Wttt9tBEWmzmbr9Q&1BiMZ WW? -wrmmjm-wf - t THE' -PITTSBTJRG DISPATCH, TUESDAY, AUGUST . 6, "1889J r- mp f--j. c- LET THERE BE LIGHT. Demlind That the Work of City Assessors be Published. the LAWS TOUCHIKG THE CASE CITED. Mr. Lambie Says an Attempt "Will It Made to Work a Remedy. MESSES. CASH AND LAKKIN ODT OF TOWN Section 23 of an act in relation to the gov ernment of cities of the second-class, other wise known as "Pittsburg's new charter," provides: Tbe Board of Assessors shall assess all prop erty taxable for city purposes at its actual cash value, proviaed that no property shall be as sessed for a less amount than tbe price paid for it at the last recorded sale, except when reduc tions are made for improvements removed or destroyed; provided further, that this act shall not be construed to repeal other acts now in force for the classification of property for pur poses of city taxation, and provided further, that a descriptive list of all real property as sessed for city taxation shall be published in pamphlet form on the completion of each as sessment, under such regulations as may be prescribed by ordinance. WHERE WERE COUNCILS when the light went out? The non-enforcement of the last provision of this section may yet canse trouble. It is threatened, if the provision referred to is not carried out speed ily that there will be trouble, and Councils will be summoned to the bar of judgment. Section 23 had its birth in a controversy between James P.Quinn and 'Squire James J. Larkin, when the former invoked the aid of the law several years ago. Mr. Quinn holds it necessary that a list such as pro Tided for in the charter should be published in order that people may know whether there is partiality shown in any cases. Mr. Quinn states that he has already called at tention to the dereliction, and it is now sug gested by some complainants that there are caes under the late assessment that need overhauling. One instance is cited of a Tropeny on Liberty street, which is alleged to be assessed at $800 per foot front, while property opposite the Court House, which, complainants hold is not so valuable for business purposes, is assessed at $1,200 per foot front, equal depths. WOULD BEAD IT WITH INTEREST. These complainants insist that the pam phlet should be promptly published and placed on sale at cost, so that all who wish to study the problem of the eqnal distribu tion of the burden of municipal govern ment may be Riven a chance to do so. It is hinted bv the complainants that if Councils do not take speedy action, an attempt will be made to force it. They also ask the at tention of City Controller Morrow to the matter, as, since the assessment, the moon has waxed and waned several times, and Councils have met still more times, and the act having been passed two years and two months, all officials should have known the law. While the sin of omission lies, primarily ft least, at the door of Councils, an attempt ras made to see the Board of Assessors. Mr. Case was out ot the city, and 'Squire Larkin is fishing at Put-in-Bay. 'Squire Hoerr was supposed to be in the city some where, but he was not at the office. Select Councilman Lambie was asked what he thought of the matter, and he ad--ittcd that Councils had been gravely der- .ct.T He also said he proposed to see that i ordinance was introduced, and would k for its passage. it's a fuzzling rEonLiiii. Of course some people who may feel aggrieved at the late assessments will be prone to suspect intentional omissions of this kind, and will not be satisfied until they can pet the proposed boot, and it is are to sav that on xnanv center xauies u will novaccumulate-dust untiHe ha- bosa - p thoroughly studied. The grumblers say that in tbe absence of such publication the attempt to get informa tion is a task too onerous to be undertaken by a private citizen. Solomon might have been able to locate a babv's mother infallibly, but were he called on to decide the value of property for taxable purposes in these days, he would, unless backed bvan army and navy, find it a task beyond his power. How country assessors manage it, is a problem beyond the ken of any except themselves. These are not the grave questions as to the value of a certain few feet for business pur poses, it is true, yet it is quite common for a country assessor to rate two farms at widely different values, irrespective of buildings, and frequently the best is rated the lowest. As a rule these rural assessors are not agricultural chemists, and how they reach conclusions would at least puz zle the unsophisticated. FITTSBURG AND LAKE ERIE It. R Special Excursions. Cleveland and return, August 15 f 3 00 Detroit and return, August 8. 6 00 Mackinac and return, August 8 10 00 Conneaut Lake and return, August 14 andl5 3 35 Lake Chautauqua every Tuesday and Saturday C 00 TUWSSU REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIRL, 401 Smithfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. TTS TIIREE GREAT BARGAINS. Upright Piano 200, bqnnre Piano 8150. An excellent upright piano, 7J octave, splendid tone and handsome case for $200. A fine rosewood square piano, worth $450 when new, for $150, and a parlor organ in perfect order for $50, cost $150. Three great bargains at the music store of J. M, Hoff mann & Co., 537 Smithfield street" Sovereigns' Picnic. Southside Council No. 7 will picnic at Kinney's Grove on Saturday, Aug, 10. Ex cursion boat Belle Vernon will start from foot of Twentieth st., S. S., at 880 sharp, 11.30 and 2 r. M. sharp. All persons not members will be charged 25 cents extra Br Obdeb op Coiiiittee. Free! Free! To introduce our fine crayon wirk. 100 25 3.T0 life-size cravons will be gi-en away by Hendricks & Co., No. 68 Fed4al St., Alle gheny, beginning August lj u the holders of their family tickets. Thisps your chance for a portrait Another Surprise in Lnee Curtains. Come to the big sale t-diy. A genuine half price and less in woe of tfltse lots $2 00 to $5 00. JOS. HdBNE $ Co.'s PennAveifce Stores. Use "Una" flour finest sprin; patent in the world. "Golden "Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has rii equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "I von " gem of bji laiuuy uours. MANY causes induce gray bair, binParker's r. bine xiair jmudi urinpn uacic ion youuniLsolor Parker's Ginger Tonic cures inward, ami" It is both pleasant and right to a home industry. Fraucnheiu & Pittsburg beer is a product of hom try. it is entitled to your pa' for its own merits. iBMnin n.anlr'i indus- s TBE BOORTEOBS SHOWER Of Street Railway Charter keep Up Bias nlflceallr. Yesterday the Governor chartered the Pittsburg and Mansfield Hallway Company. It is proposed to build a line five miles long, from the Thirty-sixth ward, Pittsburg, to a point in Chartiers borough; capital stock, $50,000. The directors are Robert H. Brown, Eobert Christy,' W. H. Brown, Jr., E, J. Hardy and J. J. Brown, of Mansfield; Thomas K. Roberts, of Allegheny; Bichard A. Boberts, W. J. Dick and James M. Christy, of Pittsburg. The East End Street Bailway Company, a three-mile line, was also chartered with a capital of $20,000. The railway will com mence at Penn avenue at the corner of Shady Lane, thence to the city line, to the Pennsylvania Bailroad crossing in "Vilkiqs burg, and will return by the same route. The directors are W. H. King, G. E. Gil more, H. L. Tress and Prank Wilcox and G. N. Christian, of Allegheny. Tha Pittsburg and "Wilkinsbnrg Street Bailway Company is a third new line. It is proposed to build a road five miles long from the intersection of Penn avenue and Matilda street to the Morningside road, to Stanton avenue, to Meadow street, to near the intersection of Filth avenue and Prankstown avenue, along Fifth avenue to Grazier, to Brushton avenue, to Amanda, to "Wood street, "Wilkinsbnrg, to Main or Penn avenue, to Water street, to Walnut street, Wilkinsbnrg. The capital stock is $30,000. The