Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 08, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bandall Club Fete Cham
petre Enjoyed by 8,000
Only One Speech; and That Direct
and Decidedly to the Point.
A Scene That Embodied the Poetry Both of
Motion and Mirth.
1 Yesterday morning the heart of every
true member of the Randall Club gave a
great thump of joy as
its glad owner looked
forth upon the radiant
smiles oi a Democratic
sun. For Old Sol
shone down with
dazzling luster, and
. summoned one and
s all of those delighted
Bandallites to feast
and make merrv in
f , that scene of many a
happy meeting, the
President romantic Silver Lake
J. Prestly Fleming, Grove.
Accordingly the Bandall Club world, its
wife, children, friends and acquaintances
set forth for the grove by devious routes,
and poured into its expectant gates from the
first strokes of 2, until long after the dusk
had fallen over the crowded grounds.
At least 8,000 people must have visited
the fete during the day, and at one time
there must have been G.000 inside the gates.
two bands webe engaged,
the Cathedral Band for concert music, the
Great Western for dance music The great
central pavilion was
beautifully decorated
with flags and col
ored lanterns, while
the shining floor
tempted all to woo
the "Muse of the
many twinkling feet,"
even before the gay
strains of Mr. Gur
nett's merry men
made nerve and mus
cle lerp and bound in
.1a .Minrnnn.p urith
f. Corresponding Secre-
the music tcpy J. J. CrLeary.
Sapper was spread in the lower booth and
at 530 the war of knife and fork began.
In the upper booth a constant supply of re
freshments was kept up, and cherry lips
closed rapturously ovor countless spoonfuls
of ice cream.
There was but one speech made during
the day, the orator on that occasion beine
Alderman Handel, of
Allegheny. The
'Squire's speech for
conciseness and epi
grammatic force de
serves to be recorded.
When the attentive
crowd had gathered
beneath tne pavilion
steps; when all was
hushed and still, the
'Squire'sJ resonant
voice was heard to
"Ladies and gent'e
Rtcording Secretary J.men, you can getsup
J. McCaffrey. per tickets at the
gates. We have food enough to feast mill
ions provided they pay for their tickets."
Needless to say this oratorical effort met
with thunders of applause Supper was
excellent, and the supplies seemed to be
nearlv as plentiful as the 'Squire had pre
dicted. But not till after G o'clock did the grounds
begin to look their best. When the evening
began to close in, all the lights flashed out
over the grounds, and quick as lightning
the band struck up a rollicking polka. The
flags shook on the walls and ceiling, and
looked like so many gaudy butterflies hover
ing heedlessly around the glare of the light
Hither and thither the dancers sped; gav
groups meeting but to part, and parting but
to meet once more; happy faces, smiling
mirth and happiness enough to turn the
gloomiest Timon into a lover of his kind;
hand pressing hand in true lover fashion,
and young lips whispering the old story that
needs no elixir to give it life '
Then the dancine ceased, and the word
"fireworks" spread from small boy to small
boy through the great assemblage. Sud
denly the further corner of the grove flashed
into rosy licht and up went the rockets
soaring and whizzing into the startled sky.
It was a picture worthy of the
brush of Gustave Dore himself. The
red light glowed luridly beneath
the dark green of the bending trees;
shadowy forms flitted ghostlike through the
smoke and glare; while overhead, set in
purple sky, the stars glanced merrily, and
the wan white moon looked through a rag
ged cloud, with a cold, ghastly glare that
seemed to scorn the boisterous gaiety.
Then, quick as lightning, came Catherine
wheels and rockets and romau candles
without number. Sparks seemed to strike
the very moon herself till her face turned
green with anger. The crowd roared and
laughed. The small boys sent up shrill
cries of delighted mirth, and each little
heart bounded with the rockets and each
small head whirled with the whirling
Then silence again, for the Cathedral
Band had begun to play. Mr. Dannhardt
gave the signal for his sweet selection, "Ye
Olden Times;" and the music lovers hied
them to the gloomv shades before the band
stand and prepared for the sweet poetry of
sound. Certainly no better selection conld
have been made for the time and place. It
was the gloaming the time when they sing
old songs and dream old dreams. So the
magic wand of Mr. Dannhardt carried one
back in his sad, low prelude, to by-gone
days and long-forgotten times of hope and
sorrow. He saw an aged couple clasp one
another's hands in the darkness as "Annie
Laurie" thrilled forth upon the air; he saw
veterans draw themselves proudly up and
smile responsive as they heard again the
stirring airs of the great war; and when
"Auld Lang Svne" swelled its last long
notes of unutterable tenderness, and with a
glorious crash of melody the selection
closed, the mighty audience was silent for
one long moment, and then burst forth into
The great event of the evening was over.
But the fun had only begun. Dancing,
Jove-making and icecream eating passed the
winged hours. Eleven o'clock the time
fixed lor departure came all too soon, and
the great celebration closed amid soft good
byes and fervent wishes that the future's sun
might shine upon anotheHete champetre as
bright and brilliant as that of the Bandall
The following letters of regret were re
ceived bv the officers of the Bandall Club
yesterday morning:
Waixikosfort, Pa., July 31.15S9.
J. E. McCrlekart, Esq.:
, My Deab Kir I am In receipt of your letter
iui;iu3iDRn lanuuon oi tne -xtanaaii uiuu
to Mrs. Randall and to me, to attend the "Fete
Champetre" to be held on August 7, at Silver
Lake Grove, near Pittsburg. My health will
not permit my acceptance, and Mrs. Randall
cannot go without me. It is a source of sincere
regret that I cannot, on this 'occasion, meet my
friends and participate with them In their en
joyments. I want to add a few words of thanks
for the cordial manner In which you urge my
presence, and the assurance you give me of the
friendship of the members of the club. All
this, thongh known to me, is particularly grati
fying. I bee you to express to tbem my deep
appreciation, and to say the good feeling they
entertain toward me Is fully reciprocated.
