toa sg. -. JSjJS. " ft." ?"Wf' asex J3 3 J4 f mm wniit fiftakit. Vjtjma UnM MAT jf rmm- ADVERTISE yonr bashes la THE DI&s PATCH. Prompt retarns assured. WANTS are always promptly responded to when advertised la THE DISPATCH. ; A A .iwaa n.aai. wwaaaasf vnirm awaaaa. me wm$m Help, advenlso la THIS DISPATCH. 44 v. Purchasers can be found for everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH Is the beit advertlstns; medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It. ' ije can be sold through adver- I DISPATCH. twKBCneTlfifllfilM'SIr' VJ7? IfttattI) x ' Realms UsenrftFEPCIE -sUk: J PORTT-rOTjUTH YEAR. PROFIT INJE PEN, Two Bold Forgers Brought Up With a Sudden and Un expected Turn. A MERE TWIST OF WRIST Makes Immense Fortunes for a Couple of Penmen. THEIR SIN F1KDS THEM OCT AT LAST. A New York Street Hallway President Sells 700 Fraudulent Shares of Mock lie Needed Money to BeconpHlsTosaes In a Little Scheme or Two No Trouble to Sell His Worthless Stuff A Yonnff Minne apolis Lawyer Does Even Better Finan cially With nis Gin or Imitotlos Other People's Handwrltlnc How into Crime Was Drtected-He Makes a Fall and Free Confession. Stories of two remarkable forgeries are given to-day. A street railway company President in New York confesses to forging 700 shares of the stock of his company, to cover his financial losses; and, in the other case, a young attorney of Minneapolis ad mits forging names of other people to paper in the amount of $227,000. FErECIAL TELEGRAM TO TDK DISPATCH. 1 New Yobk, August 7. Something of an excitement was caused in certain busi ness circles to-day by the news that Eben S. Allen, President of the Forty-second Street and Grand Street Terry Railroad Company, was a prisoner at police headquarters, charged with having issued forged or dupli cated certificates of the stock of the com pany of which he was the head. Mr. Allen was arrested on Tuesday, and spent Tuesday night in a cell at police headquarters, but it was after noon to-day beiore the fact of his arrest was made pub licly known. The specific charge against Mr. Allen was that he had forged 700 shares of the stock of the company The certificates had been numbered in duplication of genuine certificates held by various stockholders of the company. BIG PBICES FOB HIS STUFF. The market value of 700 genuine shares (could be 5147,000, and Allen is accused of having hypothecated his worthless stuff with a number of banks for about $130,000. The banks that negotiated the loans on this stock for Allen are the Fifth Avenue, the Columbia and the Eighteenth Rational ' Bank, of Williamsburg. The bogus shares, according to Inspector Byrnes, bear a forgery of George Curtis' sig nature as President of the company at the time, and Allen's own signature as Treas urer. It seems that Allen had been hypoth ecating the alleged forged certificates of stock for four years previous to his acces sion to the Presidency of the road. He hypothecated them in small batches, as he seeded the money, with the banks named. THE CASK EASILY PROCURED. The stock is quoted on the market at .210, and Allen had no difficulty in getting the cash. The fact that he had swindled any body might have been kept a secret for a long time, but for the fact that two of the banks that were big holders of the paper had got tired, for some reason, of carrying the security, and gave five days' notice that they would call in their loans. They hold an aggregate of 439 shares of the stock. As President Allen dWn't respond to the notir.fe to step up and settle, the bank de termined to sell the stock.lhey employed T. P. Freeman & Co. and HeJhsyiii S Bl'ant . to negotiate the sale. On July 30 Freeman & Co. offered 210 shares to George H. Prentiss & Co., at $210. It was made, seller seven days, as the books were closed at the time. SOLD ALL niS STOCK. Prentiss & Co. bought the stock, guaran teeing to receive it last Monday. On August 2 Hellman & Blant offered Prentiss & Co. 229 shares of the stock at $210. This was also to be delivered last Monday. The stock offered to Prentiss & Co. was duly delivered on Monday, and Prentiss & Co. took it to the office of Treasurer Ralph J. Jacobs, to be transferred. Mr. Jacobs notified Prentiss & Co. that the stock was an omission, and said that no such stock was in existence. He immediately called on Allen for an explanation. The shares were signed by Charles Curtis, at one time President of the Company, by John Green, also a former President, and by George Green, who was elected to-day President 'pro tern, and Allen, as Secretary and Treas urer. The New Xork State reports for 1886 give' Allen as Secretary, and for 1887 as Treas urer. It was not until 1888 that he is men tioned as President. CONTRADICTORY STORIES. Allen's statements to Mr. Jacobs were so contradictory that he hastily called a meet ing of the directors of the company at the Hotel Metropole Tuesday afternoon. In spector Byrnes was notified to keep his eye on Allen. Allen is a fine-looking man of CO, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, and has black hair and a black mustache and imperial slightly tinged with gray. He was handsomely dressed. The Inspector talked to him about the case, and the prisoner broke down and made a confession. This he repeated sub sequently in the presence of several of the directors of the railroad company. He said that he had been connected with the com pany for a quarter of a century in various capacities, finally becoming its President. He declared, according to Byrnes, that he had forged the stock certificates to secure money to get him out of A FINANCIAL TANGLE in which he became involved several years ago, when trying to put some private busi ness enterprises into operation. One ot these was the introduction of a patent fire escape, and another patent clothes-hanger of jiron, designed to do away with the p res ent pulleys and posts and lines. His friends had great confidence in both these devices, and he put all the money he could command into the schemes. William P. Esterbrook was Superintendent of Build ings at the time, and he refused to allow the fire escape to be put on any building in the city. This opposition had continued, Allen said, by Esterbrook's successors in the building department. The clothes-hanger scheme struck a snag, too, and Allen found that he must have money to save himself from being 8WAMPED COMPLETELY. He forged the stock, believing, he said, that he would be able ultimately to make enough money out of his private business enterprises to take up the loans and destroy all evidences