Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 07, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Of 110 Eevenuo Appoint
ments Anxiously Awaited.
Particulars as to Party Patronage
and Pleasant Plnms.
TThosa Friends Expect Their Eetentlon in
Fat Positions.
Collector of Internal Revenue Warm
castle is experiencing trouble in setting bis
list of appointments fixed up. He took the
list home with him last night, and made a
heroic effort to get it finally in shape, but
ira not by any means certain that it would
be completed within 43 bonrs. There are
110 appointments to make, and the claims
of nine Congressmen and 24 connties have
to be taken into consideration, for the Col
lector says frankly that he believes in home
It is understood that Sir. Warm castle
will give the present incumbents at least
two weeks' notfee, and the fact that he has
been in office two months and has not made
a single change speaks volumes for his
desire to do nothing that will impair the
efficiency of the service. It is even stated
that a longer tenure of office than two weeks
will be enjoyed by certain of the present
incumbents, whose sudden retirement might
throw matters into confusion. Mr. "Warm
castle has succeeded in securing the good
will of every Democrat now on the force.
The full list of employes in the Pittsburg
office Is as follows: Chief deputy,!!. J. Mitchell;
office deputy. Major J. L. Graham: paymaster,
W. B. McCormlck; J. M. Lindsey, bookkeeper;
J. B. Cox, bond clerk; W. B. Conway, assistant
bond clerk; J. A. McPike, stamp clerk; L. H.
Pike. Mary E. Roddy, M. W. Franks. William
Black and lizzie Keenan, clerks.
There are nineteen deputies, as follows: J.
EStillWdgon, FJrst divisioniSamuel Hawthorn,
Second division; H. E. Cook, Third division;
II. A.? Douglas, Fourth division; Jessie V.
Hoover, Fifth division; D. A. Sprang, Sixth
division; J. O. Kimmel, Seventh division; D. C.
Gillespie, Ninth division; J. L. Williamson,
Tenth division; J. H. Wilson, Eleventh divi
sion; John Barr. Twelfth division; 8. E. Walker,
Thirteenth division. Stamp depnties: F.
Schlandecker, Erie, Pa.: Wilson Dougherty,
Freeport, Pa-, and J. 8. Jones, Glbsonton, Pa.
ui tne aDove six make tneir neaaqnarters in
Their salaries range from J1.100 to
Of the entire list, as given, there happen
to be two Republicans who held office under
and during Collector Bieler's whole term,
and the positions happen to be two of the
best within the new Collector's gift. H. S.
Mitchell is Chiet Depnty at present, hold
ing the office next below the Collectorship.
Mr. Mitchell was retained by ex-Collector
Bijjler, mainly because of his great famil
iarity with the affairs of the office. This
fact, coupled with Mr. Mitchell's ebony Re-
Eublicanism, impels many to believe that
e will continue as Chief Deputy under the
new regime. The same reasons cause the
friends of Major James L. Graham to be
lieve that he, too, will continue to grace the
position of Office Deputy, although Col
lector "Warm castle has notmadc the slightest
intimation concerning his intentions in re
gard to
who escaped Collector Biglcr's sweep of the
Jacksonian office ax. Mr.Mitchell was in the
office as far back as in Collector Jackson's
time, while no one seems to remember the
time when Major Graham was not serving
"Uncle Sam.
The extent of the patronage awaiting Mr.
Warmcastle's distribution shades the neat
sum of $100,000 per annum. In addition to
the office force and deputies above enumer
ated, there are ten clerks whose salaries
range from $900 to $1,800 a year; 23 tore
kecpers who receive $4 per diem; 19 gangers
whose fees are not exceeding ?5 per diem, 30
gentlemen who combine the lunctions of
storekeepers and gaugers, nnd who, by in
verse ratio, receive from $2 to $4 per diem.
Live Notes oflntcrest From the Southside
The Chalnmaltors Ilavo Been Laid Ofl"
bat the Nailers Start Up.
The nail factory at Jones & Langhlins
American Iron Works started up again
yesterday after having been idle since the
first of July. The new 20-inch mill of that
firm is about ready to commence operations.
This is a new department the firm have
added to theirestablishment and about 150
men will find employment here.
The chainmakers at the American Iron
Works have already been idle for three
weeks. It was stated last night that the
firm have a large stock on hand, but the
chainmakers say they are tired of doing
no thine. About 50 men are idle.
The polishing mill at the Brownstown
works on the Southside is being rebuilt.
.The place was formerly a frame structure,
rhere about 350 men are employed. Jones
& Laughlins are now putting up an iron
building, and while the work is being done
not a man in the mill has stopped opera
tions. ,
The Fame of the Ulan With Tiro Hearts
Betas Heralded lo Nebraska.
The fame of Dr. King, the colored man
who has two hearts and two sets of ribs, has
reached out into the wild and woolly West.
Yesterday a letter was received from Thomas
Nelson, of Beatrice, Neb., in which the
writer asks fjr information in regard to the
Ethiopian. Mr. Kelson statet he saw men
tion of the man in The DlSPAicn, and
wants some further particulars. The physi
cian who brought Dr. King to the attention
of the local public has written Mr. Kelson.
The State Board of Health Sends Ulm En
grossed Resolutions.
Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, yesterday
received a beautifully engrossed set of reso
lutions from the State Board of Health, at
Johnstown, thanking him for his efficient
service in sending the sanitary corps to
Johnstown the week after the flood, and
thereby rendering valuable aid to the board.
The members of the corps are also thanked
by the board. The memento is a work of
art and is signed by Dr. Benjamin Lee,
Secretary and executive officer.
For .Robbery In the Park.
Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, sent
Charles Reed and Frederick Monroe to the
workhouse yesterday, for robbing a man of
a suit of clothes in the Allegheny Parks,
near Federal street, on Monday evening.
The thieves were captured by Special Officer
Improvements In Knoxvllle.
