Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 06, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Features of Live Stock Market at
Herr's iEland Yards.
A Heavy Ban of Sheep, Lamls and Porkers
Disposed Of.
Monday. Aucust 6, 1S89. J
There are few chances in lire stock mar
kets to report. The grade of cattle was
scarcely up to average. There was certain
ly a larger proportion of grade cattle than
for a few weeks past. Notwithstanding this
fact prices held up well, and on desirable
grades an advance was secured. The desirable
grades In this market aro smooth butchering
stock, weighing not much above 1,200 pounds.
Cattle receipts were lighter than usual owing
to the fact that no stock, was consigned to the
abattoir. Outside of this tho number on sale
was a fair average. Prices were higher In
Chicago than last week and drovers here de
manded 10 to 25c per cwt, more than they
asked last Monday. Buyers seemed unwilling
to pay the advance, and markets ruled dull at
the opening. Drovers, however, could not be
brought to recede from their position, and
when it was discovered that there would beno
concessions, markets became fairly active at
the advance. Sales were reported at the fol
lowing range, with markets steady: Prime
heavy western beeves weighing 1,500 to 1,600
pounds. M 854 'JO; medium weights, 1,200 to
X400 pounds, H 654 75; prime light weights,
SO) to 1.100 pounds. 54 004 15; common to fair
thin steers, S3 25J 75; roughs, S3 0033 15.
Fresh cows were slow at a ranee of J20 0040 00
per head, and calves slow at 4Kc per pqund,
according to weight, qualit) and age Bulls,
istags and dry cons were in light hupply ana
fair demand at higher prices, the range being
!4c per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zelgler. 83 head;
L. Gerson, 82: A. Fromm, 48; Rothchlld 4 Co,
W: E. Wolf, 18; B. Lowenstein, 62. From Ohio
ban lord fc Langdoo, 7. From Pennsylvania
Various owners. 9. Total, 403; last week, 049;
previous week, 607.
&beep nnd Larobs.
Supplies were large, but none too large Tor
demand. Prices were steady at last week's
range, though there was a decided effort on the
part of buyers to bring the drovers to the con-ces-ion
point. In some Instances the bear
movement succeeded, as there were fears on
the part of holders that the markets would not
absorb large supplies of stock. The best
heavy western and native wethers sold at H 75
to H 85; medium weights, 4 25 to $4 40; com
mon to fair light weights. S3 50 to $3 65; culls,
$3 00 to $3 10: lambs, 4J to Ocper pound.
Receipts From Chicago. L Zeigler, 100 head.
From Ohio, rianford A Langdun, 1U7. From
Pennsvlvania, J. F. Crnikshank, 121: S. Lowen
stein, 267; Bingham &. Co 228; D. O. Pisor. 207.
O. I'linncr, 59; J. Wnght, U7; E. D. Sergeant,
SO; William Craig, 87; William McCreary. 113;
"William Garvin, 30. Total, 1,504; last week,
1,CS9, previous week, 1,471.
The supply was heavier than for a number of
weeks past, and as demand was light markets
were slow at lower prices. The range was
4 50 to Si 75. Receipts, from Ohio: Needy &
Smith. 242 head; R. A. Williamson, 28; Sanford
S. Langdon, 50. From Pennsvlvania: William
Garvin, 21: G. Flinner. 3. Total 353 head; last
week 52; previous week, 139.
Some nog products were reduced nere on
Saturday, because certain parties had too much
stuff which was crowded on to markets. In
Chicago prices are a shade higher than a week
1 Wheat and Floor.
) Latest advices from England and France, in-
dioate a good crop, which will soon be safely
garnered. Reports from Germany are not so
favorable, but a fair yield is assured. From
' Hungary. Roumania, Russia and Italy "latest
advices indicate that crops will be much below
average. Western Europe promises a good
good yield. Prospects darken as you go east
ward and are darkest on the extreme eastern
borders. In this country, reports from the
Northwest show an extra fine crop of wheat as
to quality, and volume up to last j ear. In this
section, the wheat crop tor 1889 is one of the
best on recora both as to quality and quantity.
It will be a difficult problem to engineer any
bull movement in breadstuff this season.
The Condition of Business at t bo East Liberty
Stock Yard.
OmcK or Pittsburg Dispatch,!
Monday. Augusto, 1889. J
Cattle Receipts, 3340 head; shipments, 2100
head: market steady, selling at last week's
prices: 17 cars of cattle shipped to New York
Hoqs Receipts. 3,300 nead: shipments, 2.700
bead; market firm; light Yorkers, $-1 504 So;
medium and light Philadelphia, 4 604 70;
heavy hogs, H 404 60; 13 cars of bogs shipped
to New York to-daj.
Sheep Receipts. 6.000 head; shipments, 3,200
bead; market very dull; last weeek's prises.
Br TelecTapb.
New Yobe Beeves Receipts yesterday and
to-day, 4,bo0 head, making 11,800 heaa for
the week; fresh arrivals included 141 carloads
for exportation, 108 carloads lor city slaugh
terers direct, and 33 carloads for the market;
the market was firm at an advance equal to
15c per 100 pounds, with an early clearance;
native steers ranged from S3 904 95 per 100
pounds; native bulls from $2 0003 29; no Texas
or range cattle on sale; exports to-day and to
morrow, 300 beeves and 3,030 quarters of beef.
To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American re-
frigerator beef slow at 7c per pound, calves
Receipts. 2.400 bead, making 7.500 for the
week: market dull and weak for all sorts, with
slow sales at $4 50C 25 per 100 pounds for veals,
and S2 253 00 for buttermilk calves. Sheep
Receipts 14,300 bead, making 43,000 head for the
week; market weak and lower; common to
choice sheep sold at S3 505 25 per 100 pounds;
common to choice lambs at $5 2o7 25. Hogs
Receipts 8.600 bead, making 30,0u0 head for the
week; the few sales were at 4 505 00 per 100
pounds, and dealers make 14 405 00 the nomi
nal range.
CniCAGO Cattle Receipts. 10,500 head; ship
ments. 5.500 bead; market active and loner;
beeves, $4 404 SO: steers, S3 4064 30; Blockers,
and feeders. $2 253 25; cows, bulls and mixed,
1 753 00; Texas cattle, SI 7563 10, natives and
half-breeds, 12 253 5a Hogs Receipts, 4,000
head; shipments. 6,000 bead; market steady;
mixed, U 254 65: heavy. f4 20S4 35: light,
M 254 65: skips, S3 604 SO. Sheen Receipts,
0,000 head: shipments. 2,000 head; market
Kteady; natives, S3 604 80: westerns, S3 604 15;
Texans. S3 604 15; lambs. S4 755 70. The
.Ureters' Journal special London cablegram
reports cattle lWc lower; medium to choice
American steers, 10llc
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 6.587 head;
shipments, 2S3 bead; native dressed beef and
shipping steers 610c lower; 1 exas and western
active and steady; cows firm, to 610c higher;
calves, $67 25; stackers and feeding steers
steady: good to choice corn-fed steers, S4 00
(4 25; common to medium, S3 00D3 75; itockers
and feeders, SI 603 00; cons. $1 S06265; grass
range steers, SI 752 15. Hogs Reciipts, 1,609
bead; shipments, none: supply light and mar
ket steady; good to choice light, $1 224 30,
heavy and mixed, S44 17JJ, Sheens-Receipts,
none; shipments, none: market stealy to good;
choice muttons, S3 75gi4 00: ctmmon to
medium, S2 503 SO., ;
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 3,6ft head: ship
ments, none; market fairly tive: choice
LeaJZnyTe eers, 254 50:jfalrto good.
S3 S04 30; rangers, steers. S2 10J2 75; cows,
SI 852 oa Hoes Receipts. 1 900 head:
shipments, none; market aclve and 5c
highe; fair to choice 1-eary, $1 4004 50:
TS?.?4 25135; "Sht graces, fair tobest,
S4 454 65. bhecp Receipts, 5.4JOhead: ship
ments, none market active, irnn" fair
choice, S4 254 60.
