ECmBKdGM THE PITTSBURG- DISPATGMOSmTrAIJGfS518p!P I ! i1- HORACE'SJTRIP EAST, Startling Incidents on the Af flicted Manager's Journey. EFPEGTS OF PUBLIC ABUSE. Dr. Foster's Opinion of the Condition of His Patient. M'KEESPORT DEFEATS WHEELING. Mr. Samuel Keys Tells of Dal Pointer, the Pacing Wonder. BULUTAITS KECEPTION AT JACKSON The last journey of Manager Phillips from "Pittsburg to Philadelphia was an eventful one. A bitter and unreasonable newspaper criticism hastened mental de rangement on the train. Dr. Foster clearly explains the manager's condition. The vet eran horseman, Mr. Keys, tells about Hal Pointer, the pacing wonder. Sullivan ar rives at Jackson and is enthusiastically re ceived. rsrzciAx. TEX.ZCXAX to toe dispatcii.i Philadelphia. August 4. The afflic tion which has come to the door of poor Horace Phillips, Manager of the Allegheny Baseball Club, although a. complete sur prise to the general public, by no means shocked your correspondent, who accom panied him from Pittsburg to Philadelphia on last Sunday night. When he entered the Baltimore and Ohio depot at Pittsburg he went to the ticket office and demanded a lower berth in the sleeper. He could not get it and refused an upper, but entered the Pullman car without a ticket He was emaciated and ghastly pale, and his con dition, as well as bis position, soon secured for him the berth he desired. There was not a passenger aboard in fact who would have re fused to surrender him his lower berth in ex change for an upper. He was up before 6 o'clock the next morn ing, looking as pale as ever. From the time he got up until he reached Washington he gave his undivided attention to a pretty canary bird which he said he was taking to his wife in Con necticut, whom he intended to join by Monday night, making no stop off en route. When he reached 'Washington be purchased one of the leading sporting papers of the East, which contained one of a SERIES Or CRITICISMS and condemnations of the -Allegheny Baseball Club and its management. The moment be saw it he called yonr correspondent to his seat in the palace car, which contained a number of ladies, and read the article aloud, becoming more and more excited and incensed as he n eared the end. He spared no pains in con signing the attacking editor to a hotter place than Pittsburg, and immediately proceeded to write a lengthy and bitter denunciation of the editor, a history of the clnb's misfortunes, the cause of its defeats and an inside history of its management, the conre of certain stockhold ers, making very spicy reading. President Nimick was bis standby, he wrote, and the salvation of the club was One to the conservatism of Nimick and the untinng ef forts of the abnsed manager, both of whom have had a constant battle with some of the shareholders and directors to keep the club running as it should be. Minnte details of several deals, heretofore unknown to the pub lic, were given without stint, and statements which would startle baseball circles through out the country made and dilated upon in the 15 pages of closely-written manuscript which he had finished when the train reached Phila delphia. Here he left the train with neither baggage or bird, promising faithfully to send the article to The DisrATCH, for -.Thorn he was writing it, by Tnesday night, saying he could not mail or telegraph it before then, as he was going right through on that train to NewYerk, and thence to Connecticut. While he stood in the depot the train pulled out. Horace was not on board. His baggage was. The artscle which he bad been writing and which he carried about the depot, seemed to weigh heavily upon his mind, and he would talk of nothing else. SOME UNREASONABLE ABUSE. Though as pale as a ghost, the look of de termination written in his deeply sunken eyes told the observer that it would not be well for the Sportsman's editorial v. titer to run across the path of the "Hustler" at that moment. He claimed to be, undeserved, the worst abused manager in the country, and though somewhat incensed and downhearted, swore he would still continue to be the club's manager, and vt ould ultimately give the lie to hiscuiumnia tors, not only by the work of his pen, but in his management of the club, which he was bound to place at the head of the list before he de serted it by option or bv request. Horace bad been suffering for some weeks. He endeavored to conceal his real condition from everybody and succeeded welL His brain was troubled, and the mental excitement caused by the editorial in question completed the wreck, for but a few moments before it came to his notice be said positively he was Coins; through to Nantucket, Conn., and ac' cnrdtnglv bad bis bagfrage checked for New York at Washington. V nen be reached Phila delphia he left the train withont his baggage, and never got any further. He forgot every thing but the article, even his destination, and roamed around Philadelphia from Sunday morning until Thursday night, when the climax was reached and his reason had deserted him entirely. Outside of the writer these facts are unknown, even to his physicians, and the last article Horace wrote, which was for The PrrrsBUBO Dispatch, has probably been lost and will never appear in print. I DB. FOSTER'S OPINION. He States Plainly the Condition Manager Phillip, la in The Afflicted Man May Becover. bat Will Not Again be a Baseball Manager He Longs to Come to Pittsburg Agnln. Dr. Foster, the Pittsburg physician who has been attending Manager Phillips, re turned from Philadelphia yesterday morn ing. The writer visited tbeDoctor specially to learn definitely and clearly what the condition of the afflicted manager really is. The physician was extremely frank and very glad to have an opportunity to make a public statement on the case because, he said, that so many misleading and incorrect stories had been circulated about the case. "I am perfectly willing," said Dr. Poster, "to state exactly the condition Mr. Phillips is now in and what are the chances of his his recovery as far as I am able to judge. In the first place, none of us can tell whether or not his case is amenable to treatment. If during the next week or ten days his affliction does not develop his case will be a very hopeful one. On the other hand, however, if It does progress and increase the indications will be exceedingly unfavorable. At present there is one very favorable sign and that is the absence of paralysis. However, we cannot tell at present what are the chances for his recovery. He is being looked after in first-class style: indeed, he could not receive better attention were he a millionaire." AN OVERWORKED BRAIN. Br. Foster continued: T think that Mr. Phillips must have given symptoms of mental prostration abont the first of July, because at tliat time he began to say and do some strange things now and then. Undoubtedly, his afflic tion Is the result of working when he was not physically able. For the last six months be has been an Invalid and ought not to have traveled about with a ball club. His system became so weak that the result is not to be wondered at when we consider the troubles and trials be bad with the team. If. Mr. Phillips does recover be should never again take charge of a ball team. The Irregular hours pt sleep, the fatigue of travel, change of water and diet, are all too much for a man of Mr. Phillips' weak bolld." Regarding the actions of Manager Phillips at Philadelphia, Dr. Foster said: "During the majority of the time Mr. Phillips Is quite rational, and talks In the most sensible and logical way. When he comes down to baseball, however, he becomes exceedingly visionary. But even in bis visionary moments he talks extremely reasonable. There Is no truth In tho stories of his talking about millions and snch like. He did talk to me. and in a very logical way, about a schemo by which the Pittsburg club could be bought and made Into a stock company. A GOOD SCHEME OUTLINED. 