of forgeries. He had made the stock duplicates of stock already issued, to guard against discovery. He was in the iron business at 140 East Forty-first street, in addition to being a speculator in the fire escape and clothes-hanger inventions. The directors of the company told In spector Byrnes that they had decided to rigorously prosecute Allen, although the company will not, they said, lose a cent by his forgeries. Allen said that he had raised between $125,000 and $130,000 on the stock, and could easily have got more than that if he wanted it, owing to the premium of the stock. FORGERIES MULTIPLY. An Attorney In nigh Society Uses a Client's Name to the Amount of 8227,000 A Complete Confession of the Crime Speculation the Sole Cause. Minneapolis, August 7. J. Frank Col lom, son of the builder of the Collom block, and one of the best known young attorneys in Minneapolis, has confessed to forging the name of John T. Blaisdell, the millionaire pioneer of the city, to notes and other paper footing up the huge total of $227,000. It has been known for some weeks that some thing was radically wrong with Mr. Col lom's accounts. He has been the trusted attorney for Mr. Blaisdell for several years. It appears that Collom began his peculiar financial methods upward of a year ago. Mr. Blaisdell had every confidence in the young man until a few weeks ago. Then his faith was suddenly shattered. The sen sational story however, never came to the ears of the general public until to-day. A LITTLE SURPRISE. Something over three weeks ago F. A. Chamberlain, cashier of the Security Bank, met John T. Blaisdell upon the street. Mr. Blaisdell has for some years been one of the bank's heaviest depositors. "Mr. Blaisdell," began the cashier, "how much of J. F. Collom's paper are you on?" The millionaire thought for an instant and then replied: "I believe I have indorsed his paper to the amount of $10,000." Mr. Chamberlain became somewhat ex cited. "Why, Mr. Blaisdell," said he, "we have nearly three times that amount of paper in the bank indorsed by you." The capitalist's face blanched at this. "It must be a mistake, Mr. Chamberlain," he said. "I know I've never indorsed Col lom's paper to any such amount. There must be a great mistake somewhere." "There js no error regarding the amount," retorted tbe cashier. "I know what I'm talking about. It strikes me, too, that we had better look into this matter at once. There is a senegambian located in this thing somewhere." "WORSE AND MORE OF IT. Then Mr. Blaisdell and tbe Security Bank officials put their heads together, and the re sult of a hasty investigation showed that something was very seriously wrong. Several brokers and money loaners were visited, and a great amount of fictitious paper was soon discovered. Within a very short period the immense sum of $227,000 in notes and other securities was discovered, but to only part of which Mr. Blaisdell's name was attached. Mr. Blaisdell pronounced all the signatures purporting to be his to be forgeries. , ' The bank and Mr. Blaisdell were..equ'ally interested, and a rigid investigation was at once set on foot The entire matter was put iuiu tueuauusoi ei-youniy attorney -Brant F. Davis. The Attorney proceeded very quietly with theease. A private detective was at once secpred to shadow Collom, the suspected forger. The books and papers in the whole matter were turned over to Mr. Davis anp nis associates for inspection. ProfjA;. C. Curtiss, of the Curtiss Busi ness College, was secured as an expert to examine the signatures attached to the different notes and securities. Mr. Curtiss made a close and careful investigation. He soon arrived at a conclusion. His verdict was that J. Frank Collom was the guiltv man. , A COMPLETE CONFESSION. The next move of those conducting the investigation was to confront Attorney Col lom with his crime. This move was made yesterday. Collom was called into the office of Mr. Davis. Here the situation was put before the young man without any mincing of words. Mr. Blaisdell and several of the bane officials were present at this meeting. The young attorney at once broke down and confessed his crime in detail. Collom wept bitterly and begged his hfear ers not to spare him. He was almost beside himself. "Send me to the penitentiary," he cried; "no mercy is due me; I do not ask for any. I have been weak and foolish. I can only say that I deserve my fate. No one can ever know how I regret that I have violated the confidence placed in me by Mr. Blaisdell." That is about the way in which the young man ran on. At one time when he calmed down a little he is said to have declared that if he was only given one more chance he would be able to recover the money and his reputation. It is stated that the money se cured from Blaisdell by Collom-was lost en tirely in real estate deals. The young man has considerable real testate and the equities have all been tnrned over to Mr. BlaisdelL It is reported that Collom's father and other mends will pome to his assistance. If such proves to be the case it is probable that the matter will be settled. It is claimed to-night by friends of the forger that he has $500,000 worth of real estate, and that the matter will undoubtedly be compromised. AHEAD OP THE STANDARD. The Clty.of Toledo Has Managed to Seenre a Natural Gas Supply. Toledo, August 7. "When this city bond ed herself for $750,000 to provide natural gas that would knock out the monopoly, the Standard Oil Company declared that it would be impossible to buy any gas terri tory. The city got some land, however, at "Van Buren, and drilled a well. Yenterday a gusher was struck, which will yield about 20,000,000 feet of gas per day. FOE G0YEKN0R OF OHIO. James Campbell Secures a majority of the Cincinnati Delegates. Cincinnati, August 7. At the Demo cratic primaries to elect delegates to the State Convention, to be held at Dayton, there was a large vote to-night. The con test was between L. T. Neal, of Boss county, and James E. Campbell, of Butler county. Campbell got a, very large majority of the delegates. JACK THE PEEPER Continuing- His Midnight Visits to Bedrooms la Elizabeth H Dons a Waterproof and Robber Boots la Wet Weather. SrECIAL TXLKOBAM TO THI nigPATCH.1 Elizabeth, N. J., August 7. "Jack the Peeper," whose antics have caused terror in Elizabethport, was again on his rounds last night Evidently he had pre pared for the change in the weather, for at one place he appeared in a pair of rubber boots and a waterproof coat. He carried a dark lantern and a revolver, which he flour ished in the faces of the