I am, yours truly,
Samuel J. Ramdaix.
Makeion. Mass., July 29, 1SS9.
Mr Deab Sir I acknowledge with sincere
thanks an invitation to attend the fifth annual
fete chajjpetre of the Randall Club of Pitts
burg on the 7th day of August next. I regret
that engagements already made will prevent
my being present; and I must therefore con
tent myself by wishing, for those who do at
tend, an occasion of much enjoyment.
Yours very truly,
Q rover Cleveland.
York, Pa.. July SO, 18S9.
Mr Dear Sir Yours ot the 20tb, containing
kind invitation to be with the Randall Club at
its annual fete, has been received, and I beg to
acknowledge it with sincere thanks. I have
been with yon before, and nothing could give
me greater satisfaction than to be with you
Again. I know no social or political occasion
more enjoyable; but my engagements are such
that I must comfort myself with memories of
the past untit a better opportunity occurs to
lay in a stock of new ones. I can wish you
nothing better than that the affair of this year
may be as complete a success as that of '87,
when I had the honor to be with you. I send
you by this mall some of the publications ot
the Democratic Society of Pennsylvania, to
which I beg to invite the attention of the mem
bers of your club, and remain, as ever, with re
newed thanks for your courtesy,
Sincerely yours,
chauhcet F. Black.
KOBE THAN $1,400,000.
Mr. Frnnenbelm Says that the Bid for Bis
Brewery Was Higher Tbnn That, Yet
Too Low Not nn English Syndicate.
E. Frauenheim, of the firm of Frauen
heim & Vilsack, brewers, yesterday stated
that the syndicate (which he believes is not
English) offered their firm a very tempting
sum of money for their business. He added:
"We are not inclined to sell." There
porter asked whetherthe report that $1,400,
000 had been offered was true, and Mr. F.
"There was considerably more than that
offered; but we figured the worth of our
brewery on a basis of profits. We shall
want a capital sum that we can invest In
real estate or other securities which will
annually pay us a dividend equal to the
amount we are making now."
He further stated that the prices the syn
dicate are offering all round are big. There
is one reason which will make the brewers
look favorably on their offers. The Amer
ican people have a natural prejudice against
whisky, beer and brewers, and as a natural
consequence the social status of those in
the business is lowered.. Many of them
would like to be out of it for this reason.
Mr. Frauenheim felt certain the syndicate
would meet with failure in trying to" capture
this city.
The Funeral of Young Benbow, Who Won
Drowned la the Hirer.
The obsequies of Les)ie Winfred Benbow,
one of the three boys drowned in the Mon
oneahela river on Monday, occurred yester
day. The funeral service was held in St.
Mark's Episcopal Church, Southside, of
which he was one of the choristers. The
solemn office of the dead being rendered by
Bishop Whitehead, assisted by Bev. J. G.
Cameron, rector of the parish. The servi
ces throughout were most impressive par
ticularly the choral portion which was per
formed by the chorister-comrades of the
dead boy." Young Benbow was buried in
his surplice.
Over 30 Cases of the Fercr In Eprlng
Garden Avenue.
The typhoid fever epidemic in Allegheny
has now extended over the northern part of
the town. It was reported last night, in
Walter's drugstore at the foot of Chestnut
street, that during the last three days there
have at least 35 cases sprung up in Spring
Garden avenue. A number of them are
stated to be very serious.
Charles Sulzer, a well-known plumber of
Hill street, is said to be very low with the
fever, and his family as well "as several of
his neighbors have also been attacked.
A Coke Operator Says nn Advance In Prices
and Wages is Mooted.
A coke operator, who was seen last even
ing on Fifth avenue, and asked as to the
secret meeting in the Hecla Coke Company's
office, said :
I was not at the conference myself: bnt I
knew it was going to take place. As regards
the obiect I think the conference was called to
consider an advance in the price of coke. But,
of course. I do not know whether that has been
done. I believe tbe strike abont over. Tbe
operators' will probably make the men an offer.
oi a larger increase in wages man ( cents, ana
the men will most likely accept it. Anyhow,
something must bo done, and it will be done
WIneblddle Arenas Has a Bride far a
Wealthy Son of the West.
Miss Pearl H. White, of Harrisburg, sis
ter of Mr. Elmer L. White, of Winebiddle
avenue, Benvenue, was united in marriage
yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock to Mr.
William Dickson, a well-known young
man who has large Interests in mining ven
tures in the West. Bev. C. E. Locke was
officiating clergyman, and the wedding
supper was served by Caterer Hagan. The
young couple went East for an extended
bridal trip.
The Exposition Boned to be Ready for Use
by September.
A committee of the Exposition Society yes
terday requested the contractors to increase
their working force so that the buildings
will be completed without a doubt by Sep
tember 1. They were assured that the
work would be done. Most of the depart
ments in the main building can be put in
shape in a few days. Captain Batchelor
yesterday received, through Mr. Torrens, a
check for $5,000 front Mrs. Schenley.
The Clifton Starts for Louisville With a Tow
of Flnts.
The water in the rivers is low, but still
some coal is moving. The Clifton arrived
from Louisville Tuesday night and left yes
terday with a tow of eight flats. The boat
will return with a good tow of empties.
The packet lines up and down the river
are doing an excellent freight and passenger
business. The river is a great resort lor
people who wish to spend a few days in a
trip to Cincinnati.
Why Knerclier and Martin Appeal.
The appeals of Druggist A.J. Kaercber
and Milk Shake John A. Martin, from
judgments by Alderman Tatem and Carlisle
respectively for $25 and costs, for violating
Sunday laws, were filled yesterday.
Kaercber claims Alderman Brinker's prior
fine for the same offense purged him of
crime, and Martin claims his conviction was
unjust and not based on evidence.
L'lmrard With Keeping a fprak-Ensy.
