Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 04, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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'4 -'
The Republican County Committee
Fixes the Dates Therefor.
Judje Petterman Objected to the, Plan,
But Was Overcome.
The County Republican Executive Com
mittee held itslargest meeting thisseason yes
terday afternoon with Vice President John
2. Neeb in the chair. The purpose -was to fix
the number of conventions tor June, 1890,
and to desijnate the officers to be nominated.
Twenty minutes were consumed in calling
the roll, 200 being present. Judge Tetter
man wanted the roll dispensed with, but
Alderman Schaefer objected, and it was
proceeded with.
Sheriff McCandless offered the following
Whekeas, In accordance with Kale Ho. 6,
of the rules EOvemlnB the Republican Execu
tive Committee of Allecheny county, it is pro
vided that "at least four months previous to
the primary elections and conventions,! the
County Committee shall determine the number
of couuty conventions to be held and officers'
to be nominated therein;" theretore be it
Kesolved, That primary elections be held on
the first Saturday In June, 1S90, between the
hours of 4 and 7 o'clock r. X., in the several
election districts throughout the county, to
elect delcpates to the lollowine conventions:
County convention No. 1, county convention
No. 2, county convention No. 3, county con
vention No. 4.
Also to elect delecates to the several Con
cressional. Senatorial and Assembly districts
as provided by rule No. 5. County convention
No. I. to nominate a candidate for Sheriff and
a candidate for Controller; county convention
No. 2, to nominate a candidate for Treasurer, a
candidate for Clerk of Courts and a candidate
for Director of the Toor. Convention No. 3 to
nominate a candidate for Recorder and a can
didate for Register of Wills. Convention No.
4. to nominate two candidates for Commis
sioners and a candidate for Assistant District
Judge Fetterman offered an amendment
to the resolution creating a separate con
vention for each of the general county officers
to be nominated. This would make eight
conventions instead ot four.
Mr. Flinn objected to the amendment on
the ground that it would create an army of
delegates, and as there was no opposition
to the candidates for the several county
offices, he could not see the practicability in
having so many conventions.
Judge Fetterman thought it would create
too much confusion to have two officers
nominated in one convention, and referred
to the time when all the countv officers were
nominated in one convention, and it nearly
alwavs took two or three days to make up
the ticket.
Dr. McClarren moved, as an amendment
to the amendment, that the Crawlord county
system be adopted; but Chairman Neeb
ruled his motion out of order, for the reason
that the rules provide a system by which all
county officers shall be nominated.
Judge Fetterman's amendment was then
voted on. and was lost by a larae majority,
alter which the resolution offered by Sheriff
McCand,less was adopted, with but one dis
senting voice that ot Judge Fetterman.
Secretary Martin then announced the sub
committees which had been appointed since
the last meeting. They embrace a list of 400
names. T-e more icportan committees are
the following:
Finances N. P. Reed, Chairman; William B.
Kirker. becretarv; S. D. Waimcastle, Wilson
McCandless, Emanuel Wertheimer, David
Hhavr, John W. Chalfant, Dr. R. J. Black, H. I.
Gonrley. C. L. Magee. W ill.am Hill, Joseph 11.
McKean, H. 7. Oliver, William Knodercr,
Leon J. Lonp.
Campaicn S. P. Connor, Chairman; Walter I
i-yon, .secretary: James urauiej-. i nomas ji.
"layne, A. C Robertson, John J. Walker, Will
is H. McClcary. William Flinn. Thomas Pas
e. Kx-officio, W. D. Porter, John N. Neeb,
RobertIrry. -
Naturalization Charles W. Dahlincer,
Chairman George II. Trensch and William
F. McDonald. Secretaries; Thomas C
Waite. Henry Datt, William T. Marshall. Jesse
W. .McGeary. Fred Lenta. William Davis, John
Gnpp. William M. Dalgletsh, John h. Feirst,
Jr., Archibald Foster. William McAdams,
George W. Gosser, John K. Kramer, George
Bradley. Charles Ott. Peter Boffel. Jr., James
Miller. J. B. Hamilton. Dr. D. G. Foster. Will
iam B. Elliott, John Frantz. Charles A. Dally.
George W. Foster. Henry W. Oscbe, Albert
Engleharr, Joseph 11. Harper, Ellsworth
Coulter. Max Kline, William F. Meese,
D. K. McGonnigle, C. A. Muehlbronner, John
A. Baldinger, George J. Lappe, John' P. Mc
Tighc, Wiu. Auglach, M. J. Price. Samuel
Graham, Jacob bteln, P. L. Dressing, Christ.
Haus, Win. Keck, John A. Shuck. Henry
Flechner, Wm. Lougbrey, Wm- Haas, R. A.
Stewart, W. B. Magogney, Dr. McCurdy,
Charles Wiluclm, George Alcorn, John H.
Collins, Wm. Wecklecker, John D. Bailey,
Peter Hell. G. W. Crawford, Wm. J. Fornof,
Wm. Vance. John Little, David L. Laing, John
H. Schafer, Isaac Good, Robert Taylor.
Organization and Vigilance Alex. JE. Mc
Candless, Chairman: Alex. Gilflllan and John
C. Hetiel, Secretaries; C. W. Robinson, J ohn
Glenn, B. F. Rend, George W. Simon, John
Rieldlnp, Sidney J. Brauff, And. Knable, T. R.
Morris, Neal Colli'. George P. Letsche, H. P.