persons he visited. As heretofore, he showed no evidence that his visits were for the purpose of robbery, his only object, apparently, being to visit bedrooms. Screams were heard about midnight from the house of Jacob Weicloger, in Marshall street, near Fifth, and the next moment a man threw up the window, dropped to the ground and disappeared. The intruder shook a pistol in Mrs. Weisloger's face and quickly retreated, locking the door on the outside, so as to facilitate his escape. "When the couple succeeded in breaking open the door, he had vanished. He next turned up at tbe house of Mr. Heenan, in Fulton street, where he awoke the people by trying to raise a window. He fled when he found he had been discovered. The residence of Mark Feeny, in East Jersey street, was next invaded. During his operations, covering four months, he entered about 35 houses in various parts of the city. Plunder is not his object, is there is no report of his hav ing stolen anything in the places he has visited. His exploits usually occur be tween the hours of 11 P. M. and 1 a. m., and his favorite visiting spot is the sleeping apartments of females. The entire de tective force of Elizabeth was scouring the city to-day for clews. HARRIED A COLORED BARBER. Serious Ending; of a Week's Flirtation by a , German Girl. rSFZCIAL TXLKaBAH TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, August 7. The following marriage notice was printed in a Jersy City evening paper, to-night: "Married Louis Campbell Bulloch, of Savannah, Ga., and Miss Barbara Florence Seifried, of Carlstadt, N. J." Mr. Bulloch is a handsome colored barber. He is employed in Scott's barber shop, at 64 Montgomery street, Jersey Citv. He is 23 years old. Miss Seifried is a good looking German girl, two years younger. She is employed as a clerk in Mr. Mechier's bakery, at 53 Montgomery street, directly opposite Scott's. Bulloch used to sit at the window at Scott's and flirt with Miss Seifried across the street He is very light colored, and has a fine little curly mustache. The flirtatioircontinued a week, and then the barber ventured to speak to Miss Seifried. She did not resent it, and after a few weeks' courtship they decided to get married. They came to this city to-day, when the ceremony was performed. Who performed it, Bulloch, refuses to say. A reporter of The Dispatch talked with him to-night, at his sister's house, 54 Morris street, where he is staying with his wife. "She is a splendid girl," he said. TROUBLE IN OKLAHOMA, A Confusion as to Prior Right of Homestead and Town Site Claims. Washington, August 7. The Acting Commissioner of the General .Land Office is in receipt of complaints that homestead set tlers in Oklahoma, who have made entries of thetracts settled upon by them, are sub jected to annoyance and expense by parties setting up speculative claims to the tracts, undertaking to lay out pretended towns thereon, to'dispose of interests in town lots to the public and endeavoring by various indirect means to compel the settlers to give up their rights to the tract covered by their entries. The acting commissioner has addressed a letter to the Begister and Beceiver of the Land Office-atGuthrie, Inc T., calling at tention to'an' office circular of April 1, 1889, containing instructions on the subject and .'directing the Begister and Beceiver to promptly reject all applications that may be presented for tracts shown by the records to be covered by existing homestead entries, unless accompanied by satisfactory proof as required by town site circular of July 9, 1886, that such tract was actually selected as the site of a city or town, or settled and occupied for purposes of trade and business, at a date prior to that of tbe existing entry. SETTLING THE STRIKE. The Arbitration Committee Keports Upon the Illinois Coal Trouble. Chicago, August 7. The Arbitration Committee of business men, to whom was referred the wage dispute in the Streator coal fields, rendered a decision to-day, fix ing the price to be paid workmen at 72)4 cents a ton. The demand of the miners was for 80 cents. The operators offered 70. The stumbling block was the cost of the "dead work," or the the actual expense of handling and loading the coal. The operators swore that it was 46 cents a ton. The miners offered to do the wore themselves at 37 cents. Acceptance of the offer was deemed barred by the com mittee as not having been provided for in the arbitration agreement The award of 72 cents was made by Arbitrators Gage and Williams. The third arbitrator, Colonel Bend, held out for 77 cents, and would not vote to compromise at less than 75. The coal men in Chicago ex pect that the decision will be ratified bv the disputants. Tbe work of collecting charity supplies for the starving miners still goes forward. SETTLED WITH A SINGLE SHOT. A Georgian Kills a Neighbor for Talking; About His Daughter. rsPxciAi. jxtroaAJt to thsdisfatcim Augusta, Ga., August 7. A difficulty between Mr. Barnett Langston and Mr. J. W. Lanford, two prominent and well-to-do farmers and merchants, of Lanford station, Laurens county, S. C, occurred at 3 o'clock this afternoon, which resulted in the instant killing of Mr. Langston. The cause of the homicide is said to be that Mr. Langston had been talking about Mr. Lanford's daughter, and he shot nim with a pistol. Alter the killing, Mr. Lanford, in com pany with a friend, started in his buggy to drive to Laurens, the county seat, a distance of about ten miles, to surrender himself to the Sheriff. At about the same time Mr. Langston, of Laurens, heard of the killing of his brother, and he started with a' friend in a buggy to drive to Lanford. When the two meet on the road it is expected that more blood will be shed. BETTER THAN BARBER BUSINESS. A Now York Chin Scraper Falls Heir to 8600,000. ISrCCTAI. TXLKOBAM TO TUX WsrATCO.! Newburo, N. Y., August 7. Herman Fisher, a barber at Cranston's Hotel, has fallen heir to $600,000. His home is at Elizabeth street, New York. It is said his ancestors live in Germany, and left $51,000, 000, which, when divided, leaves $600,000 to each of the heirs. Fisher is 64 years of age. He has three children, and has been at Cranston' two years. He has placed his cast la the hands of the German Consul. PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1889. NOT A COG SUPPED. The Machinery of tho Bepublican Convention in Perfect Order. EVERT WHEEL IN ITS PLACE. Speaker Boyer Presented With the Only Nomination to be Hade. W. H. ANDREWS CHAIRMAN ONCE HORE. Senator Delimiter ana Major Montooth as BIisls for Kext Tear. The Republicans of Pennsylvania in con vention at Harrisburg yesterday nominated Henry K. Boyer for Treasurer, re-elected W. H.