An ordinance has been prepared for the
Knoxville Council providing for paving the
six principal streets of that borough with
tire brick. At the June election the people
Toted to spend $40,000 in this way, and the
wor& win De aone wis summer.
Dominic Gallagher nnd Other Added to
the Conspiracy Prisoners Ono Kotcd
Ex-Convict AUo Wanted. '
A wiry little old man was passing through
the corridor of the Court House this after
noon, when he chanced to turn his head. He
espied n special police officer at his heels.
The old man dodged into the Prothonotary's
office, hoping to escape observation; but the
officer followed him in, and the pair shortly
afterward arrived at the jail.
The arrested man was Dominic Gallagher,
once 'Squire of the Fifth ward, and the
charge against him was conspiracy, made by
Inspector Whitehouse. In a word, it was
alleged that Gallagher was one of the
Bander Detective Agency, the principal
members of which were arrested night be
fore last, for blackmailing East End speak
easies. Gallagher's friends furnished $3,000
bail, and he was released late last night.
Inspector Whitehouse is hot on tne trail
of Charles Brockert, the only man in the
gang now at liberty. Brockert has a police
record. One night, four years or thereabouts
since, Prof. J. P. Andrews, then principal
oi the Fourteenth ward school, heard a
noise among his chickens. He sallied forth
to capture the intruder, who struck him
with some heavy weapon and escaped,
leaving Prof. Andrews in an insensible
condition. The crime was fastened upon
Brockert, who was captured, tried and con
victed, and sojourned with "Warden Wright
at Riverside for a short term of years.
Alderman Hyndman committed to jail
yesterday afternoon Charles Yolke and
Philip Shambnrg. The pair were arrested
by Inspector Whitehouse at 1:30 o'clock
yesterday morning. Threes informations
had been made against both men. On those
charging selling liquor without license and
selling liquor on Sundays, bail of $1,000
was asked, and on the charge of keeping a
disorderly house, two additional, making
the total bail $2,500. in default of which
both men went to jail. They are said to be
minor members of the "Bander Detective
There are said to be more than 31 speak
easies in the East End, which are known to
have yielded to the soft blandishments of
these or similar detectives. Very little is
known in police circles ot the man Dough
erty, a member of the gang yet at large.
Six informations have been made against
It is known that a similar gang has been
operating in Lawrenceville, and that the
police are laying plans for the capture of a
much larger crowd of speak-easy "per
suaders than that now under arrest,
ticulars are scarcer than hens' teeth.
She Charged a Number of Men With Gam
bllna Yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon Charles Grundy was
brought before Alderman Heinrich to an
swer charges of simple assault and disorder
ly conduct preferred by Mrs. Jennie Jack
son, a colored woman. Mrs. Jackson testi
fied that on Saturday, at the head of the
Castle Shannon Incline.Grundy had threat
ened her and had sworn at her. He was
fined $1.
Quite a crowd had assembled at the hear
ing, and at its conclusion Constable Mor
gan asked Daniel Hines, John Brown and
Thomas Grundy to step into the private of
fice. When they complied with the request
they were told that they were prisoners on
a charge of gambling. Mrs. Jackson
brought the information. She asserts that
a crowd of young men gather at the black
smith shop of the Castle Shannon Railroad,
near the head of the incline, and play cards
for money. In the tunnel, which begins at
this point, they keep whiskv and beer,
which they drink and then grow noisy. The
accused at once gave bail for a hearing.
The Striking Colters Now Bunnlne Things
Their Owu Way.
The following special was received from
Connellsville after midnight last night and
too late to go in with the other report:
The outlook for tho strikers is more favora
ble now than at any other time during the pres
ent trouble. The coming out of the men at
Yonngstown the second time will influence
Hedstono and Sterling to follow. The men are
jubilant and say all of Schoonmakcr's works
will be idle to-morrow. This afternoon a mob
composed chiefly of Hungarians from works on
the ML Pleasant branch of the Baltimore and
Ohio road, went to the Paull works of W. J.
Rainty, on the west side of the Yougbiocheny
river, and drove the men from the works.
They also drove tho laborers out who were at
work on the new ovens. T. J. Mitchell, the
general superintendent, was in the engine
house at tho time. He kept the mob at bay by
a revolver. No one was hurt, nor was there
any damage done to tho wprks. The crowd
then proceeded to the Clarissa mines, and on
tho way passed the Nellie works, where the
workmen took to their heels on the approach
of the strikers. The Huns composing the mob
were drunk and wild with anger. The work
men only escaped injury by running a ay.
Loafers Unendurable nt Smltbfleld
Water Street!.
Colonel Schoonmaker, Joseph Walton &
Co., Robinson, Rea & Co., Wilson, Bailey
& Co. the Porter Locomotive Works offices,
members of the Coal Exchange, the proprie
tors of the Monongahela Hone and about
30 leading merchants have petitioned Chief
Brown to place a corner man at the corner
of Smithfield and Water streets. The peti
tioners say the loafer nuisance is unendura
ble, and that ladies are so subject to insult
that they avoid the place as they would a
pestilence, except when it is absolutely
necessary to be there.
The evil is greatly intensified since the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad station was
erected. In addition to the annoyance
caused ladies, business men complain that
ordinary transactions are hampered by
crowds, who seem to regard the locality as
the favorite one in the city for their comfort.
The Plttsbnrs; Coke Washer to bo marketed
In European Countries.
John Penny, of No. 1837 Wharton street,
Southside, sails for Europe on Saturday.
He will make a tour of Germany, Belgium
and Wales to place on the market what is
called a "coke washer." It is a patent ar
rangement and was described in detail by
The Dispatch some time ago. A string
ot coke ovens so arranged that a train of
cars can be ran into them. The slack is
dropped into the ovens from the cars by a
system of levers. When the coke is ready
the patent washer is set to work and the
coke is then removed Irom the ovens by
The Pittsburg Company have now in the
course oi construction two large coke works,
one in .Nova bcotia ana the other in
On to Cleveland.
