E3S23 fyar'Ti ji pTr7 .-fKr -aao "tr-s -" iWwWMWf i , nv-sf &'--vs ' -" S,?-"Pr - . rs as. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THURSDAY, ATJG-TJST 8, 1889. r 5 M'EINLEY TO ASSIST. He Will Endeayor to Secure Congres sional Aid for Johnstown. AN APPEAL FOR THE SCHOOLS. One More Body Is Eecorered From the Buins and Identified. ALL THE NEWS PEOM KEAEBI TOWKS. rerKCIAL mcLIOBAM TO THX DISFATCH.l Johnstown, Anjrust 7. The visit of Congressman McKinley, of Ohio, to this place to-day created considerable interest In company with Congressman Schnll, of this district, he was driven over by Dr. A. J. Endsley, and he expressed himself as be ing much surprised at the condition of things here, and said it was much worse than he anticipated. Both gentlemen said tbey would strongly urge the general gov ernment to make an appropriation for cleaning out the rivers. As no money can be appropriated from the relief fund for the schools, the Johns town school board has concluded to appeal to all the schools In the State for assistance. As tbere are 2,200 school districts in tbe State, a donation of 310 from each would be sufficient to keep tbe schools here in operation during the rear. This was a rather small day at the pay office, the people beinc obliged to wait on the Board of Inquiry so long before getting tbelr orders. Tbe board to-day completed the last district, hot still have over 1.000 cases that hare come in since tbe first registry was made. An effort will be made to consider them as rapidly as possible. It is hoped to get all cases rated yet this week. Mr. Kremer says that (350.000 has already been paid out. A young lad named Harry Burke was struck on tbe bead with a pick while at work to-day and bit skull crushed in. He will not recover. Tbo body of Mrs. E. Vincent Webber was re covered from tbe ruins and was shipped to her former home in Uarrisburg to-nibt. ASTONISHED TOE NATIVES. The Antic of a Learned Plttibnrc Lunatic DUeorercd at ZaiciTille. .prXCliL TEUCORAX TO THC DISFATCH.1 ZANKSVIU.E, August 7. A lunatic was picked up at the ruins of Btolzenbach's bakery last nieht by Lieutenant Brown. He said be was interested in excavations, because be had beard his father describe the excavations at Pompeii. He gave several different names to the officer, the last being William Gorin, and stated that he had been at work on a farm near Columbus, but that his home was in Pitts burg. He was evidently a man of good educa tion, although he was dressed in an ill-fitting coat of black, a pair of pants of rough mate rial, and a red flannel undershirt. He spoke of Caesar, and expressed the opinion that bis indirect discourse to tho Helvetll was the hardest Latin he ever tackled, and that Uvy came next. He spoke of Virgil, and began, "I sing of the man," and continued witb a half dozen lines of the translation, when he abruptly broke off to ask when bank directors were individually responsible for a defaulting cashier. He an swered tbe question bimselt by saying that it was when tbey were either grossly negligent or criminally acquainted witb the facts. The un fortunate man claimed to have entered the war when he was 14. and to have graduated from Harvard in '69, taking the collegiate course and law course during his junior and senior years, and to have been the valedictorian of his class. He claimed to have studied Chitty, Stevens. Cooley on constitutional limi tations. BlacLstone's and Kent's commenta ries and many other works on law, and quoted law terms with awful facility. ERIE DEMOCRATS Indorse Cleveland and Scott and Nominate a County Ticket. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUI DI8PATCH.1 Eeie. Pa., August 7. The Democrats of Erie county held a convention to-day, A. B. Osborn, of Corry, presided, and Frank E. Woods, editor of the Obterver, was elected permanent Chairman of tbe County Com mittee. In tba selection of nomi nees John Peiffer, Esq., of Mill Village, was nominated for County Treasurer, and v Thomas H. Mohr. of Mill Creek, for Poor Di rector. Tbe delegates to the State Convention are Hon. William L. Scott, J. 8. Rilling, Esq., and Captain Timothy Mahoney, of Erie: C. R. Powell, of Corn ; Hon. Alfred Short, of North East; Frank McLean, of Union, and H. R. Brew, of Conneaut. Tbe resolutions indorsed ex-President Cleve land and attributed bis defeat to the trusts; denounced tho present administration as the protector of tariff-entrenched monopolies; ar raigned tbe Secretary for letting In free wool without a correspondingrednction upon manu factured woolen article-;held the State tax law to be iniquitous; favored tbe taxation of all prop erty, real and personal alike; criticised the present system ot collecting taxes In Pennsyl vania as maintaining a horde