( Andrews State Chairman, and adopted the platform as outlined yesterday. There were no contests, and all went smoothly as if greased. :feom a STAjrr cobkesfoxdxxt.i Habbisbubg, August 7. Although deadened by harmony, the State Republican Convention enjoyed three surprises to-day. One was the tremend ous effort at decora tion in the Opera House where the bloodless battle was fought. No Govern or's nomination "was ever accompanied with such an extrava gant display of many- colored buntings,fiags and banners. The second surprise was tbe really able ad- Speaker Boyer, IF7k' Bad a Walkover, dress of Senator Dela- mater. In it there were unmistakably sounded the first war notes of his own can vass for Governor. That was part of the object in making him chairman of this convention. But he did not have a monop oly of the Gubernatorial opportunities. That is where THE THIRD ASTONISHES came in. Major E. A. Montooth, the gallant candidate for Governor from Pittsburg, ap peared very unexpectedly on the floor of the convention, with a delegate's badge pinned to the lapel of his coat. He had not been elected a delegate in Pittsburg, and to all but a few his sudden appearance there was a complete surprise. He only arrived in town at daylight to-day, and was invisible up to the moment he marched down the cen tral aisle of the Opera House with his badge fluttering to the breeze. A round ot applause greeted him, and it did not all come from Western delegates, either. During roll call Arthur Kennedy announced that in the Allegheny delegation' Major Montooth was a substitute for James Smith, and Simon Scott appeared in place of Josiah Speer. A. MOVEMENT WELL PLANNED. Although suddenly sprung, the Montooth movement was maturelv planned, the ropes having been laid in Pittsburg a month ago. It was kept a dead secret, though, from Quay, Delamater & Co. When Major Montooth entered tbe hall the look of sur prise on Senator Dela mater's face plainly, changed to an expres sion of dismay. The Pittsburg candidate for Governor took a seat in the front row. The Crawford county candidate for Gov ernor sat four rows back'of him, but after awhile Delamater was made Chairman, and cot a chance to make a FTPAt uneefth- T.tpr Chairman Andrews, on Montooth arose In -H Own aucceuor. second the nomination of Mr. Boyer for State Treasurer, and he too made a speech. Belamater .courteously announced him to the audience, but while the Major was speaking, Delamater, Andrews and Walter Lyon exchanged glances. And to Major Montooth was finally accorded the pleasant duty of notifying Mr. Boyer, at the Lochiel Hotel, of his nomination. THE CAMPAIGN OPENS EARLY. And thus did the coming Gubernatorial campaign secure a share of attention at this convention. It was an opportune time to start it. - There was absolutely no contest against H. K. Boyer, of Philadelphia, for State Treasurer, or William. H. Andrews, of Crawford county, for State Chairman. Had there been any trouble, there would have been no time to bother about a campaign of the future. When United States District Attorney Lyon, of Pittsburg, was made Temporary Chairman of the convention, he thanked the audience in a neat speech. He referred to his election as an honor conferred upon Allegheny county He reminded the dele gates that since the last State Convention an election had occurred by which the party had secured theNational Administration.For this he thought credit was largely due Penn sylvania Republicans, who had furnished the leader under whom the national victory was won. He congratulated the party that all dissensions and factions have disap peared and that all dwell together now in harmony. MR. DELAMATER MAKES A SPEECH. Committees were appointed and a recess taken. Upon reassembling, Senator Dela mater was elected Permanent Chairman and escorted to the platform by Generals Lilly and Beeder. Chairman Delamater's re ception was certainly gratifying. Young and Handsome, wealtny and genial, he seemed to make friends at the glance of the eye. When the applause subsided he thanked the delegates for choosing him to preside over their deliberations. Continu ing, he said:. Since we last met another battle has been fought and won. I congratulate yon that tbe Democrats have been sent to the rear. We should be proud of Pennsylvania's part In this noble victory. As in the war of the rebellion, Pennsylvania's soil became tbe field of tbe de cisive battle of Gettysburg, so in 1888 Pennsyl vania furnished tbe keynote of the victorious Republican platform protection to American industries. As in 1863, the end of the war was foreshadowed on Pennsylvania soil, in 18S3 the end of Democracy's rnle was declared by Penn sylvanlans. Bo in war carnage, as Hancock held back the advancing hordes at Gettys burg, so in 1888 the fearless Quay, by the force of bis masterly management, stayed the on ward march of Democracy. Great excite ment, hats thrown in air, with load cheers.) Since be won, what a magnificent administra tion we have had by Harrison and James G. iiiaine. luneers tor jcuaine.1 uere in renn sylvania we have superb organization among Republicans. We are admired of a:i tlie States. But how lately were we called to mourn for him who molded and perpetuated this State organization Simon Cameron. DANGERS OF SECTIOKAXISM. Passing on to party questions, Chairman Delamater said the greatest enemy this country has to-day is sectionalism. He de scribed the place where it flourishes as "that land where the people were once solid for slavery, then for rebellion, and always solid for the Democracy." Three influences in the hands of Republicans will break a solid South, he thought, viz.: First, tariff and promotion of internal industries in the South; second, admission of new States in tbe Northwest; third, passage 'of liberal pension laws. Mr. Delamater talked for half an hour. Iq" conclusion he said: '-Let us extol our 'imvAl '&1J soldier Governor whose administration in peace is as judicious as it was heroic in war." Then, singularly enough.the speaker referred to the calamity of Johnstown, briefly, right after his complimentary allu sion to Governor Beaver. The plat'onn printed elsewhere was now read and adopted, and then Arthur Kennedy nominated William H. Andrews for State Chairman. The nomination was approved by acclamation, and Chairman Andrews merely bowed his thanks. SPEAKER BOTES NAMED. Senator Boise Penrose, of Philadelphla,in an eloquent eulogistic