Fffl rWW? iSSPj ?:-, V K THE- 'HTTSBTTKO' DISPATCH, WEIHJJESDAY, ATJGTTST T, 1889. IX. r ,.J IN HIS OWN DEFENSE. A State Employe at Johnstown Forced to Kill an Assailant. UORK OP PAYING OUT THE FUND. The Possibility of a Biff Strike the liail Cutters, Among ALL THE SEWS FEOII KEAKBI TOWNS ItrtCI.lL TZI.ZORJLK TO TBS DISFATCIM Johnstown, August 6. Late last night Mr. Harry Meyer, who has cEarge of the carpenters' camp ot Mr. Hughes at this place, shot and instantly killed a man known as James McCorrnlck. McCormick had been around the camp the day before intoxicated, and Meyer and several other men were obliged to eject him. Last night he came again while Meyer was alone. At soon as he gained admittance he drew a re volver and swore that he would "do up" Meyer. Mr. Meyer succeeded in wrenching the pistol from him, when several of the fellow's companions joined him, and they proceeded to beat Meyer unmercifully. The light was extinguished in the melee, and one of the men said, "Wait till I get a shot at him." At this Meyer pulled a revolver and fired, the bullet entering McCormick's heart, and tllllnc him instantly. The dead man was rec ocnlred b v some ol his friends as James McCor mlck, of Philadelphia. On his arm in India ink, however, is prioked the name. "il. Nolan." Meyer came here fromNorristown shortly after the flood, and had charge of one of the commis saries for some time. He is of a respeotable family, and it is claimed the killing was done in seii-aeiense. A new arrangement was made by Secretary Kremer to-day, and no more orders are cashed at the municipal buildinc, hot after being cer tified to are taken to Deiberts' bank, where the Treasurer's clerks haye secnred quarters tor this week. This action was talen by Mr. Kre mer because he did not feel safe in handling so much money in the wooden building where there wero crowds all the time, and but little protection. Arrangements have also been per fected by which after this week the fund will be handled by the First National Bank here. The deposits will be made here instead of Pitts burg, and checks will be drawn on this bank direct. When the 500.000 now appropriated has been paid out, all those in the first fire classes will have been paid a portion of what they are to get, and the future distribution to them will be made on the basis of their sworn vapers. Class 6, however, reclves nothing in this distribution, but it is expected that an arrangement will soon be made whereby tbey can also be rated and then it will require but a short time to send out checks without the parties appearing again before any committee. Judge Cummin is reported to be very much worse this evening. It is said that ho cannot recover. A B0031 FOR BRADDOCK. Charter Granted to n Company for an Ex tensive Street Cnr Line. SPECIAL TELEGKAX TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 IIakkisbukg, August 6. The Braddock Street Railway Company, capital 50,000, was chartered at the State Department to-day to build a line four miles long, beginning at Rankin station, on the Pittsburg and Connells ville Railroad, in Braddock township; thence running by the township road to the western line of Braddock borough and extending through the borough by Main street, sometimes called Braddock avenue, to the east line of the borough; thence by township road, a continua tion of Braddock avenue, passing under the Pennsylvania Railroid near Brinton, until said road intersects the Pittsburg and Greensburg turnpike; thence by the turnpike to a point at or near its crossing of the Pennsylvania Rail road in the village of Turtle Creek. Andrew W. Mellon, of Pittsburg, is the prin cipal stockholder, owning 1,000 of the 1,600 shares subscribed. The other stockholders are M. F. McCook and John G. Kelly, Swissvale; A. J. Brackemeyer, Braddock; Lourle Childs, Allegheny, and V Mitchell. Pittsburg. AN IMTOB.TANT TOINT. The Effort of the Nnll Carter to Improve Trade an Apparent Failure. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB UIRVATCH.I Wheiliso, August 6. The action of the Langhlin nailers In going out on a strike against the first attempt to manufacture the new light weight nails for the trade will bring a new. although not unexpected complication, into the efforts of the manufacturers to better their condition, and to-morrow's meeting is expected to be the scene of a longand grave deliberation over the matter. Ihe nailers say they will strike in every mill where an attempt Is made to cut the nnw nails, and many say tbey will abandon the trade rather than snbmlt to the further reduction iy wages. On the other band the manufacturers say they mav as well continue to cut the heavy nails as pay the increased price for the light ones, and that an Increase Is out of the question. A big strike is therefore among the possibilities of the situation, although the Laugblin nailers are now oack. at woric. me nrm n baying con- ceded the point for the present. COLD WATER CONVENTION. Beaver County Prohibitionists Meet and Place a Ticket la the Field. tEFECIAL TELEORAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Rochester, August 6. In persuance to a call of Chairman Frank Larimore, of the Pro hibition County Committee, about GO delegates met in the Court Houso to-day at 10 A. n. for the purpose of nominating a county ticket. The convention was called to order and prayer offered by Rev. JlcCrory. William Wilson Reno, a young lawyer, was made permanent Chairman. On taking the chair he said: "I have been a black Republican of the deepest dje and have faithfully served the grand old party, but have left it, burning all the bridges behind, for one whose principles are prohibi tion." H. C Martin, of Beaver, was elected Secre tary, and the following ticket placed in the field; Poor Director, P. V. Cooper, of Moon township; Surveyor. N. C Long, of Beaver Falls. No nomination for District Attorney was made. The usual cold water platform was adopted. CLARK MUST SWING. A New Trial Is Refused the CovicteJ Mur derer of DlcCausland. tBrECIAL TELXORAK TO THE DISrATCB.l Waynesbtoq, August 6. Ben Clark, one of ihe parties convicted as an acconiplico in the McCausland murder, has been refnsed a new trial by the Greene County Court. After the announcement of the decision the prisoner was brought into court and sentenced to execution. The pnsoner said nothing. The decision upon the motion for a new trial for Jim Neff, the fourth person convicted of this crime, was reserved, and will probably not bo made known until the first Monday of Sep tember. A Premature Powder Explosion. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New BETOLEiiEar, August 6. By the pre mature explosion of powder at the Star mines of the Northwestern Coal and Iron Company's mines, about three miles from this place, yes terday about 12 o'clock, Frank Bauer and Alfred Freeman were badly injured, the former so seriously by falling coal that his injuries are likely to prove fatal. A New Industry for FIndlnr. ISrZlIAI. TILEORAM TO THE DUFATCtl.l Futdlat; August 6. The Cleveland Target Company has decided to more their manufac tory to this city and have already awarded the contract for the erection of a three-story brick Xctory. The works will give employment to about 100 men, and will manufacture clay pigeons and shooting traps. A Dlli.Ion Leacae Meeting, rsrrciii. teliohah to thx nisFAcn.l Rochestek, August CL The mission leagnes ot the Lutheran Church, Pittsburg Synod, are holding a three dajs' conference at Phillips burg. This being tbe second day about 40 leagues are represented. The sessions have been very interesting and show that the mis sion work during tbe past year has been very flattering. , Forty Furnaces to be Started. r6na.ii. tzlequav to tits diefatcim Wheeiko, August & A sadden demand for muck iron has Induced tbe Benwood and Belmont Mill Companies to order on their puddling furnaces, and 40 furnaces in tbe two mills will be fired up at once, rnnnlng double turn and giving employment to 450 men. Trt-Stnte Brevities. Gbeehsduko is considerably excited over a 1 number of recent incendiary attempts. No great damage has yet been done. The City Health Officer, of Wheeling, has completed a list of houses in the city In which there are no facilities for removing garbage and sewage, and the list shows that they are over 1,700 In number. The report baa created a sensation. Tax Sherman brigade wili:bold its reunion at Canton next week, beveral thousand sol diers will be In attendance, including Governor Foraker. General W. H. Gibson. Major Mc Kinley, General Thomas Wood, U.S. A, and other prominent men. ' A nokthboumd freight and a southbound ore train collided on the Youngstown branch of the Lake Shore Railroad, yesterday, wrecking the engines and cars The trainmen escaped injury by jumping. The collision was caused by the way freight conductor not heeding his orders. LOCAL HEMS, LIMITED. - Incidents of a Day In Two Cltloa Condensed for Ready Reading. T. B. and J. S. AtteebURY yesterday filed their answers to the bill in equity filed by H. Sellers McKee and others against the Monon gahela Water Company and others. Their an swer, in