Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 06, 1889, Image 1

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Advice to Summer Tourists. '
Don't fail to notify Tna Dispatch office
of your change of location, and your paper
will be forwarded to you. without extra charge.
As Well as Fishing for Con
gressmen, to be Senator.
Quay's Occupation
The Conference in Philadelphia
Comes to an End.
Politician! From AHOver the Stnte Meet the
National Chairman bx Appointment Mc
Manes Finally PromUed EverTthing He
Wants Another Carriage IUde Pre
vented by Rain Programme for the
Four New State' Election! Mapped
Out A Trip to Bar Harbor Proposed by
the Flahlng Party Ex-Collector Bigler
Won't Lead a Forlorn Canae Carpet
Baggers Get Left In a Louisiana Con
gressional Convention,
Senator Quay and parly will board their
yacht Manatee to-day for a pleasure trip,
having completed their conference in Phil
,delphia. Ex-Collector Bigler says he is
not a candidate for the Democratic nomina
tion for State Treasurer. The fight for the
Republican nomination for Congress in the
Third Congressional district of Louisiana
is ended, the carpet-baggers being knocked
Philadelphia, August 5. Senator
Quay remained atthe Continental Hotel to
day, where he was called on by statesmen
great and small from the early hours of
morning until midnight. The junior Sen
ator had scarce finished breakfast when
United Stales District Attorney Walter
Lyon, of Pittsburg, came in, accompanied
by James S. McKean, Quay's candidate for
the postmastership of Pittsburg.
Senator Quay, having completed the de
tails for the convention, has intrusted the
carrying out of the programme to Collector
of Internal Bevenue David Martin and
"Walter Lyon, and on Sunday night Mar
gin, having been informed of the Senator's
shes, Prospective Postmaster McKean
wired "Walter Lyon, who was at Atlantic
City, to come up and see Quay.
The understanding having been complet
ed. Chairman Andrews, Speaker Boyer, Da
vid Martin and "Walter Lyon left on the
0:10 train this evening for Harrisburg,
where they have quarters at "the Lochiel
Hotel. Congressman "Watson, of "Warren
county, was on hand early, and was accord
ed an interview, as were Senator George
Handy Smith, Eepresentative Horatio P.
Connell and Samuel P. Hauseman.
About 11:50 Senator Quay called a cab
and drove down town, and, according to a
previous agreement, met James McManes.
These gentlemen remained together for
about an hour, when they left and made a
call together at Collector Cooper's office.
The Collector was out at lunch, but, upon
being sent for by his callers, he speedily
came to the ofiice where the two leaders
were in waiting. The conference lasted
about half an hour, Mr. McManes leaving
Arst, and Senator Quay following 10
minutes later.
lIr. McManes, whose facial indication
betokened satisfaction, declined to say any
thing for publication. "Wbm Senator Quay
came out he wa: asked the result of the con
ference. He smiled and replied: "Have
nothing to say; you will have to see Mr.
Collector Cooper declined to say any
thing regarding the interview, but the facts
are these: Mr. McManes desired Senator
Quay to accompany him to tin Collector's
office, and as a result of the talk the
l'hiladelphian was
of the patronage of the custom house by the
Senator from Beaver and the Collector from
Delaware. The understanding now is that
in the naming of Pederal officials to the
places not yet filled, such as Superintendent
of the Mint, sub-Treasurer, District At
torney, Surveyor, and Naval Officer, Mr.
McManes will be allotted to name some of
bis friends, and because of the lack of
patronage in the other offices outside of the
mint, he is to be given a share of the
patronage of all the other Federal Depart
ments, and peace will prevail.
After leaving Collector Cooper's office,
Senator Quay met Ben Sooy, tie Atlantic
City fisherman, and the two male a tour for
the purchase of tackle for tht fishing trip
which begins to-morrow. Tpon Senator
Quay's return to the Contin-ntal Hotel he
was greeted by National Committeemen
"William "W. Dudley, ot Inliana; J. Sloat
Passett, of New York; Colonel A. L. Con
ger, ot Ohio, and "William" Cassius Goodlce,
of Kentucky.
At 5 o'clock Senator Quay ordered car
riages to take his lellow members of the
National Committee out to Indian Hock,
where Sunday's conference was held. Two
carriages arrived, and with Colonel Quay
and Colonel Dudley Hn the first carriage,
and Mr. Passett, Colonel Conger and Mr.
Ooodloe in the second carriage, the party
started on their trip.
The carriages had scarcely entered Pair
mount Park when a heavy fall of rain came
on, and they were forced to return to the
Continental Hotel, where suvjer was
served. Colonel Dudley did notpmain at
the Continental, but after bidding his
friends goodby went to the Lafayette Hotel,
where his gripsack was, and then started oft
lor "Washington. The other members ofl
the National Committee comprising the
party were joined at midnight by Samuel
Pesscnden, of Connecticut, Secretary of the
.National Uorumittee.
Senator Quay and his partr of NS
Committeemen, accompanied by Ha
Disstonand Jacob "Wndeore,!will leave
on the yacht Manatee to-morrow morning.
How long they will be gone depends greatly
upon the weather.
It is understood that the programme for
the elections in the four new Slates has al
ready been carefully planned and outlined
by Senator Quay, and that Colonel Dudley,
when he left here to-day, fully understood
what part ot the play he was an actor in. In
addition to fixing up matters for the new
States the subject of filling vacancies in
Congressional districts will also be given
attention. The importance of the latter may
easily be understood because of the Tery
narrow majority which the Republicans
have in the House.
makes it possible for & few determined
spirits to get what they want in the way of
Pederal patronage by threatening to kick,
as was evident by the action of Congress
man Brower, of North Carolina, whose open
declaration has already been the means of
securing for him a large number of country
cross-road postoffices.
The party will combine fishing for fish as
well as fishing for Congressmen, and will,
if the weather proves favorable, run to Bar
Harbor, where they will submit to Presi
dent Harrison the programme mapped out
for the fall fights.