directors are W. W. Toung, P. J. TJr ling, Erastus Hoeveler, James Pitzsimmons and W. G. Hastings, of Pittsburg. The following corporations were also chartered: The Rapid Transit Bridge Com pany, ot Pittsburg; capital $10,000, to erect a bridge across tbe Allegheny from the foot of Craig street. Directors: William J. Crawford, P. T. Binehart and Eobert Simp son, of Allegheny; J. H. Danks, ol Pitts burg, and P. J. Tener, of Osborne Borough. The Eaney and Berger Iron Company of New Castle. Directors: Leander Eaney, George B. Berger, W. T. Dougherty and George W. Hartnian, of New Castle; James A. Baney, of Mahonmgton, and Alex. H. Patterson, Pittsburg. Oakdale Gas Company, of Allegheny, to produce gas iu North Payette, Allegheny countv. and euppIv it to tbe boroughs of Oakdale and McDonald, in Allegheny and" Washington counties and in .borth Fayette. The capital stock is $200,000. Directors: Eobert Bay. W. L. Purtis and E. B. Stone, of Bradford: W. C. McFarlane, of Oakdale; J. E. Ackerly, of Olean, N. Y.; J. A. Tom- linson, of Beaver, and G. W. Archer, of Rochester, N. Y. American Natural Gas Company, of Al legheny, with a capital of $2,000, to supply consumers of the boroughs of Etna, Mill vale and Sbarpsburg and the cities of Pitts burg and Allegheny, and to individuals, firms and corporations along the route of the proposed pipe line. THE1E OWN E0MANCE. The DInrrlnse of ftliu Bertha Watt and Frank W. Morrow. The marriage of Miss Bertha A. Watt and Prank W. Morrovf is announced. It took place Saturday afternoon at the par sonage of the Smithfield Street M. E. Church, Bev. C. E. Locke, officiating. The bride is the daughter of Colonel Thomas E. Watt, the well-known Passenger Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Her hus band is a brakeman on one of the passenger trains on the same road. He is the son of Dr. W. L. Morrow, of Freeport. No little surprise was caused in East End society circles by the wedding. The young wife was pretty and cultured, and a favorite in that section of the city. Her acquaint- ance witn tne nanasome Drakeman was strengthened by rather rather romantic cir cumstances. Colonel Watt was opposed to the union of the two. His daughter tried hard to overcome his objections to her lover, and when she found that she could not hope for his sanction she quit her parental home, and was met by young Morrow. He . pressed his suit and they went to Bev. Dr. - Lacke tj,be married. The v are now receiv ing congratulations. THEY E0DE UPON A BAIL. now the Survivor of a Wreck on a Country Road Returned. On Sunday night about 8 o'clock a some what serious buggy accident occurred on the White House road, about five miles from Allegheny. A vehicle containing a promi nent Allegheny official having suddenly pulled up on the roadside, another buggy nnable to stop in time rau into the obsta cle. The wheels were locked, and the in vading buggy was turned over on its side. In the struggle of the horses, the right-hind wheel was badly broken. A huge rail was torn from a neighboring fence and driven under the axle. With this primitive arrangement the wrecked buggy was driven into Pittsburg, a distance ot about six miles and a quarter. As the extraordinary "rig" rattled up Fifth avenue it created no small astonishment among the on-lookers. The driver got off with a badly bruised ankle. WHO TAUGHT HES? A Seven-Year-old Girl Use Oil on a Kitchen Fire. Julia McTighe, who is only 7 years old, kindled the kitchen fire at her home, Page street, Allegheny, yesterday with a can of oil. An explosion was the result. Before assistance could be rendered v the girl was fearfully burned about the body, tbe flesh being roasted entirely from her arms, leav ing tbe bones exposed. Dr. Hara believes she will die. Fine Whiskies. XXX, 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts $2 00 I860, McKim's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure- Eye "Whisky, full quarts l 75 Extra Old Cabinet, PureEye Whisky, lull quarts 1 CO Gibson's, 1879, Pure Eye Whisky, full q u&rifS ) Jt vU Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts ........ ......... .. ........ ... I oO Guckenheimer Pure Eye Whisky,, full (j unrts jl uu Guckenheimer Export.Pure Bye Whis ky, full quarts........ 1 50 Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts . 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts. 1 25 1880 ExportPure Eye Whisky, full QuarUt x vU For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Whr Divorce Are Necessary. Half the domestic quarrels that come to light in the county courts begin at the din ner tablf, when the.wife' temper is ruffled People who use only Marvin's famous bread and crackers never quarrel. If you want to live happy order Marvin's rye bread, Queen's jubilee Dread and a pound or two of extra soda crackers from your grocer at once. " TuWThssa In tbe Snlt Room To-day Jut in New black surah silk waists and plain black surah silk dresses, also extra fine quality tennis blazers, made of fine English cloths. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penii Avenue Stores. 89 to Cblcaso and Rrtarn 89 Via the Pittsburg and Western Ey.. Thurs day. August 8; limit ten days. Train leaves 12:40 P. M. central time. d 'Visitor to Paris Expoaltlo 1 find "Holmes' Best" rye whisky at A. ""aillard's, No. 30 Boulevard des Capo Paris. ttssu JLcVB. H 'St Eead.it in our ad. on fifth per.-;., bogus & Buhl. - S3-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty eeyUs. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements "will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning:: Advertisements are to he prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tux D1S VXTCU. riTTSBUBO. THOMAS McCAFFKE Y, 859 Butler street. KMIL G. STUCKET, 21th street and Penn ave. E. G. BTUCKEV A CO., Wjrlle ave. and Fultonst X. BTOiUUiV, Fifth Avenue Market Uouse. EABTZND. J. TV. "WALLACE, 6121 Tenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEB & SHE1BLE1E, 6th ay. & Atwood St. EOUTOBIDE. JACOB SI'OIIN. No. 5 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEECHEK, 59 Federal street. H. 3. McBKIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDH. EGGEltS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EOGE1W & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson stfeets. THOMAS MCHENBY, Westeraand Irwinsves. U. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EKKY M. OLEIM. l!ebf cca nd Allegheny area. WANTED. Male Hcbn. A N T E D A GOOD BAUBER GOD w wanes paid and steady work, iishiuiji ac6-3 AVE. WANTED-TWO FIRbT-CLAbS BA11BEKS. Address, for 4 da) s. A. L. UBKY, lock box 635. New Brighton, l'a. n6-4a WANTED F1BST HELl'EB AT OPEN hearth steel furnace lnimedlaielr. Address O. H., Dispatch office. an6-50 WANTED A FIRbT-CLISS WAGON blacksmith. Inquire at W. NEASK & CO. 