r-irnHZ - v - i. ; w5&&?m 'y-.ffl ' ' , ' 4.C ., i-- - 6 F Talk About That Absurd Re port From Minneapolis. HOBACE PHILLIPS' ILLNESS Prospects of the Local Ball Club for This Season, COMMENT ON SULLIVAN'S ARREST. The Champion's Eetusal to Fight Under Prke King Bales. SUCCESS OP THE CLEVELAND EACES It is a question that won't be settled off hand as to whether or not snakes or baseball clubs are the subjects of the more sensa tional stories. I am inclined to think that the natio nal game will take none the worst of it in comparison. Stories of the most surprising and ludicrous kind 'regarding baseball affairs are nowadays just as prolific as the most sensational snake stories. It is not long since we were told with much seriousness that Von der Ahc's St. Louis team would be transferred to "Washington. That story, which might be called a good sized whopper, was soon thoroughly ex ploded. But another has been sprung and even more sensational than the one referred to. This time we are told that negotia tions are going on for the transfer of the Pittsburg Club to Minneapolis; indeed, according to the story-tellers, the scheme is all cat and dried. Were the story true, Minne apolis might need all the .sympathy possible if the team is so more successful in f utnre than it has been this year. However, there is no truth at all in the rnmor or statement, and it is difficult to understand how such a stupid story conld originate except it may be the result of remarks made by poor Horace Phillips while in his sad mental prostration. The story was cent out from Minneapolis, and what puzzles me most is the fact that the Minneapolis re porters neTer asked what Pittsburg had to say in thb matter. The story was, undoubtedly, sent out in all seriousness, which really com mands more than usual sympathy for the too innocent credulity of the propagators of the story. Doubtless, there hare been sufficient of what the ancients would call trials and tribulations in the club to make everybody connected with it sick and weary at heart. Probably no team in the country has been more of a mark for misfortune than Pittsburg has during the season. Player after player has been dis abled, and as a climax one of the ablest and most gentlemanly managers in the country is taken from the club by a sad illness. This is discouraging, and It would be no surprise to me if the present directors were to err "enough" and sell out. But it would be arrr prise if the club's franchise were to go so far west as Minneapolis. We can rest assured that there is plenty of money in Pittsburg to buy the franchise and players from the present owners were they disposed to sell. Why, the League would never for a moment think of los ing a city like Pittsburg. If it aid, depend upon it, the Association would soon be on the scene. w Manager Phillips' Illness. The very sad turn which the sickness of Man ager Phillips has so suddenl) taken is no doubt a great surprise to all True, he has recently displayed symptoms that recalled by present circumstances would hare suggested a pending mental derangement, but few, if any, of us ever dreamt that the affliction would terminate so seriously. All authorities unhesitatingly aver tbat recovery is impossible, but according to the old saying, as long as there is life there is hope. However, it mar be safe to say that Horace will not be a manager of a baseball team again, should be recover, and in losing him the club lose as able a man as can be se cured. The public will proDably never know the amount of work that Manager Phillips did in one way and another. His mind was ever as restless as the waves of the sea: be was ever concocting and working out schemes tor the financial success ot the club, and his work was never half hearted. His whole mind and en ergy were always devoted to anything he took in hand. White there was nothing about him of a brilliant nature, never did a more patient more honest, more original, or shrewder man manage a baseball team. His work will be missed. While others did their work amid a flourish of trumpets, Horace aid greater things unobserved. The Home Team's Prospects. Undoubtedly the home team is in a sorrow fnl plight. Probablv a more unfortunate lot of ball players never set out :to contest for the League pennant. It seems as if the club has been battling tooth and nail against fate from the first week of the season, and in the natural turn of events a change ougbt to take place. There are no indications, however, tbat would lead us to expect any great change for the bet ter. The old fault, ana a great one, is still in existence. The pitchers are weak, in fact at the present time there is only one pitcher that can be relied on. Our old friend Galvin is somewhat out of line at present, and while be is pitching with considerable force, the results are very disheartening. It is not expected that Garfield will be of any use to the cluD this year whatever he may be next if he is retained. So far, Howe and White have not ouly been disappointing to the public but also to themselves. I'm sure that nobody feels their mistakes more than themselves; but they will get down to steadier work, and if we could once get our pitchers in form there might be hope for a good position in the race yet. How ever, as matters look now I don't expect the local team to finish better than sixth place. It cannot beat Chicago or Cleveland out and it will have to struggle to get ahead of Indian spoils. True, Cleveland has had a tremendous slide, but that is not the result of bad ball playing. That club has, during the last week or so, played some ot the most remarkable games and lost. Wherever tnat team may finish. Its first season in the League is a re markable one. At any rate I am inclined to think that the Cleveland! will easily keep ahead of Pittsburg. PfeflVr's New Book. I am in receipt of a new book entitled "Scientific Ball," by Fred Pfeffer, the brilliant second baseman of the Chicago team. Nowadays, when baseball books are almost as numerous as guides to Europe, one has to be guarded in passing an opinion on any of them. However, 1 have read Mr. Pfeffer's neat llltlo volume, and I can conscientiously say that it is a very useful addition to baseball literature. It is very well written, indeed, and tbat pedagogue rtjle which characterizes many books is absent. The book is full of useful information, and contains a biography of the author by Mr. De Witt Bay. Sullivan's Arrest. John L. Sullivan, now commonly called the champion of pugilistic champions, has finally been arrested for participation in the late prize fight for the championship. Undoubtedly the event that is, the arrest has been one of the great affairs of the week, and doubtless has surprised many people. It certainly will have a great effect on prize fighting in America, and may to a very great extent oe the means of preventing any more championship contests outside ot some privileged club. But there are some very inconsistent features about the arrest, features well worthy a little .comment. A question which will undoubtedly strike all of ns the very first moment we think ot the matter is: Why was the fight allowed to take place at all if Governor Lowry is such a determined man in enforcing law? He and bis subordinates bad any amount of warning, and yet there wasn't the slightest interference with the contest. I once beard a very able judge say that it certainly was the duty of officers of the law to prevent crime, and not wait until It was committed to get a case. We can set it down as a certainty tbat if anything like a reasonable effort had been made by Governor Lowry to stop the battle it would not have taken place in his bailiwick. This fact really does detract considerably from the earnestness and honesty of purpose of the present proceedings. A Benefit to Snlllvan. It has often been said that it is am ill wind that blows nobody good, and It teems that the A-REVIEW 0 SPORTS arrest of John L. will work to bis great benefit: ndeed, many people are convinced tbat the en tire proceeding is a "put up" affair to advertise the champion previous to bis starting