Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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ji Mysterious
Explanations are usually very tedious,
and so without any introduction or pream
tulation I will plunge right into the midst
of this uncannv story I ain about to telL
. . . "When, some 15 years before the
time of which I write, I was a schoolboy at
Eton I made close friends with a fellow
above me in the school, named Pellham.
We were very great chums, and later on
we went to Cambridge together, where my
friend spent money and time in wasting
both, while I read for holy orders, though I
never actually entered the Church. Since
that time I had completely lost sight of
him and he of ine, and. with the exception
of seeing his marriage in the papers, had
no news at all of his whereabouts. One
morning, however, toward the close of Sep
tember 1857, 1 received a letter from him,
short, precise, and evidently written in a
great hurry, asking me to go down and see
him at his family 'seat just outside Norwich.
I packed my bag and went that very same
evening. He met me himself at the station
and drove me home. We had hardly re
cognized each other at first Bight, so much
had we changed in appearance, both being
on tne dark side of 35, but our individual
characters had remained much the same
and we were still to allappearances thebestof
friends. My friend was not, very talka-
tively disposed, and I kept up a fire of
questions until we drew up at the park
gates. Going up the drive to the house he
brightened up considerably, and gave me
plenty of information about himself and
family. He was quite alone, I was sur
prised to hear, his wife and two daughters
with an uncle of his having left for the
Continent two days previous. After dinner
he seemed quite the old "Cambridge Un
dergrad" again, and once settled round the
old-tashioned hearth, with cheroots and
coffee, we talkod on over the days spent at
Eton and Cambridge. We were just dis
cussing our third edition of tobacco, when
Pellham suddenly changed the sub
ject, and said he would tell me now why he
had written so shortly to me to pay him this
unexpected visit. His face grew grave as
he began by asking me if I was still a scep
tic as regards ghostly manifestations.
"Indeed I am," was my answer; "I have
had no reason to change my views on the
subject, and think exactly as I used to at
Cambridge, when we so strongly differed;
but I remember yon then saying that, if
e,ver in after years you should come across an
opportunity of proving to me your ideas on the
subject, you would write to me atonce, and I
also recollect giving my word that, if pos
sible, I would come. But during the 15
years that have since passed by I have be
stowed little, if any, thought on the sub
ject." "Exactly," answered Pellham, with a
grave smile that did not please me; "but
now I have at last heard of a case which
will satisly us both, I think, so I wrote to
yon to come down and fulfill your old
promise by investigating it." '
"Well! let me hear all about it first," 1
said cautiously. I certainly was not over
joyed to hear this news, for, though a scep
tic to all intents and purposes, still "ghosts"
was a subject ior which I had a certain
fear, and the highest ambition of my life
was not to investigate haunted houses and
the like just because I had years ago
promised I would should a chance occur.
But I repressed my feelings and tried to
look interested, which I was, and delighted,
which I certainly was not. Pellham then
gave me a long account thrilling enough
too it was of the case, which I have some
what condensed in the following form.
Some three or four years before, my friend
had bought up a house which stood on the
moorland about eight miles pfT. One morn
ing before breakfast the tenants of the house,
a Mr. Sherleigh (who was there with his
family), suddenly burst, into my friend's
stndy without airy cereiUony, and, in great
heat and excitement, shouted out" the fol
lowing words:
"You shall suffer for it, Lord Pellham,
my wife mad, and the little boy killed with
fright, because you didn't choose to warn
us of the room next the drawing room, but
you shall ." Here the footman entered
and at a sign from his master led the ex
cited and evidently cracked old man from
the room, but not before he had crashed
down some gold pieces on the table, with:
"That's the last rent you'll get for that
house, as sure as I am the last tenant."
"Well," continued my friend, "that very
day, now two years ago, I rode over there
myself and the house was empty. The
Sherleighs had left it, and since that day I
have never been able tolet it to anyone. Mr.
Sherleigh, who was quite mad, poor fellow,
threw himself before a train, and was cut
to pieces, and Mrs. Sherleigh spread a re
port that it was haunted, and now no one
will take it or even go near it, though it
stands high and is in a very healthy posi
tion. Tto nights ago," he went on gravely
"I was ridiDg pf st the road which leads up '
to It, end through the trees I could see light
in one of the upper rooms, and figures or
rather shadows, of a woman's figure, with
something in her arms, kept crossing to and
lro before the window blind. I determined
to go in and see what on earth it was. and
tying my horse outside I went in. In a
minute or two I was close underneath the
window where the light was still visible,
and the shadow moving to and fro with a
horrible regularity. As I stood there, un
decided, a feeling" within warned me not to
enter the house, so vivid, it was almost a
soft voice that whispered in my ear. I
heard no noise inside, the night air was
moaning gently through the fir trees which
surrounded the house on one side and nearly
obscured the upper part of the window
from view. I stooped down and picked up
a large stone it was a sharp-edged flint
and without any hesitation hurled it with
all my might at the window pane, some
eight or ten feet from the ground. The stone
went straight and struct the window on one
of the wooden partitions, smashing the
whole framework, glass and all, into a
thousand splinters, many of which struck
me where I stood. The result was awful and
unexpected. The moment the stone touched
the glass the lights quite disappeared, and
in the blackuess in which I was shrouded,
the next minute, I could see hiding behind
the broken corners of glass a dark face and
form for a short instant, and then it went
and all was pitch dark again. There I was
among those gloomy pine trees hardlv
knowing which way to turn. The face I
had caught a momentary glimpse of was
the face of Mr. Sherleigh whom I knew to
be deadl My knees trembled. I tried to
rope my way out of the wood, and stum
led from tree to tree, often strikiner mv
head agianst low branches. In vain. With
the weird light in the window as a guide,
I had taken but a few minutes to come, but
now all was dark and I could not find my
way back again. I ielt as if the dismal
tree trunks were living things, which
seemed to move. Suddenly I heard a noise
on my left. I stopped and listened. Hor
ror! I was still close to the window, nnd
what I heard was a cracking and splintering
of broken glass, as if someone from inside
was slowly forcing their way out through
the hole made by the stone! Was it he?
The fir tree next me suddenly shook vio
lently, as if agitated by a powerful gust of
wind, and-then in a gleam of weird light I
saw a long dark body hanging half-way out
of the window, with black hair streaming
down the shoulders. It raised one arm
slammed down something at mv feet which
fell with a rattle, and then" hised out:
"There's the last rent you'll ever have for
this house." I stood literally stupefied with
horror, then a cold numb sensation camo
over me and I fell fainting on my face, but
not until I heard my horse give a prolonged
neigh and then his footsteps dying an ay in
the distance on the hard moorland road.
. . . . When I recovered consciousness
it was broad daylight. I was cold and
damp; all night I had lain where I fell. I
-t.'dtkLiL. "iisfn'i, ijfMJsisirt stilBstsf f iii iirjjfljfc sS tti fisf'eieffsHaJisEfSeTsr
rose and limped, stiff and tired, to the place
where I had tied my horse the night before,
but no horse was there. .And the horrible
sound of his hoofs echoing away in the dis
tance came back to me, and I shuddered as I
thought of what I had seen. After a terrible
trudge for three hours I reached home. A
tremendous search had been made for me,
of course, but no one dreamt of looking for
me where I really was. The horse had
found his way home, and I have never found
out what frightened him so."