The Independent Republican Party More'
ment In South Carolina Meet n Wa
terlooAn Ont-and-Oat Ee
publlcnn Get the
Best Office.
rsrxcni. txuoxaii to thx DisrATciM
"Washington, August 5. -The appoint
ment of Eugene A. "Webster to-day to be
Collector of Internal Be venue for the South
Carolina district was the "Waterloo of the
"Independent Bepubliean" party of South
Carolina, so-called, and of its leaders and
promoters in Massachusetts, L. Edwin Dud
ley, and the members of the Massachusetts
Club. He was the candidate of the regular
Republicans of his State, and so far as the
party can be said 'to be organized, had the
party organization behind him.
The candidate of Mr. Dudley and the In
dependents was first George G. Alexander,
a Democratic State Senator from Kershaw
county, and a sorehead. "When it was ascer
tained that he couldn't win, the Independ
ents trotted out other candidates, and it
seemed for a time that the dark horse would
win. "Webster was really the only Harri
son man who came up prominently for the
Between the regulars and Independents,
Chairman Brayton, of the Bepurjlican State
Committee, was in a heap of trouble. He
was a Sherman mac at Chicago, as is well
known, and did not sell out, but the sup
position is that he knew that his delegates
were selling out to Alger right and left.
This is, no doubt, the reason why John
Sherman refused even to- see Brayton when
he called at his K street house, soon after
the inauguration.
That was Bravton's first set-back. He
went down and down. First he wanted to
be the head of some bureau here in the city;
then he wanted to be the South Carolina
district attorney, then United States mar
shal, then a consul anywhere, and finally,
when the "Independents" seemed to be
making it hopelessly warm for "Webster, he
took new hope and made a break for the in
ternal revenue collectorship, his old posi
tion under President Arthur.
The FrogrcssI ve Republican Candidate Wlna
In tho Third CaaUIana.
New Obleans, August 5. The Eepub
lican Convention for the Third Congres
sional district of this State, in session at
Franklin to-day, nominated the Hon. H. C.
Miner, of Terre Bonne, to succeed E. J.
Gay, Democrat, deceased. This nomination
virtually decides the fight which has been
going on since the Presidental election be
tween the Progressive Republicans, headed
by Dudley Coleman, Congressman-elect from
the Second district, and other native Louis
ianians, and the old-time carpet-bag element
of the party, led by ex-Governor Kellogg,
Herwig and others. It is understood that
the President gave notice that in the dis
tribution of the Louisiana offices he wonld
recognize that element which showed itself
the stronger in the State by carrying the
Third district convention.
Mr. Miner is a native Louisianian, an ex
Confederate and a large sugar planter, who
joined the Republican party with Coleman
and others on the tariff issue, five or six
years ago. He has been naval officer of the
port of New Orleans, and was a delegate to
tbe late Chicago Convention. The nomina
tion is regarded as a strong one by the Dem
ocrats, and the district as being in great
doubt. The election will take place on Sep
tember 3.
Tbo Ex-Collector Doesn't Want to Lead a
Hopeless Canae.
isrrciAi. txlxouax to the DisrATcxr.1
Bedford, August 5. Ex-Collector E.
A. Bigler, of Clearfield, whose name has
been mentioned as a candidate for State
Treasurer on the Democratic ticket, was
seen here to-day, where he will be for a few
days, and said when asked whether he was
a candidate -for the office, said, "I am no
"Will you accept the nomination if it is
To this question Mr. Bigler said: "I am
after no honors of that description, as I
think the fight this year a hopeless one, and
and I will willingly allow the honors to rest
on some one else's shoulders."
Speaking about the liquor vote, the" ex
Collector said: "I think it will vote as it
has heretofore, the Bepublicans with their
party and Democrats with the Democrats."
The Majority at the Last State Election la
Somewhat Increased.
Louisville, August 5. Returns from
the election to-day for State Treasurer show
a Democratic victory. Stephen G. Sharp,
of Lexington, the present treasurer, was
nominated for re-election. The Democratic
counties so far heard from show an increase
for him over the majority given Bucknerin
In Republican counties, where si-Senator
Colson, the Republican nominee for
treasurer, was expected to make heavy
gains, there has been rather a decrease.
Louisville gives Sharp 2,500 majority, and
the State probably 25,000. The Prohibition
vote is light.
He Was Killed After Tits Application Had
Been Placed on File.
Little Rock, August B. Considerable
amusement was caused here this afternoon
upon receipt of a dispatch announcing the
appointment of Americus M. Neely, of
Forest City, as Receiver of Public Money
at Little Hock. Neely was a victim of the
PorCSt COUnt? rinfa Whtlli jAmMr4 sima
rf .-v, ...v.. VWWM....M wwu
"opths ago, he being killed at that time.
" uau ueen recomnienuea to tne position
of Vceiver of Public Money at Little Rock
by.V State Republican Executive Com
rnitteAand bis application being- on file,
the aplntment was made to-day.
Wall Street Fears No Stringency In the
Near Future An Increased Activity
Almost Certain Every Pros.
pect of a Lively Market.
rsrxciAi. telxgbau to thx DisriTca.!
New Yobk, August B. For some weeks
past Interest in Wall street has been con
centrated on the money market, even more
closely than upon the railroad and crop sit
uations. There has been no difficulty at any
time in borrowing, upon the right sort of
security, all the money wanted for financial
or commercial operations at something
less than the legal rate of in
terest. Even the big drygoods
failure in Philadelphia, and the heavy one
in the boot and shoe trade in Boston, had no
adverse effect upon the local money market.
