Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 07, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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i. . Kqpiit iTT TTTTSiil!W-il
k 'Bippfolj.
Vol.41, It o. 1SL Entered at 1'lttsburg l'ostoffice,
November 14, 1SS7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 09 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing: House 76,
77 and 79 Diamond Street;
Eastern Advertising Office, Hoom 45, Tribune
liulldlnr, ItewYorL.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
TuxDlsrATCHforsix months ending Julys, 1889,
as sirom to betore City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
Tax DisrATin for tbree months ending July SI,
Copies per Issue.
DAILY DISPATCH, One Year ? 8 00
Daily UisrATCH, l'er Quarter 2 00
Dailt Dispatch. Oneilonth 70
Daily DisrATCH. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
Daily Dispatch. Including Sundny.Sm'ths. 3 50
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, 1 month 80
buxDAY Dispatch. One lear 1 50
"Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 3
Tna Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carrUrsat
35 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at
10 cents per eeb.
, he strike of the coke workers in the
1 Connellsville district bids fair to rival
preceding wages disputes in that indnstry,
for the incongruity and unexpectedness of
its events. The strike of 1887 made a re
markable record in that way, but the
present one rivals it as far as it has got.
The former strike, it will be remembered,
was due to the refusal of the men to accept
the verdict on an arbitration, it was
hardly thought that such a strike ought to
or would succeed, but after it progressed to
a certain stage the Carnegie interests con
ceded an advance. By all precedents this
was a harbinger of victory; but after a
continuance of the strike in the
other works the contrary was found
to be the case, and the men
gave up. This year the strike in a large
share of the works is in violation of another
principle fully recognized by labor organi
sation, namely adherence to a scale signed
by the representatives of the men. Under
such circumstances the operators declared
that they could have no security even in
conceding an advance, and the public gen
erally believed them. Yet within two
weeks the operators have been offering an
What other particulars may be developed
in which natural expectations will be re
versed are yet to be seen. But there is
ground for the opinion that, in wages dis
putes, both operators and employes in the
coke regions are decidedly uncertain quanti
. A New York court scandal, in which a
person who some years ago became notori
ous for making away with considerable
money trust, now appears as a fiduciary
officer, in the court and as active in the pro
duction of a bogus-divorce for the benefit of
an influential politician, naturally creates
some sharp comment. The result, however,
is so natural considering the premises, that it
should not occasion any surprise. If a man
who lias been notoriously unfaithful in
a private trust is put in a position of publio
trust no one has a right to consider it re
markable if he follows out his custom of be
trayal. The record of public affairs in New
York is not such that the public at large
need feel any surprise that people of this
sort are put in public positions. A city
'which? permits its Aldermen to sell public
franchises, at the rate of 520,000 for each
Alderman, and which elects a District At
torney for the express purpose of preventing
convictions for that bribery, has no right to
get worked up over a little matter like the
manufacture of bogus divorces by the regu
lar officers of justice.
It is the good fortune of Major Montooth
that no matter how Old Time rolls on he is
still spoken of by the press of the State as
ihe "popular young Republican," the
"handsome young Pittsburger," etc "While
paying deserved compliments to the Major
for his many estimable qualities, his youth
fulness is never forgotten. As a matter of
fact a man who made an excellent record in
the war, and who has been for 25 years
prominent at the bar, would not ordinarily
be classed among the "young" fellows, but
the Major is of that cheerful, hearty dispo
sition which never grows old. Whatever
his fortune in the political field and his
countless friends are making gallant prepa
rations for him he can at least congratu
late himself on the personal enthusiasm
with which the announcement ot his re
newed candidacy has been received, even
thus early, in very many districts of the State.
He certainly would make a dignified, able
and immensely popular Governor.
Whether the honoris to come his way will
depend on the degree in which the political
powers that be feel disposed to recognize the
desirability of these qualifications in the
Chief Executive in preference to fealty to
The fondness of our esteemed and brilliant
cotemporary, the New York Sun, for en
riching the terminology of politics with new
and astonishing words has heretofore been
one of its effective characteristics. It has
injected the term "Mugwump" into our
language, and has given a newspaper pro
prietor in a neighboring State more than
local fame under the title of "a hebetudin
ous crank." But there aie cases when its
efforts in this direction require a diagram or
glossary. Snch an one is presented, when,
in connection with Senator Quay's alleged
Presidents! ambition, it inquires in its
headline "Would He Like a Chaneg?" The
answer to the question will depend entirely
upon what a "Chaneg" is. Senator Quay
is not the kind of politician who wishes to
grab everything that he hears of, without
understanding its nature. He will under
take the disposition of offices, in round lots;
but he takes care to know beforehand what
the offices are. The name "Chaneg" does
not sound very attractive. Unless it is a
new kind of fish we do not believe that a
statesman of such discriminating and care
ful taste as our own Matthew Stanley,
would care for it.
The members of the Grand Army of the
Republic, in various sections of the country,
have voted to sustain the action of certain
of the department commanders who recom
mended the members of that order, on ac
count of the refusal of the railroads to ac
cord the rates on excursion tickets, of one
cent per mile, to stay away from the Mil
waukee encampment.
It is undoubtedly a legitimate right of
the members of tho G. A. E. to stay away
from their national gathering, if the rail
roads do not give them an excursion rate
such as they can afford to pay. This is a
right which belongs to everyone; and as the
railroads took concerted action in their
refusal to grant the requested excursion rate,
the concerted actfon ot the members of the
Grand Army in staying away because the
rate was not granted, is little more than tit
for tat. But as there are intimations that
the Grand Army as a body will now pursue
a policy antagonistic to the railroads, it
seems necessary to remark that the order
should not permit itself or its members to
be swayed upon questions of public policy
merely by personal grudges.
Tub Dispatch has long held the posi
tion that there are measures of legislation
and regulation required to prevent actions
on the part of the railroads against the pub
lic interests. If the members of the Grand
Army of the Republic should take up that
question, solely for the publio welfare, they
would be carrying put their reputation for
patriotism and disinterestedness, but if they
propose to antagonize the railroads merely
because they have not enjoyed the special
favors to which they considered themselves
entitled, they will put themselves in the po
sition of trying to squeeze the railroads for
private revenge.
This is an attitude which a patriotic order
like the Grand Army cannot afford to take.
They should take care not to forget the dif
ference between acting on public questions
for the good of the public, and acting from
personal and selfish motives.
The very interesting fight which is afoot
in Allegheny Councils between the, rival
passenger railway lines, as to whether one
can debar another from rights of way, is at
tracting lively attention. The charge is
openly made that while the people of the
lower part of Allegheny desire cable service
they cannot have it, because the interests of
an opposition line might be effected. This,
of course, is the poorest of all reasons; but
it is of the sort that sometimes is potent.
Taken into account in connection with
the award of contracts for fire engines across
the river to the highest bidder, it might
provoke some pointed sarcasm on the pro
tests which are occasionally heard from
Allegheny against consolidation with Pitts
burg. These invariably set up "ring rule"
and corrupt politics in the Pittsburg munic
ipality as the cause of refusal. -From recent
indications it might seem as if that sort ot
suggestion will savor hereafter of the pot
and kettle controversy.