Ifcrd, Heber McDowell, Stewart Hamilton,
.fohn G. Hastings. John R. Murphy. Hugh
"Kennedy, George I. Rudolph, Simon Kirscn
ler, George Schad. Robt. McAfee. Jas. L. Will
iams. Roht. G. Robinson, John Fnessel, J. A.
McKelvey, Reuben Rodgers, Vincent Stevens,
Robt. Warren, Wm. Flinn. James McCutcheon,
John Battles, Wm. Bradley. Richard Kelly,
John Paul. A. C Robertson, Geo. Z. Hossack,
John P. Moore, James Eavans, Jos. Hickman,
John T.Wilson, R. R.Gumbcrt. Geo. Y. McKee,
Hon. C S. Fetterman, John Chapman, J. H.
Ott erson. James G.Armstrong. David Shields,
Fred Tschume, John Griffith, Jesse Morris, M.
M. Roberts, Hyram Sheeban, Harry Panl, W.
H. McCleary, Smith Shannan, Wm Coates, G.
W. Lang. George W. Wilson. C. IL Stolzen
bach, Arthur L. Wallace, M. G. Frank, John
Will. Saranel Andrews, John G. Ocffner, Thos.
McCleesc, Geo. M. von Bonhorst, Fred Peck
man, Wm. Reed, James Briggs. John Thomp
son, George A. Chalfant. D. Leet Neely, R, A.
Travis, W. B. Burke, A. H. Slater, Wm. Fox,
James McWilliams, James Sharp, W. Christy,
Win. German.
J. M. Schaefer suggested that a. Commit
tee on Complaints and Grievances should
be appointed. Chairman Neeb said that
was unnecessary, as there were never any
complaints or grievances in the Republican
ranks. Mr. Schaefer thought the Chairman
was wrong, for the leaders were at war all
the time. Chairman Neeb replied that the
County Committee had nothing to do with
the private affairs of the leaders.
Mr. Schaefer then mcved that the regnlar
meeting of the committee be held on the sec
ond Saturday in each month. This carried,
and the committee will meet next Saturday
to indorse the State ticket
FOB A $25,000 BRIDGE.
TheWIImot Street Structure to be Built by
C. J. Schnliz.
The Board of Awards yesterday awarded
contracts for the erection of the Wilmot
street bridge, a stairway from Fortieth to
Seville streets, and a case of drawers for
the City Assessor's office. The bids for the
bridge were:
The Kerstone Bridge Company, 129.500: J. W.
Walker. S3.400; Pittsburg Bridge Company.
J3S.S50; C. J. bchultz, 124.979 97; King Iron and
Bridge Company, of Cleveland, fJioOCC The
contract was awarded to C. J. Hchultz.
Edward Ray being the only bidder on the
Neville street steps, was awarded the con
tract at $1 25 per foot for the steps and $1
per foot for platforms. For furnishing the
case of drawers for the Assessor's office,
Frank Guckert bid J225, and Dauler, Close
& Johns $215. The latter received the con
tract. Special, inducements offered this week
in table linen, napkins, towels, etc., large
assortment and prices all reduced.
Hdgus & Hackk.
No stairs to climb at the Standard Photo
Art Gallery, 70 Federal st., Allegheny, Pa.
Work the finest, prices lowest
SUITS to order, $25; pants, $5 and upward
bt Pitcalrn's, 434 Wood st. Ba
The Oldest Pltubnr Printer Passes Awny
A Man Whs Wm One or the Argonauts of
'49 A Lire of Incident.
"Uncle Ben" Franklin Latshaw died of a
complication of diseases at his home, 31 Ful
ton street, yesterday morning. He was the
oldest printer in Pittsburg, having been born
in Stoystown, Somerset county, February 15,
1621. As early as 1833 he began his appren
ticeship at the case with his elder brother,
W. D. Latshaw, publisher of a
paper in Johnstown. He remained
in that position for two years,
when he came to Pittsburg and was appren
ticed on a paper published by Robert M.
Riddle. At the conclusion of his appren
ticeship he went to Missouri, and engaged
with the Springfield Register. From there,
in the Tear 1840, he again associated him
self with his brother, who was conducting a
paper at Mt Carmel on the Wabash river,
after which he came to Pittsburg, and went
the rounds of all the city newspapers. Then
he went to Philadelphia, but again returned
the Iron City in 1845.
Again in 1849 he went to St Joseph,
Missouri, by river, and crossed overland to
California. When he landed at Sacra
mento he determined to go out to the gold
diggings. He had not remained but a few
weeks in the mines when he returned to the
case, having secured employment at Sacra
mento, where he received $2 per thousand
ems. This may seem an overestimate; but
it must be taken into consideration that all
the necessities of life were exorbitantly
high. .
Cholera broke out very shortly after he
had started to set type; and he thought it
best to come east, and arrived once more in
Pittsburtr in 1851. From that period he has
at intervals been foreman of the Commercial
Gazette and "held cases" on the Post.
Uncle Ben's iuneral will take place at 4
r. M. to-day, and the burial will be at Home
wood Cemetery on Monday at 10 A. M.
Attorney Porte Geu nn Intimation SInch
of the Money Blown In by Fiona Slay
Be Restored to the Bank.
James H. Porte, Esq., the attorney for
Harry Flann, late bookkeeper of the Ma
rine National Bank, has returned from his
Southern trip. Mr. Porte's trip was taken
in the-interest of young Flann. He is try
ing to get the directors of the Louisiana
Lottery to reimburse the bank for the money
Flann stole from it Mr. Porte stopped at
Westchester, N. Y., and saw Mr. Morris,
legal adviser of the lottery company, and
got letters of introduction that were hclplul
to him. When he got South, Mr. Dauphin,
of the lottery, was ill at home, but Mr. Porte
saw Mr. Mclntyre, his private Becretary.and
received very encouraging information.