'The scheme, as he outlined It to me, showed clearly bow considerable money could be made on the deal. He is never boisterous or violent, but lust as calm and serene as he always was. In his most rational moments he longs to get home to Pittsburg. When I first arrived at Philadelphia to see him, poor fellow, he seemed so clad, because he thought he would get home to Pittsburg in the morning. He wanted to square up his hotel bill then and there. He has a strong love for Pittsburg, and shows It on all occasions." Nothing has been done by the directors yet regarding the management of the team for the balance of the season. It is now deemed a cer tainty that Mr. Phillips will not be back here this jear, even though he recovers speedily. President Nimick is extremely worried over the matter, and during a conversation cited the difficulties Indianapolis has bad in getting a manager. It is understood, however, that Secretary Scandrett will look after the finances of the team during the remainder of the season, and that either Dunlap or Hanlon will manage the players. Secretary Scandrett Is out of the city, but what his mission is nobody seems to be able to tell. It is rumored that he Is on the hunt for a good battery. The club is willing to pay the price for a first-class battery, or trade somo good players for one. A TETEKAN'S OPINION. Mr. Keys Bar Some Good Thing About Hnl Pointer, the Pacer. It is interesting to hear a veteran's opinion ona subject in which he has been interested for years, and probably nobody will dispute the statement that what Mr. Samuel Kejs, of this city, says about pacers goes every time. Mr. Keys has just returned from a trip to Detroit and Cleveland, where he witnessed the wonder ful racing, not only by pacers, but trotters. During a conversation last evening the veteran said a tew entertaining things about a race or two at Cleveland. "Hal Pointer," said Mr. Keys, "Is an extra ordinary horse. It was only by a singular stroke of fortune that this wonderful youngster was not owned by Pittsburgers when he won the 2:25 pace at Cleveland. 1 was negotiating for htm and just when we were satisfied of his quality I received a letter from a friend stat ing that Mr. Geers had bought a half interest in him. Of course that settled the matter. I saw him pace and win at Cleveland, and he filled my eyes completely. What I mean by that Is he was all that I could desire. He Is a great young horse, and he would have been a credit to Pittsburg had we secured Jum. He has all the qualities of a first class pacer." Mr. Keys then talked about the free-for-all pace, and 6ald that Brown Hal was one of the luckiest horses possible to win the race. Said Mr. Keys: "If our friend Turner had done right with Gossip, Jr., he could have won the race, but he came out for the race a heat too soon. "Roy Wilkes was also spoiled by the same kind of handling, and Bessemer or Jewett could "have had an excellent show If their drivers bad used their heads reasonably. Brown Hal Is a'good horse, but If good judg ment had been displayed by the drivers of other horses he would not have won." Speaking of the meeting generally Mr. Keys said it was one of the best be has seen. The races were all good and some extraordinary torses appeared. Another good authority who frequently visits this city, but who objects to his name being used publicly, spoke very highly. Indeed, of the meeting. He said: 'The meeting was one of the best I have seen, and I have seen all the leading meetings In the country every year for a lone time. There was nothing to complain of. Roy Wilkes lost the free-for-all pace through his driver. Thornless was better than J. B Richardson when they met, but look out for Richardson. Jack Is a trotter of the first quality. Veritas is another speedy customer, and the miles ho trotted were long ones, as he had to get on the outside almost every beat toward the finish. I hear good accounts about Star Lilly, owned by Andy Welch. She will win something in the circuit If she is wanted. There is also considerable talk about Nelson, the Eastern wonder, who starts in the circuit shortly The talent: did not wlr very much at Cleveland. The prospects of the circuit are very good, indeed.' M'KEESPORTS WON. They Beat the Wheelings In an Exciting . Snndny Game. rsrzciAx. telegram to the dispatch. Whirling, W. Va., August 1 Th- Mc Keesport team were plucky enough to play herb to-day and face tho law. They put up a strong game against Wheeling, and there was no trouble. The weather, however, was damp and cold, but the attendance was good. The features of tho game were the playing of Young man at short for the McKeesports, the catching of Haller for Wheeling, and the good pitching of both pitchers. The fielding of McKeesport was very good. Youngman's batting was a special feature. The McKeesports won by bet ter all round playing, and deserve credit for their good work. Score:. M'KEXSP'BT B B F A EIWHEELISOS B B P A E Miller, p.... 0 Proving, r... 2 Young'n, s-3 1 Speer, c 0 Armour, m. 0 MKbt'j-'e,32 0 Smith. 1 0 Williams, m. Drum, p BpeldeL 1... Bowman, 2.. Haller. c.... Hobreebt, 1. Dallas, a.. . Meehan, 3... bhamus, r... Qulnn. 1 1 0 12 Costello, 2... 3 2 1 Totals 7 12 27 2J V Totals. 6 7 24 21 4 McKeesports 2 3010100 7 Wheelings 1 004010006 Earned runs McKeesports, 4; Wheeling. 3. Two-hasc hits-Armour, 2; Haller, l'rovlns, Yonngman. Thne-base hits Williams, Speldel. Home run Youngman. Passed balls fcneer, 2. W lid pitches-Miller. Hit by pitched ball Drum, Miller. Stolen bases Provlns, Costello, Bowman. SULLIVAN AT JACKSON. His Noisy Reception Offends the Governor, and John Is Locked Up. rSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.' Jackson, Miss., August 1 The train bear ing Sullivan missed connection above, and his arrival was delayed 12 bouts, reaching Jackson aV 4.10 P. it. The day being Sunday, a larger crcwd than would otherwise have assembled at the station was in waiting, and numbered 1,500 or more. When the party alighted and started for the Edwards Hotel the crowd followed and made considerable demonstration, some feoing so far as to hurrah for Sullivan. The manner of his reception and evident In tention of his friends to make a jolly occasion of it led Governor Lowry to at once take steps to prevent what he deems an Insult to tbe State and an unwarranted piece of impudence on the part of those who should have advised quiet and retirement on tbe part of Sullivan, and at 6 o'clock he sent for Deputy Sheriff Chiles and ordered him to convey the prisoner to