On the contrary, money on call was a shsde
easier after the failure of Lewis Brothers
than it was before. ,
But "Wall street has nursed a fear that
money will be painfully dear, if nof diffi
cult to get, as soon as the crop movement
gets well under way. Tnls fear, whieh has
been based chiefly upon the exports of
specie and the very moderate purchases of
bonds by the Secretary of the Treasury
has spread until it has become a
factor in general business: ?Vith tbe
view of obtaining as accurate a forecast as
possible of tbe money market,rHE Dis
patch has submitted to a number of the
leading bankers of New York a few ques
tions on tbe subject. "While tone' of the
bank officials attempted to inswer these
questions seriatim, the queries fulfilled the
purpose for which they were framed by
eliciting the opinions of some of the most
snccesslul and sagacious financiers of the
The first impression obtained from a
glance at these interviews is 'the unanimity
of the opinions expressed. It is perfectly
natural for a banker to djssire an active
money market. Up to a certain point tbe
higher the rate the better; for the lender.
But just now none of them sees the material
upon which to base a bull campaign in
The interviews run up into the hunnreds,
but there is such a wonderfnl sameness of
opinion that the following samples cover
the entire list: President John
A. Stewart, of the United States
Trust Company said that he ex
pected an increased activity in the money
market, but no stringency. He saw no
reason to anticipate any tightness in the
market; on the contrary, he thought the
money was easier now than it was two
weeks ago. President F. D. Tanpan, of the
Gallatin National Bank, said that so
far as he could see, 'while there was
every prospect of a lively money market,
there was no reason to fear any
serious stringency. President C. N. Jor
dan, of the "Western National Bank, said
that he was unable to see any prospect of a
stringency in the money market, although
when tbe weather cleared up and the crops
began to move East there would undoubt
edly be an increased demand for cash from
the "West.
He Plead Not Guilty to the Chares of
Murdering- James 8. Black well A
Large Crowd In Attendance
The Prisoner Nervous.
rsrxcuj. telegram to tub dispatch.!
Columbia, August 8. In the Edgefield
Court of General Sessions this evening John
Yeldell, the colored man who was extra
dited from Pittsburg, was formally ar-raigned-ibr
the murder of James S. Black
well, in 1884. He -pleadett-norEullty, and
his trial was set for Friday next. Therewas
a large crowd of country people in
attendance at court, chiefly, however,
in consequence of other murder eases which
are docKed for trial at this term, although
considerable interest is manifested in the
Yeldell case.
The court room was crowded when Yel
dell was arraigned, but perfect order pre
vailed, and not even the whisper of a harsh
expression against the prisoner was heard,
nevertheless he appeared to be extremely
nervous, and manifested a feeling ot relief
when he was again securelv locked up in
jail. His attorney, Hon. "W. O.
Benet, of Abbeville, one of the most
brilliant criminal lawvers in tbe
South; Colonel J. "W. Echols, of Pittsburg,
and Arthur B. Thompkins, of Edgefield
bar, were all present during the proceed
ings. Yeldell was taken to Edgefield yesterday
afternoon. Many carious persons boarded
the train at tbe stations along the route, but
no demonstrations of any kind were made.
The Passengers on a Train In Wyoming
Treated to a Beautiful Sight.
Denvee, August 6. Passengers that ar
rived last night from Northwestern "Wyo
ming report a singular optical delusion.
Said the train conductor: "It was about an
hour before sunset, and looking out of the
car window .we saw, about a mile away, a
beautiful lake. It was in a slight depression
among the hills, and seemed to be about
two miles long by a mile wide. Never hav
ing noticed a lake at this place on the road,
I was considerably astonished, as were
passengers familiar with the road. As the
train advanced, the lake appeared to en
large and rise, bvt in spite of this it was
difficult to belitve the appearance was
simply that optical delusion known as mir
age, and that what appeared to be a lake
was a grassy level plain.
"The apparent lake was as smooth and
bright as a mirror, except at one edge,
where it appeared to, be ruffled by the wind.
The strange sight was Viewed' with wonder
by hundreds of passengers until It was out
of sight." T
A Cincinnati Lady Reported to Have Had
an TJnplensant Adventure.
isrxciAi. TXLXoaui to thx rnsrjLTC&.s
Cincinnati, August B. Word reaches
here this evening, via ,Bar Harbor, that
Mrs. George Pendleton Bowler has been
captured by bandits in Italy. She is .the
widow of George Pendleton Bowler,
of this city. She has traveled
in, ?u?? . for . Inany 7earst living
chiefly in Paris and London. She has two
children, a boy almost grown and a girl
about 8, who have generally accompanied
her on her travels. Until two years past
Mrs. Bowler had a cottage at Bar Harbor.
Information comes by letter to a friend.
Relatives here do not know what to think
of the story. They have not heard from her
for some time. There have been extremely
bitter feelings on her part, on account of
George H. Pendleton, ex-Minister to Ger
many, as she claims, getting the best of
her regarding an estate.
A Proposition to Reatare the Tariff to a 33
Cent Boats.
Chicago, August B. A circular has
been sent out by Chairman Blanchard to
the managers of the lines in tho Central
Traffic Association, asking them to vote on
the proposition to restore the rate on iron to
the basis of 26 cents per 100 pounds. The
present rate is 20 cents. It is believed that
the' roads are generally favorable to the
proposition, and that the rate will be ad
vaseed. "
Why an Tncrease in Salary Was Ee
'fused John W. Babbitt, Who
Becausa He Did Not Tote for Grant for
President in 1872.
Controller Gllkeson Denies the Veteran's Application
for His Old rosltlon.
An incident is quoted to show that the
administration has no use for any one who
ever wavered from the faith of the party,
even if the recalcitrant is a Union soldier
who lost a leg on the battlefield of Gettys
burg, n
"Washington, August B. There are in
stances of daily occurrence that go to show
that some of the chief officials in the de
partments are not standing squarely and
firmly for the soldier as against the politi
cian. There is one case now on file in the
Treasury which is regarded as in some Te
spects a test one, and the settlement of
which will make it easy to form an estimate
of the relative strength of the soldier and
the politician in the affections of the present
John "W. Babbitt, of Michigan, was a
soldier in Company C, Twenty-fourth Mich
igan Volunteer Infantry. The, company
was raised at Plymouth, the town in which
Mr. Babbitt resided, and was made up of
tbe very best citixens of the place. The
regiment saw much fighting, and Mr. Bab
bitt lost a leg at Gettysburg. In 1864 or
1865 ho was appointed to a clerkship ot
Class 1 in the office of the Second Controller
of the Treasury, where he has been employed
ever since. Zacharla Chandler secured the
appointment tor him.