substance, is the same as that filed by M. W. Watson. President of the Monongahela Company, denying a conspiracy, and holding that the plaintiffs voted for the purchase of the Manufacturers' Water Company. On Monday, about So'clock, S. Qulncy. while working In the basement of the new Govern ment building was seriously hurt by a piece of iron falling and fracturing his skull. Qulncy was immediately taken to the office of Dr. P. J. Rowan who dressed bis wound. James BirrnK yesterday sued D. J. Ken nedy and Constable John Borland for 8000 for the alleged Illegal levy and sale of a horse. He was disgraced and mortified, he cltlms, by notices of the constable's sale posted about bis place. William Noak, a Polish resident of the Southslde, has been sued for felonious assanlt and battery by Joseph Smith, the latter alleg ing that Noak pointed a revolver at him. He will have a hearing before 'Sqnlre Schaefer to day. TnE police emergency squad of the Eonth side took up their quarters in the Twenty- .iirtith mrd it&tlon house last night, four men will stay in the station house during the night and six during the day. JrjLTCS Gebdesen, a boy, was arrested last night on a charge of stealing a pooketbook containing $30 from Mary Jonea on tVater street. The bov gave the money to hit mother and she surrendered it. Stephen Caixowat yesterday sued David Oiler for $500. because, as he alleged. Oiler, who was not an officer, arrested Calloway, and threatened him with imprisonment, merely to aid a third party. Eddie Winters, 13 years old, who is em ployed at Marvin's cracker works, was injured about the head yesterday, being struck with a lever at one of the ovens. He is at the Homeo pathic Hospital. A meeti-o of the Board of Managers of the Home of the Incurables was held yesterday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. parlors. Thirty five females and two males are in the Home at presont. Jeremiah "Kino, of Temperanceville, was committed to jail by Magistrate McKenna, yes terday for striking in the faces and threat ening to shoot James Robinson and Thomas Kenard. William F. Atjll complains of his name being confounded with that of William M. Awl. in the resent items about the latter's va cation. These two are not one. The Hill officers raided a crowd of young men last night who had twb kegs ot beer on tap on Rook's Hill. Tbey all escaped except Frank and Barney Trainor. Eighteen Chippewa Indians passed through the city yesterday boun d for Carlisle. They came from Michigan, could talk good English, and are bright fellows. A tear-old child, daughter of James Mc Tighe, of Page street, Allegheny, died yester day from burns received in a tail over the kitchen stove. The people of Bellevernon propose to have a big celobration next month wben the McKees port and Bellevernon road will be completed. The Public Works Committee lacked a quorum yesterday. A sub-committee met and recommended a number of street ordinances. The members of the German Evangelical Protestant Church on Jane street, Southslde, will go for a picnic to McKeesport to-day. George Canning, employed at Bhoenber- ger's Sixteenth street mill, had his foot crushed yesterday by a casting falling upon it. A BENEirrpicnie win be given the family of Richard Mcllavy, the blind violinist, at Silver Lake Grove to-morrow. Willie Stanton was run over byoneot Walnwrignt's brewery wagons yesterday. His collar bone was nroken. Delworth, Porter A Co. are erecting a new addition to their works on South Fifth street, to cost 15,000. The congregation of the Grant Avenue Re formed Church had a very pleasant picnic yes terday at Woodslde. Two young men grabbed a tray of rings in Mrs. Yager's, store on Penn avenue, and ran away with It. John Loeffler is charged with embezzling tliO from bis employer, John Milville, a Soho beer bottler. Last week was the heaviest in the history of the Homeopathic Hospital; 42 patients were admitted. Sallie Birch and Annie Gerfen were sent to Morgacza yesterday by their parents. Zuo'8 mill went on double turn in all depart ments yesterday. FOUGHT A PITCHED BATTLE. A Deadly Fend Rnglns; Between the Smiths nnd the SInshers. Louisvtlle, August 6. The quarrel which has been going on between the Smith and Slnsher families, of Bell county, cul minated in a fatal meeting last Friday. William Smith and 40 armed men went to Plat Lick, and about 1 o'clock in the after noon were attacked by the Slusher faction, who opened fire upon them from the moun tain, about 200 yards distant. The Smith party sought shelter, and both sides kept up firing for several hours. John Minter, of the Slusher force, was the only man killed. The quarrel grew out of a con test between the two families over a $2 hog. Summer Weikne.s is quickly overcome by the toning, reviving and blood purifying quali ties of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This popular medicine drives off that tired i eollng and cures sick headache, dyspepsia, scrofula and all humors. Be sure to get Hoad's Barsaparilla. 