ont on his boxing and athletic tour. While I cannot bring myself to believe that such is the case. I firmly hold the opinion that the affair will re sult In great profit to Sullivan and thoso inter ested in his projected tour. After the proceed ings are-all over and Sullivan goes South on a tour bo will, to use a common phrase, coin money. There are thousands ot people in the country who will look upon him as a martyr for the sport of pugilism. At any rate, the advertising that he will get will be worth many thousands of dollars, and If he can keep his head level amid all the Jirospects of wealth he will donbtless net a landsome fortune. It cannot be expected that Kilrain will be allowed to go free; if be is a shrotrd man be will follow the examplo of Sul livan and face the music The general opinion seems to be tbat a fine will be all the penalty imposed. This may be so. but it will add an other strange feature to the case if. after pur suing the pugilists all over the country, tbey are taken to Mississippi simply to be fined and receive a little admonition. If after tbe two gladiators have passed through the legal or deal they could arrange a series of public box ing exhibitions they certainly would drag in the dollars to almost an unlimited extent. It is not likely, however, that the lion and the lamb will play together. The Championship Claim. Want of space prevented my saying anything last week about Smith's challenge to Sullivan and the former's claim to the championship. However, I can speak more definitely on tbe matter now, as Sullivan has publicly declared his intention to participate in no contests in future except "fair stand-up fights, face to I ace-"This settles the question beyond all doubt, and for the life of mel cannot see why Sullivan should any longer lay a claim to the champion ship. Of course we all know that his reference to "face to face" means Queensberry rules. I thick the question is a very simple one to argue. Kilrain and Smith fouebt for the champion ship under the old-time and recognized prize ring rules. The battle was a draw. Then Sul livan, under the same rules, fought Kilrain and won the championship. Let us bear in mind tbat tbe rules were tbe same that all champions fought under, probably with one or two slight changes. But when Sullivan has followed in the wake of other champions and won the highest title under the recognized championship rules he declines to risk the title except under different conditions than those under which he won it. I submit that there is no justice in a proceeding of this kind, nor is tbero any precedent. If the question was sub mitted to any 12 disinterested men in the world who know anything at all about pugilism. I venture to say that not one would vote in Sulli van's favor. It is. therefore, clear to me that if Sullivan persists in his determination to not ficht again under prize ring rules he has no claim whates er on the championship belt. But what does Sullivan's resolve mean? It means to a great extent prize flghtlngin a more brutal form than we have had it. Only bullies and men of brute strength talk about "face to face" fighting. For Generations it has been taught tbat there is science and art in protect ing one's-self with the weapons nature bas giveti.us. This art and science allows little men to bold their own against big men, pro viding there is room and opportunity, accord ing to rule, to out-maneuver the big man. There is something scientific and fair In these conditions, but when a man of brute force in sists that his opponent shall bn compelled to stand in front of him until he is almost bat tered to death it is time to draw the line. It is not fighting; it is butchery. Sullivan's declar ation simply means tbat be thinks he can pul verize everybody under Queensberry rules. We have known this for some time; but his declar ation also means tbat be has little regard for prize-ring rules, and we may take that to mean that he is not at homo under them. We have also known tbat ever since he fought Mitchell. However, it may be that he will change bis mind and adopt a policy more creditable to the prize ring. English Criticism. In a long criticism of the Sullivan-Kilrain fight Henry Sampson (Pendragon), of the Lon don Jieferee. says: A few lines before we are told of the way in which Sullivan jumped on Kilrain while the man appointed to see fair took no notice, the same report informs us that Sullivan was seized with "a fit of vomiting, which lasted several minutes," and that while it was on "Kilrain manfully stood in tbe middle of the ring and waited until he recovered himself." This is carrying chivalry to an extreme: In Its way the story of Kilrain'. magnanimity is, it true, as sin gular as the storv or Sullivan's brutality which came as reward for and sequel to it. The first dntyofaprlze fighter is to win, by fair means if he can; if noVjby" foul means, providing the ref eree will allow'tu This Is an understood law in prizefighting, and Is tbe reason why it is neces sarv to exercise so much care in the selection of a governing official. According to tbe un written bat none tbe less existent pugilistic code of honor. Kilrain fully deserved jumping on for having neglected to secure the battle monev and tbe bet money as well what time bullivan was seized with sickness. Seeing his chance. Kilrain ought to have pommeled blm without stint or mercy, it is not so long ago tbat I was discussing with a fighter still alive the merits of another fighter now dead and gone, said lighter whol still alive having been some years ago regarded as easily chief among seconds, bald he: "Hell, you see. guv'nor, lilU K. never possessed hair enough devil lor a fighting man. I remember when be fought Joe G it was an awfnl wet day, and they used to be constantly down together. I was a-secondlng BUI, and so I says to him, says 1: Vheu you're down on the ground get some mud in your hand, and as you struggls try and rub It In his blooming eye that'll give you a decided advantage ' Ana what do you think tbe blasted fool said, guv'norr Wbv, he said: -'.No, old man, I won't do that: if I can't win fair I won't win foul, lorn.' And yet they called him a fighting mac-yahl-rot I call it!" Another Good Story. Mr. Sampson continues: This remind! me of another story, which I may as well tell while my hand Is in the basket. Probably some of tbe more ancient among readers of this may re member Fred Mason, otherwise the Bulldog, one of whose claims on recognition over and above his extraordinary staying power was that of being brother to Harry Boleno, tbe famous Drury Lane clown. I didn't know Mason in bis fighting days, but can well recol lect his hanging about the sporting houses, a little wizen old man, with a nose that looked as though It had been beaten all over bis face with a sledgehammer. Remarking to an old timer on this peculiarity and you couldn't very well help remark on it the o. t. said In reply: "Yes, it was a rare smash, and was done by Jack Walker when Fred was groggy, in their fight Vagshot way. Seeing Fred was In quite a daze and was tottering toward him, Jack drew himself together and landed one of the most awful bits on the nose I ever saw glTen. borne of the people looking on hissed, and so Jack, who was always fond of making a speech, tarns round as Fred was being nicked up. and he says, Genelmen." says he. 