iiLfi Fff HsSSh 5ft,VtWi BSS ' f a-BBHMTWWHWf!,RW ',.- Jl -'- rffS v T BSSEW ' - - ., " "t T... jSE.' whss aHVJ' THBv" PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TKDBSDAT, AUGUST 8, "'1889. Vj ! Jr (j BigpJclj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1848L Vol.44, A'o. 181 Entered it Pittsburg l'ostofflce, November 14, 1$S7, as second-class matter. Business Offlce--97 and 09 Fifth Avenuo. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Itoom 43, Tribune Building, lewYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition or Tub Dispatch for six months ending July SI, 1SS3, as sworn to before City Controller, 29,914 Copies per issue. Average net clrcnlatlon of the Sunday edition of The Dispatch for three months ending July 31, 1SS9L 54,897 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISrATCII. rORTAGE rREE IN THE EXITED STATES. DAILY DlSPATCn, One Year S 8 00 DAILY DI81-ATC1I, l'er Quarter : 00 Datlt DisrATCn. Oneilonth TO Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday. 1 year. 10 00 Daily DisrATOU. Including bunday.Sm'ths. 2 SO Daily DisrATcn, Including Sunday, 1 month SO feUNDAY DISPATCH, One ear z0 Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 SS The Daily Dispatch Is delivered br carrlersat Ucents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, AUG. 8, 1889. A BKACE OF FOBOEBEES. A lawyer in Minneapolis, who has com mitted forgeries to the tune of $300,000, fur nishes his mite to the news of the day. At the same time the President of a New York street railway company balances the Eastern side of the news by setting caught in the issue of some $70,000 worth of fraudulent stock certificates. It is hardly necessary to state that both men had been speculating. Of course, it is not fair to put all the re sponsibility on speculation. The attempt to get other people's money without giving a fair consideration for it, which forms the gist of speculation, is not so deliberately or flagrantly dishonest as the endeavor to re cover the lost funds by capital obtained through forgery. Most men who speculate have enough honesty to draw the line at forgery or stealing. Yet it is the fact that nine-tenths of these crimes against property are produced by speculation; and the preva lent opinion in speculative circles, that it is not so important for a man to get money honestly, as it is for him to get it anyway, has produced a lowering of business morals that explains the frequency of such of fenses. "When it is made a canon of social ethics that wealth obtained without giving an honest return for every dollar of it, is a dis grace and blot, the era of defalcations and forgeries will be ended. AN INTEIXIOEl, VIEW. . The article which is copied elsewhere from the Rational Labor Tribune shows the light in which the coke strike appears to a constant and intelligent organ of labor. It points out very clearly that the coke work ers cannot afford to deny their obligation to respect a cardinal feature of labor organ ization, namely, a scale signed by the repre sentatives of the men for a fixed period. While the strike, as between the men and the firms which did not concede the Prick scale, is an open issue, the Labor Tribune points out very clearly that the duty of the employes of the Prick works is to return to work and carry out their agreement. This is all the plainer because, under that agreement, if an advance is secured from other firms, the employes of the Prick com pany are entitled to an equal advance. The strike then, so far as that company is con cerned, takes' the attitude not only of a needless movement, but one that is actually injurious to labor. Labor organization cannot afford to violate its agreement and impose penalties upon employers who have led in conceding advanced wages to its men. That not only takes away the in ducement to other firms to follow its ex ample. It actually offers a premium to the course of refusing any advance and starving the men into the acceptance ot low wages. So far as this aspect of the present strike is concerned, it takes the rank of that ignorant agitation which holds up a wild and senseless strike without regard to in telligent and honorable policy, as a panacea to all labor troubles. It is to be hoped that saner counsels will soon prevail among the coke workers. AN UNNECESSARY DECISION. One of the singular ideas created in finan cial circles by the rule of the combination period, is exemplified by an assertion in the financial column of an Eastern cotemporary that it had been decided "that there is no law of the United States, in the courts or Inter-State Commerce Commission, to compel one railroad to enter into a convention as to rates with a competing line. Inferentially the same reason would apply to dividing traffic" The fact being that such agree ments have been declared, time and again, by the courts to be contrary to public policy and beyond the powers of any corporation, the intimation that it required a decision to assert the power of a corporation to conduct its own business is somewhat remarkable. As it seems to be regarded as necessary to have it decided that a railroad cannot be compelled to give away its own business, the next thing will be the necessity of a formal declaration by the courts that the officers of a railroad need not commit the egregious breach of trust comprised in civing away the earnings of a railroad to its rivals. THE QUESTION OF ENFORCEMENT. In referring to the Michigan anti-trust law, providing that all contracts or agree ments intended to restrict production of any sort or to control the price of any commo dity shall be regarded asa criminal conspir acy, and be punished by imprisonment, an exchange says: "Other States will watch the operation of this drastic remedy with a great deal of interest." The interest with which the operation of the law is watched should depend very much on whether any sincere attempt is made to enforce it or not. If a man buys a large dose of salts and puts it on a shelf -without taking it, it would be rather silly to talk of watching "the operation of that dras tic remedy." A law against murder will do no good unless a decent attempt is made to'inflict its penalty on people who commit murder. The prospect is that this principle is at stake in Michigan. One of the most prom inent citizens of that State has within the past few months advertised himselt as at the head of a combination to restrict produc tion and control the price oi a staple com modity; and yet nothing is heard ot for his punishment. This does not imply any fault in the law. The fault is in the public and in the fact that all public agencies sup posed to be (or enforcement of the law, are so respectful to wealth and influence that a man with millions behind him can defy and ignore laws for the public protection with impunity. No law is of any avail when it Is demonstrated that wealth and influence need not fear that it will punish them. If the people of Michigan land the Salt Trust conspirators in the penitentiary there will be no dcubt about the operation of the remedy. It will put a very short stop to all trust operations in the State of.Michigan. If not, it will only afford a new evidence of the existence of a plutocratic class which is able to override the laws. A "WHITE-WINGED CONVENTION. Partly because this is an "off year" in politics, and partly for the reason that there was absolutely no shadow of contest against the supremacy of Senator Quay in the coun sels ol the party, the Bepublican convention for Pennsylvania yesterday was relatively a tame affair. The delegates were practically of one mind as to the candidate for State Treasurer and the composition of the State Committee. If there was any variance of opinion it was .not expressed. Harmony has often been boasted of as a characteristic of political conventions; but for the real article the convention of yesterday has not in late years had an equal. The platform is noteworthy for its tre mendous length and prolaxity. If any pub lic subject escapes mention we fail to dis cover the omission, unless