Mr. Babbitt was promoted from one grade
to another until, when the Cleveland admin
istration came in, he was holding a fourth
class clerkship (and drawing a salary of
$1,800. Although always a Bepubliean Mr.
Babbitt did not hesitate to freely express his
opinions and convictions on all public ques
tions and on tbe acts of tbe administration.
In 1872, alter having been a life-long ad
mirer of Horace Greeley, he was openly in
favor of his election to the Presidency, al
though his support of him went no farther
than an open expression of opinion.
Mr. Babbitt never took any sort of active
part In politics, and in 1872 did not even
vote. Tbe Cleveland administration came
in, and no man was more bitter in denun
ciation of its personnel and its acts than
Mr. Babbitt He had
and did not hesitate to say so at any and all
times. After a time, young Mr. Sigonrney
Butler, of Boston, was made Second Con
troller, and the fur commenced to fly. He
wanted to appoint a young man to be his
confidential clerk, and as there was no other
place to give him he put him into Mr. Bab
bitt's chair, and reduced the soldier to the
$1,600 grade.
The entire Michigan delegation, both Be
publicans and Democrats, as well as Don M.
Dickinson, protested against this action,
but to no effect. The young man whom Mr.
Butler appointed to Mr. Babbitt' place.
ana wno naa noionn a soiuier, unajiy-irfs
tbe -office and was succeeded bv Georee M.
Glover, a Democrat and not a soldier, and
he holds the appointment to-day.
Mr. Babbitt thought the advent of a Be
publiean administration a good time to put
in his application for his old place, and he
did so, but
and ther,e is no evidence that it ever will.
The fact that he was a friend of Horace
Greeley 17 years ago has arisen to rebuke
him now. Prank Gilkeson, of .Pennsylva
nia, Senator Quay's lieutenant, is Second
Comptroller of the Treasury, and in his
opinion the man who wavered, once in his
allegiance to the G. O. P. has no show with
this administration, even if he was a good
Bepubliean for many years, is one now, and
lost his leg fighting for his country.
A short time ago ex-Senator Conger and
B. H. Thayer, formerly of Plymouth, made
a formal request in writing, of Comptroller
Gilkeson, to cause the names of Messrs.
Babbit and Glover to change places on tbe
payroll, the former, a Bepubliean of many
years standing and a legless soldier, to take
his old place at $1,800, and the latter, a
"Democrat and not a soldier, to take the
51,600 salary. In support of this request
they filed a written statement of
admitting that Mr. Babbitt had been a
Greeley man and a rather free talker at all
times, but laying down the broad proposi
tion that this administration could have no
better opportunity to emphasize its policy
on tbe soldier question, and that it was
their duty to give this evidence of good
faith. They pointed out the fact that the
action jof the Cleveland administration in
reducing Mr. Babbitt's salary had been
made a campaign issue in Michigan, with
bad effect nporr the Democratic vote, they
called attention to the written testimony of
the Michigan Senators that Mr. Babbitt is a
reliable Bepubliean now, no matter how
independent he may have been at times in
the past, and added their recommendation
that he be promoted. They urged upon Mr.
Gilkeson the necessity of this administra
tion remedying the unjust acts of the Demo
crats, if for no higher reason than as a mat
ter of party policy.
To all these things the Comptroller re
plied by asking if Mr. Babbitt bad not been
in favor of the election of Horace Greeley.
This crime had already been admitted, so
there was nothing further for Messrs. Conger
and Thayer to say, and Mr. Babbitt went to
the Comptroller to fight his own battle. He
was at once confronted, with the charge of
having had a leaning for Horace Greeley,
and promptly admitted the fact.
"When asked if he did not think that the
administration could busy itself in looking
after the men who had always kept the
faith instead of taking care ot those who
had wavered, Mr. Babbitt replied that as
the mantle of charity had been thrown
about the shoulders of such offenders as
Senator Hiscock, Joseph Medill, Chauncey
M. Depew, Murat Halstead, and other
nrominent Bepublicans who, like him, fol
lowed their idol in 1872, he had thought
that perhaps the garment might be large
enough to cover such an humble sinner as
. Comptroller Gilkeson is evidently not of
the same opinion, for the civilian Democrat
still has the $1,800 desk from which the
soldier Bepubliean was removed, and there
is very little hopes that the latter is ever to
be promoted. 'His admiration for Horace
Greeley, the only break in his lifelong sup
port o'f the Bepnblican party, is to be
counted against nim, and the tact that he
was a three years soldier and lost a leg on
the battlefield of Gettysburg is not to be
counted in his favor.
Preeaatlona Taken Against a Ianealng;.
Janesvillx, "Wist, Attgtist 6. John
Metcalfe, in jail here charged with the mur
der of old Jady Beyoson, at Edgerton, on
Jnly 23, confessed" to the Sheriff this morn
ing. Metcalfe claims to have been drunk
when the crime was committed. The Sheriff
this afternoon began taking precautions
nguuit a iuwiiug.
AUGUST 6, 1889.