My friend's account Was over. He lit his
cigar, which had gone out during the nar
rative, and settling himself comfortably in
his chair said: "Well, old boy, that's a
case 1 don't feel at all inclined to investi
gate by myself, but I'll do it with your aid.
You know, a genuine skeptic is a great ad
dition in such things, so we'll get to the
bottom of it somehow."
My feelings at that moment were not dif
ficult to describe. I disliked the whole af
fair, and wanted heartily to get out of it;
and yet something urged me to go through
with it and show my friend that the house
was all right, that imigination did it all,
that the horse may have been frightened at
anything, and that very possibly there
really was someone in the house all the
time, and imigination had done the rest.
Such were the somewhat mixed thoughts in
my mind at the time. However, in a few
moments all was settled and we had agreed
to go the following night, search the house
first, and then sit up all night in the room
next the drawing room. Then we both went
to our separate bed rooms to think the
matter over and get a long sleep, as neither
expected to get any the following night.
Next morning at breakfast we both
talked about the coming night and how best
to meet its requirements as regards food,
etc We agreed to take pistols for weapons,
horses as a means of conveyance, and abun
dant food wherewith to lortify ourselves
against a possible attack of ghosts.
The day drew on toward its close. It was
very hot aud snltry weather, and not a
breath of wind stirred the murky atmos-
Ehere, as at 4:30 r. si. we bestrode our
orses and made off in the direction of the
"White House." A long gravel road,
lonely in the extreme, led us acioss the wild
uncultivated moorland for six or seven
miles, then we saw a copse of fir trees which,
mv friend informed me, were the trees
which sheltered one side of the house. In
a few minutes we had passed through the
front garden gate and were among the dark
fir trees, and then as we turned a sharp
comer the house burst fnll upon us. It was
square and ugly. Great staring windows
in regular rows met our eyes and conveyed
an unpleasant impression to the brain at
least, they did to mine. Prom the very mo
ment we had passed the front gate till I left
the house next morning, I felt a nastv, sick
sensation creep over me, a feeling of
numbness and torpor which seemed to make
the blood run thick and sluggish in my
veins. The events of that night have re
mained engraved on my brain as with fire,
and, though they happened years ago, I
can see them now as vividly as then. Only
an eye-witness can possibly describe them,
should he wish to do justice to them, and
so my feeble pen shall make the attempt.
It was about 6:30, and we had settled our
horses in a barn outside for the night
There were only two walls to keep the barn
in position, and these were simply a row ot
rotten posts, half decayed in places, so we
securely tied the horses, and with a good
supply of hay, left them for the night. We
then approached the door and, after fumb
ling in the lock for some time, Pellham
succeeded in opening it. A sickly, musty
odor prevaded the hall, and the first thing
we did after a thorough search, which re
vealed nothing, was to open all the doors
and windows all over the house, so as to let
in what little air there was. Then we
went upstairs into the little room next the
drawing room, where, according to Sher
leigh, strange things had occurred. But the
window was all in pieces, and hardly an
entire pane of glass was left, and we were
forced to select another room on the same
floor (i. e., the second) and looking out on
the same copse of pine trees, whose branches
almost touched the glass, so close were they.
It was a very ordinary room; a fire-place,
no furniture hut a rickety table and three
chairs, one of which was broken. The only
disagreeable feature we noticed about the
room was its gloominess; it was so very
dark. The trees outside, as I have already
said, were so close that the .slightest breath
of wind rustled their twigs against the win
dow. We soon had six candles fixed and
burning in different parts of the little room,
and the blaze of light was still further in
creased by a- roaring fire, on which a kettle
was singing for tea, and eggs boiling in a
saucepan, and at 7:30 we were in the mid
dle of our first ten in a haunted house. It
was, indeed, less luxurious than the dinners
I had been used to lately, but otherwise
there was nothing to find fault with, and a
little later the tea things were cleared away
in a heap in a corner (where, by-the-by,
they are to this day), and we were sitting
round an empty table, smoking in silence.
The door out into the passage was fast
shut, but the window was wide open. The
sun had sunk out of sight in a beautiful
sky of wonderful coloring. Small fleecy
clouds floating about caught the soft after
glow and looked unearthly as seen through
the thick fir branches. The faint red hue
of the western sky looked like the reflection
of some huge and distant conflagration,
growing dimmer and fainter as the dark
engines of the night played upon it, extin
guishing the leaping flames and suffusing
the sky with a red reflected glow. No a
breath ot air stirred the trees. My friend
had left the window and was poking and
arranging the fire, with -his back turned to
ward me. I was standing close to the win
dow, looking at the fast-fading colors, when
it seemed to me that the window sash was
moving. I looked closer. Yes! I was not
mistaken. Tne lower-halt was gradually
sinking; gradually and very quietly it went
down. At first I thought the weight had
slipped aud gone wrong, and the window
was slipping down of its own accord; but
when I baw the bolt pulled across and
fastened as by on invisible hand, I
thought differently. My first impluse was
to immediately undo the bolt again and
open the window, but on trying to move
good heavens! I found I had lost all power
of motion and conld not move a muscle of
my body. I was literally rooted to the
ground. Neither could I move the muscles
of my tongue or mouth; I could not speak
or utter a sound. Pellham was still doing
something at the fire, and I could hear him
muttering to himself, thongh I could not
distinguish any words. Suddenly, then, I
felt the power of motion returning to me,
my muscles were relaxing, and turning,
though not without a considerable effort, I
walked to the fire-place. Pellham. then.
for the first time noticed that the window
was shut, and he made a remark about the
closeness, of the night, asking me why I
closed it.
"Hulloa," he went on, before I had time
to answer, "by the Gods above! what is
happening to that window? Look why it's
I turned. The window was slowly being
opened again.
Yes, sure enough it was. Slowly and
steadily it moved or was pushed up.
We could but believe onr eyes; in half a
minute the window was wide open again.
I turned and looked at Pellham and he
looked at me, aud in dead siience we stared
at one another, neither knowing what to
say or wishing to break the silence. Bnt at
length my friend spoke.
ti"lwishl were a skeptic, old man, like
von are; skeptics are always safer in a place
like this."
"Yes," I said as cheerfully as I could,
"I feel safe enough, and what's more, I am
convinced that the window was opened by
human agency from outside,"
Pellham smiled, he knew as well as I
that no human fingers conld have fastened
the bolt from outaide. "Well," he said
briskly, "perhaps you are right; come let's
examine the window."
We rose and approached it, and my friend
put his head and shoulders out into the
air. It won very dark, and a strange op
pressive stillness reigned ontside, only
broken by the gentle moaning sound of the
night wind as it rustled through the trees
and swept their branches like the strings of
a lyre. I followed my friend's example,
and together we peered out into the night
Soon my eyes rested on the ground below
us, aud at the base of one of the nearer
pines I thought I could distinguish a black
form, clinging, as it seemed, to the tree. I
pointed It out to Pellham, who failed to see
anything, or at least said so, anyhow, I was
glad to believe that my excited imagination
was the real cause. We were still leaning
out of the window in silence, when several
of the trees, especially the one which I had
imagined X had seen the shape, were most
violently agitated, as though by a mighty
wind; but we felt not the slightest breath
on our faces. At the same instant we heard
a subdued shuffling sound in the room be
hind us, which seemed to come from the
direction ot the chimney. But neither of
us referred to it as we slowly walked back
to the fire and took up our places on either
side of the two chairs, which were at the best
very rickety.