Cincinnati Hogs In pood demand: firm
common and light, S3 7504 fl: packing and
butchers. S4 3o4 51; recepts, 1,780 Tiead;
shipments, 270 bead. '
Plenty Left forTo-Dy
French challies, finest qualities and best
styles, all new and fresh, 35 cents a yard.
Jos. Hokke & Co.'s '
Peun Avenue Stores.
Imported Brandpnberjr Freres.
Medoc, St. Emilion, St. Estepha, St.
Jnlien, Margeanx, Tontct, Canet,St. Pierrie
Chateau Iieoville, Chateau la Rosa, Chateau
.avuvuu, uiduu mi uuaicau A,iargeaux.
f Grand Vin Chateau Lafitte, by the case or
Dome. t. w. BCHH1DT
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
PlUner Beer
Has won high esteem by its delicious flavor
and perfect wholesomeness. No bad effects
can come from its use.
Telephone 11BC. S A
Patronize Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal
at, Allegheny', the standard gallory of the
V two ciues. uaoineu only Jl a docen.
The Wheat Pit Lncklncjn Vim Trading
Terv Slow, But Futures Move Cp a
Fraction Com and Onta Life
less Hob Prodncta Tame.
CniCAOo The speculative market was
agnln decidedly lacking ,In snap to-day. local
Interests being of an indifferent sort with out
side orders as scarce as ever. The general
situation was in fact without a single new
or interesting feature. The temper of the pit
was undoubtedly bearish, and local operators
are pretty generally short on the market. The
statistical position of wheat, on the contrary,
was favorable to buyers if not positively bull
ish. Trading In futures was Inconsequential
throughout the session and most of it was in
December. That month fluctuated within ex
treme limits otjje and closed 3fc higher than
on Saturday. The good demand for cash
wheat at this point on ' shipping and export ac
count noted around the close of last week con
tinues, there being several moderate sized
round lots taken to-day. New No. 2 red again
sold at KGKc premium over August.
A moderate degree of speculative activity
was manifested in corn early, but as the session
advanced the pit becamo quiet and lifeless.
The market opened a trifle under Saturday's
closing prices, but was firm and advanced c
on buying by local shorts. The cooler weather
had a strengthening influence. The advance
brought out free offerings, one or two shippers
selling quite freely, and the market receded,
ruled firmer, and closed YJSMfi better than
Saturday. The visible showed a moderate de
crease and local stocks were reduced 190,635
bushels, making the quantity now In store
here 1,292,734 bushels, or 1.221,814 bushels small
er than the corresponding time last year.
A good business was done In oats, particu
larly early m tho session, when a weaker feeling
developed. Offerings were free, receipts being
large and the demand light. First sales were
at MKc decline. This brought in quite a
number of buyers, and abetter feeling devel
oped, and prices reacted KQJic. Later the
offerings decreased, but the market closed
easy at z decline from Saturday.
Trading In pork was only moderate. Offer
ings were not large, and the demand was active,
especially during the early part of the dar.
Prices ruled 1517e higher early, but the
market soon weakened, and prices receded 7
10c, and closed quiet. Shipping demand
A fair trade was reported is lard early. Local
shorts purchased moderate quantities, and,
the offerings being somewhat light, prices were
advanced 57Kc. Later the feeling was easier,
and pi ices nettled back again 2J5c, closing
A light trade was done in ribs. The feeling
was steadier earlier, and prices advanced 2
6c, with moderate business. Later the market
was easier, and prices settled back again, with
onlv light trading. "
The leading tutures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2, August, 7GK77&"
77c; faeptember. 76i877i76-077ic; De
cember, 7i$79ffl76KG)78c: May, 8S3
Gokk No. 2, August, 3535c; Beptember,
3535Q3535Sc; December, S5&35c;
May, 37jic '
OATS-No. 2. August 20?20K20K205ic;
September. 2Kc; October, 205ie2020
20?ic: May. 21&C
. Mess Pore, per bbk August, $10 S2K
10 65; September. S10 5010 E510 50310 62H:
October. S10 35010 50310 3510 45; January,
S972KS9 80.
Lakd, per 100 Iks. September, SO 25; Octo
ber, S6 27K6 S06 27J6 27K; year, $6 00;
Januarv. So 97H 00.
Short Ribs, per 100 Ha. August, $5 35;
September. 85 J7H65 42XE5 37K3 ; Octo
ber, S5 37X-
Cash quotations were as follows: Flonr
unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 77c:
No. 2 corn. 38c; .No. 2 oats, 20Jc No. 2
rye. 4243c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flax
seed. Si 23. Prime timothy seed, SI 351 43.
Mess pork, per barrel, S10 6010 85. Lard, per
100 pounds, SS 206 22. bhort rib sides
(looie), S5 355 45. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), $4 8750u. Short clear sidcs(bftxed),
S5 75o 87. Sugars Cut loaf. 9K01O-:; gran
lated, 9c; standard A, SJc. Receipts
Flour, 11.000 barrels; wheat, 159.000 bushels;
corn, 349.C00 bushels; oats, 223,000 bushels; rye,
3.000 bushels; barley, none. Shipments Flour,
16,000 barrels: wheat. 278,000 bushels: corn. 405.0UO
bushels:oats, 176,000 bushels; rye, 2.000 bushels;
barlev, none.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was quiet; creamery. 12l$Kc; dairy, 9
12c. Eggs dull; fresh, 10Xllc
New York Hour weaker aud 510c lower.
Cormneal quiet: yellow Western, $2 452 75.
Wheat Spot dull and unsettled, closing
stronger: option dull and MJb"c higher, clos
ing steady. , Rye firm; Western, 62ffl53e.
Barley malt dull: Canada. 90cSl 05 for old aud
new. Corn Spot moderately active and easier;
options dull, lower and weak. Oats Spot mod
erately active and weaker; options active and
weaker. Hay firm and In good demand; ship
ping, 65c; good to cbdice,'8095d. Hops quiet
nnd coj.- OoQTao nptinnopaned stdy,olO
points up, and closed barelysteaoy, 16Q20 points
down; sales, 52,000 bags, including August. 15
15.25c: September. 15T20S!15.35c; October. 14.95
15.30; November. 1515.30c; December, 14.5
13.25c; January. 15 15.25c: February,15c; March,
13.00c: May, 15.15 15.25c; spot Rio dull; fair car
goes, loo nominal. Sugar Raw entirely nom
inal; refined about steady and quiet. Molasses
Foreign dull: 60 test, 30c; New Orleans
quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil
quiet. Tallow quiet. Rosin steady and quiet,
'lurpentine dull at 40414c Eggs firm and
in good demand; western best, 14415c: do
fair, 12414c; receipts. 44,518 packages. Pork
steadv and quiet; mess, inspected, S12 0012 50;
do uninspected, Sll 7512 00; extra prime. Sll.
Cut meats dull and weaker: picKled bellies,
78c:pickled hams, llllc;pickled shoulders,
5(j5c: middles steadier: short clear, S6 25.
Lard a shade higher and quiet; western steam
quoted at S6 60; beptember, 50 65, closing at
tfi 61; October. SO 686 62, closing at S6 61; No
vember. S6 39 bid; January, S6 33, closing at
JO 55. Butter quiet and easy, except for fancy;
western dairy. 1012c: do creamery, U17c;
do factory. 812c Cheese quiet and firm;
western, 67c
Philadelphia Flour-Choice old winter
wheat flour scarce and wanted at firm prices;
new wheats were very sard to move; spring
dull and weak: Ohio and pther western clear,
$4 25ffil 65; do '("traighi S4 755 00; winter
patent, fair to choice, "So 0005 50: Minnesota,
clear. S3 604 25; do straighr, 14 505 60; d
patept, $5 5o6 00. AVbeat ruled steady, but
speculation very quiet and export inquiry
continued light; car lots in elevator in fair
dtmand at Saturday's prices; No. 3 red in ex-
Soneievator, 78c: rejected in do, 79c; steamer
To. u red, in do, 81Jc; No. 2 red in
do, etc; No. 2 red, August, Si6l
S4c; (September. 8SKS4c; October, 81
84Kc; November. S4J68oXc Corn weaker,
little demand, either from speculators or ship
pers; carlots qtdet but steady; No. 2 mixed,
in Twentieth street elevator, 4545; No. 2
mixed, August, 43Jg44c; September, iVA
44c; October, 44H&44c; Noreuiber, 41J4
3233c; No. 2 white, 31e: futures' dull and
n ! Va OwliUn A nm.t 'Oil ADO.. O .