speech, nominated Hon. H. K. Boyer for State Treasurer. In seconding the nomination brief speeches were made by James K. Cree, of Chester; Hon. Henry Hall, o Mercer, and Major Montooth, of Pittsburg. Messrs. Montooth and Weaver were sent in quest of Mr. Boyer, after his nomination was effected by a rising vote. When he ar rived he made a very plain speech to the ef fect that the Bepublican party had over whelmed him with kindness, but the con vention adjourned at 3 P. M. Mr. Boyer was tendered a reception by the old members of the Legislature. It was a feast and flow of souk The members of the State Committee appointed from Allegheny county are as follows, they not having been chosen in time for yesterday's report: Forty-second Senatorial Joseph T. Kevin and Jesse M. McUeary. Forty-third Senatorial J. O. Brown and W. A Mazee. Forty-fourth Senatorial T. O. Jones and E. L. Thompson. Forty-nftn Senatorial John W. Nesbit and Robert E. Mercer. L. E. SlOFIEL. FEABFUL EXPLOSIM Of a Naphtha Imnncb With a Half Dozen Persons on Board Poor Ferlsb In the Flames and Two Are Blown Into tbe Water and Injured. Buffalo, August 7. About 4 o'clock this afternoon bystanders near the boat houses at the foot of Ferry street, heard two explosions in quick succession from the boathouse just being built by L. B. Crocker. Superintendent of the New York Central Stock Yards,in which his pleasure yacht, the Cedar Bidge, was stored. Immediately fol lowing the explosions the boat burst into flames, which soon made a furnace of its in terior. Simultaneously two or three persons were thrown into the water as if from the force of the discharge. Caleb a boat and picked np-'a-young woman, Miss McLean, aged 29, from tbe water. At this time the form of Mr. Crocker's young son was seen standing on the boat's deck, against a back ground of fire. Another man named Charles Schwei gels seized a pike pole snd extended it to ward the little fellow till it almost touched his breast, at the same time crying to JunH to grasp it and he would rescue nim. the little iellow seemed paralyzed and in moment fell back into the fire and burned to a crisp before the horrified gaze of on lookers. Bnt now attention was directed to a car penter clinging to a rafter just over the blazing boat. For a few moments he hung desperately on his perch and then, as if stupefied by the heat and suffocated by the smoke, loosed his bold and dropped, another victim into the, furnace below. He leaves a wife and five small children. The other f children of Mr. Crocker, Leonard Lemuel, a son aged v years and lumontns,anu .tunel, a daughter aged 8 years and 9 months, also, perished in the flames. Another girl, Charlotte, aged 14, was blown Into the TMterancWescned therefrom and sent along with Mfss McLean to the hospital. The yacht was what is known as a naptba launch, run by naptha for fuel. It is sup posed that the accident was caused when the engineer lit tbe match for ignition of fuel by the explosion of some gas which had leaked out. STEALING A MARCH ON "EM. A Scheme lo Whisk the Northwest Wheat Crop Oat of tbe Country. rsriciAi. TBLEOniir to thx dispatch.! Chicago, August 7. It was reported to-day that a big syndicate of foreign capi talists had been formed to buy and ship tbe surplus wheat crop of the Northwest via Dniuth and the Northern routes to Europe. It was alleged that special concessions in the matter of rates had been secured over the "Soo" and the Canadian Pacific roads, and that the American roads would lose this important source of revenue In consequence of the restrictions of the inter-State com merce law, which do not affect Canadian lines. It is estimated that fully 40,000,000 bush els of wheat will be shipped out of Minne sota and Dakota this year, and if it is to go abroad over foreign rails, the American roads will not profit to such an extent as has been anticipated by the big crops now assured in the West. TERI BOLD BURGLARS They Blow Open a Safe In Plain Sight of the Crowded Street. Detroit, August 7. A burglary, which for audacity and mystery surpasses almost anything in the criminal records of this city, was committed last night. Charles Warren's union ticket office, corner Wood ward and Jefferson avenues, was the scene of operations. A safe which is exposed to the view from the street and made espe cially conspicuous by a gas burner directly above it was blown open and something over $1,000 in cash extracted. The bur glars lelt several of their tools behind them, but as yet the police have discovered no clue. How such a theft could have been com mitted upon one of the most prominent corners of the city and in a part of the town which is frequented more than all the oth ers daring the night is a matter which is mystifying more people than the police de partment. THINKS IT HIS TATE. Either tbe Kentucky Treasurer or a Most Remarkable Resemblance. Biesiingham, Ala., August 7. Last night the Age-Herald sent a member of its staff who used to live in Frankfort, Ky., and knew Dick Tate well, up to Scotts borougb, where detectives are holding a man who they think is the defaulting treas urer. The representative telegraphs to night that while he. cannot swear the man is Tate, he thinks he is. Otherwise it is a phenomenal case of likeness. Livingston, as the prisoner calls himself, still refuses to talk further than to state his intention to keep his mouth shut and let the officers prove tbat he is Tate if they can. Two deputies are guarding the alleged Tate, who awaits identification by Kentucky authorities. RUSSELL HARRISON NOT NEEDED. The Libel Salt Against Him Can Proceed Without His Presence. I SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH. New Xobk. August 7. In the suit of Colonel Schuyler Crosby against Bussell B. Harrison for $100,000 damages for libel, Judge Ingraham has denied the motion of the plaintiff to vacate the order extending the defendant's time to answer, provided Mr. Harrison's lawyers put in their answer with in ten days. The Judge said it was not necessary that the defendant should be present. The defendant's lawyers claimed that he was in Europe on business, while the other side claimed that he was merely hobnobbing with princes and kings. NO HOPE FOR BUKKE. The Evidence Against Him of the Most Conclusive Character. HE BREAKS DOWN IN HIS CELL His Only Chance for Life is to Give the De tails of the Plot A LETTER FEOH. HIS HOME IN IBELAHD. Mysterious Manner in Which Instruction! Are Sent to the Prisoner. State's Attorney Longenesker says that the evidence against Martin Burke asone of the murderers of