Tbe Postmaater General In a Smasbnp on
the Beading Railroad He la Not
Hart, Though a Dozen Other
Paasescara Don't Comef
OH" So Luckily.
rsrxcxii, tilxobak to thx disfatcb.i
Philadelphia, August 6. Postmaster
General "Wanamaker was in a smashup on
the Beading Bailroad, at Tabor station, this
morning, in which a dozen passengers were
injured, but he was not hurt. Shortly after
7 o'clock Mr. "Wanamaker came from his
country home to Jenkentown, and boarded
the Glenside accommodation train for the
city. He was on his way to "Washington,
and was soon bnsy glancing at the morning
newspapers and a bnndle of documents. As
the train slowed up at Tabor station, the
engineer of the passenger train saw a run
away engine come sweeping around the
curve just below the station. The whistle
of its engine screamed with alarm, and then
the wild locomotive crashed into the other
The fronts of both engines were shattered
almost as far back as the big driving wheels,
and as they came together like two bulls
they seemed to rear -and then drop on their
fore quarters in the gully alongside tbe
south-bound track. When the crash came
thb smoking car just in the rear of the
tender was partially telescoped, and just as
the shock came tbe people in tbe coaches
were thrown violently forward. As their
heads shot forward many struck the hard
backs of the seats in front, and over a dozen
men were cut about the nose, eyes and lips,
while tbe engineer of the runaway engine,
in jumping was severely cut up about the
arms and face.
Postmaster General "Wanamaker was
badly shaken up,' but he quietly gathered
up his papers and stepped from the train.
He handed his handkerchief to a young
man whose lip was cut, and then finding
that nobody was seriously injured, the Post
master General remembered that he had to
catch a, "Washington train, and with his
bundle of papers made a dash for a train
that was drawing away from Tabor on the
Third and Berks streets branch of the
Boundbrook road, just across the corn field,
and be was soon on his way to the national
Experiments to be Made With the Electrical
Apparstna on Animal.
Auburn, N. Y., August 5. Harold P.
Brown, the electrical expert who has con
tracted to furnish the State the electric ap
paratus for the execution of Murderer
Kemmler, arrived in the city this morning
on the 10:45 train. He went at once to the
prison, where he was joined by his assistant,
Mr. Davis, who came to Auburn Saturday.
Mr. Brown and Mr. Davis went down into
the prison yard about 11 o'clock to begin
the work of putting the apparatus together.
Mr. Brown was seen at the Avery this after
noon by a reporter. He said he came up to
look the machine over, and see that it was
properly set up. The machinery is all in
place, but it has not been belted up yet.
"Do you intend to make any experiments
with the machine?" asked the reporter.
Mr. Brown replied that such was his in
tention. He had expected to make them to
day, but was unable to do so because several
scientifio gentlemen, whose presence was de
sired, were unable to be in Auburn. It is
the intention of Mr. Brown to have Dr.
Carlos F. Macdonald, late Superintendent
of the State Asylum for Insane Criminals,
take charge of the experiments. Dr. Pell,
of Buffalo, will also be' present. The ex-
ffiyperimejits will be made npon animal. -'
Policy Holders and a Defunct Insurance
Company Can't Agree.
Habrisburo, August B. There is great
indignation in this city and vicinity over
the operations of the Harrisburg Live Stock
Insurance Company, which recently passed
into the hands of a receiver, alter having
been in existence about two years. The
holders of policies on the lives of their
horses have been notified that their unpaid
assessments range from $20 to 50. The
books of the defunct company show that
the arrearages of holders of policies and
money borrowed to keep it afloat aggregate
about $17,000. Tbe defendants claim that
the company conducted its business in an
illegal manner by reason of its failure to
notify them of any losses or demand the
assessments which it is now alleged are due.
Had they been assessed they would have
availed themselves of tbe provision of the
policies, allowing their cancellation by the
payment of the assessments.
The company holds that the record on its
minutes constitutes an assessment, without
notice to the policy holders. The right of
tne company to collect tne unpaid assess
ments will be judicially tested.
nil Wife and the Former Sweetheart Both
Appear In Conrt.
Chicago, August B. Harry Zi. "Whaley,
who is charged by Mrs. Saran A. Dodge, a
New York widow, with obtaining money
under false pretenses, was released to-day
under a writ of habeas corpus, bat was im
mediately rearrested on a number of new
warrants. Tbe habeas corpus hearing gave
publicity to some queer amatory corre
spondence. Mrs. Dodge testified in effect
that "Whaley bad swindled her out of $1,000
by representing that he wished to marry her
and needed the money to obtain a divorce.
"Whaley testified that Mrs. Dodge forced
the money on him. Mrs. Jennie Whaley,
nee Noble, who became the wife of "Whaley
last March, was present in conrt There
was quite a scene when she embraced
"Whaley upon his entrance to the court
room, while the widow grasped "Whaley's
love letters tightly and eyed the prisoner
with great deliberation.
A Woman Made a Burglar br the Awful
Pangs of Hunger.
rsrxcui. txlxoilik to thx dispatcii.1
Quekct, Mass., August 6. The woman
burglar who was arrested in Braintree last
night told a pitiful tale in police' court this
morning. Her name is Susie Brown, and
she had been employed for years as a cook
forwealthv Boston families. She pleaded
guilty to breaking and entering, and ex
claimed as she did so: "I hare been
starved to death and had to steal. I tried
betrging, but could get nothing."
Her story seems to be true, for when
caught last night she had in her possession
eggs, sweet potatoes and a lard can full of
sugar. She had not attempted to steal
money or articles usually taken by bur
glars. She was held to await the action of
the grand jury.
Bis Frlenda Claim That He Has Severely
Kepnlaed tho Enemy.
New York, August 6. The Haytian
consulate gives ont the following: The
Haytian Consul General is in receipt of
news under date of July 28 from Port-au-Prince,
per steamer Athos. that the rebel
.chiefs, Hyppolyte and Jean Jumeau, with
tneir coniDineu lorces, piaae a concerted at
tack on Port-au'Prince, which resulted in a
general rout of the attacking forces," which
at laairtports were retreatiig towards fit.
Inspector Whitehouse Arrests Three
Bleeders of Speak-Easies.
An Ex-Constable and an L. & 0. Officer
Accused of a Serion3 Offense.