However, in Pittsburg, as well as in Alle
gheny, the franchise question and the con
flicts of rival corporations, show signs of
leading up to "merry war" in the near
future. The quantities of dividend-paying
water which is injected into the capitalisa
tion of some of the companies has already
invited eager projects of competition, par
allel lines, and so forth. Some of the re
cently procured charters are for that pur
pose. There will doubtless be a cheerful
time ahead when the plans are fully devel
oped. Meanwhile it is a hardship that the peo
ple should have to wait for rapid transit in
any district of either oity on these conflicts.
In Pittsburg, just as in Allegheny, there
are needed lines of road which would be
built and which the property owners would
welcome, but which are now kept back com
pulsorily to wait the maturing of other
schemes witn which they might interfere.
We will soon witness a desperate struggle
to serve the dear people iu all quarters for
the profit there is in it, against which the
existing lines will feel called upon to make
a big fight to "protect" their interests. So
valuable have franchises become in thriv
ing, populous cities like Pittsburg and Al
legheny, that the fight over the Councllmen
of the future will be fiercer than anything
known in the past.
The report of Consul General Charlton H.
Way on the Russian cereal trade, gives offi
cial notice to the fact which has often been
referred to in these columns, that every
corner or combination to artificially raise
the price of wheat, has stimulated exports
from Russia to the consuming markets of
Europe. Not one dollar is added to the
wealth of America by such juggling with
the great staples, but the trade has in every
such case been handed over to Russia or In
dia. A large share of Russia's wheat ex
ports is shown to be due to the operations of
the Chicago gamblers.
This is the inevitable result of manipula
tions in any staple. In staples like wheat
and petroleum, of which large amounts are
exported, the idea is a favorite one among
the cornerers and monopolists, that as for
eign consumers must pay the advance, this
country should approve rather than prohibit
the artificial enhancement of prices. But
the fact is that foreign consumers do not pay
the advance. In the grain trade the result is
tbat domestic producers lose- the trade. In
petroleum the monopoly of the Stand
ard has enabled it to put the
price on exported petroleum lower
than the price which it makes the
people of the' United States pay for their
light; and this reduced price, made to meet
foreign competition, has been speciously
cited as an evidence that the freedom of the
Standard from competition has not prevent
ed a reduction of prices.
The fact is that corners and combinations
are invariably at the expense of the public
That does not trouble the manipulators at
all. They do not care whose money they
get, so they get it. But it is well that the
people should see the real effect of these arti
ficial barriers to the transfer of products be
tween consumers and producers.
The investigation which has been going
on into the Illinois coal strikes have pro
duced a declaration from one of the mem
bers of the investigating body that "both
the miners and operators are in a great
measure justified in their positions. At the
prices offered the latter they can only do
business at a loss and.at ,the prices offered
the former they cannot earn a living."
This is supposed to present an insuperable
dilemma; but it does not. If an industry
cannot obtain enough for its product to
afford itslabor living prices, it has no right
to exist. If Illinois coal operators cannot
give the miners a living, they should cease
production. Pennsylvania and Ohio mines,
while not paying royal wages, can certainly
pay enough to keep their men from starva
tion, and in addition can pay the freight
charges for taking the coal West and selling
it in competition with Illinois coal. If,
with the advantage in the haul, Illinois
operators cannot give their miners some
thing better than starvation wages, they
should go out of business.
Some light upon the sincerity of this plea
is afforded by the fact that the inter-State
agreement, putting wages on an equitable
basis as between the varions districts, was
broken, up because the Illinois operators in
sisted pn squeezing their men lower than
the wages fixed by that compact.
The labor leaden who are poshing the
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proceedings againsttne foreign glassblowers,
at Jeannette, declare that they are going to
urge the case in prder to prevent its being
outlawed. Tbat is their right and duty;
but their performance of that duty can
hardly have much effect on the opinion of
the public that a law which prevents a
labor organization from bringing needed
workers to this country is not particularly
beneficial either to labor or industry,
Mb. Allen O. Metebs, of Ohio, in a
recent speech opposing the single legislative
district amendment to the Ohio Constitu
tion, is reported as saying: "This is the
plan which prevails in New York City,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg. This is the
plan which has given to New York and
Pennsylvania the most cprrupt Legislatures
that have ever sat in any State of the
Union." We are not perhaps quite quali
fied to discuss with Mr. Meyers the re
spective corruption of the Pennsylvania
and New York Legislatures as compared
with that famous body of which Mr. Meyers
was a member, and which elected Senator
Payne for a liberal consideration. But as
it happens to be the case that out of the
eight legislative districts of Allegheny
county, six send two or more members to
the Legislature, and that s majority of the
districts in the State are more than single
legislative districts, there seems to be room
for the conclusion that Mr. "Myers method
af argument is in forming his facts to suit
bis theory.
The City Assessors state that their force is
at work in gettingout the pamphlet of assess
ments, which is ao far satisfactory. Never
theless, could not an assessment that was
complete last spring in time to put the tax
list in the hands of the City Treasurer on
the first of April hare been copied a little
more promptly?
A unique view of social distinctions is
presented by the Boston Qlobe, which says,
that alter Sullivan has bowed to the "super
stition" in the South that the law must be
vindicated, he "may become the hero of tho
day with those who are now calling for the
vindication of the law." It is quite possi
ble that after Sullivan has been instructed
by the law in some such useful and honora
ble occupation as breaking stones, the sen
sible part of the public will be willing to
accord him a little heroism in having him
become an honest and useful citizen.
The statement that a forgerwas pardoned
by the President out of a California peniten
tiary because he wrote a campaign poem
in honor of Harrison, is one Of the
productions of the opposition press that
calls for a very sudden crushing, if it is not
We like anecdotes concerning political
characters, and those which the Chicago
Post publishes are generally fresh and
funny. But when it steals the old story of
the eloquent way in which Tom Corwin re
plied to a man who stood on the edges of
the crowd, shouting, "Louder," and credits
the exact speech to Governor Leon J.
Abbett, at the last St. Louis Convention, it
is necessary to warn it against the indica
tion that it is getting into its aneedptage.
Ouc naval vessels should understand
that it is hazardous for them to try to knock
off the rocks along the Atlantic coast.
They should succeed in conquering their
old enemies, the coal schooners, before they
tackle the rockier task.
The rumor that the Standard Oil and
Sugar Trust crowd are forming a combina
tion to control the supply of guinea pigs,
lambs and dogs lacks confirmation. Of
oourse it would be a subject of grief to
these eminent capitalists if they allowed
anything that contributes to life to go un
monopolized; but at present His hard to
see how they are to follow their favorite
policy of restricting production in the case
of those very productive animals.
The people who smuggle in bad whisky
and other injurious delicacies to their sick
friends in the West Penn Hospital must be
of the opinion that the sooner their friends
get out of this world of misery the better
for them.
When we find our cotemporary, the
Detroit Free Frexs, criticising Mrs.
Heman's poem concerning the landing of
the Pilgrim Fathers, because it speaks of
their landing on a rock bound coast, with
the correction that "rocks are scarce on the
sandy stretch of Cape Cod, it becomes
necessary to suggest that the esteemed
Free Frett should overhaul its geography
and make a note of the fact that Plymouth
Rock is not located on Cape Cod.