it is the im portant one of railroad discriminations. That was wont in the past to furnish a strong plank. But as the explicit promises of legislation for equalized rates was never carried out, nobody, unless it might be Andrew Carnegie, who was optimistic as to the purposes of the party in that matter, can now feel much disappointment at seeing the subject unceremoniously and alto gether dropped. It is better than mockery. There is an entire indorsement of Presi dent Harrison, quite in the "hip, hip, hurrah!" style; also of the purposes, policy and personnel of the national administra tion, taking in vigorously every noticeable point, from Senator's Quay's management of the late campaign to Commissioner Tan ner's position on pensions. But what is most pertinent to Pennsylvania's State poli tics is the twitting of the Democratic pro tectionists of this State on their helplessness in the national councils of their party. The Randall Club celebrants who yester day in this neighborhood were pay ing homage to their political patron saint will be apt to sympathize with that part of the platform. On the liquor question there is a distinct pro nouncement for the Brooks high license law, with a pledge for its progressive not retro gressive amendment, and a suggestion that the wholesale traffic also be regulated. An indorsement of proposals for good country roads, a eulogy on Governor Beaver, a memorial paragraph on the Johnstown calamity, and one as to the late General Cameron wind up the document. On the whole, the platform is so full of details as to put the reader in mind of the voluminous Chronological .Record, which The Dispatch publishes at the close of each year, of all the notable things of the twelvemonths preceding. It has the merit, however, of being as free as possible from ambiguity. It has the fault of befng so prolix and aiming to cover so much in de tail that in the harvest season the patriotic farmer, for whom platforms are much in tended, will not have time to take it all in at one sitting. "While lacking the literary finish which always distinguished the well knit syntax of the Republican platforms when Russell Errett wrote them, 'it is a pretty fair beginning for General Beeder, with whom the sword has hitherto been mightier than the pen. There is, anyhow, no serious doubt that backed by the immense Bepublican major ity in Pennsylvania, it is a sufficient expo sition of principles to elect Boyer, who was yesterday nominated for State Treasurer. Nothing is so far urged against him; and though the vote will be light, there is no question that he will have the big end. A SECTIONAL IDEA. The movement of New England iron man ufacturers in favor of putting pigiron, ore, coal and other raw materials in the iron business on the protected lists,is supported by the assertion that "within the past ten years, 50 per cent of the rolling mills of Maine have disappeared, 100 per cent of those of Vermont, 36 per cent of those of Massachusetts and CO per cent of those of Bhode Island," and that "iron and steel beams, water pipes, gas pipes, etc., used in New England are bought in Pennsylvania." The sum total of this complaint, then, is that the effect of protection has been to lo cate the industries in the localities where the products can be brought to a completed form at the lowest price. The consumers have obtained the benefit of this cheapness. iNo trust theories, of sustaining manufactur ing concerns in idleness because they can not afford to compete with the most im proved and best located mills, has pre vented the cheapness of the most favorably located plants from reaching'the consumers. The trouble with the New England manu facturers is that they cannot make iron and steel as cheaply as Pennsylvania can, and the legitimate worth of protection is shown in developing the industry at that point within the boundaries of the United States where it can be carried forward the most economically. Protection for the benefit of the industries of the entire nation is a national policy; but when we find a single locality asserting that protection must be adhered to so long as it is for its interest, and abandoned where it is not, the policy is degraded from the broad national character to an extremely narrow sectional one. K0DEBN NAVAL P0WEB. The display of naval power which was made by England, at the recent review in honor of the Emperor of Germany, is not without practical interest to the United States. Probably there never was, at any stage of the world's history, such a concen tration of the latest and most improved na val fighting machinery. One hundred and thirteen men-of-war were in line, manned by 23,000 Brish Bailors. The difference between these nV of-war and those ot the days when Englao. as equally noted for her naval supremacy, is shown by the fact that the heaviest artillery of Nelson's time fired a ball of 68 pounds, whereas the can non of these times throws a projectile weigh ing 1,800 pounds 12 miles. Considering that in contrast with snch a Torce, the United States has practically no navy at all, it is comfortable to reflect that the Government which owns this remarkable and expensive collection of the most modern machinery for ocean warfare has no desire to pick a quar rel with our Government. In connection with that idea, it is very pertinent to ask whether it is discreet for us to collide against such a power by a claim of exclusive ownership ofan open sea, while denying its ownership to bodies of water that are much more decidedly surrounded by its territory. It would be uncomfortable to go on declaring that we own Benring'g Sea, nntil a few of those ironclads' come over and tell us we cannot have it THAT Western conductor's plan of dis persing train robbers by whacking them. over the head with his lantern might be made more effective by loading the lantern with a judicious dose of dynamite. THE decision of a New York court that it is a trespass for honey bees to go upon land not belonging to their owner, fully estab lishes the right of any property holder, when he finds these insects wilfully and mali ciously trespassing upon his property, to ar rest the bees and hold them subject to his claim for damages. But in the assertionjof this right it is necessary to warn the public against the evil consequences of coming in contact with the business end of the bee. The Harrisburg Convention adopted the stereotyped partisan resolutions, bnt was unable to take any such flight of inde pendence as the Philadelphia Press' pro posed resolution against trusts. The ill success of the Sugar Trust in pur suing its purpose, as declared by its Treasurer, is one of the phenomenal com mercial features of the day. That official asserts: "Our aim has been to keep prices down." As prices have gone up four or five cents since the trust began operations, it is fair to suppose that if it had not been for the efforts of the trust, sugar would have gone so high that no one could have reached it. The fact that the oleomargarine suits are now pending in the Supreme Court makes mincemeat of a choice bit of scandal to the effect that they had been shelved for a mon etary consideration. With New York, Chicago, Washington and St. Louis contending for the site of the exposition of 1892, and a large number of enterprising cities still to be heard from, Pittsburg is in a fair way to gain the proud pre-eminence of being the only city in the country which does not lay claim upon the Quadrennial. That jnry in the Maybrick case is evi dently of the opinion that when people are poisoned some one must be hanged. They do things differently in this country some times. The disposition of the men on strike at the Carrie Furnace to resort to force and re sist officers of the law in discharge of their duty is another of the excesses ot labor troubles which, in the long run, will harm the workingmen more than anyone else. As regards Congressman Brower and his little claim for patronage the backbone of the Administration is demonstrated to be another of those barren idealities. A iiAUGE number of the dervishes