'wnatwas I to do? This is a most dangerous man: Bill Jones had him clean licked, and then because BUI dlan't finish blm off, butshowed pity ouhlm,he recovers and goes and beats 11111 Jones. I knows what's my duty to my backers, genelmen.' Kesult Im mense enthusiasm lor Johnny, or. as we used al ways to call him, Jack, Walker." If I had more space and more time 1 could tell you lots of other stories, every one of which would go to prove tbat if it la true that K'lraln. though having all the worse of tbe fight, waited iq tbe middle of the ting for sevcraUnlnutes while bullivan was being sick, be fully deserved all that happened to him. Jumping on included, as soon as bullivan recov ered. The Grnnd Circuit. The Inaugural trotting meeting of the Grand Circuit at Cleveland during tbe week has been a great success in every respect. The racing was In many respects extraordinary, and Its high quality naturally atracted Immense crowds. The success of the meeting augurs well for the success of the entire circuit. There are some phenomenal horses out this season, and wonders like Axtell, Brown Hal, Hal Pointer. Thornless and Jaca will always draw big crowds. We may prepare our selves to hear of many surprises before the circuit Is finished. Fbingle, TRI-STATE LEAGUE. At Wheeling Wheelings 1 0011X0005 SprlngSelds 0 10 0 0 0 4 2 7 Batteries Wheelings, Shamus, Dunn and Hal ler: bprlngoelds, Conoverand Westlake. liaseblts-Wbeellngs,lz: Sprlngflelds, 9. Errors Wheelings, 4; bprlngflelds, i. At Dayton Dsytons 0 40001000 S Uarailtons 0 100001003 Base hits Dayton. 6: Hamilton. 7. Earned runs Daytons, 1; Hamlltons, 1. Errors Dsytons, 3; Hamlltons, 4. At Canton Cantons 0 1021000 1 5 .Mansfield 4 2 0 0 3 0 10 0-12 Base hits Mansfield. 11: Cantons, 11. Errors Cantons, 3; Mansflelds, 2. Trl-Stnte League Record. Perl Per Won.Lost.Ct. Won.Lost.Ct. Cantons.... M n .sw.Springflelds 15 39 .472 Mansflelds. 42 3 .578ilfaytons.... 55 43 .44 Hamlltons. 41 39 .5121 Wheelings. 38 45 .444 The Literary Men Won, The St. Anthony Literary Society, of Troy Hill (formerly Troy Hill Literary Society, and Troy Hill American Mechanics played quite an interesting game of ball at 'Cycle Park yes terday, in which the St. Anthony Society sue cecded in adding another victory to their already large list. The features of the game were the battery work ot both nines. The Trcyllill society would like to hear from the St. Charles Society, or any other literary soci ety in the two cities. Following is the score: Literary Society! o 04003010-8 American Mechanics.... .0 000131005 Batteries Weidner and Ober: Erbe and Eckert, Struck cut-By ober, 12; by Eckert, 12. THE DOWN. ANOTHER PEG. The Local Team Beaten Again by the Hoosiers. LANDED KOW IN SEVENTH PLACE. Cleveland's Defeat tlie Chicagos in an Ex citing Game. TUB SENATOKS DOWX BOSTON AGAIN. General Baseball Kews of the Day Interesting Ama teur Games. Once more the home" team was downed yesterday by the Hoosiers. The gamewas a poor one, both as regards fielding and pitching. The "Washington tailenders again defeated the League leaders from Bos ton, and Cleveland beat the Chicago. New York had an easy time beating Philadel phia. Dr. Foster says there is hope for the recovery of Manager Horace Phillips. The local ball team gave another exhi bition of their proverbial and rare style of ball playing yesterday afternoon. This class of exhibitions have been numerous of late, but yesterday's deserves a very promi nent place in the list. Yesterday's wort of the home players, and also that of a few pre ceding days, does admirably as a means of showing what a wide difference there is be tween good, bad and indifferent ball playing. Had the Pittsburg club never been organ ired the local public would have been de prived of seeing a style of playing that con trasts with good playing, and enables us to see clearer and appreciate more the quali ties of the latter. It is easy, therefore, to see that, after all, what may be termed a bum team has a mission to fulfill. The public is evidently wearying of the ridic ulous defeats as the smallest Saturday crowd tbat has ever been on the grounds was pres ent to see the Hoosiers presented with another game by tho local heroes. There was nothing particularly different in the game from what was seen in the previous four games. BOTH WEBE BAD. Both teams played bad ball, but the home players were determined to come out best on that score; tbat is they struggled bard and suc cessfully to do a shade or two worse than the visitors." Tbe little crowd of 800 evidently were out for fun, as everybody seemed to enjoy tbe mistakes and shortcomings ottbe AlvlnJoslin combination. )It is an open question as to whether or not the absence of heavy hitting and presence of errors on the one slue; or the ineffective pitch ing: of Staler on the other contributed most to 'the defeat. At any rate tbe two combined settled matters quite comfortably. Tbe result might have been different had Beckley not made a palpable mistake in the eighth inning. However, if the "if philosophy is gone into it ,s easy to show bow a long list of defeats could have been victories. Yesterday Staley was quite a mark for tbe Hoosiers and it is evident that be is not a three-game per week mac Getzein was also touched up lively, but not sufficient to win. The fielding on both sides was loose,and altogether thegame was far from being a model one. Hostilities as usual opened quite cheerfully for the home team. Jocko Fields, who played in place of Hanlon, thnmped out a two-bagger to left. Carroll popped up a fly to Bassett and Beckley sent Fields home ou a long single to middle. Miller knocked a grounder to Denny, who threw Beckley out at second. MILLEE'S BASE 8TEALING. Rowe then knocked out a fine single to mid dle and Miller, who had stolen second and third, scored. Sunday continued the fun and rapped out a single to left, Bowe going to sec ond. Kuehne kept tbe kettle boiling by bang ing out a long single to middle, and Rowe scored, Sunday reaching third. Alter Kuehne had stolen second Dunlap flew out to Glass cock. In the third inning Miller led off with a single to middle, and Bowe reached first on a fumble by Glasscock. Rowe started to steal second, and Miller was foolishly coached away from third and was nabbed at the plate. Sunday struck out and Kuehne loomed up with one of his three-baggers to right field, Rowe scoring. Beckley opened up the fifth inning, and reached first on a wild throw by Getzein. He got second on a passed balL Miller flew out to Myers. Rowe got his base on balls and got to second on a wild throw of Daily. Sunday made a long hit to right field, sending in both Beckley and Rowe. The home players never looked like scoring again. The visitors also started ont well. Seerv got his base on balls and got. to third on Glass cock's two-bagger to right field. Denny's lone fly to Sunday enabled beery to reach home and Glasscock scored on Hines' single to right. Bassett started more run-getting in tbe second Jnmng. He made a safe bit to right, and Get zein struck out. Beery came next with a good single toward Fields and Bassett went to third. Seery stole second and both runners scored on Glasscock's long single to right. Denny then made a hit and Hines reached first on a fumble by Dunlap. FILLED TBE BASES. The bases were now full. Dot Staley struck Myers out and Dally flew out to Fields. After Glasscock was out in the fourth inning Denny made a single to left field, and Hines followed with one to right, Denny going to third. Hines stole second and Myers knocked a long fly over tbe right foul line. Sunday caught it, but Denny scored on the throw in. Daily was struck out. Tbe score was now 6 to 5 in favor of the home team and continued at that until tbe fatal eighth. Glasscock, who was in batting humor, led off for his side and banged out a slnglo to richt field. ' Denny, another dangerous little man, followed with a bit to middle. Glasscock then made a splendid steal to third. Hines fouled ont and Myers got his base on balls, fill ing the bases. Dally sent out a long fly to Fields and Glasscock tied the score on the throw in. Denny going to third and Myers to second. Then a fatal mistake was made by Beckley. Bassett knocked a grounder to Roue and the latter threw the ball to Beckley. He. however, made a glaring muff ot tbe throw and the ball went past bim, letting in two runs. Had he held the ball tbe side would have easily been out. The error ended the agony, bow ever, at least nearly so, as tbe three local men who went to bat were all retired in about two minutes. Following is the score: riTTSBUEO k b r a iuxdi'polis. b b r a z Fields, m.... Carroll. 1.... Hecklev, 1... Miller, c... Kowe, a bnnday, r... Kuehne, 3... Dunlap, 2... Staley, p.... beery, 1 2 Ulasscock,s. 2 Denny, 3.... 2 Hines, 1 .... 0 Meyers, m.. 1 Pally, c 0 Mctieaeby, r 0 Bassett, 1.. 1 Getzein, p.. 