1C craus cariuui uareiy Bteaay ; i o. 3 WUlte.
weak; No. 2 white, AnguaV3IVS2c; Septem-
oer. oueoigc; uctouer,Masic;iMOverooer,
31SIXc Provisions quirt and unchanged.
ber. 30e30Jc; October, EOJil
Lard Western steam. tX6?c. Butter dull
and weak; Pennsylvania cieamery.extra, 17k
18c; do. prints, do , 24Z7c Eggs flrai for choice
stock; Pennsylvania firsts, 15c. Cheese dull;
part skims, 56c.
St Louis Flour steady and unchanged.
Wheat higher. The market was nnsettled early
in the day, but there was at times a steady and
unsnpplicd demand for August that held that
option firm. Late advices of an advance at
Chicago strengthened the whole line, and the
close was strong, with August Jc and the
the others Kc above Saturday; No. 2 red,
cash. 73.4c; August, 73K73X74Jc, closed
74Jcbld; September, 74874e. closed 74Jc;
December, 77774c closed 77Jiebid. Corn
weak: No. 2 mixed, cash, 33l2c; August,
33K33Kc, closed 33c; September. 3333c,
closed 33Xc bid. Oats unsettled but closed
firm; Na 2 cash. 20c bid; August. 19c; Sep
tember. 2020fc bld;Jday,2424icbid. Rve
No. 2, 39j0c Flaxseed Lower; spot, SI 27;
August. SI 22 bid. Pi o visions dull and easy.
Cincemtati Flour Steady; family, $3 25
3 CO; fancy. $3 854 25. Wheat lower; No. 2
rcu. ,. tj.bc; receipts, liiAW uusneis; snipments,
6,000 bushels. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed. SSc.
Oats easier; Na 2 mixed, 25c; new, 2324c.
Rye duU; No. 2. 45c Pork steady at Sll 37.
Lard active at S6. Bulkmeats firm: short ribs,
S5 75. Bacon steady; short clear, $6 75. Butter
steady; fancy creamery, 1820c: cholco dairy,
ll12c. Linseed oil quietand steady at 6062c
hugar in light demand; refined, 89Xc; New
Orleans. 7K&Kc- Eggs arm at lie. Cheese
quiet and firm; prime to choice Ohio, 78c
Milwaukee Floor steady. Wheat Cash.
TTJic: September. 76Jic. Corn quiet; No. 3.
36k37c. Oats dull; No. 2 white, new. 26Kc
Barley quiet; No. 2 September, SOlic Rye
eaiv:No. L 4343Jic. Provisions firm. Pork,
S10 50. Lard, W la Cheese steady; Cheddars.
Baltimobe Provisions dull. Butter steady;
creamery. 1617a .Eggs very firm; fresh, 14c.
Coffee nominal.
Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash. 84 60; Oc
tober, S4 40; November,?! 45; December, U 47K;
January, $4 60. i
Brnzlllnn Coffee.
Rio De Jankieo. Augusts. Coffee Regu
lar first, 6,200 rels per 10 kilos: good second.
6.550 rels. Recelnts during tfc vut n nnn
bags; purchases for United States, 3,000; clear- !
ances for do. 4,000; stock, 444,000 bags. ' i
-S"1."' Sli.,." " -onee uooo average,
6.600 rels per 10 kilos; receipts during the week!
86.000 bags; purchases for the United States.
ISO 000; clearances for do, 83,000 bags.
aielal Market,
uhHHB ttHBssHsVSHsBnBiBk J.firiBrf. jSiiMaal3KlliBiHisliSKfiff i
Method of Trading on tlje New York
Consolidated Exchange.
The Adoption of Which in Pittsburg Would
Mako Easiness Lively.
Mr. JohnfR.; McKee, Jr., whohas just been
elected President of the Pittsburg Exchange,
needs no Introduction to the business men of
this city, and especially to that large and influ
ential class known as brokers and investors.
He is one of the brainiest members of the
institution of which he is now the head, is
thoroughly conversant with the methods lu
vogue in all the speculative markets, and is
active and enterprising to a degree rarely com
bined in the same individual.
Knowing that Mr. McKee had just returned
from New York the Mecca of every business
man in America where he bad been tr study
the workings of the metropolitan expanses
for the benefit of the home institution, I
sought and obtained an interview yith him
yesterday. He expressed himself as porougji
ly pleased delighted, as he put ix-l with the
methods of the younger of the two gpat specu
lative centers of the big city the Crnsolidated
Exchange the members of whim, for the
most part, are active, energetic poang men
who have graduated from the oldei institution,
which they deserted solely for thi reason that
its plan of procednre, in their oylnion, is too
exclusive too antiquated and oimbersome to
meet the necessities of this progressive age.
Tbey were not satisfied to woryundor a policy
which favors the rich and igntres tho middle
classes that gives peculiar adVantages to the
man who deals in blocks of thousands and
handicaps or ignores him whr is forced to re
strict his operations to hundreds and identi
fied themselves with a conreln founded upon
the broad principle of equal rghts to all and
exclusive privileges to nop. In substance,
Mr. McKee said: I
The Consolidated Kxchspge of New York
started with the direct opposition of the old
Stock Exchange. It had Viry few of the rail
road and other securities which are usually
dealt in, and, as a consejiece, members at
first had limited facilities Ar executing orders.
To remedy this disadvantage, a new method of
trading was adopted, by which the actuat de
livery of certificates tookblace every Monday
instead of dally, as in the ld exchange. This
enlarged the field of operations, as it gave a
week of open, or free, trading without the
necessity of delivery, affofiing investors a rea
sonable time in which t operate for a turn.
When delivery day arrived traders, as a gen
eral thing, are perfectly! satisfied to let the
brokers carry their deals another week in the
same manner, and the Irokers are willing to
accommodate each other by mutual loans to
tide over real or possible difficulties. This
gives a liveliness and, activity to business
which is always wanting where a stiff, narrow
and unaccommodating policy is pursued.
Now for the application. In New York a
new institution, established In the face of
strong opposition and with many predictions
of ultimate failure, is flourishing like a green
bay tree, and gives promise of soon rivaling, in
tho volume of business transacted, the old
Stock Exchange, which has resorted, and is
resorting, to every possible device to crush its
young and vigorous rival.
Bringing the matter home, tho Pittsburg Ex
change has large opertunities, under a similar
broad aud liberal policy to Increase its volume
of trade and influence almost indefinitely, for
we have a speculating and investing element lr
our population second In size, wealth and in
telligence to that of no other city of equal
numbers in the Union. Moreover, our In
vestors are not hampered by want of capital to
operate with, for money is, and likely will be
for a long time, abundant and cheap. To this
It may be added that the character of the
home securities is far superior to most of those
dealt n elsewhere.
In Boston, Philaelph1,ndBaltiBiar the
same system ha been, adopted as prevails in
the New York Consolidated Exchange, and
the result is admitted on all hands to be bene
ficial, alike to brokers and investors.