the city jail, where he now b locked up with but one., friend. Matt Clune, who was allowed to accom pany him. Sullivan snbmltted quietly to the order of tho Governor, and rather blames his friends for making his situation worse than it otherwise would have been but for their overzealous at tentions. BARKLEY IN LUCK. He Receives S7S0 to Leave Kansas City and Go to Toledo. A letter was received in this city yesterday from Sam Barklcy, formerly second-baseman of the Pittsburg club. Sam is now playing third for the Toledo club, and his letter explains definitely the conditions of his transfer from Kansas City to Toledo. He states that be and Watklns could not cet along pleasantly and that he had resolved to quit ball playlnc entirely. A deal was made to sell bim to Toledo, but be refused to play an other day, except be received one-half of bis purchase money. Finally President Speas. of tbe Kansas Citys, agreed to give him one-half, and he was sold for 51.000, he receiving $500 of it. He also received 250 from Manaeer Mor ton, of the Toledos, and Sam naturally thinks tbe deal was a good one for him. His present intentions are to quit ball playing at the end of this season. Saturday's Leagno Games. At Pittsburg Plttsburgs 3 01020000 Indianapolis .2 2010003 8 pitchers Staley and Uetzeln. At Chicago Chicago 0 10000000 1 Clevelands 0 000020002 Pitchers Tener and Veatln. At Washington Washington 0 OtOOtOl 18 Bostons 00O10O110 3 Pitchers-. Haddock and Clarkson. At New York New York 1 5 0 3 0 9 0-0-18 Philadelphia. 0 t I 0 II 1-1 Pitchers Keefe and Sanders. EBOKHBAD'QPABTERS Patrons of tbe Senators Pleased With Their Work. A BLUE FEELIKG AT CLEVELAND, Bat tbe League Infants Are Still Well Thought of. DAPPI PEOPLE IN H00SIBRD0M Jack Glasscock's Management Hikes Indianapolis People Feel Gay. Tbe special baseball correspondence of The DiSPATCH.from authoritative and able writers, contains much interesting and use ful information. The recent good playing of the Washington team has increased the attendance wonderfully. Assistant Secre tary of State "Wharton is a baseball en thusiast Cleveland baseball patrons feel blue about their club's many defeats, bat still think well of the team. Glasscock's management of the Hoosiers gives great satisfaction. rsrxciAi.coEnisroNDE"ci orrm d'sfatch.: Washington, August 4. People will pa tronize good ball playing, and this fact has been demonstrated within the past two weeks at Capitol Park In the contests between the Senators and NewYorks and Bostons. Bis piriting gaps on the bleaching noards and a huge vacuum in tbe grand stand confronted managers of visiting organisations, and soma one thoucht there must be a hoodoo on the Washington team. Suddenly, however, the Cleveland team began to lose games, and sim ultaneously the Washingtonians began to pick up. Probably it was the Inf nsion of new blood in the persons of John Irwin and Bee'cherof the Wilkesbarres, but certainly new lite seems to have been Imparted to hitherto sluggish ball tossers, until it is now a pleasure to see the Senators at work. "It makes no difference If our boys do lose," said an enthusiastic and steady grand stand patron. "No one with tho slightest grain of sense can complain that he does not get his money's worth now at Capitol Park. The tail enders are playing ball in every sense of the word, and if they continue their present gait it will not be difficult for them to shake off tbe epithet so freely applied to them." Even chronic grumblers failed to dissent from the decision of tbe management Wednesday, when the rain broke up the game with the Giants from New York just after the third inn ing. No rain checks are issued or money re funded after the third inning, but it would have been a cretty nice point if the patrons of the game had Insisted that tbe fourth Inning had not progressed far enough to, justify their being refused either money or checks. But so pleased were the spectators with the showing made by tbe home team against Mutrle's men that they forbore to raise tbe slightest kick, but thought the exposition of scientific slug ging agalnstO'Bay more than made amends for any deficit in their pocketbooks. With the advent of the Bostons came a larger attendance than has marked the games for many moons, and It was exhilarating to the players on both sides to see such a good-natured ana Impartial crowd of baseball experts pres ent. Every good matter by whom it was made, was enthusiastically appreciated, and in the distribution of favors In this respect the spectators seemed to take especial pride in encouraging Nash and Johnston, both of whom are very popular here. This is no doubt owine to their former connection with the crack Richmond, Va team, from which they gradu ated to become Beaneaters. Since Secretary Blaine went to Bar Harbor to spend his vacation tbe State Department has been under the jurisdiction of Assistant Sec retary Wharton, an old Harvard man. He was bewailing his lnck the other day in being tied down to his desk so that he could not go to Capitol Park and see a game of baseball. "In fact," continued the Secretary, "I have not seen a game of baseball this season." "But you are not an enthusiast on the na tional game," queried bis visitor, "for I ha--e never beard you even express an opinion on the subjectT" "ft is hardly necessary for me to express my opinion when I look at the little finger of my left hand." was the good natured response. "I carry the scars of battle in the shape of a broken joint. When I was a Harvard man. in 1867 to 1869, 1 had an ambition to be a pitcher and my wishes were finally granted, and I was attacbed to one of tbe amateur nines of Alma Mater. Without being egotistical on the sub ject I must say that I became quite an expert underhand pitcher, and was pretty well thought of by my associates. One day, however, a line ball came at me so sharply and quickly that I could not getont of the way, and there was a sadden collision between my little finger joint and tbe ball. A broken finger was tbe result, coupled with a determination to eschew active participation in the national game for the re mainder of my earthly career. But 1 enjoy looking at a good game of ball as much as ever, although I have discarded the bat for the snlit bamboo pole to enable me to play with luckless salmon, which I may encounter in New Bruns wick waters." B, M. Lakner. THE BABIES HEARD FROM. Their Cleveland Patrons Bine, Bat Hopeful of Future Success. SPECIAL COKBESFONDENCZ OF TUX DISFATCH.1 Cleveland, O., August L The atmosphere is still blue in this region, almost as blue as a Kentucky whetstone, and all because our pre cocious Infants can't strike their upward gait. Every one deplores the ill-success of the club, and yet it is impossible to turn upon it and haul the members of the team over the coals, for it Is apparent that they are striving just as eagerly to win as ever. This fact is evident in the constant loss of games by a rnn,or two. If the score would be 15 to 4, or 11 try 2 or some thing of that sort, it would be obvrems that the work of the pitchers or the fielding of the club was weak. On the contrary, a majority of one or two runs in a game fought hard up to the ninth inning has been in a majority of cases