John McConville, a resident of Fifth
avenue near Robinson street, had a hearing
befqre Alderman Jones last night on a
charge of selling liquor withont a license.
Constable Jones was the prosecutor and
McConville was held in $500 bail for court.
' i.
Of Strikers at the Carrie Furnaces
Greets All Yho Come.
And Keating Station In Abont the Sane
Shape Homestead Was.
The little platform that constitutes the
station at Keating, on the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, all yesterday
bore a striding resemblance to the parade
ground of an old-time ..militia muster.
Drawn up along its entire length, as though
for dress parade, was a long line of men and
boys of all sizes and ages, armed with sticks
and clubs, in lieu of other weapons. This
army was the picket line of the Carrie Fur
nace strikers, and no one was permitted to
pass it from the railroad side of the premi
ses, except upon sufferance. Every person
debarking from a train was stopped and
duly catechised, and, if permitted to pass at
all, was put under strict surveillance. In
justice to these pickets, however, it should
be noted that no violence was offered by
them to any one.
On the hill, though, there was another
force composed of the more violent element
among the strikers. These men were, some
of them, wrought up, and U would have re
quired very little provocation to incite
them to violence. In fact, shortly after
ward, a special deputy sheriff named
Sweeney, who had been sent tip from the
Sheriff's office here to join the posse already
on the ground, was set upon by them and
stoned, receiving a severe cut in the back of
his head.
He succeeded, however, in getting within
the inclosure and returned in a few mo
ments with several of his fellow officers,
with the intention of arresting the man who
had struck him, when the entire party was
set upon by the strikers and put to flight.
Several shots were fired bv the Deputy
Sheriffs during the melee; but, so far as is
known, no one was hit,
The furnace premises proper have a
deserted appearance. The Messrs. Fownes,
owners of the plant, Superintendent Mark
Thompson, a man named Haller, one
named Baker, and two or three others who
continued at work when the strike began on
Sunday, are still there, together with a force
of Sheriff's deputies, numbering about 20,
there for the purpose of guarding the prop
erty. At present, however, their services
appear to be superfluous, as there has been
no disposition manifested at any time so far
by the strikers to injure the plant; they ap
peared to be determined simply to prevent
other men from going to work. The result
is that one of the two furnaces, the new one,
has already been banked, and the other one
will be banked to-day.
When ' the men quit work on Sunday
they drew the charge, bnt left the iron lying
by the furnace, and the Messrs, Fownes
and the half dozen men who stood by them
have been engaged in carrying and stacking
it themselves. Asa consequence, they are I
tired, dirty ana hungry, being literally pa-
icapueu, uuu even meir ioou supply Having
been shut off yesterday by the strikers.
John McGearv, one of tbe most intelli
gent of the strikers, in conversation last
evening, set forth the claims of the men for
higher wages in emphatic language. He
deprecated all violence, however, but de
clared that he and his fellow-laborers could
and would win their fight on its merits.
The Frankstown scale, offered by the man
agement, was, he admitted, a material con
cession to the "topmen," but would actu
ally curtail the wages of the "bottommen"
and "backsidemen."
The management, when questioned re
garding the situation and outlook, was dis
posed to be reticent. Superintendent
Thompson had nothing to say, and the
Messrs. Fownes declined to express an opin
ion as to when they would succeed in re
suming work, although they expressed a
belief that the furnaces would soon be in
blast again, with a complete complement of
The strikers were paid off in full yester
day, and their connection with the estab-J
lishment ended.
The engineer of the works, Ed Jones, who
continued at work until yesterday, in care
of the machinery, also quit and came out
when it was sought to have him perform
others' duties.
Several minor scrimmages occurred during
tbe day in the vicinity of the furnace, men
who were suspected of being in the neigh
borhood for the purpose of going to work,
being assaulted, though in no instance was
serious bodily injury done.
,A Barbeeae That Failed to Materialize
Only a Picnic.
Some feeling was occasioned on the
Southside yesterday by a report that the
pupils of St, Michael's parochial school
and the citizens of the Twenty-seventh ward
were holding a joint picnic and barbecue
at Trost's Grove at which" beer was more
plentiful that the traditional. water. In
quiry, however, discovered the fact that the
parish children were picnicking, but that
the barbecue and beer tailed to connect.
Some time since, Alderman Hartman, it
appears, elated by his political success,
proffered the citizens of the Twenty-seventh
ward an ox to be barbecued. Tbe citizens,
however, met and resolved that they could
have no use for a free ox without an accom
paniment of free beer which latter not being
forthcoming the project of holding a barbe
cue was abandoned. The animal was then
tendered to Bey. Father Bernard for
his school picnic, but was in turn declined
by him and is still on Alderman Hartman's
Contractor Evan Janes Has Been Charged
With Conspiracy.
Mrs. Minnie Marsden yesterday entered
suit before Alderman Porter against Evan
Jones, the contractor, David Jones, his son,
and Thomas Kevin, a foreman in the employ
of Jones, for conspiracy. The information
is the result of a former charge brought by
Mrs. Marsden against Kevin.
She claims that Mr, Jones and his son
were instrumental in having Kevin sue
Mrs. Marsden before Alderman Warner for
malicious prosecution. The object, she
asserts, was to have her sent to jail so that
she would be unable to appear at the hear
ing in the case against Kevin. Warrants
were issued. The first offense by Kevin was
claimed to have been committed while he
was working for Jones on the Thirty.third
street sewer.
Colonel Peott Arrested.
' The witnesses In the Con Diets case,
charged with insulting Emma Scbefferth,
claim it was Colonel Scott, and on the
strength of their statements the latter was
arrested. The Colonel states he happened
to be sitting on the steps at the corner -of
Fourth avenue and Smithfield street when
the girl passed, but he did not speak to her
and Knows nothing about the case.
Only n Hnke-Belleve War.