'S. 1023 Liberty ave. u6-71 WANTED-A FIKST CLAbS CUTTER TO GO out of town; call between 11 and 3 o'clock at S32 LIBERTY SIKEET. auS-55 -rvTANlED-DKOG CLERK: ONE TO TWO YY years' experience; state reference. Ad dress bUARP, Dispatch office. an6-93 WANTED-BOY 18 TO IS YEABb OF AGE for general -work. Apply to J. SMITH & bON. cor. Chestnut aud Gibbon sts., city. auS-82 WANTED-A COMPETENT ADVERTISING solicitor. Anply at !0 FOURTH AVE., front office, between f and 3 p. M., to-day. au6-C5 WANTED-GOOD MAN IN EVERY TOWN; salarr paid weekly. Address SHERMAN, TANGENBERG & CO.. 160 W. Lake St., Cblcaso. au3-65 -VTrANTED-SHEAKMAN TO SHEAB ALL YV kinds or agricultural shapes. Apply SHEARMAN, Monongahela House, 9 to 12 to day. angS-33 WANTED-GOOD, STOUT BOY, 15 TO 17 years old; one who wishes tc learn the butcher trade perfect. Apply MEAT MARKET, 4311 Butler st. au6-t9 WANTEO-SALESMAN A LIVE. ENER GETIC worker with experience wishes po sition with drreoods house. Address A. L. M , Box 954, Lock Haven, Pa. ani-11 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. TWO FIRST class wagon woodworkers; none but thoso accustomed to city work need apply. B. J, CASEY & CO., Virgin and Cherry alleys. au6 92 WAITED MEN EXPERIENCED ON bridge iron work: also riveters, blacksmith and helpers. Call at office of PENNSYLVANIA CONSIRUCTION CO., Unlontown. Pa. aul-70 WANTED COMPETENT MAN TO BUS pneumatic rlTetlntr machine. Address, with references, etc., A. J. LUL.LOCK. Prop. Mo.' Valley Bridge and Icon W'ks, Leavenworth, Kas. au6-45 -TTT-ANTED TWO EXPERIENCED OIL Y Y salesmen for lubricating oils: state experi ence, etc., and where an Interview can be had on Friday, 9th. Address B. F. QUILLING, Dispatch office. aue-84 TIT ANTED FOREMAN FOR DRY AND YV green sand shop at the Gloucester Iron v orks. Gloucester City, N. J. ; competent men only need apply. Address SUPERINTENDENT, at works. auJ-35 TrTANTFD FIBST-CLAbS PRESCRIPTION Y V glass blowers Immediately: will pay 10 per cent more than union list; steady job; fare paid to Chicago. Telegraph CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO., Chicago. au5-2 "tTJANTED-GLASS PACKER, ONE WHO vY thoroughly understands packing assorted orders of lamps, china and class. None others need apply to the J. P. SMITH lmp, Glauand. China Co., 935 Penn-v. , augSU w ANTED A SMART, ACTIVE YOUNG man In a large wholesale bouse: one who Is wllllnr to make himself useful: none need iin. ply but one who has snap, with reference. Ad dress LOCK BOX 607, P. O. . au6-Sl TTTANTED-AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING YV powder and pure apices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners ormlllmm can make money In their spare time. YAMASU1BO TEA CO.; M Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja2G-8G-rrs VTrANTED-300 ITALIAN RAILUOAD LA YV BORERS forTennessee; free fare: ICO laborers for pipeline; lOOcoalmlners; 200 laborers for coke wi.rks; farm and garden bands, at 640 Grant street. AUG. C. GE1SLEK, General Agent. au6-74 ANTED-ENERGETIO MEN TO bOLICIT for a building and loan association; to the right men very liberal trrms will be made. Ad dress NEW YORK MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 55 Liberty St., N. Y. au6-52 TJANTED-AGENT3 AND MERCHANTS TO YV buy White Enameled Letters, first-class goods at IK cent an upright Inch; samples mailed for 10c: directions for applying to windows free. THEWH1TELETTER CO., P. O. Box 123, New ark, N. J. anl-20 WANTED-.8ALESMAN,LOOALANDTKAV-ELING.i visiting wholesale and retail con fectioners, ice cream manufacturers; side line: fair commission; goods thoroughly advertised: see confectioners' journals. G. H. LOWELL vu., nunaio, jni x. au6-77 TrANTED-BAD WB1TEKS AT SMART'S V V Eclectic Ssorthand and Business College, 4 Sixth street, Plttlburg. Good penmanship taught in a few lessons. Instruction thorough and pri vate for both sexes. College open day and even lng through summer. jyis-95-TTS8u YTT ANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED Y V and rellableraan on commission, with lines nui coniuciing, to sen our line of children's and Infants' shoes to ettabltshe trade in Ohio. Pitts- &UIy.,a?,?,,TliI?.1Ar-iAdlres' wltl1 reference, A. E. BROWN 4 CO., Orwlgsburg, Pa. au6-44 -TTT-ANTED - SALESMEN EVERYWHERE YV for our Adjustable All-metal Door Plates; (can sell and deliver at once) made of nickel, gold or solid bronze; new goods Just out: profits large; sales rapid: no house canvassing; write lor partic ulars. N. Y. DOOR PLATE CO., Newark; N. J. ' aul-n TTTANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW VV men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary; largest manufacturers In iurllne;lnclose 2c. stamp: wages juc j. i;imttu:in position; money aaranieo. lor wages, advertising tj iwvitmwiii. M'F'G. CO., CincinatL O. Jc23-1-ttssu YTTANTED- MAfcj-TO TAKE AGENCY OF ? uui Hie,, si. 40X19X19 incnes; weignt 500 lbs. : retail price t35;ither sizes In proportion : rare chance to create pomancnt buslaess at home: otbersafe companies) as we are not governed by jeo-i-b r w.t viMiuuau. v. WANTED-AGENTj TO H ANDLETHE N EW patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: great est novelty ever produced: erases ink In two sec onds, -no abrasion of piper; M to 500 per cent profit; one agent's saicf amounted to So-JO in six days;another S321ntwohtnrs; territory absolutely free: salary to good men: no ladles need answer: sample 35 cents. For turns and lull particulars address the mannfacturu, J. W. SKINNER & w., -,.. . . --, ... auaia WANTED -COMPETENT MAN WHO IS thoroughly familiar with the manufacture of Iron bridges and experienced In the manage ment of men. to act as assistant superintendent or bridge shops; will pay right party ralr "i'H7' ,0.? i'. , engagement. Address, with full particulars as to experience and references as to abllltyand character. A J LULLOCK, Prop. Mo. Vafiey Bridge in'd Iron AV'ks, Leavenworth. Kai. au6-45 Female Ilelo. WASTED-TWO GIRLS TO SORT RAGS; goodexperlence;No.77 SHYEnTH AVE.! city. WAI!XEDTGWLS " 0 A1U8ENEAND silk embroidery work. H. HOLTZMAN ft ovna, lUMaikchBk aUo-91 WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK: MUST ftriVA rfirn!.K- lnnnlnitr.11 fvuxl . u NUE, between 9a.m. and 2 p.m. au6-40 T7-ANTED-A GOOD FEMALE RESTAUH vY ANT cook; none other need apply. SAM'L SHANER ASON, 122 Diamond Market, Pittsburg. au6-7J , WANTED-A COUNTRY GIRL (PROTEST-. ANT) who understands 'plain cooking: wages. S3. Call or address EXCELSIOR liru, CO., 103 Market St., Pittsburg. an6-87 V Blnlo and lrcraaie Ur la. --ANTED AT ONCE, WHITE WAITER FOR TV prltate family, farm hands, colored wait ers, seamstress, housekeeper. 60 cooks. 20 cham bermaids, 4 dlnlngroom girls, laundry girls, head laundress, second cook. MEEHAN fS, 545 Grant St. au5-D WANTED -K5 WEEKLT-KEFBEHENTA-TIVE. male or female. In every community: goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: wemeaujutl wbat we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, jeit-io-B Slttmtlona. fTT-ANTED-POSmON AS DKUG Cl.EBK BY YY registered druggist; reference given. Ad dress TINCTURE. Dispatch office. , - aue-M WANTE9. Situations. WANTED-CHEMIST DESIRES POSITION. Ten years diversified experience. Excel lent references. Address. "CHEMIST," Dis patch office. aug6-39 r.iUiKVn.mri TimUllMV HlTHlTTnV as coachman or gardener; experienced handling horses: alsocows: good relerences. Ad dress COACHMAN, Dispatch office. anS-17 Booms, Bootes. Etc. WANTED-FURNISHED BOOM BYA LADY; state rent and location: rent paid in ad vance. Address ETTIE, Dispatch office. au6-l " tSoardlnjr. WANTED-BOARD-A GENTLEMAN DE SIRES room and board with pleasant sur roundings; private family: references exchanged. Address O. P.. Dispatch office. auS-86 . WANTED PERMANENT BOARD IN A private family for a married couple, with 4-year-old child: room furnished or unfurnished. Address, stating terms, K. K. Dispatch ac- FinnnelnL WANTED TO LOAN IlSaOCO ON FIRST CLASS security at t per cent. GEO. JOHN STON, 62 Fourth avenue. an6-54 ANTED TO LOAN t50O,CCO ON BOND and mortgage. 6 percent. GEO. JOHN STON, Agent, 62 onrth avenue. anS-S4 TTTANTED MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN TV In sums to suit at H, 5 and6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. TeL W7. apl9-14-TT6SU 4 WANTED-MOETOAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over ft, 000; 4Jj per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-WE CAN LOAN S300 TO o00,0O0 on mortgages, 4J, 5 and 6 per cent. J A3. W. DRAPE & CO., 128 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, au2-72-D WANTED-MOirrGAGf2J-thCfl0,000TOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4)4, 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 WANTED TO LOAN S500,00O. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and cuburbao-orope-ty, on 4f percent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and t per cent. BLACK & BA1RD, 85 Fourth avenue. se2MU6-D WANTED MORTG AGES-ft. 000, OOOTO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4M, Sand 6 per cent, and on farms in Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent. I. M. PEN NOCK A bON, 10 Fourth avenue. ap7-Hl TTT-ANTKD-TO LOAN 1200.000 ON MORT- YY GAGES; S100 and upward at 6 per cent; SCO, COO at 4K per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. ril&VIMI 19 UA,..1, -van,,- nj31.Ri.n . .....1 .rf... .... . r h. ... ... vuw. oc31-eS4-D miscellaneous. WANTED - HORSES AND CATTLE FOR pasture; properly attended to. Apply JOHN FALL, Fulton, Pa. au6-4l WANTFD--TO bELL-STOKE: SUITABLE for lady or gent: about S900 for stock and shelving; would accept part cash, or sell one-half to the right partv. who could take entire charge. Address OiUIER BUSINESS, Dispatch office. au6-42 miscellaneous. TTT ANTED YOU TO GET A BAKER'S YY doien (13) or Btewart & Co. ' fine cabinet photos for 31, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-4a-TT8a WANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH Keenan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In tbe best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 162b. my9-2 WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the club at tl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX SOL and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that ho is making fine cabinets at tl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneous process. mh!3-63 FOB SAI-E-IMPHOVED HEAL ESTATE. Cltv. Residence. FOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house, 8 rooms, ball, bathroom, finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 133 ft,: terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 muff st. avJ-87-TTSSu FOR SALE -S3, 800 LOMBARD STREE1, Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, two squares from Fifth Avenue Market,a brick dwelling of 7 rooms, bath, range, sliding doors and slate mantels: lot 2Ztl20: liberal terms, by GEORGE SCHMIDT. 157 Fourtn avenue. Jy31-49 FOR SALE-ONLY f3,00O-SEVERAL NO. 1 brick dwellings on Twenty-sixth St., South side,! each containing six rooms and; finished attic hall, vestibule, natural gas, good cellar. &c: very liberal terms: small cash payment, bal ance as rent, and only one sqnare Irom proposed cable line. BLACK & BAIllD, Do Fourth ave. aul-68 FOR SALE-6 HANDSOME HOUSES ON SID NEY st.. above Twenty-third: the best loca tion on the Southside: houses have pressed brick front, contain 8 rooms, with hath and lanndry, city water, both gases and first-class plumbing; are one square from Carson st. cars; terms, S 1,000' caebvtwUnee payable as arranged to suit the pur chaser. Apply, as noted on PREMISES, or to B, PHILLIPS, Dispatch office, FUlhave., city. ane-os-TTSSn Eaat End Residences. T7IORSALE-BEV VENUEPLACE, P. B. R., A JL; new frame dwelling of 6 rooms; range, hath, h.iand c. water. Inside w. c; all modern conve niences; (300 cash, balance f 10 per month. Call at office and get full particulars of this real bargain. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3-A Jy28-42 T7AOR BALE-A PBETTY. NEW QUEEN ANNE I? house in tbe East End of 9 rooms, reception hall, range, bath, laundry, complete in ail re spects: close to P. R.R.; elegant lot 50x100: paved street and well sewered: tl.COO down, balance on time. BLACK ft BAIRD, 8J Fourth ave. J23-41-D TTIOK SALE-DESIRABLE EAST END RESI JL? DENCE: brick, new, late style, nine rooms, well finished, besides laundry, bathroom, pantry; all latest conveniences; lot 40x121 feet: near steam and cable cars: location very desirable: price low: terms moderate. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. jy2S-61-:9-au2,E,9,13 FOR SALE-COZY 4-ROOMED HOUSE, AL MOST new, on Broad St., and lot 24x145 ft., through to Klrkwood St., giving opportunity for fronton two streets: this property is beautifully located and every way la good repair and a nice little home: price (2,700, on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station it., E. E. an4-42-TTESa FOR SALE IN COLTAET SQUARE, OAK LAND, desirable new houses of latest style of architecture, 9 rooms, elegantly furnished, complete in all its appointments: near cable line; complete sewerage, street Improvements made. For plans and lnlorjtatlon see W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, or U. K. BJtAM, on the premises. au2-69-TUI' FOB SALK-S5.0DO OAKLAND RESIDENCE property, substantial 12-room frame dwell ing, hall In center, bath, gas, water, etc.: lot45x 220 to a street: good stable nd carriage house on rear: the lot contains a number of magnificent forest, shade and fruit trees; 6 minutes' walk from Fifth ave., and directly oh line of new cable loop. SAMUEL W. BLACK: ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. anl-SO-UTTg FOR BALE PARTIES LOOKING FOB hous's cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square: the greater number of tbe durably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty days; asphalt pavements, natural and artificial gas. a beautiful park planted with shade trees, aud convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices, f6,500and(6,70Q, oneasyterms. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, on the premises. Jy23-66 Aflesnenr Residences. FOR SALE-AT AUCTION NO. 21 NORTH Diamond street. Allegheny, on Friday after noon, August 9, at 2 o'clock, on the prem ises, two-story brick house of 6 rooms and attic, both gases and water: lot 15x65; terms, S50O cash, and balance in 5 years: possession at once. For lurther particulars see EWING ftBYhBS, Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, N o. 107 Federal street, Allegheny. au4-72-TTrsu Suburban Residence FOBS ALE EMSWOHTH, p., F. W. ft O. K.W., only five minutes walk from station, several choice vacant lots; splendid location, good neigh borhood; convenient to proposed electric road; will be sold at low rates. If you want i lot In this vicinity call now on BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. (2 U-68). au6-iTS FOR PALE-AVALON STATION. P., F. W. ft C. Hy.. a good 8-room frame dwelling; ele gantly turnlshed throughout; slate mantels, etc; natural gas; M acre of ground covered with fruit and shade trees; most beautiful view on the Ohio river: L 000 down, balance long time. BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. aul-9S-D FOB SALE ELEGANT RESIDENCE AT Edgewood station, P. R. B., Franklin street, convenient to station, pretty suburban home con taining 10 rooms and bathroom, inside w.c, range, etc.; this house is finished In hard wood and has city water, natural gas, electric lights and alarms, etc. : good stable with water, gas and electric lights; If you want a choice home don't fall to see it. Call at office for particulars. BLACK ft' BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3A-293. au3-35-TTS FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. TTIOR BALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY X! desirable lots for a home or Investment, Villa Park plan; now Is tbe time to secure a selection. Colored plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smithfield et. an4-s-TTSSu FOR. SALE-CHEAP-ASA WHOLE-28 DE 81RABLE building lots fronting Euclid ave. and Beany st., near Hlland ave.. in themldst of the Nineteenth ward. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. an2-4l-TUI' IflOR BAEE-ON TUESDAY, AUGUST & AT S 1 o'clock P. k on the premises, at auction, os. IS and 19 Anchor Bank plan. Ardary prop erty, on Bebeecs 1 street, Twentieth ward) handy to residences or Maj. a, M. Brown. C. S. Gray, S. v.rnnfVtJr!S?fJMemu and others. A. J. PENTECOST. 411 Grant street. Jy27-34-TTS FOR SALE-S930 FOR A LOT 24x100 FEET ON Homcwood avenue, Homewood. We have a limited number of lots In this planVind Sn Sst payments, are rare bargains for business sires: hare also a few residence sites In this neighbor hood, ranging in nrlce from MM upward. Write ffi!M&k.F5.