of Egypt have been killed, and their army is entirely dispersed ; but the howling dervish of Wabash, Voorhees by name, who wants Andrew Carnegie hanged, is still at large and pursuing his campaign. Matxetoa seems determined to have his share of the fun, in making things lively at Samoa and giving Germany a good excuse to renew the grab game. Axotheb reason for regarding that re port of Mr. Quay's presidental ambition as a weak invention of the enemy, is that it is entirely too early for such a candidacy with reference to 1892, to be used for purposes of barter. PEOPIE OP PK0HINEKCE. Hon. Allen G. Thubxan has gone to Hot Springs, Va., where be will receive treatment for nls old malady, the rheumatism. EX-PKKSITJEKT RUTHERFORD B. HATES will visit Connecticut in the fall. His grand father and grandmother on the maternal side were natives of Mansfield, Conn. To Clflcago friends Minister Lincoln writes that he finds his new cares much less exacting than he feared ttfey wonld prove, and that he finds time for recreation without slighting any official duty. When Senator Sherman arrived at Charing Cross station. In London, the other day. In Bplte ot his declaration that his baggage con tained nothing that was dutiable, all his trunks and those of Mrs. Sherman were broken open by the customs officers. He mentioned the matter to General New. The latter became highly indignant and went to the authorities, who apologized. Burglars recently invaded the house of ex Governor Long, at Hlngham, Mass., and car ried off everything that was loose, but when they learned through the newspapers that three of the spoons they had taken were highly valned by Mr, Long on account of family asso ciations with them, the thieves carefully picked these out from their spoils and returned them by the first mail. In an autograph letter of Charles Dickens, recently sold in London, occurred this advice, written to a young mn ambitious to become an author: "Think of the vast crowd of young men who can write verse, and of the handfnl who can write poetry, and, rely upon it, that the worst you may ever have heard or read of the misery inseparable from a mistaken am bition In letters is nothing to the dread reality." The Emperor of China, who is a young and progressive man. Is very anxious to make a trip to this country. He is in constant commu nication with the Chinese Minister at Wash ington on the subject, and shows a good deal of Impatience at the tatter's ad rice. The Minis ter has written the Emperor that there is to be an Exposition in New York in 1692. and that be had better defer his trip nntil that time. It would be a strange coincidence if the celebra tion commemorating the advent of Columbus should be made memorable by the presence of the Emperor of China. F. William Sect, who recently died in Bal timore, Md., was one of the cleverest violin makers in the world. He was born in Prussia about 72 years ago. Ole B nil met with a steam boat explosion on the Ohio river and swam to the shore with his highly prized Gasparo Da Bala above his head. He sent this "matchless patriarch of a divine violin" to Sent to be re stored. Senf s manlpulations'made the instru ment more valuable than it had ever been, Senf also restored the oldest violin In exist ence, now in the possession of Edwin F. Abell, of Baltimore. Senf was a man of gigantic stature, and served as a cuirassier in the Prus sian army. Two men, J. Brewster McCoIlum and Henry W. Williams, who in boyhood were schoolmates at a country district school In Bndgewater township, Susquehanna county. Pa., are now Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. They were reared as farmer boys, but leaving the plow for the law they both achieved dis tinction. The mutual friendship formed in youth still continues. They differ in politics. One o( the most interesting exhibits at the Paris Exposition is that of Dr. James H. Love, of Alexandria. Egypt, which adorns the Ameri can department. Dr. Love is a Phlladelphlan who has lived in Egypt for some years. He Is now dentist to the Khedive, and enjoys the title and emoluments of a Pasha. His exhibit consists ot dental implements, dentifrices, etc. It is complete in every detail and admirably ar ranged. BARRY'S FRIENDS FIEEO. An Assembly Which Was Expelled Because of IIU Domination. Chicago, August 7. Some montht.ago the Waiters Assembly, of Chicago, was expelled from tho Knights of Labor on the charge that It had been given oter to the Influence of the hoodlum element in its membership. To-day it was honorably reinstated by District Master Workman Mrs? George Sogers, and it is an nounced the disturbing element has been entirely removed. All members of the Barry Organization have been expelled and new officers have been elected. vt-. nixr, THE noPEFDL New York's Governor Laying Pipes for the United State Senate. tSrCCUL HXFRAlC TO TUB BISrATCB.l NEW York, August 7. It has surprised a good many Democratic politicians recently that Governor HJ11 should express so much confidence that the Democrats can elect a ma jority in the next Bute Senate. He has been urging upon them repeatedly the advisability of making a hard fight for the upper legisla tive branch, and has puzzled them repeatedly by his extreme hopefulness. The explanation of this optimism came to day from one of Hill's closest political friends. He said that Hill himself desires to succeed Senator Evarts in the United Senate, and in tends to do his best to secure the election of a Democratic State Senate next autumn. The Senate which is elected then will take part in tho election of the United States Senator in 1891. Shonld the Democrats elect the majority they will make every effort to carry the Assem bly in the succeeding autumn, and, if success ful, will be able to elect a United States Senator. It has been generally supposed that Hill's ambition lays in the direction of the Presi dency. This latest disclosure, however, t no indication that so lofty an ambition has been abandoned; but It is considered another evi dence that Hill is determined to secure the Democratic nomination in 1892. His friends believe that this is the Governor's shrewdest policy. His term as Governor would expire In 1892. six months before the meetingof the Democratic National Convention. He would hardly have assurance enough to ask his party for a third nomination as Governor, and it he is out of office six months before the meeting of the national nominating convention, he will be powerless, probably, to secure the support of the State delegation. If he is elected to the Senate, however, he will still be before the country a a statesman and politician, and will be in a much better position to push his canvas! for the Presidental nomination than be would be as a private citizen. THE CRADLE OP LIBERTY. President Harrison Receives the Citizens of Boston at Fnneull Hull. Boston, August 7. President Harrison and party arrived here this morning at 9-03 o'elock, and were taken at once to the Hotel Vendome. The steamer Pilgrim, with the Presjdent and Secretaries Wlndom and Proctor on board, ar rived at Fall River at 4 A. M. Th e distinguished visitors were not aroused at this hour, how ever, and it was 6 o'clock before they appeared injthe saloon, when they were greeted on behalf of the Commonwealth and welcomed to Massachusetts by Adjutant General Dal ton. The trip from New York to Fall River was a pleasant one, with delightful weather and smooth sea, and the President enjoyed the in vigorating atmosphere, and freedom from in trusion which was afforded by the elevated Eosition on the upper deck, near the pilot ouse. where Captain Davis pointed out to him such objects of Interest not already known to him. President Choate, of the Old Colony, acted as host. The run was without special incident, except that an impromptu reception was arrangecTJn the main saloon, the President consenting to meet the passengers. The Presi dent stood on the stairs leading to the gallery, where bis hand was shaken by nearly everyone aboard the boat He retired early and enjoyed a good night's rest. On his