The Father Matthew Club of Philadel
phia, representing 135 members, passed
through the city yesterday afternoon over
the Lake Erie Railroad en route for 'Cleve
land, where they will attend the convention
of the Colored Total Abstinence Union of
America. The party had three special cars,
all prettily decorated with flowers, flags and
The Courtesies of a Picnic
W. B. Shaner and W. G. Wolfe were
held in $1,500 bail by Alderman Lohrman
yesterday for felonious assault and battery
and larceny upon Charles McGorrity, who
says they attacked him at a picnic.beat him
with glasses and beer bottles, cutting one
finger off, and then robbed him or $12.
Both men were held for a hearing.
A Lorso Estate Bequeathed.
The will of Mrs. Breckcnridge, ot Na
trona, was filed in the Register's office yes
terday. She leaves all her largo property'
eqaallj to her son, n. s&. ureckenridge,
and to
children of J. E. McKelvey,
- Mr. Breckenridge, are ap-
Esq., vM
Were Used as a Weapon by an Engi
neer of the White Hall E. R.
Trench Workers Throw Down Their Tools
and Run for Their Lives,
As early as 7 o'clock yesterday morning
the vicinity of South Twenty-first and Syd
ney streets was the scene of great excite
ment, caused by trouble between the White
Hall Railroad Company and the Mononga
hela Katural Gas Company. The gas com
pany bad several hundred men laying a 30
inch gas main along Sydney street, and yes
terday morning they intended to lay the
pipe underneath the railroad track. But
they had evidently reckoned without their
host the engineer of engine Ko. 300 of the
White Hall Railroad.
The latter had been posted as to the time
the men were to commence digging a trench
underneath the track, and as soon as the
diggers approached the engine came snort
ing and puffing down the road. Arrived in
the middle of the street the iron horse
stopped. Then the engineer pulled open
the steam valve, and in a few seconds clouds
of seething steam came hissing across the
trenches. The men in the ditch were nearly
frightened out of their wits.
The Italians and Hungarians threw down
the picks and shovels and fled for their
lives. The engineer on 360 seemed to enjoy
the fun, and continued to blow, off volumes
of steam until his engine was literally en
veloped in a big white cloud. Then, by
way of accompamment,he blew tho engine s
By this time the entire neighborhood had
become aroused, and the place was covered
with people from all around. The men at
work in the trench came up, and in a few
moments thre were several hundred of them
surrounding the engine. In the meantime
the engineer had "let up" with his sport.
The diggers, evidently, believed the engi
neer had no more steam, and they immedi
ately jumped into the ditch again to resume
their work. However, this was apparently
what the man on the engine was waiting for,
and no sooner were the men in the trenches
again than another blast of steam came
whizzing around their ears. I
Then the contending parties began to
parley. The employes of the gas company
claimed that they had orders to lay the pipe
underneath the track, and the engineer as
serted as positively that be had orders to
prevent them from doing any such thing.
In this manner
FOUR'notrES were wasted.
Whenever the men made an attempt to
get into the ditch the engineer would re
sume operations with the steam , valve. At
last the diggers got disgusted, and, putting
their tools down, they tquatted around, on
the ground.
"We can wait!" was the expression they
hurled at the engineer, with an air of defi
ance. "And so can I!" that man replied! and. to
emphasize his remark, he blew the whistle
Thus the controversy continued until
about noon, when the engineer received an
order from the superintendent of the rail
road to cease operations. That order was
effective, but the engineer did not seem to
like it
"Hurrah! hurrah!" yelled the men in the
ditches. "We have won the day, after alll"
This was followed by the jeers and laughter
ot the people as the engine pulled away.
The contractor of the gas company had
sent a committee to wait upon the Superin
tendent of the White Hall Railroad, and
the difficulty was settled.
It was stated to a reporter last night that
the railroad company was afraid the
trenches underneath the track might dam
age the roadbed, and on that account they
raised the formidable objection.
A Meeting Last Meat to Slake the Final
The members of the Randall Club held a
meeting in the clubhouse, on Sixth avenue,
last evening, and made the final arrange
ments for their fete champetrr. to be given
at Silver Lake Grove this afternoon and
evening. From the reports received last
night the affair will surpass anything the
club has yet given. The supply of invita
tions has been exhausted, and it-was almost
impossible to get one last evening.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon the members
will assemble at the club house and march
in a body to the Union station. They will
parade over the following route: From
Sixth to Grant, to Fifth, to Libertv, to
Union station, where the cars will be
boarded for the grove. The parade will be
under the command of General P. N. Guth
rie, ex-Adjutant General of the State, and
will be headed by the Cathedral Band.
The grove at Silver Lake has been
gorgeously decorated for the occasion. The
grounds have been put into the best
possible condition and there is nothing lack
ing to make the fete the event of the season.
Gernert & Guenther's full orchestra will
discourse dance music on the large dancing
pavilion and the brass band will render
promenade and operatic selections on the
lawn. In the evening there will be a fire
works display and balloon ascensions.
Prominent visitors will be present from
surrounding towns, but there will be no
Mrs. Schulta's Bureau Robbed Br Men She
Tried to Detain.
Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock a
daring robbery took place at August
Schultz's house, No. 476 East street, Alle
gheny. Two men entered the house and
stole $10 from a bnrean in the front room.
The robbers missed alargeamount of money
and also a gold watch and chain, which
were in the same drawer, being frightened
by the sudden appearance of Mrs.
Schultz. The lady made an effort to bold
the men nntil the police should arrive, hut
they escaped.
She gave Officer Shooner a description of
them, and a man was arrested in the even
ing. Mrs. Schultz failed to identify him
and he was released.
They Protest Against the Employment
the Great Western Band.
