wmsmfvtim Hwl,LH ? 'S i -,,,; ."gfy wprf it" YET FINDING BODIES. Two More Are Recovered Prom Ruined Cellars in Johnstown. MANY ARE STILL IN THE DEBRIS. The Work of Distributing the Fund la How on a Better Basis. 1 ALL THE KEWS FBOH HEAEBT TOWKS jErrciAL TTixaniM to tux DurATcn.i Johnstown, August 5. Two bodies were found to-day in cellars, and it is the general belief that many more will be found when the cellars are cleaned out. One of those taken out was a stout-built man, evidently a workinj: man. The. other was a woman, and was taken out of the cel lar of the storeroom of Foster & Qulnn, which is just across the street from the site of the Hulbert House, where so many peo ple were caught The woman was dressed in the ordinary everyday clothes of a work ing woman, and on one finger was a plain gold-plated ring. The body was well pre served. While it was being removed a stranger picked up the ring, but uron be ing accused with the attempted theft of it, claimed that he was only snowinc it to a friend standing by. Tne department wbere the money Is paid put is now caugnt up with the Board of Inquiry, and is ready to cih all orders as fast as pre sented. Some delay was occasioned to-day in h e paying out on account of the slow work by the Board of Inquiry. About S30.000 was dis tributed, however, and it is thought that the 500,000 will all be paid out before the end of the week. In the meantime arrangements will be perfected to pay oat the balance of tne fond as rapidly as possible. Many of the stockholders of the street car system want the road put into immediate operation, but some of the leading ones do not want to push the matter. It is a pity the cars conld not be running now. as it would greatly convenience tne public and the stockholders would largely recover their losoes from the extra travel. Nearly all the track is intact, but the equipment is all gone. The citizens are at a loss to understand why a large force of men are not put to work clear ing up the town, bnt the impression Is growing that the work by the (State may be dropped all of a sudden, some of these days. If this should be done and no appropriation be made for clean in" out the rivers the people here would Indeed beln a bad way. A BAD BUCKETS BOT. lie Seems to Have a Fondness for Appro priates Gold Watches. rsrzcLU. tei.eoax to shi msrATcn-j Fin'DLAY. August 6. Washington Martin this afternoon swore out a warrant for the ar rest of his 16-year:pld son Ora, on charge of stealing bis gold watch, valued at S125. Officer Latchan found the lad emerging from a pawn shop, where he had tried to dispose of it. He was immediately taken before the Probate Judge and sentenced to the Reforms chool at Lancaster to remain until he attains his major About two weeks ago the boy stole his sister's gold watch, which was recovered, and the mat ter was kept quiet. He has been caught steal in" on four or five occasions during the past few months, hence his father's action. , NAILERS ON A 6TOIKE. I A New Move br the Manufacturers Will Cause Some Trouble. J fsrrciAi. nuciuH to the disfatch.1 if Makttn's Ferbt. O., August 5. Four-flf the of the nailers at the Laughlin Nail Works struck this morning against cutting nails below the uniform weight at the present card rates. Recently the management notified the nailers that tb'iT won d have to cut nails smaller in order to enable the company to compete with the wir mills and that the change would tako effect to-da . . , ... All the nailers appeared at the mill thU morning as usual and the experiment was tried. They found that the small nails could not be cut any faster, in tact not as fast nor so eas.ly as the uniform size and that caused the trouble. A FATAL EXPLOSION. Tbo Blnet Was a Little Slow, bat Got There at Last. rsrxcLH. tsxeorah to thi dispatcili McKeespokt, August B. Another big ex plosion occurred up the Monongahela river this morning which will probably cause two deaths. This time it was In Friday's stone quarry at Coal Valley, where a big blast was touched off, hut failed to explode promptly. John Btokes and Thomas Allan put a drill into the rock to see what was wrong, and as they did so the blast went off. Both men were thrown into the air. -,.,., Stokes is a fatally injured man. His chin and one hand were blown off and the clothing torn irom his body, while Allan's face was al most blown off, and lie was badly hurt about the body. It Is feared that both of the men will die. PITTSBURG PARTIES Bay Oat a Big; Slavs Works at Sharon and Will Pat It In Operation. J tEFECIALTELEaiLLM TO THE DISPATCH.! 