JJF$' i ,' V'V "-u JS PITTSBTmG 7, 1889. yv W'j-" ' j Firriiri wiTE?nil!i. LMiLiii iiPTTffiprTri Will J itHflTHIFiJHBjnjTflBjj flrlPfllfflBrsssss i .'8- ' ' " THE PITTSBtmG DISPATCH;" WIEDNESpAYt ATJ&UST 7, 1869. f- ' '" ' lSJf' ' ' ''r ' -:' '-W& . " v ' - r - - ' -.. .i y i ft IHEYCALLITATBAf labor Leaders in the Coke Begion Oppose Any Compromise. COUBIERS TO STOP RESUMPTION. An Idle Sheriff Indicates That- There is No War as let. EUMOESSET FLIIKQ THICK AKD FAST The following special telegrams to The jDispatch last evening show the situation as it appeared from Yarions standpoints in the coke region at nightfall: Couriers were sent to all the works (the JIo Clure and Schoonmaker Companies) to-day, to induce them to reject the companies offer of EH per cent advance. The leaders say that this offer Is simply a trap, set to catch the unwary. From all that can be learned at this writing the employes of tne McCIore Company will not ac cept the firm's offer, but will remain out until the wage question Is finally settled. In the face of this it is reported on the best authority that all the worts of the Schoon maker Company hare accepted the offered ad Tance; but the company claim that their men are afraid to eo to work for fear the strikers will do them bodUy injury. Sheriff Miller, of Fayotte county, was in this vicinity to-day looking up the condition of affairs. So far as can be learned no officers have been placed on duty, which is evidence that the Sheriff does Anticipate any serious outbreak on the part of the strikers. It is the general belief among the people m this section that the placlne of armed guards at the works would be injudicious, and It would very likely precipitate trouble. THE rBICK SIDE OF IT. General Superintendent Lynch, of the Frick Coke Company, when asked about the situa tion to-day, said that his company intend to live tip to the agreement made with their men last February, and would pay the average price of the region, whatever it might be. When asked about the reported advance offered by the HcClure and Schoonmaker Companies, he stated that, lu his judgment, it wonld be best for the men to accept the offer, and as far as the Frick Companv was con ernxd. their agreement would oblige them to jay the same rate as the others. The reported trouble about the deficiency In the pay at the Standard Works, Mr. Lynch said, was purely imaginary, and he showed your correspondent, by the company's books, that the men had been paid all that the agreement called for, and In some cases more. Mr. Lynch also showed that, notwithstanding their agreement to pay the average price in the region his firm were in many cases paying more than any other operator for the same kind of work. He also stated that he was ready to go into a conference with the other operators and repre sentatives of the working men and FORMULATE A SCHEDULE of prices for the entire region, and that If such a conference was called the smaller operators should be made to sign the agreement as well as the larger ones, as in many caBes the smaller concerns could mak coke cheaper than the larger companies. All the works of the Frick Company are idle, and, from what could be learned to-day, the firm will make no offer to the men until a final settlement is decided on. The men at Moyer were given an advance this morning and went to work, but in a short Time came out again and will remain out until the strike is settled. The Charlotte Furnace at this place has been compelled to shut down indefinitely on account of lack of coke. Sev eral trains on the Southwest branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad hare been suspended on account of lack of freight. It Is reported here to-night that the offer of the McClure Coke Company of an advance to their men has been recalled. But the report cannot be verified. Word reached Uniontown to-night from the region south of there that the men at the Fair chance and Kyle quit work this evening, and that tne men at Bedstone bad agreed not to go to work in the morning. They all declare that they will stay out nntii .'he scale is signed, and the men at Reds e will not accept the 6 per cent advance offered then. A big mass meet ing is being held near Oliphant to-night. AFFECTING WESTERN RAILROADS. The decreased shipments of coke have already begun to affect the railroads west of this city. On Monday there was hauled west only 140 cars. These were consigned to the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys, Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, St. Iouis and all -western points. It also Includes what was shipped east via Buffalo. Monday is generally a dull coke day, but on the bame day of the preceding week there was shippedG08 cars over the different lines. On other days during the week there have been as high as 800 and 1.000 cars sent out. The decreased shipments have cut down the number of trains and laid ofi con siderable men. The furnaces will not feel the scarcity for several months, probably, as they generally have enough stock on hand to run them that length of time. TEOUBLE AYEKTED. Flint Glass Manufacturers Refuse toDlscnss a Chance of Scale. The flint glass workers requested the manufacturers last week to confer and dis cuss a list of changes in the scale prepared by the workers in their convention at Bel laire. The manufacturers granted the re quest and the meeting was held yesterday afternoon in the manufacturers' office in the Stevenson Building. Jenkins Jones, D. B. Brjce, Captain Armstrong and several others of the manufacturers were present, while Messrs. Smith and Dillon repre sented the union. After the committee of workers had