A special meeting of the German Trades
Assembly held yesterday afternoon for the
purpose of hearing the report of the commit
tee appointed to investigate the matter of
tne .exposition Docieiy mring me ureal
Western Band.
The committee reported the following:
WHEBEAS.'Tbe Exposition Socletv has been
bund guilty of breaking their pledge with or-
mizeu iaoor ana even engagea non-union
usiclans, this organization deems it its duty
induce the German and Enelish labororcan.
lzations to enter a unanimous protest against
this measure.
A committee of three was appointed to
ct in conjunction with the Central Trades
ouncu in the matter.
Three Wncons Upset by a Runaway.
Yesterday morning a horse attached to
oneof the Waukesha Mineral Water Com
pany's wagons took fright at some mischiev
ous boys on Federal street, Allegheny, nnd
ranf away. He overturned three other
wagons and bumped against a street car in
the transit.
That 84,000 Pamphlet Aboat Aucuntnii
la la 'Preparation All Right Assessor
Case Kxplalas.
The interview with Mr. Lambie in yester
day s Dispatch relative to the delay 'in
publishing the list of assessments has
brought out a statement from the chief
clerk, who says the work is being pushed
as rapidly as possible. When the reporter
called at the office to ascertain the cause for
the delay he was informedthat Assessors
Case, Larkin and Hoeir ' were absent.
The Dispatch correspondent in Har
risburg yesterday found Mr, Case, however,
and sends the following explanation from
Mr. Case:
Chief Assessor Frank Case Is here for the
State Convention. He had read the complaint
of a real estate dealer in to-day's Dispatch
about delay In publishing a list of the triennial
assessment in pamphlet form. In reply Mr.
Case says; "The requirements of the new city
charter and the ordinance thereunder havo
been and are being carried out to the letter.
My whole force of clerks has been bnsy on the
copy for this pamphlet. To prepare snch a
table for the printers is an enormous task.
That is why it has taken so long to finish. Hat
I have urged the work to such an extent that
tho pamphlet will be in type by the end of this
month. I think there are only eight wards that
remain to be copied by the clerks. The balance
have all been tabulated with the exception of
filling in the tax calculations on the blank.
The books and tables in the Hoard of Assessors'
office aro open to the inspection of anv citizen,
and I am only sorry that real estate owners and
Councilmen did not come and see bow the
work Is progressing before rushing into print."
There isn't any doubt that the ordinance
was passed, as Controller Morrow exhibits
it, but it'does seem strange that people in
terested did not know it. Mr. Lambie is
known as a gentleman who is not only an
attentive member of Councils who takes a
deep interest in everything done there, and
who is also financially interested, and at
noon yesterday he was still oblivious to the
fact of an ordinance having been passed to
regqlate the matter. Mr. Quinn is also a
man who pays close attention to municipal
legislation, and he, vesterday noon, at least,
had not learned of the passage of tthe ordi
nance. Controller Morrow does not appear to be
in love with the law requiring the
publication, putting his objections on
the score of exnense. He figures that
the cost of 1,000 copies will be $3,000 or
$4,000, and he states that those who argued
for publication, when the charter was being
prepared, are not those generally supposed.
A Flonr of Natural Gas Almost Suffocate
Two East End Workmen.
Last night, about 7:30, Daniel McNa
xnara and James Sheeran, two employes of
the East End Gas Company were almost
suffocated by an escape of gas. They were
making a connection in the artificial gas
mains at the corner of Center avenue and
jNevuie street, when the now of gas over
powered them. A boy who was looking on
saw how matters stood and ran for help.
The two men tried to get out of the hole,
but, overcome by the gas, fell back. Some
gentlemen living in the neighborhood then
rushed to the rescue and succeeded in pull
ing the men out, just in time to save their
lives. Dr. Diggert, of the Esst End, was
summoned, and speedily brought the men
back to their senses, after which they were
carried to their homes.
A Rejected Suitor Wonnds His Lndy-Love
by Shooting Her Three Times.
Yesterday Mrs. Charles McMullin, a col
ored woman 24 years of age, while visiting
at McDonald station, on the Panhandle
Railroad, wad shot at three times by Temple
Moore, also colored, and wounded in both
limbs. Moore had made her an offer ot
marriage, which she rejected. Becoming
enraged at the refusal, he drew a revolver
and fired at her. Mrs. McMullin was
brought to town, and is now in the Mercy
Hospital, where the physicians entertaiuJJ
strong nopes oi ner recovery. .Moore has
The Well-Known Female Labor Leader
Burled Yesterday.
Deputy Coroner Robert Berry held an in
quest at Natrona yesterday on the body of
Miss Mollie Call, who was drowned at
Kearns Station on Monday. The verdict
rendered was one of accidental death.
Master Workman Ross and Financial
Secretary Laura A. Poweli, accompanied by
other members of D. A. No. 3, Knights of
Labor, attended the funeral, which took
place in the alternoon.
An Allegheny Boy Who Tumbled Into the
Water and Was Drowned.
John Nolty, aged 8 years, while playing
about a boathouse in the Allegheny river,
near the Sixteenth street bridge, yesterday
afternoon, fell into the water and was
drowned. The body was recovered about 4
.o'clock and taken to the home of the lad's
parents, No. 31 Sawmill alley.
Tho Coroner Benders Verdicts In the Mnnv
Late Snddea Deaths.
Coroner McDowell held an inquest yes
terday on the bodies of Harry Simmons,
Edward Dehor and Leslie Benbow, who
were drowned at the foot of Thirteenth
street on Monday. A verdict of accidental
death was rendered.
A like verdict was rendered in the case of
John Cresar, who was smothered by sewer
gas in the Eighteenth ward.
In the case of Thomas Keating, drowned
at the foot of Thirtieth street while playing
on a raft, there was a similar verdict.
A Bow In Polish Row.
Two little fellows in Polish row, on the
Southside, caused quite a disturbance
among their parents yesterday afternoon.