& FOR BALE LOTS. Eaat End Lock. T7IOB SALE-PROPERTY ON IMPROVED JL street, fcelng advertised at 862 a foot front. I can offer you choice lots on wide streets, curbed, sewered and wide flagstone sidewalks, from S40 to JPOa foot front: investigate this. J NO. F. BAX TER, Agent, 612 Smithfield st. au4-63-TTSSu FOR BALE ABE YOU LOOKING FOB A bargalnr If so, we offer fine building sites on Mellon St., one square from Negley ave., the finest street In the East i-nd: Just think of this bargain. 833 aft. front for 50 ft. loU. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St. E. E. u4-39-TT u TTIOR BALE-A FINE LOT ON SOUTH HI-' JL" LAND avenue. East End, adjoining Mr. Theo. Hartman's and near to Mr. Thos. Lazear's and others; best part of the avenue; size 25x120 feet to an alley; will be sold at public saloon Mon day afternoon. August 12. at 3 o'clock, on tbe premises: terms to suit; title perfect. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. au3-32D City Lot. FOR SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKROY sts., near college; terms to suit, ROBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff st. aul-87-TTSSU Allecnenv Lota. FOE SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the lenta and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McN AUG HER, 43 N. Diamond St. Tah7-98-D FOR SALE-AT 87.000 IF SOLD QUICK-ON Lacock. near Sandusky St., lot 2&1G0 with two dwellings: will pay over 6 per cent net; a good lnvestmentand comfortable home. W. A. HER RON ft SONS, SO Fourth ave. au2-l-TUF FOR SALE-UEAUTIFUL LEVEL LOTS, NO, 82 and 84 PAGE STREET, Fifth ward, Alle gheny city. Pa., by auction, on the premises. 44x 132 feet; desirable neighborhood. Don't forget sale at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, August 7. auf-4 Suburban l.ot. OR SALE EAST JKANNETTE SPECIALTY Glass Co. nl&n a few good lots. 40x100: free as: stores needed: ?s houses bttlldtng: several large factories coming In. 314 HAMILTON BUILDING. . aul-63 la FOB SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE at Edgewood, P. It. R., 100x200 feet: level and within 3 minutes' walk from station; reasonable price and easy terms. ULACK ft HAIKU. 95 Fourth ave. 3-A. Jy2S-4l-D FOR SALE-GOOD-blZED LOT, EDGEWOOD station, on Maple street, convenient to sta tion, na In splendid location; will sell cheap; don't fall to get terms. NO. 95 FOURTH AVE., Black ftBatrd, 3-A-298 au4-9-MTTS Vnrms. FORSALE-FARM100 ACRES: FINEST DAIRY place In this part of Pennsylvania; advanced age of owner reason for selling. ED. niTTl&U, 410 Grant st., Pittsburg, Pa. Jy31-D FOR SALE-FARMS. FARMS. FABMS-70 acres with good house, 6 rooms, barn, etc., I mile from Rochester. 83,000; will take house In or near Pittsburg In part pay; also 225 acres, 9 room house large orchard, 6 miles from Beaver Falls, for 110.000: will exchange or sell on easy payments. Send ror farm and exchange list, N. 1. HURST, Rochester, Pa ; lock box 49. Twentv acres, 5 room house, farm and orchard for 11,600; ssoodown. 8150 a year. an2-56-gQP FOR HALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE-A FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP In city, doing a good business; good reason lor selling. Address S. K., Dispatch office. auS-85 FOR SALE-DRUGSTORE; WILL INVOICE near 85, 000; dally sales average between 825 and 820. Address DRUGS, care Letter Carrier No. 4, Youngstown, O. anS-30 FOB 8ALE-A HALF INTEREST IN QUARRY and stone crushing business, on line of rail road, near the city: excellent shipping facilities: profits large and safe: value of half Interest 83.000. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. v au3-32-D FOR BALE-NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A business and be ready for fall trade; "Im mense crops," "Iron high," so Dun" and "Bradstreet's" say; we have for sale 100 good JTOcery, drygoods and notion stores: finest, argest and most profitable bakery ana confec tionery business in the two cities; cigar store, feed store, milk depots, confectioneries, restau rant and dining rooms, printing office, livery stable shoestores, bakeries, extensive bottling works. Free particulars. aHEPARD ft CO., 54 Fifth ave. au4 Business Stands. FOR SALE-A STOREROOM, WAREHOUSE and dwelllug, with stock of goods If neces sary, at a good point on line of railroad In Ohio; a good town and fine country and splendid plaee to reside or for business. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. anS-32-D 1 FO B 8 A L E-OR LEASE-GLASSWORKS AT Butler. Pa., consisting of a 12-pot furnace In good order, 8 good pots In furnace; fire not out; also Implements necessary for a prescription house; 4 acres of ground; also an 8-pot furnace; stack on the premises; also 1 gas well and lines In good order; siding connections on 3 railroads; possession given immediately. For particulars address BUTLER GLASS CO., L1M., Butler. Pa. au4-43 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock, dee. FOR SALE-PAIR FINE BLACK COACH horses, 1 bay saddle horse; good size. GIF FEN'S STABLE, 3944 Fifth arc. au4-73 F 'OR SALE-CHEAP HORSE, BUGGY AND harness, all In good Shane: the horse would answer for ail purposes, especially for family use. Address GOVERNMENT STABLES. Dispatch office. aul-8l FOR SALE-A VERY FINESORRELL MARE, 7 years old, suitable for buggy or light de livery purposes: also Brewster side bar buggy and harness. Call or address BEN N ETTft F LOOKER, cor. Klrkpatrlck and West End are., Allegheny, Pa. u6-S? Machinery and Metals. FOB SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 sbaper.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bli'men valves, castings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. y2l-9l-TT8 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-800 TO LOOO TONS OF CLEAR ice. Inquire of D. J. KENNEDY, 6351 Sta tion St.. E. E.. Pitts, t au4-113 PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!. New and old, ancient and mouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 80,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 90) Liberty st. au3-98 EERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the TaUor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second fluorr Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mhs LOST. LOST-SATURDAY. IN PITTSBUBG, BE TWEEN t and 2 o'clock, a chain bracelet: tbe finder will be rewarded by leaving It at 152 FEDXRAL ST., Allegheny. au6-30 LOST-A PACKAGE OF BANK NOTES ON way from Monongahela House to West Penn Depot: a reward of 825 will be patd on Its return to DISPATCH OFFICE; no questions asked. an6-26 LOST-SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NEAR DAL LAS Station. P. R. H., a Mack and white setter dog: a liberal reward will be paid If re turned to U. H. WESTINGHOUSK, Edgewood, P.H.R. Jy29-5 LOST-ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON BE TWEEN Monongahela House and Browns ville wharrboat, a gentleman's scarf pin, shape of a butterfly, wings having small oearls and rubles; a liberal reward will be paid finder bv leaving same at D. ft F. S. WEiTY'S, 120 Federal street, Allegheny City. .Pa., or a postar to that address will have the owner call for. a u 6-72 DIVIDENDS. DIVIDEND NO. 2 THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS of the Westincnouse Machine Company have this dav declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENTUM on the preferred and common capital stock of the company, pay able on August 20, next, to stockholders of rec ord this date. Transfer books will remain closed nntil the day succeeding that fixed for the pay ment of tbe dividend. Checks will be sent to stockholders through the mails. RALPH BAGALEY, Treasurer. PlTTSBUito. Pa.. July 3ft ISO. iv31-20 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF MARGARET J. CROMLISH. deceased Letters testamentary upon tbe above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against the same present them to NANCY U. ALKER, Hazelwood avenne, nr her attorney. MARSHALL BROWN. 