arrival at Boston President Harrison held a reception at the Hotel Vendome. and, afterward, under escort of cavalry, the Presi dent was driven to Faneuil Hall, where com mencing at 1 o'clock, the Chief Executive gave a public reception which lasted until 3 o'clock. The afternoon programme Included a luncheon at the Vendome. provided by the city, and a drive through the suburbs, including Brook' lyn and Cambridge. The city officials, together with a detachment of cavalry, formed the escorting party. A PEW EXPOSITION HINTS. S. 8. Marvin Sends Mayor Grant a Few Suggestions from Ills Experience- , rSFXCIAL TXLZQRAX TO TBX DISPATCH. , New Yoke, August 7. Several suggestions were received at the Mayor's office to-day, about the International Exposition of 1892. Mr. S. S. Marvin, of Pittsbure, President ofthe Western Pennsylvania Exposition- Society, wrote making these interesting suggestions: We take the liberty to-day to mall you a' book entitled "Pittsburg and Its Exposition;" .also, a large hanger, showing at the bottom how Fltts burg Is situated, giving the general Idea 'of how the three rivers come together. As -you' look at the picture, the Allegheny Is on the left, the Monongahela on the right, the two forming the Ohio. At the top the hanger represents our buildings. The building In the foreground Is composed of brick, stone and terra eotta trim mings. Theseeond building Is what we call our Machinery Hall. As New York Is somewhat In terested In the Exposition project, I desire es Eeclally to call your attention to our Machinery all. It la constructed of Iron and glass, with a slate roof. -This building Is so constructed that It conld be readily taken down and moved. Every portion orit could be used. If you would like It, at the Pacific coast. Pittsburg manufacturers are particularly well prepared to construct this class or buildings, and ft has occurred to me that the buildings that Mew York will require are probably not permanent buildings, and that the iron structure which could be considered portable would snlt your require ments better than almost anything else yon wonld think of. SOME ROYAL MUSICIANS. Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses Who Can Play a Little Bit. According to the Musical Jlcconi, kings, queens, princes and princes'ses are fond ot mu sic, just the same as ordinary people. Many of these dignitaries endeavor to play some instru ment. Some are successful, and others are not so, although the courtiers do not dare to tell the latter so. Queen Victoria and her daughter Louise, play very well upon the organ. The Prince ot Wales plays the banjo fairly well. The Princess of Wales is a skillful pianist. The Duke of Connaugbt amuses himself with the flute. The Duke of Edinburgh Is a persistent, but very poor vio linist. The Czar of all the Russias plays a handsome silver cornet. Queen Marguerite, ot Italy, makes herself happy at the piano. Prince Henry, of Prussia, is a composer and a performer on the violin and piano. The beautiful Empress of Austria plays splendidly on the tfthem. The Empress of Japan Is very proficient on the "koto," the na tional instrument, which is a kind of big zith ern. Queen Elizabeth, of Roumanla, plays with equal skill on the harp and piano. King George, of Greece, can play all kinds of tunes on band bells and wine glasses of different shapes. He can also play the "cymballum," an Instrument played only by the Tzeganes ot Hungary. THE DEAD COMES TO LIFE, A Sinn Thought to be Buried Turns Up Alive Inconveniently. rsrxciAL txxxqiluc to the dispatch. Hannibal, Mo., August 7. A dramatic story developed here to-day when Albert L, Mallory filed suit against his sister-in-law, Mrs. EL R. Mallory, of this city for an accounting of his estate. Mallory disappeared several years ago, and shortly afterward the dead body of a man supposed to be him was discovered in St. Louis. The public administrator at St. Louis took charge of the Mallory estate, bnt conld find no heirs. Finally, after a long search, he discovered Mrs. E. R. Mallory, of Hannibal. He turned the estate over to her, and a curator was appointed who now had charge of It. Last week the curator and the family were greatly astonished when a man -called on them and announced that he was not dead, never had been dead, and wanted his money back. The curator and the woman refused to believe the story, but Mallory says it made no difference, as he was prepared to prove his claims and his Identity in court, and suit was accordingly filed. The Fall Returns In Kentucky. Louisvilxe, August 7. The returns from the State election up to this morning show that the Democrats have an increased plurality of 18.000 over the election of two years ago, and that Monday's majority will reach 85,000. The last Legislature stood 102 Democrats and 89 opposition. Thtt elected Monday will consist of 114 Democrats and 24 Republicans. Found si Railroad In Hla Safe. Prom the Indianapolis Journal. In looking through the papers In his safe, the other day, Russell Sage discovered that he was the proprietor of a railroad out in Iowa that he had forgotten about. An active business man can hardly be expected to keep track of every little million-dollar purchase he makes. Chlcngo's Opportunity. From the Minneapolis Journal.! Mark Twain is on one of the committees to secure New York the Exposition in 1892. Chicago should immediately insist that this shows that the whole thing is regarded as a Joke In New York. Annihilating a Boom. rrom the tilobe-Dcmocrgt.i The general opinion with regard to Mr. Whitney's letter disposing of sis Presidental boom seems to be that be threw a stone to onus a fly. . r i-TV THE BEPUBLICAN PARTY. It i t The Sentiment of the State' Convention on Public Questions A Document That Speaks Plainly la Praise of Protection and nigh License The President rind Beaver Indorsed. Habrisbubo, August 7. The following Is the platform as presented by General Reeder and adopted: The Republicans of Pennsylvania. In conven tion assembled, submit the following platform: The doctrines enunciated at Chicago in June, 1888, by the National Republican party received the indorsement of the people at the polls in the following November. Upon them the Key stone State set the seal of her approval by 80. 000 majority. With renewed emphasis we affirm those cardinal principles and again submit tbem to the electors of Pennsylvania for their approbation. We greatly rejoice In the victory of 1888 for a twofold reason. First, because It was fought and won under Pennsylvania lead ership and upon a Pennsylvania platform, and second, because the executive and legislative power In the Union has there Dy been restored to the Republican party. which, within a period of less than 80 years, has rescued the country from the perils of rebellion, of treacherous reconstruction, cf financial dishonor and of reckless industrial legislation, all of which are involved in the policy and acts of the Democratic party as now governed. The Republicans of Pennsylvania claim especial recognition for the reason that in the hour of its extremity tbey furnished to the election and Republican organization a Chairman, who, during all the anxioifs days of the recent national campaign, in co-operation with the honored representatives of other states, bo comroiieu tne iorces at nana as to compel victory. The thanks of the Republicans of this Commonwealth are due and are hereby tendered to the Hon. Mathew S. Quay for the honorable and masterful way in which he con ducted that campaign. Praise for the President. We cordially indorse the administration of President Benjamin Harrison because it steadily devotes itself to the work of a broad and intelligent administration by competent and trusty officials, and makes its rules of In flexible duty the faithful observance, not the hypocritical evasion, of the public statutes; be cause it proposes honestly to collect and honestly to disburse the proceeds of publlo taxation, and seeks so to adjust the burdens thereof that those persons and interests able to bear the most shall bear the most, and those able