One Secures BUI in S6.000, but the Other Two
Ex-Constable Bender, Law and Order
Officer Bander and P. B. Stoner were ar
rested yesterday by Inspector "Whitehouse
in the Past End on the strength ot six infor
mations apiece, charging conspiracy, sworn
to before Alderman Hyndman. Stoner se
cured bail in $6,000, but Bender and Bander
went to jail. The blackmailing of Past
Pnd speak-easies is the substance of tbe
Conspiracy, alleged to consist in black
mailing "speak-easies," will receive a
severe setback as an avocation, to judge by
the foot that Alderman "Hyndman, of the
Past Pnd, held P. B. Stoner, of 6424
Aurelia street, Past Pnd, to bail in the
salty sum ot $6,000, upon an information
charging the above offense, sworn to by
Police Inspector Whitehouse yesterday, the
hearing taking place lato yesterday after
noon. Stoner was one of three men arrested
late in the afternoon upon warrants issued
by Alderman Hyndman, the charge pre
ferred by Inspector "Whitehouse being the
same in allthe cases "conspiracy," con
sisting in obtaining money for the promised
suppression of information concerning sun
dry "speak-easies" in the Past End. The
men arrested were J. Lowery Bender, ex
constable of the Twenty-first ward; F. B.
Stoner and John D. Bander. The trio were
hurried to Alderman Hyndman's ofiice,
where they were given a preliminary hear
ing upon the charges. They -each pleaded
not guilty, and asked to give bail.: Alder
man Hyndman announced that the gravity
of the charge impelled him to ask for $6,000
bail in each case. The arrested men were
at the saltiness of the figure, and but one of
them, F. B. Stoner, was able to furnish bail
in that amount. The name of the bondsman
could not be ascertained. Bender and Bander
were placed in the county jail within an
hour after the preliminary hearing, and the
officials took some paius to keep the fact of
the arrests a secret, as there are other parties
wanted on tbe same charges, notably one
James Doyle. Inspector "Whitehouse will
make an effort to corral the other offender
this morning. '
Inspector "Whitehouse was heard to claim
that he had the men arrested, "dead to
rights," and that they had pursued a regu
lar system in securing money, under the
name of the Bander Detective Apency,
from the proprietors of speak-easies. There
are said to be over 20 speak-easies in the
East End,whichiAve-bes-.,l3Jd. under
tribute by parties' who threatened to "give
the snap away," unless their demands for
money were met.
The proprietor of a speak, etc., not a
thousand miles from Frankstown avenue,
when seen about the. arrests, said that sev
eral proprietors had been so rapaciously
bled by a gang of people who wanted
money for the suppression of detailed in
formation, that in self-defense .the police
had been called upon to abate the nuisance.
He said that tbe "speak easy" keeping
was a pretty difficult business, any
way, but that when people clamored for
hush-money life became a burden. So,
after some consultation among the members
of the forbidden craft, the police were called
in, the names of a number of men were
given them, and, in some cases, affidavits
containing direct charges were furnished.
The "speak easy" proprietor said he, for one,
was tired of being between His Satanic
majesty and the deep sea.
Inspector "Whitehouse said subsequent to
the hearing that the charges against the
three men were specific, and involved the
unlawful acceptance of from $10 to $75 on
repeated occasions. He also said that the
gang had a complete organization, and,
owing to the former position of ex-Constable
Bender, a thorough knowledge of the local
The large amount of bail asked by Alder
man Hyndman is explained by the fact that
six separate informations were sworn to by
Inspector "Whitehouse in each case, the
usual amount ot bail in conspiracy cosesJs
$1,000 and the six informations called for
$6,000 bail. Nothing is known of James
Doyle, the fourth man against whom infor
mations are pending.
A visit was paid to the jail last night.
Neither Bender or Bauder had secured bail.
It was learned that Bender may also bo
charged with personating a ward officer, as
he is alleged to have made a liberal use of
the fact that he was formerly a constable of
the Twenty-first ward. The jail officials do
not give Bender the best of character.
G. Bander is stated to be a habitue of
the offices of the Law and Order Le?gue.
The night warden at the jail stated that
Bauder had not long since fetched in a pris
oner for the Law and Order League, and
this would give some grounds for the sup
position that Bauder is a Law and Order
League employe. The night warden of the
jail states that the general opinion
is that Bauder is at present one of Captain
"Wishart's myrmidons. Bander's wife'is
the woman who operated last winter in
Lawrenceville on Sundays for the benefit of
the Law and Order League with the result
of causing mny an unfortunate apple
woman to bite the dust
Stoner's friends claim indignantly that it
is a case of mistaken identity, and that-he
will be able to prove his innocence of the
charges. He had no trouble in securing bail.
A Typical Southern Duel Fought la the
Presence of SO Men.
BATON EOUGE, La., August B. In
formation has been received here of a
bloody duel fought yesterday morning,
near Cotton Port, Ivoyles parish, between
Harry Ducate and his son-in-law, Charlie
Armour. There were about 50 men present
at the fight, which took place on the banks
of the Isayou. The men approached each
other and began firing. Both combatants
tell prostrate.
An examination disclosed tbe fact that
Ducate had been struck in the stomach
with seven buck shot, making a fatal
wound, whilekArmour'a right knee had been
shattered by a rifle ball. The fight grew
out of an altercation at a ball the night
King Knlakana Will Not Come.
San Fkancisco, AugustlB. A private
letter received here from King Kalakaua,
Sandwich Islands, states he hm given up
his contemplated trip abroad.
Lnnn t. .i. -.i .. v. r TTnitiirfo
g3,UUU In Cash and a
States Honda Taken by
r Barges-
Tho Safe Blown Open
Old-Faahlonrd War
rsrxctxi. tt.t.iothm to thx dispatch.!
Olean, N. Y., August 5. The firm of
Dye Brothers manage a Urge general store
on the main street in Allegany, four miles
from this place. The firm acts as bankers
for the fanners in that neighborhood and
was about to establish a State bank. "When
the store was opened this morning the large
safe was found blown open and the contents
strewn over tbe office floor. A hole had
been drilled in the safe door, powder in
serted and fired, blowing tbe heavy door
from its hinges. The report was heard at
about 2 a. jr. by several persons, but was
supposed to be the noise caused by
passing trains on the railroad, and no at
tention was paid to it. Everything of value
was taken by tbe burglars.