Mr. Mclntyre said there was no legal
ground on which to get restitution; but the
company had frequently returned money
under similar conditions. "It is not," said
Mr. Mclntyre, "the policy of the lottery
company to receive money, if we are a
sured it is not the personal property of the
individual who invests it" He advised
Flann's lawyer to make a formal request to
the lottery company in writing.
The charter of the lottery company ex
pires in December, 1894, and it is believed
that no fnrther charter will be granted if
there should be any formidable objection.
The lottery people have many friends down
in Louisiana. They believe this organiza
tion prevents gambling. Flann will have
to remain in jail until his trial takes place,
as he can't get bail.
An Attorney Tell How a 83 Pis Cost 847
When Litigated.
J. W. Kinnea, Esq., related to a Dis
patch reporter yesterday his first legal
case. A man had been sued for selling an
unsound pig, yet when he sold it, to the best
of his knowledge it was sound. The pig
was sold for $5 in the first instance. The
seller gavi his attorn ey$5 .to defend him.
The prosecutor also paid bis attorney $5.
The case was tried and judgment given
against the defendant for half the cost of the
The costs in the case were $13 50. The
defendant's attorney received an additional
$5, and the prosecutor's attorney $10. Be
tween the principals in the case $41, aside
from the price of the pig, had been spent to
settle a $5 case.
Information of John Breen and Bridget
BrophT Wnnted Abrond.
The following which may bring im
portant information to somebody in Pitts,
burg, is republished from the London Half
penny Weekly:
Information wanted of John Breen, shoe
maker, who left Letghlinbridge about 15 or 18
years ago. When last heard from, about two
years ago. was in Pittsburg, Pa. Also his sis
ter, Mrs. Bridget Bropby. who left Liverpool
about seven years ago. Wben last beard from
she was in Pittsburg. Fa. Any information of
their whereabouts will be thankfully received
by their brother, William Breen, Leighlln
bridge. County Carlow, Ireland.
He Honon HIi Native Cily.
The Denver Eye pays a high compliment
to a former Pittsburger, Henry Abel, Jr.,
brother of Edward Abel, of this city,
Henry Abel is Treasurer of South Denver,
and holds a responsible position in the Col
orado National Bank. His manner of
keeping accounts commendsilself to Colora
doans.and the Eye states that his rewriting of
the books from the organization of the town
down to the present time show a compre
hensive and lucid history of the finances of
South Denver. The town is in ship shape.
Its warrants are at par and it has no float
ing debt
Tuesday, Augott 6.
To Thousand Islands, Alexandria Hay
and return, $12.
Toronto, Canada, and return, $8.
Niagara Falls and return, $7.
Lake Chautauqua and return, $5.
Tickets good for 15 days returning.
Passengers for Thousand Islands, Alexan
dria Bay and Toronto can stop at Niagara
Falls and Lake Chautauqua on the return
Train of Eastlake coaches and Pullman,
parlor buffet cars leaves Union station at
8:45 A. Jl., Eastern standard time.
More Room Needed.
To accommodate our increasing trade we
are obliged to remodel our store. To do the
work with such a large stock of goods as we
have on hand would be an impossibility.
The only course now is to sacrifice. We
are willing to take a loss on goods during
the next ten days. Merchants, as well as
consumers, will save money if they have the
cash to invest by attending this sale.
Thorston Bros.,
128 Federal street, Allegheny.
FjtOFRlETOBS of hotels, saloons and
restaurants will find it to their advantage to
keep Bauerlein Brewing Co.'s beer on tap,
as it has a large call among the lovers ofa
good malt beverage, and enjoys an enviable
reputation tor both excellency and purity.
Their wagons traverse all parts of both cities.
Telephone 1018, Bennetts, Pa.
Jas. McICek, jeweler, 420 Smithfield st,
one door below Diamond st, formerly 13
Fifth avenue. Positive bargains in watches,
diamonds, jewelry, silverware, &c An
elegant stock to select from.
789 to Chicago and Return 80
Via the Pittsburg and Western By., Thurs
day. August 8; limit ten days. Train leaves
12:40 T. M. central time.
Cabinet photos, 89o per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st uwrsu
In Six Months the Last Bog Unhung
Will be Personal Property. .
As All Previous Do? Deterring or Eegulat
ing Lav"3 liemain.
Senator John F. Dravo formulated the
latest new dog law, and it passed both
brauches of the Legislature. It is safe to
say that there is more dogology on the stat
ute books of Pennsylvania and sister States
than legal lore on all other dumb animal
subjects. Though both Moses and Mohammed
discriminated against the dog, and only
tolerated him as a scavenger, he has held
his own, and is better acquainted with the
world at large than the world is with its
own statutes and ordinances. Some say the
Indian is descended from some of the lost
tribes to whom Moses gave law; but, though
the dog had no status worth speaking of
under his law, yet the average Indian prizes
his dog above his squaw, and expects the
faithful animal to bear him company in the
happy hunting ground of the great to come.
The dog, though the friend of man, is on
the whole a very injudicious friend. When
sowing his wild oats in the days of exuber
ant puppyhood, be usually destroys in value
his weight in silver, if not in gold, and his
indigenous appetite for mutton makes him
the terror of farmers. Occasionally he sucks
eggs, and his misdirected zeal, in behalf of
his owner's interest, has caused many a suit
in court ou charges of keeping a ferocious
dog or frightening horses.