"It isn't wise to leave the window open,"
said my friend, suddenly, "for if there
really is anyone outside, they can see all
and everything we do; while we, for our
part, can see absolutely nothing of what
goes on outside."
I agreed, and walked up to the window,
shutting it with a bang and firmly drawing
the bolt.
"I brought a book," he went on, "which
I thought we might read out aloud in turn
to relieve the dullness and the silence.
He stopped speaking and looked at me,
and at the same moment I raised my eyes to
his face. To ray intense horror and sur
prise I noticed for the first time a long
smear of blood, wet and crimson, across his
forehead. My horror was so great that for
some seconds I could not find my tongue,
and sat stupidly staring at him. At last I
gasped out:
"My dear fellow, what has happened to
you, have you cnt yourself?"
"Where? what do you mean?" he replied,
looking round him with surprise.
For answer I took oat my handkerchief,
and wiping his brow, showed him the red
stains. But as I stood there showing him
this proof and as he was expressing his
utter astonishment, I distintly saw some
thing that for the moment made the blood
rush from the extremities and crowd into
my head. Something seemed to tighten
round my heart. I saw a large, gleaming
knife and hand disappear into the air in the
direction of the window. It was too much;
my nerves failed me, and I dropped fainting
to the floor.
When I came to myself I was lying where
I fell by the fire-place. Pellham was sitting
beside me.
"I thought you were dead," he said,
"you've been unconscious for over an hour."
He said this in such a queer manner and
laughed so fiendishly that I wondered what
had happened to him during the interval.
Had he seen something awful and gone
mad? There was a strange light in-his dark
eyes and a leer on his lip. Just then he
took up his book quite naturally and began
to read aloud, every now and then he made
a comment on what he was reading, quite
sensibly too, and soon I began to think, as
I sipped my brandy out of our flask, that I
must had a frightful dream. Bat there at
my feet lay the blood-stained handkerchief,
and I could not get over that. I glanced at
his face, the smear had disappeared, and no
scratch or wound was visible.
Pellham had not bees reading long, per
haps some five or ten minutes, when we
heard a strange noise outside among the
trees, just audible above the death-like
stillness of the autumn night It was a con
fused voice like the low whispering of sev
eral persons, and as I listened, still weak
from the last shock, the blood stood still in
my veins. Pellham went on reading as
usual. This struck me as very curious, for
he must have heard the noise plainly; but I
said nothing, and glancing at him I saw the
same light in his eyes and the evil leer on
his mouth, looking ugly in the flickering
glare of the candles and firelight.
Suddenly we heard a tremendous noise
ontside, altogether drowning the first. The
horses had broken loose and were tearing
wildly past the house. Long and wild neighs
rang out and died away, and we knew our
horses were gone. Pellham was still read
ing, and as I looked at him a sudden and
horrid thought flashed into my brain. It
was this: Had he anything to do with this?
Was it possible? Before I had time to
answer my question Pellham threw down
the book and made for tne door, locked it,
drew out the key, and opening the window
threw it faraway among the trees. I then
recognized the awful fact that I was alone
with a madman. I glanced at my watch, it
was 12:15. Instead of one hour I must have
been unconscious for two at least This was
'terrible in the extreme. He was a man of
far more powerful physique than L What
was to be done? Pellham strode grinning
up to the fire, went down on both knees and
commenced blowing between the bars with
all his might I saw my chance, and quietly
walking to the window, without a word
I climbed out, and letting myself as far
down as my arms would allow I then let go
and dropped. It was a distance of four or
five feet, but in the darkness I tumbled for
ward on my face. As I rose, uninjured, I
distinctly heard the sound of running feet
close to me, but in my bewilderment I could
not make ont clearly in which direction
they were going; they only lasted a moment
or two. But what a terrific sight met my
gaze as I turned the corner of the house,
and saw a volume of smoke pouring stead
ily out of the windows and roof of the back
portion of the house. Now and again a
long flame, too, shot up to heaven.
"Good God!" I cried, "the house is on
No wonder the horses had taken flight.
But my poor friend, what could I do for
him? The window was too high for me to
climb in again, and the doors were locked.
In a few minutes the flames would spread
to this side of the house and the poor fel
low would be burnt to death unless he had
enough sense left to jump out of the win
dow. Ihurriedbacktothespotwherelhadletmy
self down from the win do wjnst in time to see
the last scene of the most ghastly experience
I have ever witnessed. Pellham was stand
ing at the window. In his hand was a red
hot poker, and it was pointed at his throat,
but the strain was too great for my nervous
system and with a violent start I woke up!
After our heavy tea we had both fallen
asleep, just as we were in our chairs. Pell
ham was still snoring opposite me, and the
llVht was stealing in thrnnch thp wimlnTr
It was morning about 6:30. AH the candles
had burnt themselves out.and it was a won
der they had not set fire to the dry wood
near them.
Twenty minutes later we had re-lit the
fire and were discussing the remnant of eggs
and coffee. Half an hour later we were
riding home in the bright, crisp, morning
air, and an hour and a half later we were
in the middle of a second and far superior
breakfast, during which I did not tell mv
dream, but during which we did agree tha't
it had been the dullest and most uncomfort
able night we had ever spent away from
A.4T. LandGr't7s.t07i
Atcb. 4 Top. K. B... 36J4
'Boston Albany.. .517
Boston & Alalne. ....!
C. 11. . 102
Clnn. San. Ctere. 24!4
Kastern R. K 110
Mexican Cen. com., 143J
A. Jf. tlineiu... OS
N. Y. &.E.7l....S
Did Colony. 175
Kntland preferred.,
Wis. Central, com...
Calumet A Heel...,
1'ewable (new) ,
Bell Telephone... .,
Boston Land
Hater Power
, 22
. 75
. 2
, 6
. Hi
San Diego ,
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. S7
Fourth avenue. Members Aew York Mock Ex
change. Hid. Asked.
Pennsylvania llallroad siif 52
Heading 22 22 7-18
Lehigh Valley Si 53)
Lehigh Navigation C2H S3
Northern 1'aclflc -29S 23
northern Pacific preferred ua MX
Saturday's OH Range.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened WMLpnest V)
Highest B9J( Closed wg
Average rnns . 44.810
Average shipments 101,801
Average charters 82.640
Kenned, New York, 7.40c
Krone, London, 5Xd.
Rtflnad. Antwtrn. lSKf.
Kenned, Liverpool, Xd,
A. D. McGrew A Co. quote; Pats, 987.0
99cimUs,H.0o;s. "
Country Produce Plenty, and the
Drift Toward Lower Prices.
Oats Weak on Account of Big Crop Spring
Patent Flour Of".
Office ot Pittsbuko Dispatch,
SATURDAY, Augnst 3, 1869. J
Country Produce Jobbing; Prices.
Staff Is plenty, and active trade Is reported
by commission men, but no advance. The gen
eral drift Is toward lower prices. Tomatoes are
on the decline, owing to liberal receipts. Pota
toes are slow at SI SO per barrel as the outside
figure. Ann Arundel cantaloups and Delaware
peaches are coming In freely. Country butter
is in improved demand. Reliable eggs are none
too plenty. Cheese Is moving out more freely
than at the beginning of the week, but prices
are unchanged. Apples grow plentler, and
prices are a shade lower.
Buttzb Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do.