It Is hinted that there is in reality no war
between the Fittsburg, Allegheny and Man
chester Railway Line and the Federal
Street and Pleasant Valley Company. On
the contrary, the two will soon be consoli
dated. At present it is only a question oi!
terms, the Pleasant Valley asking too
much. ' '
The Call far n Mass Meeting on Bis Behalf'
Misunderstood 'They'll Try Again on
.Monday An Appeal. '
There wasn't an extraordinary amount of
unanimity last night at the meeting of col
ored people in Lafayette Hall to aid Flempn
in his fight with South Carolina. The at
tendance was slight, compared with that
heretofore at the meetings in the Franklin
School hall. There was one lady present.
and she and her escort flocked by themselves.
Toward 9 o'clock J. H. Baldwin, Esq.,
gathered the crowd into the northeast cor
ner of the hall and gave advice. He par
ticularly enjoined the muzzling of that un
ruly member, the tongue, and asked his
hearers to refrain from scolding, as news
papers, he said, were prone to report ex
travagant talk rather tnau facts. A com
mittee should be appointed, he thought, to
see representative citizens and get them to
give. He suggested an application, for in
stance, to Thomas Fawcett as a man likely
to do something substantial. He urged the
necessity of raising $ 150 by noon to-day to
send to the South Carolina lawyers.
Mr. Foster agreed with this view. He
thought demonstrations were good enough
in the way of rousintr feeling and exerting
pressure, but held that the spending of
money to impress Governor Beaver had
been a waste.
Another minister thought the movement
should have been worked more energetically
from the pulpit, saying: "Our people can
only be roused that way."
A proposition was made to disperse, when
Mr. Brisco, the janitor, with freezing polite
ness, informed the audience that the rent
of the hall-was a matter of $25. Finally
Messrs. Morton, Washington, Clinton and
others succeeded in making an arrangement
by which the meeting could be adjourned
until pext Monday evening on considera
tion of 825 in hand paid, and Broadax sub-
sequent! y asked that a statement be made
that tbe failure was due to a misunaerstand
ingofdate. The committee issued the fol
lowing card: .
To the Public:
The trial of E. F. Flemon will begin on Fri
day. The practical sympathv of the citizens of
Fittsburg and their active efforts to secure for
a lemon a lair trial, nave tnus iar resuiteu in
freat good. Bnt much remains to be done,
lemon is withont funds; tbo people of his race
in Fittsbnrg have exhausted their resources in
contributions to defray the preliminary ex
penses of bis case, and a considerable sum of
money is still required to enable him to prove
his Innocence of the charge of murder. We
believe there Is no longer any room for donbt
that James Blackwell was killed while attempt
ing to commit an offense against the rights of
a citizen, and that. If Flemon did fire the shot
that killed Blackwell it was only in defense of
his life, and In defense 9t principles whose
right to exercise was pnrchased for him and us
with the blood of thousands. We therefore
call on all lovers of justice to aid in the effort
to secure for E. F. Flemon tbe fullest protec
tion under the law. Come out to the meeting
at Lafayette Hall next Monday. If you cannot
come send your contributions, large or small, to
D, M. Washington. 216 Wood street, and they
will be property acknowledged at the meeting.
B. F. Stkwaet,
Chairman of Committee.
A Sound of Police Arrest Five People In a
Disorderly House.
Detectives Coulson and Demmel, with
Captain Silvus and Officers Mulvebill and
Denniston, last night raided No. 301 Fenn
avenue and arrested the proprietress
"Mother" Venoy, two inmates known as
Bingey Wilbert and Oeorgie Bailey, alias
Frances, and two callers who gave their
names as Peter Snyder and C. D. Haines.
Tbe police have been watching the place
for some time, and they say that it has been
very disorderly. Detective Coulson yester
day" received a written complaint from a
partv signing herself Mrs. Ward, in which
she alleged that the house was a resort for
Yesterday an information was entered
against "Mother" Venoy before Magistrate,
McKenna by. Assistant Superintendent
O'Mara, charging her with keeping a dis
orderly house. The house on Fenn avenue
beloncs to Samuel Muse-rave. Mr. O'Mara
said last night that an information would
probably be entered to-day against Mus
grave for renting the house for immoral
Young Archie Billows, Jr., Loses His Life
at Lock No. 4.
Archie Billows, the barber at the Union
station, received a short telegram last night
stating that his boy Archie, Jr., had been
drowned in the Monongahela river at Lock
Ko. 4. Ko further particulars were given.
He was a boy about 17 years old, and his
father stated had not been home since Tues
day afternoon. The supposition is that he
visited some of the fishing clubs camping
along the river, and while out bathing was
drowned. '
His father has been the barber at the
Union station for a number of years.
Movements of Plttsbarcers and Others of
Wide Aeanalntance.
S. Davis Page, after arguing a case in
tbe United States Circuit Court yesterday, re
turned to Philadelphia last night. At one
time he was a leading politician in Philadel
phia, but ot late years he has devoted his time
exclusively to tbe law. James McManes and
he fell out, and tor 10 years they have not
spoken to each other. Mr. Page still has con
siderable political influence in Philadelphia.
He never met C. L. Masee, and asked a num
ber of questions about him.
General Manager J. T. Odell, of the
Baltimore and Ohio road, and General Super
intendent Alfred Walters, of the lines east of
tbe Ohio river, made an inspection of the road
In Fittsburg yesterday. They came from .the
West and had been over the main line to Chi
cago. Both men are newly appointed, and are
making a tnnr for the purpose of posting them
selves on tbe condition of tbe road.
Alex. McPhersen has returned from
Detroit, where he figured as a member of tbe
Pittsburg Cricket Eleven. After the game
with Detroit the club of that city played in
Canada at Chatham and London, Mr. Mc
Pbersonplayinc: with the Detroiters. He re
ports a pleasant trip.
Broadax Smith announces that he will
lecture In Canton, Ohio, next Monday evenine.