Special laws for the management of the
dog dot the statute books as thickly as stars
in the firmament, and Senator Dravo has
added a general one which, Judge Fetter
man says, is almost entirely nugatory, save
in the feature of making the dog personal
property. This reduces him to the old-time
status of an African in the Sonthern States.
It is said that Red Jacket's classification
ran thus: "The white man first, the Indian
next, the dog next and the nigger next and
last" In Pennsylvania this is now
all changed; Mr. Dravo makes the doc per
sonal property, and the African isn't, and
hasn't been since 1865.
But, notwithstanding the prejudice in
favor of the dog, he, or rather his, master
labors under some disability. For instance,
it is now provided by Pennsylvania law
that the owner ofa supposed mad dog may
be cited before a Justice of the Peace, who
may direct that the dog be killed. Dogs
that worry sheep may be killed. Owners
are responsible for all damages caused by
dogs. Registered dogs have been regarded
as personal property. Dogs seen in an in
cisure with cattle or sheep may be killed,
and in consequence the life of an illiterate
dog has not always been a happy one.
In some instances special laws applying
to certain counties provide that damages
collected from owners by law-breaking dogs
shall be applied to the purchase of merino
sheep, whose offspring shall be divided
among the injured owners. In fact, as
Judge Fetterman observes, there are as
manv special dog laws as there are patents
on churns.
Senator Dravo'n bill provides among
other things that the owners of dogs shall
pay a tax of CO cents annually and of
bitches $L The tax is to be assessed the
same as that for the school fund and as
sessed by the township assessors the same as
on other property. The County Commis
sioners are directed to return to the school
directors of the various districts the number
ot dogs in each district and the tax is to be
paid to them. Iftheow;ner of a criminal
dog can be made to pay for his pet's torts in
the way of sheep killing, all right; if not,
such losses are to be divided pro rata, if the
tax fund be insufficient In adjudicating
claims the Justice of the Peace and town
ship auditors are allowed a fee of 50 cents
in each case, and, if there be a sur
plus of $100, it is to be covered into the
school fund. The mode of moving for re
lief is that when a person sustains loss by a
sheep-killing dog or dogs he can make an
information before a justice of the peace in
the township or borough where such loss is
sustained, and if the dog owner do not ap
pear, the County Assessor, after being as
sured of the loss, may proceed to carry out
sentence, and if the owner be responsible
the damage is to be collected in
full from him; if not, the fund
win be drawn upon. The township and
borough Boards of Assessors are required to
take a dog censns at the beginning of the
year 1890; but, as the act does not repeal
any of the special acts, the legal opinion is
given that all the verbiage and machinery
of the last act will have no other effect than
to make all dogs in the townships and bor
oughs of this Commonwealth personal prop
erty, and subject the man who steals one to
prosecution for larceny.
It is said there are 75,000 dogs in this
county; but ere the assessors get to work it
is estimated that there will be a great mor
tality among them (the dogs). A man may
fight for his poodle, and yet be averse to
paying tax for him. It seems just the least
bit strange that the 30-ounce poodle and the
150-pound Newfoundland should be taxed
the same, it the object be the prevention of
sheep killing; but it is more than an even
chance that the tax will generally be paid
on the poodle more readily than on his
larger relative.
The Fallmaster does not set any great
store on dead dogs, so they will not likely go
to the schinderv to any considerable extent;
but it is said that the body of a dog put
under a grape vine is productive of great
results, so that viticulture is likely to re
ceive an immense impetus next year. "Tray,
Blanche and Sweetheart, little dogs and all,"
may find it necessary to call a convocation
to determine whether to bark at Senator
Dravo or fawn on him.
A Mad Dog Attacks and Bites Several Boys
an tbo Street.
On Friday the citizens of Wilkinshurg
were in a state of perturbation. A dog
afflicted with rabies came rushing down
Wood street and dashed into a crowd of five
boys. He"first bit Charlie Doran, tearing
his hind, and then snatched at the limb of
Charlie's brother, leaving but the prints of
his teeth on him. He also made a break
for Eddie Dickinson, springing upon his
shoulder and tore his hat into shreds.
The dog afterward ran frantically down
Main street, followed by Doran'a father,
with six other men. They finally cauirht
the dog in front of a bakery store, and not
nntil they had put eight bullets into him
was he beyond the power of doing further
mischief. Dr. Penning is attending the
boy Doran.
To be Prond Of.
It is pleasant to record the result of well
directed effort in any department of busi
ness, especially wben that success is backed
by merit Competition in all branches of
business at this time is great, and he who by
energy, integrity and perseverance takes the
lead'is worthy of commendation. In thtf
connection may be mentioned Dr. Tutt, of
New York, who has achieved a great victory
over competitors in the introduction of his
world renowned liver pills. In a compara
tively short time they surpassed pills that
had been before the public over a quarter of
a century. Tutt's Liver Pills have gained
a popularity unparalleled. Indorsed bv
the medical faculty iu Europe and America,
they have become a household word on both
Several Important Acts Poised Lnst Winter
Which Bare Escaped Attention Depos
its In Broken Banks.
The life of a lawyer is not so free from
care as some suppose. In addition to the
constantly increasing differentiation and
specializing which makes it necessary for
one lawyer to devote himself to criminal,
another to international, and still another
to marine law, etc, if State Legislatures
continue to legislate the time is not far dis
tant when lawyers will be necessary as a
class to devote themselves exclusively to the
study, or rather memorizing, of State enact
ments, repeals, etc.