Attorney General Muxee left Wash
ington yesterday afternoon tor Indianapolis.
The Rev. William Ambler, a prominent
Episcopal clergyman of Virginia, is going to
Japan as a missionary.
'It Is not generally known that Mr. Gladstone
bas only three fingers on bis left hand. The in
dex finger was shot off 47 years ago, by an acci
dent in the bunting field,
HE key Ieving recently told a friend that
be would not visit the United States again be
cause of tbe shabby manner In which he had
been treated by the press.
President Caenot, of France, is a literary
man by inheritance and habit, He has written
a good deal of poetry which has never appeared
in print. Parisian publishers hare tempted
him in vara.
Pbof. Mahaitt. of Trinity College, -Dublin,
who Is now at Chautauqua, says that the
leading authority on ancient Greece is Br. D.
Orpfeld, of the German school at Athens. Dr.
Opfeld Is a co-worker with Dr. Schliemann.
Excepting Walter Savage Landor, wbo
lived to be 90 years old, few English poets saw
the age of four score, which Tennyson reached
yesterday, though William Wordsworth, to
whose laureate wreath Tennyson succeeded
nearly 40 years ago, lived IS days beyond his
SOth birthday.
The Sultan of Turkey maintains 474 car
riages which Incur an expense ot 2,800,000
francs a year. Most of these carriages are of
French make. A few made in Turkey show
cleverness in construction. The tiultan per
sonally bas need for only abont four of the ve
hicles referred to.
Ivan Stepasofs, of Tobolsk, Siberia, is
making an extensive tour of this country. He
was at one time Governor ot one ot the Siber
ian provinces. After resigning this position be
made a large fortune in business. He is about
6 feet 9 Inches in height and weighs ISO pounds.
Be tells many startling tales of life in Siberian
Don't Monkey With tbe Preserves.
from the Omaha Republican.
Sit aown, Canada! You weary us. Little
foreign children wbo steal game out of Uncle
Sam's cupboard must be punished for their
own good. It is a great moral lesson we are
teaching in Behrlng Straits.
An Astronomer's Time Wasted.
yrom the Mew York World. 3
A European astronomer has discovered an
other asteroid. He might bare employed bis
time more advantageously. There Is nothing
more useless than an asteroid, unless it be a
M riding Toward Civilization.
From the Philadelphia Beeonh J
Oklahoma Is marching on with steady strides
toward civilization. The City Counoll ttt
Guthrie Is aooused of baring stolen $18,98e,fcBd
thus bankrupted the City Treasury.
, M,
A Carious Phmo of the Discussion on This
Interesting Subject Illusions of tho Bleb,
and Poor Contentment Better Than
There is much discussion just now about the
discovery by Dr. Brown-Sequard of a prepara
tion which will restore to tbe aged a portion of
their lost vigor. A curious phase of this dis
cussion has been the very generally accepted
conclusion tbat in the opinion ot most men
snch restoration would be of little value. Tbe
vast majority of people appear to have had
enough of life by the time tney reach tbe age
6f 60; and, looking back over the past, thev are
not sufficiently charmed with the retrospect to
desire any indefinite continuation of the strug
gle. They have suffered so many disappoint
ments, they bare found themselves bo rudely
thrust aside, the brightest and best of tbelr
friends have been called away, and the power
of making new ones bas been denied them.
The young are, perhaps, kind enough to them,
but they feel themselves hereon sufferance,
and are qnite ready to leave whenever, the
summons may come.
It is useless to deny the f aet that this is an
age of disillusion and much uneasiness. There
were many movements started at thebeginning
of this century which would strike us as ab
surd to-day. Anyone wbo is very enthusiastic
on any subject now is regarded with more or
less suspicion. Religion, charity, humanity, are
each closely questioned by thinkers, who doubt
tbe claims which formerly were accepted with
out hesitation. In America there is but one
dream which is apparently unladed, and that
is wealth.
Tbe avaricious rich man is tbe one who wilt
pay great sums to-day for a larger lease of life,
for bis goal often sbmes as brightly before blm
as it did in his youth, and no matter bow old be
might live to be, he well knows that there would
still remain possible wealth to accumulate.
When a man like Jay Gould feels that the time
has come for the care of bis millions to be an
unbearable burthen, but is assured that a few
byperdermlc injections will restore the same
old zest for million bunting, bow quickly the
doctor and his elixir would be called in, and
what a handsome fee will be paid in case of
To the poor it seems as though the rich man
oneht to want to live forever and be willing
to pay any price for tbe privilege. Most of us,
remarks tbe Frovldenoe Journal, can think of
so many things tbat we could find to do bad we
the wherewithal to carry out our plans. Life
would be so easy and pleasant, we could
travebeducate ourselves, surround ourselves
with all tbe comforts we now miss, and, in
short, make our existence pleasant and profit
able beyond tbe dreams ot the commonplace
lot we now endure. Tbe last stronghold of
romance to-day lies in the realm ot wealth.
There is nothing so fascinating as to think
what we should do if our rich and far-away uncle
should prematurely die and leave ns a million.
How suddenly we should be transformed from
the slouchy, indifferent, every-day creature we
now are to the joyous, fascinating bird of
paradise, floating from one beautiful scene to
another, to tho delight of all beholders and the
perfect satisfaction of ourselves.
Yet somehow those who are rich to-day do
not seem to be getting all tbe theoretical ad
vantages from their wealth that they should
derive. The ordinary rich man Is so apt to be
anxious and worried about so many things that
he cannot give himself up entirely to tbe en
joyment of tbe passing hour. He finds so
many difficulties to contend with not apparent
to tbe impoverished looker-on. In the first
place, he is so apt to overdo the creature com
forts of life; luxurious food, drink and homes
are indulged in, and bring in their train nu
merous diseases which narrass his days and
Then other people do not take any Interest in
blm unless they see a prospect ot maklngsome
thing out of him. It be would participate in
the joys of society be must keep up a grand es
tablishment and have gorgeous feasts where
all may overeat themselves. If he would asso
ciate with the great financiers he must be
able to trade with, them on equal terms, and
this requires much thought and study, 'or his
wealth is soon absorbed in useless enterprises
which have been skillfully unloaded upon him.
He cannot travel unless he has a strong phy
sique, capable of enduring great fatigue, poor
accommodations, bad food and long intervals
of ennui. Look what way be will, be finds his
lot circumscribed in directions which seem to
the poor to be limitless.
The real elixir ot life tbat is needed to-day is
a scheme of existence which shall bring con
tentment to all, independently of their cir
cumstances. People well know that there is
something wrong about this vast difference be
tweeen. the dreams of tbelr youth and the
realities of their old age. The process of dis
enchantment which they undergo breaks them
all up, and they begin to look forward to death
with eagerness rather than to expetiment with
rejurenators. It is a standing joke with those
who witness or read about the graduating exer
cises of our higher institutions of learning
that the youth must unlearn many things be
fore they can be taught the realities of life.
Why should time be wasted on the youncim
partlng to them so much knowledge aoout
things which are not so? Why is It necessary
for anyone to be started out on the road with
any false notions about where ils to lead?