1'Securus JUDICAT ORBIS TERRARUM." Apollinaris "THE QUEN OF TABLE WATERS." "The annual consumption thisfo' vouritt beverage, which, it is stated, new exceeds twelve million tattles, affords a striking proof ef the widespread" demand which exists for table water of absolute purity, and it is satisfactory to know that wherever one travels, in either hemisphere, it is to be met with; it is ubiquitous; and should now be known as the cosmopolitan table water 'Quod ab omnibus, quod vbiqucyXiVXZiSH. MEDICAL JOURNAL, Aug. 25, 1688, Of att Gnfen, Dnrgku, and Mineral BEWARE OP IMITATIONS California Claret. Coleman's Flag Brand, G, "W, S. Flag Brand, Zinfandel Claret, by the ease or bottle. . o. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Chain, BTonalra. Only 21 Ceau a Yard. To close out these 40-cent goods the price is 21c Jos. Horns & Co. 'a Penn Avenue Stores. Iran City Beer, Brewed only by Frauenheim & yilsack, is ... - L-, 1 1 IA, ieriecuy pure, wnoiesomi lold at all first-class bars. B.&B, Leather goods here of all descriptions, for all purposes, always the best and always the cheapest. Booos & Buhl, Patbonizb Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, the standard gallery of the two cities. Cabinets only $1 a dozen. Cabinet photos, 89o ular Gallery, 10 and 13 per doz. Lies' Pop iixth st. irwrsu BlnrrlagB Licenses Granted Yesterday, Kim. . Xesldenea. j Wro. B. Dlekson.,., .Vlttsburr 1 Pearl H. White rittiburg J Wm. H. Oonway .Pittsburg JKlliabeth A. Kublman .Pittsburg 5 Louis J. Schmidt Allegheny J Llnle Honff. , , , Allegheny J John Miller Baldwin township I Tbereisa Thompson Pittsburg (John J. Miller Reserya township i Llnle E. lsenweln Keierte townsnlp I Louis A. Baker ..Allegheny IMaryE. Khoads .'..Allegheny (John Doelfel ...Allegheny 1 Katie Welgel ...Allegheny Thomas Ingham ..(., ...Pittsburg ( juary near, .' Pittsburg Pickett BanTranclico. Cal. J Sadie U. Bothwell .( Pittsburg Edward Heed Allegheny There jialiemllnger d Allegheny (Simon Hahn Pittsburg Ellen Ilcrron. J Pittsburg I John Bins ..........Allegheny 1 Minnie Stauflr ..'... ..Koiatowmhlp J John K. Whlppo .Parker's Landing ) Condace Horner , Butler ( John O. Bterln. Jr , Pittsburg IMarcsret 1. Belslmrer....! Pittsburg JWin.MeNlnner .' Allegheny Mary Ann Whlttlngton....r Pittsburg 5 Greenwood B. JTulton , Braddock J Laura II. Hutzen .' Braddoca J James H. Blue Sheridan IKancy J. Speed tioerldan MARRIED. TAYLOR-DAVIS On Monday, March, 11, 1889, Edward J. Taylos, Jr., and Annie B. Davis. STELNHAUSER NEELY-By the Rev. Newton Donaldson, Miss Emma Neelt to Mr. Louis Steinhauser, at the residence of the bride, near Bellevue. No cards. DIED. ABHWORTH-On Tuesday, August 6. 18S9 at 7.30 p. m.Earl M only son of Walter a and Emma J. Ashworth. Notice of funeral hereafter. HEYNON On Tuesday morning, August 9, 18S9. at 950, Annie Bethon. Funeral 1 rom the residence of her mother, 213 River avenue, Allegheny, on Thursdat, at 1.50 r. M. Services at Bmlthfleld Street M. E. Church at 2 p. jc 2 BENBOW Suddenly, on Monday, August 5, 1659, at 2 r. x., Leslie Winfred, youngest son of Ben. F. and Elizabeth Benoow, ot 2108 Sarab street, Southslde, aged 9 years 6 months and 20 days. Funeral services to be held in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, South Eighteenth street, on Wednesday, August 7, at 2 p. st Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 CORTS-On Monday, August 6, 1889, at 4:25 p. M,. at the residence of his parents. No. 35 Nixon street, Allegheny. Henrt Alfred Curts. eldest son of John and Mlrrian Cuts, in the 32d year of his age. Asleep in Jesus. Funeral at 2. o'clock p. Jc WEDNESDAY, August 7. Interment private. 2 ENSCOE On Monday, August & 1889, atS.30 p. M., Thomas Henbt, oldest son ot Corne lius and Mary Enscoe,aged25years9 months and S days. Funeral services on Wednesday at 2 o'clock P. JL, from the family residence, No. 47 Lincoln avenue, Mlllvale borough. Pa. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 .FOSTER Adelaide Paulson, infant daughter of Case A and Elizabeth Paulson toster.