Messrs. Raymond and Bennett were yes
terday looking through a volume contain
ing a record of thedoings of the late Legis
lature, und in a very brief time they dis
covered several of pretty general interest,
and for some reason the following cases
cited seem not to have attracted the atten
tion their importance demands:
Here is one that will command general
respect It is made a misdemeanor for an
insolvent banker or broker to receive
moneys from depositors when the receiver
knows himself or his bank to be insolvent,
and such person, receiving moneys under
such circumstances, npon conviction is to
be fined double the amount' so received, and
imprisoned from one to three years, in tne
discretion of the Court Had this law been
in force in this State during the past five
years, there might have been a boom in
striped clothing.
Police authorities are required to photo
graph habitual criminals and make a par
ticular description of them. The photo
graph and description are to be furnished to
the authorities ot all States where reciproc
ity in the matter can be established.
An act allowing trust funds to be re
moved from this State to another, and there
placed in the custody ofa trustee approved
by a court in the State to which they arc re
moved, is said to have a history connected
with it The act is said to have
been inspired by Patrick Henry
Winston, Esq. The will of the
late Alexander Miller, Esq., provided that
the interest of $25,000 was to be paid to Mrs.
Winston during her life, and the principal
divided among her children. F. C. Miller,
Esq., was made trustee, and the appoint
ment did not meet with Mr. Winston's ap
probation. Accordingly, he procured the
passage of the act and now the tund is in
trusted, or if not, will be. to a trustee resi
dent at Spokane Falls, Wash. T.
Sqnlre Hyndman Tnkei Bis Chnnces on
Ejecting nn Objector.
Police Magistrate Hyndman, of the Nine
teenth ward, waived a hearing for court,
before Alderman Mclnelrny yesterday
morning, qn a charge of assault and battery
preferred by Contractor R. S. Walters. The
prosecutor was sued before Hyndman by
two workmen, who were refused their pay
when it was demanded. Walters testified
that he would settle on pay day, but not be
fore.as was peremptorially asked by the em
ployes. Magistrate Hyndman rendered judgment
in favor of the workmen. This angered
Walters, and it is alleged by the defendant
that Walters used violent language and re
fused to leave the office. The prosecutor
affirms that he had not time to leave, but
was ejected forcibly by the magistrate.
That Number ot Applicants for Positions la
the Postofflce.
A civil service examination for appli
cants seeking positions in the postoffice will
be held at Curry University Tuesday from
9 A. M. until 4 P. m. Sixty-five applica
tions have been already filed. The local
Board of Examiners consists of Messrs. T.
J. Hudson, J. B. McCaller and Steven
Jackson Finds That Many
Desire the Elixir.
Nearly all ot Dr. Jackson's patients
wanted to try the "Elixir of Life" yester
day, and the tissue df five guinea pigs were
used on different persons anxious to test the
qualities thereof. -
For Forgetting to Deposit It.
J.- W. Elgin, who formerly lived on San
dusky street, Allegheny, but who now re
sides at Wildwood station, was yesterday
held by Mavor Peterson ou a charge ot lar
ceny by bailee. The plaintiff is Mrs. The
ressa Hyward, who alleges that she gave
Elgin $65 to deposit in a bank. This, it
was testified, he failed to do, and appropri
ated the money to his own use.
Glass Nicely and Deeply Cat.
The Lotus Club, Soulhside, have placed a
magnificent sheet of plate glass in the hall
door. The sheet is an inch thick and the
cut is a quarter of an inch. It is cut in
blocks, panels and columns, and presents a
very striking and beautiful appearance.
The glass weighs 65 pounds, and was made
by a Philadelphia firm. It cost $95.
The Western University.
The work on the new buildings of the
Western University, on Observatory Hill, is
being pushed as rapidly as possible, and al
ready marked progress has been made.
.When the institution takes possession of the
new buildings it will have the finest struc
tures for educational purposes in the State.
While this work is in progress, active prep
arations are being made for the opening of
the fall term. Special attention is being
paid to the new course of mechanical and
electrical engineering which is being added.
The institution is now in a highly prosper
ous condition, and the advantages which it
affords for acquiring a thorough education
should be appreciated by the public.
Among the important additions to the facul
ty is Prof.'Kerr, late of the Pratt Institute,
Joyce's Store
Has a big list of bargains for this week.
Value will not be considered, as they must
be closed out Lace curtains worth $160
are offered at $1 pr.; short curtains 35c, sold
at 65c; lace bed sets worth $2 reduced to
$1 20; one lot of white spreads 75c, slightly
soiled, usual price $1 10; a job lot of corsets
worth $1 will be closed out at 50c; feather
fans, all colors, 20c; parasols, red or blue,
50c; ladies' muslin underwear marked to al
most half price; ladies' collars and cuffs 10c
set; 3-yd. remnants of skirt embroidery
worth $1 60 at 75c yd.; fine white flannel,
all wool, 25c; fine cashmere shawls b5c,
worth twice the money; yelvet, anv color,
plain or striped, at 25c yd.; double width
gray uiuuj, un wuoi, toe, worm 4se; striped
or barred goods 35c; jerseys reduced from
65c to 45c; our $175 jersey can now be had
at $110; seamless black hose 12c; chil
dren's 10c; men's flannel shirts 38c; un
laundried white shirts, reinforced back and
front, 48c, usually sold at 65c Come and
see us. Joyce's,
wssu 307 and 300 Pcnn nve.
Special Exesrslons.
Cleveland and return, August 8 $ 3 00
Detroit and return, August 8. 6 00
Mackinac and return, August 8 10 00
Conneaut Lake and return, August 14
andl5. 3 35
Lake Chautauqua every Tuesday and
Saturday 5 00
Send your furniture needing repairing
and upholstering to Haughl & Keenan, 33
and 34 Water street Phone 1626.