iust enough for the visiting club Jto win. If tbe nfants must go down they are lit least making a desperate effort to save themselves, and de serve credit to that extent. The rumors that, from time to time, have been circulated of a permanent baseball grounds and elaborate stands for this city are at last taking shape In a soihewbat definite manner. The lease of the preent park has but a year to run, and It is not probable that it can be renewed. It is a pity that t cannot be saved to the club. It is probably m re expansive than any ground In tbe League, ar i outfielders have every chance in the world to do brilliant work. But one ball has ever been b. tted over a fence, and that by Buck Ewing, who) made his wondor f ul long here during one of the games with the Giants. The ball went over left field fence, which Is three hundred andlseventy odd feet from the home plate. The new grounds may not be quite as large, and yet will be larger than those of any of the Eastern cities. Ihe stands will be erected with'an eye to architect ural beauty, as well as comfort and good ar rangement to watch tbe gaihes. Thero Is no question abont the future oV the game in this city. With any kind of a successful club there will always be money in it, and the venture a profitable one. I When the Clevelands open the Eastern series at home they will do so in a tiew uniform. It will be all black, even to caps and stockings. The only white In the suit will be tbe belt and the letters across the breast pt the shirt. Tho nnlformwas ordered when the team was In Philadelphia, and. as Loftus jokingly re marked, "We got the mourning in advance." The suit will not be a'Nadjy, the trousers being made loose after the present pattern of the Cleveland's solid blue suit. The last game here between Cleveland and Indianapolis, as a pitcher's battle, has yet to find its equal In the baseball annals of the city. Bakely'fr work was simply Wonderf nLand Boyle Has bat a point or two hfehtnd him. It was curious to note how exactly opposite methods produced similar effects. For instance, Boyle employed a swift drop to puzzle the Cleveland people, and Bakely did all his work with a speedy, jumping raise. Benny couldn't resist the temptation to strike bt every ball that came along and was easily retired on "atmos pheric agitation" as a consequence. Sprague, our lef t-banded'pltcher, goes to To ledo, but with a string tied to him; Cleveland found it impossible to wdrk five pitchers and yet wanted Spraguo to get in a season's work. He may be wanted very1, much another year. He has some wonderful qurvea,and with a lit tle more backbond wouldlmako a great twlrler. ( JOHNB.FOSTKB. THE PABT FOJKGOTTES. Hoosler Patrons Forgive the Beys Becnnso of Recent Victories. rsrxciAL coBBxsroxsxNCz or the dispatch, j INDIANAPOLIS, August 4. The local cranks, as one man, have all forgotten and forgiven tbe past sins and shortcomings of the Hoosler ball team, and the club will be given a royal recep tion when it makes its appearance against Boston on tbe home grounds Ion .Monday. No one could ask lor a bettor tecord than tbe team has made on the trip that will end to-day. The Hoosiers played great ball in Cleveland, and, by defeating that club in both games played and Pittsburg four out of five, it baa come to the' front in fine style, and the public has no reason whatever to complain. Day by day the wisdom of making a change in the manage ment becomes more apparent, and the only re gret Is that It was not made sooner. Glasscock Is doing much better with the team than Ban croft could ever have done, and had be been in charge earlier in tbe season the Hoosiers would have been much higher in the race than they are. The new manager seems to have put some life' into the team, and the result is plainly shown. President Brush Is highly pleased with Glasscock, and frankly admits that a great mistake was made when he was not given the place last spring. The men have all displayed much interest in the success of the club since Jack took hold, and not a man In the team has failed to do his best at all times. The most perfect harmony prevails among tbe players, and the habits of the men off the field havo been excellent. Glasscock has been a greater success than even his warmest friends anticipated, and it he continues to do as well In the f uturo as be has in the past, the Hoosiers will not be In seventh' place at tbe close ofthe season. Such work as the club Is doing now will land It In fifth posi tion if it can be kept up, and as tbe team has IS games on tbe local grounds before going East again the boys will make a bard pull during the next three weeks. The pitchers are doing good work now, es pecially Boyle and Getzein, and if Krockand Anderson or either of them prove Successful there Is no reason why the Hoosiers should not yet give some of the other clubs trouble. Krock'swork in Pittsburg shows great im provement over his first game here, and Mana ger Glasscock thinks that the Chicagoan is gome to be a valuable man for the team. While Anderson did not show up very well in his came it Is no sure thing that be Is a failure. He had not pitched for nearly three weeks and was, of course, out of practice. Glasscock thinks well of tbe young man. He has good speed, excellent curves and a nice drop ball, and all he needs is command. He will be given another trial. President Brush has signed Andy Bommers, recently released by Chicago, and he has re ported for dnty. The Chicago players all say that be is one of tbe most promising young catchers in tho country. Indianapolis now has five pitchers and four backstops, and a claim has been made for Peter Wood, the pitcher released by Philadelphia. It is also intimated that the management has two other men in view who may be secured. In tbe light of these facts it is hardly probable that Indianapolis will retlr from the League at the close of tbe season. Horace Phillips had many friends in this city and his sad affliction is deeply reeretted by bnndreds who knew him. Phillips was a hard, faithful worker, and one of the best managers in the country. It is sincerely hoped by his friends here that be may recover. A, G. OVENS. THE LEAGUE RECORD. The Positions ot the Clabs at tbe Close of Saturday's Games. 5's-l s Bostons: New York.... Phlladelphlas. Clevelands.... Chicago: Indianapolis.. Pittsburg Washington! . Gambs lost.. S4D SIS .W4 .M3 .512' .400 395 242 M! ASSOCIATION GAMES. A Tremendous Crowd Sees the Brooklyn Knock Oat tbe St. Lonls Champions An Exciting Contest Louis ville Shots Oat tbe Ath letics Columbus Defeats the . Cowboys. NEW Yobk, August 4. The largest crowd that has ever witnessed a game of baseball at Rideewood Park. Brooklyn, saw the game to day between the Brooklyn and St. Louis teams. Every inch of space except that ocenpied for the game was packed. A border of men and boys decorated the tall fence all around the grounds. Excellent order prevailed. The game exciting one, replete with brilliant feat ures. Tbe borne team won through superior batting. King did excellent work except In the second and third innings. Caruthers pitched a steady, earnest game. Attendance, 16,974. RcoTBr Brooklyns - 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 St. Loots 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-7 0-2 Base hits Brooklyn. 