The system upon which business is carried on
in London differs as much froni New York 'as
.New York differs from Pittsburg. Settlement
occupies three days. One is called name day
that Is, with regard to stocks which have been
purchased outright and which have to be trans
ferred, the name of the buyer is handed to the
seller. Another day is termed carrying-over
day, on which rates of continuation are de
cided. The explanation of this is that a person
having bought, say, 1,000 shares ol any stock,
and not being prepared to take np and pay for
it, desires it to be carried forward to the next
settling day, arranges through bis broker to pay
what is technically called a "contango." This
contango) may be 4. 6 or Scents a share; and
it takes the place of the interest which the,
New Youc broker charges. In London,
brokers art not. as In New York, tied down to
a bard ani fast line with reference to com
missions. They are competitive, and make
terms to slit the case in hand. For specula
tive transactions they exact only one commis
sion for botn buying and selling, and the pur
chaser of 20 u-50 sbaresof stock gets as close a
quotation as tie man who buys and sells 1,000
or iu,ouo snan
London broSprs do all in their power to con
vince clients tkit the wolf and lamb tbeorvis
not much mordserlons than a standing joke.
Good Trading In Local Securities for n Bine
Captain Barbour, the autocrat of the Stock
Exchange, did wel yesterday for blue Monday.
He succeeded in gttting up considerable inter
est among tha brokers, and sold 775 shares, the
bulk of which wis contributed by Central
Traction and la Noria.
The weak spits were Philadelphia and Char
tiers Oas and Ii Noria, all of which were sold
or quoted at a factional loss, as compared with
Saturday's figuHs. Central Traction contin
ued its npward Movement, selling at 32 In the
afternoon, with .t asked at the close. Citizens'
was firm and Pitiburg steady bnt neglected.
Natural Oas of test Virginia developed addi
tional strength, beog bid up to 70J& wish none
offered. Manufaciirers' Oas was out of the
market at 28. Elesricrolrt at 62. with light
offerings. At the cbse 62 was asked.
W. L Mustin, of teorgo B. Hill fc Co.. was
still hungry for Fouih National Bank, offering
128 for all the sharo, outstanding. The only
comment on the bid 'tes: "He can't get them."
The market presentedno special features, and
there was neither new nor gossip of import
ance. With the sxcejiions noted, the closing
prices were the best t the day. Bids, offers
and sales are appended,
........... I V1- Asked. Hid. Asked.
ir. it., o. a ni. t.x..i.. ., .... .... 5QQ
iiranuAik iu&
1 128 ....
- . 47X ....
.. .... 36 44
J .... 23 85
70 75
.... .... 71 74
3 V "S ?
iw .v. ioo ....
" g '
SO S 80 05
CO .... Hi
'"Us ""m '"in '"tv
52 .... ax tiu
i iiV a z2
.... 117 .... ....
4! ....
210 saa ....
Ben rranklln ins.
Brlilcewater Oas.
Chartlers Val. Gas U
31aunfacturersGiiS Li
Kat.GasCo.ofW. VI
Ohio Valley Uas.
P. J. O. 41. Co
rennsvivania bas vo.
Philadelphia Co
Wheellnr (JssCo
Forest (HI Co
Tuna Oil Co
Viashlnrton oil Co....
Central Traction. -
Citizens' Traction......
Pittsburg Traction
Pleasant Valley.
La Noria Alining Co. ..
Westinrhoase Electric
U. a. &tilg. Co. -
Weitlngbouse A.B. Co.
Pittsburg- Cyelorama..
Pitts, llate O. Co.pref
Sales at the morning call were 20 shares of
Philadelphia Oas at S7K, 10 Electric at 62V. 25
Snitch and Signal at 2i, and 100 Central Trac
tion 30, SO at 32. After call 60 shares of Central
Traction sold at 32. '
In the afternoon the sales were 200 shares of
Chartlers Oas at 6a 250 La Noria- at 1J. 100
Central Traction at SOf 10 Electric atoife. 10
Philadelphia Oas at Siii, and 1 membership at
Philadelphia. Mtocki.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney BUpheuson. brbkers. No a
Fourth avenue, slemberi Xiw York stock Kx
chrnnre. BM. Asked
Pennsylvania Hallroad jik (2
Beading. ...... ......,...,.. 17-26 asvx
Lehbrh Vallev r... sw S3
I.h1h NtrinHnn . K7 ??
Xortuent aiflc....... ......... ...., ;
gnucni 1 ftc-uie preiw
Local Finances Moving- Alans; Smoothly
Small Bills Very Scarce.
The local money market was very active yes
terday for Monday, but it developed no new
features. The signs continued favorable for an
early Improvement which cannot come too
soon for those having a surf olt of idle capital.
The exchanges were J2J01,188 19 and the bal
ances 5276,727 74. The complaint of a scarcity
of small notes was general.
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 24per cent; last loan, 2: closed offered
at lH. Prime mercantile paper. 4JJ6 , stJ"
ling exchange dull but steady at (4 85 for 60
day bills and H 87 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. ,reg 1MH
U. a. 4. coup........l2SK
II. M dU, ri.fr 10jk
M.K. AT.Gen.S . ?JK
Mutual Union 6s.. ..too
V.J. C. Int. Cert... in
Northern Fae. lsts..H7K
Northern Pae. MS..115),
Northw't'n consols. US
Northw'n deben's..lHX
D. B. 4HS, coop.... 10bX
Pacific 6s of '95 HSH
Lou.slanastanrned43 831,
Missouri s 10K
Tenn. new set. 6s. ...105
lenn. new sec 5s. ...1W
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 7J
Canada So. zd 99
Ccn. Pacificists 1HW
Den. & It. a., lstaIH
Den. AR. G. 4s 7i
l) R(,.Wet.lits. 101
Oregon & Trans. 6 104V
St. 1. &I.M. Oen. Si MVj
St. US,F.Gen.ii-ii
at. Paul consols ....125
Mt.PL l!hl A Pc.lsts.U7K
Tx.,Tc.L.G.Tr K.W
Tx.,PcK.G.Tr.Kcts 36!
union rac. isw. i?
West chore 107
fcrle,Ms 102
11. K. T. Gen. 6s. ..( I
New York Clearings to-day, t8S,018,493j
balances, $4,785,712. . .
Bostox Clearings, J13.76L437; balances,
JL787.859. . ,
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 84195c for the
account, . . ,
Philadelphia Clearings, J9,l4,786; bal
ances. Sl.933.9o5. . ,
Baittmoee Clearings. $2,234,705; balances,
Chicago Bank clearings. tl2.205.OoO.
St. Louis Clearings, J3.059.S17; balances,
Good Movement In Rcnlty for so Early In
the Week.
Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold for Philip Bamberger a frame house of
three rooms, witii lot 50x100, on Fairfax street,
Homewood, to E. M. Blglow for $1,000.
George S. Martin, 503 Liberty street, sold in
the Maplewood Park plan, Wilklnsburg, lot
No. 152, having a frontage of 40 feet on Fahne
stock avenue by 144 feet to Singer street, for
$400, to Mrs. J. L. Moxon.-
Reed B. Coyle t Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to Emma Wallace lot No. 66 in Marion Place
plan, for $250.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
George E. Myers the property No. 81 Spring
Garden avenue, Allegheny City, with lot 20x99
feet and two frame houses thereon, for'$i400-
John F. Baxter, 612 Smltbfie'd street, sold to
C. McGuire lots Nos. 174, 175 and 176. Villa
Park plan, Brusbton station, having a frontage
on Frankstown avenne of 160 feet by 180 feet to
a 20-foot allev, for 8100.
James W Drape & Co. sold an interest In a
farm of 80 acres in Robinson township for $3,000
Thomas McCaffrey sold for J. J. Vogel to
Alex. Curry, property corner Thirty-third and
Harding street, lot 25x110 feet, with frame
dwelling, for $1,400.
The Market Still Cllnslns Very Closely to
the Dollar Line.
The only animation in the oil market yester
day was shortly after the opening, when New
York and Oil City were buying. They soon
drew off, however, and the market was quiet
the rest of the day. The tactics pursued here
seemed to be to buy below and sell above the
dollar line.