of unnecessary officials; heldoat tbe revision of the State laws as tbe issue paramount to all others in tbe elec tion of btate Treasurer, as well as the election of State Senators and Representatives. The record of Hon. William L. Scott was heartily indorsed. ATTEMPTED HIS LIFE. Ae Alleged Effort to Get an Important Wit ness Ont ofthe War. rSrXCtU. TELEGRAM TO THB DISPATCH.I ' UNiojfTOWN, August 7. Harrison Fori a prisoner in th'e county jail, who Is an important witness in the arson cases against Bair, of Oreensburg, believes that ,an attempt was made to kill him a few nights ago to get him out of the way In thse cases. Each prisoner has bis own drinking cup, and while Fox left his in tbe corridor of tbe jail a short time since he thinks poison was put in it, for when he had t&keira drink from the cup shortly afterward he was taken with violent pains, and In less than ten minutes was unconscious. Emetics were administered by the turnkey and a doctor summoned who said it was mi. aoubtedly poison. Fox is now slowly recover, ing. He says be has been repeatedly warned to be on tbe lookout for foul play and has been threatened by friends of Hairs, against whom he turned State's evidence. He was remoed from tbe Ureensburg jail on account of the fears of tbe detectives who worked up the cases and brought here. LIKE HORACE PHILLIPS. The Cashier of the Eclipse Oil Works Has a Similar Attack. fSrZCIAL TELEOKAM TO TBI DISFATCn.1 FRANKLIN, August 7. Great surprise and sorrow were expressed to-day on the receipt of a telegram from New York announcing that Mr. George FobL of this city, had been placed In custody, he having been found suffering from dementia. Mr. Pohl is tbe cashier of tbe Eclipse Oil Works in this city, and was recently granted two months leave of absence on full pay on account of falling health, and was en route to Europe to visit his old home when stricken. His case is almost similar to that of Horace Phillips, of tbe Pittsburg Ball Club, and he will be placed in some private asylum until cured, as it is understood there are strong hopes of his case taking a favorable turn with rest and quiet. NOT A HEALTHY REGION. A Cans With Ballets Ready to Meat a Be ' ported Surveying- Party. Grafton, W.V-, August 7. News received lrom Randolph county, where Richard Win lack, the Pottsville, Pa surveyor was killed a few days ago, is to the effect that another sur veying party has been organized to complete tbe work interrupted by the fight witb the Bet ters. The people ot the Middle Fork section, where tbe shooting occurred, are intensely ex cited, and declare, that they will kill Uie first surveying party that comes among them. Tbere are several claimants to large tracts of land in that section. There will be serious trouble If any attempt la made to dispossess the squatters at this time. Tbe Nail Situation. Whkkuno. August 7. At tbe meeting of the Western Cut Nail Association to-day no definite action was taken on the pooling ar rangements, threo mills being unwilling to go In now. Tbe adoption of the light gauge nail was also postponed. It is said both Ideas will be adopted at an early day. Rrorcnelzlnc the Wheeling- Club. fSrZCIAL TILIOEAM TO THX DISFATCB.1 Whexliito, August 7. At a meeting of tbe Directors of the Local Ball Association to-night John E. Wright, assistant secretary of the Laballo Mitt, was made Manager, Tim Bowman Captain, and Dunn was fined all the salary coming to him and nnnrtri for drunkenness. Tbe offer of Glasscock, of Anuuwapouo, w Mb uw emu naro ttustie, E&O pitcher, was accepted, and Rossis telegraphed for. W. B. McKean, brother of the famous Cleveland shortstop, was also wired for, as well as third baseman Youngman. of McKeesport, This very materially braces up the club. TrUStatelBrevltles. AIXIAKOE is endeavoring to organize a powerful branch of the Young Men's Christian Association and to secure comfortable quarters. Tan families ot Mr. Everhart and J. P. Rog ers, of Tiffin, O., were probably fatally poi soned yesterday by eating bad cheese. A TOUJf o son of Ezra Miller, a farmer living near Hew Martinsville, W. Va, was bitten by a copper snake and died in a few hours. This is the fourth fatality from snake bite In this and tbe adjoining county of Pleasants within the last two weeks. WHILE Miss Mattie McQuaidc, of Delmont, was out horseback riding, she was thrown violently to tbe ground. Her foot retnained fast in the stirrup, when tbe horse ran off, dragging her for a considerable distance. When picked up she was fonnd to be uncon scious and hurt Internally to such an extent that she will die. She is about 18 and highly esteemed. A Wreck on tbe Rail. tSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DIsrATCH.l Washington, Pa August 7. An inspec tion