1 SHAnoif, Pa August a The entire plant of I the Sharon Stove Company, representing an I investment of over JfiO.000 when it was erected I five years ago, was sold this afternoon by P. L. I Klmberly, of Sharon, and the Iron City Na tional Bank, of Pittsburg, who held it since the company's failure two years ago. to Graff fc Hugos, of Pittsburg. The price paid for It was private. It is stated this afternoon that the purchasers will remove their business to this place as soon as possible and keep the plant in steady opera tion, employing about 150 men. The works have been idle over one year. All for Boyer and Andrews. rSTECIAX. TZLXaRAX TO TKX DIlrATClT.1 Beiaetonte, August 6. The Republican County Convention for the elect on of dele gates to the State Convention was held in the Court House this afternoon. Dr. Woods pre siding. 8. H. Cressmann, of PhillipsbuxS. and John P. Harris, of Bellelonte, were elected as delegates and were instructed to vote for Henry K. Boycr for State Treasurer and An drews for State Chairman. Off for the Gctijubnre Celebration. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE D1SRTCHJ. CLAEIOS, August fi.-Mnarion coujtyis well represented among thel Gettysburg veterans. About 200 will lyve re on -e 7th and 8th for the coming ceiewrauou . iue oaiue fleld. Companies G and IUoi i One Hun dred and Fifty-flfth regime wre recruited here. There are 40 old member that expect to go. Drowned In a PcenllJfcfnnner. KPICIAl. TELEGEAM TO THJflSP ATCH.3 Fbeepobt, August S. MarPolL aged 24 yean, was drowned in the Allefeny river be low here this morning. She wrfsittlng in the rear end of a skiff and holdil another flat, towing it across the river. Ttpan that was rowing gave a sudden jerk, tbffing her out, Bhe could not be rescued norjF tody has not been found. m The Italian Rioter ifcoort. ISrKCIAL TELEGRAM TO TVISPATCn.l IIociiesteb, Pa.. Anl-Vrne Italians arrested on Friday for riot e Pittsburg and Lake Erie road ere glvoj hearing to day before Justice Jarter. of V Igewater. De- anilw.e Pnnlr anil ,earT arc 1 . Drosecntnrs. The prisoners wrre held for co ,, defanlt or j500baUeaeh-Asyetbuttw.o te been . rested. Ana uwni.- - - mi " ....-., T. TZLEGBAM TO THE". ,, . .I.J fllnir BIXL. Wheelikc, W. Va Aucustliii, Annl6 Mcflalley, of this county, attend 0 take her 'life last night by drinking onV,co ot Un4T.HJ'M"55s'ff- but dbinestic trouble Is supposedLTC"Ceen the cabse for bcr act yv s ""ViT ti. Tllier Was JHU uravv n.i ... iraiint. ured 13. was J.UOIUB3 ""-! -o-- - ,nthe Allegheny river at the foot .;-n. ..At TMtcrdav at noon. licit '- v - . . 1 ui: nknnt in the water O, ?!e" P:,,r av of k passing steam "" .. n. J k. hi full II rated tne xw., ""' "V river. Ane ooaj w --Tt,.,,. liter and taken to the home ofijie pft LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day la Two elites Coadensed for Ready ReadinC Cuabi.es Arnold was committed to jail yesterday by Alderman Warner, being charged with selling liquor without license. Albert Dennison, a laborer employed at the Keystone mill, had his right foot crushed by a large bar of iron falling on it yesterday. The Board ef Viewers yesterday received valuations for assessments for sewers on Ann and Marlon streets, Howard, Spring and Mul berry alleys. Mns. Mabt Reese yesterday sued Mrs. Catharine Blackamorefor damages for slander. A capias was issued for the arrest of Mrs Blackamore. Mas. Jenkt Katmsx was yesterday held for court by Judge Brokawin KOObajl for selling liquor without license, and In S30O bail for keeping a disorderly honse. Charles Reed, colored, and Fred Monroe, white, were arrested In Allegheny last night It is alleged that they were trying to rob a man at the Fort Wayne station. Thomas Evans charges Henry and Mirian Marsden with conspiracy and blackmail before Alderman Warner. The prosecutor alleges he has been victimized to the extent of tSOO. William Scapfxl, who was working at Finch's distillery on the Southside, had gash cut In his head last night by a piece of scaffold ing, and had to be taken to the Southside Hos pital. William Steader, an employe in Oil worth. Porter 4 Co.'s mill, Southsftle, had his hand crushed in the machinery yesterday af ternoon. Two of his fingers had to be ampu tated. In the last two weeks the Society for the Im provement of the Poor visited 806 families, aided 164 and distributed among them 617 loaves of bread, 200 bars of soap and 125 gar ments. Thomas Wdttebbach charged Joseph Smith before Alderman Schaefer with perjury last night alleging