly active and heavy. Hay firm and In fair demand. Hops quiet and easy. Coffee Options opened dull and un changed to 6 points np and closed barely steady 6010 points down; sales, 27 500 ,1?SudJn,:A,uSnst' 14-85c; Septem ber. 14 90 0 15.10c: October. 15.00 15.05; November. 15.05; December. 14.80 01505c: March, 14.9O01a.lOc: Mav, 15000 1510c; spat Rio a shade easier; fair cargoes, lSJic Sugar Raw quiet and nominal; refined firm and in better demand. Molasses For eign dull; New Orleans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow ir regular and unsettled. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpertlne quiet at 4OK041i4c Ecgs firmer and is good demand; western, 15$16c; re ceipts. 4,053 packages. Fork steadv and fairly active; mess, inspected, S12 00012 50: mess, un inspected, Sll 75012 00: extra fine, $11 00. Cut meats lower but more active? nfobiAH ,.., UftllKc; sales picaled bellie, 12 pounds, 7?c: moked bellies, 9c: pickled shoulders, 5Mc: (middles dull. Lard Options opened 68pofnts up, lost 203 and closed dull; sales, 500 tierces wewrM steam, ueuvery in iwo weeKS for ex port, $8 78; 60 tierces spot, S6 70: September, closed at S8 74: October. S6 74; November. S6 73: Butter steady and quiet; western dairv. 100 12Kc; do creamery, 11017c; do factory, 8012Kc. Cheese in moderate demand and firm; west ern, 7c. Philadelphia Flour Market dull, except for choice old winters, which wera scarce and wanted. Wheat opened weak; futures bevond this month declined about c but cash No. 2 red wanted to fill freights and the August option ruled steady; rejected in grain depot, 70c; do in export elevator, 78c; ungraded in grain depot, 86c; No. 3 red in export ele vator, 78c: No. 2 red in do, 81c: No. 2 red. August, 83V084C; September. 83K083?ic: Octo ber. 8484Hc; November, 84J6S5!4c. Corn Options barely steady; carlots quiet but firm; No. 2 mixed, track and grain depot, 45Kc: do in grain depot, 40c; No. 2 mixed August, 43?i0 44VJr34Jfc; futures quiet but steady; No. i white, August. 31U032c; September. 8OH0 30Jic; October. 30J$631Kc; November. 31031c Eggs firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 15016c. St Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat Fine we ther and large increase in amount on passage put prices down, but the market was better sustained than at other golnts; August, 7373Ke, closed 733c asked; eptember, 7374Hc. closed 74c bid; Decem ber, 78H078c closed 78c; year, 7Sfc Corn lower; offerings were greater than demand: No. 2 mixed, cash, 33e; Anmst, 33J033Jc, cloed 3333Kc: September, 33Ji0S3Kc; October, 32Jg 33; year, 31i031Kc. Oats easier; No. 2 cash, 185ic bid; August and September, 20c bid; May, 23K024c Rye better; No. 2. 40c. Barley No market. Flaxseed active at SI 23K01 25. Provisions firm, but very quiet. Cincinnati Wheat easier: No. 2 red, 76c: receipts, 12.000 bushels; shipments, 6,000 uusneis. uorn steady; No. 2 mixed. 38c. Oats heavy: No. 2 mixed, 24K025Xc: No vember, 22c. Rye weaker; No. 2, 44045c Pork firm at Sll S7. Iard stronger at $0 15. Bulkmeats and bacon firm. Butter steady. Sugar in light demand: refined. 8?iic: New Orleans, 708. Eggs firm at llc. Cheese strong. MILWAUKEE Flonr. steadv. Wheat east-? caRh. 67Jc: 8eptember.75Mc Com dull: So. 3, ?36Kc e dui ,c uats ami: no. i wmie, zdkkvwc. Re dull: No. L 42c Barley quiet; Sep. tember. 68VCc sel'ers. Provisions firm. Pork. S10 67K. Lard,S6S2X. Cheese higher; Ched dars 808c. Baltimore Provisions dulL Butter steady; creamery. 16017c Eggs firm; fresh 14c Other articles unchanged. Toledo Cloverseed quiet; cash, S4 45; Oc tober, (4 . Wool Market. St. Louis Increased receipts had no marked effect, and the market ruled quiet and un changed. Metal Market. NEW Yorx Copper irregular, but tendency npwara; laae, adeuh, h eo; copper, copper, 9 4a ijeau auu ana Bieauy, uuiuenuc, s 1 firm and brisk in tone; straits, S19 95. .3B7iC Tin Ali apothecaries sell that true and tried strengthening and worm medicine, Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. If a child is weak and wanting in appetite, a finer tonic and appetiser cannot be given it: while, if worms be present, their removal by the Verfaifuge is safely effected. Visitors to Paris Exposition Can fiM "Holmes' Best" rye whisky at A. D. Gaitard's, No. 30 Boulevard aes Cacu clnes, xaria. azssa 35S5kc; sajieiei) A FA'KMER' MISTAKE.' He Didn't Read the Papers and Didn't Know the Value of Walnat PAPER HOUSES THE HEXT THISG. Timely Advice to Countrj Boys Who Bare an Itching for the City. TfllEri-FOUEDOLIiAKS AFOOTFOELAKD Mr. J. S. Fisher, a prominent local lum ber dealer, in conversation yesterday, told how an Ohio farmer made a mistake. He said: "X was in the Bnckeye State on busi ness a short time ago. In walking along a railroad I discovered a large lot of black walnut ties. They had been famished by a fanner who. presumably, never reads the papers and did not know the value of the wood. When I told him he was mad enough to kick himself. I was mad, too. to see such waste of a valuable wood. He could have got dollars for it in Pittsburg, where he got cents from tbe railroad." , Thirty-two mortgages were filed for record yesterday. The largest. was for $11,400 to Bank of Pittsburg. The next largest was for $10,000 to J. R. Mellon. Thirteen were for $1,000 and np to $4,000. A large proportion of these mort gages was for nnrchase money. The activity in this business bids fair to eventually absorb all the idle money of which so much has been said. It would be Interesting to know how many men In the city these hot August days, who are tied down to business in close, hot and dusty stores and offices while the blazing sun makes the streets, the sidewalks and even the very brick walla radiate an increased beat, wish they were barefooted boys again, and out in tbe country in the cool shade, where tbey could dress as they pleased. As a rule, the city man wants to go to the country and tbe countryman wants to come to the city. It is the same with boys. But, as Shakespeare puts it, they bad better bear tbe ills tbey bave tban fly to others they know not of. Comparatively few country boys succeed In the city. A large majority of tbem prove pronounced failures, and sink out of sight and remembrance in a few years. A few of those with exceptional en ergy, natural force of character, or special ad vantages acquire fortunes and fame. Country boys, unless tbey have trades, professions, cap ital or some other special calling or advantage, should avoid the city. w The lumber trade is unusually active for the season. Tbls is attributed to the large number of buildings going up