train collided with the passenger train due here at 6 o'clock at Boyce's station to-night. One engine was badly damaged. Rev. J. D. Shanks, of Philadelphia, and a lady of this place, received painful but not serious inju ries. . LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. A'basebaix game will be played this after noon at East End Ball Park between a nine composed of Republicans of the Fifteenth ward against a nine of Democrats from the same ward. Samuel Wainwright will captain tbe Republican club, and his brother Edward the Democrats. Eddie Martin, city messenger, will do the pitching for the Republican club, and Edward DeLassuss, of Chief Brown's office, will umpire tbe game. Harry B. Stonek, one of the employes of the Bauder Detectijo Agency, says he is not only entirely Innocent of tbe charge of black mail, but that be was engaged only in serving legal papers,etc, in a legal way.for the agency. He thinks his previous good character should secure for him a suspension of publlcjudgment until Monday's bearing, when he bopes more fully to establish his innocence. As counsel in the case of the Mexican Ore Company vs the Mexican Gnadaloupe Mining Comnany were unable to agree on a form of decree for preliminary injunction and settle ment and tbe appointment of a manager, tbey argued before 3udge McKennan yesterday, and Francis N. Holbrook, of El Paso, Tex., has been appointed manager of the mines pending the settlement. A telegram was received by the police offi cials yesterday from the Excelsior Electric Company, of New fork, for Information con cerning Noel B. Emery, an agent ot that com pany, who. it bad been reported to tbem, bad been stricken with apoplexy m this city. The police have no knowledge of the case. Margaret Baird, aed 76 years, sister of Samuel Baird, who d.ed in 1881, petitions tbe Orphans' Court to compel Executor J. A Max well to allow her money for support from her brother's estate, as per his will, and to exact a bond from Maxwell or remove him. Battery B will leave this evening via tbe Pennsylvania Railroad for Mt, Gretna for the annual encampment. Lieutenant George Sbeppard will be in command, and will take 75 men. The battery will form on New Grant street at 7 o'clock. The destitution of A G. West, of Johns town, is being Investigated by tbe Relief Com mittee. W. R. Thompson said in regard to the matter, that. If Mr. West had applied for aid, instead of rushing into print, he would have re ceived it, Charles Ereiling and Catherine Nagel, formerly Breiling. had been man and wife, but were divorced, lhey owned jointly property in the First ward, from which Breiling has been receiving the revenue, and a partition is asked. Henry Reed, who was brutally assaulted at Clinton, last Saturday, is said to be at death's door. R. H. Wilson, tbe elder of tbe assailants, has been arrested and is held in $2,000 bail; but the younger Wilson has not been caught. Because John Devltt undertook to escort tbe 11-year-old niece ot Henry Levlson through the parks and out the electric road, while stop ping over with her uncle, en route from Corry to Chicago, Mayor Pearson fined John f 10. Samuel. McMn.T.m will have a hearing this evening before Alderman Rodgers on a charge of malicious mischief. It is alleged that he broke a ITS plate glass window In Lewis Ourin's store on Miin street, West End. The case of Frank E. Gillette, who Is charged by D. M. Sayler beiore Alderman Lobrman with obtaining money under false pretense, has been continued until next Wednesday evening. Magistrate Griff committed Martin Con nors to jail yesterday for a hearing to-day on a charge of aggravated assault and battery with a bottle upon Catherine CordelL Birdie Yost sued Jennie and Gertie Pierce and Kate Tooms yesterday for assault and battery. The girls are 14 years of age, and the suit Is the result of a dispute. By special request of the patrons of Harris' Theater. Manager Dean has concluded to put on "His Natural Life" Friday and Saturday, this wrek. Twenty-eight boys and girls from the Chippewa tribe in Michigan passed throngb tbe xltylast eight, bound for the Indian school at I Carlisle. The Pittsburg and Western's excursion to Chicago to-day promises to be a large one. A charter was granted yesterday to the Allegheny Turners' Association. The Homeopathic Hospital is In need of old muslin and linen. SIXTY NERVOUS CANDIDATES Stnmble Through n Civil Service Examina tion at the National Capital. Washington, August 7. Fifty-nine men and one woman were examined by the local Postoffice Board at the rooms of the Civil Service Commission to-day. Thirty of the number want to be clerks in the city postoffice, and the remaining 30 will be happy if they can secure appointments as letter carriers. Of the would-be clerks eight were colored, and of the want-to-be carriers seven were colored. The candidates were extremely solemn in their demeanor, and each one looked as thongh his case was hopeless. Some of them were nervous to a ridicu lous degree, and one man who wants to be a carrier licked all the ink off his pen five or CONSUMPTION, IN its first stages, can be successfully checked by the prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later periods of that disease, the cough1 is wonderfully relieved by this medicine. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with tho best effect in my practice. This wonderful preparation once saved my life. I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced In flesh, and given up by' my physician. One bottle and a naif of the Pectoral cured me." A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton, Tennessee. ' " Several years ago I was severely ill. The doctors said I"was in consumption, and that tbey could do nothing for me, but advised me.as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or three months I was cured, and my health remains good to tho present day." James Birchard, Darien, Conn. "Several years ago, on a passage home from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my state-room, and a physician on board considered my Ufa In danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it ireelyi and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy condition. Since then I have Invariably recommended this prep aration." J. B. Chandler, Junction, Va. Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, FBiPAaxDirr 6r. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price 61;tlxboUles,fc six times in succession while puzzling his brain with the question "What foreign country forms the southern boundary of Oregon?" Another candidate, to whom was dictated a sentence ending "should be re turned to the commission," wrote "should be returned to the combination." It will be at least two months, and perhaps twice as long, before those who were examined to-day will know their respective fates. A Railroad In Trocble. New York, August 7. The Zanesville and Ohio BiverTtailway Company, which had interest on $2,000,000 first mortgage bonds to meet on Angust 1 has so far been unable to procure funds and the coupons have been defaulted. A Godsend to Humanity. "My wife has been sorely distressed for many vears," writes Henry C. Baymond, of Ironton, O. "Her diseases have been so varied that I will not attempt to describe them. I have paid over 1 1,000 for doctors and medicines for her without any satisfac tory results. We read so much about Pe ruana that I was forced to try it It has done her more good than all the doctors and medicines she ever made use of. Pe runa is certainly a Godsend to humanity." Sold by all druggists 51 a bottle. Dr. Hartman's "Ills of Life," sent lree to any address by the Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., contains many other testi monials. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarto Me Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 7Sc Old Port. fulfquartfl 50c Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c Biesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel,- full quarts. 60c Tokay, full quarts , 50c For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue. The French Dress Patterns That Are Re dneed In Price Include the very choicest and finest the prices for them witqin easy buying reach by all means see these dress goods bargains. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Free! Free! To introduce our fine crayon work. 100 25 x.30 life-size crayons will be given away by Hendricks & Co., No. 68 Federal at., Alle gheny, beginning August 1, to the holders of their family tickets. This is your chance for a portrait. Patkonize Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, the standard gallery of the two cities. Cabinets only $1 a dozen. Slnrrlase Licenses Granted Yesterday. Kama. Besldenee. J Andrew W. Bnrk Plttsbnre: Emma V. Kearns Green Tree Boro 1 James B. Kearney., Allegheny J EmiUe a. Kramar... Allegheny J George J. Wills.". Allegheny I Hattfe M. Bark Allegheny (John Brown PitUbnrg 1 Maud Maguire Plttsbnrg ( Peter Tnlencsa Jefferson county, O. 4 Susanna Sopko. Jefferson county, U. IFritiThelrl CreUbton IMary Grunthler .Tarentnm (James B. Thompson Allegheny J Minnie A. Klrtlej Allegheny J Anthonv A. King Pittsburg J Hannah Tierney Pittsburg (HnghLeezer ; Olenfleld I Anna Murray...? Glen&eld ( Wesley I. Craig Pittsburg Henrietta K. Kenton 1'ltUburg '(John Suffcl Pittsburg J Margaret McDonnell Pittsburg (John Kosewald Pittsbnrg IMary M. Barrell Pittsbnrg J Joseph Wacbter Allegheny 1 yrancls Bnch Allegheny (AngnstH. Goldstrohm Mifflin township Katie Kerber Mifflin township (Abraham B. Sneneer Pittsbnrg Alice M. O'Brien Pittsbnrg Jtfherwell K. Davis Westmoreland county I Maggie Allen .Allegheny j Isaac Vanleer Allegheny I Bridget lonuray Allegheny (Joseph Fulton , Pittsbnrg IMary A. Buchanan Pittsbnrg (Herman Gnstaf Giabow ,Braddock ) Mckallne Urlbofskl.... BraddocK j Cicero Watson r. 