But while the price did not go below a dollar
at any time during the day, those wanting to
unloadailed to find customers for anything
except small lots, and the conditions were too
bnllirh for those who would otherwise sell
shore The result was that trading was light.
Cash oil was Ji cent below the regular. Very
little of It was handled.
The fluctuations were: Ooenlng. Zl 00U:
highest, $1 Otfl1; closing. $1 00, the close being
B.iuuga, ucaiij fcuo uiuwt yum. ui uiciuj.
The bulls were sufficiently encouraged to pre
dict an active market and a higher range of
prices to-day.
YciterdnV. Oil Ranee.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaciey & Co, 43
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange,
Opened lOOXILowest 100
Hlxbest.r 1011 Closed loo
Averageruns... 52 229
Average shipments ...., 57,236
Average charters. - i. 47,ti3
Jtetid, New York. 7.40c.
Keflne, London, 5d.
Kenned, Antwerp, ISHr.
.Kenned, Liverpool, Xd.
A. B. McOrew 6 Co. quote: Puts, 99c;
calls, $1 0L
Other Oil Markets.
TTTCSVILLE, August 5. National transit cer
tificates opened at $1 00; highest, $1 OIK: low
est, 99c: closed. 99e.
Pittsburg, August 67 Petroleum dull but
steady. National transit certificates opened, at
$1 O0H; closed at 11 00; highest, $1 01; lowest,
Bradford, August 6. National transit cer
tificates opened at 99c; closed at $1 00; high
est. $1 01: lowest, 99c; clearances, 116,000
Oil Citt. Augusts. National transit certifi
cates opened at SI 00: highest, $1 01; lowest,
99c: closed. $1 08. 8ales, 369,000 barrels; clear
ances, 156,000 barrels; charters. 65,634 barrels;
shipments, 133,681 barrels; runs, 58,776 barrels.
New York, August 5. Petroleum opened
steady at 99c, and became strong in the first
hour, spot advancing to $1 OOK and September
option to $1 01; A reaction followed, after
which the market became quiet and closed
steady. Total sales, 790,000 barrels.
Tbey Exhibit Increased. Activity naWell na
Strength Tho'Crnngers Lead Sugar
Trust Wavering Final Changes
Show Small Gains All
Alone the Line.
. New York. AngustR The stock market to
day seemed to have shaken off the lethargy
which has bound it for so long, and there was
not only a moderately active business through
out the day, bnt It was much more evenly dis
tributed than nsual of late, and the tone of the
dealings remained positively strong from open
ing to close. In this movement the Chicago
party was given the credit of being the leaders,
and the Granger stocks, as was to be expected,
led the list generally in both activity and
strength. The indications are that tho upward
turn is due to the increased movement in
grain, which has set in with considerable
There was no help from the foreigners, as
this was a bank holiday in London, bn,t other
outside centers sent liberal buying orders in
lor their favorite, while the advance in quota
tions was materially assisted by the covering qf
shorts in all the principal- stocks. As a mark ot
the improved tone of the transactions there was
considerable trading in the stocks which have
been neglected for a long time, and these alone
shared In the improvement. The advances
were very uniform, and almost all the leading
shares rnade material final gains.
The opening was made at advances over Sat
urday's closing figure of from U to Muer
cent, and was succeeded by an active and'
iroog market, tue only exception Deing ongar
Trust, which declined 1 per cent in the first
few minutes. The early dealings were also
marked by a sharp upward spurt in Oregon
Transcontinental from 82$ to 31i, bnt this was
all lost with something In addition before the
close, and rumors M Mr." Villard selling nut
were circulated. All the active stocks rose
materially in the first hour and Sugar Trust re
covered Its entire loss and afterward took the
lead in the advance, scoring a handsome final
gain. The market quieted down somewhat
after 1 o'clock, bnt the upward movement was
continued, bnt the trading became devoid of
feature beyond the sudden rise In Manhattan
from 92 to 95 on what appeared to be Inside
Sugar showed some weakness toward delivery
hour, but rallied again later, while tbe general
list gave evidence of some realizing iorthe last
hour. The market, however, closed quiet and
steady at about the best prices of the day.
Tbe entire list is .higher to-night. Burlington
rose li.ZLake Erie and Western preferred and
Missouri Pacific lJi.St.Paul 1, Chicago and
East Illinois. Big Four ne,w. Northwestern and
Lake Shore li each, New England 1, Sugar
land others fractions.
The Improvement in the market spread to
railroad bonds, and the business done to-day
reached 11,453,000. tboujh for the greater por
tion of the increase the Chesapeake and Ohio
fives and the Richmond and Allegheny firsts
were responsible, furnishing $380 000 and $134.-SW,,Je.p?ctlT,elr-
Jhetono was also stronger.
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe sixes rose 2. to 68.
Hd,H2ls,Xn and Tcx" fluu. receipts, 2 to 127.
Utah Southern extension .sevens lost 2. at
111; San Francisco clasB, 2, at. 118. and San
Antonio and Aransas Pass sixes of 187S, 3. !at85
The followlne table snows' tne prices or active
stocks on the New York block lfcchiSyester:
day. Corrected dallv for The Dis?1tc!h h
Mhitket StxpbissoK. oldest PlttiburS mem-
. of ft aw York stock chanVe" 7 Fourth" v?-
Open-- Itlgn. unr. tng
Am. cotton Oil. ...Jjy-llS Jf
..,,- t m .Atu. avu.ad..... mtn. XI w.SHS .' 11 I - LSMM I I
Canada Southern. SIM
Central orftew Jersey.lll
OrntralPaelllc ..
Chesaoeake Ohio.... X3S
C Mil.1 a St. Paul.... Wi
., iill.St.ppr....llt
C. Koct L 4P KX
C.. 8t. L. & Pitts
V., St. L. & Pitts, pf.
ti. St. P..M. AO MJ
C. ft .Northwestern.... I08&
C.A Worth western, pf.MOtf
O., C, O. ft I T2H
c.. c. c. ft l, pr.....iooj
Col. Coal ft Iron 17
Col. ft Hocking Val .. 14
Uel.. L. ft W Utii
Del. ft Hudson 414M
Denver ft Bio O.. pt
.T.Va.ftOa H
E-T.,Va. & Us. 1st pr. ....
Jtx.. Va.ftGa.2dpf. ....
Illinois Central
Lake Erl. ft Western.. TJX
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. tH
Lake Shore AM. 3 103
Louisville ft ft ashvUlctaX
Michigan central 87
Mo., Kan. ft Texas . .
Missouri Pacific 58341
New sfork Central,
Y-L.E.ft W !
I.. G. ftSt. L, 14
ft. it., u.4st.L.nr.
2-r- C. ftBt.i4.2d nf ...
5. V.. O. ft W
ftorfolk a Western.... IS
Norfolk Western. pf. SOW
Northern PaclOc 2S.'i
ftortnern Pacific oref. 4)b
Ohio 4 MlssUsIppl 22M
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Transcon SJf
Pacineuall SIX
Peo. Dec. A Kvans B
Phlladel. ft Heading.. 45
Pullman pataeo Car... 130
Rtchmona ft W. P. T.. SM
Klcliuiond AW.P.T.pf ....