This highway ot life is such a well-beaten
track, so many millions have traveled over it
for so many centuries and left an exaot record
of their experiences, that there is really nd op
portunity to go astray or come upon any new
combination ot circumstances. The kind of
medicine wbich would be of the most value,
is not an essence scraped out of lambs and
guinea pigs, but rather the essential experi
ences of past generations made available for
the present use of the humblest, as well as of
the most exalted. Ignorance of the exact con
ditions of life is the greatest evil of. the pres
ent day.
Yankee Capitalists Expect to Slake a For
tune From Them.
CnEEETFlELD, M&, Angust 6. About one
mile from the tannery at Beddington, a thriv
ing Washington county village, is a beautiful,
sheet of water many acres in area, known as
"Chalk Pond." The name originated from tbe
Queer chalky deposit which forms the bottom,
and for years the place bas been pointed out to
visitors by the Inhabitants of the section as one
of the natural curiosities of that vicinity.
Through the instrumentality of Eben KChurcb,
wbo lives here and operatos tbs great Bedding
ton tannery, and Charles G. Mitchell, an
energetic Bangor man, a company has been
formed to utilize this deposit, which is known
to tho scientific world as silica, and which is
very valuable commercially. It is made up of
the fossilized remains of millions of Insects,
and when taken from the water resembles clay.
It dries quite rapidly, and when the water ha
Jully evapotated the, color of ttre substance
changes to white and It bears a marked re
semblance to magnesia. It is a perfect non
conductor of beat and tbe best covering known
Xorsteampipesand boilers, while its uses can
be multiplied.
A peculiar feature of the enterprise it that it
will meet wltb no competition in America, for
there is only one other deposit ot the kind
known in tbe world, and that is in Germany.
The Cameron Silica Company, which has been
organized to work the deposit,.has a capital of
$2o0,000, and is composed almost wholly of
wealthy Massachusetts capitalists. They pro
pose to develop their property to a great extent
this year, and are now preparing to drain the
lake of much of its water and are forwarding
tbe materials for extensive buildings and a
large plant. This year's output of silica is ux
pected to be 00 tons. Next season they will
place several dredges at work and take the
deposit from the bottom. It is estimated that
the supply will not be exhausted for many
years. The pond is many miles from any rail
road, but steps bare already been taken to
extend a line to it.
More Profitable Than Polities.
From the Washington Poitl
Ex-Congressman William L. Scott, of Penn
sylvania, bas just invested S500,0U in Yonghio
gbeny coal lands. There are some things that
pay better than politics, as doubtless Mr. Scott
knows by this tune.
Madame Canrobert.
PabiB, August 0. lime. La Marchale de Can
robert died suddenly this morning. She was 10
7 ears younger than her hatband, and was next to
he Empress Eugenie, the most brilliant social
figure of the Empire, and the most beautiful
woman in France. She married Gen. Canrobert
art'rhls distinguished career in the Crimea, and
shared with him tbe honors or tbe Governorship
General Pklllppovlteh.
X'BJLGOX, August 6.-Un. l'hlllppoviteh, the
conqueror of Bosnia, died In this city laAt njght,
oi aptipiu.. -
Tbe Gas Company of Washington Fighting
All Oppoaltion.
WASiiraoTON, August ft Tho United States
Electric Heat and Power Company, the Pitts
burg corporation which several days ago se
cured from the commissioners of the dtstricU
what seemed to be an almost final concession
of the privilege ot laying underground wires
and lichtrng all of the fashionable northwest
ern section of the city with the Westtngbonse
Incandescent light, has just found Itself con
fronted by tremendous opposition. The gas
company and tbe United States Electrlo Light
Company have pooled their issues to defeat tbe
Pittsburger. The gas company bas practiced
impositions which bare repeatedly been
brocght out in Congressional investigations,
and each investigation bas compelled a drop in
pnee. which was pretty fully counterbalanced
by subsequent cheap and poor gas. Now the
company comes to the commissioners with a
piteous whine about having recently spent a
vast sum In tbe extension and Improvement ot
Its plant, and for tbis reason they claim they
shouldn't lose aslnglo lamp.
The United States Electric Company, which
uses the arc light, and which, from the develop
ments of to-day, appears to be a tender to tbe
gas company to help shut out any system of
effective electric lighting, argued before the
commissioners that the incandescent light pro
posed to be used by tbe Pittsburg concern was
not suitable for street ligbtlnc, and asserted
that the company merely wanted to get down
their wires laid for private use. Major Ray
mond, tbe engineer commissioner, flatly told
tbe gas company and Its electric tender that he
had examined all these questions, and was
favorably Impressed with the new system. To
the assertion of the gas company's President,
that no city ia the world was lighted as pro
posed, Major Raymond cited Pittsburg and
Paris. He said It was tbe purpose of tbe com
missioners to permit tbe new company to put
in experimental lights, and be was satisfied
that the trial would create a popular demand
for them that would amount to a furore.
The Major signed the contract this afternoon,
and it will be at once presented to tbe other
commissioners for their approval. One ludi
crous feature of tbe matter is tbat tbe Gas
Company has been dabbling in tbe Arc Light
Company's stock, hoping to monopolize tbe
lighting ot tbe Capitol, as at present, in case
gas were superseded, and they are now turions
to find a strong rival concern, with probably a
superior article, climbing over their beads.
There is much rejoicing among citizens at tbe
prospect of getting rid of tbe Gas Company's
monopoly, as tbey expect, even if they have to
pay as high rates, to get a much better light
than tbe present miserable, sickly, gaseous
affair, which is only a light burlesque.
Tbe Commission Meeta and Disposes
Three of tbe Institutions.
Haeeisbueo, Angust ft The Soldiers' Or
phan Commission met in this city to-day to
consider tbe(demands made by the ownersof
tbe schools at Jumonvllle, Whitehall and Har
ford for leasing those institutions for the ac
commodations of the children of soldiers to be
placed in them under the arrangement made at
the recent meetint of tbe commission in tbis
city. Tbe board decided to allow the owner of
the. Jumonvllle school H&00 a year for the use
of the several buildings on tho premises and
the 300. acres of land owned by Mr. Watres, tbe
principal. As ISO acres are nnder cultivation,
tho commission expects to realize from the
products of the farm about 2,000 annually, so
tbat tbe net cost of the school will not be more
than 2,600. The Harford school was leased at
2000 a year and the Whitehall at $1,600.
These leases carry with them all the beds,
queensware and otber articles In use In the
several institutions. The three remaining
schools selected by tbe commission are tbe
Loysville, Butler and Northern Home, in which
pupils will be maintained at $110 a year. The
necessary clothing will be furnished by tbe
commission at an additional expense of about
123 a Year In tbe Jumonvllle, Whitehall and
Harford schools all the expense incident to the
maintenance of tbe pupils will be borne by the
commission out of the State appropriation.
Mr. Watres, principal of the Jumonvllle school,
Mr. Bowman, of tbe Whitehall, and Mr. Clark,
of tbe Harford, were chosen managers of them
at a salary of J1..&00 each.