to bear less shall bear the least, and that in all cases the vexations and Inquisitorial forms of taxation shall be first reduced and abolished; because it is pledged to give to suf fering communities in need help in the necessary work of public education, in order that thereby the citizenship of this conn try may be elevated; because it alms to secure by adequate legislation; we protest against the offense of suppressed and mis counted ballots, of perverted returns and false certificates ot election, and of murderous methods of maintaining the insufferable wroncs which now stain the records of South ern States, and touch the honor of the South ern people.maklng of elections In most of those States a fraud oriaice, whose fruits are a large body of Democratic usurpers now assuming to represent these States in the legislative halls of the nation, and because, more than all else, it makes as its cardinal aim in foreign affairs the vindication of the rights of America and the defense of the honor, safety and dignity of all Americans, and in domestic affairs the de velopment of our own resources, the advance ment of our own interests, the enlargement of our industries and the np-bnildlng ot the labor of our own people, against all which the Demo cratic party stands as an ever-present danger ana menace. The Benefits of Protection. "Protection" is the corner stone of political faith. Its greatest blessing is that in protect ing the American laborer and manufacturer It strengthens and builds up all interests, result ing in the promotion of a great diversity of business enterprises and a home market. It thereby nurtures not only the interests pri marily and directly protected, but all interests, particularly agriculture, which finds in the certainty and higher prices of home markets its great advantage. Pennsylvania Democrats have, until recently, claimed the unique dis tinction ot being Democratic protectionists. At last, however, the controlling element in that party, not only In the nation, but in the State, has unequivocally announced its an tagonism to protection. It is our duty to take advantage ot this opportunity and press borne this living issue. We will thueby give De mocracy its death blow in Pennsylvania. If protection to American Industry be the cornerstone of our political faith, then protec tion to those who fought in defense ot the Union is its capstone. We reverence the mem ory of those intrepid martyrs who gave up their lives upon the field of battle, and of those other heroes, burdened with years and covered with scars, who have since gone to their rest. But tears will not suffice for the tens of thousands of brave soldiers who still survive. We advo cate such amendments to the pension laws as will make adequate provisions for all honestly discharged veterans of the late war whose ad vancing years, wounds or other infirmities dis able them from total or partial self-support. Those who saved the nation from dissolution should be saved by the nation from penury, and we heartily commend the wise and friendly liberality shown by Commissioner Tanner to brother soldiers in the conscientious discharge of the duties of his office. T j The Brooka Law Commended. The Republican party having in 1836 de clared in favor of tho submission of the ques tion of the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors to the vote of the people, and having in two successive Legisla tures through the method ordained by the constitution and in spite of Democratic oppo sition provided the machinery for reaching a fair expression of the .public sentiment and the vote, to secure which it was pledged having been taken, declares that It has fully and honorably fulfilled its compact In this regard. In view of the result of the said election, and having regard for the preservation of the purity of the homes ot our commonwealth, we heartily Indorse the Brooks high license law and recommend such amendments thereto as will tend to its proper and progressive improve ments and also bring within its scope the con trol of wholesale licenses. We indorse the action of the last Legislature in providing: for the appointment of commis sions to revise and consolidate the laws relat ing to the construction and improvement of the public highways of this Commonwealth and to consider the subject of local taxation with a view to a reasonable and just equalization thereof. These are questions of vital concern to the people of Pennsylvania, particularly to those encaged in agricultural pursuits, and should, as they doubtless will, receive careful and intelligent consideration from the re spective legislative commissions. Beaver's Administration Indorsed. , The administration of Governor Beaver con tinues to merit the confidence and approval of the Republicans of Pennsylvania. From its in ception it has been able, dignified and clean in every department and deserves the continued respect and approval of the citizens of the Commonwealth. . The catastrophe which has recently visited Johnstown and other sections of the State and touched the heart of all forms of civilization on the face of the earth, appeals especially to the sympathies ot the people ot this Common, wealth-, who have witnessed with thankful hearts the generosity ot all nations. We urge that the next Legislature take such constitu tional action as will best provide permanent re lief for the stricken sections. The death of General Simon Cameron, for 60 J ears a conspicuous son of Pennsylvania, and or much of that time in the honorable dis cbarge of important public functions. State and national, executive and legislative. Is great public loss which properly demands of this convention an earnest expression ot tielt deep sorrow, and that they should testify their admiration and veneration for bis career and character. MERELY AN INFORMAL CALL. Secretary Tracy make a Short Visit at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. ISrXCIAL TILXOBJL1C TO TBX DISPATCH.! New Yoek, August 7. Secretary Tracy was at the navy yard bright and early this morning. His visit was entirely informal. He walked throngh the main entrance at York street soon after 9 o'clock and was unrecognized by the marines on sentry duty, and Policeman Allen, the gatekeeper. The latter stopped the Secre tary and asked hhn what his business was at the yard. "I wish to see Commodore Ramsay," Secretary Tracy replied. He re ceived tbe usual pass, and was directed to tbe Lyceum building. The orderly at tbe Lycenm also failed tor recognize the Secretary, and tbe distinguished visitor had to await his turn before being allowed to enter tbe commodore's room. When be did enter, he and the commodore of the yard had a long conference, and at its close he took his departure as quietly as be bad entered. The Despatch left tbe dry dock to-day. She is to sail to-morrow, with the Secretary, and probably some members of his family, for Bar Harbor, where President Harrison and other tuessbers of the Cabinet are on a visit to Secre tarv Kalne. -J . '- BUYER AND" ANDREWS. Sketches of the Republican Komlneo for Treasurer and tbe Chairman. Henry Kline Boyer. the Republican candi date for State Treasurer, was born in Evans burg; Montgomery county, February 19, 185a He attended the public schools and seminaries and taught school In early lite. In 1872 he began the study of tbe law in the office of Ben jamin Harris Brewster, and was admitted to the bar in 1871. Mr. Boyer was nominated unanimously and elected by a large majority to the House of Representatives of 1633. He was re-elected to the House of 18S5, and was proposed for the Speakership, but withdrew in favor of James L. Graham, of Allegheny. In 1SSS he was urged to be a candidate for the Senate, but declined, but was re-elected to the House ot 1887 and chosen Its Speaker, having no opposition in his own party. He was re elected Speaker of the House ot 1889, having received the unanimous vote of the Republican caucus, and tbe Democratic members voted to make bis election unanimous. He is the first to succeed himself under tbe new Constitution, and the fifth to be thus honored in the history of the Commonwealth. W. H. Andrnw nf Pmwfnrd countv. re elected Chairman of tbe Republican State Committee, was born in Youngsville, Warren county, January 14. 