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 6 0 2 0 71' 1 0 5 1 0 5 Totals... . 6 1124 9 4 Totals. .... 8 15 27 IS 3 Plttsburgs 3 010200008 Indianapolis .. 2 2010003 a Earned runs Plttsburgs. 3: Indianapolis, 5. Two-base bits Fields. Glasscock. Three-base bits Kuehne. Getzein. Total bases on bits Plttsburgs, 1; Indianap olis, 18. Sacrifice hits Denny. Dally. Stolen bases Carroll, sillier 2, Bowe, Sunday, Kuehne, beery, Glasscock, 11 lues. First base on errors Plttsburgs, 2; Indianap olis, 3. First base on balls Fields, Carroll. Bowe, Beery, Meyers. Getzein. Double plays Dunlap, Berkley and Bowe. btruck out bunday, Staley 4, Meyers, Dally, HcGeacby. Getzein. Passed halls Dally 2, Left on bases Plttsburgs, 7; Indianapolis, 11. fc'Hme of game One bonr and so minutes. Umpire McQuald. BEAT THE BOSTONS AGAIN. Tbe Senators Pot op Another Great Game and Win. Washington, August! The Senators kept up their recent good work to-day and by out playing tbe Bostons in every respect won a comparatively easy victory. Yonng Haddock did great work in tbe box,keeping the visitors' hits well scattered, and bis support was almost faultless. Score: WAEH'TON. It B P X XI BOSTONS. B B T A X Hoy, m Wllmot. 1... lteecher, 1... Wise, 2. A. Irwin. 3.. J. Irwin, 3.. Mack, c Carney, 1. .. Haddock, p. frown,l.... Nash, 4..... Kelly, r.... Srouth'ra.1 Hlch'son, 2 lohnst'n.m Smith, .... BennetUc. Clarkson, p 0 0 1 3 0 4 1 13 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 13 0 0 Totals 8 10 27 9 1 Totals..... 2 7 2712 5 Washlngtons 0 030030118 Bostons ,.,0 00100110 I Earned runs Washlngtons, J; Bostons, 2, Two-base hlts-A. Irwin. ' PITTSBURG- DISPATOH, Three-base hits Richardson. Sacrifice hits Beecher, J. Irwin, Bronthers. Stolen bases-Baddock, Richardson. Double plays J. Irwin, Wise and Carney. First base on balls US Haddock. S; off Clark son, o. Struck out-By Haddock. 5: by Clarkson, 2. Passed ballsBennett. 1: Mack, 1. Time of game One hour and 60 minute. Umpire Powers. A WRETCIIED CONTEST. Wet Ground (Spoil the Philadelphia- few York Game Tho Glnnts Win. New Yobx, August 3. The rain and. bad condition of the grounds to-day allowe d the New York and Philadelphia teams to pi ay but. one game. It was a wretchedly played, game. Darkness stopped It at the end of thO eighth inning. Score: NEW YOEKB. K B P All rillLAS. 2 Jfil Gore, m 4 Rlch'rd'n,2. 1 Brown, c... 3 Connor. 1... 3 Ward, s 1 l.rons, r.... 1 O'B'rke, I.. 1 Whitney. 3. 2 Keefe, p.... 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 12 6 3 2 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 iDeleb'ty, I.. 1. 1 0 C 0 Hallman, a., 1 0 Mvert 2. t 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 o Thorn paon, x 1 1 Mntver. S..L 5 a banders, p. 0 i I ogany, r j. o o Brmp 1 n 2 IS Bhrlver, ex.. l E 6 Totals 18 IS 24 17 4 Totale. ... 8 II 24 21 7 XewTorks 1 5 0 3 0 9 0 v 18 Philadelphia 0 0 61000 18 Earned runs Mew Yorks, 8: Philadelphia. 8. Two-base hits Gore. Richardson, Ward, O'Rourke, De)ehanty, Myers, Thompson, Mul vey 2. Three-base hitsLyons, Connor. Home run Brown. Sacrifice hits Gore, Richardson, Conner 2, San ders, bhrlver. Double plays Richardson, Ward and Conner, Flrstibase on balls Off ISf-efe. 5: off Sanders, . "Hit by pitched .ball Delehanty, Sanders and Fogarty. btruck out By Keefe, 3: by Sanders, 2. Vlld pitches Keefe, 1: Banders. 1. First base on errors Mew York, 2; Fblladel phi as, 3. Tlmc of game Two hours and IS minute. Umplies Lynch ami ijulnn. TBE BABIES WIN. They Finally Got a Good Game From the Cblcngos. Chicago. August 3. Beatin and Tener di vided the honors in to-day's game, bnt in the sixth Cleveland, bunched their bits and, with a wild throw to first by FarreU. defeated Chicago in the last game of the series. Tbe audience w ere treated to a pretty exhibition of ball play ing throughout, it being any one's game until tbe last man wos out in tbe ninth. McKean's play at short was very brilliant and probably never equaled on tbe Chicago grounds. Attend ance. 6,700. Score: CUICAGOS. I1 Pi XjCLXVXLA'DSBB P A. X Ryan, tu.... to V Haltren.l 0 Duffy, Tf... 0 Anson. J..., 0 Pfeffer. 2. 0 FarrelLc... 1 Burns,. 3.... 0 (Tener, j)... 0 Bastlan, s.. 0 13 0 0 Strieker, 2... 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 Ullks, m.. ..012 0 0 0 0 McKean. s.. 0 2 3 1 13 0 0 rwltchelLl.. Ill 0 13 1 Tebeau. 3 ... 1 1 0 S 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 1 Faatz, 1 0 0 14 0 0 13 4 0 Radford, r. 0 0 1 0 0 10 1 O.Sutcllffe, c. 0 0 3 11 115 2 Beatin, .p.... T 0 0 2 0 Totals .... 1 5 27 14 4 Totals ... . 2 5 27 20 1 Chicago 0 100000001 Cleveland 0 00002000-2 Sacrifice bit Sutcllffe. Stolen bases Tebeau. 1; Radford. 2. First base on balls Tener. 3; Beatin. 5. Struok out By Tener, 2. Time One hour and 55 minutes. Umpire Curry. How They Stand. More changes nave taken place in the League 3ennant race, as the following table will show. The most important, probably, to local patrons of the game Is that of Pittsburg dropping down to seventh place. Undoubtedly the local team has been playing worse than any during tbe week. Cleveland is again battling hard for third place, aud Boston has come down a little in its percentage. TheChlcago team is making a stubborn bid for a higher position, and is playing well. Tbe Senators are also doing bet ter. Following! the table of the standing up to date: tcaftCn c - H 2 " B U : f!?: ? S ::::.:": -5 ol 6"5Wlo"50 5-S7787748 48-4796743 447-877744 5437 97742 53254 7832 038858 432 4441345 25 27293S37404M9 4S314 Bostons ew Yorks Pbiladelpblas.... Cleveland Cblcagoc Indianapolis Plttsburgs , Washlngtons..... Games lost .849 .813 .544 .543 .512 .400 .395 .342 HOPE FOR HORACE. Dr. Foster Thinks He Slay Recover Amid Qnlet and Rest. rsnciAi. raxxa bax to tsx dispatch, t Philadelphia, August S. Poor Horace Phillips is in an insane asylum. He was re moved from the Girard House this morning at an early hour to the private insane asylum of Dr. Jones, at Mercbantville, ft. J. He was accompanied by his wife, bis brother and Dr. W. S. Foster, who came from Pittsburg to give an expert opinion in the case. Mrs. Phillips is a pretty little blonde woman. She is at the asylum with her afflicted husband. Mrs. Phillips has shown great fortitude in this great affliction and has never left her husband's side for three days. She is greatly attached to Horace and in sisted upon performing many services for him for which a trained nurse had been hired, for Dr. Foster does not agree altogether with the diagnosis of tbe case made by Dr. Winfield 8. Wolford, of this city. Tbe disease is acute paresis, but Dr. Foster believes that there is a chance of ultimate recovery. The rapid de velopment of the disease does not seriously alarm Dr. Foster and be is inclined to believe tbat under expert treatment and amid the quiet surroundings of tbe retreat to which he has been taken be will greatly improve during the next two weeks. Tbe condition of the patient before leaving this city this morning was slightly improved; his pulse was more steady and his belief in tbe amount of his riches had decreased. It appears that the hallucination about riches grows with the pulse. Dr. Foster returned to Pittsburg to night but he will visit Mr. Phillips once a week for tbe next month and be will be summoned at once in case of a serious emergency. ASSOCIATION GAMES. KUroy Proves 10 be a Puzzle to the Reds, of Cincinnati The Athletics Bunch Their Hits and Shot Ont tbe Colonels Other Game. Baltimore, Augusts. Kiltoy proved a puz zle to Cincinnati, while Baltimore easily found Viau's curves, and consequently had no diffi culty In winning the game. Score. Baltimore...- 4 000000206 Cincinnati 0 000. 0 2000 2 Hits Baltimore, 13: Cincinnati, 4. Errors Baltimore, 6: Cincinnati, 5. . Earned runs Bait-more, 5. Three-base blt-Hornung. Struck out By Kllroy, 5; by Vlau, 2. Umpire Holland, THE COWBOYS WON. Good Fielding; Defeats the Youngster From Columbus. Columbus, August 8. Kansas City won again to-day from Columbus in a close contest.' Columbus did not have much trouble in hitting Swartzel, but were retired twice by double glays when it seemed certain they were victors, core: Commons 1 002100004 Kansas Citvs 3 0100001 5 Base hits Columbus, 10: Kansas Cltys, 3. Errors-Courabul: Kansas Cltys. 