17016c; fresh dairy packed, 12l3c; country
rolls. 1012c
Beasb Navy hand-picked beans, $2 402 60;
medium. S2 302 40.
Beeswax a30c $ ft for choice; low grade,
lS20c .
CIDER Sand refined, t0 E07 80: common,
13 604 00; crab Cider, 88 0068 60 ? barrel;
elder vinegar, 1012c ?) gallon. .
CHEESE Ohio. 8c; Now York, 10c; Lim
burger, 89c: domestic Sweltzer, 912c:
Imported Sweltzer, 22a
California Fruits California peaches,
$2 00 f) K-busbel box; cherries, S3 00; apricots,
S2 00 a 4-basket case; plums, SI 762 00 a 4
basket case.
Egos 15c f) dozen for strictly fresh.
Fauns Apples, 82 002 50 barrel; pine
apples, (I 0001 25 W dozen; whortleber
ries, 75cSl 00 $1 pail; blackberries, 6&8o
$ quart; wild coose plums, $2 60 f? crate;
currants, $3 S01 V 2-bnsnel stand; watermelons.
S15 0023 00 fl hundred; sickel pears, 2 00
2 2S$t bushel crate; Delaware peaches, t2 per
Keatuees Extra live geese, 5060c; No.1,
do, 4013c; mixed lots, 3033c fl IX
Potatoes SI 251 60 $) barret
Poultry Live spring chickens, 5060c ft
pair; old, 707oc pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 02 fts to bushel. Si 60
p bushel; clover, large English, 62 tts. $0 00;
clover, Alsike, $8 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 Sis, SI 65: blue gra33, extra
clean. 14 lis. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fis, 81 65; red top, 14 fi. SI 25;
millet, 50 lis, 1 00; German Millett, 50 Sis.
SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 &s, 51 00; lawn
gravs, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 bushel
of 14 fis.
TAIXOW Country, 4&c;clty rendered, 1
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. S5 50
6 00 ft box: Messina oranges, S5 005 50 31 box;
rodl. S4 505 00; California oranges, U 504 75
f) box; bananas, S2 25 firsts, II 25 good seconds,
) bunch; cocoanuts, S4 00Q4 50 hundred;
new figs, 89c $ ft; dates. 56Kc fl IX.
Vegetables Tomatoes, home-grown, $2
2 25 $1 bushel; wax beans, SI ) bushel; green
beans, 6075c ft bushel; cucumbers, home
raised, SI 50 V bushel: radishes. 2540c fl
dozen; home-grown cabbage, 60c lp bushel; new
celery, home-grown, 60c $ dozen.
Green coffee advanced to 9 in the East
yesterday, and packages are firm. Sugar is
steady but unchanged.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2122c; choice
Rio, 18K20c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rto, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2723c; Santos, 1922c: Caracas
2022c: peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,22c:
high grades, 21J2b4c; old Government Java,
bulk. ilS!3$ic; Maracaibo, 2627c: Santos.
24U22Kc; peaberry.25Kc;peabernr,choiceBlo.
4Sc; prime Rio, 21Kc; good Rio, 21c; ordi
nary, 2uo.
bl'iCEs (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c:
cassia, 6c; pepper. 16c: nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum dobbers' nrlcesl 110 tear.7c:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 1W, 8c; water
white, 10c; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; caraadine,
Uc: royaline, 14c.
sybups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrupj, S3638c: prime sugar syrnp, 3033o;
strictly prime. 8335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed. 4042a
Soda lii-carbin kegs, 34c; bi-carb inK
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 5J6c; sal
soda in kegs, l$c; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; atearine,
set, tiKc: parafnne, llI2c i
KICB Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6
7c; prime, 5Ji6Vc; Louisiana, o6Jc
Starch Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 57c; gloss
starch, 57c
Eoreion Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers. S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50: Muscatel. S2 2a: California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
7i08c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, 4K5c;
Turkey prunes. 4J5c; French prunes,
813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c;
cocoanuts. $1 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna ngst 12
16c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan-,
11015c; citron, per !. 2122c; lemon peel, per
Si, 1S14c; orange peel, 12'c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per A, 6c
apples. evaporated, 6K6Kc; apricots. Callfor;
nia, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated,
pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012fc; cherries, pitted, 2I22c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424c; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries. lQQUc
Sugars Cubes, 969Jc; powdered. 9K
9c; granulated. 9c: confectioners' A. SK
9c; standard A, 8c; soft whites. s)iS)ic: yel
low, choice Si4c; yellow, good, 7KSc; yellow,
fair, 8c; yellow, dark. 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 84 50; medi
um, half bbls (600). $2 75.
Salt-No. 1. W bbl, 05c; No. lex. S bbl, SI 05;
dairy, f? bbl, $1 20: coarse crystal. $1 bbl, $1 20;
Hlgglmja. Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Higins'
Eurekajfe-14 B pockets. $3 00.
CAUKtp Goods Standard peaches, SI SO
1 90: 2(h SI 301 35; extra peaches. SI 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $11 50: Hid. Co.
corn. 70390c: red cherries, 90o8i; Lima beans,
SI 10: soaked do, 85c; string dodo, 7685c; mar
rowfat peas. SI 101 15: soaked peas. 7075c;
pineapples, SI 4031 50: Bahama do, S2 75; dam
son plums, 5c: greengages, 81 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears. Si SO; do greengages, S2: do
egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 12 90: red
cberrfes, 2 Bs. 90c; raspberries, Jl 4001 50;
strawberries, SI 10r gooseberries, SI 30ai 40;
tomatoes, 82J492c: salmon, 1-ft, SI 75482 10:
blackberries, 80c; succotash. 2 ft cans, soaked.
99c: do preen, 2 Ss, S125l 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans.
82 05: 14-B cans, 814 00; baked beans, 81 4ol 60;
lobster, 1-ft. Si 751 80; mackerel! 1-fi cans,
broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestics. Ki $4 50
4 60: sardines, domestic Ks, S3 258 60; sar
dines, imported, fa, 811 5012 60; sardines, im
ported, Js, 818: sardines, mustard, 84 50; sar
dines, spiced, 84 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 836 &
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, messed,
836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc V S; do medium, George's cod,
Cc: do large. 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7Kc Herring
Round shore. $5 00 ) bbl; split. 87 00: lake,
$2 50 sp 100-S. half bbl. White fish. 87 OC W 100-
half bbl. Lake trout, 85 60 half bbl.
Finnan haddock. 10c ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
V ft. Pickerel. K barrel, 82 00; U barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, 85 00 barrel, 82 50 V H
Oatmeal 88 30fl 60 w bbl,
Misers' Oil No. 1 winter
winter strained, 5S60c
? gallon. Lard oil,
Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 28 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 1 of straw, 2 of hay, 1
of feed, 5 of corn, 2 of bran, 1 of wheat, 1 of
malt. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis.
5 cars of corn, 3 of hay, 1 of oats, 4 of wheat.
Sales on call: One car No. 2 w. oats, 31Kc, 10
days, Pennsylvania lines; 1 car, 29J$c, August.