pre sented their case Mr. Jones, as chairman of the manufacturers, said they Tould not en tertain the matter at present, as the men had made an agreement with them for a year. The term ends next January, and the jon cannot put in a plea for a change until nest December. The workers, realizing the correctness of this argument, replied that they wonld wait until then, and the meet ing adjourned. One of the manufacturers stated afterward that trouble and delay in starting the works lad been averted by the men realizing that they were in the wrong to present a change of scale now. They propose, he says, a change of prices in nine-tenths of the work, and the discussion would have taken up a pood deal of time. It is probable all the dint factories will start Monday, or soon after. MUSICIANS MAKE FBIENDS. Tlttsbarg end Cleveland Professionals Will Shake Unnds. John Beck, President of the Cleveland 3Iutual Musical Protective Union, was in the city yesterday to confer with the Board of Directors of the Pittsburg Musical "Union. The Cleveland people have lately applied for a charter in the Knights of Labor, but it was refused because the Pitts burg local union said they had come here some time ago to play in opposition. The Cleveland men succeeded in assur ing the I'ittsburgers that they would not appear as their rivals again, and the objec tion to their application for their admission into the union will be withdrawn. PEESIDEKT H'BRIDE HERE. The Leader of the N. F. TJ. Strengthening Ibe Organization. President McBride of the National Pro gressive Union of Miners and Mine Laborers addressed a meeting of . coal miners at Sawmill Bnn,last evening. There was a large outpouring of members to hear the labor leader talk, and the meeting was a great success. A large nnmber of new members were added to the organization. Be -will address a meeting at Bunola this evening, and will speak ai different points throughout the Pittsburg district the bal ance of the week. Not la Lrnvo Ibo Frdrrnllon. The item published yesterday about the tile, mantel and grate setters desiring to 'withdraw from the Federation of Labor was -wrong. They only desire aa independent union In the Federation. SUEE T,0 SHIP THEM. S Say tbs Leading Proseeutora ot Those Imported Glnsiworkers The Law Would Penult Nabbing Them. District Attorney Lyon and Immigrant Inspector Layton, backed up by the officers of the Trades Council are determined to nip any scheme in the bnd to prevent the im ported glassworkers at Jeannette from being shipped back to Europe. As soon as Secre tary "Windom decides that the men must go back they will be seized and sent to England immediately. The test cases will come after the men hare been sent bock, and if they are decided against the Trades Council, the men will be brought back to this coun try. President of the Central Trades Council Joseph Evans, was seen yesterday in regard to the statements of Mr. H. Sellers McKee that he would carry the matter to the Su preme Court and let them say whether the men must go back or not. Prom the tenor of Mr. Evans remarks it may be observed that bis side is ready to enter into the bat tle. President Evans said: I have seen most of the people who are Inter ested on our aide of the case to-day In regard to the statements of Mr. McKee, which are mere buncombe. He says be will test the matter in the Supreme Court, but what if he does? I would like to ask Mr. McKee If he ever read the law on the subject? Messrs. Lyon and Layton have gone over every part ef it, and It will not be as easy to get out of as Mr. McKee thinks it is. The law distinctly says that In the event of positive proof beine established that the men were im ported they must Immediately be seized and sent back. The Secretary ot the Treasury is the man to determine whether the proof is positive or not. As soon as he says it is, then the proper officer must issue warrants for ttoeir arrest and send them back in the care of special officers. A year is allowed the men to reside in this country, and we cannot touch tbem after they have been here for that length of time. We do not propose to dilly-dally around until the statute of limitation has expired and the case against them is outlawed. They have been there for over three months now, and we Intend to act promptly. As in all other laws, there is a provision for an appeal, and we are prepared to fight for. and defend its constitutionality. By Sir. HcKea's own statements, he virtually admits that the men were brought over under contract, and his only loophole of escape Is to make the law un constitutional. This law was made by the labor people, and they do not Intend to see it overridden. There is considerable talk of entering snlta against President Campbell and the firm, but they do not come from an authoritative source. The TradesJJouncil and green bottle blowers do not wish to prosecute any persons, but want the law enforced. We are dally waiting to hear from the Secretary of the Treasury as to what he proposes to do. STILL IDLE-AT BANKlif. ' The Low Wages, the Men Claim, Cannot Catch Any Workmen. The Carrie furnaces, at Rankin station, are still idle, the striking employes claim ing that the firm cannot secure workmen at the low wages offered. They laugh at state ments of members of the firm that It was necessary to seek the protection of the Sheriff. Park Bros. Gas Was Scarce. Howe. Brown & Co.'s Seventeenth street mills were started again last night, after be ing closed for two days on account of scarcity of gas. The mills were supplied by the Park Bros.' Natural Gas Company, who lately laid their new line from Murrays ville to the city along the Allegheny