3. Earned runs Columbus, 2: Kansas Cltys, 2. Two-base bits Johnson. Orr. Three-base bit Baldwin. Struck out By Baldwin, 3: by Swartzel, 2. Passed balls Kemmler, 1; Hoover, 1. Wild pitches Baldwin, 1 Umpire Gaffney. SHUT THEM OCT. Tho Colonels In Rather Tough Lack Down nt Philadelphia. PBTLADKLPniA. August. 3. Louisville was shut out this afternoon after a well contested game. Both pitchers were effective, but the Athletics were fortunate in bunchinc two doubles and a home-run hit in tho fourth inn ing. Score: Athletics 0 003000003 Loulsvilles.t 0 00000000 a "Hits Athietlcs.7; Louisville. 5. Error Athletics, 4: Louisville, 2. Earned runs Athletics, 3. Two-base hits Welsh and Lyon. Home run Stovey. struck out-By Weyhlng, ; by Hecker, L Umpire Goldsmith. BROWNS BADLY BEATEN. The Brooklyn! Knock Stlvltta Ont of the Box and Win. New "Fork. August 8. The Brooklyns de feated the St. Louis team to-day easily, after s tiresome game of seven innings. Btivitu suited out to pitch for Bt Louis, bnt was knocked out of tho box 1b the first inning. SUNDAY. AJJGTtTST 4, 'jiamsey, who took StiritU' place, fared little better. Score: Brooklyns 4 0 0 1 1 37 0-1 St. Louis 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 Base bits Brooklyns, IS; St, Louis, 8. Errors Brooklyn. 4: St. Louis. 6. :Earned runs Brooklyn. 7; St. Louis, 2. struck out By Ramsey. 2: by Terry, S. Umpires Ferguson and Kerlns. Association Record. Perl Per Won.Lost.Ct. Won.Lost.CU St. Louis SS a .6S7lctnclnntls...48 40 .533 Brooklyns 54 29.ttlKansasCltys..34 49 .410 Baltimore. ...49 35 .583 Columbus. ....32 55 .383 Athletics 45 33 .564ILouUviUe,...19 87 .2)1 To-Day'a Games. AiiEBiCAK Association Louisvilies at Philadelphia; St. Louis at Brooklyn; Kansas Citys at Columbus. COUNTY LEAGUE GAMES. The East End Athletic Defeat tbe Oaklnnds In Two Games One vls Very One sided and the. Other Exceed ingly Close Other Good Local Contest. There were two interesting games at East Liberty Park yesterday between tbe Kast End Athletics ana tbe Oakland. The first game was an easy victory for the homo club, but the second was close. Tbe Athletics only won tho second game in the ninth inning. Tbe attend ance was good. Following are the scores: ATHLETICS. B IIP All OASXAXDS. R B r A X Williams, 2 Lauer. 3.... 11. Barr, 1. . Tener.n.... SirlftE; c. Dillon, s.... Brady. 1.... F. Barr, r L. Swift, m 3 2 Becker, r. ... 1 Good, 1 0 People, s... 0 8ulnn,3 0 wens. m... 0 Howley, 1... 0 Elbe!. 2 1 Morgan, c... 0 Hornlsb, p.. 1 Totals.... 16 10 2115 i Totals 3 10 21 7 6 Athletics 4 0 0 4 2 2 4-18 Oakland 0 0 12 0 0 03 Earned runs Athletics, 4; Oaklands, 0. 'two-base hit F. Barr. btruck out By Tener. 3; by Hornlsh, 4. Rases on balls Athletics, 7. Umpire Colgan. Passed balls Morgan, 4. Second game: ATHLETICS. Ei B. P. A.EIOAKL'NDS. B. B. P. A.X. Williams, 2.. 3 Lauer, 3 2 BarrD., 1... 1 Tener. l&r.. 1 Swift F-.r&c 1 Dillon, p.... 1 Brady cl.. 0 Schaub, s.... 0 Swift, m 0 3 1 tAASrA 1 0 0 Good, i 1 Peoples, 3... 2 Matthew. 2. 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 miner, ,,., 1 Oulnn.m 0 0 0 Howley, L.. 0 1 10 Morgan, c. 1 0 2 Anderson, p 0 0 0 Total 9 9 2118 Totals . 8 11 is 11 : None out when winning run was made. Athletics 0 15 10 0 29 Oaklands 2 12 10 0 2-8 Earned runs Athletic, 3; Oakland, 1. stolen basos Oakland. S: Athletics. 2. Two-base bits William Beckcr.2; ilatthews,!. Struck out By Dillon. 6t by Anderson. 1. Base on balls Athletics. 4; Oakland. 2. Passed balls Brady, 1; Morgan. 5, Umpire Frey. A VERY TAlim AFFAIR. IBraddock Jtut'Mops Up the Diamond With tbe Sewlckleys. The County League game at Braddock yes Iterday between the homo-nine and the Bewick leys was not interesting. Both nines played poorly in the field, having ten errors each. The Blues hit the ball hard, having IS hits, while O'Brien, who made his first appearance with the home nine, was almost invincible. Anderson led at the bat, having four hits. Only seven innings were played. The score: SZWICKLIV. B B P A XIBBADDOCK8 B B P A X N'ght'n, c. 0 McMl'n, m.2 0 Warden, 2... 1 Oliver, s.... 2 Porter, 3 0 Lee. 1 1 Murray. r..- 0 Magglns. 1.. 1 Momger, p. 2 Cooper, 1.... 2 S.DalzelL3.. 1 B.Bennett, c 2 W. Dalzell. s 3 Anderson, 2. 2 Klllen.m.... 1 W Bennett, 1 1 Meyers, r... 1 O'Brien, p. 2 0 0 2 1 3 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 6 1 6 1 0 11 Totals...-. 7 3 21 7 10 Totals.... 15 15 2116 10 Braddocks 2 5 8 0 0 0 015 Sewlckleys 2 10 2 0 0 27 Earned runs Braddocks, 6. Two-base bits Cooper, Anderson. Three-base hlt-W. Dalzell. ' Donble plays S. Dalzell, 1 . J. Bennett and W. Dalzell: Oliver and Lee. Struck out By O'Brien, 11. Base on called balls Cooper, W.DalzeH,Kaugh ton. Porter and Oliver. Stolen base Cooper, B. Bennett, Meyers, Kll len. 3; Anderson, 3; .Nanghton, McMllleu, Lee .and Moniger, Umpire S.-H. Rose. v. , OUR BOYS BEATEN. The CrockerlesGot Even With the Pitts- burger-and Win n-Gnme. rsrxciAX. TZXXOBAX TO THE D is patch.: East'Ltvxbpool, August 3. The Crockeries turned the tables on the Our Boys, of Pitts- burg, to-day. The came was a close one, the home team winning by one run. Score: CB'K'C'TS. B B P A X OUR BOYS. B B P A X Clteark.m. J. Reark,. O'Brien, p. Darrah. 3... Yearsley. c Toml'son, 2 O. Carey, r. H. Carey. 1. Bowe, 1 1 0 3 4 0-12 Smlnk, 2... benoch. I... Poth. 3 Vetters,m.. Smith, c... Leng, 1 Doyle. 63... Walker, r.. Deltz, p.... 1 II 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 11 1 0 Totals. . 8.10 27 25 1 Totals .. 5 9 27 20 5 Earned runs Crockeries. 3; Our Boys, 2. Two-base hit C. Reark. Three-base bits C Reark, Darrah, Bowe, Smlnk. stolen bases Crockeries, 1; Our Boys, 2. Struck out By O'Brien, 11; byJeltz, 6. Time of game Two nours and ten minutes. Umpires Fltzslmmons, Van Faixsen and Lo .gan. A CLOSE ARGUMENT. IUcKcesport Beaten by Homestead, bat Only After a Tussle. ISrKCIAL TXLXOBAX TO THX DI8PATCB.1 McKeespoet, August 3. Homestead out played McKeesport at all points to-day, but come near losing in the ninth liming when Mc Keesport made fonr runs on four hits and two errors, and had a man on third when the last man went out. McKeesport tried three pitch ers In Smith, Pennington and Phillips. The first two were hit hard, but Pbillips made a good showing, and will likely make a good man. McKeesport has again lost one of her beat players and batters In Farrow, who has gone to Greenville, Mich., to catch Jones, who went outlast week. This makes 14 players who have gone out professionally' from this club since tbe first of, this season. Score: U'KXESP'T B B r A EIUOMEHT'DS. B B F A X N'fg'le,3... 1 Provlns, r... 2 U.Smltbs,l. 2 Hartman,c 0 Penn'g". 3p2 Martin, s.... 1 ilorrlsey.m. 0 Costello, 2... 0 Smlth.lp.... 1 Phillips, p.. 0 Armer. r ... 2 3 1 1 0 0 3 2 10 1 3 Sullivan. 1.. 0 K. colgan, 3. I Hess, c 0 Younginan,2 2 Bulmer, 1....0 Kennedy,.. 1 Kowe. xi .. 2 Jones, p. 4... 1 2 13 0 0 cargo, r. .. 1 Totals 9 9 24 19 7 Total. .4-. 10 12 27 25 McKeesport .. Homesteads.... 1 010:11014 9 0 4 0 2 2 2 0 0 -10 Earned runs McKeesport. 3: Homesteads, 5. Two-i'ase hlt-Pcnclngton, MatlnjArmer, Hess, Three-Vase hit Jones. Home run Cargo. Struck out-By Smith. 1; byA Pennington, 2; by Phillips, 1; by Jones. IS. ' Bases on balls By McKfiesport, 3; by Home steads, 6. Hit by pitched ball McK'eesport, 1. Double plays Martin. Costello aud Smith; Mar tin. Smith and Hartman. Passed balls Hartman.; 3: Hess. 4. Wild pitches Pennington, Phillips, Jones 4. Stolen bases Nlghten'iJe. 2: Provlns. 2: G. Smiths. Hartman, Martin. Smith, Armer, Sulli van. Yonngman. 2; Rore, Umpire Shatter. Time of game Two houi-s. For tbe Championship. SPECIAL TXLXCEAM TO. TUX DI8PATCH.1 Geeejjsiiuro, August 3. Messrs. Clarke and Porter, tbe respective managers of the Greensburg and licottdale clubs, have arranged for a series of flvo games for the championship of Westmorelaiid county: the first game to be played at Scott'dale on Monday afternoon. The other game will be played within two weeks. Galvin or MiiuL, of the Allegheny club, will umpire tbe gilmes. Sewlckleys Got There, In a game, between the Sewlckleys and tbe Craf tons, fit Craf ton yesterday, the latter were defeated by a score of 12 to 10. Batteries: Craftons, Allen and Brown: Sewlckleys, Grady and Murdock. -Base hits: Craftons, 10; Se wlckleys. 