Subject. -History of the Neero Race in Amer
ica." He is willing to allow a running mate
on condition that the mate pay his (Broadax's)
fare to Canton and return.
Samuel Walker, one of the clerks'in
the machine department of the Altoona shops,
and Kred Kinley, of WiconUco, were in the
city yesterday. Both are lndnstrious voune
men, and Mr. Kinley is spending his vacation.
Kext week a party of well-known young
men from Lawrenceville will start for a camp
ing trip on the Connoquenesslnc creek. Messrs.
J. W. Lauer, Ous McCollongh, Edward Beehan
and D. A Beehan will be among the number.
C. S. Pease, General Superintendent of
the Westmghonse Iectrlc Company, is ex
pected home this morning from the East,
where he has been enjoying a vacation of two
H. D; Little left for Boise City last
night to examine a gold mine In which he may
Invest. He took with him Mr. McGraw, an
experienced miner.
John M. Greer, of Butler, and W. H.
Remlck and wife, of Wheeling, are itoppine at
tbe Seventh Avenue Hotel.
Bev, J. H.-Cushing, of Leadville, Col.,
Is visiting the pastor of St. John's Church.
Miss Julia A. Porter and Mrs. O. Carier,
of Sharon, are among the guests of the Ander
son Hotel.
Quincy Wakefield, the old-time night
check clerk at the Union station. Is danger
ously 111.
Quincy Bobinson will leave for Atlantic
City to-night to spend his vacation on tbe sea'
J. B. Mills and Chase Anderson and
wife, of Zanesville, are at tbe Monoueaaela
Henry W. Hartman, of Beaver Falls,
and George L Whitney went to sw York UK
L - JC ' t '' . Zt
t V to-.M- - A, r &.$,
St. V.- ,mrj. 'w. -.:
C 4
A Speeding Eunaway Grfp Car Col
lides With an Ice Wagon,
The Cable Stopped Too Lately an Electric
Signal System.,
Car Ko. 206 on the Citizens' Traction
road pulled into the East End station from
Penn avenue yesterday afternoon at 5:30.
The grip broke and set its jaws on the cable,
and the car dashed through the station at
full speed and ran out on to Frankstown av
enue. One of the wagons of the Juniata Ice
Company was just pulling across the track,
and on the rear step was standing Frank
The flying car collided with the rear of
the ice wagon, the shock flinging Bichmond
at least 25 feet. He fell on the curbstone,
which made a jagged wound in the back of
his neck, and the lorce of the fall crushed
his left wrist. The young man was lifted
and carried into McLaren's drug store, still
breathing; but he died within ten minutes,
despite the exertions of three doctors.
his fathsb was tiieee.
David Bichmond, senior partner in the
Juniata Ice Company, father of the young
man killed, saw from a distance the im
mense crowd that had gathered, and pushed
his way into the drug store only to find, to
his horror, his oldest son lying dead. When
he had recovered from the shock be had the
body taken to his residence on Dallas ave
nue, in Homewood. Coroner McDowell
was notified, and arrived at 10 o'clock.
In the meantime William D. Mark?,
gripman of Ko. 206, was arrested and taken
to the Nineteenth ward station house. It was
subsequently decided to allow Marks' re
lease upon $2,000 bail, the necessary papers
being made out by Alderman Hyndman,
and the prisoner's bondsman being George
Bice, Acting Superintendent of the Citi
zens' Traction Company.
Young Bichmond was a bright youth, 19
years of age, and worked for the Juniata
Ice Company, of which Lis father, David,
is President. The other members of the
company are H. P. Krebs, Samuel Creel
man, John and Henry Schusler. H. P.
Krebs is the well-known real estate dealer
of the East End, and is uncle to young
Bichmond. He stated last night to a Dis
patch reporter that the family wonld cer
tainly sue the company
probably no less than $20,000, as there was
an element of negligence in the matter. It
was his impression that city councils bad
recommended that the Citizens' Traction
Company place a watchman at the Franks
town avenue outlet of the East End station
on account of the dangerous nature of the
place, and ho knew that no watchman had
been placed there in accordance with the
Acting Superintendent George Bice said,
in regard to the affair: "The gripman,
Marks, is one of our oldest employes, and
the unfortunate accident for such it was
is not in anyway traceable to negligence.
The car preceding Ko. 206 had just started
on its way to town; 206 pulled in to have its
grip examined at the wheel-pit; but the grip
became disarranged and clung to the cable,
the latter carrying the car out to Frankstown
avenue at full speed. The gripman applied
all his force to the brake and rang bis gong
furiously; but no effort could have prevented
the'collision. The car did not touch Bich
mond, whose death was caused by the blow
from the curbstone. It was running toward
Penn avenue and would have done other
damage had not the cable been stopped
within half a minute.
"We have a system of electric alarm,
with boxes at every square along the line,
and a code of signals by which the engines
at the power house can be stopped. As
sistant Superintendent Smith happened to
be at the station, and rang the alarm, and
the cable was stopped certainly in less than
half a minute. We examine grips at every
trip, something never done in other cities,
and the temporary disarrangement of the
grip on Ko. 206 was beyond our control."
Coroner McDowell will hold an inquest
at 10 o'clock this morning.
Garbage or Kabblsh Remains Three Months
A complaint was entered at the office of
the Board of Health, in Allegheny, yester
day afternoon about a quantity of garbage
or rubbish allowed to remain under the steps
of the house at Ko. 25 Pearl street. The
house belongs to D. W. Jones, and it is
alleged that this rubbish which was
left there by a former tenant, has been en
dangering the health of the community for
three months. The' health officers will in
vestigate. A FIRE LADDIE CUT.
One Allegheny Fireman Attacks Another
With an Open Knife.
Thomas Buckley, a fireman of the Eureka
engine house, Allegheny, was locked up
last night on a charge of felonious assault
and battery. John Beilly, of the same en
gine house, was the prosecutor. He alleged
that Buckley attacked him with a knife,
and without provocation cut him across the
abdomen. Buckley will have a hearing be
fore Mayor Pearson to-night.