river. Eight handred men were thrown out of em ployment io'r the two days. To Work Dav and Night. Drake, Stratton & Co., the contractors for the Pennsylvania Railroad at Viaduct station, near South Fork, have contracted with the Keystone Construction Company to put up an arc light plant to aid them in finishing work on the viaduct. The men will work day and night. After a Long Idleness. -The finishing department at the Clinton Mill is ready to start up to-day, which will give employment to 200 men. This depart ment of the mill has been idle for over 12 months, since the firm of Graff, Bennett & Co. made an assignment. THE DIFFUSION PE0CESS Ot Manufacturing Sugar la Decided to be a Great Improvement- "Washington, August 6. A report of experiments in the manufacture of sugar by diffusion, at Magnolia station, Lawrence, La., on the plantation of ex-Governor "Warznouth, has been prepared by Guilford L. Spencer, one of the assistant chemists of ths Department of Agriculture, and has been placed in the hands of the Secretary for publication. Mr. Spencer in his report recites numerous hindrances and difficulties, the principal ones due to detects in the Ger man cutter in use and offers some sug gestions as to improvements in the ma chinery used in the diffusion process. The report says, in spite, however, of the difficulties referred to, the work done at the Magnolia plantation, and which comprised the manufacture of 1,855,230 pounds of sugar, the comparison between the mill work and the diffusion process was in favor of the latter by a yield ot 54.1 pounds of sngar to the ton of cane, the (Kffiuiion aver age being 222 pounds and that of the mill 167.9 pounds. Moreover, the latter in cluded several tons treated by the diffusion process, but so involved with the mill work that the chemist in charge fonnd it neces sary to call and include it all in mill work, making the difference in favor of the diffu sion process even more marked than these figures indicate. DANIEL WEBSTER'S COACHMAK. Uncle BUI Webster Dies la a Soldiers . Ilomo In Maine, rBriCTAL TXLEOnAK TO TUX DISrATCB.l Boston, August 6. "Uncle Bill" "Web ster, who was Daniel "Webster's favorite coachman, died recently in the Soldiers' Home at To&ns, Maine. Uncle Bill was quite a character, and told some interesting stories of his life with the great statesman in 1814 and 1846. He used to take care of Webster's horses and go gunning and fish ing with him. Uncle Bill told with pride of having a drink with Webster, standing with him at the bar. He said Webster never knew the value of money, and was just as likely to start for "Washington with out a cent in his pocket as not. Uncle Bill was in the late war, and brought home four bullets, at four different times. He was the man who grabbed Sher idan's horse when the General reaohed the field of Cedar Creek, in his ride from Winchester. He enlisted in the Thirty fourth New York, and was in Libby Prison. Happening to know one of the sons of Libby, through his intercession he was re leased, with two friends. He enlisted a second time in the Third Massachusetts Cavalry. STUPID FRAUDS ON 1 i JftflE m stf FORDS f Wl It SAMFORD'S GINGER Is the Best of all known Gingers. LATE NEWS Iff BRIEF. The President has granted pardons In the cases of John W. Barkley and Ora Staley, each of whom was convicted of passing counterfeit coin, the former in Georgia and the latter in Indiana. Stephen G. Sharp. Democratic candidate for Treasurer of Kentucky, has been re-elected by between 30,000 and 40,000 majority. The Democrats gain eight and possibly more seats in the Legislature. At 10 o'clock yesterday a small tornado passed over Kansas City from northwest to southwest, tearing down chimneys and out buildings. As it went on it appeared to gather force and increase in size. It was followed by a heavy electrical storm of rain, which fell In torrents for about half an hoar, deluging the streets and stopplngtraffic. The Salt Lake City Gentles are greatly elated over the result of the recent election. The vote gave them a majority of 41 in the city, which, it is claimed, insures a Gentile city coy ernment next February. Six Gentiles were elected to the House of Representatives and two to the Council, giving them 8 out of 38 members. At Princeton, Kv John Hntchlns shot and fatally wounded two brothers,. George and Albert Lewis. One of Hntchlns stray shots struck Frank Dunn, inflicting a fatal wound. All the parties were farmers of considerable prominence. Thi shooting was the result of an old grudge which existed between Hntchlns and the Lewis brothers for some time. The murderer was placed under arrest. alary E. Rooney, aged 12, of Weymouth, Mass has died of hydrophobia. On June 10 she was bitten in the wrist by a dog. The wound was cauterized 15 minutes later. On August 1 the girl was frightened by a large dog which jumped at her. She ran toward the bouse barking like a dog. This lasted only a tew minutes, but on August 3 she began froth ing at the mouth, and from that time grew rapidly worse until the time of her death. The young woman arrested by order of the Austrian Government recently, in connection with the 200,000 lottery swindle, has made a full confession of her share in the business, and it turns out that her little "son," whom she persuaded the lottery officials to employ in drawing the numbers. Is a girl of 12, This girl had the winning numbers in her hand which shs Eretended to draw from the glass urn, and did er share of the work so expertly that no one among the large audience present suspected it. Henry Bhoemaker.Wm.Van Adken.Hubley Volheim and John Doe made a daring escape from the county jail yesterday at