6. The feature ot the game was Breen'a hard bitting and a double play by Dever unassiuted. Scottdalea Easy Winners. Scotttjalk, PA.,'August 3. The Keystone club, oft Pittsburg, were easily defeated by the Scottdales to-day. Score: Beottdale. 1 0 2 7 2 2 T '-19 js.eytone 2 101200 17 Hits Scottdales 20, Keystones 7. Error Scottdales 4, iKeystones 5.. I Umpire Masks, 1889. TO -MEET SDLLIYM. A Big Crowd Expected to Greet Him To-Day at Jackson. THB CHAMPION HAS SOME FOES. Jinks Defeats Carman in the McKeesport Quoit Match. WINNERS AT MONMOUTH AND SARATOGA. Ed Hlilrk Beats Jlephart la a Good Eace at Phillipsburg. Sullivan will arrive at Jackson this morn ing, and a large crowd is expected to meet him. He has many- friends there and many foes. Ed Nikirk defeated Bephart in a quarter of a mile race, and Jinks won the McKeesport quoit match. Jem Smith, the English pugilist, still claims the world's championship. rsPZCTAL TXLZORAM TO TITS DISPATCn.1 Jacksos-, Miss., August 3. The train on which Sullivan is beingbrought to Jack son by Deputy Chiles, reported on time, and will reach here about midnight. The coming of this rather notorious character has created quite a stir in our little city and vicinity, and no doubt a big crowd will flock to town to-morrow with the hope of gratifying their curiosity. Sullivan seems to have friends in abund ance, as there is no doubt that he will be able to give bond even to the amount of his late winnings atBichburg if necessary. One party telegraphed that he would go on a thou sand bond for hlm.While Sullivan is being made a hero of by some, on tbe qther band many others are not so great admirers of him. As an instance, a prominent merchant of this city when asked to sign Sullivan's bond by a large New Orleans firm, declined to do so, saying he was not in the nnir. It Is very likely tbat in the Interim between Sunday and the day of tbe trial at Purvis, August 12, the Sullivan party will sojourn at Cooper's Wells, a delightful summer retreat about IS miles from Jackson; this is perhaps with a view to keep Snlllvan straight until after his trial. ENGLISH SPORTING EVENTS. Some Opinions About Smith and the Cham pionship Belt. lUT CAULS TO THX DISATCII.1 London, August 3. Copyright.! The rac ing at Goodwood, which is just over and which winds up the London season, has not been up to the average, as regards raclne, but the at tendance has been large and more intensely aristocratic than ever. The racing men and women who were there have all scattered, most of them to Portsmouth, Southsea and the Isle of Wight, lor the naval review, whence tbey will go to Cowes and Torquay for the yachting, then to the continent, and. In fact, all over the world, coming back next spring to wake this bis town up again. James Smith, the English fighter, who may be described as a thick man, able to take pun ishment but not to cive. it, bas developed a humorous streak, in which he is encouraged by some English papers. Having been knocked around and fought a draw with a man who has just been beaten by tbe only original cham pion. Smith bas somehow got it into bis head that he Is the champion, and is asklnc for that unimportant bauble which advertises at slight expense a notorious publication and Is called the championship belt. No one here pays any attention to Smith. Englishmen have come around with unanimity to the opinion that Sullivan, after all, is the kind of a man we always said he was. WINNERS AT MONMOUTH. Seven Good and Exciting Knees on a Muddy Track. MomtOTjTii Park, N. J., August 3. The track was wet and bolding at tbe bottom. First race, three-quarters of a mile Starters: Britannic, Jay F. Bee, Sir Joseph, Vardee, Hey ;dey, Keward. Jay F. Bee won In 1:18, Britannic second, Beydey third. Second race, three-quarters of a mile Starters: D. St. Carlo. Bevotee, Starlight, Adamant, Heatberton, Chaos, Chamolse colt, Burlington, Lord .Peyton. Devotee won In 1:2 Uurllnjcton second. Chamolse colt third. Third race, one mile Starters: Badge, Now or Never. ollan, Fltzjames, Bess, Klchmond, De faulter. Fltzrov. Badge won In 1:48, Bess second. Now or Never third. Fourth race, one and one-balf miles Starters: Scnorlta and lct Morris. Senorlta won In 2:58.4. Fifth race, one and one-quarter miles Starters: Eurns, Los Angeles, Sluggard, Connemara. Los Angeles won In 2:1E), turns second. Sluggard third. Sixth race, seven-eighths ef a mile starters: Freedom, Bellalr, Ethlus, Sir Roderick, Electric. Wanderer II. Freedom won in 1:37, Bellalr sec ond. Electric third. Seventh race, seven-eighths of a mile Esqui maux, Leather Stocking, Lonely, Deception, Dia dem. Esquimaux won in 1:2 Leather Stocking second. Lonely third. Saratoga Results. Sabatoga, August 3. The track was heavy to-dav and the fields smaller than usual. First race, five-eighths of a mile Starters: Milton, JlaiorTom, Fast Time, Cecil B, Tennes eeean. Fellowship, Emily S, MlssUhodle. Happi ness. Gretna, Ophelia. Milton won in 1:0)1); Cecil B second. Major Tom third. Second race, one mile Starters: Teuton, Min nie Palmer. Cotillion, Alaho. Culprit, Robin Hood. Kobln Hood won lu 1:51; Minnie Palmer second, Culprit third. Third race, one and one-balf miles Starters: Montrose, O'Fellus. Bella B, Ed Mack, Pee Weep, Flood Tide. Montrose won In 2:43, Flood Tide second. Fee Weep third. Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth miles. Starters: King Crab. MayoO. White Nose, Mar shall Luke. May O won fn 1:57, White Nose sec ond. King Crab third. Fifth race, one and one-eighth miles Starters: Battersy. Moral Garter, I'rather, Queen of Eliza beth, Sallie 0. I'rather won in 2.05S, Queen of Elizabeth second, Koyal Garter third. Followinc: are the entries and weights for Monday's races: First race, one mile Hustle, King Idler, Wood burn, Walden, Vlntah and Kcmember, gelding, each 110 pounds; Aunt Jenny, Lady Fulslfer, Sunshine, Vlente, Bonalltaand vlolante. Second race, six lurlongs Bishop. Vol.itlle and Fenclon each 125 pounds; Cambyses 122, Holland 121, Alice 120, Flddlehead 118, C Jt U 117, Merlden 113. BettlnallS. MaylapslM, Ivy 112. Third race, mile and seventy yards Marshall Luke 109 pounds, Golden Keel 102, Sherewood 100, Bob Lisle 95. Fourth race, six furlongs MIddlestone 111 Sounds, Centaur 111, Sena 108. Elkton, Warsaw, lajor'lom and Judge Morrow, each 104, Nena filly, Gretna, Alvsrltas and Vloletta each 103. Fifth race, one mile Everett 118 pounds. Land seer 115, Bed Light 111, Satisfaction 111, Belmont 109, George Angus 107, Mamie Hay 102, Lynn 92. Sixth race, one mile Brookfull 115 pounds. Vig ilant 110, Ucorge Corbett 105, Lucy H 102. Carrie (i 102, Mirth 102, Vivid 97. John Jay 3 97. Dilemma 7. To Join O'Brien's Troupe. J. Y. Leyton, tbe pedestrian of Detroit, who has been stopping in this vicinity for some time past, leaves on August 15 to join O'Brien's great athletic troupe. This company is com posed of nearly ail the leading pedestrians of the country, and will give 12, 3d and 72-hour races in Atlanta, Chattanooga, New Orleans and other leading Southern cities. During the winter Leyton will return to this city to enter in the big international 142-hour race here this falL Nashville Fall Races. Nashvillz, August 3. The fall meeting ot tbe Westside Park Club will be held October 22, 24, 28, 2D, 81 and November 2. with extra races on available days. There will not be less than five, and possibly six, races each day. and the purses and added money and handicaps will be unusually liberal. Priddy and McClelland. There Is now considerable talk of a two-mile race between Peter Priddy and E.C. McClel land. Last evening some of tho backers of the latter were talking strongly in favor of match ing their man against Priddy at the distance named for 500 a side. Nlklrk a Winner. rSFXCIAI. TXLZOBAX TO THX DISPATCH.l Philtpsbtjbo, Augusts. The race between Ed Nikirk. of Pittsburg, and Howard Rephart, of Madeira, 