The Government Refuses to Decide n Blatter
In Which 896,000 are Involved.
Washington, August ft-Several years ago
tbe Court of Claims gave judgment for 590,
000 ia favor of Perez Dickinson, of Tennessee,
for cotton destroyed by General Burnside dur
ing the war. Some years 'after Congress pro
vided for the payment of the' judgment. Colonel
Woods, tbe attorney in the case, demanded
and received from the Treasury Department a
draft for the full amount. The draft was of
course made payable to Dickinson, but he re
fused to Indorse It, as be was afraid Woods
would retain more than he thought him enti
tled to. Woods wanted $24,000, or onerfourth of
the entire amount, for his services. Several
attempts were made to settle tbe case, but
without success. Finally Secretary Falrchild
recalled the original draft and Issued in its
stead, two drafts, both payable to Dickinson,
and delivered one of them, amounting to $24,
000, to Woods, and the other, for $72,000, to
Dickinson. The latter, however, refused to In
dorse the draft held by the attorney, and de
clined to draw the money on his own.
In the meantime. Woods brought salt in
Washington to establish bis right to a lien on
tbe judgment, but tbe case was dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. More recently, the case
was again heard at tbe Treasury Department,
and to-day Acting Secretary Batchellor de
cided to pay the entire amount of the claim to
Dickinson, and to leave the question of attor
ney's fees to be settled between tbe parties.
The drafts outstanding were accordingly re
called, and a new one issued in favor ot Dick
All Tblngrs Being: Equal, They Have Pre
fereneo In Appointments.
Washington, August ft In response to a
letter of inquiry from W. B. Cooley, Chief
Clerk of the Postofflce Department. James M.
Tyner, Assistant Attorney General for the
Postofflce Department, wrote that when the
Civil Service Commission certified three names
for appointment, and one of them was a dis
charged sailor or soldier, be must be selected
for the place. It was suggested in tbe inquiry
tbat if tbe appointing power were allowed no
cbolce in such a case, it would be useless for
tbe commission to certify more than tbe one
name of tbe ex-soldier or sailer. Mr. Tyner
said as to this, that If tbe name of but one
ellclble were certified, tbat person might be
come Incapacitated or fall to appear; hence,
the convenience and desirability of having
three names on the list
This opinion of Assistant Attorney General
Tyner was confirmed by the Attorney General,
who bowoTer, brought out more strongly tbe
point that the anpointlng power still bad the
riebt of Judging as to the ex-soldier's capacity
and personal fitness beforepntttngblm In place,
though, all things being equal, the soldier must
be appointed. The correspondence in tbe case
is being circulated among heads of divisions in
tbe various departments lor their guidance in
making appointments.
An Invitation Accepted to Attend a Cele
bration In Baltimore.
Harbisburg, August ft Colonel Magee, of
the Eighth Regiment, and the several captains
of companies comprising the organization, bad
a conference In this city to-day to consider the
invitation extended to the regiment to partici
pate in tbe celebration of the anniversary of
the battle at North Point, in Baltimore, on the
12th and 13tb of next month. Colonel E. H.
Wardwell, of Baltimore, of Governor Jackson's
staff, was present at tbe conference as the rep
resentative of the Maryland Exposition.
Colonel Wardwell indicated that tbe regiment
was particularly Wanted to participate In a
sham battle to be fought between tbe Mary
land, Virginia and Pennsylvania troops, on one
side, and all the remaining troops present on
The officers of the Eighth Begiment unani
mously agreed to accept the invitation.
Dauphin and a number ot otber counties rep
resented In the regiment had soldiers In the
battlo of North Point.
One Case In Which" Arbitration Is Not nn
Entire Buccess.
Chicago, August ft The arbitration com
mittee of three which was expected to report
to-morrow a basis of settlement for tbe labor
troubles in the Northern Illinois coal fields,
bas failed to agree. No two of the arbitrators
bold harmonious opinions. A conference of
the employers and wageworkers will be held
Tbe arbitrators, Messrs. Gage. Bend and
Williams, are to lay the result of theinlabors
before the conference, and it a compromise
docs not result will ask to be discharged.
An Editor Spectacle Reversed.
From tbe Chicago Inter-Ocr an.l
About tbe lath alt. one may reasonably e
pect "a rain of' meteors." That Is the time set
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7, 1889.
A Music-Lover Takes the Public to Talk
'for Kon-Appreclatlon of Harmony High
Praise for a PIltsburtT Musical Organi
zation. To tbe Editor of Tbe Dispatch)
Now that the heart and beat of summer hare
arrived, and the tastes of humanity in general,
drift toward "Heaven's -dlvinest gift music,"
it is not alone a wonder, but an outrage, that a
city of toe magnitude and importance of Pitts
burg, possessing as it does, thousands of crea
tures wbo are lovers of legitimate music, and
the Great Western Band, which undoubtedly
is second to none in the entire State, should be
compelled to drag through the dull monotony
of a hot summer, without the ever welcome di
version of the summer evening concerts as they
soothed and comforted us last year.
The Inexplicable peculiarities of human na
ture are indeed remarkable. Tbere was a time
when the clamoring of the people for music of
a high order of excellence was not without
reason, and tbey pointed, and very naturally,
too, with the finger of scorn at tbe city the size
of Pittsburg, which could not, or worse still,
would not, support a musical organization tbat
would be an honor and a credit to iu
Encouragement for Musicians.
The difficulty of being without the necessary
musicians of a requisite order of merit suf
ficiently to satisfy tbe demands ot tbe people,
liaabeen successfully overcome, at tbe present
dayiand now, with such a grand and musically
perftct organization as the Great Western
Bandstands betore us to-day, the disinclina
tion aid supreme indifference ot the people, in
this ripect, brands them with a lasting dis
grace and shame.
Hundreds there are who are ever ready to
growl akd grumble because they find such a
dearth df reputable musicians; men who are
veritable masters of tbe instruments noon
wbich thly play, and yet why need they. What
inducement have they held out to tbem, as
musicians! to better their proficiency, by re
ceiving encouragement through tbe medium ot
public patrnageT In tbe last ten years it bas
been my gou tortuno to have traveled over
thousands oimiles of American territory, and
to have cornoin contact with the crack musical
associations of the different States; but 1 can
truthfully anqoonscientiously say, that never
within my experience, have I beard men play,
(outside of skeb- nrofesslonals as Theodore
Thomas' men p
.nd others wbose only empioy-
inent is musl
c) whose instrumentation and
time are as
enect as louna iu we ureat
Ia the rpbllc Unapprrclntlvo f
Jt Is undoubtedly a band that has few dupli
cates in this pan of the country. It is a band
in which every layer is a master of his Instru
ment, a proflenc which bas been acquired only
after years of bird, exhaustive labor. It Is
composed of menwho were not slow to recog
nize the wants ofiPittsburg In a musical direc
tion, and reallztig that there existed a gap
which music of tils finest quality alone could
fill, the members If tbis band have filled this
gap be it said to I their honor and now that
they have placed it the disposal of tbe public
tbat blessing which tney so much coveted, the
latter refuses to esjoy it.