7: St. Louis, a. Errors Brooklyns. 5: Sc Louis, 8. Earned runs Brooklyns. 2. Bases on balls US' Caruthers, 2; off King, X. Struck out By King, 1. Umpires yerguson and Kerins. AN UNTIMELY ERROR. Davis Slakes a Mlstnke and Columbus Beats Ihe Cowboys. Colttxbts, O., August 4. Kansas City had Columbus beat to-day up to the ninth inning, after two men were out, Columbus got two men on bases, and the third at bat hit to Davis In the vicinity of third. He fumbled tbe ball and then threw wild to first to catch the batter, and tbe ball went among the seats, putting three men over the plate before tbe ball could be fielded. Gastrlght was hit strong, bat outside tbe play of Davis both clubs fielded nicely. Score: Commons 1 00010004 Kansas CUTS 1 200010004 Base hits Columbus, 7: Kansas Cltys, 9. Errors Columbus, 2: Kansas Cltys. 4. Earned runs Columbus, 1; Kansas Cltys, 4. Two-base hits Johnston, Long, a teams. Man ning. First base on balls By Conway, 2; by Gait right, I. Struck out By Conway, 8; by Gastrlght, 6. Umpire Uafihey. SHUT THE QUAKERS OUT. Tbe Colonels Get Down to Work and Sur prise Everybody. Philadelphia, August 4. Ewing pitcbod great ball to-day and tbe men behind him fielded superbly. As a consequence the Ath letics were whitewashed. McMahon was hit hard at the start, but settled down and did good work after the fifth. The game was played at Gloucester Point. Score: Athletic o ooooooooo Loulsvlllcs - 4 011 0100' 7 Base bits Athletics. 3: Loulsvllles, 13. Errors Athletics, 1: Loulsvlllcs, 2. Earned runs Loulsvllles, 4. Base on balls on McMahon, 1; off Ewing, 10. Struck out By McMahon, 4; Ewing, 4. Umpire Goldsmith. To-Day's Games. National League Phlladelphlas at Pitts burg; New Yorks at Chicago; Washirgtons at Cleveland; Bostons at Indianapolis. American Association Cinclnnatis at Baltimore. ISTEjurATiOHAL League Syracuses at Toronto: Rochesters at London; Bnffalos at Hamilton: Toledos at Detroit. Trl-State Leaaue. At Dayton Daytons 0 0 0 0 2 Uamiltons 2 0 0 0 0 Base hits Daytons, 6; Hamlltons, 9, Errors Daytons, 2; Hamlltons, 2, 0 02 1 -& Association Record. Per Won.Lost.Ct. T.onln S8 30 .639 . Won.Lost.Ct. Clncmnatls. ..48 a .635 fit. Brooklyns. Baltimore! Athletics.. &ansasiaiys..34 so Columbus. ...,33 65 .403 .375 .300 .43 3$ .S83 45 34 .369 Loulsvllles., .'.20 67 - Snorting- Notes. There is a letter at this office for J. Leyton, the pedestrian. The McDonalds easily beat the Timet team on Saturday by 13 to 2. It is rumored that Miller, tbe Philadelphia pedestrian, is about town. To-day's local batteries will probably be: Sowders and Miller, Casey and Clements. The Phillies will be with us to-day. Can we repeat a dose similar to the last we gave themf Kbpbesintatives ot the Scottdales and the J. W. Scotts are requested to be at this offlco at 2 o'clock this afternoon or 8 o'clock this evening. ' HOBSFORD'E) ACID PHOSPHATE Relieves the Feeling of Lassitude So common in midsummer, and Imparts vi tality. - 600 and Here Fain of Laos Curtains sit u. Redaction. "We have made four lots of them $2 00, $3 00, f4 00 and $5 00 a pair all bargains-to-day. Jos. Hoene & Co.-S Penn Avenue Siorej. HOW THEY COME IN. Tarious Ways of Getting Steerage Passengers Into America WTHOUT PASSING CASTLE GARDEN. An Immigration Commissioner Examines Incoming Steamers. HE FINDS NOTHING TO CEITICISB. Ho Complaints Made, and tt Steerage Clean and Well TenUlated. A New York Immigration Commissioner has made up his mind to investigate the manner in which steamship lines handle their steerage passengers. His first day's work proved a waterhaul. Some peculiar I stories of immigrants are told. israelii. TKUEOBAMTO THE DISrATCn.l New Yobk, August 4. President Eidg- ' way, of the Immigration Commission, had planned a little surprise party for whatever emigrant steamers might be coming in to day, the project being a part of a general scheme he has for furnishing himself with all the conditions of emigrant travel and the general mode of treatment ot immigrants on.their way to this country and after they get here. At 9 o'clock in the morning the Commls- 'sioner took the Boss, one of the fleet of steam yachts attached to Castlo Garden, and steamed out into the harbor. In the absence of any steamers to meet, the Commissioner followed the last comer, the French liner. 'LaBretagne, up to her dock, and boarded her before any of the steerage passengers had left the vessel. He plunged at once into the steerage and moved around among i the tumbled-up mattresses and into the kitchen and other holes and corners. NOTHING TO'CBITICISE. He found nothing to criticise. The steer age was clean and seemed to be well venti- ilated, and the passengers were cheerful- looking and had no complaints to make. They went down to the dock while the Com missioner was fussing with the mattresses, and be followed them and mingled with them. As soon as it was discovered that he i was "Monsieur Le Commissionaire" he had his hands full. Immigrants don't like to go through Cas- ttle Garden, and as the only way in which they can escape that course is by proving themselves American citizens, they adopt , all manner of means to convince the au thorities that they have been here before. About the only thing that goes with the Castle Garden men is naturalization papers, 'but Commissioner Bidgway was disposed to take a reasonable view of the matter. SOME SAMPLE CASES. A woman came np wi th her husband's naturalization certificate. A young man, h who said he was her son, vouched ior her, (and she was let go. A man who claimed to nave been a citizen lor a good many years, put who could only show his "first paper?," was passed by the Commissioner, never- theless, when he produced a discharge from J tbe regular army. Edward Gill, who said that he went out I on the Persian Monarch with Buffalo Bill, under the cognomen of "Boy .Bill, but who had deserted and come home because the couldn't make anybody understand him in Paris, although ne naa bongnt a conver sation book and studied it diligently, was passed on to Denver without delay on the strength of his sombrero and red shirt, INCLINED TOWABD INSANITY. A very peculiar looking woman who claimed to have been born and brought ud 'in this country and to have lived here until two months ago, applied to the Commis sioner lor ner freedom, w nen ne asked her I where she was from she told him she didn't 1 propose to be bully-ragged, but finally ad mitted that ner come was in jHonroe, Mich. She was evidently an American, but she seemed to be inclined toward insanity, and the Commissioner decided that she had better go to Castle Garden to be examined ana regisiereu, ueiorc ueing aaiowea to go into the city alone. She said she didn't care, anyhow, and sat down to wait for the barge. Tbe most interesting case was that of Edward Hardre, an Alsatian. "His story was thst he was a shoemaker, and had started for this country with the savings of his lifetime, about 900 francs. He had bought his ticket at an agent's office in Paris, for 148 francs. Then HB SAD BEEN BOBBED of 760 francs. He produced a certificate of ,the Paris Pasha, that he had been robbed of 'that sum, "by the American way," that is, i by