La Forte. IncL, by tunneling through the rear wall. They were confined on the upper floor and lowered themselves to the ground with a rope made from thetr blankets, which was strengthened by twine taken from a hammock that the Sheriff had provided for their oomfort. Their escape was disoovered shortly after Its occur rence,and the two first named were recaptured in a piece of woods a few miles from the city. The others are still at large. A posse of men surrounded the strip where they are supposed to be, and their capture is only a question of time, After several days' sickness the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F M. Bosbiher. of Elkhart, Ind.. was given np by the physicians as dead, her heart and pulse beats being imper ceptible, while her eyes were glazed, her under jaw dropped, and the death rattle was in her throat. Her father went to La Grange, 35 miles distant, had a grave dug, and made the necessary arrangements for the funeral. He came back to be astonished upon approaching his home to lcam that bis daughter, several hours after his departure, and while lying In her sbrond, had returned to life and was rap Idly Improving. The case puzzles the com munity, but the joy of the parents over the restoration ot their daughter is unbounded. The steamship City of Pekln brings tidings of an attempt at cannibalism of Pao Shan Hlen. near Shanghai. The proprietor of a pub lic bath there became possessed of the notion that to eat a child would cure him of an illness from which he was suffering. From an old woman he bought a child which he induced a coolie to kill. The body was dlcsovered lj the authorities in a large jar ready for cooking. All the persons connected with the crime have been arrested. The Viceroy of Fudien and Cheklang has issued a proclamation against the drowning of female children, which nas been common of late. He notifies families that hereafter the penalty provided by law will be strictly enforced. The penalty is 60 blcws of the bamboo and one year's banishment. Over 18,000 physicians indorse Piatt's Chlo rides' as the proper household disinfectant. POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only mi cons. ROYAL 1SAKING POWDER CO. 103 Wall St, N. V. oc5-m6-irwTSu A DANGEROUS DISEASE. The number of people who annually die from Brleht's disease is simply astonishing. Beginning by a weakness in the back, accom panied by pain, which at first may be slight, still, as the disease progresses, there is an in creased pain in the small of the back and in the region of the groins, high colored urine with brick dust sediment, scanty or copious flow, with pain in voiding it. Not only do the kidneys themselves become organically dis eased, terminating in gravel or stone In the bladder, diabetes or Brigbt's disease, but Is one of the most potent causes of rheumatism and dropsy. Dr. Bnafer, one of the physicians of the Polypathic Medical Institute, at 420 Penn-ave. The Polypathia Medical Institute is peima neutly located in "Pittsburg for the treatment of rheumatism, kidney and urinary diseases. Its physicians are not confined to any school ot practice, but. embrace any and all remedies that close study and long experience have found to be the most effectual in curing dis ease. Dr. Shafer, one of the physicians asso ciated with this medical institution, and a skilled specialist, gives especial attention to the treatment of all kidney and urinary dis eases. Analysis of specimens of urine free. Consultation also free. Office hours, 10 to 1130 A,2&, 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays. 1 to p. M. Consultation free. au2-s SANPORD'S GINGER Beware of cheap, worthless and often dan gerous "gingers," which are persistently urged, even forced, upon wonld be purchasers of Sanfoed's as "our own make,", or "good aa Sanford's," or "cheaper than Sanford's" or "same as Sanford's," etc. by mercenary deal ers, not in the interest of health, but for a few cents' extra profit No respectable druggist or grocer is ever guilty of such practices. Avoid all others. Composed of Imported ginger, choice are matics and medicinal French brandy. Bah ford's Ginoeb, based on intrlnsla worth, is the cheapest ginger in the world, costing two to five times that ot any other and selling but a few cents higher than the cheapest peddler! ginger. Sold everywhere. Ask for .SANFORD'S .GINGER BYAl Crpyalisww J. - Wlth Owl Trsde Mark oa the Wrapper. ' j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Baby One Solid Rash, Ugly, psInfuX Blotchsd, malicious. No rest, by osy, no pesee by night Doctors and All remedies fsllad. Tried Cotloura Rsme diss: Eftsot marvelous. Complete ear is. five weeks.' Saved his life. Our oldest child, now 6 years of age, when an infant 6 months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies falling, we called our family physi cian, who attempted to cure it; but it spread with almost Incredible rapidity, until the lower portion of the little fellow's person, from the middle of his back down to his knees, was one solid rash, ngly, painful, blotehed, and mall clous. We had no rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, we were advised to try the Crm ctjba Rxxxdixs. The effect was simply marvelous. In three or four weeks a com- filetecnre was wrought, leaving the little fel 0Ws person as white and healthy as though be had never.been attacked. la my opln on. your valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he Is a strong, healthy child, perfeotlr well, no repetition of the disease having ever occurred. GEORGE a SMITH,-Att'y-at-Law and Ex-Fros. Att'y, Ashland. O. Rxfekxnce: J.G. "Weist. Druggist,Ashland,0. Blotches and