Pennsylvania lines. Total receipts for the
week, 162 cars, against 196 last week and 192 the
week before Oats are weak. In view of new
crop, which promises to be the biggest on
record. It will be understood that sales for
August and September are for new oats. Last
year's crop holds up fairly well, but U more or
less affected by brlghr prospects for this fall's
yield. Spring patent flour is reduced 10 to 15o
in Job lots since the.beglnnlngof the week.
wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83
Mc: No. 2 red. 89Q90C; No. 3 red. 83681c
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4546c: high mixed
ear. 4444Kc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243c;
hisrh mixed, shelled, 41012c; mixed? shelled,
A'-N-2yh!te 32K3c: extra. No. 3.
SliWlKc; No. 3 .white, 3OS031c; No. 2 mixed
oats, 2o27c
rR0-lp?P'',"',Ta,''a and Ohio, 5le52e;
No. 1 Western, 5151ic: new rye No. 2 Ohio,
Flour Jobbine prices Fancy winter and
!P5ES. ?teIl,ts' 5 756 25; winter straight,
? & ?", c,,ar..w'"lt"'v 765 W: straight
XXXX bakers', 84 2504 (50. Rye flour, 83 60
Millfeed Middlings, fine white. 814 0
15 00 f ton: brown middlings, 811 1012 00: win
ter wheat bran. 5U 00ll 25; chop feed. S15 00
16 00.
uay uaiea timotnv, cboice, S1414 25: No. 1
do. 813 6913 75j,No. 2 do, JU 08 12 50: "loose,
Xromwaipn.fcl8 00jiio:ipre;
810 0010 60; No. 2, 87 60S8 00; packing do. So 50
, Straw Oats, 80 50; wheat and rye straw
5 606 00L "
There is Jo reduction on lard, SI a barrel on
mess pork and -fto j0 on several other pork
products, which an Inspection of quotations
will disclose
Sugar-cured hams, large, llic; sugar-cured
bams, medium, 12c; sugar-curf d hams, small.
"2Hc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10K; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sngar
cured dried beef sets, 10Xc; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, 6c: bacdn
clear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, ike; dry
salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c
tin cans, 6Kc; 3-fttin rails, 7Jc; 5-ft tin palls.
7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin palls. 7c: 10-ft
tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, 83 60; quarter barrel,
82 00.
Dressed Stent.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
' on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550
fts.5Kc;550 to 650 fts. 6Vc; 650 to 750 Bs. 6Kc
Sheep, oo yl ft. Lambs, 10c jfl ft. Hogs, 6Mc
Fresh pork loins. 8c
The Summer Lull Strikes the Wheat Pit
Bearish. Reports From the Northwest
and From Europe No Material
Changes, but All tbo
Options Weak.
Chicago Trading in wheat was lighter to
day than It has been on any day for a month
past. There were no outsiders to speak of and
apparently but little local interest in the deal
outside the scalping crowd. As a result, the
market was narrow and fluctuations in prices
were within narrow bounds. K covering all
the changes. December opened at 78c or
just where it left off yesterday, and after a
gradual weakening to 78Hc, worked up to T&
78Jc, closing at 78JgC. Gossip as well as news
was conflicting.
There was a big batch of bearish reports
from the Northwest, one Minneapolis dispatch
saying that the crep of the Northwest would
be 80.000,000 bushels, and another that prices
for wheat at country points have been reduced
6c Weather conditions everywhere on this
side were again magnificent and just-what the
threshers need. Private cables were firm no
public ones on account of a holiday. The favor
able news from abroad was backed up by good
buying orders for cash wheat here.
Two of the largest California experts now es
timate the crop of that State at 37,000,000 and
39,000,000 respectively, according to a dispatch
shown on 'Change to-day, being a material re
duction from former estimates. The market
closed tame with prices within a small fraction
of yesterday's closing price.
A moderate speculative and fair shipping
business was transacted in command the feel
ing developed was easier, the bulk of the trade
being at lower prices. The market, opened at
about yesterday's closing prices, was steady for
a time, but soon sold off 4c. became Inac
tive and closed $ic lower than yesterday.
Oats were quite active, but weaker, and
prices declined Jic, the market closing quiet
and steady at about Inside figures. The came
for the decline was the large receipts. The
percentage ot new was heavier, and the quality
on the whole good.
Les.i was done in pork. Prices declined 17
20con the whole range, closing steady at
Inside figures.
Lard market attracted little attention. The
feeling was easy and prices ruled about 25c
lower and closed quiet.
A fairlv active trade was reported in the
market for short ribs and the feeling was easi
er. Prices declined 57jc and the market
closed quiet at inside figures.
The leading tntnres ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 September, 7676JC?76
76c: December, 78678c: year, 76Ji
Corn No. 2 September, 36863535?c;
October. 3&363535c; December, SoV"a
Oats NA, 2, September. 212120
20Kc; October. 21V21W2I21c; May, 2
Mess Pore, per bbl. September, 810 70
10 70105010 60; October, S10 5210 65
10 3510 .35: January. 898009 75.
Lard, per 10b fts September, 86 226 23;
October, 56 2506 2506 2006 20; year, 85 97U
6 97K05 950595.
Short Ribs, per 100 fts. September. 85 45
5 455 37K5 "57: October, 85 4505 37;
January, $4 ltt4 ftX
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dnll and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
77lc; No. 8 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red.
77Jc No. 2 corn. 36c; No. 2 oats, 2021c
No. 2 rye. 434Sc No. 2 barley nominal. No.
1 flaxseed, 81 2901 SO. Timothy seed, 81 43.
Mess pork, per barrel, 810 50010 65. Lard, per
1U0 pounds, SO 156 17. Short rib sides
(loose), $5 3505 40. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), unchanged. Short clear sides (boxed),
unchanged. Sugars unchanged. Receipts
Flour. 13,000 barrels; wheat, 198,000 bnshels;
com. 295,000 bushels; oats, 245,000 bushels; rye,
3,000 bushels; barley, none. Shipments Flour,
11,000 barrels: wheat, 71,OO0bnsUeH: corn. 222.000
bushelsioats, 135,000 bushels; rye. 19.000 bushels;
barley, none.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was active ana unchanged. Eggs quiet
at lie
New York Flour heavy and quiet Wheat
Spot easier and quiet: options dull, c lower,
andsteady. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot
weaker and moderately active; options active,
KKC lower and weak. Oats Spot weaker
and less active: options lower and fairly active.
Hay in fair demand and firm. Coffee Options
opened steady and unchanevd to a points ad
vance, and cloed steady, 5015 points np; sales,
48,000 bags, including September. 15.2015.S0c:
October. 15.1015.20; November. 15.10c; Decem
ber, 15.0015.20c: January, 14.95015.15c: March,
10.20c; May. 15.0515.20c; spot Rio stronger; fair
cargoes, 18c Sugar Raw dull and weak;
fair refining. 6c; centrifugals, 98 test, 7c;
refined quiet and unchanged. Molasses For
eign dull; New Orleans dull: open kettle,
good to fancy, 234S Rice quiet and steady;
domestic, 46Vc Cottonseed oil qnlnt; rrude.