The Graff Benaett Mills Said to be Gobbled
by Big Chlcngeans.
The old Graff-Bennett Mills at Bennett
station, are going to start next Monday,
after having been idle for over a year. It
was stated last night that the Korth Chicago
Boiling Mill Company had taken charge of
the works.
A New Corps of Teachers.
There will be a new corps of teachers at
St Michael's Parochial School during next
term. All are Brothers of the Order of
Mary, and come here from different cities.
There names are Brothers Philip, George,
Alexander. Guthstoffand Andrew. Brother
Philip will have charge. The school term
will commence on Monday, August 19, and
about 800 children are expected to be in at
tendance. A Funeral Procession's Runaway,
Horses of a carriage belonging to the Alle
gheny Liveryman Kress were frightened
going to the funeral of Kicholas Stupy yes
terday morning. They dashed down Ohio
street, but were stopped by contact with bar
rels In front of F. Andriessen's store. The
pole of the carriage was broken, and one of
the horses slightly injured, bnt the occu
pants escaped.
Injured While Dancing.
Abont 5,000 people were in attendance" at
the picnic of the Southside German Protec
tant Church at Shingiss Park yesterday.
About 2 o'clock in the afternoon Miss Sophy
Bart fell on the dancing platform and
knocked off her knee cap. She was brought
to her home on Martin's alley, near South
Twelfth street, where she had her injuries
attended to.
Frara One Station to Another.
The prisoners of the Eleventh ward sta
tion were removed to the Central Station
last night Anew story wag being added Pittsburg beep is a product of home indus
to the Eleventh, and tha casoioei had bees try. It is entitled to yoar oatrenae'e also
nwovea irosa it in consequence. j
Mrs. Wilbert ! Bitten by a Strange Dog,
and Shows (Signs of the Disease She Has
Many ofthe Bynptoms.
There Twas considerable excitement in
Lawrenceville yesterday over the discovery
of a well-developed case of hydrophobia.
The victim is 'a married woman named Mrs.
Jacob Wilbert, who resides on Laurel
avenue, Sixteenth ward. On Tuesday last a
dog, belonging to Mrs. Wilbert, and an
other dog got into a fight, and in attempting
to separate them the strange dog bit the
middle finger of her right hand. The dog
held on to the woman, who screamed for
help, and her husband rushed to her assist
ance, but could only get tbe dog to let go his
hold by repeatedly stabbing him with a
Kot much was thnnpht of the bite, and
on Tuesday evening Mrs. Wilbert began to
show signs ef hydrophobia. She barked
like a dog and made a rush at people who
were near her. She was also very hysterical.
Mr. Wilbert at first tried to control his
wife, but was unable to do so. Keighbors
were called in, and it took half a dozen of
them to hold her down. Mrs. WilDert was
particularly savage when they attempted to
give her any water; even a sight of it was
enough to drive her into a frenzy. A physi
cian was finally sent for and alter an hour's
work succeeded in getting her to sleep, after
which she was somewhat relieved.
This story was common talk last night,
and when Dr. Sands, who was the attend
ing physician, was called on he admitted
that it was true.
Mra. Wilbert acted as if she had hydro
phobia, except that she could swallow any
thing without difficulty. The doctor stated
that Mrs. Wilbert's arm was badly swollen
up to the shoulder. The doctor thinks her
symptoms were aggravated somewhat by the
fact that she had been sued on the day she
was bitten, ana the shock on her nervous
system was more than she conld stand.
Mall and Express Matter Carried at a Speed
of Two Miles a Minute.
Baltimore, August 7. On a two-mile
circular track the startling speed of two
miles a minute was this morning maintained
for about ten miles by the three-ton motor
ofthe Electro-Automatic Transit Company,
of Baltimore, at their grounds at Laurel,
Md. This speed equals three miles per
minute on a straight track. Davis G.
Weems, the inventor, conducted the ex
periments. The company will build at once
a five-mile circular track on Long Island to
demonstrate the practicability of the electric
passenger system and also the automatic
system, which was tried to-day, and is in
tended only for limited express packages,
mail matter and newspapers. Edison has
pronounced it the greatest conception since
the telegraph.
The road will be fenced in by barbed wire
to keep off cattle, and, being insulated, the
wires will be used tor telephoning and sig
nalling along the line. In the new pas
senger system the rails will have an upper
and lower bearing. On the wheel which
runs on the upper bearing will be the
weight, the lower bearing will be pressed
from time to time by a large wheel to hold
the cars on the tracks on curves at a high
rate of speed.
A Runaway Horse Tramples Upon Ambrose
Rupert, an Aged Man.
At the picnic of St Michael's parochial
school in Trost's Grove, a horse attached to
a buggy in which were a gentleman and a
lady ran away. The man was thrown out
and severely injured. Ambrose Bupert, an
aged Southside shoemaker, caught the horse
by the head, when the animal broke from
him, trampling the old man nnder his feet.
The lady managed to jump from the buggy
nninjured. . .
Mr. Bupert had three ribs and a leg
broken and was hurt internally. At a late
hour last night he was not expected to live.
He is over 70 years old, and lives on Pius
The picnic netted $1,000 which will be
used to help to pay for the new parsonage
being built in the rear of the church.
Deserters From Uncle Sam's Army.