Cionin is complete. Only by revealing the other parties in the plot can he hope to escape the gallows. A letter from his mother in Ireland broke the pris oner down completely. His attorney has filed an objection to his present place of con finement. Chicago, August 7. There is creat deal of activity and considerable mystery sur rounding Martin Burke, the Cronin sus pect, just now. To-day State's Attorney Longenecker, Chief Hubbard and other police officials, together with a half a dozen friends of Dr. Cronin, called at the armory and held a private conference, which lasted for some time. About this hour Attorney Kennedy, of Appleton, Wis., who has been engaged to defend Burke, and who has been refused access to the prisoner, secured a writ of habeas corpus directing the release of Martin Burke from the cell in the Harrison street station in which he is now reposes. The writ is set for hearing before Judge Baker, and the principal point on behalf of the prisoner will be the allegation that Burke is confined in a "sweat-box" while, being indicted, he should have been at once taken to jail and confined there .until sen tenced or released by the process of law. It is understood that the writ will not be pressed if Kennedy is permitted to see his client. HIS JIOTHEB'S LETTER. This afternoon Chief of Police Hubbard, Assistant Postmaster Stiniming and Morti mer Scanlan together entered the corridor in the armory upon which Burke's cell opens, and stood before the grated door. "Burkef""Baid the chief, "we have a letteJ here sent to you by your mother, in IrelairaTl iloneUBumming, oi tne inortnsiae post- nad tne letter lor some time. post-marked so many days contains notning oi any in terest to anvDoay but yourself. If you wish it I will open it and read it to you, but this is optional." "Let me read it," said Burke. Scanlan and Stimming retired a few feet, and the Chief handed Burke his mother's letter. The prisoner tremblingly opened the let ter and perused it. As he read on his frame shook violently, and he cried like a child. When Burke had finished he threw himself upon the floor of his cell,' and the trio of visitors left him to his thoughts. BROKEN DOWN COMPLETELY. Mrs. Conklin and others were in the sta tion, and it had been intended to let them sea tbe prisoner for purposes of identification, but, seeing his grief-stricken condition after reading his mother's letter, it was decided to postpone the confrontation. Chief McBac, of Winnipeg, will be one of the witnesses at the trial of Burke and the others. It is stated that McBae won Burke's confidence, and, at Burke's re quest, accompanied him to the United States boundary on the journey from Winnipeg to Chicago; that, at his further request, he was left alone with McBae for 15 minutes, during which he made important admis sions. The authorities here are confident that he will eventually confess. Said State's Attorney Lougenecker to-day: "I do not think he can hold out acrainst 'the unavoidable prospect of execution for this murder, l tninc be will confess. I am certain mat Durse is one oi tne men who killed Cronin, and notning in the world can save him from the gallows ex cept a juror who would not hang anybody. With all the evidence we have against Burke, and there is far more than has been published, there NO ESCAPE FOB HIM. "And he will drag down the others with him also. When you take the part Burke played in the conspiracy and the part Coughlin took, and what Beggs did and how O'Sullivan helped, there is as clear a case as was ever made out. There is no escape. We have evidence that cannot be contro verted. Burke Is so guilty and we have such absolute proof of his being one of the men who butchered Cronin that we are loathe to accept any confession from him if it involved any leniency for him. He de serves to hang, and I think he ought to be hanged unless his evidence should be abso lutely necessary to convict more important criminals." The murder of Dr. Cronin is not the first crime of that nature with which Martin Burke has been charged. In 1887 he was arrested on suspicion of having been con nected with the death of a man named Tony Gallagher, but, for want of proof, tbe charge was not sustained. Gallagher dis appeared after being ejected by Burke and another man from a house in which he was making considerable noise, and some time afterward his body was fished out of the river. It bore evidence of violence, and there was a rope around the neck. BTJBKE'S BOODLE. Evidence was discovered to-day tending to show that the money with which Burke made his fight against extradition in Win nipeg, came from this city. On Saturday evening last the following telegram was sent from the Grand Pacific Hotel, this city: J. tloagb. Barrister, 'Winnipeg, Canada: Funusb him with basket, food and fruit. Caution him against Collins, who will pretend friendship. The sender declined to give his name or address. The "J. Hough, Barrister," to whom this telegram was addressed, is the business partner ot Attorney Campbell, who defended Burke in Winnipeg, and it is now mane ciear wny it was that Campbell was not assisted publicly by Hough, but that Pardne was brought mto'the case as an assistant. Hough was to stand in the back ground and act as tbe secret channel of cor respondence. Moreover, light is now thrown on the source of Senator Kennedy's emolu ments, for the instructions contained in the telegrams must have been conveyed to Burke by him. He it was who instructed Burke to eat out of his basket on his way to Chicago, and not to eat anything the officers might give him; and the basket was handed to Burke on his way to the train, exactly as ordered in the telegram and recommended by Kennedy. OFFICIALS SCOBE A POINT. When the habeas corpus proceedings in the'Burke case came up before Judge Baker the officials made the point that the pris oner was not in their custody, but under the control of the messenger of the President of the United States, who brought him from Canada. This nonplussed Attorney Ken nedy, who immediately made an applica tion for a new writ, directed to this messen ger, Officer Collins. The police, however, have secured at least 24 hours more delay, as it will be at least that time before the writ can be served and Burke released from the "sweat-box." Late to-night It was being reported with ssttucc nan great positiveness that Burke had confessed. The story was that the prisoner was much affected after a talk with State's Attorney Longenecker, and subsequently se'nt for that official and the Chier of Police. An inter view lasting