in the city and suburbs. This industry will improve later on, when there will be an advance in prices. There are already signs of an awakening. No towns, houses or transportation lines can be built without lum ber. If all the projected booms and improve ments materialize, and there is good evidence to show that a great many of them will, there will be a rush lor lumber at an early date. Reoently there has been an addition made to the food plants produced in this country, which in time may prove a strong rival of Indian corn. The new plant is called cassava, and it can be grown to perfection in almost all the Southern States, A person who has given special atten tion to the cassava thinks that from 10 to 50 tons of roots of one year's growth ougnt to be ob tained from an acre of land, according to its quality. This is little better than conjecture, but certainly the plant yields enormously under certain conditions. It makes an excellent flour. This is alarming news to lovers of Johnnycakes, hoecakes and dodgers, - w Lots In the Orchard plan, at Wilkinsburg, are selling at tbe rata of $34 afoot. Six or eight years ago tbey went a-begging at half the money. Water works, churches of nearly all denominations, the finest school building out side of the cities and unsurpassed railroad fa cilities are attracting attention to Wilkinsburg as one of the most desirable places for residence around Pittsburg; Tbe advance in prices during the past two weeks was not confined entirely to Wall street. Within that time wheat has risen 7 cents per bushel, corn 7 cents per bushel, coffee 70 points, cotton 1-18, lead 10 points, tin 15 points, copper 25 points, and oil about 6 cents per bar rel! Local stocks have also participated in the upward movement. The prophet who a few years ago proclaimed tbat all houses for common use would ulti mately be built of paper, was laughed at as impractical. But it is quite rapidly coming true that cheap houBes can be built entirely of paper. What is needed is a building material so inexpensive that we shall have no tempta tion to retain them when infected by diseases, or when partially decayed and unwholesome. The Paper World boasts that we are entering the paper age, when we shall not only live in paper houses, but wear paper clothes, and use paper napkins, handkerchiefs and plates. A deed has just been executed in Virginia City, Nev., by the United States Marshal, con veying to the Union Trust Company, of New York, all property of tbe Sutro Tunnel Com pany included in the sale of the property Janu ary 14, 18b9. The sale was made to satisfy a mortgage held by Hugh McCalmont et aL A suit for foreclosure was called in the United States Circuit Court at Carson. October L 1888. resnlting in a decree ordering the sale of the property. The property was bid in by agents of the Union Trust Company for $1,625,000. TOO MANX ABSENTEES. Local Securities Well Sustained Under Ad verse Conditions Central Raided. There was not mnch of a stock market yes terday, only 310 shares changing hands. There are too many brokers and investors away to ex pect much business. An attempt to bear Cen tral Traction developed more inherent strength in that stock than it was thought to possess. It gave way a trifle in the afternoon, however, selling at 31. Later 32 was bid and 32 asked. Pittsburg continued to flounder around in the soup, but Citizen's was strong. Tne natural gas stocks, with the exception of Chartiers, which was weaker and neglected, were a shade firmer. Pipeage was fractionally lower. Manufacturers' Oas was firm at Tues day's advance. La Noria was weaker and Snitch and Signal slightly stronger. Bids, offers and sales follow: HOHNINQ. AITERWOOTT. fUd. Asked. Hid. Asked. P. P.. S. A 1L Ex 450 llrstltat.Bank.l'ltt Fourth National Bank tS Aeysione jsk 01 --; Uermnflat.JJk,AIl'y. ISO ISO 8o 113 K.E. L.&T.Co.,AU'y .... Tblrd Nat. Bant. AT.. I3S Ben franklin Ins. Co. 47 Briiljrewaier Gas at Chartiers Val. Oas Co. .... Manufacturers Oas Co. 2SU Nat. bus Co. or V. Va. . 72 Ohio Valley Gas. 48 MX 1". N. Ir-il". CO PennsTlvanlaUas Co.. Philadelphia Co Wfaeellnc Uas Co tores toil (Jo Tuna Oil Co Washington oil Co.... Central Traction. Cltliens'Tractlon...... Pittsburg 1 Taction Pleasant Valley Pitts., Alle. & Man.... Pitts. & Western . K. 1 V. . K. K. Co. pref La Morla Mining; Co... Westins-bouse hJectrus 1 173 17 15! &X 7K SI .8 ..:::: 68 .... 79 85 78 Ji)4 S!)f S2 7l 71)4 70tf 4 4itfJ .... SIX 3 u .nononganeia water... .. . U. B. A Slg. Co. IX 22 weiiinrnouseA.tt.uo.. no 117 At the first call were 50 shares of Tl'Sjr.r'ik'.f' 1JJ. 10 Central Traction at 825)5, 100 b. o. 80082. and 50 Philadelphia Gas at Zl. In the after noon 100 shares Central Traction sold at ZIU. Mr. A. Caster sold $2,000 Westmoreland and Cambria 68 at par and interest. This company is rapidly recovering from the effects of tho flood. The stock is strong at 25 bid. Tbe total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 156,883 shares, including: Atchison. 12,895; Missouri Pacific, 5,830; Northwestern. 4,28c: Northern Pacific preferred, 7,410; Read ins:. 7,785: St. Paul, 18,030; Union Pacific. 8,72a Beaton Stocks. Ateh. A Top. E. E... 38 AllouezMi;Co(new). H Calumet A ilcla....ZS4 Cataioa ;i"iln. 10 Osceola. n Kir"8 (new)....,. 1 Qalncy 50 Sell TelephoMin " Boston Land t U iter Power Boston Ainany...:i7 lUMion Maine.. ...201 C. 11. AU. 103), Eastern R. H. 89 Eastern K. B. fts ..UJH Mexiaan Uen. com.. MS Mex.Clstatg.bds. 6SM N. y. AAewKng... COJj wauoumr .10 Hntland preferred.. 40 wis. Oen trai.com... safe WIC Central pf,... 60 -ramaraex i San mega , jg "VA- YEET' LITTLE SHRINKAGE., ' . Clearing Danse Figures Show Trade to, be In Excellent Condition. Reports at several ot the local banking insti tutions yesterday were to the effect that money' was plenty and rates unchanged. A Slight Im provement In the borrowing demand was noted, but as depositing was, liberal and check ing rather light; the flow of money was toward the banks. That there will be a good demand for money wben the fall trade sets in Is the opinion of nearly every financier in the city. The Clearing House report indicated a large movement lor August in tbe various lines of trade. . One of the largest wholesale dry goods firms reported July sales 120,000 larger tban in the same month last year, and a still larger busi ness so far this month. The clearings were 11,795,265 84, and the balances $453,740 03. Cur rency was scarce, and some of the banks used considerable gold in making settlements. Money on call atNew York yesterday was easy at 2KQ3H per cent; last loan, 8: closed offered at8. Prime mercantile paper, 4Jf6K. Ster ling exchange qnlet but strong at $4 85 for 60 day bills and $4 Si for demand. ; Closing Bond Quotations. D. 8. 