New Kocjielle, K. Y., August 7. It
was learned this morning that 28 United
States soldiers dirted the barracks on
David's Island late Monday Eight. The Gov
ernment authorities have endeavored to
keep the matter quiet, their object being to
capture tne deserters oeiore the lact ot me
A.An..i. TrnB mn. Vtnt,ll tTA i1j.a.H'
were all privates, enlisted for the regular
General Chronic Catarrh
Is an inflammation of any mucous passage
usually giving rise to a discharge. To
specialize, we have catarrh ofthe head, dis
charging through the nose or dropping back
ward into tbe throat. The mucous mem
brane becomes spongy and thickened, giv
ing one an appearance of having a cold. If
this process goes on it may result in one or
more polypi, entirely obstructing the nasal
passages. This affection causes much hawk
ing to clear passages. Catarrh of the throat
may cause a fullness, soreness, dryness, heat
and a constant desire to swallow and clear
the" throat When the vocal cords are
reached we have hoarseness more or less
severe. Tbe next step is bronchitis and
cough, If predisposed there is then danger
of asthma, broncorrhoea and consumption.
On the other hand-we may have catarrh of
the stomach and bowels perverting digestive
processes; chronic diarrhcea, dysentery and
obscure abdominal disorders, rendering one
unfit for work and at times indifferent to
Catarrh is analogous to certain eruptive
diseases, being a disease -of the blood.
Some forms of catarrh may be Inherited and
others brought on by repeated colds. The
discharge varies from white to yellow,green,
black, bloody, etc.
As to treatment it must be mild and most
persevering; remember at most you are only
assisting nature. Bender your patient more
hardy by breaking up the tendency to colds,
which constitutes one of the greatest obsta
cles to successful treatment. Do not lose
sight of tbe man In treating the disease. In
this planner Dr. S. G. Moore, 34 Arch street,
Allegheny, Pa., for the past 14 years has
obtained most satisfactory results in the
treatment of general chronic catarrh.
catabbh of head cubed.
Kossuth, Clabiou Co., Pa.
Dr. B. G. Moore, 34 Arch street, Allegheny, Pa.
Deab Sib Beiore consulting you, I was
for several years a sufferer from catarrh,
discharges from the head,often boody,nasal
passages obstructed and a constant dull
headache. To sum up in a few words, I am
most happy to add that I am entirely cured
of that offensive disease through vour sys
tem of treatment Chas. W. Elder.
Gbeece City. Pa., July, 1889.
Dr. S. O. Moore, 34 Arch St., Allegheny, fa.
Deab Sin I came to you for treatment
March. 1887, having heard of your success
in nervous and chronic diseases. Being a
sufferer from general catarrh and attacks of
prostration on exertion, I could do no work
and was compelled to hire a man to work
my farm. I had always said that if I could
go under the care of some specialist that I
could get better, and I may add that I be
lieve my life has been prolonged through
your admirable system of treatment My
progress has been slow, but what could one
expect from such a comnlication of diseases.
To sum up; I can now work my own farm;
the weak spells have left me and I am re
lieved of the general catarrh, which was a
constant source of annoyance,
Ad am Cubby.
It is both pleasant and right to patronize
a home industry Vranenheiu & VHmcV'h
ier i - menu.
a. - i'rtGJ "iu-i-i-aTP - ?.Ki i . . "iiAat-f .- .-- ul k
' MffiBsisJEflrjilMiM i'MJiumilT hTsJnWTsislsifit'rirf Siff WnPIaffi
In the Bander Detective Case, Caused
by Another Arrest.
And Proceeds to Tell flow He Worked Under
Inspector Whitehouse last night arrested
John A. Dougherty, another or the detect
ives connected with the Bander case.
Dougherty is only 23 years of age, lives at
127 Juniata street, Allegheny, and says he
has only been working for Bander two
months, although the Inspector says he has
been an employe of Bander's for five months.
Dougherty is a member of the Duquesne
Greys Band, and was arrested while prac
ticing with the band last night He ex
pected to go to camp with the company to
day. He had in his pocket an order from
Bander for a detective's badge; also a cer
tificate of membership in the Kansas De
tective Burean.
He was interviewed in his cell last night
and said that he had an ambition to become
a detective, as his father had followed that
occupation when he was alive, and when he
went into the employ of Bauder it was as an
apprentice. Bauder was to have paid him
$9 per week and car fare, but after he had
failed to pay for three weeks, Dougherty
says he quit That was about, two weeks
ago, since which time Dougherty has been
idle. He said he expected to be arrested
and remained at home for the past three
days expecting an officer to come after him.
He told the plan of operations pursued by
Bauder. Said he:
he tells a tale.
Bauder wonld send me out to work a suspect
ed speak-easy and tell me to go in and buy
liquor if I could and to get all the witnesses
passible. Then I wonld report to blm all the
Information I had, and he irould enter the suit
before tbe alderman, except in cases where the
proorletor of the speak-easy was a persona
friend of either Bauder or James Doyle. In
that case they would Instruct me to enter the
suit,after which they would take tbe case from
me, and that was tbe last I wonld hear of it.
Doyle was a sort of boss for Baudrr, and I
worked under his orders.
I have a mother and fonr small brothers and
sisters depending on me for a living and I
couldn't work withont pay. Bauder and Doyle
were always complaining of being hard up for
money, but they always seemed to have lots of
Dougherty was placed in Central station
and is held under $3,000 bail for the hear
ing before Magistrate Hyndman. James
Doyle was released from jail yesterday on
3,000 ball for the hearing.
As stated in yesterday's Dispatch, a
number of Lawrenceville speak-easies have
suffered themselves to be bled by alleged
detectives. Mrs. H. Hammersley, a widow,
living at Thirty-fifth street and Penn ave
nue, alleges that she paid a well-known
deputy detective of Lawrenceville $20 to es
cape prosecution. Hot has the gang con
fined its operations to Pittsburg.
anotheb squealeb.
There was not much new in the East End
last evening, Inspector Whitehouse being
still on the trail of Brockert, alleged to be
one of Bander's bowers. It is stated that
one of the men now in jail charged with
conspiracy has intimated a willingness to
"peach," if assured of his personal safety,
the prospects of a term at Biverside being
the reverse of alluring. His offer will be
accepted, as it will very much simplify the
work of tbe police. A number of other min
who ore under suspicion as being connected
with the Bauder ran? are verv badlv scared
by the prospects ofthe inside history of the.
viacjLuiamiijr ueiug uivuigea ana a negira
of crooks and pseudo detectives to a more
agreeable clime is not nnlooked for.