Their Contract Far Advertising-.
At a meeting of the Pittsburg Exposition
Society yesterday, the contract for their ad
vertising, exclusive of the city papers, was
awarded to Remington Bros.
To the Perjury Suit of Wishart
Against Milkshake Martin.
Another Tangle in the Eouthslde Water
Works Litigation,
Attorney Wm. Yost yesterday presented
a petition in the Quarter Sessions Court on
behalf of A. Wishart It was stated that
last summer John A. Martin had been fined
$25 and costs in each of two suits befortf
Alderman Carlisle, for selling on Sunday.
Martin appealed to court, holding that he
had already been fined before Alderman
Schafer for the same offenses, and had paid
the fines. Upon the strength of this the
Court gave judgment in favor of Martin,
releasing him from the payment of the fines
imposed,by Alderman Carlisle.
It is now claimed that a fraud was per
petrated, that no fines bad ever been paid to
Alderman Schafer. The Alderman denied
having ever received the fines when the
State's agent applied to him for payment of
them, and Martin now admits that he never
paid them. It is asked that the order of
court relieving Martin be revoked and that
he be compelled to pay the fines. Judge
Collier issued a rule on Martin to show
cause why the former order should not be
revoked. The case will be heard on Mon
day, August 19. This is a sequel to the suit
began this week before Alderman Brinker
by Captain Wishart, charging Martin with
A. J. Kearcher, the Federal street drug
gist, filed an appeal yesterday against the
sentence of Alderman Carlisle for selling
soda water on Sunday, July 27. The plain
tiff claims he was fined $25 and costs by
Alderman Tatem for the same offense, and
claims that he cannot be punished twice for
the same offense.
The Directors of the aionongnhela Water
Works Explain.
M. W. Watson, President of the Monon
gahela Water Company yesterday filed a
plea and answer in the equity suit of H.
Sellers McKee and others against the Mc
nongahela Water Company, Mr. Watson
and others. In the suit it was alleged that
certain stockholders of the Monongahela
Water Company, M. W. Watson. B. F.
Jones,T, B. Atterbury and J. S. Atterbury,
and John H. Dalzell, who was not then a
stockholder, had purchased' the plant of the
Manufacturers' Water Company. They had
been authorized by the company to purchase
theplant tor the company, but purchased it
as individuals. They then in turn sold
it to the Monongahela Water Company for
$450,000, a great advance over what they
had paid. The transaction, it was claimed,
was fraudulent, and the Coiirt was asked to
make the defendants refund the money they
had gained by it.
Mr. Watson in his plea states that the
purchase by the Monongahela Water Com
pany of the plant of the manufacturers'
company was made pursuant to a unani
mous vote of the stockholders of the former
company, the plaintiffs participating, and
they accepted and still hold their propor
tion of the stock distributed by T. B. Atter
bury, trustee for the stockholders of the
Manufacturers' Water Company. The plain
tiffs have also received dividends on their
stock. For this reason Watson asks that
the suit be dismissed. In his answer, also
filed, Watson states that the defendants pur
chased the Manufacturers' Water Company
as individuals, with their own means and
for the purpose of protecting their interests
in' the Monongahela company. The pur
chase was not made for the Monongahela
companv. The Monongahela company then
in a legitimate manner purchased the plant
from them, to do so increasing its capital
stock from $998,200 to $1,448,200.
The Courts Contlnne to Hear Dismal Domes
tic Diacaltics.
Mrs. Barbara Tibi yesterday sued for a
divorce from Martin Tibi. The couple were
married in December, 1849, and Mrs. Tibi
is now 62 years of age. She stated that her
husband deserted her in 1887. His conduct
toward her had been barbarous and cruel,
and though he promised to give her $3 per
week, he has only given her $60 altogether
since October, 1887. She claims that he is
well able to support her, owning at least
$10,000 worth of real estate. She sued for a
divorce two years ago, bnt upon his promise
to pay her a weekly allowance she was in
duced to withdraw the suit She also asks
for alimony.
The testimony taken in the divorce case of
James P. Lenahan against Ellen Lenahan
was filed yesterday. It was alleged that
Mrs. Lenahan deserted her husband two
years ago in Cincinnati, O., taking their
lour children with her. Lenahan is a brass
fitter, living in Allegheny.
Other Exceptions.
The Allegheny National Bank, creditors
for $2,500, and Chess, Cook & Co., creditors
for $8,000 of Graff, Bennett & Co., filed ad
ditional exceptions yesterday to the account
of the assignee, John H. Bailey. The ex
ceptions in the cases are the same as filed by
the Cherry Valley Iron Works and A. Wilcox
& Co. They further add that the assignee
has paid out of the general fund a large
sum of money for interest upon a certain
mortgage upon real estate, from which no
fund has been raised for the general credit
ors, with which payment said assignee
should be surcharged.
Lecal Tender.
A CHAitTER was applied for In court yester
day for the Beulah Park "H. E. Church, of Ver
sailles township.
A process was issued yesterday for J. L.
Orr, for non-payment of costs in a perjury suit
lor which be was tried and acquitted, but as
sessed tbo costs.
James H. Reed was yesterday appointed as
trustee in the real estate dispute between the
P. t L. E. R. R. V3 J. L. George and others, to
fill the vacancy caused by tho death of William
M. Lyon.
A. J. Babton was yesterday appointed Mas
ter and J. A Strutter and "V. B. Sterrett com
missioners to make partition in the case of
Jane M. Ramsey rs W. J. Moyer and others in
a dispute over property.