The boys had been quarreling, and Johnny
Luckawolskl got hold of another boy and
chewed his arm. The boy who was bitten
is called Fossett, The latter'-fl mother went
to complain to the father of Luckawolski
but the man got mad and a general row was
the result Mrs. Fossett then went to
Alderman Succop and sued the boy and bis
father for disorderly conduct.
A Stolen Box of Plate Found.
Early yesterday morning a large box
filled with sterling silver plated knives and
forks of value, was found on the track of the
Allegheny Valley Railroad, near Thirty
first street. The box contained over 125
pounds of silverware, and is valued at 'over
$70. Being brought to the Central station
it was fou,nd to belong to Goddard, Hill &
Co., of tbii city.
The New Organ Arrived.
The new organ for the Southside Presby
terian Church arrived last night from Bos
ton, and the instrument will be nut up to
day. It is one of the finest Roseweld organs,
and cost $3,250. The organ will be played
for the first time at an organ concert to be
held in the church next week.
FatUfled With Morcanza.
"Dr. Allison and A. .F. Keating visited
Morganza in an official capacity yesterday.
They made a thorough inspection of the in
stitution, and MrC Keating said last, night
that everything is in a satisfactory con
dition. The Brewers' Picnic.
The Pittsburg Brewers' Association will
give apicnio to-day in Frost's Grove, on
the Brownsville road, to the children at St.
Michael's prarochial school, of Plsu street,
And Chairman Andrews Will Suc
ceed Himself for Another Year.
Delamater's Friends Hale Big Claims for
Him in tne Northwest,
The Republican State Convention will be
held in Harrisburg to-day, and the
straggling delegates from this section left
last evening. It is conceded by almost
everybody that Speaker Boyer will have a
walkover for the nomination of State
Treasurer and there will be no opposition to
the re-election of State Chairman Andrews.
The latter has demonstrated his ability to
handle the Republican forces with some
help, and will be his own successor.
Among the delegates who went to Har
risburg last night wire E. Wertheimcr, Vf.
W. Speer, County Controller Speer, Arthur
Kennedy, Mr. Smithly, Deputy Sheriff
John Doyle, Representative Hayes, oi Oil
City, E. W. Smiley, Journal Clerk of the
House and editor of the Citizens' Prat of
Franklin; James Sayres, Esq., of Waynes
burg, J. F. Cooper and E. F. Acheson, of
"I suppose," said Mr. Westheimer,
"about all we will do is go through the mo
tions of holding a convention. There is no
fight on hand and Speaker Boyer will
doubtless be nominated by acclamation. I
want it said that the liquor men want noth
ing, and are only too anxious to have their
business kept 'out of politics. It is not true
that they intend to capture the next Legis
lature for the purpose of modifying 'the
Brooks law. The law is satisfactory to the
liquor men if it Is rigidly enforced. All we
ask is to be left alone and no effort will be
made to introduce a liquor plank in the
The delegates were all for Boyer, and the
talks naturally drilted to the coming gu
bernatorial contest next year. Mr. Smiley
and Representative Hayes are forDelamater.
When asked if Delamater was made of the
proper stuff, Mr. Hayes replied that he
could certainly not do any worse than Bea
ver, which was not saying very much.
"After all," he continued, "the Republi
cans have had no great Governor since An
drew Curtin's time. Geary was a windbag,
and the others were not much better. I am
wofully disappointed with the present in
cumbent," delamater in the noethtvest.
On this subiect. Mr. Smllev saiMr "T
( think Delamater is the strongest of any of
the candidates in the field at the present
time, and he will have the support of
Northwestern Pennsylvania. The chances
are that none of the men talked of now will
be taken, and some dark horse will be se
lected. It is usnally the case that a man
held up as a candidate for a longtime
before the people makes enemies and
stirs up factions. Pattison is the best man
the Democrats could nominate, but ex-Congressman
Scott, of Erie, would be the
hardest man to beat. He would go into the
fight to win, and his boodle would be a
mighty power. Eeyburn and Montootlr
would he an acceptable and strong ticket.
Senator Reyburn is honest and able, and
would make a good Governor."
Mr. Sayres, of Waynesburg, said he was
for Hastings for Governor, and Mr. Ache
son will support Delamater.
,8. David Pace, United States Treasurer,
at Philadelphia, is at the Hotel Anderson.
'He will argue a case before Judge McKennan
to-day. Mr. Page says he is out of politics,
and his position, he p.lAimpd was etiaIi lio
he could not speak.
ills law partner, Boyd Penrose, is Presl-
dentot the Senate, and is down to nominate
Speaker Boyer. Mr. Page said from what
he could see that McManes would be recog
nized in Philadelphia and in the future
would get his share of the patronage.
A Combination Which, With Bob Ancle, Is
Charged With Theft.
John Gnest, known in short-haired circles
as "Bilson Jack," and Robert Angle, were
arrested in Gienwood yesterday afternoon
by Inspector Whitehouse, on a charge of
burglarv, made by H. C. Ward, of Glen
wood, who claims that the pair chloroformed
him and stole some articles of clothing.
Mrs. Rocky and Mr: Thomas reported that
their houses had been entered, presumably
by the same parties. The men are in the
Fourteenth ward police station for a hear
ing. "Bilson Jack" claims that he gave him
self up and that it is a case of mistaken
identity. He has been whipped, in his
time, in the fistic arena by a Lawrenceville
A Young Lady Iasalted by a Rafflon on
Smlthfleld Street.
Last evening Miss Emma Schefferth,
while passing down Smithfield street, was
insulted by one of three young men, who
were loafing at the corner of Fourth avenue.
She turned and reported the circumstance
to an officer, who requested her to point the
man out. She declined, saying she did not
desire to give the thing publicity. After
she had passed down the street a few yards
she fell in a swoon. The officer came to
her rescue and escorted her to the Central
station. Under the matron's care she re
vived. Assistant Superintendent O'Mara
arrested a man named Dietz in Allegheny,
who Hiss Schefferth identified as her assail
ant. He will have a hearing to-morrow.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley Denies the Allegations of
the Prosecutors.