St. P., Minn, ft Man.. 93-
St.L. ftsan Fran 21f
St. L. a ban rran pf.. MS
Texas Psclflo 1
Union Paciac 5S5K
JVabasn I5'(i
Wabash preferred 2Ji
Western Union 85
Whrthng A L. . a
bugar Trust 114
ftational Lead Trust.. 24
Chicago (las Trust 53
JEM 51 H 52 V
IWa 110 1S
h ssif 2j
-Ki 7IM WH
IK 111 ljl
7 KX fX
six si" K
nos iur- kH
m now WX
7S 72S 73
lOOjJ 100H 100U
27 2s to
14 14 14
U4V 144X 145
145JJ 144X lg
a 438
v." ".'. km
GOV 59 60S
van 102H im
tax s 9S
. .. ... 10oX
SH 26 ZO
1S7 164 IS
SUfc 49M MM
is" is" 14H
50 50 S 50VJ
Z9t &Ji 23H
63fi SVi S5H
mi S2H Hit
34M SO, S2H
3M ZiH 34W
S 21V 21 H
Abi UH H
181 180 179
24 22 23H
U" s" a
iOS 26Vi iCX
sh sen 56
20 19H 197a
m Mi HI
158 ly-i isk
297i 2SH 29K
tiH Si ta'4
O 63 M
5SK 58 1 58K
AteluLandOrant, 7sl07)f
Atch.&Top.R. K... S7
Boston A Albany.. .218
Boston & Maine 201
li, 11. 4U 10J M
Clnn. ban. A Cleve. 24H
Eastern B. K 100
Flint ft PereM. pra.2
Metlcan Cen. com.. UH
Mex.C.ist mt(T. bds.CMU
ft. r. ftftowKnc... 60S
Old coionr. 176 ii
Kntland preferred.. 40
Wls.Central.com... TIM
UlouezMcCotnew). S
Calumet A Hcla....2S0
Huron 1
Osceola. 10
I'cwable (new) 2
Qulnev 50
Hen xeiepnone a
Boston Land...
tt ater Power..,
San Diego
. 6
Minlnc Stock.
New Yobe. Aucust 5. American Flag, 2;
Amador. 100; Caledonia B. II., S00; Colorado
Pfltlfril 1Vs PnnAlt J atari Pullfuwlii Anrl TTtv
glnia, 650; beadwood Ter.. 160; Enreka Con
solidated. 100: TCI Cristo. 103: Hala A Norcross.
240; Homesuke 900; Horn Silver. 125: Iron
Silver, 195: Mexican. 220: Mount Diablo, 125;
mutual, no; norm xieiie isie. iuu; untano,
9J no. n..t own. a,vMA nn. du. v.mj.
165; Union Consolidated, 200; Ward Consoll-
uaiea, ioo.
Business Notes.
Ms. A. Cttster has sold 5,000 shares of West
Moreland and Cambria gas stock since the
Johnstown flood at prices very close to the
par nne.
A Chicago dispatch says trouble is cropping
out in passenger rates, and both Alton and
Rock Island are charged with irregularities.
Tbs Alton threatens to withdraw from all
the Western Railway Passenger asssociations
as soon as tne Atcmson mases its new came
Jonx R. McKke, Je, has been elected
President of the Pittsburg Stock Exchange,
vice W. S.Arter, resigned. A, J. Lawrence and
A. A. Adams were at the same time elected
First and Second Vice Presidents, respectively.
R. J. Stoney, Sr was chosen a member of the
Board of Directors to serve the unexpired term
of B. Font, Esq., resigned.
The Pennrylvania Railroad reports thatjhe
quantity of coal and coke carried over its lines
east of Pittsburg and Erie for tbe week ending
July 27 was 311.118 tons, of which 225,563 tons
were coal and 85,555 tons coke. The total ton
nage for the year thus far has been 8.334,334
tons, compared with 8.tS0,254 tons in the cor
responding period of 188b, a decrease ot 545,920
tons, ot which 6,827,919 tons were coal, a de
crease of 841,100 tons, and 2,500,413 tons coke,
an increase of 295,180 tons.
'All apothecaries sell that true and tried
strengthening and worm medicine, Dr. D.
Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. It a child is
weak and wanting in appetite, a finer tonic
and appetizer cannot be given it; while, if
worms be present, their removal Dy the
Vermifuge is safely effected.
Mnrvln'a the Best.
Marvin's extra oda crackers and royal
fruit biscuit cannot be beaten. They are
unsurpassed. Get them Irom your grocer.
Pittsburg. Pa., July 27, 1889.
reports of viewers on tbe construction of
Atwood and Louisa streets sewer, from Fifth
avenue to -Meyran street, and Meyran and
Louisa streets sewer, from Fifth avenue to
Cunlitf e Run sewer, have been approved by
Councils, which action will be final, unless an
appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas
within ten (10) days from date.
Chief of Department of Public Works.
grading and paring of Mahogany alley,
irom Essex alley to Laurel street, in the (six
teenth ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davits on die in tbe office of tbe Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third In interest of the owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned tbe Councils ot said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading and
paving of the same: therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed
to advertise In accordance with the
acts of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth ot
Pennsylvania and the ordinances of tbe said
city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regula
ting the same, for proposals for the grading
and paving of Mahogany alley, from Essex
alley to Laurel street, tbe contract therefor to
be Jet in the manner directed by the said acts
of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex
pense of the same to be assessed and collected
in accordance with the provisions of an act of
Assemblv of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled. "An act relating to streets and
sewers in cities of tbe secona class," approved
the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance bo andtbesameisberebyrepealcd
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th dayof July. A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
. Mayor's office. July 23. 18S9. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 107,
31st day of July, A. D. 1889. au3-66
A (No. 301
construction of a sewer on Gmn street,
from a point 65 feet sonth of Cliff street to
Webster avenne.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Councils-
assembled, and It is berebyordalned ana
enacted by the authority of the same. That
the Chief of tbe Department of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with tbe acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and the ordinances of the said city ot Pitts
burg relating thereto and regulating the same,
for proposals for the construction ol a pipe
sewer LI Inches in diameter, on Gnm street,
from a point 65 feet south of Cliff street to a
connection with sewer on Webster avc.
nue; provided, that no part of the cost of
construction of said sewer shall ba
assessed upon the property on Gum street, be
tween Webster and Bedford avenues, which
contributed to the payment of the cost of the
private sewer alreadv constructed therein,
which said sewer is to be taken as a part of tbe
sewer hereby authorized to be constructed, and
the whole sewer, when complete, is hereby de
clared to be a public sewer. The contract there
for to be let in the manner directed by the said
acts of Assembly and ordinances. Tbe cost and
expense of tbe same to be assessed and col
lected in accordance with the provisions of an
act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets
and sewers in cities of the second class," ap
proved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9.
Section 21 bat any ordinance- or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be. and the same is hereby re
pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. . . ,.
Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils
this 22d day or July. A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President- of Select Councils
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
CouneiL GEO. It HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, July 28,, 1899.. Approved.
WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: T. H
.sacvi4b&i .majors ub
Tomatoes, Apples, Potatoes Abundant
and Drifting Down.
Plenty of Stuff in All Frnit and Vegetable
Lines Coming.
Otitcb 'or PrrrsBOEO X3vfPATcn,
Monday, August 6, 18S9. J
Country Produce Jobbing; Prices.
The week is toe-young for any new develop
ments in produce lines. Tomatoes, cantaloups
and water melons are In ample supply, and the
drift is toward a lower level of prices. Pota
toes and apples are quiet. The quality of ap
ples coming to market Is below par. Huckle
berries are plenty and large quantities are com
ing to market in poor shape. A week of
abundancein all fruit and vegetable lines is
assured, and there will be great difficulty hold
ing prices up. Strictly fresh eggs are" not easy
to be bad at this season. All cases coming to
the market require some overhauling and
candiug. For those that stand the test mar
kets aro steady at quotations.
Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 18019c; Ohio do,
17018c; fresh dairy pacxed, 1213c; conctry
rolls, 1012c.
Beans Naw hand-picked beans, $2 402 60;
medium, 2 302 40.
Beeswax 2b30c ft A for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, $8 6007 50: common,
$3 504 00; crab cider, 8 00&8 60 ft barrel;
cider vinegar, 10012c fl gallon.
CnEESK Ohio. 8c; New York, lOcr Lim
burger, 89c: domestic Swcitzer, 9J12Hc;
Imported bweltzer,22c
California Fruits California peaches,
S2 00 V K-bushel box; cherries, J3 00; apricots,
82 00 a 4-baaket case; plums, fl 7502 00 a 4
basket case.