-, Funeral from residence of her parents, Mans field, Fa at 2 JO Wednesday afternoon. GEY At Allegheny, on Mondav morning at 620, of pneumonia. John Gey, aged 41 years, brother-ln law of Mr. G. Gollmar, 240 Arch street. anB for years salesman at the shoestore of Mr. Zles, 150 Ohio street. Funeral services at the German M. E. Church, corner of Ohio street and Union' avenue, on Wednesday afternoon, August 7, at 220. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 HAYDEN On Sunday, August 4. 1SS9. at midnight, Mabt A., relict tonne la late Andrew u. iiayaen. Funeral from the late residence. No. 725 Fifth avenue, on Wednesday morning at 8:15 o'clock. Services at St. Agnes' Church, Fifth avenne, at 9 A. if. Friends are invitod to attend. JONES On Monday, August 5. at 3.30 o'clock A. M.. at tbe old homestead in Cbartlers town ship, Catharine G ills v Jones, relict of the late Nelson Jones, in her 78th year. Funeral services at her late residence on Wednesday at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are invited to attend. MILES At his residence, Charles P. Mtt.-ith, in the 86th year of his age. Funeral services to be held at tbe Eewlckley Baptist Church, TuCsssat, August 8, at 3 P. K. MORRISON On MondayjLugust 5, 18S9,at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Annie M. Morrison, wife of W. C. Morrison, No. 314 Carver street. East Lib erty, in the 33d year of her age. The funeral services on WSdkmdat at 2 o'clock p. M. Interment private-at a later hoar. 2 MURRAY On Tuesday afternoon, August 6, 1889, at 3 o'clock, suddenly. Alios Lewis, infant son of J. Frank and Son Savitt Mur ray. "God's finger touched him and he slept." Funeral services at his father's residence. At wood street, on Thursday, August 8, at 10 A. X. Interment private. McKENRY On Tuesday. August 6, 1889, at 2 40 p. u, Mart, daughter ot John and Mary McEenry, aged 11 months and S days. ' Funeral from the parents' residence, Twenty ninth street, Twelfth ward, city, on Thurs day, at 2 p. x. Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. SPAHN Tuesday evening. August 6, at 7.10 o'clock, Maroaretha Jennie, wife of Cnirles Spahn, aged 37 years, 6 months and 26 days. Funeral will take place on Thursday ArrERNOON, An gust 8, at 2 o'clock, from the residence, 109X Ohio street, Allegheny. 2 BTCTPY On Monday, 1220 P. 1C, NlCHLAUE Btufy in his 70th year. Funeral ftom his lata residence. No. 35 Senna avenue, Allegheny, Wednesday at 9 A. if. Requiem Mass at St, Joseph's R. C. Church. Interment private. ANTHONY MEYER, (Snccessoto Meyer, Arnold fe Co., Urn.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and rlsidence, 1184 Penn avenue. Tele phone connection. mylCWQ-Mwrsa JAMES M. FULLERION, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Btreet. Telephone 1133. ap272-WTSu w H.UEVOEE&SON, Undertakers and Xmbalmers and Zitvery Stables. No. MJ Grant street, near Wh avenue. At tbe old stand fine carriages tor shopping or parties or opera at tbe most reasonable prices. 'J elephone 23. mhu-M-wsa FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. a .7. B. MUMBOCH, 510 SMITHFIELD ST. Telephone 133. deS-M-KWT ROSES, WATER LILIES. FLOWERS AND FLORAL WOBKA GREAT RPECIAT.TV . l At low prices during summer. JOHN B. & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 233. 608 SKrrnist.l) 8T. Je28-jrw pETKESEMEU iS .MTTtfBrjKU in 1X1 Assrrs . S9fm.(M!K. Insurance Ce. ef North America, .utrarertco m. rut Mntneu. XSMsvdJuste4 aadpala by WILLIAM X. JONES. M Fourth avenue. -jaWafrB I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. USEFUL ARTICLES -foe-HOME USE. Sterling Silver Spoons and Forks. Fine plated Table Knives and Forks, with pearl, ivory, etched, oxidized and plain bandies. CARVER SETS, with pearL stag horn, sil ver and Ivory handles, put up in cases of two, three, Ave and seven pieces. A complete stock of Sterling Silver goods st WATTLES & SHEAFER'S NlTv7 STORE, v 37 FIFTH AVENUE. au7-MWF BARGAINS . WITH A VENGEANCE. 9834 yards Debeige, 6c These are goods retailed usually at 15c. 596 dozen Jerseys, 37c, 50c and 62c All black, smocked and plain. The best off er lngs yet. 896 pr. Lace Curtains, 75c. $1 and $1 25. All Satines, Lawns and Summer Goods must go, of this Bankrupt stock, . T. M. LATIMER, 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa, Jr31.arwTBu Portiere FolngBed. Beliable bed at a small cost. $12 00. Three sizes: Single, three-quarter and double. 10 per cent discount on all Johnstown orders. Midsummer Specialties Canvas Cots at $1 25. Factory,prices on large quantities. P. C. Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. an4-wsu PITTSBURG. SUMMER CORSETS Made of open material, rendering them venti lating, and the coolest Corset for Summer. Some ladies wear them all the year round: others only in summer time. Prices $L00 and JL25 each; sizes 19 to 30 inches. Send in your orders by mail if you are not in the city to shop. Special bargains in Ladies' plated SILK HOSE, at 75c a pair, in Pink. Sky, Lavender, Apple Green, Bronze, French Bine, Gendarme, Ma hogany, Tans, Browns. Slates and Blacks. Send In your orders by mall if you are not In the city to shop. POLKA DOT FRENCH COTTON HOSE, Black and Navy ground, warranted fast color, at SO cents; reduced from 75c a Dalr. Send In your orders by mall if you are not in the city to shop. LADIES' BALBRIGGAN VEST BARGAIN. High-neck and ribbed arm; sizes 2tf to S3, only 40 cents each: a regular 75c Vest; nice for me dium warm weather and country wear. Aline of Swiss Ribbed Vests, regular 35o grade, closing out at 25 cents. Send in your orders by mall if you are not in the city to shop. If you are in look at and buy one or more of the lot of small, NEAT HAND-BASKET8, on tbe end of the Ribbon counter. Just the thing to carry home a nice small lot of fresh Iruit. or other dainties. At the Ruching Department yon will find new things In FLAT RUCH1NGS and low-priced Tourist Rachings. Also LINEN COLLARS and some special values in White LINEN HANDKERCHIEFa Send In your orders by mail If you are not in the city to shop. HORNE & WARD. 41 FIFTH AVENUE. au3-s DR. ORR And Associate Physicians, No. 720 Penn avenue. Pittsburg; Pa submit a brief report of a few cases "Selected from their many patients for the ?&$G7lB,s M of persons slmi- 4 S'VC.i-'(fc larfv affected: Mrs. W. stated sba had been pronounced ln curable by some traveling doctors. Her disease Is one of which marry ladles complain. r)he is very much improved in three weeks' treat ment. Another case of clurvfoot. varv mat deform. Ity, now being treated; wlthfrht pain and Im- I pronne rapidly, you ng lady with, catarrh, bronchitis and kidney d taease; treated by a num ber of doctors, but grew worse; earned five DOtUXM durlnc first month's treatment Old eeatlssaan with varlcosevvates and ulcers on Bght ls cared wiferataM oration. Consultation free. O&ehoa-1 A. x.,2to6and7to3p.K. ' hoars 10 tO'llsN Bt jyn-D NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sHssrVisT'sRssW We Do HotSeil Shoes, But e have a specialty oi our own that Is by all odds the coolest, the cheapest, the most serviceable article of Us kind. "We refer to the MANILLA SLIPPERS FOR LADIES and GENTLEMEN -A.-t $1 a, az?3 now on display at our stores. We admit that our assortment is somewhat broken, and that we no longer have all sizes, but that is just the reason you have the op portunity of buying Three Dollar goods for One Dollar. Pans. We haye too many, so down price: Folding Fans reduced from $ Feathered Fans reduced from Satin and Feathered Fans reduced from Fine Fans reduced from z Extra fine Fans reduced from 3 j , goes the xoto 5 SO to 35 75 o 50 50 to x 00 00 to a 00 One lot Palm Leaf Fans only One Cent PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS. White Lace Parasols re duced from Fancy Parasols from i Fancy Parasols from Fancy Parasols from $3 00 to $1 as reduced reduced 3 75 to 1 70 4 00 to 3 50 reduced 500 to 335 LA T0SCA UMBRELLAS, with silver detachable handles, which can be taken apart and packed in a trunk. All our $8 La Tosca Umbrellas reduced to one price. All our $9 La Tosca Umbrellas reduced to one price. All our $10 La Tosca Umbrellas reduced' to one price AND THAT IS Q-nly $5- . Fleishman & Co., PITTSBTJEG, PA. Orders by mall receive prompt attention, MAILED FREE OF CHAKQE; Catalogues and Price Lists of Books. Catalogues and Price Lists of Corsets. Catalogues and Price Lists of Patent Medi cines. Catalogues and Price Lists of House Fur nishing Goods. auT-s PAULSON BROTHERS. LADIES' BLAZERS, $3 60 and $4. In order to make room for our NEW FALL STYLE 8TIFF HATS arriving daily, we offer the following: One Dozen Outing Bargains. L Flannel Shirts SI 00 2. Bilk Shirts S 00 3. Fine Jersey Bliirts S0 4. Flannel Blazers S2 SO and 3 00 & Straw Hats. 25c and 60 6. Light-colored Drbys. 1 00 7. Soft Felt Traveling Hats. 75 8. English Tennis Caps SO 9. English Silk Bel's CO 10. English Silk Sashes 2 00 11. "Perfection" Hammocks loo 1Z Sterling Silver-headed Cane 1 00 PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. N. B. We are filling mall prders promptly to all parts of the United States. an5-xwr "W- S- "WM. ' 165, MANY In order to make room for the regardless of cost value. Consult HOW THEY GLITTER: 75c Black Dress Silks for 6o $1 12 Black Gros Grain Silk, 87a $x 25 Black Gros Grain now 95c. ft 50 Black Gros Grain for $1 i2. $1 Black Surah now 75c. $1 25 Black urah now $t. Though these are good all the year around we have concluded to throw them in with the other bargains. $1 all-wool imported Dress Goods now 55 and 60c, in fancy colors. 