'Washington I Elizabeth Asbury. Washington MARRIED. McCUEAK TATTON-On Tuesday, JulyZJ, by Rev. A D. Heffern, at the Church of tbe Good Shepherd, Hazelwood, Mr. Walxiah McCueait and Hits Jane Tatton. DIED. ABHWORTH On Tuesday, August 6, 18S9, at 7:30 V, it.. EARL MM only son ot Walter S. and Emma J. Ashwortb. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Robert Ashwortb, SI East Jefferson street, Allegheny, on Thursday horning at 10 o'clock. Inter ment private. BEYNON On Tnesday morning, August 6, 1889. at 920, Annie Esynon. Funeral lrom the residence of her mother, 213 River avenue, Allegheny, on Tutjrsdat, at 1:30 p. M. Services at Smithfield Street M. E. Church at 2 P. M. a COTJZINS On Wednesday morning. August 7. 18S9, at 220 o'clock, MART Gleeson. wife of Daniel Cousins, in the S3d year of her age. Funeral will take place from her late resi dence, No. 138 Spring alley. Tenth ward, on Friday morning, August 9, at 8:30 o'clock. Services at St. Patrick's Church, Seventeenth street, at 9 o'clock. Friends of tbo family are respectfully Invited to attend. FARRON-On Wednesday, Aug. 7. 1889, atl o'clock p. M., Maysie, daughter of C. it and Kate Farron, aged S years, 1 month and 7 days. Funeral services at the residence of her parents, 1602 Second avenue, near Marion sta tion, B. fc O. R. R on Friday morning, on arrival of train leaving 13. & O. depot at 10 o'clock. s LEE On Tuesday, the 6th Inst, at 5 J5 P. Sl at Mansfield, Pa- Mary, beloved wife of David Lee and sister of George and William Tann. Notice of funeral hereafter. MILES At his residence, CHARLES p. Miles, in the 86th year of his age. Funeral services to be held at the Sewiekley Baptist Church, Thursday, August 8, at 3 P.M. MURRAY On Tuesday afternoon. Anenst infant son of J. Frank and Sara Davitt Mur ray. "God's finger touched him and be slept." Funeral service at his father's residence, Atwood street, on Thursday, August 8, at 10 o'clock A. M. Interment private. RITHMOND Suddenly, on Wednesday, August 7, 1889. at S p. m., Frank Edward, oldest son of David and Caroline Blthmond, In me atui r vl uis ago. Funeral services at the family residence, Dallas avenue. Twenty-second ward, on Fri day, the 9th inst, at 2 P. Jr. Friends of tbe family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 STARK John Gtark. Funeral from his late residence, at Home stead, Pa., to proceed to the Homestead Ceme tery, on Thursd vy at 1 o'clock p. m. SPAHN Tuesday evening. August 6, at 7:10 o'clock. Maroabetha Jennie, wife of Charles Spahn, aged 37 years, 0 months and 26 days. Funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon, August e at 2 o'clock, from the residence, VS Ohio street, Allegheny. 3 JAMES ARCHIBALD & BRO.. LIVERY AND BALE STABLES. 117. U9 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield St., next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for funerals,t3. Carriages for operas. parties, Sc- at the lowest rates. All new car- riagea. Telephone communication. myl-11-TTa WESTERN IJSSyiLANCE CO. OF PITTSBURQ. Assets 1118,50187 NO. OX WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIM1CK. President JOHN a JACKSON. Vice President. fe22-26-TT3 WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. pEPRESENTEU IN PIITLSBURU IN 1SU ASSETS . . I9JB71,69683. . , Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. a20-s2-D TEETH, $5, $8 $10. .ilver? iSSPStSES,?." AaalgW- 8C5 Gold Crowns a specialty. ,DR. J. M. McCLARENv - , Corner SsBithneM and Ferthfavuue. r a.5JSiStrf- TfEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- - IT LEADS THEM ALL S0UID0AK $20 00, We have now ready for de livery another lot of this ex traordinary good value (3 piece) Chamber Suite. Jt has large beveled mirror, 22 by 28, and double bedstead 44 feet -wide. And all inf best rubbed and polished finish. Similar good values and lowest possible net cash prices characterize our CARPET DEPARTMENT, FURNITURE DEPARTMENT -AND- CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. N. B. Our complete and handsome room furnishment for $41 75, as follows: Roll (40 yards) mixed dark colors Fancy Straw Matting, $ 3 00 Three-piece Chamber Suite (Mij Woven Wire Mattress Husk and Cotton-top Mattress, Good Feather Bolster, 2 good Feather Pillows, One Reed Rocker and 2 Side Chairs, Oak finish, 20 00 3 50 4 3 3 50 00 00 4 75 $4i 75 . Add $1 50, cost of