S5c: yellow, 43046c Tallow quiet; city (82 for
packages), 4c Rosin quiet and pteauy. Tur
pentine steady and quiet at 4041c Ezgs
firm and in fair demand; western best, 11015c:
do fair, 1213c; receipts. 2,686 packages. Pork
quiet. Cut meats quiet; pickled hams, Ilc;
middles weak. Lara easier and dull; sales west
ern steam, at S6 60: city, 86 20: September, 86 57;
October. 86 5806 59, closing at 86 59 bid; No
vember. 86 3706 40, closing at SO 39 bid. But
terChoice steady; others weak;western dairy,
1012c: do creamery, 11017c; do factory. 8
12c Cheese strong and quiet; western, 67c
Philadelphia Flour Choice old winter
flours firm; new wheats very dull and largely
nominal in value; springs in fair supply and
weak. Wheat weak and lower; No. 2 red.' on
track, 85c; do in export elevator, 84c: No. 2 red,
August, 8484c: September. 83S4c; Octo
ber, 8484e: November, 84JJ08ac Corn
Future !4c lower; carlots quiet, but offer
ings light and prices c higher; No. 2 mixed,
in Twentieth street elevator, 45c; Wo. 2 yel-
ImiI. Wrt 9 Bihlta Vtltt Wrt 9nM,. 141r..
cboice, on track, 36c; No. 1 white. 38c; futures
dull and c lower; No. 2 white, August, 31
32c; September, 3031c; October, 8031Hc;
November, 31Vi31c Eggs steady: Pennsyl
vania firsts, 15c
Baltimore Wheat Western quiet; No. 2
winter red,9D0t,8181ictAnSrnst.83'ic; Septem
ber. 82K83c; October, 81c; December, 85J?
85Jc Corn Western easy: mixed spot, 41c;
Au2ust.43c:Septcmber,4343c;sales steamer
at 40c. Oats firm at 41c; western white higher
3335c;do mixed steady at2930c:?raded No.
2 wbite. 3535c Rye nominal at 60052c. Hay
firm; old wanted: prime to cboice timothy,
815016. Provisions dull. Butter steady; cream
ery, 16017c Eggs very firm fresh, 14c Coffee
nominal; Rio xalratlSc.
St Louis Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat lower: tradlnc licrht: No. 2 red. cash.
7373Jic: August, closed 73473Kc; Sep
tember, 7474c bid; December, 77W77c
,J r :i..,i.vr- n" , , L' mi
August closed S3c; September, 33c asked.
Oats lower and verv weak; No. 2 cash. 20c
asked; September. 2020e asked; May, 24$c
asked: August, 19c asked. Rye dull and
easy; No. 2, 40c asked. Flaxseed $1 23 bid
for spot, 81 26 for prompt shipment and 81 22
for August.
Cincikxati Flour quiet. Wheat quiet;
No. 2 red. 78079c; receipts. 22.000 bnshels; ship
ments, 11,000 bushels. Corn easier; No. 2
mixed. 37038c Oats unsettled; No. 2 mixed,
2526c Rye dull; No. 2, 46c Pork quiet
at 811 37. Lard dnll at 85 95. Bolkmeats
easier; short ribs, 85 70. Bacon steady; short
clear, SO 75. Butter in fair demand. Sugar
steady. Eggs firm at lie Cheese strong.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat dull;
cashnominallvat77c; September, 76c Corn
not quoted. Oats dull; No. 2 white. 28c Bar
ley quiet; No. 2 September, Kc Rje quiet;
No. 1, 43c Provisions easier. Pork, 810 50.
Lard. 86 15.
Toledo Cloyerseed nominal; cash, 84 60.
TlieUrycoods Market.
New York, August 3. There was a fair
business In dry goods for Saturday, but no new
Wool market.
ST. Louis Receipts, 83,384 pounds. The
market Is dull and unchanged.
v BCetal Knrkot.
New York Pig Iron quiet: American, SIS 60
17 60. Metal nomlnaL
Abundanco of Fruits and "Vegetables
Weakens Markets.
low Price of Cattle Brings a Harrest Time
to Batchers,
Office or Ptttsburo Dispatch, 1
Satubdat. August 3, 1889. J
The feature of the produce markets the
past week has been the great abundance of
everything seasonable in fruit and vegetable
lines. Said a leading commission merchant:
"At the beginning of the week trade was
good, but for the past two or three days stuff
is being pushed onto the markets beyond
our capacity to dispose ot it. Tomatoes and
apples are coming in more freely this week
than last, and prices are on the decline. The
same Is true of California fruit. The facilities
for transportation of 'Pacific coast small fruits
have been inimenselyi Improved this season,
and we are now getting California peaches,
apricots and plums in better shape and at
lower prices than ever before." An interest
ing feature of the trade this week was the ac
tion of leading railroads demanding that
freights on all produce from the South shall be
prepaid. All this season stuff has been so plen
tiful and prices so low that it has often oc
curred that vegetable! and fruit scarcely paid
commissions and freight. Hence railroad com
panies have often been losers. From now on
shippers must take the risk and prepay all
freight. A Liberty street commission man
said to-day: "All stuff consigned to me from
the South for a few days past has had freight
bills prepaid. The farmer and gardener must
henceforth take all risks."
Live Hock.
The week has been marked by the heaviest
receipts of cattle for the season at the Liberty
yards. Export beeves are not in supply up to
demand, and for the good reason that stock on
this side Is lower than for a generation, the de
cline in Europe has been but slight. It is the
harvest time for butchers who pay little above
one-half what was paid six or eight years ago,
and still sell at the old figures. With prime
beeves selling at 84 to 84 35, and choice cuts of
beet up to old rates, there must be a comfort
able margin to butchers. Exporters, who could
pay 7 and 8c a few years ago, and oan now buy
tbo finest stock at $4 to 84 85, are certainly
having a good thing of it, or were working at
a loss in other years.
Poultry and Butter.
The week shows a stiffening of prices in both
lines. Elgin creamery butter was advanced at
headquarters 4C on Monday, and country but
ter is c higher than the lowest point reached
a week age It is evident that butter bot
tom has been reached for this season. A
peddler from Clinton who pays weekly vis
its to our markets said to-day, "I have never
known poultry scarcer on my route than it is
this season. The cold, backward spring was
adverse to young chickens and turkeys, aud it
now looks aa If we would have a scarcity the
coming fall and winter. Butter has been in
larger supply the past two or three weeks than
I have ever known it, but, for a few days it
shows signs of slackening up and prices are
already a shade higher than a week ago. The
abundant crops through the section I travel
will be oats, wheat, hay, and vegetables of all
kinds." The yield in all these lines is unpre
cedented. The fruit crop will be below the
average, both in volume and quality. Peaches
are almost a failure. Apples will not yield one
half as great as last year. In regard to food for
man and beast, the yield tbronghout Western
Pennsylvania, the Fan Handle and Eastern
Ohio will pass any season in my memory, and
quality is extra good.
The general, drift for the week has been de
mand, notwithstanding receipts were lighter
than for the two previous weeks by 30 to 40
cars. The splendid prospects for the new oats
crop have had a depressing influence on trade,
and sales are made at concessions. Flour job
bers report trade as active, and sales larger in
volume than last week. Fancy spring patents
nave, however, declined 15c per barrel. All
attempts to boll breadstuff have proved abor
tive, and August wheat has been on the decline
for several days. The bear attempts to prove
a failure of wheat In the Red river country do
not xucceed. Seventy per cent is assured, and
quality was never better. While in Eastern
Europe there will be a short crop. In England,
France and Belgium crop is large. Bull flour
movements can hardly win from present out
The Business Men of Pittsburg; 'Know No
Such Word as FnIL
There appears to be something In the flat
building scheme of the New Yorker besides
wind. A gentleman remarked Saturday:
"It looks to me as it it will be a go. Two
of my friends who own suitable sites were
approached a day or two ago with offers to
buy. They were told that the ground was
wanted for fats, and that an eastern man
was at the bead of the project. I hope it will
be a success. We need many such buildings. I
think they would soon become popular.