The loss cannot be correctly estimated at
present as the books are missing. The cash,
stolen amounts to about $25,000. Some $10,
000 in "United Btate3 bonds, deposited for
safe keeping and several thousand dol
lars of valuable papers, notes, mortgages
etc, the property of farmers and others, are
gone also. A lot of gold jewelry was also
carried off. In fact a clean sweep was made
by the robbers. No clew was left by which
to discover the burglars. It is thought the
thieves are a part of the large gang which
infested this part of the country last tall and
raided several towns in the neighborhood,
Allegany included, blowing open sales,
robbing postoffices and setting fire to build
ings. The gang became so bold that the sheriff
called out tbe military and the villains were
driven out of the country. Some familiar
faces have been seen around Allegany and
this place, and it is reported that a large
gang of tramps claiming to hail from Pat
erson, N. J., are camped in the hills near
Allegany. Some of them are supposed to
be the burglars. A reward will be offered
for the arrest of the robbers, and the recov
ery of the valuable papers.
They Are Not Considered to be Excluded
br tbe Contract Law.
Baltiuobe, August 5. It is stated that
notwithstanding the recent decision of
Solicitor Hepburn adverse to the importa
tion of five foreign professors, engaged for
the Catholie University at "Washington, tbe
professors will come to this country and
assume their duties. Attorney General
Miller, who was appealed to after the ren
dition of Mr. Hepburn's opinion, declined
to take tip a hypothetical case, and said he
would give no opinion until m the question
arose by the arrival of the educator
It is now stated by a gentleman of high
Governmental position that the professors
will be permitted to land without question.
But if oDjections are raised a decision will
be made according with a construction of
the law excluding foreign laborers under
contract that the law was never meant to
apply to the class represented by the pro
fessors in question.
A Neglected Big Near HarrUbnrg Waiting
for a Man to Run Xu '
rsrxcixL txlxqejlji to thx disfatcu.i
HABBI3BUBO, August 6. About a year
ago a professional driller for oil and natural
gas began sinking a well near Lucknow,
four miles north of this city, for a Harris
burg company. Be wasto receive $6,000 if
he reached the depth of 3,000 feet, burif he
failed to comply with his contract the com
pany was not to pay him anything. A
depth of 2,600 feet was attained, with no
sign of oil or natural gas, and the hole
drilled becoming crooked, and consequently
unmanageable, the contractor has thrown
up his contract. The company purchased
his rig to partially help him out of the dif
ficulty, and another effort may be made.
This is the second unsuccessful effort
made here to bore for oil or natural gas,
the first well having been sunk to" a depth
of 1,600 feet.
Senator Beagan Is Called Down br a Bural
Dakota Statesman.
BlSMABCK, N. D., August 6. In the
Constitutional covention to-day, during the
remarks of Senators Stewart and Beagan on
the silver qnestion, they inadvertently re
ferred to tbe war debt. Johnson arose at
the close of Beagan's speech and proceeded
to take Beagan to task by stating that if he
read history right the Senator from Texas
was in Jeff Davis' Cabinet when the war
debt was being made. At this point Dele
gate Purcell arose to inquire whether or not
Johnson intended to insult Senator Beasan.
Immediately following this query, Mat
thews, of Grand Porks, moved to adiourn,
which motion prevailed by a unanimous
vote, and the convention adjourned while
Johnson was still on his feet. Tbe Sena
tors will remain several days to glean in
formation on the subject of irrigation.
All of the Prisoners to bo Called TJp
for Trial on August 26.
"Chicago, August 5. Martin Burke, the
Cronin suspect, was landed safely in Chi
cago a few minutes before 10 o'clock to
night. Contrary to expectations he was not
brought to the Union depot, but was taken
from the traijfct Canal and Pulton streets
by Chief Hoflprd and conveyed, probably,
to the coupty aif. A swarm of reporters
and many carious people had gathered at
the depot to see tbe prisoner, but they were
disappointed, as was also a body of detect
ives who had been sent there under com
mand of a lieutenant to guard against sur
prises. On motion of the State's Attorney the
case against all the prisoners was Bet for
trial before Judge McConnell on Monday,
August 26.
A Partr of the Indiana Begalators la Fear
of ths tiaw.
Mabjon, Ind., August 5. A band of
"White Caps in Monroe township recently
dragged from their home "Widow Asmette
Street and her daughter Clara, accused of
gossiping, and, after threatening to cut
out their tongues, lashed them until
blood flowed. To-day Judge St. John
summoned 20 witnesses from the scene ot
the outrage to tell what they knew of the
affair, and the officer serving the summons
discovered that seven of the regulators had
Among them were John and Charles
Oliver, Jane and Dan Parr and John
Stevens. Half the gang are yet in the lo
cality of tbe whipping, and unless they de
camp a number of arrest will be made
to-morrow. 3
Ths Bemarknble Discovery Made by a
Farmer in Central Nebraska.
Keabnet, Neb., August 3.-r-The petri
fied arm of a pre-historie giant was un
earthed recently on the farm of J. B. Male,
near here. The hand was tightly clasped.
A young son of Mr. Male, while playing
with the curiosity, broke off tbe fingers of
the hand and sine large diamonds, of the
purest water and large, as lima beans, fell
out Mr. Male will exhajM the rcaialader
of the giant's body.
Can reach tne best
class of investors
through THE DIS
PATCH. The hest
men in business can
also be 'reached
eV -
ir.-xterl at Somebody's Expense
rfT7 fin RlnMr Tlia-minl Pontnrfl
vjmv 4S4.UVH. iiaiuuiiu vurbuibf
A Private Admission That the Adminhtra
tion is a Laughing Stock.