1250 a side, at this placo to-day. was won by Nikirk by seven yards. Time, 63 sec onds for quarter ot a mile. A Live Bird Shoot. Bbasoocx; Pa., August 3. A live bird shoot was held across the river this evening by local marksmen. Fifteen birds were let go, Charles Crosby falling 6, Will Pierce 4 and Frank Ken- dell 8. They shot at 28 yards rise. JINKS WON. He Defeated Carmnn In tho Great Qnott Pltcbluc Contest. McKkespobt, August 1 Never did a larger crowd assemble to witness a quoit contest here than that of this afternoon. John Jinks, the McKcesporter, defeated Charles Carman, the Snters man. Thegamn lasted from 3 to 6 P. 1L, Jinks making bis 71st point as Carman reached his 46th. Six hundred persons wit nessed the contest; three hundred of which were from Suters and, Scott Haven. They bet 2 and 3 to 1 on Carman, and found enough takers to exhaust them, fully J1.000 changing hands. The game took place at tbe distillery, and was ref ereed by John Hahn. There is talk of another contest being made. LILLIAN WON THE FACE. Allerton Beats His Own 2:20 1-2 Record at Cleveland. CLKVELAKD, Augusts. The 2:17 pacing race for 51,000, begun yesterday at Glenville, was fin ished this morning. Four heats were paced yesterday, Lillian winnlng'two, Wilcox and Ed Annon one each. To-day Lillian won tho fifth heat in 2JtS, and took first money. Wilcox came in second. Ed Annon gets third money, and Dr. West fourth. - Allerton. a 3-year-old bay stallion owned by C. W. Williams, ot Independence, la- started to beat 2:20k, which be made yesterday, and trotted in 2:19. THE GRAYS ON TOP. They Deleat Their Rivals of Beaver In an Easy Way. rsrxciAi. TxroBAM to tub dispatch. Beaver Falui. August 3. The Beaver G rays and the home team played a highly in teresting gamo here to-day notwithstanding the large score. Stupid errors, allowing tbe Grays to make 10 runs the first two innings on one scratch hit. lost them tbe game. Thehome team batted well, but their hits were scattered. Both catchers did good work and the playing of Gaston at short was marvelous at tim es. Scott made a good catch and .the playing of Pin Knbn in left field was great. The score: B. GRAYS. RHP A XlBX'B FALLS. R B P A X Shumatipr,3. 3 2 l'ln.Kuhn. 2 2 1 P. Kubn. c. 2 1 J.Johnson, r 1 1 Knmelgb, s. 2 1 Couch, m... 0 1 Farrow, 1 .. 2 2 Jobe. p 1 1 U.Johnson,2 1 2 Hhnster, c. 1 McClaln. P.. 0 Kerr. 1 ,1 A.Uaston, s. 1 He. 1. 1 K. Gaston, r. 0 Scott. 3 1 Molter. m... 0 Klnslow, 2.. 0 Totals. 15 12 27 8 41 Totals 5 10 24 11 Grays ,......i.S 5 0 0 4 0 0 1 '15 Beaver Falls ; 0 0 3 0 10 0 1 05 Two-base hlts-Sbuster. Molter, Eea, Panl Knbn. Sacrifice hits Jobe. Shnster. Stolen bases Shutter, McClaln, B. Gaston 2, Scott. Shnmaker2; Fin. Knbn, Bomelgh2, Couch, Farrow. Johnson. Passed ball Kubn. Base on balls By McClaln. 5; by Jobe, 4. Umplre-Stenhart. Won Their First Game. The Mt. Washington Athletics played their first leaguo game yesterday and defeated the Westlnghouse Electric In a very one-sided game, the Athletics batting thepitcherall over tbe field.FoUowingls the score: Athletics 2 13 3 18 5 2 2-25 Electric 0 0000304 29 Batteries MLWashlngtons, Stevens and Snyder; Electrics: McUarvand Mitchell. Base hits Mt. washlngtons 27: Electrics, 10. Errors Mt. Washlngtons, 4; Electrics. 18. Baseball Notes. Down to seventh place again, and probably to stay. The Phillies look as it they were going to tbe bad. The L. A. Schotts defeated the Sipps Stars yesterday by 15 to 3. The Johnstown Echoes defeated the S. Wledels by a score of 25 to 15 yesterday. The EL E. SelberU defeated the C. P. Mayers, of Bridge villa, yesterday by IS to 3. The Hawortbs A Dcwhursts beat theDll worth Bros, at East Liberty yesterday by 30 to 19. . F. H. Bkuxxix, the baseball reporter on the Cleveland Plain. Vtaler, has gone on the staff of the Chicago Tribune. The manager of the Scottdale club has for warded a check for an additional $50, making the Scottdales' tlOO for their match with the Scotts. Manager Losa. of Our Boys, sends a dis patch to this paper stating that the umpire and citizens of East Liverpool robbed bis team of a game yesterday. The Twentieth Street Stars would like to bear from any club whose members are under 13 years of age. Address Joseph Burke. 64 Nineteenth street, Southside. The J. W. Cullens defeated the Bellevues by a score of 13 to 12. Tbe catching of Miller and batting of Atwood and Schaubof the Cullens, and tbe batting of Dean of the Bellevues, was particularly noticeable. Tie Most-Central aM Reliable House In the two cities to obtain wbat you may desire in Pure Whiskies, Pure Wines, Pure Bran dies and Gins is at the old and well established house of JOS. FLEMING & SON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Look over list presented nere tnat yon can select from, embracing the finest and best matured goods the market affords, at prices that cause all other dealers to frown. Pure eight-year-old export Guckenheimer Whisky, full quarts, SL or 810 per dozen. Overholt Pure Rye, five years old.f ull quarts, 51. or 10 per dozen. Finch's Goldon Wedding, ten years old, full quartstl 25. or 512 per dozen. Gin, Pure Holland, onr own importation,! ull quarts, I 25, or 512 per dozen. Danville's Old Irish Whisky, quarts, SI 50, or 515 per dozen. Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at Islay, 51 50 per bottle, full quart Wise Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North Mall. Cork, SI 50 per bottle, full quart. All ot tbe different varieties of California Wines you purchase from us are the very best, and only 50c for full quarts, or $5 per dozen. Send for complete price list, mailed free to any address. If goods ?re not perfectly satisfactory the money will be refunded on their return. Please bo expllc.it in giving shipping di rections with each order. Please send money orders when you can, or draft. If you cannot do either register your letter. Address all orders to Jns. FteminD I Snn, DRUGGISTS, 412 MARKET; ST., PITTSBURG, PA, aut-TTSSY , WHEN I WAS A SMALL BOY My mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but since I got to be A obeat bio mas DICKSON, tlie well-known Tailor of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, has been substituted, who now dos all my clean ing, pressing and renovating in obeat shape. Telephone 15TA au3-7frsn TOO 1VATE TO CLASSIFY. T1TANTED - INVOICE CLEKK - MUST BE VV rapid penman, accurate and quick at figures; an excellent opening to the right party. Address 1. B, W., lllspatch office. aut-130 LOST-A SILVElt SKYE TEKKIEKDOO. AN SWERS to tbe name or Dick; Tor the return of htm and no questions asked. SA Ho. 119 UIA MO.ND ST., opposite Court Bouse. anl-132 TTNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS THIS fV order of Western Pennsylvania will bold their first annual picnic and re union at Alinuippa Grove, P. fe L. E. R. R SATURDAY. August 10, which promises to be an enjoyable affair. Sev eral of tbe young and energetic mem. bers of the order have personally as sured their friends that a pleasant timo may be depended upon. Tbe Knight of Pythias, as an order, is second to none in Pennsylvania for membership, and are in a very flourish ing condition. Excursion rates on railroads within a radius of 100 miles of grove. The committee have official assurance that lodges from Wheatland, Rochester, New Brighton, New Castle. Washington, Mansfield, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Phillipsburg, Homestead, Braddock, Pa., Ynungstown and Car ronton, C will be 'well represented. The committee have spared no pains to make the picnic & success. The committee will meet again on Friday, August 8, at Maltby Hall, 78 Fifth ave, at 7J0 sharp; au-U a!V ADVERTTSEMEUTS. j NEW THE BEST WATCH IN THE WORLD FOB Si 00 A WEEK. Do you know wbat a Watch Club is? Thirty-debt persons each agree to pay SI per week for 33 weeks. To determine who shall re-. ceive the watches as they are paid for, a draw ing is held, and tho lucky man receives his watch. No one can draw more than one watch. The drawings continue each week until every one in the club has a watch, and as they have all been paying a dollar a week, by