While I have said what I have, concerning
the Great Western Band, I desire to state that
I am not a player la tbe same, and that they are
under no obligatloas of any sort to me, nor I to
In conclusion, and In partial proof of what I
have said, let tbe reader look back to tbe pleas
ant days of tbe old Exposition, and what did
we find there as tbe center of attraction? The
old Great Western Band, with tbe handsome
face of its old and tried leader, Weiss, encir
cled by an atmosphere of harmonies and melo
dies, that would transport the bearer In a
dreaming ecstacy of delight into an Imaginary
Let Harmony Return.
The Exposition Society made the most for
tunate more of its entire campaign, during its
former existence, when it secured tbe services
of the Great Western, as is proven by the
myriads tbat flocked to the old building daily
and nightly, to listen to its beautiful music.
Let us only hope that with the resurrection of
tbe old and worthy enterprise, transformed
into a new Exposition of blusblne beauty and
i lasting existence, the walls of the new ediface
may resound, as Uld'the old one, with those de
licious Harmonies, wnicn out one Dana in a-iiis-Burg
is capable of producing.
A Lover of Music.
A Young; Man In Adninsvlllo Has a Strnngo
Hallucination. ,
Meabvixxe, August a There was quite an
excitement on Chestnut street, about 1-20 this
afternoon, created by tbe shouts and boister
ous actions of a young man who was being led
up street by two men. Such exclamations as
"I have neglected JesusP' "I must leave it all
with tho Saviorl" and "God save me from the
wrath to comer' fell from the lips of the poor
man. He was taken to the office ot the County
It was learned, that tbe name of the young
man is Isaac Hunt, and that he is a resident of
Adamsville. One of his relatives who brought
blm to tbe city said that tbe young man had
been paying much attention to religious mat
ters, of late, and Saturday morning bo sud
denly became violently insane, going out into
the yard and butting his head against a post,
saying he was determined to knock out bis
satanlo majesty. He is aged about 23 years
and unmarried. He has a very wild look, and
it is evident tbat his mind is unbalanced. Tbe
physicians who examined bim did not hesitate
to pronounce him Insane.
When tbe necessary papers bad been made
out. Hunt was Informed tbat he must go to the
Stato Hospital for tbe Insane. He seemed to
be more calm, and said to the man who bad
been trying to quiet blm: "1 don't like to put
you to the expense of taking me up there. I
want to take Jesus with me to keep tbe devil
away." Clark Holllster informed him that
there was no 'Other alternative, and the better
be behaved, the better be would be used. The
attendants departed with the demented man
tor Warren on train 2.
All Countries bat the United States Trading
at Buenos Ayres.
Washinqton, August ft Before leaving
Buenos Ayres forborne. United States Minister
Bayliss W. Hanna wrote a short report to the
State Department on immigration into the
Argentine Republic. He says it is setting in
from ail countries of Europe, and tbe great
number of arrivals is marrelons. Tbey are
generally assisted by the Argentine Govern
ment, to tho extent, at least, of having tbelr
passages paid from starting point to destina
tion in the interior. Tbe amount thus paid In
March H estimated at 81,000,000. or at the rate
ot 112,000,000 a year. Already this vast influx,
the Minister says, is begtnmng to tell on the
exports of corn. Last rear the country shipped
44a000 tons of corn. This year it will go above
2,000,000 tons. , ,. ,
Mr. Hanna further says: "In the vast fleet of
merchant ships and great steamers coming bere
to trade from every European port the United
States flag is barely seen, but It ishoped'and
believed tbat the policy of the new administra
tion on the subject of an encouraged steam
navigation between the United States and the
South American ports will successfully solve
this embarrassment."
A Comet That U Growing.
Geneva, N. Y.. August ft-Prof. Brooks ob
served his- new comet this morring and found
It much brighter and the tail linger. While
observing It a brilliant telescopiJ meteor passed
directly over the head of the tomet, leaving a
fine trail of sparks, lasting several seconds.
Tbe comet's position now is ifeht ascension, 0
hours, 6 minutes, 20 seconds; declination south,
6 degrees, 18 minutes.
Two of a Klsd.
rrom the Chlcaso Trlbnne.1
A production In one of the literary maga
zines for the current montb Is entitled "Grover
Cleveland-a Poem." By Edgar Fawcett.
Grover Cleveland is about as much of a poem
as Edgar Fawcett is of a poet.
The earth is but a bomb all filled with gas, '
A scientific prophet once asserted;
'In but a year I say 'twill come to pass
'Twill burst-our fate can't be averted."
The year passed swiftly on; earth still revolved
Around and round about Its rigid axis
Tbat they'd escaped, the populace resolved,
Tho borrldest of terrible climaxes.
Tbey straightway said the prophet was an ass:
Twas not, of course, polite, but they were
'Twas but bis theory, said they, exploded.
How had tbat prophet been exceeding wise.
To win high placv among ournodcrn seers,
He'd not have dated thus bis prophecies
Except beyond the coming thousand years.
6a would I say, dear reader, you'll do well
And this I thlnk's the moral of ny rhyme
When coming woes you strive to truly ted,
'Wltb all the future years to take your time.
John KcTuirichJiang tin Harper? t Bazar.
Worked Their Little Game Well.
New York, August ft A gang of burglars
sent a telegram to Mrs. John Hazleton, of
Brooklyn, to-day, to the effect tbat her sister in
West Farms, N. Y,-was dying. An hour after
receiving the dispatch, Mrs. Hazleton and ber
daughter shut up their bouse and were on tbelr
way to West Farms. Tbe burglars Immedi
ately entered the basement, ate a full meal,
smoked several of the absent Mr. Hazleton's
dears, and. after collecting: some 1300 worth of
jewelry, left. They hare not been caught yet.
Tbe Dry Docks lo'Great Demand.
Commander James O'Kane, of the cruiser
Boston, bas been very anxious all day to ex
plain to everyone how slight are the Injuries
received by his ship in Newport harbor. This
afternoon he said: "The Boston is not disabled
to any extent which is dangerous at all. Only
one plate In the outer bottom is scratched, and
out of mora than 70 compartments between the
two bottoms, only two of them are filled with
water. I would cross tbe Atlantic with her In
perfect safety. Of course I regret tbe accident.
I believe tbat I shall be found free from blame.
When the vessel Is dry-docked It will be seen
how little damage tbe boat has sustained. It Is
a case of great cry and little wool." Tbe dry.
dock Is In great demand at tbe Brooklyn Nary
Yard just now. Tbe Despatch occupies tbe
ways. Extra gangs are pushing the work upon
her, so as to make way for tbe Boston. The
Yorktown will be scraped and painted as soon
as tbe Boston shall have been made sound.
'Two Sulla Wltb a History.
Two suits with a rather curious history be
hind tbem bare just been brought against
Cyrus W.Field, In the Court of Common Pleas.
Carrie Beckner and ber father. 8. W. E. Beck
per, onco editor of the Corner Stone, Masonio
periodical, wish Mr. Field to pay them $50,000
each because some two years ago be printed a
very1 uncomplimentary bait column about the
Beckner family In the Mail and Expreu, then
bis newspaper. The article In question was
headed "to Younc and So Bad," and made out
that Carrie and ber mother were a bad lot.