Canadian Itarspipers Think the Jsxe MijU Bart
Been Had SerlMs.
The Black Diamond seizure in Behrjng
Sea is now looked upon as a huge ioke on
somebody in Washipgton. Not only is this
the case at the National Capital, but the
Canadian newspapers express the same
"Washington, August 5. There is a
broad grin on the faces of officials when
they are asked about the Black Diamond
and her prize crew, and it is plain that this
exciting episode is to be embalmed in comic
history as a new battle of Dorking, with
great variations. "When officials of the
State Department are neried they say it is
an affair, pure and simple, of the Treasury
Department, and when officials of the latter
department are cornered they declare they
have not official- information of the recap
ture of the schooner, and can't say or do
anything till such information reaches
Though it was stated in the dispatches of
the morning that the Consul at Victoria had
wired the particulars to the State Depart
ment, it was positively denied there thst a
word had been received, and the acting
Secretary intimated that no inquiries had
been or would be sent out, as it was a mat
ter not of their jurisdiction. Privately he
and other omcials admit that the affair ha
placed the administration in
If the law could be made applicable to
vessels of foreign nations at all, in so far as
to permit the capture of sealskins, its en
forcement would further demand the confis
cation of the pirating vessels, but to capture
tbem and connive at their immediate re
capture is admitted to be a new interpreta
tion of the law, or a new phase of wisdom in
international affairs on which nobody at
this time appears to be willing to fix his
parental seal.
Tbe responsibility for the forcible entry
to the cabins of tbe Black Diamond, the
taking of her papers and cargo, is confessed'
to rest as heavily on the administration as
though the vessel had been taken and held,
and yet the outcome puts so ludicrous a
face on the whole matter that it is thought
England may be concent in the assurance
that the American Government is a laugh
ing stock, and that this Government may
be inclined to go no further under the
present law in the protection of seals, and
so the whole business be permitted to rest
until there is a better understanding.
Another query is in regard to what will
be done with the commander of the revenue
cutter, Bush. He was instructed to enforce
the law which provides for the confiscation
of all pirating vessels anditheir cargoes. He'
did so according to tbe strict letter oftbe
law fn the case of the Black Diamond, but
his placing a crew of one on the "prize"
was a plain invitation for the "prize" to
make her speedy escape, and dabblers in
diplomacy and maritime law are wondering
whether this extraordinary proceeding was
in accord with instructions from the Treas
ury Department.
The extreme reticence of the Treasury offi
cials leads to a suspicion that this is the
feet, and yet even those who are most ready
ft- cavil and criticise can hardly believe
that the administration would indulge in
anything so farcical, and at the same time
instruct its officials to violently enter,
Bearcb, and take away the cargo of a vessel.
Altogether, the affair is looked upon as
the most novel, not to say crude and puer
ile, proceeding in which the Government
has yet indulged in its fishery quarrels, and
official circles await further developments
with deep interest.
That the same view is taken in Canada is
evidenced by the following dispatch from
Toronto. The Globe says:
Tbe Black Diamond's adventure reads like a
joke, it's a pity tbe joke had not been com
pleted, as It probably would bare been, bad
Captain Thomas found a British man-of-war at
Ounalaska. To pat a fine finish on the face.
Washington should claim damages because the
Black Diamond carried John Hawkins, a rep
resentative of Washington authority. Into Vic
toria. Probably even Uncle Sam's cheek Is not
colossal enough to enable bim to make a de
mand for tbe surrender of tbe escaped vessel.
Of course. Downing street should Instantly
seek satisfaction for the piratical conduct or
tbe Bush, but after all that has been done in
Bebring Sea. nobody can seriously Imagine
that Lord Salisbury's Government will make
any spirited demand on Mr. Harrison.
The papers of Ottawa are silent about the
Black Diamond escape, but on all sides the
good iucjc ot tne crew in getting back to
Victoria gives satisfaction. The Ministers
will not talk on the subject until they get
a report. The Citizen, Government organ,
To claim exclusive jurisdiction over tbe high
seas by reason of a Congressional edict or
Presidental signature Is as puerile as though,
a measure had been passed giving tbe Wash
ington magnates control over the heavenly
constellations because the late scientist, Prof.
Proctor, discovered a new star in the firma
ment. If jurisdiction existed over Bearing
Sea and all tbe seals having existence therein,
wby is it that no such claim has been made or
such right asserted until 18S9? The answer Is
self-evident, and the Canadian Government,
we are satisfied, will not permit imperial Inter
ests to play battledore and shuttlecock with
our national privileges.
The London Times holds that there is not
a particle of justification for the "high
handed" seizure of the Canadian sealer
Black Diamond. It says:
No statute of Congress can bind English citi
zens beyond tbe territorial limit of American
waters without the consent of England. The
selznre is contrary to International law and
comity. Tbe national good sense and
tbo love of justice of the American people can
be relied on to assist tbe settlement of a ques
tion that ought never to have been raised.
A special from Winnipeg, Man., says:
"It was learned last night, from a British
Columbia official who was passing through
the city, that the entirePacifie fleet of tbe
British navy, with the exception of two
torpedo boats, steamed out of Esquimalt
Harbor three days ago, bound for the scene
of the recent seizure on Behring Sea. This
was the result of much telegraphic com
munication between the Admiral in com
mand of the fleet and the Canadian and Im
perial Governments. The fleet that went
north consists of seven warships and two
toroedo boats. Five additional warships are
shortly expected at Esquimalt to reinforce
the fleet. Orders have been left that one of
these is to straightway proceed north, while
the others will remain at that noint. The
Admiral's orders are not known."
Soalh Dakota's Constitution Ready.
Sioux Falls, Augusts. The convention
met at 1 o'clock to-day for its last session.'
The only work done was the auditing of the
expenses of the convention and the sfgafn-r
of the Constitution. Seventy-two of the 75
meabsrs were present and afixed. their
natures to the document, . .
mMbJm "&V