that he had been wrongly accused of larceny by Smith. The latter gave ball for a hearing. At an early hour yesterday morning James Maloney was attacked on the river bank near the Fort Wayne Railroad bridge and relieved of $2. Later he caused the arrest of John Flaherty on a charge of highway robbery. An ordinance was before the Allegheny Councils Finance Committee last evening pro viding for the granting of an additional salary of 11,600 to the Delinquent Tax Collector, the allowance of 6 per cent on his collections not being considered sufficient Allegheny's deaths last week numbered 48; 27 children under 10 and 12 infants being in cluded. Five deaths were from typhoid fever four being from the Second ward princi pally from Jefferson and Tullls streets, and one at the General Hospital. Fever is said to be rapidly subsiding. Whkk Clerk Sheppard called the roll In Select Councils' special meeting yesterday afternoon only eight members responded to their names, although a dozen or more were lounging about the lobbies and halls in the building. Chairman Ford, with well-concealed diSJTUSt adioumed tha mpetlnfr withont ha.vincr b the indolent members called in. The hearing before Alderman McKenna in the case of Mark Wlahart, Edward B. Hesson and J. P. Young, alleged Law and Order detec tives, who are charged by J. A Martin with acting as detectives without license, was post poned yesterday until 4 o'clock this afternoon. The postponement was at the request of Mark Wishart who is a fireman on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and could not get into the city until to-day. EKGLISH ELECTEIC COMPANY. A Branch of Pittsburg Corporation Organ ized In London. S. Humbird, Assistant General Manager of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufact uring Company, has jnst returned from Europe, where he completed the organiza tion of the Westinghouse Electric Company of London. The objects of the English Company are to acquire the patents, good will, business and property of the American company known as the Westingbouse Elec tric and Manufacturing Company of this city. The company will manufacture and deal in every kind of engine, machine, wire, lamp or appliance capable of being nsed in connection with the utilization or generation of electricity. The Boaid of Directors is composed of Sir H. W. Tyler, M.T.; Trancis Pavy, John DUon a;bWViiii. r OylevC. Colin Macrae, H. Kudolph Lalng, H. Turton Norton, G. Westinghouse, Jr., and S, Ham bird. THE SIL8BT WINS. Allegheny Partially Settle a Threatened Fire Engine Trouble. The Allegheny Eire Committee met last night and opened bids for a first-class steam fire engine. The proposals were as follows: Clapp 3s Jones Company, $4,300; Silsby, $4,500; La France Company, rotary engine, $3,800; piston age, $4,400; Ahrens Company, $4,200 and $4,700. With the Ahrens Com pany the difference in bids was in the finish ing of the eDgine. Mr. Boyce, of the Silsby Company, and Mr. H. E. Saflbrd, of the Ahrens Company, addressed the committee on the merits of their machines. Mr. Hunter and Mr. Rudolph favored the Silsby, while Mr. Eogle opposed it on the ground that the bid was among the highest. The committee finally decided to recommend the purchase of the Silsby. HISS M0LLIE CALL DE0WMD. Tl Well-Known K. of L. Woman Meets Her Death. It was a sad intelligence that reached the city yesterday, announcing that Miss Mollie Call had been drowned during the day at Karns station, near Natrona. Miss Call at tained prominence in the labor circles of the city at the time whenMhe laundry girls struck two years ago, and. was elected Mas ter Workman of the Laundry Girls' Assem bly, K, of L. She was bright, intelligent and amiable. She was particularly so to the reporters whose da ties called them to headquarters of D. A. 3, and thereis not one who ever called there and met her who has not pleasant recollections of her. The body of the nniortunate young lady was recovered and taken to Natrona. Miss Call was the only support of a widowed mother. IN its first stages, can be successfully checked by the prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later periods of that disease, the cough is "wonderfully relieved by this medicine. "I have nsedAver's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This wonderful preparation once saved my life. I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and given np by my physician. One bottle and a naif of the Pectoral cured me." A. J. Eldaon, M. D., Middleton, Tennessee. " Several years ago I tvas