1842. At an early age he entered upon a commercial career, which be followed until 1881. He eerved as Chairman of the Crawford County Republican Committee four times; was Secretary of tbe State Central Committee in 1SS7-8, and was elected Chairman ot the SUte Committee in April. 1888. to serve from January 1, 1889, to January 1. 1890. His re-election yesterday makes him Chairman tor the term beginning January 1, 18901 PLENTY OP PEOPLE P0R ALASKA. Senator Piatt at Work on the Iceland Colo nizing; Scheme. ISPXCIAL TXLXOBAX TO TUX DlSPATCn. J Washington, August 7. Senator Piatt, Chairman of the Committee on Territories, and who is now making his special examina tion into the condition of Alaska, is promoting an Icelandic movement, intending to settle the fertile and heavily-wooded region of the Yukon river with a Urge colony from Iceland. Tbe idea Is ultimately to take over to the territory the whole population of tbe Island, one of the most thrifty, sturdy and intelligent in the world. There are on tbe island about 75.000 souls. The area ot cultivable land is yearly growing less, owing to the increase of volcanic matter scattered over theplains and valleTS. The people of Iceland are said to be anxious to re move to some cold country where the soil and other advantages are superior ts those to be found in their present possession. On tbe Yukon they will nndthese. Wood Is abundant, and the cereals can be raised, as the summers are longer than those in Iceland. Tbe population ot Iceland, which once at tained to 100,000, dropped to 40,000, but bas since risen to nearly 75,000. An Icelandic minister is operating with Senator Piatt in the undertaking. No other particulars are now available. The consent of the Alstblng,or Icelandic Assembly, and the approbation of the Danish Government will have to be ob tained, probably, if the movement as con templated becomes a general one. A POLITICAL FISH STORY. Rumors That Secretary Noble Will be Made a Supremo Court Judge. tSriCIAL TXLXOBAX TO THE DISPATCR.1 Washington, August 7. This is the season for political fish stories, and some that are being sent out are the very largest of tb'eir kind. The latest is that Secretary NoDle is to fill the vacancy on tbe Supreme Bench, and that Clarkson, of Iowa, is then to leave second Slace in the Postoffice Department to take tbe rst place in the Interior Department. tThroneh several ot his nearest friends. Secretary Noble assures all inquiries that there was absolutely nothing in tbe story, except a pretty sensa tion for a dull day. At least. If such an appointment were contemplated it had not been mentioned to him, and this was the first be bad ever heard of It. Colonel Clark son is off yachting with Colonel Quay, but his nearest friends assured tbe correspondent of The Dispatch that he expected and sought no office other than that of Lord High Execu tioner ot the Postoffice Department, where be bas made a record so brilliant that he prefers that office to that of President. Another authority, however, asserts that the story is started by Clarkson's friends as a feeler with a hope tbat It may result In a boom tor Noble, and that he may get the appointment and Clarkson succeed him. The President is a warm friend of Secretary Noble, and it Is thought that substantial encouragement might Induce him to appoint the Missourian. MRS. HARRISON GOING EAST. The Wife of the President Headed Toward Bar Harbor. tSPECIAL TILED BAM TO TUX DISPATCII.l New Yobk. August 7. Mrr. Benjamin Har rison, wife of the President, accompanied by her maid and Colonel Wilson, arrived in Jer sey City at 11:65 o'clock to-day, and left in the evening for Nantucket. The party came from Washington, where they had just arrived from Deer Park, over the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road, in President Mayer's private car Balti more. A coach in waiting at the depot took tbem to the pier ot the Fall River line, where the party went on board tbe Puritan. ''Two staterooms on tbe upper deck had been re served for tbem. Colonel Wilson said to a reporter of The Dispatch: "Mrs, Harrison's sister, Mrs. Bcott-Lord, bas been a trifle 111 of late, and Mrs. Harrison Is going down to see her. She is not seriously sick. I leave Mrs. Harrison at Nantucket, and I do not know where she is go ing from there. She may join the President at Bar Harbor. Mrs. Harrison spent the after noon in her stateroom." OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED. The Report of Captain Shepard Upon the Tllack Diamond Selzare Received. Washington, August 7. The report of Captain Shepard, commanding the revenue steamer Rusb, in regard to the seizure of the British sealer Black Diamond, which was mailed at San Francisco, bas been received at tbe Treasury Department. Acting Secretary Batcbeler refuses positively to give it to the press, but admits that it confirm substantially the newspaper reports concerning tbe seizure. It contains no reference whatever to the es cape of the vessel for the reason tbat that had not occurred when It was written. Neither does it give any explanation with regard to tbe smauness ot ine crew piacea in cn&rge oi tne prize, but the report Is said to indicate that the vessel was not paroled, but was subject only to tbe control of the prize crew. Acting Secre tary Batcheler said the question seems to nave assumed political importance. He preferred to do nothing whatever in tbe matter without consultation with Secretary Wlndom upon bis return to the city. IN ANNUAL CONTENTION. The Catholic Total Abstinence Union Is Bleelino In Cleveland. Cleveland, Au rust 7. The nineteenth an nual convention of the Catholic Total Absti nence Union of America convened here to-day. Rev. T. J. Conaty, ot Worcester, tho Presi dent, In his address said tbat it was proposed to establish a $50,000 Father Matbew chair in tbe Cathedral University, to be founded in October, 1890, at Washington and to complete the Father Mathew Church at Cork. Ireland. Four hundred delegates are attending the con vention. Tbe Executive Council are present. They are: Spiritual Director, Rt. Rer. P. T. O'Kellly, D. D Springfield; President, Rev. Thomas J. Conaty. Worcester, Mass.: First Vice President, Rev. Morgan M. Sheedy. Pittsburg; Second Vice President, Thomas O'Brien, New Haven, Conn.; Treasurer, Rev. William McMahon, Cleveltnd: Secretary, Philip A. Nolan. Phila delpbi k The receiots last year were $3,800 and ti.j expenditures 12,200. Halateud's Fcrgettory. From the Minneapolis Tribune. When Mr. Ealstead gets to 'the Senate he will be just about wicked enough to "lay" for some of the fellows who voted against his con firmation. He has a very poor f orgettory, has Halstead. Fond of Water. From the Chicago Herald. 