Sosbs from Hesd to Feet. . My boy. aged 9 years, has been troubledall ' his rife with a very bad humor, which appeared all over his body in small red blotches, with a dry white scab on them. Last year he was worse than erer.belng covered with scabs from the top of his head to his feet, and continually f rowing worse, although be bad been treated y two physicians. As a last resort, I deter mined to try the CuncOBA Rkmsbim. and am happv to say they did all that I could wish. Using Uiem according to directions, the humor rapidly disappeared, leaving the skin fair and smooth, and performing a thorough cure. The CirriouBA Remedies are all yon claim for them. They are worth their weight in gold to any one troubled as my boy was. - GEORGE F. LEA VTTT. North Andover, Mass. Mothers who Love their Children, Who take pride in their beauty, purity, and health, and in bestowing upon them a child's greatest Inheritance a skin without a blemish, and a body nourished by pure blood should not fall to make trial of the Cuticuba Reme diks. Sold everywhere. Price, CunctmA, 50c.; Boap, 25c.; Resolvent. SL Prepared by the POTTEB DnUO AND CHESnCAL COBPOKATION, Boston. 49-Send for "How to Cure Skin Dis eases," i pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testi monials. dsdv'C Skin and Scalp preserved and DHD I O beautified by CUTICUBA Soap. Absolutely pure. HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Aching Sides and Back. Hip, Kid ney and Uterine fains, Rheumatic, .llPalns. relieved in one minute by the Ccticuba ANTi-FAnr Plaster. The first and only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. au5WB You can go to your store and get the best corset there is (that's Ball's), wear it two or three weeks, return it, and get your money again, if it isn't exactly right. The reason is that this corset is right for nine out of ten; and the merchant, or. rather the maker behind him, takes the risk of the tenth. There is a primer on Cor-n sets for you at the store. r Chicago Corset Co., Chicago and New York, CHAS. PFEIFER'S Men's Furnishing Stores, 443SMITHFIELD STREET, 100 FEDERAL BT., Allegheny. Hew line of Flannel Shirts just received. All the new things in that line. Full line of White Shit ts, lanndried and un laundried. Best values tor the money. Dyeing, cleaning and laundry offices. Pittsburg Telephone 12G4; Allegheny Tele phone 3169. Jr9-M wr TJTTTJ'n Apollinaris. Bedford, Poland Salu- tarts. Strontla, Saratoga, Snrndel, i wysmic, cetnesua, vicny, ijunaio, Lithia. Eureka. EO. K. STEVENSON A CO.. BIHTH. AVENUE. Jal29-mn TO EUROPE WE BELL TICKETS FOR the leading lines, seenre berths and pass ports, issue drafts, letters of credit and money orders, and sell foreign com at N. Y. rates. MAX SCTJAMBERO & CO, 627 Smlthfield St., Pittsburg. Ijt-vrsa. TRADE ENLIVENING, BUSINESS CREATING PRICES, DOUGLAS i MACKIE'S. Lovely styles Dress Ginghams that were 12Xc. now 7o. a yard. And. those exceeding pretty figured Batistes that were so acceptable all season at 10c. and 12Kc; plct'em out now for 6c a yard. Then our exquisite range of rich colored Silk and Satin Parasols that sold from S3 to 4 60 will all be laid out at the uniform price of 95c We're determined not to carry over any summer underwear, and for that reason will offer lien's 60c OauxeBbirts and Drawers for 80c each. While those beautiful Balbricgan Shirts and Drawers for gents that were 65a, cnolce can be bad now for 45c each. PARTICULARLY OBSERVE : Hundreds of pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, newest designs, all reduced to make room for fall importations. Ladles' Muslin Underwear, a most elegant collection, at Drisk business prices this week. Onr stock of Ladles' Jersey Jackets at really past-belief prices. Onr magnificent stock of Dress Goods ana Silks you should visit to-day; the prices '11 please you. A most attractive array of Fang, Corsets, Gloves, Ac, Ac, will Toe laid out at prices too tempting to resist. COME EARLY, AND SAVE YOUR DOLLARS. 151 and 153 FEDERAL . rtsTiiiw We have just received and nave now ready for inspection, beautiful Oblna Dinner Sets, Fish Sets and a full line of nice China, odd pieoes, to whioh we invite the attention of the Jadlea R P. WALLACE & CO., 211 "Wood- s-fc- v OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES. Have you usd0 PEARSsoap. THE ' D-w 0E ONLYBYTiT.NTHE YY UKLLI GE0;.A.MACBETH&C0.PmSBURCrl,PA. ? SPECIAL SUMMER SALE V TO CLOSE OUT at.t, XiigiLij Groods To make room. Have reduced prides so that It -will be very lnter estinff to those in vant of good, light Summer Shoes, GAITERS and SLIPPERS. Ladles' Lasting Congress at 75o. Ladies' Fine Kid Low Button re duced from 81 26 to 76a Ladles' Bright Pebble Goat Ties, 76c. Ladies' Fine Kid Opera Slippers, 50o to 76o. Ladies' Fine Kid Button atl 25. Ladies' Grain Sewed Button at $L -AT- GD.SIMEN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Sandusky. jyl7-nw THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT As to vhere you should buy your FURNITURE, CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, if economy is the object you have in view. KEECH'S MAMMOTH Cash and Credit House, 923 and 925 Penn Ave,, is the house for you to pat- ronize, it you want to save money, and get dependable and stylish merchandise. Jel7-Kwr ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LIBERTY BTREET, WhTdOTOuniTll GO Tier hntlln for SarsanarlllaandBeaf:Wineind .Iron when you can buy either nre- 'pararlon from us at 75c per bottle, six bottles ti 00, and quality guar anteed to be the best iq the mar ket. We hare numerous testimo nials from chTSlcians and others indorsing onr Llyer Pills as a mild and effective cathartic. The