pickpockets. With 20 francs and the address of a friend in the shoemaking busi ness at ne Liomnara street, Philadelphia, he had got on board the steamer. The first i thing he did was to accidental! v destroy his i ticket, and when the purser came around he jhad nothing to show that he had ever paid his passage. He was allowed to ride, all the same, but when he arrived here the question .came np whether he was a pauper immi grant, a stowaway, an able-bodied embryo citizen, or what. The steamship officers took him to the office on the dock, and the Commissioner, alter listening to his story, -ordered that he be held on the vessel until the case could be submitted to the Collector for a decision. There is not much doubt that he will be admitted, provided his story (is at all corroborated, but meantime the poor Alsatian is in a dreadful stew. Tt is Commissioner Bidwav's intention qto make similar trips frequently, and also .io drop in at ona nours at an tne insinu ations connected with the immigrant service. ACCIDENT TO A NEW CRUISER. (The Boston Ran on the Rocks While Making n Trial Trip. I SPECIAL TZXEGBAK TO TBE DISrATCH. Newport, B. I., August 4. The utmost secrecy is being maintained on board the cruiser Boston to-nicht regarding the acci dent which occurred this afternoon. The Boston had been np the bay making her runs over the measured mile course, and 'these proved to be satisfactory. She had made ber last trip, and bad come back as far as Bose. Island, where she had been in the habit of anchoring. The wind was heavy, but it is believed that there was no excuse lor her getting on the rocks. One of the big plates was cracked and the water rushed in. Immediately the hands were put to the pumps and divers have been to work all day patching her np. SLATIN ON DECK. He Wants to Fizht Anybody for tbo World's Championship. New Yobk, August 4. The following special cable from George W. Atkinson, the Police Gazette correspondent, was received yesterday; Losdon, Augusta, I am in'ormed that Frank P. Slavln, the champion heavy-weight pugilist of Australia, -who Just arrived here, intends to challenge any man In the world for .41,000 a aide, the .folic Qatette champion belt and championship of the world. Smith, who la matched to meet Jack Wannop, In ten' rounds, for X450, may agree to meet Slavln If none of the American pugUlsts agree to do so. A desperate prize flglit between Chick Soles and George Camp, for 100 and feather-weight champlonehlo was fought to-day. About 3,000 bet on the fight: SO rounds were longht and both men were frightfully punished, when Camp caocked Soles senseless. The battle lasted 1 hour and 44 minutes. Blcbard K- Fox attended great naval review yesterday, and hid Interview with Win. O'Con nor, American champion oarsman; also called on B. Searle. Mr. Fox may offer a;blg pnrserfor Searle, O' Connor, Tecmer, Uauaaur ana Hanlan to row for In America, ' Axxstsox. A REIGN OF TERROR. The Number of Crimes Which Have Startled a Suburb of Chicago. Chicago, Angust 4. Murderous as saults, highway robberies and burglaries have kept the citizens of Englewood in a state of terror for three weeks past. There has been an epidemie of crime in spite of tbe efforts of Captain Sherwood and Detec tive Healey. Beginning with the brutal murder of Daniel Burrows, who was kicked and beaten to death on Atlantic, street within a hundred feet of his home, the town seems to have been the base of operations of organized bands of criminals, and their ex ample seems to have been contagious with the bovs. Theiinrglars inaugurated their movement by breaking into the house ot Jesse Sher wood, Chief of the town of Lake police force, (now Captain) and taking jl,000 worth of property, notwithstanding there were burglar alarms on every door and window in tbe house. Then in" quick suc cession followed other crimes. The town has been put under a military discipline, and every stranger is obliged to account for himself and his story verified. If anything suspicious is found upon him or he refuses to give a proper account of himself he is booked for disorderly conduct and sent to the Bridewell. If men are found loitering around in the night they are locked up until the reports from the different parts of the town come in next morning. FOUND DEAD IN HER BED. Tho Horrible and Pecnllnr Murder of a Young Girl of 15. Bebkville, Tex., August 4. Mamie F. Allison, a young girl ot 15, was found dead in her bed Tuesday morning by her sister, 9 years of age, who failed to notify the neighbors of the fact, although friends were living not a thousand feet away. Tbe young lady's parents were gone from home, 'having left Sunday not to return until "Wednesday. Tuesday morning the girl found her sister dead. Wednesday a neigh bor called to get Allison to do some work for him, and the younger girl told him her father was not at home and would return that day, but he could not do any work as her sister was dead, adding: "But don't tell anyone until pa comes home." The physicians who examined the body found that the most terrible crime had been first committed, and that the fiend had added murder by deliberately choking bis victim with both hands, clasping her throat until death ensued. Great clots of blood were found under the skin, which was blackened and disfigured terribly from her throat down over her breast and shoulders. From the testimony it developed that the younger sister was then threatened with death it she gave alarm and was terror stricken. Officers are working on a clew with little chance of success. A TERI NARROW ESCAPE. The Beat Ship of the New Navy Has a Close Call. Newpobt, B, I., August 4. The navy has just escaped losing one of the finest of its new ships. The Boston was last even ing run on a rock on the southern end of Bose Island, in this harbor. The Boston had just completed the last of a series of most important speedmaneuvers and trials in Narragansett bay and was returning to her anchorage off Goat Island when the accident occurred. No soon'er did the crufser strike than oft she slid. In an in stant ail the water-tight compartments were banged tight shut, but not before the com partments of the double-bottom nnder engine-room were completely flooded. The Boston was at once headed close in shore, and now with all her compartments tightly shnt she appears to keep the water confined. If nothing worse develops she will be able to reach New York by steaming slowly. As soon as she makes the navy yard not a moment will be lost in getting her into the dry dock, and until this is done no idea can bo formed of tbe extent of -ber injuries. No one doubts that she has knocked a hole in ber bottom somewhere amidships. Had she been going at a little higher rate of speed she would have torn a hole in her side large enough to have driven a team through. TRAGIC END OF A ROMANCE. A Young; Couple Found Sacrificed to the Husband's Insane Jealousy. rSFXCTlL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH. 1 Baltimobe, August 4. Pour pistol shots which rang out upon the air this morning, shortly after midnight, summoned the officers to a most sorrowful and myster ious double tragedy. Sergeant Meehan and a patrolman effected an entrance through the back way of 325 Lanvale street. On the second story, in a little hallway con necting the front and rear bed chamber, lay the bodies of a young man and young woman, feet to feet. The man was William Dolan, bookkeeper for J. H. Mann & Co., wholesale clothiers, and the woman was his handsome wife. There was a bullethole in the woman's breast, just above the heart, which had been pierced, and the man had shot himself in a precisely similar way. The death of each had evidently been in stantaneous. The woman lay on her left side, with her cheek on her left arm. Her dark hair was just a little untidy, as though she had begun to take it down. It was a tragic ending of a married life of three years which had a romantic beginning, being an elopement. It is stated that Dolan was insanely jealous of his wife, though there was never the slightest justifi cation for it BUTCHERED HIS FATHER-IN-LAW. A Man Attacks His New Son-In-Baw and Is as Once Chopped Up. ISFECIALTELEGBAK TO TBE DISPATCH. 