Both were described as professional beggars
and blackmailers, who tried to 'conceal their
real occupation by pretenaing to sell newspa
pers at night. Mr. Beckner got a still worse
scorching at tbe bands ot Mr. Field's reporters.
He was accused of blackmail, of having mar
ried a ballet dancer whose mysterious and sud
den death In hls house was never explained,
and of having provoked his expulsion from
three Masonic lodges by his dishonesty.
Another Society Girl's Venture.
Another society woman has announced her
intention to take to the stage next season. She
is Miss Ruth Carpenter, of Indianapolis. She
has never been on the stage before, and is said
to be young, pretty and ambitious. Sho will
"play with Roland Heed in "The Woman
Hater," which opens In Boston August 19.
A Big; Italian on the Itnmpnae.
Gaetano Carmadella, an Italian tobacconist of
large physique and tremendous strength,
created a panic whenhegotbome drunk early
tbis morning. He dragged his wife out of bed
by tbe hair, cased his little girl, and tried to
carve up his mother-in-law with a butcher
knife. Two policemen and scores ot men and
women, half dressed and hatless, gathered be
fore the house. Tbe policemen broke down
the door, and pounced upon the big Italian.
Tbe knife was torn from his grasp at the first
onslaught, but his bare fists were a match for
the officers' clubs. He fought tbem like a
tiger, sending now one, now tbe other, reeline
to tbe ground. Tbe women turned with him
upon the common enemy, and the battle raged
hot and heavy. Furniture, show cases and
counters were smashed to Hinders. Eventual
ly the three men tumbled down the steps to
the street, Tbere one of the policemen fought
Carmadella at long range, while the other one
rapped for assistance. It took four policemen
to drag the big Italian to the station house.
Tbe Curious Manner la Which tbe Govern
ment Was Defrauded.
Belvzderz, N. J- August ft Special Pen
sion Examiner Potter has been InHacketts
town trying to recover 11,700 wbich was paid by
the Government through fraud to a pension
claimant. Tbe revelations in the case are
most startllnc and bare caused much excite
ment. HooeriB. jnuniMD, now aeaa.'years ago
married Elizabeth Hazzard. of Washington,
and the couple lived together until the war
broke out. He went to tbe front, and on his
return left his family and married a woman
named Martha Wright. Millham was arrested,
indicted tor bieamy, tried, convicted and im
prisoned. On bis release he returned to Martha,
and soon thereafter they moved to Hacketts-
town, where Millham made application for a
pension, ms aisaoiuties were not proven until
after his death,, and then bis so-called wife
drew 1,700, and was allowed a small sum
monthly. She was married soon after Millham's
death to Alexander Beatty.
Subsequently the rightful Mrs. Millham
heard ox tbe affair and placed ber claim with
the Government. Her Identity was easily estab
lished, and for .the second time the Govern
ment paid the J1.700 pension. Tbe Government
Is now trying to find tbe money paid to
tbe first claimant, now Mrs. Beatty, but with
littlo success. Tbe woman says she spent It all
before ber marriage with Beatty. Beatty owns
a fine farm, and tbe Government will try to
make it appear that the 1,700 went toward its
Height Hundred Pagoe on the Subject la a
Handsome Volume.
A handsomely bound and ricbly Illustrated
quarto volume of nearly 800 pages, entitled
"The History of Allegheny County"' has re
cently been published by A. Warner dc Co., of
Chicago, and Is now being delivered to sub
scribers in this city. The work is a valuable
addition to tbe already extensive literature on
the subject, treating as it does of early events
in tbe Ohio Valley and the West and of tbe
civil, military, educational, religious, Indus
trial and commercial development of Alle
gheny county during the 100 years of Its exist
ence. Many excellent portraits of prominent
citizens, both living and deceased, are pre
sented, together with many pagos of biographi
cal matter.
We have made but a hasty examination of
the work and are not. therefore, prepared to
.speak of its literary merit. The fact, however,
tbat it contains contributions from tbe pens of
such well-known writers as Hon. Russell Er
rett, Rer. Father Lambing. Rev. W. J. Hol
land, Prof. George J. Luckey, and many oth
ers, is a guarantee of the accuracy of those por
tions of the work at least. It is a handsome
book, and one which every citizen of Allegheny
county will find full of interest. ,
Mrs. Tones, of Lock Haven, Is suffering
from cancer, caused by a child's bite. Some
weeks ago a piece of meat lodged In ber grand
child's throat, and she thrust a finger into its
mouth to aid it, when tbe child closed its teeth
on It, The wound festered, and the finger was
amputated, but the poison now shows itself on
her nose.
Miss Mart Bender, of Lebanon, has a
ring-dove which she has kept In the same cage
for 23) ears.
Mbs. Sophia Shade, of Reading, vras
sweeping her yard on Saturday, when the
cover of a well gavo way beneath her. With
rare presence of mind she beld tbe broom
across the opening, and thus sustained herself
till help came.
Tnx other evening an old fellow about 80
and bis newly acquired wife, aged about 20, at
tracted attention and created mirth by their
loving and affectionate caresses at the front
window of. a SteubenTille hotel- Several sar
castic and unfeeling comments were burled at
the conspicuous pair, but they were utterly
oblivious to every one and everything but
tbelr own sweet selves.
GKOBQE W. Haoxt is fast becoming the
genius of the- village of Martlnsburg, Pa and
its surroundings. He has made a wheel seven
feet In diameter, added thereto a frame, ad
justing it completely In all its parts, and, hoist
ing it in high bearon. it runs with tbe least
breath of air. His next effort is to erect fans
lu bis dining room and 'attach them to this
wind wheel.
A cat went fooling around a creek near
Grafton, W. Va., looking for fish and got
caught. Amhdturtie nabbed her by the tall
and held on until her pitiful cries brought a
fisherman to her aid.
Isaac) Hoover and, William Ecrert traded
horses at New Holland, Lancaster county, two
days ago. Hoover paying Eckert 10 boot
Within half an hour Hoover's horse staggered
and fell dead, and -before the excitement was
over Eokert's 'horse likewise fell dead. No
cause for either deathWeld be eeajeetared.
A rustle bridge just completed In Hous
ton county, Ga contains 67 different kinds of
wood and vines, and all were grown in the
According to a story from Ohio a marked
sparrow, liberated at Londonrille'ln July, was
shot and killed In Huron. Dak- 11 days after,
and the question arises how did the bird get so
tar off?
A lot of old letters having upon them
stamps Issued by tbe postmaster at St Louis in
1S45 wero recently found at Galena, TIL The
denominations were 10 and 20 cents, botn of
which are extremely rare.
A little girl fell offa three-story house,
near Boston, and wasn't Injured In tbe slight
est There were three children on the roof
(tbey went there to play) and all of them lost
their footing owing to the damp condition of
the shingles, but two succeeded in grasping
the gutter and retaining tbelr hold until as
sistance arrived.
About 150,000 persons have gone to the
top of the Washington Monument since Octo
ber of last year, when It was opened to the
public. In this number were relic fiends, wbo
stole a number of the brass letters in tbe block
presented by tbe Swiss Confederation. The
rest of tbe letters bare been removed and the
Inscription cut in tbe stone.