A nuLE was obtained, in Common Pleas
Court yesterday by the Troy Hill Incline Com
pany, defendantto show cause why William
Ward, plaintiff, should not bo allowed to with
draw his suit and the report of the viewers bo
Judge Collier yesterday decided In the
petition of Schulte fe Co., plaintiffs for the
Pittsburg andMLOliverlncIlneandStreet Rail
way Company, against the Pittsburg. Knox
ville and St. Clair Railway. The latter was
allowed to surrender its former charter and
accept the provisions of tbo act of Assembly
approved May It, 18S9, and obtain a new charter
under this act. v
Judge Collier yesterday heard the appeal
of Gill Johnston, Robert Jones and Edward
Williams. The three had been arrested July
29 for creating a disturbance in the bouse ot
Clara Haney on Third avenue. They wero each
fined $25 and costs and in default of payment SO
days to the workhouse. An appeal wa taken
to court. Judge Collier, after hearing the case
reduced the fine to $15 and costs, and in default
30 days.
Weak stomacb,Beecham'sPills act like marie
Pears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion.
California Claret.
Coleman's Flag Brand, G. W. S. Flag
Brand, Zinfandel Claret, by the case or
bottle. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Wonderful Progress.
The continued and increasing prosperity
of the glass city of Jeannette, on the main
line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, almost
near enough to be a suburb of Pittsburg, is
a matter ot wonder and interest to every ob
server. A year ago, when the town was
started on a tract ot 200 acres purchased for
that purpose, no one could foresee or place
a limit on the wonderful forces and capital
that would be employed in developing the
resources and advantages of that then quiet
rural district
The first site has become too small for lhe
town's growth and contiguous lands have
been recently purchased by the Western
Land and Improvement Company, upon
which they are daily enlarging their orig
inal plans. On the east and south and
north the lines have been moved out, taking
in all the available territory not at the old
price, but at largely increased figures.
Even a section of country, known now as
East Jeannette, has realized the importance
of its nearness to Jeannette, has awakened
from its slumbers and has secured the loca
tion ofa nice little glass plant thatwill be
in operation in the early -fall. On the
southeastern portion of the town, on the
company's lands, will soon be erected
a large plant to manufacture steel and iron
into finished shapes, while on the west a
second large stack nointin? heavenward in
dicates the early cdmpletlon of the second
immense tank of the four that were com
prised in tho original plan of the Chambers
& McKee Glass Company. We had ex
pected a certain halt in improvements
during the time the factories were closed.
lor summer vacation, but the reverse is the
case; the restless' energy of the population
would not permit the train of improvement
to halt for the reocening of the fall fires, but
kept steadily ahead making preparations lor
tne most vigorous campaign in tne history
of any town in the whole country.
Scores of houses are being erected in
every quarter. The libcralitv of the West
ern Land and Improvement Company urged
the movement of those with small means by
loaning them money on favorable terms and
by building a large additional number of
houses for the accommodation of the largely
increased number required to start the new
tank furnace.
Although not a certainty, it is highly
probable that in the early future a manu
facturing plant 01 no mean proportions will'
be erected on a late purchase of land lying'
upon the extension northward of Third and
Fourth streets.
The Westmoreland Water Company are
now laying a system of water works through
out the town to supply bountifully all who
want it with the "best mountain water.
Plans are being prepared for churches and
a large and commodious school building.
There is an active movement in real estate,
and a steady upward movement In values
that is gratifying to holders of property.
Just as this is being written the grading
of Third street North is being completed,
and a number of new lots are ready for
market at low prices and easy terms, "that
leave large margins of profit for the future
The actual working, of the great tank
during the two months just preceding the
banking of fires for summer has demop
strated beyond doubt the success of that
method of making gloss in this country, and
many new men and their families aie mov
ing in, to be ready for the fall fires.
Prosperity appears everywhere in the
town, and at its present rate of increase in
population another year will see the town
with a population of not less than 5,000.
All communications in regard to lots
should be addressed tp M. J. Alexander,
General Manager, Jeannette, Penna.
Slop-Odnt Cresson Springs on Pennsylva
nia Railroad Ticket.
The Passenger Department oi the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company annonnces that
passengers holding first-class limited tickets
of any description, will be allowed to stop
over at Cresson Springs, during the season,
as long as desired, up to October 31.
In order to avail themselves of this privi
lege, passengers should notify the train con
ductor of their intention to break the jour
ney at Cresson, and immediately upon ar
rival should deposit their ticket with the
company's agent at Cresson.
This concession is greatly appreciated by
through passengers, as it enables them to
become acquainted with one of the most
delightful mountain resorts in the country.
All through passenger trains, including the
celebrated New York and Chicago Limited
Express, stop at Cresson during the season.
Sketch Book of Pittibnrtt and Allegheny,
With over 100 illustrations of the new Ex
position buildings, principal places of inter
est, public buildings, prominent business
houses, private residences, charitable insti
tutions, hospitals, etc. A complete history
of the Exposition, elegantly executed by the
Pittsburg Photo Engraving Company, will
be presented, free of charge, with every pur
chase at Jacksons', Star Clothiers, Tailors,
Hatters and Furnjshers,954 and 956 Liberty
Don't Forget It.
Marvin's pure rye bread is the most whole
some food possible for this hot weather. Von
are missing a rare treat if you are not using
it . Tuwihssa
Babies taken quick as wink at Standard
Photo Art Gallery, 70 Federal st, Alle
gheny, Pa.