severely ill. The doctors said I -was in consumption, and that they conld do nothing for me, but advised me, as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or three months I was cured, and my health remains good to the present day." James BIrchard, Sarien, Conn. " Several years ago, on a passage homo from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my state-room, and a i ihyslcan on Doara consiaerea my life n dancrer. Happening to have a bottla of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely, and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy condition. Since then I have invariably recommended this prep aration." J. B. Chandler, Junction, Va. ''er's Glierry Pectoral, rEZPAEIDET Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. TargtoU. Price tl;stxbettls,i. MSUMPTION, THE California Wine. Old Sherry, full quarts 60o Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 7Cc Old Port, full quarts 60o Extra Old Port, lull quarts 76o Riesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts COc Muscatel, full quarts. .. Wo Tokay, full quarts 60c For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 35 and 97 Eifth. avenue. Don't Forget ft. Marvin's pure rye bread is the most whole some food possible for this hot weather. Ton are missing a rare treat if yon are not using it. anwxhssa. B.&B. You may regret it if you come to-morrow, even instead of to-day. See onr ad. fifth page, this paper. Booas & Buhl. Marriage License Granted Yesterday. Kam. XtsMme. f Abraham Cowan it!nr I liora Harris Pittsburg t Charles Gruenner Allegheny tThtrfEsaitotbmeler Mlllvale borough I Unstav Anderson Braddock 1 Lottie Nordgreen Swlssrale iMartlnFay HE'S" i PhllUs Day riiubnrg J Peter WelJtlrcher Mcjyeesport I Mary Smith MeKeesnort (James Yoohnm GHur JllaryE. Kanfmann .nttsbarg I Patrick Cunningham jtttUbnrg 5 Margaret Uoble Pittsburg IJobnMneller . EHi'S1" I Emllle Javens ..Pittsburg IJohnUoUn Homestead Gertrude Ellis AHomestead I Edward Luglblhl ..Allegheny Matilda Blndtman Allegheny (Frank Galant "S!iH5nr Martha Jakubek .1 Plttsbarg ( James A. Murray I "HM!e 1 Srruptle Callahan . Oakdale (Joseph Mnnsch ...McKeesport X Catharine Knoll J... .McKeesport (Samuel baul J !.le'nT U'aulina Shaplra i- Pittsburg ( James S. Bran McKeesport 3 Annie Beauregard .1 McKeesport (Edward Moore J, PlrUhurg I Sally Chime .1 mtsburg DIED. , BENBOW Suddenly, on jfonday, August 5. 1889, at 2 T. M.. Leslie wsrasu, youngest son of Ben. F. and Ellzabeti Uennow, of 2108 Sarah street, Southside, agfl 0 years S months and 20 days. i Funeral services to bejield in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, South Kghteenth street, on Wednesday, August 7. i 2 r. Jt Friends of the family are respeetfullyinvited to attend. 2 BROWNE-At Liuy'si station, Cambria county, on Sunday momlnjr at 2 o'clock. Rev. BlCRABD BbOWNE. Fnneral on Wednesday at 10 a. jc 2 BLACK On Bundav mbrnlncAugust i, 1S89, at 9:20 Joseph Black, is his 67th year. Funeral services at hji late residence, 299 Webster avenue. Tcesdat morning at 9.45. Friends of the family ara respeetfullyinvited to attend. 3 CIGRAND-On Sunday. August 4. 18S9, at 8 o'clock A. if., Tillie ,Rosa. daughter of Charles and Caroline CIgrand, aged I year. Funeral from the residence of her parents. Mulberry alley between Thirty-second and Thirty-third streets, on Tuesday, Augnst 6, at 9 o'clock A. K. Friend! of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. . CO x"LE On Monday. August S. 1889, at 12 X., Michael, infant son of James and Ann Coyle, aged 18 days. . Funeral from the parents' residence. Homes street, between Fifty second and Fifty-third streets, on Tuesday at 3 r. m. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. CUBTS-On Monday, August 6, I6S9, at 4:25 p.m.. at the residence of his parents. No. 33 Nixon street, Allegheny. Hehby alfbed Cubts. eldest sob of John and Mirrian Curts, in tne sta year oi his age. Asleep in Jesus. Funeral at 2 o'clock r. m. Wednesday, August 7. Interment private. 2 ENSCOE On Monday, Augnst 5, 1889. at 3.30 r. M Thomas Henby, oldest son of Corne lius and Mary Enscoe, aged 25 years 9 months and 5 days. Funeral services on Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. H., from the family residence. No. 47 Lincoln avenue, Mlllvale borough, fa. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 FOSTER Adelaide Paulson, infant daughter of Case A. and Elizabeth Paulson "Notice of funeral hereattT- GEY At Allegheny, on Monday morning at 6 JO, of pneumonia, Jon Gey, aged 41 years. brother-in-law of Mr. G. Gollmar, 240 Arch street, and for years salesman at the sboestore of Mr. Zles, 150 Ohio street. Funeral services atthe German M E. Church. corner ot Ohio street and IBn avenue, on Wednesday afternoon. August 7, at 230. Friends of the family are respectf ally invited to attend. 2 HAYDEN On Sunday, August 4, 18S9, at midnight. MABY A, relict of the late Andrew B. Hayden. Funeral from the. late residence. No. 725 Fifth avenue, on Wednesday mobning at 8:45 o'clock. Services at St Agnes' Church, Fifth avenue, at 9 A. it. Friends are invited to attend. HYATT On August 4. Adeline, daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Hyatt, aged 2 months and 21 days. Cincinnati paptrs pltase copy. JONES-On Monday, August 6, at 3.30 o'clock A. jl, at the old homestead in Cbartlers town ship, Catharine Gillen Jones, relict ot the late Nelsoa Jones, in her 78th year. Funeral services at her late residence on Wednesday at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are Invited'o attend. KEATIN-On Monday, August 5, 1889, at 11 a. it, Thsstas Keating, ron of William and Fannie Keating, aged 14 years. A previous one front us has gone, A vdee we loved is stilled, A plan is vacant in our home " Whldi never can be filled. Funeral froh the parents' residence, Ha venne street, Vear Thirty-third street, on Wednesday Wobning, August 7, at 9.S0 o'clock. MORRISON On Monday.Augnst 6, 1889,at 12 o'clock, Mrs Annie M, Morrison, wife of W. C. Morrison.No. 34 Carver street. East Lib erty, in the aid year of her age. The f uneril services on Wednesday at 2 o'clock P. it. interment private at a later hour. a- REES Sunlay morning, at 5 JO o'clock. Mrs. Scsan REES,Wife of W. J. Bees. Lawn street, Fourteenth wd, in her 40th year. Services at the house at J:30 o'clock Mon day eventnoA Funeral at 3 o'clock Tuesday aftebnoon. iriends of the family are re spectfully Invite! to attend. 2 STURTEVANT At 6 r. jl, August 8, Jo seph Clarence, youngest son of T. F. and Anna M. Sturtovait, in his 20th year. Funeral will tala place from the residence of his parents, Oakland avenue ai-dPier street, Tuesday mornins, August 6, V9 o'clock, to proceed to ChartterlCemetery. Friends of the family are respectfuly Invited to attend. ULRICH Augusts, Infant son of Albert ana Alice usoorn u, .TATHFS ATtfTRTO A T.Tk A iron LIVERY ANDALE RTATW.fis 117. 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithiield st, next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for laterals j3. Carriages for operas, parties, ic., at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone onurunicatlon. mjl-11-TTS WESTERN INSVEjLNCE CO. ofpittsbVrg. Assets .VM8,KX 87 NO. 4U WOOD B1REET. " ALEXANDER NIMICK, President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vic President. . fc22-26-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. p EPRESENTEU IN PrrTSBUBCJ IN ISO. ASSETS . t9l7LG9083. Insurance Co. of North America, Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from Jl up. Amalgars, 50c; silver, 75c; white alloy, tl. Gold Crowns a specialty. OB. J. M. MCCLAREN, Corner Bmithneld and Fourth avenue. Ie23-TTSU The Great English Complexion SOAP. PEARS' .SOAP. Hi Metts, m HewargoftMitaHw. I II PITTSBURG - DISPATCH, NEW ADVERTI8KMKNTS. IT LEADS THEM ALL S0UID OAK $0 00, We have now ready for de livery another lot of this ex traordinary good value (3 piece) Chamber Suite. It has large beveled mirror, 22 by 28, and double bedstead 4j4 feet wide. And all in best rubbed and polished finish. Similar good values and lowest possible net cash prices characterize our CARPET DEPARTMENT FURNITURE DEPARTMENT -AND- CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. N. B. Our complete and handsome room furnishment for $41 75, as follows: Roll (40 yards) mixed dark colors Fancy Straw Matting, $300 Three-piece Chamber Suite ( AtS?) Woven Wire Mattress Husk and Cotton-top Mattress, Good Feather Bolster, 2 good Feather Pillows, One Reed Rocker and 2 Side Chairs, Oak finish, 20 00 3 50 50 00 00 4 75 $41 75 Add $1 50, cost of pack ing Suite for railroad ship ment 0. McCLMOCK &c CO., 33 HFTH AVENUE 33 aul-TTS SUMMER QORSETS Made of open material, rendering them venti lating, and the coolest Corset for Summer. Some ladles wear them all the year round; others only in summer time. Prices LOO and fL2S each; sizes 19 to 30 inched Send' in yonr orders by mail if you are not in the city to shop. Special bargains In Ladles' plated SILK HOSE, at75o a pair. In Pink. Sky, Lavender, Apple Green, Bronze, French Bine, Gendarme, Ma