Business moved along last week without any
thing resembling a pyrotechnic display, but it
was 81.400,000 larger tban for the correspond
ing week last year. This is a sufficient com
ment on the general situation. Under the
stimulus of good crops and a better under
standing between the railroads, trade of all
kinds is In a healthy condition and shows a '
broadening tendency.
Local securities had a very good week, sales,
so far as reported, being 3,570 shares, La Norla
leading in activity. Several of the favorites
made substantial gains. Electric and Central
Traction being most conspicuous. The market
closed firm for nearly everything. Considering
the season, there was a good demand for realty,
sales showing a very slight falling off. The
number of transfers recorded was 168, and the
consideration 8420,930.
One hundred and seventy-one mortgages
were recorded; one for 8500,000, one for 8375,000,
and one for 8200,000, the total amount repre
sented being 81,362,543. Trading in petroleum
was on an improving basis, prices holding very
closely to the dollar line. The close was quiet
and steady.
Brokers do not all think aryl act the same
way. One of them remarked Saturday even
ing: "Generally speaking, Pittsburg brokers
are pretty level-headed, bnt just now some of
them are standing In their own light. They
are trying to bear the market, and the result is
very little business, not a tithe of what it
should be. It is my experience that a weak
market is nearly always dull. The way to
make business is to boom prices. This makes
it interesting to lookers and outsiders alike.
Nobody feels like sleeping where things are on
the jump."
At the Stock Exchange Suggestive Rather
Thnn Exciting Range of Price.
As usual of late, on Saturday, the stock mar";
ket yesterday was productive of more flgnres
than business. The total sales were 304 shares,
of which Citizens' Traction and Natural Gas
of West Virginia contributed 25a The spurt
in Philadelphia Gas entirely subsided, and it
was lower aud neglected. Nobody wanted It at
above 37- The other gas stocks were dull and
firm. The tractions were strong and fraction
ally higher. Citizens' selling at 70. For Cen
tral 31JJ jvas bid and 32 asked. LaNoriawas
about steady on the board, but was backed by
a less buoyant sentiment. It was rumored
that the long-promised statement would be
delayed until several good-sized blocks could
be absorbed at about 1. twitch and Signal
held its recent improvement, 22 being asked
and 21 bid. While It may advance still further,
there are no reasons o justify expectations of
a boom.
Apparently, as a religious duty, or from the
force of habit, or as an unwritten law of the
Exchange, the board was pretty well covered
with figures, the result of bids for bank and
bridge stocks, but as the buying orders were
invariably below the market there were no
transactions. To show the perfunctory char
acter of these efforts it la only necessary to
state that a bid of 128 for any part of LOCO
shares of Fourth "National was made In the fnll
knowledge that there are not over 800 shares of
that stock on the. market, and it was not
offered at any price. Pittsburg and Western
showed a fractional Improvement, but was dull.
Why this stock does not keep pace with the in
creasing traffic and earnings of the road is one
ofthose things which outsiders can't very well
And out. Probably a few on the lnsldeare
gathering it in. on the sly.
The followine table snows tne prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Kxehanfe yester
day. Corrected dally ror The Uispatcu by
WiirnrET & HTiPHEKSOir. oldest Plttsburr mem
bers of Mew York Stock Excnange, 57 Fourth ave
ing lilrts.
101 H
84 If
84 !4
Open- Hlgli- Low
Ids', est. est.
Am. cotton on a a U7
Atcn Top. A s. F.... H H
Canadian faciae STK SIX 3X
Canada tfoutnera.
Central or .New Jersey. ....
Chesapeake Ohio.... nk "3K !
C. Hur. 4 Oali.tr... ..101U 101ft 10"
C, 4111. St. faul.... 10'A 71 7H
C. Kocl.r 93 96 SO
C, at, L. A f ltts
C St. L. la Pitts, pf.
C. St. V.. it. A O
a. st. i,m. to., pr.
C. A Northwestern. ...108M 108M luSVi
C.A northwestern, pf. -..
Cl.,CoI.,C1n.I. 11V 72H 7114
Cl.,Col..Cln.AI. pref.ioc lt)j loos"
Col. Coal Jt iron.:..... S6jJ TAH t6H
Col. A RocklUK Val .. 14 14 14
11.. L. AW 144 144K 141
Uel. AUadson
Denver A Itio U.. p
. T., Va. AOs ....
E.T.,V, AUa.lst pf.
E. T.. Vs. A Ga. Id pf.
Illinois Central
Lake Erie A Western
Lake Erie A West. Dr.. SSK 59 MM
Lake Snore AM. 8 IK 102 102
Louisville A Nashville. 70 TDM 7u
Michigan central
Mobile A Ohio
Mo., Kan. A Texas..
Missouri faclflc 67tf 67f 67K
New fork Central m 105' 106M
N. Y.. L. K. A W H 3J 2X
N. .. a. A St. L,
N. 1.. C A St. L. pr.
N.V.. C. AHt.li.2d Of
N. YtS. E 49 49J4 43
H. Y.. O. A W
Norfolk a Western.... ....
Norfolk Western.pt
Northern Pacific SSX 28K UK
Nortnern faclflc sref. Wi MK M
Ohio A Mississippi.....
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Transcon 31 32 31 K
Pacific Mall 34 34) S3H
Peo. Dec. A Kvans
Phlladel. A Keadlnjr.. 43 t a
Btchmona A W. P. T 22!$ ni 22i
Klehmond AW.P.T.pf
St. P., Minn. A Man
HUM. A San Fran 26K 26H 26K
St. L. A San irran pr.. bSH tax Wi
8t.li. A San .T.lst pf.
Texas Paclfie
UnlonPaclno - MH !BX S9tt
Wabash preferred 2X 29! Z)!i
Western Union 85 85 84 i
Wheeling-A L. . 67 63 ah
Sngar Trust 113
National Lead Trust..
Chicago Gas Trust 575 53j STJf
Closing Bond
U. S. 4s,reg 12S
U. S. 4s. coup 12SX
M.K. AT.Qen.5s
Mutual Union 8s. .,
N. J. C. Int. Cert.
Northern Pac lats
Northern Pac. Ms
. S7X
u. s. 4HS. reg lti(
U. S. 45. coop 106,
Pacific tls or '94. US
Louisiana s tamped 43 8SV
Missouri 6 100S4
Tenn. new set. S8....10S
Northw't'n consols. 144
Northw'n deben's..ll4!4
Oregon A Trans. 6S.104K
St.L. AI.M. Oen. 5 85
St. L. A S.i. Oen.M.118
St. Paul consols ....125K
St.PL ChlAPc.lsU.H7
Tenn. new set. 5s....l03j
'ienn. new set. as.... 73
Canada So. 24s 99
Cen. Pacificists 113
Den. A K. O., lsts.1204
Tx., Pc.L.O.Tr Ks.ax
Tx.,Pc.K.arr.Kcu MX
lien, s k. u. ss ra
D.AB.O.West,lsts. 101
Erie. 2ds VZh
M. iL. AT. Gen.es.. 3
union rac. ists.....M
West Shore joex
The Condition of Business at ths East Liberty
Stock Yards.