At the solicitation of Mrs. Dr. Crossley,
a Dispatch reporter (Tailed at her resi
dence, 558 Fifth avenue, last evening. In
the interview she absolutely denied all the
statements that bad been published about
her relations with Dr. Dewey. She stated
dictiveness, calumniated her character, and
that she would prove herself guiltless at the
proper time.
Dr. Dewey was also seen, and he also em
phatically denied the allegations that have
been brought up against him.
Teachers Elected.
At a meeting of the O'Hara School Board
of the Twelfth ward, held last night, the fol
lowing teachers were elected for the ensuing
W. A Proudflt. Principal; Miss Julia De
Annit, Assistant Principal; Miss Sadie Rose
weld, room 1; Miss Graham, No. 2; Miss Bertie
Torlev,',No. 3; Miss -Jennie Anderson, No. 4;
MissRayburn, No. '5; Miss Marshall, No. 6;
Miss LuCjl DoArmit, No. 7; Miss Lucy Holt,
No. 8: Miss Martin, No. 9, and Miss Black,
No. 10.
They Never Mentleaed It.
The Board of Directors of the Mount Oliver
Incline Railway Company held their regu
lar meeting yesterday afternoon. It was
supposed that the alleged infringement of
their rights by the Pittsburg Incline Com
pany would be disenssed, but Mr. Schultz,
the President, stated that nothing had been
said about the matter.
Joe Mercer Gasbed.
Joseph Mercer, son of Stephen Mercer,
the old Allegheny merchant, was brought to
the Allegheny General Hospital suffering
j irom a severe gain m tne neaa.
What One of the Traction Companies De
posits la Hard Cash The Returns From
Thousands of Fares.
It may not be generally known that a cab
containing from $1,000 to $1,600 in cash
makes its way at noon from Penn avenue
along Sixth and Market streets to N.
Holmes & Sons' Bank each day, except
Sunday; but it is true. The money is whit
the dear publie pays in nickels and dimes to
the whfte-cacped conductors on the Citizens'
traction line.
As each car stops at the Cecil alley termi
nus the conductor goes into the offices and
does promptly in a few moments what it
takes many other persons a long time to do
settles up. The receiver notes the num
ber of the car, the amount, etc., and is ready
for another prompt paying customer. When
the day's business is over ho finds that there
is accumulated before him quite a sum, and
most of it in that cold, hard form so objec
tionable and yet so pleasing. Coppers,
nickels, dimes, quarters, halves and dollars
lie piled up before him, while there is also
a good stack of paper money.
At noon a cab is brought around, the
money piled in and is taken to the bank
named. Ou Monday two days' receipts nre
haultd off, and as Sunday is not at all a bak
day Ar the cable cars the value of the cab
load i somewhat larger than usual. As
one of the conductors said, "Business must
be picking up, for they used to carry the
money to the bank."
On thlPeun avenue cable line there are
at present running about 20 yellow cars and
22 red
A conductor of a yellow car
will turn in an average ot $25
i that 1
daily, whs
he punchi
a gentleman on a red car said
about $37 worth of holes in
day. This makes a total of
sups evei
about $1,31
which is considered an aver-
age day s
car line is
iness. The Sbarpsburg horse-
included in this. "
One of the
ndnctors ou the line, who
has been ridi
on iiutler street for six
years, said that he kept a record of the num
ber of passenears he carried. Durinir the
first year after the introduction of-the regis
ters he collecteB nickels for 265.000 persons,
and in 18 monKis was responsible for the
care and cash tof 450,000 passengers, thus
showing an increase of about 53,000 over
tne previous six months.
He Sets Oat to
at a Yonnir Companion.
bat Is
omplalned Of.
ving on Muriel street,
Mrs. Foster,
Southside, report
to police yesterday that
her 12-year-old bo
was bitten by a Polish
boy, who lived oh the same street. The
parents of the Polish boy would eive Mrs.
Foster no satisfaction, so she appealed to
tne police, who will look after the matter.
Movements of PItisbnraera nnd Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Howard D. Little, the weli-known at
torney, leaves Pittsburg for the West this after
noon. With Mr. Little goes Hogh McGraw,
of Silver City, Ida., who has been staying with
relatives in Allegheny for the pas,t two months.
Mr. McGraw revisited his native city after an
absence ot S3 years. He found many changes,
and was almost unable to identify the scenes
of his boyhood. Jt is understood that Messrs.
Little and McGraw are bonnd for Silver City
in connection with an important mining trans
action, which isto be speedily consummated.
Several wealthy Pittsburgers are interested in
the matter. The two gentlemen now going
West, will wind up their business in Idaho in
about four weeks, and will then return to Pitts
burg. William Monoghan, ex-Chairman of the
I Ohio State Republican Committee, is etoppinir
at the Anderson. Mr. Monoghan was recently
appointed consul to Chatham, Canada, but be
ba about made up bis mind not to accept it
He thinks Murat Halstead will not be the
next Senator from Ohio, and the movement In
his favor is complimentary. Both Foster and
Butterworth are aspirants for the Senatorial
job. Mr. Monoghan says Foraker will be re
elected without any trouble, and he is really
stronger than ever before. He i afraid the
.riiMrt ot.fmTAinDlrf-u Snnriav Honor laws
will have a tendency to make tho Leelslatare
Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller and
his wife were on the limited last night bound
for Chicago. The Judge wears his gray hair
much longer than before be sat on the bench,
and it adds somewhat td bis dignity. He
probably does this to make up for the lack of a
beard and atono for the crime of wearing a
mustache. He was dressed in a natty suit of
cray. and his high white hat and eye glasses
Rive him the air and appearance of an old
dandy. He said he was returning from
Cresson to Chicago and he bad not been in
Washington for some time. ,
John Patten, of Lexington, Ky.. who
has been appointed to a professorship in Gains
villa University, Florida, is staying with seme
friends at East Liberty. Mr. Patten's mother,
in the days of slavery, owned Officer 'Matthew
Bell, of the Twelfth ward. When asked it he
knew Mr. Patten the officer's face became
radiant with smiles, and he replied: "Why,
yes. Johnny and 1 were raised toirether. My
mother gave me to Mrs. Bell Fatten when!
was 2 years old."