hogany, Tans, Browns, Slates and Blacks. Send in your orders by mail if you are not in the city to shop. POLKA DOT FRENCH COTTON HOSE, Black and Navy ground, warranted fast color, at SO cents; reduced from 75c a pair. Send in your orders by mail if you are not in the city to shop. LADIES' BALBRWGAN VEST BARGAIN, High-neck and ribbed-arm; sizes 2S to 33, only 40 cents each: a regular 75e Vest; nice for me dium warm weather and country wear. Aline ot Swiss Ribbed Vests, regular 85o grade, closing out at 25 cents. Send in your orders by mail tf you are not in the city to shop. If you are In look at and buy one or more ot the lot of small, NEAT HAND-BASKETS, on the end of the Ribbon counter. Just the thing to carry home a nice small lot of fresh fruit, or other dainties. Atthe Ruching Department you will find new things in , FLAT RUCH1NGS and low-priced Tourist Ruchlngs. Also LINEN COLLARS and some special values in White LINEN HANDKERCHTEFR Send in your orders by mall if you are not in the city to shop. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. au2-s URA TEFUL COUFORTINU. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations ot digestion and nutritlon,and and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epos has prodded our breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythejudlcions use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak Dolnt. Wo .ujr cabal selves wel erlv nourished Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. TESpSSiH: no3-h-90TuS JAS. MELL & BKO, BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IRON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraullo machinery we are prepared to furnish all work in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine wort. Twenty-nlnth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. fe&So-TTS DR. ORR And Associate Physicians. No. 720 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, submit a brief report of a few cases selected from their many patients for tne encouragem en t of rjersons simi f$j&Aa&.f larly affected: Mrs. W. stated aha liui ivten nmnnnneed In curable by some traveling doctors. Her disease Is one of which many ladles complain. She Is very much Improved in three weeks' treat ment. Another case of club-foot, very great deform ity, now being treated without, pain and im proving rapidly. Young lady with catarrh, bronchitis and kidney disease; treated by a num ber of doctors, but grew worse; gained five pounds during first month's treatment. Old gentleman with varicaM veins and ulcers oa right leg cured without an operation. ' Consultation free. Offioo boors 10 tolSO A.JC,3tooaad7to8r.K. JyH-a Z' -. 'i .3-7 S' TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, NEW ABTXRTISZafEMTS. NO VACATION FOB TJS Until onr summer stock is reduced. That Is the reason we are pushing our olearance sale so energetically. We offer this month bargains in every department, and we show them In our store windows, and mark them with large, plain figures, so that every passer-by oan see exactly what we are do ing. Here are a few specimens: Gentlemen's genuine French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers re duoed from 75o to 50a Gentlemen's French Flannel Shirts reduced from $2 to 81 50. Gentlemen's fine Silk Scarfs all our 60o, 75o and 831 scarfB reduced to 25c. BoyB'Star Shirt "Waists reduced from 75o to 60a Ladies' Bibbed Cotton Vests re duoed from 22o to 12 a Ladies' Gauze Vests reduced from 25o to 18a Ladies' Balbriggan Vests re duced from 50c to 25a Ladies' fine Gauze Vests reduced from 60c to 25a Ladies' Silk Vests reduced from 81to7ao. Ladies' regular made Hose, 20 styles to select from, reduoed from 50o to 25o. Ladies' Berlin Gloves reduced from 25o to 12a Ladles' pure Silk GJoves reduced from 50o to 25a Fleishman & Co.'s SEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Price Lists and Catalogues mailed free of oharga The follow ing are now ready for mailing: Price List of Patent Medicine. Price List of Corsets. Price List of Books. Price List of House Furnishing Goods. an6-D AUGUST HOSIERY REDUCTIONS. We will sot carryover a pair of summer goods if low prices will sell them. A FEW OF THE BARGAINS FORliAdES. 50c Striped Cotton now 29o,60o Lisle now SSc, 75c Lisle now 44c, f 1 25 Lisle now 75c, tl Silk now 75c, 50 and 76c Black now 34a A PEW OF THE BAEQAIXS FOR CHIL DREN. EOo Black Cotton, double knees. Me; Stainless Black, double knees, 25c, worth SSc; 35c worth. 