157 Fourth avenne. JyiMl.Tu HARRY L. GOEHRINO.Atty.100 Diamond St. ESTATE OF ADOLF SAUER. DECEASED. Administrator's notice. Notice is hereby Kiven that litters of administration on the es tate or Adolt Saner, late of the city of Pitts bare, in tbe county ot Allegheny and the State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those bavlng claims or demands against tbe same will make them known without delay to F. C. SAUEK, Admin istrator, corner Sixth and Liberty street. Pitts burg, Pa. , jyl6-57-TU JENNINGS A WILSON Bakewll Law Baild- E STATE OF MR8.& ISABELLA W. C. Comlngo, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot administration on the es tate of Mrs. Isabella W. C. Comlngo, deceased, late of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny and State ot Pennsylvania, have been granted t the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands againstbe same will make tbem known with out delav to ISAAC CRAIG. JR. Administra tor, No. W Filth arease, Prtttfearg. auMi-Ta TO. LET. Cltv Residences. v.-rrwnrrnK os" 7HOOM8.0N BEDFORD T, ave.. near Seventh ave. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. UU-v : TO LET-NO. 186 BEDFORD AVENUE: A good house: 6 rooms; finished attic: latest Im provements; 27 per month. W. A. HERRON ft SON S. su Fourth ave. an6-28-TTS TO LET-NO. 87 CENTER AVE.. HOUSE OF 10 rooms: all modern Improvements; nice nelghborood; rent, (33 per month..GEO. JOHNS TON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. au6-54 TO LET-NO. 177 THIRD AVE., HOUSE OF 11 rooms: all modern Improvements; centrally located for first-class boarding. GEO. JOHNS TON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. au6-54 TO LET NO, 955 PENN ST.. HOUSE OF II rooms: all modern improvements: verr de sirable location for furnished rooms or boarding. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 fourth ave. au6-54 - Allegheny Residence. TO LET-NO. M ESPLANADE ST.. ALLE GHENY, hou.eof 8 rooms. ttEO. JOHNS TON. Agent, 62 Fourth ave. auS-54 TO LET-NO. 105 RIDGE AVE., ALLEGHENY, bouse of 8 rooms: all modern Improvements. GEO, JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave au6-54 TO LET-NEW SIX BOOM FRAME .HOUSE, Second ward, Allegheny, SIS: also new three rooms, 9. W. W. McNEILLft BBO., 105 Fourth ave. aus-63 Subnrbnn Residences. TO LET-AT INGRAM. 15 MINUTES FROM station, house ol 7 rooms, with 10 acres of ground: fruit In abundance: low rent. GFO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62Fourth ave. au6-54 Offices. DcU Room, die rTW LET-WELL LIGBTED OFFICE. NEWLY J. painted: elevator. Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GKRMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. )e23-6S-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be rouna In tbe city; rent, f20Uand S30O per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. M. and 1 F. af., or between 2 and 4 P.M. jy23-67 TO LET-FENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St., offices single or en suite, in this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, beat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low: fioor plans at our office; we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Je29-32-D Anartmems. TOLICT-ROOMSAT62FOURTHAVE. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. auS-54 TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH kitchen, separate Ice Vox, Ice furnished, washing done, sewing machines folding beds. etc ; 375 to $4 90. 41 LOGAN ST,, near Wylle ave. au6-27 Business Stands. TO LET-ON LIBERTY, NEA.R FERRY ST., store and dwelling, together or separate; rent low. W. A. UluRBON ft SONS, SO Fourth avenne. nul-79-1,3.6,10 EDUCATIONAL. MISS MAKY MAC DONALD, FORMER principal ot Miss Fuller's school, will open A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in Allegheny OCTOBER L 1880. au2-3C-TuF TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE H ALU for girls and young ladles. SHOKTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY, for bovs and young men. SW1THIN C SHORTLIDGE, A. M. (Harvard Graduate), Media, Pa. (near Philadel phia.) auI-8 WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY FOR young ladles; 23d year: Is provided for giv ing a superior educatlonln collegiate eclectic and preparatory departments: also In music and art. MKS.HENRIETTA KUTZ, 2045 Walnut st..Phlla. au4-S0-TTS T ONG VIEW, BROOKVILLE, PA, A Church School for Girls, will reopen SEP TEMBER II, 18S& For catalogue apply to Rev. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. LL.D., aU2-78-TnF Principal. HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBER!; new students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. John T. Mubphy, C. S. Sp., President. jyI7-2S SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 915 and 1117 N. Charles street, Baltimore. ' MR8.W.M.CARY. I Established 1842. French MISS CARY. (the language of the school. jyl8-H-TTS Notre Dme of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladles and pre paratory school for little girls, EMBLA P. O., three miles from Baltimore, Md., conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Sendfor catalogue. jy3(W9-TTS " mHE MUSICAL INSTITUTE OF BEAVER J College. Prof. Oborn, graduate of Berlin, director, offers unsurpassed advantages for musical study. Also literary, art and elocu tion. Board, popular rates. Send for circular to REV. R. T. TAYLOR, Beaver, Pa. Jy2538-TTS CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, Pa. Unexcelled location and surround inps. .New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, etc, address JNO. CALVIN RICE, A. M., Principal. le2S-B3 NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY. Cornwall-on-Hndson. Courses of study In civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful Duildlngs, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S., A. M., Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelO-11 MOUNTAIN SEMINARY, BIRMING HAM, Pa. A thorongh school for voting is. Situation noted lor health. H'me comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 100 acres. Thrie courses of study. Prepares for college. Baad for illustrated catalojic A. R. GRIER, Busi ness Mn'g'r. MISS X. J. DAVIS, Principal. au6.K-D KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of the Rt Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 18SU References Rt. Rev. H.C. Potter, D.D..N.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D., Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter, D. D.. Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jeM-73-TUF PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic, Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in the best col. leges, tor teaching, for business. Yonng La dies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens September 9, 1889. Hon. Thos. M. Marshall, President Board of Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal, No. 7 Fourth avenne. jyl881-TTS PARK INSTITUTE-FORMERLY PRE PARATORY and commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Business,includingshort hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open to both sexes. Fall term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Office hours 9 to 11 A. M. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN.A.M.. Principal. au3-4S-rrs CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. 1477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR Classical, Scientific, Ladles' Seminary, Normal, Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with yonng persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. At, Pres't. jyl83-TT8. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fail session opens September 11. Examinations for admission beptember 10. New buildings and equipment greatly Increase the facilities for in struction In all departments. Courses in Agri culture, Chemistry, Botany and Horticulture, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and In General Science and Modern Languar s. Special courses for Ladles. Tuition free. . I Scbolarsnlps entitle the holders to free room rem. Forcatalogue or other Information address THE PRESIDENT, State College, Center Co.. Pa. aul-7-TTS FTTSBURG ART SCHOOL, ESTAB LIBHED 1884, offers advantages of a tnorougn Acauemic ocuooi ot Art, combined with private in struction: each nunll under joint direction of George Het- zei (uusseiaori Academy), jonn W. Beatty (Munich Academy). Students who cannot attend daily niiy enter for limited number of days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal, au3-68-Tns 413 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Female College. Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau. In tbe suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed for beauty and healtbfutness. Excellent facilities for study of Natural Sciences. Classics aud Mathematlcs-ln abort, every department well equipped. The completion of DH worth Hall, comDrlsing new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has increased capacity and rurnlshes faculties for thorough educational work of the highest order. Season opens Septembcrll, 1839. Early application is desirable. Foreatnlngnrsand furtherlnrormatlon apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETREAU, President, Pittsburgh hnst End). Pa. - S .-yD-M-Tus 0. A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 SeTeatfc avenue. ; rMtwurc fa. Telspaooe -134. ? . Cr$f ffV IIsbV" V ;ax Mtrsmvta OFFICIAL-PrrrSBURG. EALED PROPOSALS WILL BERl CEIVED at tho office of the City Con troller until iriaay, August lo, isro. ai- o ciocs. p.m., for the erection ot a police station In tbe Thirtv-slxth ward. Plans and EDeciflcations can be seen at tbe office of the Superintendent oi ine nurean ol ponce. .Bonos in aouuie iuo amount ot bids will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department ot Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief ot the Department of Public Safety. A No. 2L1 N ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading, paving and, curbing ot Omega street, irom Reiter street to St. Andrews street, in the Twenty-first ward of Pittsburg. Whereas. It appears by the petition and af fidavit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun cils, that one-third dn interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon tbe said street have petitioned tho Councils of the said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of the same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with tbe acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the ordinances of the said cityof Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for tbe grading, paving and curbing of Omega street, from Reiter streetto St. Andrews street, tbe contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordi nances. The cost ana expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1SS9. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 22d ilav of July. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select rAnM.1 ZifA T sJiiTT mAV T.A.4n- nf Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk: of Common Council. Mayor's Ofllce. Jnly 26," 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest! ROBT. OS TERMAlERt Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 106, 30th day of July, A. D. 1889. au&f No. 41. 1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZJNG THE opening of Kirkpatrick street, from Wylie avenne to Webster avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city qf Pittsburg. In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of thesatne That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Kirkpatrick street, from Wylle avenne to Webster avenne, at a width of 4U feet, in ac cordance with a plan on file In the Department of Public Works known as ' Wm.Porter's plan," recorded in tbe Recorder's office of Alle gheny county in Plan Book, vol. 2, part 1, page 40. The damages caused thereby and the bene fits to pay the same to be assessed and collect ed in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tbe second class," approved the 16th day of May. A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same anects tins ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 22d day of Jnly, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, July 28, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 111, 1st day of August, A. D. 1889. an3-66 fNo.36.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading and paving of Fox street, from Mouth Twenty-flrst street to South Twenty second street, In the Twenty-filth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas, It appears bv tho petition and affidavit on file in the office of the. Clerk of Councils that one-third in interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned the Councils of said citv to enact an ordinance for the grading and paving of tbe same; therefore. Section 1 Bo It ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tho ordinances ot the said city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the grading and paving of Fox street, from South Twenty-flrst street to South Twenty-second street, the contract therefor to be let in tbe manner directed by said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex pense of tbe same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers' In cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May. A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with tho provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects tbis ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 22d day of July, A. D. 18SU. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Uerk ot Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office. July 26, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALEIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 103 31st day of July, A. D. 1889. au3-66 iNo. 33.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading, paving and curbing of Broad street, from Frankstown avenue to Collins ave nne. in the Nineteenth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas, It appears by tbe petition and affi davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said Btreet have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of tbe same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same That the Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be and Is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with tbe acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the grading, paving and curbing of TJroad street, from Frankstown avenue to Collins avenue, the contract therefor to be let in tne manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense of tbe same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relatingto streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordipance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 22d day of July, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. I HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office July 26, 1839. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 105, 30th day of July. A. D. 1SS9. au3-66 rNo.32.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZINO THE grading, paving and curbing of Homo street, from Butler street to Plnmer street, in tbe Seventeenth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas, It appears by tbe petition and affi davit on file in the officu of tbe Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in Interest of tbe owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned tbe Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for tbe grading, paving and curbing of tbe same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tize in accordance with tbe acts ot Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the or dinances of tbe said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and rogulatlLg tho same, for proposals for the grading, paving and curbing of Home street, from Butler street to Plumer street, the contract therefor to be let in the manner di rected by tbe said acts of Assembly and ordi nances. The cost and expenses of tbe samo to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions ot an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects tbis ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this28thdayof July, A. D. 1889. H. 