Judge James A. Hunter, of Greens
burg, was at the Seventh1 Avenue Hotel yester
day. The Judge missed the nomination for a
second term by a few votes, but this does not
worry blm in the least. He is a careful, delib
erate man, and whoever his successor may be,
he will retire from the bench respected and be
loved by the people.
L. Flelschman, a wholesale merchant
of Portland, who resembles a churchman, was
a passenger on the limited last nleht. Mr.
Flelschman has been spending a year In Europe,
He say
ays the American exniDit at tne .rarls
Exposition is so paltry that he was ashamed
of it.
'Squire Kennedy ("Pap")
is putting
his house in order to accompany the "Heavies"
to their summer encampment, which will this
year be near Erie. An encampment of tho
"Heavies," with Pap Kennedy lert out. would
be dreary, In the estimation of the remainder.
W. J. Ford, of Louisiana, arrived from
the East last nlcht and registered at the Ander
son. He came North to secure money to estab
lish a national bank at Shreveport. Mr. Ford
says that the cotton crop will be larger this
year than for the past ten years.
W. A. Woodford, General Manager of
the Wheeling and Lake Erie road, took break
fast at the Anderson yesterday. Mr. Wood
ford Is pushing the business of his line, and
some day he expects to see his road running
into Pittsburg.
S. Bassart, of 162 Mayflower street, And
James P. Dablim, of 210 Frankstown avenue,
are registered at the Walker House, Toronto,.
Canada. They will visit the lakes. Nugara
Falls and Buffalo and adjacent points of In
terest. George Howe, Secretary of Howe,
Rronn Ar fin. with Mrs. TTowf) and the chil
1 dren, sailed yesterday for Europe and will re
main some montns. ine trip idcjjum .cogiauo,
France, Germany, Belgium and Italy.
E. A. Rohrkaste has gone to Bedrdfd.
Ho doesn't make any pretentior.that it is rest
or medication be is after, bnt tunks the fishing
and subsequently hunting will be good In the
MissBelle Gallagher wa,on Wednesday
nlcht. elected a teacher in tie Grant school.
Miss Gallagher taught last year in the .Lincoln
W. H. Snyder, Superintendent of the
United States Express, of iTewark, is among
the guests at the Monongahela House.
E. E. Bonneville, one of the clerks at
the Anderson, left for Old Point Comfort yes
terday to spend his vacation.
Major J. B. Washington went to Deer
Park jestcrday to see Mrs. Washington, who
was suddenly taken ill.
Alderman M. F. Cassidy has gone to
the Thousand Inlands with the Mark Twain
Rod and Gun Club.
Mr. A. W. Boyd, rato clerk in the
Lake Shore office, left for Malvern, lows, to,
spend his vacation.
Miss Carrie V. Denniston, -the legal
stenographer, left yesterday to spend several
weeks at Urslna.
General Samuel H. Ordway, of New
York, and T. N. McCarter, of Newark, are at
the Anderson.
W. H. Keech has returned with his
wife from a trip to the Rocky Mountains.
A. W. Duff, Esq., left oa a two-weeks'
vacation iot vanM yesterday.
Capitalists May Engage in Business
Breeding the Pels.
The Demand for Them is Expected to Come
From Physicians
There is talk of a scheme to form a com
pany in this city for the purpose of breeding
and raising guinea pigs on an extensive
scale. The idea is to organize a stock com
pany, buy a piece of land and breed the
little animals so as to secure their tissue,
to be used in making injections into the
human system according to the Brown
Sequard discovery for renewing or stimu
lating of life.
The capital stock of the company, if
formed, is to be $25,000. They intend to
lease a piece of ground at once and begin
operations as soon as possible. Several
thousand of the pigs will, in that event,be
brought from Norway and Sweden, where
the best breeds of the world are to be found;
the farm will be stocked with them, and, as
soon as the young ones are raised, the older
ones will be marketed to physicians and
others who desire their life-stimulating tis
sues. The above Information was given a Dis
patch reporter yesterday, and it is very
probable that there is a grain of truth in it.
A gentleman who is well-known on account
of his readiness to go into any promising
scheme, approached Major Howard Morton
and asked him to take some stock in it.
The Major asked for the prospectus of the
company, and, as soon as it
is finished, he will consider
the matter. Some people, when spoken
to, thought the scheme was a joke, bnt the
gentleman who is working it thinks other
wise. At present he desires his name to be
kept out ol the matter. He has the utmost
faith in the Brown-Sequard discovery, he
says, and thinks the supply of guinea pigs
will run short within a few months. For
this reason he is agitating the idea of form
ing the company to aid them.
The guinea pigs used by the Pittsburg
physician who has been making the experi
ments cost $1 each. They are very difficult
to raise, except on a large farm, with uni
form treatment, when they thrive. They
feed on cabbage, potatoes and all kinds of
vegetables. In the city it is extremely hard
to raise them, as they are very delicate.
Considering the price and the fact of their
being as prolific as rabbits, the gentlemen
in the scheme say they see "big money
in it."
See tbe Mnrked Dona In Men's Fancy Flan
nel Shirts
And in fancy plain white silk shirts the
best goods; full assortment of sizes.
Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Imported Port.
1828 Imperial Oporto Port, fnll quarts.$3 00
1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50
Fine Old White Port, full quarts.;... 2 00
London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00
Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 50
Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts 1 00
For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97
Fifth ave.