Mrs. Christina Surran, a resident of Troy
Hill, Allegheny, asserts that Detective
John Bauder had her husband arrested on
the charge of illegal liquor selling, and that
the attorney whom they secured to deTend
them offered to have, the case compromised
for $75. Major Moreland was then secured
for the defense, and at the hearing before
'Squire Maneese, that official professed will
ingness to. compromise for the same amount.
The case will be taken to court
The men now under arrest will have a.
bearing before Alderman Hyndman at 4
o'clock next Monday alternoon.
, Satisfaction ef a Biff City Mortens?.
Tt was not generally known that a mort
gage off J,46,720, issued to Messrs. Thomas
Bakewell, Joh'ii Bissel and James B.
Murray, and signed by George Wilson.
Mayor, was only recenflw satisfied on the
part ofthe city of Pittsburg at the instance
of Mcintosh, Hemphill & Co. It had been
issued against the city property to cover
debts incurred from the year 1831 to 1860.
Striehea In the Hospital. s .,
John Martin, who has been a patient'Af
the West Penn'Hospital for some time, Jiedi
suddenly at 6 o'clock last night Early in
the oay he had suffered a severe hemorrhage,
and, on coming upstairs after a trip of some
kind, he suddenly fell on the floor and ex
pired. He was a resident of Allegheny. The
Coroner was notified.
California Claret.
Coleman's Plag Brand, G. W. S. Flag
Brand, Zinfandel Claret, by the case or
bottle. G. W. Schmidt,
93 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Delay in Delivery of Building
Our stores will be open on
rtT s'r
And probably
Come early.
Goods must be sold.
t. . -.
' f
A Toang Hn' Who Wii Cased far Va
rancy aad Larceny Released.
Barney Hughes, committed to the work
house for vagrancy was given a hearing on
a writ of habeas corpus. Hughes' father
who had him arrested, had aided in getting
the writ, bavins relented. He said his
son had stolen 15 from a bureau drawer
and it was for this he wanted him punished.
Judge Collier discharged Hughes on the va
grancy eharge,but held him to answer a charge
of larceny which he directed the county de
tective to enter. Hughes' father went his
bail for trial at the September term.
The Plain and Fancy Mobalrs at 30 Centa
Are the best English goods; grand valne at
SOc. Jos. Hobjje & Co.'s
Fenn Avenue Stores.
Imparted Fort.
1828 Imperial Oporto Fort, full quarts.J3 00
1869 Mackenzie Fort, full quarts 2 CO
Fine Old White Fort, full quarts 2 00
London Dock Fort, full quarts 2 00
Burgundy Fort, full quarts 1 50
Fine Old Spanish Fort, full quarts.... 1 00
For sale by G. "V. Schmidt, 95 and 97 "
Fifth ave.
Pilaner Deer
Has won high esteem by its delicious flavor
and perfect wholesomencss. No bad effects
can come from its use.
Telephone 1186.
A Regular SO. Cent Quality Bibbed Uslo
Vest for 33c
Now Belling in ladies' underwear depart
ment. Jos. Hohne & Co.'s
Fenn Avenue Stores.
Visitors to Paris Exposition
Can find "Holmes' Best" rye whisk.v at A.
D. Gaillard's, No. 30 Boulevard des Capu
cines, Faris. ttssu
80 to Chicago and Return 89
Via the Pittsburg and Western Ey., Thurs
day, August 8, limit ten days. Train leaves
12:10 P. m., Central time.
Ladies are greatly benefited by thp use
of Angostura Bitters, the South Americas
Soring this month ot August we con
tinue to offer all summer wear goods at
the same low prices which made such a
rush of business bere during the past
four weeks.
At the same time desirable aad staple
goods are coming in every day and all
departments are well prepared to meet
all your wants in best and most reliable
A bargain lot of over 100 pieces of j
French Wool Challls, finest and newest
style, dark and light colored, reduced to
60-Inch Mohairs, were ti, now 60c.
Wide Side Border Cballis down to 60c
Plain Cream White Wool Cballis only . -25c
The hie stock of summer weight
Woolen Dress goods at the reduced
prices 25c, 50c and SI a yard are in the
regular places this week.
Selling lots of the "marked down" In- ,
dia Silks, the Colored Surah Silks, the
Fancy Stripe and Plaid Silks; also the
Black Silks for summer wear; Surahs,
63c and up; Brocade Silk Grenadines,
S0and up; largest list of best makes la
Black-Gros Grain Silks in all grade
and at close prices.
Housekeepers will do well to come to
our special salt of Table LmensTJIto
B&andTowels best values of thoV
This morning we put on sale over 600
pairs of fine quality Nottingham Lace
Curtains, Including extra long and wide
goods, divided into four lots one lot at
$2, one lot at 13, one lot at $4, one lot at
$5 you nor anyone else ever saw as
good value In any Curtain Department
Some of the patterns ate In small qaan
titles, ono to three pairs; the first corneal
will get the best selection.
In the Suit Department Everything
In the way of Ladles' and Children's
Bummer Suits marked down to close
out this month. Summer weight Wraps
and Jackets, Blouse Waists now Is tbe
time we offer great bargains here.
See the now and pretty styles of
Ginghams and Satines, Seersuckers,
Batistes, Lawns and ChinUes a bargain
harvest here In this busy Wash Dress
Goods Department
Ladies' pure LlnenHemstltched Lines
Handkerchiefs only U a dozen, and
other bargains In Handkerchiefs.
Ladles' Cotton Ribbed Vests, four for
SOc, and other extra values in Summer
Underwear. Have you seen the low
price on fine quality White Goods!
t &
V4 -zzr