Patbokize Hendricks & Co., 63 Federal
st, Allegheny, the standard gallery of the
two cities. Cabinets only $1 a dozen.
BlcCormlck'a Lake Excursion
Angust 8, from Pittsburg and Lake Erie
depot, at 9 A. si., 2:35 and 5:10 p. M., city
$3. Cleveland and return, $3.
$6. Detroit and return, $6.
$10. Mackinac and return, $10.
Mackinac tickets good 15 days.
Secure your berths and tickets at McCor
mick's, 401 Smithfield street
Use "Una' flour finest spring patent in
the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of
bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as
a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of
'all family flours.
Advice to Mothers.
Take the little ones to Stewart & Co., 90
Federal st, Allegheny, and get 13 cabinet
photos for a dozen for one dollar.
That heretofore appeared on
this page of THE. DISPATCH
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
this issue.
The Wants, For Sales, To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc
tion Sales, eta, are placed
under their usual headings on
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handed in too late
for Classification will be
found on the Sixth Page.
This means that any article or garment mentioned below can be ob
tained at the wonderfully low price of One Dollar any day this week.
Many of the articles named are worth double and many treble the
amount which will be asked for them. Owing to having to get these
grand and glorious bargains ready we shall not be able to open, our
doors before 9 o'clock, by which time we expect to see bargain seekers
in their thousands clamoring for admission to our popular store. It
will keep us hustling to get the good things ready by the time, but you
can depend on it that we shall open promptly at time slated.
Of Any of the Following:
Men's good black Alpaca Coats.
Men's blue Flannel Coats.
Men's good Linen Dusters.
Men's elegant Blazers.
Men's beautiful Tennis Coats.
Men's good Seersucker Coats
and Vests. '
Men's all-wool striped Cheviot
Men's fine Linen Pants.
Of Any of the Following:
Children's all-wool i-piece Kilts.
Two good Wash Kilts.
Two odd Kilt Skirts.
Green Cloth Summer Lap Robes.
Good large extra size Ear Nets.
Men's extra-fine Straw Hats,
Manilla, Milan or Mackinaw.
Men's fine light-colored Stiff
Men's light-colored Soft Hats.
Extra large size Mexican Ham
mocks. Good quality Horse Sheets.
Of Any of the Following:
Superb quality English Percale
Shirts, 2 loose cuffs and 2 collars.
French Flannel Shirts, in stripes
and plaids, regular $1 50 goods.
Fancy Flannel Shirts for Boys,
the "Reliable" make.
Suit of fancy stripe or plain
Balbriggan Underwear.
Half dozen fancy border hem
stitch Linen Handkerchiefs, ex
quisite design's.
Gentlemen's Traveling Set, com
plete brush, comb, nail and tooth
brush in solid leather.
These bargains will be displayed boldly in each department so that
all buyers can see what they are at a glance. You can depend upon it
that any of the above are bargains in the truest sense of the word.
read Keech's advertisements,
if you want to keep posted
on what's going on at the
great House Furnishing
Bazaar.- You will consult
your own interest by so doing.
will deal the death stroke to prices of Refrigerators, Ice
Cream Freezers, Coolers, Filters and Baby Carriages.
Not one of these articles will be "shelved." All
must be sold; and they will be sold, if reduced
prices count for anything with the purchasing public.
there never was a better time to buy Furniture than right
now. Young couples who contemplate going housekeeping,
or parties wishing to refurnish their homes will miss a golden
opportunity if they fail to make their purchases at Keech's
during this month.
' J
is well worth your visit You will find here the banner as
sortment of Body and Tapestry Brussels, Moquettes, Velvets,
Ingrains, Oil Cloths, China and Japanese Mattings, Oriental
and Domestic Rugs, etc., and the reduced prices all along
the line will prove a source of most agreeable surprise to you.
Keech's Upholstery department contains a complete variety,
from the cheapest and plainest to the finest and costliest
Then there are all kinds of Window Shades, Curtain Poles, -etc
It won't take you long to make a satisfactory selection.'
Groods Sold for Cash,
or on Credit.
Cash and Credit House,
923 and 925 Penn ave.,
HTOpeu Saturday NfcrhtB till 10
Of Any of the Following!
Men's White Duck Pants.
Men's fine Linen Vests.
Men's White Vests, in regular
and extra sizes, slightly soiled from
being in the window.
Boys' good odd Coats.
Boys' Knee-Pant Suits.
Two blue Flannel Sailor Suits.
Boys' elegant Long Pants.
Children's 2-piece Kilt Suits.
Of Any of the Following:
Half dozen fancy Pique Four-in-hands.
3 elegant flowing ends- fine Silk
Half dozen Coon & Co.'s finest
Linen Collars.
Extra quality fancy stripe French
Flannel Blouse Waists.
Choice of ioo styles of imported
French Percale "Star" Shirt
Fine quality Silk Gloria Umbrel
las, unique natural sticks.
Of Any of the Following:
Men's solid leather Working
Men's solid leather tipped Bals.
Ladies' solid leather glove Bals.
Ladies' patent leather tipped
Ladies' im. kid Oxfords.
Boys' solid leather Base Ball
Boys' solid leather Working
Youth's solid leather tipped Bals.
Misses' grain button Shoes.
Child's solar tipped button Shoes
- (
300 to 400
Market street.
under any circumstances allow
yourself to be persuaded to
buy any Furniture or Carpets
before having visited Keech's
establishment, 923 and 925
Penn avenue. You will re
gret it if you do.
v.sAfit . j m