50c. LADIES' GENUINE 8WISS BIBBED VESTS, LNNS 24 and 29c, reduced from 50c: 75c Lisle now 60c, SI Lisle now 75c; Silk Irom 75c up. Star Flannel Waists and Blouses Are selling fast, the prices make them go. INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND BONNETS, All cut away down In price; tbey will cost you. much mora SO days from now. Tennis Gooda and Flannel Shirts Must Go. Blazers 12 85. Caps 15c, Sashes W 60; special lot of Flannel Shirts $1 50. This is a great bargain. All Departments Full of Good Bargains I G, CAMPBELL & SOUS, 710 PENN AVENUE. 710 PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth sts. au4-T07Su - PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of FaUnts, 131 Fifth avenue,above tjmithfleld,nextieadei office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hlU "W. s. WM. 165, -T t ,.., :MANY " f In order to make room for the regardless of cost value. Consult 'fef5ul?flSW lEi HOW THEY GLITTER: 75c Black Dress Silks for 6oa $i i2j Black, Gro Grain Silk, 87c. $1 25 Black Gros Grain now 35c. $1 50 Black Gros Grain for $1 i2. $1 Black Surah now 75c. $1 25 Black Surah now fz. Though, these are good all the year around we have concluded to throw them in with the other bargains. $1 all-wool imported Dress Goods now 55 and 60c, in fancy colors. 75c imported Dress Goods for 50c. 40-inch all-wool Serges, 25c, were. 40c. 30c Henriettas for 20c, all colors. French Cashmeres, good line of colors, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c; these prices are $ off. Special drives in Table Linens this week. $1 25 bleached Table Damask, 72-inch, now $1. $1 Table Damask, 72-inch wide, now 75c. 65c Table Linen, cream and white, now 50c. 37 and 50c TsHrkeyRed Tabliasrs. now 20 and 2 re. Millmery-of all kinds, jdoC sou ana Ham, , ott. 1889. NEW ABVERTISEMJBNTS. JB. &z 33. Tuesday, August ft. TTT-F. LATEST ITS FINE PARIS ROBES. A stock of NEARLY t.ooo PATTERNS Represented now by a very small number of very choice robes. Thoy are reduced tbls morning. THREE $75 ones now 50. Shades, old rose, serpent green, china blue. TWO $40 ones now $35. Shades, olive green, porcelain blue. You say "Such desirable shades. Why are they left!" Just happened so. The shades are the best. The handsome embroidery Is the handsomest. They WOULD go at the original prices. They MUST go at the new prices. FOUR SS0 ones cow 813. FIFTEEN CO and $25 ones no w C10. SHALL LOT $15 and 8S0 ones now 95. THREE S13 50 ones now 3 60. TWO SIS 50 One Henrietta plaited dress patterns now $10. ONE fine Mohair glace plaited pattern at HO. you see how few there are. If yon want them do not delay coming for them. Doing good business in Dress Gooda now. Do you wonder, thought B0GGS & BUHL, 115j 117,119, 121 Federal st, Allegheny ant-D GOOD INVESTMENTS. Handsome, large, level, shaded lots at Groveland, fronting Ohio river, accessible by three lines of railway. Good building propertv, affording health ful, cheerful and convenient homes. Large lots on Benton avenue, Allegheny, at low prices and on long time. Choice home locations 13 minutes' ride, 5 cent fare on Central Traction road, ad. joining proposed Hexron Bill Park. Lots 30 to CO feet front. jv20-17-i On a New Tack, Look out what you pay Just now. Here's your choice. Clothing of the buyers knpw-not-what make or qual ity, and, Clothing of our make, that we're responsible for. Inferior clothing shan't hide behind low prices any longer. We'll knock that prop from under it. There'll be low prices for you at Wanamaker's, too. We've said fair prices till now. Now superior, as our goods are we say, Low Prices. We don't propose to hold this season's goods for next. We'll make low prices sell them. Let the cheap look out All sizes and qualities in Thin Goods and Serges. i.ooo styles to make to measure. Wanamaker & Brown, Slxtfe street an Pena avenie. JyS0- Do You Know It? To serf ect a eure, you must remove t Ji cause. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME AND SODA supplies the-system with Ozl dizable Phosphorus, the deficiency of which is the proximate cause of Comoniptio. For Coughs; Brechlts, Weak Lang,, Night Sweats, and all ThraH Diseases, it Is an un equaled remedy. Sold by Druggists, fl per bottle. Recommended bj pbysiclan. Send for circular. WINCHESTER A CO Chemists, 163 William Street, New York; mySl-atTTSAwt McnsnD.A."! SEMPLB'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. BRILLIAHT Fait Stock beginning to arrive the your interest by an early investigation Carpet oxgall kids,, oi. Para.