4s,reg KSH U. S. 4s. coup 128X U.S. 4X&, re MMi O. S. 4Ks. coup.... Kb Pariacssor'& us Loulsianaitampedta ii -Missouri 0s 10014 Tenn. new set. 6s... .105 Tenn. new set. 5s. ...100 Tenn. new set 3s.... 7 Canada Bo. 21 9S,H Cen. Pacificists 114)4 Den. 4 K. O., lsts..,13s Der i R. O. 4s 79 l.AH.O.West,lsts. 101 Krle, xus 103 14. K. i. T. Oen. 6s.. 63. M.K.4T.Gen.5s . SW Mutual Union es... .101 V.J, C. Int. Cert.. .113 Northern Pae. lsts..H7Jj Northern Pae.2ds..H6 Northw't'n consols. 14"4 Northw'n deben's.,114 Oregon A Trans. 6s 105X St,J-4I.M.Uen.585 Bt. Ii.A8.P.(ien.Jl.llS Bl. Paul consols ...-1-J4 yt Pi ihi . fe.lsta.UH Tx.,Pc.L.O.Tr Ks.SOH ix,rc.n.u.ir.jw '. Union Pac. 1SU....U4K West Shore 1 Government and State bonds were steady and unchanged. Nkw" Yobk Clearings, J102,80a,418; bal ances, $4,639,59a Boston Clearings, S13,800,300; balances, $1,482,902. Pnn.AEKi.prnA The bank clearings to-day were, l'0.638,471; balances. J1.5S.83L Kaltimobe Clearings. $1,932,560; balances, $252,079. Paris Three per cent rentes, 851 TKc forjthe account. Chicago Money steady. On call, 5KS6 per cent: time loans, 67 per cent. Bank clearings, S0.842.0oa ABOTE A DOLLAR. Oil Active and Doll by Turns A Bullish Close. The oil market was active and dull yesterday by turns. Business was of a spasmodic charac ter, of moderate proportions, and confined to tbe room traders. About 10,000 barrels of cash oil were handled at a below the regular op tion. September oil held above the dollar mark all day, and closed within c of the high est point, with a bullish disposition. Tbe de mand for calls Indicated belief in better prices to-day. The fluctuations were: Opening, SI W: high est, SI 00; lowest, SI OOXs closing. Si 00&. Tues day's clearings were $838,001 After the gong sounded two or three of the "boys" had their nervous equilibrium restored by the application of a bucket of water. One wav and another, there Is a good deal of fun at the Exchange. Yosterdar'a Oil Range. Corrected dally by John M. Oaauey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened IOC Lowest 1004 I Closed 100 Barrels. ...a............. 44.54? : 79,821 42,839 nil Llzhest.. ...iocs Average runs Average shipments Average charters. . Kenned, New Yor. 7.40c Krflne, London, SSSd. Refined, Antwerp, 18 HC Ktfined. Liverpool, SUd. a. a. jucurew s c. o. quote: Puts, BOJiQ w;ic; caiis, si 01 Other Oil Markets. On. Crrr. August 7. National transit certifi cates opened at SI OOJgi highest, SI 01; lowest, JlOOJc; closed, SI 09: Bbadpobd, August 7. National transit cer tificates opened at SI OOK; closed at SI 00; high est, SI 01: lowest, SI OOJgc. TrrTJ8Vixt,is, August 7. National transit cer tificates opened at 81 OOXc; highest, SI 01; low est, SI OOXc; doseoVSl O0K. New Yoek, August 7. Petroleum opened firm at SI (ML and after movinir nn to xi "Yi-V nn ugnt trading reacted and closed steady at 81 Sales, 401.000 barrella, oa M0TING EIGHT ALONG A Boe.net Street Dwelling and Large Lot Change Owners. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold a fine property on Boquet street, Four teenth ward, containing 1 acre, 12 perches of land, having erected thereon a two-story frame dwelling house, for Sl2,50a The price paid is considered very reasonable, as property in that vicinity is Increasing in value quite rapidly. Reed, B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold tQ Frank E. Lane lots Nos. 18, 19, 30 and 3L in the Marion Place plan, for a price approxi mating $1,600. The Pittsburg Company. Lim., placed a mortgage for $10,000 on Wylie avenue business property at 4K per cent, without State tax. James W. Drape 4 Co. sold a bonse of six rooms, with lot 23x128 feet, on Shetland streer. East End, for S3,80a Tbey also placed two mort gages on bouses and lots In McKeesport of $4,000 at 6 per cent; also closed a mortgage of $2,500 at 6 per cent on property in Wilkins burc. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, placed the following mortgages: Two for 81,000 on Thirteenth ward property, and one for SLOOO on Sixteenth ward property, all for three years, at 6 per cent. Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold to H. P. McCnllougb for William IL Watt tbe property No. 93 Webster avenue, with lot 25x 120 feet, on which there are three small brick dwellings, for 83,800. Ewing & Byers, No. 107 Federal street, placed a mortgage of $750 for two years at 6 per cent on property on Spring Garden avenue, Alle- ?J?n.F Baxter, 612 Smithfield street, sold to W. D. Kirkland, lot No. 95, Bank of Commerce addition, Brusbton station, having a frontage of 40 feet on Kelly street by 137 to a 20-foot alley, for $60a Business Notes. A New Yoek telegram says the predicted tightness in money has not yet materialized. Stilt, the query is heard: "Why is the La Noria statement not forthcomingf" Who knows? Tits Exchange bull showed up yesterday, but he didn't seem anxious to toss things. Maybe he was just laying out his work. The feeling as to Northern Pacific preferred is getting stronger, and 80 is talked of as a probable price for it within a month. The business of the Westinghouso Electric Company during Jnly amounted to $350,000. August promises to do considerably better. Mb. A. Caster is doing a rushing business in Westmoreland and Cambria bonds and stocks. What he doesn't know about bonds isn't worth knowing. When oil traders become too buoyant they are treated by their more lymphatic brethren to a drenching with cold water, it takes the starch out of them in a short time. Robiksok Bros., bankers, 415 Wood street, are offering for sale the 6 per cent debentures of the Equitable Mortgage Company. They are prepared to give all information desired. The little raid on Central Traction was a sort of test case, to ascertain the backbone of the stock. It developed, just what has been said, all along, that the market is In a condi tion to quickly.respond to a movement in either direction. It could be beared or bulled with out much effort. uu """ Hewky Kbo has sold his Interest in the firm of Duncan King, Merchants' Law and Collection Bureau, to go into his old business of manufacturing Iron. A. C. Duncan, who so successfully managed the business of A. C. Duncan fc Co.. afterward succeeded by Duncan Bros., and Duncan & King, will continue thel bureau under the old firm name. This concern) stands In the front rank in its business. LOSING GB0UND. Business In Wall Street Continue to Shrliik The Ball Leader Flaying; a