tbo time the last man receives his watch, all watches are paid for. We will exchange the Rockford for a watch ot any other make, it with fair usage the Rock -ford shall prove unsatisfactory. Our confidence in Rockford watches is founded upon that sure knowledge tbat can be derived only by actual observation of them In the hands of hundreds of our patrons who are carrying them. They require less repair than that of any other make, are stronger, and as to time come in and we will give therhatnes or those who are carrying them and let the watch speak for Itself. They serve tbe exacting needs of. the com manding officer of the U. S. Naval Observa tory at Washington, as well a most of his sob- ordinate, and are the recognized time keepers of tbe U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Our club watch is a 14-k filled case, a 15-lew-eled Rockford movement in gold settings, patent bregnet balr spring, patent pinion, patent regulator with inlaid silver index, ex posed pallet jewels, and is the best watch in' tbe world for the money. Join a Rockford Watch Club at C. S. HAU SER'S. No. 631Smithfieldsr.nearSeventhave. aui-80 A FEW FACTS ABOUT CONSUMPTION Stated Succinctly and AVltbout Comment, From Which Yon Can Draw Your Own Conclusions. ' V It Is universally admitted that consumption presents tbe greatest difficulty wblch confronts the physician. No disease not an epidemic is so generally dreaded no disease presents so many accompanying functional derangements of the entire system. The word consumption in its general sense means a consuming; a decay ing or wasting away of the lungs. To the physi cian it is important to ascertain the peculiar kind of consumption which affects his patient. It is necessary, therefore, that he be informed of the habits, employments, etc.. of his patient. Is it bronchitis? is it disease of the lung sub stance Itself? He must then treat it as tbe peculiar conditions may require. There are forms of consumption, though, which find their exciting cause from the presence of irritating particles in tbe lung substance, inhaled from the mote-laden atmosphere In shops,mines,tactories etc., and to which stone cutters, cutlers, coal miners, knife grinders, btass workers, saw makers, etc., are liable. Tbls form Is known as -chronic fibroid consumption, and is due to par ticles of fine dust being carried in the inspired air and on its way to tbe little air cells depos ited in the meshes of the fine velvety coating of the large and small air tubes and air cells, causing irritation, short, hacking cough and sinking deeper and deeper Into the soft tissue, inducing inflammation which involves tbe glands, muscles, nerves, air cells and blood ves sels, and finally extending to the substance of tbe lungs. As tbe inflammatory process ex tends mure and more tbe normal lung tissue is changed into a hard fibrous substance and a total obliteration of ner res, bloodvessels and air cells takes place. After a time this metamorphlc tissue softens and degenerates into pus, which may appear in tbe sputa or be absorbed into the lymphatic system, causes in the late stages evenincfevers, night sweats, loss of flesb,cougb,dyspeptlcsymp. toms, general debility and shortness of breath. Of course, with tbe formation of pus there are cavities which gradually increase, and In time Involve the whole of one or even both lungs, on at least destroy enough lung substance to cause deatb. Chemists are often consumptive from the in halation of irritating fumes in their Iaborato- -ries. Then there is the tubercle bacillus, a minute parasite which generates and multi plies with astonishing fecundity, cansing TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. These cluster in spots, and by their feeding -V upon infiamed,. softened and relaxed lung-tis-' sue, form cavities or boles In the lungs. From tbe report of the pathologists to the New York Board of Health, just published, we are able to give the latest facts concerning this disease. About one-fourth of all deaths oc curring during adult lite are caused by con sumption. A living germ called the tubercle bacillus is tbe cause of tubercular consumption this is a demonstrated fact. Tuberculosis can only be caused by the entrance of the germ into the body, so the old theory of hereditary consumption is exploded; but transmitted liability renders tbo individual a more easy prey to tbe living germs when once they have gained entrance. The Tubercular Congress which met in Pans last year were unanimous in declaring: First That consumption is contagious, that it can be transmitted from man to animals and from animals back to man through milk and meat. It is also communicated from person to person by the saliva, sputa, etc Second That consumption can be prevented, the means of prevention being scrupulous cleanliness regarding the sputa, hence con sumptives should keep at hand a covered vessel to expectorate in. or better, use cloths, which should be instantly burned. Third That the chief hope forjconsnmptire Ires in climatic treatment, aided by good nour ishing food ana medication. Right here is where the beneficial effects of the Pneumatic Cabinet treatment is shown. In tbe cabinet tho patient receives any de gree of ratification needed, from 1,000 to 10.000 feet above sealevei. For facil itating tbe extermination of these germs the cabi net fulfills one of the most essential features of cure. When the pressure is re lieved from around the patient and from the great er volume of air inspired the lung cells are dilated, a fine antiseptic vapor is inhaled for a few minutes, vhich penetrates Into the recesses and pores, killing these cerms. and they are expelled in the air. ex pired or expectorated with the excretion from the lungs. This treatment causes a greater expiratory power, gives great er oxygenation' to the blood and a system of lung exercise identical with that given the muscles by clubs, dumb-bells and weights. All who are frequenters of gymnasiums or are interested in athletic sports will readily, perceive the effect of this upon weak and un developed lungs. By this system of treatment those parts of the lung which have become consolidated and partially dead are brought into life by the gentle stimulus given the blood by the greater expansive power thus engend ered, and nutrition,which before bad been only Sartlal, or, as in some cases, ceased altogether, , again re-established, and the diseased part is again enabled to fulfill Its function ot purging tbe blood from Impurities. Inasmuch as tha entire system braimbone and muscles derives its nourishment from tbe blood and that the lungs are at once the receptacle Into which tbe blood empties all the impurities it bas accumu lated in making its rouud. and is the source from whence is distributed the nutritive ele ments eliminated from food and air, the impor tance of this restoration of an impaired or de caying part is obvious. This, aided by the sys tem ot medication, alimentation and regimen, which includes the rational nse of food, exer cise and of everything essential to the building up of the strength of patients, adopted and per fected by Dr. Byers, makes his claim that he cures consumption where tbe disease has not progressed too far. a perfectly tenable one. Dr. Byers Invites Investigation of his method ot treating diseases of the air passages, and can give anyone desiring it the addreses of at least six patients treated and cured of lung trouble during the past two years, who ac knowledge If it had not been for this treat ment they would not be living to-day. Besides, he bas many cases on bis books of patients who were benefited, and whose lives are being prolonged, but who cannot hope for a perma nent cure, because they put off coming to him until their lungs were too much impaired. Treatment tor the worthy poor of the city Wednesday and Thursday forenoon of each week, but tbey must pay a reasonable price for needed medicines. WM. C. BYERS, M. D., SUCCESSOR TO DRS. LOGAN & BYERS. OFFICE AND INB.ALARUJX No. 421 Penn Ave. auMO ErTl I ' I I ..,,.' i...,.!:'.. lTOTitiTmirffisy.4 :j,'KyQE2fjQ2SHssiKaiississis!