are unsurpassed. After Riv ing them a trial you will nse no others. Price 25c For sprains, brnises and all rheumatic pains, use the Anchor Liniment. It has no eauaL. Come and see us if yon are In any way afflicted. kwt STREET, .ATT.EGHENY. anS-srvrr o - ooids. ant-WTSa LAMP KBCT ADTERTIBEMENT8. iT 1HIMNEY5 "-j irnm l NXW AIJTERTIBEMEXTH EVERYONE ADMITS Thatjhe success of a town is dependent upon the relative size and importance of its industries and likewise upon its location and advantages. Without enterprises of moment to support its' population, general, business languishes; without public im provements people prefer to live elsewhere. M WILMERD1NE. - The presence of both these elements prom ises snecess and the rapid sale of one hun dred and fifty lots, on which buildings are in course of erection, confirms the prophecy. THE "WESTINGHOTJSE AIE-BEAKE WORKS, located in the town, ,1s the most phenomenally successful manufacturing en terprise in the country, and its army of workmen, with their families, would alone constitute a thriving community. The various public improvements at Wil merding are being pushed along as speedily as possible, including the laying of the street mains through which the town will be abundantly supplied with pure water. Substantial plank sidewalks, sewers and natural gas add to the public comfort. Double-sized lots at all prices. For choice locations apply at once to the East Pittsburg Improvement Co "WllmerdliiBr, I. it. B., or Westinghouse Building, au-91-WSU PITTSBURG. PA. Mathematical and Engineering Instruments and Materials. Profile, cross-section, tracine and bine-process papers, tracing linen, eta Largest and best stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. KOBNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenue. Telephone No. 1668. JjSI-dsu ERNST AXTHELM, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood st Telephone 851. PITTSBURG, PA. an2S-e76-ws JOHNPLOOKER & CO., XAirUTACrUBXBS Otf .-"locker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines. Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yam, Spun Yarn, etc "WORKS East street. Allegheny City, Pa. OFFICE AND SALESROOM-aa Water et. ttsbnrg. Telephone No. 1370. my3-MW3 RESORTS. Atlnnllo City. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN -VIEW. Salt water baths In the house. Elerator. SDlMl-D E. ROBERTS &. SONS. THE MAHSIOH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest and most prominently located hotel with a new and first-class Restaurant attached. SS0 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to and from Beach and Trains.' Brophy's Orchestra. 1e25-61 CHARLES McGLADE. rTtHE NEW COLUMBIA. I CAPE MAY. N. J. Opens June 15, 1888. James Mooney, "Owner." FRANK H. HILDRETH, (Late of the Hotel Lafayette.) Jelt-73-siwr Proprietor. PINE HEIGHTS INN A3CD COTTAGES, AtLIOmXr MOUNTAINS. Location unsurpassed in most picturesque region of Penna. All modern lmprorementa; purest water and finest air; steam heat: tennis; illustrated circular. A. R. URIER. -Blrming. ham, Huntingdon Co- Pa. Jy20-20-HWT A 8BURY PARK-HOTEL, BRUNSWICK J A leading hotel in erery respect, Beauti fully situated near the beacb. All rooms com mand an unobstructed new of the ocean. Ap pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani tary arrangements perfect. For information address MORGAN A PARSONS. jelMS HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., Hes ry WALTBit,Prop'r., Jiro. B. sciclosssb, Manager, late of Hotel Dnquesne, Pittsburg. JrM9 Thomson House, Kane, MCKEAN CO, PENNSYLVANIA. 2,000 feet abora ocean lerel. Open aU the year. Now prepared for the reception of sum mer visitors. Rates. $3 00 per day and from 17 00 to SU 00 per week. Write for circular. jytf-41-ltwrsa C H. KEMP, Prop. RENOVO HOTEL, RENOVO, Clinton Co., Pennsylvania. 1,200 feet above ocean leTeL Open all the year. Now prepared for the reception ot summer visitors. Rates, $2 00 per day and from V 0U to $11 00 per week. . Write for circular. Jy9-2-MWT8n C. H. KEMP. Prop. RAILROAD'. PrrrsBUKO and lase ekik kailuoau COMPANY-ischedule In effect June t, 1339; Central time: r.lUK.E. B. DzrABT For Cleveland. :00. 4:00 A. M.. 1:S5, 4:1a. 9:r. M. lTor Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, 6:00 A. H., li3S, :& r. X. yor Buffalo, SiOO A. K.. -10, : r. X. J"or BAla manes, 8.-oo a. m., '1:39 r. M. For Beaver Falls, 0:00, S.-OO. 8:90, 10:15 A. U.. 1-A . 4:10. SMS, "9:30 r. M. For Cnartlera, 8:00, 13.30. S:S5, Sdo, eas, 7:13, 8KJ5, 8:10, 9:45, 10:15 A. J., 12.-0S, '1J:, liX J:SVV:aV:50, "StOS, t:U, a.-OS, 10iOP. it. Abbivk From Cleveland, too A. c 'UiSO. Sds, 7i :40 r. V. From Cincinnati, CMcaio and St. Louis. '12:30. 7iS5 T. X. From Uaffalo. 0:33 A. It. 12:3D, 8:40 P. It. From Salamanca. :J0L 1-&r. u. From Yonncstown-''&i30t3)A. jc.. iS0, 8:33. iSS, S:40 p. K. From Beaver Falls, 5:23, e:M, 7(20, S:20 A. X., i:i30. 1HX :: 7:55. S:40P. M. From Charters, 'SlU 8:25, SSO :, 7:08. -7:7, ;20. :57. 11:59 A. Hi JilO. M JllT, 4:00, 4:40, 4:52, tOS, tOZ, 9:4b '11:12. 18:03 A. If., 13:12P. JC 1., C.4Y. trains for Mansflcld. : A. K- IM, 4:50 p.m. For .Essen and ISeechmctttiaO, A. X., 3:30p.x. .' t, C 4Y. trains from AUniflela, Essen and Beach in on t, 7:03, 11:59 A.'Jf. F.. AUK. AY.R. B.-DIPABT-For New Haven. I':S0 i.s.1: P. if. For West Newton. 8:JO 10:05 A. JC. 8:30. 5:15 Pi it. ARRIVB-BTom New Haven, fT:S0 A. IT, MiMR M. FromWetNewton,e:14rt'7tfOA. M..1C3, 5:00 P.M. For MeKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30,10:05 A. X., J:H 5:13 P. X. . From KUxabeth and MeKeesport, 7:53 A. x 1:25. OOP. X. Dally, ISan days only. tWul rna one hour late on Sunday. W1U run two hours late on (Sunday. City ticket offlee, 40l8mlthfleld street. ATAKOHEinr VAI.LKV KAILKOAU Trains leave Union station (Eastern Standard time)) Klttannlnr As.. S:55 a. m.: NUaaraEx.. dally. 