- I irA - - . . REW ADVERTISEMENTS. READ FULL PARTICULARS -OF ONE DOLLAR WILLBUY -THIS YOUB CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Men's good black Alpaca Coats. Men's blue Flannel Coats. Men's.good Linen Dusters. Men's elegant Blazers. Men's beautiful Tennis Coats Men's good Seersucker Coats and Vests. Men's all-wool striped Cheviot Pants. Men's fine Linen Pants. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 OF Any of the Following: Children's all-wool i-piece Kilts. Two good Wash Kilts. Two odd Kilt Skirts. Green Cloth Summer Lap Robes. Good large extra size Ear Nets. Men's extra-fine Straw Hats, Manilla, Milan or Mackinaw. Men's fine light-colored Stiff Hats. Men's light-colored Soft Hats. Extra large size Mexican Ham mocks. Good quality Horse Sheets. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Superb quality English Percale Shirts, 2 loose cuffs and 2 collars. French Flannel Shirts, in stripes and plaids, regular $1 50 goods. Fancy Flannel Shirts for Boys, the "Reliable" make. Suit of fancy stripe or plain Balbriggan Underwear. Half dozen fancy border hem stitch Linen Handkerchiefs, ex quisite designs. Gentlemen's Traveling Set, com plete brush, comb, nail and tooth brush in solid leather. These bargains are displayed all buyers can see what they are at that any of the above are bargains JX( GUSKY'S WE LET OUR Striped and plaid Flannel Shirts, 48c, 75c, $1 to 84. Nice Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 66c a suit. Fine French Balbriggan Underwear, 81 a suit. Gray Summer Underwear, 75c a suit. Boys' fine Percale "Waists reduced from 81 to 65c . Gents' well made Night Shirts, 50o, 75 o, 81, etc. Well made Unlaundried Shirts, 50o and 75c, or 8 fora Morley's English Half Hose, striped, 22c, worth 35c. . AUGUST, REDUCTIONS FOE IiADZES. 'All our 81 50 and 81 75 Trimmed Mull Hats go at 75o. Our fine white leghorn Hats, 48 and 64c, reduced from 81 and 81 CO Our black 81 50 fancy Straw Hats at 48a A lot on bargain counter your choice, 10a NEW GOODS JUST OPENED. Full lines of Leather, Canvas and Silk Belts. Full lines of Black Silk Velvet Bibbon. Full lines of colored Silk Velvet Ribbons. Full lines of cream and ecru Laces. New patterns of Torohon Laces. New onyx blaok Hosiery. lSerfcaivmlr1 510, 512. 514 MARKET ST. .Aora - TrsT 5. GEMS THIS entire b'ne of Summer Goods in all of our prices. AND THEY We are offering some rare . Towels. Si 2c Table Damask. Damask. 12. inches wide, for 7c. now 45c. 50c Turkey Red Tablings, 31 and 37c 370 Turkey Red' " Tablings, 20 and 25c i2c light colored Satines now 6c. Best American Satjnes now i2a 40c Scotch Gingham for 25c, and the beautiful Challis at 6c Bargains in black Cashmeres, 25c up. All-wool black Henriettas, 50c, were 65c. 7c Henriettas now 60c. Cloth and Cassimeres, for Men's wear, all $ off. $2 50 and $3 colored Parasols, all now $ z 25; Attractive prices in Men's Furnishings, such as sqc Unlaundried Shirts . now 3Scj the 40c Underwear now 25c; the 50c French Balbriggaivnaw 33c. New Fall Prints, Ginghams, Percales, Uuaues, now in stock. Mail orders promptly filled at lowest prices. Store clows at 5 rl u., except Saturdays, .until September x . WHAT - WEEK AT- f YOUR CHOICE FOR $X Of Any of the Following: Men's White Duck Pants Men's fine Linen Vests. Men's White Vests, in regular and extra sizes, slightly soiled ironj being in the window. Boys' goododd Coats. Boys' Knee-Pant Suits; Two blue Flannel Sailor Suits. Boys' elegant Long Pants. Children's 2-piece Kilt Suits. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Half dozen fancy Pique Four-in-hands. 3 elegant flowing ends fine Silk Scarfs. Half dozen Coon & Co.'s finest Linen Collars. Extra quality fancy stripe French. flannel .Blouse Waists. '--.J Choice of 100 styles of imported French Percale "Star" Shirt Waist3. Fine quality Silk Gloria Umbrel las, unique natural sticks. r YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Men's solid leather Working Shoes. . Men's solid leather tipped Bals. Ladies' solid leather glove Bals. Ladies' patent leather tipped Oxfords. Ladies' im. kid Oxfords. Boys' solid leather Base Ball Shoes. Boys' solid leather Working Shoes. Youth's solid leather tipped Bals. Misses' grain button Shoes. Child's solar tipped button Shoes boldly in each department so that a glance. You can depend upon it in the truest sense of the word. 300 to 400 Market street. auS-TTSSU PRICES TALK. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE au6-TT8Sa "W- S- WEEK. the various departments will be sold"; SPARKLE: bargains in Table Linens, Napkins 72 inches wide, for $x. i Table M 60c Table Damask, cream and white,