Pbopbietobs of hotels, saloons and res
taurants will find it to their advantage to
keep Bauerlein Brewincr Co.'s beer on tap,
as it has a large call among the lovers of a
good malt beverage, and enjoys an enviable
reputation for body, excellency and purity.
Their wagons traverse all parts of both
cities. Telephone 1018, Bennetts, Pa.
la Lace Department To-TJay New Goods
Fish net draperies, in striped designs. Late
novelties in veilings. New Pointe de Genes
laces, stylish patterns. Special cheap lot
of low-priced Torchon laces. Closing out
fine blacfcfflouncing laces cheap.
Penn Avenue Stores.
A Ground Floor Gallery,
No. 70 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa.
Bring the children; they are our lriends.
Cabinets $1 per,, dozen. Standard Photo
Art Co. Don't mistake the number, 70.
Ix is both pleasant and right to patronize
a home industry. Frauenheiu & Yilsack's
Pittsburg beer is a product of home indus
try. It is entitled to your patronage also
for its own merits.
When the Liver Is crowded or clotted
with a mass ot Impurities, its action bo
comes slow and difficult. Pleurisy,
Headache, Fain in Side, Tired Feeling
and General Weakness ensues, result
ing, if unchecked. In
Wne'n you have these symptoms, try a
few doses of the genuine
Price, 25 cents. Sold by all druggists,
and prepared only by Fleming Bros.,
Pittthhrg. Pa. Beware of counterfeits
made in bt, Louis. JylO-MWT
" T. T. T.
No pains for women If they wear our
Our Fall KID GLOVES are now
coming in.
We are agents for Foster Hooks and
J Centemerl Kid Gloves.
vf -
:: T. T. T. :::
r"4 . -
. 109 Federal Street,
Wi. ."" .'. xa&KjtvrVi .? ..flK.j ., tmWk
Possible Keallotment of Space, and the
Band Wrsnsle.
At tbe Exposition managers' meeting
yesterday $30,000 was voted to Mr. Mar
shall on his Power Hall contract. It was
decided that those having space allotted to
them be allowed to commence the rough
work around their stands, such as building
platforms and so on. Manager Johnston is
also anxious that all persons who have been
allotted space, and who may have changed
their minds and do not intend to use it, to
notify him, so that the space may be given
to others who are waiting.
Prof. B. Weiss, leader of the Great West
ern Band, called on Manager Johnston yes
terday in reference to the action of the Ger
man Trades Assembly, taken at their meet
ing last Sunday. The Professor reviewed
tthe trouble at the County Centennial that
resulted in tne members oi his band resign
ing from the M. M. P. TJ. He denied that
the band, as an organization, had been ex
pelled from the union, bnt said they were
all members of the Allegheny County Mu
sical Union, an organization composed of
artists in the profession.
Mr. Johnston told Prof. Weiss that the
Great Western Band had been engaged oa
its merits as musicians, and not as member
of any labor organization. As the band
holds a life membership in the Expositioa
Society, it is likely it will be retained,
"Final cut" now it's Pans robes desir
able shades. Every one choice prices way
down. Boggs & BuhIh k
Collars and Cans and Rachlng-s
The newest 'shapes and styles are here
tourist raching a specialty.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s ,
Penn Avenue Stores.
B. dsB.
Bargains in Swiss and Nainsook em
broideries; reduced to half price to dose.
Buy while yon have choice.
Boggs & Bcbx.
CABnrET photos, 89c per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery. 10 and 12 Sixth st. Jfwrsa
Curing this month ot August. we con
tinue to offer all summer wear goods at
the same low prices which made such a
rush ot business here during the past
four weeks.
At the same time desirable and staple
goods are coming in every day and all
departments are well prepared to meet
all your wants in best and most reliable
A bargain lot of over 1C0 pieces ot
French Wool Challis, finest and newest
style, dark and light colored, reduced to
35c a yard.
50-Inch Mohairs, were JI, now 50a.
Wide Side -Border Challis down to JOc.
Plain Cream White Wool Challis only
25c "
The hie stock of summer weight
Woolen Dress goods at the reduced
prices 25c, 60c and $1 a yard are in the
regular places this week.
Selling lots of the "marked down" In
dia Silks, the Colored Surah Silks, the
Fancy Stripe and Plaid Silks; also the
Black Silks for summer wear; Surahs,
60c and npi Brocade Silk Grenadines,
GOc and up; largest list of best makes in
Black Gros Grain Silks In all grades
and at close prices.
Housekeepers will do well to come to
our special sale of Table Linens, Nap
kins and Towels best values of the
This morning we put on sale over 600
pairs of fine quality Nottingham Lace
Curtains, Including extra long and wide
goods, divided Into four lots one lot at
2, one lot at $3, one lot at H, one lot at
15 you nor anyone else ever saw as
good value In any Curtain Department.
Some of the patterns are in small quan
tities, one to three pairs; the first comers
will get the best selection.
In the Salt Department Everything
in the way of Ladies' and Children's
Bummer Suits marked down to close
out this month. Summer weight Wraps
and Jackets, Blouse Waists now Is the
time we offer great bargains here.
See tbe new and pretty styles ot ''
Ginghams and Satlnes, Seersuckers, -
Batistes, Lawns and Chintzes a bargain
harvest here in this busy Wash Dress
Goods Department.
Ladles' pure Lin enHemst itched Linen
Handkerchiefs only 51 a dozen, and
other bargains in Handkerchiefs.
, Ladles' Cotton Ribbed Vests, four for
SOc, and other extra values in Summer
Underwear. Have you seen the low
prices on fine quality Whito Goods? s "
ffiMM AVBintn crnnro . -
1 - " . V- , ,- . 4. - 1 &. s v 1, t -i
JiiMsMsWfiaBassMMMflsMstti:ii,..-y JJBVdflBKBBbflUiiEaUsrSSlffiu'lSBlBaBk