75c imported Dress Goods for 50c 40-inch all-wool Serges, 25c were 40c. 30c Henriettas for 20c, all colors. French Cashmeres, good line of colors, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c; these prices are ji off. Special drives in Table Linens this week. $1 25 bleached Table Damask, 72-inch, now $1 Table Damask, 72-inch wide, now 75c. 65c Table Linen, cream and white, now 50c 37 and 50c Turkey Red Tablings, now, 20 and 25c. s v Millinery of all kinds, i off. Carpets of alt kinds, f. Fara- sois ana fans, wovu NSW ADTERTlSKMlCrT. WillYou Buy I If Quality Is Good and Prices Extremely Low? Wo have gone thoroughly through our stocks of SUITS, PANTS, LIGHT DERBYS" and STRAW HATS and also SUM MER FURNISHINGS and have out the prices so as to leave no doubt as to the genuine ness of our bargains. Quality as good as ever, but prices 25 per cent to 60 per oent lower than they previously were. Men's Suits that were 89. $10, $13 60 and $10, are now $7, $8, $11 and $13. Children's Suits, for merly $2 76, $4, $6, $6 and $7, now $2, $2 60, $3, $4 50 and $6. All other goods likewise reduced. Don't neglect your own interests by failing to take' advantage of this sale. -- STRASSBURQER & JOSEPH, Tailors, CIotMers ail Eatters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. JyMwrsu On a New Tack. Look outL what you pay just now. Here's your choice. Clothing of the buyers know-not-what make or qual ity, and, Clothing of our make, that we're responsible for. Inferior clothing shan't hide behind low prices any longer. We'll knock that prop from under it. There'll be low prices for you at Wanamakers, too. We've said fair prices till now. Now superior as our goods are we say, Low Prices. We don't propose to hold this season's goods for next. We'll make' low prices sell them. Let the cheap look out All sizes and qualities in Thin Goods and Serges. i.ooo styles to make to measure. - Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenne. frmL PHOTOQRAPHEB, 18 SIXTH 8THEEK. A fine, huge crayon portrait IS 60; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, S3 and t2 60 per doranT PROMPT DELIVER; apli-16-MWT3u TLQlSTlDrsr m SBMPLE'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. BRILLIANT j. Fall Stock beginning to arrive the your interest by an early investigation NEW ABVEKTISEMXIfTS. BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street. Look at Our Bargains for This Week. Holland windowahades, assorted colors, with fixtures. 25c Five ft, curtain poles, brass trimmings, only 21c. Water sets, on tray, 60e to SI 60. Union Webb hammocks only Doc Large Mexican hammocks only SI 25. Croquet sets, varnished, worth f 1 23, only 73a Gents' traveling bags, all styles, from COo to$4. " Traveling baskets and lnnea basket from 16e totiea Silk nlnsh albums only 69c i Elegant J OB&iloi Elegant pictures, oak frames, sue 22x24, sold everywhere at 15c. only 6c Statues. 60 different subiects. from 10c to ,13 60. Nickel clocks, warranted, only 75c Bookshelves, In walnut or oak, only ft. jjiacjc wainus tames, omy ii. Brass bird cages. 75c, 89c and JL FalnteQ cares. 60c ;7&C .SOcSL .tteautiful decorated front wall pockets, 60c and JL EYlk plash cabinet frames only 26c B tass cabinet frames only 10c G Iris' doll carriages. 60". 75c 05c. tt Bo vs' 4-wheel wagon, with seat, only 95c Iro'il rakes, hoes and hovels, for children, only 6 e. Children's toy tin palls, with abovels.6e and 10 - Hundreds of dolls, in china and bisque heads, which we are selling at half price. Elega ct vases, which we have lost dosed out from a Importer, which we are offering at prices di tver before heard of, Bargal u thbi week in housef urnishing goods. 