pack ing Suite for railroad ship ment. 0. McCLINTOCK &c CO, 33 FTH AVENUE 33 aul-TTS SUMMER -CORSETS Made of open material, rendering them venti lating, and the coolest Corset for Summer. Some ladles wear them all the year round; others only in summer time. Prices f LOO and IL25 each; sizes 19 to 30 inches. Send in your orders by mail if you are not in tbe city to shop. Special bargains in Ladies' plated SILK HOSE, at 75c a pair, in Pink, Sky, Lavender, Apple Green, Bronze, French Blue, Gendarme, Ma hogany, Tans, Browns. Slates and Blacks. Send in your orders by mail if you are not in tbe city to shop. POLKA DOT FRENCH COTTON HOSE, Black and Navy ground, warranted fast color, at GO cents; reduced from 75c a nair. Send in your orders by mall if you are not in the city to shop. LADIES BALBRIUGAN VEST BARGAIN. High-neck and ribbed-arm; sizes 2U to 38, only 40 cents each: a regular 75c Vest; nice for me dium warm weather and country wear. A line of Swiss Ribbed Vests, regular 35c grade, closing out at 25 cents. Send In your orders by mail if yon are not in the city to shop. If you are in look at and buy one or more of the lot of small, NEAT HAND-BASKETS, on the end of the Ribbon counter. Just the thing to carry home a nice small lot of fresh fruit, or other dainties. At the Ruchlng Department yon will find new things In FLAT RUCHINGS and low-priced Tourist Ruchings. Also LINEN COLLARS and some special values In White LINEN HANDKERCHIEFa Bend In your orders by mail If you are not in the city to shop. HORNE & WARD, dl FIFTB AVENUE au2-D P ATENTS O. D. LEVIS. Knllrltni-nf FltantS. 13! Fifth avenue, above Smithfield, next Leader otice. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hlu RESORTS. Atlantic Clly. UNITED STATES HOTEL- Atlantic City, N. J. The largest and leading hotel. H. B. WARDEN, Manager. jel5-S4-TTB B. H. BROWN, Proprietor. THE CHALFON1 E. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Bait water baths in the house. Elevator. apl6-81-D E. ROBERTS 4 SONS. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Je7-I9-EOD BUCK & McCLELLAN. THE MAKSm ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest and most prominently located hotel with a new and first-class Restaurant attached. 350 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to and from Beach and Trains. Brophv's Orchestra. . je2a-51 CHARLES McGLADE. . A SBURY PARK HOTEL BRUNSWICK xi A leading hotel in every respect. Beauti fully situated near the beach. All rooms com mand an unobstructed view of tbe ocean. Ap pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani tary arrangements perfect. For Information addressMdRGAN A PARSONS. jeJWS HOWLAND -HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J HXNXT WAI.TXB,Propr., JNO. B. SCHIOSSIB, Manager, late of Hotel Duquesne, Pittsburg. MOMOUTfl HOUSE, SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. WHiL OPEN JTJNS29. for terms and other information address L.,U. MALTBY, Monmouth HoustSpriM Lake,. W. J.. Or Hotel Lafayette, PhUswleipSi, Pa. :MP&frft I 22X28 j , '.txaastrT.-snisz,.-. i ,x. . s:t-j. jbs xjd i jlb,-7j-uu, - . .- u is-il a-, KtWB4ssHsiL&.s& ml l"V Him" m "L i( f-?n Jp (V.W&, ti jj M B'Tl.'ff. i... MrswA. tli. . --- , j . a.v T - A 1 ..V -iW 'sfc tSMKia. Jr i, jj j- 'ilfW'tV&'sM-i -,. -- . t" ,Jb NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. .sltx'&BBiBkssBstiewFOLk. THE BAGGAGE SMASHERS' ZFICZLSTXO Must be this week, judging by the large number of Trunks sold by us since our advertisement' of last week. Many that we advertised, then are sold, but we have still a good many left. PACKING TRUNKS deduced from 82 to 81 68. Reduced from 83 to 82 4a ZINC TRUNKS Reduced from 81 75 to 81 35. Reduced from 83 to 82 -25. Reduced from 84 to 83 50. Reduced from 88 75 to 87 20. Reduced from 810 50 to 88 50. LINEN LINED TRUNKS Reduced from 88 to 86 50. Reduced from 89 to 87 20. Reduced from 810 to 88. Reduoed from 811 20 to 89. Reduced from 812 75 to 810 35. LEATHER TRUNKS Reduced from 88" to 86 60. Reduced from 88 50 to 87. Reduced from 813 50 to 810 80. Reduced from 821 to 816 80. Reduced from 822 to 818. Reduoed from 823 50 to 818. ALSO A FULL LINE OF VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS and SATCHELS ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. Fleishman & Co.'s NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA. Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Prico Lists and Catalogues mail ed free of ohorge. The following are now ready for mailing: GPrioe List of Patent Medicine. Price List of Corsets. Price list of Books. Price List of House Furnishing goods. auS-D JAS. MNML & BRO., BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IBON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALaNQ BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. le5-5o-TT3 Still a few lots left in Maplewood Park, Wilkinsburg. Come quick, before they are all gone. George S. Martin & Co., 503 Liberty street. Branch office, Wilkinsburff, opposite station. GREAT SALE -OT- WLL PAPER Hundreds of the Best Designs of the Season, In Small Lots, CHEAP. WM. H. ALLEN, 51s5,0i Wai. TRINKLE, MAJVA-GEIt. "W- s. "WM. 165, MANY In order to make room for the regardless of cost value. Consult HOW THEY 75c Black Dress Silks for 60c. $1 12 Black Gros Grain Silk, 873&C gi 25 Black Gros Grain now 95c. $1 50 Black Gros Grain for $1 i2j. $1 Black Surah now 75c. $1 25 Black Surah now $1. Though these are good all the year around we have concluded to throw them in with the other bargains. $1 all-wool imported Dress Goods now 55 and 60c, in fancy colors. 75c imported Dress Goods for 50c. 40-inqh all-wool Serges, 25c, were 40c. 30c Henriettas for 20c, all colors. French Cashmeres, good line of colors, 35c, 50c, oc and. 75c; these prices are off. Special drives in Table Linens this week. $1 25 bleached Table Damask, 72-inch, now $1. $1 Table Damask, 72-inch wide, now 75c. 65c Table Linen, cream and white, now 50c 37J4 and 50c Turkey Red Tablings, now 20 and 25c 1 J Millinery of all kinds, yi off. Carpets of all kinds, H off. Para- aim raas,--v3 on.- i,3 - . NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & B. Thursday, August 8. If we make less noise abont tbe great clearing-out sales, the great K al i price sales of Dress Goods, clearing-out sales of Silks, imperative sacrifice sales of Summer-weight Blacks, don't imagine tbere is nothing here to interest yon. There is less, to be sure, than last week less than yesterday; there will be less still to-morrow still less next week. Bnt there are thousands of yards of goods now, for present nse or for laying aside to another season, which yon onght to see. NEW STOCK ! NEW SHADES I Fine Henriettas arriving daily. This great Cashmere department is the place to learn shades. B0GGS & BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 Federal st.f Allegheny P. 8. Dispatch readers had the first an nouncement of the "Final Cut" in Fine Paris Dress Patterns. They are going, these robes, and very likely to Dispatch readers. au8-D DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking It: Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thonsands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Uolden Specific in tbelr coffee without tbelr knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their own free will. IT M EVER KAILS. The system once Impregnated with the BpeciHe, It becomes an utter Impossibility ror the liqnor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Ksnkln, Sixth and Penn ave..Flttsburg; E. Uolden A Co., 63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Tirade supplied by Heo. A. Kelly ft Co . Plttbnrg. Fa. ae27-S8-TT8 STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Qreat Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT 4 SONS, General agents. 807 Walnut st- Philadelphia. Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOESER, 618 Smithfield street. mhl3-6a-TTa -1UNABD LINK NEW YORK TO LIVEKPOOI. VIA OTJEENS TOWM, KEOJ1 PIEK 40 NOETH E1VEK. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SEKVICK. Servia, August 10,1pm Etruna,Aug.l7,10:VAK Aurxnia. Ang. 24, 2 p M Bothnia, Aug. 25,0:30 A M Umbrla, Aug. 3L 8:30 A X Beryls, Sept. 7,irx Oallla. Sept. 11, 6:30 x K Etrurls, Sept. 14, 9 am and S100: Intermediate. laDin passage, t&u. 35. steerage tickets to and from all parts of jLurope at Terr low rates. VEKfJON H. BKOWK ft CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, Hew York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent, i Fourth are. and bmlthdeld St., Pittsburg; anS-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEVV YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 135 to too, according to location of stateroom. Excursion 65 to 190. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO.. General Agents, S3 Broadway, New York. J.J. MoCORMICK, Agent, Pittsburg, Pi. mhl2-D ly2S.86.TT3 OP REMNANTS Je6-rh IXLOJSriDJiJY, SEMPLE'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. BRILLIANT Fall Stock beginning to arrive the your interest by an early investigation GLITTER: HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. READ Ml PARTICULARS -OF ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY -THIS 4444X444424XX 44444X04444X GUSKY'S 4444X4)404X4Xe0444 44444w'00444wVO YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Men's good black Alpaca Coats. Men's blue Flannel Coats. Men's good Linen Dusters. Men's elegant Blazers. Men's beautiful Tennis Coats. Men's good Seersucker Coats and Vests. Men's all-wool striped Cheviot Pants. Men's fine Linen Pants. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Children's all-wool i-piece Kilts. Two good Wash Kilts. Two odd Kilt Skirts. Green Cloth Summer Lap Robes. Good large extra size Ear Nets. Men's extra-fine Straw Hats, Manilla, Milan or Mackinaw. Men's fine light-colored Stiff Hats. Men's light-colored Soft Hats. Extra large size Mexican Ham mocks. Good quality Horse Sheets. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Superb quality English Percale Shirts, 2 loose cuffs and 2 collars. French Flannel Shirts, in stripes and plaids, regular $1 50 goods. Fancy Flannel Shirts for Boys, the "Reliable" make. Suit of fancy stripe or plain Balbriggan Underwear. Half dozen fancy border hem stitch Linen Handkerchiefs, ex quisite designs. Gentlemen's Traveling Set, com plete brush, comb, nail and tooth brush in solid leather. These bargains are displayed all buyers can see what they are at that any of the above are bargains GUSKY'S BARGAINS FOR GENTLEIM ." -WE LET OUR PRICES TALK. Striped and plaid Flannel Shirts, 48c, 75c, $1 to 34. Nice Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. 66c a suit. Fine French Balbriggan Underwear, 81 a suit. Gray Summer Underwear, 75c a suit. Boys' fine Percale "Waists reduced from 81 to 65c. Qents' well made Nlgnt Siurts, 50o, 75c, 81, etc. Well made Unlaundried Shirts, 50c and 75c, or 3 for 82. Morleys English Half Hose, striped, 22c, worth. 35c " " AUGUST REDUCTIONS FOB L-IDIES. All our 81 50 and 81 75 Trimmed Mull Hats eo at 75o. Our fine white leghorn Hats, 48 Our black 81 SO fancy Straw Hats at 48a A lot on bargain counter your choice, lOo. NEW GOODS .JUST OPENED. Full lines of Leather, Canvas and Silk Belts. Full lines of Black Silk Velvet Eibbon. Full lines of colored Silk Velvet Ribbons. Full lines of cream and ecru Laces. New patterns of Torchon Laces. New onyx black Hosiery. perbavmp 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. .TJG-TJST 5. GEMS THIS entire line of Summer Goods in all of our prices. ND THEY We are offerinff some rare Towels. Si 2c Table Damask, 72 Damask, 72 inches wide, for 75c now 4SC. , c Turkev Ked Tablmes, Tablings, 20 and 25c 12-jsc nent colored satines now i2Ac 40c Scotch Gingham for 25c, Bargains in black Cashmeres, 50c, were 65c. 75c Henriettas now Men's wear, till yi on. j2 50 ana Attractive prices in Men's Furnishings, such as 50c Unlaundried ShirttiT now 35CJ the 40c Underwear now 33c new ran rnms, uinguams, ,HAauUUCxa uiuuiyuvumcu at .. . r M store closes at 5 r. u. except WHAT- WEEK AT- r YOUR CHOICE PORSl' Of Any of the Following: Men's White Duck Pants. Men's fine Linen Vests. Men's White Vests, in regular! and extra sizes, slightly soiled from- being in the window. Boys' good odd Coats. Boys' Knee-Pant Suits. Two blue Flannel Sailor Suits. Boys' elegant Long Pants. Children's 2-piece Kilt Suits. YOUR CHOICE FOR $ll Of Any of the Following: Half dozen fancy Pique Four-in- hands. 3 elegant flowing ends fine Silk! Scarfs. H Half dozen Coon & Co.'s finest Linen Collars. Extra quality fancy stripe FrenchS Flannel Blouse Waists. Choice of ioo styles of impcytedJ French Percale "Star" Shirtj! Waists. ' VI Fine quality Silk Gloria Umbrel- las, unique natural sticks. YOUR CHOICE FOR-$lj Of Any of the Following: Men's solid leather Working! Shoes. Men's solid leather tipped Bals. Ladies' solid leather glove Bals. Ladies' patent leather tippe1i Oxfords. Ladies' im. kid Oxfords. Boys' solid leather Base Ball! Shoes. Boys' solid leather Working! Shoes. Youth's solid leather tipped Bals.ij Misses gram button Shoes. Child's solar tipped button Shoes! boldly in each department so than a glance. You can depend upon iti in the truest sense of the word. )-( 300 to 400 Market streeti anff-TTSSn and 64c, reduced from 81 and 81 601 AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE: anS-rrssa "W". S. WEEK. V M . the various departments will bVs'old SPARKLE: bargains in Table Linens. NapkiaaTI inches wide, for $1. $1 Tabfsl 60c Table Damask, cream and whitM and i7c 37JSC lurKey JK.8 Sll omc uest American aaunesinoi and the beautiful Challis at 6jc7l 25c up. All-wool black Henriettas,! 60c Cloth and Cassimeres, J3 colored rarasois, ail now giM 25c; the 50c French Balbrigganjac x-ercaics, vninues, now in SIOCK. iunc:buiiuc3 - . . m . . aauuaays, until aeptemoer z. ,.rs mssx J MSASSMJJ.1SSSSSSSSSSABK JjT -Jj WaUBIL -t . -SVMO. JsasJFi, '.!TJZ31 '? . T I HHIiTl l III II" SSI' 1 Til fill - irtT HT -TTTHTSSSTM J1 1 TIT I fT Tril i- if - fc. Ul "S tfljjn I HI III SMISjnia ll t HI 3-1 it J ?. II I . . itA. &. "WCt. Jt t ltf -. -SkaSET1 .-1G ' fcli i A VrliAlr II 111 II f stBE&oPM
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