8:45 a. mTln;ton Ac. 10:10 a. m.: Valley Camp Ac, Bp. m. OU Cltr and WnBoU Ex- Sress,2:00p.m.;Bulttn Ac., 1:00 P. m.: Klttannlnj c, 4:00p.m.; BraeburaEx,5:Mp.ni.: Klttaan lnt;Ae.,5aop.m.i BrasbnrnAejoia.rHttl;. ton AC, TfiO p. m.; Buffalo JC-. dally, 1:50p.m.: CartUrsAC.:p.m.ra6rnAc, U 130p.m. Church talns Braeburn. B:40p.m. aad 3s j. m. Pailntan Parlor Bnffet and Bleeping Cars bttvNa Fittsbarf and Buffalo. J AS F, ANDERSON, G.T. At.: DAVID MC UABOU. Sea. Bunt. nTBBUKO AND WKSTKKN KAlbWAX Trains (Ot'ltHan'd time) K Leave Arrive. Ilav Ex.. Akron. Toleria. K.nek 8:40 a m 7:27 D Jn Uatler Accommodation.. K:O0a m S:O0pm Cbleaco Express (daily) 2:0p m 11:30 a m New CasUe-AceommoAiUon. r4: p m 7:00 pm UatlerasdFezbarrAe. ll:S0pm 1:80 a m First class fare to CaUun. BO 50. Second class. i-aumaa aiafjet steepssc car to vaieaxo NXW ABTXKTISEMEXTS. THE.BUILDERSV.SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS. The builders must have room. The contractor has notified us thaW within a few weeks he must have the entire eastern side of our building, to enable him to remove thelarge wall facing the (40x120 feet) lot upon which the new addition to our present store will be erected. This will;, not only temporarily deprive us of much badly needed room, but the. tearing down of the mammoth wall will raise such a dust and dirt as to i seriously damage if not completely ruin many goods. This being the case it necessarily follows that our best interests are served by an imme diate sale of as large a portion of our stock as possible. It is, in factj our only salvation, and, in order to gain our object without fail, we have -just inaugurated this Bill It HI SAf.R This event bear in mind what we say will mark an epoch in the era of bargains. We will run no greater risk of damages by the builders' 1 dust and dirt than we absolutely must, and, therefore will gladly take a ' loss now, if we can but effect a quick sale of our goods. ALLDEPARTMENTS HAVEJOINED in this genuine forced Clearance Sale. Everywhere the thermometer of prices has dropped nearly to zero. Take a stroll through our Hot Weather Clothing department, for instance, and you will find piles of 'Seersucker, Flannel, Alpaca, Mohair, Brilliantine, Pongee and Drap. d'Ete Coats and Vests at prices reach of the laboring man as well as Men's Suits Out to $5, $8, $10, $12 and $15. Men's Pants Out to $1, $1 50, $2, $3 and $4. Boys' Long Pant Suits Out to $3, $5, $6, $8 and $10 CHILDREN'S SUITS! f41K tie Lord Fauntleroy effects, fine and medium Dress, as well as Shirt Waists of all sorts, for about honest worth less even in many instances. Now's the time to buy if you'd like to have your dimes and dollars do double and almost treble work, for our goods must go. HOW ABOUT SHOES? Do you need a pair? Better buy them now, while you can get them for a mere fraction Si their actual value. Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Boys Shoes, Youths' Shoes, Misses Shoes, Children's Shoes, Infants' Shoes and Slippers all, all -will be sold regardless of cost or value. The balance of our tan and low-cut Shoes must be closed forthwith, and we have put such reductions on them as will accomplish our pur-' pose. Men's Shoes Cut to $1 25, $2, $2 50 and $3. Ladies' Shoes Out to $1, $1 50, $2, $2 50 and $3. Children's Shoes Cut to 59c, 75c, 89c, 98c, $1 25. We never do things by halves, and the above sale is no exception'to , this rule. It remains with you to make the best of it. K.AUFMANN.R Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street RAILROADS. OKNM8YLVANIA KAILKOAD ON AND J; alter May 12. law, trains leave Union station, Pittsburgh as follows. Eastern Standard Timet MAIN LUTE EASTWARD. New Tore and Chicago Umlted of Pullman Ves tibule dally at 7iU a. m. . Atlantis Express dally far the East, 2:20 a.m. Mau train, dally, except Bandar, 6:30 a. a. San. oar, man, s:ia. m. Day express dally at 80 a. m. Hall nnr.ii dalfr at 1:00 B. m. FnlladtTphla express dally at4:SB p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:1 p. m. Fast Line dally at 1:10 p. m. GreensDara- express no p. m. week days. Derry express II ri a. m. week days. Alltoronih trains eonnect at Jersey CitrwlBs boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N, Y avoldlardoablsferrUcsand Journey throufb. N. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally ' i'-Vi" m" Western Express, dally .I!S,V m- l'aclfle Express, dally 12:45p.m. Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30p.m. FastLlne, dally ...........11:55 p. m. aUUTHWESr fKNN KAILWA1. For Uniontown. 8:30 ana :3Ja. m. and 4:23 p. m.. without ehanirs of ears: 12.50 p.m.. connect lag at Oreensburar. Trains arrive from Union town at S:45 a. m.. 12:20. tOi and 8:10 P. m. WEST FENNSTLVANIA DIVISION. Frem FEDERAL irr. STATION. Allegheny aty. Mall train, connecting for Blalraville... :4S a. m. ExpressTfor Blalrsvifle, connecting for Batler i-.lip.m. Botler Aecetn SfiOa. m- :2Jnd 5:45 j. m, Sprlngdale Accom9:00, 11:50 .to. Sj and :20 p.m. Freeport Accom., . ''"."A'liSK- 5 On Sunday .'. W:50and 9:p. m. North ApoUo Accom. ..-.110 a.m. and 80 p. a. Allegheny Junction Accommodation . connecting for Butler saia. tn. Blalrsvllle Accommodation .."JK JJ:S.D;.S Trains arrive at FEDERAL STREET (STATION : Express, connecting from Butler 10:33 a. m. Mall Train 'vJ!Spnu Batler Aeeom 9:10 a. m.. 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. UlalrsvlUa Accommodation. ......i.....-p. m. Frwrvort Aecom.7i40a.rn.. 1:25. 7:20 and lliiop. m. On Sunday. 