Little j Game Final Omagra Show Mo Partlenlnr Losses ( r Gains. New Yobk, August 7. The stock market to day again showed a loss In the amount of ,nusi n ess done. It was irregular and prices at times sageed off slowly, while the movemei ta in everything except the few leading shares were confined to the smallest fractions audi were generally withoat special significance. The be lief gained ground that the bull leaders were desirous of shaking off some of their tcjo nu merous small followers, and drrrlag mostbf tbe day did nothing and allowed prices Xo tkg un der tbe assaults of the traders, while joutaide 1 centers were also seemingly doing llttlei though London bosght some of lta favoritek wh4J business, however, amonnted to small propor tions." The Chicago people who were so lately prominent in the upward movement were con spicuous by their absence, and the realizations included were sufficient to check the upward tendency in prices. .The opening was generally firm, bnt while Delaware and Hudson was exceptionally strong, with a rise of per cent, in but few cases were the further advances of any mo ment Lake Erie and Western preferred was a feature and rapidly rose IK per cent, touch Ing 63 and later in the day rose M more. Tbe Chesapeake and Oblo stocks and Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St Louis preferred also made marked advances, but outside of tnesethe market bad a drooping tendency which lasted tbrougbout the forenoon, and at 12 o'clock almost everything traded in was slightly lower than at tbe -upenine. After that time there was some support given to prices while tbe selling slacked off, and wblle the market became extremely dull there was a firm tone to the dealings, and before 2 p. K. most of the list had reached the highest prices of the day and were fractionally higher than tint figures. Considerable animation was aeveloped in Missouri Pacific and St Paul, but the rest of tbe list were quiet and dull. There was a renewal of tbe selling In tbe last hour and prices again yielded, but the tone at tbe close was firm, with the dullness very marked. The only really active stocks were St Paul Chesapeake and Ohio common and Atchison. Tbe final changes are about equally divided between gains and losses, and were fractionally Railroad bonds were quiet The market was generally firm, tbe only feature being tbe strength in the Kansas and Texas issues and tbe final changes are small and quite irregular. Kansas and Texas 5s roe 2, to S9 The followlne table snows tne prices of active stocks on the New York stock Exchange yester day. Corrected daily for Tim Dispatch by WHiTNiT&STZraansov. oldest Pittsburg mem bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos-Open- High- Low- tns; Inir. est. est Blfli. Am. Cotton Oil Wi Wi H K Atch.. Top. &ts.r.... S7J tlH 86 l5 Canadian Pacific HM MM M'J M Canada Southern. UH !C Uii 52)2 Oentralor.NewJersey.112H H2H 1UJ4 111 CentraiPaeltlu S4W WX t4 WJ, Chesapeake Sb Ohio ... J3' SK 23H 23 O. Bur. ft Oulier.....l0o 104H 103H 1035 C, Alii. A Bt Paul.... 72,'J 72U 71Ja 72 C., Kockl. AP 87H 97 87, 87H U. St L. & WtU.. " 14 C., St L. & Pitts. PC U U.. St. P., M. 4 0 34 M U X1K C.. St. P.M. tO., pr. 87 87 7 9614 C. 4 Northwestern.. ..I10M U0H MX HO C.A Northwestern, pr. 141 o., u, c. ft 1 an u 73s, n c.,c, c. l, pr ....100 ioix loot loo, Col. Coal ft Iron... 27 U1. ft HocklUK Val .. U W 14H 14 Bel.. L. ftW 145) 14oS 145 144X Bel. ft Hudson WA, 14SM U614 145 BenverftKloO - is Uenvet-ftBioG.. or 46J E.l..Va.ftUa 9jJ E.T..Va. ftGa. 1st pf. 70S, g. 1.. Vs. A Oa. 2d pr. 23 23 23 nH Illinois Central 117 Lske Krl ft Western.. 18X 1W 18K 1914 Lake Erie ft West pr.. 62 63V tt MX Lake Shore ft M. 8.. ...103X ltc ya 103 Louisville ft Kashvllle. 68) 6sH cn es Michigan central 87 87k SIX 87 H Mobile A Ohio nii Mo., Kan. A Texas I0H Missouri Pacific T04 71 70H 70 New fork Central 1W 108H 106K VX'A . Y.. l. e. & w ibH rayl sau ia 14.1., L E. AW., pre! 65M 66M 65V Bj M. AX. E SOS 51 SOW 5044 1. l. O. W 17)J 17X 17J4 17 Korfolk a Western.... 15)4 "H 15)4 1511 Norfolk Western, pi. 51 51V 61 51K Northern Pacific 29)f 29 29 29!4 Nortnern Pacific nrer. ss esQ esK es OhioA Mississippi..... SH 2-y, 22J4 KH Oregon improvement. 54 54 54 MH wrcKon xranscon &?s xim 53 33 Pacincauu .. 34 34$ 31 34W Peo. Dec. A Evans 22U Phtladel. A Heading;.. Wi 45 41M 44K I'uUman Palace Car...lS0 ISO 180 180 Klehmona A W. P. I..8 w 23 23 23 Klchmond ft W.P.T.pf .... ..." .... 78 St P., Minn, ft Man .101 101 101 100 St L. ft San Kran 23 29 23 17 St. L. ft San Jrran pf.. 5SK 56 M 67,S St.ii. A San P. 1st pf. . 109 Texas Paclflo 20 20)f 20J 20J4 Union Paclfio.... 61 . 61 60S, 60H Wsbasn ; 15U Wabash preferred 30 30 28J 29X Whrtlinu A L. E. C8 WX 69K C9 Snirar Trust 1154 i)4!i Jfatlonal Lead Trust. 24 23K Chicago Gas Trust 58Jtf S3U Wi UH Philadelphia Rtock. Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, far-" ntshed by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. Ho 57 Fourth avenue. Members Mew York Stock Ex change. " BM, Pennsylvania Railroad .. 61K Heading 22H Bufialo. Plttsbura-and Western..... SJj Lehlah Valley 5114 Asked. 52X 22 7-19 10H inifrn .naTiftauon Northern Pacific Northern Paclflo preferred... .52), . J8H . 66 53)4 29 H 66H Mining Stocks. . NewXoek. August7. Amador. 100; Belcher, 200; Best t Belcher. 280; Caledonia B. H., 260: Chollar. 100; Crown Point 163: Consolidated California and Virginia, 662K; Commonwealth. 305: Deadwood Ter 12S; Eureka Consolidated, 135: El Cristo, 100; Gonld fc Curry.125; Hale & Norcross, 255; Homestake, 900: Horn Silver, 125: Iron Silver, 195; Mexican. 230: Mutual, 140; North Belle Isle, 100; Occidental, 1S5; Ontario, 34.00; Ophir. 390; Savage, 150; Sierra Nevada, 175; Standard, 100: Union Consolidated. 