A carriage road to tho lop of Pike'a
Peak has just been completed. It begins at
Cascade Canon, and extends IS miles until It
reaches the very summit of tbe mountain. H
147 feet above the level of the sea. Tbere is
one point. Grand View, where at an altitude of
10,852 feet one may see tho smoke of a loco
motive crossing Marshall PaisSO miles away.
The floods of this summer hare shown
bow great a protection against the inroads of
water a row of willow trees may be. The en
gineer in charge of tbe Potomac river improve
ments says tbat where willows were planted the
land was protected from washing, and prac
tically no damage was done, while in the im
proved land not so protected there was great
Henry Hurlburt, of Boscobel, Wis.,
pierced tbe ears and clipped the tail of his pet
cat, a very fine specimen of the feline species.
The animal immediately fell to weeping, re
fused to eat anything; and actually committed
suicide by banging itself with a rope tbat hung
from a hammock in Hurlburt's yard. Tbe cat
put its bead through a spilt In tbe strands of
the rope, and when discovered was stone dead,
with its bind feet resting upon tbe ground.
While Mrs. Charles Bindesbacker, of
Stockton, IU., was visiting friends in Mankato,
Minn., she was sitting talking with a friend one
evening when she was startled to see her sis
ter's face at the window. She made a sudden
outcry, and her companion also saw and recog
nized the apparition. Tbe next morning she
received a telegram from Stockton stating that
ber lister bad died at tbe very hour and minute
that she had seen tbe face at tbe window.
At Asbury Park last Sunday, several
thousand persons gathered on the big ocean
walk, the beaeb, and the famous fishing pier to
watch the fish in the surf. Tbere was an Im
mense school of mullets near the pier. Tbe
school must have numbered many millions, as
the surf was alive with fish. A school ot bluefish
and one of striped bass followed tbe mullets
Into tho shoal water and began gobbling tbem
up. Frequently big bluefish and heavy bass
would jump clear ot the water In their eager
ness to secure the small fish. A lot of fisher
men sat on tbe pier watching the antics of the
fish and growling because it was Sunday.
An amusing marriage took place in
Elberton, Ga., the other day. A eouple came
Into the Court House to be married. A new
Justice was called in. He had no form, and
Improvised a ceremony. He first ordered tho
couple to join hands, and then after hesitating
a while, be asked the groom these questions:
"Will yon stick to tbis woman through thick
and thin, up and down, right and left, hot or
cold, wet or dry, and have no otber.wlfe but
her? H you will, you can have her for a wife."
Similar questions having been propounded to
tbe woman, and Lffirmatlro answers having
been given, he pronounced them husband ana
A doctor who lived near the Back
Meeting-House, In Fairfield, Me., was one of
tbe best physicians in the county, but his skill
was no avail in tbe case of his wife, who kept
her bed for more than two years. One day
tbere was no grown person about the house and
her little boy came running In with a bad cnt
on bis finger or band, bleeding profusely. With
true motherly forgetf ulness of sell, she sprang
up, found bandages and properly dressed the
wound: then sitting down to rest she looked
around: everything seemed so pleasant and she
felt so nicely, she decided not take her bed
again, and she did not She lived several years
lnthe enjoyment of comfortable healths
James Waters, the recluse of Horse
Island, near the mouth ot tbe Detroit river,
died a few days ago. He lived tbe life of a
Crusoe on the island for 40 years, and little !s
known of him except he came from England.
His only companions at tbe time of his death
were two dogs and 40 cats. Among his per
sonal effects was a wonderful fowling piece
that was proved by a manufacturer's mark to
have becu made in England 200 years ago. It
Is called a pontoon gun, and was used by the
hermit in tbe wholesale slaughter ot water
fowl. Tbe length of tbe gun is 11 feet its di
ameter at tbe muzzle Tyi inches, and at tbe
breech &K inches. It bas a flint lock, and one
pound of powder and three pounds ot shot con
stitute a charge. With one discharge of the
weapon he often killed 60 or 60 waterfowls.
Among the original documents pre
served in the Interior Department at Washing
ton, the most interesting are the relics of 1780,
about 23 of which, hardly averaging the size of
an encyclopedia, are safely stored where lock
and key protect them from the casual visitor.
Tbe most striking feature of thee books is the
remarkably legible writing with which the
founders of the Republic recorded the name of
every bead of a household in the United States.
The census-takers of that period did not use
printed forms on which to tabulate this In
formation, baf ruled blank books for the work,
and in many eases made the books from blank
paper, wbich tbey bound by inclosing within eld
covers of books tbe leaves of wbich had been
cut ont However crudely these books are
shown to be made, there isnot one InsUnceln
whloh careless work can be charged, and In no
case was there any slovenliness ot penman
In a Nutshell. "Popularity is evanes
cent" 'ays a philosopher. It is Indeed. Just
see bow quickly the popularity of a popular sub
scription dies ont. Boiton Courier.
Old jokes may raise a laugh at times, but
Jokers who are sage
Make new ones, for they know that jokes are
always badinage,
Omaha Wortd-Hcrald.
The wise young man copies his fervent
love letters before he sends them to his darling.
Then by simply changing the names he can make
them do for several successive girls. SomervitU
Jenks "Got a new job, did you say?"
Yearly salarr. I suppose!"
Umbos "Well, I work by the weak."
jenks "What vou doing?"
Grubbs "Tending hospital patients Ktarney
(A'.) EnUrprUe.
Hard to Please. "Won't you let me hare
a few cents till to-morrow, Charllef"
Yes; here is a dime."
Something larfrer, please."
Certainly; hand back the dime and take this
two-cent piece. " A'no lor Suti.
On Forbidden Ground. "I have an ex
cellent steel trap for sale. Do you want to bay
"Have yoa a trap for sale? How did yon hap
pen tq strike it?" ?
'In the dark. Ton see, I was so busy hnntlnjr
for muskmelons that I didn't see It." Acta lork
Husband (after a quarrel with his wife)
Welt, let us drop It. I don't care to have any
words about it and besides I like to talk to a sen
sible person when I am talking.
Wlie (with a sarcastic langht Ton don't always
do It then.
H.-l don't
V, o. 1 sometimes hear you talking to your-'
self. Bottom. Courier.
Some Coming Norels. "Whisky
Straight " by the author or "Which Shall It Be?"
The Siamese Twins," by the author of "As
Unnatural lSondajre."
"On a Chicago Vara," by the author ef 'Tar
from the Madding Crowd."
'A Boiled Kxs" by tbe author of "Bad to
"Dandy Elvers." by the anthor of "Daisy
'The White Horse," by the anthor or "Bed as
a Bose U She." Terrs llautt Xxprtil,
There's something attractive about herj
It Isn't her beauty of face.
It isn't ber ribbons or lace.
But there's something attractive' about ber.
And 1 swear that 1 can't live without her,
And that is tbe state of tbe case.
There's something attractive about her;
It Isn't her glance or ber smile.
It lin't ber elegant style;
Btttl'm poor sad I can't live without her, ,
For tbat something attraetlvebout her, , ;
Botion tonr,j
rtf .- Botlonvountr.i
- .AJiM&&3Mji-
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