10:10 a. m. and 70 p. m. Sprlngdale Accom....:S7,ll:48a.ir;.,2:5i3p. m. North Apollo Accom 8:40a.m. and 8:40n. m. MONONOAUELA JIlVlSiON. Trains leave Union station. FlrtsDurg, asfpnows: For Mosoagahela City. Wen BrownsvllU and Uniontown. 11 a. ja. For Monongaheia City and West BrownsvlUe, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and n. m. Oa Sunday, 1:01 p. m. Jfor Monongaheia City, 5:41 p. m., week daw Dravosbura-Ac, weekdays, lao p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:20a.m.. 2:00, 8:20 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices earner Fourth arena and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUUH, J. K. WOOD. General Managtr. Oen'l l'ass'r Agent TJANHANDLE BOUTE JULYS. 1389, UNION X station. Central Standard Tin. Leave for Ctaelnnatl and Bt. LouU, d 7 JO a.m dSjOO and d UUS p. m. . DeaalsoB, 1:4b p. m. Chicago, 12:06, dlCu p. m. Wheeling, 7 a. m., 1234; 6:10 p.m. SUubotmUe. 5:44 a. m. Washington. 6:55, S:Ma.D.,liM,sia,4:S,4:Hp. m- Bulger. 10:14 m. m. BrftUtowlQld5a.m- 5: p. m. Mans field, 7:14, :J0, Ustba. m., lies, ttSO. d M W-JJ p. so. MeDonald,4tiH,d9:45p. m. JT9UX .U Ticai, R UUW UiaiO hflli, ..Mi p-m Whi m. ycaauon. n,ia.ni. steunenTUic, ..vi. . Tieellnr, 7 10, 8:48a.m.. 8.5. :S wn. 7:Ua m.,8 9Ra.a. Washi 3. 10: v m t5. :4 n. m. :S3 p.m. unrgetis- aningioD. !' - 8:40. 10: a, m. Ids, n p. ra. Mansflsld, 3 J5, tisa. 11148 S. SB-, SIIR. HI 9W and H : P. m. Bulger. llH.a. lseriMs d d ik. at- d IM "datly-, $ Boadr wiji'6tkte.lUit, azeept' that will place the finest within easy the capitalist. anS-s RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES- Max 12. 1839, Central Standard Time. TRAINS DEPART As follow from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7 AS a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00, d 7:45. except Saturday. 11:30 p.m.: Toledo. 7:23 a. m dlZdQ. d 1:00 and except Saturday. 11:20 p. m.: Crestline, 5:45 a. m.: Cleve land. 8:10 a. m 12:45 and d llrOS p. m. and 7r2S a. m., via P.. F. W. C. Ry.i New Castle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m., 12:20, 1:4.1 p. m.; Yotlnrstown and Nlles. d 120 n. m.s MeadvUln. 1 Erie-and Ashtabula, 7:05a. s)., 12:20 p. m.; Nile ana Jamestown, s:ia p. m.s jiaasuion. 4:iop. m-r Wheeling and BeUalre. 6:10a. m 12:41, :Wp.m.t Beaver Falls. 4:00. iKSp.m, Rock Point, 88:39 a. io.: Leetsdale. 5:80 a. m. ALLEOBENY Rochester. IM a. m.j Beaver Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m. : Enon. J.-00 p. m. : Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m.. 2.-CO, 4:30, 4:45. 4:30. 7:00, 9.-03 p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p. m.s Fair Oaks, 3 11:40 a. m. : Leetsdale, 8 8:30 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1 JO, d 4:00, d SdS a. m.. d Jo p. m.; Toledo, except Monday Itfo. dlss.su, 8 JO S, m., Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and ew Castle. 9:10a.m., 1:28, 8:50, 10:15 p. m-;NUes and Yoanei town, d 8:50 p. m.:Cleveland, d 5:50 a. E.. 2:23, 7:00 p. m.I Wheeling and BeUalre, 9 .-00 a. m., 2:25. 7Si o. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, lrSL 10:15 p. m.s Masalllon, 10:00 a. m.s Nile ana Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m.. l:loo. m.. Rock Point, 8 sap, m.s LeeUrtale, 10:40" p. m. . AK1UVE ALIiKaRESI- STOm En On, 8:00 a. ra.: Conway, 8:50; Rochester, 9:40 s. m.i Beaver Fails. 7:10 a: m, 5:45 p. m.s Leetsaal, sao, 6:13. 7:45 a. m 12.-00, 1:45. 1:00, 6:30, KU p. m.; Fair Oaks. S 8:51 a. m.: Leetsdale, S IM p. m.s Rock Point. S 8:15 p. m. S. Sunday onlys d, daily; other trains, except Sunday. its PrrrsBUBo and castle shannon r.k. Summer Time Table. On and after May 1. 1839, until farther notice trains will run ai follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Flttsbnrg-4:20 a. m., 7:10 a.m., 8.-OOa.m.. 9i3ba.m.. 11:30a. m.. 1:40p.m., 3:40 p. m 6:10 p. m.. 8:50 p. m.. 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. m., 11:30 p.m. Arllugton-:40 a. m., 6:30 a. m., 7:10 a. m., 8:00a. m., 10:20a. nj., lOp. m., 2:40 p.m., 4JJp.m.. 6:10p.m., 8:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m.. lt-M Ii. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.m.. 2 Alp. m.. 2:30 p. m.. 5:10 p. m., 7:104. m 9:30 p.m Arlington 9:10a.m., II m., IdO p. mZ HO p.m. 6:20p.m., 60 p.m. JOHN JABN. Supt. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Schedule In effect May 12,1899. For Washing ton. D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. "80 a. m.. and too p. in. "For Cum berland, S:00 a. m., l:na 1-JO n. m. For Con ncllsvUle, t:4ll and 8.-00 a. m.. tlrfJC. :4.-0Q and 9:20 p. m. For Uniontown, 8:40, 810 a. m 21 VM and i4:00 p. m. For Mount Pleasant, 26:9 and 29:00 a. m.. and 21:00 and 2410 n. n vn. - Washington. Pa., :45. 29:40 a. m,, 3:35, tsao ana -s:sup. m. iror wneeiing. 1:45, 29:40 a. m.. 5J5, "3:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 6:45a.m., 8:30p.m. ForColumbus. 6:45and9:0 a. m.. "8:30 p. m. For Newark. "S: 29:40 a. m 2:35, 8J0p. m. For Chicago, 8:46, 29:40 a. mT. 3:35 and 8:20 p. m. Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington. 8:20 a. m. and "a:iO p. m. From Columbus, Cin cinnati snd Chicago. 7:S a. m. and 9o p. m. From Wheeling. 7:41, 10-J0a. ra 25:00. 'iSo p. m. Thronsh sleeping cars to Baltimore Wash ington and Cincinnati. Vvlieclng accommodation. 8:30 a. m Sunday only. ConnellsvUle accommodation at W J5 a. m. Ailly. tDallyexeept Sunday. SBunday only. Th PitUburg Transfer Company will call for and cheek baggage from haseM and residence upoa.CTdesflert at -0. Ticket ,0ee, corn Fifth M and WAad atrit- !flSrt. I. SOULL, Oess, Pass. Agt, J.T.ODULL, aes. Mgh 'J mt& . -r -. - jtK