225; Ward Consolidated, 175. LATE -NEWS IN BRIEF. A man has been arrested at Laredo, Tex., who Is tnonght to be the Tascott murderer. The Sheriff Is holding him awaiting orders from Chicago. Yesterday afternoon John Richter and Adolph Whitman, butchers at tbe Chicago stock vards. quarreled over some trifling matter, and Richter plunged his butcher knife into Whitman's heart killing him instantly. Richter was locked up. Instructions bave been received from New York to discontinue work on the Standard Spirit Company's distillery building at La Salle, 111. Nearly $100,000 has so far oeen ex pended in tbe plant It is believed that the Whisky Trust has secured control of the con cern. The Navy Department has instructed the commanding officer of tbe United States steamer Michigan to be present with tbe vessel at Milwaukee during tbe jSatinnal Encamp ment of the G. A. R. on August 27 1" 30, to take part In the sham tattle and otherwise promote the success of the encampment. For tbe last four v, eeks tbe bloody flux has been epidemic amoncr tbe citizens of, White Hall, lib, and about 30 deaths bave occurred up to date. The disease I as now made its ap pearance in tbe country adjacent to tbe oity and it Is feared that it may spread throughout thetoun'v. Tbe physicians bave been unable to check the terrible epidemic. While at work on tbe highway, e'ight miles west of Peoria, I1L, on what Is known as the Lancaster road, William Given and J. W. Rich mond, two farmers, unearthed 15 skeletons. Tbey were all together, as if from one inter ment and were remarkably well preserved. One skeleton was large and well developed. Tbe others were rather inferior, and four of tbem were children. Tbey were found on a gravel bank near Nesselbaus Hill. That tbe people of Spokane Falls hare by no means lost heart by the recent terrible dis aster, or are Inclined to abandon the city by tbe falls, is evidenced by the preparations for re building and tbe buildings begun. Tbrougbout all the excitement attendant upon the destruc tion of Sunday night there was a manifest dis position on tbe part of all to assist in staying tbe conflagration, and there were none of tbe scenes of disorder and pillage that have marked the experience of other cities similarly af flicted. Order was maintained throughout and tbe spirit of recuperation has manifested itself in a marked degree. Fortv Russian peasants, comnnalnp all the inhabitants of a small village in tbe Govern ment of Kursk, have been arrested for burning the whole village to the ground to obtain tbe insurance. The curious featnre of this cue Is tbe evident innocence of these simple villagers of any wrong doing. They made no secret of their plans, gathered together and placed In a safe place such of their effects as they wished to save, awaited a favorable wind and annlied the torch. Their houses, these simple villagers explain, were old and tbey were anxious to im prove the town by erecting new ones in their stead with the insurance they expected. Tbey are at a loss to understand their arrest -Jefferson Davis having become dissatisfied with his profits upon his book, "The Rise and Fall of the Southern Confederacy," has had a dispute with the publishers of the work, Messrs. D. Appleton fc Co., as to the amoun: due him. The firm has made a proposition to refer the Question to arbitrators, and Mr. Davis 'has accepted this offer. The publishers say uai tne aaie 01 the dook is connnea almost ex clusively to the South, wbere the poverty of the people materially limits the circulation of the work. Tbe publishers claim that tbe sale of the book in the North was almost entirety killed by the extracts from the work printed in the newspapers in reviewing it These ex tracts show such a strong sectional feeling that Northern people declined to purchase the work. The people of South Chicago are agitated over the condition of affairs at the morgue. On the morning of July 31 the body of an unknown man was found on the lake shore, and was placed in tbe morgue. The same day tbe Cor oner held an inquest and issued a burial per mit but for some reason the body has not been removed. The county undertaker usually dele gates some local undertaker to remove un known bodies, but as tbls body soon became badly decomposed, tbe local undertakers would not touch it for the fee of (S, which the county allows in such cases. Aaa result tbe body is still at tbe morgue, and Is daily becoming more decomposed, so that it is almost impossible to go near tbe place: Health OficerLarkln fumi gated the morgue, but this has not helped mat. Mrs much. He says now that it is dangerous tor anyone to go near the body, as the fumes arising would bailable to cause disease. Tbe Lieutenant of Police said tbe police were not concerned, aa when the body waa turned over to the Coroner their jurisdiction ended. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Elgin Creamery Tends Upward--Apples and Potatoes Weak. CALIFORNIA' FRUIT PLENTY, SLOW. Corn the Strong Factor of Cereals Wheat and Flour Easy. DEI HEMLOCK LDMBEB TEI BCAECE Office of PrrrsBtmo Dispatch, Wednesday, August 7, ISStt. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Elgin creamery was advanced Kc at head quarters on Monday. Some sales of the best were made at 16Jc at Elgin, which would bring tbe cost delivered here close to 18c. Eggs are steady at old rates. Cheese is firm and Jus taken an upward turn in Eastern markets. Apples are lower and doll. Potatoes are in the same boat Indiana melons are coming in .freely, bnt Georgia furnishes the best Ann Arundel cantaloups are in good supply at lower prices. California fruits are on the market In large quantity and prices are lowering. Peaches from Delaware begin to come In freely, and are the best card in produce markets. Commission men report trade as flat and stuff very abund ant Buttes Creamery, Elgin, IAS19c; Ohio do. 1718c; fresh dairy paciced, 1213c; country rolls, 1012c Beans Naw hand-picked beans, $2 402 60; medium, $2 30452 40. Beeswax a30c ft & for choice; low grade, 18&20C. Cideb Sand refined, $6 G07 50: common, 3 &0Q4 00; crab cider, IS 0&&8 50 barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c f) gallon. CH.EE9E Ohio. 8c; New York, 10c; Lim burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 912c: imported Sweitzer, 22c California Pbuits California peaches, $2 00 W K-bUBhel box: Bartlett pears. S3 00 3 60 box: grapes. 1 5033 00 a 20-pound box; apricots, ti 00 a 4-basket case; plums, SI 75 2 OO a 4-basket case. Eaos 15c V dozen for strictly fresh. Fbuits Apples, tl &03 00 V barrel: pine apples, tl 0U1 2$ W dozen; whortleber ries, 75c31 00 V pail; blackberries, 5Q8c p quart; wna goose piums, JJ 00 ft crate; currants, $3 604 $ 2-busnel stand; watermelons, S15 O023 00 V hundred; Delaware peaches, tl 251 50 per half-bushel basket PeatheeS Extra live geese, 60S0c; No. 1, do, 404245c; mixed lots, SO35c fl ft. Potatoes tl 251 50 ft barrel. Poultry Lire spring chickens, HJQOOo- pair; old, 70ts75c ft pair. Seeds Clover, choice, (B Its to bushel, S5 60 V bushel; clover, large English, 62 its. S6 00; clover. Alsike, J8 50; clover, white, t9 CO; timo thy, choice, 45 Its, SI 65: blue grass, extra clean, 14 Ss, 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 Bis, SI 00; orchard grass, 14 &s. SI 65; red top, 14 &s, SI 25; millet, 60 Bs, tl 00; German Mlllett 60 Its, tl 60; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, tl 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 60 f) bushel of 14 as. Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J 5c Tropical Fbuits Lemons, fancy. S5 60 6 00 ft box: Messina oranges, S5 005 0 ft box; rodi, S4 605 00; Dananas, S2 00 firsts, SI 25 good seconds. p bunch; cocoannts, 84 004 60 ft hundred; new figs, 8K9c ft S; dates, 5 6ke ft ft. Vegetables Tomatoes, home-grown, S2 2 25 ft bushel; wax beans. SI ft bushel; green beans, 6075c ft bushel; cucumbers, home raised, SI 60 ft bushel: radishes, 2540c ft dozen; home-grown cabbage, 60c ft busbel; new celery, bome-grown, 60c ft dozen: sweet pota toes, tl 001 60 a barrel. Groceries. Green coffee keeps drlftingupward in East ern markets, and packages must soon advance if the upward drift holds. The outlook 'is for higher-priced coffee. Othergrocerles are un changed. Green COWEE FancyRio. 21622c; choice Rio, 18j20c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 1718c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 272Sc; Santos. 1922c; Caracas 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21 Roasted (In papers) Standard brands,22c: high grades, 2426c: old Government Java, bnlk. 3131Jc; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos. 20X22c; peaberry,25Hc; peaberry.cboice Rio. 23$c: Prime Rio, 21Kc; good Rio, 21c; ordi nary, 20c Bpiok8 (whole) Cloves, 21023c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c: Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 160, 8Kc; water white, 10c; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, Uc; royaline, 14c SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime, S335c: new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy. 4Sc; choice. 46c; me dium. 43c; mixed. 4042c Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 34c; bl-carb inKs, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal soda in kegs, Kid do granulated. 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine. ft set 8Kc; paraffine, U12c Rice Head. Carolina. 77Kc: choice, 6 7c; prime, 6K6Jc; Louisiana, 06Kc. Stabch Pearl, 8c: cornstarch, 5$7c; gloss starch, &7c Foreign Fbuits Layer raisins, 52 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 60; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels, SI 80; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia. 7KSSc; sultana, 8Kc; currants. 4f5c; 4JS&5c: ..! IMWCB, V4UI 1'IVUUl ptUUCB, 8K13c; Salonlca prnnes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; x uritey prunes. cocoanuis. ft xw, eo uu; aimonas. Lam, per a9 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap , L2H15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, li 16cj new dates, &6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron, Der ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orange peel, 12Wc Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per B, 6c apples, evaporated, fct36c; apricots, Califor; nia, evaporated, 15018c; peaches, evaporated, pared. 224323c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 10!2c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 606c; raspberries, evapor ated, ,2124c; blackberries, 7Sc: huckle berries. lOQLlo SUOABS Cubes, SQOJfc; powdered, fljf 9c; granulated. 9c; confectioners' A. ,.$ 9c; standard A, 8c; soft whites. 8KSc: yel low, choice, tc; yellow, good, 78c; yellow, fair, 8Kc: yellow, dark, 7&. Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), i SO; medi um, half bbls (600). 2 75. SALT No. L V bbl. 95c: No. lex. SB bbl. SI 05: dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft hbl, Jl 20: Hlgglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 2 80; Hicmns' Eureka, 16-14 & pockets, S3 (XL Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30 1 90: 2ds, SI 301 35; extra peaches, SI 601 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, Sll 60: Hid. Co. corn, 709Oc; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans, tl 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c; mar rowfat peas. SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 40CS1 60: Bahama do, S2 75; dam son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, $2, California pears, t2 60; do greengages, $2: do egg plums, S2; extra white cherries. S2 90: red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 60; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, tl 3001 40; tomatoes, 82k92c; salmon, 1-ft, tl 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash. 2 ft cans, soaked. 99c: do green, 2 As, SI 25Q160: corn beef, 2-ft cans, $2 05: 14-ft cans. S14 00; baked beans, II 451 60; lobster, 1-ft. Sl-751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestics. lA $4 60 4 60: sardines, domestic Ks, S3 253 60; sar dines, imponea, s, 911 oufflii ou; saraines, 1m- Sorted, s, 118: sardines, mustard, S4 60; sar- Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $36 ft' uui.; cin j.iu. x uo, mess, isu; extra no. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Xe ft B; do medium, George's cod, 6c: do large. 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6HS7Uc Herring Round shore. So 00 ft bbl: split S7 00: lake, 12 50 ft 100-ft half bbL White fish. S7 OC ft 10O B half bbl. Lake tront, S5 50 ft half bbL Finnan haddock. 10c W ft. Iceland halibut 13c ft B. Pickerel, M barrel, S2 00; barrel, SI 10; Potomac herring, S5 00 ft barrel, S2 60 ft W barrel. Oatueal SO 306 60 ft bbL Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 68060c ft gallon. Lard OIL 75c Grain, Floor and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 33 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 4 cars of oats, 2 of corn, 1 of malt 1 of hay. 3 of flour. 1 of rye. By Pittsburg, Cin cinnati and St Louis, 1 car of bran, 9 of corn, 4 of hay, 1 of oats: 1 of wheat By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 ear of hay, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 8 cars of rye. There was but one sale on call, viz: one car of mixed shell corn, 42c,6 days, Pennsylvania lines. The strong factor of grain markets is corn. Receipts of corn are light and demand is active. Other cereals are weak, particularly oats. The wheat and flour drift is toward aTlower leveL The best spring patent flour In wood can be had In carload lots at t5 90, Our quotations will ere long be reduced, from present outlook. Feed ing prairie bay is very dull, with SO as the out side rate. No. 1 timothy grows weaker as the new crop approaches. Paoking bay is steady at quotations. Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 3 red, 83 84c: No. 2 red, 89590c; No. S red. 8384c CORN No. 2 yellow ear, 450 46c: high mixed ear. 4444Wc; No.' 2 yellow, shelled, 42043c; blzh mixed, shelled, ilB42c; mixed, shelled, Oats-No. 3 white, 3SJe3Ser extra. No. 8, &Anjfc N0.48 white, 30K31c; No; 3 mixed Rt2no.1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6ie52c; No. 1 Western. 616lWe: new rre So. 3 Ohio. 47g48c ...--. Flour Jobbing prio5 Fancy winter and J Srine patents, S6 7Sgfl 2S: winter straight 0005 25; oleanwinter, SI 755 00: straight XXXX bakers'? S4 2554 6a .Rye flour, S3 60 4 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white. 114 60 15 00 f ton: brown middlings, Sll 60012 00: win ter wheat bran, Sll 00011 25; chop feed, SIS 50 is oa HAY,-IJaled timothy, choice. tU&U 25: No. 1 do. S13 60013 75; No. 2 do, Sll 00012 50; loose, from waeon. S16 00018 00:No.l upland prairie. 19 009 60; No. 2, ST 6098 00; packing do, 18 50 07 00. Straw Oats, 16 60; wheat and rye straw. S5 6033 00. " Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, UK"; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams, small. 12Hc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10Xc; sojrar enred shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10Xc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, 6Kc: bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, SKc; dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c Mess pork, heavy, S13 00; mess pork, family. 313 50. Lard Refined in tierces. 6c; half barrels,6c: 60-B tuns, 6Jic; 20-B palls,7c; 60-B tin cans, BKc; 3-B tin paiK c; 5-ft tin pall'. 7c; 10-B tin pails, 6Kc: 5-B tin palls, 7c: 1?-B tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter barrel. J2 00. Dressed Stent. Armour b Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats; Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts,5kc;550 to 650 fts. 6Vc; 650 to 750B3,6C Sheep, 8c ft B. Lambs, 10c ft B. Hogs, 6kc Fresh pork loins, 8c. Lumber. Demand is fair, but there is no boom. It is next to impossible to prooure dry hemlock. A leading dealer who received a carload of hem lock within a few days said: "Tbe style now Is to saw hemlock one day and ship the next" An order for 3,600,000 feet of lumber was placed with a Pittsburg firm the past week. This con tract is for tbe embryo city of Wilmerding on Turtle Creek. The outlook for fall trade in lumber lines is healthy. Plint UNPLACED TAED QUOTATIONS. Clfsr boards, per M tS3C05SCO Select common boards, per M JO 00 Common boards perM 20 00 Sheathing 18 00 Pine lrame lumber per M 23 00327 00 bhlnfcles. No. L Win. per M SCO Shingles, Ao. 2, 18 in. per M i 73 Lath too PLANED, Clear boards, per M. f COCO Surface boards , 30 0035 00 Clear, -lnch beaded celling at 00 Partition boards, per 31 3500 Flooring, No, 1 . SO 00 Flooring, No.2 2500 Yellow pine flooring , 30 0Q&40OO Weather-boarding, moulded. No. l... so CO Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 25 00 Weather-boarding; ,S-lnch 2900 HAltD WOODS TARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, 1 to 4 In tw ccra.'.', 00 Black walnut green, log run 4C0o0 00 Bl ek walnut, dry, log run 60 0075 00 Cherry 40 003180 00 Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 00(325 00 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 22 00(325 00 Dry white oak boards, lln 20 00rS25 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch a 00(3)25 00 W est Va. yellow pine. IX inch 25 00S CO West Va. yellow poplar, Htolln 13 0O325 00 nickory, ltoSIn..i 13 003)25 00 Hemlock building lumber, peril 13 00 Bank rails 14 00 Boat studdlui; J4 00 Coalcarplank 18 00 BABD WOODS JOBBINQ miCIS. Ash S.TO 00313 00 Walnut log run, (rreen Z5COfa00 Walnut log run, dry 35 COO-V) 00 Wblte oak plank, green 13 003)22 00 White oak plank, dry 18 00(32 00 Wblte oak boards, dry , . 18 00i3j3oO West Va. yellow pine, lln SOOOiteOO West Va. yellow pine, H in 20 OoiStS 00 Yellow poplar ft 20 oofiai 00 Hickory, $i to S In 18 00025 CO Hemlock 11 5013 50 Bunk-Tails 14 CO Boatstuddlng 14 00 Coal car plank UCO EECEST ISYENTI05S. A List of the Patent Granted In This Sec tion ef Country. The following is the list of patents issned Tuesday. August 6, to Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia inventors, as furnished by O. D. Levis, patent attorney. No. 131 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg: Ernest Axthelm, Pittsburg, Pa., "elevator alarm Indicator;" Blchard E. Breed, Flttsburtr, Pa., tool socket; Arthur F. Brown. Dayton, O., combined seeder and barrow; John W. Dunlap, Br., assignor or part to It J. Shaw, C. B. Malr and W. H. Kowe, Pittsburg, Pa., magneto-electric lndlvldnal switching apparatus: Itobert Kirk, assignor to O. J. Bally, Hart n til. O., grind stone frame; Henry Kleman. assignor of one &f'f ? "organ and I. rans, Pittsburg, Pa., shaft cooling box: Ir win 8. Krick, Conneautrllle, Pa., device for catching animals: Addison II. Myers. Genevs.O., scythe swath fastening: Joepa M, Porter, ilari etta. O., stilt; George Kelseck. Allegheny. Pa.. shaft support: Peter W. Rodecker. Sidney, o., washing machine; James M. Rose, Allegheny.l'a , manufacturing gas, apparatus for tbe manufact ure of gas, manufacture or gassix patents: Simon Boss, Jr., Llnwood, O., shoe beading machine: Sidney H. Short Colnmbus, O., commutator for electric machines; Blchard lL'Sonle, Pittsburg. Pa., rail Joint: Harvey A. Stephenson. Allegheny' Why toil and slave forever P Life 'was meant for living, not eternal slaving:. Ceasa this weary drodg ery. SOAPONA does your work itself, and neither Injures hand nor fabric Then why do It you? 'Tis nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake 1 Tour health and life are at stake. Use SOAPONA everywhere. It cleans liko magic BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap Made. R.W. BELL MF6. CO., Buffalo, N.Y, mylS-5-TT WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of I Special offerings this week la SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEEBSTJOKEB, GINGHAMS, PBLNTS, and OHEVlOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rSt-D Do You Know It? To perfect a cure, yon must remove the cause. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME AND SODA supplies the system with Oxl dizable Phosphorus, the deficiency of which Is the proximate cause ot Consumption. For Coughs. Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Night Swests, and all Throat Dissssss, it is an un equaled remedy. Sold by Drngzlsta. fl per bottle. Recommended by physicians. Send for circular. WINCHESTER &CO., Chemists, 162 William Street, New York. my31-24-TTSAwk THR GREAT ENCLI3H REMEDY. Beecham's Pills Fw ijjfMs Mi Notms Wstftos. M Wertta a Cuiae at Bex "-tat aeM for 36 cents, XT AIX MTJG4.IST8. S0AFQ1 PQWDEi WOULD RATHER' DIE.. r' '"I would rather die than undergo another ex perience such as I have for the past four years Tbe catarrhal poison in my system caused me to ne continually taxing coiu, auu wiin every cold tbe pains in ray bead became more in tense.' Although I was able to get rid of soma of tbe poisonous matter by hawking and spit ting out what dropped down into my throat, and had some nasal discbarge, yet the secre tion kept piling up in my head much faster than I was able to expel it, until a severe Inflam mation and ulceration set in. My eyes became so inflamed and weak that I was obliged to wear spectacles lor one year and a half. My nose became greatly swollen and puffed outand tbe disease ulcerated deeper and deeper until Are bones dropped out ot my nose, some of them measuring one inch and a half in length- Also, a large bone dropped out of tbe roof of my month. Although my appetite was good, ret I gradually lost flesh until I only weighed 73 pounds. I treated with several physicians, but found no relief, for I could neither get any peace by day or rest by night. I finally became very deaf, and as my condi tion was continually growing worse I gave np all hope, until one day I happened to read In tbe papers testimonials from patients who bad been cured of catarrh at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, at 323 Fenn avenue, and as these patients' full name and residence was given, I thonght that perhaps there was yet some doctor who did really cure catarrh. I called at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. and was told by the physicians that although they could not restore tbe lost parts occasioned by tbe bones dropping out, they could yet remove every trace of the catarrhal poison from my system, and thus save me from consumption for my throat had become very sore and ulcer ated, and I was afraid I would die with con sumption, as some of my f nends had done. I therefore placed myself under their treatment and tbey bare kept their word, for I have been entirely cured by their constitutional blood medicines, and, strange as it may seem, ther never gave ma any local treatments at alh This leads me to think that catarrh has its origin In the blood. My bearing has been re stored. I have regained my flesh, and feel well and strong: I reside on Penn avenue, this city, just opposite bt. Mary's Cemetery, and shall be pleased to tell anyone further of my terribl3 suffering and wonderful cure. "iiRS. ANNIE WHITE." Mrs. Dr. Crossley is always present during office hours to consult with ladies, suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex. lh medi cines used are so prepared as to allow the patient to use the treatment herself and thus avoid the nn pleasant and humiliating treatment;' that most ladles bave to undergo. Consulta tion free to all. Office hours. 10 A. M to 4 F. M., and 6 to 8 P. sf, Sundays 12 to 4 p. if. Jy31-TTS PILES: . STMTTOMS-M.lit. ' nrel latense Itehlaa andatlarfncl mostal (Bail worse ot aermteaug. lr ai- lowed to coatlaas imHIHGPILE$.raSffiS (H beeomlnff Terr ! SWAYXE'S ULMT. MEMTuirtheItchliijdbleUincsielj nlecratlon. and la moot mm remo-Tea U. e tw Bon. SwATirBsOisTifsnrrljsjoUiTdriuzlsu,eriBalidM aiiTaddnitionreeefptorprlM,SOsTta.abgs; 3 box, S1.X&. 4UdnMWWn,ilK.OWAIAssCE t BOX, rtUladalpUa. Fa, raB'.WM8 A nurolv Veiretabla l Compound that expels tall bad humors from tba system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-53 JAS. D. CALLERY JOHN W. TAYLOR .President ....Cashier OITY SAVINGS BAISfK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital and surplus. 125,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. jtS-tts UKUKEIts PIMANCIAL. XTTH1TNEY & STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE, Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co , New York. Passports procured. aplB-1 GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 514-515 Hamilton Building, mvlO-70-D Pittsburz: Pa. JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of- Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange, 45 SIXTH ST.. Pittsburg. RIALTO BTJILDlNa, Chicago. mv29lTTSu MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTsBURG, PA- As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove. Is the oldest established, and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. peSNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDXni ICaQd mental diseases, physical IN L n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack ot energy, ambition and bone, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distruat,bashfulne3S, diz7ioes, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing pawers,organio weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for buslness,soclety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN-eM blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings ulcerations of tongue, moutb, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 R I M A R V Sidney and bladder derange U M 1 1 1 r I) 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experi ence, insnres scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 a. ST, to 8 p. h. Sun day, 10 A. sc to 1 r. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jy9-40K-Muwk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re- aulring sclentlfio and conflden al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. M. R. a P. S, is the oldest and most experienced specialist in the city. Consultation free and strlctlv confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 2 to' 4 P. M.Consult them personally, or write. Doctobs Lake, 908 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. jel2-45-DWk Olc'3 Ootrtoaa. 3SOOTJ COMPOUND loosed of Cotton Root. Tansr and Pennvroval a recent discovery by an 'old Tjhvsician. Ix tuecaxftdlu used montSiiA-Safe, Effectual. Srice $L by mall, sealed. Ladles, ask your druzgist for Cook's Cotton Root Comnound and take no substitute. or Inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 FtohaV Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mlch. MEN ONLY a posmvis CUKK For LUST or PaUlm- MANUUUU,Nerrou- ness. . weakness Body & Mind. Lack of Strength. Vigor and De velopment, caused dv Errors, tuxeesses, c. Boot BOC. HOD! of SILT-TKEATHKNT. and froofs matted fsealedl free. Address HUUE MEDICAL CU Bufialo. N. X. ueas-57-TTSJtwk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases In three days, and cures In five days. Price SI 08, at j.j iir.iTnnu-BX)uuaTUKgL c ttS-ap-XTSaa ta Market HteetA1 mm A PERFECT Blood Firiler. i! : i j X .. cei-sw