Egos 15c f dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, 2 oo2 50 fl barrel: pine
apples, fl 0U1 Zi f) dozen; whortleber
ries, 75cl 00 fl pail; blackberries, 5&Sc
fl quart; wild eoose plums, S2 50 fl crate;
entrants. S3 5004 W 2-busheIstaad: watermelons.
I $15 U023 00 fl hundred; slckel pears, $2 00
P 2 25 9a hnahel cratA- Tlp.la.WArn rtnarhnit 2 nr
Feathers Extra live geese, 6060c; No.L
do, 40015c; mixed lots, 3035c fl ft.
POTATOES $1 2501 60 fl barret
Fouitbt Live spring chickens, 60G0c fl
pair; old, 7075o fl pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 As to bushel, S5 60
fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 As. JS 00;
clover, Alslke. $8 60; clover, white, 19 CO; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 65: blue grass, extra
clean. 14 lbs. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. SI 65: red top, 11 Bs. SI 25;
millet, 50 fta. SI 00; German Mlllett. 60 fts.
SI 60; Hungarian grass, 60 Bs. Jl 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 60 fl bushel
of 14 Bis.
Taixo-w Cotntry, 4c; city rendered, 4J
TnopicAl. FbuITS Lemons, fancy. $5 60
6 00 9 box; Messina oranges, S3 005 50 fl box;
rodi, S4 5005 00; California oranges, T4 6U4 75
ft box; bananas, 32 25 firsts. SI 25 good seconds,
ft bunch; cocoanuts. $4 O0Q4 0 J1 hundred;
new figs, 8H9c fl tt; dates, 6&Kc ft Jh.
Vegetables Tomatoes, home-grown. $2Q
2 25 fl bushel; wax beans. Si fl bushel; green
beans, 60075c fl busbdfeuenmbers. home
raised, SI 60 fl bushel: radishes. 25040c fl
dozen; home-grown cabbage, 60c fl bushel; new
celery, home-grown, 60c fl dozen.
Green coffee is still on the upward drift, and
another advance In packages cannot be far
away from present outlook. While the green
bean advanced lc last week, roasted coffee was
advanced only He Other groceries are un
changed. OreenCopfee Fancy Rio. 21022c; choice
Rio, 1820c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 17018c;
old Government. Java, 26c; Maracalbo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2723c; Santos, 1922c: Caracas
20022c: peaberry, Rio. 21023c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands,22c:
high grades, 2426c: old Government Java,
bulk. 31(331c; Maracalbo, 26027c; Santos.
2022c; peaberry.25c;peaberry,cbolte Rio.
23$c: prime Rio, 21&; good Rio, 21c; ordi
nary, 0c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c:
cassiavbc; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 70080c
Petroleum (iobbers prices) 110 test. 7c:
Ohm, 120. 8Kc; headlight. 160. 8J$c; water
white, 10c; globe. 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine,
HHc: royaline, 14c
SYETJPS Corn syrups, 26029c; choice sugar
syrups, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 20033c;
strictly prime. 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. MOLASSES Fancy. 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 40042c.
Soda Bicarb in Kegs,'3Kc; bi-carb In K,
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 6Ji6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set, 8crparafflne, U012c
Rice Head. Carolina, 77Kc; .choice, 6Ji
7c; prime, 6K6Vc; Louisiana, 36Xc
Staech Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 67c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Frutts Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
7K8c; sultana, 8Hc; currants, 45c;
Turkey prunes, 43g5c; French prunes,
813c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c;
cocoanuts. fl 100, S4 00; almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12)j15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
16c; new dates, 5KGc; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecan-,
11015c; citron, per fi. 21022c; lemon peel, per
lb, 13014c; orange peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, Co
apples, evaporated, 66c; apricots. Cantor;
nia, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 22023c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 21022c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries, lU0lio
Sugars Cutes, 9Sc; powdered, 9Ji(?
9c; granulated, 9$c; confectioners' A. 8
9c; standard A, 8c; soft whites. X8ic: yel- '
low, choice. 8c; yellow. good,7J8c; yellow,
fair, 8c: yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), S4 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), S2 75.
Salt No. L f hbl, 95c; No. lex, fl bbl, SI 05;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 0: coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20;
Hlgsrins' Enreka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgms'
Eurekar16-14 St pockets. S3 (ML
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30)
1 90; 2ds, SI 301 35; extra peaches, SI 6001 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, Sll 50;- Hid. Co.
corn. 70090c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lfma beans,
tl 10: soaked do. 85c: strinc do do. 75r785c: maV-
rowfat peas. (1 101 15: soaked peas, 70075c;
pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75: dam
son plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears, S2 60; do greengages, 82: do
egg plums, S2; extra white cherries. S2 90: red
cherries, 2 2. 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 50;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberrleo, SI 3O0S1 40;
tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 7502 10;
blackberries, 80c; succotash. 2 ft cans, soaked.
99c: do green, 2 Its, SI 2501 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans,
E2 05: 14-E cans, $14 00; baked beans, SI 4501 fO;
lobster, 1-ft. SI 7501 80; mackerel. 1-ft cant.
4 60: Sardines, domestic K. & 2508 50; sar
dines, imported, is. Sll 50012 60; sardines. Im
ported, Us, SIS: sardines, mustard, S4 60; sar
dines, spiced. S4 60.
Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. S36 fl
bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess. S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36; No. 2 shorn mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc fl ; do medium, George's cod,
6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6e; do
George's cod in blocks, 67Xc Herrine
Round shore. So 00 fl bbl; split, 17 00: lake.
S2 60 fl 100-ft halt bbl. Wbite fish. $7 OC fl 100
ft half bbl. Lake tront. So 60 fl ball bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c fl lb. Iceland halibut, 13c
W ft. Pickerel. K barrel, S2 00; i barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, to 00 fl barrel, S2 60 fl K
Oatmeal S8 300)6 60 bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained,
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
i Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 35 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 2 ot corn, 4 of bay, 1
of shorts, 6 of flour, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St, Louis, 8 cars of corn, 1 of
flonr, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie,
1 car ot flour. 1 of rye. By Pittsburg and
Western, 3 cars of oats. 2 of flonr, 2 of husks.
Sales on call: Two cars No. 2 yellow
shelled corn, 422c,5 days, Pennsylvania
lines; 1 car sample wheat, 79c; 1 car
packing bay, $6 87 S days, Pennsylvania
lines; 1 car choice upland prairie hay, $10, 5
days, Pennsylvania lines; 1 car white oats, new.
30c 10 days; 1 car winter bran, Sll. 10 days; 1
car No. 2 white oats, new, 2&!c, August; 3 cars
Oo oats, new, 2Sc, September.
WnEAT-Jobbine prices New No. 2 red. 83
84c: No. 2 red, 89490c: No. 3 red. 83081c.
Corn- No. 2 yellow ear, 45010c: high mixed
ear. 4444Kc; No. 2 vellow, shelled, 4243c;
hlsh mixed, shelled, 41042c; mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white. 32K33e: extra. No. 8.
31A31Kc; No, 8 white, 80K31c; No. 2 mixed
oats, iSii&Bc
Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 81053c;
No. l Western. olgSlWc: new rye No. 2 Ohio;
47B48C t
Flour Jobbfni prices Fancy winter and
Srintr 'patents, 6 7596 25: winter straight.
0005 23; dear Winter, $4 755 00: straight
XXXX bakers', 4 264 50. Rye flour, S8 50
MF -W. 3 --- .4KA
Middliags. fine white, 4 SO0
.iBjAc&k&a,. .. : .K.AiJL. .-.. ;d
15 CO V ton: brown middlings, Sll 6012 00: win
ter wheat bran. Sll 00ll 25; chop feed, S15 00
16 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice S140U 25: No: 1
do. S13 60Q13 73; No. 2 do, $11 0012 50; loose,
from wagon. $16 00018 00: No. 1 upland prairie.
$10 OOgiQ 50; No.2, V 608 00; packing do, $5 60
6 60.
Straw Oats, S6 60; wheat and rye straw.