65-piece English decorated Ua set, worth ft, only S2 S3. lOS-pIece 35agllsh decorated dinner set, worth H2. only 18 Q- 10-plece Ezllh decorated toilet set. worth fa 50, only at 26. Plain glass tumblers only 2c 100 doz. whi'to platM. asst. sizes, only 3c each. Banded gob.Vsu, worth si doz., only 6c each. 2-qt covered ' tin pail only 6c Chamber pal Is. asst. colors, only 18c Cuspidors, as tt. colors, only 5c A full aasortr sent of iron kettles, enameled kettles, saucep ns, tinware, glassware, wood ennware, silvern are. etc Goods delivered free in Dotn cities. H. C. aoi-wau HAYDEN & CO. p .a. m :H5 :n a? s . X O. D. LEVE T. Solicitor of Fatsnts, 131 Fifth avenne, abo re Bmithfleld,rxt Loader office (No delay.) .1 established 20 years. se29-hla HOPPER BROS, & CO.'S DISPLAY OF GOODS FOR THE FALL. IS I3IMPLT MARVELOUS. Their enormous' wnrerooms are crowded to excess with a stock that is not ex celled in the two cities, comprising aU the latest novelties in FURNITURE and ART GOODS, and prion, well, they ore lower than ever, so much so that our goods are placed within the reach of all, when yon take into consideration the great advantage we offer tbe buying public, that is our system of selling on ZES-5T TEzfenVCS of ."TLEHSTT. Our 20 per cent reduction sale on BABY CARRIAGES is stUl going But we still have a few more -of them take advantage ot the discount CARPETS ! Talk about houses dealing in Carpets alone, having a large stock for their fall trade, why it will do your eves good to come down and see ours, and when yon are down ask to see our stock of IiAOE CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, they are simply unexcelled. ' ESFDon't forget who we are avnd where we are, and if you make one purchase here you are sure to give ns your trade in the future. HOPPER BROS, & GO,, THE LEADING- HOUSE FDRNISHEES, 307-"WOOD ST.-307 gSole agents for the DAVIS SigWIKG MACHETE. No One Doits It The evidence that we are veally selling out to quit busi ness can be seen at a glance by calling in our store. Tlease don't infer from this that the cream is gone and only inferior everyday goods left from which to select. Such is not the case, Wlien we commencid this Closing Out Sale our stock was im mense and of great variety f and although, in the time, our sales have been increasing beyond our expectation, we stiU have a good assortment, but it will not-always be so. Embrace this opportunity and call soon. Everything in the line of Lamps, Glass, China and Queensware, Qas Fixtures, Bronzes, Clocks, Useful and Ornamental Goods, all new, fresh and latest styles and best quality. All must be sold at the earliest possible date. Give us a call and we are confident we can please you in goods and prices. The J. P, Smith Lamp, Glass and China Co,. 935 Penn Ave., Between Ninth and Tenth Sts. ATTG-TTST 5. GEMS THIS entire line of Summer Goods in all of our prices. AND THEY We are offering some rare Towels. $1 25 Table Damask, 72 Damask, 72 inches wide, for 7;c. 60c now 45c. 50c Turkey Red Tablings, Tabhngs, 20 and 25c. i2c lieht colored Satines now i2c. 40c Scotch Gingham for 25c, Bargains in black Cashmeres, 25c up. All-wool black itennet 50c, were 65c 75c Henriettas now 60c Cloth and Cassimeres, Men's wear, all J3 off. $2 50 and 53 Attractive prices in Men's Furnishings, such as 50c Unlaundned 5mr now 35c; the 40c Underwear now 25c; the 50c French Balbriggart bo 33c. New Fall Prints, Ginghams, Percales, Chintzes, now in stock. Mail orders promptly filled at lowest prices. . 1 Store closes at 5 p. m., except Saturdays, until September l HEW ABTEKTISEXEm. B. &c B. Wednesday, August 7. NEW PLUSHES: 34 shades, i6-incb, at 40c a yard. 24 shades, 18-inch, at 50c and 75a 25 shades, 24-inch, at 75c and $1. (II quality for Suitings and Dress purposes.) 21 shades, 24-incn, SI S3, worth SO. Extra quality 23-Inch attl 6u 34-Inch Flush at S2, for upholstery. 22-inch all-silk plash at 8. 16-Inch black plush at 40c Extra quality white plushes and light iTilrtM J for painting and fancy work. NEW VELVETS: 1 6-inch colored velvets, 5 oc. 18-inch, 75c to $2. Special value 22-inch velvet $1 50 and $2 50. Full lines to finest grades. at New stock fine Embroidered Flannels, 65c a yard up to 12. Special pretty shades all-over Embroidery, Skirting; cream ground, SI 25. Navy bine Twill Flannels, for bathing; suits, 20c to 00c a yard. N Extraordinary business and Muslin Underwear. doing in Cambria B0GGS & BUHL5 115,117,119,121 Federal., Allegheny THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COHPANT, ' Philadelphia. -Total Assets, January 1, 1837 f,301,S58 01 EDWAXDS JiKEIHTEY, Ag'ts, QO FOURTH AVE., Pittsburg. P. 3 Telephone 700. jaleo-ir TTIJL.TD ICE CHESTS, REFRIGERATORS and on, and we are selling our stock off rapidly. left, so that for only one week sore yon can CARPETS ! au4-'WTSu aut-WTsa "W".. S- WEEK. the various departmentswill be soUtj SPARKLE: bargains in Table Linens, Napkinsjj inches wide, for Si. ?i-l Table Damask, cream and w 31 and 37c 37c Turkey Rdj 6c Best American Satines and the beautiful ChaUis at 6c.) colored Parasols, all now Ji 25.1 Now
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