1 Bieminoham, Ala., August 4. At Montevallo, Shelby county, to-day, Will iam McCall killed his father-in-law, Sol Harris. The killing was a horrible butchery, Harris "being completely disem boweled and his throat cut from ear to ear. McCall, a few days ago, married one of Harris daughters. The couple eloped, their marriage being bitterly opposed by Harris. The young coupled returned to Montevallo Friday night, and yesterday morning Harris remarked to a friend: "Bill McCall or I will be in hades before night." Harris armed himself with a heavy stick and hunted up McCall. He attacked him with the stick, and knocked him down three times. McCall then drew long dirk knife, and with one blow disemboweled Harris. Another blow across tbe throat with the knife almost severed the old man's head from his body, and killed him in stantly. McCall surrendered to the officers, and is in jail. SOMETHING OF- A PURCHASE. The Satro Tunnel Properly Now Owned by the New York Trust Company. VlBOnriA, Nev., August 4. A deed was executed yesterday by tbe United States Marshal conveying to the Union Trust Com pany, of New York, all property of the Sutro Tunnel Company included in the sale of the property January 14, 1889. The sale was mane to satisfy a mortgage held by Hngh McCalmont et al. A suit for foreclosure was called in the United States Circuit Court at Carson Octo ber 1, 1888, resulting in a decree ordering the sale of the property. The property was bid in by agents of the Union Trust (Com pany for $1,625,000. A Father's Ssrrowful Request. Mayor Pearson committed W. M. Spohn to jail yesterday at the request of the yonng man's father who says his son is verging on insanity. Aa examination will bo made. THE CENSPSMACHINE Set in Motion and Its Wheels Begin ning to Kerolve Ecgnlarly. A BIG AFFAIR AND STILL GROWING. The Pretty typewriter Playing an Im portant Part in the Work. ERRORS THAT WILL BE DISSIPATED. Importance of tbe Kegro u a Factor Is Population on the Decrease. The census machine is at work in Wash ington, and, although it is quite large, it will be some time before it is at work in full force. Some surprises in comparisons are sure to be developed. ISrEUALTZLZOBAXTO TBE DISPATCH.! "Washington, August 4. A surprising ly large machine is that which Mr. Porter has set in motion in the quarters ot the Cen sus Office in this city, and it Is not a tenth part as big now as it will be a year hence. Abont 100 typewriters and clerks are now at work. In March of next year 2,000 clerks will be at work, and in June the 40,000 enu merators will take the field. Ten pretty girls are now' working typewriters in the Census Office, and soon there will be SO. It is a remarkable fact that every one of the ten is really pretty, though good looks is not one ot the tests applied by the little in itiation of the Chinese Civil Service Com mission, which examines applicants for em ployment. In 1880 the typewriter was not used at all by General "Walker, but Mr. Porter consid ers that the day of the pen copyist has gone and will not have bis records in script where the legible work of the typewriter is practicable for his purpose. A SAVING OP MONET. This substitution of the typewriter for the pen, Mr. Porter calculates, will result in a saving of $20,000 to the Government, consequent npon the rapidity with which the work will be done. ' The only workor a penman at the office is in the addressing of envelopes, and this will not require a large force for several months to come. "When the work of tbe census taking is at its height there will probably be 40 or 50 ladies employed in ad dressing envelopes. The numbers of these coverings of census office communications called i g use seem Incredible, even now when the work is not developed, and it is not un common for an order of 250,000 envelopes to be given. Among the pretty lady clerks whose work it is to address these missives is Miss Ella Byron, a niece of the late John Boach, the Philadelphia shipbuilder. She is said to have the EEMAEKABLE EECOED of 3,500 envelopes addressed in one day of seven hours, while 1,200 isconsidered a very good day's work for the usual penman. The mail of the office already comprises several thousand letters daily, largely com posed of applicants ior positions. The office of enumerator is accompanied by a very small compensation, yet 100,000 applica tions have been put in lor appointment. Each letter received is answered, which in volves a tremendous correspondence. Sev eral hundred of tbe letters daily have to be answered by the superintendent, who em ploys four stenographers. Not a small part of the work now being prosecuted under Mr. Porter is that of pre paring the maps showing the census dis tricts lor all parts of the country. These districts do not correspond with the Con gressional districts, but are composed of counties giving each supervisor about five times as much territory as Congressmen have Inclosed within their fences. Twenty topographers are employed in preparing the maps, and they will be kept very busy for the coming six months. EBB02S TO BE DISSIPATED. The next census will dissipate many errors that have grown out of comparisons made between the census of 1880 and that of 1870. The most prominent misrepresenta tion that will be corrected will be the one that asserts the phenomenal growth of the negro population of the country when com pared with the whites. The comparisons of the cext census will be made with those of 1880, the only approaehably correct census as to pipulation or anything else made in the history of the Government. The observation of mortality tables, made more complete during the fast ten years than ever before, show that the negro popu lation has a far higher death rate than the whites. In "Washington it is nearly donble that of the whites, and yet this district has been fitly termed the paradise of the negro. Nowhere else in the civilized or uncivilized world is he SO WELL PAID FOB.rtlS LABOB, so well clothed, so well housed, so well fed. There are. more of the race in receipt of an nual salaries, removed from the condition of day laborers, than in any city of the world at any period of the world's history. Even the very poorest ore cared for better than the average negro in any other city of the country, and