1 Mr. Gould seems to be rather aquatlo in his tastes. He owns a yacht, waters his stocks, and is just now drinking cool draughts from the springs of Saratoga. A SEASIDE PHOTO. Eyes of deep and tender blue. Fringed by lasb or darkest hue; Karen tresses, silken line, Bhade a face to me divine! Tlnybandllongtopress, A heart that throbs to warm caress; Ked lips that trtmble In a kiss. Well molded form a dream of bllssl A passion flower, ripe and rare. Close to my heart I'll ever wear. Forget youf Xot while pulses beat Kesponslve to a thought ot thee. Fair maid of sun-land sad tbe seal EMFIEE CITY TIERS KOTES. , Took Too Much Chloroform. !KXW TOBZ BtJBXAU sriCIALS-f- NtfVf York, August 7. Hugo Pollltz, a fur rier In good circumstances, killed himselt by taking an overdose of chloroform last night. He had long suffered from insomnia, originally caused by nervous headaches. To Induce sleep he made frequent use of chloroform. Famil iarity with the drug made him careless In its use. At 6 o'clock last night be took an un usually large dose. Four hoars later his wife found him in the death sleep, sitting at his desk. At midnight be died. O'Donovan Rossa Not Ready for Trial. Another short chapter was added to the records of the celebrated Rossa-Cassldy libel suit, this morning. Some time ago O'Donovan Rossa, had Patrick Sarsfleld Cassidy up for criminal libel, but the case was thrown ont of court. To get back at bis antagonist, Rossa in his newspaper then called him a British spy in tbe Irish-American camp, and other hard names of similar import. Cassidy at once had Rossa arrested far libel, and also for an alleged attempt to accomplish his assassination. In support of the second charge the complaint cited tbe case of Dr. Cronin, who was murdered on suspicion otbcingjustwhatRossa proclaimed Cassidy to be, a British spy. To tbe surprise of every one, Rossa this morning waived ex amination In tbe Tombs Police Court, and gave bail for his appearance in the Court ot General Sessions. William H. Hendrlckson, the printer who published the alleged libel, also waived examination and gave ball. English Syndicates Vet Wide Awake. . Lawyer Untermeyer.of this city.who recently returned from England after several months' absence, said to-day that he bad perfected the Baleof the Henry Ellas Brewing Company, of East Fifty-fourth street.while'abroad.The price to be paid by the English syndicate is 1860,000. Mr. Untermeyer said tbat there is no abate ment in the interest which the Engllsbimoney market takes In American industries. Wants to Keep Them Together. William H. Martin, a well-known citizen of Brooklyn, died at his home about ten days ago. Mr. Martin was a Protestant at least, nomi nally. Twenty years ago he married a Roman Catholic wife. Shortly thereafter, at his wife's request, he bought a plot In Calvary Cemetery. When Mrs. Martin died she was buried there. When Mr. Martin died he asked his son to bury him beside her. Young Martin, a devout Roman Catholic and a graduate of a Jesuit college, applied to tbe directors of the ceme tery in the usual way, for permission to open the family grave. This was refused, en the ground that Martin bad been a Protestant. Young Martin then explained tbe matter to Mgr. Preston, Vice Chairman of the Calvary trustees, and demanded redress. Mgr. Preston refused to interfere. Then Martin threatened to remove his mother's body to Greenwood and sell out his plot. Mgr. Preston then consented to allow the burial of old Mr. Martin's body In tbe family plot, provided the grave was sepa rated from the surrounding consecrated ground by a high stone wall. This concession did not satisfy young Martin. He now proposes to buy a plot In Greenwood, where he will inter the bodies of his father and mother. Queer Place for a. Pirate's Flag. Some time during Monday night a pirate's flag was flung to the breeze from the weather cock on the steeple of the Presbyterian Church at Sag Harbor. The flag is coal black, and about five feet square. In its center there is'a grinning skull and cross-bones In cardinal red; It is the first time the vane was ever decorated, and the effect was picturesque. Everybody seemed to think the thing funny except the members of the church and their shepherd. Rev. Mr. Wilson, who feel scandalized tbat their house of worship should have been se lected for so conspicuous a desecration. The placing of the flag at the apex of the spire was the work of very bold hoodlums. The steeple is 180 feet above tbe roof of the church, and the cap on the wind gauge Is 22 feet higher stflL Within the steeple is a winding stair which terminates about 30 feet from tbe top of the structure. A. window opens outwardly, but the steeple is not rigged with cleats on the out side by which a person could ascend to the top. This will convey an Idea of tbe extreme danger the nag-nearer ran in doing his work without daylight to guide his movements. A slip, a miscalculation ot distance,' a gust of wind, might have sent him rolling to bis death. The flag can be seen from Montauk. It floated in a stiff breeze yesterday and to-day, but was too well fastened to be blown down. Tbe trustees of tbe church have offered $20 for Its removal and tlOU for the arrest of the perpetrator of the joke. The pirate flag still floats from the church steeple. PITTSBURG ENTERPRISE AND CAPITAL To Begin Manufacturing Sleel by a New Process at Cheater. From tbe Philadelphia Press.: John B. Schlosser, a Pittsburg capitalist; came to the btratford yesterday in response to an nrgent telegram sent on Monday night by the manager of the'nerr stworks at Chester. The works, which will be operated by James P. Wltherow A Co., a Arm of Pittsburg capitalists, were ready to begin operations on Monday when some of tbe most Important part of tbe machinery broke down and all work rame to a standstill. It Is said tbat the break was a seri ous one and affected the most valuable part ot the machinery. The mishap will probably de lay the starting-up of the works for some time. Messrs. Wttnerow t Co. claim to have dis covered a new process of manufacturing steel, which will bo cheaper and better than the product of Bessemer. In talking of the new process Mr. Wltberow always declares that there are millions in it." Good Reason for Doubting, From the Washington Post.) We don't wish to provoke the ire of anybody in Georgia, and we kUowjost how sensitive they are down there about their reputation for veracity, so we will say, as delicately and diplomatically as we know how, tbat tbe only reason we have for bellevlne tbere are no grasshoppers in that State is the fact that a report has just come from there tbat a swarm of these insects stopped a railway train the other day. TRI-STATE TRIFLES. t Mb. John N. Botes, of Straban township, Adams county. Pa., has a ben tbat made its nest in the branches of a large oak tree near his buildings and batched outa brood of young chickens. Tbe nest was about 35 feet from the ground and Mr. B. bad to use a ladder to get the young chicks from tbe nest, which was made from an old bird's nest, leaves and twigs. Mb. Shobe, of Mapleton vicinity, took his dinner to the harvest field a few days ago, and on going for it at tbe usual time found tbe kettle on Its side, some mutilated victuals on tbe ground, and a large turtle flipping content edly toward a stream, from which the shining kettle had allured it. A. D. Johnson, Es., of Waterford. Pa., pos sesses a literary relic In tbe shape of "Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxima Relating to tbe Conduct of Human Life," by William Penn. founder ot the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. While picking blackberries on the Decker farm, near Ashville, O., J. C. Beaver was at tacked by a large black snake that colled abont his leg so tightly as to almost destroy bis power of locomotion. He was fortunate enough to have a knife with him, with which he cut the serpent in twain. It measured six feet in length. One of. the oddest street scenes in Philadel phia lately was a "sandwich" advertising man eating slices ot melon conveniently slung round his neck on a stting, his arms being hopelessly out of reach behind his placards. He slopped and sopped and reveled, regardless of the un wiped condition of his chin. Two barrels of yeast used In brewing beer exploded In tbe express office at Eenovoa night or two since, pasting itself all over the room in a cascade tbat "smelt the whole neigh borhood." "When yon find 3 cents in the mail box and an unstamped letter," said a petulant Wheeling carrier, "the letter is always addressed In a woman's hand." ON the arrival of a freight train at Resovo twomornlnp since a woman of SO jumped out of a box-car and' asked where "a band-out breakfast could, be get for noshing." She frankly sM she mm been 1 CUEIOUS CONDEHSATIOBS. - Of the 300,000 qualified voters in the City of New York HOOO pay taxes on prop erty and 260.000 pay rents to those who own the property.. T-Saicide among German officers increases shockingly. During May twenty-three shot themselves, and the number for June was larger still. An English gentleman has discovered a method of preventing rabies in dogs. Give them a vegetarian diet, with unlimited cherries and strawberries. In