$5 608 0a
Sugar-cured hams, large, HK sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams, small.
lc: sugar-cured breakfast oacon.lOKcrsugar
enred shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sngar-cured dried beef flaw, 9Kc; ngar
cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. 12Kc; bacon shoulders, 6c: bacon
clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, JsKc; dry
salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c
Mess pork, heavy, $13 00; mess pork, lamily,
$13 60. Lard Refined In tierces. 6Wc; half
barrels,6c: 60-11 tuns, 6JJc; 20-tt palls, 7c; 60-a
tin cans, 6kc; 3-ft tin pails, 7c; 6-ft tin palls.
7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 1Q-&
tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c: large,
6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 60; quarter barrel.
S3 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550
fts, 6We; 550 to 650 fis. 6Vc: 650 to 750 Bis. 6Kc
Sheep. 8q fl ft. Lambs, 10c fl ft. Hogs, 6jic
Fresh pork loins. 8Xc
The Drvsoods Market.
New York, August 6. The market con
tinues unchanged and generally firm.
Wool Market,
St. Lotjis Receipts, 231,168 pounds. The
market is quiet and steady.
"1 would rather die than undergo another ex
perience such as I have for the past four years
Tbe catarrhal poison in my system caused me
to be continually taking cold, and with every
cold tbe pains in ray head became more in
tense. Although I was able to get rid of some
of the poisonous matter by hawking and spit
ting out what dropped down into my throat,
and had some nasal discharge, yet the secre
tion kept piling up in my head much faster
than I was able to expel it, until a severe inflam
mation and ulceration set in. My eyes became
so inflamed and weak that I was obliged to
wear spectacles for one year and a bait. My
nose became greatly swollen and puffed out and
tbe disease ulcerated deeper and deeper
until fire bones dropped ont ot my nose,
some of them measuring one Inch and a half
in length. Also, a large bone dropped out of
the roof of my mouth. Although my appetite
was good, vet I gradually lost flesh until I only
weighed 73 pounds. I treated with several
physicians, but found no relief, for I could
neither get any peace by day or rest by night.
I finally became very deaf, and as my condi
tion was continually crowing worse leave np
all hope, until one day I happened to read in
the papers testimonials from patients who had
been cured of catarrh at the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, at 323 Penn avenue, and
as these patients' fnll name and residence
was given, I thought that perhaps there was
yet some doctor who did really cure
catarrh. I called at tbe Catarrh
and Dyspepsia Institute, and was
told by tbe physicians that although tbey
could not restore tbe lost parts occasioned by
the bones dropping out, they could yet remove
every trace of the catarrhal poison from my
system, and thus save me from consumption
for my throat had become very sore and ulcer
ated, and I was afraid I would die with con
sumption, as soma of my friends bad done. I
therefore placed myself under their treatment
and tbey have kept their word, fori have been
entirely cured by their constitutional blood
medicines, and, strange as it .may seem, they
never gave me any local treatments at alL
This leads me to think that catarrh has its
origin in tbe blood. My bearing has been re
stored. I have regained my flesh, and feel well
and strong. I reside on Penn avenue, this
city. Just opposite St. Mary's Cemetery, and
shall be pleased to tell anyone further of my
terrible suffering and wonderful cure.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley is always present during
office hours to consult with ladies suffering
with diseases peculiar to their sex. The medi
cines used are so prepared as to allow tho
patient to uso the treatment herself and thus
avoid the unpleasant and humiliating treatment
that most ladies have to undergo. Consulta
tion free to all. Office hours. 10 a. m.. to 4 p.
jl, and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays 12 to 1 PJf.
Sold by all stove dealers. Manufactured by
oA anu oo-t liiDrjiui zsrti;,r.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
tfOHN YT. TAYLOR Cashier
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Blood Frier.
A purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from tbe
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Eczeraa,vltchr, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
Tbe simple application of "Swaths Oihtmcnt' wittioat
iot tatenutl medicine, win rare aor cut ef Tetter; Silt
Bbeam Ringworm. PUee, Itch. Bon. Pimple, Krriipf u. !
do matter new otMtlnate r lost itandinc txrttl by drBgglxts,
r tent bT mall for cti. 3 Boxei, $1.35. AddKM D".
8wTMiSo,PMladelphia,F. Aik josr dmit tor I.
A pure dry Soap In powdered torn. The great
labor savor and quick cleanser! without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical! pure and good.
Bsats the World for deaalag glasses, windows,
houset, dishes, milk pallj, milk cans, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths ont or carpets, bureaus, &c. Sea
thavou get BELL'S SOAPONA-Rsd Packages.
II. W. taL UF6. CO., MMt, R. Y.
It can be made a substitute for nearly
every purpose for which wire is used,
and is far more durable and cheaper.
It Is much superior to wire work in
everyway. It is solid at all points of
Send for illustrated Circulars and
Central Expanded Metal Co.,
116 "Water street, Pittaburgr, Pa.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekia
For largest assortment nd Unrest prices call
and see us,
Sailing ererr Wednesday from Philadelphia
and LiTerpooL Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General aeents, 307 Walnut st- Philadelphia.
Full Information can be had of J. J. McCOIi
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smlthfleld street.
LOUIS MOESKR. US Smlthfleld street.
lOWH, yKOM i-lElt 4) HUETU BlVltB.
Serrls, August 10, 3r M'TJmbrla. Ang.31.8lTI AK
Etrnrla.AQjr.17, 10:33 AMbcrTla. Sept, 7. 3 rat
Anrtnla. Auir. 24. sr M Gallia, Sept. 11, 6O0x x
BothnU.An'i.S.S.TOAM Etrarla. Sept. 14. All
Cabin passage, (CO, (80 and 10): Intermediate.
139. steerape tickets to and from all parts of
Kurorw at Terr low rates.
VEKilON H. BKOW.N ft CO., General Agents,
4 Bowline Green, Mew York.
yourthare. and amlthfleld St., Pittsburg,
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin cassace (33 to Kfl. according to locatloa
of stateroom. Excursion (83 to JTO.
Strxo to and rrom Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
33 Broadway. ew Yor.
1 J. J. MeCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pt.
Iune traTelcrs' credits through 31esrs.DrexeI,
Morfran & Co., New York. Passports procured.
614-515 Hamilton Bandlnc
mylO-TO-D Pittsbure. Pa.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SLXXH ST, Pittsburg.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burtr papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
M C D fl 1 1 C an(l mental diseases, physical
IN Cn V UUO decay.nerrous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust'bashf alness,
dizztnes, sleeplessness, pimples, eruntions, lm
pnTerished blood, falline powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
nttlng the person for buslnesisoclety and mar
riage. permanently, safely and privately cured,
blotcbes, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutn.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
poisons thorough
munejana Diaaaer aerange-
ments. weak back. erareL ca.
tarrhal discbarges, iniiammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt renei ana rear cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive expert,
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. u. to 8 p. H. Sun
day, 10 A. X. to 1 P. Jr. only. DR. WHITTIER,
Ell Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. a. is the oldest and
most experienced specialist In
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Office)
hours to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 r.
K. Consult them personallr. or write. DoctobS
Lake, 90tt Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa,
:'s Oottiaaa. -ROOT
irjosed of Cotton Root. Tanrr and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by aa
'old Dhrsidan. Is succasfuBu used
mo7UAItr-8afe. Effectual. Price $L by mall,
sealed. Ladles, ask your drturglst for Cook's
Cotton Root compound and take no suosuiuie, .
or molose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND iatY COMPANY. No. 3 Fuhef
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit. Mlclu,
A irUdlTlTJfi CUKX
i fts vr l I net. Weakness o
ilodr & Mind, lAekof Strencth, Vlyor and D
Telopment. cmased by Errors, Excesses, Ac, Boot,
(sealed) free. Address KUIU MEDICAL CO
Bultalo. N. Y. de24-i7-TTS4wt
- -. uu vubvab Nin HUin V-HS IB BCftfO