yet the death rate ot the negro year after year is nearly double that of the white man. It is so in every city in the country, and in nearly all Southern cities, where statis tics are kept, the ratio of death is larger ior tbe negro than in "Washington. In Charleston, Mobile,Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston, St. Louis and Memphis, the death rate of tbe negro sometimes rises to more than donble that of the whites. The birth rate of the negro population is diffi cult to obtain, because they BABELY EMPLOY A "PHYSICIAN, but from such statistics as we have the birth rate does not greatly exceed, in cities, that of the whites. In "Washington there is an excess of negro births as compared with the whites, but it is not nearly double. Prom all that cau be learned from health and mortality statistics kept in cities, it is the best opinion that the negro population does not increase proportionately with the whites, and that the next census will show that in the whole country the importance of the negro as a factor in our population is on the decrease. The Iotentlona of Kllraln. rSrXClU. TZLXOBAK TO Till DISrATCn.1 Baltijiork, August 4. A dispatch from Hampton, Va states that Kllraln is about to leave that place for parts which he is unwilling to disclose. He stated to-day that he did not propose to bo governed in any way by Sulli van a acts or necesltle, and had no present Idea of surrendering himself. Kllraln has been In telegraphic correspondence with bis friends, and will be governed entirely by their advice. Fob a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. Peaks' Soap the purest and best ever made. Pears" Soap (Scented and Unscented) SECURES A, BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. Or AZU DRUGGISTS. iraOKEUtf FINANCIAL -TXTH1TNEY t STEPHENBON, a FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits throngh Messrs. Drexel. Morgan 4 Co., New York. Passports procured. GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 614-515 Hamilton Budding, njlO-70-B" " v" Pittsburgh Pa, XjijM1?'ot Tn WEATHER. fynRt3lT' i For Western ftn- tylvania and Ohio, light thowers, slightly cooler, stationary temperature, variable winds. For West Virginia, threat, ening weather andrain; slight changes in temperature; southerly winds. PrrTSBTrBO, August 4, 1889. The United States Signal Servica officer la this city furnishes the following: Time. Ther. I inn. SKUA. V ,M Aiesniemp.......... Maximum tenin.w 7S 22iOO M " llOOP. K 2.-00 P. K S:C0F. M 8:00 r. v .72 Minimum temp... tt Kanre .. .. IS Precipitation. ...... .OS Blrerat ir. it. 3.5 feet, a fill or 0.1 foot la U hours. River Telegrams. ' rSrXCIAI. TII.I03JLJI3 TO THX DISPATCH. 1 Bbowxsvxixe River 6 feet and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 77 at 4 P. v. Hoboautowx River i feet and station ary. "Weather cloudy. Thermometer 80 at 4 F. It. Wakbej-River 4-10 of one foot and station ary. Weather clondy and warm. ' STILL IN SEVENTH PLACE. Pittsburg; Haa a Good Lead Over Baltimore) and Cincinnati. Bostok, August 4. The following table, compiled from dispatches from the Clearing Houses in the cities named, shows the gross exchanges ior the week ended August 3, 1889, with rates per cent of in crease or decrease, as compared with the amounts for the corresponding week in 1883: Inc. Dee. Mew York f557,3t6M .... J.1 Hoston 80.315,353 .... 2 3 Philadelphia s7.lS2.2t9 11.9 .... Chicago BiMiOOO S.J .... bt. Lonls 10.210. Oil 8.3 .... San Francisco 17,349,392 .... 5.S Plttsbcrr 12.007.4tf 12.5 .... Baltimore 11.648,054 23 4 Cincinnati 10,793,253 14.4 Kansas Cltr. 7.195.541 .... 9.4 New Orleans. 4,792,196 .... 0.2 Louisville e,t2n,2C .... 1.8 Providence 4.180,200 . 3.0 Milwaukee 5,502,(100 11.8 Minneapolis 4.19n,i8 21.9 St. Pau, 3.703.422 .... 0.4 Omaha 4.432,131 31.8 .... Detroit 5.4Z1.0O3 5.1 Denver 4,S26,1S, S4.S Cleveland 3,390,633 3.9 .... Columbus 2,397,100 .... 12.2 Hartrord 1,645,437 .... .L Richmond 1.490,895 12.7 Hempbl 1,600. COS 2S.S Indianapolis 2.104,208 11.0 .... Peoria. 1,332.565 .... 3.0 St. Joseph 1,254.903 5.7 Portlands 967,491 3.1 Fort Worth 736,719 71.2 ..... Dallas 2,094,749 122.1 .... Duluth 1,03,H1 .... 53.7 New Haven 1.174,059 1.7 .... bpnngfleld 1,109.780 6.8 .... Worcester , 941,746 .... 1.6 Galveston E27,3o8 19.6 .... .Norfolk 481,982 .... 7.4 Wichita 767,622 29.S .... Syracuse 66J.461 0.4 .... Grand lUpldS 589,253 15.3 .... Lowell - 515.316 .... 22.3 Los Angeles 504.62S .... 40.2 Topeka 371,320 29.0 .... Buffalo 3,031.913 i:!rniln;rham 59636 Sioux Uty. 428,617 "Tacona 421,635 Dcs Moines 609,233 .... .... Portland, Ore 1.510,724 Montreal 8, 152. 151 Halifax 1.332.9S9 Total S 914,333,9rs Outside Mew YorK 356.597,300 4.7 .... Not Included In totals; no Clearing House at this time last Tear. Poor, Foolish Men. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. This la only the second time in eight weeks that I havo had to polish mj boots, and ret I had hard work getting mj husband to give up his old blacking brush, and the annoyance of having tho puts black ing rub oS on bis pants, and adopt Wolff'sACMEBIacking A magnificent Deep Block Polish, which lasts on Men's bootsn.veek,sndonWomen'saraonth. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. BLOCKER'S DUTCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOB SI. CHOICEST, FOREST. BEST. TBT IT. je24-3ITTT ADVICE FOB ALL. Sad and sorrowfully glanco into tbe future many sick persons who suffer pain and who find an early grave through mistaken treat ment. Do not forget that tbe proofs are here that my celebrated all-Uernian remedies can not be excelled. Thousands ot patients have I met who said: T was not a dav withont medi cine and grow worse every dav." They are cor rect. Where dangerous operations have been previously undertaken my remedy has cured in a short time. My remedies cure. In fact, most of the chronic diseases where no other medi cine gives help. Dally sick persons come to me and complain that they hare spent S50, $100, S1.000 among doctors, but were not 5 cents' worth better. When these doctors had received the money they lett the city by moonlight. Thousands in Pittsburg and vicinity have been cured within a year by my wonderful remedies. Look at tbe following, a few of those who were cored In as many weeks as they were years sick. Mr. Wanner, chronic rheumatism, 2 years. Mr. II. Conrad, chronic diarrhoea, 2 years. Miss Weaver, epilepsy. 6 years. Mrs. Einmler.eye trouble, nearly blind. 30 year. Mrs. L. Mahooe suffered 6 years wltn spinal dis ease, nervousness and liver trouble, leading to dropsy. Mrs. Dickson, asthma, 10 yean. Miss Johnson, dropsy. 6 years. Mrs. Ounther, cancer. 2years. Mrs. Klejnmann suffered twoyears with terrible cramps. She la eured and suffers no more. II the disease la not to be recognized by any otber evidence, then tbe nrlne Is toe best mean ot diagnosis; It shows what and where the trouble is. AS soon as It leaves Its normal straw color, you suonld not fail to use my celebrated remedies and be cured from tbe very root ottbe trouble. Mrs. 31. -O. ICulrns, To be seen In tbe Invalid's Home, No. 191 Center ave., Pittsburg. Certificates are open for Inspec tion. -WTbe Wylie and Center ave. ears from Market St. pass th door, aaJ-B m '