'P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of -Select CoonoU, GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, Protidesto OFFiraAIr-PTlrSBl7RG. J Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTHS Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. July 28. 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded m Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 101, 30th day of Jnly. A. D.1889. au3-66 Continued on Seventh and Eighth Pages. MEETINGS. MEMBERS OF GEN. JOHN A. LOGAN Lodge No. 171. Knights of Pythias. Mill vale borough, will meet at their hallWEDNES DAY. August 7, at 1 p. m. sharp, to attend tha funeral of Brother P. H. Emstoe. All sister lodges are respectfully invited. D. J. JEFFRIES. B. C. au6-75 B. E. LYNCH. A. of R. and F. -VTOTICE-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING Iji of Acme Building and Loan Association will be held TUE8DAY, Aug. 6, 1889, at 8 p. M.. for election of officers, at Philip Scbultz's, NoC 2516 Penn ave. All absent members will bo fined. J. B. NOBBS, .Pres., H. GOEDDEL, Sea. au6-33 PrnSBrrao. Pa, August 5. 1889. "VTOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF JLM . the stockholders ot tbe Pittsburg Forgo and Iron Company, will be held at the office of the company. Tenth street near Penn avenue, on TUESDAY. August 20. 1889 at 11 o'clock A. 3f., for the election of directors for the ensuing year, and for such other business as mav bo brought before them. JAMES K. VERNER, Secretary. an6-34. J BRIDGE NOTICE U. a ENGINEER'S ) office, Louisville, Ky., August 3,1889. The oard of Engineers, constituted to consider ths plans aud location of a proposed bridge across the Ohio river, will meetin public session at the JilcLure House Wheeling, W. Va.. at 11a. 1C, AUGUST 13, 1889. All persons interested arsj Invited to be present to express their opinionsT concerning plan and location of the proposed bridge. AMOS STICKNEY, Major of En gineers. President of the Board. an 6-32 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR STEEL FORCINGS for a 10-inch rifle. Ordnance Office War Department, Washington, August L 1889. Sealed proposals, in dUDlicate. will bo received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M. on THURS DAY, AUGUST 15,1839, at which time they will be publicly opened, for supplying tha Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, with Steel Forcings for a 10-lnch rifle. All information required by bidders can be had upon applica tion to Captain C. S. SMITH, Acting Chief of Ordnance. aul-3 PROPOSALS FOR ICE PIER AT PORTS MOUTH. Ohio. U. a Engineer's office. Cincinnati, Jnne 10. 1889. Sealed proposals. In duplicate, for furnishing material and con structing an ice pier In the Ohio river at Ports mouth. Ohio, will be received at this offica until 12 lion MONDAY. the 2d day of Sep tember. 1889. All information furnished on application. The attention of bidders is- In vi ted to tbe acts of Congress approved Feb. 28. 1S85, and Feb. 23, 1887. LANSING H. BEACH, 1st Lieut, of Engineers. an3-93, AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE FURNITURE. PIANO, carpets, etc, TUESDAY MORNING. Augusts, at 10 oclock; fine Chickering piano, almost new. cost $300: elegant English rug parlor suit, fine cherry mantel cabinet, fine pier mirror, bronzes, ornaments. rugs,curtains, walnut winged bookcase, fine center tables, easy chairs, fancy rockers. Brussels and In grain carpets, shades, door curtains, patent cne and wood seat chairs and rockers, folding bed, bed lounges, solid mahogany sideboard, extension table, porch and dining chairs, wal nut, oak and cberrjchamber suits; wardrobes, bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, hall racks, cheffonlers, desks, feither beds, mattresses, springs, pictures, clocks, lamps, dinner sets, toilet ware, notions, clothing, glassware, secre taires, stoves, refrigerators, cupboards, etc, etc HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM'T., Auc tioneers. au4-99 ADJOURNED AUCTION SALE-ON THE premises, WEDNESDAY, August tho 7th, at 2 o'clock P. M.: lot 200x125 with improve-1 ments. situated betweeu the W. P. R. R. and P. & W. R. R, opposite new Thirtieth street bridge, with sidings from both railroads; there -is a large and substantially built planing mill on the property, suitable for any kind ot light manufacturing business: a two-story brick warehouse, office building, stable, etc; also a full line of shafting, belting and latest improved bangers; will be sold with or without ma chinery. JOHN J. HOWLEY, Real Estate Agent. 127 Fourth ave. anl-74-D TjlOR SALE BUILDING LOTS in AT y ASPmWALLSTATION, West Penn Railroad, only 7 miles from Alle gheny depot, adjoining SHARPSBURG. The "Aspinwall Land Company" have subdi vided a part of tbe beautiful suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE, Into lots of 25 feet. 50 feet and 100 feet frontage, or by tbe acre, and are offering them for sale at prices that will suit tbe most conservative. Terms very easv, title guaranteed by the "Fidel ity Title and Trust Company," of Pittsbnrc Special inducements to early purchasers. There is a representatiro always on the premises who will show the property. Take a train to Aspin wall station, which is directly on tbe premises, or call on the agents, W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave.. city. Who will give yon plans of the lots, with full information and prices. . aul-60-2,6,10,13,17,20,24.27.a WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AND WAINSCOTTING, IHTERIOR DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Fino Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete House Furnishings. TRYMBY, HUNT 4 CO., 1219 and 1221 Market St. jy9-76-TnF Philadelphia, Pa. TjlOR SALE AT A GREAT REDUCTION, THREE BMJWELK Only $2,200 eacb, on small monthly install ments it desired. a A RARE CHANCE TO GET A HOME Of eight rooms, vestibule, hall, batb. range, natural gas. hot and cold water. Only 25 min utes from postoffice, on Sycamore and Plymouth streets, Thirty-fifth ward. Price reduced in order to make quick sales. Call at once on W. A. HERRON fc SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. anl.91-l,3,6.10,U17 DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, such as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portier curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at tbe SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 1 58 SIXTH AVE. Goods called for and delivered. jell-TTS Notice To Navigators. During tbe reconstruction of the channel span of the Ohio river bridge at Steubenville, Obio, which is now in progress, parties navi gating tbe Ohio river will be required to pass through the span next west of tbecbannelspan, which has been dredged so as to afford a good navigable water, white lights will be dis played Indicating the obstructed channel span, and red lights will be displayed indicating tba channel to be used. M. J. BECKER, , Chief Engineer Pn C. t St. L. Ry. Co. jy28-70-D TJIANOS, ORGANa a HAMILTON, UJUIUMIIIIIIAVIUU ,1 rihuur xa. ikiw-im .. QILVERWARE n great variety and beautiful, new designs. oet ana single pieces. WDLSON. 81 FOURTH AVENUE. sr Jy2STTS f fl H A, E. LLNKENHELMER, ARCHITECT, 545 Smithfield street. Pittsburg, Pa,- FrettH; reHiiufliiuuisfc,swo-Battoor, 9WkWvwrA i .Ti . i ,t .. "-.:.. ". & . . ,. ... iJiEr?tB& "4.t "..