SATURDAY. August 3, 18S8. J
Cattle Receipts, 860 head: shipments, 840
head: market nothing doing, all through con
signments; 8 cars cattle shipped to New York
Hoos Receipts. 1,700 nead; shipments. 1.600
head; market firm; light Yorkers, 84 7001 80;
medium and light Philadelphia 84 504 65;
heavy hogs, 84 2o4 40; 4 cars of hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 2,800 head; shipments, 1,600
head; market steady; prices unchanged.
Bv Telegraph.
Kansas city Cattle Receipts. 2,156 head;
shipments, LOW head; quality of offerings not
so good; native beef steers steady to firm;Texas
and western steady to 5c higher; stackers and
feeding steers steady: good to choice corn
fed steers, 84 0O4 25; common to medium.
83 00t3 60; stockers and feeding steers, 81 60
3 00: cows. SI 504S2 70; grass range steers,
81 602 80. Hogs Receipts, 2,100 head; ship
ments, 713 head; light steady; mixed and heavy
5c lower; good to choice light, 84 224 SO;
heavy and mixed. 84 004 17. Sheep Re
ceipts, none: shipments, none; market strong;
good to choice muttons, S3 754 00: common
to medium, 82 SU.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 310 head: ship
ments, none; market steady: choice heavy
native steers, S3 B0Q4 35; fair to cood native
steers, S3 103 90; stockers and feeders, 12 103
310: rangers, corn fed, 82 30433 40; grass fed.
81 902 95. Hogs Receipts. 600 head: ship
ments, none: market strong: fair to choice
heavy, 84 104 30; packing. 84 154 35; light
grades, fair to best, 84 S54 50. Sheep Re
ceipts, 700 head; shipments, 700 head; mar
ket firm; fair to choice, S3 204 60.
Chicago Cattle Recetnts. 3,000 head; ship
ments, none; market slow with no change in
3 notations: beeves. S3 60J?4 60; cows, SI 60
00; stockers. 82 553 25: Texas steers, 82 25
3 00. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head: shipments,
none; market steady: mixed. 84 254 55: heavy,
$1 204 40; light, 84 304 60.Sheco Receipts.
2.000 head; shipments, none; market steady;
natives, S3 75424 S5: westerns, 83 604 15: lambs,
84 7566 U0.
Cincinnati Hogs steady; common and
light, S3 754 60; packing and butcher. 84 S5ii
4 50. Receipts. 200 head: shipments. 230 head.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children,she gave them Castorla
FidelityTitle & Trust Company,
CAPITAL, $500,000
Insures titles to real estate, and acts In all
fiduciary capacities. Temporary offices,
Nos. 121 and 123 FOURTH AVENUE.
This is now conceded to be the best In the
market, as witnessed by the fact that wo have
just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held In Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
Transact a General BanMi Bnsiness.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all salts of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
indies. South and Central America.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us,
ie2E-raS-i .
l t.-i-t... -Jl-.ti.H
fNo:32J " '
grading; paving and curbing of Homo
street, from Butler street to Plumer street, la
the Seventeenth ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office ot the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in Interest of the owners ot
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said Uty
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving;
and curbing of the same; therefore.
Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn-,
cils assembled, and iris hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That the
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tize In accordance with the acts of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the or
dinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating
thereto and regulating the same, for proposals
for the grading, paving and curbing of Horns
street, from Butler street to Plumer street, the
contract therefor to be let in the manner di
rected by the said acts of Assembly and ordi
nances. The cost and expenses of the same to
be assessed and collected in accordance with
the provisions of an act of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled
"An act relating to streets and sewers in cities
of the second class," approved the ISth day of
May, A. D. 18S9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of.
this ordinance be and the same Is hereby re
pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 26th day or July, A. D. 1SS9.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. July 26. 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALUN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, VOL7, page 104,
80th day of July, A. D. 1S89. au&6
INo. 35J
grading and paving of Mahogany alley,
irom Essex alley to Laurel street, in the Six
teenth ward of Pittsburg.
Wnereas, It appear by the petition and affi
davits on aie in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of the owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils ot said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading and
paving of the same; therefore.
Section I Be it ordained and enacted bv tho
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cil? assembled, and it is hereby ordained and'
enacted by the authority ot the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and Is hereby authorized and directed
to advertise in accordance with the
acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot
Pennsylvania aud the ordinances of the said
city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regnla
tinc the same, for proposals for the grading
and paving of Mahogany alley, from Essex
alley to Laurel street, the contract therefor to
be let in the manner directed by the said acts
of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex
pense of the same to be assessed and collected
in accordance with the provisions of an act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled, "An act relating to streets and
sewers in cities of the second class," approved
the ISth day of May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with tho provisions of this
ordinance be and t be same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th day of July. A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, July 28, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 107,
31at day ot July. A. D. 1889. an3-68
No. 30J
construction t a sewer on Gum street,
from a point 65 feet south of Cliff street to
Webster avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. Thit
the Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acu of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania,
and the ordinances of the said city ot Pitts
burg relating thereto and regulating the same,
for proposals lor the construction of a pipe
sewer 12 inches in diameter, on Gum street,
from a point 65 feet south of Cliff street to a
connection with sewer on Webster are.
nue; provided, that no part of the cost ot
construction ot said sewer shall be
assessed upon the property on Gum street, be
tween Webster and Bedford avenues, which,
contributed to the payment of the cost ot the
private sewer already constructed therein,
which said sewer is to be taken as a rart of the
sewer hereby authorized to be constructed, and
the whole sewer, when complete. Is hereby de
clared to ba a public sewer. The contract there
for to be let in the manner directed by the said
acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and
expense of the same to be assessed and col
lected in accordance with the provisions ot aa
act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets
and sewers in cities of the second class," ap
proved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be, and the same is hereby re
pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 22d day of July. A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, July 23, 1889. Approved,
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts,
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDWnt IC and mental diseases, physical
t It V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business-society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cored.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth,throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIPIMARV kidney and bladder derange
UnlnnD Ijments. weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other-.
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as It here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. u. Sun
day, 10 A. St. to 1 p. M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Kull particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine Dray's
Specific sold by druifrlsts only la
yellow wrapper. Price, tl per
package, or six for S3, or by mall
on recetot of nrlee. bv address
bit THE GHAT MEUlcl.VK CO.. Buffalo. N. If
soia inriiisDurg oyo. s. tivuLiJitu. corner
Smlthdeld and Liberty its, apU-il
SPECIALISTS In all cases re-
Sulring scientific and confiden
al treatmentl Dr. S. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
strictlv confidential. Office
hours 9 to 4 and.7 to 8 T. M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
M.Consult them personally, or write. Doctors
Lake, 90S Penn are., Pittsburg, Pa.
oOsi'a Ootrton. Ilocrb
innwd of Cotton Root. Tansv and
Pennvroval a recent discovery by an
'old physician. Is (uecessuQu used
montilur-Safe. Effectual. Price $1, by mall,
sealed. Ladies, ask your druzgist for Cook's
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,
or Inolose 3 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, MlcSw
Red Cross Diamond Brand. '
Tti, nlr relUlls rlQ ft" ssla. SsJfe sat
sot. LmdlM, ask Inssrlt tor uw Ms.
mead Braad. t red BuuUts tons. ml
vtablMrtues. Tat)BOtrt a44
r.tunn.1 for Mrtiewlsrs and "Kallef
fo Wfii
A1 :P