an hour was participated in by the trio. The assertion is made that a let ter signed by Burke will be produced in court to-morrow repudiating Senator Ken nedy as his representative. Details of the prisoner's alleged confession are lacking. AN AEGTIO BESCTJE. The Tbetls Succors the Sarrlvora of a Wrecked Whaling- Dark Bat 8 are Alive Oat of a Crew ot 33 Other Polar News. Washington, August 7. There has been received at the Navy Department from Lieutenant Commander Charles N. Stockton, in command of the Thetis, a re port of the movements of the vessel in the Arctic Ocean, and of the rescue of the sur vivors, of the whaling barks Little 'Ohio and Ohio Second, recently wrecked on Nan wok Island.Behring Sea. The report is dated July 8, off St. Michael's Island; where the steamer had just arrived from Point Hope, Arctic Ocean. Commander Stockton says: The Little Ohio was wrecked on tbe nlent of October Slut year. Tbe survivors spent the winter at tbat place, being generously cared for at tbe whaling establishment in charge of Captain Boyne. Of tbe 33 persons said to be aboard the little Ohio but eight survive. Fire of these were taken on board tbe whaling steamer William Lewis three days before my arrival at Point Hope, and the remainder are aboard tbe Thetis. Tbe Ohio Second was te tany wrecked off the north end of Nanwok Island about June 6, this year, bnt no loss of life occurred. I learned also from the whaling vessels that I met in the Arctic tbat the whal ing schooner James A Hamilton, which sailed several mouths ago from San Francisco bad not yet been heard from. Sailing from Ounalaska Jnne 21. the Thetis visited St. Paul Island June 25, and St. Matthew's Island June 23. There were no evidences tonnd of human life on St. Matthew and Dut very few traces of Jiolar bears. TbonC3 the Thetis sailed to lichr nc Straits. .Entering the Arctic Ocean on July 3. on tbe next day Commander Stockton learned of the wreck of the Little Obio, and took on board the survivors of her crew and re turned to St. Michael's; Commander Stockton announces his in tention of leaving St. Michael's July 10, for Port Clarence, to receive supplies for the refuge station at Point Barrow, as well as to communicate again with the revenue steamer Bear. The commander expected to reach Port Barrow August 10. He reports the health of all the officers and men ot the Thetis to be excellent. LOOKING AFTER SICE CATTLE. Secretary Bosh la New Tork on One of His Pet Hobbles. (SPECIAL TXUXlIUlt TO TUK OI8FATCH.1 New Yobk, August 7. Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah M. Busk, accompanied- by Secretary McPherson, of New Jersey, and Dr. Solomon, left the Fifth Avenue Hotel at 10 o'clock this morn ing, to make an inspection of the cattleyards about town. The Secretary arrived from Washington late Monday night. The ob ject of his visit here is to prevent the ex portation of sick cattle, which he says has become quite prevalent of late. Three weeks ago the Secretary issued a proclamation requiring cars on all railroads that had shipped cattle to be thoroughly cleaned before receiving another cargo. The reason for this precaution, he says, is owing to the fever now prevailing among the cattle in a certain section of Texas. The Secretary wil. return to Washington to-morrow morning; WATEE AND LIGHTNING. A Very Severe Storm Visits a Section of Wisconsin. LaCbosse, Wis.. August 7. There was a very severe rain storm this afternoon, during which the rainfall in four hours was 2.40 inches. There was no wind, but the lightning played inces santly. As far as reported five houses were struck by lightning; slight fires resulting in two cases, and some damage to property in all. At one house a boy was stunned so that he did not recover for some time. On the river division of the Milwaukee road the track is obstructed by stones and earth washed dawn from the bluffs and the evening train is delayed four hours. All freight trains en that division are sus pended for the night. FELL HEIR TO A FORTUNE. The Good Lack Which Has Come to a German Laborer. LA Cbosse.Wis., August 7. John Spev er, a late arrival in this country from Prus sia, working as a day laborer at whatever turned up, was surprised to receive notice from the German Consul at Philadelphia requesting his immediate presence in the old country to step into the shop of a deceased relative, who bequeathed Spever over $75,000 in securities and large landed possessions. Mr. Spever went Bast last night. TO ROB A CHURCH. A Sacrlleglons Attempt Frustrated Jost In the Nick of Time. Bublinoton, Ia., August 7. An at temptwas made last night to rob St. John's Catholic Church of this city, but was foiled by parties attracted by lights in the ves try of the church at that unusual hour. The thieves fled on finding that they were detected. An entrance had been ef fected through the vestry, which was thor oughly ransacked, the clerical vestments being found scattered about the room by the thieves in search of valuables. GOOD WISHES FOR DANA. A Warm Congratulation Upon Ills Reaching His 70th Birthday. Boston, August 7. The Boston Journal, in an editorial, alludes to the 70th birthday oi Hon. Charles A. Dana, editor of the New Tork Sun, who was born at Hinsdale, N. H., August 8, 1819, and says: Mr. Dana holds to-day, by the common con sent of bis co-workers, the enviable position of tbe leading journalist of tbis country. We hope his hive may never be without honey, his cage without birds, or bis home without the genial warmth of tbe tfun. Increase of the Railway Mall Service. Washington, August 7. A statement prepared at thePostoffice Department shows that the increase in mileage of railway mail service for the fiscal year 1889 was 6,946 miles. Nebraska furnishes the largest in crease 692 miles, followed by Alabama with 473 miles, Kansas with 416 miles, and Kentucky 383 miles. A Steamship Totally Wrecked. Fatheb Point, Quebec, August 7. The steamship Montreal, of the Dominion line, which sailed from Montreal on July 31 for Liverpool, ia totally wrecked on Belle Isle. The passengers and all hands were saved. They have plenty of provisions, and await a homeward bound steamer to take them to England. The Chnrges Are Not Proven. Washington, August 7. The commis sion, of B. E. McMurray as postmaster at Jacksonville, Fla., which has been held up for six weeks pending charges against him, was to-day transmitted to Mr. McMurray, the charges having been disproved. Eter THREE CENTS TOUR HANDS A Cry fjjuiowa Regular Feature Vk&; J Railway" Trayel. of ANOTHER BOLD TRAIN ROBBER!. The Express