China the inhabitants are counted .every year in a curious manner. The oldest master of every ten houses has to count the families, and has to make a list, which Is sent to tbe Imperial tax house. Last year the whole number amounted to 879,333,600 Inhab itants. At Atlanta, a fevr days ago, while Miss Mamie Nelson was dressing a large, fat hen, she found a needle sticking thruugh the gizzard, tbe pout penetrating the heart. The , needle was black and looked as If it was work ing Its way out. The fowl was perfectly healthy. , A rare bird was shot at Dundee, Ind., by Austin Dolls, a farmer. The bird Is snow white and stands sevon feet high. The remark able fact that it weighs less than four pounds Las excited no little interest. For want ot the proper name the people have appropriately dubbed It tbe "phantom heron." Miss Cora Nichal, ol Henrietta, Jack son county, Mich- made the acquaintance of a snake under peculiar circumstances the other day. She was sitting at the sewing machine busily stitching, when she observed tbe snake crawling toward her. In the scramble which followed the snake lost his life. The State Board of Horticulture of California have imported Australian lady bugs to fight the cottony scale which Is now doing so much damage in tbe orange gardens of that State. Tbe scale is tbe bug's chief article of diet, and this method of saving, the orange trees has succeeded where all others have failed. Connecticut capitalists are boring for oil In that State, in the town of Southbury. An old well gave indications that tbere was oil beneath the surface there in 1831. and It is near this well that the capitalists nave now bad bored a shaft which is already 1,460 feet deep. It is Intended to bore for oil at least 3,100 feet . A veteran locomotive engineer named William Bradley, while running between Fruitvale and San Leandro, Caln ran Into what appeared to be a small cloud, sweeping close to tbe ground, bnt whal was in reality, a swarm of bees. The cab was literally filled with bees for a few minutes, but neither he nor his fire man was stung. The well-known detection of a crime, in "Diplomacy," through the perfume in a woman's glove was reproduced by a recent occurrence in Paris. A man who found bis room robbed of all his jewelry perceived a peculiar perfume, and a few days later noticed it again when passing two well-dressed women In the street. They were arrested and found to be the thieves. A remarkable sight was witnessed at the Bailey depot. In Cass county. Mo., on a recent evening. The sun was getting low when a train pulled in, and the engine began to let off steam. As soon as released tbe steam began to form, and In a short time a complete rainbow could be seen a few feet above tbe engine, and reach ing to the ground on either side. It was a beautiful sight, and remained as long as the en gineer released steam from the engine. Experiments have recently been made at Kiel by the German naval authorities on torpedoes made of paper and worked by elec tricity. The results are said to have been very satisfactory. The torpedo is about 11 feet long by 16 inches in diameter, and is made ofH2 lay ers of paper 11 inches thick, compressed and varnlsneu. The motor Is mounted on three paper ribs, and driven from the ship or shore by a cable, the steering and ignition of the charge being controlled through the same cable. The Austrian man-of-war Said?, which is now visiting our waters, is splendidly eqnipped with electrical appliances, Including two powerful electric search Ilchts, together with electrical devices which enable each indi vidual gunner to fire his gun by pressins: a but ton; or a whole broadside can be fired simultan eously from tbe captain's bridge by a similar arrangement. The officers speak highly of tbe efficiency of these appliances, and state that their entire navy is being equipped with elec tric devices. A company It being formed in StLouis, rMoto Introduce the writing telegraph ma chines. It is proposed to operate them on the telephone system, having a central office con necting with all the private or public instru ments. If a business man wanurto hold a con versation with a customer or friend he pulls a little lever, which rings a bell at the central of fice. He then writes down on his plate the number desired, tho connection Is made, and he proceeds to write down his message, which Is Immediately reproduced In the same hand writing at the other, end. A Pennsylvania editor answers a cor respondent who propuunds the query, "Did you ever see a baldheaded women?" in the fol lowing strain: "No, we never did. Nor did we ever see a woman waltzing around town In her sblrt sleeves with a cigar between her teeth. We never saw a woman go Ashing with a bottle In her hip pocket, sit around on the damp ground all day, and go home "boozed" in the evening. Neither have we seen a woman yank off her coat, spit on her hands, and swear she could whip any man in town. All of the fore going "privileges are reserved for menJ' Assistant District Attorney William Travers Jerome, of New York, has returned from his vacation with an experience that has been accepted as a warning by those of his friends whose vacations are yet in- prospect. He appeared In court minus tbfloreflnger of fit lft tianrt ThA HtnmnM tbil mAmhpftniI 'fcU badly lacerated secoou finger were swathed in several thicknesses' ot cotton and oilskin. Mr. Jerome srud ner naa neen nsuinginLake Champlain fur skoscalonge. He captured one that was longer than his boat, whose side tbe brute split with a flap of bis tall. Before the boat sank Mr. Jerome inserted the gaff in tbe creature's gills. Tbis instrument tbe fish promptly swallowed, handle and all, and when Ms laws came together two of Mr. Jerome's fingers were between tbem. Tbe result was tbat Mr. Jerome's finger had to he ampu tated. WHAT WILD WITS ARE SAYING. When a vessel hugs the shore what fol lows? Why, a little smack on the beach, to bo sure. Baltimore American. Landlady to her star boarder Mr. De Nice, what wonld you call this noonday meal, lunch or luncheon? Star boarder (surveying the scanty array) Neither. Philadelphia Prut. THE COUNTBTMAN. He came into town leelinz fanny Ne'er again will he reel so, alas I He not only blew in his money. But be went and he blew out the gas. KttD lor Evening Sun, "1 hear that Harry has left his wife. What was the matter, I wonder? Couldn't he sup port her?" J.o; she was Insupportable." Bolton Tran teript. "Are yon fond of diamonds, Mr. De Bmythe?"sald a young lady. "Well," said he, absent-mindedly, "that would naturally depend on what was trumps, wonldn't lVt"Wattilngton Capital, He That seems to be a remarkably cross dog of yours. She Yes, he Is a little Ill-tempered, but I can overlook all that. Be saved my life once. He did? Then, of course, you feel grateful toward him. If no ona else does Terrs Haute prut. WOMAN'S ItCKXE FANCY. Qirls always find it hard to choose Fancy the'r reason overspreads She likes a wild one when she woos. A tame one vhen she weds. Iftio Xork Evening Sun. "That was a very brave act of yonrs in stopping tbe runaway horse, young man. Here's a hundred dollar bill for you." "That's a good dealer money for me." "Nonsensel When a man saves my life I believe In paying M"i what It Is worth." i'pocA. She There! I've upset that vase and spilled the water all over me. Us (sympathetlcally)-Too bad. How will yon dry your hand? She (a divine inspiration lighting up her face) Can't you ring It for zntlEingnamton Republi can. Messenger (going through Western rail way train) Want dinner at Scroggt Corners? Starving passenger-Indeed X do. Messenger One dollar, please. Passenger What do yon want pay In advance far? Messenger Sometimes the train Is late an' don't stop. Stv lor Wtk&. r Oriental rug dealer I assure ,Tan, madam, that this is a genslne prayer rag. It Is BO years old, and was used In a mosque for many years. Mrs. Tlnselbrsda (Indignantly) Do I look like a person who bays second band articles, sir? II you've got any sew rags wta plenty of red In em. you may show 'em to .-. Foul rtmHTii t ?..( Efj