Messenger Defends His Car With a Winchester. BULLETS FLIISa IN ALL DIRECTIONS. . I1.SSS fn Cash and a Score of Watches Taken Trm tbe PasMDjers. Bandits held up a Denver and Bio Grande express train near Thompson's Springs, Utah, making the third attempt of the kind in the last few days. The train employes were easily terrorized, but the express messenger successfully defended his trust. The pas sengers did not require much persuasion to part with their valuables. rSmCIAt. TXLIOKAJf TO THE DISTATCa.1 Denveb, August 7. On Saturday night a Wabash train was held up out of Kansas City, and on Sunday morning the Denver and Fort Worth train had a similar experi ence near the Texas line. Last night a Denver and Bio Grande express train met with the same fate at a point two miles west of Thompson's Springs, Utah. When nearing a sharp curve in the road at that point the engineer of the train was signalled with a red lantern. Being suspicious he only slowed up. but this afforded the opportunity desired by the highwaymen. Before the engine had reached the signal three men suddenly sprang out of the darkness and each coveted the engineer and fireman with a pair of ugly looking revolvers at the same time ordering that the train be brought to a standstill. Finding themselves at the mercy of the highwaymen, the men in charge of the engine obeyed orders without remonstrance. etjnning the engine. One of them took charge oi the engineer who was ordered to rdmain upon his engine, and cautioned against riving any alarm or disobeying instructions upon penalty of in stant death. The fireman was then ordered to take his coal pick ana break open the strong oaken doors of the express car which contained a large sum of money and other valuables. Having no alternative, the man did as he was told, but had; hardly struck the first blow when a fusilade'ot bullets fell from the inside of the car. Through the panels of the door they came from a repeat ing Winchester rifle in the hands of Express Messenger Frank Willis, who did not in tend to surrender his treasure without a vigorous resistance.. The robbers and fireman quickly drew back ix a safe place when tbe former commenced to return the fire from their revolvers. Their bullets had little effect, however, save to riddle the door, which much resembled a sieve when the besiegers finally withdrew. Finding that there was little chance of gaining entrance to the express car without encountering the murderous missiles of Messenger Willis, the highwaymen gave up the attempt and turned their attention1 to smaller game to be bagged in the passenger coach. HOLDING TXP PASSENGEBS. By this time the robbers had been re inforced by the man who signaled the train and together they went to work upon the passengers, compelling the fireman to ac company them and hold a small bag into which tney threw their booty. Conductor S. K. Tammany, who was in charge of the tram, was guarded by one of the robbers, while the brakeman was taken iu charge by another. The third then proceeded with the brake man to pay his compliments to the male passengers, who were politely requested to fork over whatever of value they had in their possession and they forked. The ladies upon the train were not disturbed. and a number ol masculine passengers took advantage of this exhibition of chivalry to turn over their valuables to their keeping. The total amount of plunder secured bv the robbers was estimated, alter a careful in ventory and comparison of notes by the unlucky passengers, at about $1,000 in cash and a score or more of gold watches. Thompson's Springs, near where the rob bery occurred, is a small station on the Denver and Bio Grande Western road, 54 miles beyond the Colorado State line. It is situated almost in the center of a high barren mesa, which represents all the char acteristics of a sandy desert. A GOOD SELECTION. It is a lonely spot where there is no one to pursue, and was a good selection as a base of operations for tbe gang. As soon as the robbers had taken their departure the train proceeded on to Green river, about 25 miles distant, where a posse of officers and men were at once started after the highwaymen. Tbe fact of the robbery was also telegraphed to Grand Junction, in this State, from where a second party was also immediately sent out in charge of the Division Superintend ent ot the ri a 1. It is supposed that the robbers fled either to the north or south to the high river bluffs and canons along the many streams in that part of the State, where pursuit will be difficult and hazardous. The country is very sparsely settled, however, and ' sooner or later they will be compelled to come from their hiding place for provisions, when their capture is probable, as a very good description of the men can be given, and officers and detectives will be stationed at everv avenue of escape from the country. This is the first attempt at "holding up" a Bio Grand express train since the Smith boys successfully turned a trick near the State line in 1887. They fled to the same country vb:re the present robbery was com mitted, going from there down into Arizona in the Colorado river country, one of the most secure hiding places in all this western country. They subse quently returned up the river to a small town near Green Biver station, which is a notorious resort for thieves, murderers and fugitives from justice. There they were captured and are now doing time in the pen itentiary. HIS HARD LOT.' An Innocent Man Imprisoned for Fifteen Years Resnlns Liberty. Lansing, Mich., August 7. George W. Barnhart, a well-known and well-to-do cit izen of Branch county, in 1874 was con vie ed of a criminal assault and sentenced to prison for life. His property was dissi pated, his wife died, ahd his family scat tered over the country. Becently a movement was set on foot looking to his pardon. The more thor oughly the matter was investigated tbe more apparent it became that the man was un justly convicted. Nearly everybody in the county signed a petition for his release. To-day Governor Luce extended an uncon ditional pardon to Barnhart. who eoes out into tbe world again without money, family ' or property. Work of the Sioux Commission. Washington, August 7. Informatioa was received at the Interior Department to day that the work of the Sioux Commission . has been sneceasfnl- and that th imaf reservation will eventually be thrown opea "5 .H .AtlAn... lLu.M.. V.1.1. L-l-tfiil ivscwsuiKuta mvicMij Aiuuio was jaitssi jucaseu nuu uib news. - . , --r'- BSjkn? 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